// MacroCommands.cpp: Subclass for executing the next command // // Copyright (C) 2003-2020 by the Regents of the University of // Colorado. See Copyright.txt for full notice of copyright and limitations. // // Author: David Mastronarde ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "stdafx.h" #include #include #include "SerialEM.h" #include "SerialEMDoc.h" #include "SerialEMView.h" #include "MainFrm.h" #include "ChildFrm.h" #include ".\MacroProcessor.h" #include "MacroEditer.h" #include "MenuTargets.h" #include "FocusManager.h" #include "AutoTuning.h" #include "ShiftManager.h" #include "ShiftCalibrator.h" #include "EMmontageController.h" #include "MontageSetupDlg.h" #include "LogWindow.h" #include "EMscope.h" #include "CameraController.h" #include "GainRefMaker.h" #include "CalibCameraTiming.h" #include "TSController.h" #include "EMbufferManager.h" #include "ParameterIO.h" #include "BeamAssessor.h" #include "ProcessImage.h" #include "ComplexTasks.h" #include "MultiTSTasks.h" #include "MultiGridTasks.h" #include "HoleFinderDlg.h" #include "MultiHoleCombiner.h" #include "AutoContouringDlg.h" #include "ParticleTasks.h" #include "FilterTasks.h" #include "MacroControlDlg.h" #include "MultiShotDlg.h" #include "NavigatorDlg.h" #include "NavHelper.h" #include "NavRotAlignDlg.h" #include "StateDlg.h" #include "TSDoseSymDlg.h" #include "FalconHelper.h" #include "ExternalTools.h" #include "ScreenShotDialog.h" #include "Mailer.h" #include "PiezoAndPPControl.h" #include "DoseModulator.h" #include "Utilities\XCorr.h" #include "Utilities\KGetOne.h" #include "Shared\b3dutil.h" #include "Shared\iimage.h" #include "Shared\autodoc.h" #include "Shared\ctffind.h" #include "Image\KStoreADOC.h" #include "XFolderDialog\XFolderDialog.h" #ifdef _DEBUG #undef THIS_FILE static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #define new DEBUG_NEW #endif #define CMD_IS(a) (mCmdIndex == CME_##a) #define ABORT_NOLINE(a) \ { \ mWinApp->AppendToLog((a), mLogErrAction); \ SEMMessageBox((a), MB_EXCLAME); \ AbortMacro(); \ return 1; \ } #define ABORT_LINE(a) \ { \ mWinApp->AppendToLog((a) + mStrLine, mLogErrAction); \ SEMMessageBox((a) + mStrLine, MB_EXCLAME); \ AbortMacro(); \ return 1; \ } #define ABORT_NONAV \ { if (!mWinApp->mNavigator) \ { \ CString macStr = CString("The Navigator must be open to execute:\r\n") + mStrLine; \ mWinApp->AppendToLog(macStr, mLogErrAction); \ SEMMessageBox(macStr, MB_EXCLAME); \ AbortMacro(); \ return 1; \ } \ } #define SUSPEND_NOLINE(a) \ { \ mCurrentIndex = mLastIndex; \ CString macStr = CString(mNoMessageBoxOnError ? "Script stopped " : \ "Script suspended ") + (a); \ mWinApp->AppendToLog(macStr, mLogErrAction); \ SEMMessageBox(macStr, MB_EXCLAME); \ if (mNoMessageBoxOnError) \ AbortMacro(); \ else \ SuspendMacro(); \ return 1; \ } #define SUSPEND_LINE(a) \ { \ mCurrentIndex = mLastIndex; \ CString macStr = CString(mNoMessageBoxOnError ? "Script stopped " : \ "Script suspended ") + (a) + mStrLine; \ mWinApp->AppendToLog(macStr, mLogErrAction); \ SEMMessageBox(macStr, MB_EXCLAME); \ if (mNoMessageBoxOnError) \ AbortMacro(); \ else \ SuspendMacro(); \ return 1; \ } #define MAC_SAME_NAME(nam, req, flg, cme) {#nam, req, flg | 8, &CMacCmd::nam}, #define MAC_DIFF_NAME(nam, req, flg, fnc, cme) {#nam, req, flg | 8, &CMacCmd::fnc}, #define MAC_SAME_FUNC(nam, req, flg, fnc, cme) {#nam, req, flg | 8, &CMacCmd::fnc}, #define MAC_SAME_NAME_NOARG(nam, req, flg, cme) {#nam, req, flg, &CMacCmd::nam}, #define MAC_DIFF_NAME_NOARG(nam, req, flg, fnc, cme) {#nam, req, flg, &CMacCmd::fnc}, #define MAC_SAME_FUNC_NOARG(nam, req, flg, fnc, cme) {#nam, req, flg, &CMacCmd::fnc}, #define MAC_SAME_NAME_ARG(a, b, c, d, e) MAC_SAME_NAME_NOARG(a, b, c, d) #define MAC_DIFF_NAME_ARG(a, b, c, d, e, f) MAC_DIFF_NAME_NOARG(a, b, c, d, e) #define MAC_SAME_FUNC_ARG(a, b, c, d, e, f) MAC_SAME_FUNC_NOARG(a, b, c, d, e) static CmdItem cmdList[] = { #include "MacroMasterList.h" {NULL, 0, 0} }; // Be sure to add an entry for longHasTime when adding long operation const char *CMacCmd::mLongKeys[MAX_LONG_OPERATIONS] = {"BU", "RE", "IN", "LO", "$=", "DA", "UN", "$=", "RS", "RT", "FF"}; int CMacCmd::mLongHasTime[MAX_LONG_OPERATIONS] = {1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1}; CMacCmd::CMacCmd() : CMacroProcessor() { int i; unsigned int hash; SEMBuildTime(__DATE__, __TIME__); // 2/22/21: No more substitutions with the new macro-built table // for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) // cmdList[i + CME_VIEW].mixedCase = (LPCTSTR)mModeNames[i]; CString cstr; mNumCommands = sizeof(cmdList) / sizeof(CmdItem); for (i = 0; i < mNumCommands - 1; i++) { cstr = cmdList[i].mixedCase; cstr.MakeUpper(); cmdList[i].cmd = (LPCTSTR)cstr; if (cmdList[i].arithAllowed & 1) mArithAllowed.insert(cmdList[i].cmd); if (cmdList[i].arithAllowed & 2) mArithDenied.insert(cmdList[i].cmd); // Get a hash value from the upper case command string and map it to index, or to 0 // if there is a collision hash = StringHashValue((LPCTSTR)cstr); if (!mCmdHashMap.count(hash)) mCmdHashMap.insert(std::pair(hash, i)); else mCmdHashMap.insert(std::pair(hash, 0)); } mCmdList = &cmdList[0]; } CMacCmd::~CMacCmd() { } // When a task is done, if the macro flag is still set, call next command void CMacCmd::TaskDone(int param) { int arg, err, cmdInd; bool isEcho; mStrLine = ""; /*SEMTrace('[', "DM %d RSL %d CR %d TD %d WFC %d EO %d FC %d", DoingMacro()?1 : 0, mRunningScrpLang?1:0, mScrpLangData.commandReady, mScrpLangData.threadDone, mScrpLangData.waitingForCommand, mScrpLangData.errorOccurred, mScrpLangData.functionCode);*/ if (DoingMacro()) { if (mRunningScrpLang) { if (mScrpLangData.threadDone) { // If thread finished, clear flag and abort/terminate for real mRunningScrpLang = false; mLastCompleted = mScrpLangData.threadDone < 0 && !mScrpLangData.exitedFromWrapper; if (!mLastCompleted) SEMMessageBox("Error running Python script; see log for information"); AbortMacro(); if (mLastCompleted && mStartNavAcqAtEnd) mWinApp->AddIdleTask(TASK_START_NAV_ACQ, 0, 0); } else if (mScrpLangData.waitingForCommand) { // If waiting for command, it has arrived -check if in range cmdInd = mScrpLangData.functionCode; if (cmdInd < 0 || cmdInd >= mNumCommands) { PrintfToLog("External script interpreter passed an out-of-bounds function code" " of %d (maximum is %d)", cmdInd, mNumCommands - 1); mScrpLangData.errorOccurred = 1; SetEvent(mScrpLangDoneEvent); SEMTrace('[', "signal out of bounds error"); return; } InitForNextCommand(); //SEMAcquireScriptLangMutex(1000, "run the operation"); // Copy over the arguments and compose a line in case of error messages mCmdIndex = mScrpLangData.functionCode; isEcho = CMD_IS(ECHO) || CMD_IS(ECHOREPLACELINE); mStrLine = mCmdList[cmdInd].mixedCase; mStrItems[0] = mStrLine; mStrLine += isEcho ? " " : "("; mLastNonEmptyInd = mScrpLangData.lastNonEmptyInd; for (arg = 1; arg < MAX_SCRIPT_LANG_ARGS; arg++) { if (arg <= mLastNonEmptyInd) { // Copy actual arguments mStrItems[arg] = mScrpLangData.strItems[arg]; mItemEmpty[arg] = mStrItems[arg].IsEmpty(); mItemDbl[arg] = mScrpLangData.itemDbl[arg]; if (arg > 1) mStrLine += ", "; mStrLine += mStrItems[arg]; } else { // Clear out the rest mStrItems[arg] = ""; mItemEmpty[arg] = true; mItemDbl[arg] = 0.; } mItemFlt[arg] = (float)mItemDbl[arg]; mItemInt[arg] = (int)mItemDbl[arg]; } if (!isEcho) mStrLine += ")"; mWinApp->VerboseAppendToLog(mVerbose, mStrLine); mItem1upper = mStrItems[1]; mItem1upper.MakeUpper(); mScrpLangData.waitingForCommand = 0; if (mCmdIndex != CME_GETVARIABLE) ClearVariables(VARTYPE_REPORT); // Call the function in the command list err = (this->*cmdList[mCmdIndex].func)(); if (err) { // Abort should have been called before an error return, but just in case, let's // do it now and let it signal done if (!mScrpLangData.errorOccurred) AbortMacro(); return; } if (mCmdIndex != CME_EXIT) mScrpLangData.errorOccurred = 0; // Output the standard log report variable if set if (!mLogRpt.IsEmpty()) mWinApp->AppendToLog(mLogRpt, mLogAction); // The action is taken or started: now set up an idle task unless looping is allowed // for this command and not too many loops have happened if (!((cmdList[mCmdIndex].arithAllowed & 4) || mLoopInOnIdle || cmdList[mCmdIndex].cmd.find("REPORT") == 0) || mNumCmdSinceAddIdle > mMaxCmdToLoopOnIdle) { mWinApp->AddIdleTask(NULL, TASK_MACRO_RUN, 0, 0); mNumCmdSinceAddIdle = 0; } else { // Or let it loop back in to NextCommand mNumCmdSinceAddIdle++; mLoopInOnIdle = true; } return; } else { // Command is done after looping back in: Set up to wait for next and to the part // NextCommand that checks and finalizes from last command mScrpLangData.waitingForCommand = 1; mScrpLangData.commandReady = 0; mScrpLangData.errorOccurred = 0; NextCommand(false); // That might have set error // The return values have already been set in the data structure, so ready to go SetEvent(mScrpLangDoneEvent); SEMTrace('[', "signal operations done after loop back in"); mWinApp->AddIdleTask(NULL, TASK_MACRO_RUN, 0, 0); } } else { // Regular scripting here NextCommand(false); } } else SuspendMacro(); } // Run the next command: start by checking the results of last command int CMacCmd::NextCommand(bool startingOut) { CString name, report; int index, index2, i, ix0, ix1, iy0, iy1, sizeX, sizeY, cartInd; float defocus, astig, angle, phase, fitFreq, ctfCCC; CArray *loaderInfo = mScope->GetJeolLoaderInfo(); CArray < ArrayRow, ArrayRow > *rowsFor2d; const char *strPtr; char *endPtr; ArrayRow arrRow; Variable *var; bool inComment = false; // Process an inventory of JEOL autoloader or a change in locations cartInd = mScope->GetChangedLoaderInfo(); if (mStartedLongOp && cartInd) { arrRow.numElements = 6; if (cartInd < 0) { rowsFor2d = new CArray < ArrayRow, ArrayRow >; mWinApp->AppendToLog("Index ID Location Slot Type Angle Name", mLogAction); for (index = 0; index < (int)loaderInfo->GetSize(); index++) { FormatCartridgeInfo(index, index2, ix0, ix1, iy0, iy1, name, report,arrRow.value); mWinApp->AppendToLog(report, mLogAction); rowsFor2d->Add(arrRow); } if (SetVariable("AUTOLOADERINFO", "0", VARTYPE_PERSIST, -1, false, &report, rowsFor2d)) { delete rowsFor2d; mWinApp->AppendToLog("Error setting autoloaderInfo variable with data:\n" + report); AbortMacro(); return 1; } } else { var = LookupVariable("AUTOLOADERINFO", index); if (var) { cartInd = mScope->GetLoadedCartridge(); for (index = 0; index < 2; index++) { if (cartInd >= 0) { FormatCartridgeInfo(cartInd, index2, ix0, ix1, iy0, iy1, name, report, arrRow.value); var->rowsFor2d->SetAt(cartInd, arrRow); } cartInd = mScope->GetUnloadedCartridge(); } } } } if (mStartedLongOp) SetReportedValues(mScope->GetLongOpErrorToReport(), 0); if (mRanGatanScript) SetReportedValues(mCamera->GetScriptReturnVal()); // If ctfplotter was run, see if succeeded if (mRanCtfplotter) { cartInd = mSaveCtfplotGraph; mSaveCtfplotGraph = 0; if (mExtProcExitStatus) { SetReportedValues(1., mExtProcExitStatus); } else { index = mWinApp->mExternalTools->ReadCtfplotterResults(defocus, astig, angle, phase, index2, fitFreq, ctfCCC, name, report); if (index > 0) { mWinApp->AppendToLog("Error getting Ctfplotter results: " + report); AbortMacro(); return 1; } if (index < 0) mWinApp->AppendToLog("WARNING: " + report); if (cartInd && mBufForCtfplotGraph != -1) { index = mBufferManager->GetBufToReadInto(); mBufferManager->SetOtherFile(mCtfplotGraphName); if (mBufForCtfplotGraph >= 0) mBufferManager->SetBufToReadInto(mBufForCtfplotGraph); mBufferManager->SetNextSecToRead(0); index2 = mBufferManager->RereadOtherFile(mStrCopy); if (!index2) mWinApp->DrawReadInImage(); else PrintfToLog("WARNING: Failed to read ctfplotter graph: %s", (LPCTSTR)mStrCopy); mBufferManager->SetBufToReadInto(index); } mWinApp->AppendToLog(name, mLogAction); SetReportedValues(defocus, astig, angle, phase, fitFreq, ctfCCC); } } // Process results of pipe output if (mGotPipedOutputOrErr) { if (mGotPipedOutputOrErr < 0) { SEMAppendToLog("Program error getting piped output from process: " + mPipeOutput); AbortMacro(); return 1; } else { SetReportedValues(mExtProcExitStatus, mPipeOutput.IsEmpty() ? 1 : 0); if (!mPipeOutput.IsEmpty()) { mPipeOutput.Replace("\r\n", "\n"); if (SetVariable(mVarForProcOutputPipe, mPipeOutput, VARTYPE_REGULAR, -1, false, &mStrCopy)) { SEMAppendToLog("Error setting variable " + mVarForProcOutputPipe + " with output from process"); AbortMacro(); return 1; } } mVarForProcOutputPipe = ""; mPipeOutput = ""; } } InitForNextCommand(); if (mMovedPiezo && mWinApp->mPiezoControl->GetLastMovementError()) { AbortMacro(); return 1; } mMovedPiezo = false; // First test for termination conditions // Stopping conditions that do not allow resumption: if (mTestTiltAngle && ((mControl->limitTiltUp && mScope->GetTiltAngle() > mControl->tiltUpLimit) || (mControl->limitTiltDown && mScope->GetTiltAngle() < mControl->tiltDownLimit))) { mWinApp->AppendToLog("Script stopped because tilt limit specified\r\n" " in Script Control dialog was reached", LOG_MESSAGE_IF_CLOSED); AbortMacro(); return 1; } if (mControl->limitRuns && mNumRuns >= mControl->runLimit) { mWinApp->AppendToLog("Script stopped because script run limit specified\r\n" " in Script Control dialog was reached", LOG_MESSAGE_IF_CLOSED); AbortMacro(); return 1; } // Pop control set that was to be restored after shot if (mRestoreConsetAfterShot) { mRestoreConsetAfterShot = false; i = mConsetNums.back(); mConSets[i] = mConsetsSaved.back(); mConsetNums.pop_back(); mConsetsSaved.pop_back(); } // Stopping conditions that are suspensions - but backing up is a bad idea if (mTestMontError && mWinApp->Montaging() && mControl->limitMontError && mLastMontError > mControl->montErrorLimit) { mWinApp->AppendToLog("Script suspended because montage error specified\r\n" " in Script Control dialog exceeded limit", LOG_MESSAGE_IF_CLOSED); SuspendMacro(); return 1; } index = mTestMontError ? 1 : 0; if (mControl->limitScaleMax && mImBufs[index].mImage && mImBufs[index].mImageScale && mTestScale && mImBufs[index].mImageScale->GetMaxScale() < mControl->scaleMaxLimit) { mWinApp->AppendToLog("Script suspended because image intensity fell below limit " "specified\r\n in Script Control dialog ", LOG_MESSAGE_IF_CLOSED); SuspendMacro(); return 1; } if (mControl->limitIS) { double ISX, ISY, specX, specY; ScaleMat cMat; mScope->GetLDCenteredShift(ISX, ISY); cMat = mShiftManager->IStoSpecimen(mScope->GetMagIndex()); specX = cMat.xpx * ISX + cMat.xpy * ISY; specY = cMat.ypx * ISX + cMat.ypy * ISY; if (cMat.xpx != 0.0 && sqrt(specX * specX + specY * specY) > mControl->ISlimit) { mWinApp->AppendToLog("Script suspended because image shift exceeded limit " "specified\r\n in Script Control dialog ", LOG_MESSAGE_IF_CLOSED); SuspendMacro(); return 1; } } // Crop image now if that was needed if (mCropXafterShot > 0) { mImBufs->mImage->getSize(sizeX, sizeY); ix0 = (sizeX - mCropXafterShot) / 2; iy0 = (sizeY - mCropYafterShot) / 2; ix1 = ix0 + mCropXafterShot - 1; iy1 = iy0 + mCropYafterShot - 1; mCropXafterShot = -1; ix0 = mProcessImage->CropImage(mImBufs, iy0, ix0, iy1, ix1); if (ix0) { report.Format("Error # %d attempting to crop new image to match buffer", ix0); ABORT_NOLINE(report); } mImBufs->mCaptured = BUFFER_CROPPED; } if (mShowedScopeBox) SetReportedValues(1., mScope->GetMessageBoxReturnValue()); mShowedScopeBox = false; // Checks of last command are done, so return for external scripting if (mRunningScrpLang) return 0; // Save the current index mLastIndex = mCurrentIndex; // Find the next real command mMacro = &mMacros[mCurrentMacro]; mStrItems[0] = ""; while (mStrItems[0].IsEmpty() && mCurrentIndex < mMacro->GetLength()) { GetNextLine(mMacro, mCurrentIndex, mStrLine); if (inComment) { if (mStrLine.Find("*/") >= 0) inComment = false; continue; } mStrCopy = mStrLine; // Parse the line if (mParamIO->ParseString(mStrCopy, mStrItems, MAX_MACRO_TOKENS, mParseQuotes) && !(mStrItems[1] == "@=" || mStrItems[1] == ":@=")) ABORT_LINE("Too many items on line in script: \n\n"); if (mStrItems[0].Find("/*") == 0) { mStrItems[0] = ""; inComment = mStrLine.Find("*/") < 0; continue; } mWinApp->VerboseAppendToLog(mVerbose, "COMMAND: " + mStrLine); mStrItems[0].MakeUpper(); } // Substitute variables in parsed items and check for control word substitution mInInitialSubEval = true; report = mStrItems[0]; if (SubstituteVariables(mStrItems, MAX_MACRO_TOKENS, mStrLine)) { AbortMacro(); return 1; } if (!mStrItems[0].IsEmpty()) { strPtr = (LPCTSTR)mStrItems[0]; strtod(strPtr, &endPtr); if (endPtr == strPtr + strlen(strPtr)) ABORT_LINE("A command cannot start with a number in line:\n\n"); } mStrItems[0].MakeUpper(); mItem1upper = mStrItems[1]; mItem1upper.MakeUpper(); if (report != mStrItems[0] && WordIsReserved(mStrItems[0])) ABORT_LINE("You cannot make a command by substituting a\n" "variable value that is a control command on line: \n\n"); mCmdIndex = LookupCommandIndex(mStrItems[0]); // Do arithmetic on selected commands if (mCmdIndex >= 0 && ArithmeticIsAllowed(mStrItems[0])) { if (SeparateParentheses(&mStrItems[1], MAX_MACRO_TOKENS - 1, mParseQuotes)) ABORT_LINE("Too many items on line after separating out parentheses in line: \n\n"); if (EvaluateExpression(&mStrItems[1], MAX_MACRO_TOKENS - 1, mStrLine, 0, index, index2)) { AbortMacro(); return 1; } for (i = index + 1; i <= index2; i++) mStrItems[i] = ""; index = CheckLegalCommandAndArgNum(&mStrItems[0], mCmdIndex, mStrLine,mCurrentMacro); if (index) { if (index == 1) ABORT_LINE("There is no longer a legal command after evaluating arithmetic on " "this line:\n\n"); AbortMacro(); return 1; } } mInInitialSubEval = false; if (mDeferSettingsUpdate && mCmdIndex != CME_SETUSERSETTING) { mWinApp->UpdateWindowSettings(); mDeferSettingsUpdate = false; } // Evaluate emptiness, ints and doubles for (i = 0; i < MAX_MACRO_TOKENS; i++) { mItemEmpty[i] = mStrItems[i].IsEmpty(); mItemInt[i] = 0; mItemDbl[i] = 0.; if (!mItemEmpty[i]) { if (mStrItems[i].Find("0x") == 0) sscanf(((LPCTSTR)mStrItems[i]) + 2, "%x", &mItemInt[i]); else mItemInt[i] = atoi((LPCTSTR)mStrItems[i]); mItemDbl[i] = atof((LPCTSTR)mStrItems[i]); mLastNonEmptyInd = i; } mItemFlt[i] = (float)mItemDbl[i]; } if (mItemEmpty[0]) { mCmdIndex = CME_SCRIPTEND; } else { if (mStrItems[0].GetAt(mStrItems[0].GetLength() - 1) == ':') mCmdIndex = CME_LABEL; else if (mStrItems[1] == "@=" || mStrItems[1] == ":@=") mCmdIndex = CME_SETSTRINGVAR; else if (mStrItems[1] == "=" || mStrItems[1] == ":=") mCmdIndex = CME_SETVARIABLE; } if (CMD_IS(ELSEIF) && mBlockLevel >= 0 && mLoopLimit[mBlockLevel] == LOOP_LIMIT_FOR_IF) mCmdIndex = CME_ZEROLOOPELSEIF; // See if we are supposed to stop at an ending place if (mStopAtEnd && (CMD_IS(REPEAT) || CMD_IS(ENDLOOP) || CMD_IS(DOMACRO) || CMD_IS(DOSCRIPT))) { if (mLastIndex >= 0) mCurrentIndex = mLastIndex; SuspendMacro(); // Leave it resumable return 1; } mKeyBreak = CMD_IS(KEYBREAK) && ((mItemEmpty[1] && mKeyPressed == 'B') || (mStrItems[1].GetLength() == 1 && mItem1upper.GetAt(0) == mKeyPressed)); if (mKeyBreak) mCmdIndex = CME_DOKEYBREAK; if (!mStrItems[0].IsEmpty() && mCmdIndex < 0) ABORT_LINE("After variable substitution, " + mStrItems[0] + " is not a valid command in line:\n\n"); // Call the function in the command list if ((this->*cmdList[mCmdIndex].func)()) return 1; // Output the standard log report variable if set if (!mLogRpt.IsEmpty()) mWinApp->AppendToLog(mLogRpt, mLogAction); // The action is taken or started: now set up an idle task unless looping is allowed // for this command and not too many loops have happened if (startingOut || !((cmdList[mCmdIndex].arithAllowed & 4) || mLoopInOnIdle || cmdList[mCmdIndex].cmd.find("REPORT") == 0) || mNumCmdSinceAddIdle > mMaxCmdToLoopOnIdle || SEMTickInterval(mLastAddIdleTime) > 1000. * mMaxSecToLoopOnIdle) { mWinApp->AddIdleTask(NULL, TASK_MACRO_RUN, 0, 0); mNumCmdSinceAddIdle = 0; mLastAddIdleTime = GetTickCount(); } else { // Or let it loop back in to NextCommand mNumCmdSinceAddIdle++; mLoopInOnIdle = true; } return 0; } // Set up pointers and other initializations for a command void CMacCmd::InitForNextCommand() { mReadOtherSleep = 2000; mCurrentCam = mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera(); mFiltParam = mWinApp->GetFilterParams(); mActiveList = mWinApp->GetActiveCameraList(); mCamParams = mWinApp->GetCamParams() + mCurrentCam; mMontP = mWinApp->GetMontParam(); mLdParam = mWinApp->GetLowDoseParams(); mNavigator = mWinApp->mNavigator; mLogRpt = ""; RestoreMultiShotParams(); mSleepTime = 0.; mDoseTarget = 0.; mMovedStage = false; mMovedScreen = false; mExposedFilm = false; mStartedLongOp = false; mMovedAperture = false; mRanGatanScript = false; mRanExtProcess = false; mRanCtfplotter = false; mGotPipedOutputOrErr = 0; mLoadingMap = false; mLoopInOnIdle = false; } // ScriptEnd, Exit, Return, EndFunction, Function int CMacCmd::ScriptEnd(void) { int index; if (!mCallLevel || CMD_IS(EXIT) || (CMD_IS(ENDFUNCTION) && mExitAtFuncEnd)) { if (CMD_IS(EXIT)) { if (mRunningScrpLang) { if (!mItemEmpty[1] && mItemInt[1]) { mScrpLangData.errorOccurred = SCRIPT_EXIT_NO_EXC; mScrpLangData.exitedFromWrapper = mItemInt[1] < 0; } else mScrpLangData.errorOccurred = SCRIPT_NORMAL_EXIT; if (!mItemEmpty[2]) EnhancedExceptionToLog(mStrItems[2]); } else if (!mStrItems[1].IsEmpty()) { SubstituteLineStripItems(mStrLine, 1, mStrCopy); mWinApp->AppendToLog(mStrCopy); } } else if (mRunningScrpLang || mCalledFromScrpLang) mScrpLangData.errorOccurred = SCRIPT_NORMAL_EXIT; AbortMacro(true); mLastCompleted = !mExitAtFuncEnd; if (mLastCompleted && mStartNavAcqAtEnd) mWinApp->AddIdleTask(TASK_START_NAV_ACQ, 0, 0); return 1; } // For a return, pop any loops, clear index variables LeaveCallLevel(CMD_IS(RETURN)); if (mRunningScrpLang && mCalledFromSEMmacro) { mRunningScrpLang = false; mCalledFromSEMmacro = false; mScrpLangData.errorOccurred = SCRIPT_NORMAL_EXIT; SetEvent(mScrpLangDoneEvent); SEMTrace('[', "signal normal exit on return"); } // Put return values in repVals if (CMD_IS(RETURN) && !mItemEmpty[1]) { ClearVariables(VARTYPE_REPORT); for (index = 1; index <= 6; index++) { if (mItemEmpty[index]) break; SetOneReportedValue(mStrItems[index], index); } } return 0; } // Repeat int CMacCmd::Repeat(void) { mCurrentIndex = 0; mLastIndex = -1; mNumRuns++; return 0; } // Label, Require, KeyBreak, MacroName, ScriptName, LongName, ReadOnlyUnlessAdmin int CMacCmd::NoOperation(void) { return 0; } // KeyBreak for external scripting int CMacCmd::KeyBreak(void) { int index; if (mRunningScrpLang) { index = ((mItemEmpty[1] && mKeyPressed == 'B') || (mStrItems[1].GetLength() == 1 && mItem1upper.GetAt(0) == mKeyPressed)) ? 1 : 0; if (index) mKeyPressed = 0; SetOneReportedValue(index, 1); } mKeyPressed = 0; return 0; } // EndLoop int CMacCmd::EndLoop(void) { // First see if we are actually doing a loop: if not, error if (mBlockDepths[mCallLevel] < 0 || mLoopLimit[mBlockLevel] < LOOP_LIMIT_FOR_IF || mLoopLimit[mBlockLevel] == LOOP_LIMIT_FOR_TRY) { ABORT_NOLINE("The script contains an ENDLOOP without a LOOP or DOLOOP statement"); } // If count is not past limit, go back to start; // otherwise clear index variable and decrease level indexes mLoopCount[mBlockLevel] += mLoopIncrement[mBlockLevel]; if ((mLoopIncrement[mBlockLevel] < 0 ? - 1 : 1) * (mLoopCount[mBlockLevel] - mLoopLimit[mBlockLevel]) <= 0) mCurrentIndex = mLoopStart[mBlockLevel]; else { ClearVariables(VARTYPE_INDEX, mCallLevel, mBlockLevel); mBlockLevel--; mBlockDepths[mCallLevel]--; } mLastIndex = -1; return 0; } // Loop, DoLoop int CMacCmd::Loop(void) { CString report; int index; // Doing a loop: get the count, make sure it is legal, and save the current // index as the starting place to go back to if (mBlockLevel >= MAX_LOOP_DEPTH) ABORT_LINE("Nesting of loops, IF blocks, and script or function calls is too deep" " at line: \n\n:"); mBlockLevel++; mBlockDepths[mCallLevel]++; mLoopStart[mBlockLevel] = mCurrentIndex; mLoopIncrement[mBlockLevel] = 1; if (CMD_IS(LOOP)) { mLoopLimit[mBlockLevel] = B3DMAX(0, B3DNINT(mItemDbl[1])); mLoopCount[mBlockLevel] = 1; index = 2; } else { mLoopCount[mBlockLevel] = mItemInt[2]; mLoopLimit[mBlockLevel] = mItemInt[3]; if (!mItemEmpty[4]) { mLoopIncrement[mBlockLevel] = mItemInt[4]; if (!mItemInt[4]) ABORT_LINE("The loop increment is 0 at line:\n\n"); } index = 1; } mLastIndex = -1; if ((mLoopIncrement[mBlockLevel] < 0 ? - 1 : 1) * (mLoopCount[mBlockLevel] - mLoopLimit[mBlockLevel]) > 0) { if (SkipToBlockEnd(SKIPTO_ENDLOOP, mStrLine)) { AbortMacro(); return 1; } } else if (!mItemEmpty[index]) { if (SetVariable(mStrItems[index], 1.0, VARTYPE_INDEX + VARTYPE_ADD_FOR_NUM, mBlockLevel, true, &report)) ABORT_LINE(report + " in script line: \n\n"); } return 0; } // If, ZeroLoopElseIf int CMacCmd::If(void) { BOOL truth; // IF statement: evaluate it, go up one block level with 0 limit if (EvaluateIfStatement(&mStrItems[1], MAX_MACRO_TOKENS - 1, mStrLine, truth)) { AbortMacro(); return 1; } if (CMD_IS(IF)) { // If mBlockLevel++; if (mBlockLevel >= MAX_LOOP_DEPTH) ABORT_LINE("Nesting of loops, IF blocks, and script or function calls is too deep" " at line: \n\n:"); mBlockDepths[mCallLevel]++; mLoopLimit[mBlockLevel] = LOOP_LIMIT_FOR_IF; } // If not true, skip forward; if it is true, mark if as satisfied with a -1 if (!truth) { if (SkipToBlockEnd(SKIPTO_ELSE_ENDIF, mStrLine) ){ AbortMacro(); return 1; } mLastIndex = -1; } else mLoopLimit[mBlockLevel] = LOOP_LIMIT_FOR_IF - 1; return 0; } // Endif int CMacCmd::Endif(void) { // Trust the initial check mBlockLevel--; mBlockDepths[mCallLevel]--; mLastIndex = -1; return 0; } // Else, ElseIf int CMacCmd::Else(void) { if (SkipToBlockEnd(SKIPTO_ENDIF, mStrLine)) { AbortMacro(); return 1; } mLastIndex = -1; return 0; } // Break, Continue, DoKeyBreak int CMacCmd::Break(void) { int index, index2; if (SkipToBlockEnd(SKIPTO_ENDLOOP, mStrLine, &index, &index2)) { AbortMacro(); return 1; } mLastIndex = -1; // Pop any IFs and TRYs on the loop stack while (mBlockLevel >= 0 && mLoopLimit[mBlockLevel] <= LOOP_LIMIT_FOR_TRY) { mBlockLevel--; mBlockDepths[mCallLevel]--; } mTryCatchLevel += index2; if (mBlockLevel >= 0 && (CMD_IS(BREAK) || mKeyBreak)) mLoopCount[mBlockLevel] = mLoopLimit[mBlockLevel]; if (mKeyBreak) { if (mLogInfoAction != LOG_IGNORE) PrintfToLog("Broke out of loop after %c key pressed", (char)mKeyPressed); mKeyPressed = 0; } return 0; } // Try int CMacCmd::Try(void) { mBlockLevel++; if (mBlockLevel >= MAX_LOOP_DEPTH) ABORT_LINE("Nesting of loops, IF or TRY blocks, and script or function calls is too" " deep at line: \n\n:"); mBlockDepths[mCallLevel]++; mLoopLimit[mBlockLevel] = LOOP_LIMIT_FOR_TRY; mNoCatchOutput[mTryCatchLevel++] = mItemInt[1] != 0; return 0; } // Catch int CMacCmd::Catch(void) { if (SkipToBlockEnd(SKIPTO_ENDTRY, mStrLine)) { AbortMacro(); return 1; } mTryCatchLevel--; mLastIndex = -1; return 0; } // EndTry int CMacCmd::EndTry(void) { mBlockLevel--; mBlockDepths[mCallLevel]--; mLastIndex = -1; return 0; } // Throw int CMacCmd::Throw(void) { mStrCopy = ""; if (!mStrItems[1].IsEmpty()) SubstituteLineStripItems(mStrLine, 1, mStrCopy); if (TestTryLevelAndSkip(&mStrCopy)) return 1; ABORT_NOLINE("Stopping because a THROW statement was encountered outside of a TRY " "block"); return 0; } // SkipTo int CMacCmd::SkipTo(void) { int index, index2, i; if (SkipToLabel(mItem1upper, mStrLine, index, index2)) { AbortMacro(); return 1; } // Pop proper number of ifs and loops from stack for (i = 0; i < index && mBlockLevel >= 0; i++) { ClearVariables(VARTYPE_INDEX, mCallLevel, mBlockLevel); mBlockLevel--; mBlockDepths[mCallLevel]--; } mTryCatchLevel += index2; mLastIndex = -1; return 0; } // DoMacro, DoScript, CallMacro, CallScript, Call, CallFunction, CallStringArray // RunScriptAfterNavAcquire int CMacCmd::DoMacro(void) { CString report; BOOL truth; int index, index2, ix0, ix1; MacroFunction *func; bool fromScrpLang = mRunningScrpLang; // Skip any of these operations if we are in a termination function if (!mExitAtFuncEnd) { // Calling a macro or function: rely on initial error checks, get the number index2 = 0; func = NULL; if (CMD_IS(CALLFUNCTION)) { func = FindCalledFunction( B3DCHOICE(mRunningScrpLang, "CallFunction " + mStrItems[1], mStrLine), false, index, ix0); if (!func) { AbortMacro(); return 1; } index2 = func->startIndex; if (func->wasCalled) ABORT_LINE("Trying to call a function already being called in line: \n\n"); func->wasCalled = true; } else if (CMD_IS(CALL)) { index = FindCalledMacro(mStrLine, false, mRunningScrpLang ? mStrItems[1] : ""); if (index < 0) { AbortMacro(); return 1; } } else if (CMD_IS(CALLSTRINGARRAY)) { index = MakeNewTempMacro(mStrItems[1], mStrItems[2], true, mStrLine); if (!index) return 1; ix0 = 0; if (!CheckForScriptLanguage(index, true) && CheckBlockNesting(index, -1, ix0)) { AbortMacro(); return 1; } } else { if ((CMD_IS(CALLMACRO) || CMD_IS(CALLSCRIPT) || CMD_IS(RUNSCRIPTAFTERNAVACQUIRE)) && mItemInt[1] == -1) { if (mScriptNumFound < 0) ABORT_LINE("No script number was previously found with FindScriptByName for " "line:\n\n"); index = mScriptNumFound; } else { index = mItemInt[1] - 1; if (index < 0 || index >= MAX_MACROS) ABORT_LINE("Illegal script number in line:\n\n") } if (CMD_IS(RUNSCRIPTAFTERNAVACQUIRE)) { ABORT_NONAV; mNavigator->SetRunScriptAfterNextAcq(index); return 0; } } // Save the current index at this level and move up a level // If doing a function with string arg, substitute in line for that first so the // pre-existing level applies if (!(CMD_IS(DOMACRO) || CMD_IS(DOSCRIPT))) { if (mCallLevel >= MAX_CALL_DEPTH) ABORT_LINE("Trying to call too many levels of scripts/functions in line: \n\n"); if (func && func->ifStringArg) SubstituteVariables(&mStrLine, 1, mStrLine); if (mRunningScrpLang && mCalledFromSEMmacro) { ABORT_LINE("You cannot run any other script from a Python script called from a " "regular script in line:\n\n"); } if ((mRunningScrpLang || mCalledFromScrpLang) && CheckForScriptLanguage(index, true)) { ABORT_LINE("You cannot run another Python script from a Python script in " "line:\n\n"); } if (mRunningScrpLang) { // Switching from Python to regular ix0 = 0; if (!CMD_IS(CALLSTRINGARRAY)) { if (mMacroEditer[index]) mMacroEditer[index]->TransferMacro(true); PrepareForMacroChecking(index); if (CheckBlockNesting(index, -1, ix0)) { AbortMacro(); return 1; } // That check rebuilt the function arrays, so need to find it again if (func) { func = FindCalledFunction("CallFunction " + mStrItems[1], false, index, ix0); if (!func) { AbortMacro(); return 1; } ix0 = 3; } mCallLevel = 0; } mCalledFromScrpLang = true; mRunningScrpLang = false; } else if (!func) { // Running regular: see if what is being called is Python and switch if so ix1 = CheckForScriptLanguage(index, false, (CMD_IS(CALLMACRO) || CMD_IS(CALLSCRIPT)) ? 2 : 0); if (ix1 > 0) { AbortMacro(); return 1; } if (ix1 < 0) { mRunningScrpLang = true; mCalledFromSEMmacro = true; StartRunningScrpLang(); } } mCallIndex[mCallLevel++] = mCurrentIndex; mCallMacro[mCallLevel] = index; mBlockDepths[mCallLevel] = -1; mCallFunction[mCallLevel] = func; } else { mNumRuns++; } // Doing another macro (or this one over), just reset macro # and index mCurrentMacro = index; mCurrentIndex = index2; mLastIndex = -1; if (func) SetVariable("FUNCTIONNAME", func->name, VARTYPE_LOCAL, -1, false); // Create argument variables now that level is raised if (func && (func->numNumericArgs || func->ifStringArg)) { truth = false; for (index = 0; index < func->numNumericArgs; index++) { report = func->argNames[index]; if (SetVariable(func->argNames[index], mItemEmpty[index + ix0] ? 0. : mItemDbl[index + ix0], VARTYPE_LOCAL + VARTYPE_ADD_FOR_NUM, -1, false, &report)) { truth = true; break; } } if (!truth && func->ifStringArg) { if (fromScrpLang) mStrCopy = mStrItems[2]; else JustStripItems(mStrLine, index + ix0, mStrCopy); truth = SetVariable(func->argNames[index], mStrCopy, VARTYPE_LOCAL, - 1, false, &report); } if (truth) ABORT_LINE("Failed to set argument variables in function call:\r\n" + report + " in line:\n\n") for (index = 0; index < func->numNumericArgs + (func->ifStringArg ? 1 : 0); index++) if (mItemEmpty[index + ix0]) break; SetVariable("NUMCALLARGS", index, VARTYPE_LOCAL + VARTYPE_ADD_FOR_NUM, -1, false); } } return 0; } // PythonScript int CMacCmd::PythonScript(void) { int startLine, err, lastInd = 0, currentInd = mCurrentIndex; if (mCalledFromScrpLang) ABORT_NOLINE("You cannot run the Python after a PythonScript line\r\n" " from regular scripting called from a Python script"); if (!IsEmbeddedPythonOK(mCurrentMacro, mCurrentIndex, lastInd, currentInd)) ABORT_NOLINE("PythonScript line with no matching EndPythonScript line"); startLine = CountLinesToCurIndex(mCurrentMacro, mCurrentIndex); err = CheckForScriptLanguage(mCurrentMacro, false, 1, mCurrentIndex, lastInd, startLine); if (err > 0) { AbortMacro(); return err; } if (!err) ABORT_NOLINE("Did not find #!Python after a PythonScript line"); // Set flags, raise the call level, set up to come back after the End line, start it mRunningScrpLang = true; mCalledFromSEMmacro = true; mCallIndex[mCallLevel++] = currentInd; mCallMacro[mCallLevel] = mCurrentMacro; mBlockDepths[mCallLevel] = -1; mCallFunction[mCallLevel] = NULL; mLastIndex = -1; StartRunningScrpLang(); return 0; } // FindScriptByName int CMacCmd::FindScriptByName(void) { mScriptNumFound = FindCalledMacro(mStrLine, false); if (mScriptNumFound < 0) { AbortMacro(); return 1; } return 0; } // ParseQuotedStrings int CMacCmd::ParseQuotedStrings(void) { mParseQuotes = mItemEmpty[1] || mItemInt[1] != 0; return 0; } // StringArrayToScript int CMacCmd::StringArrayToScript(void) { int index; if (mRunningScrpLang && (mItemEmpty[2] || mItemInt[2] >= 0)) ABORT_NOLINE("StringArrayToScript can be called from Python only with the negative" " of a regular script number (-1 to -60)"); index = MakeNewTempMacro(mStrItems[1], mStrItems[2], false, mStrLine); if (!index) return 1; return 0; } // OnStopCallFunc int CMacCmd::OnStopCallFunc(void) { int ix0; MacroFunction *func; if (!mExitAtFuncEnd) { func = FindCalledFunction(mStrLine, false, mOnStopMacroIndex, ix0); if (!func) { AbortMacro(); return 1; } mOnStopLineIndex = func->startIndex; if (func->numNumericArgs || func->ifStringArg) ABORT_LINE("The function to call takes arguments, which is not allowed here:" "\n\n"); } return 0; } // NoMessageBoxOnError int CMacCmd::NoMessageBoxOnError(void) { mNoMessageBoxOnError = true; if (!mItemEmpty[1]) mNoMessageBoxOnError = mItemInt[1] != 0; return 0; } // Test int CMacCmd::Test(void) { if (mItemEmpty[2]) mLastTestResult = mItemDbl[1] != 0.; else EvaluateIfStatement(&mStrItems[1], MAX_MACRO_TOKENS - 1, mStrLine, mLastTestResult); SetReportedValues(mLastTestResult ? 1. : 0.); SetVariable("TESTRESULT", mLastTestResult ? 1. : 0., VARTYPE_REGULAR + VARTYPE_ADD_FOR_NUM, -1, false); return 0; } // SetVariable, AppendToArray int CMacCmd::SetVariableCmd(void) { CString report; BOOL truth; int index, index2, ix0, ix1; Variable *var; CString *valPtr; int *numElemPtr; if (mRunningScrpLang) { index = CMD_IS(SETPERSISTENTVAR) ? VARTYPE_PERSIST : VARTYPE_REGULAR; if (CMD_IS(SETFLOATVARIABLE)) { index = (mItemInt[3] ? VARTYPE_PERSIST : VARTYPE_REGULAR) + VARTYPE_ADD_FOR_NUM; } if (SetVariable(mItem1upper, mStrItems[2], index, -1, false, &report)) ABORT_LINE(report + " in script line: \n\n"); return 0; } // Do assignment to variable before any non-reserved commands index2 = 2; ix0 = CheckForArrayAssignment(mStrItems, index2); if (SeparateParentheses(&mStrItems[index2], MAX_MACRO_TOKENS - index2, mParseQuotes)) ABORT_LINE("Too many items on line after separating out parentheses in line: \n\n"); if (EvaluateExpression(&mStrItems[index2], MAX_MACRO_TOKENS - index2, mStrLine, ix0, index, ix1)) { AbortMacro(); return 1; } // Concatenate array elements separated by \n if (ix0 > 0) { for (ix1 = index2 + 1; ix1 < MAX_MACRO_TOKENS; ix1++) { if (mStrItems[ix1].IsEmpty()) break; mStrItems[index2] += "\n" + mStrItems[ix1]; } } // Set the variable if (CMD_IS(SETVARIABLE)) { index = mStrItems[1] == "=" ? VARTYPE_REGULAR : VARTYPE_PERSIST; if (SetVariable(mStrItems[0], mStrItems[index2], index, -1, false, &report)) ABORT_LINE(report + " in script line: \n\n"); } else { // Append to array: Split off an index to look it up ArrayRow newRow; var = GetVariableValuePointers(mItem1upper, &valPtr, &numElemPtr, "append to", report); if (!var) ABORT_LINE(report + " for line:\n\n"); truth = valPtr == NULL; if (truth) { valPtr = &newRow.value; numElemPtr = &newRow.numElements; } // Add the string to the value and compute the number of elements if (!valPtr->IsEmpty()) *valPtr += "\n"; *valPtr += mStrItems[index2]; *numElemPtr = 1; ix0 = -1; while ((ix0 = valPtr->Find('\n', ix0 + 1)) >= 0) *numElemPtr += 1; // Both 1D array and existing row of 2D array should be done: add new row to 2D if (truth) var->rowsFor2d->Add(newRow); } return 0; } // GetVariable int CMacCmd::GetVariable(void) { CString report; double delISX; int ix0; Variable *var; var = LookupVariable(mStrItems[1], ix0); if (!var) ABORT_LINE("The variable " + mStrItems[1] + " is not defined in line:\n\n"); report = var->value; ClearVariables(VARTYPE_REPORT); if (var->isNumeric) { delISX = atof(report); SetOneReportedValue(delISX, 1); } else { SetOneReportedValue(report, 1); } return 0; } // TruncateArray int CMacCmd::TruncateArray(void) { CString report; int index, ix0, ix1; Variable *var; CString *valPtr; int *numElemPtr; index = mItemInt[2]; if (index < 1) ABORT_LINE("The number to truncate to must be at least 1 for line:\n\n"); var = GetVariableValuePointers(mItem1upper, &valPtr, &numElemPtr, "truncate", report); if (!var) ABORT_LINE(report + " for line:\n\n"); if (!valPtr) { if (var->rowsFor2d->GetSize() > index) var->rowsFor2d->SetSize(index); } else if (*numElemPtr > index) { FindValueAtIndex(*valPtr, index, ix0, ix1); *valPtr = valPtr->Left(ix1); *numElemPtr = index; } return 0; } // ArrayStatistics int CMacCmd::ArrayStatistics(void) { CString report; int index, index2; float bmin, bmax, bmean, bSD, cpe; float *fvalues = FloatArrayFromVariable(mItem1upper, index2, report); if (!fvalues) ABORT_LINE(report + " in line\n\n"); bmin = 1.e37f; bmax = -1.e37f; for (index = 0; index < index2; index++) { ACCUM_MIN(bmin, fvalues[index]); ACCUM_MAX(bmax, fvalues[index]); } avgSD(fvalues, index2, &bmean, &bSD, &cpe); rsFastMedianInPlace(fvalues, index2, &cpe); mLogRpt.Format("n= %d min= %.6g max = %.6g mean= %.6g sd= %.6g median= %.6g", index2, bmin, bmax, bmean, bSD, cpe); SetRepValsAndVars(2, index2, bmin, bmax, bmean, bSD, cpe); delete[] fvalues; return 0; } // LinearFitToVars int CMacCmd::LinearFitToVars(void) { CString report; BOOL truth; int index, index2, ix0; float bmean, bSD, cpe; float *xx1, *xx2, *xx3 = NULL; truth = !mItemEmpty[3]; xx1 = FloatArrayFromVariable(mItem1upper, index, report); if (!xx1) ABORT_LINE(report + " in line\n\n"); xx2 = FloatArrayFromVariable(mStrItems[2], index2, report); if (!xx2) { delete[] xx1; ABORT_LINE(report + " in line\n\n"); } if (truth) { xx3 = FloatArrayFromVariable(mStrItems[3], ix0, report); if (!xx3) { delete[] xx1, xx2; ABORT_LINE(report + " in line\n\n"); } } if (index != index2 || (truth && ix0 != index)) { delete[] xx1, xx2, xx3; ABORT_LINE("Variables do not have the same number of elements in line:\n\n"); } if (index < 2 || (truth && index < 3)) { delete[] xx1, xx2, xx3; ABORT_LINE("There are not enough array values for a linear fit in line:\n\n"); } if (truth) { lsFit2(xx1, xx2, xx3, index, &bmean, &bSD, &cpe); mLogRpt.Format("n= %d a1= %f a2= %f c= %f", index, bmean, bSD, cpe); } else { lsFit(xx1, xx2, index, &bmean, &bSD, &cpe); mLogRpt.Format("n= %d slope= %f intercept= %f ro= %.4f", index, bmean, bSD, cpe); } SetReportedValues(index, bmean, bSD, cpe); delete[] xx1, xx2, xx3; return 0; } // SetStringVar int CMacCmd::SetStringVar(void) { CString report; int index; SubstituteLineStripItems(mStrLine, 2, mStrCopy); mStrCopy.Replace("\\n", "\n"); index = mStrItems[1] == "@=" ? VARTYPE_REGULAR : VARTYPE_PERSIST; if (SetVariable(mStrItems[0], mStrCopy, index, -1, false, &report)) ABORT_LINE(report + " in script line: \n\n"); return 0; } // ListVars int CMacCmd::ListVars(void) { ListVariables(); return 0; } // ListPersistentVars int CMacCmd::ListPersistentVars(void) { ListVariables(VARTYPE_PERSIST); return 0; } // ClearPersistentVars int CMacCmd::ClearPersistentVars(void) { ClearVariables(VARTYPE_PERSIST); return 0; } // ClearNonPersistentVars int CMacCmd::ClearNonPersistentVars() { ClearVariables(VARTYPE_REGULAR); return 0; } // MakeVarPersistent int CMacCmd::MakeVarPersistent(void) { int index, ix0; Variable *var; var = LookupVariable(mStrItems[1], ix0); if (!var) ABORT_LINE("The variable " + mStrItems[1] + " is not defined in line:\n\n"); index = 1; if (!mItemEmpty[2] && !mItemInt[2]) index = 0; if ((index && var->type != VARTYPE_REGULAR) || (!index && var->type != VARTYPE_PERSIST)) ABORT_LINE("The variable " + mStrItems[1] + " must be " + CString(index ? "regular" : "persistent") + " to change its type in line:\n\n"); var->type = index ? VARTYPE_PERSIST : VARTYPE_REGULAR; return 0; } // IsVariableDefined int CMacCmd::IsVariableDefined(void) { int index, index2; index = B3DCHOICE(LookupVariable(mItem1upper, index2) != NULL, 1, 0); SubstituteVariables(&mStrLine, 1, mStrLine); if (!mRunningScrpLang) mParamIO->ParseString(mStrLine, mStrItems, MAX_MACRO_TOKENS, mParseQuotes); mLogRpt.Format("Variable %s %s defined", (LPCTSTR)mStrItems[1], B3DCHOICE(index, "IS", "is NOT")); SetRepValsAndVars(2, index); return 0; } // NewArray, New2DArray int CMacCmd::NewArrayCmd(void) { CString report; BOOL truth; int index, index2, ix0, ix1, iy0; CArray < ArrayRow, ArrayRow > *rowsFor2d = NULL; ArrayRow arrRow; // Process local vesus persistent property ix0 = VARTYPE_REGULAR; if (mItemInt[2] < 0) { ix0 = VARTYPE_LOCAL; if (LocalVarAlreadyDefined(mStrItems[1], mStrLine) > 0) return 1; } if (mItemInt[2] > 0) ix0 = VARTYPE_PERSIST; // Get number of elements: 3 for 1D and 4 for 2D truth = CMD_IS(NEW2DARRAY); index = !mItemEmpty[3] ? mItemInt[3] : 0; if (truth) { index2 = !mItemEmpty[3] ? mItemInt[3] : 0; index = !mItemEmpty[4] ? mItemInt[4] : 0; if (index > 0 && !index2) ABORT_LINE("The number of elements per row must be 0 because no rows are created" " in:\n\n"); } if (index < 0 || (truth && index2 < 0)) ABORT_LINE("The number of elements to create must be positive in:\n\n"); mStrCopy = ""; for (ix1 = 0; ix1 < index; ix1++) mStrCopy += ix1 ? "\n0" : "0"; // Create the 2D array rows and add string to the rows if (truth) { rowsFor2d = new CArray < ArrayRow, ArrayRow > ; arrRow.value = mStrCopy; arrRow.numElements = index; for (iy0 = 0; iy0 < index2; iy0++) rowsFor2d->Add(arrRow); } if (SetVariable(mItem1upper, truth ? "0" : mStrCopy, ix0, -1, false, &report, rowsFor2d)) { delete rowsFor2d; ABORT_LINE(report + " in script line: \n\n"); } return 0; } // ImageMetadataToVar, ReportMetadataValues, ReportMetadataString int CMacCmd::ImageMetadataToVar(void) { EMimageBuffer *imBuf; int index, adocInd, sectInd; char *sectName = "ImageMetadata"; char *valString; char buffer[20001]; CString report, bufStr; buffer[20000] = 0x00; if (ConvertBufferLetter(mStrItems[1], 0, true, index, report, true)) ABORT_LINE(report); imBuf = ImBufForIndex(index); if (!AdocAcquireMutex()) ABORT_LINE("Error getting mutex to autodoc structures for line:\n\n"); adocInd = AdocNew(); if (adocInd < 0) report = "Error getting new autodoc structure"; else { _snprintf(buffer, 20000, "%d", index < 0 ? index : index + 1); sectInd = AdocAddSection(sectName, buffer); if (sectInd < 0) report = "Error adding section to autodoc"; } if (report.IsEmpty() && KStoreADOC::SetValuesFromExtra(imBuf->mImage, sectName, 0)) report = "Error putting metadata into autodoc structure"; if (report.IsEmpty() && CMD_IS(IMAGEMETADATATOVAR)) { if (report.IsEmpty() && AdocPrintToString(buffer, 20000, 1)) { report = "Error converting autodoc to string"; } else { bufStr = buffer; mStrItems[2].MakeUpper(); SetVariable(mStrItems[2], bufStr.Trim(" \r\n"), VARTYPE_REGULAR, 0, false, &report); } } else if (report.IsEmpty()) { if (AdocGetString(sectName, 0, mStrItems[2], &valString)) { report = "Key " + mStrItems[2] + " does not exist in the metadata autodoc structure"; } else { mLogRpt = "Value of " + mStrItems[2] + " is: " + CString(valString); if (CMD_IS(REPORTMETADATASTRING)) { SetOneReportedValue(&mStrItems[3], CString(valString), 1); } else { mParamIO->ParseString(valString, &mStrItems[9], MAX_MACRO_TOKENS - 10); for (index = 0; index < 6; index++) { if (mStrItems[9 + index].IsEmpty()) break; SetOneReportedValue(&mStrItems[3], mStrItems[9 + index], index + 1); } } } } AdocClear(adocInd); AdocReleaseMutex(); if (!report.IsEmpty()) ABORT_LINE(report + " for line:\n\n"); return 0; } // LocalVar int CMacCmd::LocalVar(void) { CString report; int index, index2; for (index = 1; index < MAX_MACRO_TOKENS && !mItemEmpty[index]; index++) { index2 = LocalVarAlreadyDefined(mStrItems[index], mStrLine); if (index2 > 0) return 1; if (!index2 && SetVariable(mStrItems[index], "0", VARTYPE_LOCAL + VARTYPE_ADD_FOR_NUM, mCurrentMacro, true, &report)) ABORT_LINE(report + " in script line: \n\n"); } return 0; } // LocalLoopIndexes int CMacCmd::LocalLoopIndexes(void) { if (!mItemEmpty[1]) ABORT_NOLINE("LocalLoopIndexes does not take any values; it cannot be turned off"); if (mBlockLevel > 0) ABORT_NOLINE("LocalLoopIndexes cannot be used inside of a loop"); mLoopIndsAreLocal = true; return 0; } // Plugin int CMacCmd::Plugin(void) { CString report, retString; double delISX, delISY, delX, delY; int index, index2; SubstituteVariables(&mStrLine, 1, mStrLine); if (mStrItems[1] == ":" && !mLastPluginCalled.IsEmpty()) mStrItems[1] = mLastPluginCalled; mLastPluginCalled = mStrItems[1]; delX = mWinApp->mPluginManager->ExecuteCommand(mStrLine, mItemInt, mItemDbl, mItemEmpty, report, delY, delISX, delISY, index2, retString, index, &mStrItems[0]); if (index) { AbortMacro(); return 1; } mStrCopy = ""; if (index2 == 3) { SetReportedValues(delX, delY, delISX, delISY); mStrCopy.Format(" and it returned %6g, %6g, %6g", delY, delISX, delISY); } else if (index2 == 2) { SetReportedValues(delX, delY, delISX); mStrCopy.Format(" and it returned %6g, %6g", delY, delISX); } else if (index2 == 1) { SetReportedValues(delX, delY); mStrCopy.Format(" and it returned %6g", delY); } else SetReportedValues(delX); if (!retString.IsEmpty()) { mStrCopy += ", " + retString; SetOneReportedValue(retString, index2 + 2); } report += mStrCopy; mWinApp->AppendToLog(report, mLogAction); return 0; } // ListPluginCalls int CMacCmd::ListPluginCalls(void) { mWinApp->mPluginManager->ListCalls(); return 0; } // FlashDisplay int CMacCmd::FlashDisplay(void) { double delX; int index, index2, i, ix0; delX = 0.3; index2 = 4; i = RGB(192, 192, 0); if (mItemInt[1] > 0) index2 = mItemInt[1]; if (!mItemEmpty[2] && mItemDbl[2] >= 0.001) delX = mItemDbl[2]; if (!mItemEmpty[3] && mStrItems[3].GetLength() == 6) if (sscanf(mStrItems[3], "%x", &ix0) == 1) i = ((ix0 & 0xFF0000) >> 16) | (ix0 & 0x00FF00) | ((ix0 & 0x0000FF) << 16); if (delX * index2 > 3) ABORT_LINE("Flashing duration is too long in line:\r\n\r\n"); for (index = 0; index < index2; index++) { mWinApp->mMainView->SetFlashNextDisplay(true); mWinApp->mMainView->SetFlashColor(i); mWinApp->mMainView->DrawImage(); Sleep(B3DNINT(1000. *delX)); mWinApp->mMainView->DrawImage(); if (index < index2 - 1) Sleep(B3DNINT(1000. *delX)); } return 0; } // TiltUp, U int CMacCmd::TiltUp(void) { double delISX, delISY; // For tilting, if stage is ready, do the action; otherwise back up the index if (mScope->StageBusy() <= 0) { SetIntensityFactor(1); SetupStageRestoreAfterTilt(&mStrItems[1], delISX, delISY); mScope->TiltUp(delISX, delISY); mMovedStage = true; mTestTiltAngle = true; } else mLastIndex = mCurrentIndex; return 0; } // TiltDown, D int CMacCmd::TiltDown(void) { double delISX, delISY; if (mScope->StageBusy() <= 0) { SetIntensityFactor(-1); SetupStageRestoreAfterTilt(&mStrItems[1], delISX, delISY); mScope->TiltDown(delISX, delISY); mMovedStage = true; mTestTiltAngle = true; } else mLastIndex = mCurrentIndex; return 0; } // TiltTo, TiltBy int CMacCmd::TiltTo(void) { CString report; double delISX, delISY; double angle = mItemFlt[1]; if (CMD_IS(TILTBY)) angle += mScope->GetTiltAngle(); if (fabs(angle) > mScope->GetMaxTiltAngle() + 0.05) { report.Format("Attempt to tilt too high in script, to %.1f degrees, in line:\n\n", angle); ABORT_LINE(report); } if (mScope->StageBusy() <= 0) { SetupStageRestoreAfterTilt(&mStrItems[2], delISX, delISY); mScope->TiltTo(angle, delISX, delISY); mMovedStage = true; mTestTiltAngle = true; } else mLastIndex = mCurrentIndex; return 0; } // SetTiltIncrement int CMacCmd::SetTiltIncrement(void) { if (mWinApp->mTSController->StartedTiltSeries()) ABORT_LINE("You cannot change tilt increment after a tilt series is started"); if (mItemFlt[1] < 0.02 || mItemFlt[1] > 60) ABORT_LINE("Tilt increment must be between 0.02 and 60 for line:\n\n"); mScope->SetIncrement(mItemFlt[1]); if (!mItemEmpty[2]) mScope->SetCosineTilt(mItemInt[2] != 0); return 0; } // SetStageBAxis int CMacCmd::SetStageBAxis(void) { if (mScope->StageBusy() <= 0) { if (!mScope->SetStageBAxis(mItemDbl[1])) { AbortMacro(); return 1; } mMovedStage = true; } else mLastIndex = mCurrentIndex; return 0; } // OpenDECameraCover int CMacCmd::OpenDECameraCover(void) { mOpenDE12Cover = true; mWinApp->mDEToolDlg.Update(); return 0; } // View, V int CMacCmd::View(void) { mCamera->InitiateCapture(VIEW_CONSET); mTestScale = true; return 0; } // Focus, F int CMacCmd::Focus(void) { mCamera->InitiateCapture(FOCUS_CONSET); mTestScale = true; return 0; } // Trial, T int CMacCmd::Trial(void) { mCamera->InitiateCapture(TRIAL_CONSET); mTestScale = true; return 0; } // Record, R int CMacCmd::Record(void) { mCamera->InitiateCapture(RECORD_CONSET); mTestScale = true; return 0; } // Preview, L int CMacCmd::Preview(void) { mCamera->InitiateCapture(PREVIEW_CONSET); mTestScale = true; return 0; } // Search int CMacCmd::Search(void) { mCamera->InitiateCapture(SEARCH_CONSET); mTestScale = true; return 0; } // Montage, M, PreCookMontage int CMacCmd::Montage(void) { BOOL truth; int index; truth = CMD_IS(PRECOOKMONTAGE); index = MONT_NOT_TRIAL; if (truth) index = MONT_TRIAL_PRECOOK; else if (mItemInt[1] != 0) index = MONT_TRIAL_IMAGE; if (!mWinApp->Montaging()) ABORT_NOLINE("The script contains a montage statement and \n" "montaging is not activated"); if (mWinApp->mMontageController->GetRunningMacro()) ABORT_NOLINE("The script contains a montage statement but \n" "it was run during a montage"); if (mWinApp->mMontageController->StartMontage(index, false, (float)(truth ? mItemDbl[1] : 0.), (truth && !mItemEmpty[2]) ? mItemInt[2] : 0, truth && mItemInt[3] != 0, (truth && !mItemEmpty[4]) ? mItemFlt[4] : 0.f)) AbortMacro(); mTestMontError = !truth; mTestScale = !truth; return 0; } // PrescanWithPreview int CMacCmd::PrescanWithPreview() { if (mWinApp->mParticleTasks->StartPreviewPrescan()) { AbortMacro(); return 1; } return 0; } // ReportMontagePiece int CMacCmd::ReportMontagePiece(void) { int xPc, yPc, ixPc, iyPc; if (mWinApp->mMontageController->GetCurrentPieceInfo(mItemInt[1] != 0, xPc, yPc, ixPc, iyPc)) ABORT_NOLINE("ReportMontagePiece can be used only in a script run from a montage"); SetRepValsAndVars(2, xPc + 1, yPc + 1, ixPc + 1, iyPc + 1, mMontP->xNframes, mMontP->yNframes); mLogRpt.Format("%s montage piece: %d %d at %d %d, montage is %d x %d", mItemInt[1] ? "next" : "current", xPc + 1, yPc + 1, ixPc + 1, iyPc + 1, mMontP->xNframes, mMontP->yNframes); return 0; } // SetRedoMontageXCorrs int CMacCmd::SetRedoMontageXCorrs(void) { mWinApp->mMontageController->SetRedoCorrOnRead(mItemInt[1] != 0); return 0; } // OppositeTrial, OppositeFocus, OppositeAutoFocus int CMacCmd::OppositeTrial(void) { int index; if (!mWinApp->LowDoseMode()) ABORT_LINE("Low dose mode needs to be on to use opposite area in statement: \n\n"); if (CMD_IS(OPPOSITEAUTOFOCUS) && !mFocusManager->FocusReady()) ABORT_NOLINE("because autofocus not calibrated"); if (mCamera->OppositeLDAreaNextShot()) ABORT_LINE("You can not use opposite areas when Balance Shifts is on in " "statement: \n\n"); mTestScale = true; if (CMD_IS(OPPOSITEAUTOFOCUS)) { mFocusManager->SetUseOppositeLDArea(true); index = mItemEmpty[1] ? 1 : mItemInt[1]; mFocusManager->AutoFocusStart(index); } else if (CMD_IS(OPPOSITETRIAL)) mCamera->InitiateCapture(2); else mCamera->InitiateCapture(1); return 0; } // AcquireToMatchBuffer int CMacCmd::AcquireToMatchBuffer(void) { CString report; double v1; int index, index2, ix0, ix1, iy0, iy1, sizeX, sizeY, binning; if (ConvertBufferLetter(mStrItems[1], -1, true, index, report)) ABORT_LINE(report); index2 = mImBufs[index].mConSetUsed; binning = mImBufs[index].mBinning; if (index2 < 0 || binning <= 0) ABORT_LINE("Either the parameter set or the binning is not specified in the buffer" " for:\n\n"); if (mImBufs[index].mCamera != mCurrentCam) ABORT_LINE("Current camera is no longer the same as was used to acquire the image " "for:\n\n"); if (index2 == MONTAGE_CONSET) index2 = RECORD_CONSET; if (index2 == TRACK_CONSET) index2 = TRIAL_CONSET; mImBufs[index].mImage->getSize(mCropXafterShot, mCropYafterShot); sizeX = mCropXafterShot; sizeY = mCropYafterShot; v1 = 1.05; // Get the parameters to achieve a size that is big enough for (;;) { mCamera->CenteredSizes(sizeX, mCamParams->sizeX, mCamParams->moduloX, ix0, ix1, sizeY, mCamParams->sizeY, mCamParams->moduloY, iy0, iy1, binning); if (sizeX >= mCamParams->sizeX / binning && sizeY >= mCamParams->sizeY / binning) break; if (sizeX >= mCropXafterShot && sizeY >= mCropYafterShot) break; if (sizeX < mCropXafterShot) sizeX = B3DMIN((int)(v1 * mCropXafterShot), mCamParams->sizeX / binning); if (sizeY < mCropYafterShot) sizeY = B3DMIN((int)(v1 * mCropYafterShot), mCamParams->sizeY / binning); v1 *= 1.05; } // Save the control set on top of stack and make modifications mConsetsSaved.push_back(mConSets[index2]); mConsetNums.push_back(index2); mRestoreConsetAfterShot = true; mConSets[index2].binning = binning; mConSets[index2].left = ix0 * binning; mConSets[index2].right = ix1 * binning; mConSets[index2].top = iy0 * binning; mConSets[index2].bottom = iy1 * binning; mConSets[index2].exposure = mImBufs[index].mExposure; mConSets[index2].K2ReadMode = mImBufs[index].mK2ReadMode; mConSets[index2].mode = SINGLE_FRAME; mConSets[index2].alignFrames = 0; mConSets[index2].saveFrames = 0; // Cancel crop if it isn't needed if (sizeX == mCropXafterShot && sizeY == mCropYafterShot) mCropXafterShot = -1; mCamera->InitiateCapture(index2); return 0; } // StepFocusNextShot int CMacCmd::StepFocusNextShot(void) { double delX, delY; delX = 0.; delY = 0.; if (!mItemEmpty[4]) { delX = mItemDbl[3]; delY = mItemDbl[4]; } if (mItemDbl[1] <= 0. || delX < 0. || (delX > 0. && delX < mItemDbl[1]) || (!delX && !mItemEmpty[3])) ABORT_LINE("Negative time, times out of order, or odd number of values in " "statement: \n\n"); mCamera->QueueFocusSteps(mItemFlt[1], mItemDbl[2], (float)delX, delY); return 0; } // SmoothFocusNextShot int CMacCmd::SmoothFocusNextShot(void) { if (fabs(mItemDbl[1] - mItemDbl[2]) < 0.1) ABORT_LINE("Focus change must be as least 0.1 micron in statement: \n\n"); mCamera->QueueFocusSteps(0., mItemDbl[1], 0., mItemDbl[2]); return 0; } // DeferStackingNextShot int CMacCmd::DeferStackingNextShot(void) { if (!IS_BASIC_FALCON2(mCamParams)) ABORT_NOLINE("Deferred stacking is available only for Falcon2 with old interface"); mCamera->SetDeferStackingFrames(true); return 0; } // EarlyReturnNextShot int CMacCmd::EarlyReturnNextShot(void) { int index; index = mItemInt[1]; if (index > -9 && index < 0) index = 65535; if (mCamera->SetNextAsyncSumFrames(index, mItemInt[2] > 0, mItemInt[3] != 0)) { AbortMacro(); return 1; } return 0; } // GetDeferredSum int CMacCmd::GetDeferredSum(void) { if (mCamera->GetDeferredSum()) { AbortMacro(); return 1; } return 0; } // FrameThresholdNextShot int CMacCmd::FrameThresholdNextShot(void) { float backlashX, backlashY; mCamera->SetNextFrameSkipThresh(mItemFlt[1]); if (!mItemEmpty[2]) { backlashX = mItemFlt[2]; backlashY = mItemEmpty[3] ? backlashX : mItemFlt[3]; if (backlashX >= 1. || backlashX < 0. || backlashY >= 1. || backlashY < 0) ABORT_LINE("Partial frame thresholds for Alignframes must be >= 0 and < 1 for " "line:\n\n"); mCamera->SetNextPartialThresholds(backlashX, backlashY); } if (!mItemEmpty[4]) { if (mItemDbl[4] < 0 || mItemDbl[4] >= 1.) ABORT_LINE("The relative frame thresholds must be >= 0 and < 1 for line:\n\n"); mCamera->SetNextRelativeThresh(mItemFlt[4]); } return 0; } // QueueFrameTiltSeries, FrameSeriesFromVar int CMacCmd::QueueFrameTiltSeries(void) { CString report; ScaleMat aMat, IStoBS; //, bMat; double delay, delISX, delISY, delX, delY; float postISdelay = 0.; // , pixel; int index, index2, ix0, ix1, iy0, iy1, sizeX, sizeY; Variable *var; CString *valPtr; FloatVec openTime, tiltToAngle, waitOrInterval, focusChange, deltaISX, deltaISY; FloatVec deltaBeamX, deltaBeamY; // Get matrix for image shift conversion index = mWinApp->LowDoseMode() ? mLdParam[RECORD_CONSET].magIndex : mScope->GetMagIndex(); aMat = MatMul(MatInv(mShiftManager->CameraToSpecimen(index)), mShiftManager->CameraToIS(index)); IStoBS = mShiftManager->GetBeamShiftCal(index); // Set up series based on specifications if (CMD_IS(QUEUEFRAMETILTSERIES)) { delay = mItemEmpty[4] ? 0. : mItemDbl[4]; if (!mItemEmpty[9] && !aMat.xpx) ABORT_LINE("There is no calibration needed to convert the image shift values " "for:\n\n"); for (index = 0; index < mItemInt[3]; index++) { tiltToAngle.push_back((float)(mItemDbl[1] + mItemDbl[2] * index)); if (!mItemEmpty[5]) openTime.push_back(mItemFlt[5]); if (!mItemEmpty[6]) waitOrInterval.push_back(mItemFlt[6]); if (!mItemEmpty[7]) focusChange.push_back((float)(mItemDbl[7] *index)); if (!mItemEmpty[9]) { deltaISX.push_back((float)((mItemDbl[8] *aMat.xpx + mItemDbl[9] * aMat.xpy) * index)); deltaISY.push_back((float)((mItemDbl[8] *aMat.ypx + mItemDbl[9] * aMat.ypy) * index)); } } } else { if ((mItemInt[2] & 16) && !aMat.xpx) ABORT_LINE("There is no calibration needed to convert the image shift values " "for:\n\n"); // Beam shift is in raw units by request; commented out code will convert them to // microns in the camera coordinate system /*if (mItemInt[2] & 32) { bMat = MatMul(mShiftManager->CameraToIS(index), IStoBS); pixel = mShiftManager->GetPixelSize(mCurrentCam, index); if (!bMat.xpx) ABORT_LINE("There is no calibration needed to convert the beam shift values " "for:\n\n"); }*/ if (mItemInt[2] & 16 && JEOLscope && !IStoBS.xpx) { ABORT_LINE("There is no calibration for getting beam shifts from the image shifts"); } // Or pull the values out of the big variable array: figure out how many per step delay = mItemEmpty[3] ? 0. : mItemDbl[3]; postISdelay = mItemEmpty[4] ? 0.f : mItemFlt[4]; var = LookupVariable(mItem1upper, index2); if (!var) ABORT_LINE("The variable " + mStrItems[1] + " is not defined in line:\n\n"); sizeX = 0; if (mItemInt[2] > 63 || mItemInt[2] < 1) ABORT_LINE("The entry with flags must be between 1 and 63 in line:\n\n"); if (mItemInt[2] & 1) sizeX++; if (mItemInt[2] & 2) sizeX++; if (mItemInt[2] & 4) sizeX++; if (mItemInt[2] & 8) sizeX++; if (mItemInt[2] & 16) sizeX += 2; if (mItemInt[2] & 32) sizeX += 2; if (var->rowsFor2d) { sizeY = (int)var->rowsFor2d->GetSize(); for (ix0 = 0; ix0 < sizeY; ix0++) { ArrayRow& tempRow = var->rowsFor2d->ElementAt(ix0); if (tempRow.numElements < sizeX) { report.Format("Row %d or the 2D array %s has only %d elements, not the %d" " required", ix0, mItem1upper, tempRow.numElements, sizeX); ABORT_NOLINE(report); } } } else { sizeY = var->numElements / sizeX; valPtr = &var->value; if (var->numElements % sizeX) { report.Format("Variable %s has %d elements, not divisible by the\n" "%d values per step implied by the flags entry of %d", mStrItems[1], var->numElements, sizeX, mItemInt[2]); ABORT_NOLINE(report); } } // Load the vectors iy0 = 1; for (ix0 = 0; ix0 < sizeY; ix0++) { if (var->rowsFor2d) { ArrayRow& tempRow = var->rowsFor2d->ElementAt(ix0); valPtr = &tempRow.value; iy0 = 1; } if (mItemInt[2] & 1) { FindValueAtIndex(*valPtr, iy0, ix1, iy1); report = valPtr->Mid(ix1, iy1 - ix1); tiltToAngle.push_back((float)atof((LPCTSTR)report)); iy0++; } if (mItemInt[2] & 2) { FindValueAtIndex(*valPtr, iy0, ix1, iy1); report = valPtr->Mid(ix1, iy1 - ix1); openTime.push_back((float)atof((LPCTSTR)report)); iy0++; } if (mItemInt[2] & 4) { FindValueAtIndex(*valPtr, iy0, ix1, iy1); report = valPtr->Mid(ix1, iy1 - ix1); waitOrInterval.push_back((float)atof((LPCTSTR)report)); iy0++; } if (mItemInt[2] & 8) { FindValueAtIndex(*valPtr, iy0, ix1, iy1); report = valPtr->Mid(ix1, iy1 - ix1); focusChange.push_back((float)atof((LPCTSTR)report)); iy0++; } if (mItemInt[2] & 16) { FindValueAtIndex(*valPtr, iy0, ix1, iy1); report = valPtr->Mid(ix1, iy1 - ix1); delX = atof((LPCTSTR)report); iy0++; FindValueAtIndex(*valPtr, iy0, ix1, iy1); report = valPtr->Mid(ix1, iy1 - ix1); delY = atof((LPCTSTR)report); ApplyScaleMatrix(aMat, (float)delX, (float)delY, delISX, delISY); deltaISX.push_back((float)(delISX)); deltaISY.push_back((float)(delISX)); iy0++; if (JEOLscope) { ApplyScaleMatrix(IStoBS, (float)delISX, (float)delISY, delX, delY); deltaBeamX.push_back((float)delX); deltaBeamY.push_back((float)delY); } } if (mItemInt[2] & 32) { FindValueAtIndex(*valPtr, iy0, ix1, iy1); report = valPtr->Mid(ix1, iy1 - ix1); delX = atof((LPCTSTR)report); // / pixel; iy0++; FindValueAtIndex(*valPtr, iy0, ix1, iy1); report = valPtr->Mid(ix1, iy1 - ix1); delY = atof((LPCTSTR)report); // / pixel; if (JEOLscope && (mItemInt[2] & 16)) { ix0 = (int)deltaBeamX.size() - 1; deltaBeamX[ix0] += (float)delX; deltaBeamY[ix0] += (float)delY; } else { deltaBeamX.push_back((float)delX); deltaBeamY.push_back((float)delY); } //deltaBeamX.push_back((float)(delX * bMat.xpx + delY * bMat.xpy)); //deltaBeamY.push_back((float)(delX * bMat.ypx + delY * bMat.ypy)); iy0++; } } } // Queue it: This does all the error checking if (mCamera->QueueTiltSeries(openTime, tiltToAngle, waitOrInterval, focusChange, deltaISX, deltaISY, deltaBeamX, deltaBeamY, (float)delay, postISdelay)) { AbortMacro(); return 1; } return 0; } // SetFrameSeriesParams int CMacCmd::SetFrameSeriesParams(void) { BOOL truth; float backlashX; truth = mItemInt[1] != 0; backlashX = 0.; if (!mItemEmpty[2]) backlashX = mItemFlt[2]; if (!mItemEmpty[3] && mItemEmpty[4] || !BOOL_EQUIV(fabs(mItemDbl[3]) > 9000., fabs(mItemDbl[4]) > 9000.)) ABORT_LINE("A Y position to restore must be entered when X is on line:\n\n"); if (mCamera->SetFrameTSparams(truth, backlashX, (mItemEmpty[3] || fabs(mItemDbl[3]) > 9000.) ? EXTRA_NO_VALUE : mItemDbl[3], (mItemEmpty[4] || fabs(mItemDbl[4]) > 9000.) ? EXTRA_NO_VALUE : mItemDbl[4])) ABORT_LINE("The FEI scope plugin version is not new enough to support variable" " speed for line:\n\n"); if (!mItemEmpty[5]) { if (mItemInt[5] <= 0 || mItemInt[5] > 99) ABORT_LINE("Minimum gap size for recognizing new tilts must be between 1 and 99" " for line:\n\n"); mCamera->SetNextMinTiltGap(mItemInt[5]); } if (!mItemEmpty[6]) { if (mItemInt[6] < 0 || mItemInt[6] > 30) ABORT_LINE("Number of frames to drop from tilt sums must be between 0 and 30" " for line:\n\n"); mCamera->SetNextDropFromTiltSum(mItemInt[6]); } return 0; } // WriteFrameSeriesAngles int CMacCmd::WriteFrameSeriesAngles(void) { CString report; int index; FloatVec *angles = mCamera->GetFrameTSactualAngles(); IntVec *startTime = mCamera->GetFrameTSrelStartTime(); IntVec *endTime = mCamera->GetFrameTSrelEndTime(); float frame = mCamera->GetFrameTSFrameTime(); if (!angles->size()) ABORT_NOLINE("There are no angles available from a frame tilt series"); SubstituteLineStripItems(mStrLine, 1, mStrCopy); CString message = "Error opening file "; CStdioFile *csFile = NULL; try { csFile = new CStdioFile(mStrCopy, CFile::modeCreate | CFile::modeWrite | CFile::shareDenyWrite); message = "Writing angles to file "; for (index = 0; index < (int)angles->size(); index++) { report.Format("%7.2f", angles->at(index)); if (index < (int)startTime->size()) mStrCopy.Format(" %5d %5d\n", B3DNINT(0.001 * startTime->at(index) / frame), B3DNINT(0.001 *endTime->at(index) / frame)); else mStrCopy = "\n"; csFile->WriteString((LPCTSTR)report + mStrCopy); } } catch (CFileException * perr) { perr->Delete(); ABORT_NOLINE(message + mStrCopy); } delete csFile; return 0; } // ReportFrameTiltSum int CMacCmd::ReportFrameTiltSum(void) { BOOL truth; int index, index2, ix0, ix1; float backlashX; truth = mCamera->GetTiltSumProperties(index, index2, backlashX, ix0, ix1); if (truth) { mLogRpt = "There are no more tilt sums available"; SetRepValsAndVars(1, 1, 0.); } else { mLogRpt.Format("Tilt sum from %.1f deg, index %d, %d frames from %d to %d", backlashX, index, index2, ix0, ix1); SetRepValsAndVars(1, 0, backlashX, index, index2, ix0, ix1); } return 0; } // ModifyFrameTSShifts int CMacCmd::ModifyFrameTSShifts(void) { mCamera->ModifyFrameTSShifts(mItemInt[1], mItemFlt[2], mItemFlt[3]); return 0; } // ReplaceFrameTSFocus, ReplaceFrameTSShifts int CMacCmd::ReplaceFrameTSFocus(void) { CString report; BOOL truth; int index, index2, ix1, iy0, iy1; Variable *var; CString *valPtr; FloatVec newFocus, newSecond, *newVec = &newFocus; truth = CMD_IS(REPLACEFRAMETSSHIFTS); for (index = 1; index < (truth ? 3 : 2); index++) { mStrCopy = mStrItems[index]; mStrCopy.MakeUpper(); var = LookupVariable(mStrCopy, index2); if (!var) ABORT_LINE("The variable " + mStrItems[index] + " is not defined in line:\n\n"); if (var->rowsFor2d) ABORT_LINE("The variable " + mStrItems[index] + " should not be a 2D array for " "line:\n\n"); valPtr = &var->value; for (iy0 = 0; iy0 < var->numElements; iy0++) { FindValueAtIndex(*valPtr, iy0, ix1, iy1); report = valPtr->Mid(ix1, iy1 - ix1); newVec->push_back((float)atof((LPCTSTR)report)); } if (truth) newVec = &newSecond; } if (truth) index2 = mCamera->ReplaceFrameTSShifts(newFocus, newSecond); else index2 = mCamera->ReplaceFrameTSFocusChange(newFocus); if (index2) ABORT_LINE("The variable does not have the same number of changes as the" " original list of changes for line:\n\n"); return 0; } // GetDoseSymmetricAngles, SetDoseSymmetricAngles int CMacCmd::GetDoseSymmetricAngles() { FloatVec angles; ShortVec directions; int ind, final; CString value, one; Variable *var; TiltSeriesParam *tsParam = mWinApp->mTSController->GetTiltSeriesParam(); if (!mWinApp->DoingTiltSeries()) mWinApp->mTSController->SyncOtherModulesToParam(); if (!mWinApp->LowDoseMode() || (!tsParam->doDoseSymmetric && !tsParam->doBidirectional)) ABORT_LINE("You must be in low dose mode and tilt series parameters must be set for " "dose-symmetric for line:\n\n"); if (tsParam->tiltIncrement <= 0 || fabs(tsParam->startingTilt) < 2 || fabs(tsParam->startingTilt) > 80 || fabs(tsParam->endingTilt) < 2 || fabs(tsParam->endingTilt) > 80) ABORT_LINE("Tilt series parameters are not adequately set up for line:\n\n"); if (CMD_IS(GETDOSESYMMETRICANGLES)) { CTSDoseSymDlg::IgnoreAnglesToUseNextCall(); CTSDoseSymDlg::FindDoseSymmetricAngles(*tsParam, angles, directions, ind, final, NULL); for (ind = 0; ind < (int)angles.size(); ind++) { one.Format("%.2f", angles[ind]); if (ind) value += "\n"; value += one; } if (SetVariable(mStrItems[1], value, VARTYPE_REGULAR, -1, false, &mStrCopy)) ABORT_NOLINE("Error setting a variable with dose-symmetric angles:\n" + mStrCopy); return 0; } var = LookupVariable(mItem1upper, ind); if (!var) ABORT_LINE("The variable " + mStrItems[1] + "is not defined for line:\n\n"); FillVectorFromArrayVariable(&angles, NULL, var); if (CTSDoseSymDlg::SetAnglesToUse(*tsParam, angles, mStrCopy)) ABORT_NOLINE("Error trying to change dose-symmetric angles: " + mStrCopy); return 0; } // RetractCamera int CMacCmd::RetractCamera(void) { // Back up index unless camera ready if (mCamera->CameraBusy()) mLastIndex = mCurrentIndex; else mCamera->RetractAllCameras(); return 0; } // ReportCameraInserted int CMacCmd::ReportCameraInserted() { long inserted = -2; int index = mItemInt[1]; if (index < 0 || index > mWinApp->GetNumActiveCameras()) ABORT_LINE("Active camera number is out of range in line:\n\n"); if (!index) index = mWinApp->GetCurrentActiveCamera(); else index--; if (mCamera->CameraBusy()) mLastIndex = mCurrentIndex; else { mCamera->TestCameraInserted(index, inserted, true); SetRepValsAndVars(2, inserted); } return 0; } // RecordAndTiltUp, RecordAndTiltDown, RecordAndTiltTo int CMacCmd::RecordAndTiltUp(void) { BOOL truth; bool doBack; double delISX; int index; float backlashX; if (!mCamera->PostActionsOK(&mConSets[RECORD_CONSET])) ABORT_LINE("Post-exposure actions are not allowed for the current camera" " for line:\n\n"); double increment = mScope->GetIncrement(); doBack = false; delISX = mScope->GetTiltAngle(); index = 1; if (CMD_IS(RECORDANDTILTTO)) { index = 3; increment = mItemDbl[1] - delISX; if (!mItemEmpty[2] && mItemDbl[2]) { doBack = true; backlashX = (float)fabs(mItemDbl[2]); if (increment < 0) backlashX = -backlashX; } } int delay = mShiftManager->GetAdjustedTiltDelay(increment); if (CMD_IS(RECORDANDTILTDOWN)) { increment = -increment; SetIntensityFactor(-1); } else if (CMD_IS(RECORDANDTILTUP)) { SetIntensityFactor(1); } StageMoveInfo smiRAT; smiRAT.axisBits = axisA; smiRAT.alpha = delISX + increment; smiRAT.backAlpha = backlashX; truth = SetupStageRestoreAfterTilt(&mStrItems[index], smiRAT.x, smiRAT.y); mCamera->QueueStageMove(smiRAT, delay, doBack, truth); mCamera->InitiateCapture(RECORD_CONSET); mTestScale = true; mMovedStage = true; mTestTiltAngle = true; return 0; } // ArePostActionsEnabled int CMacCmd::ArePostActionsEnabled(void) { BOOL truth, doShift; truth = mWinApp->ActPostExposure(); doShift = mCamera->PostActionsOK(&mConSets[RECORD_CONSET]); mLogRpt.Format("Post-exposure actions %s allowed %sfor this camera%s", truth ? "ARE" : "are NOT", doShift ? "in general " : "", doShift ? " but ARE for Records currently" : ""); SetRepValsAndVars(1, truth ? 1. : 0., doShift ? 1 : 0.); return 0; } // TiltDuringRecord int CMacCmd::TiltDuringRecord(void) { CString report; double delX; delX = mItemEmpty[3] ? 0. : mItemDbl[3]; if (mCamera->QueueTiltDuringShot(mItemDbl[1], mItemInt[2], delX)) { report.Format("Moving the stage with variable speed requires\n" "FEI plugin version %d (and same for server, if relevant)\n" "You only have version %d and this line cannot be used:\n\n", FEI_PLUGIN_STAGE_SPEED, mScope->GetPluginVersion()); ABORT_LINE(report); } mCamera->InitiateCapture(3); mMovedStage = true; mTestTiltAngle = true; return 0; } // SetDoseAdjustmentFactor int CMacCmd::SetDoseAdjustmentFactor(void) { if (mItemFlt[1] < 0.01 || mItemFlt[1] > 50.) ABORT_LINE("Factor must be between 0.01 and 50 for line:\n\n"); mCamera->SetDoseAdjustmentFactor(mItemFlt[1]); mNumStatesToRestore++; return 0; } // TestNextMultiShot int CMacCmd::TestNextMultiShot(void) { if (mItemInt[1] < 0 || mItemInt[1] > 2) ABORT_LINE("The value must be between 0 and 2 in line:\n\n"); mTestNextMultiShot = mItemInt[1]; return 0; } // MultipleRecords int CMacCmd::MultipleRecords(void) { BOOL doSave; int doEarly, index2, ix0, ix1, iy1, numEarly, maxFlags = MULTI_DO_CROSS_3X3 * 2 - 1; mNavHelper->UpdateMultishotIfOpen(); MultiShotParams *msParams = mNavHelper->GetMultiShotParams(); doEarly = (mItemEmpty[6] || mItemInt[6] < -8) ? msParams->doEarlyReturn : mItemInt[6]; numEarly = (mItemEmpty[7] || mItemInt[7] < -8) ? msParams->numEarlyFrames : mItemInt[7]; if (!mCamParams->K2Type) doEarly = 0; index2 = msParams->inHoleOrMultiHole | (mTestNextMultiShot << 2); if (!mItemEmpty[9] && mItemInt[9] > -9) { index2 = mItemInt[9]; if (index2 < 1 || index2 > maxFlags) { mStrCopy.Format("The ninth entry for doing within holes or\n" "in multiple holes must be between 1 and %d in line:\n\n", maxFlags); ABORT_LINE(mStrCopy); } } doSave = (doEarly != 2 || numEarly != 0) ? msParams->saveRecord : false; ix0 = msParams->doSecondRing ? 1 : 0; if (!mItemEmpty[10] && mItemInt[10] > -9) ix0 = mItemInt[10] ? 1 : 0; ix1 = 0; if (ix0) ix1 = (mItemEmpty[11] || mItemInt[11] < -8) ? msParams->numShots[1] : mItemInt[11]; iy1 = mWinApp->mParticleTasks->StartMultiShot( (mItemEmpty[1] || mItemInt[1] < -8) ? msParams->numShots[0] : mItemInt[1], (mItemEmpty[2] || mItemInt[2] < -8) ? msParams->doCenter : mItemInt[2], (mItemEmpty[3] || mItemDbl[3] < -8.) ? msParams->spokeRad[0] : mItemFlt[3], ix1, (mItemEmpty[12] || mItemDbl[12] < -8.) ? msParams->spokeRad[1] : mItemFlt[12], (mItemEmpty[4] || mItemDbl[4] < -8.) ? msParams->extraDelay : mItemFlt[4], (mItemEmpty[5] || mItemInt[5] < -8) ? doSave : mItemInt[5] != 0, doEarly, numEarly, (mItemEmpty[8] || mItemInt[8] < -8) ? msParams->adjustBeamTilt : mItemInt[8] != 0, index2); if (iy1 > 0) { AbortMacro(); return 1; } SetReportedValues(-iy1); return 0; } // SetMultishotParams int CMacCmd::SetMultishotParams() { int index2, maxFlags = MULTI_DO_CROSS_3X3 * 2 - 1; MultiShotParams *msParams = mNavHelper->GetMultiShotParams(); mNavHelper->UpdateMultishotIfOpen(); // Check for gross errors before changing anything if (!mItemEmpty[14] && mItemInt[14] > -9 && (mItemInt[13] <= 0 || mItemInt[14] == 0 || mItemInt[14] < -1 || mItemInt[13] > MAX_HOLE_SPINNERS || mItemInt[14] > MAX_HOLE_SPINNERS)) ABORT_LINE("Specification for regular hole pattern in entries 13 and 14 is invalid " "in line:\n\n"); if ((mItemInt[1] >= -8 && (mItemInt[1] < 2 || mItemInt[1] > MAX_PERIPHERAL_SHOTS)) || (!mItemEmpty[1] && mItemInt[11] >= -8 && (mItemInt[11] < 2 || mItemInt[11] > MAX_PERIPHERAL_SHOTS)) || (!mItemEmpty[3] && mItemDbl[3] >= -8. && mItemDbl[3] < 0.01) || (!mItemEmpty[12] && mItemDbl[12] >= -8. && mItemDbl[12] < 0.01)) ABORT_LINE("Invalid entry for number of shots inside hole or radius of ring in " "line:\n\n"); if (!mItemEmpty[9] && mItemInt[9] > -9) { index2 = mItemInt[9]; if (index2 < 1 || index2 > maxFlags) { mStrCopy.Format("The ninth entry for doing within holes or\n" "in multiple holes must be between 1 and %d in line:\n\n", maxFlags); ABORT_LINE(mStrCopy); } msParams->inHoleOrMultiHole = index2 & (MULTI_IN_HOLE | MULTI_HOLES); if (index2 & MULTI_FORCE_CUSTOM) msParams->useCustomHoles = true; else if (index2 & MULTI_FORCE_REGULAR) msParams->useCustomHoles = false; if (index2 & MULTI_DO_CROSS_3X3) msParams->skipCornersOf3x3 = true; else if (index2 & MULTI_NO_3X3_CROSS) msParams->skipCornersOf3x3 = false; } if (mItemInt[1] >= -8) msParams->numShots[0] = mItemInt[1]; if (!(mItemEmpty[2] || mItemInt[2] < -8)) msParams->doCenter = mItemInt[2]; if (!(mItemEmpty[3] || mItemDbl[3] < -8.)) msParams->spokeRad[0] = mItemFlt[3]; if (!(mItemEmpty[12] || mItemDbl[12] < -8.)) msParams->spokeRad[1] = mItemFlt[12]; if (!(mItemEmpty[4] || mItemDbl[4] < -8.)) msParams->extraDelay = mItemFlt[4]; if (!(mItemEmpty[5] || mItemInt[5] < -8)) msParams->saveRecord = mItemInt[5] != 0; if (!(mItemEmpty[6] || mItemInt[6] < -8)) msParams->doEarlyReturn = mItemInt[6]; if (!(mItemEmpty[7] || mItemInt[7] < -8)) msParams->numEarlyFrames = mItemInt[7]; if (!(mItemEmpty[8] || mItemInt[8] < -8)) msParams->adjustBeamTilt = mItemInt[8] != 0; if (!mItemEmpty[10] && mItemInt[10] > -9) msParams->doSecondRing = mItemInt[10] != 0; if (!(mItemEmpty[11] || mItemInt[11] < -8)) msParams->numShots[1] = mItemInt[11]; if (!(mItemEmpty[12] || mItemDbl[12] < -8.)) msParams->spokeRad[1] = mItemFlt[12]; if (!(mItemEmpty[14] || mItemInt[14] < -8)) { if (mItemInt[14] == -1) { msParams->numHexRings = mItemInt[13]; msParams->doHexArray = true; } else { msParams->numHoles[0] = mItemInt[13]; msParams->numHoles[1] = mItemInt[14]; msParams->doHexArray = false; } } if (!(mItemEmpty[15] || mItemDbl[15] < -8.)) msParams->holeDelayFactor = mItemFlt[15]; if (mNavHelper->mMultiShotDlg) mNavHelper->mMultiShotDlg->UpdateSettings(); mWinApp->mMainView->DrawImage(); return 0; } // ReportMultishotParams int CMacCmd::ReportMultishotParams() { MultiShotParams *msParams = mNavHelper->GetMultiShotParams(); mNavHelper->UpdateMultishotIfOpen(); int numX, numY, ind; if (mItemInt[1] == 1) { SetRepValsAndVars(2, msParams->numShots[0], msParams->doCenter, msParams->spokeRad[0], msParams->doSecondRing ? 1 : 0, msParams->numShots[1], msParams->spokeRad[1]); } else if (mItemInt[1] == 2) { numX = msParams->numHoles[0]; numY = msParams->numHoles[1]; ind = msParams->inHoleOrMultiHole; if (msParams->useCustomHoles && msParams->customMagIndex) { ind += 4; numX = (int)msParams->customHoleX.size(); numY = 0; } else if (msParams->doHexArray) { numX = msParams->numHexRings; numY = -1; } else if (msParams->skipCornersOf3x3 && numX == 3 && numY == 3) { numX = -3; numY = -3; } SetRepValsAndVars(2, numX, numY, ind, msParams->saveRecord ? 1 : 0, msParams->doEarlyReturn, msParams->numEarlyFrames); } else if (mItemInt[1] == 3) { SetRepValsAndVars(2, msParams->extraDelay, msParams->holeDelayFactor); } else ABORT_LINE("A value of 1 to 3 must be entered for line:\n\n"); return 0; } // RotateMultiShotPattern int CMacCmd::RotateMultiShotPattern(void) { int index; mNavHelper->UpdateMultishotIfOpen(); index = mNavHelper->RotateMultiShotVectors(mNavHelper->GetMultiShotParams(), mItemFlt[1], mItemInt[2]); if (index) ABORT_LINE(index > 1 ? "No image shift to specimen transformation available " "for line:\n\n" : "Selected pattern is not defined for line:/n/n"); if (mNavHelper->mMultiShotDlg) mNavHelper->mMultiShotDlg->UpdateSettings(); return 0; } // AdjustMultiShotPattern int CMacCmd::AdjustMultiShotPattern() { mNavHelper->UpdateMultishotIfOpen(); if (mNavHelper->AdjustMultiShotVectors(mNavHelper->GetMultiShotParams(), mItemInt[1], false, mStrCopy)) ABORT_LINE(mStrCopy + " for line:\n\n"); return 0; } // StepAndAdjustISVectors int CMacCmd::StepAndAdjustISVectors() { MultiShotParams *params = mNavHelper->GetMultiShotParams(); float holeSize, limitFrac; int crop, method = mItemInt[1] ? 1 : 0; if (!mWinApp->LowDoseMode()) ABORT_NOLINE("You must be in Low Dose mode to do automatic Step And Adjust IS"); mNavHelper->UpdateMultishotIfOpen(); if (mItemInt[1] < 0) method = params->autoAdjMethod; holeSize = (mItemEmpty[2] || mItemFlt[2] <= 0.) ? params->autoAdjHoleSize : mItemFlt[2]; limitFrac = (mItemEmpty[3] || mItemFlt[3] < 0.) ? params->autoAdjLimitFrac : mItemFlt[3]; if (!CMultiShotDlg::CanDoAutoAdjust(params->stepAdjWhichMag, params->stepAdjLDarea, params->stepAdjOtherMag, params->holeMagIndex[params->doHexArray ? 1 : 0], holeSize, params->doHexArray, params->useCustomHoles && params->customMagIndex > 0, crop, mStrCopy)) ABORT_NOLINE("Cannot run Step and Adjust IS: " + mStrCopy); mSavedMultiShot = new MultiShotParams; *mSavedMultiShot = *params; params->doAutoAdjustment = true; params->autoAdjMethod = method; params->autoAdjHoleSize = holeSize; params->autoAdjLimitFrac = limitFrac; CMultiShotDlg::SetSteppingAdjusting(1); if (CMultiShotDlg::DoStartRecording()) { AbortMacro(); return 1; } return 0; } // OpenMultiShotFiles int CMacCmd::OpenMultiShotFiles(void) { SubstituteLineStripItems(mStrLine, 1, mStrCopy); if (mWinApp->mParticleTasks->OpenSeparateMultiFiles(mStrCopy)) { AbortMacro(); return 1; } return 0; } // CloseMultiShotFiles int CMacCmd::CloseMultiShotFiles(void) { mWinApp->mParticleTasks->CloseSeparateMultiFiles(); return 0; } // SetCustomHoleShifts, SetRegularHoleVectors int CMacCmd::SetCustomHoleShifts(void) { int index; MultiShotParams *msParams = mNavHelper->GetMultiShotParams(); Variable *yvar, *xvar; bool custom = CMD_IS(SETCUSTOMHOLESHIFTS); bool hex = !mItemEmpty[8]; if (custom) { xvar = LookupVariable(mItem1upper, index); if (!xvar) ABORT_LINE("The variable " + mStrItems[1] + "is not defined for line:\n\n"); mItem1upper = mStrItems[2]; mItem1upper.MakeUpper(); yvar = LookupVariable(mItem1upper, index); if (!yvar) ABORT_LINE("The variable " + mStrItems[2] + "is not defined for line:\n\n"); if (xvar->rowsFor2d || yvar->rowsFor2d) ABORT_LINE("Neither variable should be a 2D array for line:\n\n"); if (xvar->numElements != yvar->numElements) ABORT_LINE("The two variables do not have the same number of values for line:\n\n"); if (mItemEmpty[3] && !msParams->customMagIndex) ABORT_LINE("A magnification index must be included because there is none currently " "defined for custom holes"); } else { if ((mItemEmpty[5] || mItemInt[5] == 0) && !msParams->holeMagIndex[hex ? 0 : 1]) ABORT_LINE("A magnification index must be included because there is none currently " "defined for regular hole vectors in line:\n\n"); } index = custom ? 3 : 5; if (!mItemEmpty[index] && (mItemInt[index] < 0 || mItemInt[index] >= MAX_MAGS)) ABORT_LINE("The magnification index is out of range in line:\n\n"); if (!mItemEmpty[index + 1] && mItemFlt[index + 1] > -900. && fabs(mItemFlt[index + 1]) > mScope->GetMaxTiltAngle()) ABORT_LINE("The tilt angle is out of range in line:\n\n"); if (custom) { FillVectorFromArrayVariable(&msParams->customHoleX, NULL, xvar); FillVectorFromArrayVariable(&msParams->customHoleY, NULL, yvar); if (!mItemEmpty[3] && mItemInt[3]) msParams->customMagIndex = mItemInt[3]; if (!mItemEmpty[4]) msParams->tiltOfCustomHoles = mItemFlt[4]; } else { if (!hex) { index = 0; msParams->holeISXspacing[0] = mItemDbl[1]; msParams->holeISYspacing[0] = mItemDbl[2]; msParams->holeISXspacing[1] = mItemDbl[3]; msParams->holeISYspacing[1] = mItemDbl[4]; } else { msParams->hexISXspacing[0] = mItemDbl[1]; msParams->hexISYspacing[0] = mItemDbl[2]; msParams->hexISXspacing[1] = mItemDbl[3]; msParams->hexISYspacing[1] = mItemDbl[4]; msParams->hexISXspacing[2] = mItemDbl[7]; msParams->hexISYspacing[2] = mItemDbl[8]; index = 1; } if (!mItemEmpty[5] && mItemInt[5] > 0) msParams->holeMagIndex[index] = mItemInt[5]; if (!mItemEmpty[6] && mItemFlt[6] > -900.) msParams->tiltOfHoleArray[index] = mItemFlt[6]; msParams->origMagOfArray[index] = 0; } if (mNavHelper->mMultiShotDlg) mNavHelper->mMultiShotDlg->UpdateSettings(); return 0; } // SetCustomHoleDefocus int CMacCmd::SetCustomHoleDefocus(void) { int index, ix0, ix1; MultiShotParams *msParams = mNavHelper->GetMultiShotParams(); Variable *var = LookupVariable(mItem1upper, index); if (!var) ABORT_LINE("The variable " + mStrItems[1] + "is not defined for line:\n\n"); if (!msParams->customMagIndex) ABORT_LINE("There are no custom holes defined for line:\n\n"); if (var->rowsFor2d) ABORT_LINE("The variable " + mStrItems[1] + " should not be a 2D array for line" ":\n\n"); msParams->customDefocus.clear(); for (index = 0; index < var->numElements; index++) { FindValueAtIndex(var->value, index + 1, ix0, ix1); mStrCopy = var->value.Mid(ix0, ix1 - ix0); msParams->customDefocus.push_back((float)atof((LPCTSTR)mStrCopy)); } return 0; } // UseNavGroupForMultishot int CMacCmd::UseNavGroupForMultishot() { int gst, gnd, type; if (mItemInt[1] < 0 || mItemInt[1] > 2) ABORT_LINE("The entry must be between 0 and 2 for line:\n\n"); mNavHelper->UpdateMultishotIfOpen(false); type = mNavHelper->OKtoUseNavPtsForVectors(mItemInt[1], gst, gnd, NULL, &mStrCopy); if (!type) ABORT_LINE(mStrCopy + " for line:\n\n"); mNavHelper->UseNavPointsForVectors(mItemInt[1], mItemEmpty[2] ? 0 : mItemInt[2], mItemEmpty[3] ? 0 : mItemInt[3]); return 0; } // ReorderMontageByTilt int CMacCmd::ReorderMontageByTilt(void) { mStrCopy = ""; if (mWinApp->mMultiTSTasks->ReorderMontageByTilt(mStrCopy)) ABORT_NOLINE("Error reordering a montage by tilt angle:\n" + mStrCopy); return 0; } // AutoAlign, A, AlignTo, ConicalAlignTo int CMacCmd::AutoAlign(void) { CString report; BOOL doShift; double delX; int index, index2, flags = 0; index = 0; if (CMD_IS(ALIGNTO) || CMD_IS(CONICALALIGNTO)) { if (ConvertBufferLetter(mStrItems[1], -1, true, index, report)) ABORT_LINE(report); } delX = 0; doShift = true; if (CMD_IS(CONICALALIGNTO)) { delX = mItemDbl[2]; flags = (mItemInt[3] != 0) ? AUTOALIGN_SHOW_CORR : 0; } if (CMD_IS(ALIGNTO)) { if (mItemInt[2]) doShift = false; if (mItemInt[4] > 0) flags += AUTOALIGN_FILL_SPOTS; if (mItemInt[4] < 0) flags += AUTOALIGN_KEEP_SPOTS; if (mItemInt[5]) flags += AUTOALIGN_SHOW_CORR + ((mItemInt[5] & 2) ? AUTOALIGN_SHOW_FILTA : 0) + ((mItemInt[5] & 4) ? AUTOALIGN_SHOW_FILTC : 0); mDisableAlignTrim = mItemInt[3] != 0; if (!mItemEmpty[7]) { mImBufs[0].mImage->setShifts(0., 0.); mImBufs[index].mImage->setShifts(0., 0.); } } index2 = mShiftManager->AutoAlign(index, mItemEmpty[9] ? 0 : mItemInt[9], doShift, flags, NULL, mItemEmpty[6] ? 0.f : mItemFlt[6], mItemEmpty[7] ? 0.f : mItemFlt[7], (float)delX, 0., 0., NULL, NULL, true, NULL, NULL, mItemEmpty[8] ? 0.f : mItemFlt[8]); mDisableAlignTrim = false; if (index2 > 0) SUSPEND_NOLINE("because of failure to autoalign"); SetReportedValues(index2); return 0; } // LimitNextAutoAlign int CMacCmd::LimitNextAutoAlign(void) { mShiftManager->SetNextAutoalignLimit(mItemFlt[1]); return 0; } // AlignWithRotation int CMacCmd::AlignWithRotation(void) { CString report; int index; float bmin, shiftX, shiftY; if (ConvertBufferLetter(mStrItems[1], -1, true, index, report)) ABORT_LINE(report); if (mItemDbl[3] < 0.2 || mItemDbl[3] > 50.) ABORT_LINE("The angle range to search must be between 0.2 and 50 degrees in:\n\n"); if (mNavHelper->AlignWithRotation(index, mItemFlt[2], mItemFlt[3], bmin, shiftX, shiftY)) ABORT_LINE("Failure to autoalign in:\n\n"); SetRepValsAndVars(4, bmin, shiftX, shiftY); return 0; } // AlignBetweenMags int CMacCmd::AlignBetweenMags() { CString report; int index; float scaleMax, rotation; if (mItemInt[1] < 0) index = mBufferManager->AutoalignBufferIndex(); else if (ConvertBufferLetter(mStrItems[1], -1, true, index, report)) ABORT_LINE(report); if (!mItemEmpty[5] && mItemFlt[5] && (fabs(mItemFlt[5]) < 1 || fabs(mItemFlt[5]) > 25)) ABORT_LINE("The maximum scaling to test should be either 0 or between 1% and 25% in " "line\n\n"); if (mProcessImage->AlignBetweenMagnifications(index, mItemFlt[2], mItemFlt[3], mItemFlt[4], (mItemEmpty[5] ? mNavHelper->GetScaledAliDfltPctChg() : mItemFlt[5]) / 100.f, 2.f * (mItemEmpty[6] ? mNavHelper->GetScaledAliDfltMaxRot() : mItemFlt[6]), mItemEmpty[7] || mItemInt[7] <= 0, scaleMax, rotation, 0, report)) ABORT_LINE(report + " for line:\n\n"); SetReportedValues(scaleMax, rotation); return 0; } // AutoFocus, G int CMacCmd::AutoFocus(void) { int index; index = 1; if (!mItemEmpty[1]) index = mItemInt[1]; if (index > -2 && !mFocusManager->FocusReady()) SUSPEND_NOLINE("because autofocus not calibrated"); if (mMinDeltaFocus != 0. || mMaxDeltaFocus != 0.) mFocusManager->NextFocusChangeLimits(mMinDeltaFocus, mMaxDeltaFocus); if (mMinAbsFocus != 0. || mMaxAbsFocus != 0.) mFocusManager->NextFocusAbsoluteLimits(mMinAbsFocus, mMaxAbsFocus); if (index < -1) mFocusManager->DetectFocus(FOCUS_REPORT, !mItemEmpty[2] ? mItemInt[2] : 0); else mFocusManager->AutoFocusStart(index, !mItemEmpty[2] ? mItemInt[2] : 0); mTestScale = true; return 0; } // BeamTiltDirection int CMacCmd::BeamTiltDirection(void) { mFocusManager->SetTiltDirection(mItemInt[1]); return 0; } // FocusChangeLimits int CMacCmd::FocusChangeLimits(void) { mMinDeltaFocus = mItemFlt[1]; mMaxDeltaFocus = mItemFlt[2]; return 0; } // AbsoluteFocusLimits int CMacCmd::AbsoluteFocusLimits(void) { mMinAbsFocus = mItemDbl[1]; mMaxAbsFocus = mItemDbl[2]; return 0; } // CorrectAstigmatism int CMacCmd::CorrectAstigmatism(void) { if (mWinApp->mAutoTuning->FixAstigmatism(mItemEmpty[1] || mItemInt[1] >= 0)) ABORT_NOLINE("There is no astigmatism calibration for the current settings"); return 0; } // CorrectComa int CMacCmd::CorrectComa(void) { int index; index = COMA_INITIAL_ITERS; if (mItemInt[1]) index = mItemInt[1] > 0 ? COMA_ADD_ONE_ITER : COMA_JUST_MEASURE; if (mWinApp->mAutoTuning->ComaFreeAlignment(false, index)) AbortMacro(); return 0; } // ZemlinTableau int CMacCmd::ZemlinTableau(void) { int index, index2; index = 340; index2 = 170; if (mItemInt[2] > 10) index = mItemInt[2]; if (mItemInt[3] > 0) index2 = mItemInt[3]; mWinApp->mAutoTuning->MakeZemlinTableau(mItemFlt[1], index, index2); return 0; } // CBAstigComa int CMacCmd::CBAstigComa(void) { B3DCLAMP(mItemInt[1], 0, 2); if (mWinApp->mAutoTuning->CtfBasedAstigmatismComa(mItemInt[1], mItemInt[2] != 0, mItemInt[3], mItemInt[4] > 0, mItemInt[5] > 0)) { AbortMacro(); return 1; } return 0; } // FixAstigmatismByCTF, FixComaByCTF int CMacCmd::FixAstigmatismByCTF(void) { BOOL truth; int index; index = 0; if (CMD_IS(FIXCOMABYCTF)) { index = mWinApp->mAutoTuning->GetCtfDoFullArray() ? 2 : 1; if (!mItemEmpty[3]) index = mItemInt[3] > 0 ? 2 : 1; truth = mItemInt[4] > 0; } else truth = mItemInt[3] > 0; if (mWinApp->mAutoTuning->CtfBasedAstigmatismComa(index, false, (mItemInt[1] > 0) ? 1 : 0, mItemInt[2] > 0, truth)){ AbortMacro(); return 1; } return 0; } // CalibrateComaVsIS int CMacCmd::CalibrateComaVsIS(void) { float extent = mWinApp->mAutoTuning->GetComaVsISextent(); int rotation = mWinApp->mAutoTuning->GetComaVsISrotation(); int full = mItemEmpty[3] ? mWinApp->mAutoTuning->GetComaVsISuseFullArray() : mItemInt[3]; if (mItemFlt[1] > 0.) extent = mItemFlt[1]; if (!mItemEmpty[2] && mItemInt[2] > -900) rotation = mItemInt[2]; if (mWinApp->mAutoTuning->CalibrateComaVsImageShift(extent, rotation, full)) { AbortMacro(); return 1; } return 0; } // ReportStigmatorNeeded int CMacCmd::ReportStigmatorNeeded(void) { float backlashX, backlashY; mWinApp->mAutoTuning->GetLastAstigNeeded(backlashX, backlashY); mLogRpt.Format("Last measured stigmator change needed: %.4f %.4f", backlashX, backlashY); SetRepValsAndVars(1, backlashX, backlashY); return 0; } // ReportComaTiltNeeded int CMacCmd::ReportComaTiltNeeded(void) { float backlashX, backlashY; mWinApp->mAutoTuning->GetLastBeamTiltNeeded(backlashX, backlashY); mLogRpt.Format("Last measured beam tilt change needed: %.2f %.2f", backlashX, backlashY); SetRepValsAndVars(1, backlashX, backlashY); return 0; } // ReportComaVsISmatrix int CMacCmd::ReportComaVsISmatrix(void) { ComaVsISCalib *cvsis = mWinApp->mAutoTuning->GetComaVsIScal(); if (cvsis->magInd <= 0) ABORT_LINE("There is no calibration of beam tilt versus image shift for line:\n\n"); mLogRpt.Format("Coma versus IS calibration is %f %f %f %f", cvsis->matrix.xpx, cvsis->matrix.xpy, cvsis->matrix.ypx, cvsis->matrix.ypy); SetRepValsAndVars(1, cvsis->matrix.xpx, cvsis->matrix.xpy, cvsis->matrix.ypx, cvsis->matrix.ypy); return 0; } // Save, S int CMacCmd::Save(void) { CString report; int index2, i; index2 = -1; if (ConvertBufferLetter(mStrItems[1], 0, true, i, report)) ABORT_LINE(report); if (!mItemEmpty[2]) { index2 = mItemInt[2] - 1; if (index2 < 0 || index2 >= mDocWnd->GetNumStores()) ABORT_LINE("File # to save to is beyond range of open file numbers in " "statement: \n\n"); } report = i == 0 ? "A" : mStrItems[1]; if (index2 < 0 && (mWinApp->Montaging() || !mBufferManager->IsBufferSavable(mImBufs + i))) SUSPEND_NOLINE("because buffer " + report + " is not savable to current file"); if (mItemEmpty[1]) mDocWnd->SaveRegularBuffer(); else if (mDocWnd->SaveBufferToFile(i, index2)) SUSPEND_LINE("because of error saving to file in statement: \n\n"); EMimageExtra *extra = (EMimageExtra * )mImBufs[i].mImage->GetUserData(); if (extra) { if (index2 < 0) report.Format("Saved Z =%4d, %6.2f degrees", mImBufs[i].mSecNumber, extra->m_fTilt); else report.Format("Saved Z =%4d, %6.2f degrees to file #%d", mImBufs[i].mSecNumber, extra->m_fTilt, index2 + 1); mWinApp->AppendToLog(report, mLogInfoAction); } return 0; } // ReadFile, ReadMontagePiece int CMacCmd::ReadFile(void) { CString report; int index, index2, ix0, iy0; bool piece = CMD_IS(READMONTAGEPIECE); index = mItemInt[1]; iy0 = mBufferManager->GetBufToReadInto(); if (!mWinApp->mStoreMRC) SUSPEND_NOLINE("on " + CString(piece? "ReadMontagePiece" : "ReadFile") + " because there is no open file"); if (ConvertBufferLetter(mStrItems[piece ? 4 : 2], iy0, false, ix0, report)) ABORT_LINE(report); mBufferManager->SetBufToReadInto(ix0); if (mWinApp->Montaging() && mWinApp->mMontageController->GetRunningMacro()) ABORT_LINE("Trying to read from a montage in script run from a montage in line:\n\n"); if (piece) { if (!mWinApp->Montaging()) ABORT_LINE("The current file is not a montage for line:\n\n") index = mBufferManager->FindSectionForPiece(mWinApp->mStoreMRC, *mMontP, index - 1, mItemInt[2] - 1, mItemInt[3]); if (index < 0) ABORT_LINE("Could not find piece in file for line:\n\n"); } if (mWinApp->Montaging() && !piece) index2 = mWinApp->mMontageController->ReadMontage(index, NULL, NULL, false, true); else { index2 = mBufferManager->ReadFromFile(mWinApp->mStoreMRC, index); if (!index2) mWinApp->DrawReadInImage(); } mBufferManager->SetBufToReadInto(iy0); if (index2) ABORT_NOLINE("Script stopped because of error reading from file"); return 0; } // ReadOtherFile int CMacCmd::ReadOtherFile(void) { CString report; int index, index2, ix0, ix1, iy0; index = mItemInt[1]; if (index < 0) ABORT_LINE("Section to read is negative in line:\n\n"); iy0 = mBufferManager->GetBufToReadInto(); if (mItemInt[2] < 0) ix0 = iy0; else if (ConvertBufferLetter(mStrItems[2], -1, false, ix0, report)) ABORT_LINE(report); if (CheckConvertFilename(mStrItems, mStrLine, 3, report)) return 1; for (ix1 = 0; ix1 <= mRetryReadOther; ix1++) { mBufferManager->SetOtherFile(report); mBufferManager->SetBufToReadInto(ix0); mBufferManager->SetNextSecToRead(index); index2 = mBufferManager->RereadOtherFile(mStrCopy); if (!index2) { mWinApp->DrawReadInImage(); break; } if (ix1 < mRetryReadOther) Sleep(mReadOtherSleep); } mBufferManager->SetBufToReadInto(iy0); if (index2 && index2 != READ_MONTAGE_OK) ABORT_NOLINE("Script stopped because of error reading from other file:\n" + mStrCopy); return 0; } // RetryReadOtherFile int CMacCmd::RetryReadOtherFile(void) { mRetryReadOther = B3DMAX(0, mItemInt[1]); return 0; } // SaveToOtherFile, SnapshotToFile int CMacCmd::SaveToOtherFile(void) { CString report; BOOL truth; int index, index2, ix0, ix1, iy1; ScreenShotParams *snapParams = mWinApp->GetScreenShotParams(); int compressions[] = {COMPRESS_NONE, COMPRESS_ZIP, COMPRESS_LZW, COMPRESS_JPEG}; truth = CMD_IS(SNAPSHOTTOFILE); if (truth) { ix0 = 4; if (mItemDbl[1] > 0. && mItemDbl[1] < 1.) ABORT_LINE("Factor to zoom by must be >= 1 or <= 0 in line:\n\n"); if (mItemDbl[2] > 0. && mItemDbl[2] < 1.) ABORT_LINE("Factor to scale sizes by must be >= 1 or <= 0 in line:\n\n"); } else { ix0 = 2; if (ConvertBufferLetter(mStrItems[1], -1, true, index, report, true)) ABORT_LINE(report); } index2 = -1; if (mStrItems[ix0] == "MRC") index2 = STORE_TYPE_MRC; else if (mStrItems[ix0] == "HDF") index2 = STORE_TYPE_HDF; else if (mStrItems[ix0] == "TIF" || mStrItems[2] == "TIFF") index2 = STORE_TYPE_TIFF; else if (mStrItems[ix0] == "JPG" || mStrItems[2] == "JPEG") index2 = STORE_TYPE_JPEG; else if (mStrItems[ix0] != "CUR" && mStrItems[2] != "-1") ABORT_LINE(CString(ix0 == 2 ? "Second" : "Fourth") + " entry must be MRC, TIF, TIFF, JPG, JPEG, CUR, or -1 in line:\n\n"); if (truth && (index2 == STORE_TYPE_MRC || index2 == STORE_TYPE_HDF)) ABORT_LINE("A snapshot cannot be saved to an MRC or HDF file in line:\n\n"); ix1 = -1; if (mStrItems[ix0 + 1] == "NONE") ix1 = COMPRESS_NONE; else if (mStrItems[ix0 + 1] == "LZW") ix1 = COMPRESS_LZW; else if (mStrItems[ix0 + 1] == "ZIP") ix1 = COMPRESS_ZIP; else if (mStrItems[ix0 + 1] == "JPG" || mStrItems[ix0 + 1] == "JPEG") ix1 = COMPRESS_JPEG; else if (mStrItems[ix0 + 1] != "CUR" && mStrItems[ix0 + 1] != "-1") ABORT_LINE(CString(ix0 == 2 ? "Third" : "Fifth") + " entry must be NONE, LZW, ZIP, JPG, JPEG, CUR, or -1 in line:\n\n"); if (CheckConvertFilename(mStrItems, mStrLine, ix0 + 2, report)) return 1; if (truth) { if (index2 < 0) index2 = snapParams->fileType ? STORE_TYPE_JPEG : STORE_TYPE_TIFF; if (ix1 < 0) { B3DCLAMP(snapParams->compression, 0, 3); ix1 = compressions[snapParams->compression]; } iy1 = mWinApp->mActiveView->TakeSnapshot(mItemFlt[1], mItemFlt[2], mItemInt[3], index2, ix1, snapParams->jpegQuality, report); if (CScreenShotDialog::GetSnapshotError(iy1, report)) { ABORT_LINE("Error taking snapshot, " + report + " for line:\n\n"); } } else { iy1 = mDocWnd->SaveToOtherFile(index, index2, ix1, &report); if (iy1 == 1) return 1; if (iy1) { report.Format("Error %s file for line:\n\n", iy1 == 2 ? "opening" : "saving to"); ABORT_LINE(report); } } return 0; } // ReportFileOptions int CMacCmd::ReportFileOptions() { FileOptions *opt = mItemInt[1] ? mDocWnd->GetOtherFileOpt() : mDocWnd->GetFileOpt(); mLogRpt.Format("%s file options: type %d mode %d unsign %d mdoc %d %%lo %.2f " "%%hi %.2f TIF-comp %d HDF-comp %d mont-type %d mont-mdoc %d", mItemInt[1] ? "Other" : "Main", opt->fileType, opt->mode, opt->unsignOpt, opt->useMdoc, opt->pctTruncLo, opt->pctTruncHi, opt->compression, opt->hdfCompression, opt->montFileType, opt->montUseMdoc); SetRepValsAndVars(2, opt->fileType, opt->mode, opt->unsignOpt, opt->useMdoc, opt->pctTruncLo, opt->pctTruncHi); return 0; } // SetFileOptions int CMacCmd::SetFileOptions() { bool other = mItemInt[1] != 0; FileOptions *opt = other ? mDocWnd->GetOtherFileOpt() : mDocWnd->GetFileOpt(); FileOptions **rest = other ? &mOtherFileOptToRestore : &mFileOptToRestore; if (mItemInt[2] < 0) { if (!(*rest)) { mLogRpt.Format("No saved %s file options to restore", other ? "other" : "main"); } else { *opt = *(*rest); B3DDELETE(*rest); mLogRpt.Format("Restored saved %s file options", other ? "other" : "main"); } return 0; } if (mItemEmpty[3]) ABORT_LINE("No file option values are set in line:\n\n"); // If not keeping and they are not saved yet, create and save if (!mItemInt[2] && !(*rest)) { *rest = new FileOptions; *(*rest) = *opt; } // If keeping and they ARE saved, delete them if (mItemInt[2] && (*rest)) B3DDELETE(*rest); // Do all the checks first if (mItemInt[3] >= 0) { if (other) { if (mItemInt[3] > 5 || mItemInt[3] == 1) ABORT_LINE("Other file type must be 0, 2, 3, 4, or 5 in line:\n\n"); } else { if (mItemInt[3] != 0 && mItemInt[3] != 3 && mItemInt[3] != 5) ABORT_LINE("Main file type must be 0, 3, or 5 in line:\n\n"); } } if (!mItemEmpty[4] && mItemInt[4] > 1 && mItemInt[4] != 6) ABORT_LINE("Data mode must be 0, 1, or 6 in line:\n\n"); if (!mItemEmpty[11] && mItemInt[11] >= 0 && mItemInt[11] != 0 && mItemInt[11] != 3 && mItemInt[11] != 5) ABORT_LINE("Montage file type must be 0, 3, or 5 in line\n\n:"); if (!mItemEmpty[9] && mItemInt[9] != COMPRESS_NONE && mItemInt[9] != COMPRESS_ZIP && mItemInt[9] != COMPRESS_LZW && mItemInt[9] != COMPRESS_JPEG) { mStrCopy.Format("TIFF compression must be %d, %d, %d, or %d in line:\n\n", COMPRESS_NONE, COMPRESS_LZW, COMPRESS_JPEG, COMPRESS_ZIP); ABORT_LINE(mStrCopy); } if (!mItemEmpty[10] && mItemInt[10] != COMPRESS_NONE && mItemInt[10] != COMPRESS_ZIP) { mStrCopy.Format("HDF compression must be %d or %d in line:\n\n", COMPRESS_NONE, COMPRESS_ZIP); ABORT_LINE(mStrCopy); } // Now modify if (mItemInt[3] >= 0) opt->fileType = mItemInt[3]; if (!mItemEmpty[4] && mItemInt[4] >= 0) opt->mode = mItemInt[4]; if (!mItemEmpty[5] && mItemInt[5] >= 0) opt->unsignOpt = B3DMIN(mItemInt[5], 2); if (!mItemEmpty[6] && mItemInt[6] >= 0) opt->useMdoc = mItemInt[6] != 0; if (!mItemEmpty[7] && mItemFlt[7] >= 0) opt->pctTruncLo = B3DMIN(mItemFlt[7], 20.f); if (!mItemEmpty[8] && mItemFlt[8] >= 0) opt->pctTruncHi = B3DMIN(mItemFlt[8], 20.f); if (!mItemEmpty[9] && mItemInt[9] >= 0) opt->compression = mItemInt[9]; if (!mItemEmpty[10] && mItemInt[10] >= 0) opt->hdfCompression = mItemInt[10]; if (!mItemEmpty[11] && mItemInt[11] >= 0) opt->montFileType = mItemInt[11]; if (!mItemEmpty[12] && mItemInt[12] >= 0) opt->montUseMdoc = mItemInt[12] != 0; return 0; } // OpenNewFile, OpenNewMontage, OpenFrameSumFile int CMacCmd::OpenNewFile(void) { CString report; int index, index2, ix0, iy0, setNum, xFrame; CFileStatus status; if (mWinApp->mMontageController->DoingMontage() && mWinApp->mMontageController->GetRunningMacro()) ABORT_LINE("Trying to do file operation in script run from montage in line:\n\n"); index = 1; if (CMD_IS(OPENNEWMONTAGE)) { index = 3; ix0 = mItemInt[1]; if (!ix0) ix0 = mMontP->xNframes; iy0 = mItemInt[2]; if (!iy0) iy0 = mMontP->yNframes; if (ix0 < 1 || iy0 < 1) ABORT_LINE("Number of montages pieces is missing or not positive" " in statement:\n\n"); } if (CMD_IS(OPENFRAMESUMFILE)) { SubstituteLineStripItems(mStrLine, index, mStrCopy); report = mCamera->GetFrameFilename() + mStrCopy; mWinApp->AppendToLog("Opening file: " + report, mLogInfoAction); } else if (CheckConvertFilename(mStrItems, mStrLine, index, report)) return 1; // Check if file already exists if (!mOverwriteOK && CFile::GetStatus((LPCTSTR)report, status)) SUSPEND_NOLINE("opening new file because " + report + " already exists"); if (index == 1) index2 = mDocWnd->DoOpenNewFile(report); else { mDocWnd->LeaveCurrentFile(); mMontP->xNframes = ix0; mMontP->yNframes = iy0; mMontP->numToSkip = 0; mMontP->fitToPolygonID = 0; setNum = MontageConSetNum(mMontP, false); xFrame = mMontP->xFrame; // If the binning has changed, start from scratch on frame sizes and overlaps if (mConSets[setNum].binning != mMontP->binning) xFrame = 0; index2 = mDocWnd->GetMontageParamsAndFile(xFrame > 0 ? 1 : 0, ix0, iy0, report); } if (index2) SUSPEND_LINE("because of error opening new file in statement:\n\n"); mWinApp->mBufferWindow.UpdateSaveCopy(); return 0; } // SetupWaffleMontage int CMacCmd::SetupWaffleMontage(void) { CString report; int index2, ix0, iy0, sizeX, sizeY; float backlashX; if (mItemInt[1] < 2) ABORT_LINE("Minimum number of blocks in waffle grating must be at least 2 in:\n\n"); backlashX = (float)(0.462 * mItemInt[1]); sizeX = mConSets[RECORD_CONSET].right - mConSets[RECORD_CONSET].left; sizeY = mConSets[RECORD_CONSET].bottom - mConSets[RECORD_CONSET].top; ix0 = PiecesForMinimumSize(backlashX, sizeX, 0.1f); iy0 = PiecesForMinimumSize(backlashX, sizeY, 0.1f); if (ix0 < 2 && iy0 < 2) { mWinApp->AppendToLog("No montage is needed to measure pixel size at this " "magnification", mLogInfoAction); SetReportedValues(0.); } else { if (mWinApp->Montaging() && mMontP->xNframes == ix0 && mMontP->yNframes == iy0) { mMontP->magIndex = mScope->GetMagIndex(); mWinApp->AppendToLog("Existing montage can be used to measure pixel size at " "this magnification", mLogInfoAction); } else { // If it is montaging already, close file if (mWinApp->Montaging()) mDocWnd->DoCloseFile(); // Follow same procedure as above for opening montage file if (CheckConvertFilename(mStrItems, mStrLine, 2, report)) return 1; mDocWnd->LeaveCurrentFile(); mMontP->xNframes = ix0; mMontP->yNframes = iy0; mMontP->binning = mConSets[RECORD_CONSET].binning; mMontP->xFrame = sizeX / mMontP->binning; mMontP->yFrame = sizeY / mMontP->binning; mMontP->xOverlap = mMontP->xFrame / 10; mMontP->yOverlap = mMontP->yFrame / 10; index2 = mDocWnd->GetMontageParamsAndFile(1, ix0, iy0, report); mWinApp->mBufferWindow.UpdateSaveCopy(); if (index2) ABORT_NOLINE("Error trying to open new montage the right size for current" " magnification"); report.Format("Opened file %s for %d x %d montage", (LPCTSTR)report, ix0, iy0); mWinApp->AppendToLog(report, mLogInfoAction); } mMontP->warnedMagChange = true; mMontP->overviewBinning = 1; mMontP->shiftInOverview = true; mWinApp->mMontageWindow.UpdateSettings(); SetReportedValues(1.); } return 0; } // SetupFullMontage int CMacCmd::SetupFullMontage(void) { CFileStatus status; ABORT_NONAV; if (mItemFlt[1] < 0 || mItemFlt[1] >= 0.5) ABORT_LINE("Overlap factor must be between 0 (for unspecified) and 0.5 in line:\n\n"); if (CheckConvertFilename(mStrItems, mStrLine, 2, mEnteredName)) return 1; // Check if file already exists if (!mOverwriteOK && CFile::GetStatus((LPCTSTR)mEnteredName, status)) SUSPEND_NOLINE("setting up a full montage because " + mEnteredName + " already exists"); if (mNavigator->FullMontage(true, mItemFlt[1], SETUPMONT_FROM_MACRO)) ABORT_LINE("An error occurred setting up a full montage for line:\n\n"); mMovedStage = true; return 0; } // SetupPolygonMontage int CMacCmd::SetupPolygonMontage(void) { CFileStatus status; int index; CMapDrawItem *navItem; CMontageSetupDlg dlg; index = mItemEmpty[1] ? 0 : mItemInt[1]; navItem = CurrentOrIndexedNavItem(index, mStrLine); if (!navItem) return 1; if (navItem->IsNotPolygon()) ABORT_LINE("Navigator item is not a polygon for line:\n\n"); if (mItemFlt[2] < 0 || mItemFlt[2] >= 0.5) ABORT_LINE("Overlap factor must be between 0 (for unspecified) and 0.5 in line:\n\n"); if (CheckConvertFilename(mStrItems, mStrLine, 3, mEnteredName)) return 1; if (!mOverwriteOK && CFile::GetStatus((LPCTSTR)mEnteredName, status)) SUSPEND_NOLINE("setting up a polygon montage because " + mEnteredName + " already exists"); if (mNavigator->PolygonMontage(NULL, true, index, mItemFlt[2], SETUPMONT_FROM_MACRO)) ABORT_LINE("An error occurred setting up a polygon montage for line:\n\n"); mMovedStage = true; return 0; } // SetGridMapLimits int CMacCmd::SetGridMapLimits(void) { float *gridLim = mNavHelper->GetGridLimits(); int ind; if (mItemFlt[2] > 0 || mItemFlt[3] < 0 || mItemFlt[4] > 0 || mItemFlt[5] < 0) ABORT_LINE("Lower limits must be negative and upper limits must be positive for " "line:\n\n"); if (!mItemInt[1]) { mRestoreGridLimits = true; mNumStatesToRestore++; for (ind = 0; ind < 4; ind++) mGridLimitsToRestore[ind] = gridLim[ind]; } for (ind = 0; ind < 4; ind++) { if (mItemFlt[ind + 2] * ((ind % 2) ? 1 : -1) > 0) { if (ind % 2) ACCUM_MIN(mItemFlt[ind + 2], mScope->GetStageLimit(ind)); else ACCUM_MAX(mItemFlt[ind + 2], mScope->GetStageLimit(ind)); gridLim[ind] = mItemFlt[ind + 2]; } } return 0; } // ReportNumMontagePieces int CMacCmd::ReportNumMontagePieces(void) { int index; if (mWinApp->Montaging()) { index = mMontP->xNframes * mMontP->yNframes - (mMontP->ignoreSkipList ? 0 : mMontP->numToSkip); mLogRpt.Format("%d pieces will be acquired in the current montage", index); } else { index = 1; mLogRpt = "Montaging is not used for the current file"; } SetRepValsAndVars(1, index); return 0; } // EnterNameOpenFile int CMacCmd::EnterNameOpenFile(void) { mStrCopy = "Enter name for new file:"; if (!mStrItems[1].IsEmpty()) SubstituteLineStripItems(mStrLine, 1, mStrCopy); if (!KGetOneString(mStrCopy, mEnteredName, 100)) SUSPEND_NOLINE("because no new file was opened"); if (mDocWnd->DoOpenNewFile(mEnteredName)) SUSPEND_NOLINE("because of error opening new file by that name"); return 0; } // ChooserForNewFile int CMacCmd::ChooserForNewFile(void) { CString report; int index; index = (mItemInt[1] != 0) ? STORE_TYPE_ADOC : STORE_TYPE_MRC; if (mDocWnd->FilenameForSaveFile(mItemInt[1], NULL, mStrCopy)) { AbortMacro(); return 1; } report = mStrItems[2]; report.MakeUpper(); if (SetVariable(report, mStrCopy, VARTYPE_REGULAR, -1, false)) ABORT_NOLINE("Error setting variable " + mStrItems[2] + " with filename " + mStrCopy); mOverwriteOK = true; return 0; } // ChooserForTextFile int CMacCmd::ChooserForTextFile() { mStrCopy = "NONE"; if (mDocWnd->GetTextFileName(mItemInt[1] == 0, false, mStrCopy)) mLogRpt = "The file chooser for a text file was canceled"; SetOneReportedValue(&mStrItems[2], mStrCopy, 1); return 0; } // ReadTextFile, Read2DTextFile, ReadStringsFromFile int CMacCmd::ReadTextFile(void) { CString report; BOOL truth; int index, index2; SubstituteLineStripItems(mStrLine, 2, mStrCopy); CString newVar; CStdioFile *csFile = NULL; CArray < ArrayRow, ArrayRow > *rowsFor2d = NULL; ArrayRow arrRow; truth = CMD_IS(READ2DTEXTFILE); try { csFile = new CStdioFile(mStrCopy, CFile::modeRead | CFile::shareDenyWrite); } catch (CFileException * perr) { perr->Delete(); ABORT_NOLINE("Error opening file " + mStrCopy); } if (truth) rowsFor2d = new CArray < ArrayRow, ArrayRow > ; while ((index = mParamIO->ReadAndParse(csFile, report, mStrItems, MAX_MACRO_TOKENS)) == 0) { if (truth) newVar = ""; if (CMD_IS(READSTRINGSFROMFILE)) { if (newVar.GetLength()) newVar += '\n'; newVar += report; } else { for (index2 = 0; index2 < MAX_MACRO_TOKENS; index2++) { if (mStrItems[index2].IsEmpty()) break; if (newVar.GetLength()) newVar += '\n'; newVar += mStrItems[index2]; } } if (truth && index2 > 0) { arrRow.value = newVar; arrRow.numElements = index2; rowsFor2d->Add(arrRow); } } delete csFile; if (index > 0) { delete rowsFor2d; ABORT_NOLINE("Error reading text from file " + mStrCopy); } if (SetVariable(mItem1upper, truth ? "0" : newVar, VARTYPE_REGULAR, -1, false, &report, rowsFor2d)) { delete rowsFor2d; ABORT_NOLINE("Error setting an array variable with text from file " + mStrCopy + ":\n" + report); } return 0; } // OpenTextFile int CMacCmd::OpenTextFile(void) { CString report; BOOL truth; int index; CFileStatus status; FileForText *txFile; UINT openFlags = CFile::typeText | CFile::modeNoInherit; if (LookupFileForText(mItem1upper, TXFILE_MUST_NOT_EXIST, mStrLine, index)) return 1; report = mStrItems[2].MakeUpper(); if (report.GetLength() > 1 || CString("RTWAO").Find(report) < 0) ABORT_LINE("The second entry must be R, T, W, A, or O in line\n\n:"); SubstituteLineStripItems(mStrLine, 4, mStrCopy); // Set up flags and read/write from mode entry if (report == "R" || report == "T") { openFlags |= CFile::shareDenyNone | CFile::modeRead; truth = true; } else { truth = false; openFlags |= CFile::shareDenyWrite; if (report == "A") { openFlags |= CFile::modeReadWrite; } else { openFlags |= CFile::modeWrite | CFile::modeCreate; if (report == "W" && !mOverwriteOK && CFile::GetStatus((LPCTSTR)mStrCopy, status)) ABORT_LINE("File already exists and you entered W instead of O for line:\n\n"); } } // Create new entry and try to open file; allowing failure with 'T' txFile = new FileForText; txFile->readOnly = truth; txFile->ID = mItem1upper; txFile->persistent = mItemInt[3] != 0; txFile->csFile = NULL; try { txFile->csFile = new CStdioFile(mStrCopy, openFlags); if (report == "A") txFile->csFile->SeekToEnd(); } catch (CFileException * perr) { perr->Delete(); delete txFile->csFile; delete txFile; if (report != "T") ABORT_NOLINE("Error opening file " + mStrCopy); txFile = NULL; } // Add to array if success; set value for 'T' if (txFile) mTextFileArray.Add(txFile); if (report == "T") SetReportedValues(txFile ? 1 : 0); return 0; } // WriteLineToFile int CMacCmd::WriteLineToFile(void) { int index; FileForText *txFile; txFile = LookupFileForText(mItem1upper, TXFILE_WRITE_ONLY, mStrLine, index); if (!txFile) return 1; // To allow comments to be written, there is only one required argument in initial // check so we need to check here SubstituteLineStripItems(mStrLine, 2, mStrCopy); try { txFile->csFile->WriteString(mStrCopy + "\n"); } catch (CFileException * perr) { perr->Delete(); ABORT_LINE("Error writing string to file for line:\n\n"); } return 0; } // ReadLineToArray, ReadLineToString int CMacCmd::ReadLineToArray(void) { CString report; BOOL truth; int index, index2; FileForText *txFile; txFile = LookupFileForText(mItem1upper, TXFILE_READ_ONLY, mStrLine, index); if (!txFile) return 1; mStrLine = mStrItems[2]; truth = CMD_IS(READLINETOARRAY); // Skip blank lines, skip comment lines if reading into array for (;;) { index = mParamIO->ReadAndParse(txFile->csFile, report, mStrItems, MAX_MACRO_TOKENS, mParseQuotes); if (index || !mStrItems[0].IsEmpty() || (!truth && !report.IsEmpty())) break; } // Check error conditions if (index > 0) ABORT_LINE("Error reading from file for line:\n\n"); if (index) { mWinApp->AppendToLog("End of file reached for file with ID " + txFile->ID, mLogAction); } else { // For array, concatenate items into report; otherwise report is all set if (truth) { report = ""; for (index2 = 0; index2 < MAX_MACRO_TOKENS; index2++) { if (mStrItems[index2].IsEmpty()) break; if (report.GetLength()) report += '\n'; report += mStrItems[index2]; } } if (SetVariable(mStrLine, report, VARTYPE_REGULAR, -1, false, &mStrCopy)) ABORT_NOLINE("Error setting a variable with line from file:\n" + mStrCopy); } SetReportedValues(index ? 0 : 1); return 0; } // CloseTextFile int CMacCmd::CloseTextFile(void) { int index; if (!LookupFileForText(mItem1upper, TXFILE_MUST_EXIST, mStrLine, index)) return 1; CloseFileForText(index); return 0; } // FlushTextFile int CMacCmd::FlushTextFile(void) { int index; FileForText *txFile; txFile = LookupFileForText(mItem1upper, TXFILE_MUST_EXIST, mStrLine, index); if (!txFile) return 1; txFile->csFile->Flush(); return 0; } // IsTextFileOpen int CMacCmd::IsTextFileOpen(void) { BOOL truth; int index; FileForText *txFile; txFile = LookupFileForText(mItem1upper, TXFILE_QUERY_ONLY, mStrLine, index); truth = false; if (!txFile && !mItemEmpty[2]) { // Check the file name if the it doesn't match ID char fullBuf[_MAX_PATH]; SubstituteLineStripItems(mStrLine, 2, mStrCopy); if (GetFullPathName((LPCTSTR)mStrCopy, _MAX_PATH, fullBuf, NULL) > 0) { for (index = 0; index < mTextFileArray.GetSize(); index++) { txFile = mTextFileArray.GetAt(index); if (!(txFile->csFile->GetFilePath()).CompareNoCase(fullBuf)) { truth = true; break; } } } mLogRpt.Format("Text file with name %s %s open", (LPCTSTR)mStrCopy, truth ? "IS" : "is NOT"); SetReportedValues(truth ? 1 : 0); } else { mLogRpt.Format("Text file with identifier %s %s open", (LPCTSTR)mItem1upper, txFile ? "IS" : "is NOT"); SetReportedValues(txFile ? 1 : 0); } return 0; } // UserSetDirectory int CMacCmd::UserSetDirectory(void) { mStrCopy = "Choose a new current working directory:"; if (!mStrItems[1].IsEmpty()) SubstituteLineStripItems(mStrLine, 1, mStrCopy); char *cwd = _getcwd(NULL, _MAX_PATH); CXFolderDialog dlg(cwd); dlg.SetTitle(mStrCopy); free(cwd); if (dlg.DoModal() == IDOK) { if (_chdir((LPCTSTR)dlg.GetPath())) SUSPEND_NOLINE("because of failure to change directory to " + dlg.GetPath()); SetOneReportedValue(dlg.GetPath(), 1); mDocWnd->SetInitialDirToCurrentDir(); } else SetOneReportedValue(CString("Cancel"), 1); return 0; } // OpenChooserInCurrentDir int CMacCmd::OpenChooserInCurrentDir(void) { mDocWnd->SetInitialDirToCurrentDir(); mLogRpt = "OpenChooserInCurrentDir is no longer needed"; return 0; } // IsDirectoryWritable int CMacCmd::IsDirectoryWritable() { int err, writable; SubstituteLineStripItems(mStrLine, 1, mStrCopy); writable = UtilIsDirectoryUsable(mStrCopy, err) ? 1 : 0; SetReportedValues(writable, err); mLogRpt.Format("%s %s writable (test error %d)", mStrCopy, writable ? "IS" : " is NOT", err); return 0; } // SetNewFileType int CMacCmd::SetNewFileType(void) { FileOptions *fileOpt = mDocWnd->GetFileOpt(); if (mItemInt[2] != 0) fileOpt->montFileType = mItemInt[1] != 0 ? STORE_TYPE_ADOC : STORE_TYPE_MRC; else fileOpt->fileType = mItemInt[1] != 0 ? STORE_TYPE_ADOC : STORE_TYPE_MRC; return 0; } // OpenOldFile int CMacCmd::OpenOldFile(void) { CString report; CFile *cfile; int index; if (mWinApp->mMontageController->DoingMontage() && mWinApp->mMontageController->GetRunningMacro()) ABORT_LINE("Trying to do file operation in script run from montage in line:\n\n"); if (CheckConvertFilename(mStrItems, mStrLine, 1, report)) return 1; index = mDocWnd->OpenOldMrcCFile(&cfile, report, false); if (index == MRC_OPEN_NOERR || index == MRC_OPEN_ADOC || index == MRC_OPEN_HDF) index = mDocWnd->OpenOldFile(cfile, report, index, true); if (index != MRC_OPEN_NOERR) SUSPEND_LINE("because of error opening old file in statement:\n\n"); return 0; } int CMacCmd::UserOpenOldFile(void) { if (mWinApp->mMontageController->DoingMontage() && mWinApp->mMontageController->GetRunningMacro()) ABORT_LINE("Trying to do file operation in script run from montage in line:\n\n"); if (mDocWnd->DoFileOpenold()) SUSPEND_LINE("because existing image file was not opened in line:\n\n"); return 0; } // CloseFile int CMacCmd::CloseFile(void) { if (mWinApp->mMontageController->DoingMontage() && mWinApp->mMontageController->GetRunningMacro()) ABORT_LINE("Trying to do file operation in script run from montage in line:\n\n"); if (mWinApp->mStoreMRC) { mDocWnd->DoCloseFile(); } else if (!mItemEmpty[1]) { SUSPEND_LINE("Script suspended on CloseFile because there is no open file"); } return 0; } // RemoveFile int CMacCmd::RemoveFile(void) { CString report; if (CheckConvertFilename(mStrItems, mStrLine, 1, report)) return 1; try { CFile::Remove(report); } catch (CFileException * pEx) { pEx->Delete(); PrintfToLog("WARNING: File %s cannot be removed", (LPCTSTR)report); } return 0; } // ReportCurrentFilename, ReportLastFrameFile, ReportNavFile, ReportOpenImageFile int CMacCmd::ReportCurrentFilename(void) { CString report; BOOL truth; KImageStore *store; int optInd = 1; truth = !CMD_IS(REPORTLASTFRAMEFILE); if (CMD_IS(REPORTCURRENTFILENAME)) { if (!mWinApp->mStoreMRC) SUSPEND_LINE("because there is no file open currently for statement:\n\n"); report = mWinApp->mStoreMRC->getFilePath(); mStrCopy = "Current open image file is: "; } else if (CMD_IS(REPORTOPENIMAGEFILE)) { if (mItemInt[1] < 1 || mItemInt[1] > mDocWnd->GetNumStores()) ABORT_LINE("Index is out of range in line:\n\n"); store = mDocWnd->GetStoreMRC(mItemInt[1] - 1); report = store->getFilePath(); mStrCopy.Format("Open image file #%d is ", mItemInt[1]); optInd = 2; } else if (truth) { ABORT_NONAV; report = mWinApp->mNavigator->GetCurrentNavFile(); if (report.IsEmpty()) ABORT_LINE("There is no Navigator file open for:\n\n"); mStrCopy = "Current open Navigator file is: "; } else { report = mCamera->GetPathForFrames(); if (report.IsEmpty()) ABORT_LINE("There is no last frame file name available for:\n\n"); mStrCopy = "Last frame file is: "; } mWinApp->AppendToLog(mStrCopy + report, mLogAction); CString root = report; CString ext; if (mItemInt[optInd] && truth) UtilSplitExtension(report, root, ext); SetOneReportedValue(!truth ? &mStrItems[1] : NULL, root, 1); if (!ext.IsEmpty()) SetOneReportedValue(ext, 2); if (mItemInt[optInd] && truth) { UtilSplitPath(root, report, ext); SetOneReportedValue(report, 3); SetOneReportedValue(ext, 4); } if (!truth) { UtilSplitPath(root, report, ext); SetOneReportedValue(&mStrItems[1], report, 2); SetOneReportedValue(&mStrItems[1], ext, 3); } return 0; } // IsImageFileOpen int CMacCmd::IsImageFileOpen() { CString report; int index; if (CheckConvertFilename(mStrItems, mStrLine, 1, report)) return 1; index = mDocWnd->StoreIndexFromName(report); if (index < 0) mLogRpt = mStrItems[1] + " is not open"; else mLogRpt.Format("%s is open file #%d", (LPCTSTR)mStrItems[1], index + 1); SetReportedValues(index + 1); return 0; } // ReportNumOpenFiles int CMacCmd::ReportNumOpenFiles() { mLogRpt.Format("There are %d open image files", mDocWnd->GetNumStores()); SetRepValsAndVars(1, mDocWnd->GetNumStores()); return 0; } // ReportFrameBaseName int CMacCmd::ReportFrameBaseName(void) { int index; mStrCopy = mCamera->GetFrameBaseName(); index = mCamera->GetFrameNameFormat(); mLogRpt.Format("The frame base name %s used in frame names, %s used in folder " "names, and is %s", (index & FRAME_FILE_ROOT) ? "IS" : "IS NOT", (index & FRAME_FOLDER_ROOT) ? "IS" : "IS NOT", mStrCopy.IsEmpty() ? "not defined" : (LPCTSTR)mStrCopy); if (mStrCopy.IsEmpty()) mStrCopy = "none"; SetOneReportedValue(&mStrItems[1], (index & FRAME_FILE_ROOT) ? 1. : 0., 1); SetOneReportedValue(&mStrItems[1], mStrCopy, 2); SetOneReportedValue(&mStrItems[1], (index & FRAME_FOLDER_ROOT) ? 1. : 0., 3); return 0; } // SetFrameBaseName int CMacCmd::SetFrameBaseName(void) { unsigned int format = (unsigned int)mCamera->GetFrameNameFormat();; if (!mItemInt[1]) { mSavedFrameBaseName = mCamera->GetFrameBaseName(); if (mSavedFrameNameFormat < 0) { mSavedFrameNameFormat = format; mNumStatesToRestore++; } } if (mItemInt[2] >= 0) setOrClearFlags(&format, FRAME_FILE_ROOT, mItemInt[2]); if (mItemInt[3] >= 0) setOrClearFlags(&format, FRAME_FOLDER_ROOT, mItemInt[3]); mCamera->SetFrameNameFormat(format); SubstituteLineStripItems(mStrLine, 4, mStrCopy); mCamera->SetFrameBaseName(mStrCopy); return 0; } // SetFrameNameFormat int CMacCmd::SetFrameNameFormat() { unsigned int format = (unsigned int)mCamera->GetFrameNameFormat(); if (!mItemInt[1] && mSavedFrameNameFormat < 0) { mSavedFrameNameFormat = format; mNumStatesToRestore++; } if (mItemInt[2] < 0) format = mItemInt[3]; else setOrClearFlags(&format, mItemInt[3], mItemInt[2] ? 1 : 0); mCamera->SetFrameNameFormat(format); return 0; } // ReportFrameNameFormat int CMacCmd::ReportFrameNameFormat() { int format = mCamera->GetFrameNameFormat(); mLogRpt.Format("Frame file name format is 0x%x", format); SetRepValsAndVars(1, format); return 0; } // ReportFrameSavingPath int CMacCmd::ReportFrameSavingPath(void) { if (!(mCamParams->K2Type || mCamParams->canTakeFrames) || mCamParams->FEItype) ABORT_NOLINE("ReportFrameSavingPath works only with Gatan and generic frame-saving" " cameras"); if (mCamParams->K2Type) mStrCopy = mCamera->GetDirForK2Frames(); else mStrCopy = mCamParams->dirForFrameSaving; if (mStrCopy.IsEmpty()) { mLogRpt = "No frame-saving path is defined for " + mCamParams->name; mStrCopy = "NONE"; } else mLogRpt = "The frame saving path for " + mCamParams->name + " is " + mStrCopy; SetOneReportedValue(&mStrItems[1], mStrCopy, 1); return 0; } // ReportFreeDiskSpace int CMacCmd::ReportFreeDiskSpace() { ULARGE_INTEGER available; float mbytes; SubstituteLineStripItems(mStrLine, 1, mStrCopy); if (mStrCopy.Right(1) != "\\") mStrCopy.Append("\\"); if (!GetDiskFreeSpaceEx((LPCTSTR)mStrCopy, &available, NULL, NULL)) ABORT_NOLINE("Error getting free disk space for directory name " + mStrCopy); mbytes = (float)(available.QuadPart / (1024 * 1024)); mLogRpt.Format("Disk free space for directory %s is %.1f MBytes", (LPCTSTR)mStrCopy, mbytes); SetReportedValues(&mStrItems[2], mbytes); return 0; } // GetFileInWatchedDir, RunScriptInWatchedDir, RunScriptInFile, RunSerialEMSnapshot int CMacCmd::GetFileInWatchedDir(void) { CString report; BOOL truth; bool doSnapshot = CMD_IS(RUNSERIALEMSNAPSHOT); bool justFromFile = CMD_IS(RUNSCRIPTINFILE) || doSnapshot; int index; CFileStatus status; WIN32_FIND_DATA findFileData; CStdioFile *sFile = NULL; CString direc, fname; if (CMD_IS(RUNSCRIPTINWATCHEDDIR) || justFromFile) { if (mNumTempMacros >= MAX_TEMP_MACROS) ABORT_LINE("No free temporary scripts available for line:\n\n"); if (mNeedClearTempMacro >= 0) ABORT_LINE("When running a script from a file, you cannot run another one in" " line:\n\n"); } if (doSnapshot) { report = mWinApp->GetExePath() + "\\SerialEM_Snapshot.txt"; if (!CFile::GetStatus((LPCTSTR)report, status)) { report = "C:\\Program Files\\SerialEM\\SerialEM_Snapshot.txt"; if (!CFile::GetStatus((LPCTSTR)report, status)) ABORT_LINE("Cannot find SerialEM_Snapshot.txt in SerialEM program directory for " "line:\n\n"); } } else if (CheckConvertFilename(mStrItems, mStrLine, 1, report)) return 1; if (!justFromFile) { // If the string has no wild card and it is a directory, add * if (report.Find('*') < 0) { truth = CFile::GetStatus((LPCTSTR)report, status); if (truth && (status.m_attribute & CFile::directory)) report += "\\*"; } UtilSplitPath(report, direc, fname); HANDLE hFind = FindFirstFile((LPCTSTR)report, &findFileData); if (hFind == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { SetOneReportedValue(0., 1); SetOneReportedValue(CString("none"), 2); return 0; } truth = false; do { report = findFileData.cFileName; // If found a file, look for lock file and wait until goes away, or give up and // go on to next file if any for (index = 0; index < 10; index++) { if (!CFile::GetStatus((LPCTSTR)(report + ".lock"), status)) { truth = true; break; } Sleep(20); } if (truth) break; } while (FindNextFile(hFind, &findFileData) == 0); FindClose(hFind); // Just set report value if no file. give message if there is one if (!truth) { SetOneReportedValue(0., 1); SetOneReportedValue(CString("none"), 2); } else { report = direc + "\\" + report; SetOneReportedValue(1., 1); SetOneReportedValue(report, 2); mLogRpt = "Found file " + report; } } if (CMD_IS(GETFILEINWATCHEDDIR)) return 0; index = RunScriptFromFile(report, !justFromFile, mStrCopy); if (index > 0) { if (mStrCopy.IsEmpty()) return 1; ABORT_LINE(mStrCopy + " for line:\n\n"); } mLogRpt = "Running script in " + report; if (index < 0) mLogRpt += ", which is empty (nothing to run)"; return 0; } // AllowFileOverwrite int CMacCmd::AllowFileOverwrite(void) { mOverwriteOK = mItemInt[1] != 0; return 0; } // SetDirectory, MakeDirectory int CMacCmd::SetDirectory(void) { CFileStatus status; CString mess; SubstituteLineStripItems(mStrLine, 1, mStrCopy); if (mStrCopy.IsEmpty()) ABORT_LINE("Missing directory name in statement:\n\n"); if (CMD_IS(SETDIRECTORY)) { if (_chdir((LPCTSTR)mStrCopy)) SUSPEND_NOLINE("because of failure to change directory to " + mStrCopy); } else { if (CFile::GetStatus((LPCTSTR)mStrCopy, status)) { mWinApp->AppendToLog("Not making directory " + mStrCopy + " - it already exists", mLogInfoAction); } else { if (!UtilRecursiveMakeDir(mStrCopy, mess)) mWinApp->AppendToLog("Created directory " + mStrCopy, mLogInfoAction); else SUSPEND_NOLINE("because of failure to create directory " + mStrCopy + ":\n" + mess); } } return 0; } // ReportDirectory int CMacCmd::ReportDirectory(void) { char *cwd = _getcwd(NULL, _MAX_PATH); if (!cwd) ABORT_LINE("Could not determine current directory for:\n\n"); mStrCopy = cwd; free(cwd); mWinApp->AppendToLog("Current directory is " + mStrCopy, mLogAction); SetOneReportedValue(&mStrItems[1], mStrCopy, 1); return 0; } // DoesFileExist int CMacCmd::DoesFileExist(void) { CString report; int index; CFileStatus status; if (CheckConvertFilename(mStrItems, mStrLine, 1, report)) return 1; index = CFile::GetStatus((LPCTSTR)report, status) ? 1 : 0; mLogRpt.Format("File %s DOES%s exist", report, index ? "" : " NOT"); SetReportedValues(index); return 0; } // MakeDateTimeDir int CMacCmd::MakeDateTimeDir(void) { mStrCopy = mDocWnd->DateTimeForFrameSaving(); if (_mkdir((LPCTSTR)mStrCopy)) SUSPEND_NOLINE("because of failure to create directory " + mStrCopy); if (_chdir((LPCTSTR)mStrCopy)) SUSPEND_NOLINE("because of failure to change directory to " + mStrCopy); mWinApp->AppendToLog("Created directory " + mStrCopy, mLogInfoAction); return 0; } // SwitchToFile int CMacCmd::SwitchToFile(void) { int index; index = mItemInt[1]; if (index < 1 || index > mDocWnd->GetNumStores()) ABORT_LINE("Number of file to switch to is absent or out of range in statement:" " \n\n"); mDocWnd->SetCurrentStore(index - 1); return 0; } // ReportFileNumber int CMacCmd::ReportFileNumber(void) { int index; index = mDocWnd->GetCurrentStore(); if (index >= 0) { index++; mLogRpt.Format("Current open file number is %d", index); } else mLogRpt = "There is no file open currently"; SetRepValsAndVars(1, index); return 0; } // AddTitleToFile int CMacCmd::AddTitleToFile(void) { KImageStore *store = mWinApp->mStoreMRC; int index = mItemInt[1]; if (!index) { if (!store) ABORT_LINE("There is no open image file for:\n\n"); } else { if (index < 0 || index > mDocWnd->GetNumStores()) ABORT_LINE("File number is out of range in:\n\n"); store = mDocWnd->GetStoreMRC(index - 1); } if (!store->getDepth()) ABORT_LINE("at least one image must be saved before running:\n\n"); SubstituteLineStripItems(mStrLine, 2, mStrCopy); index = store->AddTitle(mStrCopy); if (index) PrintfToLog("Error %d adding title to autodoc structure", index); index = store->WriteHeader(true); if (index > 0) mLogRpt = "Error rewriting the file header with new title"; else if (index < 0) mLogRpt.Format("Error %d rewriting the mdoc file with new title", index); return 0; } // AddToAutodoc, WriteAutodoc int CMacCmd::AddToAutodoc(void) { int index, index2; if (!mWinApp->mStoreMRC) ABORT_LINE("There is no open image file for: \n\n"); if (mBufferManager->CheckAsyncSaving()) ABORT_NOLINE("There was an error writing to file.\n" "Not adding to the autodoc because it would go into the wrong section"); index = mWinApp->mStoreMRC->GetAdocIndex(); index2 = mWinApp->mStoreMRC->getDepth(); if (index < 0) ABORT_LINE("There is no .mdoc file for the current image file for: \n\n"); if (AdocGetMutexSetCurrent(index) < 0) ABORT_LINE("Error making autodoc be the current one for: \n\n"); if (CMD_IS(ADDTOAUTODOC)) { SubstituteLineStripItems(mStrLine, 2, mStrCopy); if (!mRunningScrpLang) mParamIO->ParseString(mStrLine, mStrItems, MAX_MACRO_TOKENS, mParseQuotes); if (AdocSetKeyValue( index2 ? B3DCHOICE(mWinApp->mStoreMRC->getStoreType() == STORE_TYPE_ADOC, ADOC_IMAGE, ADOC_ZVALUE) : ADOC_GLOBAL, index2 ? index2 - 1 : 0, (LPCTSTR)mStrItems[1], (LPCTSTR)mStrCopy)) { AdocReleaseMutex(); ABORT_LINE("Error adding string to autodoc file for: \n\n"); } } else if (AdocWrite((char * )(LPCTSTR)mWinApp->mStoreMRC->getAdocName()) < 0) { AdocReleaseMutex(); ABORT_NOLINE("Error writing to autodoc file"); } AdocReleaseMutex(); return 0; } // AddToFrameMdoc, WriteFrameMdoc int CMacCmd::AddToFrameMdoc(void) { int index; const char * frameMsg[] = { "There is no autodoc for frames open in:\n\n", "Error selecting frame .mdoc as current autodoc in:\n\n", "There is no current section to add to in frame .mdoc for:\n\n", "Error adding to frame .mdoc in:\n\n", "Error writing to frame .mdoc in:\n\n" }; if (CMD_IS(ADDTOFRAMEMDOC)) { SubstituteLineStripItems(mStrLine, 2, mStrCopy); if (!mRunningScrpLang) mParamIO->ParseString(mStrLine, mStrItems, MAX_MACRO_TOKENS, mParseQuotes); index = mDocWnd->AddValueToFrameMdoc(mStrItems[1], mStrCopy); } else { index = mDocWnd->WriteFrameMdoc(); } if (index > 0) ABORT_LINE(CString(frameMsg[index - 1])); return 0; } // ReportFrameMdocOpen int CMacCmd::ReportFrameMdocOpen(void) { int index; index = mDocWnd->GetFrameAdocIndex() >= 0 ? 1 : 0; SetRepValsAndVars(1, index); mLogRpt.Format("Autodoc for frames %s open", index ? "IS" : "is NOT"); return 0; } // DeferWritingFrameMdoc int CMacCmd::DeferWritingFrameMdoc(void) { mDocWnd->SetDeferWritingFrameMdoc(true); return 0; } // OpenFrameMdoc int CMacCmd::OpenFrameMdoc(void) { CString report; SubstituteVariables(&mStrLine, 1, mStrLine); if (mDocWnd->GetFrameAdocIndex() >= 0) ABORT_LINE("The frame mdoc file is already open for line:\n\n"); if (CheckConvertFilename(mStrItems, mStrLine, 1, report)) return 1; if (mDocWnd->DoOpenFrameMdoc(report)) SUSPEND_LINE("because of error opening frame mdoc file in statement:\n\n") return 0; } // CloseFrameMdoc int CMacCmd::CloseFrameMdoc(void) { if (mItemInt[1] && mDocWnd->GetFrameAdocIndex() < 0) ABORT_LINE("There is no frame mdoc file open for line:\n\n"); mDocWnd->DoCloseFrameMdoc(); return 0; } // AddToNextFrameStackMdoc, StartNextFrameStackMdoc int CMacCmd::AddToNextFrameStackMdoc(void) { CString report; bool doBack; doBack = CMD_IS(STARTNEXTFRAMESTACKMDOC); SubstituteLineStripItems(mStrLine, 2, mStrCopy); if (!mRunningScrpLang) mParamIO->ParseString(mStrLine, mStrItems, MAX_MACRO_TOKENS, mParseQuotes); if (mCamera->AddToNextFrameStackMdoc(mStrItems[1], mStrCopy, doBack, &report)) ABORT_LINE(report + " in:\n\n"); return 0; } // AlignWholeTSOnly int CMacCmd::AlignWholeTSOnly(void) { int index; index = (mItemEmpty[1] || mItemInt[1] != 0) ? 1 : 0; if (mCamera->IsConSetSaving(&mConSets[RECORD_CONSET], RECORD_CONSET, mCamParams, false) && (mConSets[RECORD_CONSET].alignFrames || !index) && mConSets[RECORD_CONSET].useFrameAlign > 1 && mCamera->GetAlignWholeSeriesInIMOD()) { if (index && !mWinApp->mStoreMRC) ABORT_LINE("There must be an output file before this command can be used:\n\n"); if (index && mWinApp->mStoreMRC->GetAdocIndex() < 0) ABORT_NOLINE("The output file was not opened with an associated .mdoc\r\n" "file, which is required to align whole tilt series in IMOD"); SaveControlSet(RECORD_CONSET); mConSets[RECORD_CONSET].alignFrames = 1 - index; mAlignWholeTSOnly = index > 0; } else index = 0; SetReportedValues(index); return 0; } // WriteComForTSAlign int CMacCmd::WriteComForTSAlign(void) { if (mAlignWholeTSOnly) { mConSets[RECORD_CONSET].alignFrames = 1; if (mCamera->MakeMdocFrameAlignCom("")) ABORT_NOLINE("Problem writing com file for aligning whole tilt series"); mConSets[RECORD_CONSET].alignFrames = 0; } return 0; } // SaveLogOpenNew, CloseLogOpenNew int CMacCmd::SaveLogOpenNew(void) { CString report; BOOL truth; truth = CMD_IS(CLOSELOGOPENNEW); if (mWinApp->mLogWindow) { report = mWinApp->mLogWindow->GetSaveFile(); if (!report.IsEmpty()) mWinApp->mLogWindow->DoSave(); else if ((!truth || mItemEmpty[1] || !mItemInt[1]) && mWinApp->mLogWindow->AskIfSave("closing and opening it again?")) { AbortMacro(); return 1; } mWinApp->mLogWindow->SetUnsaved(false); mWinApp->mLogWindow->CloseLog(); } mWinApp->AppendToLog(mDocWnd->DateTimeForTitle()); if (!mItemEmpty[1] && !truth) { SubstituteLineStripItems(mStrLine, 1, report); mWinApp->mLogWindow->UpdateSaveFile(true, report); } return 0; } // SaveLog int CMacCmd::SaveLog(void) { CString report; if (!mWinApp->mLogWindow) ABORT_LINE("The log window must already be open for line:\n\n"); if (mItemEmpty[2]) { report = mWinApp->mLogWindow->GetSaveFile(); if (!report.IsEmpty()) mWinApp->mLogWindow->DoSave(); else mWinApp->OnFileSavelog(); } else { SubstituteLineStripItems(mStrLine, 2, report); if (!mWinApp->mLogWindow->UpdateSaveFile(true, report, true, mItemInt[1] != 0)) mWinApp->mLogWindow->DoSave(); } return 0; } // DeferLogUpdates int CMacCmd::DeferLogUpdates(void) { mDeferLogUpdates = mItemEmpty[1] || mItemInt[1] != 0;; if (!mDeferLogUpdates && mWinApp->mLogWindow) mWinApp->mLogWindow->FlushDeferredLines(); return 0; } // DeferSettingsUpdate int CMacCmd::DeferSettingsUpdate() { mDeferSettingsUpdate = true; return 0; } // SaveCalibrations int CMacCmd::SaveCalibrations(void) { if (mWinApp->GetAdministrator()) mDocWnd->SaveCalibrations(); else mWinApp->AppendToLog("Calibrations NOT saved from script, administrator mode " "not enabled", mLogInfoAction); return 0; } // SaveSettings int CMacCmd::SaveSettings(void) { if (mDocWnd->ExtSaveSettings()) ABORT_LINE("Failed to save settings for line:\n\n"); return 0; } // LoadSettingsFile int CMacCmd::LoadSettingsFile(void) { CString curFile = mDocWnd->GetCurrentSettingsPath(); SubstituteLineStripItems(mStrLine, 1, mStrCopy); if (mDocWnd->GetSettingsOpen() && !curFile.IsEmpty()) mWinApp->mParamIO->WriteSettings(curFile); mDocWnd->ReadNewSettingsFile(mStrCopy); return 0; } // SetProperty int CMacCmd::SetProperty(void) { if (mParamIO->MacroSetProperty(mStrItems[1], mItemDbl[2])) AbortMacro(); return 0; } // ReportUserSetting, ReportProperty int CMacCmd::ReportUserSetting(void) { BOOL truth; double delX; truth = CMD_IS(REPORTPROPERTY); mStrCopy = truth ? "property" : "user setting"; if ((!truth && mParamIO->MacroGetSetting(mStrItems[1], delX)) || (truth && mParamIO->MacroGetProperty(mStrItems[1], delX))) ABORT_LINE(mStrItems[1] + " is not a recognized " + mStrCopy + " or cannot be " "accessed by script command in:\n\n"); SetRepValsAndVars(2, delX); mLogRpt.Format("Value of %s %s is %g", (LPCTSTR)mStrCopy, (LPCTSTR)mStrItems[1], delX); return 0; } // ReportCameraProperty, SetCameraProperty int CMacCmd::ReportCameraProperty(void) { double value; bool setProp = CMD_IS(SETCAMERAPROPERTY); if (mItemInt[1]) { if (mItemInt[1] < 0 || mItemInt[1] > mWinApp->GetActiveCamListSize()) ABORT_LINE("Active camera number is out of range in:\n\n") mCamParams = mWinApp->GetCamParams() + mActiveList[mItemInt[1] - 1]; } if ((setProp && mParamIO->MacroSetCamProperty(mCamParams, mStrItems[2], mItemDbl[3])) || (!setProp && mParamIO->MacroGetCamProperty(mCamParams, mStrItems[2], value))) ABORT_LINE(mStrItems[2] + " is not a recognized camera property or cannot be " "accessed by script command in:\n\n"); if (!setProp) { SetRepValsAndVars(3, value); mLogRpt.Format("Value of camera property %s is %g", (LPCTSTR)mStrItems[2], value); } return 0; } // SetUserSetting int CMacCmd::SetUserSetting(void) { BOOL truth; double delX; int index; if (mParamIO->MacroGetSetting(mStrItems[1], delX) || mParamIO->MacroSetSetting(mStrItems[1], mItemDbl[2])) ABORT_LINE(mStrItems[1] + " is not a recognized setting or cannot be set by " "script command in:\n\n"); if (!mDeferSettingsUpdate) mWinApp->UpdateWindowSettings(); // See if property already saved truth = false; for (index = 0; index < (int)mSavedSettingNames.size(); index++) { if (mStrItems[1].CompareNoCase(mSavedSettingNames[index].c_str()) == 0) { truth = true; break; } } // If old value should be saved, either replace existing new value or push old and new if (mItemEmpty[3] || !mItemInt[3]) { if (truth) { mNewSettingValues[index] = mItemDbl[2]; } else { mSavedSettingNames.push_back(std::string((LPCTSTR)mStrItems[1])); mSavedSettingValues.push_back(delX); mNewSettingValues.push_back(mItemDbl[2]); } } else if (truth) { // Otherwise get rid of a saved value if new value being kept mSavedSettingNames.erase(mSavedSettingNames.begin() + index); mSavedSettingValues.erase(mSavedSettingValues.begin() + index); mNewSettingValues.erase(mNewSettingValues.begin() + index); } return 0; } // SetDebugOutput int CMacCmd::SetDebugOutput() { mWinApp->SetDebugOutput(mStrItems[1]); return 0; } // Copy int CMacCmd::Copy(void) { CString report; EMimageBuffer *imBuf; int index, index2; if (ConvertBufferLetter(mStrItems[1], -1, true, index, report, true)) ABORT_LINE(report); if (ConvertBufferLetter(mStrItems[2], -1, false, index2, report)) ABORT_LINE(report); imBuf = ImBufForIndex(index); if (mBufferManager->CopyImBuf(imBuf, &mImBufs[index2])) SUSPEND_LINE("because of buffer copy failure in statement: \n\n"); return 0; } // Show, SetBufZoomAndCenter int CMacCmd::Show(void) { CString report; int index, nx, ny, xoff = 0, yoff = 0; if (ConvertBufferLetter(mStrItems[1], -1, true, index, report)) ABORT_LINE(report); mWinApp->SetCurrentBuffer(index); if (CMD_IS(SHOW)) return 0; if (!mItemEmpty[4]) { mImBufs[index].mImage->getSize(nx, ny); if (mItemInt[3] >= 0 && mItemInt[3] <= nx) xoff = (nx / 2) - mItemInt[3]; if (mItemInt[4] >= 0 && mItemInt[4] <= ny) yoff = mItemInt[4] - (ny / 2); mWinApp->mMainView->SetOffsets(xoff, yoff); } mWinApp->mMainView->SetZoom(mItemDbl[2]); return 0; } // ReportCurrentBuffer int CMacCmd::ReportCurrentBuffer(void) { int index, isImage; CString letString; EMimageBuffer *imBuf; index = mWinApp->mMainView->GetImBufIndex(); imBuf = ImBufForIndex(index); isImage = (imBuf->mImage != NULL) ? 1 : 0 ; char letter = 'A' + index; letString = letter; SetOneReportedValue(&mStrItems[1], letString, 1); SetOneReportedValue(&mStrItems[1], isImage, 2); mLogRpt.Format("Current buffer is %s and%s empty", letString, isImage ? " not" : ""); return 0; } // ReportActiveViewTitle int CMacCmd::ReportActiveViewTitle(void) { CChildFrame *parent = (CChildFrame *)(mWinApp->mActiveView->GetParent()); parent->GetWindowTextA(mStrCopy); mLogRpt = "The active view is: " + mStrCopy; SetOneReportedValue(&mStrItems[1], mStrCopy, 1); return 0; } // SetActiveViewByTitle int CMacCmd::SetActiveViewByTitle(void) { CString title; int repval = 1; SubstituteLineStripItems(mStrLine, 1, mStrCopy); // Here is how to get the MDI client of mainFrame and loop on its child frames HWND hWnd = mWinApp->mMainFrame->m_hWndMDIClient; CWnd* clientWnd = CWnd::FromHandle(hWnd); for (CWnd *pWnd = clientWnd->GetWindow(GW_CHILD); pWnd != NULL; pWnd = pWnd->GetNextWindow(GW_HWNDNEXT)) { CChildFrame *child = (CChildFrame *)pWnd; child->GetWindowTextA(title); if (title == mStrCopy) { repval = 0; child->MDIActivate(); break; } } SetReportedValues(repval); return 0; } // AddBufToStackWindow int CMacCmd::AddBufToStackWindow() { int index, angleOrder = 0, nx, ny, maxSize = mItemInt[2]; if (ConvertBufferLetter(mStrItems[1], 0, true, index, mStrCopy)) ABORT_LINE(mStrCopy); if (maxSize <= 10) { mImBufs[index].mImage->getSize(nx, ny); maxSize = B3DMAX(nx, ny); } if (!mItemEmpty[5]) { angleOrder = mItemInt[5]; B3DCLAMP(angleOrder, -1, 1); } mScriptWindowTitle = "Script Stack"; if (!mItemEmpty[6]) SubstituteLineStripItems(mStrLine, 5, mScriptWindowTitle); index = mBufferManager->AddToStackWindow(index, maxSize, mItemInt[3], mItemEmpty[4] && mItemInt[4] != 0, angleOrder); mScriptWindowTitle = ""; if (index) ABORT_NOLINE("Program error: error returned trying to add image to stack window"); return 0; } // CloseStackWindow int CMacCmd::CloseStackWindow() { if (mWinApp->mStackView) mWinApp->mStackView->CloseFrame(); return 0; } // ChangeFocus int CMacCmd::ChangeFocus(void) { if (mItemDbl[1] == 0.0 || mItemEmpty[1] || fabs(mItemDbl[1]) > 1000.) ABORT_LINE("Improper focus change in statement: \n\n"); mScope->IncDefocus(mItemDbl[1]); return 0; } // SetDefocus int CMacCmd::SetDefocus(void) { if (mItemEmpty[1] || fabs(mItemDbl[1]) > 5000.) ABORT_LINE("Improper focus setting in statement: \n\n"); mScope->SetDefocus(mItemDbl[1]); return 0; } // SetStandardFocus, SetAbsoluteFocus int CMacCmd::SetStandardFocus(void) { mScope->SetFocus(mItemDbl[1]); return 0; } // SetEucentricFocus int CMacCmd::SetEucentricFocus(void) { double delX; int index; double *focTab = mScope->GetLMFocusTable(); index = mScope->GetMagIndex(); if (index <= 0 || mWinApp->GetSTEMMode()) ABORT_NOLINE("You cannot set eucentric focus in diffraction or STEM mode"); delX = focTab[index * 2 + mScope->GetProbeMode()]; if (delX < -900.) delX = mScope->GetStandardLMFocus(index); if (delX < -900.) { mLogRpt = "There is no standard/eucentric focus defined for the current mag range"; if (mItemEmpty[1] || !mItemInt[1]) ABORT_NOLINE(mLogRpt); index = -1; } else { mScope->SetFocus(delX); if (focTab[index * 2 + mScope->GetProbeMode()] < -900. && !JEOLscope && index >= mScope->GetLowestMModeMagInd()) mWinApp->AppendToLog("WARNING: Setting eucentric focus using a calibrated " "standard focus\r\n from the nearest mag, not the current mag"); index = 0; } SetReportedValues(index); return 0; } // CalEucentricFocus int CMacCmd::CalEucentricFocus(void) { if (mWinApp->mMenuTargets.DoCalibrateStandardLMfocus(true)) ABORT_NOLINE("You cannot calibrate eucentric focus in diffraction or STEM mode"); return 0; } // IncTargetDefocus int CMacCmd::IncTargetDefocus(void) { double delX; if (fabs(mItemDbl[1]) > 100.) ABORT_LINE("Change in target defocus too large in statement: \n\n"); delX = mFocusManager->GetTargetDefocus(); mFocusManager->SetTargetDefocus((float)(delX + mItemDbl[1])); mWinApp->mAlignFocusWindow.UpdateSettings(); return 0; } // SetTargetDefocus int CMacCmd::SetTargetDefocus(void) { if (mItemDbl[1] < -200. || mItemDbl[1] > 50.) ABORT_LINE("Target defocus too large in statement: \n\n"); mFocusManager->SetTargetDefocus(mItemFlt[1]); mWinApp->mAlignFocusWindow.UpdateSettings(); return 0; } // CycleTargetDefocus int CMacCmd::CycleTargetDefocus(void) { float target = mFocusManager->GetTargetDefocus(); float step, origTarget = target, startDef = mItemFlt[1], endDef = mItemFlt[2]; float minDef = B3DMIN(startDef, endDef); float maxDef = B3DMAX(startDef, endDef); if (mItemInt[3] <= 0) ABORT_LINE("Number of steps must be positive for line:\n\n"); step = (endDef - startDef) / mItemInt[3]; if (target < minDef - 0.2 * fabs(step)) { target = minDef; } else if (target > maxDef + 0.2 * fabs(step)) { target = maxDef; } else { B3DCLAMP(target, minDef, maxDef); target += step; if (target < minDef - 0.2 * fabs(step)) target = maxDef; else if (target > maxDef + 0.2 * fabs(step)) target = minDef; } mFocusManager->SetTargetDefocus(target); if (mItemInt[4]) mScope->IncDefocus(target - origTarget); mLogRpt.Format("Target defocus set to %.2f microns", target); return 0; } // ReportAutofocusOffset int CMacCmd::ReportAutofocusOffset(void) { double delX; delX = mFocusManager->GetDefocusOffset(); mStrCopy.Format("Autofocus offset is: %.2f um", delX); mWinApp->AppendToLog(mStrCopy, mLogAction); SetRepValsAndVars(1, delX); return 0; } // SetAutofocusOffset int CMacCmd::SetAutofocusOffset(void) { if (mItemDbl[1] < -200. || mItemDbl[1] > 200.) ABORT_LINE("Autofocus offset too large in statement: \n\n"); if (mFocusOffsetToRestore < -9000.) { mFocusOffsetToRestore = mFocusManager->GetDefocusOffset(); mNumStatesToRestore++; } mFocusManager->SetDefocusOffset(mItemFlt[1]); return 0; } // SetObjFocus int CMacCmd::SetObjFocus(void) { CString report; double delX, delY; int index; index = mItemInt[1]; delX = mScope->GetDefocus(); mScope->SetObjFocus(index); delY = mScope->GetDefocus(); report.Format("Defocus before = %.4f after = %.4f", delX, delY); mWinApp->AppendToLog(report, mLogInfoAction); return 0; } // SetDiffractionFocus int CMacCmd::SetDiffractionFocus(void) { mScope->SetDiffractionFocus(mItemDbl[1]); UpdateLDAreaIfSaved(); return 0; } // ResetDefocus int CMacCmd::ResetDefocus(void) { if (!mScope->ResetDefocus()) AbortMacro(); return 0; } // SetMag int CMacCmd::SetMag(void) { int index, i; index = B3DNINT(mItemDbl[1]); if (!mItemEmpty[2] && mWinApp->GetSTEMMode()) { mScope->SetSTEMMagnification(mItemDbl[1]); } else { i = FindIndexForMagValue(index, -1, -2); if (!i) ABORT_LINE("The value is not near enough to an existing mag in:\n\n"); mScope->SetMagOrAdjustLDArea(i); UpdateLDAreaIfSaved(); } return 0; } // SetMagIndex int CMacCmd::SetMagIndex(void) { double delX; int index; index = mItemInt[1]; if (index <= 0 || index >= MAX_MAGS) ABORT_LINE("Invalid magnification index in:\n\n"); delX = mCamParams->GIF ? mMagTab[index].EFTEMmag : mMagTab[index].mag; if (mCamParams->STEMcamera) delX = mMagTab[index].STEMmag; if (!delX) ABORT_LINE("There is a zero in the magnification table at the index given in:\n\n"); mScope->SetMagOrAdjustLDArea(index); UpdateLDAreaIfSaved(); return 0; } // ChangeMag, IncMagIfFoundPixel int CMacCmd::ChangeMag(void) { BOOL truth; int index, index2, ix0, iy0; index = mScope->GetMagIndex(); if (!index) SUSPEND_NOLINE("because you cannot use ChangeMag in diffraction mode"); iy0 = mCurrentCam; ix0 = B3DNINT(mItemDbl[1]); if (!CMD_IS(CHANGEMAG)) { ix0 = mItemDbl[1] < 0 ? - 1 : 1; truth = mProcessImage->GetFoundPixelSize(iy0, index) > 0.; SetReportedValues(truth ? 1. : 0.); } if (CMD_IS(CHANGEMAG) || truth) { index2 = mWinApp->FindNextMagForCamera(iy0, index, ix0); if (index2 < 0) ABORT_LINE("Improper mag change in statement: \n\n"); mScope->SetMagOrAdjustLDArea(index2); } UpdateLDAreaIfSaved(); return 0; } // ChangeMagAndIntensity, SetMagAndIntensity int CMacCmd::ChangeMagAndIntensity(void) { double delISX, delISY, delX, delY; int index, index2, i; // Get starting and ending mag index = mScope->GetMagIndex(); if (!index || mScope->GetSTEMmode()) SUSPEND_NOLINE("because you cannot use Change/SetMagAndIntensity in diffraction" " or STEM mode"); if (CMD_IS(CHANGEMAGANDINTENSITY)) { index2 = mWinApp->FindNextMagForCamera(mCurrentCam, index, B3DNINT(mItemDbl[1])); if (mItemEmpty[1] || index2 < 1) ABORT_LINE("Improper mag change in statement: \n\n"); } else { i = B3DNINT(mItemDbl[1]); index2 = FindIndexForMagValue(i, -1, -2); if (!index2) ABORT_LINE("The value is not near enough to an existing mag in:\n\n"); } // Get the intensity and change in intensity delISX = mScope->GetIntensity(); delISX = mScope->GetC2Percent(mScope->FastSpotSize(), delISX); i = mCurrentCam; delISY = pow((double)mShiftManager->GetPixelSize(i, index) / mShiftManager->GetPixelSize(i, index2), 2.); i = mWinApp->mBeamAssessor->AssessBeamChange(delISY, delX, delY, -1); if (CheckIntensityChangeReturn(i)) return 1; // Change the mag then the intensity mScope->SetMagOrAdjustLDArea(index2); if (!i) mScope->DelayedSetIntensity(delX, GetTickCount()); mStrCopy.Format("%s before mag change %.3f%s, remaining factor of change " "needed %.3f", mScope->GetC2Name(), delISX, mScope->GetC2Units(), delY); mWinApp->AppendToLog(mStrCopy, mLogAction); SetReportedValues(delISX, delY); UpdateLDAreaIfSaved(); return 0; } // SetCamLenIndex int CMacCmd::SetCamLenIndex(void) { int index; index = B3DNINT(mItemDbl[1]); if (mItemEmpty[1] || index < 1) ABORT_LINE("Improper camera length index in statement: \n\n"); if (!mScope->SetCamLenIndex(index)) ABORT_LINE("Error setting camera length index in statement: \n\n"); UpdateLDAreaIfSaved(); return 0; } // SetSpotSize int CMacCmd::SetSpotSize(void) { int index; index = B3DNINT(mItemDbl[1]); if (mItemEmpty[1] || index < mScope->GetMinSpotSize() || index > mScope->GetNumSpotSizes(-1)) ABORT_LINE("Improper spot size in statement: \n\n"); if (!mScope->SetSpotSize(index)) { AbortMacro(); return 1; } UpdateLDAreaIfSaved(); return 0; } // SetProbeMode int CMacCmd::SetProbeMode(void) { int index; BOOL inSTEM; if (FEIscope) { index = mScope->GetMagIndex(); inSTEM = mScope->GetSTEMmode(); if ((inSTEM && mScope->MagIsInFeiLMSTEM(index)) || (!inSTEM && index && index < mScope->GetLowestMModeMagInd())) mWinApp->AppendToLog("WARNING: Setting probe mode has no effect in LM"); } if (mItem1upper.Find("MICRO") == 0 || mItem1upper == "1") index = 1; else if (mItem1upper.Find("NANO") == 0 || mItem1upper == "0") index = 0; else ABORT_LINE("Probe mode must be 0, 1, nano, or micro in statement: \n\n"); if (!mScope->SetProbeOrAdjustLDArea(index)) { AbortMacro(); return 1; } UpdateLDAreaIfSaved(); return 0; } // Delay int CMacCmd::Delay(void) { double delISX; static bool warnedUnits = false; if (mStrItems[2].IsEmpty() && !warnedUnits) { mWinApp->AppendToLog("WARNING: Using \'Delay\' without a units entry is not" " recommended and may not be supported in a future version"); warnedUnits = true; } delISX = mItemDbl[1]; if (!mStrItems[2].CompareNoCase("MSEC") || !mStrItems[2].CompareNoCase("MS")) mSleepTime = delISX; else if (!mStrItems[2].CompareNoCase("SEC")|| !mStrItems[2].CompareNoCase("S")) mSleepTime = 1000. * delISX; else if (!mStrItems[2].CompareNoCase("MIN")) mSleepTime = 60000. * delISX; else if (delISX > 60) mSleepTime = delISX; else mSleepTime = 1000. * delISX; mSleepStart = GetTickCount(); if (mSleepTime > 3000) mWinApp->SetStatusText(SIMPLE_PANE, "WAITING FOR DELAY"); return 0; } // WaitForMidnight int CMacCmd::WaitForMidnight(void) { CString report; double delISX, delISY, delX, delY; int ix0, ix1; // Get the times before and after the target time and the alternative target delX = delY = 5.; if (!mItemEmpty[1]) delX = mItemDbl[1]; if (!mItemEmpty[2]) delY = mItemDbl[2]; ix0 = 24; ix1 = 0; if (!mItemEmpty[3] && !mItemEmpty[4]) { ix0 = mItemInt[3]; ix1 = mItemInt[4]; } // Compute minutes into the day and the interval from now to the target CTime time = CTime::GetCurrentTime(); delISX = time.GetHour() * 60 + time.GetMinute() + time.GetSecond() / 60.; delISY = ix0 * 60 + ix1 - delISX; // If within the window at all, set up the sleep if (delISY + delY > 0 && delISY < delX) { mSleepTime = 60000. * (delISY + delY); mSleepStart = GetTickCount(); report.Format("Sleeping until %.1f minutes after ", delY); mStrCopy = "midnight"; if (!mItemEmpty[4]) mStrCopy.Format("%02d:%02d", ix0, ix1); mWinApp->AppendToLog(report + mStrCopy, mLogAction); mStrCopy.MakeUpper(); report.Format(" + %.0f", delY); mWinApp->SetStatusText(SIMPLE_PANE, "WAIT TO " + mStrCopy); } return 0; } // WaitForDose int CMacCmd::WaitForDose(void) { mDoseTarget = mItemDbl[1]; mNumDoseReports = 10; if (!mItemEmpty[2]) mNumDoseReports = B3DMAX(1, mItemInt[2]); mWinApp->mScopeStatus.SetWatchDose(true); mDoseStart = mWinApp->mScopeStatus.GetFullCumDose(); mDoseNextReport = mDoseTarget / (mNumDoseReports * 10); mDoseTime = GetTickCount(); mWinApp->SetStatusText(SIMPLE_PANE, "WAITING FOR DOSE"); return 0; } // WaitForNewMarkerPoint int CMacCmd::WaitForNewMarkerPoint() { EMimageBuffer *imBuf = mWinApp->GetActiveNonStackImBuf(); if (!imBuf->mImage) ABORT_LINE("The active buffer has no image for line:\n\n"); mMarkerTimeStamp = imBuf->mTimeStamp; mStartedWithMarker = imBuf->mHasUserPt; mOldMarkerX = imBuf->mUserPtX; mOldMarkerY = imBuf->mUserPtY; mMarkerImageCapFlag = imBuf->mCaptured; mWaitingForMarker = true; mWinApp->SetStatusText(SIMPLE_PANE, "SET NEW MARKER"); return 0; } // ScreenUp int CMacCmd::ScreenUp(void) { mScope->SetScreenPos(spUp); mMovedScreen = true; return 0; } // ScreenDown int CMacCmd::ScreenDown(void) { mScope->SetScreenPos(spDown); mMovedScreen = true; return 0; } // ReportScreen int CMacCmd::ReportScreen(void) { int index; index = mScope->GetScreenPos() == spDown ? 1 : 0; mLogRpt.Format("Screen is %s", index ? "DOWN" : "UP"); SetRepValsAndVars(1, index); return 0; } // ReportScreenCurrent int CMacCmd::ReportScreenCurrent(void) { double delX; delX = mScope->GetScreenCurrent(); mLogRpt.Format("Screen current is %.3f nA", delX); SetRepValsAndVars(1, delX); return 0; } // ReportBeamStopPosition int CMacCmd::ReportBeamStopPosition() { const char *posName[] = {"has unknown position", "is retracted", "is inserted", "is inserted halfway", "is moving"}; int pos = mScope->GetBeamStopPos(); if (pos < -1) return 1; mLogRpt.Format("The beam stop %s", posName[B3DMIN(4, pos + 1)]); SetRepValsAndVars(1, pos); return 0; } // SetBeamStopPosition int CMacCmd::SetBeamStopPosition() { if (!mScope->SetBeamStopPos(mItemInt[1] ? 1 : 0)) return 1; mMovedAperture = true; return 0; } // ImageShiftByPixels int CMacCmd::ImageShiftByPixels(void) { CString report; ScaleMat bInv; double delISX, delISY; int index, index2, ix1; bInv = mShiftManager->CameraToIS(mScope->GetMagIndex()); ix1 = BinDivisorI(mCamParams); index = B3DNINT(mItemDbl[1] * ix1); index2 = B3DNINT(mItemDbl[2] * ix1); delISX = bInv.xpx * index + bInv.xpy * index2; delISY = bInv.ypx * index + bInv.ypy * index2; if (TestIncrementalImageShift(delISX, delISY)) return 0; if (AdjustBTApplyISSetDelay(delISX, delISY, mItemInt[4], !mItemEmpty[3], mItemDbl[3], report)) ABORT_LINE(report); return 0; } // ImageShiftByUnits int CMacCmd::ImageShiftByUnits(void) { CString report; ScaleMat aMat; double delISX, delISY, delX, delY, specDist; delISX = mItemDbl[1]; delISY = mItemDbl[2]; if (TestIncrementalImageShift(delISX, delISY)) return 0; if (AdjustBTApplyISSetDelay(delISX, delISY, mItemInt[4], !mItemEmpty[3], mItemDbl[3], report)) ABORT_LINE(report); // Report distance on specimen aMat = mShiftManager->IStoSpecimen(mScope->GetMagIndex()); delX = aMat.xpx * delISX + aMat.xpy * delISY; delY = aMat.ypx * delISX + aMat.ypy * delISY; specDist = 1000. * sqrt(delX * delX + delY * delY); mStrCopy.Format("%.1f nm shifted on specimen", specDist); mWinApp->AppendToLog(mStrCopy, mLogInfoAction); return 0; } // ImageShiftByMicrons int CMacCmd::ImageShiftByMicrons(void) { CString report; ScaleMat aMat, bInv; double delISX, delISY, delX, delY; delX = mItemDbl[1]; delY = mItemDbl[2]; aMat = mShiftManager->IStoSpecimen(mScope->GetMagIndex()); bInv = mShiftManager->MatInv(aMat); delISX = bInv.xpx * delX + bInv.xpy * delY; delISY = bInv.ypx * delX + bInv.ypy * delY; if (TestIncrementalImageShift(delISX, delISY)) return 0; if (AdjustBTApplyISSetDelay(delISX, delISY, mItemInt[4], !mItemEmpty[3], mItemDbl[3], report)) ABORT_LINE(report); return 0; } // ImageShiftByStageDiff int CMacCmd::ImageShiftByStageDiff(void) { CString report; ScaleMat aMat, bInv; double delISX, delISY; int index; float backlashX, backlashY; mShiftManager->GetStageTiltFactors(backlashX, backlashY); index = mScope->GetMagIndex(); aMat = mShiftManager->StageToCamera(mCurrentCam, index); bInv = MatMul(aMat, mShiftManager->CameraToIS(index)); ApplyScaleMatrix(bInv, mItemFlt[1] * backlashX, mItemFlt[2] *backlashY, delISX, delISY); if (TestIncrementalImageShift(delISX, delISY)) return 0; if (AdjustBTApplyISSetDelay(delISX, delISY, mItemInt[4], !mItemEmpty[3], mItemDbl[3], report)) ABORT_LINE(report); return 0; } // ImageShiftToLastMultiHole int CMacCmd::ImageShiftToLastMultiHole(void) { float backlashX, backlashY; mWinApp->mParticleTasks->GetLastHoleImageShift(backlashX, backlashY); mScope->IncImageShift(backlashX, backlashY); return 0; } // ShiftImageForDrift int CMacCmd::ShiftImageForDrift(void) { mCamera->QueueDriftRate(mItemDbl[1], mItemDbl[2], mItemInt[3] != 0); return 0; } // ShiftCalSkipLensNorm int CMacCmd::ShiftCalSkipLensNorm(void) { mWinApp->mShiftCalibrator->SetSkipLensNormNextIScal(mItemEmpty[1] || mItemInt[1] != 0); return 0; } // CalibrateImageShift int CMacCmd::CalibrateImageShift(void) { int index; index = 0; if (mItemInt[1]) index = -1; mWinApp->mShiftCalibrator->CalibrateIS(index, false, true); return 0; } // CalibrateHighFocusIS int CMacCmd::CalibrateHighFocusIS(void) { if (mItemFlt[1] > 0) ABORT_LINE("The current defocus should be negative for line:\n\n"); if (!mItemEmpty[2] && mItemDbl[2]) mScope->IncDefocus(mItemDbl[2]); if (mWinApp->mShiftCalibrator->CalibrateISatHighDefocus(false, mItemFlt[1])) { AbortMacro(); return 1; } return 0; } // CalibrateHighFocusMag int CMacCmd::CalibrateHighFocusMag() { float scale, rotation; if (mWinApp->mShiftCalibrator->CalibrateHighDefocus(mItemInt[1] != 0 ? 2 : 1, &scale, &rotation)) { AbortMacro(); return 1; } SetRepValsAndVars(2, scale, rotation); return 0; } // ReportFocusDrift int CMacCmd::ReportFocusDrift(void) { double delX, delY; if (mFocusManager->GetLastDrift(delX, delY)) ABORT_LINE("No drift available from last autofocus for statement: \n\n"); mStrCopy.Format("Last drift in autofocus: %.3f %.3f nm/sec", delX, delY); mWinApp->AppendToLog(mStrCopy, mLogAction); SetRepValsAndVars(1, delX, delY); return 0; } // TestSTEMshift int CMacCmd::TestSTEMshift(void) { mScope->TestSTEMshift(mItemInt[1], mItemInt[2], mItemInt[3]); return 0; } // QuickFlyback int CMacCmd::QuickFlyback(void) { int index; index = CString("VFTRP").Find(mStrItems[1].Left(1)); if (index < 0) ABORT_NOLINE("QuickFlyback must be followed by one of V, F, T, R, or P"); if (!(mCamParams->STEMcamera && mCamParams->FEItype)) ABORT_NOLINE("QuickFlyback can be run only if the current camera is an FEI STEM" " camera") mWinApp->mCalibTiming->CalibrateTiming(index, mItemFlt[2], false); return 0; } // ReportAutoFocus int CMacCmd::ReportAutoFocus(void) { double delX; int index, index2; delX = mFocusManager->GetCurrentDefocus(); index = mFocusManager->GetLastFailed() ? - 1 : 0; index2 = mFocusManager->GetLastAborted(); if (index2) index = index2; if (index) mStrCopy.Format("Last autofocus FAILED with error type %d", index); else mStrCopy.Format("Last defocus in autofocus: %.2f um", delX); mWinApp->AppendToLog(mStrCopy, mLogAction); SetRepValsAndVars(1, delX, (double)index); return 0; } // ReportTargetDefocus int CMacCmd::ReportTargetDefocus(void) { double delX; delX = mFocusManager->GetTargetDefocus(); mStrCopy.Format("Target defocus is: %.2f um", delX); mWinApp->AppendToLog(mStrCopy, mLogAction); SetRepValsAndVars(1, delX); return 0; } // SetBeamShift int CMacCmd::SetBeamShift(void) { double delX, delY; delX = mItemDbl[1]; delY = mItemDbl[2]; if (!mScope->SetBeamShift(delX, delY)) { AbortMacro(); return 1; } return 0; } // MoveBeamByMicrons int CMacCmd::MoveBeamByMicrons(void) { if (mProcessImage->MoveBeam(NULL, mItemFlt[1], mItemFlt[2])) ABORT_LINE("Either an image shift or a beam shift calibration is not available for" " line:\n\n"); return 0; } // MoveBeamByFieldFraction int CMacCmd::MoveBeamByFieldFraction(void) { if (mProcessImage->MoveBeamByCameraFraction(mItemFlt[1], mItemFlt[2])) ABORT_LINE("Either an image shift or a beam shift calibration is not available for" " line:\n\n"); return 0; } // SetBeamTilt int CMacCmd::SetBeamTilt(void) { if (!mScope->SetBeamTilt(mItemDbl[1], mItemDbl[2])) { AbortMacro(); return 1; } return 0; } // ReportBeamShift int CMacCmd::ReportBeamShift(void) { double delX, delY; if (!mScope->GetBeamShift(delX, delY)) { AbortMacro(); return 1; } mStrCopy.Format("Beam shift %.3f %.3f (putative microns)", delX, delY); mWinApp->AppendToLog(mStrCopy, mLogAction); SetRepValsAndVars(1, delX, delY); return 0; } // ReportBeamTilt int CMacCmd::ReportBeamTilt(void) { double delX, delY; if (!mScope->GetBeamTilt(delX, delY)) { AbortMacro(); return 1; } mStrCopy.Format("Beam tilt %.3f %.3f", delX, delY); mWinApp->AppendToLog(mStrCopy, mLogAction); SetRepValsAndVars(1, delX, delY); return 0; } // SetImageBeamTilt int CMacCmd::SetImageBeamTilt(void) { if (!FEIscope) ABORT_LINE("Image-beam tilt is available only on FEI scopes for line:\n\n"); if (!mScope->SetImageBeamTilt(mItemDbl[1], mItemDbl[2])) { AbortMacro(); return 1; } return 0; } // ReportImageBeamTilt int CMacCmd::ReportImageBeamTilt(void) { double delX, delY; if (!FEIscope) ABORT_LINE("Image-beam tilt is available only on FEI scopes for line:\n\n"); if (!mScope->GetImageBeamTilt(delX, delY)) { AbortMacro(); return 1; } mStrCopy.Format("Image-beam tilt %.3f %.3f", delX, delY); mWinApp->AppendToLog(mStrCopy, mLogAction); SetRepValsAndVars(1, delX, delY); return 0; } // ReportDiffractionShift int CMacCmd::ReportDiffractionShift(void) { double delX, delY; if (!mScope->GetDiffractionShift(delX, delY)) { AbortMacro(); return 1; } mLogRpt.Format("Diffraction shift is %.3f %.3f", delX, delY); SetRepValsAndVars(1, delX, delY); return 0; } // SetDiffractionShift int CMacCmd::SetDiffractionShift(void) { if (!mScope->SetDiffractionShift(mItemDbl[1], mItemDbl[2])) { AbortMacro(); return 1; } return 0; } // SetImageShift int CMacCmd::SetImageShift(void) { CString report; BOOL truth; double delISX = 0., delISY = 0., delX, delY; delX = mItemDbl[1]; delY = mItemDbl[2]; if (!mShiftManager->ImageShiftIsOK(delX, delY, false)) { mLogRpt.Format("Image shift %.3f %.3f is bigger than the limit and is not being done", delX, delY); SetReportedValues(1.); return 0; } SetReportedValues(0.); truth = mItemInt[4]; if (truth) mScope->GetLDCenteredShift(delISX, delISY); if (!mScope->SetLDCenteredShift(delX, delY)) { AbortMacro(); return 1; } if (AdjustBeamTiltIfSelected(delX - delISX, delY - delISY, truth, report)) ABORT_LINE(report); if (!mItemEmpty[3] && mItemDbl[3] > 0) mShiftManager->SetISTimeOut(mItemFlt[3] *mShiftManager->GetLastISDelay()); return 0; } // AdjustBeamTiltforIS int CMacCmd::AdjustBeamTiltforIS(void) { CString report; double delISX, delISY; if (!mItemEmpty[1] && mItemEmpty[2]) ABORT_LINE("There must be either no entries or X and Y IS entries for line:\n\n"); if (!mItemEmpty[2]) { delISX = mItemDbl[1]; delISY = mItemDbl[2]; } else mScope->GetLDCenteredShift(delISX, delISY); if (AdjustBeamTiltIfSelected(delISX, delISY, true, report)) ABORT_LINE(report); return 0; } // ReportImageShift int CMacCmd::ReportImageShift(void) { CString report; ScaleMat aMat, bInv; double delISX, delISY, delX, delY, h1, stageX, stageY; int index, mag; if (!mScope->GetLDCenteredShift(delX, delY)) { AbortMacro(); return 1; } mLogRpt.Format("Image shift %.3f %.3f IS units", delX, delY); mag = mScope->GetMagIndex(); aMat = mShiftManager->IStoCamera(mag); delISX = delISY = stageX = stageY = 0.; if (aMat.xpx) { index = BinDivisorI(mCamParams); delISX = -(delX * aMat.xpx + delY * aMat.xpy) / index; delISY = -(delX * aMat.ypx + delY * aMat.ypy) / index; h1 = cos(DTOR * mScope->GetTiltAngle()); bInv = MatMul(aMat, MatInv(mShiftManager->StageToCamera(mCurrentCam, mag))); stageX = (bInv.xpx * delX + bInv.xpy * delY) / (HitachiScope ? h1 : 1.); stageY = (bInv.ypx * delX + bInv.ypy * delY) / (HitachiScope ? 1. : h1); report.Format(" %.1f %.1f unbinned pixels; need stage %.3f %.3f if reset", delISX, delISY, stageX, stageY); mLogRpt += report; } SetRepValsAndVars(1, delX, delY, delISX, delISY, stageX, stageY); return 0; } // ReportTiltAxisOffset int CMacCmd::ReportTiltAxisOffset(void) { float ISX, ISY, stageX, stageY, offset = mScope->GetTiltAxisOffset(); ScaleMat aMat = mShiftManager->IStoSpecimen(mScope->GetMagIndex(), mCurrentCam); if (!aMat.xpx) ABORT_LINE("There is no image shift to specimen matrix available for line:\n\n"); aMat = mShiftManager->MatInv(aMat); ISX = aMat.xpy * offset; ISY = aMat.ypy * offset; aMat = mShiftManager->SpecimenToStage(1., 1.); stageX = -aMat.xpy * offset; stageY = -aMat.ypy * offset; mLogRpt.Format("Tilt axis offset %.3f um, %.3f %.3f stage units, %.3f %.3f IS units, %s" " applied", offset, stageX, stageY, ISX, ISY, mScope->GetShiftToTiltAxis() ? "IS BEING" : "is NOT being"); SetRepValsAndVars(1, offset, stageX, stageY, ISX, ISY, mScope->GetShiftToTiltAxis() ? 1 : 0); return 0; } // ReportMaxImageShift int CMacCmd::ReportMaxImageShift() { int index = mItemInt[1] ? mItemInt[1] : mScope->FastMagIndex(); float maxIS = mScope->GetMaxJeolImageShift(index); float limit = index >= mScope->GetLowestMModeMagInd() ? mShiftManager->GetRegularShiftLimit() : mShiftManager->GetLowMagShiftLimit(); mLogRpt.Format("Image shift limit from properties is %.1f um", limit); if (maxIS) { mStrCopy.Format("; max shift without clipping is %.2f", maxIS); mLogRpt += mStrCopy; } SetRepValsAndVars(2, limit, maxIS); return 0; } // SetObjectiveStigmator int CMacCmd::SetObjectiveStigmator(void) { double delX, delY; delX = mItemDbl[1]; delY = mItemDbl[2]; if (!mScope->SetObjectiveStigmator(delX, delY)) { AbortMacro(); return 1; } return 0; } // SetCondenserStigmator int CMacCmd::SetCondenserStigmator(void) { double delX, delY; delX = mItemDbl[1]; delY = mItemDbl[2]; if (!mScope->SetCondenserStigmator(delX, delY)) { AbortMacro(); return 1; } return 0; } // SetDiffractionStigmator int CMacCmd::SetDiffractionStigmator(void) { double delX, delY; delX = mItemDbl[1]; delY = mItemDbl[2]; if (!mScope->SetDiffractionStigmator(delX, delY)) { AbortMacro(); return 1; } return 0; } // ReportXLensDeflector, SetXLensDeflector, ReportXLensFocus, SetXLensFocus // ReportXLensMode, SetXLensMode int CMacCmd::ReportXLensDeflector(void) { double delX, delY; int index, mode; const char * defNames[] = {"Shift", "Tilt", "Stigmator"}; switch (mCmdIndex) { case CME_REPORTXLENSDEFLECTOR: index = mScope->GetXLensDeflector(mItemInt[1], delX, delY); if (!index) { mLogRpt.Format("X Lens %s is %f %f", defNames[mItemInt[1] - 1], delX, delY); SetRepValsAndVars(1, delX, delY); } break; case CME_SETXLENSDEFLECTOR: index = mScope->SetXLensDeflector(mItemInt[1], mItemDbl[2], mItemDbl[3]); break; case CME_REPORTXLENSFOCUS: index = mScope->GetXLensFocus(delX); if (!index) { mLogRpt.Format("X Lens focus is %f", delX); SetRepValsAndVars(1, delX); } break; case CME_SETXLENSFOCUS: index = mScope->SetXLensFocus(mItemDbl[1]); break; case CME_REPORTXLENSMODE: index = mScope->GetXLensMode(mode); if (!index) { mLogRpt.Format("X Lens mode is %s", mode ? "ON" : "OFF"); SetRepValsAndVars(1, delX); } break; case CME_SETXLENSMODE: index = mScope->SetXLensMode(mItemInt[1] ? 1 : 0); break; } if (index == 1) { ABORT_LINE("Scope is not initialized for:\n\n"); } else if (index == 2) { ABORT_LINE("Plugin is missing needed function for:\n\n"); } else if (index == 3) { ABORT_LINE("Deflector number must be between 1 and 3 in:\n\n"); } else if (index == 5) { ABORT_LINE("There is no connection to adatl COM object for:\n\n"); } else if (index > 5) { ABORT_LINE("X Lens Mode is not available for:\n\n"); } return 0; } // ReportSpecimenShift int CMacCmd::ReportSpecimenShift(void) { ScaleMat aMat; double delISX, delISY, delX, delY; if (!mScope->GetLDCenteredShift(delISX, delISY)) { AbortMacro(); return 1; } aMat = mShiftManager->IStoSpecimen(mScope->GetMagIndex()); if (aMat.xpx) { delX = aMat.xpx * delISX + aMat.xpy * delISY; delY = aMat.ypx * delISX + aMat.ypy * delISY; mLogRpt.Format("Image shift is %.3f %.3f in specimen coordinates", delX, delY); SetRepValsAndVars(1, delX, delY); } else { mWinApp->AppendToLog("There is no calibration for converting image shift to " "specimen coordinates", mLogAction); } return 0; } // ReportObjectiveStigmator int CMacCmd::ReportObjectiveStigmator(void) { double delX, delY; if (!mScope->GetObjectiveStigmator(delX, delY)) { AbortMacro(); return 1; } mLogRpt.Format("Objective stigmator is %.5f %.5f", delX, delY); SetRepValsAndVars(1, delX, delY); return 0; } // ReportCondenserStigmator int CMacCmd::ReportCondenserStigmator(void) { double delX, delY; if (!mScope->GetCondenserStigmator(delX, delY)) { AbortMacro(); return 1; } mLogRpt.Format("Condenser stigmator is %.5f %.5f", delX, delY); SetRepValsAndVars(1, delX, delY); return 0; } // ReportDiffractionStigmator int CMacCmd::ReportDiffractionStigmator(void) { double delX, delY; if (!mScope->GetDiffractionStigmator(delX, delY)) { AbortMacro(); return 1; } mLogRpt.Format("Diffraction stigmator is %.5f %.5f", delX, delY); SetRepValsAndVars(1, delX, delY); return 0; } // SuppressReports int CMacCmd::SuppressReports(void) { if (!mItemEmpty[1] && !mItemInt[1]) mLogAction = LOG_OPEN_IF_CLOSED; else mLogAction = LOG_IGNORE; return 0; } // SuppressInfoOutput int CMacCmd::SuppressInfoOutput() { if (!mItemEmpty[1] && !mItemInt[1]) mLogInfoAction = LOG_OPEN_IF_CLOSED; else mLogInfoAction = LOG_IGNORE; return 0; } // ErrorsToLog int CMacCmd::ErrorsToLog(void) { if (!mItemEmpty[1] && !mItemInt[1]) mLogErrAction = LOG_IGNORE; else mLogErrAction = LOG_OPEN_IF_CLOSED; return 0; } // ReportAlignShift, ReportShiftDiffFrom, ReportISforBufferShift int CMacCmd::ReportAlignShift(void) { ScaleMat aMat, bInv; double delISX, delISY, delX, delY, h1, v1; int index, index2; float shiftX, shiftY; delISY = 0.; if (CMD_IS(REPORTSHIFTDIFFFROM)) { delISY = mItemDbl[1]; if (mItemEmpty[1] || delISY <= 0) ABORT_LINE("Improper or missing comparison value in statement: \n\n"); } if (mImBufs->mImage) { mImBufs->mImage->getShifts(shiftX, shiftY); shiftX *= mImBufs->mBinning; shiftY *= -mImBufs->mBinning; mAccumShiftX += shiftX; mAccumShiftY += shiftY; index = mScope->GetMagIndex(); index2 = BinDivisorI(mCamParams); if (delISY) { delX = mShiftManager->GetPixelSize(mCurrentCam, index); delY = delX * sqrt(shiftX * shiftX + shiftY * shiftY); delISX = 100. * (delY / delISY - 1.); mAccumDiff += (float)(delY - delISY); delISY = delX * sqrt(mAccumShiftX * mAccumShiftX + mAccumShiftY * mAccumShiftY); mStrCopy.Format("%6.1f %% diff, cumulative diff %6.2f um, total distance %.1f", delISX, mAccumDiff, delISY); SetRepValsAndVars(2, delISX, mAccumDiff, delISY); } else { bInv = mShiftManager->CameraToIS(index); aMat = mShiftManager->IStoSpecimen(index); // Convert to image shift units, then determine distance on specimen // implied by each axis of image shift separately delISX = bInv.xpx * shiftX + bInv.xpy * shiftY; delISY = bInv.ypx * shiftX + bInv.ypy * shiftY; if (CMD_IS(REPORTISFORBUFFERSHIFT)) { mStrCopy.Format("Buffer shift corresponds to %.3f %.3f IS units", -delISX, - delISY); SetRepValsAndVars(1, -delISX, -delISY); } else { h1 = 1000. * (delISX * aMat.xpx + delISY * aMat.xpy); v1 = 1000. * (delISX * aMat.ypx + delISY * aMat.ypy); delX = 1000. * sqrt(pow(delISX * aMat.xpx, 2) + pow(delISX * aMat.ypx, 2)); delY = 1000. * sqrt(pow(delISY * aMat.xpy, 2) + pow(delISY * aMat.ypy, 2)); mStrCopy.Format("%6.1f %6.1f unbinned pixels; %6.1f %6.1f nm along two shift " "axes; %6.1f %6.1f nm on specimen axes", shiftX / index2, shiftY / index2, delX, delY, h1, v1); SetRepValsAndVars(1, shiftX, shiftY, delX, delY, h1, v1); } } mWinApp->AppendToLog(mStrCopy, mLogAction); } return 0; } // ReportAccumShift int CMacCmd::ReportAccumShift(void) { int index2; index2 = BinDivisorI(mCamParams); mLogRpt.Format("%8.1f %8.1f cumulative pixels", mAccumShiftX / index2, mAccumShiftY / index2); SetRepValsAndVars(1, mAccumShiftX, mAccumShiftY); return 0; } // ResetAccumShift int CMacCmd::ResetAccumShift(void) { mAccumShiftX = 0.; mAccumShiftY = 0.; mAccumDiff = 0.; return 0; } // ReportAlignTrimming int CMacCmd::ReportAlignTrimming(void) { int ix0, ix1, iy0, iy1; mShiftManager->GetLastAlignTrims(ix0, ix1, iy0, iy1); mLogRpt.Format("Total border trimmed in last autoalign in X & Y for A: %d %d " "Reference: %d %d", ix0, ix1, iy0, iy1); SetRepValsAndVars(1, ix0, ix1, iy0, iy1); return 0; } // BinningForCameraMatrix int CMacCmd::BinningForCameraMatrix() { mBinningForCameraMatrix = mItemFlt[1]; return 0; } // CameraToISMatrix, ISToCameraMatrix, CameraToStageMatrix, StageToCameraMatrix, // CameraToSpecimenMatrix, SpecimenToCameraMatrix, ISToSpecimenMatrix, // SpecimenToISMatrix, ISToStageMatrix, StageToISMatrix, // StageToSpecimenMatrix, SpecimenToStageMatrix int CMacCmd::CameraToISMatrix(void) { CString report; BOOL invert; ScaleMat aMat, bInv; int index; int adjustBin = 0; float adjustFac; index = mItemInt[1]; if (index <= 0) index = mScope->GetMagIndex(); if (!index) ABORT_LINE("There are no scale matrices for diffraction mode for line:\n\n"); if (index >= MAX_MAGS) ABORT_LINE("The mag index is out of range in line:\n\n"); invert = false; switch (mCmdIndex) { case CME_CAMERATOISMATRIX: invert = true; aMat = mShiftManager->IStoGivenCamera(index, mCurrentCam); case CME_ISTOCAMERAMATRIX: aMat = mShiftManager->IStoGivenCamera(index, mCurrentCam); adjustBin = 1; break; case CME_CAMERATOSTAGEMATRIX: invert = true; case CME_STAGETOCAMERAMATRIX: aMat = mShiftManager->StageToCamera(mCurrentCam, index); adjustBin = 1; break; case CME_SPECIMENTOCAMERAMATRIX: invert = true; case CME_CAMERATOSPECIMENMATRIX: aMat = mShiftManager->CameraToSpecimen(index); adjustBin = -1; break; case CME_SPECIMENTOISMATRIX: invert = true; case CME_ISTOSPECIMENMATRIX: aMat = aMat = mShiftManager->IStoSpecimen(index, mCurrentCam); break; case CME_STAGETOISMATRIX: invert = true; case CME_ISTOSTAGEMATRIX: aMat = mShiftManager->IStoGivenCamera(index, mCurrentCam); if (aMat.xpx) { bInv = mShiftManager->StageToCamera(mCurrentCam, index); if (bInv.xpx) aMat = MatMul(aMat, MatInv(bInv)); else aMat.xpx = 0.; } break; case CME_STAGETOSPECIMENMATRIX: invert = true; case CME_SPECIMENTOSTAGEMATRIX: aMat = mShiftManager->SpecimenToStage(1., 1.); break; } // Adjust to a binning if one was entered if (adjustBin && aMat.xpx && mBinningForCameraMatrix > 0.) { adjustFac = 1.f / (mBinningForCameraMatrix * BinDivisorF(mCamParams)); if (adjustBin < 0) adjustFac = 1.f / adjustFac; aMat.xpx *= adjustFac; aMat.xpy *= adjustFac; aMat.ypx *= adjustFac; aMat.ypy *= adjustFac; } if (invert && aMat.xpx) aMat = MatInv(aMat); report = cmdList[mCmdIndex].mixedCase; report.Replace("To", " to "); report.Replace("Matrix", " matrix"); if (aMat.xpx) mLogRpt.Format("%s at mag index %d is %.5g %.5g %.5g %.5g", (LPCTSTR)report, index, aMat.xpx, aMat.xpy, aMat.ypx, aMat.ypy); else mLogRpt.Format("%s is not available for mag index %d", (LPCTSTR)report, index); SetRepValsAndVars(2, aMat.xpx, aMat.xpy, aMat.ypx, aMat.ypy); return 0; } // StageToBufImageMatrix, BufImageToStageMatrix, StagePosToBufImagePos // BufImagePosToStagePos int CMacCmd::StageToBufImageMatrix(void) { int index, pcInd = -1, magInd; ScaleMat aMat; float delX, delY, outX, outY, xInPiece = 0., yInPiece = 0.; float tilt = 0., adjXstage = 0., adjYstage = 0.; double ISX = 0., ISY = 0.; bool im2st = CMD_IS(BUFIMAGETOSTAGEMATRIX) || CMD_IS(BUFIMAGEPOSTOSTAGEPOS); EMimageBuffer *imBuf; ABORT_NONAV; if (ConvertBufferLetter(mStrItems[1], 0, true, index, mStrCopy)) ABORT_LINE(mStrCopy); imBuf = &mImBufs[index]; if (!mNavigator->BufferStageToImage(imBuf, aMat, delX, delY)) ABORT_LINE("Image buffer does not have enough coordinate information for line:\n\n"); if (im2st) { aMat = MatInv(aMat); mShiftManager->ApplyScaleMatrix(aMat, -delX, -delY, delX, delY); } if (!aMat.xpx) ABORT_LINE("There is no transformation available for line:\n\n"); if (mItemInt[2]) { magInd = imBuf->mMagInd; if (!magInd || imBuf->mCamera < 0) ABORT_LINE("Image buffer does not have camera or " "magnification information needed for line:\n\n"); imBuf->GetTiltAngle(tilt); // This gives the stage shift to add to convert from raw stage coordinate to Navigator // stage coordinate mNavigator->AdjustISandMagForStageConversion(magInd, ISX, ISY); mNavHelper->ConvertIStoStageIncrement(magInd, imBuf->mCamera, ISX, ISY, tilt, adjXstage, adjYstage, imBuf); if (im2st) { delX -= adjXstage; delY -= adjXstage; } } if (CMD_IS(BUFIMAGEPOSTOSTAGEPOS) || CMD_IS(STAGEPOSTOBUFIMAGEPOS)) { if (im2st) { mNavHelper->AdjustMontImagePos(&mImBufs[index], mItemFlt[3], mItemFlt[4], &pcInd, &xInPiece, &yInPiece); mShiftManager->ApplyScaleMatrix(aMat, mItemFlt[3], mItemFlt[4], outX, outY); outX += delX; outY += delY; mLogRpt.Format("Stage position is %.3f %.3f", outX, outY); SetRepValsAndVars(5, outX, outY, pcInd, xInPiece, yInPiece); } else { mWinApp->mMainView->ExternalStageToImage(&mImBufs[index], aMat, delX, delY, mItemFlt[3] + adjXstage, mItemFlt[4] + adjYstage, outX, outY); mLogRpt.Format("Image position is %.1f %.1f", outX, outY); SetRepValsAndVars(5, outX, outY); } } else { if (!im2st && mItemInt[2]) { mShiftManager->ApplyScaleMatrix(aMat, adjXstage, adjYstage, delX, delY, true); } mLogRpt.Format("%s matrix is %5g %.5g %.5g %.5g %.3f %.3f", im2st ? "Image to stage" : "Stage to image", aMat.xpx, aMat.xpy, aMat.ypx, aMat.ypy, delX, delY); SetRepValsAndVars(3, aMat.xpx, aMat.xpy, aMat.ypx, aMat.ypy, delX, delY); } return 0; } // ReportClock int CMacCmd::ReportClock(void) { double delX; delX = 0.001 * GetTickCount() - 0.001 * mStartClock; mLogRpt.Format("%.2f seconds elapsed time", delX); SetRepValsAndVars(1, delX); return 0; } // ResetClock int CMacCmd::ResetClock(void) { mStartClock = GetTickCount(); return 0; } // ReportMinuteTime int CMacCmd::ReportMinuteTime(void) { CString report; int index; index = mWinApp->MinuteTimeStamp(); if (!mItemEmpty[1] && SetVariable(mStrItems[1], (double)index, VARTYPE_PERSIST + VARTYPE_ADD_FOR_NUM, -1, false, &report)) ABORT_LINE(report + "\n(This command assigns to a persistent variable):\n\n"); mLogRpt.Format("Absolute minute time = %d", index); SetReportedValues(index); return 0; } // SetCustomTime, ReportCustomInterval int CMacCmd::SetCustomTime(void) { int index, index2; std::string sstr = (LPCTSTR)mItem1upper; std::map < std::string, int > ::iterator custIter; index = mWinApp->MinuteTimeStamp(); if (!mItemEmpty[2]) index = mItemInt[2]; index2 = (int)mCustomTimeMap.count(sstr); if (index2) custIter = mCustomTimeMap.find(sstr); if (CMD_IS(SETCUSTOMTIME)) { // Insert does not replace a value! You have to get the iterator and assign it if (index2) custIter->second = index; else mCustomTimeMap.insert(std::pair < std::string, int > (sstr, index)); mDocWnd->SetShortTermNotSaved(); } else { if (index2) { index -= custIter->second; mLogRpt.Format("%d minutes elapsed since custom time %s set", index, (LPCTSTR)mStrItems[1]); } else { index = 2 * MAX_CUSTOM_INTERVAL; mLogRpt = "Custom time " + mStrItems[1] + " has not been set"; } SetReportedValues(index); } return 0; } // ReportTickTime int CMacCmd::ReportTickTime(void) { CString report; double delISX; delISX = SEMTickInterval(mWinApp->ProgramStartTime()) / 1000.; if (!mItemEmpty[1] && SetVariable(mStrItems[1], delISX, VARTYPE_PERSIST + VARTYPE_ADD_FOR_NUM, -1, false, &report)) ABORT_LINE(report + "\n(This command assigns to a persistent variable):\n\n"); mLogRpt.Format("Tick time from program start = %.3f", delISX); SetReportedValues(delISX); return 0; } // ElapsedTickTime int CMacCmd::ElapsedTickTime(void) { double delISX, delISY; delISY = SEMTickInterval(mWinApp->ProgramStartTime()); delISX = SEMTickInterval(delISY, mItemDbl[1] * 1000.) / 1000.; mLogRpt.Format("Elapsed tick time = %.3f", delISX); SetRepValsAndVars(2, delISX); return 0; } // ReportDateTime int CMacCmd::ReportDateTime(void) { int index, index2; CTime ctDateTime = CTime::GetCurrentTime(); index = 10000 * ctDateTime.GetYear() + 100 * ctDateTime.GetMonth() + ctDateTime.GetDay(); index2 = 100 * ctDateTime.GetHour() + ctDateTime.GetMinute(); mLogRpt.Format("%d %04d", index, index2); SetRepValsAndVars(1, index, index2); return 0; } // MoveStage, MoveStageTo, MoveStageWithSpeed, TestRelaxingStage, StageShiftByPixels, // StageToLastMultiHole int CMacCmd::MoveStage(void) { BOOL truth; ScaleMat aMat, bInv; double h1, stageX, stageY, stageZ; float backlashX, backlashY; StageMoveInfo smi; smi.z = 0.; smi.alpha = 0.; smi.axisBits = 0; smi.useSpeed = false; smi.backX = smi.backY = smi.relaxX = smi.relaxY = 0.; truth = CMD_IS(TESTRELAXINGSTAGE); // If stage not ready, back up and try again, otherwise do action if (mScope->StageBusy() > 0) mLastIndex = mCurrentIndex; else { if (CMD_IS(STAGESHIFTBYPIXELS)) { h1 = DTOR * mScope->GetTiltAngle(); aMat = mShiftManager->StageToCamera(mCurrentCam, mScope->GetMagIndex()); if (!aMat.xpx) ABORT_LINE("There is no stage to camera calibration available for line:\n\n"); bInv = MatInv(aMat); stageX = bInv.xpx * mItemDbl[1] + bInv.xpy * mItemDbl[2]; stageY = (bInv.ypx * mItemDbl[1] + bInv.ypy * mItemDbl[2]) / cos(h1); stageZ = 0.; } else if (CMD_IS(STAGETOLASTMULTIHOLE)) { mWinApp->mParticleTasks->GetLastHoleStagePos(stageX, stageY); if (stageX < EXTRA_VALUE_TEST) ABORT_LINE("The multiple Record routine has not been run for line:\n\n"); stageZ = 0.; } else { if (mItemEmpty[2]) ABORT_LINE("Stage movement command does not have at least 2 numbers: \n\n"); stageX = mItemDbl[1]; stageY = mItemDbl[2]; if (CMD_IS(MOVESTAGEWITHSPEED)) { stageZ = 0.; smi.useSpeed = true; smi.speed = mItemDbl[3]; if (smi.speed <= 0.) ABORT_LINE("Speed entry must be positive in line:/n/n"); } else { stageZ = (mItemEmpty[3] || truth) ? 0. : mItemDbl[3]; } } if (CMD_IS(MOVESTAGE) || CMD_IS(STAGESHIFTBYPIXELS) || CMD_IS(MOVESTAGEWITHSPEED) || truth) { if (!mScope->GetStagePosition(smi.x, smi.y, smi.z)) SUSPEND_NOLINE("because of failure to get stage position"); //CString report; //report.Format("Start at %.2f %.2f %.2f", smi.x, smi.y, smi.z); //mWinApp->AppendToLog(report, LOG_IF_ADMIN_OPEN_IF_CLOSED); // For each of X, Y, Z, set axis bit if nonzero; smi.x += stageX; if (stageX != 0.) smi.axisBits |= axisX; smi.y += stageY; if (stageY != 0.) smi.axisBits |= axisY; smi.z += stageZ; if (stageZ != 0.) smi.axisBits |= axisZ; if (truth) { backlashX = mItemEmpty[3] ? mWinApp->mMontageController->GetStageBacklash() : mItemFlt[3]; backlashY = mItemEmpty[4] ? mScope->GetStageRelaxation() : mItemFlt[4]; if (backlashY <= 0) backlashY = 0.025f; // Set relaxation in the direction of backlash if (stageX) { smi.backX = (stageX > 0. ? backlashX : -backlashX); smi.relaxX = (smi.backX > 0. ? backlashY : -backlashY); } if (stageY) { smi.backY = (stageY > 0. ? backlashX : -backlashX); smi.relaxY = (smi.backY > 0. ? backlashY : -backlashY); } } } else { // Absolute move: set to values; set Z axis bit if entered smi.x = stageX; smi.y = stageY; smi.z = stageZ; smi.axisBits |= (axisX | axisY); if (!mItemEmpty[3] && !CMD_IS(STAGETOLASTMULTIHOLE)) smi.axisBits |= axisZ; } // Start the movement if (smi.axisBits) { if (!mScope->MoveStage(smi, truth && backlashX != 0., smi.useSpeed, 0, truth)) SUSPEND_NOLINE("because of failure to start stage movement"); mMovedStage = true; } } return 0; } // RelaxStage int CMacCmd::RelaxStage(void) { double delX = mItemEmpty[1] ? mScope->GetStageRelaxation() : mItemDbl[1]; int err = DoStageRelaxation(delX); if (err > 0) SUSPEND_NOLINE("because of failure to get stage position"); if (!err) { mMovedStage = true; } else { mWinApp->AppendToLog("Stage is not in known backlash state so RelaxStage cannot " "be done", mLogAction); } return 0; } // BackgroundTilt, StopBackgroundTilt, BackgroundMoveStage, StopBackgroundStage int CMacCmd::BackgroundTilt(void) { StageMoveInfo smi; int background = 1, speedInd = 2; double stageX, stageY, stageZ; bool stopStage = CMD_IS(STOPBACKGROUNDSTAGE); if (CMD_IS(STOPBACKGROUNDTILT) || stopStage) { if (!mScope->StageBusy()) return 0; background = -1; if (mItemEmpty[1]) mItemDbl[1] = 0.; if (mItemEmpty[2]) mItemDbl[2] = 0.; if (stopStage) { mScope->GetStagePosition(stageX, stageY, stageZ); mItemDbl[1] += stageX; mItemDbl[2] += stageY; } else { mItemDbl[1] += mScope->GetTiltAngle(); } } if (background > 0 && mScope->StageBusy() > 0) mLastIndex = mCurrentIndex; else { if (CMD_IS(BACKGROUNDMOVESTAGE) || stopStage) { smi.x = mItemDbl[1]; smi.y = mItemDbl[2]; speedInd = 3; smi.axisBits = axisXY; } else { smi.alpha = mItemDbl[1]; smi.axisBits = axisA; } smi.useSpeed = false; if (!mItemEmpty[speedInd]) { smi.speed = mItemDbl[speedInd]; if (smi.speed <= 0.) ABORT_LINE("Speed entry must be positive in line:/n/n"); smi.useSpeed = true; } if (!mScope->MoveStage(smi, false, smi.useSpeed, background)) { AbortMacro(); return 1; } } return 0; } // ReportStageXYZ int CMacCmd::ReportStageXYZ(void) { double stageX, stageY, stageZ; mScope->GetStagePosition(stageX, stageY, stageZ); mLogRpt.Format("Stage %.2f %.2f %.2f", stageX, stageY, stageZ); SetRepValsAndVars(1, stageX, stageY, stageZ); return 0; } // ReportTiltAngle int CMacCmd::ReportTiltAngle(void) { double delX; delX = mScope->GetTiltAngle(); mLogRpt.Format("%.2f degrees", delX); SetRepValsAndVars(1, delX); return 0; } // ReportStageBusy int CMacCmd::ReportStageBusy(void) { int index; index = mScope->StageBusy(); mLogRpt.Format("Stage is %s", index > 0 ? "BUSY" : "NOT busy"); SetRepValsAndVars(1, index > 0 ? 1 : 0); return 0; } // ReportStageBAxis int CMacCmd::ReportStageBAxis(void) { double delX; delX = mScope->GetStageBAxis(); mLogRpt.Format("B axis = %.2f degrees", delX); SetRepValsAndVars(1, delX); return 0; } // ReportMag int CMacCmd::ReportMag(void) { int index, index2, mode = 0; index2 = mScope->GetMagIndex(); if (mWinApp->GetEFTEMMode()) mode = 1; if (mWinApp->GetSTEMMode()) mode = 2; // This is not right if the screen is down and FEI is not in EFTEM index = MagOrEFTEMmag(mWinApp->GetEFTEMMode(), index2, mScope->GetSTEMmode()); mLogRpt.Format("Mag is %d%s%s", index, index2 < mScope->GetLowestNonLMmag() ? " (Low mag)":"", B3DCHOICE(mode, mode > 1 ? " STEM" : " EFTEM", "")); SetRepValsAndVars(1, (double)index, index2 < mScope->GetLowestNonLMmag() ? 1. : 0., mode); return 0; } // ReportMagIndex int CMacCmd::ReportMagIndex(void) { int index; index = mScope->GetMagIndex(); mLogRpt.Format("Mag index is %d%s", index, index < mScope->GetLowestNonLMmag() ? " (Low mag)":""); SetRepValsAndVars(1, (double)index, index < mScope->GetLowestNonLMmag() ? 1. : 0.); return 0; } // ReportCameraLength int CMacCmd::ReportCameraLength(void) { double delX; delX = 0; if (mWinApp->GetSTEMMode() || !mScope->GetMagIndex()) { delX = mScope->GetLastCameraLength(); mLogRpt.Format("Camera length is %g m", delX); } else mLogRpt = "Not in STEM or diffraction mode - no camera length available"; SetRepValsAndVars(1, delX); return 0; } // ReportDefocus int CMacCmd::ReportDefocus(void) { double delX; delX = mScope->GetDefocus(); mLogRpt.Format("Defocus = %.3f um", delX); SetRepValsAndVars(1, delX); return 0; } // ReportFocus, ReportAbsoluteFocus int CMacCmd::ReportFocus(void) { double delX; delX = mScope->GetFocus(); mLogRpt.Format("Absolute focus = %.5f", delX); SetRepValsAndVars(1, delX); return 0; } // ReportObjectiveStrength int CMacCmd::ReportObjectiveStrength() { double obj = mScope->GetObjectiveStrength(); mLogRpt.Format("Object strength = %.5f", obj); SetRepValsAndVars(1, obj); return 0; } // ReportPercentC2 int CMacCmd::ReportPercentC2(void) { double delX, delY; delY = mScope->GetIntensity(); delX = mScope->GetC2Percent(mScope->FastSpotSize(), delY); mLogRpt.Format("%s = %.3f%s - %.5f", mScope->GetC2Name(), delX, mScope->GetC2Units(), delY); SetRepValsAndVars(1, delX, delY); return 0; } // ReportCrossoverPercentC2 int CMacCmd::ReportCrossoverPercentC2(void) { double delX, delY; int index; index = mScope->GetSpotSize(); delY = mScope->GetCrossover(index); // probe mode not required, uses current mode delX = mScope->GetC2Percent(index, delY); mLogRpt.Format("Crossover %s at current conditions = %.3f%s - %.5f", mScope->GetC2Name(), delX, mScope->GetC2Units(), delY); SetRepValsAndVars(1, delX, delY); return 0; } // ReportIlluminatedArea int CMacCmd::ReportIlluminatedArea(void) { double delX; delX = mScope->GetIlluminatedArea(); mLogRpt.Format("IlluminatedArea %f", delX); SetRepValsAndVars(1, delX); return 0; } // ReportImageDistanceOffset int CMacCmd::ReportImageDistanceOffset(void) { double delX; delX = mScope->GetImageDistanceOffset(); mLogRpt.Format("Image distance offset %f", delX); SetRepValsAndVars(1, delX); return 0; } // ReportAlpha int CMacCmd::ReportAlpha(void) { int index; index = mScope->GetAlpha() + 1; mLogRpt.Format("Alpha = %d", index); SetRepValsAndVars(1, (double)index); return 0; } // ReportSpotSize int CMacCmd::ReportSpotSize(void) { int index; index = mScope->GetSpotSize(); mLogRpt.Format("Spot size is %d", index); SetRepValsAndVars(1, (double)index); return 0; } // ReportProbeMode int CMacCmd::ReportProbeMode(void) { int index; index = mScope->ReadProbeMode(); mLogRpt.Format("Probe mode is %s", index ? "microprobe" : "nanoprobe"); SetRepValsAndVars(1, (double)index); return 0; } // ReportEnergyFilter int CMacCmd::ReportEnergyFilter(void) { BOOL truth; double delX; if (!mWinApp->ScopeHasFilter()) ABORT_NOLINE("You cannot use ReportEnergyFilter; there is no filter"); if (mScope->GetHasOmegaFilter()) mScope->updateEFTEMSpectroscopy(truth); else if (mCamera->CheckFilterSettings()) ABORT_NOLINE("An error occurred checking filter settings"); delX = mFiltParam->zeroLoss ? 0. : mFiltParam->energyLoss; mLogRpt.Format("Filter slit width %.1f, energy loss %.1f, slit %s", mFiltParam->slitWidth, delX, mFiltParam->slitIn ? "IN" : "OUT"); SetRepValsAndVars(1, mFiltParam->slitWidth, delX, mFiltParam->slitIn ? 1. : 0.); return 0; } // ReportColumnMode int CMacCmd::ReportColumnMode(void) { int index, index2; if (!mScope->GetColumnMode(index, index2)) { AbortMacro(); return 1; } mLogRpt.Format("Column mode %d (%X), submode %d (%X)", index, index, index2,index2); SetRepValsAndVars(1, (double)index, (double)index2); return 0; } // ReportLens int CMacCmd::ReportLens(void) { CString report; double delX; JustStripItems(mStrLine, 1, report); if (!mScope->GetLensByName(report, delX)) { AbortMacro(); return 1; } mLogRpt.Format("Lens %s = %f", (LPCTSTR)report, delX); SetReportedValues(delX); return 0; } // ReportCoil int CMacCmd::ReportCoil(void) { double delX, delY; if (!mScope->GetDeflectorByName(mStrItems[1], delX, delY)) { AbortMacro(); return 1; } mLogRpt.Format("Coil %s = %f %f", (LPCTSTR)mStrItems[1], delX, delY); SetRepValsAndVars(2, delX, delY); return 0; } // SetLensByName int CMacCmd::SetLensByName() { if (!HitachiScope) ABORT_NOLINE("SetLensByName is available only for Hitachi scopes"); if (!mScope->SetLensByName(mStrItems[1], mItemDbl[2])) { AbortMacro(); return 1; } return 0; } // SetCoilByName int CMacCmd::SetCoilByName() { if (!HitachiScope) ABORT_NOLINE("SetCoilByName is available only for Hitachi scopes"); if (!mScope->SetDeflectorByName(mStrItems[1], mItemDbl[2], mItemDbl[3], mItemInt[4])) { AbortMacro(); return 1; } return 0; } // SetFreeLensControl int CMacCmd::SetFreeLensControl(void) { if (!mScope->SetFreeLensControl(mItemInt[1], mItemInt[2])) ABORT_LINE("Error trying to run:\n\n"); return 0; } // SetLensWithFLC int CMacCmd::SetLensWithFLC(void) { if (!mScope->SetLensWithFLC(mItemInt[1], mItemDbl[2], mItemInt[3] != 0)) ABORT_LINE("Error trying to run:\n\n"); return 0; } // ReportLensFLCStatus int CMacCmd::ReportLensFLCStatus(void) { double delX; int index; if (!mScope->GetLensFLCStatus(mItemInt[1], index, delX)) ABORT_LINE("Error trying to run:\n\n"); mLogRpt.Format("Lens %d, FLC %s value %f", mItemInt[1], index ? "ON" : "OFF", delX); SetRepValsAndVars(2, index, delX); return 0; } // SetJeolSTEMflags int CMacCmd::SetJeolSTEMflags(void) { if (mItemInt[1] < 0 || mItemInt[1] > 0xFFFFFF || mItemInt[2] < 0 || mItemInt[2] > 15) ABORT_LINE("Entries must fit in 24 and 4 bits in: \n\n"); mCamera->SetBaseJeolSTEMflags(mItemInt[1] + (mItemInt[2] << 24)); return 0; } // GetFastScopeStatus int CMacCmd::GetFastScopeStatus() { int type = VARTYPE_REGULAR + VARTYPE_ADD_FOR_NUM; CString str; double ISX, ISY, stageX, stageY, stageZ, rawISX, rawISY; int darkMode = 0; if (FEIscope) mScope->GetDarkFieldTilt(darkMode, ISX, ISY); mScope->GetRawImageShift(rawISX, rawISY); mWinApp->mScopeStatus.GetStagePosition(stageX, stageY, stageZ); mWinApp->mScopeStatus.GetImageShift(ISX, ISY); if (SetVariable("FastMagIndex", mScope->GetLastMagIndex(), type, -1, false) || SetVariable("FastISX", ISX, type, -1, false) || SetVariable("FastISY", ISY, type, -1, false) || SetVariable("FastRawISX", rawISX, type, -1, false) || SetVariable("FastRawISY", rawISY, type, -1, false) || SetVariable("FastStageX", stageX, type, -1, false) || SetVariable("FastStageY", stageY, type, -1, false) || SetVariable("FastStageZ", stageZ, type, -1, false) || SetVariable("FastBlanked", mScope->GetLastBeamBlanked(), type, -1, false) || SetVariable("FastCameraLength", mScope->GetLastCameraLength(), type, -1, false) || SetVariable("FastCamLenIndex", mScope->GetLastCamLenIndex(), type, -1, false) || SetVariable("FastProbeMode", mScope->GetProbeMode(), type, -1, false) || SetVariable("FastMagnification", mWinApp->mScopeStatus.GetMagnification(), type, -1, false) || SetVariable("FastDefocus", mWinApp->mScopeStatus.GetDefocus(), type, -1, false) || SetVariable("FastSpotSize", mWinApp->mScopeStatus.GetSpot(), type, -1, false) || SetVariable("FastAlpha", mWinApp->mScopeStatus.GetBeamAlpha(), type, -1, false) || SetVariable("FastIntensity", mWinApp->mScopeStatus.GetIntensity(), type, -1, false) || SetVariable("FastRawIntensity", mWinApp->mScopeStatus.GetRawIntensity(), type, -1, false) || SetVariable("FastEMmode", mWinApp->mScopeStatus.GetEMmode(), type, -1, false) || SetVariable("FastDarkField", darkMode, type, -1, false)) ABORT_LINE("Setting a variable with a fast value for line:\n\n"); return 0; } // GetSTEMBrightContrast, SetSTEMBrightContrast int CMacCmd::GetSTEMBrightContrast(void) { bool setIt = CMD_IS(SETSTEMBRIGHTCONTRAST); int index; double bright, contrast; if (!mCamParams->STEMcamera || !mCamParams->FEItype) ABORT_LINE("The currently selected camera must be the FEI STEM for line:\n\n"); SubstituteLineStripItems(mStrLine, setIt ? 3 : 1, mStrCopy); for (index = 0; index < mCamParams->numChannels; index++) if (!mStrCopy.CompareNoCase(mCamParams->channelName[index])) break; if (index == mCamParams->numChannels) ABORT_LINE("There is no detector with this \"ChannelName\" in the SerialEM camera" " properties for line:\n\n"); if ((!setIt && !mScope->GetSTEMBrightnessContrast((LPCTSTR)mStrCopy, bright, contrast)) || (setIt && !mScope->SetSTEMBrightnessContrast((LPCTSTR)mStrCopy, mItemDbl[1], mItemDbl[2]))) { AbortMacro(); return 1; } if (!setIt) SetReportedValues(bright, contrast); return 0; } // SetCameraPLAOffset int CMacCmd::SetCameraPLAOffset(void) { double delISX, delISY; float shiftX, shiftY, floatX, floatY; if (!mImBufs[0].mImage || !mImBufs[1].mImage) ABORT_NOLINE("There must be images in both buffers A and B to refine detector " "offset"); if (!mScope->GetUsePLforIS() || !JEOLscope) ABORT_NOLINE("SetCameraPLAOffset can be used only on a JEOL scope using" " PLA for image shift"); mScope->GetImageShift(delISX, delISY); mScope->GetDetectorOffsets(floatX, floatY); shiftX = floatX + (float)(delISX - mImBufs[1].mISX); shiftY = floatY + (float)(delISY - mImBufs[1].mISY); if (mLogInfoAction != LOG_IGNORE) PrintfToLog("Camera offset changed from %.3f %.3f to %.3f %.3f", floatX, floatY, shiftX, shiftY); mCamera->SetCameraISOffset(mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera(), shiftX, shiftY); mScope->SetDetectorOffsets(shiftX, shiftY); mScope->SetImageShift(delISX, delISY); return 0; } // RemoveAperture, ReInsertAperture int CMacCmd::RemoveAperture(void) { int index, index2; ConvertApertureNameToNum(); index = mItemInt[1]; if (CMD_IS(REINSERTAPERTURE)) index2 = mScope->ReInsertAperture(index); else index2 = mScope->RemoveAperture(index); if (index2) ABORT_LINE("Script aborted due to error starting aperture movement in:\n\n"); mMovedAperture = true; return 0; } // ReportApertureSize int CMacCmd::ReportApertureSize(void) { ConvertApertureNameToNum(); int trueSize, size = mScope->GetApertureSize(mItemInt[1]); if (size < 0) { AbortMacro(); return 1; } if (JEOLscope && size > 0) trueSize = mScope->FindApertureSizeFromIndex(mItemInt[1], size); if (size < 2 && (!JEOLscope || !size)) mLogRpt.Format("Aperture %d is %s", mItemInt[1], !size ? "retracted" : "disabled"); else if (JEOLscope && !trueSize) { mLogRpt.Format("Aperture %d is in position %d", mItemInt[1], size); } else if (!JEOLscope && size < 8) mLogRpt.Format("Aperture %d is phase plate in position %d", mItemInt[1], size - 1); else mLogRpt.Format("Size of aperture %d is %d um", mItemInt[1], JEOLscope ? trueSize : size); SetRepValsAndVars(2, size); return 0; } // SetApertureSize int CMacCmd::SetApertureSize(void) { ConvertApertureNameToNum(); int ap = mItemInt[1], size; size = mScope->FindApertureIndexFromSize(ap, mItemInt[2], mStrCopy); if (!size && mItemInt[2] != 0) { ABORT_LINE(mStrCopy); } else if (size < 0) { SEMAppendToLog("WARNING: " + mStrCopy); size = -size; } if (!mScope->SetApertureSize(ap, size)) { AbortMacro(); return 1; } mMovedAperture = true; return 0; } // ReportC2ApSizeForScaling int CMacCmd::ReportC2ApSizeForScaling() { mLogRpt.Format("Current C2 aperture size for scaling intensities is %d", mWinApp->mBeamAssessor->GetCurrentAperture()); SetRepValsAndVars(1, mWinApp->mBeamAssessor->GetCurrentAperture()); return 0; } // SetC2ApSizeForScaling int CMacCmd::SetC2ApSizeForScaling() { if (!mScope->GetUseIllumAreaForC2()) ABORT_LINE("SetC2ApSizeForScaling works only for microscopes using illuminated area"); if (mItemInt[1] < 5 || mItemInt[1] > 250) ABORT_LINE("The aperture size must be between 5 and 250 microns for line:\n\n"); mWinApp->mBeamAssessor->ScaleTablesForAperture(mItemInt[1], false); mWinApp->mDocWnd->SetShortTermNotSaved(); mC2ApForScalingWasSet = true; mLogRpt.Format("Scaled intensities in calibrations for C2 aperture size %d um", mItemInt[1]); return 0; } // PhasePlateToNextPos int CMacCmd::PhasePlateToNextPos(void) { if (!mScope->MovePhasePlateToNextPos()) ABORT_LINE("Script aborted due to error starting phase plate movement in:\n\n"); mMovedAperture = true; return 0; } // ReportPhasePlatePos int CMacCmd::ReportPhasePlatePos(void) { int index; index = mScope->GetCurrentPhasePlatePos(); if (index < 0) ABORT_LINE("Script aborted due to error in:\n\n"); mLogRpt.Format("Current phase plate position is %d", index + 1); SetRepValsAndVars(1, index + 1.); return 0; } // ReportMeanCounts int CMacCmd::ReportMeanCounts(void) { CString report; EMimageBuffer *imBuf; KImage *image; double delX; int index, sizeX, sizeY; float bmin, bmax, bmean, bSD; if (ConvertBufferLetter(mStrItems[1], 0, true, index, report)) ABORT_LINE(report); imBuf = &mImBufs[index]; if (mItemEmpty[2] || mItemInt[2] < 2) { delX = mProcessImage->WholeImageMean(imBuf); if (mStrItems[2] == "1" && imBuf->mBinning && imBuf->mExposure > 0.) { delX /= imBuf->mBinning * imBuf->mBinning * imBuf->mExposure * mWinApp->GetGainFactor(imBuf->mCamera, imBuf->mBinning); mLogRpt.Format("Mean of buffer %s = %.2f unbinned counts/sec", mStrItems[1], delX); } else mLogRpt.Format("Mean of buffer %s = %.1f", mStrItems[1], delX); SetReportedValues(delX); } else { image = mImBufs[index].mImage; image->getSize(sizeX, sizeY); ProcMinMaxMeanSD(image->getData(), image->getType(), sizeX, sizeY, 0, sizeX - 1, 0, sizeY - 1, &bmean, &bmin, &bmax, &bSD); mLogRpt.Format("Buffer %s: mean = %.1f sd = %.2f min = %.1f max = %.1f", mStrItems[1], bmean, bSD, bmin, bmax); SetReportedValues(bmean, bSD, bmin, bmax); } return 0; } // ReportPercentileStats int CMacCmd::ReportPercentileStats() { CString report; int index; float lowVal, highVal, fracAbove, rangeAbove; if (ConvertBufferLetter(mStrItems[1], 0, true, index, report)) ABORT_LINE(report); if (mProcessImage->PatchPercentileStats(&mImBufs[index], mItemFlt[2], 100.f - mItemFlt[2], mItemFlt[3], mItemFlt[4], mItemInt[5], lowVal, highVal, fracAbove, rangeAbove, report)) ABORT_LINE(report + " for line:\n\n"); mLogRpt.Format("%.1f%%-iles: %g %g mid above %.1f: %.3f range above %.1f: %.3f", mItemFlt[2], lowVal, highVal, mItemFlt[3], fracAbove, mItemFlt[4], rangeAbove); SetRepValsAndVars(6, lowVal, highVal, fracAbove, rangeAbove); return 0; } // ReportFileZsize int CMacCmd::ReportFileZsize(void) { int index; MontParam *param = mWinApp->GetMontParam(); if (!mWinApp->mStoreMRC) SUSPEND_LINE("because there is no open image file to report for line: \n\n"); if (mBufferManager->CheckAsyncSaving()) SUSPEND_NOLINE("because of file write error"); index = mWinApp->mStoreMRC->getDepth(); mLogRpt.Format("Z size of file = %d", index); if (mWinApp->Montaging()) { mStrCopy.Format(" # of montage sections = %d", param->zCurrent); SetRepValsAndVars(1, (double)index, param->zCurrent); mLogRpt += mStrCopy; } else SetRepValsAndVars(1, (double)index); return 0; } // SubareaMean int CMacCmd::SubareaMean(void) { double delX; int ix0, ix1, iy0, iy1, sizeX, sizeY; ix0 = mItemInt[1]; ix1 = mItemInt[2]; iy0 = mItemInt[3]; iy1 = mItemInt[4]; if (mImBufs->mImage) mImBufs->mImage->getSize(sizeX, sizeY); if (!mImBufs->mImage || mItemEmpty[4] || ix0 < 0 || ix1 >= sizeX || ix1 < ix0 || iy0 < 0 || iy1 >= sizeY || iy1 < iy0) ABORT_LINE("Not enough coordinates, coordinates out of bounds, or no image " "in A in statement: \n\n"); delX = ProcImageMean(mImBufs->mImage->getData(), mImBufs->mImage->getType(), sizeX, sizeY, ix0, ix1, iy0, iy1); mLogRpt.Format("Mean of subarea (%d, %d) to (%d, %d) = %.2f", ix0, iy0, ix1, iy1, delX); SetRepValsAndVars(5, delX); return 0; } // CircularSubareaMean int CMacCmd::CircularSubareaMean(void) { double delX; int i, ix0, iy0, sizeX, sizeY; ix0 = mItemInt[1]; iy0 = mItemInt[2]; i = mItemInt[3]; if (mImBufs->mImage) mImBufs->mImage->getSize(sizeX, sizeY); if (!mImBufs->mImage || mItemEmpty[3] || ix0 - i < 0 || iy0 - i < 0 || ix0 + i >= sizeX || iy0 + i >= sizeY) ABORT_LINE("Not enough coordinates, coordinates out of bounds, or no image " "in A in statement: \n\n"); delX = ProcImageMeanCircle(mImBufs->mImage->getData(), mImBufs->mImage->getType(), sizeX, sizeY, ix0, iy0, i); mLogRpt.Format("Mean of subarea with radius %d centered around (%d, %d) = %.2f", i, ix0, iy0, delX); SetRepValsAndVars(4, delX); return 0; } // ElectronStats, RawElectronStats int CMacCmd::ElectronStats(void) { CString report; KImage *image; double delX; int index, sizeX, sizeY; float backlashX, backlashY, bmin, bmax, bmean, bSD, cpe, shiftX; if (ConvertBufferLetter(mStrItems[1], 0, true, index, report)) ABORT_LINE(report); delX = mImBufs[index].mBinning; if (mImBufs[index].mCamera < 0 || !delX || !mImBufs[index].mExposure) ABORT_LINE("Image buffer does not have enough information for dose statistics in:" "\r\n\r\n"); cpe = mProcessImage->CountsPerElectronForImBuf(&mImBufs[index]); if (!cpe) ABORT_LINE("Camera does not have a CountsPerElectron property for:\r\n\r\n"); image = mImBufs[index].mImage; image->getSize(sizeX, sizeY); ProcMinMaxMeanSD(image->getData(), image->getType(), sizeX, sizeY, 0, sizeX - 1, 0, sizeY - 1, &bmean, &bmin, &bmax, &bSD); mCamParams = mWinApp->GetCamParams() + mImBufs[index].mCamera; if (CamHasDoubledBinnings(mCamParams)) delX /= 2; bmin /= cpe; bmax /= cpe; bmean /= cpe; bSD /= cpe; backlashX = (float)(bmean / (mImBufs[index].mExposure * delX * delX)); backlashY = backlashX; if (CMD_IS(ELECTRONSTATS)) { if (mImBufs[index].mK2ReadMode > 0) backlashY = mProcessImage->LinearizedDoseRate(mImBufs[index].mCamera, backlashX); if (mImBufs[index].mDoseRatePerUBPix > 0.) { SEMTrace('1', "Dose rate computed from mean %.3f returned from DM %.3f", backlashY, mImBufs[index].mDoseRatePerUBPix); backlashY = mImBufs[index].mDoseRatePerUBPix; } } shiftX = backlashY / backlashX; mLogRpt.Format("Min = %.3f max = %.3f mean = %.3f SD = %.3f electrons/pixel; " "dose rate = %.3f e/physical pixel/sec", bmin * shiftX, bmax * shiftX, bmean *shiftX, bSD * shiftX, backlashY); SetRepValsAndVars(2, bmin * shiftX, bmax * shiftX, bmean * shiftX, bSD *shiftX, backlashY); return 0; } // CalibrateElectronDose int CMacCmd::CalibrateElectronDose(void) { if (mWinApp->mBeamAssessor->CalibrateElectronDose(false)) ABORT_LINE("One of the preconditions for calibrating dose is not met for line:\n\n"); return 0; } // AreaForCumulRecordDose int CMacCmd::AreaForCumulRecordDose(void) { int index = mItemInt[1] + 1; if (index < 0 || index > 255) ABORT_LINE("Record area number is out if range in line:\n\n"); if (index >= (int)mAreaRecordDoses.size()) mAreaRecordDoses.resize(index + 1, -1.); mAreaForCumulDose = index; mCumulRecordDose = mAreaRecordDoses[index]; return 0; } // AccumulateRecordDose int CMacCmd::AccumulateRecordDose(void) { // Disable it, or initialize it if it is disabled, or add to it if (mItemFlt[1] < 0.) mAreaRecordDoses[mAreaForCumulDose] = -1.; else if (mAreaRecordDoses[mAreaForCumulDose] < 0.) mAreaRecordDoses[mAreaForCumulDose] = mItemFlt[1]; else mAreaRecordDoses[mAreaForCumulDose] += mItemFlt[1]; mCumulRecordDose = mAreaRecordDoses[mAreaForCumulDose]; return 0; } // CropImage, CropCenterToSize int CMacCmd::CropImage(void) { CString report; BOOL truth; EMimageBuffer *imBuf; int index, ix0, ix1, iy0, iy1, sizeX, sizeY; float backlashX, backlashY; if (ConvertBufferLetter(mStrItems[1], -1, true, index, report, true)) ABORT_LINE(report); imBuf = ImBufForIndex(index); imBuf->mImage->getSize(sizeX, sizeY); imBuf->mImage->getShifts(backlashX, backlashY); truth = CMD_IS(CROPIMAGE); if (truth) { ix0 = mItemInt[2]; ix1 = mItemInt[3]; iy0 = mItemInt[4]; iy1 = mItemInt[5]; // Test for whether centered:if not, it needs to be marked as processed truth = B3DABS(ix0 + ix1 + 1 - sizeX) > 1 || B3DABS(iy0 + iy1 + 1 - sizeY) > 1; } else { if (mItemInt[2] > sizeX || mItemInt[3] > sizeY) ABORT_LINE("Image is already smaller than size requested in:\n\n"); if (mItemInt[2] <= 0 || mItemInt[3] <= 0) ABORT_LINE("Size to crop to must be positive in:\n\n"); ix0 = (sizeX - mItemInt[2]) / 2; iy0 = (sizeY - mItemInt[3]) / 2; ix1 = ix0 + mItemInt[2] - 1; iy1 = iy0 + mItemInt[3] - 1; } ix0 = mProcessImage->CropImage(imBuf, iy0, ix0, iy1, ix1); if (ix0) { report.Format("Error # %d attempting to crop image in buffer %c in statement: \n\n" , ix0, mStrItems[1].GetAt(0)); ABORT_LINE(report); } // Mark as cropped if centered and unshifted: this allows autoalign to apply image // shift on scope mImBufs->mCaptured = (truth || backlashX || backlashY) ? BUFFER_PROCESSED : BUFFER_CROPPED; return 0; } // ReduceImage int CMacCmd::ReduceImage(void) { CString report; int index, ix0; if (ConvertBufferLetter(mStrItems[1], -1, true, index, report, true)) ABORT_LINE(report); ix0 = mProcessImage->ReduceImage(ImBufForIndex(index), mItemFlt[2], &report); if (ix0) { report += " in statement:\n\n"; ABORT_LINE(report); } return 0; } // Rotate90CW int CMacCmd::Rotate90CW(void) { CString report; int index; if (ConvertBufferLetter(mStrItems[1], -1, true, index, report)) ABORT_LINE(report); mWinApp->mMainView->SetImBufIndex(index); mProcessImage->RotateImage(FALSE); return 0; } // Rotate90CCW int CMacCmd::Rotate90CCW(void) { CString report; int index; if (ConvertBufferLetter(mStrItems[1], -1, true, index, report)) ABORT_LINE(report); mWinApp->mMainView->SetImBufIndex(index); mProcessImage->RotateImage(TRUE); return 0; } // FFT int CMacCmd::FFT(void) { CString report; int index, index2; if (ConvertBufferLetter(mStrItems[1], -1, true, index, report)) ABORT_LINE(report); index2 = 1; if (!mItemEmpty[2]) index2 = mItemInt[2]; if (index2 < 1 || index2 > 8) ABORT_LINE("Binning must be between 1 and 8 in line:\n\n"); mProcessImage->GetFFT(&mImBufs[index], index2, BUFFER_FFT); return 0; } // FilterImage int CMacCmd::FilterImage(void) { CString report; int index, index2; if (ConvertBufferLetter(mStrItems[1], -1, true, index, report, true) || ConvertBufferLetter(mStrItems[6], 0, false, index2, report)) ABORT_LINE(report); if (mProcessImage->FilterImage(ImBufForIndex(index), index2, mItemFlt[2], mItemFlt[5], mItemFlt[3], mItemFlt[4])) ABORT_LINE("Failed to filter image for line:\n\n"); return 0; } // AddImages, SubtractImages, MultiplyImages, DivideImages, ComputeIceThickness int CMacCmd::CombineImages(void) { CString report; int index, index2, proc, outInd; if (ConvertBufferLetter(mStrItems[1], -1, true, index, report) || ConvertBufferLetter(mStrItems[2], -1, true, index2, report) || ConvertBufferLetter(mStrItems[3], 0, false, outInd, report)) ABORT_LINE(report); proc = PROC_ADD_IMAGES; if (CMD_IS(SUBTRACTIMAGES)) proc = PROC_SUBTRACT_IMAGES; if (CMD_IS(MULTIPLYIMAGES)) proc = PROC_MULTIPLY_IMAGES; if (CMD_IS(DIVIDEIMAGES)) proc = PROC_DIVIDE_IMAGES; if (CMD_IS(COMPUTEICETHICKNESS)) { proc = PROC_COMPUTE_THICKNESS; if (!mItemEmpty[4]) { if (mItemFlt[4] <= 0.) ABORT_LINE("Thickness coefficient is not positive in line:\n\n"); mProcessImage->SetNextThicknessCoeff(mItemFlt[4]); } else if (mProcessImage->GetThicknessCoefficient() <= 0.) ABORT_LINE("No thickness coefficient is set in properties for line:\n\n"); } if (mProcessImage->CombineImages(index, index2, outInd, proc)) ABORT_LINE("Failed to combine images for line:\n\n"); return 0; } // ScaleImage int CMacCmd::ScaleImage(void) { CString report; int index, index2; if (ConvertBufferLetter(mStrItems[1], -1, true, index, report, true) || ConvertBufferLetter(mStrItems[4], 0, false, index2, report)) ABORT_LINE(report); if (mProcessImage->ScaleImage(ImBufForIndex(index), index2, mItemFlt[2], mItemFlt[3], !mItemEmpty[5] && mItemInt[5])) ABORT_LINE("Failed to scale image for line:\n\n"); return 0; } // ConvertToBytes int CMacCmd::ConvertToBytes(void) { CString report; int index; EMimageBuffer *imBuf; if (!mItemEmpty[2] && mItemEmpty[3]) ABORT_LINE("You must enter two scaling values or none for:\n\n"); if (ConvertBufferLetter(mStrItems[1], -1, true, index, report, true)) ABORT_LINE(report); imBuf = ImBufForIndex(index); if (imBuf->mImage->getType() == kRGB) ABORT_LINE("The buffer has a color image that cannot be converted in:\n\n"); if (imBuf->mImage->getType() == kUBYTE) mLogRpt = "The image to be converted is already bytes"; else imBuf->ConvertToByte(mItemEmpty[2] ? 0.f : mItemFlt[2], mItemEmpty[3] ? 0.f : mItemFlt[3]); if (index >= 0) mWinApp->SetCurrentBuffer(index); return 0; } // PasteImagesTogether int CMacCmd::PasteImagesTogether(void) { CString report; int index, index2, outInd; if (ConvertBufferLetter(mStrItems[1], -1, true, index, report, true) || ConvertBufferLetter(mStrItems[2], -1, true, index2, report, true) || ConvertBufferLetter(mStrItems[3], 0, false, outInd, report)) ABORT_LINE(report); if (mProcessImage->PasteImages(ImBufForIndex(index), ImBufForIndex(index2), outInd, !mItemEmpty[4] && mItemInt[4])) { AbortMacro(); return 1; } return 0; } // ScaledSpectrum, SpectrumBesideImage int CMacCmd::ScaledSpectrum(void) { CString report; int index, err, nx, ny, maxSize, finalSize, padSize; KImage *image; EMimageBuffer tmpImBuf; float factor; unsigned char *buf; bool sideBySide = CMD_IS(SPECTRUMBESIDEIMAGE); if (ConvertBufferLetter(mStrItems[1], -1, true, index, report, false)) ABORT_LINE(report); image = mImBufs[index].mImage; image->getSize(nx, ny); maxSize = B3DMAX(nx, ny); padSize = XCorrNiceFrame(4 * ((maxSize + 3) / 4), 4, 19); finalSize = mItemInt[2] ? mItemInt[2] : padSize; finalSize = 4 * ((finalSize + 3) / 4); factor = B3DMAX(1.f, (float)ny / (float)finalSize); if (sideBySide) { finalSize = B3DMIN(finalSize, padSize); if (finalSize < 100) ABORT_LINE("The output size needs to be either 0 or at least 100 for:\n\n"); } else if (finalSize < 100 || finalSize > padSize) ABORT_LINE("The output size needs to be either 0 or between 100 and the maximum" " dimension of the input image for:\n\n"); NewArray2(buf, unsigned char, finalSize, finalSize); if (!buf) ABORT_LINE("Failed to allocate array for output of:\n\n"); image->Lock(); err = spectrumScaled(image->getData(), image->getType(), nx, ny, buf, padSize, finalSize, mWinApp->GetBkgdGrayOfFFT(), mWinApp->GetTruncDiamOfFFT(), 4, twoDfft); image->UnLock(); if (err) { delete[] buf; report.Format("Error %d calling spectrum with finalSize %d for:\n\n", err, finalSize); ABORT_LINE(report); } if (sideBySide) { tmpImBuf.mImage = new KImage(); tmpImBuf.mImage->useData((char *)buf, finalSize, finalSize); if (factor > 1.) { // Change factor to make reduction gave a factor of 4 in X, needed to avoid gray // line when it converts to bytes by assigning the pixmap err = 2 * (int)(0.5 * nx / factor); err = 4 * (err / 4); factor = (float)nx / (float)err - 0.0001f; if (mProcessImage->ReduceImage(&mImBufs[index], factor, &report)) ABORT_LINE(report + " for:\n\n"); index = 0; } mProcessImage->PasteImages(&mImBufs[index], &tmpImBuf, 0, false); } else mProcessImage->NewProcessedImage(&mImBufs[index], (short *)buf, kUBYTE, finalSize, finalSize, 1); return 0; } // TransformToOtherMag int CMacCmd::TransformToOtherMag() { CString report; int outInd = 0, index; if (ConvertBufferLetter(mStrItems[1], -1, true, index, report)) ABORT_LINE(report); if (mItemInt[2] < 1 || mItemInt[2] >= MAX_MAGS) ABORT_LINE("Magnification index out of range in line:\n\n"); if (!mItemEmpty[3] && mItemInt[3] >= 0 && ConvertBufferLetter(mStrItems[3], 0, false, outInd, report)) ABORT_LINE(report); if (mProcessImage->TransformToOtherMag(&mImBufs[index], outInd, mItemInt[2], report, mItemEmpty[9] ? -1 : mItemInt[9], mItemEmpty[8] ? -1 : mItemInt[8], mItemEmpty[4] ? -1.f : mItemFlt[4], mItemEmpty[5] ? -1.f : mItemFlt[5], mItemEmpty[6] ? -1 : mItemInt[6], mItemEmpty[7] ? -1 : mItemInt[7])) ABORT_LINE(report + " for line\n\n"); return 0; } // TransformToMatchBuffer int CMacCmd::TransformToMatchBuffer() { CString report; int outInd = 0, index, other; if (ConvertBufferLetter(mStrItems[1], -1, true, index, report) || ConvertBufferLetter(mStrItems[2], -1, true, other, report)) ABORT_LINE(report); if (!mItemEmpty[4] && mItemInt[3] >= 0 && ConvertBufferLetter(mStrItems[3], 0, false, outInd, report)) ABORT_LINE(report); if (mProcessImage->TransformToOtherMag(&mImBufs[index], &mImBufs[other], outInd, report, mItemEmpty[4] ? -1.f : mItemFlt[4], mItemEmpty[5] ? -1.f : mItemFlt[5], mItemEmpty[6] ? -1 : mItemInt[6], mItemEmpty[7] ? -1 : mItemInt[7])) ABORT_LINE(report + " for line\n\n"); return 0; } // CtfFind int CMacCmd::CtfFind(void) { CString report; double delX, delY; int index; if (ConvertBufferLetter(mStrItems[1], -1, true, index, report)) ABORT_LINE(report); CtffindParams param; float resultsArray[7]; if (mProcessImage->InitializeCtffindParams(&mImBufs[index], param)) ABORT_LINE("Error initializing Ctffind parameters for line:\n\n"); if (mItemDbl[2] > 0. || mItemDbl[3] > 0. || mItemDbl[2] < -100 || mItemDbl[3] < -100) ABORT_LINE("Minimum and maximum defocus must be negative and in microns"); if (mItemDbl[2] < mItemDbl[3]) { delX = mItemDbl[2]; mItemDbl[2] = mItemDbl[3]; mItemDbl[3] = delX; } param.minimum_defocus = -(float)(10000. * mItemDbl[2]); param.maximum_defocus = -(float)(10000. * mItemDbl[3]); param.slower_search = mItemEmpty[4] || mItemInt[4] == 0; if (mItemInt[5] != 0) { if (mItemInt[5] < 128 || mItemInt[5] > 640) ABORT_LINE("The box size must be between 128 and 640 in the line:\n\n"); param.box_size = mItemInt[5]; } // Phase entries. Convert all from degrees to radians. The assumed phase shift is // in radians and was being converted to degrees and passed that way (12/20/18) if (!mItemEmpty[6]) { delX = mItemDbl[6] * DTOR; if (delX == 0) delX = mProcessImage->GetPlatePhase(); param.minimum_additional_phase_shift = param.maximum_additional_phase_shift = (float)(delX); param.find_additional_phase_shift = true; if (!mItemEmpty[7] && (mItemDbl[6] != 0 || mItemDbl[7] != 0)) { delY = mItemDbl[7] * DTOR; if (delY < delX) ABORT_LINE("The maximum phase shift is less than the minimum in line:\n\n"); if (delY - delX > 125 * DTOR) ABORT_LINE("The range of phase shift to search is more than 125 degrees in " "line:\n\n"); param.maximum_additional_phase_shift = (float)delY; } if (!mItemEmpty[8] && mItemDbl[8]) param.additional_phase_shift_search_step = (float)(mItemDbl[8] * DTOR); if (mItemInt[9]) { param.astigmatism_is_known = true; param.known_astigmatism = 0.; param.known_astigmatism_angle = 0.; } } mProcessImage->SetCtffindParamsForDefocus(param, 0.8 *mItemDbl[2] + 0.2 * mItemDbl[3], true); param.compute_extra_stats = true; if (mProcessImage->RunCtffind(&mImBufs[index], param, resultsArray, mLogAction == LOG_IGNORE)) ABORT_LINE("Ctffind fitting returned an error for line:\n\n"); SetReportedValues(-(resultsArray[0] + resultsArray[1]) / 20000., (resultsArray[0] - resultsArray[1]) / 10000., resultsArray[2], resultsArray[3] / DTOR, resultsArray[4], resultsArray[5]); return 0; } // Ctfplotter int CMacCmd::Ctfplotter(void) { CString report, command; float phase = 0., imPixel, cropPixel = 0., fitStart = -1., fitEnd = 0., tiltOffset = 0.; float reduction = 1.f; int index, astigPhase = 1, resolOrTune = 1; if (ConvertBufferLetter(mStrItems[1], -1, true, index, report)) ABORT_LINE(report); // Need pixel size here, other items from imbuf are checked in called routine imPixel = 1000.f * mShiftManager->GetPixelSize(&mImBufs[index]); if (!imPixel) ABORT_LINE("No pixel size is available for the image for line:\n\n"); reduction = B3DMAX(1.f, mProcessImage->GetMinCtfplotterPixel() / imPixel); if (mItemDbl[2] > 0. || mItemDbl[3] > 0. || mItemDbl[2] < -100 || mItemDbl[3] < -100) ABORT_LINE("Minimum and maximum defocus must be negative and in microns"); if (!mItemEmpty[4]) astigPhase = mItemInt[4]; if (!mItemEmpty[5]) { phase = mItemFlt[5]; if (!phase) phase = mProcessImage->GetPlatePhase(); } if (!mItemEmpty[6]) tiltOffset = mItemFlt[6]; // Handle resolution or tuning entry if (!mItemEmpty[7]) { resolOrTune = mItemInt[7]; if (resolOrTune > 1 && resolOrTune < 100) ABORT_LINE("Power spectrum resolution must be at least 100 in line:\n\n"); if (!resolOrTune || resolOrTune > 1) { if (mItemEmpty[10]) ABORT_LINE("If power spectrum resolution is entered or the default specified, " "then fitting range must be entered for line:\n\n"); if (mItemFlt[8] >= imPixel) cropPixel = mItemFlt[8]; fitStart = mItemFlt[9]; fitEnd = mItemFlt[10]; if (fitStart > 0.51) fitStart = 10.f * (cropPixel ? cropPixel : imPixel) / fitStart; if (fitEnd > 0.51) fitEnd = 10.f * (cropPixel ? cropPixel : imPixel) / fitEnd; if (fitStart > fitEnd || (fitStart >= 0 && fitStart < 0.01)) { report.Format("The start of the fitting range (%.3f/pixel) is too small or past " "the end of the range (%.2f/pixel) in line:\n\n", fitStart, fitEnd); ABORT_LINE(report); } if (fitEnd > 0.48) { report.Format("The end of the fitting range (%.3f/pixel) is too high in line:\n\n" , fitEnd); ABORT_LINE(report); } } if ((resolOrTune < 0 || resolOrTune == 1) && !mItemEmpty[8]) ABORT_LINE("You cannot enter crop or fitting values after specifying to use last" " parameters or to autotune for line:\n\n"); if (resolOrTune < 0 && !mWinApp->mExternalTools->GetLastCropPixel()) ABORT_LINE("There are no previous fitting and sampling parameters to use for " "line:\n\n"); } // Save the image to shared memory mShrMemFile = mWinApp->mExternalTools->SaveBufferToSharedMemory(index, "ctftmp.mrc", report, reduction); if (!mShrMemFile) ABORT_LINE(report + " in line:\n\n"); // Get the command and run it in a thread, set flags if (mWinApp->mExternalTools->MakeCtfplotterCommand(report, reduction, index, tiltOffset, mItemFlt[2], mItemFlt[3], 0., astigPhase, phase, resolOrTune, cropPixel, fitStart, fitEnd, mSaveCtfplotGraph, mCtfplotGraphName, mEnteredName)) ABORT_LINE(report + " in line:\n\n"); if (mWinApp->mExternalTools->RunCreateProcess(mEnteredName, report, true, CString(""))) { AbortMacro(); return 1; } mRanExtProcess = true; mRanCtfplotter = true; return 0; } // SaveNextCtfplotterGraph int CMacCmd::SaveNextCtfplotterGraph() { mSaveCtfplotGraph = 2; // 0 for read buf, -1 just save png, -2 just save tif if (mStrItems[1] == "0" || mItemInt[1] < 0) { if (mItemInt[1] < 0 && mItemEmpty[2]) ABORT_LINE("A filename must be entered if not reading in graph for line:\n\n"); if (mItemInt[1] == -1) mSaveCtfplotGraph = 1;; mBufForCtfplotGraph = mItemInt[1] - 1; } else if (ConvertBufferLetter(mStrItems[1], -1, false, mBufForCtfplotGraph, mStrCopy, false)) ABORT_LINE(mStrCopy); if (mItemEmpty[2]) mCtfplotGraphName = "ctfplotGraphTemp"; else if (CheckConvertFilename(mStrItems, mStrLine, 2, mCtfplotGraphName)) return 1; mStrCopy = mCtfplotGraphName.Right(4); if (mStrCopy.CompareNoCase(mSaveCtfplotGraph > 1 ? ".tif" : ".png")) mCtfplotGraphName += (mSaveCtfplotGraph > 1 ? ".tif" : ".png"); return 0; } // ReportCtplotterTuning int CMacCmd::ReportCtplotterTuning(void) { int resol = mWinApp->mExternalTools->GetLastPSresol(); float crop = mWinApp->mExternalTools->GetLastCropPixel(); float fitStart = mWinApp->mExternalTools->GetLastFitStart(); float fitEnd = mWinApp->mExternalTools->GetLastFitEnd(); float angsStart = mWinApp->mExternalTools->GetLastAngstromStart(); float angsEnd = mWinApp->mExternalTools->GetLastAngstromEnd(); if (!resol) { mLogRpt = "There are no stored values from previous autotuning"; SetReportedValues(&mStrItems[1], 0); } else { mLogRpt.Format("Tuned parameters are psResol = %d, crop to pixel %.3f, fit to %.3f" " - %.3f/pixel, %.2f - %.2f A", resol, crop, fitStart, fitEnd, angsStart, angsEnd); SetReportedValues(&mStrItems[1], resol, crop, fitStart, fitEnd, angsStart, angsEnd); } return 0; } // GraphValuesInArrays, GraphPreStoredValues int CMacCmd::GraphValuesInArrays(void) { bool stored = CMD_IS(GRAPHPRESTOREDVALUES); bool ifTypes = mItemInt[1] != 0; int index = 2, ind, numCol = 0; int numToGraph = (int)mGraphColumns.size(); IntVec dummy; Variable *var; CString errString; if (!numToGraph) { if (stored) { numToGraph = (int)(mStoredGraphValues.size()); } else { for (ind = index; ind < MAX_MACRO_TOKENS; ind++) { if (mItemEmpty[index]) break; numToGraph++; } } } if (ifTypes && stored && !mStoredGraphTypes.size()) ABORT_LINE("No prestored type identifiers were saved for graphing with in line:\n\n"); if (stored && !mStoredGraphValues.size()) ABORT_LINE("No prestored values were saved for graphing in line:\n\n"); if (ifTypes && numToGraph > 2 - mGraphVsOrdinals) ABORT_LINE("There are too many columns of values for graphing by type in line:\n\n"); if (!stored) { mStoredGraphTypes.clear(); mStoredGraphValues.clear(); for (; index < MAX_MACRO_TOKENS; index++) { if (mItemEmpty[index]) break; var = LookupVariable(mStrItems[index], ind); if (!var) ABORT_LINE("Variable \"" + mStrItems[index] + "\" is not defined for line:\n\n"); if (ifTypes && index == 2) { FillVectorFromArrayVariable(NULL, &mStoredGraphTypes, var); } else { mStoredGraphValues.resize(numCol + 1); FillVectorFromArrayVariable(&mStoredGraphValues[numCol++], NULL, var); } } } ind = mWinApp->mExternalTools->StartGraph(mStoredGraphValues, ifTypes ? mStoredGraphTypes : dummy, mGraphTypeList, mGraphColumns, mGraphSymbols, mGraphAxisLabel, mGraphKeys, errString, mConnectGraph, mGraphVsOrdinals, mGraphColorOpt, mGraphXlogSqrt, mGraphXlogBase, mGraphYlogSqrt, mGraphYlogBase, mGraphXmin, mGraphXmax, mGraphYmin, mGraphYmax, mGraphSaveName, mGraphSaveTiff); if (ind) { if (!errString.IsEmpty()) ABORT_LINE(errString + " in line\n\n"); AbortMacro(); } ClearGraphVariables(); return ind; } // SetGraphAxisLabel int CMacCmd::SetGraphAxisLabel(void) { SubstituteLineStripItems(mStrLine, 1, mGraphAxisLabel); return 0; } // SetGraphKeyLabel int CMacCmd::SetGraphKeyLabel(void) { SubstituteLineStripItems(mStrLine, 1, mStrCopy); mGraphKeys.push_back((LPCTSTR)mStrCopy); return 0; } // SetGraphTypes int CMacCmd::SetGraphTypes(void) { SetGraphListVec(mGraphTypeList); return 0; } // SetGraphColumns int CMacCmd::SetGraphColumns(void) { SetGraphListVec(mGraphColumns); return 0; } // SetGraphSymbols int CMacCmd::SetGraphSymbols(void) { SetGraphListVec(mGraphSymbols); return 0; } // SaveNextGraphAndExit int CMacCmd::SaveNextGraphAndExit() { mGraphSaveTiff = mItemInt[1] != 0; SubstituteLineStripItems(mStrLine, 2, mGraphSaveName); return 0; } // SetGraphOptions int CMacCmd::SetGraphOptions(void) { int ind; for (ind = 1; ind < MAX_MACRO_TOKENS; ind++) { if (mItemEmpty[ind]) break; if (mStrItems[ind].Find("con") == 0) { mConnectGraph = true; } else if (mStrItems[ind].Find("ord") == 0) { mGraphVsOrdinals = true; } else if (mStrItems[ind].Find("color") == 0) { if (mItemEmpty[ind + 1]) ABORT_LINE("A value must be entered after \"" + mStrItems[ind] + "\" in line:\n\n"); mGraphColorOpt = mItemInt[++ind]; } else if (mStrItems[ind] == "xsqrt" || mStrItems[ind] == "xlog") { if (mItemEmpty[ind + 1]) ABORT_LINE("A base value to add must be entered after \"" + mStrItems[ind] + "\" in line:\n\n"); mGraphXlogSqrt = mStrItems[ind++] == "xsqrt" ? 2 : 1; mGraphXlogBase = mItemFlt[ind]; } else if (mStrItems[ind] == "ysqrt" || mStrItems[ind] == "ylog") { if (mItemEmpty[ind + 1]) ABORT_LINE("A base value to add must be entered after \"" + mStrItems[ind] + "\" in line:\n\n"); mGraphYlogSqrt = mStrItems[ind++] == "ysqrt" ? 2 : 1; mGraphYlogBase = mItemFlt[ind]; } else if (mStrItems[ind].Find("xran") == 0 || mStrItems[ind].Find("yran") == 0) { if (mItemEmpty[ind + 2]) ABORT_LINE("Min and max values must be entered after \"" + mStrItems[ind] + "\" in line:\n\n"); if (mStrItems[ind].Find("xran") == 0) { mGraphXmin = mItemFlt[ind + 1]; mGraphXmax = mItemFlt[ind + 2]; } else { mGraphYmin = mItemFlt[ind + 1]; mGraphYmax = mItemFlt[ind + 2]; } ind += 2; } else { ABORT_LINE("Unrecognized graphing option \"" + mStrItems[ind] + "\" in line:\n\n"); } } return 0; } // CloseAllGraphs int CMacCmd::CloseAllGraphs(void) { mWinApp->mExternalTools->CloseAllGraphs(); return 0; } // GetLastTiltXYZToGraph int CMacCmd::GetLastTiltXYZToGraph(void) { if (mWinApp->mTSController->StoreXYZForGraphing()) ABORT_LINE("There are no X/Y/Z values from a tilt series available for line:\n\n"); return 0; } // ImageProperties int CMacCmd::ImageProperties(void) { CString report; EMimageBuffer *imBuf; double delISX, delX, delY; int index, sizeX, sizeY; if (ConvertBufferLetter(mStrItems[1], 0, true, index, report, true)) ABORT_LINE(report); imBuf = ImBufForIndex(index); imBuf->mImage->getSize(sizeX, sizeY); delX = 1000. * mShiftManager->GetPixelSize(&mImBufs[index]); mLogRpt.Format("Image size %d by %d, binning %s, exposure %.4f", sizeX, sizeY, (LPCTSTR)imBuf->BinningText(), imBuf->mExposure); if (delX) { mStrCopy.Format(", pixel size " + mWinApp->PixelFormat((float)delX), (float)delX); mLogRpt += mStrCopy; } if (imBuf->mSecNumber < 0) { delY = -1; mStrCopy = ", read in"; } else { delY = imBuf->mConSetUsed; mStrCopy.Format(", %s parameters", mModeNames[imBuf->mConSetUsed]); } mLogRpt += mStrCopy; if (imBuf->mMapID) { mStrCopy.Format(", mapID %d", imBuf->mMapID); mLogRpt += mStrCopy; } SetRepValsAndVars(2, (double)sizeX, (double)sizeY, imBuf->mBinning / (double)B3DMAX(1, imBuf->mDivideBinToShow), (double)imBuf->mExposure, delX, delY); delISX = SEMTickInterval(1000. * imBuf->mTimeStamp, mWinApp->ProgramStartTime()) / 1000.; report.Format("%.3f", delISX); SetVariable("IMAGETICKTIME", report, VARTYPE_REGULAR + VARTYPE_ADD_FOR_NUM, -1, false); return 0; } // ImageMarkerPosition int CMacCmd::ImageMarkerPosition(void) { CString report; EMimageBuffer *imBuf; float delX = -1., delY = -1.; int index; if (mStrItems[1] == "0" || mStrItems[1] == "-1") { imBuf = mWinApp->mMainView->GetActiveImBuf(); if (!imBuf || !imBuf->mImage) ABORT_LINE("There is no image in the active buffer for line\n\n:"); } else { if (ConvertBufferLetter(mStrItems[1], 0, true, index, report, true)) ABORT_LINE(report); imBuf = ImBufForIndex(index); } if (imBuf->mHasUserPt) { delX = imBuf->mUserPtX; delY = imBuf->mUserPtY; mLogRpt.Format("Marker point coordinates %.1f, %.1f", delX, delY); } else mLogRpt = "The image has no marker point set"; SetRepValsAndVars(2, delX, delY); return 0; } // ImageConditions int CMacCmd::ImageConditions(void) { CString report; EMimageBuffer *imBuf; EMimageExtra *extra; int index; if (ConvertBufferLetter(mStrItems[1], 0, true, index, report)) ABORT_LINE(report); imBuf = ImBufForIndex(index); extra = imBuf->mImage->GetUserData(); if (!extra) ABORT_LINE("The image has no extra data structure for line:\n\n"); mLogRpt.Format("Buffer %c: electron dose %.3f magnification %d", 'A' + index, extra->m_fDose, extra->m_iMag); SetRepValsAndVars(2, extra->m_fDose, extra->m_iMag); return 0; } // ImageLowDoseSet int CMacCmd::ImageLowDoseSet(void) { CString report; double delX; int index, index2, mag; if (ConvertBufferLetter(mStrItems[1], 0, true, index, report)) ABORT_LINE(report); index2 = mImBufs[index].mConSetUsed; if (index2 == MONTAGE_CONSET) index2 = RECORD_CONSET; if (mImBufs[index].mLowDoseArea && index2 >= 0) { mLogRpt = "Image is from " + mModeNames[index2] + " in Low Dose"; } else { if (index2 == TRACK_CONSET) { // Try to match View vs R by mag first mag = mImBufs[index].mMagInd; if (mLdParam[VIEW_CONSET].magIndex == mag) { index2 = VIEW_CONSET; } else if (mLdParam[RECORD_CONSET].magIndex == mag) { // Then decide between preview and record based on exposure delX = mImBufs[index].mExposure; if (fabs(delX - mConSets[RECORD_CONSET].exposure) < fabs(delX - mConSets[PREVIEW_CONSET].exposure)) index2 = RECORD_CONSET; else index2 = PREVIEW_CONSET; } mLogRpt = "Image matches one from " + mModeNames[index2] + " in Low Dose"; } else if (index2 >= 0) { mLogRpt = "Image is from " + mModeNames[index2] + " parameters, not in Low Dose"; } } if (index2 > SEARCH_CONSET || index2 < 0) { index2 = -1; mLogRpt = "Image properties do not match any Low Dose area well enough"; } SetRepValsAndVars(2, (double)index2, mImBufs[index].mLowDoseArea ? 1. : 0.); return 0; } // MeasureBeamSize, MeasureBeamPosition int CMacCmd::MeasureBeamSize(void) { CString report; int index, binning, ix0, numQuad; float xcen, ycen, xcenUse, ycenUse, radUse, fracUse, radius, shiftX, shiftY, fitErr; float pixel; if (ConvertBufferLetter(mStrItems[1], 0, true, index, report)) ABORT_LINE(report); ix0 = mProcessImage->FindBeamCenter(&mImBufs[index], xcen, ycen, radius, xcenUse, ycenUse, radUse, fracUse, binning, numQuad, shiftX, shiftY, fitErr); if (ix0) ABORT_LINE("No beam edges were detected in image for line:\n\n"); if (CMD_IS(MEASUREBEAMPOSITION)) { xcen = (float)(xcen * binning - mImBufs[index].mImage->getWidth() / 2.); ycen = (float)(ycen * binning - mImBufs[index].mImage->getHeight() / 2.); mLogRpt.Format("Beam offset from image center measured to be %.1f %.1f pixels, from" " %d quadrants, fit error %.3f", xcen, ycen, numQuad, fitErr); SetReportedValues(xcen, ycen, numQuad, fitErr); } else { pixel = mShiftManager->GetPixelSize(&mImBufs[index]); if (!pixel) ABORT_LINE("No pixel size is available for the image for line:\n\n"); radius *= 2.f * binning * pixel; mLogRpt.Format("Beam diameter measured to be %.3f um from %d quadrants, fit error" " %.3f", radius, numQuad, fitErr); SetReportedValues(radius, numQuad, fitErr); } return 0; } // MeasureBeamEllipse int CMacCmd::MeasureBeamEllipse(void) { CString report; int index; float xcen, ycen, longAxis, shortAxis, angle; if (ConvertBufferLetter(mStrItems[1], 0, true, index, report)) ABORT_LINE(report); if (mProcessImage->FindEllipticalBeamParams(&mImBufs[index], xcen, ycen, longAxis, shortAxis, angle)) ABORT_LINE("Image analysis failed for line:\n\n"); mLogRpt.Format("Offset %.1f %.1f pixels, long and short axes %.1f and %.1f pixels, " "long axis at %.1f degrees", xcen, ycen, longAxis, shortAxis, angle); SetReportedValues(xcen, ycen, longAxis, shortAxis, angle); return 0; } // QuadrantMeans int CMacCmd::QuadrantMeans(void) { CString report; KImage *image; double delX, delY, h1, v1, v2, h2, h3, v3, v4, h4; int index, ix0, ix1, iy0, iy1, sizeX, sizeY; delY = 0.1; delX = 0.1; index = 2; if (!mItemEmpty[1]) index = mItemInt[1]; if (!mItemEmpty[2]) delX = mItemDbl[2]; if (!mItemEmpty[3]) delY = mItemDbl[3]; image = mImBufs->mImage; if (image) image->getSize(sizeX, sizeY); if (!image || index > B3DMIN(sizeX, sizeY) / 4 || index < 0 || delX <= 0. || delY < 0. || delX > 0.5 || delY > 0.4) ABORT_LINE("Parameter out of bounds for image, or no image in A in statement:" "\n\n"); ix0 = B3DMAX((int)(delY * sizeX / 2), 1); // Trim length in X iy0 = B3DMAX((int)(delY * sizeY / 2), 1); // Trim length in Y ix1 = B3DMAX((int)(delX * sizeX / 2), 1); // Width in X iy1 = B3DMAX((int)(delX * sizeY / 2), 1); // Width in Y h4 = ProcImageMean(image->getData(), image->getType(), sizeX, sizeY, sizeX / 2 + index, sizeX - 1 - ix0, sizeY / 2 + index, sizeY / 2 + index + iy1 - 1); v4 = ProcImageMean(image->getData(), image->getType(), sizeX, sizeY, sizeX / 2 + index, sizeX / 2 + index + ix1 - 1, sizeY / 2 + index, sizeY - 1 - iy0); v3 = ProcImageMean(image->getData(), image->getType(), sizeX, sizeY, sizeX / 2 - index - ix1, sizeX / 2 - index - 1, sizeY / 2 + index, sizeY - 1 - iy0); h3 = ProcImageMean(image->getData(), image->getType(), sizeX, sizeY, ix0, sizeX / 2 - index - 1, sizeY / 2 + index, sizeY / 2 + index + iy1 - 1); h2 = ProcImageMean(image->getData(), image->getType(), sizeX, sizeY, ix0, sizeX / 2 - index - 1, sizeY / 2 - index - iy1, sizeY / 2 - index - 1); v2 = ProcImageMean(image->getData(), image->getType(), sizeX, sizeY, sizeX / 2 - index - ix1, sizeX / 2 - index - 1, iy0, sizeY / 2 - index - 1); v1 = ProcImageMean(image->getData(), image->getType(), sizeX, sizeY, sizeX / 2 + index, sizeX / 2 + index + ix1 - 1, iy0, sizeY / 2 - index - 1); h1 = ProcImageMean(image->getData(), image->getType(), sizeX, sizeY, sizeX / 2 + index, sizeX - 1 - ix0, sizeY / 2 - index - iy1, sizeY / 2 - index - 1); report.Format("h1, v1, v2, h2, h3, v3, v4, h4: %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f " "%.2f %.2f %.2f", h1, v1, v2, h2, h3, v3, v4, h4); mWinApp->AppendToLog(report, LOG_OPEN_IF_CLOSED); return 0; } // CheckForBadStripe int CMacCmd::CheckForBadStripe(void) { CString report; int index, index2, ix0, ix1; if (ConvertBufferLetter(mStrItems[1], 0, true, index, report)) ABORT_LINE(report); ix0 = mItemInt[2]; if (mItemEmpty[2]) { if (mImBufs[index].mCamera < 0) ABORT_LINE("The image has no camera defined and requires an entry for horizontal" " versus vertical analysis in:\n\n"); ix0 = (mWinApp->GetCamParams() + mImBufs[index].mCamera)->rotationFlip % 2; } index2 = mProcessImage->CheckForBadStripe(&mImBufs[index], ix0, ix1); if (!index2) mLogRpt = "No bad stripes detected"; else if (ix1 < 0) mLogRpt.Format("Bad stripes detected with %d sharp transitions; 1 near first or last " "expected boundary", index2); else mLogRpt.Format("Bad stripes detected with %d sharp transitions; %d near expected" " boundaries", index2, ix1); SetReportedValues(index2, ix1); return 0; } // CircleFromPoints int CMacCmd::CircleFromPoints(void) { CString report; double h1, v1, v2, h2, h3, v3; float radius, xcen, ycen; if (mItemEmpty[6]) ABORT_LINE("Need three sets of X, Y coordinates on line:\n" + mStrLine); h1 = mItemDbl[1]; v1 = mItemDbl[2]; h2 = mItemDbl[3]; v2 = mItemDbl[4]; h3 = mItemDbl[5]; v3 = mItemDbl[6]; if (circleThrough3Pts((float)h1, (float)v1, (float)h2, (float)v2, (float)h3, (float)v3, &radius, &xcen, &ycen)) { mWinApp->AppendToLog("The three points are too close to being on a straight line" , LOG_OPEN_IF_CLOSED); } else { mLogRpt.Format("Circle center = %.2f %.2f radius = %.2f", xcen, ycen, radius); SetRepValsAndVars(7, xcen, ycen, radius); } return 0; } // FindPixelSize int CMacCmd::FindPixelSize(void) { float dist = 0., vectors[4]; if (mImBufs->mCaptured == BUFFER_MONTAGE_CENTER && mImBufs[1].mCaptured == BUFFER_MONTAGE_OVERVIEW) mBufferManager->CopyImageBuffer(1, 0); if (mProcessImage->FindPixelSize(0., 0., 0., 0., 0, 0, dist, vectors)) { AbortMacro(); return 1; } SetRepValsAndVars(1, mProcessImage->GetLastPixelSize(), mProcessImage->GetLastFPSAngle()); return 0; } // AutoCorrPeakVectors int CMacCmd::AutoCorrPeakVectors(void) { float vectors[4], spacing = mItemFlt[2]; int bufInd, flags = FIND_ACPK_NO_WAFFLE; CString report; if (ConvertBufferLetter(mStrItems[1], -1, true, bufInd, report)) ABORT_LINE(report); if (!mItemEmpty[3] && mItemInt[3]) flags |= FIND_PIX_NO_TRIM; if (!mItemEmpty[4] && mItemInt[4]) flags |= FIND_PIX_NO_DISPLAY; if (mProcessImage->FindPixelSize(0., 0., 0., 0., bufInd, flags, spacing, vectors)) { AbortMacro(); return 1; } mLogRpt.Format("Average spacing is %.1f pixels, vectors %.1f, %.1f and %.1f, %.1f", spacing, vectors[0], vectors[1], vectors[2], vectors[3]); SetReportedValues(spacing, vectors[0], vectors[1], vectors[2], vectors[3]); return 0; } // Echo, EchoNoVarSub, EchoBreakLines int CMacCmd::Echo(void) { CString report; bool breakl = CMD_IS(ECHOBREAKLINES); if ((CMD_IS(ECHO) || breakl) && !mRunningScrpLang) SubstituteVariables(&mStrLine, 1, mStrLine); JustStripItems(mStrLine, 1, report, true); if (breakl) report.Replace("\\n", "\r\n"); // Preserve line ending, convert array separators to spaces if (report.Find("\n") >= 0) { report.Replace("\r\n", "\r|#n"); report.Replace("\n", breakl ? "\r\n" : " "); report.Replace("\r|#n", "\r\n"); } mWinApp->AppendToLog(report, LOG_OPEN_IF_CLOSED); return 0; } // EchoEval, EchoReplaceLine, EchoNoLineEnd int CMacCmd::EchoEval(void) { CString report; int index, index2; report = ""; for (index = 1; index < MAX_MACRO_TOKENS && !mItemEmpty[index]; index++) { if (index > 1) report += " "; report += mStrItems[index]; } report.Replace("\n", " "); index2 = 0; if (CMD_IS(ECHOREPLACELINE)) index2 = 3; else if (CMD_IS(ECHONOLINEEND)) index2 = 1; mWinApp->AppendToLog(report, LOG_OPEN_IF_CLOSED, index2); return 0; } // SetNextLogOutputStyle int CMacCmd::SetNextLogOutputStyle(void) { int maxInd; if (mWinApp->mLogWindow) mWinApp->AppendToLog("", LOG_OPEN_IF_CLOSED, 1); if (mItemEmpty[2]) { mWinApp->mLogWindow->SetNextLineColorStyle(0, mItemInt[1]); } else if (mItemEmpty[3]) { maxInd = mWinApp->mLogWindow->SetNextLineColorStyle(mItemInt[2], mItemInt[1]); if (maxInd) { PrintfToLog("Warning: stock color indexes must be between 0 and %d", maxInd); mWinApp->mLogWindow->SetNextLineColorStyle(mItemInt[2], mItemInt[1]); } } else { if (mItemEmpty[4]) ABORT_LINE("You must enter one color index value or red, green, blue values for" " line:\n\n"); if (mWinApp->mLogWindow->SetNextLineColorStyle(mItemInt[2], mItemInt[3], mItemInt[4], mItemInt[1])) { mWinApp->AppendToLog("WARNING: red, green, blue values must be between 0 and 255"); mWinApp->mLogWindow->SetNextLineColorStyle(mItemInt[2], mItemInt[3], mItemInt[4], mItemInt[1]); } } return 0; } // verbose int CMacCmd::Verbose(void) { mVerbose = mItemInt[1]; return 0; } // ProgramTimeStamps int CMacCmd::ProgramTimeStamps(void) { const char **months = mDocWnd->GetMonthStrings(); if (mItemInt[1] < 0) { CTime ctdt = CTime::GetCurrentTime(); PrintfToLog("Current date %s %d %d %02d:%02d:%02d", months[ctdt.GetMonth() - 1], ctdt.GetDay(), ctdt.GetYear(), ctdt.GetHour(), ctdt.GetMinute(), ctdt.GetSecond()); return 0; } mWinApp->AppendToLog(mWinApp->GetStartupMessage(mItemInt[1] != 0)); if (mItemInt[2] != 0) mWinApp->mParamIO->ReportSpecialOptions(); return 0; } // IsVersionAtLeast, SkipIfVersionLessThan int CMacCmd::IsVersionAtLeast(void) { BOOL truth; int index2, ix0, ix1; index2 = mItemEmpty[2] ? 0 : mItemInt[2]; ix0 = mWinApp->GetIntegerVersion(); ix1 = mWinApp->GetBuildDayStamp(); truth = mItemInt[1] <= ix0 && index2 <= ix1; if (CMD_IS(ISVERSIONATLEAST)) { SetReportedValues(truth ? 1. : 0.); mLogRpt.Format("Program version is %d date %d, %s than %d %s", ix0, ix1, truth ? "later" : "earlier", mItemInt[1], (LPCTSTR)mStrItems[2]); } else if (!truth && mCurrentIndex < mMacro->GetLength()) GetNextLine(mMacro, mCurrentIndex, mStrLine); return 0; } // ReportNumExeFuncs int CMacCmd::ReportNumExeFuncs() { mLogRpt.Format("SerialEM executable has %d script commands (functions)", CME_ENUM_LENGTH); SetRepValsAndVars(1, CME_ENUM_LENGTH); return 0; } int CMacCmd::IsFFTWindowOpen(void) { int index; index = mWinApp->mFFTView ? 1 : 0; mLogRpt.Format("FFT window %s open", index ? "IS" : "is NOT"); SetRepValsAndVars(1, index); return 0; } // ReportEnvironVar int CMacCmd::ReportEnvironVar(void) { char *envar; SubstituteVariables(&mStrItems[1], 1, mStrLine); envar = getenv((LPCTSTR)mStrItems[1]); if (envar) mLogRpt.Format("Environment variable %s = %s", (LPCTSTR)mStrItems[1], envar); else mLogRpt.Format("Environment variable %s is not set", (LPCTSTR)mStrItems[1]); SetOneReportedValue(&mStrItems[2], envar ? 1. : 0., 1); SetOneReportedValue(&mStrItems[2], CString(envar ? envar :"none"), 2); return 0; } // ReportSettingsFile int CMacCmd::ReportSettingsFile(void) { CString report, scripts, dir, settings; report = mDocWnd->GetCurrentSettingsPath(); mWinApp->AppendToLog("Current settings file: " + report, mLogAction); SetOneReportedValue(&mStrItems[1], report, 1); scripts = "None"; if (mDocWnd->GetReadScriptPack()) { scripts = mDocWnd->GetCurScriptPackPath(); if (scripts.Find(':') < 0 && scripts.GetAt(0) != '\\' && scripts.GetAt(0) != '/') { UtilSplitPath(report, dir, settings); scripts = dir + "\\" + scripts; } mWinApp->AppendToLog("Current script package: " + scripts, mLogAction); } SetOneReportedValue(&mStrItems[1], scripts, 2); return 0; } // ReportSystemPath int CMacCmd::ReportSystemPath(void) { mStrCopy = mDocWnd->GetSystemPath(); mLogRpt = "System path is: " + mStrCopy; SetOneReportedValue(&mStrItems[1], mStrCopy, 1); return 0; } // ReportRotationProblems int CMacCmd::ReportRotationProblems(void) { if (!mShiftManager->ReportFallbackRotations(false)) mLogRpt = "There is good calibrated rotation information for magnifications " "with other calibrations"; return 0; } // CheckStageToCamera int CMacCmd::CheckStageToCamera(void) { int ret = mShiftManager->CheckStageToCamConsistency(mItemEmpty[1] ? 8.f : mItemFlt[1], mItemEmpty[2] ? 0.08f : mItemFlt[2], !mItemEmpty[3] && mItemInt[3] != 0); SetRepValsAndVars(3, ret); return 0; } // ListAllCalibrations int CMacCmd::ListAllCalibrations(void) { bool saveDefer = mDeferLogUpdates; mDeferLogUpdates = true; mWinApp->mMenuTargets.DoListISVectors(true); mWinApp->mMenuTargets.DoListISVectors(false); mWinApp->mMenuTargets.DoListStageCals(); mFocusManager->OnAutofocusListCalibrations(); mShiftManager->ListBeamShiftCals(); mWinApp->mBeamAssessor->ListIntensityCalibrations(); mWinApp->mBeamAssessor->ListSpotCalibrations(); mShiftManager->ReportFallbackRotations(false); mShiftManager->CheckStageToCamConsistency(8.f, 0.08f, true); mWinApp->mMenuTargets.OnListFocusMagCals(); mDeferLogUpdates = saveDefer; if (!mDeferLogUpdates && mWinApp->mLogWindow) mWinApp->mLogWindow->FlushDeferredLines(); return 0; } // ListISVectorsToGraph int CMacCmd::ListISVectorsToGraph(void) { bool saveDefer = mDeferLogUpdates; mDeferLogUpdates = true; mWinApp->mMenuTargets.SaveNextISVectorsForGraph(mItemInt[2] - 1, mItemInt[3]); mWinApp->mMenuTargets.DoListISVectors(mItemInt[1] != 0); mDeferLogUpdates = saveDefer; if (!mDeferLogUpdates && mWinApp->mLogWindow) mWinApp->mLogWindow->FlushDeferredLines(); return 0; } // Pause, YesNoBox, PauseIfFailed, AbortIfFailed int CMacCmd::Pause(void) { CString report; BOOL doPause, doAbort; int index; doPause = CMD_IS(PAUSEIFFAILED); doAbort = CMD_IS(ABORTIFFAILED); if (!(doPause || doAbort) || !mLastTestResult) { SubstituteLineStripItems(mStrLine, 1, report); if (doPause || doAbort) mWinApp->AppendToLog(report); doPause = doPause || CMD_IS(PAUSE); if (doPause) { report += "\n\nDo you want to proceed with the script?"; index = AfxMessageBox(report, doAbort ? MB_EXCLAME : MB_QUESTION); } else { if (doAbort || (!mNoLineWrapInMessageBox && !mMonospacedMessageBox)) index = SEMMessageBox(report, doAbort ? MB_EXCLAME : MB_QUESTION); else index = SEMThreeChoiceBox(report, "Yes", "No", "", MB_QUESTION, 0, 0, 0, mNoLineWrapInMessageBox, mMonospacedMessageBox); } if ((doPause && index == IDNO) || doAbort) { SuspendMacro(doAbort); return 1; } else SetReportedValues(index == IDYES ? 1. : 0.); } return 0; } // OKBox int CMacCmd::OKBox(void) { CString report; SubstituteLineStripItems(mStrLine, 1, report); if (mNoLineWrapInMessageBox || mMonospacedMessageBox) SEMThreeChoiceBox(report, "OK", "", "", MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION, 0, 0, 0, mNoLineWrapInMessageBox, mMonospacedMessageBox); else AfxMessageBox(report, MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION); return 0; } // EnterOneNumber, EnterDefaultedNumber int CMacCmd::EnterOneNumber(void) { BOOL truth; int index, index2, ix0; float backlashX; backlashX = 0.; index = 1; index2 = 3; if (CMD_IS(ENTERDEFAULTEDNUMBER)) { // Here, enter the value and the number of digits, or < 0 to get an integer entry backlashX = mItemFlt[1]; index = 3; index2 = mItemInt[2]; if (index2 < 0) ix0 = mItemInt[1]; } SubstituteLineStripItems(mStrLine, index, mStrCopy); if (index2 >= 0) { truth = KGetOneFloat(mStrCopy, backlashX, index2); } else { truth = KGetOneInt(mStrCopy, ix0); backlashX = (float)ix0; } if (!truth) SUSPEND_NOLINE("because no number was entered"); mLogRpt.Format("%s: user entered %g", (LPCTSTR)mStrCopy, backlashX); SetReportedValues(backlashX); return 0; } // EnterString int CMacCmd::EnterString(void) { CString report; mStrCopy = "Enter a text string:"; report = ""; SubstituteLineStripItems(mStrLine, 2, mStrCopy); if (!KGetOneString(mStrCopy, report)) SUSPEND_NOLINE("because no string was entered"); if (SetVariable(mItem1upper, report, VARTYPE_REGULAR, -1, false)) ABORT_NOLINE("Error setting variable " + mStrItems[1] + " with string " + report); return 0; } // ThreeChoiceBox int CMacCmd::ThreeChoiceBox(void) { CString report; int index, index2, i, ix0, ix1, numButtons = 3; CString *valPtr; Variable *vars[5]; CString buttons[3]; if (mItemEmpty[5]) numButtons = 2; if (mItemEmpty[4]) numButtons = 1; for (i = 0; i < numButtons + 2; i++) { report = mStrItems[i + 1]; report.MakeUpper(); vars[i] = LookupVariable(report, index2); if (!vars[i]) ABORT_LINE("The variable " + mStrItems[i + 1] + " is not defined in line:\n\n"); if (vars[i]->rowsFor2d) ABORT_LINE("The variable " + mStrItems[i + 1] + " is a 2D array which is not " "allowed for line:\n\n"); } report = ""; for (i = 0; i < numButtons + 1; i++) { if (!vars[i]->value.IsEmpty()) { if (!report.IsEmpty()) report += "\n\n"; report += vars[i]->value; } } valPtr = &vars[numButtons + 1]->value; for (i = 0; i < numButtons; i++) { FindValueAtIndex(*valPtr, i + 1, ix0, ix1); buttons[i] = valPtr->Mid(ix0, ix1 - ix0); } i = SEMThreeChoiceBox(report, buttons[0], buttons[1], buttons[2], B3DCHOICE(numButtons == 1, MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION, (numButtons == 2 ? MB_YESNO : MB_YESNOCANCEL) | MB_ICONQUESTION), 0, false, 0, mNoLineWrapInMessageBox, mMonospacedMessageBox); if (i == IDYES) index = 1; else if (i == IDNO) index = 2; else index = 3; SetReportedValues(index); if (numButtons > 1) { buttons[index - 1].Replace("&&", "&"); mLogRpt = "\"" + buttons[index - 1] + "\" was chosen"; } return 0; } // NoLineWrapInMessageBox int CMacCmd::NoLineWrapInMessageBox(void) { mNoLineWrapInMessageBox = mItemEmpty[1] || mItemInt[1]; mMonospacedMessageBox = !mItemEmpty[2] && mItemInt[2]; return 0; } // SetStatusLine int CMacCmd::SetStatusLine(void) { if (mItemInt[1] < 1 || mItemInt[1] > NUM_CM_MESSAGE_LINES) ABORT_LINE("Status line number out of range in line:\n\n"); SubstituteLineStripItems(mStrLine, 2, mStatusLines[mItemInt[1] - 1]); if (mItemInt[1] > mNumStatusLines) SetNumStatusLines(mItemInt[1]); else mWinApp->mCameraMacroTools.Invalidate(); return 0; } // ClearStatusLine, HighlightStatusLine int CMacCmd::ClearStatusLine(void) { int ind, start = mItemInt[1], end = mItemInt[1]; if (start < 0 || start > NUM_CM_MESSAGE_LINES) ABORT_LINE("Status line number out of range in line:\n\n"); if (!start) { start = 1; end = NUM_CM_MESSAGE_LINES; } for (ind = start; ind <= end; ind++) { if (CMD_IS(CLEARSTATUSLINE)) { mStatusLines[ind - 1] = ""; mHighlightStatus[ind - 1] = 0; } else mHighlightStatus[ind - 1] = mItemInt[2] != 0; } mWinApp->mCameraMacroTools.Invalidate(); return 0; } // CompareNoCase, CompareStrings int CMacCmd::CompareNoCase(void) { int index, index2; Variable *var; var = LookupVariable(mItem1upper, index2); if (!var) ABORT_LINE("The variable " + mStrItems[1] + " is not defined in line:\n\n"); SubstituteLineStripItems(mStrLine, 2, mStrCopy); if (CMD_IS(COMPARESTRINGS)) index = var->value.Compare(mStrCopy); else index = var->value.CompareNoCase(mStrCopy); mLogRpt.Format("The strings %s equal", index ? "are NOT" : "ARE"); SetReportedValues(index); return 0; } // FindSubstring int CMacCmd::FindSubstring(void) { int index, index2; CString val, substr; Variable *var = LookupVariable(mItem1upper, index2); SubstituteLineStripItems(mStrLine, 3, mStrCopy); val = var->value; substr = mStrCopy; if (mItemInt[2] > 0 || mItemInt[2] < -1) { val.MakeUpper(); substr.MakeUpper(); } if (mItemInt[2] < 0) { index = -1; while (index < val.GetLength() - 1) { index2 = val.Find(substr, index + 1); if (index2 < 0) break; index = index2; } } else index = val.Find(substr); if (index < 0) mLogRpt.Format("%s does not occur in variable %s", mStrCopy, mStrItems[1]); else mLogRpt.Format("%s occurrence of %s in variable %s is at index %d", mItemInt[2] < 0 ? "Last" : "First", mStrCopy, mStrItems[1], index); SetReportedValues(index, 0); return 0; } // TrimString int CMacCmd::TrimString(void) { int index, index2; Variable *var; bool front = mItemInt[2] > 0 || mItemInt[2] < -1; var = LookupVariable(mItem1upper, index2); if (!var) ABORT_LINE("The variable " + mStrItems[1] + " is not defined in line:\n\n"); if (mItemInt[2] < 0) { index = mItemInt[3]; if (index <= 0 || index >= var->value.GetLength()) ABORT_LINE("The index is out of range of the variable length in ine:\n\n"); index2 = 0; } else { index = var->value.Find(mStrItems[3]); if (index < 0) ABORT_LINE("The string \"" + var->value + "\" does not contain \"" + mStrItems[3] + "\" in line:\n\n"); index2 = mStrItems[3].GetLength(); } if (front) { mStrCopy = var->value.Mid(index + index2); } else { if (mItemInt[2] >= 0) { index = -1; while (index < var->value.GetLength() - 1) { index2 = var->value.Find(mStrItems[3], index + 1); if (index2 < 0) break; index = index2; } } mStrCopy = var->value.Left(index); } SetOneReportedValue(&mStrItems[4], mStrCopy, 1); return 0; } // StripEndingDigits int CMacCmd::StripEndingDigits(void) { CString report; int index, index2; Variable *var; var = LookupVariable(mItem1upper, index2); if (!var) ABORT_LINE("The variable " + mStrItems[1] + " is not defined in line:\n\n"); report = var->value; for (index = report.GetLength() - 1; index > 0; index--) if ((int)report.GetAt(index) < '0' || (int)report.GetAt(index) > '9') break; mStrCopy = report.Right(report.GetLength() - (index + 1)); report = report.Left(index + 1); mItem1upper = mStrItems[2]; mItem1upper.MakeUpper(); if (SetVariable(mItem1upper, report, VARTYPE_REGULAR + VARTYPE_ADD_FOR_NUM, -1, false)) ABORT_LINE("Error setting variable " + mStrItems[2] + " with string " + report + " in:\n\n"); SetReportedValues(atoi((LPCTSTR)mStrCopy)); return 0; } // SetNextEmailAddress int CMacCmd::SetNextEmailAddress(void) { if (mItemInt[1] < 0) mStrCopy = ""; else SubstituteLineStripItems(mStrLine, 2, mStrCopy); mWinApp->mMailer->SetNextEmailAddress(mStrCopy, mItemInt[1] > 0); return 0; } // MailSubject int CMacCmd::MailSubject(void) { SubstituteLineStripItems(mStrLine, 1, mMailSubject); return 0; } // SendEmail, ErrorBoxSendEmail int CMacCmd::SendEmail(void) { CString report; SubstituteLineStripItems(mStrLine, 1, report); if (CMD_IS(SENDEMAIL)) { mWinApp->mMailer->SendMail(mMailSubject, report); } else { if (!mWinApp->mMailer->GetInitialized() || mWinApp->mMailer->GetSendTo().IsEmpty()) ABORT_LINE("Mail server not initialized or email address not defined; cannot " "do:\n"); mEmailOnError = report; } return 0; } // ClearAlignment int CMacCmd::ClearAlignment(void) { BOOL doShift; doShift = (mItemEmpty[1] || !mItemInt[1]) && !mScope->GetNoScope(); mShiftManager->SetAlignShifts(0., 0., false, mImBufs, doShift); return 0; } // ResetImageShift int CMacCmd::ResetImageShift(void) { BOOL truth; int index; float backlashX; truth = mShiftManager->GetBacklashMouseAndISR(); backlashX = 0.; if (mItemInt[1] > 0) { mShiftManager->SetBacklashMouseAndISR(true); if (mItemInt[1] > 1) backlashX = mItemEmpty[2] ? mScope->GetStageRelaxation() : mItemFlt[2]; } index = mShiftManager->ResetImageShift(true, false, 10000, backlashX); mShiftManager->SetBacklashMouseAndISR(truth); if (index) { mCurrentIndex = mLastIndex; SuspendMacro(); return 1; } return 0; } // ResetShiftIfAbove int CMacCmd::ResetShiftIfAbove(void) { ScaleMat aMat; double delISX, delISY, delX, delY, specDist; if (mItemEmpty[1]) ABORT_LINE("ResetShiftIfAbove must be followed by a number in: \n\n"); mScope->GetLDCenteredShift(delISX, delISY); aMat = mShiftManager->IStoSpecimen(mScope->GetMagIndex()); delX = aMat.xpx * delISX + aMat.xpy * delISY; delY = aMat.ypx * delISX + aMat.ypy * delISY; specDist = sqrt(delX * delX + delY * delY); if (specDist > mItemDbl[1]) mWinApp->mComplexTasks->ResetShiftRealign(); return 0; } // Eucentricity int CMacCmd::Eucentricity(void) { CString report; int index; index = FIND_EUCENTRICITY_FINE; if (!mItemEmpty[1]) index = mItemInt[1]; if (index < 0) { if (mWinApp->mParticleTasks->EucentricityFromFocus(mItemEmpty[2] ?-1 : mItemInt[2])) { AbortMacro(); return 1; } return 0; } if ((index & (FIND_EUCENTRICITY_FINE | FIND_EUCENTRICITY_COARSE)) == 0) { report.Format("Error in script: value on Eucentricity statement \r\n" "should be %d for coarse, %d for fine, or %d for both", FIND_EUCENTRICITY_COARSE, FIND_EUCENTRICITY_FINE, FIND_EUCENTRICITY_FINE | FIND_EUCENTRICITY_COARSE); ABORT_LINE(report); } mWinApp->mComplexTasks->FindEucentricity(index); return 0; } // ReportLastAxisOffset int CMacCmd::ReportLastAxisOffset(void) { double delX; delX = mWinApp->mComplexTasks->GetLastAxisOffset(); if (delX < -900) ABORT_NOLINE("There is no last axis offset; fine eucentricity has not been run"); mLogRpt.Format("Lateral axis offset in last run of Fine Eucentricity was %.2f", delX); SetRepValsAndVars(1, delX); return 0; } // SetTiltAxisOffset int CMacCmd::SetTiltAxisOffset(void) { if (fabs(mItemDbl[1]) > 25.) ABORT_LINE("The tilt axis offset must be less than 25 microns in line:\n\n"); mScope->SetTiltAxisOffset(mItemFlt[1]); return 0; } // LimitNextRoughEucen int CMacCmd::LimitNextRoughEucen(void) { if (mItemFlt[1] < 0) ABORT_LINE("Eucentricity change limit cannot be negative in:\n\n"); mWinApp->mComplexTasks->SetFENextCoarseMaxDeltaZ(mItemFlt[1]); return 0; } // ReportRoughEucenFailed int CMacCmd::ReportRoughEucenFailed(void) { int failed = mWinApp->mComplexTasks->GetFELastCoarseFailed() ? 1 : 0; mLogRpt.Format("Last rough eucentricity %s", failed ? "failed" : "succeeded"); SetRepValsAndVars(1, failed); return 0; } // CheckEucenByFocusCal int CMacCmd::CheckEucenByFocusCal() { BOOL usingView, lowDose; int magInd, ind, err, probe = -1, spot; ZbyGParams *param; LowDoseParams *ldp = mWinApp->GetLowDoseParams(); if (mItemEmpty[1] || mItemInt[1] < 0) lowDose = mWinApp->LowDoseMode(); else lowDose = mItemInt[1] > 0; int ldArea = mWinApp->mParticleTasks->GetLDAreaForZbyG(lowDose, -1, usingView); if (ldArea < 0 && (mItemEmpty[2] || mItemInt[2] < 0)) magInd = mScope->FastMagIndex(); else if (ldArea < 0) magInd = mItemInt[2]; else magInd = ldp[ldArea].magIndex; param = mWinApp->mParticleTasks->FindZbyGCalForMagAndArea(magInd, ldArea, mCurrentCam, ind, err); if (param && ldArea < 0) { if (mItemEmpty[3] || mItemInt[3] < 0) spot = mScope->FastSpotSize(); else spot = mItemInt[3]; if (!mItemEmpty[4] && mItemInt[4] >= 0) probe = mItemInt[4]; if (param->spotSize != mScope->FastSpotSize() || (FEIscope && param->probeOrAlpha != (probe < 0 ? mScope->GetProbeMode() : probe)) || (JEOLscope && !mScope->GetHasNoAlpha() && param->probeOrAlpha != (probe < 0 ? mScope->FastAlpha() : probe))) param = NULL; } SetReportedValues(param ? 1 : 0); mLogRpt.Format("Eucentricity by Focus calibration %s exist for the given state", param ? "DOES" : "does NOT"); return 0; } // WalkUpTo int CMacCmd::WalkUpTo(void) { double delISX; if (mItemEmpty[1]) ABORT_LINE("WalkUpTo must be followed by a target angle in: \n\n"); delISX = mItemDbl[1]; if (fabs(delISX) > mScope->GetMaxTiltAngle()) ABORT_LINE("Target angle is bigger than the maximum allowed tilt angle: \n\n"); mWinApp->mComplexTasks->WalkUp((float)delISX, -1, 0); return 0; } // ReverseTilt int CMacCmd::ReverseTilt(void) { int index; index = (mScope->GetReversalTilt() > mScope->GetTiltAngle()) ? 1 : -1; if (!mItemEmpty[1]) { index = mItemInt[1]; if (index > 0) index = 1; else if (index < 0) index = -1; else ABORT_NOLINE("Error in script: ReverseTilt should not be followed by 0"); } mWinApp->mComplexTasks->ReverseTilt(index); return 0; } // FindLowDoseShiftOffset int CMacCmd::FindLowDoseShiftOffset() { CLowDoseDlg *ldDlg = &mWinApp->mLowDoseDlg; bool search = mItemInt[1] != 0; float defMax = search ? ldDlg->mAutoSearchMaxShift : ldDlg->mAutoViewMaxShift; if (!mWinApp->LowDoseMode()) ABORT_LINE("You must be in Low Dose mode for line:\n\n"); if (mWinApp->mComplexTasks->FindLowDoseShiftOffset(search, (mItemEmpty[2] || !mItemFlt[2]) ? defMax : mItemFlt[2], mItemEmpty[3] ? ldDlg->MaxPctChgForAutoShift() : mItemFlt[3], mItemEmpty[4] ? ldDlg->MaxRotationForAutoShift() : mItemFlt[4])) { AbortMacro(); return 1; } return 0; } // ReportLDShiftOffset int CMacCmd::ReportLDShiftOffset() { double delX, delY; if (mItemInt[1] > 1) ABORT_LINE("The shift type must be 0, 1, or negative for line:\n\n"); if (mWinApp->mLowDoseDlg.GetViewShiftOffset(mItemInt[1], delX, delY)) ABORT_LINE("There is no change from FindLowDoseShiftOffset available for line:\n\n"); mLogRpt.Format("%s is %.2f, %.2f microns", B3DCHOICE(mItemInt[1] < 0, "Change from last FindLowDoseShiftOffset", mItemInt[1] ? "Search shift offset" : "View shift offset"), delX, delY); SetRepValsAndVars(2, delX, delY); return 0; } // SetLowDoseShiftOffset int CMacCmd::SetLowDoseShiftOffset() { mWinApp->mLowDoseDlg.SetViewShiftOffset(mItemInt[1] ? 1 : 0, mItemDbl[2], mItemDbl[3]); return 0; } // RevertAutoLDShiftOffset int CMacCmd::RevertAutoLDShiftOffset() { if (!mWinApp->LowDoseMode()) ABORT_LINE("You must be in Low Dose mode for line:\n\n"); if (mWinApp->mLowDoseDlg.RevertLastAutoViewShift()) ABORT_LINE("There is no shift from FindLowDoseShiftOffset to revert for line:\n\n"); return 0; } // ReportLDDefocusOffset int CMacCmd::ReportLDDefocusOffset() { int index; if (CheckAndConvertLDAreaLetter(mStrItems[1], 1, index, mStrLine)) return 1; if (index != VIEW_CONSET && index != SEARCH_AREA) ABORT_LINE("This command must be followed by V or S for the area:\n\n"); float offset = mScope->GetLDViewDefocus(index == SEARCH_AREA ? 1 : 0); mLogRpt.Format("Defocus offset of %s area is %.1f microns", mItemInt[1] ? "Search" : "View", offset); SetRepValsAndVars(2, offset); return 0; } // SetLDDefocusOffset int CMacCmd::SetLDDefocusOffset() { int index, area; float offset = mItemFlt[2]; if (CheckAndConvertLDAreaLetter(mStrItems[1], 1, index, mStrLine)) return 1; if (index != VIEW_CONSET && index != SEARCH_AREA) ABORT_LINE("This command must be followed by V or S for the area:\n\n"); area = index == SEARCH_AREA ? 1 : 0; if (offset < mWinApp->mLowDoseDlg.mMinVSDefocus[area] || offset > mWinApp->mLowDoseDlg.mMaxVSDefocus[area]) { mStrCopy.Format("%s defocus offset must be between %d and %d for line:\n\n", area ? "Search" : "View", mWinApp->mLowDoseDlg.mMinVSDefocus[area], mWinApp->mLowDoseDlg.mMaxVSDefocus[area]); ABORT_LINE(mStrCopy); } mScope->SetLDViewDefocus(offset, area); mWinApp->mLowDoseDlg.UpdateDefocusOffset(); return 0; } // DriftWaitTask int CMacCmd::DriftWaitTask(void) { DriftWaitParams *dfltParam = mWinApp->mParticleTasks->GetDriftWaitParams(); DriftWaitParams dwparm = *dfltParam; if (!mItemEmpty[2]) { if (mStrItems[2] == "nm") dwparm.useAngstroms = false; else if (mStrItems[2] == "A") dwparm.useAngstroms = true; else if (mStrItems[2] != "0") ABORT_LINE("The second entry should be \"nm\", \"A\", or \"0\" in line:\n\n"); } if (!mItemEmpty[1] && mItemDbl[1] > 0.) { dwparm.driftRate = mItemFlt[1] / (dwparm.useAngstroms ? 10.f : 1.f); } if (!mItemEmpty[3] && mItemDbl[3] > 0.) { dwparm.maxWaitTime = mItemFlt[3]; } if (!mItemEmpty[4] && mItemDbl[4] > 0.) { dwparm.interval = mItemFlt[4]; } if (mItemInt[5]) dwparm.failureAction = mItemInt[5] > 0 ? 1 : 0; if (!mItemEmpty[6]) { if (mStrItems[6] == "T") dwparm.measureType = WFD_USE_TRIAL; else if (mStrItems[6] == "F") dwparm.measureType = WFD_USE_FOCUS; else if (mStrItems[6] == "A") dwparm.measureType = WFD_WITHIN_AUTOFOC; else if (mStrItems[6] != "0") ABORT_LINE("The image type to measure defocus from must be one of T, F, " "A, or 0 in line:\n\n"); } if (mItemInt[7]) dwparm.changeIS = mItemInt[7] > 0 ? 1 : 0; if (!mItemEmpty[8]) { dwparm.setTrialParams = true; if (mItemDbl[8] > 0) dwparm.exposure = mItemFlt[8]; if (!mItemEmpty[9]) dwparm.binning = mItemInt[9]; } mWinApp->mParticleTasks->WaitForDrift(dwparm, false); return 0; } // ConditionPhasePlate int CMacCmd::ConditionPhasePlate(void) { if (mWinApp->mMultiTSTasks->ConditionPhasePlate(mItemInt[1] != 0)) { AbortMacro(); return 1; } return 0; } // GetWaitTaskDrift int CMacCmd::GetWaitTaskDrift(void) { SetRepValsAndVars(1, mWinApp->mParticleTasks->GetWDLastDriftRate(), mWinApp->mParticleTasks->GetWDLastFailed()); return 0; } // BacklashAdjust int CMacCmd::BacklashAdjust(void) { float backlashX, backlashY; mWinApp->mMontageController->GetColumnBacklash(backlashX, backlashY); mWinApp->mComplexTasks->BacklashAdjustStagePos(backlashX, backlashY, false, false); return 0; } // CenterBeamFromImage int CMacCmd::CenterBeamFromImage(void) { BOOL truth; double delISX; int index; truth = mItemInt[1] != 0; delISX = !mItemEmpty[2] ? mItemDbl[2] : 0.; index = mProcessImage->CenterBeamFromActiveImage(0., 0., truth, delISX); if (index > 0 && index <= 3) ABORT_LINE("Script aborted centering beam because of no image,\n" "unusable image type, or failure to get memory"); SetReportedValues(index); return 0; } // AutoCenterBeam int CMacCmd::AutoCenterBeam(void) { float maxShift = mItemEmpty[1] ? 0.f : mItemFlt[1]; int pctSmaller = mItemEmpty[2] ? -1 : mItemInt[2]; if (mWinApp->mAutocenDlg) ABORT_NOLINE("You cannot run beam autocentering with the setup dialog open"); if (pctSmaller >= 0 && !mWinApp->LowDoseMode()) ABORT_LINE("Low Dose mode must be on to autocenter with View in:\n\n"); if (mWinApp->mMultiTSTasks->AutocenterBeam(maxShift, pctSmaller)) { AbortMacro(); return 1; } return 0; } // CookSpecimen int CMacCmd::CookSpecimen(void) { if (mWinApp->mMultiTSTasks->StartCooker()) { AbortMacro(); return 1; } return 0; } // SetIntensityByLastTilt, SetIntensityForMean, ChangeIntensityBy int CMacCmd::SetIntensityByLastTilt(void) { double delISX; int index, index2; index2 = mWinApp->LowDoseMode() ? 3 : -1; if (CMD_IS(SETINTENSITYFORMEAN)) { if (!mImBufs->mImage || mImBufs->IsProcessed() || (mWinApp->LowDoseMode() && mCamera->ConSetToLDArea(mImBufs->mConSetUsed) != 3)) ABORT_LINE("Script aborted setting intensity because there\n" " is no image or a processed image in Buffer A\n" "(or, if in Low Dose mode, because the image in\n" " Buffer A is not from the Record area)"); delISX = mItemDbl[1] / mProcessImage->EquivalentRecordMean(0); } else if (CMD_IS(SETINTENSITYBYLASTTILT)) { delISX = mIntensityFactor; } else { delISX = mItemDbl[1]; if (delISX <= 0.) ABORT_LINE("The factor to change by must be positive in line:/n/n"); index2 = mScope->GetLowDoseArea(); } index = mWinApp->mBeamAssessor->ChangeBeamStrength(delISX, index2); if (CheckIntensityChangeReturn(index)) return 1; UpdateLDAreaIfSaved(); return 0; } // SetDoseRate int CMacCmd::SetDoseRate(void) { int index; if (mItemDbl[1] <= 0) ABORT_LINE("Dose rate must be positive for line:\n\n"); if (!mImBufs->mImage) ABORT_LINE("There must be an image in buffer A for line:\n\n"); index = mProcessImage->DoSetIntensity(true, mItemFlt[1]); if (index < 0) { AbortMacro(); return 1; } if (CheckIntensityChangeReturn(index)) return 1; UpdateLDAreaIfSaved(); return 0; } // SetPercentC2, IncPercentC2 int CMacCmd::SetPercentC2(void) { double delISX, delISY; int index; // The entered number is always in terms of % C2 or illuminated area, so for // incremental, first comparable value and add to get the absolute to set delISX = mItemDbl[1]; if (mItemEmpty[1]) ABORT_LINE("Script aborted because no C2 percent was entered in:\n\n"); index = mScope->FastSpotSize(); if (CMD_IS(INCPERCENTC2)) delISX += mScope->GetC2Percent(index, mScope->GetIntensity()); // Then convert to an intensity as appropriate for scope if (mScope->GetUseIllumAreaForC2()) { delISY = mScope->IllumAreaToIntensity(delISX / 100.); } else { delISY = (0.01 * delISX - mScope->GetC2SpotOffset(index)) / mScope->GetC2IntensityFactor(); } mScope->SetIntensity(delISY); delISY = mScope->FastIntensity(); delISX = mScope->GetC2Percent(index, delISY); mLogRpt.Format("Intensity set to %.3f%s - %.5f", delISX, mScope->GetC2Units(), delISY); UpdateLDAreaIfSaved(); return 0; } // SetIlluminatedArea int CMacCmd::SetIlluminatedArea(void) { if (!mScope->SetIlluminatedArea(mItemDbl[1])) { AbortMacro(); return 1; } UpdateLDAreaIfSaved(); return 0; } // SetImageDistanceOffset int CMacCmd::SetImageDistanceOffset(void) { if (!mScope->SetImageDistanceOffset(mItemDbl[1])) { AbortMacro(); return 1; } return 0; } // SetAlpha int CMacCmd::SetAlpha(void) { if (!mScope->SetAlpha(mItemInt[1] - 1)) { AbortMacro(); return 1; } UpdateLDAreaIfSaved(); return 0; } // ReportJeolGIF int CMacCmd::ReportJeolGIF(void) { int index; index = mScope->GetJeolGIF(); mLogRpt.Format("JEOL GIF MODE return value %d", index); SetRepValsAndVars(1, (double)index); return 0; } // SetJeolGIF int CMacCmd::SetJeolGIF(void) { if (!mScope->SetJeolGIF(mItemInt[1] ? 1 : 0)) { AbortMacro(); return 1; } return 0; } // NormalizeLenses int CMacCmd::NormalizeLenses(void) { int index; if (mItemInt[1] & 1) index = mScope->NormalizeProjector(); if (mItemInt[1] & 2) index = mScope->NormalizeObjective(); if (mItemInt[1] & 4) index = mScope->NormalizeCondenser(); if (!index) AbortMacro(); return 0; } // NormalizeAllLenses int CMacCmd::NormalizeAllLenses(void) { int index; index = 0; if (!mItemEmpty[1]) index = mItemInt[1]; if (index < 0 || index > 3) ABORT_LINE("Lens group specifier must be between 0 and 3 in: \n\n"); if (!mScope->NormalizeAll(index)) AbortMacro(); return 0; } // ReportSlotStatus int CMacCmd::ReportSlotStatus(void) { int index, slot, station, id, angle, cartType; BOOL success; CString name, report, rowVal; if (mScope->GetJeolHasNitrogenClass() > 1) { if (!mScope->GetJeolLoaderInfo()->GetSize()) ABORT_LINE("You need to do a cassette inventory; There is no cartridge " "information for:\n\n"); FormatCartridgeInfo(mItemInt[1] -1, id, station, slot, cartType, angle, name, report, rowVal); if (id < 0) { mLogRpt.Format("There is no cassette information at index %d", mItemInt[1]); SetRepValsAndVars(2, id); } else { SetRepValsAndVars(2, id, station, slot, cartType, angle); SetOneReportedValue(&mStrItems[2], name, 6); mLogRpt.Format("Cartridge at index %d: %s", mItemInt[1], (LPCTSTR)report); } return 0; } success = mScope->CassetteSlotStatus(mItemInt[1], index, name); if (!success && name.IsEmpty()) { AbortMacro(); return 1; } if (index < -1) { mLogRpt.Format("Requesting status of slot %d gives an error", mItemInt[1]); } else if (!mItemInt[1] && !name.IsEmpty()) { if (SetVariable("AUTOLOADERINFO", name, VARTYPE_PERSIST, -1, false, &report)) ABORT_LINE(report); mLogRpt = "Array variable autoloaderInfo set with names for each slot"; return 0; } else { mLogRpt.Format("Slot %d %s", mItemInt[1], index < 0 ? "has unknown status" : (index ? "is occupied" : "is empty")); if (!name.IsEmpty()) { if (success) mLogRpt += "; name = " + name; else mLogRpt = name + mLogRpt; } } SetRepValsAndVars(2, (double)index); if (!name.IsEmpty()) SetOneReportedValue(&mStrItems[2], name, 2); return 0; } // FindCartridgeWithID int CMacCmd::FindCartridgeWithID(void) { int slot = mScope->FindCartridgeWithID(mItemInt[1], mStrCopy); if (slot < 0) ABORT_LINE(mStrCopy + " for line:\n\n"); mLogRpt.Format("ID %d is at inventory array index # %d", mItemInt[1], slot); SetRepValsAndVars(1, (double)slot); return 0; } // LoadCartridge, UnloadCartridge int CMacCmd::LoadCartridge(void) { int index; if (CMD_IS(LOADCARTRIDGE)) index = mScope->LoadCartridge(mItemInt[1], mStrCopy); else index = mScope->UnloadCartridge(mStrCopy); if (index) { ABORT_LINE(mStrCopy + " in:\n\n"); } mStartedLongOp = true; return 0; } // RefrigerantLevel int CMacCmd::RefrigerantLevel(void) { double delX; if (FEIscope && (mItemInt[1] < 1 || mItemInt[1] > 3)) ABORT_LINE("Dewar number must be between 1 and 3 in: \n\n"); if (JEOLscope && (mItemInt[1] < 0 || mItemInt[1] > 2)) ABORT_LINE("Dewar number must be between 0 and 2 in: \n\n"); if (!mScope->GetRefrigerantLevel(mItemInt[1], delX)) { if (JEOLscope && GetDebugOutput('1')) SEMMessageBox("Script halted due to failure in RefrigerantLevel"); AbortMacro(); return 1; } mLogRpt.Format("Refrigerant level in dewar %d is %.3f", mItemInt[1], delX); SetRepValsAndVars(2, delX); return 0; } // DewarsRemainingTime int CMacCmd::DewarsRemainingTime(void) { int index; if (!mScope->GetDewarsRemainingTime(0, index)) { if (JEOLscope && GetDebugOutput('1')) SEMMessageBox("Script halted due to failure in DewarsRemainingTime"); AbortMacro(); return 1; } if (index < 0) { if (mScope->GetHasSimpleOrigin()) mLogRpt = index == -1 ? "There are no refills left" : "the SimpleOrigin system is not active"; else mLogRpt = "No dewar refilling is scheduled"; } else mLogRpt.Format("Remaining time until dewars start filling is %d sec", index); SetRepValsAndVars(1, (double)index); return 0; } // AreDewarsFilling int CMacCmd::AreDewarsFilling(void) { int index; if (!mScope->AreDewarsFilling(index)) { if (JEOLscope && GetDebugOutput('1')) SEMMessageBox("Script halted due to failure in AreDewarsFilling"); AbortMacro(); return 1; } if (mScope->GetHasSimpleOrigin()) { mLogRpt.Format("SimpleOrigin system %s busy filling", index ? "IS" : "is NOT"); } else if (FEIscope) mLogRpt.Format("Dewars %s busy filling", index ? "ARE" : "are NOT"); else { char *dewarTxt[4] = {"No tanks are", "Stage tank is", "Transfer tank is", "Stage and transfer tanks are"}; B3DCLAMP(index, 0, 3); mLogRpt.Format("%s being refilled", dewarTxt[index]); } SetRepValsAndVars(1, index); return 0; } // SimpleOriginStatus int CMacCmd::SimpleOriginStatus(void) { int numLeft, secToNext, active, filling; float sensor; if (!mScope->GetSimpleOriginStatus(numLeft, secToNext, filling, active, &sensor)) { AbortMacro(); return 1; } mLogRpt.Format("SimpleOrigin has %d refills, %.1f minutes to next fill, %s filling, " "%s active, sensor %.1f C", numLeft, secToNext / 60., filling ? "IS" : "is NOT", active ? "IS" : "is NOT", sensor); SetRepValsAndVars(1, numLeft, secToNext / 60., filling, active); return 0; } // SetSimpleOriginActive int CMacCmd::SetSimpleOriginActive(void) { if (!mScope->SetSimpleOriginActive(mItemInt[1], mStrCopy)) ABORT_NOLINE(mStrCopy); return 0; } // ManageDewarsAndPumps int CMacCmd::ManageDewarsAndPumps(void) { int checks = mItemEmpty[1] ? 0 : mItemInt[1]; DewarVacParams *param = mScope->GetDewarVacParams(); if (mWinApp->mParticleTasks->ManageDewarsVacuum(*param, checks)) ABORT_LINE("Script halted due to failure to start a long operation for line:\n\n"); return 0; } // ReportVacuumGauge int CMacCmd::ReportVacuumGauge(void) { CString report; double delISX; int index; if (!mScope->GetGaugePressure((LPCTSTR)mStrItems[1], index, delISX)) { if (JEOLscope && index < -1 && index > -4) { report.Format("Name must be \"Pir\" or \"Pen\" followed by number between" " 0 and 9 in line:\n\n"); ABORT_LINE(report); } AbortMacro(); return 1; } mLogRpt.Format("Gauge %s status is %d, pressure is %f", (LPCTSTR)mStrItems[1], index, delISX); SetRepValsAndVars(2, index, delISX); return 0; } // ReportVacuumStatus int CMacCmd::ReportVacuumStatus(void) { mLogRpt.Format("Vacuum status index is %d", mWinApp->mScopeStatus.GetVacStatus()); SetRepValsAndVars(1, mWinApp->mScopeStatus.GetVacStatus()); return 0; } // ReportHighVoltage int CMacCmd::ReportHighVoltage(void) { double delISX; delISX = mScope->GetHTValue(); mLogRpt.Format("High voltage is %.1f kV", delISX); SetRepValsAndVars(1, delISX); return 0; } // SetSlitWidth int CMacCmd::SetSlitWidth(void) { double delISX; if (mItemEmpty[1]) ABORT_LINE("SetSlitWidth must be followed by a number in: \n\n"); delISX = mItemDbl[1]; if (delISX < mFiltParam->minWidth || delISX > mFiltParam->maxWidth) ABORT_LINE("This is not a legal slit width in: \n\n"); mFiltParam->slitWidth = (float)delISX; mWinApp->mFilterControl.UpdateSettings(); mCamera->SetupFilter(); UpdateLDAreaIfSaved(); return 0; } // SetEnergyLoss, ChangeEnergyLoss int CMacCmd::SetEnergyLoss(void) { CString report; double delISX, delISY; if (mItemEmpty[1]) ABORT_LINE(mStrItems[0] + " must be followed by a number in: \n\n"); delISX = mItemDbl[1]; if (CMD_IS(CHANGEENERGYLOSS)) delISX += mFiltParam->energyLoss; if (mWinApp->mFilterControl.LossOutOfRange(delISX, delISY)) { report.Format("The energy loss requested in:\n\n%s\n\nrequires a net %s of %.1f" "with the current adjustments.\nThis net value is beyond the allowed range.", (LPCTSTR)mStrLine, mScope->GetHasOmegaFilter() ? "shift" : "offset", delISY); ABORT_LINE(report); } mFiltParam->energyLoss = (float)delISX; mFiltParam->zeroLoss = false; mWinApp->mFilterControl.UpdateSettings(); mCamera->SetupFilter(); UpdateLDAreaIfSaved(); return 0; } // SetSlitIn int CMacCmd::SetSlitIn(void) { int index; index = 1; if (!mItemEmpty[1]) index = mItemInt[1]; mFiltParam->slitIn = index != 0; mWinApp->mFilterControl.UpdateSettings(); mCamera->SetupFilter(); UpdateLDAreaIfSaved(); return 0; } // RefineZLP int CMacCmd::RefineZLP(void) { CString report; if (mItemEmpty[1] || !mItemDbl[1] || SEMTickInterval(1000. * mFiltParam->alignZLPTimeStamp) > 60000. *mItemDbl[1]) { CTime ctdt = CTime::GetCurrentTime(); report.Format("%02d:%02d:%02d", ctdt.GetHour(), ctdt.GetMinute(), ctdt.GetSecond()); mWinApp->AppendToLog(report, mLogInfoAction); mWinApp->mFilterTasks->RefineZLP(false, mItemInt[2]); } return 0; } // SelectCamera int CMacCmd::SelectCamera(void) { int index; index = mItemInt[1]; if (index < 1 || index > mWinApp->GetNumActiveCameras()) ABORT_LINE("Camera number out of range in: \n\n"); RestoreCameraSet(-1, true); mWinApp->SetActiveCameraNumber(index - 1); return 0; } // ReportExposure int CMacCmd::ReportExposure(void) { int index; if (CheckAndConvertCameraSet(mStrItems[1], mItemInt[1], index, mStrCopy)) ABORT_LINE(mStrCopy); mLogRpt.Format("%s exposure is %.3f, drift settling %.3f", mModeNames[index], mConSets[index].exposure, mConSets[index].drift); SetRepValsAndVars(2, mConSets[index].exposure, mConSets[index].drift); return 0; } // ReportBinning int CMacCmd::ReportBinning(void) { int index; float value; if (CheckAndConvertCameraSet(mStrItems[1], mItemInt[1], index, mStrCopy)) ABORT_LINE(mStrCopy); value = (float)mConSets[index].binning / BinDivisorF(mCamParams); mLogRpt.Format("%s binning is %g", mModeNames[index], value); SetRepValsAndVars(2, value); return 0; } // ReportReadMode int CMacCmd::ReportReadMode(void) { int index; if (CheckAndConvertCameraSet(mStrItems[1], mItemInt[1], index, mStrCopy)) ABORT_LINE(mStrCopy); mLogRpt.Format("%s read mode is %d", mModeNames[index], mConSets[index].K2ReadMode); SetRepValsAndVars(2, mConSets[index].K2ReadMode); return 0; } // ReportCameraSetArea int CMacCmd::ReportCameraSetArea(void) { int index, left, right, bottom, top, sizeX, sizeY, div = BinDivisorI(mCamParams); if (CheckAndConvertCameraSet(mStrItems[1], mItemInt[1], index, mStrCopy)) ABORT_LINE(mStrCopy); left = mConSets[index].left; right = mConSets[index].right; top = mConSets[index].top; bottom = mConSets[index].bottom; mCamera->AcquiredSize(&mConSets[index], mCurrentCam, sizeX, sizeY); mLogRpt.Format("%s is %d x %d binned pixels (unbinned l %d r %d, t %d b %d)", mModeNames[index], sizeX, sizeY, left / div, right / div, top /div, bottom / div); SetRepValsAndVars(2, sizeX, sizeY, left / div, right / div, top / div, bottom / div); return 0; } // ReportCurrentPixelSize int CMacCmd::ReportCurrentPixelSize(void) { int index, magInd; float value; if (CheckAndConvertCameraSet(mStrItems[1], mItemInt[1], index, mStrCopy)) ABORT_LINE(mStrCopy); magInd = mWinApp->LowDoseMode() ? mLdParam[mCamera->ConSetToLDArea(index)].magIndex : mScope->FastMagIndex(); value = mShiftManager->GetPixelSize(mCurrentCam, magInd) * (float)mConSets[index].binning * 1000.f; mLogRpt.Format("%s%s pixel size is %.4g nm", mModeNames[index], mWinApp->LowDoseMode() ? " area" : "", value); SetRepValsAndVars(2, value); return 0; } // SetExposure int CMacCmd::SetExposure(void) { double delX, delY; int index; if (CheckAndConvertCameraSet(mStrItems[1], mItemInt[1], index, mStrCopy)) ABORT_LINE(mStrCopy); delX = mItemDbl[2]; delY = mItemEmpty[3] ? 0. : mItemDbl[3]; if (mItemEmpty[2] || delX <= 0. || delY < 0.) ABORT_LINE("Incorrect entry for setting exposure: \n\n"); SaveControlSet(index); mConSets[index].exposure = (float)delX; if (!mItemEmpty[3]) mConSets[index].drift = (float)delY; return 0; } // SetBinning int CMacCmd::SetBinning(void) { int index, index2; if (CheckAndConvertCameraSet(mStrItems[1], mItemInt[1], index, mStrCopy)) ABORT_LINE(mStrCopy); if (CheckCameraBinning(mItemDbl[2], index2, mStrCopy)) ABORT_LINE(mStrCopy); SaveControlSet(index); mConSets[index].binning = index2; return 0; } // SetCameraArea int CMacCmd::SetCameraArea(void) { CString report; int index, index2, ix0, ix1, iy0, iy1, sizeX, sizeY; if (CheckAndConvertCameraSet(mStrItems[1], mItemInt[1], index, mStrCopy)) ABORT_LINE(mStrCopy); report = mStrItems[2]; report.MakeUpper(); if (report == "F" || report == "H" || report == "Q" || report == "WH" || report == "WQ") { if (report == "F" || report == "WH") { ix0 = 0; ix1 = mCamParams->sizeX; } else if (report == "Q") { ix0 = 3 * mCamParams->sizeX / 8; ix1 = 5 * mCamParams->sizeX / 8; } else { ix0 = mCamParams->sizeX / 4; ix1 = 3 * mCamParams->sizeX / 4; } if (report == "F") { iy0 = 0; iy1 = mCamParams->sizeY; } else if (report == "H" || report == "WH") { iy0 = mCamParams->sizeY / 4; iy1 = 3 * mCamParams->sizeY / 4; } else { iy0 = 3 * mCamParams->sizeY / 8; iy1 = 5 * mCamParams->sizeY / 8; } } else { if (mItemEmpty[5]) ABORT_LINE("Not enough coordinates for setting camera area: \n\n"); index2 = BinDivisorI(mCamParams); ix0 = B3DMAX(0, B3DMIN(mCamParams->sizeX - 4, index2 * mItemInt[2])); ix1 = B3DMAX(ix0 + 1, B3DMIN(mCamParams->sizeX, index2 * mItemInt[3])); iy0 = B3DMAX(0, B3DMIN(mCamParams->sizeY - 4, index2 * mItemInt[4])); iy1 = B3DMAX(iy0 + 1, B3DMIN(mCamParams->sizeY, index2 * mItemInt[5])); } index2 = mConSets[index].binning; iy0 /= index2; iy1 /= index2; ix0 /= index2; ix1 /= index2; sizeX = ix1 - ix0; sizeY = iy1 - iy0; mCamera->AdjustSizes(sizeX, mCamParams->sizeX, mCamParams->moduloX, ix0, ix1, sizeY, mCamParams->sizeY, mCamParams->moduloY, iy0, iy1, index2); SaveControlSet(index); mConSets[index].left = ix0 * index2; mConSets[index].right = ix1 * index2; mConSets[index].top = iy0 * index2; mConSets[index].bottom = iy1 * index2; return 0; } // SetCenteredSize int CMacCmd::SetCenteredSize(void) { int index, index2, ix0, ix1, iy0, iy1, sizeX, sizeY; if (CheckAndConvertCameraSet(mStrItems[1], mItemInt[1], index, mStrCopy)) ABORT_LINE(mStrCopy); if (CheckCameraBinning(mItemDbl[2], index2, mStrCopy)) ABORT_LINE(mStrCopy); sizeX = mItemInt[3]; sizeY = mItemInt[4]; if (sizeX < 4 || sizeX * index2 > mCamParams->sizeX || sizeY < 4 || sizeY *index2 > mCamParams->sizeY) ABORT_LINE("Image size is out of range for current camera at given binning in:" " \n\n"); SaveControlSet(index); mConSets[index].binning = index2; mCamera->CenteredSizes(sizeX, mCamParams->sizeX, mCamParams->moduloX, ix0, ix1, sizeY, mCamParams->sizeY, mCamParams->moduloY, iy0, iy1, index2); mConSets[index].left = ix0 * index2; mConSets[index].right = ix1 * index2; mConSets[index].top = iy0 * index2; mConSets[index].bottom = iy1 * index2; return 0; } // SetExposureForMean int CMacCmd::SetExposureForMean(void) { double delISX, delISY; int index, index2, ix1, iy1; float bmin, bmean; index = RECORD_CONSET; if (!mImBufs->mImage || mImBufs->IsProcessed() || (mWinApp->LowDoseMode() && mCamera->ConSetToLDArea(mImBufs->mConSetUsed) != index)) ABORT_LINE("Script aborted setting exposure time because\n" " there is no image or a processed image in Buffer A\n" "(or, if in Low Dose mode, because the image in\n" " Buffer A is not from the Record area) for line:\n\n"); if (mItemDbl[1] <= 0) ABORT_LINE("Exposure time must be positive for line:\n\n"); delISX = mItemDbl[1] / mProcessImage->EquivalentRecordMean(0); delISY = delISX * B3DMAX(0.001, mConSets[index].exposure - mCamParams->deadTime) + mCamParams->deadTime; if (mItemInt[2]) { // Adjusting frame time to keep constant number of frames if (!mCamParams->K2Type || !mConSets[index].doseFrac) ABORT_LINE("Frame time can be adjusted only for K2/K3 camera" " with dose fractionation mode on in line:\n\n"); index2 = B3DNINT(mConSets[index].exposure / B3DMAX(0.001, mConSets[index].frameTime)); bmin = (float)(delISY / index2); mCamera->ConstrainFrameTime(bmin, mCamParams); if (fabs(bmin - mConSets[index].frameTime) < 0.0001) { if (mLogInfoAction != LOG_IGNORE) PrintfToLog("In SetExposureForMean %s, change by a factor of %.4f would require " "too small a change in frame time", (LPCTSTR)mStrItems[1], delISX); bmean = 0.; } else { SaveControlSet(index); mConSets[index].frameTime = bmin; bmean = index2 * bmin; if (mLogInfoAction != LOG_IGNORE) PrintfToLog("In SetExposureForMean %s, frame time changed to %.4f, exposure time" " changed to %.4f", (LPCTSTR)mStrItems[1], mConSets[index].frameTime, bmean); } } else { // Just adjusting exposure time bmean = (float)delISY; ix1 = mCamera->DESumCountForConstraints(mCamParams, &mConSets[index]); mCamera->CropTietzSubarea(mCamParams, mConSets[index].right, mConSets[index].left, mConSets[index].bottom, mConSets[index].top, mConSets[index].processing, mConSets[index].mode, iy1); mCamera->ConstrainExposureTime(mCamParams, mConSets[index].doseFrac, mConSets[index].K2ReadMode, mConSets[index].binning, mCamera->MakeAlignSaveFlags(&mConSets[index]), ix1, bmean, mConSets[index].frameTime, iy1, mConSets[index].mode); if (fabs(bmean - mConSets[index].exposure) < 0.00001) { if (mLogInfoAction != LOG_IGNORE) PrintfToLog("In SetExposureForMean %s, change by a factor of %.4f would require " "too small a change in exposure time", (LPCTSTR)mStrItems[1], delISX); bmean = 0.; } else { SaveControlSet(index); bmean = mWinApp->mFalconHelper->AdjustSumsForExposure(mCamParams, &mConSets[index], bmean); /* This is good for seeing how the distribute frames function works report.Format("Summed frame list:"); for (index2 = 0; index2 < mConSets[index].summedFrameList.size(); index2++) { strCopy.Format(" %d", mConSets[index].summedFrameList[index2]); report+= strCopy; } mWinApp->AppendToLog(report); */ if (mLogInfoAction != LOG_IGNORE) PrintfToLog("In SetExposureForMean %s, exposure time changed to %.4f", (LPCTSTR)mStrItems[1], bmean); } } // Commit the new exposure and report if change is not good if (bmean) { float diffThresh = 0.05f; mConSets[index].exposure = bmean; if (fabs(bmean - delISY) / delISY > diffThresh) PrintfToLog("WARNING: Desired exposure time (%.3f) differs from actual one " "(%.3f) by more than %d%%", delISY, bmean, B3DNINT(100. * diffThresh)); } return 0; } // SetContinuous int CMacCmd::SetContinuous(void) { int index; if (CheckAndConvertCameraSet(mStrItems[1], mItemInt[1], index, mStrCopy)) ABORT_LINE(mStrCopy); SaveControlSet(index); mConSets[index].mode = mItemInt[2] ? CONTINUOUS : SINGLE_FRAME; return 0; } // SetProcessing int CMacCmd::SetProcessing(void) { int index; if (CheckAndConvertCameraSet(mStrItems[1], mItemInt[1], index, mStrCopy)) ABORT_LINE(mStrCopy); if (mItemInt[2] < 0 || mItemInt[2] > 2) ABORT_LINE("Processing must 0, 1, or 2 in:\n\n"); SaveControlSet(index); mConSets[index].processing = mItemInt[2]; return 0; } // SetFrameTime, ChangeFrameAndExposure int CMacCmd::SetFrameTime(void) { BOOL truth; int index, ix0, iy1, newSum, subframes; float fps, exposure; int *sumP; bool savingInEER, alignInFalcon, falconCanSave = false; if (CheckAndConvertCameraSet(mStrItems[1], mItemInt[1], index, mStrCopy)) ABORT_LINE(mStrCopy); if (mCamParams->FEItype) { mCamera->CanWeAlignFalcon(mCamParams, true, falconCanSave, mCamSet->K2ReadMode); savingInEER = mCamera->IsSaveInEERMode(mCamParams, mCamSet); alignInFalcon = IS_FALCON3_OR_4(mCamParams) && FCAM_CAN_ALIGN(mCamParams) && mCamSet->alignFrames && !mCamSet->useFrameAlign; if (!(IS_FALCON3_OR_4(mCamParams) || mCamera->GetMaxFalconFrames() > 7)) falconCanSave = false; } if (!mCamParams->K2Type && !mCamParams->canTakeFrames && !falconCanSave && !mWinApp->mDEToolDlg.CanSaveFrames(mCamParams)) ABORT_NOLINE("Frame time cannot be set for the current camera type"); SaveControlSet(index); truth = CMD_IS(CHANGEFRAMEANDEXPOSURE); // Falcon is handled separately for fractions if (falconCanSave && !savingInEER) { exposure = (truth ? mItemFlt[2] : 1.f) * mCamSet->exposure; subframes = B3DNINT(exposure / mCamera->GetFalconFractionDivisor(mCamParams) - (mCamSet->numSkipBefore + mCamSet->numSkipAfter)); if (truth && !mCamSet->summedFrameList.size()) { mCamSet->userFrameFractions.resize(1); mCamSet->userFrameFractions[0] = 1.; mCamSet->userSubframeFractions.resize(1); mCamSet->userSubframeFractions[0] = 1.; } if (truth) { ix0 = mWinApp->mFalconHelper->GetFrameTotals(mCamSet->summedFrameList, subframes); mCamSet->exposure = exposure; } else ix0 = B3DNINT(exposure / mItemFlt[2]); mWinApp->mFalconHelper->DistributeSubframes(mCamSet->summedFrameList, subframes, ix0, mCamSet->userFrameFractions, mCamSet->userSubframeFractions, alignInFalcon); ix0 = mWinApp->mFalconHelper->GetFrameTotals(mCamSet->summedFrameList, subframes); SetRepValsAndVars(3, ix0, exposure / ix0, exposure); if (mCamParams->FEItype != FALCON4_TYPE) return 0; // DE camera is handled separately } else if (mCamParams->DE_camType) { fps = mCamParams->DE_FramesPerSec; if (mCamSet->K2ReadMode > 0 && mCamParams->DE_CountingFPS > 0.) fps = mCamParams->DE_CountingFPS; sumP = mCamSet->K2ReadMode > 0 ? &mCamSet->sumK2Frames : &mCamSet->DEsumCount; if (truth) { newSum = B3DNINT(mItemFlt[2] * *sumP); mCamSet->exposure *= (float)newSum / (float)(*sumP); *sumP = newSum; } else { *sumP = B3DMAX(1, B3DNINT(fps * mItemFlt[2])); ix0 = B3DNINT(mCamSet->exposure / (*sumP / fps)); mCamSet->exposure = B3DMAX(1, ix0) * (*sumP / fps); } SetRepValsAndVars(3, *sumP / fps, mCamSet->exposure); mLogRpt.Format("New frame time %.3f exposure %.3f", *sumP / fps, mCamSet->exposure); return 0; } // Other cameras if (truth) { ix0 = B3DNINT(mCamSet->exposure / mCamSet->frameTime); mCamSet->frameTime *= mItemFlt[2]; } else { mCamSet->frameTime = mItemFlt[2]; } mCamera->CropTietzSubarea(mCamParams, mCamSet->right, mCamSet->left, mCamSet->bottom, mCamSet->top, mCamSet->processing, mCamSet->mode, iy1); mCamera->ConstrainFrameTime(mCamSet->frameTime, mCamParams, mCamSet->binning, mCamParams->OneViewType ? mCamSet->K2ReadMode:iy1); if ((!falconCanSave || savingInEER) && truth) { mCamSet->exposure = mCamSet->frameTime * ix0; SetRepValsAndVars(3, mCamSet->frameTime, mCamSet->exposure); } else if (!falconCanSave || savingInEER) { SetRepValsAndVars(3, mCamSet->frameTime); } return 0; } // SetK2ReadMode int CMacCmd::SetK2ReadMode(void) { int index; if (CheckAndConvertCameraSet(mStrItems[1], mItemInt[1], index, mStrCopy)) ABORT_LINE(mStrCopy); if (!mCamParams->K2Type && !mCamParams->OneViewType && !IS_FALCON3_OR_4(mCamParams) && !mCamParams->DE_camType) ABORT_NOLINE("Read mode cannot be set for the current camera type"); if (mItemInt[2] < 0 || mItemInt[2] > 2) ABORT_LINE("Read mode must 0, 1, or 2 in:\n\n"); SaveControlSet(index); mConSets[index].K2ReadMode = mItemInt[2]; return 0; } // SetDoseFracParams int CMacCmd::SetDoseFracParams(void) { int index; if (CheckAndConvertCameraSet(mStrItems[1], mItemInt[1], index, mStrCopy)) ABORT_LINE(mStrCopy); if (!mItemEmpty[5] && (mItemInt[5] < 0 || mItemInt[5] > 2)) ABORT_LINE("Alignment method (the fourth number) must be 0, 1, or 2 in:\n\n"); SaveControlSet(index); mConSets[index].doseFrac = mItemInt[2] ? 1 : 0; if (!mItemEmpty[3]) mConSets[index].saveFrames = mItemInt[3] ? 1 : 0; if (!mItemEmpty[4]) mConSets[index].alignFrames = mItemInt[4] ? 1 : 0; if (!mItemEmpty[5]) mConSets[index].useFrameAlign = mItemInt[5]; if (!mItemEmpty[6]) mConSets[index].sumK2Frames = mItemInt[6] ? 1 : 0; return 0; } // SetDECamFrameRate int CMacCmd::SetDECamFrameRate(void) { CString report; double delISX; if (!(mCamParams->DE_camType && mCamParams->DE_FramesPerSec > 0)) ABORT_LINE("The current camera must be a DE camera with adjustable frame rate for" " line:\n\n"); delISX = mItemDbl[1]; if (delISX < mCamParams->DE_MaxFrameRate + 1.) delISX = B3DMIN(delISX, mCamParams->DE_MaxFrameRate); if (delISX <= 0. || delISX > mCamParams->DE_MaxFrameRate) { report.Format("The new frame rate must be greater than zero\n" "and less than %.2f FPS for line:\n\n", mCamParams->DE_MaxFrameRate); ABORT_LINE(report); } if (mDEframeRateToRestore < 0) { mNumStatesToRestore++; mDEframeRateToRestore = mCamParams->DE_FramesPerSec; mDEcamIndToRestore = mCurrentCam; } mCamParams->DE_FramesPerSec = (float)delISX; mWinApp->mDEToolDlg.UpdateSettings(); SetReportedValues(mDEframeRateToRestore); mLogRpt.Format("Changed frame rate of DE camera from %.2f to %.2f", mDEframeRateToRestore, delISX); return 0; } // UseContinuousFrames int CMacCmd::UseContinuousFrames(void) { BOOL truth; truth = mItemInt[1] != 0; if ((mUsingContinuous ? 1 : 0) != (truth ? 1 : 0)) mCamera->ChangePreventToggle(truth ? 1 : -1); mUsingContinuous = mItemInt[1] != 0; return 0; } // StopContinuous int CMacCmd::StopContinuous(void) { mCamera->StopCapture(0); return 0; } // ReportContinuous int CMacCmd::ReportContinuous(void) { int index; index = mCamera->DoingContinuousAcquire(); if (index) mLogRpt.Format("Continuous acquire is running with set %d", index - 1); else mLogRpt = "Continuous acquire is not running"; SetRepValsAndVars(1, index - 1.); return 0; } // StartFrameWaitTimer int CMacCmd::StartFrameWaitTimer(void) { if (mItemInt[1] < 0) mFrameWaitStart = -2.; else mFrameWaitStart = GetTickCount(); return 0; } // WaitForNextFrame int CMacCmd::WaitForNextFrame(void) { if (!mItemEmpty[1]) mCamera->AlignContinuousFrames(mItemInt[1], mItemInt[2] != 0); mCamera->SetTaskFrameWaitStart((mFrameWaitStart >= 0 || mFrameWaitStart < -1.1) ? mFrameWaitStart : (double)GetTickCount()); mFrameWaitStart = -1.; return 0; } // SetLiveSettleFraction int CMacCmd::SetLiveSettleFraction(void) { mCamera->SetContinuousDelayFrac((float)B3DMAX(0., mItemDbl[1])); return 0; } // SetSTEMDetectors int CMacCmd::SetSTEMDetectors(void) { int index, index2, ix0, iy0, sizeX; if (!mCamParams->STEMcamera) ABORT_LINE("The current camera is not a STEM camera in: \n\n"); if (CheckAndConvertCameraSet(mStrItems[1], mItemInt[1], index, mStrCopy)) ABORT_LINE(mStrCopy); sizeX = mCamera->GetMaxChannels(mCamParams); if (mItemEmpty[sizeX + 1]) ABORT_LINE("There must be a detector number for each channel in: \n\n"); index2 = 0; for (ix0 = 2; ix0 < sizeX + 2; ix0++) { if (mItemInt[ix0] < -1 || mItemInt[ix0] >= mCamParams->numChannels) ABORT_LINE("Detector number out of range in: \n\n"); for (iy0 = ix0 + 1; iy0 < sizeX + 2; iy0++) { if (mItemInt[ix0] == mItemInt[iy0] && mItemInt[ix0] != -1) ABORT_LINE("Duplicate detector number in: \n\n"); } if (mItemInt[ix0] >= 0) index2++; } if (!index2) ABORT_LINE("There must be at least one detector listed in: \n\n"); SaveControlSet(index); for (ix0 = 0; ix0 < sizeX; ix0++) mConSets[index].channelIndex[ix0] = mItemInt[ix0 + 2]; return 0; } // RestoreCameraSetCmd int CMacCmd::RestoreCameraSetCmd(void) { int index; index = -1; if (!mItemEmpty[1] && CheckAndConvertCameraSet(mStrItems[1], mItemInt[1], index, mStrCopy)) ABORT_LINE(mStrCopy); if (RestoreCameraSet(index, true)) ABORT_NOLINE("No camera parameters were changed; there is nothing to restore"); if (index == RECORD_CONSET && mAlignWholeTSOnly) { SaveControlSet(index); mConSets[index].alignFrames = 0; } return 0; } // KeepCameraSetChanges int CMacCmd::KeepCameraSetChanges(void) { int index, ix0; ControlSet *masterSets = mWinApp->GetCamConSets() + MAX_CONSETS *mCurrentCam; index = -1; if (!mItemEmpty[1] && CheckAndConvertCameraSet(mStrItems[1], mItemInt[1], index, mStrCopy)) ABORT_LINE(mStrCopy); for (ix0 = (int)mConsetNums.size() - 1; ix0 >= 0; ix0--) { if (mConsetNums[ix0] == index || index < 0) { masterSets[mConsetNums[ix0]] = mConSets[mConsetNums[ix0]]; mConsetsSaved.erase(mConsetsSaved.begin() + ix0); mConsetNums.erase(mConsetNums.begin() + ix0); } } return 0; } // ReportK2FileParams int CMacCmd::ReportK2FileParams(void) { int index, index2, ix0, ix1, iy0, iy1; index = mCamera->GetK2SaveAsTiff(); index2 = mCamera->GetSaveRawPacked(); ix0 = mCamera->GetUse4BitMrcMode(); ix1 = mCamera->GetSaveTimes100(); iy0 = mCamera->GetSkipK2FrameRotFlip(); iy1 = mCamera->GetOneK2FramePerFile(); mLogRpt.Format("File type %s raw packed %d 4-bit mode %d x100 %d Skip rot %d " "file/frame %d", index > 1 ? "TIFF ZIP" : (index ? "MRC" : "TIFF LZW"), index2, ix0, ix1, iy0, iy1); SetRepValsAndVars(1, index, index2, ix0, ix1, iy0, iy1); return 0; } // SetK2FileParams int CMacCmd::SetK2FileParams(void) { if (mItemInt[1] < 0 || mItemInt[1] > 2) ABORT_LINE("File type (first number) must be 0, 1, or 2 in:\n\n"); if (mItemInt[2] < 0 || mItemInt[2] > 3) ABORT_LINE("Saving raw packed (second number) must be 0, 1, 2, or 3 in:\n\n"); mCamera->SetK2SaveAsTiff(mItemInt[1]); if (!mItemEmpty[2]) mCamera->SetSaveRawPacked(mItemInt[2]); if (!mItemEmpty[3]) mCamera->SetUse4BitMrcMode(mItemInt[3] ? 1 : 0); if (!mItemEmpty[4]) mCamera->SetSaveTimes100(mItemInt[4] ? 1 : 0); if (!mItemEmpty[5]) mCamera->SetSkipK2FrameRotFlip(mItemInt[5] ? 1 : 0); if (!mItemEmpty[6]) mCamera->SetOneK2FramePerFile(mItemInt[6] ? 1 : 0); return 0; } // ReportFrameAliParams, SetFrameAliParams, ReportFrameAli2, SetFrameAli2 int CMacCmd::ReportFrameAliParams(void) { double delX; int index, index2, ix1; CArray < FrameAliParams, FrameAliParams > *faParamArr = mCamera->GetFrameAliParams(); FrameAliParams *faParam; BOOL *useGPUArr = mCamera->GetUseGPUforK2Align(); index = mConSets[RECORD_CONSET].faParamSetInd; if (index < 0 || index >= (int)faParamArr->GetSize()) ABORT_LINE("The frame alignment parameter set index for Record is out of range " "for:\n\n"); faParam = faParamArr->GetData() + index; ix1 = mCamParams->useSocket ? 1 : 0; if (CMD_IS(REPORTFRAMEALIPARAMS)) { index = (faParam->doRefine ? 1 : -1) * faParam->refineIter; index2 = (faParam->useGroups ? 1 : -1) * faParam->groupSize; mLogRpt.Format("Frame alignment for Record has %s %d, keep precision %d" ", strategy %d, all-vs-all %d, refine %d, group %d", faParam->binToTarget ? "target" : "binning", faParam->binToTarget ? faParam->targetSize : faParam->aliBinning, faParam->keepPrecision, faParam->strategy, faParam->numAllVsAll, index, index2); SetRepValsAndVars(1, faParam->aliBinning, faParam->keepPrecision, faParam->strategy, faParam->numAllVsAll, index, index2); } else if (CMD_IS(SETFRAMEALIPARAMS)) { if (mItemInt[1] < 1 || (mItemInt[1] > 16 && mItemInt[1] < 100)) ABORT_LINE("Alignment binning is out of range in:\n\n"); if (mItemInt[1] > 16) faParam->targetSize = mItemInt[1]; else faParam->aliBinning = mItemInt[1]; faParam->binToTarget = mItemInt[1] > 16; if (!mItemEmpty[2]) faParam->keepPrecision = mItemInt[2] > 0; if (!mItemEmpty[3]) { B3DCLAMP(mItemInt[3], 0, 3); faParam->strategy = mItemInt[3]; } if (!mItemEmpty[4]) faParam->numAllVsAll = mItemInt[4]; if (!mItemEmpty[5]) { faParam->doRefine = mItemInt[5] > 0; faParam->refineIter = B3DABS(mItemInt[5]); } if (!mItemEmpty[6]) { faParam->useGroups = mItemInt[6] > 0; faParam->groupSize = B3DABS(mItemInt[6]); } } else if (CMD_IS(REPORTFRAMEALI2)) { // ReportFrameAli2 delX = (faParam->truncate ? 1 : -1) * faParam->truncLimit; mLogRpt.Format("Frame alignment for Record has GPU %d, truncation %.2f, hybrid %d," " filters %.4f %.4f %.4f", useGPUArr[ix1], delX, faParam->hybridShifts, faParam->rad2Filt1, faParam->rad2Filt2, faParam->rad2Filt3); SetRepValsAndVars(1, useGPUArr[0], delX, faParam->hybridShifts, faParam->rad2Filt1, faParam->rad2Filt2, faParam->rad2Filt3); } else { // SetFrameAli2 useGPUArr[ix1] = mItemInt[1] > 0; if (!mItemEmpty[2]) { faParam->truncate = mItemDbl[2] > 0; faParam->truncLimit = (float)B3DABS(mItemDbl[2]); } if (!mItemEmpty[3]) faParam->hybridShifts = mItemInt[3] > 0; if (!mItemEmpty[4]) { faParam->rad2Filt1 = mItemFlt[4]; faParam->rad2Filt2 = mItemEmpty[5] ? 0.f : mItemFlt[5]; faParam->rad2Filt3 = mItemEmpty[6] ? 0.f : mItemFlt[6]; } } return 0; } // SetFolderForFrames int CMacCmd::SetFolderForFrames(void) { int index; if (!(mCamera->IsDirectDetector(mCamParams) || (mCamParams->canTakeFrames & FRAMES_CAN_BE_SAVED))) ABORT_LINE("Cannot save frames from the current camera for line:\n\n"); SubstituteLineStripItems(mStrLine, 1, mStrCopy); if (mCamParams->DE_camType || (mCamParams->FEItype == FALCON3_TYPE && !mCamera->GetSubdirsOkInFalcon3Save())) { if (mStrCopy.FindOneOf("/\\") >= 0) ABORT_LINE("Only a single folder can be entered for this camera type in:\n\n"); } else if (!(mCamParams->FEItype && FCAM_ADVANCED(mCamParams))) { index = mStrCopy.GetAt(0); if (!(((index == ' / ' || index == '\\') && (mStrCopy.GetAt(1) == ' / ' || mStrCopy.GetAt(1) == '\\')) || ((mStrCopy.GetAt(2) == ' / ' || mStrCopy.GetAt(2) == '\\') && mStrCopy.GetAt(1) == ':' && ((index >= 'A' && index <= 'Z') || (index >= 'a' && index <= 'z'))))) ABORT_LINE("A complete absolute path must be entered in:\n\n"); } if (mCamParams->K2Type) mCamera->SetDirForK2Frames(mStrCopy); else if (mCamParams->DE_camType) mCamera->SetDirForDEFrames(mStrCopy); else if (mCamParams->FEItype) mCamera->SetDirForFalconFrames(mStrCopy); else mCamParams->dirForFrameSaving = mStrCopy; return 0; } // SkipFrameAliParamCheck int CMacCmd::SkipFrameAliParamCheck(void) { int index; index = mItemEmpty[1] ? 1 : mItemInt[1]; mSkipFrameAliCheck = index > 0; return 0; } // ReportK3CDSmode int CMacCmd::ReportK3CDSmode(void) { int index; index = mCamera->GetUseK3CorrDblSamp() ? 1 : 0; mLogRpt.Format("CDS mode is %s", index ? "ON" : "OFF"); SetRepValsAndVars(1, index); return 0; } // SetK3CDSmode int CMacCmd::SetK3CDSmode(void) { if (mItemEmpty[2] || !mItemInt[2]) { if (mK3CDSmodeToRestore < 0) { mNumStatesToRestore++; mK3CDSmodeToRestore = mCamera->GetUseK3CorrDblSamp() ? 1 : 0; } } else { if (mK3CDSmodeToRestore >= 0) mNumStatesToRestore--; mK3CDSmodeToRestore = -1; } mCamera->SetUseK3CorrDblSamp(mItemInt[1] != 0); return 0; } // ReportCountScaling int CMacCmd::ReportCountScaling(void) { double delX; int index; index = mCamera->GetDivideBy2(); delX = mCamera->GetCountScaling(mCamParams); if (mCamParams->K2Type == K3_TYPE) delX = mCamParams->countsPerElectron; SetRepValsAndVars(1, index, delX); mLogRpt.Format("Division by 2 is %s; count scaling is %.3f", index ? "ON" : "OFF", delX); return 0; } // SetDivideBy2 int CMacCmd::SetDivideBy2(void) { if ((mCamParams->CamFlags & CAMFLAG_NO_DIV_BY_2) != 0 && mItemInt[1]) ABORT_LINE("The cuurent camera does not support division by 2 for:\n\n"); mCamera->SetDivideBy2(mItemInt[1] != 0 ? 1 : 0); return 0; } // ReportNumFramesSaved int CMacCmd::ReportNumFramesSaved(void) { int index; index = mCamera->GetNumFramesSaved(); SetRepValsAndVars(1, index); mLogRpt.Format("Number of frames saved was %d", index); return 0; } // CameraProperties int CMacCmd::CameraProperties(void) { double delX; int index, index2, ix1, iy1, actNum = mWinApp->GetCurrentActiveCamera() + 1; if (!mItemEmpty[1]) { if (mItemInt[1] < 1 || mItemInt[1] > mWinApp->GetActiveCamListSize()) ABORT_LINE("Active camera number is out of range in:\n\n") mCamParams = mWinApp->GetCamParams() + mActiveList[mItemInt[1] - 1]; actNum = mItemInt[1]; } ix1 = BinDivisorI(mCamParams); index = mCamParams->sizeX / ix1; index2 = mCamParams->sizeY / ix1; if (mItemEmpty[2]) iy1 = mScope->GetMagIndex(); else iy1 = mItemInt[2]; delX = 1000. * ix1 * mShiftManager->GetPixelSize( mItemEmpty[1] ? mCurrentCam : mActiveList[mItemInt[1] - 1], iy1); mLogRpt.Format("%s: size %d x %d rotation/flip %d pixel on chip %.1f " "unbinned pixel %.3f nm at %dx", (LPCSTR)mCamParams->name, index, index2, mCamParams->rotationFlip, mCamParams->pixelMicrons *ix1, delX, MagForCamera(mCamParams, iy1)); SetReportedValues((double)index, (double)index2, (double)mCamParams->rotationFlip, mCamParams->pixelMicrons * ix1, delX, (double)actNum); SetVariable("NUMBEROFCAMERAS", mWinApp->GetNumActiveCameras(), VARTYPE_REGULAR, -1, false); return 0; } // ReportCameraName int CMacCmd::ReportCameraName(void) { CString name = "NOCAM"; CameraParameters *camParams = mWinApp->GetCamParams(); int index = mItemInt[1]; if (index <= 0) { mLogRpt = "The name of the current camera is "; index = mWinApp->GetCurrentActiveCamera() + 1; } else { mLogRpt.Format("The name of active camera # %d is ", index); } if (index <= mWinApp->GetNumActiveCameras()) { name = camParams[mActiveList[index - 1]].name; mLogRpt += name; } else mLogRpt.Format("There is no active camera # %d", index); SetOneReportedValue(&mStrItems[2], name, 1); return 0; } // SetupDynamicFocus int CMacCmd::SetupDynamicFocus() { CameraThreadData *td = mCamera->GetCamThreadData(); int ind = mCamera->ExternalSetupDynFocus(mItemFlt[1], mItemInt[2], mItemInt[3], mItemInt[4]); if (ind) { mLogRpt = "No dynamic focus was set up with these parameters"; SetRepValsAndVars(5, -1.); } else { SetRepValsAndVars(5, td->ScanDelay, td->PostActionTime, td->DynFocusInterval, td->IndexPerMs, MAX_RAMP_STEPS); } return 0; } // StartFocusRamper int CMacCmd::StartFocusRamper() { CameraThreadData *td = mCamera->GetCamThreadData(); if (!mItemEmpty[1]) td->ScanDelay = mItemInt[1]; if (!mItemEmpty[2]) td->PostActionTime = mItemInt[2]; if (!mItemEmpty[3]) td->DynFocusInterval = mItemInt[3]; if (!mItemEmpty[4]) td->IndexPerMs = mItemFlt[4]; double extra = td->FocusBase > mCamera->GetCenterFocus() ? 1. : -1.; mScope->SetDefocus(td->FocusBase + extra); mScope->SetDefocus(td->FocusBase); Sleep(mCamera->GetStartDynFocusDelay()); mCamera->StartFocusRamp(td, mRamperStarted); if (!mRamperStarted) mLogRpt = "The focus ramper did not start"; return 0; } // FinishFocusRamp int CMacCmd::FinishFocusRamp() { CameraThreadData *td = mCamera->GetCamThreadData(); mCamera->FinishFocusRamp(td, mRamperStarted); if (mRamperStarted) { SEMTrace('1', "Focus interval min %.0f max %.0f mean %.1f Sd %.1f", td->ScanIntMin, td->ScanIntMax, td->ScanIntMean, td->ScanIntSD); mScope->SetDefocus(mCamera->GetCenterFocus()); } return 0; } // ReportColumnOrGunValve int CMacCmd::ReportColumnOrGunValve(void) { int index; index = mScope->GetColumnValvesOpen(); if (index == -2) ABORT_NOLINE("An error occurred getting the state of the column/gun valve"); SetRepValsAndVars(1, index); mLogRpt.Format("Column/gun valve state is %d", index); return 0; } // SetColumnOrGunValve int CMacCmd::SetColumnOrGunValve(void) { if (mItemEmpty[1]) ABORT_LINE("Entry requires a number for setting valve open or closed: \n\n"); if (!mScope->SetColumnValvesOpen(mItemInt[1] != 0)) ABORT_NOLINE(mItemInt[1] ? "An error occurred opening the valve" : "An error occurred closing the valve"); return 0; } // ReportFilamentCurrent int CMacCmd::ReportFilamentCurrent(void) { double delISX; delISX = mScope->GetFilamentCurrent(); if (delISX < 0) ABORT_NOLINE("An error occurred getting the filament current"); SetRepValsAndVars(1, delISX); mLogRpt.Format("Filament current is %.5g", delISX); return 0; } // SetFilamentCurrent int CMacCmd::SetFilamentCurrent(void) { if (!mScope->SetFilamentCurrent(mItemDbl[1])) ABORT_NOLINE("An error occurred setting the filament current"); return 0; } // ReportFEGEmissionState int CMacCmd::ReportFEGEmissionState(void) { int state; if (!mScope->GetEmissionState(state)) ABORT_NOLINE("An error occurred getting the emission state"); SetRepValsAndVars(1, state); mLogRpt.Format("FEG emission is %s",state ? "ON" : "OFF"); return 0; } // SetFEGEmissionState int CMacCmd::SetFEGEmissionState(void) { if (!mScope->SetEmissionState(mItemInt[1])) ABORT_NOLINE("An error occurred setting the emission state"); return 0; } // IsFEGFlashingAdvised int CMacCmd::IsFEGFlashingAdvised(void) { int answer; if (mScope->GetAdvancedScriptVersion() < ASI_FILTER_FEG_LOAD_TEMP) ABORT_NOLINE("The version of advanced scripting has not been identified as high " "enough to support FEG flashing"); if (!mScope->GetIsFlashingAdvised(mItemInt[1], answer)) { AbortMacro(); return 1; } mLogRpt.Format("%s FEG flashing %s advised", mItemInt[1] ? "High-T" : "Low-T", answer ? "IS" : "is NOT"); SetRepValsAndVars(2, answer); return 0; } // NextFEGFlashHighTemp int CMacCmd::NextFEGFlashHighTemp(void) { if (mScope->GetAdvancedScriptVersion() < ASI_FILTER_FEG_LOAD_TEMP) ABORT_NOLINE("The version of advanced scripting has not been identified as high " "enough to support FEG flashing"); mScope->SetDoNextFEGFlashHigh(mItemEmpty[1] || mItemInt[1]); return 0; } // ReportFEGBeamCurrent int CMacCmd::ReportFEGBeamCurrent(void) { double current; if (!FEIscope || !mScope->GetScopeCanFlashFEG()) ABORT_NOLINE("FEG Beam current is available only for a TFS/FEI scope that can flash " "the FEG"); if (!mScope->GetFEGBeamCurrent(current)) ABORT_NOLINE("An error occurred getting the FEG beam current"); mLogRpt.Format("FEG beam current is %5g nA", current); SetRepValsAndVars(1, current); return 0; } // IsPVPRunning int CMacCmd::IsPVPRunning(void) { BOOL truth; if (!mScope->IsPVPRunning(truth)) ABORT_NOLINE("An error occurred determining whether the PVP is running"); mLogRpt.Format("The PVP %s running", truth ? "IS" : "is NOT"); SetRepValsAndVars(1, truth ? 1. : 0.); return 0; } // SetBeamBlank int CMacCmd::SetBeamBlank(void) { int index; if (mItemEmpty[1]) ABORT_LINE("Entry requires a number for setting blank on or off: \n\n"); index = mItemInt[1]; mScope->BlankBeam(index != 0); return 0; } // MoveToNavItem int CMacCmd::MoveToNavItem(void) { int index; ABORT_NONAV; index = -1; if (!mItemEmpty[1]) { index = mItemInt[1] - 1; if (index < 0) ABORT_LINE("The Navigator item index must be positive: \n\n"); } if (mNavigator->MoveToItem(index)) ABORT_NOLINE("Error moving to Navigator item"); mMovedStage = true; return 0; } // AlignToTemplate int CMacCmd::AlignToTemplate(void) { NavAlignParams params = *(mNavHelper->GetNavAlignParams()); ABORT_NONAV if (!mItemEmpty[1] && mItemFlt[1] >= 0.) params.maxAlignShift = mItemFlt[1]; if (!mItemEmpty[2] && mItemFlt[2] >= 0.) params.resetISthresh = mItemFlt[2]; if (!mItemEmpty[3] && mItemInt[3] >= 0) params.maxNumResetIS = mItemInt[3]; if (!mItemEmpty[4] && mItemInt[4] >= 0) params.leaveISatZero = mItemInt[4] != 0; if (!mItemEmpty[5]) JustStripItems(mStrLine, 5, params.templateLabel); if (mWinApp->mParticleTasks->AlignToTemplate(params)) ABORT_NOLINE("Script halted due to failure in Align to Template routine"); return 0; } // RealignToNavItem, RealignToOtherItem int CMacCmd::RealignToNavItem(void) { CString report; BOOL truth, justMove = 0; NavAlignParams *params = mNavHelper->GetNavAlignParams(); int index, index2, iters, ifZero, iy0, setForScaled = -1; float thresh; ABORT_NONAV; truth = CMD_IS(REALIGNTOOTHERITEM); index2 = truth ? 2 : 1; index = mItemInt[1] - 1; thresh = 0.; ifZero = iters = 0; if (!mItemEmpty[index2 + 2]) { if (mItemEmpty[index2 + 4]) ABORT_LINE("Entry requires three values for controlling image shift reset in:" "\n\n"); thresh = mItemFlt[index2 + 2] < 0 ? params->resetISthresh : mItemFlt[index2 + 2]; iters = mItemInt[index2 + 3] < 0 ? params->maxNumResetIS : mItemInt[index2 + 3]; ifZero = B3DCHOICE(mItemInt[index2 + 4] < 0, params->leaveISatZero ? 1 : 0, mItemInt[index2 + 4]); justMove = (!mItemEmpty[index2 + 5] && mItemInt[index2 + 5] != 0) ? REALI2ITEM_JUST_MOVE : 0; } if (!mItemEmpty[index2 + 1]) mNavHelper->SetContinuousRealign(mItemInt[index2 + 1]); if (!mItemEmpty[index2 + 5] && CheckAndConvertCameraSet(mStrItems[index2 + 5], mItemInt[index2 + 5], setForScaled, mStrCopy)) ABORT_LINE(mStrCopy); if ((setForScaled == FOCUS_CONSET || setForScaled == TRIAL_CONSET) && mWinApp->LowDoseMode()) ABORT_LINE("Realign to scaled map can not be done with Focus or Trial area"); if (truth) iy0 = mNavigator->RealignToOtherItem(index, mItemInt[index2] != 0, thresh, iters, ifZero, justMove, setForScaled); else iy0 = mNavigator->RealignToCurrentItem(mItemInt[index2] != 0, thresh, iters, ifZero, justMove, setForScaled); mNavHelper->SetContinuousRealign(0); if (iy0) { report.Format("Script halted due to failure %d in Realign to Item routine", iy0); ABORT_NOLINE(report); } return 0; } // RealignToReloadedGrid int CMacCmd::RealignReloadedGrid() { CMapDrawItem *navItem; navItem = CurrentOrIndexedNavItem(mItemInt[1], mStrLine); if (!navItem) return 1; if (mWinApp->mMultiGridTasks->RealignReloadedGrid(navItem, mItemFlt[2], !mItemEmpty[3] && mItemInt[3] != 0, (mItemEmpty[4] || mItemFlt[4] <= 0.) ? mWinApp->mMultiGridTasks->GetRRGMaxRotation() : mItemFlt[4], mItemEmpty[5] ? 1 : mItemInt[5], mStrCopy)) ABORT_LINE(mStrCopy + " for line:\n\n"); return 0; } // RefineGridMapAlignment int CMacCmd::RefineGridMapAlignment() { CMapDrawItem *navItem; int setNum; navItem = CurrentOrIndexedNavItem(mItemInt[1], mStrLine); if (!navItem) return 1; if (CheckAndConvertCameraSet(mStrItems[2], mItemInt[2], setNum, mStrCopy)) ABORT_LINE(mStrCopy); if (mWinApp->mMultiGridTasks->AlignGridMapAcrossMags(navItem, setNum, mItemEmpty[4] ? EXTRA_NO_VALUE : mItemFlt[4], mItemEmpty[5] ? EXTRA_NO_VALUE : mItemFlt[5], mItemEmpty[3] ? 0.f : mItemFlt[3], mStrCopy)) ABORT_LINE(mStrCopy + " for line:\n\n"); return 0; } // SkipZMoveNextNavRealign int CMacCmd::SkipZMoveNextNavRealign(void) { mNavHelper->SetRISkipNextZMove(mItemEmpty[1] || mItemInt[1]); return 0; } // RealignToMapDrawnOn int CMacCmd::RealignToMapDrawnOn(void) { CString report; int ix0; CMapDrawItem *navItem; navItem = CurrentOrIndexedNavItem(mItemInt[1], mStrLine); if (!navItem) return 1; if (!navItem->mDrawnOnMapID) ABORT_LINE("The specified item has no ID for being drawn on a map in line:\n\n"); ix0 = mNavHelper->RealignToDrawnOnMap(navItem, mItemInt[2] != 0); if (ix0) { report.Format("Script halted due to failure %d in Realign to Item for line:\n\n", ix0); ABORT_LINE(report); } return 0; } // GetRealignToItemError int CMacCmd::GetRealignToItemError(void) { float backlashX, backlashY, bmin, bmax; ABORT_NONAV; mNavHelper->GetLastStageError(backlashX, backlashY, bmin, bmax); SetRepValsAndVars(1, backlashX, backlashY, bmin, bmax); return 0; } // ReportNavItem, ReportOtherItem, ReportNextNavAcqItem, LoadNavMap, LoadOtherMap int CMacCmd::ReportNavItem(void) { CString report; BOOL truth; int index, index2, ix0, ix1; CMapDrawItem *navItem; ABORT_NONAV; truth = CMD_IS(REPORTNEXTNAVACQITEM); if (CMD_IS(REPORTNAVITEM) || CMD_IS(LOADNAVMAP)) { index = mNavigator->GetCurrentOrAcquireItem(navItem); if (index < 0) ABORT_LINE("There is no current Navigator item for line:\n\n"); index2 = 1; } else if (truth) { if (!mNavigator->GetAcquiring()) ABORT_LINE("The Navigator must be acquiring for line:\n\n"); navItem = mNavigator->FindNextAcquireItem(index); if (index < 0) { mWinApp->AppendToLog("There is no next item to be acquired", mLogAction); SetVariable("NAVINDEX", "-1", VARTYPE_REGULAR + VARTYPE_ADD_FOR_NUM, -1, false); SetRepValsAndVars(1, -1, 0.); } } else { if (mItemInt[1] < 0) { index = mNavigator->GetNumNavItems() + mItemInt[1]; } else index = mItemInt[1] - 1; navItem = mNavigator->GetOtherNavItem(index); if (!navItem) ABORT_LINE("Index is out of range in statement:\n\n"); index2 = 2; } if (CMD_IS(REPORTNAVITEM) || CMD_IS(REPORTOTHERITEM) || (truth && index >= 0)) { mLogRpt.Format("%stem %d: Stage: %.2f %.2f %2.f Label: %s", truth ? "Next i" : "I", index + 1, navItem->mStageX, navItem->mStageY, navItem->mStageZ, (LPCTSTR)navItem->mLabel); if (!navItem->mNote.IsEmpty()) mLogRpt += "\r\n Note: " + navItem->mNote; SetRepValsAndVars(1, index + 1., navItem->mStageX, navItem->mStageY, navItem->mStageZ, (double)navItem->mType); report.Format("%d", index + 1); SetVariable("NAVINDEX", report, VARTYPE_REGULAR + VARTYPE_ADD_FOR_NUM, -1, false); SetVariable("NAVLABEL", navItem->mLabel, VARTYPE_REGULAR, -1, false); SetVariable("NAVNOTE", navItem->mNote, VARTYPE_REGULAR, -1, false); SetVariable("NAVCOLOR", navItem->mColor, VARTYPE_REGULAR + VARTYPE_ADD_FOR_NUM, -1, false); SetVariable("NAVREGIS", navItem->mRegistration, VARTYPE_REGULAR + VARTYPE_ADD_FOR_NUM, -1, false); index = atoi(navItem->mLabel); report.Format("%d", index); SetVariable("NAVINTLABEL", report, VARTYPE_REGULAR + VARTYPE_ADD_FOR_NUM, -1, false); mNavHelper->GetNumHolesFromParam(ix0, ix1, index2); SetVariable("NAVNUMHOLES", navItem->mAcquire ? mNavHelper->GetNumHolesForItem(navItem, index2) : 0, VARTYPE_REGULAR + VARTYPE_ADD_FOR_NUM, -1, false); if (mNavigator->GetAcquiring()) { report.Format("%d", mNavigator->GetNumAcquired() + (truth ? 2 : 1)); SetVariable("NAVACQINDEX", report, VARTYPE_REGULAR + VARTYPE_ADD_FOR_NUM, -1, false); } } else if (!truth) { if (navItem->IsNotMap()) ABORT_LINE("The Navigator item is not a map for line:\n\n"); if (ConvertBufferLetter(mStrItems[index2], mBufferManager->GetBufToReadInto(), false, ix0, report)) ABORT_LINE(report); mNavigator->DoLoadMap(false, navItem, ix0); mLoadingMap = true; } return 0; } // LoadAllGridMaps int CMacCmd::LoadAllGridMaps() { int bufInd = -1; if (!mItemEmpty[1] && mItemInt[1] >= 0 && ConvertBufferLetter(mStrItems[1], -1, false, bufInd, mStrCopy)) ABORT_LINE(mStrCopy); if (mWinApp->mMultiGridTasks->LoadAllGridMaps(bufInd, mStrCopy)) ABORT_LINE(mStrCopy + " for line:\n\n"); return 0; } // GetItemPointArray int CMacCmd::GetItemPointArray() { CString xval, yval, one; int index = mItemInt[1]; CMapDrawItem *navItem = CurrentOrIndexedNavItem(index, mStrLine); if (!navItem) return 1; for (index = 0; index < navItem->mNumPoints; index++) { if (index) { xval += "\n"; yval += "\n"; } one.Format("%.3f", navItem->mPtX[index]); xval += one; one.Format("%.3f", navItem->mPtY[index]); yval += one; } if (SetVariable(mStrItems[2], xval, VARTYPE_REGULAR, -1, false, &mStrCopy) || SetVariable(mStrItems[3], yval, VARTYPE_REGULAR, -1, false, &mStrCopy)) ABORT_NOLINE("Error setting a variable with item point coordinates:\n" + mStrCopy); return 0; return 0; } // ReportIfNavAcquiring int CMacCmd::ReportIfNavAcquiring() { int acq = (mWinApp->mNavigator && mNavigator->GetAcquiring()) ? 1 : 0; SetRepValsAndVars(1, acq, mWinApp->mCameraMacroTools.GetNavigatorState()); mLogRpt.Format("Navigator %s acquiring", acq ? "IS" : "is NOT"); return 0; } // ReportItemAcquire, ReportTiltSeriesAtItem int CMacCmd::ReportItemAcquire(void) { int index; CMapDrawItem *navItem; index = mItemEmpty[1] ? 0 : mItemInt[1]; navItem = CurrentOrIndexedNavItem(index, mStrLine); if (!navItem) return 1; if (CMD_IS(REPORTTILTSERIESATITEM)) { mLogRpt.Format("Navigator item %d %s set for tilt series", index + 1, navItem->mTSparamIndex >= 0 ? "IS" : "is NOT"); SetRepValsAndVars(2, navItem->mTSparamIndex >= 0 ? 1 : 0, 0); } else { mLogRpt.Format("Navigator item %d has Acquire %s", index + 1, (navItem->mAcquire == 0) ? "disabled" : "enabled"); SetReportedValues(navItem->mAcquire); } return 0; } // NextMultiShotUseNavItem int CMacCmd::NextMultiShotUseNavItem() { int index = mItemEmpty[1] ? 0 : mItemInt[1]; CMapDrawItem *navItem = CurrentOrIndexedNavItem(index, mStrLine); if (!navItem) return 1; mWinApp->mParticleTasks->SetNextMSUseNavItem(index); return 0; } // SetSelectedNavItem int CMacCmd::SetSelectedNavItem() { ABORT_NONAV; if (mNavigator->GetAcquiring()) ABORT_LINE("The Navigator cannot be acquiring for line:\n\n"); if (mNavigator->SetSelectedItem(mItemInt[1] - 1, mItemEmpty[2] || !mItemInt[2])) ABORT_LINE("The Navigator index is out of range in line:\n\n"); return 0; } // SetItemAcquire, SetTiltSeriesAtItem int CMacCmd::SetItemAcquire(void) { BOOL turnOn, inRange; int index, err = 0; CMapDrawItem *navItem; index = mItemEmpty[1] ? 0 : mItemInt[1]; navItem = CurrentOrIndexedNavItem(index, mStrLine); if (!navItem) return 1; inRange = mNavigator->GetAcquiring() && index >= mNavigator->GetAcquireIndex() && index <= mNavigator->GetEndingAcquireIndex(); turnOn = (mItemEmpty[2] || (mItemInt[2] != 0)); if (turnOn && inRange) ABORT_NOLINE("When the Navigator is acquiring, you cannot set an\n" "item to Acquire within the range still being acquired"); if (CMD_IS(SETITEMACQUIRE)) { if (turnOn && navItem->mTSparamIndex > 0) ABORT_LINE("You cannot turn on Acquire for an item set for a tilt series for " "line:\n\n"); mLogRpt.Format("Navigator item %d Acquire set to %s", index + 1, turnOn ? "enabled" : "disabled"); if (!navItem->mAcquire) inRange = false; navItem->mAcquire = turnOn; } else { if (turnOn && navItem->mAcquire) ABORT_LINE("You cannot do a tilt series at an item set to Acquire for " "line:\n\n"); if (BOOL_EQUIV(turnOn, navItem->mTSparamIndex < 0)) { if (turnOn) { err = mNavHelper->NewAcquireFile(index, NAVFILE_TS, NULL); if (err > 0) { AbortMacro(); return 1; } } else { mNavHelper->EndAcquireOrNewFile(navItem); } mLogRpt.Format("Tilt series %s for Navigator item %d", B3DCHOICE(turnOn, err < 0 ? "canceled by user" : "enabled", "disabled"), index + 1); mNavigator->AddFocusAreaPoint(false); SetReportedValues(err < 0 ? 0 : 1); } else { mLogRpt.Format("Tilt series is already %s for Navigator item %d", turnOn ? "enabled" : "disabled", index + 1); SetReportedValues(turnOn ? 1 : 0); inRange = false; } } if (inRange && index > mNavigator->GetAcquireIndex()) mNavigator->SetNumDoneAcq(mNavigator->GetNumDoneAcq() + 1); mNavigator->UpdateListString(index); mNavigator->Redraw(); mNavigator->SetChanged(true); mLoopInOnIdle = !mNavigator->GetAcquiring(); return 0; } // SkipNavPointsNearEdge int CMacCmd::SkipNavPointsNearEdge(void) { ABORT_NONAV; MapItemArray *itemArray = mNavigator->GetItemArray(); CMapDrawItem *item; FloatVec xcen, ycen, xBord, yBord, dists; Variable *xvar = NULL, *yvar = NULL; int ind, vecInd = 0, numOff = 0; int numItems = (int)itemArray->GetSize(); int indSt = mItemInt[1] - 1, indEnd = mItemInt[2] - 1; bool excludeOff = !mItemEmpty[4] && mItemInt[4]; // Error checks if (indSt < 0 || indSt >= numItems || indEnd < 1 || indEnd >= numItems || indSt > indEnd) ABORT_LINE("Navigator indexes out of range or in wrong order in line:\n\n"); if (mItemFlt[3] <= 0.) ABORT_LINE("Distance from edge must be positive in line:\n\n"); if (!mItemEmpty[5] && mItemEmpty[6]) ABORT_LINE("X array variable entered without Y variable in line:\n\n"); // Find variables if (!mItemEmpty[5]) { xvar = LookupVariable(mStrItems[5], ind); yvar = LookupVariable(mStrItems[6], ind); if (!xvar || !yvar) ABORT_LINE("Variable not defined in line:\n\n"); if (xvar->rowsFor2d || yvar->rowsFor2d) ABORT_LINE("One of the variables has a 2-D array for line:\n\n"); } // Get eligible points for (ind = indSt; ind <= indEnd; ind++) { item = itemArray->GetAt(ind); if (item->IsPoint() && (!excludeOff || item->mAcquire)) { xcen.push_back(item->mStageX); ycen.push_back(item->mStageY); } } // Skip if not enough points if (xvar && !xcen.size()) { if (mLogInfoAction != LOG_IGNORE) PrintfToLog("No points %swithin specified range; nothing to do", excludeOff ? "marked for acquire " : ""); return 0; } if (!xvar && xcen.size() < 4) { if (mLogInfoAction != LOG_IGNORE) PrintfToLog("Only %d points %swithin specified range; nothing to do", xcen.size(), excludeOff ? "marked for acquire " : ""); return 0; } // Get supplied border and check if (xvar) { FillVectorFromArrayVariable(&xBord, NULL, xvar); FillVectorFromArrayVariable(&yBord, NULL, yvar); if (xBord.size() < 3 || yBord.size() < 3) ABORT_LINE("Array variables must have at least 3 boundary points for line:\n\n"); if (xBord.size() != yBord.size()) ABORT_LINE("Array variables for boundary coordinates do not have the same number " "of values in line:\n\n") } else { xBord.resize(xcen.size()); yBord.resize(xcen.size()); } // Get distances dists.resize(xcen.size()); if (CAutoContouringDlg::FindDistancesFromHull(xcen, ycen, xBord, yBord, 1., dists, xvar != NULL)) ABORT_LINE("Error allocating contour for boundary points in line:\n\n"); // Turn off acquire for near points for (ind = indSt; ind <= indEnd; ind++) { item = itemArray->GetAt(ind); if (item->IsPoint() && (!excludeOff || item->mAcquire)) { if (item->mAcquire && dists[vecInd] < mItemFlt[3]) { item->mAcquire = false; mNavigator->UpdateListString(ind); numOff++; } vecInd++; } } if (mLogInfoAction != LOG_IGNORE) PrintfToLog("%d Acquire points too close to edge %swill be skipped", numOff, xvar ? "or outside boundary " : ""); if (numOff) { mNavigator->Redraw(); mNavigator->SetChanged(true); } return 0; } // NavIndexWithLabel, NavIndexWithNote int CMacCmd::NavIndexWithLabel(void) { BOOL doNote; int index; ABORT_NONAV; SubstituteLineStripItems(mStrLine, 1, mStrCopy); doNote = CMD_IS(NAVINDEXWITHNOTE); mNavigator->FindItemWithString(mStrCopy, doNote); index = mNavigator->GetFoundItem() + 1; if (index > 0) mLogRpt.Format("Item with %s %s has index %d", doNote ? "note" : "label", (LPCTSTR)mStrCopy, index); else mLogRpt.Format("No item has %s %s", doNote ? "note" : "label", (LPCTSTR)mStrCopy); SetReportedValues(index); return 0; } // NavIndexItemDrawnOn int CMacCmd::NavIndexItemDrawnOn(void) { int index, index2; CMapDrawItem *navItem; index = mItemInt[1]; navItem = CurrentOrIndexedNavItem(index, mStrLine); if (!navItem) return 1; index2 = 0; if (!navItem->mDrawnOnMapID) { mLogRpt.Format("Navigator item %d does not have an ID for being drawn on a map", index + 1); } else { navItem = mNavigator->FindItemWithMapID(navItem->mDrawnOnMapID, true); if (!navItem) { mLogRpt.Format("The map that navigator item %d was drawn on is no longer in the " "table", index + 1); } else { index2 = mNavigator->GetFoundItem() + 1; mLogRpt.Format("Navigator item %d was drawn on map item %d", index + 1, index2); } } SetReportedValues(index2); return 0; } // NavItemFileToOpen int CMacCmd::NavItemFileToOpen(void) { CString report; int index, result = 0; CMapDrawItem *navItem; index = mItemInt[1]; navItem = CurrentOrIndexedNavItem(index, mStrLine); if (!navItem) return 1; report = navItem->mFileToOpen; if (report.IsEmpty()) { mLogRpt.Format("No file is set to be opened for Navigator item %d", index + 1); report = "0"; } else { mLogRpt.Format("File to open at Navigator item %d is: %s", index + 1, (LPCTSTR)report); result = 1; } SetOneReportedValue(report, 1); SetOneReportedValue(result, 2); return 0; } // SetNavItemUserValue, ReportItemUserValue int CMacCmd::SetNavItemUserValue(void) { CString report; int index, index2; CMapDrawItem *navItem; index = mItemInt[1]; navItem = CurrentOrIndexedNavItem(index, mStrLine); if (!navItem) return 1; index2 = mItemInt[2]; if (index2 < 1 || index2 > MAX_NAV_USER_VALUES) { report.Format("The user value number must be between 1 and %d in line:\n\n", MAX_NAV_USER_VALUES); ABORT_LINE(report); } if (CMD_IS(SETNAVITEMUSERVALUE)) { SubstituteLineStripItems(mStrLine, 3, mStrCopy); mNavHelper->SetUserValue(navItem, index2, mStrCopy); mNavigator->SetChanged(true); } else { if (mNavHelper->GetUserValue(navItem, index2, mStrCopy)) { mLogRpt.Format("Navigator item %d has no user value # %d", index + 1, index2); mStrCopy = "none"; } else { mLogRpt.Format("User value # %d for Navigator item %d is %s", index2, index + 1, (LPCTSTR)mStrCopy); } SetOneReportedValue(mStrCopy, 1); } return 0; } // DeleteNavigatorItem int CMacCmd::DeleteNavigatorItem(void) { int index; CMapDrawItem *navItem; index = mItemInt[1]; navItem = CurrentOrIndexedNavItem(index, mStrLine); if (!navItem) return 1; mNavigator->ExternalDeleteItem(navItem, index); if (!mItemInt[2]) mWinApp->mMainView->DrawImage(); return 0; } // GetNavGroupStageCoords, GetNavGroupImageCoords int CMacCmd::GetNavGroupStageCoords(void) { CMapDrawItem *item; MapItemArray *itemArray; int ind, bufInd, varInd = 2, sizeX, sizeY; int numPts = 0; float xx, yy; CString xval, yval, zval, str; bool image = CMD_IS(GETNAVGROUPIMAGECOORDS); ABORT_NONAV; if (mItemInt[1] <= 0) ABORT_LINE("Group ID must be positive in line:\n\n"); if (image) { if (ConvertBufferLetter(mStrItems[2], 0, true, bufInd, mStrCopy)) ABORT_LINE(mStrCopy); if (!mWinApp->mMainView->GetMapItemsForImageCoords(&mImBufs[bufInd], true)) { mLogRpt.Format("Navigator items could not be transformed to %c", bufInd + 65); SetReportedValues(-1); return 0; } varInd = 3; mImBufs[bufInd].mImage->getSize(sizeX, sizeY); } itemArray = mNavigator->GetItemArray(); for (ind = 0; ind < (int)itemArray->GetSize(); ind++) { item = itemArray->GetAt(ind); if (item->IsPoint() && item->mGroupID == mItemInt[1]) { if (image) { mWinApp->mMainView->GetItemImageCoords(&mImBufs[bufInd], item, xx, yy); if (xx < 0. || xx > sizeX || yy < 0. || yy > sizeY) continue; } else { xx = item->mStageX; yy = item->mStageY; if (!mItemEmpty[4]) { str.Format("%s%f", numPts ? "\n" : "", item->mStageZ); zval += str; } } str.Format("%s%f", numPts ? "\n" : "", xx); xval += str; str.Format("%s%f", numPts ? "\n" : "", yy); yval += str; numPts++; } } mLogRpt.Format("%d point positions found in group", numPts); if (numPts) { if (SetVariable(mStrItems[varInd].MakeUpper(), xval, VARTYPE_REGULAR, -1, false, &mStrCopy)) ABORT_LINE(mStrCopy + "in line:\n\n"); if (SetVariable(mStrItems[varInd + 1].MakeUpper(), yval, VARTYPE_REGULAR, -1, false, &mStrCopy)) ABORT_LINE(mStrCopy + "in line:\n\n"); if (!image && !mItemEmpty[4]) { if (SetVariable(mStrItems[4].MakeUpper(), zval, VARTYPE_REGULAR, -1, false, &mStrCopy)) ABORT_LINE(mStrCopy + "in line:\n\n"); } } SetReportedValues(numPts); return 0; } // AddImagePosAsNavPoint, AddImagePointsAsPolygon int CMacCmd::AddImagePosAsNavPoint(void) { CString report; int index, numX, retVal = 0; bool draw = true; float stageZ; float *xArray = NULL, *yArray = NULL; ABORT_NONAV; if (ConvertBufferLetter(mStrItems[1], 0, true, index, report)) ABORT_LINE(report); if (mItemEmpty[4] || mItemFlt[4] < -900.) { if (!mImBufs[index].GetStageZ(stageZ)) ABORT_LINE("The image buffer has no stage Z value for line:\n\n"); } else { stageZ = mItemFlt[4]; } if (CMD_IS(ADDIMAGEPOSASNAVPOINT)) { draw = mItemInt[6] == 0; if (mNavigator->AddImagePositionOnBuffer(&mImBufs[index], mItemFlt[2], mItemFlt[3], stageZ, mItemInt[5])) { report = "The image does not have adequate coordinate information to add a point"; retVal = 1; } } else { draw = mItemInt[5] == 0; retVal = GetPairedFloatArrays(2, &xArray, &yArray, numX, report); if (!retVal && mNavigator->AddPolygonFromImagePositions(&mImBufs[index], xArray, yArray, numX, stageZ)) { report = "The image does not have adequate coordinate information to add a point"; retVal = 1; } delete[] xArray, yArray; } if (retVal) ABORT_LINE(report + " in line:\n\n"); if (draw) mWinApp->mMainView->DrawImage(); SetReportedValues(mNavigator->GetNumberOfItems()); return 0; } // AdjustStagePosForNav int CMacCmd::AdjustStagePosForNav(void) { float stageX = mItemFlt[1]; float stageY = mItemFlt[2]; double ISX = mItemEmpty[3] ? 0. : mItemDbl[3]; double ISY = mItemEmpty[4] ? 0. : mItemDbl[4]; int camera = mCurrentCam; int magInd = (mItemEmpty[6] || mItemInt[6] < 0) ? mScope->FastMagIndex() : mItemInt[6]; float tilt = mItemEmpty[7] ? (float)mScope->FastTiltAngle() : mItemFlt[7]; ABORT_NONAV; if (!mItemEmpty[5] && mItemInt[5] >= 0) { if (mItemInt[5] < 1 || mItemInt[5] > mWinApp->GetActiveCamListSize()) ABORT_LINE("The active camera number is out of range in line:\n\n"); camera = mActiveList[mItemInt[5] - 1]; } mNavHelper->ConvertIStoStageIncrement(magInd, camera, ISX, ISY, tilt, stageX, stageY); mLogRpt.Format("Adjusted stage position %.3f %.3f", stageX, stageY); SetReportedValues(stageX, stageY); return 0; } // AddStagePosAsNavPoint, AddStagePointsAsPolygon int CMacCmd::AddStagePosAsNavPoint(void) { CString report; bool draw = true; float *xArray = NULL, *yArray = NULL; int numPts, retVal; ABORT_NONAV; if (CMD_IS(ADDSTAGEPOSASNAVPOINT)) { draw = mItemInt[5] == 0; mNavigator->AddItemFromStagePositions(&mItemFlt[1], &mItemFlt[2], 1, mItemFlt[3], mItemInt[4]); } else { draw = mItemInt[4] == 0; retVal = GetPairedFloatArrays(1, &xArray, &yArray, numPts, report); if (!retVal) mNavigator->AddItemFromStagePositions(xArray, yArray, numPts, mItemFlt[3], 0); delete[] xArray, yArray; if (retVal) ABORT_LINE(report + " in line:\n\n"); } if (draw) mWinApp->mMainView->DrawImage(); SetReportedValues(mNavigator->GetNumberOfItems()); return 0; } // AddCirclePolygon int CMacCmd::AddCirclePolygon(void) { ABORT_NONAV; if (mItemFlt[1] <= 0.) ABORT_LINE("Radius must be positive for line:\n\n"); if (mNavigator->DoAddCirclePolygon(mItemFlt[1], mItemFlt[2], mItemFlt[3], mItemEmpty[3], mStrCopy)) ABORT_NOLINE("Cannot add polygon for \"" + mStrLine + "\":\n" + mStrCopy); return 0; } // GetUniqueNavID int CMacCmd::GetUniqueNavID(void) { int ID; ABORT_NONAV; ID = mNavigator->MakeUniqueID(); SetRepValsAndVars(1, ID); return 0; } // ReportLastMarkerShift int CMacCmd::ReportLastMarkerShift() { float shiftX, shiftY; ABORT_NONAV; int reg = mNavigator->GetMarkerShiftReg(); if (!reg) { mLogRpt = "There is no last marker shift available"; SetRepValsAndVars(1, 0.); } else { mNavigator->GetLastMarkerShift(shiftX, shiftY); mLogRpt.Format("The last marker shift was at registration %d, %.3f %.3f", reg, shiftX, shiftY); SetRepValsAndVars(1, reg, shiftX, shiftY); } return 0; } // NavGoToMarker int CMacCmd::NavGoToMarker() { ABORT_NONAV; if (!mNavigator->OKtoAddMarkerPoint(false, true)) ABORT_LINE("There is either no marker point in the active image or\n" "some other condition for going to it is not satisfied for line:\n\n"); mNavigator->OnGotoMarker(); mMovedStage = true; return 0; } // EndAcquireAtItems int CMacCmd::EndAcquireAtItems(void) { ABORT_NONAV; int state = 1; if (mItemInt[1] == 1) state = 2; else if (mItemInt[1] > 1) state = 3; if (mNavigator->GetPausedAcquire()) mNavigator->EndAcquireWithMessage(); else if (mNavigator->GetAcquiring()) mNavigator->SetAcquireEnded(1); else ABORT_LINE("Navigator acquisition has not been started for line:\n\n"); return 0; } // SetMapAcquireState int CMacCmd::SetMapAcquireState(void) { CString report; CMapDrawItem *navItem; ABORT_NONAV; navItem = mNavigator->GetOtherNavItem(mItemInt[1] - 1); if (!navItem) ABORT_LINE("Index is out of range in statement:\n\n"); if (navItem->IsNotMap()) { report.Format("Navigator item %d is not a map for line:\n\n", mItemInt[1]); ABORT_LINE(report); } if (mNavHelper->SetToMapImagingState(navItem, true, (mWinApp->LowDoseMode() && navItem->mMapLowDoseConSet >= 0) ? -1 : 0), mItemEmpty[2] ? 1 : mItemInt[2]) ABORT_LINE("Failed to set map imaging state for line:\n\n"); return 0; } // RestoreState int CMacCmd::RestoreState(void) { CString report; int index; index = mNavHelper->GetTypeOfSavedState(); if (index == STATE_NONE) { report.Format("Cannot Restore State: no state has been saved"); if (mItemInt[1]) ABORT_LINE(report + " for line:\n\n"); mWinApp->AppendToLog(report, mLogAction); } else { if (index == STATE_MAP_ACQUIRE) mNavHelper->RestoreFromMapState(); else { mNavHelper->RestoreSavedState(); if (mNavHelper->mStateDlg) mNavHelper->mStateDlg->Update(); } if (mNavHelper->mStateDlg) { mNavHelper->mStateDlg->DisableUpdateButton(); mNavHelper->mStateDlg->SetCamOfSetState(-1); } } return 0; } // ForgetPriorState int CMacCmd::ForgetPriorState(void) { CString report; if (mNavHelper->GetTypeOfSavedState() == STATE_NONE) { report.Format("Cannot forget prior state: no state has been saved"); if (mItemInt[1]) ABORT_LINE(report + " for line:\n\n"); mWinApp->AppendToLog(report, mLogAction); } else { if (mNavHelper->mStateDlg) mNavHelper->mStateDlg->OnButForgetState(); else mNavHelper->ForgetSavedState(); } return 0; } // GoToImagingState, UpdateImagingState int CMacCmd::GoToImagingState(void) { int index; CString errStr; SubstituteLineStripItems(mStrLine, 1, mStrCopy); if (CMD_IS(GOTOIMAGINGSTATE)) { index = CStateDlg::SetStateByNameOrNum(mStrCopy, errStr); if (index) mLogRpt = "Cannot set imaging state; " + errStr; } else { index = CStateDlg::UpdateStateByNameOrNum(mStrCopy, errStr); if (index) mLogRpt = "Cannot update imaging state; " + errStr; } SetReportedValues(index); return 0; } // ImagingStateProperties int CMacCmd::ImagingStateProperties() { int index = 0, err, area, setNum; StateParams *param; CArray *stateArr = mNavHelper->GetStateArray(); CString errStr; SubstituteLineStripItems(mStrLine, 1, mStrCopy); err = CStateDlg::LookupStateByNameOrNum(mStrCopy, index, errStr); if (err) { SetReportedValues(err); mLogRpt = "Specified imaging state not available: " + errStr; } else { param = stateArr->GetAt(index); area = mNavHelper->AreaFromStateLowDoseValue(param, &setNum); if (setNum == MONT_USER_CONSET) area = area < 0 ? area - 1 : SEARCH_AREA + 1; SetReportedValues(err, index + 1, area, mWinApp->LookupActiveCamera(param->camIndex) + 1, param->magIndex); SetOneReportedValue(param->name, 6); } return 0; } // OpenStateDialog int CMacCmd::OpenImagingStateDialog(void) { if (!mNavHelper->mStateDlg) mNavHelper->OpenStateDialog(); return 0; } // OpenDialog int CMacCmd::OpenDialog() { if (mItem1upper.Find("MULTIS") == 0) { mNavHelper->OpenMultishotDlg(); } else if (mItem1upper.Find("MULTIG") == 0) { mNavHelper->OpenMultiGrid(); if (mItemInt[2]) { if (mWinApp->mMultiGridTasks->LoadSessionFile(true, mStrCopy)) ABORT_NOLINE("Loading of previous multi-grid session file gave error or " "warning:\r\n" + mStrCopy); } } else ABORT_LINE("\"" + mStrItems[1] + "\" does not match any of the names for dialogs that " "can be opened for line:\n\n"); return 0; } // ReportNumNavAcquire int CMacCmd::ReportNumNavAcquire(void) { int index, index2; mNavHelper->CountAcquireItems(0, -1, index, index2); if (index < 0) mLogRpt = "The Navigator is not open; there are no acquire items"; else mLogRpt.Format("Navigator has %d Acquire items and %d Tilt Series items", index, index2); SetRepValsAndVars(1, (double)index, (double)index2); return 0; } // ReportNumHoleAcquire int CMacCmd::ReportNumHoleAcquire(void) { int index, numHoles, numRec; int minHoles = mItemEmpty[1] ? 1 : B3DMAX(1, mItemInt[1]); int startInd = mItemEmpty[2] ? 0 : (mItemInt[2] - 1); int endInd = mItemEmpty[3] ? -1 : (mItemInt[3] - 1); mNavHelper->CountHoleAcquires(startInd, endInd, minHoles, index, numHoles, numRec); if (index < 0) mLogRpt = "The Navigator is not open; there are no acquire items"; else mLogRpt.Format("With a minimum of %d holes, Navigator would acquire %d holes at %d " "items (%d Records)", minHoles, numHoles, index, numRec); SetReportedValues((double)numHoles, (double)index, (double)numRec); return 0; } // ReportNumTableItems int CMacCmd::ReportNumTableItems(void) { int index; ABORT_NONAV; index = mNavigator->GetNumberOfItems(); mLogRpt.Format("Navigator table has %d items", index); SetRepValsAndVars(1, (double)index); return 0; } // SetNavRegistration int CMacCmd::SetNavRegistration(void) { ABORT_NONAV; if (mNavigator->SetCurrentRegistration(mItemInt[1])) ABORT_LINE("New registration number is out of range or used for imported items " "in:\n\n"); mNavigator->SetChanged(true); return 0; } // SaveNavigator int CMacCmd::SaveNavigator(void) { ABORT_NONAV; if (!mItemEmpty[1]) { SubstituteLineStripItems(mStrLine, 1, mStrCopy); mWinApp->mNavigator->SetCurrentNavFile(mStrCopy); } mNavigator->DoSave(false); return 0; } // ReportIfNavOpen int CMacCmd::ReportIfNavOpen(void) { int index; index = 0; mLogRpt = "Navigator is NOT open"; if (mWinApp->mNavigator) { index = 1; mLogRpt = "Navigator IS open"; if (!mWinApp->mNavigator->GetCurrentNavFile().IsEmpty()) { mLogRpt += "; file is defined"; index = 2; } } SetRepValsAndVars(1, (double)index); return 0; } // ReadNavFile, MergeNavFile int CMacCmd::ReadNavFile(void) { BOOL merge; CFileStatus status; merge = CMD_IS(MERGENAVFILE); if (merge) { ABORT_NONAV; } else { mWinApp->mMenuTargets.OpenNavigatorIfClosed(); } SubstituteLineStripItems(mStrLine, 1, mStrCopy); if (!CFile::GetStatus((LPCTSTR)mStrCopy, status)) ABORT_LINE("The file " + mStrCopy + " does not exist in line:\n\n"); if (mWinApp->mNavigator->LoadNavFile(false, CMD_IS(MERGENAVFILE), &mStrCopy)) ABORT_LINE("Script stopped due to error processing Navigator file for line:\n\n"); return 0; } // CloseNavigator int CMacCmd::CloseNavigator(void) { ABORT_NONAV; mNavigator->DoClose(); return 0; } // OpenNavigator int CMacCmd::OpenNavigator(void) { if (!mItemEmpty[1] && mWinApp->mNavigator) ABORT_LINE("The Navigator must not be open for line:\n\n"); mWinApp->mMenuTargets.OpenNavigatorIfClosed(); if (!mItemEmpty[1]) { SubstituteLineStripItems(mStrLine, 1, mStrCopy); mWinApp->mNavigator->SetCurrentNavFile(mStrCopy); } return 0; } // ChangeItemRegistration, ChangeItemColor, ChangeItemDraw, ChangeItemLabel, // ChangeItemNote, ChangeItemGroupID int CMacCmd::ChangeItemRegistration(void) { CString report; int index, index2; CMapDrawItem *navItem; ABORT_NONAV; index = mItemInt[1]; index2 = mItemInt[2]; navItem = mNavigator->GetOtherNavItem(index - 1); report.Format("The Navigator item index, %d, is out of range in:\n\n", index); if (!navItem) ABORT_LINE(report); if (CMD_IS(CHANGEITEMREGISTRATION)) { report.Format("The Navigator item with index %d is a registration point in:\n\n", index); if (navItem->mRegPoint) ABORT_LINE(report); if (mNavigator->ChangeItemRegistration(index - 1, index2, report)) ABORT_LINE(report + " in line:\n\n"); } else { if (CMD_IS(CHANGEITEMCOLOR)) { report.Format("The Navigator item color must be between 0 and %d in:\n\n", NUM_ITEM_COLORS - 1); if (index2 < 0 || index2 >= NUM_ITEM_COLORS) ABORT_LINE(report); navItem->mColor = index2; } else if (CMD_IS(CHANGEITEMGROUPID)) { if (index2 < 0) ABORT_LINE("The group ID cannot be negative in line:\n\n"); navItem->mGroupID = index2; if (mNavigator->m_bCollapseGroups) { mNavigator->MakeListMappings(); if (!mSuspendNavRedraw) mNavigator->FillListBox(); } } else if (CMD_IS(CHANGEITEMDRAW)) { if (mItemEmpty[2]) navItem->mDraw = !navItem->mDraw; else navItem->mDraw = index2; } else if (CMD_IS(CHANGEITEMNOTE)) { SubstituteVariables(&mStrLine, 1, mStrLine); if (mItemEmpty[2]) mStrCopy = ""; else JustStripItems(mStrLine, 2, mStrCopy); navItem->mNote = mStrCopy; } else { SubstituteLineStripItems(mStrLine, 2, mStrCopy); report.Format("The Navigator label size must be no more than %d characters " "in:\n\n", MAX_LABEL_SIZE); if (mStrCopy.GetLength() > MAX_LABEL_SIZE) ABORT_LINE(report); navItem->mLabel = mStrCopy; } mNavigator->SetChanged(true); mNavigator->UpdateListString(index - 1); mNavigator->Redraw(); } return 0; } // SetItemTargetDefocus int CMacCmd::SetItemTargetDefocus(void) { int index; CMapDrawItem *navItem; index = mItemInt[1]; navItem = CurrentOrIndexedNavItem(index, mStrLine); if (!navItem) return 1; if (!navItem->mAcquire && navItem->mTSparamIndex < 0) ABORT_LINE("Specified Navigator item is not marked for acquisition in line:\n\n"); if (mItemFlt[2] < -20 || mItemFlt[2] > 0) ABORT_LINE("Target defocus must be between 0 and -20 in line:\n\n:"); navItem->mTargetDefocus = mItemFlt[2]; mNavigator->SetChanged(true); mLogRpt.Format("For Navigator item %d, target defocus set to %.2f", index + 1, mItemFlt[2]); return 0; } // SetItemSeriesAngles int CMacCmd::SetItemSeriesAngles(void) { CString report; int index; CMapDrawItem *navItem; index = mItemInt[1]; navItem = CurrentOrIndexedNavItem(index, mStrLine); if (!navItem) return 1; if (navItem->mTSparamIndex < 0) ABORT_LINE("The specified Navigator item is not marked for a tilt series" " in line:\n\n"); if (mNavHelper->CheckTiltSeriesAngles(navItem->mTSparamIndex, mItemFlt[2], mItemFlt[3], mItemEmpty[4] ? EXTRA_NO_VALUE : mItemFlt[4], report)) ABORT_LINE(report + "in line:\n\n"); navItem->mTSstartAngle = mItemFlt[2]; navItem->mTSendAngle = mItemFlt[3]; mLogRpt.Format("For Navigator item %d, tilt series range set to %.1f to %.1f", index + 1, mItemFlt[2], mItemFlt[3]); if (!mItemEmpty[4]) { navItem->mTSbidirAngle = mItemFlt[4]; report.Format(", start %.1f", mItemFlt[4]); mLogRpt += report; } mNavigator->SetChanged(true); return 0; } // SkipAcquiringNavItem int CMacCmd::SkipAcquiringNavItem(void) { CMapDrawItem *navItem = NULL; ABORT_NONAV; int index = mNavigator->GetCurrentOrAcquireItem(navItem); if (!mNavigator->GetAcquiring()) mWinApp->AppendToLog("SkipAcquiringNavItem has no effect except from a\r\n" " pre-script or main script when acquiring Navigator items", mLogAction); else if (!mItemEmpty[1] && mItemInt[1] && navItem && navItem->mAcquire) { navItem->mAcquire = false; mNavigator->UpdateListString(index); } mNavigator->SetSkipAcquiringItem(true); return 0; } // SkipAcquiringGroup int CMacCmd::SkipAcquiringGroup(void) { int index, index2; CMapDrawItem *navItem; ABORT_NONAV; if (!mNavigator->GetAcquiring()) ABORT_NOLINE("The navigator must be acquiring to set a group ID to skip"); if (mItemEmpty[1] || !mItemInt[1]) { index2 = mNavigator->GetCurrentOrAcquireItem(navItem); index = navItem->mGroupID; } else { index = mItemInt[1]; } mNavigator->SetGroupIDtoSkip(index); if (!mItemEmpty[2] && mItemInt[2] && index) { mNavigator->SetGroupAcquireFlags(index, false); } return 0; } // SkipMoveInNavAcquire int CMacCmd::SkipMoveInNavAcquire(void) { ABORT_NONAV; if (!mNavigator->GetAcquiring()) ABORT_NOLINE("The navigator must be acquiring to enable skipping the stage move"); mNavigator->SetSkipStageMoveInAcquire(mItemEmpty[1] || mItemInt[1] != 0); return 0; } // SuspendNavRedraw int CMacCmd::SuspendNavRedraw(void) { ABORT_NONAV; mSuspendNavRedraw = mItemEmpty[1] || mItemInt[1] != 0; if (!mSuspendNavRedraw) { mNavigator->MakeListMappings(); mNavigator->FillListBox(false, true); mNavigator->Redraw(); } return 0; } // StartNavAcquireAtEnd int CMacCmd::StartNavAcquireAtEnd(void) { ABORT_NONAV; mStartNavAcqAtEnd = mItemEmpty[1] || mItemInt[1] != 0; if (mStartNavAcqAtEnd && (mWinApp->DoingTiltSeries() || mNavigator->GetAcquiring())) ABORT_NOLINE(CString("You cannot use StartNavAcquireAtEnd when ") + (mWinApp->DoingTiltSeries() ? "a tilt series is running" : "Navigator is already acquiring")); return 0; } // NavAcqAtEndUseParams int CMacCmd::NavAcqAtEndUseParams() { NavAcqAction *actions = mNavHelper->GetAcqActions(2); NavAcqParams *params = mWinApp->GetNavAcqParams(2); int *order = mNavHelper->GetAcqActCurrentOrder(2); int which = 0; CString errStr; ABORT_NONAV; if (mNavigator->GetAcquiring()) ABORT_NOLINE("You cannot use NavAcqAtEndUseParams when Navigator is acquiring"); if (!mStrItems[1].CompareNoCase("R")) { if (mItemEmpty[2]) ABORT_LINE("You must include a filename with Navigator parameters in line:\n\n"); SubstituteLineStripItems(mStrLine, 2, mStrCopy); if (mParamIO->ReadAcqParamsFromFile(params, actions, order, mStrCopy, errStr)) { mStrCopy = "Error reading Navigator parameters from file"; if (!errStr.IsEmpty()) mStrCopy += "\n" + errStr + "\n"; ABORT_LINE(mStrCopy + " for line:\n\n"); } } else { if (!mStrItems[1].CompareNoCase("F")) which = 1; else if (mStrItems[1].CompareNoCase("M")) ABORT_LINE("Parameter set to use must be M, F, or R in line:\n\n"); mNavHelper->CopyAcqParamsAndActionsToTemp(which); } mUseTempNavParams = true; return 0; } // SetNavAcqAtEndParams int CMacCmd::SetNavAcqAtEndParams() { int ind, ival; CString *opt; NavAcqParams *params = mWinApp->GetNavAcqParams(2); if (!mUseTempNavParams) ABORT_NOLINE("NavAcqAtEndUseParams must be called before SetNavAcqAtEndParams"); for (ind = 1; ind < MAX_MACRO_TOKENS - 1; ind += 2) { if (mItemEmpty[ind]) break; if (mItemEmpty[ind + 1]) ABORT_LINE("Last option name not followed by value in line:\n\n"); opt = &mStrItems[ind]; ival = mItemInt[ind + 1]; if (!opt->Find("prim")) { if (ival > 4) ABORT_LINE("Primary action type must be 0-4 for line:\n\n"); params->acquireType = ival; } else if (!opt->Find("scrp-")) { if (ival < (opt->GetAt(5) == 'p' ? 1 : 0) || ival > MAX_MACROS) ABORT_LINE("Script number out of range in entry for " + *opt + " in line:\n\n"); if (opt->GetAt(5) == 'p') { params->macroIndex = ival; } else if (opt->GetAt(5) == 'b') { params->runPremacro = ival > 0; if (ival > 0) params->preMacroInd = ival; } else if (opt->GetAt(5) == 'a') { params->runPostmacro = ival > 0; if (ival > 0) params->postMacroInd = ival; } else ABORT_LINE("Option name scrp- must be followed by p, b, or a in line:\n\n"); } else ABORT_LINE("Option " + *opt + " not recognized in lie:\n\n"); } return 0; } // LoadScriptPackAtEnd int CMacCmd::LoadScriptPackAtEnd(void) { if (mWinApp->DoingTiltSeries() || (mNavigator && mNavigator->GetAcquiring())) ABORT_NOLINE(CString("You cannot use LoadScriptPackAtEnd when ") + (mWinApp->DoingTiltSeries() ? "a tilt series is running" : "Navigator is already acquiring")); mSaveCurrentPack = mItemInt[1] != 0; SubstituteLineStripItems(mStrLine, 2, mPackToLoadAtEnd); return 0; } // SuffixForExtraFile int CMacCmd::SuffixForExtraFile(void) { ABORT_NONAV; mNavigator->SetExtraFileSuffixes(&mStrItems[1], B3DMIN(mLastNonEmptyInd, MAX_STORES - 1)); return 0; } // ItemForSuperCoord int CMacCmd::ItemForSuperCoord(void) { ABORT_NONAV; mNavigator->SetSuperCoordIndex(mItemInt[1] - 1); return 0; } // UpdateItemZ, UpdateGroupZ int CMacCmd::UpdateItemZ(void) { int index, index2; CMapDrawItem *navItem; ABORT_NONAV; index2 = CMD_IS(UPDATEGROUPZ) ? 1 : 0; if (!mItemEmpty[1] && mItemInt[1]) { if (index2) { if (!mNavigator->GetAcquiring()) ABORT_LINE("The Navigator needs to be acquiring for updating the next group Z in " "line:\n\n"); if (!mNavigator->FindNextAcquireItem(index)) ABORT_LINE("There is no next Navigator item to be acquired for line:\n\n"); } else { index = mItemInt[1] - 1; if (index < 0 || index >= mNavigator->GetNumberOfItems()) ABORT_LINE("Index of Navigator item is out of range in line:\n\n"); } } else index = mNavigator->GetCurrentOrAcquireItem(navItem); if (index < 0) ABORT_NOLINE("There is no current Navigator item."); index = mNavigator->DoUpdateZ(index, index2); if (index == 3) ABORT_LINE("Current Navigator item is not in a group for statement:\n\n"); if (index) ABORT_LINE("Error updating Z of Navigator item in statement:\n\n"); mNavigator->SetChanged(true); return 0; } // ReportGroupStatus int CMacCmd::ReportGroupStatus(void) { CString report; int index, index2, ix0, ix1; CMapDrawItem *navItem; ABORT_NONAV; index = mNavigator->GetCurrentOrAcquireItem(navItem); if (index < 0) ABORT_NOLINE("There is no current Navigator item."); index2 = navItem->mGroupID; index = -1; ix0 = mNavigator->CountItemsInGroup(index2, report, mStrCopy, ix1); if (mNavigator->GetAcquiring()) { index = 0; if (index2) index = mNavigator->GetFirstInGroup() ? 1 : 2; } mLogRpt.Format("Group acquire status %d, group ID %d, # in group %d, %d set to acquire" , index, index2, ix0, ix1); SetRepValsAndVars(1, (double)index, (double)index2, (double)ix0, (double)ix1); return 0; } // ReportItemImageCoords int CMacCmd::ReportItemImageCoords(void) { CString report; int index, index2, sizeX, sizeY; float floatX, floatY; CMapDrawItem *navItem; index = mItemEmpty[1] ? 0 : mItemInt[1]; navItem = CurrentOrIndexedNavItem(index, mStrLine); if (!navItem) return 1; if (ConvertBufferLetter(mStrItems[2], 0, true, index2, report)) ABORT_LINE(report); if (mWinApp->mMainView->GetMapItemsForImageCoords(&mImBufs[index2], true)) { mWinApp->mMainView->GetItemImageCoords(&mImBufs[index2], navItem, floatX, floatY); mImBufs[index2].mImage->getSize(sizeX, sizeY); if (floatX >= 0 && floatY >= 0 && floatX <= (sizeX - 1) && floatY <= (sizeY - 1)) { SetReportedValues(floatX, floatY, 1); mLogRpt.Format("Navigator item %d has image coordinates %.2f, %.2f on %c", index + 1, floatX, floatY, index2 + 65); } else { SetReportedValues(floatX, floatY, 0); mLogRpt.Format("Navigator item %d is outside of %c", index + 1, index2 + 65); } } else { SetReportedValues(0.0, 0.0, -1); mLogRpt.Format("Navigator item %d could not be transformed to %c", index + 1, index2 + 65); } return 0; } // NewMap int CMacCmd::NewMap(void) { int index; ABORT_NONAV; mNavigator->SetSkipBacklashType(1); index = 0; if (!mItemEmpty[1]) { index = mItemInt[1]; if (mItemEmpty[2]) ABORT_LINE("There must be text for the Navigator note after the number in:\n\n"); SubstituteLineStripItems(mStrLine, 2, mStrCopy); } if (mNavigator->NewMap(false, index, mItemEmpty[1] ? NULL : &mStrCopy)) { mCurrentIndex = mLastIndex; SuspendMacro(); return 1; } SetRepValsAndVars(1, (double)mNavigator->GetNumberOfItems()); return 0; } // MakeAnchorMap int CMacCmd::MakeAnchorMap(void) { ABORT_NONAV; if (mNavigator->DoMakeDualMap()) { AbortMacro(); return 1; } mMakingDualMap = true; return 0; } // ShiftItemsByAlignment int CMacCmd::ShiftItemsByAlignment(void) { ABORT_NONAV; if (mNavigator->ShiftItemsByAlign()) { AbortMacro(); return 1; } mNavigator->SetChanged(true); return 0; } // ShiftItemsByCurrentDiff int CMacCmd::ShiftItemsByCurrentDiff(void) { double delISX, delISY, stageX, stageY, stageZ, specDist; int index, index2; float shiftX, shiftY; CMapDrawItem *navItem; ABORT_NONAV; index = mNavigator->GetCurrentOrAcquireItem(navItem); if (index < 0) ABORT_NOLINE("There is no current Navigator item."); mScope->GetStagePosition(stageX, stageY, stageZ); shiftX = (float)stageX; shiftY = (float)stageY; mScope->GetImageShift(delISX, delISY); index2 = mScope->GetLowDoseArea(); if (mWinApp->LowDoseMode() && (index2 == VIEW_CONSET || index2 == SEARCH_AREA)) { mWinApp->mLowDoseDlg.GetNetViewShift(stageX, stageY, index2); delISX -= stageX; delISY -= stageY; } mNavHelper->ConvertIStoStageIncrement(mScope->FastMagIndex(), mCurrentCam, delISX, delISY, (float)mScope->FastTiltAngle(), shiftX, shiftY); shiftX -= navItem->mStageX; shiftY -= navItem->mStageY; specDist = sqrt(shiftX * shiftX + shiftY * shiftY); if (specDist <= mItemDbl[1]) { mNavigator->ShiftItemsAtRegistration(shiftX, shiftY, navItem->mRegistration); if (mLogInfoAction != LOG_IGNORE) PrintfToLog("Items at registration %d shifted by %.2f, %.2f", navItem->mRegistration, shiftX, shiftY); mNavigator->SetChanged(true); } else { if (mLogInfoAction != LOG_IGNORE) PrintfToLog("Current stage position is too far from item position (%.2f microns);" "nothing was shifted", specDist); } return 0; } // ShiftItemsByMicrons int CMacCmd::ShiftItemsByMicrons(void) { CString report; int index, index2; ABORT_NONAV; if (fabs(mItemDbl[1]) > 100. || fabs(mItemDbl[2]) > 100.) ABORT_LINE("You cannot shift items by more than 100 microns in:\n\n"); index = mNavigator->GetCurrentRegistration(); if (!mItemEmpty[3] && mItemInt[3] >= 0) { index = mItemInt[3]; report.Format("Registration number %d is out of range in:\n\n", index); if (index <= 0 || index > MAX_CURRENT_REG) ABORT_LINE(report); } index2 = mNavigator->ShiftItemsAtRegistration(mItemFlt[1], mItemFlt[2], index, (!mItemEmpty[4] && mItemInt[4]) ? 1 : 0); mLogRpt.Format("%d items at registration %d were shifted by %.2f, %.2f", index2, index, mItemDbl[1], mItemDbl[2]); mNavigator->SetChanged(true); return 0; } // AlignAndTransformItems int CMacCmd::AlignAndTransformItems(void) { CString report; int index, index2, ix0; float backlashX; index2 = mNavHelper->BufferForRotAlign(index); if (index != mNavigator->GetCurrentRegistration()) { report.Format("Image in buffer %c is at registration %d, not the current Navigator" " registration, %d, for line:\n\n", 'A' + index2, index, mNavigator->GetCurrentRegistration()); ABORT_LINE(report); } ix0 = CNavRotAlignDlg::CheckAndSetupReference(); if (ix0 < 0) ABORT_LINE("Cannot find a Navigator item corresponding to the image in the Read" " buffer for line:\n\n"); if (ix0 == index) ABORT_LINE("The image in the Read buffer is at the current Navigator" " registration for line:\n\n"); if (fabs(mItemDbl[2]) < 0.2 || fabs(mItemDbl[2]) > 50.) ABORT_LINE("Angular range to search must be between 0.2 and 50 degrees for " "line:\n\n"); CNavRotAlignDlg::PrepareToUseImage(); if (CNavRotAlignDlg::AlignToMap(mItemFlt[1], mItemFlt[2], backlashX)) { AbortMacro(); return 1; } if (!mItemEmpty[3] && fabs(backlashX - mItemDbl[1]) > mItemDbl[3]) { mLogRpt.Format("The rotation found by alignment, %.1f degrees, is farther from\r\n" " the center angle than the specified limit, nothing was transformed", backlashX); } else { index = CNavRotAlignDlg::TransformItemsFromAlignment(); mLogRpt.Format("%d items transformed after alignment with rotation of %.1f degrees", index, backlashX); mNavigator->SetChanged(true); } SetReportedValues(backlashX); return 0; } // ForceCenterRealign int CMacCmd::ForceCenterRealign(void) { ABORT_NONAV; mNavHelper->ForceCenterRealign(); return 0; } // SkipPiecesOutsideItem int CMacCmd::SkipPiecesOutsideItem(void) { if (!mWinApp->Montaging()) ABORT_LINE("Montaging must be on already to use this command:\n\n"); if (mItemInt[1] >= 0) mMontP->insideNavItem = mItemInt[1] - 1; mMontP->skipOutsidePoly = mItemInt[1] >= 0; return 0; } // FindHoles int CMacCmd::FindHoles(void) { CString report; EMimageBuffer *imBuf; int index; ABORT_NONAV; imBuf = mWinApp->mMainView->GetActiveImBuf(); if (!mItemEmpty[1]) { if (ConvertBufferLetter(mStrItems[1], -1, true, index, report)) ABORT_LINE(report); imBuf = &mImBufs[index]; } if (mNavHelper->mHoleFinderDlg->DoFindHoles(imBuf, false)) { AbortMacro(); return 1; } return 0; } // FindAndCenterOneHole int CMacCmd::FindAndCenterOneHole() { float xCen, yCen; EMimageBuffer *imBuf; int index; imBuf = mWinApp->mMainView->GetActiveImBuf(); if (!imBuf->mImage) ABORT_LINE("There is no image in the active buffer for line:\n\n"); if (mStrItems[1] != "0") { if (ConvertBufferLetter(mStrItems[1], -1, true, index, mStrCopy)) ABORT_LINE(mStrCopy); imBuf = &mImBufs[index]; } index = mNavHelper->mHoleFinderDlg->FindAndCenterOneHole(imBuf, mItemFlt[2], mItemEmpty[3] ? 0 : mItemInt[3], mItemEmpty[4] ? 0.f : mItemFlt[4], xCen, yCen); if (index > 0) { AbortMacro(); return 1; } SetReportedValues(xCen, yCen, index); return 0; } // ReportHoleFinderParams int CMacCmd::ReportHoleFinderParams(void) { HoleFinderParams *hfp; mNavHelper->mHoleFinderDlg->SyncToMasterParams(); hfp = mNavHelper->GetHoleFinderParams(); mLogRpt.Format("Hole size is %.2f and spacing is %.2f um", hfp->diameter, hfp->spacing); if (hfp->hexagonalArray) mLogRpt += " for hexagonal array"; mStrCopy.Format(" max error %.3f um", hfp->maxError); SetRepValsAndVars(1, hfp->diameter, hfp->spacing, hfp->hexagonalArray ? 1 : 0, hfp->maxError); return 0; } // SetHoleFinderParams int CMacCmd::SetHoleFinderParams(void) { HoleFinderParams *hfp; Variable *var[2] = {NULL, NULL}; int ind, index; if (mItemFlt[1] < 0.05f || mItemFlt[2] < 0.15f || mItemFlt[2] - 0.1 < mItemFlt[1]) ABORT_LINE("Size must be at least 0.1 and spacing must be at least 0.15 and 0.1 more" " than size for line:\n\n"); for (ind = 0; ind < 2; ind++) { if (!mItemEmpty[5 + ind] && (ind || mStrItems[5 + ind] != "NONE")) { var[ind] = LookupVariable(mStrItems[ind + 5], index); if (!var[ind]) ABORT_LINE("The variable " + mStrItems[5 + ind] + " is not defined in line:\n\n"); } } mNavHelper->mHoleFinderDlg->SyncToMasterParams(); hfp = mNavHelper->GetHoleFinderParams(); hfp->hexagonalArray = mItemInt[3] != 0; if (!mItemInt[3]) { hfp->diameter = mItemFlt[1]; hfp->spacing = mItemFlt[2]; } else { hfp->hexDiameter = mItemFlt[1]; hfp->hexSpacing = mItemFlt[2]; } if (!mItemEmpty[4] && mItemFlt[4] > 0.) hfp->maxError = mItemFlt[4]; if (var[0]) FillVectorFromArrayVariable(&hfp->sigmas, NULL, var[0]); if (var[1]) FillVectorFromArrayVariable(&hfp->thresholds, NULL, var[1]); if (mNavHelper->mHoleFinderDlg->IsOpen()) mNavHelper->mHoleFinderDlg->UpdateSettings(); return 0; } // ReportLastHoleVectors, UseHoleVectorsForMulti int CMacCmd::ReportLastHoleVectors(void) { int numDir, index = mItemInt[1], hexInd; double xVecs[3], yVecs[3]; bool settingMulti = CMD_IS(USEHOLEVECTORSFORMULTI); MultiShotParams *msParams; if (index > 0 && (index >= MAX_MAGS || !mMagTab[index].mag)) ABORT_LINE("The magnification index is out of range in:\n\n"); if (settingMulti) { hexInd = mNavHelper->mHoleFinderDlg->GetLastWasHexGrid() ? 1 : 0; mNavHelper->UpdateMultishotIfOpen(); msParams = mNavHelper->GetMultiShotParams(); if (index < -1 && mNavHelper->mHoleFinderDlg->GetLastMagIndex() > 0) index = mNavHelper->mHoleFinderDlg->GetLastMagIndex(); if (index < 0) { index = msParams->holeMagIndex[hexInd]; if (!index) ABORT_LINE("There is no existing hole magnification index to use for:\n\n"); } if (!index) index = mLdParam[RECORD_CONSET].magIndex; if (!index) ABORT_LINE("There is no Record magnification index to use for:\n\n"); } msParams->canUndoRectOrHex = 0; numDir = mNavHelper->mHoleFinderDlg->ConvertHoleToISVectors(index, settingMulti, xVecs, yVecs, mStrCopy); if (!numDir) ABORT_LINE(mStrCopy + " for line:\n\n"); if (!settingMulti) { if (numDir > 2) SetRepValsAndVars(2, xVecs[0], yVecs[0], xVecs[1], yVecs[1], xVecs[2], yVecs[2]); else SetRepValsAndVars(2, xVecs[0], yVecs[0], xVecs[1], yVecs[1]); } if (numDir > 2) mLogRpt.Format("Hole %s vectors are %.4g, %.4g %.4g, %.4g and %.4g, %.4g", B3DCHOICE(index < 0, "image", index ? "IS" : "stage"), xVecs[0], yVecs[0], xVecs[1], yVecs[1], xVecs[2], yVecs[2]); else mLogRpt.Format("Hole %s vector s are %.4g, %.4g and %.4g, %.4g", B3DCHOICE(index < 0, "image", index ? "IS" : "stage"), xVecs[0], yVecs[0], xVecs[1], yVecs[1]); return 0; } // ReportMultishotVectors int CMacCmd::ReportMultishotVectors() { MultiShotParams *msParams; double *xVecs, *yVecs; bool hex = mItemInt[1] != 0; mNavHelper->UpdateMultishotIfOpen(); msParams = mNavHelper->GetMultiShotParams(); xVecs = hex ? &msParams->hexISXspacing[0] : &msParams->holeISXspacing[0]; yVecs = hex ? &msParams->hexISYspacing[0] : &msParams->holeISYspacing[0]; if (hex) SetRepValsAndVars(2, xVecs[0], yVecs[0], xVecs[1], yVecs[1], xVecs[2], yVecs[2]); else SetRepValsAndVars(2, xVecs[0], yVecs[0], xVecs[1], yVecs[1]); mLogRpt.Format("%s IS vectors are %.4g, %.4g%s %.4g, %.4g", hex ? "Hexagonal" : "Rectangular", xVecs[0], yVecs[0], hex ? "," : " and", xVecs[1], yVecs[1]); if (hex) { mStrCopy.Format(", and %.4g, %.4g", xVecs[2], yVecs[2]); mLogRpt += mStrCopy; } return 0; } // UseMapItemHoleVectors int CMacCmd::UseMapItemHoleVectors() { int index; CMapDrawItem *navItem; mStrCopy = "The Navigator map "; index = mItemInt[1]; navItem = CurrentOrIndexedNavItem(index, mStrLine); if (!navItem) return 1; index = mNavigator->GetMapOrMapDrawnOn(index, navItem, mStrCopy); if (index > 0) ABORT_LINE(mStrCopy + " for line:/n/n"); if (index < 0) mStrCopy += "this item was drawn on "; if (!navItem->mXHoleISSpacing[0] && !navItem->mYHoleISSpacing[0]) ABORT_LINE(mStrCopy + "does not have hole vectors stored for line:\n\n"); mNavHelper->AssignNavItemHoleVectors(navItem); return 0; } // MakeNavPointsAtHoles int CMacCmd::MakeNavPointsAtHoles(void) { int index; ABORT_NONAV; index = mItemEmpty[1] || mItemInt[1] < 0 ? - 1 : mItemInt[1]; if (index > 2) ABORT_LINE("The layout type must be less than 3 for line:\n\n"); index = mNavHelper->mHoleFinderDlg->DoMakeNavPoints(index, (float)((mItemEmpty[2] || mItemDbl[2] < -900000) ? EXTRA_NO_VALUE : mItemDbl[2]), (float)((mItemEmpty[3] || mItemDbl[3] < -900000) ? EXTRA_NO_VALUE : mItemDbl[3]), (float)((mItemEmpty[4] || mItemDbl[4] < 0.) ? - 1. : mItemDbl[4]) / 100.f, (float)((mItemEmpty[5] || mItemDbl[5] < 0.) ? - 1. : mItemDbl[5]) / 100.f, (mItemEmpty[6] || mItemFlt[6] < 0.) ? -1.f : mItemFlt[6], (mItemEmpty[7] || mItemInt[7] < 0) ? -1 : mItemInt[7]); if (index < 0) { AbortMacro(); return 1; } mLogRpt.Format("Hole finder made %d Navigator points", index); return 0; } // ClearHoleFinder int CMacCmd::ClearHoleFinder(void) { mNavHelper->mHoleFinderDlg->OnButClearData(); return 0; } // CombineHolesToMulti int CMacCmd::CombineHolesToMulti(void) { int index; ABORT_NONAV; B3DCLAMP(mItemInt[1], 0, 2); if (!mItemEmpty[3] && mItemEmpty[4]) ABORT_LINE("Two optional values are needed to override dialog settings for number of" " holes in line:\n\n"); index = mNavHelper->mCombineHoles->CombineItems(mItemInt[1], (mItemEmpty[2] || mItemInt[2] < 0) ? mNavHelper->GetMHCturnOffOutsidePoly() : mItemInt[2] != 0, mItemEmpty[3] ?-9 : mItemInt[3], mItemEmpty[4] ? -9 : mItemInt[4]); if (index) ABORT_NOLINE("Error trying to combine hole for multiple Records:\n" + CString(mNavHelper->mCombineHoles->GetErrorMessage(index))); return 0; } // UndoHoleCombining int CMacCmd::UndoHoleCombining(void) { ABORT_NONAV; if (!mNavHelper->mCombineHoles->OKtoUndoCombine()) ABORT_NOLINE("It is no longer possible to undo the last hole combination"); mNavHelper->mCombineHoles->UndoCombination(); return 0; } // FindMultiMapHoles int CMacCmd::FindMultiMapHoles() { int numItems; ABORT_NONAV; numItems = mNavigator->GetNumberOfItems(); if (mItemInt[1] < 1 || mItemInt[2] > numItems || mItemInt[1] > mItemInt[2]) ABORT_LINE("The Navigator indexes are out of range or swapped in line:\n\n"); if (mNavHelper->mHoleFinderDlg->ProcessMultipleMaps(mItemInt[1] - 1, mItemInt[2] - 1, mItemInt[3])) { AbortMacro(); return 1; } return 0; } // ReportHolesToAcquire int CMacCmd::GetItemHolesToAcquire() { int index; CMapDrawItem *navItem; FloatVec xVec, yVec; IntVec holePos; CString value, one; index = mItemInt[1]; navItem = CurrentOrIndexedNavItem(index, mStrLine); if (!navItem) return 1; mStrCopy.Format("Navigator item %d (%s) does not have a defined multishot pattern for" " line:\n\n", index + 1, (LPCTSTR)navItem->mLabel); if (!navItem->mNumXholes) ABORT_LINE(mStrCopy); index = mWinApp->mParticleTasks->GetHolePositions(xVec, yVec, holePos, mScope->FastMagIndex(), mCurrentCam, navItem->mNumXholes, navItem->mNumYholes, -999.); mWinApp->mParticleTasks->SkipHolesInList(xVec, yVec, holePos, navItem->mSkipHolePos, navItem->mNumSkipHoles, index); value.Format("%d\n%d", navItem->mNumXholes, navItem->mNumYholes); for (index = 0; index < (int)holePos.size(); index++) { one.Format("\n%d", holePos[index]); value += one; } if (SetVariable(mStrItems[2], value, VARTYPE_REGULAR, -1, false, &mStrCopy)) ABORT_NOLINE("Error setting a variable with hole indexes:\n" + mStrCopy); return 0; } // AutoContourGridSquares int CMacCmd::AutoContourGridSquares(void) { ABORT_NONAV; int index; mNavHelper->mAutoContouringDlg->SyncToMasterParams(); AutoContourParams *param = mNavHelper->GetAutocontourParams(); float target = param->usePixSize ? param->targetPixSizeUm : param->targetSizePixels; float minSize = (mItemEmpty[5] || mItemFlt[5] < 0) ? param->minSize : mItemFlt[5]; float maxSize = (mItemEmpty[6] || mItemFlt[6] < 0) ? param->maxSize : mItemFlt[6]; float relThresh = param->useAbsThresh ? 0.f : param->relThreshold; float absThresh = param->useAbsThresh ? param->absThreshold : 0.f; BOOL usePoly = (mItemEmpty[7] || mItemInt[7] > 0) ? param->useCurrentPolygon : mItemInt[7] > 0; if (!mItemEmpty[2] && mItemFlt[2] >= 0) target = mItemFlt[2]; if (!mItemEmpty[3] && mItemFlt[3] >= 0) relThresh = mItemFlt[3]; if (!mItemEmpty[4] && mItemFlt[4] >= 0) absThresh = mItemFlt[4]; if (ConvertBufferLetter(mStrItems[1], 0, true, index, mStrCopy)) ABORT_LINE(mStrCopy); mNavHelper->mAutoContouringDlg->AutoContourImage(&mImBufs[index], target, minSize, maxSize, relThresh, absThresh, usePoly); mAutoContouring = true; return 0; } // MakePolygonsAtSquares int CMacCmd::MakePolygonsAtSquares(void) { if (mNavHelper->mAutoContouringDlg->ExternalCreatePolys(mItemEmpty[1] ? -1.f : mItemFlt[1], mItemEmpty[2] ? -1.f : mItemFlt[2], mItemEmpty[3] ? -1.f : mItemFlt[3], mItemEmpty[4] ? -1.f : mItemFlt[4], mItemEmpty[5] ? -1.f : mItemFlt[5], mItemEmpty[6] ? -1.f : mItemFlt[6], mStrCopy)) ABORT_NOLINE("Failed to convert grid square contours to polygons: " + mStrCopy); mLogRpt = "Converted grid square contours to Navigator polygons"; return 0; } // SetAutocontourGroups int CMacCmd::SetAutocontourGroups(void) { int showGroup[MAX_AUTOCONT_GROUPS]; int ind, numShow = 0; if (!mItemInt[1] || mItemInt[1] > MAX_AUTOCONT_GROUPS) ABORT_LINE("Number of groups is out of range in line:\n\n"); for (ind = 3; ind < 3 + MAX_AUTOCONT_GROUPS; ind++) { if (mItemEmpty[ind]) break; showGroup[numShow++] = mItemInt[ind]; } mNavHelper->mAutoContouringDlg->ExternalSetGroups(mItemInt[1], mItemInt[2], showGroup, numShow); return 0; } // ReportAutocontourStats int CMacCmd::ReportAutocontourStats(void) { float minMean, maxMean, median; if (mNavHelper->mAutoContouringDlg->GetSquareStats(minMean, maxMean, median)) ABORT_LINE("There are no contours to give statistics on for line:\n\n"); mLogRpt.Format("Grid square means: min %.1f max %.1f median %.1f", minMean, maxMean, median); SetRepValsAndVars(1, minMean, maxMean, median); return 0; } // SetHelperParams int CMacCmd::SetHelperParams(void) { mNavHelper->SetTestParams(&mItemDbl[1]); return 0; } // SetMontageParams int CMacCmd::SetMontageParams(void) { CString report; int index, act, cam, top, bot; float binChange = 0.; bool frameChange = false; CameraParameters *camParam; if (!mWinApp->Montaging()) ABORT_LINE("Montaging must be on already to use this command:\n\n"); cam = mActiveList[mWinApp->mMontageController->GetMontageActiveCamera(mMontP)]; camParam = mWinApp->GetCamParams() + cam; if (mWinApp->mStoreMRC && mWinApp->mStoreMRC->getDepth() > 0 && ((mItemInt[2] > 0) || (mItemInt[3] > 0) || (mItemInt[4] > 0) || (mItemInt[5] > 0))) ABORT_LINE("After writing to the file, you cannot change frame size or overlaps " " in line:\n\n"); if (!mItemEmpty[7] && mItemDbl[7] >= 0.5) { if (CheckCameraBinning(mItemDbl[7], index, report)) ABORT_LINE(report); if (!(mWinApp->mStoreMRC && mWinApp->mStoreMRC->getDepth() > 0)) binChange = (float)index / (float)mMontP->binning; mMontP->binning = index; } if (mItemInt[1] >= 0) mMontP->moveStage = mItemInt[1] > 0; if (!mItemEmpty[4] && mItemInt[4] > 0) { if (mItemInt[4] < mMontP->xOverlap * 2) ABORT_LINE("The X frame size is less than twice the overlap in statement:\n\n"); mMontP->xFrame = mItemInt[4]; frameChange = true; } else if (binChange) mMontP->xFrame = 2 * B3DNINT(0.5 * mMontP->xFrame / binChange); if (!mItemEmpty[5] && mItemInt[5] > 0) { if (mItemInt[5] < mMontP->yOverlap * 2) ABORT_LINE("The Y frame size is less than twice the overlap in statement:\n\n"); mMontP->yFrame = mItemInt[5]; frameChange = true; } else if (binChange) mMontP->yFrame = 2 * B3DNINT(0.5 * mMontP->yFrame / binChange); if (mMontP->xFrame * mMontP->binning > camParam->sizeX || mMontP->yFrame * mMontP->binning > camParam->sizeY) { mStrCopy.Format("The binning of %d and frame size of %dx%d gives more unbinned pixels" " (%dx%d) than the camera size in line:\n\n", mMontP->binning, mMontP->xFrame, mMontP->yFrame, mMontP->xFrame * mMontP->binning, mMontP->yFrame * mMontP->binning); ABORT_LINE(mStrCopy); } if (!mItemEmpty[2] && mItemInt[2] > 0) { if (mItemInt[2] > mMontP->xFrame / 2) ABORT_LINE("X overlap is more than half the frame size in statement:\n\n"); if (mItemInt[2] < 16) ABORT_LINE("The X overlap must be at least 16 in line:\n\n"); mMontP->xOverlap = mItemInt[2]; } else if (binChange) mMontP->xOverlap = B3DNINT(mMontP->xOverlap / binChange); if (!mItemEmpty[3] && mItemInt[3] > 0) { if (mItemInt[3] > mMontP->yFrame / 2) ABORT_LINE("Y overlap is more than half the frame size in statement:\n\n"); if (mItemInt[2] < 16) ABORT_LINE("The Y overlap must be at least 16 in line:\n\n"); mMontP->yOverlap = mItemInt[3]; } else if (binChange) mMontP->yOverlap = B3DNINT(mMontP->yOverlap / binChange); if (!mItemEmpty[6] && mItemInt[6] >= 0) mMontP->skipCorrelations = mItemInt[6] != 0; if (frameChange || binChange) { mCamera->CenteredSizes(mMontP->xFrame, camParam->sizeX, camParam->moduloX, act, index, mMontP->yFrame, camParam->sizeY, camParam->moduloY, top, bot, mMontP->binning, cam); } mWinApp->mMontageController->SetNeedBoxSetup(true); mWinApp->mMontageWindow.UpdateSettings(); return 0; } // ParamSetToUseForMontage int CMacCmd::ParamSetToUseForMontage(void) { if (!mItemEmpty[2] && mItemInt[2]) { mNextParamSetForMont = mItemInt[1]; return 0; } if (B3DABS(mItemInt[1]) > 1 && mWinApp->LowDoseMode() && mWinApp->Montaging()) ABORT_LINE("The parameter set to use in Low Dose mode cannot be selected\nwhen the " "current file is a montage; add 1 to apply to next montage opened for line:\n\n"); mWinApp->mMontageController->ChangeParamSetToUse(mMontP, mItemInt[1]); mWinApp->mMontageController->SetNeedBoxSetup(true); return 0; } // SetMontPanelParams int CMacCmd::SetMontPanelParams() { MontParam *param = mWinApp->GetMontParam(); if (mItemInt[1] >= 0) param->verySloppy = mItemInt[1] > 0; if (!mItemEmpty[2] && mItemInt[2] >= 0) param->shiftInOverview = mItemInt[2] > 0; if (!mItemEmpty[3] && mItemInt[3] > 0) { if (mWinApp->Montaging() && mItemInt[3] > param->maxOverviewBin) { mLogRpt.Format("Overview binning is set to the maximum, %d, not the requested %d", param->maxOverviewBin, mItemInt[3]); mItemInt[3] = param->maxOverviewBin; } param->overviewBinning = mItemInt[3]; } if (!mItemEmpty[4] && mItemInt[4] >= 0) param->evalMultiplePeaks = mItemInt[4] > 0; mWinApp->mMontageWindow.UpdateSettings(); return 0; } // ManualFilmExposure int CMacCmd::ManualFilmExposure(void) { double delX; delX = mItemDbl[1]; mScope->SetManualExposure(delX); return 0; } // ExposeFilm, SpecialExposeFilm int CMacCmd::ExposeFilm(void) { double delX, delY; int index; delX = 0.; delY = 0.; index = 0; if (CMD_IS(SPECIALEXPOSEFILM)) { delX = mItemDbl[1]; if (!mItemEmpty[2]) delY = mItemDbl[2]; if (delX < 0. || delY < 0. || mItemEmpty[1]) ABORT_LINE("There must be one or two non-negative values in statement:\n\n"); if (!mItemEmpty[3]) index = mItemInt[3]; } if (!mScope->TakeFilmExposure(CMD_IS(SPECIALEXPOSEFILM), delX, delY, index != 0)) { mCurrentIndex = mLastIndex; SuspendMacro(); return 1; } mExposedFilm = true; return 0; } // GoToLowDoseArea int CMacCmd::GoToLowDoseArea(void) { int index; if (CheckAndConvertLDAreaLetter(mStrItems[1], 1, index, mStrLine)) return 1; mScope->GotoLowDoseArea(index); return 0; } // SetLDContinuousUpdate int CMacCmd::SetLDContinuousUpdate(void) { if (mWinApp->mTSController->DoingTiltSeries()) ABORT_NOLINE("You cannot use SetLDContinuousUpdate during a tilt series"); mWinApp->mLowDoseDlg.SetContinuousUpdate(mItemInt[1] != 0); return 0; } // SetLowDoseMode int CMacCmd::SetLowDoseMode(void) { int index; index = mWinApp->LowDoseMode() ? 1 : 0; if (index != (mItemInt[1] ? 1 : 0)) mWinApp->mLowDoseDlg.SetLowDoseMode(mItemInt[1] != 0); SetRepValsAndVars(2, (double)index); return 0; } // SetAxisPosition, ReportAxisPosition int CMacCmd::SetAxisPosition(void) { double delX, delY; int index, index2, ix0, iy0; if (CheckAndConvertLDAreaLetter(mStrItems[1], 1, index, mStrLine)) return 1; if ((index + 1) / 2 != 1) ABORT_LINE("This command must be followed by F or T:\n\n"); if (CMD_IS(REPORTAXISPOSITION)) { delX = mWinApp->mLowDoseDlg.ConvertOneIStoAxis(mLdParam[index].magIndex, mLdParam[index].ISX, mLdParam[index].ISY); ix0 = ((mConSets[index].right + mConSets[index].left) / 2 - mCamParams->sizeX / 2) / BinDivisorI(mCamParams); iy0 = ((mConSets[index].bottom + mConSets[index].top) / 2 - mCamParams->sizeY / 2) / BinDivisorI(mCamParams); index2 = mWinApp->mLowDoseDlg.m_bRotateAxis ? mWinApp->mLowDoseDlg.m_iAxisAngle : 0; mLogRpt.Format("%s axis position %.2f microns, %d degrees; camera offset %d, %d " "unbinned pixels", mModeNames[index], delX, index2, ix0, iy0); SetRepValsAndVars(2, delX, (double)index2, (double)ix0, (double)iy0); } else { index2 = 0; if (fabs(mItemDbl[2]) > 19.) ABORT_LINE("The axis distance is too large in:\n\n"); if (!mItemEmpty[3]) index2 = B3DNINT(UtilGoodAngle(mItemDbl[3])); ix0 = (mScope->GetLowDoseArea() + 1) / 2; if (ix0 == 1) mScope->GetLDCenteredShift(delX, delY); mWinApp->mLowDoseDlg.NewAxisPosition(index, mItemDbl[2], index2, !mItemEmpty[3]); if (ix0 == 1) mScope->SetLDCenteredShift(delX, delY); } return 0; } // ReportLowDose int CMacCmd::ReportLowDose(void) { int index, index2; char *modeLets = "VFTRS"; index = mWinApp->LowDoseMode() ? 1 : 0; index2 = mScope->GetLowDoseArea(); mLogRpt.Format("Low Dose is %s%s%c", index ? "ON" : "OFF", index && index2 >= 0 ? " in " : "", index && index2 >= 0 ? modeLets[index2] : ' '); SetRepValsAndVars(1, (double)index, (double)index2); return 0; } // CurrentSettingsToLDArea int CMacCmd::CurrentSettingsToLDArea(void) { int index; if (CheckAndConvertLDAreaLetter(mStrItems[1], -1, index, mStrLine)) return 1; mWinApp->InitializeOneLDParam(mLdParam[index]); mWinApp->mLowDoseDlg.SetLowDoseMode(true); mScope->GotoLowDoseArea(index); return 0; } // UpdateLowDoseParams int CMacCmd::UpdateLowDoseParams(void) { int index; if (mWinApp->mTSController->DoingTiltSeries()) ABORT_NOLINE("You cannot use ChangeLowDoseParams during a tilt series"); if (CheckAndConvertLDAreaLetter(mStrItems[1], 0, index, mStrLine)) return 1; if (!mKeepOrRestoreArea[index]) { mLDParamsSaved.push_back(mLdParam[index]); mLDareasSaved.push_back(index); mKeepOrRestoreArea[index] = (mItemEmpty[2] || !mItemInt[2]) ? 1 : -1; UpdateLDAreaIfSaved(); } return 0; } // RestoreLowDoseParamsCmd int CMacCmd::RestoreLowDoseParamsCmd(void) { int index; if (CheckAndConvertLDAreaLetter(mStrItems[1], 0, index, mStrLine)) return 1; RestoreLowDoseParams(index); return 0; } // SetLDAddedBeamButton int CMacCmd::SetLDAddedBeamButton(void) { BOOL truth; truth = mItemEmpty[1] || mItemInt[1]; if (!mWinApp->LowDoseMode() || mScope->GetLowDoseArea() < 0) ABORT_LINE("You must be in Low Dose mode and in a defined area for line:\n\n"); if (mLDSetAddedBeamRestore < 0) { mLDSetAddedBeamRestore = mWinApp->mLowDoseDlg.m_bSetBeamShift ? 1 : 0; mNumStatesToRestore++; } mWinApp->mLowDoseDlg.SetBeamShiftButton(truth); if ((truth ? 1 : 0) == mLDSetAddedBeamRestore) { mLDSetAddedBeamRestore = -1; mNumStatesToRestore--; } return 0; } // CopyLowDoseArea int CMacCmd::CopyLowDoseArea(void) { int from, area; if (!mWinApp->LowDoseMode()) ABORT_LINE("You must be in low dose mode for line:\n\n"); if (CheckAndConvertLDAreaLetter(mStrItems[1], 1, from, mStrLine) || CheckAndConvertLDAreaLetter(mStrItems[2], 1, area, mStrLine)) return 1; if (from == area) ABORT_LINE("You must specify two different areas in line:\n\n"); if (mScope->GetLowDoseArea() == area) ABORT_LINE("You cannot copy TO the current low dose area in:\n\n"); mWinApp->mLowDoseDlg.DoCopyArea(from, area); mLogRpt.Format("Copied low dose area %s to %s", mStrItems[1], mStrItems[2]); return 0; } // ShowMessageOnScope int CMacCmd::ShowMessageOnScope(void) { CString report; int index, iy1; SubstituteLineStripItems(mStrLine, 1, mStrCopy); if (!FEIscope) ABORT_LINE("This command can be run only on an FEI scope"); if (mScope->GetPluginVersion() < FEI_PLUGIN_MESSAGE_BOX) { report.Format("You need to upgrade the FEI plugin and/or server\n" "to at least version %d get a message box in:\n\n", FEI_PLUGIN_MESSAGE_BOX); ABORT_LINE(report); } mScope->SetMessageBoxArgs(mBoxOnScopeType, mStrCopy, mBoxOnScopeText); iy1 = LONG_OP_MESSAGE_BOX; index = mScope->StartLongOperation(&iy1, &mBoxOnScopeInterval, 1); if (index > 0) ABORT_LINE("The thread is already busy for a long operation so cannot run:\n\n"); if (!index) { mStartedLongOp = true; mShowedScopeBox = true; } else { SetReportedValues(0., -1); } return 0; } // SetupScopeMessage int CMacCmd::SetupScopeMessage(void) { mBoxOnScopeType = mItemInt[1]; if (!mItemEmpty[2]) mBoxOnScopeInterval = mItemFlt[2]; if (!mItemEmpty[3]) { SubstituteLineStripItems(mStrLine, 3, mBoxOnScopeText); } return 0; } // UpdateHWDarkRef int CMacCmd::UpdateHWDarkRef(void) { int index; index = mCamera->UpdateK2HWDarkRef(mItemFlt[1]); if (index == 1) ABORT_LINE("The thread is already busy for this operation:\n\n") mStartedLongOp = !index; return 0; } // RunGatanScript int CMacCmd::RunGatanScript(void) { int index; Variable *var = LookupVariable(mStrItems[1], index); if (!var) ABORT_LINE("The variable " + mStrItems[1] + " is not defined in line:\n\n"); if (mCamera->RunScriptOnThread(var->value, mItemEmpty[2] ? 0 : mItemInt[2])) ABORT_LINE("The current camera must be a Gatan camera for line:\n\n"); mRanGatanScript = true; return 0; } // LongOperation int CMacCmd::LongOperation(void) { CString report; int index, index2, ix1, iy1, id; float backlashX; ix1 = 0; iy1 = 1; int used[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; int operations[MAX_LONG_OPERATIONS + 1]; float intervals[MAX_LONG_OPERATIONS + 1]; for (index = 1; index < MAX_MACRO_TOKENS && !mItemEmpty[index]; index++) { for (index2 = 0; index2 < MAX_LONG_OPERATIONS; index2++) { if (!mStrItems[index].Left(2).CompareNoCase(CString(mLongKeys[index2]))) { if (mLongHasTime[index2] && mItemDbl[index + 1] < -1.5) { backlashX = mItemFlt[index + 1]; mScope->StartLongOperation(&index2, &backlashX, 1); SetOneReportedValue(backlashX, iy1++); report.Format("Time since last long operation %s is %.2f hours", (LPCTSTR)mStrItems[index], backlashX); mWinApp->AppendToLog(report, mLogAction); index++; break; } if (used[index2]) ABORT_LINE("The same operation is specified twice in:\n\n"); used[index2]++; operations[ix1] = index2; if (index2 == LONG_OP_UNLOAD_CART && JEOLscope) ABORT_LINE("For JEOL, use UnloadCartridge to unload a cartridge instead" " of:\n\n"); if (index2 == LONG_OP_UNLOAD_CART) { mScope->SetLoadedCartridge(-1); mScope->SetUnloadedCartridge(mScope->FindCartridgeAtStage(id)); } if (index2 == LONG_OP_HW_DARK_REF && !mCamera->CanDoK2HardwareDarkRef(mCamParams, report)) ABORT_LINE(report + " in line:\n\n"); if (mLongHasTime[index2]) { if (index == MAX_MACRO_TOKENS - 1 || mItemEmpty[index + 1]) ABORT_LINE("The last operation must be followed by an interval in hours " "in:\n\n"); report = mStrItems[index + 1]; if (report.MakeLower() != mStrItems[index + 1]) { report.Format("%s must be followed by an interval in hours in:\n\n", (LPCTSTR)mStrItems[index]); ABORT_LINE(report); } index++; intervals[ix1++] = mItemFlt[index]; } else intervals[ix1++] = 0.; break; } } if (index2 == MAX_LONG_OPERATIONS) { report.Format("%s is not an allowed entry for a long operation in:\n\n", (LPCTSTR)mStrItems[index]); ABORT_LINE(report); } } index = mScope->StartLongOperation(operations, intervals, ix1); if (index > 0) ABORT_LINE(index == 1 ? "The thread is already busy for a long operation in:\n\n" : "A long scope operation can be done only on an FEI scope for:\n\n"); mStartedLongOp = !index; return 0; } // NewDEserverDarkRef int CMacCmd::NewDEserverDarkRef(void) { CString report; if (mWinApp->mGainRefMaker->MakeDEdarkRefIfNeeded(mItemInt[1], mItemFlt[2], report)) ABORT_NOLINE(CString("Cannot make a new dark reference in DE server with " "NewDEserverDarkRef:\n") + report); return 0; } // RunInShell int CMacCmd::RunInShell(void) { SubstituteLineStripItems(mStrLine, 1, mEnteredName); mProcessThread = AfxBeginThread(RunInShellProc, &mEnteredName, THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL, 0, CREATE_SUSPENDED); mProcessThread->m_bAutoDelete = false; mProcessThread->ResumeThread(); return 0; } // NextProcessArgs int CMacCmd::NextProcessArgs(void) { SubstituteLineStripItems(mStrLine, 1, mNextProcessArgs); return 0; } // PipeToNextProcess int CMacCmd::PipeToNextProcess(void) { int ind; Variable *var = LookupVariable(mStrItems[1], ind); if (!var) ABORT_LINE("variable is not defined for line:\n\n"); mInputToNextProcess = var->value; mInputToNextProcess.Replace("\\n", "\\r\\n"); mInputToNextProcess + "\\r\\n"; return 0; } // NextProcessPipeToVar int CMacCmd::NextProcessPipeToVar() { mVarForProcOutputPipe = mStrItems[1]; return 0; } #pragma push_macro("CreateProcess") #undef CreateProcess // CreateProcess, RunProcess int CMacCmd::CreateProcess(void) { int index; bool doingRun = CMD_IS(RUNPROCESS); if (!doingRun && !mVarForProcOutputPipe.IsEmpty()) { SEMAppendToLog("WARNING: NextProcessPipeToVar works only with RunProcess, not" " CreateProcess"); mVarForProcOutputPipe = ""; } SubstituteLineStripItems(mStrLine, 1, mEnteredName); index = mWinApp->mExternalTools->RunCreateProcess(mEnteredName, mNextProcessArgs, doingRun, mInputToNextProcess, !mVarForProcOutputPipe.IsEmpty(), &mStrCopy); mNextProcessArgs = ""; mInputToNextProcess = ""; if (index) ABORT_NOLINE(CString("Error in ") + (doingRun ? "RunProcess:\n" : "CreateProcess:\n") + mStrCopy); mRanExtProcess = doingRun; return 0; } #pragma pop_macro("CreateProcess") // ExternalToolArgPlace int CMacCmd::ExternalToolArgPlace(void) { mRunToolArgPlacement = mItemInt[1]; return 0; } // RunExternalTool int CMacCmd::RunExternalTool(void) { int index; if (!mVarForProcOutputPipe.IsEmpty()) SEMAppendToLog("WARNING: NextProcessPipeToVar works only with RunProcess, not" " RunExternalTool"); mVarForProcOutputPipe = ""; SubstituteLineStripItems(mStrLine, 1, mStrCopy); index = mWinApp->mExternalTools->RunToolCommand(mStrCopy, mNextProcessArgs, mRunToolArgPlacement, mInputToNextProcess); mNextProcessArgs = ""; mInputToNextProcess = ""; if (index) ABORT_LINE("Script aborted due to failure to run command for line:\n\n"); return 0; } // SaveFocus int CMacCmd::SaveFocus(void) { if (mFocusToRestore > -2.) ABORT_NOLINE("There is a second SaveFocus without a RestoreFocus"); mFocusToRestore = mScope->GetFocus(); mNumStatesToRestore++; return 0; } // RestoreFocus int CMacCmd::RestoreFocus(void) { if (mFocusToRestore < -2.) ABORT_NOLINE("There is a RestoreFocus, but focus was not saved or has been " "restored already"); mScope->SetFocus(mFocusToRestore); mNumStatesToRestore--; mFocusToRestore = -999.; return 0; } // SaveBeamTilt int CMacCmd::SaveBeamTilt(void) { CString report; int index; index = mScope->GetProbeMode(); if (mBeamTiltXtoRestore[index] > EXTRA_VALUE_TEST) { report = "There is a second SaveBeamTilt without a RestoreBeamTilt"; if (FEIscope) report += " for " + CString(index ? "micro" : "nano") + "probe mode"; ABORT_NOLINE(report); } mScope->GetBeamTilt(mBeamTiltXtoRestore[index], mBeamTiltYtoRestore[index]); mNumStatesToRestore++; return 0; } // RestoreBeamTilt int CMacCmd::RestoreBeamTilt(void) { CString report; int index; index = mScope->GetProbeMode(); if (mBeamTiltXtoRestore[index] < EXTRA_VALUE_TEST && mAstigXtoRestore[index] < EXTRA_VALUE_TEST) { report = "There is a RestoreBeamTilt, but beam tilt was not saved or has been " "restored already"; if (FEIscope) report += " for " + CString(index ? "micro" : "nano") + "probe mode"; ABORT_NOLINE(report); } if (mBeamTiltXtoRestore[index] > EXTRA_VALUE_TEST) { mScope->SetBeamTilt(mBeamTiltXtoRestore[index], mBeamTiltYtoRestore[index]); mNumStatesToRestore--; mBeamTiltXtoRestore[index] = mBeamTiltYtoRestore[index] = EXTRA_NO_VALUE; } if (mAstigXtoRestore[index] > EXTRA_VALUE_TEST) { mScope->SetObjectiveStigmator(mAstigXtoRestore[index], mAstigYtoRestore[index]); mNumStatesToRestore--; mAstigXtoRestore[index] = mAstigYtoRestore[index] = EXTRA_NO_VALUE; } mCompensatedBTforIS = false; return 0; } // PIEZO COMMANDS // SelectPiezo int CMacCmd::SelectPiezo(void) { if (mWinApp->mPiezoControl->SelectPiezo(mItemInt[1], mItemInt[2])) { AbortMacro(); return 1; } return 0; } // ReportPiezoXY int CMacCmd::ReportPiezoXY(void) { double delISX, delISY; if (mWinApp->mPiezoControl->GetNumPlugins()) { if (mWinApp->mPiezoControl->GetXYPosition(delISX, delISY)) { AbortMacro(); return 1; } } else { if (!mScope->GetPiezoXYPosition(delISX, delISY)) { AbortMacro(); return 1; } } mLogRpt.Format("Piezo X/Y position is %6g, %6g", delISX, delISY); SetRepValsAndVars(1, delISX, delISY); return 0; } // ReportPiezoZ int CMacCmd::ReportPiezoZ(void) { double delISX; if (mWinApp->mPiezoControl->GetZPosition(delISX)) { AbortMacro(); return 1; } mLogRpt.Format("Piezo Z or only position is %6g", delISX); SetRepValsAndVars(1, delISX); return 0; } // MovePiezoXY int CMacCmd::MovePiezoXY(void) { if (mWinApp->mPiezoControl->GetNumPlugins()) { if (mWinApp->mPiezoControl->SetXYPosition(mItemDbl[1], mItemDbl[2], mItemInt[3] != 0)) { AbortMacro(); return 1; } mMovedPiezo = true; } else { if (!mScope->SetPiezoXYPosition(mItemDbl[1], mItemDbl[2], mItemInt[3] != 0)) { AbortMacro(); return 1; } mMovedStage = true; } return 0; } // MovePiezoZ int CMacCmd::MovePiezoZ(void) { if (mWinApp->mPiezoControl->SetZPosition(mItemDbl[1], mItemInt[2] != 0)) { AbortMacro(); return 1; } mMovedPiezo = true; return 0; } // SetEDMDutyPercent, ReportEDMDutyPercent int CMacCmd::SetEDMDutyPercent() { int error; float value; bool doSet = CMD_IS(SETEDMDUTYPERCENT); if (!mCamera->HasDoseModulator()) ABORT_LINE("There is no dose modulator for line:\n\n"); if (doSet) { if (mItemFlt[1] < 1. || mItemFlt[1] > 100.) ABORT_LINE("Percent value must be between 1 and 100 for line:\n\n"); error = mCamera->mDoseModulator->SetDutyPercent(mItemFlt[1], mStrCopy); } else { error = mCamera->mDoseModulator->GetDutyPercent(value, mStrCopy); } if (error > 0) { SEMMessageBox(mStrCopy); AbortMacro(); return 1; } if (error) PrintfToLog("WARNING: curl returned normal output but exited with code %d", -error); if (!doSet) { mLogRpt.Format("EDM duty %% is %.1f", value); SetRepValsAndVars(1, value); } return 0; }