// MacroProcessor.cpp: Runs macros // // Copyright (C) 2003-2018 by the Regents of the University of // Colorado. See Copyright.txt for full notice of copyright and limitations. // // Author: David Mastronarde ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "stdafx.h" #include #include "SerialEM.h" #include "SerialEMDoc.h" #include "MainFrm.h" #include ".\MacroProcessor.h" #include "MacroEditer.h" #include "MacroToolbar.h" #include "FocusManager.h" #include "AutoTuning.h" #include "ShiftManager.h" #include "ShiftCalibrator.h" #include "EMmontageController.h" #include "LogWindow.h" #include "EMscope.h" #include "CameraController.h" #include "CalibCameraTiming.h" #include "TSController.h" #include "ParameterIO.h" #include "BeamAssessor.h" #include "ComplexTasks.h" #include "MultiGridTasks.h" #include "HoleFinderDlg.h" #include "AutoContouringDlg.h" #include "ParticleTasks.h" #include "FilterTasks.h" #include "ProcessImage.h" #include "MultiShotDlg.h" #include "MacroControlDlg.h" #include "NavigatorDlg.h" #include "OneLineScript.h" #include "Mailer.h" #include "PiezoAndPPControl.h" #include "MacroSelector.h" #include "ExternalTools.h" #include "PythonServer.h" #include "BaseSocket.h" #include "Utilities\KGetOne.h" #include "Shared\iimage.h" #ifdef _DEBUG #undef THIS_FILE static char THIS_FILE[]=__FILE__; #define new DEBUG_NEW #endif #define CMD_IS(a) (cmdIndex == CME_##a) #define ABORT_NORET_LINE(a) \ { \ mWinApp->AppendToLog((a) + strLine, mLogErrAction); \ SEMMessageBox((a) + strLine, MB_EXCLAME); \ AbortMacro(); \ } #define FAIL_CHECK_LINE(a) \ { \ CString macStr = CString("Script failed initial checking - nothing was executed." \ "\r\n\r\n") + (a) + errmess + " on line:\r\n\r\n" + strLine; \ mWinApp->AppendToLog(macStr, mLogErrAction); \ SEMMessageBox(macStr, MB_EXCLAME); \ return 99; \ } #define FAIL_CHECK_NOLINE(a) \ { \ CString macStr = CString("Script failed initial checking - nothing was executed." \ "\r\n\r\n") + (a) + errmess; \ mWinApp->AppendToLog(macStr, mLogErrAction); \ SEMMessageBox(macStr, MB_EXCLAME); \ return 98; \ } ScriptLangData CMacroProcessor::mScrpLangData; ScriptLangPlugFuncs *CMacroProcessor::mScrpLangFuncs = NULL; HANDLE CMacroProcessor::mScrpLangDoneEvent = NULL; HANDLE CMacroProcessor::mPyProcessHandle = NULL; CWinThread *CMacroProcessor::mScrpLangThread; std::set CMacroProcessor::mPythonOnlyCmdSet; static int sProcessExitStatus; static int sProcessErrno; BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CMacroProcessor, CCmdTarget) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CMacroProcessor) ON_COMMAND(ID_MACRO_END, OnMacroEnd) ON_COMMAND(ID_MACRO_STOP, OnMacroStop) ON_COMMAND(ID_MACRO_RESUME, OnMacroResume) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_MACRO_RESUME, OnUpdateMacroResume) ON_COMMAND(ID_MACRO_CONTROLS, OnMacroControls) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_MACRO_STOP, OnUpdateMacroStop) //}}AFX_MSG_MAP ON_COMMAND_RANGE(ID_MACRO_EDIT1, ID_MACRO_EDIT10, OnMacroEdit) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI_RANGE(ID_MACRO_EDIT1, ID_MACRO_EDIT10, OnUpdateMacroEdit) ON_COMMAND_RANGE(ID_MACRO_RUN1, ID_MACRO_RUN60, OnMacroRun) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI_RANGE(ID_MACRO_RUN1, ID_MACRO_RUN60, OnUpdateMacroRun) ON_COMMAND(ID_MACRO_TOOLBAR, OnMacroToolbar) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_MACRO_END, OnUpdateMacroEnd) ON_COMMAND(ID_MACRO_SETLENGTH, OnMacroSetlength) ON_COMMAND(ID_MACRO_VERBOSE, OnMacroVerbose) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_MACRO_VERBOSE, OnUpdateMacroVerbose) ON_COMMAND(ID_MACRO_EDIT15, OnMacroEdit15) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_MACRO_EDIT15, OnUpdateMacroEdit) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_MACRO_EDIT20, OnUpdateMacroEdit) ON_COMMAND(ID_MACRO_EDIT20, OnMacroEdit20) ON_COMMAND(ID_MACRO_EDIT25, OnMacroEdit25) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_MACRO_EDIT25, OnUpdateMacroEdit) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_MACRO_EDIT30, OnUpdateMacroEdit) ON_COMMAND(ID_MACRO_EDIT30, OnMacroEdit30) ON_COMMAND(ID_MACRO_EDIT35, OnMacroEdit35) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_MACRO_EDIT35, OnUpdateMacroEdit) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_MACRO_EDIT40, OnUpdateMacroEdit) ON_COMMAND(ID_MACRO_EDIT40, OnMacroEdit40) ON_COMMAND(ID_MACRO_EDIT45, OnMacroEdit45) ON_COMMAND(ID_MACRO_EDIT50, OnMacroEdit50) ON_COMMAND(ID_MACRO_EDIT55, OnMacroEdit55) ON_COMMAND(ID_MACRO_EDIT60, OnMacroEdit60) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_MACRO_EDIT45, OnUpdateMacroEdit) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_MACRO_EDIT50, OnUpdateMacroEdit) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_MACRO_EDIT55, OnUpdateMacroEdit) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_MACRO_EDIT60, OnUpdateMacroEdit) ON_COMMAND(ID_MACRO_READMANY, OnMacroReadMany) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_MACRO_READMANY, OnUpdateMacroReadMany) ON_COMMAND(ID_MACRO_LISTFUNCTIONS, OnMacroListFunctions) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_MACRO_LISTFUNCTIONS, OnUpdateNoTasks) ON_COMMAND(ID_SCRIPT_SETINDENTSIZE, OnScriptSetIndentSize) ON_COMMAND(ID_SCRIPT_LISTPERSISTENTVARS, OnScriptListPersistentVars) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_SCRIPT_CLEARPERSISTENTVARS, OnUpdateNoTasks) ON_COMMAND(ID_SCRIPT_CLEARPERSISTENTVARS, OnScriptClearPersistentVars) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_SCRIPT_CLEARPERSISTENTVARS, OnUpdateClearPersistentVars) ON_COMMAND(ID_SCRIPT_RUNONECOMMAND, OnScriptRunOneCommand) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_SCRIPT_RUNONECOMMAND, OnUpdateScriptRunOneCommand) ON_COMMAND(ID_SCRIPT_OPENEDITORSONSTART, OnOpenEditorsOnStart) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_SCRIPT_OPENEDITORSONSTART, OnUpdateOpenEditorsOnStart) ON_COMMAND(ID_SCRIPT_LOADNEWPACKAGE, OnScriptLoadNewPackage) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_SCRIPT_LOADNEWPACKAGE, OnUpdateMacroReadMany) ON_COMMAND(ID_SCRIPT_SAVEPACKAGE, OnScriptSavePackage) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_SCRIPT_SAVEPACKAGE, OnUpdateNoTasks) ON_COMMAND(ID_SCRIPT_SAVEPACKAGEAS, OnScriptSavePackageAs) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_SCRIPT_SAVEPACKAGEAS, OnUpdateNoTasks) ON_COMMAND(ID_SCRIPT_RUNONPROGRAMSTART, OnRunOnProgramStart) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_SCRIPT_RUNONPROGRAMSTART, OnUpdateRunOnProgramStart) ON_COMMAND(ID_SCRIPT_RUNATPROGRAMEND, OnRunAtProgramEnd) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_SCRIPT_RUNATPROGRAMEND, OnUpdateRunAtProgramEnd) ON_COMMAND(ID_SCRIPT_USEMONOSPACEDFONT, OnUseMonospacedFont) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_SCRIPT_USEMONOSPACEDFONT, OnUpdateUseMonospacedFont) ON_COMMAND(ID_SCRIPT_SHOWINDENTBUTTONS, OntShowIndentButtons) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_SCRIPT_SHOWINDENTBUTTONS, OnUpdateShowIndentButtons) ON_COMMAND(ID_SCRIPT_SETPANELROWS, OnScriptSetpanelrows) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_SCRIPT_SETPANELROWS, OnUpdateScriptSetpanelrows) ON_COMMAND(ID_HELP_RUNSERIALEMSNAPSHOT, OnRunSerialemSnapshot) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_HELP_RUNSERIALEMSNAPSHOT, OnUpdateRunSerialemSnapshot) ON_COMMAND(ID_SCRIPT_RUNIFPROGRAMIDLE, OnRunIfProgramIdle) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_SCRIPT_RUNIFPROGRAMIDLE, OnUpdateRunIfProgramIdle) ON_COMMAND(ID_SCRIPT_SET_NUM_STATUS, OnScriptSetNumStatus) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_SCRIPT_SET_NUM_STATUS, OnUpdateScriptSetpanelrows) ON_COMMAND(ID_SCRIPT_MONOSPACESTATUSLINES, OnMonospaceStatusLines) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_SCRIPT_MONOSPACESTATUSLINES, OnUpdateMonospaceStatusLines) ON_COMMAND(ID_SCRIPT_KEEPFOCUSONONELINE, OnKeepFocusOnOneLine) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_SCRIPT_KEEPFOCUSONONELINE, OnUpdateKeepFocusOnOneLine) END_MESSAGE_MAP() ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Construction/Destruction ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CMacroProcessor::CMacroProcessor() { int i; std::string tmpOp1[] = { "SQRT", "COS", "SIN", "TAN", "ATAN", "ABS", "NEARINT", "LOG", "LOG10", "EXP" }; std::string tmpOp2[] = { "ROUND", "POWER", "ATAN2", "MODULO", "DIFFABS", "FRACDIFF", "MIN", "MAX", "FORMAT" }; std::string keywords[] = { "REPEAT", "ENDLOOP", "DOMACRO", "LOOP", "CALLMACRO", "DOLOOP" , "ENDIF", "IF", "ELSE", "BREAK", "CONTINUE", "CALL", "EXIT", "RETURN", "KEYBREAK", "SKIPTO", "FUNCTION", "CALLFUNCTION", "ENDFUNCTION", "CALLSCRIPT", "DOSCRIPT", "TRY", "CATCH", "ENDTRY", "THROW"}; int pythonOnlyCmds[] = {CME_SETVARIABLE, CME_SETPERSISTENTVAR, CME_GETVARIABLE, CME_SETFLOATVARIABLE, CME_PLUGINALLDOUBLES, CME_PLUGINSTRING, CME_PLUGINDOUBLESTRING}; SEMBuildTime(__DATE__, __TIME__); mWinApp = (CSerialEMApp *)AfxGetApp(); mModeNames = mWinApp->GetModeNames(); mMacNames = mWinApp->GetMacroNames(); mMagTab = mWinApp->GetMagTable(); mImBufs = mWinApp->GetImBufs(); mFFTBufs = mWinApp->GetFFTBufs(); mMacros = mWinApp->GetMacros(); mControl = mWinApp->GetMacControl(); mMacroEditer = &(mWinApp->mMacroEditer[0]); mConSets = mWinApp->GetConSets(); mOneLineScript = NULL; mFunctionSet1.insert(tmpOp1, tmpOp1 + sizeof(tmpOp1) / sizeof(std::string)); mFunctionSet2.insert(tmpOp2 , tmpOp2 + sizeof(tmpOp2) / sizeof(std::string)); mReservedWords.insert(tmpOp1, tmpOp1 + sizeof(tmpOp1) / sizeof(std::string)); mReservedWords.insert(tmpOp2, tmpOp2 + sizeof(tmpOp2) / sizeof(std::string)); mReservedWords.insert(keywords, keywords + sizeof(keywords) / sizeof(std::string)); mPythonOnlyCmdSet.insert(pythonOnlyCmds, pythonOnlyCmds + sizeof(pythonOnlyCmds) / sizeof(int)); mDocWnd = mWinApp->mDocWnd; mMaxCmdToLoopOnIdle = 100; mMaxSecToLoopOnIdle = 1.; mDoingMacro = false; mCurrentMacro = -1; mInitialVerbose = false; mVarArray.SetSize(0, 5); mSleepTime = 0.; mDoseTarget = 0.; mMovedStage = false; mMovedScreen = false; mExposedFilm = false; mStartedLongOp = false; mMovedPiezo = false; mMovedAperture = false; mRanGatanScript = false; mRanCtfplotter = false; mRanExtProcess = false; mGotPipedOutputOrErr = 0; mLoadingMap = false; mMakingDualMap = false; mLastCompleted = false; mLastAborted = false; mSuspendNavRedraw = false; mEnteredName = ""; mRunningScrpLang = false; mCalledFromScrpLang = false; mNonMacroDeferring = false; mScrpLangData.externalControl = 0; mShrMemFile = NULL; mToolPlacement.rcNormalPosition.right = NO_PLACEMENT; mNumToolButtons = 10; mToolButHeight = 0; mNumCamMacRows = 1; mNumStatusLines = 0; for (i = 0; i < NUM_CM_MESSAGE_LINES; i++) mHighlightStatus[i] = false; mMonospaceStatus = false; mKeepOneLineFocus = true; mAutoIndentSize = 3; mShowIndentButtons = true; mUseMonoFont = false; mFocusedWndWhenSavedStatus = NULL; mSavedMultiShot = NULL; mRestoreMacroEditors = true; mOneLinePlacement.rcNormalPosition.right = NO_PLACEMENT; mFileOptToRestore = NULL; mOtherFileOptToRestore = NULL; mMailSubject = "Message from SerialEM script"; for (i = 0; i < MAX_MACROS; i++) { mStrNum[i].Format("%d", i + 1); mFuncArray[i].SetSize(0, 4); mEditerPlacement[i].rcNormalPosition.right = NO_PLACEMENT; } for (i = 0; i < MAX_TOT_MACROS; i++) mReadOnlyStart[i] = -1; srand(GetTickCount()); mProcessThread = NULL; mScrpLangThread = NULL; mScrpLangDoneEvent = CreateEventA(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, SCRIPT_EVENT_NAME); if (!mScrpLangDoneEvent) { AfxMessageBox("Cannot run external scripting language; failed to make event" " for signaling to it"); } } CMacroProcessor::~CMacroProcessor() { ClearVariables(); ClearVariables(VARTYPE_PERSIST); ClearFunctionArray(-1); CloseFileForText(-2); } void CMacroProcessor::ShutdownScrpLangScripting() { TerminateScrpLangProcess(); if (mWinApp->mPythonServer) mWinApp->mPythonServer->ShutdownSocketIfOpen(RUN_PYTH_SOCK_ID); } void CMacroProcessor::Initialize() { mScope = mWinApp->mScope; mCamera = mWinApp->mCamera; mBufferManager = mWinApp->mBufferManager; mShiftManager = mWinApp->mShiftManager; mNavHelper = mWinApp->mNavHelper; mProcessImage = mWinApp->mProcessImage; mFocusManager = mWinApp->mFocusManager; mParamIO = mWinApp->mParamIO; if (GetDebugOutput('%')) { mWinApp->AppendToLog("Commands allowing arithmetic in arguments:"); for (int i = 0; i < mNumCommands - 1; i++) if (mCmdList[i].arithAllowed & 1) mWinApp->AppendToLog(mCmdList[i].mixedCase); } if (mPyModulePath.IsEmpty()) mPyModulePath = mWinApp->GetExePath() + "\\PythonModules"; mPyModulePath.Replace("\\", "/"); } // MESSAGE HANDLERS void CMacroProcessor::OnMacroEdit(UINT nID) { int index = nID - ID_MACRO_EDIT1; if (nID == ID_MACRO_EDIT15) index = 14; if (nID == ID_MACRO_EDIT20) index = 19; if (nID == ID_MACRO_EDIT25) index = 24; if (nID == ID_MACRO_EDIT30) index = 29; if (nID == ID_MACRO_EDIT35) index = 34; if (nID == ID_MACRO_EDIT40) index = 39; if (nID == ID_MACRO_EDIT45) index = 44; if (nID == ID_MACRO_EDIT50) index = 49; if (nID == ID_MACRO_EDIT55) index = 54; if (nID == ID_MACRO_EDIT60) index = 59; OpenMacroEditor(index); } // Actually open an editor if it is not open void CMacroProcessor::OpenMacroEditor(int index) { if (index < 0 || index >= MAX_MACROS || mMacroEditer[index]) return; mMacroEditer[index] = new CMacroEditer; ASSERT(mMacroEditer[index] != NULL); mMacroEditer[index]->m_strMacro = mMacros[index]; mMacroEditer[index]->m_iMacroNumber = index; mMacroEditer[index]->Create(IDD_MACRO); mMacroEditer[index]->ShowWindow(SW_SHOW); mWinApp->mCameraMacroTools.Update(); } void CMacroProcessor::OnUpdateMacroEdit(CCmdUI* pCmdUI) { int index = pCmdUI->m_nID - ID_MACRO_EDIT1; if (pCmdUI->m_nID == ID_MACRO_EDIT15) index = 14; if (pCmdUI->m_nID == ID_MACRO_EDIT20) index = 19; if (pCmdUI->m_nID == ID_MACRO_EDIT25) index = 24; if (pCmdUI->m_nID == ID_MACRO_EDIT30) index = 29; if (pCmdUI->m_nID == ID_MACRO_EDIT35) index = 34; if (pCmdUI->m_nID == ID_MACRO_EDIT40) index = 39; if (pCmdUI->m_nID == ID_MACRO_EDIT45) index = 44; if (pCmdUI->m_nID == ID_MACRO_EDIT50) index = 49; if (pCmdUI->m_nID == ID_MACRO_EDIT55) index = 54; if (pCmdUI->m_nID == ID_MACRO_EDIT60) index = 59; pCmdUI->Enable(!DoingMacro() && !mMacroEditer[index]); } void CMacroProcessor::OnMacroEdit15() { OnMacroEdit(ID_MACRO_EDIT15); } void CMacroProcessor::OnMacroEdit20() { OnMacroEdit(ID_MACRO_EDIT20); } void CMacroProcessor::OnMacroEdit25() { OnMacroEdit(ID_MACRO_EDIT25); } void CMacroProcessor::OnMacroEdit30() { OnMacroEdit(ID_MACRO_EDIT30); } void CMacroProcessor::OnMacroEdit35() { OnMacroEdit(ID_MACRO_EDIT35); } void CMacroProcessor::OnMacroEdit40() { OnMacroEdit(ID_MACRO_EDIT40); } void CMacroProcessor::OnMacroEdit45() { OnMacroEdit(ID_MACRO_EDIT45); } void CMacroProcessor::OnMacroEdit50() { OnMacroEdit(ID_MACRO_EDIT50); } void CMacroProcessor::OnMacroEdit55() { OnMacroEdit(ID_MACRO_EDIT55); } void CMacroProcessor::OnMacroEdit60() { OnMacroEdit(ID_MACRO_EDIT60); } void CMacroProcessor::OnMacroToolbar() { if (mWinApp->mMacroToolbar) { mWinApp->mMacroToolbar->BringWindowToTop(); return; } mWinApp->mMacroToolbar = new CMacroToolbar(); mWinApp->mMacroToolbar->Create(IDD_MACROTOOLBAR); mWinApp->SetPlacementFixSize(mWinApp->mMacroToolbar, &mToolPlacement); mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); } void CMacroProcessor::OnMacroSetlength() { CString str; int num = mNumToolButtons; str.Format("Number of buttons to show in script toolbar (between 5 and %d):", MAX_MACROS); if (!KGetOneInt(str, num)) return; if (!KGetOneInt("Height of each button in pixels (0 for default):", mToolButHeight)) return; mNumToolButtons = B3DMIN(MAX_MACROS, B3DMAX(5, num)); if (mWinApp->mMacroToolbar) mWinApp->mMacroToolbar->SetLength(mNumToolButtons, mToolButHeight); } void CMacroProcessor::OnScriptSetpanelrows() { int val = mNumCamMacRows; if (KGetOneInt("Number of rows of script buttons and spinners to show in Camera & " "Script control panel (1 - 4):", val)) SetNumCamMacRows(val); } void CMacroProcessor::OnUpdateScriptSetpanelrows(CCmdUI *pCmdUI) { pCmdUI->Enable(!mWinApp->DoingTasks()); } void CMacroProcessor::SetNumCamMacRows(int inVal) { B3DCLAMP(inVal, 1, NUM_CAM_MAC_PANELS - 1); mNumCamMacRows = inVal; mWinApp->mCameraMacroTools.ManagePanels(); mWinApp->mCameraMacroTools.SetMacroLabels(); } void CMacroProcessor::OnScriptSetNumStatus() { int val = mNumStatusLines; if (KGetOneInt("Number of lines for status messages to show in Camera & " "Script control panel (0 - 6):", val)) SetNumStatusLines(val); } void CMacroProcessor::SetNumStatusLines(int inVal) { B3DCLAMP(inVal, 0, NUM_CM_MESSAGE_LINES); mNumStatusLines = inVal; mWinApp->mCameraMacroTools.ManagePanels(); } void CMacroProcessor::OnMonospaceStatusLines() { mMonospaceStatus = !mMonospaceStatus; if (mNumStatusLines) mWinApp->mCameraMacroTools.Invalidate(); } void CMacroProcessor::OnUpdateMonospaceStatusLines(CCmdUI *pCmdUI) { pCmdUI->Enable(!mWinApp->DoingTasks()); pCmdUI->SetCheck(mMonospaceStatus ? 1 : 0); } void CMacroProcessor::OnKeepFocusOnOneLine() { mKeepOneLineFocus = !mKeepOneLineFocus; } void CMacroProcessor::OnUpdateKeepFocusOnOneLine(CCmdUI *pCmdUI) { pCmdUI->Enable(!mWinApp->DoingTasks()); pCmdUI->SetCheck(mKeepOneLineFocus ? 1 : 0); } void CMacroProcessor::OnScriptListPersistentVars() { ListVariables(VARTYPE_PERSIST); } void CMacroProcessor::OnScriptClearPersistentVars() { ClearVariables(VARTYPE_PERSIST); mCurrentMacro = -1; mWinApp->mCameraMacroTools.Update(); } void CMacroProcessor::OnUpdateClearPersistentVars(CCmdUI *pCmdUI) { pCmdUI->Enable(!DoingMacro() && !mWinApp->DoingTasks()); } void CMacroProcessor::OnScriptSetIndentSize() { KGetOneInt("Number of spaces for automatic indentation, or 0 to disable:", mAutoIndentSize); } void CMacroProcessor::OntShowIndentButtons() { mShowIndentButtons = !mShowIndentButtons; AfxMessageBox("Resize open script editor(s) to make this change take effect", MB_ICONINFORMATION | MB_OK); } void CMacroProcessor::OnUpdateShowIndentButtons(CCmdUI *pCmdUI) { pCmdUI->SetCheck(mShowIndentButtons ? 1 : 0); } void CMacroProcessor::OnUseMonospacedFont() { SetUseMonoFont(!mUseMonoFont); } void CMacroProcessor::SetUseMonoFont(BOOL inVal) { mUseMonoFont = inVal; for (int ind = 0; ind < MAX_MACROS; ind++) if (mMacroEditer[ind]) mMacroEditer[ind]->m_editMacro.SetFont(mUseMonoFont ? &CMacroEditer::mMonoFont : &CMacroEditer::mDefaultFont); } void CMacroProcessor::OnUpdateUseMonospacedFont(CCmdUI *pCmdUI) { pCmdUI->SetCheck(mUseMonoFont > 0 ? 1 : 0); pCmdUI->Enable(mUseMonoFont >= 0); } void CMacroProcessor::OnOpenEditorsOnStart() { mRestoreMacroEditors = !mRestoreMacroEditors; } void CMacroProcessor::OnUpdateOpenEditorsOnStart(CCmdUI *pCmdUI) { pCmdUI->Enable(); pCmdUI->SetCheck(mRestoreMacroEditors ? 1 : 0); } void CMacroProcessor::OnMacroVerbose() { mInitialVerbose = !mInitialVerbose; } void CMacroProcessor::OnUpdateMacroVerbose(CCmdUI *pCmdUI) { pCmdUI->Enable(); pCmdUI->SetCheck(mInitialVerbose ? 1 : 0); } // Read and write many macros void CMacroProcessor::OnMacroReadMany() { CString filename, direc; mDocWnd->DirFromCurrentOrSettingsFile(mDocWnd->GetCurScriptPackPath(), direc); if (mDocWnd->GetTextFileName(true, true, filename, NULL, &direc)) return; mParamIO->ReadMacrosFromFile(filename, "", MAX_MACROS); UpdateAllForNewScripts(false); } void CMacroProcessor::OnUpdateMacroReadMany(CCmdUI *pCmdUI) { pCmdUI->Enable(!(mWinApp->DoingTasks() || mWinApp->DoingTiltSeries() || (mWinApp->mNavigator && mWinApp->mNavigator->GetAcquiring()))); } void CMacroProcessor::OnUpdateNoTasks(CCmdUI *pCmdUI) { pCmdUI->Enable(!mWinApp->DoingTasks()); } // Load a new file as the package file, wipe out other scripts void CMacroProcessor::OnScriptLoadNewPackage() { CString filename, path, filen, oldFile; bool saveCurrent = false; oldFile = mDocWnd->GetCurScriptPackPath(); mDocWnd->DirFromCurrentOrSettingsFile(oldFile, path); // Find out if want to save if (!oldFile.IsEmpty()) saveCurrent = AfxMessageBox("Save current scripts to current file before loading a new" " package file?", MB_QUESTION) == IDYES; if (mDocWnd->GetTextFileName(true, true, filename, NULL, &path)) return; LoadNewScriptPackage(filename, saveCurrent); } // Actually do the saving and loading, callable from elsewhere int CMacroProcessor::LoadNewScriptPackage(CString & filename, bool saveCurrent) { CString filen, oldFile; int retval = 0; oldFile = mDocWnd->GetCurScriptPackPath(); if (saveCurrent) { mDocWnd->ManageScriptPackBackup(); mParamIO->WriteMacrosToFile(oldFile, MAX_MACROS + MAX_ONE_LINE_SCRIPTS); } mWinApp->ClearAllMacros(); // Try to read, try to revert if fails, and if THAT fails, assign the default name if (mParamIO->ReadMacrosFromFile(filename, "", MAX_MACROS + MAX_ONE_LINE_SCRIPTS, true)) { mWinApp->ClearAllMacros(); filename = oldFile; retval = 1; if (mParamIO->ReadMacrosFromFile(filename, "", MAX_MACROS + MAX_ONE_LINE_SCRIPTS, true)) { oldFile = mDocWnd->GetCurrentSettingsPath(); UtilSplitExtension(oldFile, filename, filen); filename += "-scripts.txt"; mWinApp->AppendToLog("Unable to reload last script package; scripts will be saved " "to\n" + filename + " unless you do \"Save Package As\" to a different name"); retval = 2; } } mDocWnd->SetCurScriptPackPath(filename); mDocWnd->SetScriptPackBackedUp(false); UpdateAllForNewScripts(true); mWinApp->AppendToLog("Current script package file is now " + filename); return retval; } // Take care of all components that need to change when there are potentially new scripts void CMacroProcessor::UpdateAllForNewScripts(bool oneLinersToo) { if (mWinApp->mMacroToolbar) { mWinApp->mMacroToolbar->SetLength(mNumToolButtons, mToolButHeight); mWinApp->mMacroToolbar->UpdateSettings(); } mWinApp->mCameraMacroTools.UpdateSettings(); mWinApp->UpdateAllEditers(); if (oneLinersToo) TransferOneLiners(false); } // Save to currently defined package file void CMacroProcessor::OnScriptSavePackage() { CString filename = mDocWnd->GetCurScriptPackPath(); if (filename.IsEmpty()) OnScriptSavePackageAs(); else mParamIO->WriteMacrosToFile(filename, MAX_MACROS + MAX_ONE_LINE_SCRIPTS); } // Save to new package file void CMacroProcessor::OnScriptSavePackageAs() { CString filename, path; mDocWnd->DirFromCurrentOrSettingsFile(mDocWnd->GetCurScriptPackPath(), path); if (mDocWnd->GetTextFileName(false, true, filename, NULL, &path, NULL, true)) return; mParamIO->WriteMacrosToFile(filename, MAX_MACROS + MAX_ONE_LINE_SCRIPTS); mDocWnd->SetCurScriptPackPath(filename); mDocWnd->SetScriptPackBackedUp(false); mWinApp->AppendToLog("Current script package file is now " + filename); } // Run the serialEM Snapshot script from menu void CMacroProcessor::OnRunSerialemSnapshot() { mMacros[MAX_TOT_MACROS - 1] = "RunSerialEMSnapshot"; Run(MAX_TOT_MACROS - 1); } void CMacroProcessor::OnUpdateRunSerialemSnapshot(CCmdUI *pCmdUI) { pCmdUI->Enable(!mWinApp->DoingTasks() && !mCamera->CameraBusy()); } void CMacroProcessor::OpenMacroToolbar(void) { OnMacroToolbar(); } void CMacroProcessor::ToolbarMacroRun(UINT nID) { OnMacroRun(nID); } WINDOWPLACEMENT * CMacroProcessor::GetToolPlacement(void) { if (mWinApp->mMacroToolbar) mWinApp->mMacroToolbar->GetWindowPlacement(&mToolPlacement); return &mToolPlacement; } void CMacroProcessor::ToolbarClosing(void) { mWinApp->mMacroToolbar->GetWindowPlacement(&mToolPlacement); mWinApp->mMacroToolbar = NULL; } WINDOWPLACEMENT *CMacroProcessor::FindEditerPlacement(int index) { if (mMacroEditer[index]) mMacroEditer[index]->GetWindowPlacement(&mEditerPlacement[index]); return &mEditerPlacement[index]; } // List all the functions defined in macros void CMacroProcessor::OnMacroListFunctions() { int index, fun; CString title; MacroFunction *funcP; for (index = 0; index < MAX_MACROS; index++) { if (mMacroEditer[index]) mMacroEditer[index]->TransferMacro(true); ScanForName(index, &mMacros[index]); if (mFuncArray[index].GetSize()) { title.Format("\r\nScript %d", index + 1); if (!mMacNames[index].IsEmpty()) title += ": " + mMacNames[index]; mWinApp->AppendToLog(title); for (fun = 0; fun < (int)mFuncArray[index].GetSize(); fun++) { funcP = mFuncArray[index].GetAt(fun); PrintfToLog("%s %d %d", (LPCTSTR)funcP->name, funcP->numNumericArgs, funcP->ifStringArg ? 1 : 0); } } } } void CMacroProcessor::OnMacroRun(UINT nID) { int index = nID - ID_MACRO_RUN1; if (!MacroRunnable(index)) return; // If the editor is open, unload the string and copy to macro if (mMacroEditer[index]) mMacroEditer[index]->TransferMacro(true); if (!mMacros[index].IsEmpty()) Run(index); } // Enable a macro if there are no tasks, and it is nonempty or being edited void CMacroProcessor::OnUpdateMacroRun(CCmdUI* pCmdUI) { int index = pCmdUI->m_nID - ID_MACRO_RUN1; pCmdUI->Enable(MacroRunnable(index)); } void CMacroProcessor::OnScriptRunOneCommand() { if (mOneLineScript) { mOneLineScript->BringWindowToTop(); return; } mOneLineScript = new COneLineScript(); for (int ind = 0; ind < MAX_ONE_LINE_SCRIPTS; ind++) { mOneLineScript->m_strOneLine[ind] = mMacros[MAX_MACROS + ind]; mOneLineScript->m_strOneLine[ind].TrimRight("\r\n"); mOneLineScript->m_strOneLine[ind].Replace("\r\n", ";"); } mOneLineScript->mMacros = mMacros; mOneLineScript->Create(IDD_ONELINESCRIPT); if (mOneLinePlacement.rcNormalPosition.right != NO_PLACEMENT) mOneLineScript->SetWindowPlacement(&mOneLinePlacement); mOneLineScript->ShowWindow(SW_SHOW); mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); } void CMacroProcessor::OnUpdateScriptRunOneCommand(CCmdUI *pCmdUI) { CString menuText; CString *longMacNames = mWinApp->GetLongMacroNames(); for (int ind = 0; ind < MAX_MACROS; ind++) { if (!longMacNames[ind].IsEmpty()) menuText.Format("%d: %s", ind + 1, (LPCTSTR)longMacNames[ind]); else if (mMacNames[ind].IsEmpty()) menuText.Format("Run %d", ind + 1); else menuText.Format("%d: %s", ind + 1, (LPCTSTR)mMacNames[ind]); UtilModifyMenuItem("Script", ID_MACRO_RUN1 + ind, (LPCTSTR)menuText); } pCmdUI->Enable(!DoingMacro()); } WINDOWPLACEMENT *CMacroProcessor::GetOneLinePlacement(void) { if (mOneLineScript) mOneLineScript->GetWindowPlacement(&mOneLinePlacement); return &mOneLinePlacement; } void CMacroProcessor::OneLineClosing(void) { mOneLineScript->GetWindowPlacement(&mOneLinePlacement); mOneLineScript = NULL; } // Transfer all one-line scripts to or from the dialog if it is open void CMacroProcessor::TransferOneLiners(bool fromDialog) { if (!mOneLineScript) return; if (fromDialog) mOneLineScript->UpdateData(true); for (int ind = 0; ind < MAX_ONE_LINE_SCRIPTS; ind++) { if (fromDialog) { mMacros[MAX_MACROS + ind] = mOneLineScript->m_strOneLine[ind]; mMacros[MAX_MACROS + ind].Replace(";", "\r\n"); } else { mOneLineScript->m_strOneLine[ind] = mMacros[MAX_MACROS + ind]; mOneLineScript->m_strOneLine[ind].TrimRight("\r\n"); mOneLineScript->m_strOneLine[ind].Replace("\r\n", ";"); } } if (!fromDialog) mOneLineScript->UpdateData(false); } // This is called on startup or after reading settings void CMacroProcessor::OpenOrJustCloseOneLiners(bool reopen) { if (reopen && !mOneLineScript) { OnScriptRunOneCommand(); } else if (!reopen && mOneLineScript) { mOneLineScript->DestroyWindow(); mOneLineScript = NULL; } } // Central place to determine if a macro is theoretically runnable BOOL CMacroProcessor::MacroRunnable(int index) { return !mWinApp->DoingTasks() && !mWinApp->StartedTiltSeries() && !(mWinApp->mNavigator && mWinApp->mNavigator->StartedMacro()) && !(mWinApp->mNavigator && mWinApp->mNavigator->GetPausedAcquire()) && !mWinApp->NavigatorStartedTS() && !mScope->GetMovingStage() && (index >= MAX_MACROS || !mMacros[index].IsEmpty() || mMacroEditer[index]); } void CMacroProcessor::OnMacroEnd() { if (DoingMacro()) Stop(false); else SetNonResumable(); } void CMacroProcessor::OnUpdateMacroEnd(CCmdUI *pCmdUI) { pCmdUI->Enable(DoingMacro() || (mWinApp->mNavigator && mWinApp->mNavigator->StartedMacro() && IsResumable())); } void CMacroProcessor::OnMacroStop() { Stop(true); } // Allow stop through the menu if there is a macro-driven non Navigator tilt series void CMacroProcessor::OnUpdateMacroStop(CCmdUI* pCmdUI) { pCmdUI->Enable(DoingMacro()); } void CMacroProcessor::OnMacroResume() { Resume(); } void CMacroProcessor::OnUpdateMacroResume(CCmdUI* pCmdUI) { pCmdUI->Enable(!mWinApp->DoingTasks() && !mWinApp->StartedTiltSeries() && !mWinApp->NavigatorStartedTS() && IsResumable()); } void CMacroProcessor::OnMacroControls() { CMacroControlDlg conDlg; conDlg.mControl = *mControl; if (conDlg.DoModal() == IDOK) *mControl = conDlg.mControl; } void CMacroProcessor::OnRunOnProgramStart() { CString str = mWinApp->GetScriptToRunAtStart(); if (!SelectScriptAtStartEnd(str, "at program startup")) mWinApp->SetScriptToRunAtStart(str); } void CMacroProcessor::OnUpdateRunOnProgramStart(CCmdUI *pCmdUI) { pCmdUI->Enable(!mWinApp->DoingTasks()); pCmdUI->SetCheck(mWinApp->GetScriptToRunAtStart().IsEmpty() ? 0 : 1); } void CMacroProcessor::OnRunAtProgramEnd() { CString str = mWinApp->GetScriptToRunAtEnd(); if (!SelectScriptAtStartEnd(str, "at program end")) mWinApp->SetScriptToRunAtEnd(str); } void CMacroProcessor::OnUpdateRunAtProgramEnd(CCmdUI *pCmdUI) { pCmdUI->Enable(!mWinApp->DoingTasks()); pCmdUI->SetCheck(mWinApp->GetScriptToRunAtEnd().IsEmpty() ? 0 : 1); } void CMacroProcessor::OnRunIfProgramIdle() { CString str = mWinApp->GetScriptToRunOnIdle(); int interval = mWinApp->GetIdleScriptIntervalSec(); if (SelectScriptAtStartEnd(str, "periodically when program is idle")) return; mWinApp->SetScriptToRunOnIdle(str); if (KGetOneInt("Interval in seconds at which to run script:", interval)) mWinApp->SetIdleScriptIntervalSec(interval); } void CMacroProcessor::OnUpdateRunIfProgramIdle(CCmdUI *pCmdUI) { pCmdUI->Enable(!mWinApp->DoingTasks()); pCmdUI->SetCheck(mWinApp->GetScriptToRunOnIdle().IsEmpty() ? 0 : 1 && mWinApp->GetIdleScriptIntervalSec() > 0); } // Common routine for opening the macro selector with the current selection and getting // a new one, returns 1 if canceled int CMacroProcessor::SelectScriptAtStartEnd(CString &name, const char *when) { CMacroSelector dlg; dlg.m_strEntryText = "Select script to run " + CString(when); dlg.mMacroIndex = FindMacroByNameOrTextNum(name); dlg.mAddNone = true; if (dlg.DoModal() == IDCANCEL) return 1; name = ""; if (dlg.mMacroIndex >= 0) { name = mMacNames[dlg.mMacroIndex]; if (name.IsEmpty()) name.Format("%d", dlg.mMacroIndex + 1); } return 0; } void CMacroProcessor::SaveStatusPanes(int macNum) { for (int ind = 0; ind < 3; ind++) mWinApp->mMainFrame->GetStatusText(ind + 1, mSavedStatusPanes[ind]); if (macNum >= 0 && macNum < MAX_MACROS && mMacroEditer[macNum]) mMacroEditer[macNum]->TransferMacro(true); mFocusedWndWhenSavedStatus = GetFocus(); } // TASK HANDLERS AND ANCILLARY FUNCTIONS // Check for conditions that macro may have started int CMacroProcessor::TaskBusy() { double diff, dose; int tbusy, err; EMimageBuffer *imBuf; DWORD waitResult; CString report; // If accumulating dose: do periodic reports, stop when done if (mDoingMacro && mDoseTarget > 0.) { dose = mWinApp->mScopeStatus.GetFullCumDose() - mDoseStart; if (dose < mDoseTarget) { if (dose >= mDoseNextReport) { diff = SEMTickInterval(mDoseTime); diff = (mDoseTarget - dose) * (diff / dose) / 60000.; report.Format("Dose so far %.1f electrons/A2, time remaining ~%.1f minutes", dose, diff); mWinApp->AppendToLog(report, LOG_OPEN_IF_CLOSED); mDoseNextReport += mDoseTarget / mNumDoseReports; } Sleep(10); return 1; } else { mDoseTarget = 0.; report.Format("Accumulated dose = %.1f electrons/A2", dose); mWinApp->AppendToLog(report, LOG_OPEN_IF_CLOSED); mWinApp->SetStatusText(SIMPLE_PANE, ""); mWinApp->mScopeStatus.SetWatchDose(false); return 0; } } // Check if command is ready from external scripting, or if it finished/errored if (mRunningScrpLang && mScrpLangData.waitingForCommand) { // But first handle inserting an image in a buffer if (CPythonServer::mImArray) { mProcessImage->NewProcessedImage(&mImBufs[CPythonServer::mImBaseBuf], (short *)CPythonServer::mImArray, CPythonServer::mImType, CPythonServer::mImSizeX, CPythonServer::mImSizeY, CPythonServer::mMoreBinning, CPythonServer::mCapFlag, false, CPythonServer::mImToBuf); CPythonServer::mImArray = NULL; SetEvent(mScrpLangDoneEvent); SEMTrace('[', "signal function done after NewProcessedImage"); } if (mScrpLangData.externalControl && mScrpLangData.disconnected) { AbortMacro(); return 0; } if (mScrpLangData.commandReady) { //SEMTrace('[', "Got ready, EC %d RSL %d EO %d", mScrpLangData.externalControl, //mRunningScrpLang ? 1 : 0, mScrpLangData.errorOccurred); return 0; } if (mScrpLangData.externalControl) return 1; tbusy = UtilThreadBusy(&mScrpLangThread); if (tbusy > 0) return 1; SEMTrace('[', "thread done %d", tbusy); mScrpLangData.threadDone = tbusy ? 1 : -1; if (tbusy && mScrpLangData.gotExceptionText) EnhancedExceptionToLog(mScrpLangData.strItems[0]); // If there was an error and it is not cleared by a successful non-exit, go back to // Abort if (mScrpLangData.errorOccurred == 1) { AbortMacro(); return 0; } // If called from a regular macro, drop the call level and switch back to the macro if (mCalledFromSEMmacro) { LeaveCallLevel(true); if (tbusy == 0) { mCalledFromSEMmacro = false; mRunningScrpLang = false; } else { AbortMacro(); } } return 0; } // If waiting for marker, evaluate whether a new one is present on the proper image if (mWaitingForMarker) { imBuf = mWinApp->GetActiveNonStackImBuf(); if (imBuf->mTimeStamp == mMarkerTimeStamp && imBuf->mCaptured == mMarkerImageCapFlag && imBuf->mHasUserPt && (!mStartedWithMarker || fabs(imBuf->mUserPtX - mOldMarkerX) > 0.01 || fabs(imBuf->mUserPtY - mOldMarkerY) > 0.01)) { mWaitingForMarker = false; mWinApp->SetStatusText(SIMPLE_PANE, ""); } else { Sleep(10); return 1; } } // If sleeping, take little naps to avoid using lots of CPU if (mDoingMacro && mSleepTime > 0.) { diff = SEMTickInterval(mSleepStart); if (diff < mSleepTime) { if (mSleepTime - diff > 20.) Sleep(10); return 1; } mWinApp->SetStatusText(SIMPLE_PANE, ""); mSleepTime = 0.; } // If ran a process, check if it is still running; if not, set the output values and // fall through to test other conditions if (mProcessThread) { if (UtilThreadBusy(&mProcessThread) > 0) return 1; SetReportedValues(sProcessExitStatus, sProcessErrno); report.Format("Shell command exited with status %d, error code %d", sProcessExitStatus, sProcessErrno); mWinApp->AppendToLog(report, mLogAction); } // If doing external process, report result and clean it up here if (mRanExtProcess) { waitResult = WaitForSingleObject(mWinApp->mExternalTools->mExtProcInfo.hProcess, 20); if (waitResult != WAIT_OBJECT_0) return 1; if (!mVarForProcOutputPipe.IsEmpty()) { err = mWinApp->mExternalTools->WaitForDoneGetPipeOutput(mPipeOutput, 1000); if (err < 0) mGotPipedOutputOrErr = -1; else mGotPipedOutputOrErr = err > 0 ? 2 : 1; } GetExitCodeProcess(mWinApp->mExternalTools->mExtProcInfo.hProcess, &mExtProcExitStatus); report.Format("%s exited with status %d", (LPCTSTR)mEnteredName, mExtProcExitStatus); if (mExtProcExitStatus == 1 && mRanCtfplotter) { report += "\r\nSee " + CString(_getcwd(NULL, _MAX_PATH)) + "\\ctfplotter.log for error messages"; mSaveCtfplotGraph = 0; } SetReportedValues(mExtProcExitStatus); if (mExtProcExitStatus || (!mRanCtfplotter && !mGotPipedOutputOrErr)) { mWinApp->AppendToLog(report, mLogAction); } CleanupExternalProcess(); } return ((mScope->GetInitialized() && ((mMovedStage && mScope->StageBusy() > 0) || (mExposedFilm && mScope->FilmBusy() > 0) || (mMovedScreen && mScope->ScreenBusy()))) || (mStartedLongOp && mScope->LongOperationBusy()) || (mMovedPiezo && mWinApp->mPiezoControl->PiezoBusy() > 0) || (mMovedAperture && mScope->GetMovingAperture()) || (mRanGatanScript && mCamera->CameraBusy()) || (mLoadingMap && mWinApp->mNavigator && mWinApp->mNavigator->GetLoadingMap()) || (mMakingDualMap && mNavHelper->GetAcquiringDual()) || (mAutoContouring && mNavHelper->mAutoContouringDlg->DoingAutoContour()) || mWinApp->mShiftCalibrator->CalibratingIS() || (mCamera->GetInitialized() && mCamera->CameraBusy() && (mCamera->GetTaskWaitingForFrame() || !(mUsingContinuous && mCamera->DoingContinuousAcquire()))) || (mWinApp->mMontageController->DoingMontage() && !mWinApp->mMontageController->GetRunningMacro()) || mWinApp->mParticleTasks->GetDVDoingDewarVac() || mFocusManager->DoingFocus() || mWinApp->mAutoTuning->DoingAutoTune() || mShiftManager->ResettingIS() || mWinApp->mCalibTiming->Calibrating() || mWinApp->mFilterTasks->RefiningZLP() || (mSavedMultiShot && CMultiShotDlg::DoingAutoStepAdj()) || mNavHelper->mHoleFinderDlg->DoingMultiMapHoles() || mNavHelper->mHoleFinderDlg->GetFindingHoles() || mNavHelper->GetRealigning() || (mWinApp->mComplexTasks->DoingTasks() && !mWinApp->mParticleTasks->GetMSRunningMacro()) || mWinApp->mMultiGridTasks->GetDoingMultiGrid() || mWinApp->DoingRegisteredPlugCall()) ? 1 : 0; } // Clean up handles from external process, and kill it if it is still running, and close // shared memory file void CMacroProcessor::CleanupExternalProcess() { if (mRanExtProcess && mWinApp->mExternalTools->mExtProcInfo.hProcess) { if (WaitForSingleObject(mWinApp->mExternalTools->mExtProcInfo.hProcess, 1) != WAIT_OBJECT_0) TerminateProcess(mWinApp->mExternalTools->mExtProcInfo.hProcess, 1); CloseHandle(mWinApp->mExternalTools->mExtProcInfo.hProcess); CloseHandle(mWinApp->mExternalTools->mExtProcInfo.hThread); mWinApp->mExternalTools->mExtProcInfo.hProcess = NULL; } if (mShrMemFile) iiDelete(mShrMemFile); mShrMemFile = NULL; } // If the program is not busy, set the flag for running an external script and start it void CMacroProcessor::CheckAndSetupExternalControl(void) { if (mWinApp->DoingTasks() || (mCamera->CameraBusy() && !mCamera->DoingContinuousAcquire())) { mScrpLangData.externalControl = 0; return; } mScrpLangData.externalControl = 1; Run(0); } // To run a macro: set the current macro with index at start void CMacroProcessor::Run(int which) { int mac, ind, tryLevel = 0; double startTime; bool external = mScrpLangData.externalControl > 0; MacroFunction *func; CString *longMacNames = mWinApp->GetLongMacroNames(); CString name; mRunningScrpLang = false; mCalledFromScrpLang = false; mCalledFromSEMmacro = false; mCallLevel = 0; if (!external) { if (mMacros[which].IsEmpty()) return; PrepareForMacroChecking(which); // First check for an language script and get it composed ind = CheckForScriptLanguage(which, false); if (ind > 0) return; } else ind = -1; mLastAborted = true; mLastCompleted = false; if (ind < 0) { // For language script, make sure camera is stopped then set flag if (mCamera->DoingContinuousAcquire()) { mCamera->StopCapture(0); startTime = GetTickCount(); while (SEMTickInterval(startTime) < 10000.) { if (!mCamera->CameraBusy()) break; Sleep(100); } if (mCamera->CameraBusy()) { SEMMessageBox("Could not stop continuous camera acquisition; cannot proceed with" " script"); mScrpLangData.externalControl = 0; return; } } mRunningScrpLang = true; } // Check the macro(s) for commands, number of arguments, etc. if (!mRunningScrpLang && CheckBlockNesting(which, -1, tryLevel)) return; // Clear out wasCalled flags for (mac = 0; mac < MAX_TOT_MACROS; mac++) { for (ind = 0; ind < mFuncArray[mac].GetSize(); ind++) { func = mFuncArray[mac].GetAt(ind); func->wasCalled = false; } if (mac >= MAX_MACROS) mMacNames[mac] = ""; } mCurrentMacro = which; mBlockLevel = -1; mBlockDepths[0] = -1; mTryCatchLevel = 0; mCallFunction[0] = NULL; mCurrentIndex = 0; mLastIndex = -1; mScriptNumFound = -1; mOnStopMacroIndex = -1; mExitAtFuncEnd = false; mLoopIndsAreLocal = false; mStartNavAcqAtEnd = false; mUseTempNavParams = false; mPackToLoadAtEnd = ""; mConsetNums.clear(); mConsetsSaved.clear(); mChangedConsets.clear(); mSavedSettingNames.clear(); mSavedSettingValues.clear(); mNewSettingValues.clear(); mLDareasSaved.clear(); mLDParamsSaved.clear(); for (mac = 0; mac < MAX_LOWDOSE_SETS; mac++) mKeepOrRestoreArea[mac] = 0; ClearVariables(); mUsingContinuous = false; mShowedScopeBox = false; mRetryReadOther = 0; mEmailOnError = ""; mNoMessageBoxOnError = false; mSkipFrameAliCheck = false; mAlignWholeTSOnly = false; mDisableAlignTrim = false; mLastPluginCalled = ""; mSaveCtfplotGraph = 0; mNeedClearTempMacro = -1; mBoxOnScopeText = "SerialEM message"; mBoxOnScopeType = 0; mBoxOnScopeInterval = 0.; mNumRuns = 0; mNextParamSetForMont = 0; mRamperStarted = false; mBinningForCameraMatrix = 0; mTestNextMultiShot = 0; mAccumShiftX = 0.; mAccumShiftY = 0.; mAccumDiff = 0.; mMinDeltaFocus = 0; mMaxDeltaFocus = 0.; mMinAbsFocus = 0.; mMaxAbsFocus = 0.; mCumulRecordDose = -1.; mAreaRecordDoses.resize(1, -1.); mAreaForCumulDose = 0; mRunToolArgPlacement = 0; mNumTempMacros = 0; mParseQuotes = false; mNoLineWrapInMessageBox = false; mMonospacedMessageBox = false; mC2ApForScalingWasSet = false; mLogAction = LOG_OPEN_IF_CLOSED; mLogInfoAction = LOG_OPEN_IF_CLOSED; mLogErrAction = LOG_IGNORE; mStartClock = GetTickCount(); mOverwriteOK = false; ClearGraphVariables(); mVerbose = mInitialVerbose ? 1 : 0; if (external) { name = "External Script"; } else { name = mMacNames[mCurrentMacro]; if (name.IsEmpty()) name.Format("Script #%d", mCurrentMacro + 1); if (!longMacNames[mCurrentMacro].IsEmpty()) SetVariable("LONGNAME", longMacNames[mCurrentMacro], VARTYPE_REGULAR, -1, false); } SetVariable("SCRIPTNAME", name, VARTYPE_REGULAR, -1, false); CloseFileForText(-1); RunOrResume(); } // Clear these variables before a script or after starting a graph void CMacroProcessor::ClearGraphVariables() { mGraphTypeList.clear(); mGraphColumns.clear(); mGraphSymbols.clear(); mGraphAxisLabel = ""; mGraphKeys.clear(); mConnectGraph = false; mGraphVsOrdinals = 0; mGraphColorOpt = -1; mGraphXlogSqrt = 0; mGraphXlogBase = 0.; mGraphYlogSqrt = 0; mGraphYlogBase = 0.; mGraphXmin = EXTRA_NO_VALUE; mGraphXmax = EXTRA_NO_VALUE; mGraphYmin = EXTRA_NO_VALUE; mGraphYmax = EXTRA_NO_VALUE; mGraphSaveName = ""; } // Do all the common initializations for running or restarting a macro void CMacroProcessor::RunOrResume() { int ind; mDoingMacro = true; mOpenDE12Cover = false; mStopAtEnd = false; mAskRedoOnResume = false; mTestScale = false; mTestMontError = false; mTestTiltAngle = false; mLastCompleted = false; mLastAborted = false; mLastTestResult = true; mInInitialSubEval = false; mRanCtfplotter = false; mCamera->SetTaskWaitingForFrame(false); mFrameWaitStart = -1.; mWaitingForMarker = false; mNumStatesToRestore = 0; mFocusToRestore = -999.; mFocusOffsetToRestore = -9999.; mDEframeRateToRestore = -1.; mDEcamIndToRestore = -1; mLDSetAddedBeamRestore = -1; mK3CDSmodeToRestore = -1; mRestoreGridLimits = false; mSavedFrameNameFormat = -1; mSavedFrameBaseName = ""; mRestoreConsetAfterShot = false; mSuspendNavRedraw = false; mDeferLogUpdates = false; mDeferSettingsUpdate = false; mCropXafterShot = -1; mNextProcessArgs = ""; mInputToNextProcess = ""; mVarForProcOutputPipe = ""; mBeamTiltXtoRestore[0] = mBeamTiltXtoRestore[1] = EXTRA_NO_VALUE; mBeamTiltYtoRestore[0] = mBeamTiltYtoRestore[1] = EXTRA_NO_VALUE; mAstigXtoRestore[0] = mAstigXtoRestore[1] = EXTRA_NO_VALUE; mAstigYtoRestore[0] = mAstigYtoRestore[1] = EXTRA_NO_VALUE; B3DDELETE(mFileOptToRestore); B3DDELETE(mOtherFileOptToRestore); mCompensatedBTforIS = false; mKeyPressed = 0; if (mChangedConsets.size() > 0 && mCamWithChangedSets == mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera()) for (ind = 0; ind < (int)B3DMIN(mConsetNums.size(), mChangedConsets.size());ind++) mConSets[mConsetNums[ind]] = mChangedConsets[ind]; if (mSavedSettingNames.size()) { for (ind = 0; ind < (int)mSavedSettingNames.size(); ind++) mParamIO->MacroSetSetting(CString(mSavedSettingNames[ind].c_str()), mNewSettingValues[ind]); mWinApp->UpdateWindowSettings(); } mNumCmdSinceAddIdle = mMaxCmdToLoopOnIdle + 1; mScrpLangData.waitingForCommand = 0; mScrpLangData.commandReady = 0; mScrpLangData.threadDone = 0; mScrpLangData.errorOccurred = 0; mScrpLangData.exitedFromWrapper = false; mLastPythonErrorLine = -1; mStoppedContSetNum = mCamera->DoingContinuousAcquire() - 1; mWinApp->UpdateBufferWindows(); SetComplexPane(); // Start the script language thread unless doing external control, // and set up waiting for command if (mRunningScrpLang) { mWinApp->mMacroProcessor->InitForNextCommand(); StartRunningScrpLang(); mWinApp->AddIdleTask(NULL, TASK_MACRO_RUN, 0, 0); return; } if (mStoppedContSetNum >= 0) { mCamera->StopCapture(0); mWinApp->AddIdleTask(NULL, TASK_MACRO_RUN, 0, 0); return; } mWinApp->mMacroProcessor->NextCommand(true); } // To start running external script language, clear out unneeded items and start thread // if not under external control void CMacroProcessor::StartRunningScrpLang(void) { int ind; for (ind = MAX_SCRIPT_LANG_ARGS; ind < MAX_MACRO_TOKENS; ind++) { mItemEmpty[ind] = true; mStrItems[ind] = ""; mItemDbl[ind] = 0.; mItemFlt[ind] = 0.; mItemInt[ind] = 0; } // Clear flags out for this run. The function that starts external control is looking // for both that and waitingForCommand, so be sure to do that last mScrpLangData.commandReady = 0; mScrpLangData.disconnected = false; mScrpLangData.threadDone = 0; mScrpLangData.errorOccurred = 0; mScrpLangData.exitedFromWrapper = false; mScrpLangData.waitingForCommand = 1; if (!mScrpLangData.externalControl) { if (mScrpLangThread || mPyProcessHandle) { // Handle a lingering process by killing it, then sending the done event to release // the socket interface, and consuming that event if it wasn't needed TerminateScrpLangProcess(); SetEvent(mScrpLangDoneEvent); SEMTrace('[', "signal done after killing process"); Sleep(100); WaitForSingleObject(mScrpLangDoneEvent, 100); mScrpLangData.disconnected = false; } mScrpLangData.exitStatus = 0; mScrpLangThread = AfxBeginThread(RunScriptLangProc, (LPVOID)(LPCTSTR)(mMacroForScrpLang.IsEmpty() ? mMacros[mCurrentMacro] : mMacroForScrpLang), THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL, 0, CREATE_SUSPENDED); mScrpLangThread->m_bAutoDelete = false; mScrpLangThread->ResumeThread(); } mNumCmdSinceAddIdle = 2 * mMaxCmdToLoopOnIdle; mLoopInOnIdle = false; } // Set the macro name or message in complex pane void CMacroProcessor::SetComplexPane(void) { if (mScrpLangData.externalControl) mMacroPaneText.Format("EXTERNAL CONTROL"); else if (mMacNames[mCurrentMacro].IsEmpty()) mMacroPaneText.Format("DOING SCRIPT %d", mCurrentMacro + 1); else mMacroPaneText.Format("DOING %d: %s", mCurrentMacro + 1, mMacNames[mCurrentMacro]); mWinApp->SetStatusText(mWinApp->DoingTiltSeries() && mWinApp->mTSController->GetRunningMacro() ? MEDIUM_PANE : COMPLEX_PANE, mMacroPaneText); } // A macro is resumable if there is a current one still, and its index is // not at the end BOOL CMacroProcessor::IsResumable() { if (mDoingMacro || mCurrentMacro < 0) return false; return (mCurrentIndex < mMacros[mCurrentMacro].GetLength()); } // Resume by setting flag and doing next command or repeating last void CMacroProcessor::Resume() { int lastind = mLastIndex; CString stopCom; if (!IsResumable()) return; // If there was an error or incomplete action, let user choose whether to redo if (mAskRedoOnResume) { GetNextLine(&mMacros[mCurrentMacro], lastind, stopCom); if (AfxMessageBox("The script stopped on the following line:\n\n" + stopCom + "\nDo you want to repeat this command or not?", MB_YESNO | MB_ICONQUESTION) == IDYES) mCurrentIndex = mLastIndex; } RunOrResume(); } // Stop either now or at an ending place void CMacroProcessor::Stop(BOOL ifNow) { if (ifNow) { if (!mWinApp->mCameraMacroTools.GetUserStop() && TestTryLevelAndSkip(NULL)) return; if (!mWinApp->mCameraMacroTools.GetUserStop() && mRunningScrpLang && mNoMessageBoxOnError) { SuspendMacro(mScrpLangData.disconnected); return; } if (TestAndStartFuncOnStop()) return; if (mProcessThread && UtilThreadBusy(&mProcessThread) > 0) UtilThreadCleanup(&mProcessThread); // If we are running Python, kill it now if (mScrpLangThread && UtilThreadBusy(&mScrpLangThread) > 0) { mScrpLangThread->SuspendThread(); TerminateScrpLangProcess(); UtilThreadCleanup(&mScrpLangThread); } // Mark external as disconnected by set error as user stop so this case is recognized if (mRunningScrpLang && mScrpLangData.externalControl) { mScrpLangData.disconnected = true; mScrpLangData.errorOccurred = SCRIPT_USER_STOP; } if (mDoingMacro && mLastIndex >= 0) mAskRedoOnResume = true; SuspendMacro(mScrpLangData.disconnected); } else mStopAtEnd = true; } // If there is a stop function registered, set up to run it int CMacroProcessor::TestAndStartFuncOnStop(void) { if (mOnStopMacroIndex >= 0) { mCurrentMacro = mOnStopMacroIndex; mCurrentIndex = mOnStopLineIndex; mOnStopMacroIndex = -1; mExitAtFuncEnd = true; mWinApp->AddIdleTask(NULL, TASK_MACRO_RUN, 0, 0); return 1; } return 0; } // Tests whether we are in a Try block at any level, and skips to the appropriate catch int CMacroProcessor::TestTryLevelAndSkip(CString *mess) { CString str; int i, numPops, delTryLevel; if (mTryCatchLevel > 0) { // If running Python, first call abort to get the exit sent if (mRunningScrpLang && mCalledFromSEMmacro) { AbortMacro(); return 1; } // If end of script or function is reached, then drop the call level while (SkipToBlockEnd(SKIPTO_CATCH, str, &numPops, &delTryLevel)) { mTryCatchLevel += delTryLevel; if (mCallLevel > 0) { LeaveCallLevel(true); } else { SEMMessageBox("Terminating script because no CATCH block was found for " "processing an error or THROW"); mTryCatchLevel = 0; return 0; } } // If the error is occurring in a statement that starts a block, then raise the // blocklevel before dropping it by number of pops if (mInInitialSubEval) { if (!mStrItems[0].CompareNoCase("IF") || !mStrItems[0].CompareNoCase("LOOP") || !mStrItems[0].CompareNoCase("DOLOOP") || !mStrItems[0].CompareNoCase("TRY")) mBlockLevel++; } for (i = 0; i < numPops && mBlockLevel >= 0; i++) { ClearVariables(VARTYPE_INDEX, mCallLevel, mBlockLevel); mBlockLevel--; mBlockDepths[mCallLevel]--; } mLastIndex = -1; mTryCatchLevel += delTryLevel; str = "Jumping to \"CATCH\" error handler"; if (mess && !mess->IsEmpty()) str += ": " + *mess; if (!mNoCatchOutput[B3DMAX(0, mTryCatchLevel)]) mWinApp->AppendToLog(str); mWinApp->AddIdleTask(NULL, TASK_MACRO_RUN, 0, 0); return 1; } mTryCatchLevel = 0; return 0; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Abort means end the script and is not pejorative - but call with true when ending void CMacroProcessor::AbortMacro(bool ending) { SuspendMacro(ending ? -1 : 1); } // Suspend or permanently end the script void CMacroProcessor::SuspendMacro(int abort) { CameraParameters *camParams = mWinApp->GetCamParams(); int probe, ind; FileOptions *fileOpt; bool restoreArea = false; float *gridLims = mNavHelper->GetGridLimits(); mLoopInOnIdle = false; if (!mDoingMacro) return; //SEMTrace('[', "In abort %d RSM %d EC %d disc %d", abort, mRunningScrpLang?1:0, //mScrpLangData.externalControl, mScrpLangData.disconnected ?1:0); // Intercept abort when doing external script, set error flag and set wait for command // Process user stop like any other exit, not like disconnect happened if ((mRunningScrpLang || mCalledFromScrpLang) && (!mScrpLangData.threadDone || mScrpLangData.externalControl)) { if (mScrpLangData.disconnected && !(mScrpLangData.errorOccurred == SCRIPT_USER_STOP && mScrpLangData.commandReady)) { mScrpLangData.externalControl = 0; } else { // Clean up from running regular scripts if (mCalledFromScrpLang) { mCalledFromScrpLang = false; mRunningScrpLang = true; mCurrentMacro = 0; mBlockLevel = -1; mBlockDepths[0] = -1; mTryCatchLevel = 0; for (ind = mCallLevel; ind >= 0; ind--) if (mCallFunction[ind]) mCallFunction[ind]->wasCalled = false; mCallLevel = 0; mCallFunction[0] = NULL; mOnStopMacroIndex = -1; } // Process true error if (mScrpLangData.errorOccurred != SCRIPT_NORMAL_EXIT && mScrpLangData.errorOccurred != SCRIPT_EXIT_NO_EXC && mScrpLangData.errorOccurred != SCRIPT_USER_STOP) { mScrpLangData.errorOccurred = 1; mScrpLangData.highestReportInd = 0; mScrpLangData.reportedStrs[0] = mWinApp->mTSController->GetLastNoBoxMessage(); mScrpLangData.repValIsString[0] = true; mScrpLangData.reportedVals[0] = 0.; } mScrpLangData.waitingForCommand = 1; mScrpLangData.commandReady = 0; if (mScrpLangData.disconnected) mScrpLangData.externalControl = 0; SetEvent(mScrpLangDoneEvent); SEMTrace('[', "signal function done after Abort"); if (mCalledFromSEMmacro && (mScrpLangData.errorOccurred != 1)) mCalledFromSEMmacro = false; if (!mScrpLangData.externalControl || mScrpLangData.errorOccurred == 1) { mWinApp->AddIdleTask(TASK_MACRO_RUN, 0, 0); return; } } } if (mRunningScrpLang && mCalledFromSEMmacro) mRunningScrpLang = false; if (mRunningScrpLang && (mScrpLangData.threadDone > 0 || mScrpLangData.exitedFromWrapper)) SEMMessageBox("Error running Python script; see log for information"); CleanupExternalProcess(); if (!mWinApp->mCameraMacroTools.GetUserStop() && TestTryLevelAndSkip(NULL)) return; if (abort > 0 && TestAndStartFuncOnStop()) return; if (mNeedClearTempMacro >= 0) { mMacros[mNeedClearTempMacro] = ""; abort = 1; } // restore user settings for (ind = 0; ind < (int)mSavedSettingNames.size(); ind++) mParamIO->MacroSetSetting(CString(mSavedSettingNames[ind].c_str()), mSavedSettingValues[ind]); if (mSavedSettingNames.size() || mDeferSettingsUpdate) mWinApp->UpdateWindowSettings(); for (ind = 0; ind < MAX_LOWDOSE_SETS; ind++) if (mKeepOrRestoreArea[ind] > 0) restoreArea = true; // Pop control set that was to be restored after shot before any other restores if (mRestoreConsetAfterShot) { mRestoreConsetAfterShot = false; ind = mConsetNums.back(); mConSets[ind] = mConsetsSaved.back(); mConsetNums.pop_back(); mConsetsSaved.pop_back(); } // Reenable nav updates and log printing if (mSuspendNavRedraw && mWinApp->mNavigator) { mSuspendNavRedraw = false; mWinApp->mNavigator->FillListBox(false, true); mWinApp->mNavigator->Redraw(); } if (mDeferLogUpdates && mWinApp->mLogWindow) { mDeferLogUpdates = false; mWinApp->mLogWindow->FlushDeferredLines(); } mScope->SetDoNextFEGFlashHigh(false); // Restore other things and make it non-resumable as they have no mechanism to resume if (abort || mNumStatesToRestore > 0 || restoreArea || mFileOptToRestore || mOtherFileOptToRestore) { mCurrentMacro = -1; mLastAborted = !mLastCompleted; if (mNumStatesToRestore) { if (mFocusToRestore > -2.) mScope->SetFocus(mFocusToRestore); if (mFocusOffsetToRestore > -9000.) mFocusManager->SetDefocusOffset(mFocusOffsetToRestore); if (mDEframeRateToRestore > 0 || mDEcamIndToRestore >= 0) { camParams[mDEcamIndToRestore].DE_FramesPerSec = mDEframeRateToRestore; mWinApp->mDEToolDlg.UpdateSettings(); } probe = mScope->GetProbeMode(); if (mBeamTiltXtoRestore[probe] > EXTRA_VALUE_TEST) { mScope->SetBeamTilt(mBeamTiltXtoRestore[probe], mBeamTiltYtoRestore[probe]); if (mFocusManager->DoingFocus()) mFocusManager->SetBaseBeamTilt(mBeamTiltXtoRestore[probe], mBeamTiltYtoRestore[probe]); if (mWinApp->mAutoTuning->DoingZemlin() || mWinApp->mAutoTuning->GetDoingCtfBased()) mWinApp->mAutoTuning->SetBaseBeamTilt(mBeamTiltXtoRestore[probe], mBeamTiltYtoRestore[probe]); if (mWinApp->mParticleTasks->DoingMultiShot()) mWinApp->mParticleTasks->SetBaseBeamTilt(mBeamTiltXtoRestore[probe], mBeamTiltYtoRestore[probe]); } if (mAstigXtoRestore[probe] > EXTRA_VALUE_TEST) { mScope->SetObjectiveStigmator(mAstigXtoRestore[probe], mAstigYtoRestore[probe]); if (mWinApp->mParticleTasks->DoingMultiShot()) mWinApp->mParticleTasks->SetBaseAstig(mAstigXtoRestore[probe], mAstigYtoRestore[probe]); } if (mBeamTiltXtoRestore[1 - probe] > EXTRA_VALUE_TEST || mAstigXtoRestore[1 - probe] > EXTRA_VALUE_TEST) { mWinApp->AppendToLog("Switching probe modes to restore beam tilt and/or " "astigmatism value"); mScope->SetProbeMode(1 - probe); if (mBeamTiltXtoRestore[1 - probe] > EXTRA_VALUE_TEST) mScope->SetBeamTilt(mBeamTiltXtoRestore[1 - probe], mBeamTiltYtoRestore[1 - probe]); if (mAstigXtoRestore[1 - probe] > EXTRA_VALUE_TEST) mScope->SetObjectiveStigmator(mAstigXtoRestore[1 - probe], mAstigYtoRestore[1 - probe]); mScope->SetProbeMode(probe); } if (mLDSetAddedBeamRestore >= 0) mWinApp->mLowDoseDlg.SetBeamShiftButton(mLDSetAddedBeamRestore > 0); if (mK3CDSmodeToRestore >= 0) mCamera->SetUseK3CorrDblSamp(mK3CDSmodeToRestore > 0); if (mSavedFrameNameFormat >= 0) { if (!mSavedFrameBaseName.IsEmpty()) mCamera->SetFrameBaseName(mSavedFrameBaseName); mCamera->SetFrameNameFormat(mSavedFrameNameFormat); } if (mRestoreGridLimits) { for (ind = 0; ind < 4; ind++) gridLims[ind] = mGridLimitsToRestore[ind]; } } if (mFileOptToRestore) { fileOpt = mDocWnd->GetFileOpt(); *fileOpt = *mFileOptToRestore; B3DDELETE(mFileOptToRestore); } if (mOtherFileOptToRestore) { fileOpt = mDocWnd->GetOtherFileOpt(); *fileOpt = *mOtherFileOptToRestore; B3DDELETE(mOtherFileOptToRestore); } mSavedSettingNames.clear(); mSavedSettingValues.clear(); mNewSettingValues.clear(); if (restoreArea) RestoreLowDoseParams(-2); mCamera->SetDoseAdjustmentFactor(0.); } // restore camera sets, clear if non-resumable RestoreCameraSet(-1, mCurrentMacro < 0); if (mCurrentMacro < 0 && mUsingContinuous) mCamera->ChangePreventToggle(-1); if (mCurrentMacro < 0) CloseFileForText(-1); mDoingMacro = false; if (mCamera->DoingTiltSums()) mCamera->CleanUpFromTiltSums(); if (mStoppedContSetNum >= 0) mCamera->InitiateCapture(mStoppedContSetNum); if (abort) { for (ind = MAX_MACROS + MAX_ONE_LINE_SCRIPTS; ind < MAX_TOT_MACROS; ind++) ClearFunctionArray(ind); } RestoreMultiShotParams(); mRunningScrpLang = false; mCalledFromScrpLang = false; ResetEvent(mScrpLangDoneEvent); SEMTrace('[', "reset all done ending macro"); mMacroForScrpLang = ""; mScrpLangData.externalControl = 0; mWinApp->UpdateBufferWindows(); mWinApp->SetStatusText(mWinApp->DoingTiltSeries() && mWinApp->mTSController->GetRunningMacro() ? MEDIUM_PANE : COMPLEX_PANE, (IsResumable() && mWinApp->mNavigator && mWinApp->mNavigator->GetAcquiring()) ? "STOPPED NAV SCRIPT" : ""); if (!mCamera->CameraBusy()) mWinApp->SetStatusText(SIMPLE_PANE, ""); mCamera->StopFrameTSTilting(); mWinApp->mScopeStatus.SetWatchDose(false); mDocWnd->SetDeferWritingFrameMdoc(false); if (!mPackToLoadAtEnd.IsEmpty()) LoadNewScriptPackage(mPackToLoadAtEnd, mSaveCurrentPack); for (ind = 0; ind < 3; ind++) { if (!mSavedStatusPanes[ind].IsEmpty()) { mWinApp->mMainFrame->SetStatusText(ind + 1, mSavedStatusPanes[ind]); mSavedStatusPanes[ind] = ""; } } if (mFocusedWndWhenSavedStatus) { SetFocus(mFocusedWndWhenSavedStatus); mFocusedWndWhenSavedStatus = NULL; } } void CMacroProcessor::SetIntensityFactor(int iDir) { double angle = mScope->GetTiltAngle(); double increment = iDir * mScope->GetIncrement(); mIntensityFactor = cos(angle * DTOR) / cos((angle + increment) * DTOR); } // Get the next line or multiple lines if they end with backslash void CMacroProcessor::GetNextLine(CString * macro, int & currentIndex, CString &strLine, bool commentOK) { int index, testInd; strLine = ""; CString temp, trimmed; for (;;) { // Find next linefeed index = macro->Find('\n', currentIndex); if (index < 0) { // If none, get rest of string, set index past end temp = macro->Mid(currentIndex); trimmed = temp; trimmed.TrimLeft(); if (!trimmed.GetLength() || trimmed.GetAt(0) != '#' || commentOK) strLine += temp; currentIndex = macro->GetLength(); break; } else { // Set index past end of line then test for space backslash after skipping a \r index++; temp = macro->Mid(currentIndex, index - currentIndex); trimmed = temp; trimmed.TrimLeft(); if (trimmed.GetLength() && trimmed.GetAt(0) == '#' && !commentOK) { currentIndex = index; if (index >= macro->GetLength()) break; } else { testInd = index - 2; if (testInd >= 0 && macro->GetAt(testInd) == '\r') testInd--; if (testInd > 0 && macro->GetAt(testInd) == '\\' && macro->GetAt(testInd - 1) == ' ') { // To continue, add the line through the space then set the index to next line strLine += macro->Mid(currentIndex, testInd - currentIndex); currentIndex = index; } else { // otherwise get the whole line and break out strLine += temp; currentIndex = index; break; } } } } } // Scan the macro for a name, set it in master name list, and return 1 if it changed // Scan the given macro string, or the master macro if NULL int CMacroProcessor::ScanForName(int macroNumber, CString *macro) { CString newName = ""; CString longName = ""; CString strLine, prefix, argName, strItem[MAX_MACRO_TOKENS]; CString *longMacNames = mWinApp->GetLongMacroNames(); MacroFunction *funcP; mParamIO = mWinApp->mParamIO; int scriptLang = 0; int currentIndex = 0, lastIndex = 0; if ((macroNumber >= MAX_MACROS && macroNumber < MAX_MACROS + MAX_ONE_LINE_SCRIPTS) || (mDoingMacro && mCallLevel > 0)) return 0; if (!macro) macro = &mMacros[macroNumber]; mReadOnlyStart[macroNumber] = -1; ClearFunctionArray(macroNumber); while (currentIndex < macro->GetLength()) { GetNextLine(macro, currentIndex, strLine, true); if (!lastIndex && strLine.Find("#!") == 0) scriptLang = 1; if (!strLine.IsEmpty()) { mParamIO->ParseString(strLine, strItem, MAX_MACRO_TOKENS, false, scriptLang); if (scriptLang && strItem[0].GetAt(0) == '#') prefix = "#"; if ((strItem[0].CompareNoCase(prefix + "MacroName") == 0 || strItem[0].CompareNoCase(prefix + "ScriptName") == 0) && !strItem[1].IsEmpty()) { mParamIO->StripItems(strLine, 1, newName, false, scriptLang); } else if (strItem[0].CompareNoCase(prefix + "LongName") == 0 && !strItem[1].IsEmpty()) { mParamIO->StripItems(strLine, 1, longName, false, scriptLang); // Put all the functions in there that won't be eliminated by minimum argument // requirement and let pre-checking complain about details } else if (strItem[0].CompareNoCase(prefix + "ReadOnlyUnlessAdmin") == 0) { mReadOnlyStart[macroNumber] = lastIndex; } else if (strItem[0].CompareNoCase("Function") == 0 && !strItem[1].IsEmpty() && !scriptLang) { funcP = new MacroFunction; funcP->name = strItem[1]; funcP->numNumericArgs = strItem[2].IsEmpty() ? 0 : atoi((LPCTSTR)strItem[2]); funcP->ifStringArg = !strItem[3].IsEmpty() && strItem[3] != "0"; funcP->startIndex = currentIndex; // Trust that this can be used for call funcP->wasCalled = false; for (int arg = 0; arg < funcP->numNumericArgs + (funcP->ifStringArg ? 1 : 0); arg++) { if (strItem[4 + arg].IsEmpty()) argName.Format("ARGVAL%d", arg + 1); else argName = strItem[4 + arg].MakeUpper(); funcP->argNames.Add(argName); } mFuncArray[macroNumber].Add(funcP); } } lastIndex = currentIndex; } longMacNames[macroNumber] = longName; if (newName != mMacNames[macroNumber]) { mMacNames[macroNumber] = newName; return 1; } return 0; } // Clear out all the functions in a specific macro or all macros void CMacroProcessor::ClearFunctionArray(int index) { int start = index < 0 ? 0 : index; int end = index < 0 ? MAX_TOT_MACROS - 1 : index; for (int mac = start; mac <= end; mac++) { for (int ind = (int)mFuncArray[mac].GetSize() - 1; ind >= 0; ind--) delete mFuncArray[mac].GetAt(ind); mFuncArray[mac].RemoveAll(); } } // Find macro called on this line; unload and scan names if scanning is true int CMacroProcessor::FindCalledMacro(CString strLine, bool scanning, CString useName) { CString strCopy; int index, index2; if (useName.IsEmpty()) mParamIO->StripItems(strLine, 1, strCopy); else strCopy = useName; // Look for the name index = -1; for (index2 = 0; index2 < MAX_TOT_MACROS; index2++) { if (index >= MAX_MACROS && index < MAX_MACROS + MAX_ONE_LINE_SCRIPTS) continue; ScanMacroIfNeeded(index2, scanning); if (strCopy == mMacNames[index2]) { if (index >= 0) { SEMMessageBox("Two scripts have a matching name for this call:\n\n" + strLine, MB_EXCLAME); return -1; } index = index2; } } if (index < 0) SEMMessageBox("No script has a matching name for this call:\n\n" + strLine, MB_EXCLAME); return index; } // Look up a macro given its name or number in 1-based text form int CMacroProcessor::FindMacroByNameOrTextNum(CString name) { CString str; int num, index; if (name.IsEmpty()) return -1; for (index = 0; index < MAX_MACROS; index++) ScanMacroIfNeeded(index, true); num = atoi((LPCTSTR)name); if (num > 0 && num <= MAX_MACROS) { str.Format("%d", num); if (str == name) return num - 1; } for (index = 0; index < MAX_MACROS; index++) if (name == mMacNames[index]) return index; return -1; } // Make sure macro is unloaded and name scanned for any macros being edited void CMacroProcessor::ScanMacroIfNeeded(int index, bool scanning) { if (index < MAX_MACROS && mMacroEditer[index] && scanning) { for (int ix0 = 0; ix0 <= mCallLevel; ix0++) if (mCallMacro[ix0] == index) return; mMacroEditer[index]->TransferMacro(true); ScanForName(index, &mMacros[index]); } } // Given the parsed line that calls a function, find the macro it is in and the function // structure in that macro's array, and index of first argument if any MacroFunction *CMacroProcessor::FindCalledFunction(CString strLine, bool scanning, int ¯oNum, int &argInd, int currentMac) { int colonLineInd = strLine.Find("::"); int num, mac, ind, loop, colonItemInd, start = 0, end = MAX_TOT_MACROS - 1; CString funcName, macName, strItems[MAX_MACRO_TOKENS]; MacroFunction *func, *retFunc = NULL; macroNum = -1; if (currentMac < 0) currentMac = mCurrentMacro; // Reparse the line so everthing is original case mParamIO->ParseString(strLine, strItems, MAX_MACRO_TOKENS); // No colon, name is first item and need to search all if (colonLineInd < 0) { funcName = strItems[1]; argInd = 2; } else { // colon: first find the item with it (has to be there) for (ind = 1; ind < MAX_MACRO_TOKENS; ind++) { colonItemInd = strItems[ind].Find("::"); if (colonItemInd == 0) { AfxMessageBox("There must be a script name or number before the :: in this " "call:\n\n" + strLine, MB_EXCLAME); return NULL; } if (colonItemInd == strItems[ind].GetLength() - 2) { AfxMessageBox("There must be a function name after the :: in this " "call:\n\n" + strLine, MB_EXCLAME); return NULL; } // If there is a legal colon and this is the second item, first try to convert the // macro name to a number and see if that works if (colonItemInd > 0) { if (ind == 1) { macName = strItems[ind].Left(colonItemInd); num = atoi((LPCTSTR)macName); funcName.Format("%d", num); if (funcName == macName) { macroNum = num - 1; ScanMacroIfNeeded(macroNum, scanning); } } // If not, go ahead and look up the name if (macroNum < 0) macroNum = FindCalledMacro(strLine.Left(colonLineInd), scanning); if (macroNum < 0) return NULL; start = macroNum; end = macroNum; funcName = strItems[ind].Mid(colonItemInd + 2); argInd = ind + 1; break; } } } // Now search one or all function arrays for the function name, make sure only one // Search current macro first if there is no colon for (loop = (colonLineInd < 0 ? 0 : 1); loop < 2; loop++) { for (mac = (loop ? start : currentMac); mac <= (loop ? end : currentMac); mac++) { if (colonLineInd < 0 || !loop) ScanMacroIfNeeded(mac, scanning); for (ind = 0; ind < mFuncArray[mac].GetSize(); ind++) { func = mFuncArray[mac].GetAt(ind); if (func->name == funcName) { if (retFunc) { if (macroNum == mac) AfxMessageBox("Two functions in a script have the same name for this " "call:\n\n" + strLine, MB_EXCLAME); else AfxMessageBox("Two functions have the same name and you need \nto specify " "the script name or number for this call:\n\n" + strLine, MB_EXCLAME); return NULL; } retFunc = func; macroNum = mac; } } } if (!loop && retFunc) break; } if (!retFunc) AfxMessageBox("No function has a matching name for this call:\n\n" + strLine, MB_EXCLAME); return retFunc; } // Sets a variable of the given name to the value, with the type and index. Pass index // of -1 to assign it the current macro index. // The variable must not exist if mustBeNew is true; returns true for error and fills // in errStr if it is non-null bool CMacroProcessor::SetVariable(CString name, CString value, int type, int index, bool mustBeNew, CString *errStr, CArray *rowsFor2d) { int ind, leftInd, rightInd, rightInd2, arrInd, rowInd, numElements; int *oldNumElemPtr; CString *oldValuePtr; CString temp; bool isNumeric = type >= VARTYPE_ADD_FOR_NUM; if (isNumeric) type -= VARTYPE_ADD_FOR_NUM; name.MakeUpper(); if (name[0] == '$' || value[0] == '$') { if (errStr) errStr->Format("The %s still starts with a $ after substituting variables\r\n" "Is it an undefined variable?", name[0] == '$' ? "variable name" : "value"); return true; } if (WordIsReserved(name)) PrintfToLog("WARNING: assigning to a variable %s, which is named the same as a " "reserved keyword", (LPCTSTR)name); if (index == -1) index = mCurrentMacro; // Count number of elements in new value ind = 0; numElements = value.IsEmpty() ? 0 : 1; while ((ind = value.Find("\n", ind + 1)) >= 0) numElements++; // See if this is an assignment to an array element and check legality leftInd = name.Find('['); rightInd = name.Find(']'); if (leftInd > 0 && FindAndCheckArrayIndexes(name, leftInd, rightInd, rightInd2, errStr) < 0) return true; if ((leftInd < 0 && rightInd >= 0) || leftInd == 0 || (rightInd >= 0 && ((rightInd2 <= 0 && rightInd < name.GetLength() - 1) || (rightInd2 > 0 && rightInd2 < name.GetLength() - 1)))) { if (errStr) errStr->Format("Illegal use or placement of [ and/or ] in variable name %s", (LPCTSTR)name); return true; } // Get actual variable name to look up, make sure it exists for element assignment temp = name; if (leftInd > 0) temp = name.Left(leftInd); Variable *var = LookupVariable(temp, ind); if (var && type == VARTYPE_LOCAL && var->type != VARTYPE_LOCAL) var = NULL; if (leftInd > 0 && !var) { if (errStr) errStr->Format("Variable %s must be defined to assign to an array element", (LPCTSTR)temp); return true; } // Define a new variable if (!var) { var = new Variable; var->name = name; var->value = value; var->numElements = numElements; var->type = type; var->isNumeric = isNumeric; var->callLevel = mCallLevel; var->index = index; var->definingFunc = mCallFunction[mCallLevel]; var->rowsFor2d = rowsFor2d; mVarArray.Add(var); return false; } // Clear out any existing 2D array if not assigning to an array element if (leftInd < 0) { delete var->rowsFor2d; var->rowsFor2d = rowsFor2d; } // There is a set error if it must be new or if a user variable is using the name // of an existing variable of another type if (mustBeNew) { if (errStr) errStr->Format("Variable %s must not already exist and does", (LPCTSTR)name); return true; } if (type != VARTYPE_INDEX && var->type == VARTYPE_INDEX) { if (errStr) errStr->Format("Variable %s is a loop index variable and cannot be assigned to", (LPCTSTR)name); return true; } if ((type == VARTYPE_PERSIST && var->type != VARTYPE_PERSIST) || (type != VARTYPE_PERSIST && var->type == VARTYPE_PERSIST)) { if (errStr) errStr->Format("Variable %s is already defined as %spersistent and cannot" " be reassigned as %spersistent", (LPCTSTR)name, (type != VARTYPE_PERSIST) ? "" : "non-", type == VARTYPE_PERSIST ? "" : "non-"); return true; } var->isNumeric = false; if (leftInd > 0) { oldNumElemPtr = &var->numElements; oldValuePtr = &var->value; // For 2D array assignment, get row index, element and value pointers for that row if (rightInd2 > 0) { rowInd = ConvertArrayIndex(name, leftInd, rightInd, var->name, (int)var->rowsFor2d->GetSize(), errStr); if (!rowInd) return true; ArrayRow& arrRow = var->rowsFor2d->ElementAt(rowInd - 1); oldNumElemPtr = &arrRow.numElements; oldValuePtr = &arrRow.value; leftInd = rightInd + 1; rightInd = rightInd2; } // If assigning to an array element, get the index value arrInd = ConvertArrayIndex(name, leftInd, rightInd, var->name, (var->rowsFor2d && rightInd2 <= 0) ? (int)var->rowsFor2d->GetSize() : *oldNumElemPtr, errStr); if (!arrInd) return true; if (var->rowsFor2d && rightInd2 <= 0) { // If assigning (array) to row of 2D array, just set it into the value ArrayRow& arrRow = var->rowsFor2d->ElementAt(arrInd - 1); arrRow.numElements = numElements; arrRow.value = value; } else { // For assignment to a single element, get the starting and // ending (+1) indexes in the value of that element FindValueAtIndex(*oldValuePtr, arrInd, leftInd, rightInd); // Substitute the new value for the existing element and adjust numElements temp = ""; if (leftInd) temp = oldValuePtr->Left(leftInd); temp += value; ind = oldValuePtr->GetLength(); if (rightInd < ind) temp += oldValuePtr->Mid(rightInd, ind - rightInd); *oldValuePtr = temp; *oldNumElemPtr += numElements - 1; } } else { // Regular assignment to variable value var->value = value; var->numElements = numElements; var->isNumeric = isNumeric; } // If value is empty, remove a persistent variable if (type == VARTYPE_PERSIST && value.IsEmpty()) { delete var->rowsFor2d; delete var; mVarArray.RemoveAt(ind); } return false; } // Overloaded function can be passed a double instead of string value bool CMacroProcessor::SetVariable(CString name, double value, int type, int index, bool mustBeNew, CString *errStr, CArray *rowsFor2d) { CString str; str.Format("%f", value); UtilTrimTrailingZeros(str); return SetVariable(name, str, type, index, mustBeNew, errStr, rowsFor2d); } // Globally callable functions; can only be used to set regular or persistent variables. // Return true for error bool SEMSetVariableWithStr(CString name, CString value, bool persistent, bool mustBeNew, CString *errStr) { CSerialEMApp *winApp = (CSerialEMApp *)AfxGetApp(); if (!winApp->mMacroProcessor->DoingMacro()) { if (errStr) *errStr = "A script must be running to define a variable"; return true; } return winApp->mMacroProcessor->SetVariable(name, value, persistent ? VARTYPE_PERSIST : VARTYPE_REGULAR, -1, mustBeNew, errStr); } bool SEMSetVariableWithDbl(CString name, double value, bool persistent, bool mustBeNew, CString *errStr) { CSerialEMApp *winApp = (CSerialEMApp *)AfxGetApp(); if (!winApp->mMacroProcessor->DoingMacro()) { if (errStr) *errStr = "A script must be running to define a variable"; return true; } return winApp->mMacroProcessor->SetVariable(name, value, persistent ? VARTYPE_PERSIST : VARTYPE_REGULAR, -1, mustBeNew, errStr); } // Test whether a local variable is already defined as global, issue message and // return 1 if it is, return 0 if not defined, -1 if already local int CMacroProcessor::LocalVarAlreadyDefined(CString & item, CString &strLine) { int index2; CString mess; Variable *var = LookupVariable(item, index2); if (var && var->type != VARTYPE_LOCAL && var->callLevel == mCallLevel && var->definingFunc == mCallFunction[mCallLevel] && (var->index == mCurrentMacro || var->type == VARTYPE_INDEX || var->type == VARTYPE_REPORT)) { mess = "Variable " + item + " has already been defined as global" "\nin this script/function and cannot be made local in line:\n\n"; ABORT_NORET_LINE(mess); return -1; } return var ? -1 : 0; } // Looks up a variable by name and returns pointer if found, NULL if not, and index in ind // Looks first for a local variable at the current level and function, then for non-local Variable *CMacroProcessor::LookupVariable(CString name, int &ind) { Variable *var; int global; bool localVar; name.MakeUpper(); // Loop twice, look for local variable first, then a global one for (global = 0; global < 2; global++) { for (ind = 0; ind < mVarArray.GetSize(); ind++) { var = mVarArray[ind]; localVar = var->type == VARTYPE_LOCAL || (mLoopIndsAreLocal && var->type == VARTYPE_INDEX); if ((global && !localVar) || (!global && localVar && var->callLevel == mCallLevel && (var->index == mCurrentMacro || var->type == VARTYPE_INDEX) && var->definingFunc == mCallFunction[mCallLevel])) { if (var->name == name) return var; } } } return NULL; } // List all variables of the specified type in the log window, or all variables if no type // is specified void CMacroProcessor::ListVariables(int type) { int i, j; CString s, t, v; Variable *var; ArrayRow row; mWinApp->AppendToLog("\r\n", LOG_OPEN_IF_CLOSED); for (i = 0; i < (int)mVarArray.GetSize(); i++) { var = mVarArray[i]; if (var->type == type || type < 0) { switch (var->type) { case VARTYPE_PERSIST: t = " (persistent)"; break; case VARTYPE_INDEX: t = " (index)"; break; case VARTYPE_REPORT: t = " (report)"; break; case VARTYPE_LOCAL: t = " (local)"; break; default: t = ""; } if (var->rowsFor2d) { for (j = 0; j < var->rowsFor2d->GetSize(); j++) { if (j == 0) s.Format("%s%s = { ", var->name, t); else s += " "; row = var->rowsFor2d->ElementAt(j); v = row.value; v.Replace("\n", " "); s += "{ " + v + " }" + ((j == var->rowsFor2d->GetSize() - 1) ? " }" : "") + "\r\n"; } } else if (var->numElements > 1) { v = var->value; // TODO DNM Separation with spaces not unambiguous if arrays contain string // values with spaces v.Replace("\n", " "); s.Format("%s%s = { %s }", var->name, t, v); } else s.Format("%s%s = %s", var->name, t, var->value); mWinApp->AppendToLog(s, LOG_OPEN_IF_CLOSED); } } } // Removes all variables of the given type (or any type except persistent by default) AND // at the given level unless level < 0 (the default) AND with the given index value // (or any index by default) void CMacroProcessor::ClearVariables(int type, int level, int index) { Variable *var; int ind; for (ind = (int)mVarArray.GetSize() - 1; ind >= 0; ind--) { var = mVarArray[ind]; if (((type < 0 && var->type != VARTYPE_PERSIST) || var->type == type) && (index < 0 || index == var->index) && (level < 0 || var->callLevel >= level)) { delete var->rowsFor2d; delete var; mVarArray.RemoveAt(ind); } } if (type == VARTYPE_REPORT) { mScrpLangData.highestReportInd = -1; if (mRunningScrpLang) { for (ind = 0; ind < 6; ind++) { mScrpLangData.reportedStrs[ind] = ""; mScrpLangData.reportedVals[ind] = 0.; mScrpLangData.repValIsString[ind] = false; } } } } // Given a variable reference that could include an array subscript, look up the variable // and row of a 2D array return pointers to the value and numElements elements, or return // NULL for those pointers for a 2D array without subscript. Returns NULL for the // variable for any error condition Variable * CMacroProcessor::GetVariableValuePointers(CString & name, CString **valPtr, int **numElemPtr, const char *action, CString & errStr) { CString strCopy = name; Variable *var; int rightInd, right2, index; int leftInd = strCopy.Find('['); if (leftInd > 0) { if (FindAndCheckArrayIndexes(strCopy, leftInd, rightInd, right2, &errStr) < 0) return NULL; if (right2 > 0) { errStr = CString("Cannot ") + action + " to a single element of a 2D array"; return NULL; } strCopy = strCopy.Left(leftInd); } var = LookupVariable(strCopy, right2); if (!var) { errStr = "Could not find variable " + strCopy; return NULL; } // Get pointers to value and number of elements for all cases if (var->rowsFor2d) { if (leftInd > 0) { index = ConvertArrayIndex(name, leftInd, rightInd, strCopy, (int)var->rowsFor2d->GetSize(), &errStr); if (!index) return NULL; ArrayRow& tempRow = var->rowsFor2d->ElementAt(index - 1); *valPtr = &tempRow.value; *numElemPtr = &tempRow.numElements; } else { *valPtr = NULL; *numElemPtr = NULL; } } else { if (leftInd > 0) { errStr = CString("Cannot ") + action + "to a single element of an array"; return NULL; } *valPtr = &var->value; *numElemPtr = &var->numElements; } return var; } // Looks for variables and substitutes them in each string item int CMacroProcessor::SubstituteVariables(CString * strItems, int maxItems, CString line) { Variable *var; CString newstr, value; int subInd, varInd, maxlen, maxInd, nright, varlen, arrInd, beginInd, endInd, nameInd; int itemLen, global, nright2, leftInd, numElements; bool localVar, subArrSize; // For each item, look for $ until they are used up for (int ind = 0; ind < maxItems && !strItems[ind].IsEmpty(); ind++) { while (1) { // Search from the back so array indexes can be substituted first subInd = strItems[ind].ReverseFind('$'); if (subInd < 0) break; // Set index of actual name and adjust it if this is looking for # of elements itemLen = strItems[ind].GetLength(); subArrSize = subInd < itemLen - 1 && strItems[ind].GetAt(subInd + 1) == '#'; nameInd = subInd + (subArrSize ? 2 : 1); // Now look for the longest matching variable, first looking for local, then global for (global = 0; global < 2; global++) { maxlen = 0; for (varInd = 0; varInd < mVarArray.GetSize(); varInd++) { var = mVarArray[varInd]; localVar = var->type == VARTYPE_LOCAL || (mLoopIndsAreLocal && var->type == VARTYPE_INDEX); if ((global && !localVar) || (!global && localVar && var->callLevel == mCallLevel && (var->index == mCurrentMacro || var->type == VARTYPE_INDEX) && var->definingFunc == mCallFunction[mCallLevel])) { varlen = var->name.GetLength(); if (itemLen - nameInd >= varlen) { newstr = strItems[ind].Mid(nameInd, varlen); if (!newstr.CompareNoCase(var->name) && maxlen < varlen) { maxInd = varInd; maxlen = varlen; } } } } if (maxlen) break; } if (!maxlen) { SEMMessageBox("Undefined variable in script line:\n\n" + line, MB_EXCLAME); return 1; } var = mVarArray[maxInd]; // If it is a loop index, look up the value and put in value string if (var->type == VARTYPE_INDEX) { if (var->index < 0 || var->index >= MAX_LOOP_DEPTH) { SEMMessageBox("The variable " + var->name + " is apparently a loop index " "variable,\nbut the pointer to the loop is out of range in script line:\n\n" + line, MB_EXCLAME); return 2; } var->value.Format("%d", mLoopCount[var->index]); } // If it is an array element, first check usage value = var->value; leftInd = nameInd + maxlen; numElements = var->numElements; if (FindAndCheckArrayIndexes(strItems[ind], leftInd, nright, nright2, &newstr) < 0) { SEMMessageBox(newstr + " in line:\n\n" + line, MB_EXCLAME); return 2; } if (nright > 0) { if (subArrSize && (!var->rowsFor2d || nright2 > 0)) { SEMMessageBox("Illegal use of $# with an array element in line:\n\n" + line, MB_EXCLAME); return 2; } // 2D array reference: make sure it IS 2D array, then get the index of the row if (nright2 > 0) { if (!var->rowsFor2d) { SEMMessageBox("Reference to 2D array element, but " + var->name + "is not" "a 2D array in line:\n\n" + line, MB_EXCLAME); return 2; } arrInd = ConvertArrayIndex(strItems[ind], leftInd, nright, var->name, (int)var->rowsFor2d->GetSize(), &newstr); if (!arrInd) { SEMMessageBox(newstr + " in line:\n\n" + line, MB_EXCLAME); return 2; } ArrayRow& arrRow = var->rowsFor2d->ElementAt(arrInd - 1); numElements = arrRow.numElements; value = arrRow.value; leftInd = nright + 1; nright = nright2; } else if (var->rowsFor2d) { numElements = (int)var->rowsFor2d->GetSize(); } // Get the array index arrInd = ConvertArrayIndex(strItems[ind], leftInd, nright, var->name, numElements, &newstr); if (!arrInd) { SEMMessageBox(newstr + " in line:\n\n" + line, MB_EXCLAME); return 2; } // The returned value for 1D reference without index or 2D with one index is the // raw string including newlines so that it can be assigned to a new array // variable. echo and its variants convert them to two spaces; other output like // to a file will need conversion too. if (var->rowsFor2d && nright2 <= 0) { ArrayRow& arrRow = var->rowsFor2d->ElementAt(arrInd - 1); value = arrRow.value; numElements = arrRow.numElements; } else { // Get the starting index of the value and of its terminator FindValueAtIndex(value, arrInd, beginInd, endInd); value = value.Mid(beginInd, endInd - beginInd); } maxlen += nright - (subInd + maxlen); } else if (var->rowsFor2d) { if (!subArrSize) { SEMMessageBox("Reference to 2D array variable " + var->name + " without any subscripts in line:\n\n" + line, MB_EXCLAME); return 2; } numElements = (int)var->rowsFor2d->GetSize(); } // If doing $#, now substitute the number of elements if (subArrSize) value.Format("%d", numElements); // Build up the substituted string newstr = ""; if (subInd) newstr = strItems[ind].Left(subInd); // Prevent recursion by replacing any $ with temporary string value.Replace("$", "&?#{@"); newstr += value; nright = strItems[ind].GetLength() - (nameInd + maxlen); if (nright) newstr += strItems[ind].Right(nright); strItems[ind] = newstr; } strItems[ind].Replace("&?#{@", "$"); } return 0; } // Get an array of floats from a variable float *CMacroProcessor::FloatArrayFromVariable(CString name, int &numVals, CString &report) { int index, index2, ix0, ix1, numRows = 1; float *fvalues; float oneVal; char *endPtr; Variable *var; CString *valPtr; CString strCopy; int *numElemPtr; bool noValPtr; numVals = 0; name.MakeUpper(); var = GetVariableValuePointers(name, &valPtr, &numElemPtr, "get float array from", report); if (!var) return NULL; noValPtr = !valPtr; if (noValPtr) { numRows = (int)var->rowsFor2d->GetSize(); for (index = 0; index < numRows; index++) { ArrayRow& arrRow = var->rowsFor2d->ElementAt(index); numVals += arrRow.numElements; } } else numVals = *numElemPtr; if (!numVals) { report = "There are no array elements"; return NULL; } fvalues = new float[numVals]; numVals = 0; for (index = 0; index < numRows; index++) { if (noValPtr) { ArrayRow& arrRow = var->rowsFor2d->ElementAt(index); valPtr = &arrRow.value; numElemPtr = &arrRow.numElements; } // This function wants array indexes from 1 for (index2 = 1; index2 <= *numElemPtr; index2++) { FindValueAtIndex(*valPtr, index2, ix0, ix1); report = valPtr->Mid(ix0, ix1 - ix0); oneVal = (float)strtod((LPCTSTR)report, &endPtr); if (endPtr - (LPCTSTR)report < report.GetLength()) { strCopy = ""; if (noValPtr) strCopy.Format(" in row %d", index); report.Format("Cannot get array statistics: item %s at index %d%s of array %s" " has non-numeric characters", (LPCTSTR)report, index2 + 1, (LPCTSTR)strCopy, (LPCTSTR)name); delete[] fvalues; return NULL; } fvalues[numVals++] = oneVal; } } return fvalues; } // Get two float arrays from variables with names at itemInd and itemInd + 1, where they // are required to have equal numbers of values. int CMacroProcessor::GetPairedFloatArrays(int itemInd, float **xArray, float **yArray, int &numVals, CString &report) { int numY, retVal = 0; *xArray = FloatArrayFromVariable(mStrItems[itemInd], numVals, report); if (*xArray) *yArray = FloatArrayFromVariable(mStrItems[itemInd + 1], numY, report); if (!*xArray || !*yArray) { retVal = 1; } else { if (numVals != numY) { report = "The two arrays do not have the same number of values"; retVal = 1; } } return retVal; } // Get a float or integer vector from a 1D array void CMacroProcessor::FillVectorFromArrayVariable(FloatVec *fvec, IntVec *ivec, Variable *var) { int index, ix0, ix1; CString valStr; float fval; if (fvec) fvec->clear(); for (index = 0; index < var->numElements; index++) { FindValueAtIndex(var->value, index + 1, ix0, ix1); valStr = var->value.Mid(ix0, ix1 - ix0); fval = (float)atof((LPCTSTR)valStr); if (fvec) fvec->push_back(fval); if (ivec) ivec->push_back(B3DNINT(fval)); } } // Fill an integer vector from all values on command void CMacroProcessor::SetGraphListVec(IntVec &graphList) { graphList.clear(); for (int ind = 1; ind < MAX_MACRO_TOKENS; ind++) { if (mItemEmpty[ind]) return; graphList.push_back(mItemInt[ind]); } } // This checks for the array assignment delimiter being at both ends of the set of // string items starting from firstInd, and strips it from the set of items // Returns -1 for unbalanced delimiter, 0 for none, 1 for array int CMacroProcessor::CheckForArrayAssignment(CString *strItems, int &firstInd) { int last, ifStart, ifEnd, lastLen; char endSep = '}', startSep = '{'; for (last = firstInd; last < MAX_MACRO_TOKENS; last++) if (strItems[last].IsEmpty()) break; if (last == firstInd) return 0; ifStart = (strItems[firstInd].GetAt(0) == startSep) ? 1 : 0; lastLen = strItems[last - 1].GetLength(); ifEnd = (strItems[last - 1].GetAt(lastLen - 1) == endSep) ? 1 : 0; if (ifStart != ifEnd) return -1; if (!ifStart) return 0; if (strItems[firstInd] == startSep) firstInd++; else strItems[firstInd] = strItems[firstInd].Right(strItems[firstInd].GetLength() - 1); if (strItems[last - 1] == endSep) strItems[last - 1] = ""; else strItems[last - 1] = strItems[last - 1].Left(lastLen - 1); return 1; } // Finds array indexes, if any, starting at position leftInd in item. Returns 0 if there // is no index there or it is beyond end of string; 1 for an index, and -1 for various // errors. Returns right1 with the index of the first right bracket or 0 for no index, // returns right2 with the index a second right brack or 0 if there is no 2nd index int CMacroProcessor::FindAndCheckArrayIndexes(CString &item, int leftIndex, int &right1, int &right2, CString *errStr) { right1 = right2 = 0; if (leftIndex >= item.GetLength() || item.GetAt(leftIndex) != '[') return 0; right1 = item.Find(']', leftIndex); if (right1 < 0) { if (errStr) *errStr = "Unbalanced array index delimiters: [ without ] (is there a space between [ and ]?)"; return -1; } if (item.Left(right1).ReverseFind('[') != leftIndex) { if (errStr) *errStr = "Unbalanced or extra array delimiters: [ followed by two ]"; return -1; } if (right1 == item.GetLength() - 1 || item.GetAt(right1 + 1) != '[') return 1; right2 = item.Find(']', right1 + 1); if (right2 < 0) { if (errStr) *errStr = "Unbalanced array index delimiters for second dimension: [ without ]"; return -1; } if (item.Left(right2).ReverseFind('[') != right1 + 1) { if (errStr) *errStr = "Unbalanced or extra array delimiters: [ followed by two ]"; return -1; } return 1; } // Convert an array index in a string item given the index of left and right delimiters // Fill in an error message and return 0 if there is a problem int CMacroProcessor::ConvertArrayIndex(CString strItem, int leftInd, int rightInd, CString name, int numElements, CString *errMess) { int arrInd; double dblInd; CString temp; char *endPtr; if (rightInd == leftInd + 1) { errMess->Format("Empty array index for variable %s", name); return 0; } temp = strItem.Mid(leftInd + 1, rightInd - (leftInd + 1)); if (temp.FindOneOf("()-+*/") >= 0 && EvalExpressionInIndex(temp)) { *errMess = "Error doing arithmetic in array index " + temp; return 0; } dblInd = strtod((LPCTSTR)temp, &endPtr); if (endPtr - (LPCTSTR)temp < temp.GetLength()) { errMess->Format("Illegal character in array index %s", (LPCTSTR)temp); return 0; } arrInd = B3DNINT(dblInd); if (fabs(arrInd - dblInd) > 0.001) { errMess->Format("Array index %s is not close enough to an integer", (LPCTSTR)temp); return 0; } if (arrInd < 1 || arrInd > numElements) { errMess->Format("Array index evaluates to %d and is out of range for variable %s", arrInd, (LPCTSTR)name); return 0; } return arrInd; } // For a variable with possible multiple elements, find element at index arrInd // (numbered from 1, must be legal) and return starting index and index of terminator // which is null or \n void CMacroProcessor::FindValueAtIndex(CString &value, int arrInd, int &beginInd, int &endInd) { endInd = -1; for (int valInd = 0; valInd < arrInd; valInd++) { beginInd = endInd + 1; endInd = value.Find('\n', beginInd); if (endInd < 0) { endInd = value.GetLength(); return; } } } // Evaluate an arithmetic expression inside array index delimiters, which cannot contain // spaces, but expanding all parenthese and operators into separate tokens so that the // regular arithmetic function can be used. int CMacroProcessor::EvalExpressionInIndex(CString &indStr) { const int maxItems = 40; CString strItems[maxItems]; CString strLeft, temp = indStr.Mid(1); int numItems, opInd, splitInd = -1; char opChar; bool atStartOfClause = true; bool lastWasOp = false; if ((indStr.GetAt(0) == '-' || indStr.GetAt(0) == '+') && temp.FindOneOf("()+-*/") < 0) return 0; strLeft = indStr; while (1) { opInd = strLeft.FindOneOf("()+-*/"); // Process operator at start first: if it is + or -, see if last was true operator // or we are at start of clause and next is a digit; // if so keep it together with next and find operator after that if (opInd == 0) { opChar = strLeft.GetAt(0); if (opChar == '-' || opChar == '+') { if (lastWasOp || (atStartOfClause && strLeft.GetLength() > 1 && (char)strLeft.GetAt(1) >= '0' && (char)strLeft.GetAt(1) <= '9')) { temp = strLeft.Mid(1); opInd = temp.FindOneOf("()+-*/"); if (opInd > 0) opInd++; } } } // If no more operators, assign the remaining string if (opInd < 0) { if (strLeft.GetLength() > 0) { splitInd++; if (splitInd >= maxItems) break; strItems[splitInd] = strLeft; } break; } // Split to the left of the operator off if any if (opInd > 0) { splitInd++; if (splitInd >= maxItems) break; strItems[splitInd] = strLeft.Left(opInd); lastWasOp = false; strLeft = strLeft.Mid(opInd); opInd = 0; } // Record if this was an operator or start of parentheses and split it off opChar = strLeft.GetAt(0); lastWasOp = opChar == '+' || opChar == '-' || opChar == '*' || opChar == '/'; atStartOfClause = opChar == '('; splitInd++; if (splitInd >= maxItems) break; strItems[splitInd] = opChar; strLeft = strLeft.Mid(1); } if (splitInd >= maxItems) { SEMMessageBox("Too many components to evaluate expression in array index"); return 1; } if (EvaluateExpression(strItems, splitInd + 1, "", 0, numItems, opInd)) return 1; if (numItems > 1) { SEMMessageBox("Array index still has multiple components after doing arithmetic"); return 1; } indStr = strItems[0]; return 0; } // Evaluates an arithmetic expression in the array of items int CMacroProcessor::EvaluateExpression(CString *strItems, int maxItems, CString line, int ifArray, int &numItems, int &numOrig) { int ind, left, right, maxLevel, level; CString cstr; std::string str; bool noLine = line.GetLength() == 0; // Count original number of items numItems = 0; for (ind = 0; ind < maxItems && !strItems[ind].IsEmpty(); ind++) numItems++; numOrig = numItems; // Loop on parenthesis pairs for (;;) { // Find the highest level and the index of ( and ) for the first occurrence of it maxLevel = level = 0; left = right = -1; for (ind = 0; ind < numItems; ind++) { if (strItems[ind] == '(') { level++; if (level > maxLevel) { maxLevel = level; left = ind; right = -1; } } if (strItems[ind] == ')') { if (level == maxLevel && right < 0) right = ind; level--; } } if (level) { SEMMessageBox("Unbalanced parentheses while evaluating an expression in script" + CString(noLine ? "" : " line:\n\n") + line, MB_EXCLAME); return 1; } // When no parentheses, do whatever remains directly or return with it if (!maxLevel && ifArray) { strItems[numItems] = ""; return 0; } if (!maxLevel) return EvaluateArithmeticClause(strItems, numItems, line, numItems); // Otherwise evaluate inside the parentheses; but first move a function inside cstr = strItems[left - 1]; cstr.MakeUpper(); str = std::string((LPCTSTR)cstr); if (left > 0 && (mFunctionSet1.count(str) > 0 || mFunctionSet2.count(str) > 0)) { strItems[left] = strItems[left - 1]; left--; strItems[left] = "("; } if (EvaluateArithmeticClause(&strItems[left + 1], right - left - 1, line, ind)) return 1; // Get rid of the ( and ) and pack down the rest of the items strItems[left] = strItems[left + 1]; for (ind = 0; ind < numItems - right; ind++) strItems[left + 1 + ind] = strItems[right + 1 + ind]; numItems -= right - left; } return 0; } // Evaluates one arithmetic clause possibly inside parentheses int CMacroProcessor::EvaluateArithmeticClause(CString * strItems, int maxItems, CString line, int &numItems) { int ind, dig, loop; double left, right, result = 0.; CString str, *strp; std::string stdstr; bool isFormat, gotDec = false; CString format = ""; char conv; CString allowedConv = "d f g G e E x X"; numItems = 0; for (ind = 0; ind < maxItems && !strItems[ind].IsEmpty(); ind++) numItems++; // Loop on * and / then on + and - for (loop = 0; loop < 2; loop++) { for (ind = 0; ind < numItems; ind++) { strp = &strItems[ind]; if ((!loop && (*strp == "*" || *strp == "/")) || (loop && (*strp == "+" || *strp == "-"))) { // Process minus at start, reject other operators at start/end if (!ind && *strp == "-") { if (ItemToDouble(strItems[1], line, right)) return 1; result = -right; // Replace minus sign and shift strings down by 1 ReplaceWithResult(result, strItems, 0, numItems, 1); ind--; } else if (!ind || ind == numItems - 1) { SEMMessageBox("Arithmetic operator at beginning or end of script line or " "clause:\n\n" + line, MB_EXCLAME); return 1; } else { // Get the values on either side if (ItemToDouble(strItems[ind - 1], line, left) || ItemToDouble(strItems[ind + 1], line, right)) return 1; // Compute value if (*strp == "*") result = left * right; else if (*strp == "+") result = left + right; else if (*strp == "-") result = left - right; else { if (fabs(right) < 1.e-30 * fabs(left)) { SEMMessageBox("Division by 0 or very small number in script line:\n\n" + line, MB_EXCLAME); return 1; } result = left / right; } // Replace left value and shift strings down by 2 ReplaceWithResult(result, strItems, ind - 1, numItems, 2); ind--; } } } } // Evaluate functions if possible - will really only work at start for (ind = 0; ind < numItems; ind++) { str = strItems[ind]; str.MakeUpper(); isFormat = str == "FORMAT"; // First process items without arguments if (str == "RAND") { result = rand() / (float)RAND_MAX; ReplaceWithResult(result, strItems, ind, numItems, 0); } if (ind == numItems - 1) break; stdstr = std::string((LPCTSTR)str); if (mFunctionSet1.count(stdstr) > 0) { if (ItemToDouble(strItems[ind + 1], line, right)) return 1; if (str == "SQRT") { if (right < 0.) { SEMMessageBox("Taking square root of negative number in script line:\n\n" + line, MB_EXCLAME); return 1; } result = sqrt(right); } else if (str == "COS") result = cos(DTOR * right); else if (str == "SIN") result = sin(DTOR * right); else if (str == "TAN") result = tan(DTOR * right); else if (str == "ATAN") result = atan(right) / DTOR; else if (str == "ABS") result = fabs(right); else if (str == "NEARINT") result = B3DNINT(right); else if (str == "LOG" || str == "LOG10") { if (right <= 0.) { SEMMessageBox("Taking logarithm of non-positive number in script line:\n\n" + line, MB_EXCLAME); return 1; } result = str == "LOG" ? log(right) : log10(right); } else if (str == "EXP") result = exp(right); ReplaceWithResult(result, strItems, ind, numItems, 1); } else if (mFunctionSet2.count(stdstr) > 0) { if (isFormat && strItems[ind + 2].GetLength() > 2 && strItems[ind + 2].Find("0x") == 0) { sscanf(((LPCTSTR)strItems[ind + 2]) + 2, "%x", &dig); right = dig; } else if ((!isFormat && ItemToDouble(strItems[ind + 1], line, left)) || ItemToDouble(strItems[ind + 2], line, right)) return 1; if (str == "ATAN2") result = atan2(left, right) / DTOR; else if (str == "MODULO") { if (B3DNINT(right) > 0) result = B3DNINT(left) % B3DNINT(right); else result = 0; } else if (str == "FRACDIFF") { result = B3DMAX(fabs(left), fabs(right)); if (result < 1.e-37) result = 0.; else result = fabs(left - right) / result; } else if (str == "DIFFABS") result = fabs(left - right); else if (str == "ROUND") { result = pow(10., B3DNINT(right)); result = B3DNINT(left * result) / result; } else if (str == "POWER") result = pow(left, right); else if (str == "MIN") result = B3DMIN(left, right); else if (str == "MIN") result = B3DMIN(left, right); else if (str == "MAX") result = B3DMAX(left, right); else if (isFormat) { format = strItems[ind + 1]; conv = format.GetAt(format.GetLength() - 1); if (allowedConv.Find(conv) < 0) { SEMMessageBox("The format string " + format + " does not end in one of: " + allowedConv); return 1; } for (dig = 0; dig < format.GetLength() - 1; dig++) { char let = format.GetAt(dig); if (let == '.') { if (gotDec) { SEMMessageBox("The format string " + format + " has more than one decimal point"); return 1; } if (conv == 'x' || conv == 'X' || conv == 'd') { SEMMessageBox("The format string " + format + " for integer conversion should not have a decimal point"); return 1; } gotDec = true; } else if (let < '0' || let > '9') { SEMMessageBox("The format string " + format + " has a non-numeric character before the end"); return 1; } } format = "%" + format; result = right; } ReplaceWithResult(result, strItems, ind, numItems, 2, format); } } return 0; } // Evaluates a potentially compound IF statement int CMacroProcessor::EvaluateIfStatement(CString *strItems, int maxItems, CString line, BOOL &truth) { int ind, left, right, maxLevel, level, numItems = 0; int leftInds[MAX_LOOP_DEPTH]; if (SeparateParentheses(strItems, maxItems, mParseQuotes)) { AfxMessageBox("Too many items on line after separating out parentheses in script" " line:\n\n" + line, MB_EXCLAME); return 1; } // Count original number of items for (ind = 0; ind < maxItems && !strItems[ind].IsEmpty(); ind++) numItems++; // Loop on parenthesis pairs containing one or more booleans for (;;) { // Find the highest level with a boolean and the index of ( and ) for the first // occurrence of it. Keep track of open paren index by level for this maxLevel = level = 0; left = right = -1; for (ind = 0; ind < numItems; ind++) { if (strItems[ind] == '(') { level++; leftInds[level] = ind; } if (strItems[ind] == ')') { if (level == maxLevel && right < 0) right = ind; level--; } if ((!strItems[ind].CompareNoCase("AND") || !strItems[ind].CompareNoCase("OR")) && level > maxLevel) { maxLevel = level; left = leftInds[level]; right = -1; } } if (level) { AfxMessageBox("Unbalanced parentheses while evaluating an expression in script" " line:\n\n" + line, MB_EXCLAME); return 1; } // When no parentheses, do whatever remains directly if (!maxLevel) return EvaluateBooleanClause(strItems, numItems, line, truth); // Otherwise evaluate inside the parentheses if (EvaluateBooleanClause(&strItems[left + 1], right - left - 1, line, truth)) return 1; // Replace the ( ) with a true or false statement and pack down the rest strItems[left] = "1"; strItems[left + 1] = "=="; strItems[left + 2] = truth ? "1" : "0"; for (ind = 0; ind < numItems - right; ind++) strItems[left + 3 + ind] = strItems[right + 1 + ind]; numItems -= right - left - 2; } return 1; } // Evaluates a unit of an IF statement containing one or more boolean operators at one // parenthetical level int CMacroProcessor::EvaluateBooleanClause(CString * strItems, int maxItems, CString line, BOOL &truth) { int ind, numItems, opind, indstr = 0; BOOL clauseVal, lastAnd; // Loop on logical operators for (;;) { opind = -1; numItems = 0; // Find next logical operator if any for (ind = indstr; ind < maxItems && !strItems[ind].IsEmpty(); ind++) { if (!strItems[ind].CompareNoCase("OR") || !strItems[ind].CompareNoCase("AND")) { opind = ind; break; } numItems++; } // Check for one end or other of clause/line if (opind == indstr || opind == maxItems - 1 || strItems[opind + 1].IsEmpty()) { AfxMessageBox("AND/OR operator at start of line or clause or at end of line " "in script line:\n\n" + line, MB_EXCLAME); return 1; } // get the value of the clause and assign for first clause, or AND or OR with truth if (EvaluateComparison(&strItems[indstr], numItems, line, clauseVal)) return 1; if (!indstr) truth = clauseVal; else if (lastAnd) truth = truth && clauseVal; else truth = truth || clauseVal; // Done if no more operators, otherwise set up for next clause if (opind < 0) break; lastAnd = !strItems[opind].CompareNoCase("AND"); indstr = opind + 1; } return 0; } // Evaluates an IF clause for a comparison operator and arithmetic expressions on // each side, returns value in truth int CMacroProcessor::EvaluateComparison(CString * strItems, int maxItems, CString line, BOOL &truth) { int ind, numItems = 0, opind = -1, numLeft = 1, numRight = 1; double left, right; CString *str; for (ind = 0; ind < maxItems && !strItems[ind].IsEmpty(); ind++) { numItems++; str = &strItems[ind]; if (*str == "==" || *str == "!=" || *str == ">=" || *str == "<=" || *str == "<" || *str == ">") { if (opind >= 0) { AfxMessageBox("More than one comparison operator in clause in script line:\n\n" + line, MB_EXCLAME); return 1; } opind = ind; } } if (opind < 0) { AfxMessageBox("No comparison operator for IF statement clause in script line:\n\n" + line, MB_EXCLAME); return 1; } // Strip parentheses around the entire clause by adjusting pointer, index and count if (strItems[0] == "(" && strItems[numItems - 1] == ")") { strItems++; opind--; numItems -= 2; } if (!opind || opind == numItems - 1) { AfxMessageBox("Comparison operator at beginning or end of IF statement/clause:\n\n" + line, MB_EXCLAME); return 1; } // If there is more than one item, evaluate expressions, make sure there is only one if (opind > 1 && EvaluateExpression(strItems, opind, line, 0, numLeft, ind)) return 1; if (opind < numItems - 2 && EvaluateExpression(&strItems[opind + 1], numItems - 1 - opind, line, 0, numRight, ind)) return 1; if (numLeft > 1 || numRight > 1) { AfxMessageBox("Items being compared do not reduce to a single number in script line:" "\n\n" + line, MB_EXCLAME); return 1; } // Convert the single strings to values and evaluate if (ItemToDouble(strItems[0], line, left)) return 1; if (ItemToDouble(strItems[opind + 1], line, right)) return 1; str = &strItems[opind]; if (*str == ">") truth = left > right; else if (*str == "<") truth = left < right; else if (*str == ">=") truth = left >= right; else if (*str == "<=") truth = left <= right; else if (*str == "==") truth = fabs(left - right) <= 1.e-10 * B3DMAX(fabs(left), fabs(right)); else if (*str == "!=") truth = fabs(left - right) > 1.e-10 * B3DMAX(fabs(left), fabs(right)); return 0; } // Convert an item being used for arithmetic to a double BOOL CMacroProcessor::ItemToDouble(CString str, CString line, double & value) { char *strptr = (char *)(LPCTSTR)str; char *invalid; value = strtod(strptr, &invalid); if (invalid - strptr != str.GetLength()) { SEMMessageBox("Invalid character in " + str + " which you are trying to do arithmetic with in script line:\n\n" + line, MB_EXCLAME); return true; } return false; } // Replace the item at index in the array of items with text for the result value // and shift the remainder of the items down as needed (by 1 or 2) void CMacroProcessor::ReplaceWithResult(double result, CString * strItems, int index, int & numItems, int numDrop, CString format) { char conv; if (format.IsEmpty()) { strItems[index].Format("%f", result); UtilTrimTrailingZeros(strItems[index]); } else { conv = format.GetAt(format.GetLength() - 1); if (conv == 'x' || conv == 'X' || conv == 'd') strItems[index].Format(format, B3DNINT(result)); else strItems[index].Format(format, result); } numItems -= numDrop; for (int lr = index + 1; lr < numItems; lr++) strItems[lr] = strItems[lr + numDrop]; } // Saves reported values in variables void CMacroProcessor::SetReportedValues(double val1, double val2, double val3, double val4, double val5, double val6) { SetReportedValues(NULL, val1, val2, val3, val4, val5, val6); } void CMacroProcessor::SetReportedValues(CString *strItems, double val1, double val2, double val3, double val4, double val5, double val6) { if (val1 > EXTRA_VALUE_TEST) SetOneReportedValue(strItems, val1, 1); if (val2 > EXTRA_VALUE_TEST) SetOneReportedValue(strItems, val2, 2); if (val3 > EXTRA_VALUE_TEST) SetOneReportedValue(strItems, val3, 3); if (val4 > EXTRA_VALUE_TEST) SetOneReportedValue(strItems, val4, 4); if (val5 > EXTRA_VALUE_TEST) SetOneReportedValue(strItems, val5, 5); if (val6 > EXTRA_VALUE_TEST) SetOneReportedValue(strItems, val6, 6); } void CMacroProcessor::SetRepValsAndVars(int firstInd, double val1, double val2, double val3, double val4, double val5, double val6) { SetReportedValues(&mStrItems[firstInd], val1, val2, val3, val4, val5, val6); } // Sets one reported value with a numeric or string value, also sets an optional variable // Pass the address of the FIRST optional variable // Clears all report variables when index is 1 and then requires report variables to // be new, so call with 1 first void CMacroProcessor::SetOneReportedValue(CString *strItems, CString *valStr, double value, int index) { CString num, str; int typeAdd = valStr ? 0 : VARTYPE_ADD_FOR_NUM; if (index < 1 || index > 6) return; num.Format("%d", index); if (valStr) { str = *valStr; mScrpLangData.repValIsString[index - 1] = true; } else { str.Format("%f", value); UtilTrimTrailingZeros(str); mScrpLangData.reportedVals[index - 1] = value; } if (index == 1 && !mRunningScrpLang) ClearVariables(VARTYPE_REPORT); mScrpLangData.reportedStrs[index - 1] = str; ACCUM_MAX(mScrpLangData.highestReportInd, index - 1); SetVariable("REPORTEDVALUE" + num, str, VARTYPE_REPORT + typeAdd, index, true); SetVariable("REPVAL" + num, str, VARTYPE_REPORT + typeAdd, index, true); if (strItems && !strItems[index - 1].IsEmpty()) SetVariable(strItems[index - 1], str, VARTYPE_REGULAR + typeAdd, -1, false); } // Overloads for convenience void CMacroProcessor::SetOneReportedValue(CString &valStr, int index) { SetOneReportedValue(NULL, &valStr, 0., index); } void CMacroProcessor::SetOneReportedValue(double value, int index) { SetOneReportedValue(NULL, NULL, value, index); } void CMacroProcessor::SetOneReportedValue(CString *strItem, CString &valStr, int index) { SetOneReportedValue(strItem, &valStr, 0., index); } void CMacroProcessor::SetOneReportedValue(CString *strItem, double value, int index) { SetOneReportedValue(strItem, NULL, value, index); } // Checks the nesting of IF and LOOP blocks in the given macro, as well // as the appropriateness of ELSE, BREAK, CONTINUE int CMacroProcessor::CheckBlockNesting(int macroNum, int startLevel, int &tryLevel) { int blockType[MAX_LOOP_DEPTH]; bool elseFound[MAX_LOOP_DEPTH], catchFound[MAX_LOOP_DEPTH]; CString strLabels[MAX_MACRO_LABELS], strSkips[MAX_MACRO_SKIPS]; int labelBlockLevel[MAX_MACRO_LABELS], labelSubBlock[MAX_MACRO_LABELS]; int skipBlockLevel[MAX_MACRO_SKIPS], skipCurIndex[MAX_MACRO_SKIPS]; int labelCurIndex[MAX_MACRO_LABELS]; short skipSubBlocks[MAX_MACRO_SKIPS][MAX_LOOP_DEPTH + 1]; int blockLevel = startLevel; bool stringAssign, isIF, isELSE, isELSEIF, isTRY, inFunc = false, inComment = false; bool useFound; char *endPtr; MacroFunction *func; int subBlockNum[MAX_LOOP_DEPTH + 1]; CString *macro = &mMacros[macroNum]; int tooMany, numLabels = 0, numSkips = 0; int i, inloop, needVers, index, skipInd, labInd, length, cmdIndex, currentIndex = 0; int lastInd, newCurrentInd, startLine, lastFoundScript = -1; int currentVersion = 204; CString strLine, strItems[MAX_MACRO_TOKENS], errmess, intCheck; const char *features[] = {"variable1", "arrays", "keepcase", "zeroloop", "evalargs"}; int numFeatures = sizeof(features) / sizeof(char *); if (startLevel < 0) mCheckingParseQuotes = false; mAlreadyChecked[macroNum] = true; for (i = 0; i <= MAX_LOOP_DEPTH; i++) subBlockNum[i] = 0; errmess.Format(" in script #%d", macroNum + 1); while (currentIndex < macro->GetLength()) { GetNextLine(macro, currentIndex, strLine); if (inComment) { if (strLine.Find("/*") >= 0) { strLine.TrimLeft(); if (strLine.Find("/*") == 0) FAIL_CHECK_LINE("Starting a comment with /* inside a /*...*/ comment"); } if (strLine.Find("*/") >= 0) inComment = false; continue; } tooMany = mParamIO->ParseString(strLine, strItems, MAX_MACRO_TOKENS, mCheckingParseQuotes); if (strItems[0].Find("/*") == 0) { inComment = strLine.Find("*/") < 0; continue; } if (!strItems[0].IsEmpty()) { strItems[0].MakeUpper(); strtod((LPCTSTR)strItems[0], &endPtr); if (endPtr - (LPCTSTR)strItems[0] == strItems[0].GetLength()) FAIL_CHECK_LINE("A command cannot start with a number"); cmdIndex = LookupCommandIndex(strItems[0]); // Check validity of variable assignment then skip further checks stringAssign = strItems[1] == "@=" || strItems[1] == ":@="; if (!stringAssign && tooMany) FAIL_CHECK_LINE("Too many items on line"); if (strItems[1] == "=" || strItems[1] == ":=" || stringAssign) { index = 2; if (!stringAssign) { i = CheckForArrayAssignment(strItems, index); if (i < 0) FAIL_CHECK_LINE("Array delimiters \"{}\" are not at start and end of values"); } if (strItems[1] == "=" && strItems[index].IsEmpty()) FAIL_CHECK_LINE("Empty assignment"); if (WordIsReserved(strItems[0])) FAIL_CHECK_LINE("Assignment to reserved command name"); if (strItems[0].GetAt(0) == '$') FAIL_CHECK_LINE("You cannot assign to a name that is a variable"); if (!stringAssign && CheckBalancedParentheses(strItems, MAX_MACRO_TOKENS, strLine, errmess, mCheckingParseQuotes)) return 99; continue; } // If the command is a variable, skip checks except to make sure it is not a label if (strItems[0].GetAt(0) == '$') { if (strItems[0].GetAt(strItems[0].GetLength() - 1) == ':') FAIL_CHECK_LINE("Label cannot be a variable"); continue; } if (CMD_IS(PARSEQUOTEDSTRINGS)) mCheckingParseQuotes = strItems[1].IsEmpty() || atoi((LPCTSTR)strItems[1]) != 0; // See if a feature is required if (CMD_IS(REQUIRE)) { for (i = 1; i < MAX_MACRO_TOKENS; i++) { if (strItems[i].IsEmpty()) break; inloop = 0; for (index = 0; index < numFeatures; index++) if (!strItems[i].CompareNoCase(features[index])) inloop = 1; if (!inloop) { needVers = atoi(strItems[1]); if (needVers > 0) { if (needVers <= currentVersion) { inloop = 1; } else { intCheck.Format("Required scripting version %d is not provided by this\n" "version of SerialEM, which has scripting version %d.\n" "If this number is right, then you need a later version." "\nThe Require command is", needVers, currentVersion); FAIL_CHECK_NOLINE(intCheck); } } } if (!inloop) { intCheck.Format("Required feature \"%s\" is not available in this version\n" "of SerialEM. If this is spelled right, then you need a later version\n\n" "Features available in this version are:\n", (LPCTSTR)strItems[1]); for (index = 0; index < numFeatures; index++) intCheck += CString(" ") + features[index]; intCheck += "\nThe Require command is"; FAIL_CHECK_NOLINE(intCheck); } } } // Validate a label and record its level and sub-block # length = strItems[0].GetLength(); if (strItems[0].GetAt(length - 1) == ':') { if (!strItems[1].IsEmpty()) FAIL_CHECK_LINE("Label must not be followed by anything"); if (length == 1) FAIL_CHECK_LINE("Empty label in line"); if (numLabels >= MAX_MACRO_LABELS) FAIL_CHECK_NOLINE("Too many labels in script"); strLabels[numLabels] = strItems[0].Left(length - 1); for (i = 0; i < numLabels; i++) { if (strLabels[i] == strLabels[numLabels]) FAIL_CHECK_LINE("Duplicate of label already used") } labelCurIndex[numLabels] = currentIndex; labelBlockLevel[numLabels] = blockLevel; labelSubBlock[numLabels++] = subBlockNum[1 + blockLevel]; continue; } // Repeat and DoMacro may not be called from inside any nest or called macro if ((CMD_IS(REPEAT) || CMD_IS(DOMACRO) || CMD_IS(DOSCRIPT)) && (blockLevel >= 0 || mCallLevel)) FAIL_CHECK_LINE("Repeat, DoMacro, or DoScript statement cannot be used\n" "inside a called script, an IF block, or a loop,"); isIF = CMD_IS(IF); isELSE = CMD_IS(ELSE); isELSEIF = CMD_IS(ELSEIF); isTRY = CMD_IS(TRY); if (CMD_IS(REPEAT)) { break; // Check macro call if it has an argument - leave to general command check if not } else if ((CMD_IS(DOMACRO) || CMD_IS(DOSCRIPT) || CMD_IS(CALLMACRO) || CMD_IS(CALLSCRIPT) || CMD_IS(CALL) || CMD_IS(CALLFUNCTION)) && !strItems[1].IsEmpty()) { func = NULL; useFound = false; if (strItems[1].GetAt(0) == '$') FAIL_CHECK_LINE("The script number or script or function name cannot be a" " variable,"); if ((CMD_IS(CALLMACRO) || CMD_IS(CALLSCRIPT)) && strItems[1] == "-1") { if (lastFoundScript <= 0) FAIL_CHECK_LINE("Calling with a script number of -1 must be preceded by" " FindScriptByName,"); useFound = true; } if (CMD_IS(CALL)) { index = FindCalledMacro(strLine, true); if (index < 0) return 12; } else if (CMD_IS(CALLFUNCTION)) { func = FindCalledFunction(strLine, true, index, i, macroNum); if (!func) return 12; } else { index = useFound ? lastFoundScript : atoi(strItems[1]) - 1; // If this is an unchecked macro, better unload the macro if editor open if (index >= 0 && index < MAX_MACROS && !mAlreadyChecked[index] && mMacroEditer[index]) mMacroEditer[index]->TransferMacro(true); if (index < 0 || index >= MAX_MACROS || mMacros[index].IsEmpty()) FAIL_CHECK_LINE("Trying to do illegal script number or empty script,"); } // For calling a macro, check that it is not too deep and that it's not circular // There is no good way to check circular function calls, so this relies on // run-time testing if (!(CMD_IS(DOMACRO) || CMD_IS(DOSCRIPT))) { mCallLevel++; if (mCallLevel >= MAX_CALL_DEPTH) FAIL_CHECK_LINE("Too many nested script calls"); if (!CMD_IS(CALLFUNCTION)) { for (i = 0; i < mCallLevel; i++) { if (mCallMacro[i] == index && mCallFunction[i] == func) FAIL_CHECK_LINE("Trying to call a script that is already calling a " "script"); } } mCallMacro[mCallLevel] = index; mCallFunction[mCallLevel] = func; } // Now call this function reentrantly to check macro, unless it is a DoMacro // and already checked if (!(CMD_IS(DOMACRO) || CMD_IS(DOSCRIPT) || CMD_IS(CALLFUNCTION)) || !mAlreadyChecked[index]) { mAlreadyChecked[index] = true; i = CheckForScriptLanguage(index, true); if (i) { if (i > 0) FAIL_CHECK_LINE("You cannot run any Python scripts"); if (mCalledFromScrpLang) FAIL_CHECK_LINE("You cannot call a Python script from a regular script" " called by a Python script"); } else if (CheckBlockNesting(index, blockLevel, tryLevel)) return 14; } // Skip out if doing macro; otherwise pop stack again if (CMD_IS(DOMACRO) || CMD_IS(DOSCRIPT)) break; mCallLevel--; // Check finding a script and record the found number } else if (CMD_IS(FINDSCRIPTBYNAME)) { index = FindCalledMacro(strLine, true); if (index < 0) return 12; lastFoundScript = index + 1; // Check embedded python } else if (CMD_IS(PYTHONSCRIPT)) { if (mCalledFromScrpLang) FAIL_CHECK_LINE("You cannot run Python embedded in a regular script" " called by a Python script"); if (!IsEmbeddedPythonOK(macroNum, currentIndex, lastInd, newCurrentInd)) FAIL_CHECK_NOLINE("PythonScript line with no matching EndPythonScript line"); startLine = CountLinesToCurIndex(macroNum, currentIndex); i = CheckForScriptLanguage(macroNum, true, 0, currentIndex, lastInd, startLine); if (!i) FAIL_CHECK_NOLINE("PythonScript line not followed by a #!Python line"); if (i > 0) FAIL_CHECK_NOLINE("Cannot use PythonScript: you cannot run any Python scripts"); currentIndex = newCurrentInd; } else if (CMD_IS(ENDPYTHONSCRIPT)) { FAIL_CHECK_NOLINE("EndPythonScript line with no preceding PythonScript line"); // Examine loops } else if ((CMD_IS(LOOP) && !strItems[1].IsEmpty()) || (CMD_IS(DOLOOP) && !strItems[3].IsEmpty()) || (isIF && !strItems[3].IsEmpty()) || isTRY) { blockLevel++; subBlockNum[1 + blockLevel]++; if (blockLevel >= MAX_LOOP_DEPTH) FAIL_CHECK_NOLINE("Too many nested LOOP/DOLOOP, IF, and TRY statements"); blockType[blockLevel] = B3DCHOICE(isTRY, 2, isIF ? 1 : 0); elseFound[blockLevel] = false; catchFound[blockLevel] = false; if (isTRY) tryLevel++; if (isIF && CheckBalancedParentheses(strItems, MAX_MACRO_TOKENS, strLine, errmess, mCheckingParseQuotes)) return 99; } else if (isELSE || isELSEIF) { subBlockNum[1 + blockLevel]++; if (blockLevel <= startLevel || blockType[blockLevel] != 1) FAIL_CHECK_NOLINE("ELSE or ELSEIF statement not in an IF block"); if (elseFound[blockLevel]) FAIL_CHECK_NOLINE("ELSEIF or ELSE following an ELSE statement in an IF block"); if (isELSE) elseFound[blockLevel] = true; if (isELSE && strItems[1].MakeUpper() == "IF") FAIL_CHECK_NOLINE("ELSE IF must be ELSEIF without a space"); if (isELSE && !strItems[1].IsEmpty()) FAIL_CHECK_NOLINE("ELSE line with extraneous entries after the ELSE"); if (isELSEIF && CheckBalancedParentheses(strItems, MAX_MACRO_TOKENS, strLine, errmess, mCheckingParseQuotes)) return 99; } else if (CMD_IS(CATCH)) { subBlockNum[1 + blockLevel]++; if (blockLevel <= startLevel) FAIL_CHECK_NOLINE("CATCH statement not in a TRY block"); if (blockType[blockLevel] != 2) FAIL_CHECK_NOLINE("CATCH contained in an LOOP, DOLOOP, or IF block"); if (catchFound[blockLevel]) FAIL_CHECK_NOLINE("Second CATCH found in a TRY block"); catchFound[blockLevel] = true; tryLevel--; } else if (CMD_IS(ENDLOOP)) { if (blockLevel <= startLevel) FAIL_CHECK_NOLINE("ENDLOOP without corresponding LOOP or DOLOOP statement"); if (blockType[blockLevel]) FAIL_CHECK_NOLINE("ENDLOOP contained in an IF or TRY block"); blockLevel--; } else if (CMD_IS(ENDIF)) { if (blockLevel <= startLevel) FAIL_CHECK_NOLINE("ENDIF without corresponding IF statement"); if (blockType[blockLevel] != 1) FAIL_CHECK_NOLINE("ENDIF contained in a LOOP, DOLOOP, or TRY block"); blockLevel--; } else if (CMD_IS(ENDTRY)) { if (blockLevel <= startLevel) FAIL_CHECK_NOLINE("ENDTRY without corresponding TRY statement"); if (blockType[blockLevel] != 2) FAIL_CHECK_NOLINE("ENDTRY contained in an LOOP, DOLOOP, or IF block"); if (!catchFound[blockLevel]) FAIL_CHECK_NOLINE("NO CATCH was found in a TRY - ENDTRY block"); blockLevel--; } else if (CMD_IS(BREAK) || CMD_IS(KEYBREAK) || CMD_IS(CONTINUE)) { inloop = 0; for (i = startLevel + 1; i <= blockLevel; i++) { if (!blockType[i]) inloop = 1; } if (!inloop) FAIL_CHECK_NOLINE("BREAK, KEYBREAK, or CONTINUE not contained in a LOOP or " "DOLOOP block"); } else if (CMD_IS(THROW) && tryLevel <= 0) { FAIL_CHECK_LINE("THROW seems not to be contained in any TRY block"); } else if (CMD_IS(SKIPTO) && !strItems[1].IsEmpty()) { // For a SkipTo, record the location and level and subblock at all lower levels if (numSkips >= MAX_MACRO_SKIPS) FAIL_CHECK_NOLINE("Too many SkipTo commands in script"); strSkips[numSkips] = strItems[1].MakeUpper(); skipCurIndex[numSkips] = currentIndex; for (i = startLevel; i <= blockLevel; i++) skipSubBlocks[numSkips][1 + i] = subBlockNum[1 + i]; skipBlockLevel[numSkips++] = blockLevel; } else if (CMD_IS(FUNCTION) && !strItems[1].IsEmpty()) { // For a function, the loop level must be back to base, must not be in a function, // and the 3rd and 4th items must be integers if (inFunc) FAIL_CHECK_LINE("Starting a new function without ending previous one on line"); inFunc = true; if (blockLevel > startLevel) FAIL_CHECK_LINE("Unclosed IF, LOOP, DOLOOP or TRY block in script before " "function"); for (i = 2; i < 4; i++) { intCheck = ""; if (!strItems[i].IsEmpty()) { index = atoi((LPCTSTR)strItems[i]); intCheck.Format("%d", index); } if (intCheck != strItems[i]) FAIL_CHECK_LINE("Function name must be in one word without spaces, followed" " by\nnumber of arguments and integer flag for whether there is a string " "argument"); } } else if (CMD_IS(ENDFUNCTION)) { if (!inFunc) FAIL_CHECK_NOLINE("An EndFunction command occurred when not in a function"); inFunc = false; if (blockLevel > startLevel) FAIL_CHECK_NOLINE("Unclosed IF, LOOP, DOLOOP or TRY block inside function"); } else { i = CheckLegalCommandAndArgNum(&strItems[0], cmdIndex, strLine, macroNum); if (i == 17) return 17; if (i) FAIL_CHECK_LINE("Unrecognized command"); } // Check commands where arithmetic is allowed if (ArithmeticIsAllowed(strItems[0]) && CheckBalancedParentheses(strItems, MAX_MACRO_TOKENS, strLine, errmess, mCheckingParseQuotes)) return 99; if (CMD_IS(SKIPIFVERSIONLESSTHAN) && currentIndex < macro->GetLength()) GetNextLine(macro, currentIndex, strLine); } } if (blockLevel > startLevel) FAIL_CHECK_NOLINE("Unclosed IF, LOOP, or DOLOOP block"); if (inComment) FAIL_CHECK_NOLINE("A comment started with /* was not closed with */"); if (inFunc) FAIL_CHECK_NOLINE("The last function was missing an EndFunction command"); if (!numSkips) return 0; // Validate the labels if there are any skips for (skipInd = 0; skipInd < numSkips; skipInd++) { for (labInd = 0; labInd < numLabels; labInd++) { if (strSkips[skipInd] == strLabels[labInd]) { if (labelCurIndex[labInd] < skipCurIndex[skipInd]) FAIL_CHECK_NOLINE(CString("You cannot skip backwards; label occurs before " "SkipTo ") + strSkips[skipInd]); if (labelBlockLevel[labInd] > skipBlockLevel[skipInd]) FAIL_CHECK_NOLINE(CString("Trying to skip into a higher level LOOP, DOLOOP, or" " IF block with SkipTo ") + strSkips[skipInd]); if (labelSubBlock[labInd] != skipSubBlocks[skipInd][1 + labelBlockLevel[labInd]]) FAIL_CHECK_NOLINE(CString("Trying to skip into a different LOOP/DOLOOP or " "TRY/CATCH block or section of IF block with SkipTo ") + strSkips[skipInd]); break; } } if (labInd == numLabels) FAIL_CHECK_NOLINE(CString("Label not found for SkipTo ") + strSkips[skipInd]); } return 0; } // Check for whether the command is legal and has enough arguments // Returns 17 if there are not enough arguments, 1 if not legal command int CMacroProcessor::CheckLegalCommandAndArgNum(CString * strItems, int cmdIndex, CString strLine, int macroNum) { int i = cmdIndex; CString errmess; if (cmdIndex == CME_NOTFOUND || (cmdIndex >= 0 && cmdIndex < CME_EXIT) || mPythonOnlyCmdSet.count(cmdIndex)) return 1; if (strItems[mCmdList[i].minargs].IsEmpty()) { errmess.Format("The command must be followed by at least %d entries\n" " on this line in script #%d:\n\n", mCmdList[i].minargs, macroNum + 1); SEMMessageBox(errmess + strLine, MB_EXCLAME); return 17; } return 0; } // Check a line for balanced parentheses and no empty clauses int CMacroProcessor::CheckBalancedParentheses(CString *strItems, int maxItems, CString &strLine, CString &errmess, bool useQuotes) { int ind, level = 0; if (SeparateParentheses(strItems, maxItems, useQuotes)) FAIL_CHECK_LINE("Too many items in line after separating out parentheses") for (ind = 0; ind < maxItems && !strItems[ind].IsEmpty(); ind++) { if (strItems[ind] == "(") { level++; } if (strItems[ind] == ")") { level--; if (level < 0) FAIL_CHECK_LINE("Unbalanced parentheses"); if (strItems[ind - 1] == "(") FAIL_CHECK_LINE("Nothing inside parentheses"); } } if (level != 0) FAIL_CHECK_LINE("Unbalanced parentheses"); return 0; } // Expand the line to put parentheses in separate items, return error if too many items int CMacroProcessor::SeparateParentheses(CString *strItems, int maxItems, bool useQuotes) { int icopy, length, ind = maxItems - 1; int numItems = -1; while (ind >= 0) { // Move from the back end, skip empty items, and initialize number of items if (strItems[ind].IsEmpty()) { ind--; continue; } if (numItems < 0) numItems = ind + 1; length = strItems[ind].GetLength(); // Expand an item with more than one character if (length > 1 && (strItems[ind].GetAt(0) == '(' || (strItems[ind].GetAt(length - 1) == ')' && !(useQuotes && strItems[ind].Find('(') > 0)))) { if (numItems >= maxItems) return 1; for (icopy = numItems; icopy > ind + 1; icopy--) strItems[icopy] = strItems[icopy - 1]; numItems++; if (strItems[ind].GetAt(0) == '(') { strItems[ind + 1] = strItems[ind].Right(length - 1); strItems[ind] = "("; ind++; } else { strItems[ind] = strItems[ind].Left(length - 1); strItems[ind + 1] = ")"; } } else { ind--; } } return 0; } void CMacroProcessor::PrepareForMacroChecking(int which) { for (int i = 0; i < MAX_TOT_MACROS; i++) mAlreadyChecked[i] = false; mCallLevel = 0; mCallMacro[0] = which; } // Skips to the end of a block or to a catch or else statement, leaves current index // at start of statement to be processed (the end statement, or past an else or catch) int CMacroProcessor::SkipToBlockEnd(int type, CString line, int *numPops, int *delTryLevel) { CString *macro = &mMacros[mCurrentMacro]; CString strLine, strItems[4]; int ifLevel = 0, loopLevel = 0, tryLevel = 0, popTry = 0, funcLevel = 0; int nextIndex = mCurrentIndex, cmdIndex; bool isCATCH; if (numPops) *numPops = 0; if (delTryLevel) *delTryLevel = 0; while (nextIndex < macro->GetLength()) { mCurrentIndex = nextIndex; GetNextLine(macro, nextIndex, strLine); if (!strLine.IsEmpty()) { mParamIO->ParseString(strLine, strItems, 4); strItems[0].MakeUpper(); cmdIndex = LookupCommandIndex(strItems[0]); isCATCH = CMD_IS(CATCH); // mTryCatchLevel is decremented on the catch because you are out of try at that // point, so we need to keep track of changes that need to be applied to that var // separate from the number of try levels that are popping, which is popTry and // is incremented on try and decremented on endtry if (isCATCH) tryLevel--; // Keep track if in function or leaving a function; if leave a function after // starting in one, that is the end of the call level and need to quit; otherwise // if in function, just skip to next line if (CMD_IS(FUNCTION)) funcLevel++; if (CMD_IS(ENDFUNCTION)) funcLevel--; if (funcLevel < 0) break; if (funcLevel > 0) continue; // If we're at same block level as we started and we find end, return // Go to next statement for catch and and else, otherwise run the statement we // skipped to if ((!ifLevel && ((type == SKIPTO_ELSE_ENDIF && (CMD_IS(ELSE) || CMD_IS(ELSEIF))) || ((type == SKIPTO_ENDIF || type == SKIPTO_ELSE_ENDIF) && CMD_IS(ENDIF))) || (!loopLevel && type == SKIPTO_ENDLOOP && CMD_IS(ENDLOOP))) || (!popTry && type == SKIPTO_CATCH && isCATCH) || (!popTry && type == SKIPTO_ENDTRY && CMD_IS(ENDTRY))) { if (CMD_IS(ELSE) || isCATCH) mCurrentIndex = nextIndex; if (numPops) *numPops = -(ifLevel + loopLevel + popTry); if (delTryLevel) *delTryLevel = tryLevel; return 0; } // Otherwise keep track of the block level as it goes up and down if (CMD_IS(LOOP)) loopLevel++; if (CMD_IS(IF)) ifLevel++; if (CMD_IS(TRY)) { tryLevel++; popTry++; } if (CMD_IS(ENDLOOP)) loopLevel--; if (CMD_IS(ENDIF)) ifLevel--; if (CMD_IS(ENDTRY)) popTry--; } } if (!line.IsEmpty()) AfxMessageBox("No appropriate statement found to skip forward to from script " "line:\n\n" + line, MB_EXCLAME); return 1; } // Skip to a label and return the number of blocks levels to descend int CMacroProcessor::SkipToLabel(CString label, CString line, int &numPops, int &delTryLevel) { CString *macro = &mMacros[mCurrentMacro]; CString strLine, strItems[4]; int nextIndex = mCurrentIndex; int cmdIndex; label += ":"; numPops = 0; delTryLevel = 0; while (nextIndex < macro->GetLength()) { mCurrentIndex = nextIndex; GetNextLine(macro, nextIndex, strLine); if (!strLine.IsEmpty()) { mParamIO->ParseString(strLine, strItems, 4); strItems[0].MakeUpper(); cmdIndex = LookupCommandIndex(strItems[0]); // For a match, make sure there is not a negative number of pops if (strItems[0] == label) { if (numPops >= 0) return 0; AfxMessageBox("Trying to skip into a higher block level in script line:\n\n" + line, MB_EXCLAME); return 1; } // Otherwise keep track of the block level as it goes up and down if (CMD_IS(LOOP) || CMD_IS(IF) || CMD_IS(TRY)) numPops--; if (CMD_IS(ENDLOOP) || CMD_IS(ENDIF) || CMD_IS(ENDTRY)) numPops++; if (CMD_IS(TRY)) delTryLevel++; if (CMD_IS(CATCH)) delTryLevel--; } } AfxMessageBox("No label found to skip forward to from script line:\n\n" + line, MB_EXCLAME); return 1; } // Performs all changes needed when leaving a call level (script or function) and // returning to the caller void CMacroProcessor::LeaveCallLevel(bool popBlocks) { // For a return or an exception from a try, pop any loops, clear index variables if (popBlocks) { while (mBlockDepths[mCallLevel] >= 0) { ClearVariables(VARTYPE_INDEX, mCallLevel, mBlockLevel); mBlockLevel--; mBlockDepths[mCallLevel]--; } } ClearVariables(VARTYPE_LOCAL, mCallLevel); if (mCallFunction[mCallLevel]) mCallFunction[mCallLevel]->wasCalled = false; if (mCurrentMacro == mNeedClearTempMacro && mClearTempAtCallLevel == mCallLevel) { mMacros[mNeedClearTempMacro] = ""; mNumTempMacros--; mNeedClearTempMacro = -1; } mCallLevel--; mCurrentMacro = mCallMacro[mCallLevel]; mCurrentIndex = mCallIndex[mCallLevel]; mLastIndex = -1; if (!mCallLevel && mCalledFromScrpLang) { mCalledFromScrpLang = false; mRunningScrpLang = true; } } // Common place to check for reserved control commands BOOL CMacroProcessor::WordIsReserved(CString str) { std::string stdStr = (LPCTSTR)str; return mReservedWords.count(stdStr) > 0; } // Common place to check if arithmetic is allowed for a command bool CMacroProcessor::ArithmeticIsAllowed(CString &str) { std::string sstr = (LPCTSTR)str; return ((str.Find("SET") == 0 && mArithDenied.count(sstr) <= 0) || mArithAllowed.count(sstr) > 0); } // Check for the return values from an intensity change and issue warning or message int CMacroProcessor::CheckIntensityChangeReturn(int err) { CString report; if (err) { if (err == BEAM_STARTING_OUT_OF_RANGE || err == BEAM_ENDING_OUT_OF_RANGE) { mWinApp->AppendToLog("Warning: attempting to set beam strength beyond" " calibrated range", LOG_OPEN_IF_CLOSED); } else { report = "Error trying to change beam strength"; if (err == BEAM_STRENGTH_NOT_CAL || err == BEAM_STRENGTH_WRONG_SPOT) report += "\nBeam strength is not calibrated for this spot size"; SEMMessageBox(report, MB_EXCLAME); AbortMacro(); return 1; } } return 0; } // Make sure a filename is not empty and try to convert to a full path int CMacroProcessor::CheckConvertFilename(CString * strItems, CString strLine, int index, CString & strCopy) { char absPath[_MAX_PATH]; char *fullp; if (strItems[index].IsEmpty()) { SEMMessageBox("Missing filename in statement:\n\n" + strLine, MB_EXCLAME); AbortMacro(); return 1; } // Get the filename in original case SubstituteVariables(&strLine, 1, strLine); JustStripItems(strLine, index, strCopy); fullp = _fullpath(absPath, (LPCTSTR)strCopy, _MAX_PATH); if (!fullp) { SEMMessageBox("The filename cannot be converted to an absolute path in statement:" "\n\n" + strLine, MB_EXCLAME); AbortMacro(); return 1; } strCopy = fullp; return 0; } CmdItem *CMacroProcessor::GetCommandList(int & numCommands) { numCommands = mNumCommands - 1; return &mCmdList[0]; } // Converts a buffer letter in the item to a buffer index, supplies emptyDefault as the // result for an empty and returns false if that is >= 0, true otherwise; checks legality // of letter and also of image in buffer if checkImage true; composes message on error bool CMacroProcessor::ConvertBufferLetter(CString strItem, int emptyDefault, bool checkImage, int &bufIndex, CString &message, bool fftAllowed) { EMimageBuffer *imBuf; strItem.MakeUpper(); if (strItem.IsEmpty()) { bufIndex = emptyDefault; if (bufIndex < 0) { message = "No buffer letter is present in statement: \r\n\r\n"; return true; } } else { bufIndex = atoi((LPCTSTR)strItem); if (!bufIndex) { bufIndex = (int)strItem.GetAt(0) - (int)'A'; if (strItem.GetLength() == 2 && strItem.GetAt(1) == 'F' && fftAllowed) { if (bufIndex < 0 || bufIndex >= MAX_FFT_BUFFERS) { message = "Improper FFT buffer letter " + strItem + " in statement: \r\n\r\n"; return true; } if (!mWinApp->mFFTView) { message = "The FFT window is not open and no buffers are available for " "statement: \r\n\r\n"; return true; } bufIndex = -1 - bufIndex; } else { if (bufIndex < 0 || bufIndex >= MAX_BUFFERS || strItem.GetLength() > 1) { message = "Improper buffer letter " + strItem + " in statement: \r\n\r\n"; return true; } } } else { if (bufIndex < 1 || bufIndex > MAX_BUFFERS || strItem.GetLength() > 1 + (bufIndex / 10)) { message = "Improper buffer number " + strItem + " in statement: \r\n\r\n"; return true; } bufIndex--; } } imBuf = ImBufForIndex(bufIndex); if (checkImage && !imBuf->mImage) { message = "There is no image in buffer " + strItem + " in statement: \r\n\r\n"; return true; } return false; } // Convert anything starting with C, O, or S to value for condenser (2), objective, // and selected area void CMacroProcessor::ConvertApertureNameToNum() { char firstLet = mStrItems[1].GetAt(0); if (firstLet == 'c' || firstLet == 'C') mItemInt[1] = 1; if (firstLet == 'o' || firstLet == 'O') mItemInt[1] = 2; if (firstLet == 's' || firstLet == 'S') mItemInt[1] = 4; } // Takes incoming binning and scales binning // for K2, and checks that binning exists. Returns true with message on error bool CMacroProcessor::CheckCameraBinning(double binDblIn, int &binning, CString &message) { CameraParameters *camParams = mWinApp->GetActiveCamParam(); binning = B3DNINT(BinDivisorF(camParams) * binDblIn); for (int ix0 = 0; ix0 < camParams->numBinnings; ix0++) if (binning == camParams->binnings[ix0]) return false; message = "Not a valid binning for camera in: \n\n"; return true; } // Takes incoming set number or letter in strItem and itemInt, checks its validity, and // puts a set number converted from a letter in itemInt and copy the number to index // Returns true with message on error. Also assigns conset pointer to mCamSet bool CMacroProcessor::CheckAndConvertCameraSet(CString &strItem, int &itemInt, int &index, CString &message) { char letter; itemInt = -1; // To allow strings from a reported value, if it starts with a digit, strip trailing 0's // and the decimal place if that is all that is after the digit letter = (char)strItem.GetAt(0); if (letter >= '0' && letter <= '9') { while (strItem.Find('.') >= 0 && strItem.Right(1) == "0") strItem.Delete(strItem.GetLength() - 1); if (strItem.GetLength() == 2 || strItem.Right(1) == ".") strItem.Delete(1); } if (strItem.GetLength() == 1) { letter = (char)strItem.GetAt(0); if (!strItem.CompareNoCase("V")) itemInt = 0; else if (!strItem.CompareNoCase("F")) itemInt = 1; else if (!strItem.CompareNoCase("T")) itemInt = 2; else if (!strItem.CompareNoCase("R")) itemInt = 3; else if (!strItem.CompareNoCase("P")) itemInt = 4; else if (!strItem.CompareNoCase("S")) itemInt = 5; else if (!strItem.CompareNoCase("M")) itemInt = 6; else if (letter >= '0' && letter <= '9') itemInt = atoi((LPCTSTR)strItem); if (itemInt > NUMBER_OF_USER_CONSETS) itemInt = -1; index = itemInt; if (itemInt >= 0) { mCamSet = &mConSets[index]; return false; } } message = "Inappropriate parameter set letter/number in: \n\n"; return true; } // If adjustment of beam tilt for given image shift is requested and available, do it int CMacroProcessor::AdjustBeamTiltIfSelected(double delISX, double delISY, BOOL doAdjust, CString &message) { double astigX, astigY, BTX, BTY; int probe = mScope->GetProbeMode(); ComaVsISCalib *comaVsIS = mWinApp->mAutoTuning->GetComaVsIScal(); if (!doAdjust) return 0; if (comaVsIS->magInd <= 0) { message = "There is no calibration of beam tilt needed to compensate image shift " "in:\n\n"; return 1; } if (AdjustBeamTiltAndAstig(delISX, delISY, BTX, BTY, astigX, astigY)) { if (mAstigXtoRestore[probe] < EXTRA_VALUE_TEST) { mAstigXtoRestore[probe] = astigX; mAstigYtoRestore[probe] = astigY; mNumStatesToRestore++; } } if (mBeamTiltXtoRestore[probe] < EXTRA_VALUE_TEST) { mBeamTiltXtoRestore[probe] = BTX; mBeamTiltYtoRestore[probe] = BTY; mNumStatesToRestore++; } mCompensatedBTforIS = true; return 0; } // Actually do the adjustment, returning starting BT and astig and true if did astig also bool CMacroProcessor::AdjustBeamTiltAndAstig(double delISX, double delISY, double &BTX, double &BTY, double &astigX, double &astigY) { ComaVsISCalib *comaVsIS = mWinApp->mAutoTuning->GetComaVsIScal(); double delBTX, delBTY, transISX, transISY; mScope->GetBeamTilt(BTX, BTY); mShiftManager->TransferGeneralIS(mScope->FastMagIndex(), delISX, delISY, comaVsIS->magInd, transISX, transISY); if (mNavHelper->GetSkipAstigAdjustment() >= 0) { delBTX = comaVsIS->matrix.xpx * transISX + comaVsIS->matrix.xpy * transISY; delBTY = comaVsIS->matrix.ypx * transISX + comaVsIS->matrix.ypy * transISY; mWinApp->mAutoTuning->BacklashedBeamTilt(BTX + delBTX, BTY + delBTY, mScope->GetAdjustForISSkipBacklash() <= 0); } mCompensatedBTforIS = true; if (comaVsIS->astigMat.xpx && mNavHelper->GetSkipAstigAdjustment() <= 0) { mScope->GetObjectiveStigmator(astigX, astigY); delBTX = comaVsIS->astigMat.xpx * transISX + comaVsIS->astigMat.xpy * transISY; delBTY = comaVsIS->astigMat.ypx * transISX + comaVsIS->astigMat.ypy * transISY; mWinApp->mAutoTuning->BacklashedStigmator(astigX + delBTX, astigY + delBTY, mScope->GetAdjustForISSkipBacklash() <= 0); return true; } return false; } int CMacroProcessor::AdjustBTApplyISSetDelay(double delISX, double delISY, BOOL doAdjust, BOOL setDelay, double scale, CString &message) { if (AdjustBeamTiltIfSelected(delISX, delISY, doAdjust, message)) return 1; // Make the change in image shift mScope->IncImageShift(delISX, delISY); if (setDelay && scale > 0) mShiftManager->SetISTimeOut((float)scale * mShiftManager->GetLastISDelay()); return 0; } // Tests whether a prospective image shift is within limits int CMacroProcessor::TestIncrementalImageShift(double delX, double delY) { CString str; if (!mShiftManager->ImageShiftIsOK(delX, delY, true)) { str.Format("Image shift by %.3f %.3f would exceed the limit and is not being done", delX, delY); mWinApp->AppendToLog(str, mLogAction); SetReportedValues(1.); return 1; } SetReportedValues(0.); return 0; } // Saves a control set in the stack if it has not been saved already void CMacroProcessor::SaveControlSet(int index) { for (int ind = 0; ind < (int)mConsetNums.size(); ind++) if (index == mConsetNums[ind]) return; mConsetNums.push_back(index); mConsetsSaved.push_back(mConSets[index]); } // Restores a single control set given by index, or all control sets if index is < 0 // Erases the corresponding saved set if erase is true; otherwise (and if index is < 0) // bool CMacroProcessor::RestoreCameraSet(int index, BOOL erase) { bool retval = true; if (index < 0 && !erase) { mChangedConsets.clear(); mCamWithChangedSets = mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera(); } for (int ind = (int)mConsetNums.size() - 1; ind >= 0; ind--) { if (mConsetNums[ind] == index || index < 0) { if (index < 0 && !erase) mChangedConsets.push_back(mConSets[mConsetNums[ind]]); mConSets[mConsetNums[ind]] = mConsetsSaved[ind]; if (erase) { mConsetsSaved.erase(mConsetsSaved.begin() + ind); mConsetNums.erase(mConsetNums.begin() + ind); } retval = false; } } return retval; } // Given info for a cartridge, format both output for the log table and a row for an array void CMacroProcessor::FormatCartridgeInfo(int index, int &id, int &station, int &slot, int &cartType, int &rotation, CString &name, CString &report, CString &rowVal) { const char *stations[4] = {"Unknown", "Magazine", "Storage ", "Stage "}; JeolCartridgeData jcd; CArray *loaderInfo = mScope->GetJeolLoaderInfo(); id = -1; if (index < 0 || index >= (int)loaderInfo->GetSize()) return; jcd = loaderInfo->GetAt(index); id = jcd.id; station = jcd.station; slot = jcd.slot; cartType = jcd.type; rotation = jcd.rotation; name = jcd.name; report.Format("%2d %7d %s %d %d %d %s", index + 1, id, stations[station], slot, cartType, rotation, (LPCTSTR)name); rowVal.Format("%d\n%d\n%d\n%d\n%d\n", id, station, slot, cartType, rotation); rowVal += name; } // Returns a navigator item specified by a positive index, a negative distance from end // of table (-1 = last item), or 0 for current or acquire item. Updates the value of // index with the true 0-based value. Issues message, aborts and returns NULL on failures CMapDrawItem *CMacroProcessor::CurrentOrIndexedNavItem(int &index, CString &strLine) { CMapDrawItem *item; if (!mWinApp->mNavigator) { ABORT_NORET_LINE("The Navigator must be open to execute line:\n\n"); return NULL; } if (index > 0) index--; else if (index < 0) index = mWinApp->mNavigator->GetNumNavItems() + index; else { index = mWinApp->mNavigator->GetCurrentOrAcquireItem(item); if (index < 0) { ABORT_NORET_LINE("There is no current Navigator item for line:\n\n"); return NULL; } } item = mWinApp->mNavigator->GetOtherNavItem(index); if (!item) { ABORT_NORET_LINE("Index is out of range in statement:\n\n"); return NULL; } return item; } // Computes number of montage pieces needed to achieve the minimum size in microns given // the camera number of pixels in camSize and fractional overlap int CMacroProcessor::PiecesForMinimumSize(float minMicrons, int camSize, float fracOverlap) { int binning = mConSets[RECORD_CONSET].binning; int magInd = mScope->GetMagIndex(); float pixel = mShiftManager->GetPixelSize(mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera(), magInd) * binning; int minPixels = (int)(minMicrons / pixel); camSize /= binning; return (int)ceil(1. + (minPixels - camSize) / ((1. - fracOverlap) * camSize)); } // Transfer macro if open and give error if macro is empty (1) or fails (2) int CMacroProcessor::EnsureMacroRunnable(int macnum) { int err, tryLevel = 0; if (mMacroEditer[macnum]) mMacroEditer[macnum]->TransferMacro(true); if (mMacros[macnum].IsEmpty()) { SEMMessageBox("The script you selected to run is empty", MB_EXCLAME); return 1; } PrepareForMacroChecking(macnum); err = CheckForScriptLanguage(macnum, false); mMacroForScrpLang = ""; if (err > 0 || (!err && CheckBlockNesting(macnum, -1, tryLevel))) return 2; return 0; } // Test for whether the script starts with a #! for external script language and then // try to get the functions, then look for #include and concatenate all included scripts int CMacroProcessor::CheckForScriptLanguage(int macNum, bool justCheckStart, int argInd, int currentInd, int lastInd, int startLine) { bool isPython; int ind, fail, size, cumulLine = 0, indent = 0, lineNum = 0, firstRealLine = -1; int pyVersion = 0; CFile *file = NULL; unsigned char *buffer = NULL; CString indentStr, fileName, fileStr, errStr, modulePath = mPyModulePath; CString includePath, tryPath; CFileStatus status; // Test for scripting language int includeInd = -1, count; CString name, line; if (lastInd < 0) lastInd = mMacros[macNum].GetLength(); while (currentInd < lastInd) { GetNextLine(&mMacros[macNum], currentInd, line, true); if (line.Find("#!") == 0) break; name = line; name.Replace("#", ""); name = name.Trim(); if (!name.IsEmpty()) break; } if (line.Find("#!") != 0) return 0; if (!mScrpLangDoneEvent) { if (!justCheckStart) mWinApp->AppendToLog("Cannot run external scripting language without object" " for communicating with it"); return 1; } if (justCheckStart) return -1; count = line.GetLength(); while (count > 1 && (line.GetAt(count - 1) == '\n' || line.GetAt(count - 1) == '\r' || line.GetAt(count - 1) == ' ')) count--; name = line.Mid(2, count - 2); // determine if Python and either start server or check for plugin functions line = name; line.MakeLower(); isPython = line.Find("pyth") == 0; mScrpLangData.strItems[0] = ""; if (isPython) { if (mWinApp->mPythonServer->StartServerIfNeeded(RUN_PYTH_SOCK_ID)) return 1; // If there is a full "python" see if there is one matching the version number given // after it, or take the first entry if there is no version number. if (line.Find("python") == 0) { line = line.Mid(6).Trim(); for (ind = 0; ind < (int)mPathsToPython.size(); ind++) { if ((line.IsEmpty() && !ind) || (!line.IsEmpty() && mVersionsOfPython[ind].find((LPCTSTR)line) == 0)) { mScrpLangData.strItems[0] = mPathsToPython[ind].c_str(); mScrpLangData.strItems[0] += "\\"; pyVersion = 100 * atoi(mVersionsOfPython[ind].c_str()) + atoi(mVersionsOfPython[ind].c_str() + 2); if (pyVersion >= 207 && pyVersion <= 304) modulePath = mPyModulePath + "/" + mVersionsOfPython[ind].c_str(); } } // Nothing found is bad if they specified one if (mScrpLangData.strItems[0].IsEmpty() && !line.IsEmpty()) { SEMMessageBox("Could not find a PathToPython entry with a version" " matching " + name); return 1; } mScrpLangData.strItems[0] = "\"" + mScrpLangData.strItems[0] + "python.exe\""; } } else { mScrpLangFuncs = mWinApp->mPluginManager->GetScriptLangFuncs(name); if (!mScrpLangFuncs) { SEMMessageBox("There is no scripting language plugin loaded whose\n" "name matches the one at the start of this script, " + name); return 1; } } // Determine if python and start wrapper mMacroForScrpLang = ""; mLineInSrcMacro.clear(); mIndexOfSrcLine.clear(); mMacNumAtScrpLine.clear(); mMacStartLineInScrp.clear(); mIncludedFiles.clear(); if (isPython) { startLine += 27; name.Format("sys.path.insert(0, \"%s\")\r\n", modulePath); line.Format("ConnectToSEM(%d)\r\n", CBaseServer::GetPortForSocketIndex(0)); mMacroForScrpLang = "import sys\r\n" + name + "from serialem import SEMexited, SEMerror, ConnectToSEM\r\n" "from serialem import Echo as SEMecho\r\n" "from serialem import ScriptIsInitialized as SEMscriptIsInitialized\r\n" "SEMscriptIsInitialized()\r\n" + line + "def SEMarrayToFloats(var):\r\n" " if not isinstance(var, str):\r\n" " return [float(var)]\r\n" " ret = []\r\n" " for item in var.split('\\n'):\r\n" " ret.append(float(item))\r\n" " return ret\r\n" "def SEMarrayToInts(var):\r\n" " ret = []\r\n" " for item in var.split('\\n'):\r\n" " ret.append(int(item))\r\n" " return ret\r\n" "def listToSEMarray(var):\r\n" " ret = ''\r\n" " for val in var:\r\n" " ret += str(val) + '\\n'\r\n" " return ret[:-1]\r\n" "SEMargStrings = ["; if (argInd > 0) { for (ind = argInd; ind < MAX_MACRO_TOKENS; ind++) { if (mItemEmpty[ind]) break; if (mStrItems[ind].Replace("\\", "\\\\")) mStrItems[ind].Replace("|\\\\", "\\"); if (ind > argInd) mMacroForScrpLang += ", "; mMacroForScrpLang += "\"\"\"" + mStrItems[ind] + "\"\"\""; } } mMacroForScrpLang += "]\r\n"; if (pyVersion < 1 || pyVersion >= 300) { mMacroForScrpLang += "def SEMprint(*args):\r\n" " print(*args, flush = True)\r\n" "SEMflush = sys.stdout.flush\r\n"; startLine += 2; } mMacroForScrpLang += "try:\r\n"; for (ind = 0; ind < startLine; ind++) { mLineInSrcMacro.push_back(-1); mIndexOfSrcLine.push_back(-1); } for (ind = 0; ind < 2; ind++) indentStr += ' '; } // Setup first block of actual script and add the first line mMacNumAtScrpLine.push_back(macNum); mMacStartLineInScrp.push_back((int)mLineInSrcMacro.size()); mIndexOfSrcLine.push_back(0); mLineInSrcMacro.push_back(lineNum++); mIncludedFiles.push_back(""); mMacroForScrpLang += indentStr + line; // Now build up the string, indenting for python and inserting any #include scripts in // place while (currentInd < lastInd) { mIndexOfSrcLine.push_back(currentInd); mLineInSrcMacro.push_back(lineNum++); GetNextLine(&mMacros[macNum], currentInd, line, true); // Escape the backslashes to prevent them from being interpreted as escape code // but restore intended escape codes prefixed by | if (isPython) DoReplacementsInPythonLine(line); mMacroForScrpLang += indentStr + line; // Keep track of the first non-blank line so that the "maybe" statements can be // added to tracebacks name = line.Trim(" \n\r"); if (firstRealLine < 0 && !name.IsEmpty() && name.GetAt(0) != '#') firstRealLine = (int)mLineInSrcMacro.size() - 1; if (name.IsEmpty()) continue; if (name.Find("#include") != 0) continue; // Process an #includeFile entry if (name.Find("#includeFile") == 0 || name.Find("#includefile") == 0) { fail = 0; includePath = mPyIncludePath; // get the file name fileName = name.Mid((int)strlen("#includefile")); while (fileName.GetLength() > 0 && fileName.GetAt(0) == ' ') fileName = fileName.Mid(1); if (fileName.IsEmpty()) { SEMMessageBox("A filename must be included after #includeFile"); return 1; } // If there is no include path or it looks like an absolute path, use it as is if (includePath.IsEmpty() || (fileName.GetAt(0) == '\\' || fileName.GetAt(0) == '/' || (fileName.GetLength() > 3 && fileName.GetAt(1) == ':' && (fileName.GetAt(2) == '\\' || fileName.GetAt(2) == '/')))) { if (!CFile::GetStatus((LPCTSTR)fileName, status)) { SEMMessageBox("File to be included does not exist: " + fileName); return 1; } } else { // Otherwise put current directory on front of path then extract each path entry includePath = ".;" + includePath; for (;;) { ind = includePath.Find(";"); if (ind > 0) { tryPath = includePath.Left(ind); // Leave shorter path or set index -1 if at end if (includePath.GetLength() > ind + 1) includePath = includePath.Mid(ind + 1); else ind = -1; } else tryPath = includePath; // If file is there, great, make full name and proceed if (CFile::GetStatus((LPCTSTR)(tryPath + "\\" + fileName), status)) { fileName = tryPath + "\\" + fileName; break; } // If index is no good, it is all over, can't find it if (ind <= 0) { SEMMessageBox("Cannot find " + fileName + " in the current path or on the PythonIncludePath"); return 1; } } } // Get the text just as when loading a script in editor try { errStr = "Opening included file " + fileName; file = new CFile(fileName, CFile::modeRead | CFile::shareDenyWrite); size = (int)file->GetLength(); NewArray(buffer, unsigned char, size + 5); if (buffer) { errStr = "Reading included file " + fileName; ind = file->Read((void *)buffer, size); B3DCLAMP(ind, 0, size); buffer[ind] = 0x00; fileStr = buffer; } else { errStr = "Allocating memory for reading included file " + fileName; fail = 1; } } catch (CFileException *err) { err->Delete(); fail = 1; } // Clean up, error out if error delete file; delete buffer; if (fail) { SEMMessageBox(errStr); return 1; } } else { // regular include of other script includeInd = FindCalledMacro(name.Mid(1), true); if (includeInd < 0) return 1; } // Finish the previous block, set up new block for include and add it in mFirstRealLineInPart.push_back(firstRealLine); mMacNumAtScrpLine.push_back(includeInd); mMacStartLineInScrp.push_back((int)mLineInSrcMacro.size()); mIncludedFiles.push_back(includeInd < 0 ? (LPCTSTR)fileName : ""); IndentAndAppendToScript(includeInd < 0 ? fileStr : mMacros[includeInd], mMacroForScrpLang, indentStr, isPython); // Start new block of main script mMacNumAtScrpLine.push_back(macNum); mMacStartLineInScrp.push_back((int)mLineInSrcMacro.size()); mIncludedFiles.push_back(""); firstRealLine = -1; } mFirstRealLineInPart.push_back(firstRealLine); // Catch exceptions at end if (isPython) { mMacroForScrpLang += "\r\nexcept SystemExit:\r\n" " import serialem\r\n" " serialem.Exit(1)\r\n" "except SEMerror:\r\n" " pass\r\n" "except SEMexited:\r\n" " pass\r\n" "except Exception:\r\n" " import serialem, traceback\r\n" " line = \"\\r\\nError in Python script:\\r\\n\"\r\n" " lines = traceback.format_exc().splitlines()\r\n" " for ind in range(len(lines)):\r\n" " line += lines[ind] + \"\\r\\n\"\r\n" " serialem.Exit(-1, line)\r\n"; } if (GetDebugOutput(']')) mWinApp->AppendToLog(mMacroForScrpLang); return -1; } // Copy lines from source to copy, indenting by indentStr and keeping track of first real // line void CMacroProcessor::IndentAndAppendToScript(CString &source, CString ©, CString &indentStr, bool isPython) { int currentInd = 0, lineNum = 0, length = source.GetLength(); CString line, trim; int firstRealLine = -1; while (currentInd < length) { mIndexOfSrcLine.push_back(currentInd); mLineInSrcMacro.push_back(lineNum++); GetNextLine(&source, currentInd, line, true); if (isPython) DoReplacementsInPythonLine(line); copy += indentStr + line; if (firstRealLine < 0) { line.Trim(" \r\n"); if (!line.IsEmpty() && line.GetAt(0) != '#') firstRealLine = (int)mLineInSrcMacro.size() - 1; } } mFirstRealLineInPart.push_back(firstRealLine); } void CMacroProcessor::DoReplacementsInPythonLine(CString & line) { int index = 0; // Escape the backslashes to prevent them from being interpreted as escape code // but restore intended escape codes prefixed by | // For convenience, preserve clear cases of \n and \r\n if (line.Find("\\n") >= 0) { if (line.Find("EchoBreakLine(") >= 0) line.Replace("\\n", "|\\n"); else line.Replace("'\\n'", "'|\\n'"); line.Replace("'\\r\\n'", "'|\\r|\\n'"); line.Replace("\"\\n\"", "\"|\\n\""); line.Replace("\"\\r\\n\"", "\"|\\r|\\n\""); } if (line.Replace("\\", "\\\\")) line.Replace("|\\\\", "\\"); // Be nice and replace print with SEMprint while ((index = line.Find("print(", index)) >= 0) { if (!index || line.GetAt(index - 1) == ' ' || line.GetAt(index - 1) == '\r' || line.GetAt(index - 1) == '\n') line.Insert(index, "SEM"); index += 5; } } // Test whether an embedded script can be run by looking for the End line, and return the index of that line // plus the index past that line bool CMacroProcessor::IsEmbeddedPythonOK(int macNum, int currentInd, int &lastInd, int &newCurrentInd) { CString line, strItems[2]; int cmdIndex, length = mMacros[macNum].GetLength(); lastInd = newCurrentInd = currentInd; while (newCurrentInd < length) { GetNextLine(&mMacros[macNum], newCurrentInd, line); mParamIO->ParseString(line, &strItems[0], 2); strItems[0].MakeUpper(); cmdIndex = LookupCommandIndex(strItems[0]); if (cmdIndex == CME_ENDPYTHONSCRIPT) return true; lastInd = newCurrentInd; } return false; } // Return the number of lines through the current index int CMacroProcessor::CountLinesToCurIndex(int macNum, int curIndex) { int currentInd = 0, lineNum = 0; while (currentInd >= 0 && currentInd < curIndex) { currentInd = mMacros[macNum].Find("\r\n", currentInd) + 1; lineNum++; } return lineNum; } // Take a Python exception from the plugin and translate the line numbers to be correct, // provide script names, and print the line in question if necessary void CMacroProcessor::EnhancedExceptionToLog(CString &str) { CString line, numStr, name; int indLine, indComma, lineNum, ind, lineInSrc, indInSrc, macNum = -1, indMod; int currentInd = 0, length = str.GetLength(); CString attribErr; if (length && mScrpLangData.exitStatus < 0) { mWinApp->AppendToLog("Error trying to run Python to execute script:\r\n " + str); return; } // Loop on error message while (currentInd < length) { GetNextLine(&str, currentInd, line); line.TrimRight(" \r\n"); ind = line.Find("module 'serialem' has no attribute"); if (ind > 0) { ind = line.Find("'", ind + 20); if (ind > 0) { indLine = line.ReverseFind('\''); name = line.Mid(ind + 1, indLine - 1 - ind); name.MakeUpper(); if (LookupCommandIndex(name) == CME_NOTFOUND) attribErr = "That is not a recognized SerialEM script command"; else attribErr = "You need to upgrade your SerialEM module with the latest" " PythonModules package"; } } indLine = line.Find("line "); if (indLine < 0) { mWinApp->AppendToLog(line); continue; } // Syntax errors have no comma and do not need the text line added // Errors withount belong to other modules indComma = line.Find(",", indLine); if (indComma > 0 && line.Find("File \"") < 0) { mWinApp->AppendToLog(line); continue; } // Get the line number if (indComma < 0) numStr = line.Mid(indLine + 5); else numStr = line.Mid(indLine + 5, indComma - (indLine + 5)); lineNum = atoi((LPCTSTR)numStr) - 1; // Print and skip if not legal if (lineNum >= (int)mLineInSrcMacro.size() || lineNum < mMacStartLineInScrp[0]) { mWinApp->AppendToLog(line); continue; } // Search the vectors for which script block this occurs in and for (ind = (int)mMacStartLineInScrp.size() - 1; ind >= 0; ind--) { if (lineNum >= mMacStartLineInScrp[ind]) { lineInSrc = mLineInSrcMacro[lineNum]; indInSrc = mIndexOfSrcLine[lineNum]; macNum = mMacNumAtScrpLine[ind]; if (macNum < 0) { name = mIncludedFiles[ind].c_str(); } else { name = mMacNames[macNum]; if (name.IsEmpty()) name.Format("Script #%d", macNum + 1); } numStr.Format("line %d, in %s", lineInSrc + 1, (LPCTSTR)name); mLastPythonErrorLine = lineInSrc + 1; // If it has function instead of , add it after the script name indMod = line.Find("", indLine); if (indComma > 0 && indMod < 0) { indMod = line.Find("in ", indLine + 6); if (indMod > 0) numStr += " - " + line.Mid(indMod + 3); } // Equivocate about errors right before or after an include line = line.Left(indLine) + numStr; if (indComma < 0 && ind > 0 && lineNum == mFirstRealLineInPart[ind]) { if (mMacNumAtScrpLine[ind - 1] == mMacNumAtScrpLine[0]) line += " (or maybe just before #include " + name + ")"; else line += " (or maybe right at the end of " + (mMacNumAtScrpLine[ind - 1] < 0 ? CString(mIncludedFiles[ind - 1].c_str()) : mMacNames[mMacNumAtScrpLine[ind - 1]]) + ")"; } mWinApp->AppendToLog(line); // Output line itself if (indComma >= 0 && macNum >= 0) { GetNextLine(&mMacros[macNum], indInSrc, line); line.TrimRight(" \r\n"); mWinApp->AppendToLog(line); } break; } } } if (!attribErr.IsEmpty()) mWinApp->AppendToLog(attribErr); // Try to show error if (macNum >= 0 && macNum < MAX_MACROS && mLastPythonErrorLine > 0 && mMacroEditer[macNum]) mMacroEditer[macNum]->SelectAndShowLine(mLastPythonErrorLine); } void CMacroProcessor::SetPathToPython(CString & version, CString & path) { mVersionsOfPython.push_back((LPCTSTR)version); mPathsToPython.push_back((LPCTSTR)path); } // Send an email from a message box error if command defined the text void CMacroProcessor::SendEmailIfNeeded(void) { if (!mEmailOnError.IsEmpty()) mWinApp->mMailer->SendMail(mMailSubject, mEmailOnError); } // Thread Procedure for running a process UINT CMacroProcessor::RunInShellProc(LPVOID pParam) { CString *strCopy = (CString *)pParam; std::string command = (LPCTSTR)(*strCopy); _flushall(); sProcessErrno = 0; sProcessExitStatus = system(command.c_str()); if (sProcessExitStatus == -1) { switch (errno) { case E2BIG: sProcessErrno = 1; break; case ENOENT: sProcessErrno = 2; break; case ENOEXEC: sProcessErrno = 3; break; case ENOMEM: sProcessErrno = 4; break; default: sProcessErrno = 5; } return 1; } return 0; } // Thread procedure for starting a script in external language UINT CMacroProcessor::RunScriptLangProc(LPVOID pParam) { SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES saAttr; HANDLE hChildStd_IN_Rd = NULL; HANDLE hChildStd_IN_Wr = NULL; HANDLE hChildStd_OUT_Rd = NULL; HANDLE hChildStd_OUT_Wr = NULL; HANDLE hChildStd_ERR_Rd = NULL; HANDLE hChildStd_ERR_Wr = NULL; PROCESS_INFORMATION piProcInfo; STARTUPINFO siStartInfo; BOOL bSuccess = FALSE; char *cmdLine = NULL; const char *script = (const char *)pParam; DWORD dwWrite, dwWritten, exitCode, dwRead; const int bufLen = 256; char buffer[bufLen]; if (mScrpLangData.strItems[0].IsEmpty()) { mScrpLangData.exitStatus = mScrpLangFuncs->RunScript(script); } else { mScrpLangData.exitStatus = -1; mScrpLangData.gotExceptionText = true; // This is based heavily on a Microsoft post // Set the bInheritHandle flag so pipe handles are inherited. // This inherits all inheritable handles; If you need to explicitly list ones to // inherit in CreateProcess (Vista onwards), see // https://devblogs.microsoft.com/oldnewthing/20111216-00/?p=8873 saAttr.nLength = sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES); saAttr.bInheritHandle = TRUE; saAttr.lpSecurityDescriptor = NULL; // Create a pipe for the child process's STDOUT. if (CreateOnePipe(&hChildStd_OUT_Rd, &hChildStd_OUT_Wr, &saAttr, false, "stdout output")) return 1; // Create a pipe for the child process's STDERR. if (CreateOnePipe(&hChildStd_ERR_Rd, &hChildStd_ERR_Wr, &saAttr, false, "stderr output")) return 1; // Create a pipe for the child process's STDIN. if (CreateOnePipe(&hChildStd_IN_Rd, &hChildStd_IN_Wr, &saAttr, true, "input")) return 1; // Set up members of the PROCESS_INFORMATION structure. ZeroMemory(&piProcInfo, sizeof(PROCESS_INFORMATION)); // Set up members of the STARTUPINFO structure. // This structure specifies the STDIN and STDOUT handles for redirection. ZeroMemory(&siStartInfo, sizeof(STARTUPINFO)); siStartInfo.cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFO); siStartInfo.hStdError = hChildStd_ERR_Wr; siStartInfo.hStdOutput = hChildStd_OUT_Wr; siStartInfo.hStdInput = hChildStd_IN_Rd; siStartInfo.dwFlags |= STARTF_USESTDHANDLES; cmdLine = _strdup((LPCTSTR)mScrpLangData.strItems[0]); if (!cmdLine) { mScrpLangData.strItems[0] = "Failed to duplicate the command line for running" " Python"; return 1; } // Create the child process. bSuccess = CreateProcessA(NULL, cmdLine, // command line &saAttr, // process security attributes &saAttr, // primary thread security attributes TRUE, // handles are inherited CREATE_NO_WINDOW, // creation flags NULL, // use parent's environment NULL, // use parent's current directory &siStartInfo, // STARTUPINFO pointer &piProcInfo); // receives PROCESS_INFORMATION // Close handles to the stdin and stdout pipes no longer needed by the child process // If they are not explicitly closed, there is no way to recognize that the child // process has ended. CloseHandle(hChildStd_OUT_Wr); CloseHandle(hChildStd_ERR_Wr); CloseHandle(hChildStd_IN_Rd); if (!bSuccess) { mScrpLangData.strItems[0] = "Error starting Python with this command: "; mScrpLangData.strItems[0] += cmdLine; CloseHandle(hChildStd_IN_Wr); CloseHandle(hChildStd_ERR_Rd); CloseHandle(hChildStd_OUT_Rd); free(cmdLine); return 1; } free(cmdLine); mScrpLangData.exitStatus = 0; // Close handle to the child process primary thread, keep the other handle CloseHandle(piProcInfo.hThread); mPyProcessHandle = piProcInfo.hProcess; // People are getting error 5, access denied. Tried: CREATE_SUSPENDED: it hung // BREAKAWAY_FROM_JOB it couldn't run python // &saAttr instead of NULL for the security attributes: no difference // // Assign the process to the job object so that if SerialEM dies, it will be killed if (CPythonServer::mJobObject) { if (!AssignProcessToJobObject(CPythonServer::mJobObject, mPyProcessHandle)) SEMTrace('0', "WARNING: Error %d occurred assigning python process to job object", GetLastError()); } dwWrite = (DWORD)strlen(script); bSuccess = WriteFile(hChildStd_IN_Wr, script, dwWrite, &dwWritten, NULL); // Close the pipe handle so the child process stops reading. CloseHandle(hChildStd_IN_Wr); // Give up if there was an error writing to pipe if (!bSuccess) { TerminateScrpLangProcess(); mScrpLangData.strItems[0] = "An error occurred writing the script to the pipe into" " Python"; mScrpLangData.exitStatus = -1; return 1; } // Start thread to read from stdout and send to log AfxBeginThread(StdoutToLogProc, (LPVOID)(&hChildStd_OUT_Rd), THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL); // Read stderr from pipe mScrpLangData.strItems[0] = ""; for (;;) { bSuccess = ReadFile(hChildStd_ERR_Rd, buffer, bufLen - 1, &dwRead, NULL); if (!bSuccess || dwRead == 0) break; buffer[dwRead] = 0x00; mScrpLangData.strItems[0] += buffer; } CloseHandle(hChildStd_ERR_Rd); // Waiting now may be gratuitous... WaitForSingleObject(mPyProcessHandle, INFINITE); // Get the exit status and close handles GetExitCodeProcess(mPyProcessHandle, &exitCode); CloseHandle(mPyProcessHandle); mPyProcessHandle = NULL; mScrpLangData.exitStatus = (int)exitCode; mScrpLangData.gotExceptionText = !mScrpLangData.strItems[0].IsEmpty(); } SEMTrace('[', "RunScriptLangProc exit stat %d", mScrpLangData.exitStatus); return mScrpLangData.exitStatus ? 1 : 0; } // Function for the boilerplate in creating a pipe int CMacroProcessor::CreateOnePipe(HANDLE * childRd, HANDLE * childWr, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES * saAttr, bool setForWrite, const char *descrip) { // Create a pipe for the child process's STDOUT. if (!CreatePipe(childRd, childWr, saAttr, 0)) { mScrpLangData.strItems[0].Format("Error creating %s pipe for Python process", descrip); return 1; } // Ensure the read handle to the pipe for STDOUT is not inherited. if (!SetHandleInformation(setForWrite ? *childWr : *childRd, HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 0)) { mScrpLangData.strItems[0].Format("Error in SetHandleInformation for %s pipe of Python" " process", descrip); return 1; } return 0; } // Thread procedure to pump the standard out into the log UINT CMacroProcessor::StdoutToLogProc(LPVOID pParam) { const int bufLen = 1024; char buffer[bufLen]; BOOL bSuccess; DWORD dwRead; HANDLE *outRd = (HANDLE *)pParam; for (;;) { bSuccess = ReadFile(*outRd, buffer, bufLen - 1, &dwRead, NULL); if (!bSuccess || dwRead == 0) break; buffer[B3DMIN(bufLen - 1, dwRead)] = 0x00; SEMTrace('0', buffer); } CloseHandle(*outRd); return 0; } // Common call to terminate the process and to let the thread exit before closing handle void CMacroProcessor::TerminateScrpLangProcess(void) { if (mPyProcessHandle) { TerminateProcess(mPyProcessHandle, 1); for (int ind = 0; ind < 100; ind++) { if (!mScrpLangThread || UtilThreadBusy(&mScrpLangThread) <= 0) break; Sleep(10); } if (mPyProcessHandle) CloseHandle(mPyProcessHandle); mPyProcessHandle = NULL; } } // Busy function for the task to start the Navigator Acquire int CMacroProcessor::StartNavAvqBusy(void) { if (DoingMacro()) return 1; if (mLastCompleted && mWinApp->mNavigator) { mWinApp->mNavigator->SetCurAcqParmActions(mUseTempNavParams ? 2 : mNavHelper->GetCurAcqParamIndex()); mWinApp->mNavigator->AcquireAreas(NAVACQ_SRC_MACRO, false, mUseTempNavParams); } return 0; } // Create a simple hash value with the djb2 alogorithm, mask bit before the multiply unsigned int CMacroProcessor::StringHashValue(const char *str) { unsigned int hash = 5381; int c; while ((c = (unsigned int)(*str++)) != 0) hash = (hash & 0x3FFFFFF) * 33 + c; return hash; } // Lookup a command or other candidate for command by first trying to find the hash value // in the map, then falling back to matching the string // The lookup has been tested with hash values masked to 0 - 63 int CMacroProcessor::LookupCommandIndex(CString & item) { unsigned int hash = StringHashValue((LPCTSTR)item); int ind; std::map::iterator mapit; if (!mCmdHashMap.count(hash)) return CME_NOTFOUND; mapit = mCmdHashMap.find(hash); ind = mapit->second; // Return the map value as long as the string matches: we need to exclude the universe // of variable names that might collide with a command having unique hash if (ind && item == mCmdList[ind].cmd.c_str()) return ind; // Fallback to looking up command by string for (ind = 0; ind < mNumCommands - 1; ind++) { if (item == mCmdList[ind].cmd.c_str()) return ind; } return CME_NOTFOUND; } // Find a text file given the ID, performing a check on its existent specified by // checkType and returning its index in the array FileForText *CMacroProcessor::LookupFileForText(CString &ID, int checkType, CString &strLine, int &index) { FileForText *tfile; CString errStr; for (index = 0; index < (int)mTextFileArray.GetSize(); index++) { tfile = mTextFileArray.GetAt(index); if (tfile->ID == ID) { if (checkType == TXFILE_MUST_NOT_EXIST) errStr = "There is already an open file with identifier " + ID; if (checkType == TXFILE_READ_ONLY && !tfile->readOnly) errStr = "The file with identifier " + ID + " cannot be read from"; if (checkType == TXFILE_WRITE_ONLY && tfile->readOnly) errStr = "The file with identifier " + ID + " cannot be written to"; if (!errStr.IsEmpty()) break; return tfile; } } if (errStr.IsEmpty() && checkType != TXFILE_MUST_NOT_EXIST && checkType != TXFILE_QUERY_ONLY) errStr = "There is no open file with identifier " + ID; if (!errStr.IsEmpty()) ABORT_NORET_LINE(errStr + " for line:\n\n"); return NULL; } // Close a text file given its index void CMacroProcessor::CloseFileForText(int index) { FileForText *txFile; int startInd = index, endInd = index, ind; if (index >= mTextFileArray.GetSize()) return; if (index < 0) { startInd = 0; endInd = (int)mTextFileArray.GetSize() - 1; } for (ind = endInd; ind >= startInd; ind--) { txFile = mTextFileArray.GetAt(ind); if (index != -1 || !txFile->persistent) { txFile->csFile->Close(); delete txFile->csFile; delete txFile; mTextFileArray.RemoveAt(ind); } } } // Read in the given file to the next temporary script position, optionally delete it, // and run the script as a "call" int CMacroProcessor::RunScriptFromFile(CString &filename, bool deleteFile, CString &mess) { // Run a script: read it in int index2 = 0; int index = MAX_MACROS + MAX_ONE_LINE_SCRIPTS + mNumTempMacros++; CString line, action; CStdioFile *sFile = NULL; try { action = "opening file"; sFile = new CStdioFile(filename, CFile::modeRead | CFile::shareDenyWrite | CFile::modeNoInherit); action = "reading file"; mMacros[index] = ""; while (sFile->ReadString(line)) { if (!mMacros[index].IsEmpty()) mMacros[index] += "\r\n"; mMacros[index] += line; } } catch (CFileException * perr) { index2 = perr->m_lOsError; perr->Delete(); } delete sFile; // Delete the file if (deleteFile) { try { CFile::Remove(filename); } catch (CFileException * pEx) { if (!index2) action = "removing"; index2 = pEx->m_lOsError; pEx->Delete(); } } if (index2) { mess.Format("Error %d %s %s", index2, (LPCTSTR)action, (LPCTSTR)filename); return 1; } if (mMacros[index].IsEmpty()) return -1; ScanForName(index, &mMacros[index]); index2 = CheckForScriptLanguage(index, false, 0); if (index2 > 0) { AbortMacro(); mess = ""; return 1; } if (index2 < 0) { mRunningScrpLang = true; mCalledFromSEMmacro = true; StartRunningScrpLang(); } // Set it up like callScript mCallIndex[mCallLevel++] = mCurrentIndex; mCurrentMacro = index; mCallMacro[mCallLevel] = mCurrentMacro; mBlockDepths[mCallLevel] = -1; mCallFunction[mCallLevel] = NULL; mCurrentIndex = 0; mLastIndex = -1; mNeedClearTempMacro = mCurrentMacro; mClearTempAtCallLevel = mCallLevel; return 0; } // Extract part of entered line after substituting variables // No longer a convenience! You must use these instead of StripItems to get the final // string argument for external scripting void CMacroProcessor::SubstituteLineStripItems(CString & strLine, int numStrip, CString &strCopy) { if (!mRunningScrpLang) SubstituteVariables(&strLine, 1, strLine); JustStripItems(strLine, numStrip, strCopy); } // Or just extract part of entered line void CMacroProcessor::JustStripItems(CString &strLine, int numStrip, CString &strCopy, bool allowComment) { if (mRunningScrpLang) strCopy = mScrpLangData.strItems[mScrpLangData.lastNonEmptyInd]; else mParamIO->StripItems(strLine, numStrip, strCopy, allowComment); } // Convert letter after command to LD area # or abort if not legal. Tests for whether // Low dose is on or off if needOnOrOff >0 or <0. Returns index -1 and no error if item // is empty int CMacroProcessor::CheckAndConvertLDAreaLetter(CString &item, int needOnOrOff, int &index, CString &strLine) { if (needOnOrOff && !BOOL_EQUIV(mWinApp->LowDoseMode(), needOnOrOff > 0)) { ABORT_NORET_LINE("You must" + CString(needOnOrOff > 0 ? "" : " NOT") + " be in low dose mode to use this command:\n\n"); return 1; } if (item.IsEmpty()) { index = -1; return 0; } index = CString("VFTRS").Find(item.Left(1)); if (index < 0) ABORT_NORET_LINE("Command must be followed by one of V, F, T, R, or S in line:\n\n"); return index < 0 ? 1 : 0; } // Restore saved low dose parameters for the set given by index, or for all sets if index // is -1, or for ones marked to be restored if index is < -1 void CMacroProcessor::RestoreLowDoseParams(int index) { LowDoseParams *ldParam = mWinApp->GetLowDoseParams(); LowDoseParams ldsaParams; int ind, set; int curArea = mWinApp->LowDoseMode() ? mScope->GetLowDoseArea() : -1; for (ind = 0; ind < (int)mLDareasSaved.size(); ind++) { set = mLDareasSaved[ind]; if (set == index || index == -1 || (index < -1 && mKeepOrRestoreArea[set] > 0)) { // When going to the current area, save the current params in the local variable // and tell LD that is the current set of parameters to use, then set in new // parameters and go to the area to get them handled right if (set == curArea) { ldsaParams = ldParam[set]; mScope->SetLdsaParams(&ldsaParams); } ldParam[set] = mLDParamsSaved[ind]; if (set == curArea) mScope->GotoLowDoseArea(curArea); if (index >= 0) { mLDareasSaved.erase(mLDareasSaved.begin() + ind); mLDParamsSaved.erase(mLDParamsSaved.begin() + ind); return; } } } if (index < 0) { mLDareasSaved.clear(); mLDParamsSaved.clear(); } } // restore multishot params if they were saved to do step & adjust IS void CMacroProcessor::RestoreMultiShotParams() { if (mSavedMultiShot) { MultiShotParams *params = mNavHelper->GetMultiShotParams(); *params = *mSavedMultiShot; B3DDELETE(mSavedMultiShot); } } // External call to find out if a low dose area is saved/free to modify bool CMacroProcessor::IsLowDoseAreaSaved(int which) { return mKeepOrRestoreArea[which] != 0; } // Call to update the current Low dose area if it was saved void CMacroProcessor::UpdateLDAreaIfSaved() { BOOL saveContinuous = mWinApp->mLowDoseDlg.GetContinuousUpdate(); int curArea = mWinApp->LowDoseMode() ? mScope->GetLowDoseArea() : -1; if (curArea < 0 || !mKeepOrRestoreArea[curArea]) return; if (!saveContinuous) mWinApp->mLowDoseDlg.SetContinuousUpdate(true); mScope->ScopeUpdate(GetTickCount()); if (!saveContinuous) mWinApp->mLowDoseDlg.SetContinuousUpdate(false); } // Store string variable into an extra script int CMacroProcessor::MakeNewTempMacro(CString &strVar, CString &strIndex, bool tempOnly, CString &strLine) { int ix0, index, endInd, lastEnd, nextEnd, length; int lowLim = tempOnly ? 0 : -MAX_MACROS; Variable *var = LookupVariable(strVar.MakeUpper(), ix0); if (!var) { ABORT_NORET_LINE("The variable " + strVar + " is not defined in line:\n\n"); return 0; } if (var->rowsFor2d) { ABORT_NORET_LINE("The variable " + strVar + " is a 2D array and cannot be run " "as a script in line:\n\n"); return 0; } index = mNumTempMacros; if (!strIndex.IsEmpty()) { index = atoi((LPCTSTR)strIndex); if (!index || index > MAX_TEMP_MACROS || index < lowLim) { ABORT_NORET_LINE("The specified extra script number is out of range in line:\n\n"); return 0; } if (index < 0) { index = -index - 1; } else { index--; if (index > mNumTempMacros) { ABORT_NORET_LINE("The script number must specify the number of an existing " "\r\nextra script or the next unused number in line:\n\n"); return 1; } mNumTempMacros = B3DMAX(mNumTempMacros, index + 1); index += MAX_MACROS + MAX_ONE_LINE_SCRIPTS; } } else { if (mNumTempMacros == MAX_TEMP_MACROS) { ABORT_NORET_LINE("Too many extra scripts are defined to use another in line:\n\n"); return 0; } mNumTempMacros++; index += MAX_MACROS + MAX_ONE_LINE_SCRIPTS; } mMacros[index] = ""; lastEnd = 0; length = var->value.GetLength(); for (;;) { endInd = var->value.Find("\n", lastEnd); if (endInd < 0) endInd = length; nextEnd = endInd + 1; if (endInd > 0 && var->value.GetAt(endInd - 1) == '\r') endInd--; mMacros[index] += var->value.Mid(lastEnd, endInd - lastEnd) + "\r\n"; lastEnd = nextEnd; if (lastEnd >= length) break; } ScanForName(index, &mMacros[index]); return index; } // Test whether a stage restore is specified in the first passed item, and use the current // stage position if the next passed items do not have one bool CMacroProcessor::SetupStageRestoreAfterTilt(CString *strItems, double &stageX, double &stageY) { double stageZ; stageX = stageY = EXTRA_NO_VALUE; if (strItems[0].IsEmpty() || !atoi((LPCTSTR)strItems[0])) { return false; } else if (strItems[1].IsEmpty() || strItems[2].IsEmpty()) { mScope->GetStagePosition(stageX, stageY, stageZ); } else { stageX = atof((LPCTSTR)strItems[1]); stageY = atof((LPCTSTR)strItems[2]); } return true; } // DO stage relaxation if backlash is valid. Returns 1 for failure to get stage // position, 0 if a move was started, -1 if backlash not valid int CMacroProcessor::DoStageRelaxation(double delX) { float backlashX, backlashY; StageMoveInfo smi; if (!mScope->GetStagePosition(smi.x, smi.y, smi.z)) return 1; if (mScope->GetValidXYbacklash(smi.x, smi.y, backlashX, backlashY)) { mScope->CopyBacklashValid(); // Move in direction of the backlash, which is opposite to direction of stage move smi.x += (backlashX > 0. ? delX : -delX); smi.y += (backlashY > 0. ? delX : -delX); smi.z = 0.; smi.alpha = 0.; smi.axisBits = axisXY; mScope->MoveStage(smi); return 0; } return -1; } ScriptLangData *SEMGetScriptLangData() { return &CMacroProcessor::mScrpLangData; }