// MacroEditer.cpp: Macro editing window // // Copyright (C) 2003-2024 by the Regents of the University of // Colorado. See Copyright.txt for full notice of copyright and limitations. // // Author: David Mastronarde // #include "stdafx.h" #include "SerialEM.h" #include "SerialEMDoc.h" #include "EMscope.h" #include ".\MacroEditer.h" #include "MacroToolbar.h" #include "MacroProcessor.h" #include "NavigatorDlg.h" #include "ParameterIO.h" #include "Utilities\KGetOne.h" #ifdef _DEBUG #define new DEBUG_NEW #undef THIS_FILE static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif CFont CMacroEditer::mMonoFont; CFont CMacroEditer::mDefaultFont; int CMacroEditer::mHasMonoFont = -1; #include "MacroArguments.h" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CMacroEditer dialog CMacroEditer::CMacroEditer(CWnd* pParent /*=NULL*/) : CBaseDlg(CMacroEditer::IDD, pParent) , m_strCompletions(_T("Tab or ` to complete command or show args")) { //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CMacroEditer) m_strMacro = _T(""); //}}AFX_DATA_INIT m_strTitle = ""; mInitialized = false; mNonModal = true; mLoadUncommitted = false; mWinApp = (CSerialEMApp *)AfxGetApp(); mSaveFile = mWinApp->GetMacroSaveFiles(); mFileName = mWinApp->GetMacroFileNames(); mMacroName = mWinApp->GetMacroNames(); mProcessor = mWinApp->mMacroProcessor; mEditer = &mWinApp->mMacroEditer[0]; mLineForSignature = -1; } void CMacroEditer::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { CBaseDlg::DoDataExchange(pDX); //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CMacroEditer) DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_SAVEMACROAS, m_butSaveAs); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_SAVEMACRO, m_butSave); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_RUNMACRO, m_butRun); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_LOADMACRO, m_butLoad); DDX_Control(pDX, IDCANCEL, m_butCancel); DDX_Control(pDX, IDOK, m_butOK); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_EDITMACRO, m_editMacro); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_EDITMACRO, m_strMacro); DDV_MaxChars(pDX, m_strMacro, 100000); //}}AFX_DATA_MAP DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_TOPREVMACRO, m_butPrevMacro); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_TONEXTMACRO, m_butNextMacro); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_SHIFT_MACRO_UP, m_butShiftUp); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_SHIFT_MACRO_DOWN, m_butShiftDown); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_STAT_COMPLETIONS, m_strCompletions); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_STAT_COMPLETIONS, m_statCompletions); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_FIND_IN_MACRO, m_butFindInMacro); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_BUT_TO_MACRO_LINE, m_butToMacroLine); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_STAT_INDENT, m_statIndent); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_BUT_FIX_INDENT, m_butFixIndent); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_BUT_ADD_INDENT, m_butAddIndent); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_BUT_REMOVE_INDENT, m_butRemoveIndent); } BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CMacroEditer, CBaseDlg) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CMacroEditer) ON_WM_SIZE() ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_RUNMACRO, OnRunmacro) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_SAVEMACRO, OnSavemacro) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_SAVEMACROAS, OnSavemacroas) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_LOADMACRO, OnLoadmacro) //}}AFX_MSG_MAP ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_TOPREVMACRO, OnBnClickedToprevmacro) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_TONEXTMACRO, OnBnClickedTonextmacro) ON_EN_CHANGE(IDC_EDITMACRO, OnEnChangeEditmacro) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_SHIFT_MACRO_UP, OnShiftMacroUp) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_SHIFT_MACRO_DOWN, OnShiftMacroDown) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_FIND_IN_MACRO, OnFindInMacro) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_BUT_TO_MACRO_LINE, OnButToMacroLine) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_BUT_FIX_INDENT, OnButFixIndent) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_BUT_ADD_INDENT, OnButAddIndent) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_BUT_REMOVE_INDENT, OnButRemoveIndent) END_MESSAGE_MAP() ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CMacroEditer message handlers BOOL CMacroEditer::OnInitDialog() { WINDOWPLACEMENT *place = mProcessor->GetEditerPlacement() + m_iMacroNumber; CBaseDlg::OnInitDialog(); // Get initial size of client area and edit box to determine borders for resizing CRect wndRect, editRect, OKRect, clientRect; GetClientRect(clientRect); MakeMonoFont(&m_editMacro); if (mHasMonoFont > 0 && mProcessor->GetUseMonoFont()) m_editMacro.SetFont(&mMonoFont); m_editMacro.GetWindowRect(editRect); m_iBorderX = clientRect.Width() - editRect.Width(); m_iBorderY = clientRect.Height() - editRect.Height(); GetWindowRect(wndRect); int iXoffset = (wndRect.Width() - clientRect.Width()) / 2; int iyAdd = (iXoffset - wndRect.top) - (wndRect.Height() - clientRect.Height()) - editRect.Height(); m_iEditLeft = editRect.left - wndRect.left - iXoffset; m_iEditOffset = (editRect.top - wndRect.top) - (wndRect.Height() - clientRect.Height()) + iXoffset; m_butOK.GetWindowRect(OKRect); m_iOKoffset = OKRect.top + iyAdd; m_iOKLeft = OKRect.left - wndRect.left - iXoffset; m_butCancel.GetWindowRect(OKRect); m_iCancelLeft = OKRect.left - wndRect.left - iXoffset; m_butRun.GetWindowRect(OKRect); m_iRunLeft = OKRect.left - wndRect.left - iXoffset; m_butHelp.GetWindowRect(OKRect); m_iHelpLeft = OKRect.left - wndRect.left - iXoffset; m_butLoad.GetWindowRect(OKRect); m_iLoadLeft = OKRect.left - wndRect.left - iXoffset; m_butSave.GetWindowRect(OKRect); m_iSaveOffset = OKRect.top + iyAdd; m_iSaveLeft = OKRect.left - wndRect.left - iXoffset; m_butToMacroLine.GetWindowRect(OKRect); m_iToLineLeft = OKRect.left - wndRect.left - iXoffset; m_butSaveAs.GetWindowRect(OKRect); m_iSaveAsLeft = OKRect.left - wndRect.left - iXoffset; m_statCompletions.GetWindowRect(OKRect); m_iCompOffset = (OKRect.top - wndRect.top) - (wndRect.Height() - clientRect.Height()) + iXoffset; m_iCompLeft = OKRect.left - wndRect.left - iXoffset; mInitialized = true; mMyMacro = mWinApp->GetMacros() + m_iMacroNumber; CEdit *editBox = (CEdit *)GetDlgItem(IDC_EDITMACRO); GotoDlgCtrl(editBox); editBox->SetSel(0, 0); SetTitle(); mWinApp->UpdateAllEditers(); mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); mWinApp->UpdateMacroButtons(); if (place->rcNormalPosition.right != NO_PLACEMENT) SetWindowPlacement(place); return FALSE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control // EXCEPTION: OCX Property Pages should return FALSE } // Make the monospaced and default font for an editor or log window, whoever calls first void CMacroEditer::MakeMonoFont(CWnd *edit) { CFont *font; LOGFONT logFont; CFileStatus status; bool gotNanum = false; CSerialEMApp *winApp = (CSerialEMApp *)AfxGetApp(); CString exePath, str,propFont = winApp->mMacroProcessor->GetMonoFontName(); const char *tryNames[] = {"NanumGothicCoding", "Lucida Console", "Consolas", "Lucida Sans Typewriter", "Courier New"}; int ind, height, lastFont = sizeof(tryNames) / sizeof(const char *) - 1; if (mHasMonoFont < 0) { exePath = winApp->GetExePath(); exePath += "\\"; exePath += "NanumGothicCoding-Regular.ttf"; if (CFile::GetStatus(exePath, status)) { ind = AddFontResourceEx( exePath, // font file name FR_PRIVATE, // font characteristics NULL); if (ind > 0) { winApp->SetNanumFontPath(exePath); gotNanum = true; } } font = edit->GetFont(); font->GetLogFont(&logFont); height = logFont.lfHeight; mHasMonoFont = 0; if (mDefaultFont.CreateFontIndirect(&logFont)) { for (ind = -1; ind <= lastFont; ind++) { if ((ind < 0 && propFont.IsEmpty()) || (ind == 0 && !gotNanum)) continue; if (mMonoFont.CreateFont(logFont.lfHeight, 0, 0, 0, ind < lastFont ? logFont.lfWeight : FW_SEMIBOLD, 0, 0, 0, DEFAULT_CHARSET, OUT_CHARACTER_PRECIS, CLIP_CHARACTER_PRECIS, DEFAULT_QUALITY, FIXED_PITCH | (ind < lastFont ? 0 : FF_DONTCARE), ind < 0 ? (LPCTSTR)propFont : tryNames[ind])) { mMonoFont.GetLogFont(&logFont); // This doesn't work! It will tell you it got what you asked for and end up // with Courier if (ind < lastFont) { if (strstr(logFont.lfFaceName, "Courier")) { SEMTrace('1', "Got %s asking for %s", logFont.lfFaceName, tryNames[ind]); continue; } } mHasMonoFont = 1; SEMTrace('1', "Got %s asking for %s", logFont.lfFaceName, ind < 0 ? (LPCTSTR)propFont : tryNames[ind]); break; } } } } } void CMacroEditer::OnSize(UINT nType, int cx, int cy) { CDialog::OnSize(nType, cx, cy); CRect rect; bool dropIndents = !mProcessor->GetShowIndentButtons(); //int showFlag = dropIndents ? SWP_HIDEWINDOW : SWP_SHOWWINDOW; int showFlag = dropIndents ? SW_HIDE : SW_SHOW; int dropAdjust = dropIndents ? m_iSaveOffset - m_iOKoffset : 0; if (!mInitialized) return; int newX = cx - m_iBorderX; int newY = cy - m_iBorderY; if (dropIndents) newY += dropAdjust; if (newX < 1) newX = 1; if (newY < 1) newY = 1; // An offset is not a top.... m_editMacro.SetWindowPos(NULL, m_iEditLeft, m_iEditOffset - dropAdjust, newX, newY, SWP_NOZORDER); m_statCompletions.GetWindowRect(rect); m_statCompletions.SetWindowPos(NULL, m_iCompLeft, m_iCompOffset - dropAdjust, newX, rect.Height(), SWP_NOZORDER); m_statCompletions.RedrawWindow(); newY += m_iOKoffset - dropAdjust; m_butRun.SetWindowPos(NULL, m_iRunLeft, newY, 0, 0, SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOSIZE); m_butCancel.SetWindowPos(NULL, m_iCancelLeft, newY, 0, 0, SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOSIZE); m_butOK.SetWindowPos(NULL, m_iOKLeft, newY, 0, 0, SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOSIZE); m_butLoad.SetWindowPos(NULL, m_iLoadLeft, newY, 0, 0, SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOSIZE); m_butHelp.SetWindowPos(NULL, m_iHelpLeft, newY, 0, 0, SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOSIZE); newY += m_iSaveOffset - m_iOKoffset; m_butFindInMacro.SetWindowPos(NULL, m_iRunLeft, newY, 0, 0, SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOSIZE); m_butToMacroLine.SetWindowPos(NULL, m_iToLineLeft, newY, 0, 0, SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOSIZE); m_butSave.SetWindowPos(NULL, m_iSaveLeft, newY, 0, 0, SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOSIZE); m_butSaveAs.SetWindowPos(NULL, m_iSaveAsLeft, newY, 0, 0, SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOSIZE); m_statIndent.ShowWindow(showFlag); m_butFixIndent.ShowWindow(showFlag); m_butAddIndent.ShowWindow(showFlag); m_butRemoveIndent.ShowWindow(showFlag); } void CMacroEditer::PostNcDestroy() { mEditer[m_iMacroNumber] = NULL; if (!mWinApp->GetAppExiting()) mWinApp->UpdateAllEditers(); delete this; CDialog::PostNcDestroy(); } // For these two overrides, do not call the base class, and destroy the window void CMacroEditer::OnOK() { // Copy the macro back as long as there isn't a macro being done // (this button should get disabled in that case) if (!mProcessor->DoingMacro()) { TransferMacro(true); mProcessor->SetNonResumable(); } mEditer[m_iMacroNumber] = NULL; mWinApp->UpdateMacroButtons(); GetWindowPlacement(mProcessor->GetEditerPlacement() + m_iMacroNumber); DestroyWindow(); } void CMacroEditer::OnCancel() { if (mProcessor->ScanForName(m_iMacroNumber)) mWinApp->mCameraMacroTools.MacroNameChanged(m_iMacroNumber); mEditer[m_iMacroNumber] = NULL; if (mLoadUncommitted) { mSaveFile[m_iMacroNumber] = ""; mFileName[m_iMacroNumber] = ""; } mWinApp->UpdateMacroButtons(); GetWindowPlacement(mProcessor->GetEditerPlacement() + m_iMacroNumber); DestroyWindow(); } // Set pointer to NULL and close window: this is called when reading new settings and // the old state has already been saved or abandoned void CMacroEditer::JustCloseWindow(void) { mEditer[m_iMacroNumber] = NULL; DestroyWindow(); } // Translate tab to our completion character. It is good on US standard keyboards only // But there don't seem to be other options BOOL CMacroEditer::PreTranslateMessage(MSG* pMsg) { static bool ctrlPressed = false; static double ctrlTime = 0.; float expireTime = 3000.f; if (pMsg->message == WM_KEYDOWN && pMsg->wParam == VK_TAB) pMsg->wParam = VK_OEM_3; if (pMsg->message == WM_KEYDOWN && pMsg->wParam == VK_CONTROL) { ctrlPressed = true; ctrlTime = GetTickCount(); } if (pMsg->message == WM_KEYUP && pMsg->wParam == VK_CONTROL) ctrlPressed = false; if (pMsg->message == WM_KEYUP && pMsg->wParam == 'A' && ctrlPressed && SEMTickInterval(ctrlTime) < expireTime) m_editMacro.SetSel(0, -1); if (pMsg->message == WM_KEYDOWN && pMsg->wParam == VK_RETURN && ctrlPressed && SEMTickInterval(ctrlTime) < expireTime && m_butRun.IsWindowEnabled()) { OnRunmacro(); pMsg->wParam = 0x00; } return CDialog::PreTranslateMessage(pMsg); } // Run the macro // As long as no tasks are being done, pass text into macro and run it void CMacroEditer::OnRunmacro() { mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); if (!mProcessor->MacroRunnable(m_iMacroNumber)) { FixButtonFocus(m_butRun); m_editMacro.SetFocus(); return; } TransferMacro(true); mProcessor->Run(m_iMacroNumber); FixButtonFocus(m_butRun); m_editMacro.SetFocus(); mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); } void CMacroEditer::OnBnClickedToprevmacro() { SwitchMacro(-1); } void CMacroEditer::OnBnClickedTonextmacro() { SwitchMacro(1); } void CMacroEditer::OnShiftMacroUp() { ShiftMacro(-1); } void CMacroEditer::OnShiftMacroDown() { ShiftMacro(1); } void CMacroEditer::OnSavemacro() { if (mSaveFile[m_iMacroNumber].IsEmpty()) OnSavemacroas(); else DoSave(); mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); } void CMacroEditer::OnSavemacroas() { CString direc; UpdateData(true); mWinApp->mDocWnd->DirFromCurrentOrSettingsFile(mSaveFile[m_iMacroNumber], direc); if (mWinApp->mDocWnd->GetTextFileName(false, true, mSaveFile[m_iMacroNumber], &mFileName[m_iMacroNumber], &direc)) return; DoSave(); } // Actually do the save void CMacroEditer::DoSave() { CFile *cFile = NULL; UpdateData(true); if (mProcessor->ScanForName(m_iMacroNumber, &m_strMacro)) mWinApp->mCameraMacroTools.MacroNameChanged(m_iMacroNumber); try { // Open the file for writing, cFile = new CFile(mSaveFile[m_iMacroNumber], CFile::modeCreate | CFile::modeWrite |CFile::shareDenyWrite); cFile->Write((void *)(LPCTSTR)m_strMacro, m_strMacro.GetLength()); cFile->Close(); } catch(CFileException *perr) { perr->Delete(); CString message = "Error writing script to file " + mSaveFile[m_iMacroNumber]; AfxMessageBox(message, MB_EXCLAME); mSaveFile[m_iMacroNumber] = ""; mFileName[m_iMacroNumber] = ""; } if (cFile) delete cFile; SetTitle(); } void CMacroEditer::OnLoadmacro() { CFile *file = NULL; unsigned char *buffer = NULL; int memErr = 0; int fileErr = 0; static char szFilter[] = "Script files (*.txt, *.py)|*.txt; *.py|All files (*.*)|*.*||"; CString cPathname, filename, direc; mWinApp->mDocWnd->DirFromCurrentOrSettingsFile(mSaveFile[m_iMacroNumber], direc); if (mWinApp->mDocWnd->GetTextFileName(true, true, cPathname, &filename, &direc, &szFilter[0])) return; try { file = new CFile(cPathname, CFile::modeRead | CFile::shareDenyWrite); int size = (int)file->GetLength(); buffer = new unsigned char[size + 5]; if (!buffer) throw 1; file->Read((void *)buffer, size); buffer[size] = 0x00; // Set the macro into edit window but not into master macro, allowing cancel to occur // Thus scan this string for name, not the master macro m_strMacro = buffer; UpdateData(false); mSaveFile[m_iMacroNumber] = cPathname; mFileName[m_iMacroNumber] = filename; mLoadUncommitted = true; if (mProcessor->ScanForName(m_iMacroNumber, &m_strMacro)) mWinApp->mCameraMacroTools.MacroNameChanged(m_iMacroNumber); SetTitle(); } catch (CFileException *err) { AfxMessageBox("Error: Cannot read from the selected file.", MB_EXCLAME); err->Delete(); } catch (CMemoryException *err) { memErr = 1; err->Delete(); } catch (int) { memErr = 1; } if (memErr) AfxMessageBox("Error getting memory for strings", MB_EXCLAME); if (buffer) delete buffer; if (file) delete file; } // Find a string in the macro void CMacroEditer::OnFindInMacro() { int sel1, sel2; CString macro, find; if (!KGetOneString("Text is not case-sensitive", "Text to find in script:", mLastFindString) || mLastFindString.IsEmpty()) return; m_editMacro.GetSel(sel1, sel2); sel2 = B3DMAX(0, sel2); // Make upper case copies for find find = mLastFindString; find.MakeUpper(); macro = m_strMacro; macro.MakeUpper(); // Look fro here t end then from the start sel1 = macro.Find(find, sel2); if (sel1 < 0) sel1 = macro.Find(find, 0); if (sel1 < 0) { AfxMessageBox("Text not found", MB_EXCLAME); return; } sel2 = sel1 + mLastFindString.GetLength(); m_editMacro.SetSel(sel1, sel2); EnsureLineVisible(m_editMacro.LineFromChar(sel1)); } // Make sure the given line is on the screen void CMacroEditer::EnsureLineVisible(int sel2) { CRect editRect; CSize size; int numLines, sel1 = m_editMacro.GetFirstVisibleLine(); CDC* pDC = m_editMacro.GetDC(); size = pDC->GetTextExtent("serialem"); m_editMacro.ReleaseDC(pDC); m_editMacro.GetRect(&editRect); numLines = editRect.Height() / size.cy; if (sel2 < sel1 + 1 || sel2 > sel1 + numLines - 2) m_editMacro.LineScroll(sel2 - (sel1 + 1)); m_editMacro.SetFocus(); } // Go to a line in the macro void CMacroEditer::OnButToMacroLine() { int line; line = B3DMAX(1, mProcessor->GetLastPythonErrorLine()); if (!KGetOneInt("Script line number to go to:", line)) return; if (line < 1 || line > m_editMacro.GetLineCount()) { AfxMessageBox("Line number out of range"); return; } SelectAndShowLine(line); } // External function for going to a line void CMacroEditer::SelectAndShowLine(int lineFromOne) { int charInd = m_editMacro.LineIndex(lineFromOne - 1); m_editMacro.SetSel(charInd, charInd + 3); EnsureLineVisible(lineFromOne - 1); } // Fix the indentation void CMacroEditer::OnButFixIndent() { int startInd, endInd, size, currentInd; bool isPython; CString strLine, bit; if (GetLineSelectLimits(startInd, endInd, size)) return; // Go through the lines computing how much to fix by and counting types of fixes isPython = CheckForPythonAndImport(m_strMacro, bit); currentInd = startInd; while (currentInd < endInd) { endInd += IndentCurrentLine(m_strMacro, currentInd, isPython); mProcessor->GetNextLine(&m_strMacro, currentInd, strLine, true); } UpdateData(false); m_editMacro.SetSel(startInd, currentInd); mProcessor->ScanForName(m_iMacroNumber); } // Add one unit of indentation void CMacroEditer::OnButAddIndent() { int startInd, endInd, ind, size, currentInd; CString indentStr, strLine; if (GetLineSelectLimits(startInd, endInd, size)) return; // Make indent string and add to each line for (ind = 0; ind < size; ind++) indentStr += " "; currentInd = startInd; while (currentInd < endInd) { m_strMacro.Insert(currentInd, indentStr); endInd += size; mProcessor->GetNextLine(&m_strMacro, currentInd, strLine, true); } UpdateData(false); m_editMacro.SetSel(startInd, endInd); mProcessor->ScanForName(m_iMacroNumber); } // Remove one unit of indentation void CMacroEditer::OnButRemoveIndent() { int startInd, endInd, ind, size, currentInd; CString indentStr, strLine; if (GetLineSelectLimits(startInd, endInd, size)) return; // First make sure each line has that much indentation for (ind = 0; ind < size; ind++) indentStr += " "; currentInd = startInd; while (currentInd < endInd) { ind = m_strMacro.Find(indentStr, currentInd); if (ind != currentInd) { AfxMessageBox("Not all lines in the selected region are indented by the indentation" " size"); return; } mProcessor->GetNextLine(&m_strMacro, currentInd, strLine, true); } // Then remove characters currentInd = startInd; while (currentInd < endInd) { m_strMacro.Delete(currentInd, size); endInd -= size; mProcessor->GetNextLine(&m_strMacro, currentInd, strLine, true); } UpdateData(false); m_editMacro.SetSel(startInd, endInd); mProcessor->ScanForName(m_iMacroNumber); } // Get string indexes at the start of lines at the beginning and end of selection, // return 1 if no selection or indent size not set int CMacroEditer::GetLineSelectLimits(int &startInd, int &endInd, int &indentSize) { int sel1, sel2, ind, jnd; UpdateData(true); m_editMacro.GetSel(sel1, sel2); indentSize = mWinApp->mMacroProcessor->GetAutoIndentSize(); if (sel1 < 0 || sel2 < 0 || !indentSize) return 1; if (sel2 && (m_strMacro.GetAt(sel2 - 1) == '\r' || m_strMacro.GetAt(sel2 - 1) == '\n')) endInd = sel2; else { ind = m_strMacro.Find("\r", sel2); jnd = m_strMacro.Find("\n", sel2); if (ind < 0 && jnd < 0) endInd = m_strMacro.GetLength(); else endInd = B3DMAX(ind, jnd) + 1; } for (ind = sel1; ind > 0; ind--) if (m_strMacro.GetAt(ind - 1) == '\r' || m_strMacro.GetAt(ind - 1) == '\n') break; startInd = ind; return 0; } // OK button should be disabled if any macro is running, and Run disabled if // any tasks are being done void CMacroEditer::UpdateButtons() { int navScript = -2; BOOL inactive = !mProcessor->DoingMacro(); if (inactive && mWinApp->mCameraMacroTools.GetNavigatorState() == NAV_PAUSED && mWinApp->mNavigator) { navScript = mWinApp->mNavigator->GetScriptToRunAtEnd(); if (navScript == m_iMacroNumber) inactive = false; } m_butOK.EnableWindow(inactive); m_butRun.EnableWindow(!mWinApp->DoingTasks() && !mWinApp->StartedTiltSeries() && !mWinApp->mScope->GetMovingStage()); m_editMacro.EnableWindow(inactive); m_butLoad.EnableWindow(inactive); m_butPrevMacro.EnableWindow(inactive && AdjacentMacro(-1) >= 0 && AdjacentMacro(-1) != navScript); m_butNextMacro.EnableWindow(inactive && AdjacentMacro(1) >= 0 && AdjacentMacro(1) != navScript); inactive = inactive && (!mWinApp->GetShiftScriptOnlyInAdmin() || mWinApp->GetAdministrator()) && navScript < 0; m_butShiftDown.EnableWindow(inactive && m_iMacroNumber < MAX_MACROS - 1); m_butShiftUp.EnableWindow(inactive && m_iMacroNumber > 0); } // Get the text from the window into the local variable then // transfer that to the main programs macro void CMacroEditer::TransferMacro(BOOL fromEditor) { if (fromEditor) { UpdateData(true); *mMyMacro = m_strMacro; mLoadUncommitted = false; } else { m_strMacro = *mMyMacro; UpdateData(false); } if (mProcessor->ScanForName(m_iMacroNumber)) { SetTitle(); mWinApp->mCameraMacroTools.MacroNameChanged(m_iMacroNumber); } } BOOL CMacroEditer::OnToolTipNotify( UINT id, NMHDR * pNMHDR, LRESULT * pResult ) { TOOLTIPTEXT *pTTT = (TOOLTIPTEXT *)pNMHDR; int nID; if (pTTT->uFlags & TTF_IDISHWND) { // idFrom is actually the HWND of the tool nID = ::GetDlgCtrlID((HWND)pNMHDR->idFrom); if(nID) { pTTT->lpszText = MAKEINTRESOURCE(nID); pTTT->hinst = AfxGetResourceHandle(); return(TRUE); } } return(FALSE); } // Set up title as the macro number plus a filename void CMacroEditer::SetTitle(void) { m_strTitle.Format("Script %d", m_iMacroNumber + 1); if (!mMacroName[m_iMacroNumber].IsEmpty()) m_strTitle += ": " + mMacroName[m_iMacroNumber]; if (!mFileName[m_iMacroNumber].IsEmpty()) m_strTitle += " - " + mFileName[m_iMacroNumber]; SetWindowText(m_strTitle); } // Find an adjacent unedited macro in the given direction (+1/-1) int CMacroEditer::AdjacentMacro(int dir) { for (int i = m_iMacroNumber + dir; i >= 0 && i < MAX_MACROS; i += dir) if (!mEditer[i]) return i; return -1; } // Switch the editor to a macro in the given direction void CMacroEditer::SwitchMacro(int dir) { int newNum = AdjacentMacro(dir); mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); if (newNum < 0) return; TransferMacro(true); mEditer[newNum] = mEditer[m_iMacroNumber]; mEditer[m_iMacroNumber] = NULL; AdjustForNewNumber(newNum); mWinApp->UpdateAllEditers(); mWinApp->UpdateMacroButtons(); } // Actually shift a macro in the given direction and switch editor(s) too void CMacroEditer::ShiftMacro(int dir) { CString *macros = mWinApp->GetMacros(); int newNum = m_iMacroNumber + dir; mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); if (newNum < 0 || newNum >= MAX_MACROS) return; // Transfer both macros TransferMacro(true); if (mEditer[newNum]) mEditer[newNum]->TransferMacro(true); // Swap the strings in the macro array and the macro editor pointers CString tempStr = macros[m_iMacroNumber]; macros[m_iMacroNumber] = macros[newNum]; macros[newNum] = tempStr; CMacroEditer *tempEd = mEditer[m_iMacroNumber]; mEditer[m_iMacroNumber] = mEditer[newNum]; mEditer[newNum] = tempEd; tempStr = mFileName[m_iMacroNumber]; mFileName[m_iMacroNumber] = mFileName[newNum]; mFileName[newNum] = tempStr; tempStr = mSaveFile[m_iMacroNumber]; mSaveFile[m_iMacroNumber] = mSaveFile[newNum]; mSaveFile[newNum] = tempStr; // Fix up each editor: m_iMacroNumber now refers to the other macro if (mEditer[m_iMacroNumber]) mEditer[m_iMacroNumber]->AdjustForNewNumber(m_iMacroNumber); else { mProcessor->ScanForName(m_iMacroNumber); mWinApp->mCameraMacroTools.MacroNameChanged(m_iMacroNumber); } AdjustForNewNumber(newNum); mWinApp->UpdateAllEditers(); mWinApp->UpdateMacroButtons(); } void CMacroEditer::AdjustForNewNumber(int newNum) { m_iMacroNumber = newNum; mMyMacro = mWinApp->GetMacros() + m_iMacroNumber; TransferMacro(false); SetTitle(); } // The text has changed: call static function and update void CMacroEditer::OnEnChangeEditmacro() { int sel1, sel2, firstVis, initialLength; bool setCompletions, completing, rejecting = false; int readOnlyStart = mProcessor->GetReadOnlyStart(m_iMacroNumber); m_editMacro.GetSel(sel1, sel2); if (readOnlyStart >= 0 && !mWinApp->GetAdministrator()) { if (sel2 >= readOnlyStart) { rejecting = true; sel2 = readOnlyStart; } else initialLength = m_strMacro.GetLength(); } firstVis = m_editMacro.GetFirstVisibleLine(); if (!rejecting) { UpdateData(true); HandleCompletionsAndIndent(m_strMacro, m_strCompletions, sel2, setCompletions, completing, false, mLineForSignature, m_editMacro.LineFromChar(sel2)); if (setCompletions) SetDlgItemText(IDC_STAT_COMPLETIONS, m_strCompletions); } if (completing || rejecting) { UpdateData(false); m_editMacro.SetSel(sel2, sel2); sel2 = m_editMacro.GetFirstVisibleLine(); if (sel2 != firstVis) m_editMacro.LineScroll(firstVis - sel2); } if (readOnlyStart >= 0 && !rejecting) mProcessor->SetReadOnlyStart(m_iMacroNumber, readOnlyStart + m_strMacro.GetLength() - initialLength); } // Process a change in an edit control and do 'backtick' completion or list completions, // and indentation of the current line void CMacroEditer::HandleCompletionsAndIndent(CString &strMacro, CString &strCompletions, int &sel2, bool &setCompletions, bool &completing, bool oneLine, int &lineForSignature, int curLineNum) { int delStart, numDel, i, numCommands, lineStart, numMatch, saveStart, wordEnd; int lenEnd; int maxCompletions = 10; unsigned int lenMatch; char ch; short *matchList; bool matched, atWordEnd, isPython, hasSpace = false, needsNamespace = false; bool isKeyword = false; bool removeIndent = false, gotComment = false; CmdItem *cmdList; CString substr, importName, nameSpace; const char *first, *other; char *pythKeywords[] = {"FOR", "IF", "ELSE:", "ELIF", "TRY:", "WHILE", "DEF", "RETURN", "GLOBAL", "BREAK", "CONTINUE", "EXCEPT:", "PASS", "WITH", "FINALLY", "CLASS", "RAISE", "PRINT", "LISTTOSEMARRAY", "SEMARRAYTOFLOATS", "SEMARRAYTOINTS"}; int numPythKeywords = sizeof(pythKeywords) / sizeof(const char *); CSerialEMApp *winApp = (CSerialEMApp *)AfxGetApp(); completing = false; setCompletions = false; if (sel2 <= 0) return; completing = strMacro.GetAt(sel2-1) == '`'; isPython = CheckForPythonAndImport(strMacro, importName); if (isPython && GetAsyncKeyState(VK_SHIFT) / 2 != 0 && strMacro.GetAt(sel2 - 1) == '~') completing = removeIndent = true; // Set up to delete this character numDel = 1; delStart = sel2 - (completing ? 1 : 0); cmdList = winApp->mMacroProcessor->GetCommandList(numCommands); matchList = new short[numCommands]; // Make sure we are at the end of a word, also find out if there is a following space atWordEnd = sel2 >= strMacro.GetLength(); if (!atWordEnd) { ch = strMacro.GetAt(sel2); hasSpace = (!isPython && (ch == ' ' || ch == '\t')) || (isPython && ch == '('); atWordEnd = hasSpace || ch == '\n' || ch == '\r'; } // Look back for comment character and prevent further scanning for (lineStart = sel2 - 1; lineStart > 0; lineStart--) { ch = strMacro.GetAt(lineStart - 1); if (ch == '#') { lineStart = -1; atWordEnd = false; gotComment = true; break; } if (ch == '\n' || ch == '\r') break; } // Find the beginning of the line or a previous space/tab if (!gotComment) { saveStart = -1; for (lineStart = sel2 - 1; lineStart > 0; lineStart--) { ch = strMacro.GetAt(lineStart - 1); if (ch == '\n' || ch == '\r' || (isPython && ch == '=') || (oneLine && ch == ';')) break; // Save the position of the first character after white space if (ch == ' ' || ch == '\t' || ch == '(') { if (saveStart < 0) saveStart = lineStart; // If a position has been saved and a non white space is found, then it is // not a command } else if (saveStart >= 0) { lineStart = -1; break; } } // If position was saved, set it as start if (lineStart >= 0 && saveStart >= 0) lineStart = saveStart; } // Wipe out the completion line unless it hasn't been changed from original numMatch = 0; if (strCompletions.Left(6).Compare("Tab or") && curLineNum != lineForSignature) strCompletions = ""; // Skip comments if (lineStart >= 0 && strMacro.GetAt(lineStart) == '#') lineStart = -1; // For python, find a namespace component and if it matches serialem name, set the // start after that; if it doesn't, skip it else if (isPython && delStart > lineStart) { needsNamespace = !importName.IsEmpty(); substr = strMacro.Mid(lineStart, delStart - lineStart); i = substr.Find("."); if (i > 0) { nameSpace = substr.Left(i); if (substr.ReverseFind(' ') >= 0) substr = substr.Mid(substr.ReverseFind(' ') + 1); if (nameSpace == importName) { lineStart += i + 1; needsNamespace = false; } else { lineStart = -1; } } } // Go forward to end of token wordEnd = -1; if (completing && lineStart >= 0 && !atWordEnd) { for (i = delStart + 1; i < strMacro.GetLength(); i++) { ch = strMacro.GetAt(i); if (ch == ' ' && wordEnd < 0) wordEnd = i; if ((isPython && ch == '(') || ch == '\r' || ch == '\n') { if (wordEnd < 0) wordEnd = i; break; } if (ch != ' ' && wordEnd > 0) { if (ch == '@' || ch == ':' || ch == '=') lineStart = -1; break; } } } while (lineStart >=0 && lineStart < delStart) { // Extract the string before this point, make upper case and make a list of matches lenMatch = delStart - lineStart; if (lenMatch <= 0) break; substr = strMacro.Mid(lineStart, lenMatch); if (substr == "\r" || substr == "\n") break; if (!atWordEnd && wordEnd > 0) { lenEnd = wordEnd - (delStart + 1); if (lenEnd <= 0) break; substr += strMacro.Mid(delStart + 1, lenEnd); } substr.MakeUpper(); if (isPython) { // For python, exclude keywords then test if it is allowed command and compare for (i = 0; i < numPythKeywords; i++) { if (strstr(pythKeywords[i], (LPCTSTR)substr) == pythKeywords[i]) { isKeyword = true; break; } } if (isKeyword) { numDel = 1; break; } // Find matches, but if not at end, break out on exact match for (i = 0; i < numCommands; i++) if (!(cmdList[i].arithAllowed & 8) && cmdList[i].cmd.find(substr) == 0) { if (!atWordEnd && CString(cmdList[i].cmd.c_str()) == substr) { numMatch = 1; matchList[0] = i; break; } else matchList[numMatch++] = i; } } else { // for regular compare to string, again find matches and break on exact match for (i = CME_EXIT; i < numCommands; i++) if (cmdList[i].cmd.find(substr) == 0 && !CMacroProcessor::mPythonOnlyCmdSet.count(i)) { if (!atWordEnd && CString(cmdList[i].cmd.c_str()) == substr) { numMatch = 1; matchList[0] = i; break; } else matchList[numMatch++] = i; } } // If there are no matches and we are completing, try one less character if (!numMatch && atWordEnd) { delStart--; numDel++; continue; } // That's all we need to list completions if (!completing || !atWordEnd) break; // If there are multiple matches, find the point where they diverge if (numMatch > 1) { matched = true; first = cmdList[matchList[0]].cmd.c_str(); while (matched && strlen(first) > lenMatch) { ch = first[lenMatch]; // Check each one against the first and see if other is too short or different for (i = 1; i < numMatch; i++) { other = cmdList[matchList[i]].cmd.c_str(); if (strlen(other) <= lenMatch || other[lenMatch] != ch) { matched = false; break; } } // If they still match, extend the length of the match and loop again if (matched) lenMatch++; } // Once they don't match, extract this component from the first string substr = CString(cmdList[matchList[0]].mixedCase).Left(lenMatch); } else { // For a single match, use the entire string plus a space if there is not one substr = CString(cmdList[matchList[0]].mixedCase); lenMatch = substr.GetLength() + 1; if (!hasSpace) substr += B3DCHOICE(isPython, "()", " "); } if (needsNamespace) { substr = importName + "." + substr; lenMatch += importName.GetLength() + 1; } // So now adjust the deletion to take out the whole command for replacement numDel += delStart - lineStart; delStart = lineStart; break; } // List completions if not completing, or if the command is still not complete if ((!completing && numMatch) || numMatch > 1) { strCompletions = ""; for (i = 0; i < B3DMIN(maxCompletions, numMatch); i++) strCompletions += CString(cmdList[matchList[i]].mixedCase) + " "; if (numMatch > maxCompletions) strCompletions += " ..."; setCompletions = true; lineForSignature = -1; } else if (curLineNum != lineForSignature) { strCompletions = ""; setCompletions = true; } if (numMatch == 1 && matchList[0] < sNumSignatures) { if (isPython) { strCompletions = sSignatures[matchList[0]]; strCompletions.Replace(" ", ", "); strCompletions = CString(cmdList[matchList[0]].mixedCase) + "(" + strCompletions + ")"; } else { strCompletions = CString(cmdList[matchList[0]].mixedCase) + " " + sSignatures[matchList[0]]; } lineForSignature = curLineNum; } if (completing) { // Delete the indicated amount and adjust caret strMacro.Delete(delStart, numDel); sel2 -= numDel; // Then insert a matching string if any and adjust caret if (numMatch && atWordEnd) { strMacro.Insert(delStart, substr); sel2 += lenMatch; } // Indentation: IndentCurrentLine(strMacro, sel2, isPython); } delete [] matchList; } // Indent the line where sel2 is based on previous line and relevant keywords, // adjust sel2 as needed, and return number of characters added (- if removed) int CMacroEditer::IndentCurrentLine(CString &strMacro, int &sel2, bool isPython) { CSerialEMApp *winApp = (CSerialEMApp *)AfxGetApp(); int lineStart, indentSize, prevStart, needIndent, curIndent, i, sel1; bool foundText; bool isBlank, afterBlank, isContinued, afterColon, isKeyword = false; bool removeIndent = false; int prevEnd, backStart, backEnd, afterContinue, numDel; char ch; const char *prevKeys[] = {"LOOP", "DOLOOP", "IF", "ELSE", "ELSEIF", "FUNCTION", "TRY", "CATCH"}; const char *curKeys[] = {"ENDLOOP", "ENDLOOP", "ELSE", "ELSEIF", "ENDIF", "ENDFUNCTION", "CATCH", "ENDTRY"}; const char *curPythKeys[] = {"EXCEPT", "ELSE:", "ELIF"}; int numPrevKeys = sizeof(prevKeys) / sizeof(const char *); int numCurKeys = sizeof(curKeys) / sizeof(const char *); int numCurPyth = sizeof(curPythKeys) / sizeof(const char *); indentSize = winApp->mMacroProcessor->GetAutoIndentSize(); if (indentSize <= 0) return 0; // Find start of current line for (lineStart = sel2; lineStart > 0; lineStart--) { ch = strMacro.GetAt(lineStart - 1); if (ch == '\n' || ch == '\r') break; } // Find start of previous non-continuation line with text // Keep track of number of previous continuation lines, whether previous // nonblank line ends with a : for python, and whether previous line is blank isBlank = GetPrevLineIndexes(strMacro, lineStart, isPython, prevStart, prevEnd, isContinued); afterBlank = isBlank; foundText = !isBlank && prevStart >= 0; afterContinue = isContinued ? 1 : 0; afterColon = isPython && foundText && strMacro.GetAt(prevEnd) == ':'; if (prevStart > 0) { for (;;) { isBlank = GetPrevLineIndexes(strMacro, prevStart, isPython, backStart, backEnd, isContinued); // Stop if at start already or we have found nonblank line and this not a // continuation line if (backStart < 0 || (foundText && !isContinued)) break; // Or, if we are after a continuation line and it is not the first one, // keep track of that and stop because we retain the indent if (afterContinue && isContinued) { afterContinue++; break; } // Otherwise adopt this as potentially previous line and keep track if found // a non-blank line and if the first non-blank line ended in : prevStart = backStart; prevEnd = backEnd; if (!isBlank) { if (isPython && !foundText && strMacro.GetAt(prevEnd) == ':') afterColon = true; foundText = true; } } } // Get the previous line indent and add if it matches a keyword, or is after a // colon, or if this is the first continuation line needIndent = 0; if (foundText && (FindIndentAndMatch(strMacro, prevStart, lineStart, prevKeys, (isPython || afterContinue) ? 0 : numPrevKeys, needIndent) || afterColon || afterContinue == 1)) needIndent += indentSize; // Get the current line indent and subtract from needed indent if keyword matches // Also allow toggling if a Python line is after a blank line and is already // at the sam eindent as last line sel1 = strMacro.Find('\r', sel2); i = strMacro.Find('\n', sel2); if (sel1 < 0 && i < 0) sel1 = strMacro.GetLength(); else sel1 = B3DMAX(sel1, i); if (FindIndentAndMatch(strMacro, lineStart, sel1, isPython ? curPythKeys : curKeys, B3DCHOICE(afterContinue, 0, isPython ? numCurPyth : numCurKeys), curIndent) || (isPython && curIndent == needIndent && afterBlank && !afterColon)) needIndent = B3DMAX(0, needIndent - indentSize); if (removeIndent) needIndent = B3DMAX(0, curIndent - indentSize); // Adjust by deletion or addition numDel = curIndent - needIndent; if (numDel > 0) { strMacro.Delete(lineStart, numDel); } else { for (i = 0; i < -numDel; i++) strMacro.Insert(lineStart, " "); } sel2 = B3DMAX(lineStart, sel2 - numDel); return -numDel; } // Check the start of a script for #!pyth... and importing of serialem bool CMacroEditer::CheckForPythonAndImport(CString &strMacro, CString &importName) { CSerialEMApp *winApp = (CSerialEMApp *)AfxGetApp(); int currentInd = 0, length = strMacro.GetLength(); CString strLine, strItems[4]; bool isPython = false; importName = ""; while (currentInd < length) { winApp->mMacroProcessor->GetNextLine(&strMacro, currentInd, strLine, true); // Look at first line for a match, if not, return if (!isPython) { strLine.MakeLower(); isPython = strLine.Find("#!pyth") == 0; if (!isPython) return false; continue; } // Skip comments or includes strItems[0] = strLine; strItems[0].TrimLeft(); strItems[0].TrimRight(" \r\n"); if (strItems[0].Find("#") == 0 || strItems[0].IsEmpty()) { if (strItems[0].Find("#serialemPrefix") < 0) continue; winApp->mParamIO->ParseString(strLine, strItems, 4, false, true); importName = strItems[1]; return true; } // If non-import line is found, give up if (strLine.Find("import") < 0) return true; // No namespace if importing this way if (strLine.Find("from serialem import *") >= 0) return true; // If importing serialem, see if an alias if (strLine.Find("import serialem") >= 0) { importName = "serialem"; winApp->mParamIO->ParseString(strLine, strItems, 4); if (strItems[2] == "as" && !strItems[3].IsEmpty()) importName = strItems[3]; return true; } } return isPython; } // Get the starting and ending indexes of the text on line before curStart, set // isContinued if line ends with " \" or "\" if Python, and return true if the line // is blank bool CMacroEditer::GetPrevLineIndexes(CString &strMacro, int curStart, bool isPython, int &indStart, int &indEnd, bool &isContinued) { int ind, numEndings = 0; char ch; bool isBlank = true; indStart = indEnd = -1; isContinued = false; if (!curStart) return false; while (curStart > 0) { ch = strMacro.GetAt(curStart - 1); // Look for line endings if (ch == '\r' || ch == '\n') { numEndings++; // Blank line if (numEndings > 2 && indEnd < 0) { indStart = curStart; indEnd = curStart - 1; break; } // If end already found, this is start if (indEnd >= 0) { indStart = curStart; break; } // If not a line ending, record if this is end of line } else if (indEnd < 0) { indEnd = curStart - 1; } curStart--; } if (!curStart) indStart = 0; for (ind = indStart; ind <= indEnd; ind++) { ch = strMacro.GetAt(ind); if (ch != ' ' && ch != '\t') { isBlank = false; break; } } isContinued = indEnd > indStart && strMacro.GetAt(indEnd) == '\\' && (isPython || strMacro.GetAt(indEnd - 1) == ' '); return isBlank; } // Finds the number of current spaces indenting the line at lineStart and looks for a // match of the first word with one of the keywords bool CMacroEditer::FindIndentAndMatch(CString &strMacro, int lineStart, int limit, const char **keywords, int numKeys, int &curIndent) { char ch; CString token; int indStart, indEnd; // Count spaces at start of line and get to start of whatever else curIndent = 0; for (indStart = lineStart; indStart < limit; indStart++) { if (strMacro.GetAt(indStart) == ' ') curIndent++; else break; } // Find end of token if any for (indEnd = indStart; indEnd < limit; indEnd++) { ch = strMacro.GetAt(indEnd); if (ch == ' ' || ch == '\r' || ch == '\n') break; } if (indEnd == indStart) return false; // Extract and test for match token = strMacro.Mid(indStart, indEnd - indStart); token.MakeUpper(); for (indEnd = 0; indEnd < numKeys; indEnd++) if (!token.Compare(keywords[indEnd])) return true; return false; }