// LowDoseDlg.cpp: Has controls for working in low dose mode // // Copyright (C) 2003 by Boulder Laboratory for 3-Dimensional Electron // Microscopy of Cells ("BL3DEMC") and the Regents of the University of // Colorado. See Copyright.txt for full notice of copyright and limitations. // // Author: David Mastronarde // #include "stdafx.h" #include "SerialEM.h" #include "SerialEMView.h" #include ".\LowDoseDlg.h" #include "EMscope.h" #include "MainFrm.h" #include "ShiftManager.h" #include "CameraController.h" #include "EMmontageController.h" #include "BeamAssessor.h" #include "NavHelper.h" #include "StateDlg.h" #include "ComplexTasks.h" #include "MultiShotDlg.h" #include "AutocenSetupDlg.h" #include "MacroProcessor.h" #include "NavigatorDlg.h" #include "MultiTSTasks.h" #include "PiezoAndPPControl.h" #include "ParticleTasks.h" #include "ZbyGSetupDlg.h" #include "Utilities\KGetOne.h" #ifdef _DEBUG #define new DEBUG_NEW #undef THIS_FILE static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif #define MAX_VIEW_DEFOCUS 0 #define MIN_VIEW_DEFOCUS -400 #define MIN_SEARCH_DEFOCUS -1999 #define MAX_SEARCH_DEFOCUS 1999 static int sIdTable[] = {IDC_BUTOPEN, IDC_BUTFLOATDOCK, IDC_STATTOPLINE, IDC_BUTHELP, PANEL_END, IDC_RDEFINENONE, IDC_RDEFINEFOCUS, IDC_RDEFINETRIAL, IDC_STAT_DEFINE_GROUP, IDC_STAT_ADD_SHIFT_BOX, IDC_SET_BEAM_SHIFT, IDC_RESET_BEAM_SHIFT, IDC_STATBEAMSHIFT, IDC_STATPOSITION, IDC_STATMICRON, IDC_SET_SEARCH_SHIFT, IDC_ZERO_SEARCH_SHIFT, IDC_EDITPOSITION, IDC_AUTO_VIEW_SHIFT, IDC_STATSEARCHDEFOCUS, IDC_SPINSEARCHDEFOCUS, IDC_STATVIEWDEFLABEL, IDC_STATVIEWDEFOCUS, IDC_SPINVIEWDEFOCUS, IDC_STAT_VS_SHIFT, IDC_SET_VIEW_SHIFT, IDC_ZERO_VIEW_SHIFT, IDC_LOWDOSEMODE, IDC_STATELECDOSE, IDC_STAT_LDAREA, IDC_STATMAGSPOTC2, IDC_CONTINUOUSUPDATE, IDC_STATOVERLAP, IDC_GOTO_VIEW, IDC_GOTO_FOCUS, IDC_GOTO_TRIAL, IDC_AUTO_SEARCH_SHIFT, IDC_GOTO_RECORD, IDC_GOTO_SEARCH, IDC_STAT_LDCP_GO, IDC_SETUP_AUTO_SHIFT, IDC_STATBLANKED, IDC_STATMORE, IDC_BUTMORE, PANEL_END, IDC_BLANKBEAM, IDC_LDNORMALIZE_BEAM, IDC_TIEFOCUSTRIAL, IDC_COPYTOVIEW, IDC_COPYTOFOCUS, IDC_COPYTOTRIAL, IDC_COPYTORECORD, IDC_BALANCESHIFTS, IDC_STAT_COPY_LD_AREA, IDC_LD_ROTATE_AXIS, IDC_STAT_LD_DEG, IDC_COPYTOSEARCH, IDC_EDIT_AXISANGLE, PANEL_END, TABLE_END}; static int sTopTable[sizeof(sIdTable) / sizeof(int)]; static int sLeftTable[sizeof(sIdTable) / sizeof(int)]; static int sHeightTable[sizeof(sIdTable) / sizeof(int)]; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CLowDoseDlg dialog CLowDoseDlg::CLowDoseDlg(CWnd* pParent /*=NULL*/) : CToolDlg(CLowDoseDlg::IDD, pParent) , m_strViewDefocus(_T("")) , m_iAxisAngle(0) , m_bRotateAxis(FALSE) , m_strSearchDefocus(_T("-399")) { SEMBuildTime(__DATE__, __TIME__); //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CLowDoseDlg) m_iDefineArea = -1; m_strMagSpot = _T(""); m_bLowDoseMode = FALSE; m_bTieFocusTrial = FALSE; m_strOverlap = _T(""); m_bBlankWhenDown = FALSE; m_strPosition = _T(""); m_bContinuousUpdate = FALSE; m_strElecDose = _T(""); m_bNormalizeBeam = FALSE; m_strBeamShift = _T(""); m_bSetBeamShift = FALSE; m_strLDArea = _T(""); //}}AFX_DATA_INIT mInitialized = false; mLastMag = 0; mLastSpot = 0; mLastIntensity = 0.; mLastDose = 0.; mLastAlpha = -999.; mLastProbe = 0; mLastISX = 0.; mLastISY = 0.; mLastAutoShiftType = 0; mAutoShiftMaxPctChg = -1.; mAutoShiftMaxRot = -1.; mAutoViewMaxShift = -0.25f; mAutoSearchMaxShift = -0.25f; mIgnoreIS = false; mLastSetArea = -10; mLastBlanked = false; mTrulyLowDose = false; mHideOffState = false; mTieFocusTrialPos = false; mLastBeamX = 0.; mLastBeamY = 0.; mSearchName = "Search"; mViewShiftX[0] = mViewShiftY[0] = 0.; mViewShiftX[1] = mViewShiftY[1] = 0.; mStampViewShift[0] = mStampViewShift[1] = -1.; mAxisPiezoPlugNum = -1; mAxisPiezoNum = -1; mPiezoFullDelay = 20.; mFocusPiezoDelayFac = 0.6f; mTVPiezoDelayFac = 0.3f; mMinVSDefocus[0] = MIN_VIEW_DEFOCUS; mMinVSDefocus[1] = MIN_SEARCH_DEFOCUS; mMaxVSDefocus[0] = MAX_VIEW_DEFOCUS; mMaxVSDefocus[1] = MAX_SEARCH_DEFOCUS; } void CLowDoseDlg::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { CToolDlg::DoDataExchange(pDX); //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CLowDoseDlg) DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_STAT_LDAREA, m_statLDArea); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_RESET_BEAM_SHIFT, m_butResetBeamShift); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_SET_BEAM_SHIFT, m_butSetBeamShift); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_STATBEAMSHIFT, m_statBeamShift); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_LDNORMALIZE_BEAM, m_butNormalizeBeam); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_STATELECDOSE, m_statElecDose); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_STATBLANKED, m_statBlanked); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_COPYTORECORD, m_butCopyToRecord); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_COPYTOTRIAL, m_butCopyToTrial); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_COPYTOFOCUS, m_butCopyToFocus); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_COPYTOVIEW, m_butCopyToView); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_BALANCESHIFTS, m_butBalanceShifts); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_CONTINUOUSUPDATE, m_butContinuousUpdate); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_TIEFOCUSTRIAL, m_butTieFocusTrial); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_LOWDOSEMODE, m_butLowDoseMode); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_STATPOSITION, m_statPosition); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_STATMICRON, m_statMicron); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_RDEFINENONE, m_butDefineNone); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_RDEFINEFOCUS, m_butDefineFocus); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_RDEFINETRIAL, m_butDefineTrial); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_EDITPOSITION, m_editPosition); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_STATOVERLAP, m_statOverlap); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_STATMAGSPOTC2, m_statMagSpot); DDX_Radio(pDX, IDC_RDEFINENONE, m_iDefineArea); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_STATMAGSPOTC2, m_strMagSpot); DDX_Check(pDX, IDC_LOWDOSEMODE, m_bLowDoseMode); DDX_Check(pDX, IDC_TIEFOCUSTRIAL, m_bTieFocusTrial); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_STATOVERLAP, m_strOverlap); DDX_Check(pDX, IDC_BLANKBEAM, m_bBlankWhenDown); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_EDITPOSITION, m_strPosition); DDV_MaxChars(pDX, m_strPosition, 7); DDX_Check(pDX, IDC_CONTINUOUSUPDATE, m_bContinuousUpdate); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_STATELECDOSE, m_strElecDose); DDX_Check(pDX, IDC_LDNORMALIZE_BEAM, m_bNormalizeBeam); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_STATBEAMSHIFT, m_strBeamShift); DDX_Check(pDX, IDC_SET_BEAM_SHIFT, m_bSetBeamShift); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_STAT_LDAREA, m_strLDArea); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_STATVIEWDEFOCUS, m_strViewDefocus); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_SPINVIEWDEFOCUS, m_sbcViewDefocus); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_STATVIEWDEFLABEL, m_statViewDefLabel); //}}AFX_DATA_MAP DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_SET_VIEW_SHIFT, m_butSetViewShift); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_ZERO_VIEW_SHIFT, m_butZeroViewShift); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_STAT_LD_DEG, m_statDegrees); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_EDIT_AXISANGLE, m_editAxisAngle); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_LD_ROTATE_AXIS, m_butRotateAxis); DDX_Check(pDX, IDC_LD_ROTATE_AXIS, m_bRotateAxis); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_EDIT_AXISANGLE, m_iAxisAngle); DDV_MinMaxInt(pDX, m_iAxisAngle, -90, 90); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_STATVIEWDEFOCUS, m_statViewDefocus); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_COPYTOSEARCH, m_butCopyToSearch); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_GOTO_VIEW, m_butGotoView); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_GOTO_FOCUS, m_butGotoFocus); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_GOTO_TRIAL, m_butGotoTrial); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_GOTO_RECORD, m_butGotoRecord); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_GOTO_SEARCH, m_butGotoSearch); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_SPINSEARCHDEFOCUS, m_sbcSearchDefocus); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_STATSEARCHDEFOCUS, m_statSearchDefocus); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_STATSEARCHDEFOCUS, m_strSearchDefocus); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_SET_SEARCH_SHIFT, m_butSetSearchShift); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_ZERO_SEARCH_SHIFT, m_butZeroSearchShift); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_AUTO_VIEW_SHIFT, m_butAutoViewShift); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_AUTO_SEARCH_SHIFT, m_butAutoSearchShift); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_STAT_VS_SHIFT, m_statSearchOffsets); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_SETUP_AUTO_SHIFT, m_butSetupAutoShift); } BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CLowDoseDlg, CToolDlg) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CLowDoseDlg) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_LOWDOSEMODE, OnLowdosemode) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_RDEFINEFOCUS, OnRdefine) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_TIEFOCUSTRIAL, OnTiefocustrial) ON_EN_KILLFOCUS(IDC_EDITPOSITION, OnKillfocusEditposition) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_BALANCESHIFTS, OnBalanceshifts) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_CONTINUOUSUPDATE, OnContinuousupdate) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_UNBLANK, OnUnblank) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_LDNORMALIZE_BEAM, OnLdNormalizeBeam) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_RDEFINENONE, OnRdefine) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_RDEFINETRIAL, OnRdefine) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_RESET_BEAM_SHIFT, OnResetBeamShift) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_SET_BEAM_SHIFT, OnSetBeamShift) ON_NOTIFY(UDN_DELTAPOS, IDC_SPINVIEWDEFOCUS, OnDeltaposSpinviewdefocus) //}}AFX_MSG_MAP ON_COMMAND_RANGE(IDC_COPYTOVIEW, IDC_COPYTOSEARCH, OnCopyArea) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_SET_VIEW_SHIFT, OnSetViewShift) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_ZERO_VIEW_SHIFT, OnZeroViewShift) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_LD_ROTATE_AXIS, OnLdRotateAxis) ON_EN_KILLFOCUS(IDC_EDIT_AXISANGLE, OnKillfocusEditAxisangle) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_RSEARCH_OFFSET, OnRadioShowOffset) ON_COMMAND_RANGE(IDC_GOTO_VIEW, IDC_GOTO_SEARCH, OnGotoArea) ON_WM_PAINT() ON_NOTIFY(UDN_DELTAPOS, IDC_SPINSEARCHDEFOCUS, OnDeltaposSpinSearchDefocus) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_SET_SEARCH_SHIFT, OnSetSearchShift) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_AUTO_VIEW_SHIFT, OnAutoViewShift) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_ZERO_SEARCH_SHIFT, OnZeroSearchShift) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_AUTO_SEARCH_SHIFT, OnAutoSearchShift) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_SETUP_AUTO_SHIFT, &CLowDoseDlg::OnSetupAutoShift) END_MESSAGE_MAP() ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CLowDoseDlg message handlers // External entry for toggling that state void CLowDoseDlg::ToggleBlankWhenDown(void) { m_bBlankWhenDown = !m_bBlankWhenDown; mScope->SetBlankWhenDown(m_bBlankWhenDown); UpdateData(false); } // External entry for changing the mode void CLowDoseDlg::SetLowDoseMode(BOOL inVal, BOOL hideOffState) { if (!mInitialized) return; if (inVal == m_bLowDoseMode && inVal == mTrulyLowDose) return; if (inVal && mWinApp->GetSTEMMode() && mWinApp->DoSwitchSTEMwithScreen()) return; if (mWinApp->mAutocenDlg && !((CMainFrame *)mWinApp->m_pMainWnd)->GetClosingProgram()) { SEMMessageBox("You cannot turn Low Dose mode on or off with\n" "the Beam Autocenter Setup dialog open"); mWinApp->ErrorOccurred(1); return; } // Set a one-shot flag for hiding the off state; only set the variable for // the checkbox if it is not being hidden mHideOffState = hideOffState; if (inVal || !hideOffState) m_bLowDoseMode = inVal; UpdateData(false); OnLowdosemode(); } // Translate axis position back and forth to ISX,ISY when mode changes void CLowDoseDlg::ConvertAxisPosition(BOOL axisToIS) { int i, mag, magv, area; double delX, delY; MagTable *magTab = mWinApp->GetMagTable(); // Convert axis to IS or back for all but the View and Search sets for (i = FOCUS_CONSET; i <= RECORD_CONSET; i++) { mag = mLDParams[i].magIndex; if (!mag) continue; if (axisToIS) ConvertOneAxisToIS(mag, mLDParams[i].axisPosition, mLDParams[i].ISX, mLDParams[i].ISY); else mLDParams[i].axisPosition = ConvertOneIStoAxis(mag, mLDParams[i].ISX, mLDParams[i].ISY); } // Enforce view/search and Record having same position and add in the offset if any for (i = 0; i < 2; i ++) { area = i ? SEARCH_AREA : VIEW_CONSET; if (axisToIS) { mag = mLDParams[RECORD_CONSET].magIndex; magv = mLDParams[area].magIndex; TransferISonAxis(mag, mLDParams[RECORD_CONSET].ISX, mLDParams[RECORD_CONSET].ISY, magv, mLDParams[area].ISX, mLDParams[area].ISY); if ((mViewShiftX[i] != 0. || mViewShiftY[i] != 0.) && mag && magv) { delX = mViewShiftX[i]; delY = mViewShiftY[i]; // If offsets are being applied, use the net offset instead if (mScope->GetApplyISoffset()) GetNetViewShift(delX, delY, area); mLDParams[area].ISX += delX; mLDParams[area].ISY += delY; } } else { mLDParams[area].axisPosition = mLDParams[RECORD_CONSET].axisPosition; } } for (i = 0; i < MAX_LOWDOSE_SETS; i++) SEMTrace('l', "%d: mag %d axisPos %.2f IS %f %f", i, mLDParams[i].magIndex, mLDParams[i].axisPosition, mLDParams[i].ISX, mLDParams[i].ISY); } // If there is a view shift set, unconditionally subtract the difference between // the View offset and the transferred Record offset from the full stored shift void CLowDoseDlg::GetNetViewShift(double &shiftX, double &shiftY, int area) { int mag = mLDParams[RECORD_CONSET].magIndex, magv = mLDParams[area].magIndex; MagTable *magTab = mWinApp->GetMagTable(); CameraParameters *camp = mWinApp->GetActiveCamParam(); int areaInd = (area != VIEW_CONSET ? 1 : 0); shiftX = shiftY = 0.; if ((!mViewShiftX[areaInd] && !mViewShiftY[areaInd]) || !mag || !magv) return; mShiftManager->TransferGeneralIS(mag, magTab[mag].calOffsetISX[camp->GIF], magTab[mag].calOffsetISY[camp->GIF], magv, shiftX, shiftY); shiftX += mViewShiftX[areaInd] - magTab[magv].calOffsetISX[camp->GIF]; shiftY += mViewShiftY[areaInd] - magTab[magv].calOffsetISY[camp->GIF]; } // Get the net or the full view shift depending on whether IS offsets are being applied void CLowDoseDlg::GetEitherViewShift(double &shiftX, double &shiftY, int area) { if (mScope->GetApplyISoffset()) GetNetViewShift(shiftX, shiftY, area); else GetFullViewShift(shiftX, shiftY, area); } double CLowDoseDlg::ConvertOneIStoAxis(int mag, double ISX, double ISY) { double specx, specy; ScaleMat cMat = mShiftManager->IStoSpecimen(mag); if (!cMat.xpx) return 0.; specx = cMat.xpx * ISX + cMat.xpy * ISY; if (m_bRotateAxis && m_iAxisAngle) { specy = cMat.ypx * ISX + cMat.ypy * ISY; specx = specx * cos(DTOR * m_iAxisAngle) + specy * sin(DTOR * m_iAxisAngle); } SEMTrace('L', "ConvertOneIStoAxis mag %d cam %d IS %.2f %.2f axis %.2f", mag, mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera(), ISX,ISY, specx); return specx; } double CLowDoseDlg::ConvertIStoAxisAndAngle(int mag, double ISX, double ISY, int &angle) { double specx, specy; ScaleMat cMat = mShiftManager->IStoSpecimen(mag); if (!cMat.xpx) { angle = 0; return 0.; } specx = cMat.xpx * ISX + cMat.xpy * ISY; specy = cMat.ypx * ISX + cMat.ypy * ISY; angle = B3DNINT(atan2(specy, fabs(specx)) / DTOR); SEMTrace('L', "ConvertIStoAxisAndAngle mag %d IS %.2f %.2f spec %.2f %.2f angle %.1f", mag, ISX,ISY, specx, specy, angle); return ((specx >= 0. ? 1. : -1.) * sqrt(specx * specx + specy * specy)); } void CLowDoseDlg::ConvertOneAxisToIS(int mag, double axis, double &ISX, double &ISY) { double rx, ry; ScaleMat cInv = mShiftManager->MatInv(mShiftManager->IStoSpecimen(mag)); if (!cInv.xpx) { ISX = ISY = 0.; return; } if (m_bRotateAxis && m_iAxisAngle) { rx = axis * cos(DTOR * m_iAxisAngle); ry = axis * sin(DTOR * m_iAxisAngle); ISX = cInv.xpx * rx + cInv.xpy * ry; ISY = cInv.ypx * rx + cInv.ypy * ry; } else { ISX = cInv.xpx * axis; ISY = cInv.ypx * axis; } SEMTrace('L', "ConvertOneAxisToIS mag %d cam %d axis %.2f IS %.2f %.2f", mag, mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera(), axis, ISX,ISY); } // Transfer an image shift from one mag to another: copy if IS is congruent, otherwise // convert to axis position and back void CLowDoseDlg::TransferISonAxis(int fromMag, double fromX, double fromY, int toMag, double &toX, double &toY) { toX = toY = 0; if (!fromMag || !toMag) return; if (fromMag == toMag || mShiftManager->CanTransferIS(fromMag, toMag)) { toX = fromX; toY = fromY; if (fromMag != toMag) SEMTrace('L', "TransferISonAxis %d to %d direct copy", fromMag, toMag); } else { double axis = ConvertOneIStoAxis(fromMag, fromX, fromY); ConvertOneAxisToIS(toMag, axis, toX, toY); SEMTrace('L', "TransferISonAxis %d to %d: %f %f to %f %f", fromMag, toMag, fromX, fromY, toX, toY); } } // Transfer the base image shift from one mag to another void CLowDoseDlg::TransferBaseIS(int mag, double &ISX, double &ISY) { mShiftManager->TransferGeneralIS(mBaseMag, mBaseISX, mBaseISY, mag, ISX, ISY); } // Switching the mode: inform the scope, and update the enables void CLowDoseDlg::OnLowdosemode() { BOOL saveTruly, saveLDmode, saveHideOff; // If STEM is on and set to switch with screen, restore check box and get it disabled if (mWinApp->GetSTEMMode() && mWinApp->DoSwitchSTEMwithScreen()) { UpdateData(false); Update(); return; } UpdateData(true); // Set the true state of low dose; if hiding that it is off, set it off and // clear the one-shot flag mTrulyLowDose = m_bLowDoseMode; if (mHideOffState) mTrulyLowDose = false; if (m_bSetBeamShift) FinishSettingBeamShift(false); // Restore an imaging state if there is a change in low dose; handle this being rentered if (mWinApp->mNavHelper->GetTypeOfSavedState() == STATE_IMAGING && !BOOL_EQUIV(mTrulyLowDose, mWinApp->LowDoseMode()) && !mWinApp->mNavHelper->GetSettingState()) { saveTruly = mTrulyLowDose; saveLDmode = m_bLowDoseMode; saveHideOff = mHideOffState; mWinApp->mNavHelper->RestoreSavedState(!m_bLowDoseMode); if (mWinApp->mNavHelper->mStateDlg) { mWinApp->mNavHelper->mStateDlg->Update(); mWinApp->mNavHelper->mStateDlg->DisableUpdateButton(); mWinApp->mNavHelper->mStateDlg->SetCamOfSetState(-1); } mTrulyLowDose = saveTruly; mHideOffState = saveHideOff; if (saveLDmode != m_bLowDoseMode) { m_bLowDoseMode = saveLDmode; UpdateData(false); } } ConvertAxisPosition(mTrulyLowDose); if (mTrulyLowDose && mScope->GetUsePiezoForLDaxis()) CheckAndActivatePiezoShift(); if (mTrulyLowDose) mScope->SetFocusCameFromView(false); mScope->SetLowDoseMode(mTrulyLowDose, mHideOffState); mHideOffState = false; mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); // Turn off continuous update when leaving low dose if (!mTrulyLowDose && m_bContinuousUpdate) { m_bContinuousUpdate = false; mScope->SetLDContinuousUpdate(false); } // Turn off define function in either direction to keep things simple if (m_iDefineArea > 0) TurnOffDefine(); m_iDefineArea = 0; if (!m_bLowDoseMode) DeselectGoToButtons(-1); Update(); // If read buffer is in proper relation to # of rolls, then change it to allow // space for second align buffer int delBuf = mTrulyLowDose ? 2 : 3; int nRoll = mWinApp->mBufferManager->GetShiftsOnAcquire(); if (nRoll + delBuf == mWinApp->mBufferManager->GetBufToReadInto()) { if (nRoll + 5 - delBuf < MAX_BUFFERS) mWinApp->mBufferManager->SetBufToReadInto(nRoll + 5 - delBuf); else mWinApp->mBufferManager->SetShiftsOnAcquire(nRoll - 1); mWinApp->mBufferWindow.UpdateSettings(); } mWinApp->UpdateBufferWindows(); if (mWinApp->mParticleTasks->mZbyGsetupDlg) mWinApp->mParticleTasks->mZbyGsetupDlg->OnButUpdateState(); if (mWinApp->mNavHelper->mMultiShotDlg) mWinApp->mNavHelper->mMultiShotDlg->ManageEnables(); if (mWinApp->ScopeHasSTEM()) mWinApp->mSTEMcontrol.UpdateEnables(); if (!m_bLowDoseMode) Invalidate(); } // Switching beam normalization - set the scope parameter void CLowDoseDlg::OnLdNormalizeBeam() { mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); UpdateData(true); mScope->SetLDNormalizeBeam(m_bNormalizeBeam); } // Changing the define area: just update the area and let scope update drive the rest void CLowDoseDlg::OnRdefine() { double ISX, ISY; int lastArea = mScope->GetLowDoseArea(); UpdateData(true); mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); EMimageBuffer *imBuf = mWinApp->mMainView->GetActiveImBuf(); // Get the base image shift and matching mag if (m_iDefineArea) { mScope->GetImageShift(mBaseISX, mBaseISY); mBaseMag = mScope->GetMagIndex(); if (lastArea >= 0) { mShiftManager->TransferGeneralIS(mLDParams[lastArea].magIndex, mLDParams[lastArea].ISX, mLDParams[lastArea].ISY, mBaseMag, ISX, ISY); mBaseISX -= ISX; mBaseISY -= ISY; } if (mWinApp->mNavigator) mWinApp->mNavigator->Update(); // No longer set the down area equal to the area being defined } else { TurnOffDefine(); } Update(); ManageAxisPosition(); // (No longer go through a show cycle) and set up user point if (m_iDefineArea) { if (UsableDefineImageInAOrView(imBuf)) { mImBufs->mHasUserPt = true; FixUserPoint(imBuf, 0); } } } // Central place to handle turning off Define Areas void CLowDoseDlg::TurnOffDefine() { m_iDefineArea = 0; // If balance shifts is on, turn off and back on to get them recentered if (ShiftsBalanced()) { OnCenterunshifted(); OnBalanceshifts(); } ManageAxisPosition(); if (mWinApp->mNavigator) { mWinApp->mNavigator->Update(); mWinApp->mMainView->DrawImage(); mWinApp->mNavigator->AddFocusAreaPoint(false); } } // Go to an area when button is pressed (if test may be superfluous, they should disabled) void CLowDoseDlg::OnGotoArea(UINT nID) { int area = nID - IDC_GOTO_VIEW; DeselectGoToButtons(area); UpdateData(true); SetFocus(); mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); //button->SetButtonStyle(BS_PUSHBUTTON); if (mTrulyLowDose && !mWinApp->DoingTasks() && !mWinApp->mCamera->CameraBusy()) mScope->GotoLowDoseArea(area); } // If focus or trial is selected when this is turned on, copy the parameters void CLowDoseDlg::OnTiefocustrial() { UpdateData(true); // Copy from define area, or from current area if none being defined, or from trial int area = m_iDefineArea ? m_iDefineArea : mScope->GetLowDoseArea(); if ((area + 1) / 2 != 1) area = 2; SyncFocusAndTrial(area); ManageAxisPosition(); mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); } // Split shifts evenly between Record and Focus/Trial void CLowDoseDlg::OnBalanceshifts() { double delAxis, meanFTaxis, newViewAxis; if (ShiftsBalanced()) { OnCenterunshifted(); return; } mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); ConvertAxisPosition(false); // Average of focus/trial position meanFTaxis = 0.5 * (mLDParams[1].axisPosition + mLDParams[2].axisPosition); // new view/record position is displaced by half of distance between view and F/T newViewAxis = 0.5 * (mLDParams[3].axisPosition - meanFTaxis); // So change will bring it there delAxis = newViewAxis - mLDParams[3].axisPosition; ChangeAllShifts(delAxis); } // Set center of View/Record to zero and put all the shifts in focus/trial void CLowDoseDlg::OnCenterunshifted() { mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); ConvertAxisPosition(false); ChangeAllShifts(-mLDParams[3].axisPosition); } // Change all shifts when the balance buttons are applied void CLowDoseDlg::ChangeAllShifts(double delAxis) { /* double delISX, delISY; int mag; */ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) mLDParams[i].axisPosition += delAxis; ConvertAxisPosition(true); // It is traditional to leave bad ideas around in here. This confused the users. /*// Actually make scope do shift; adjust base if defining mag = mScope->GetMagIndex(); ConvertOneAxisToIS(mag, delAxis, delISX, delISY); mScope->IncImageShift(delISX, delISY); if (m_iDefineArea) { ConvertOneAxisToIS(mBaseMag, delAxis, delISX, delISY); mBaseISX += delISX; mBaseISY += delISY; } // Shift image too, so user knows what's what if (UsefulImageInA()) { ShiftImageInA(delAxis); FixUserPoint(1); }*/ mWinApp->mNavHelper->ForceCenterRealign(); mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); Update(); } // A simple test for whether balance shifts is on bool CLowDoseDlg::ShiftsBalanced(void) { return fabs(mLDParams[3].ISX) > 1.e-5 || fabs(mLDParams[3].ISY) > 1.e-5; } void CLowDoseDlg::OnContinuousupdate() { double intensity = 0.; bool manage = false; int lowestM, area = mScope->GetLowDoseArea(); UpdateData(true); mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); m_statMagSpot.EnableWindow(m_bContinuousUpdate); if (IS_AREA_VIEW_OR_SEARCH(area) && !mWinApp->GetSTEMMode()) { lowestM = mScope->GetLowestMModeMagInd(); if (!BOOL_EQUIV(mLDParams[area].magIndex < lowestM, mScope->GetMagIndex() < lowestM) || mLDParams[area].probeMode != mScope->GetProbeMode()) mScope->GotoLowDoseArea(area); } // If the autocenter setup dialog is open and we are in Trial, the intensity is the // autocen one when turning on continuous, so reassert the Trial one first; but when // turning it off, reassert the centering if screen is down if (mWinApp->mAutocenDlg && area == TRIAL_CONSET) { if (m_bContinuousUpdate) { intensity = mLDParams[TRIAL_CONSET].intensity; } else if (mWinApp->mMultiTSTasks->AutocenMatchingIntensity()) { intensity = mWinApp->mAutocenDlg->GetParamIntensity(); manage = true; } if (intensity) mScope->SetIntensity(intensity); if (mWinApp->mAutocenDlg) mWinApp->mAutocenDlg->ManageLDtrackText(manage); } mScope->SetLDContinuousUpdate(m_bContinuousUpdate); } // External call to turn off continuous update void CLowDoseDlg::SetContinuousUpdate(BOOL state) { if ((state ? 1 : 0) == (m_bContinuousUpdate ? 1 : 0)) return; m_bContinuousUpdate = state; UpdateData(false); OnContinuousupdate(); } // Copy active area to another one void CLowDoseDlg::OnCopyArea(UINT nID) { CString *modeNames = mWinApp->GetModeNames(); CButton *button = (CButton *)GetDlgItem(nID); SetFocus(); mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); //button->SetButtonStyle(BS_PUSHBUTTON); int area = nID - IDC_COPYTOVIEW; int from = mScope->GetLowDoseArea(); int consInd = (area == SEARCH_AREA ? SEARCH_CONSET : area); int fromCons = from; if (from == SEARCH_AREA) fromCons = SEARCH_CONSET; if (area < 0 || area >= MAX_LOWDOSE_SETS || from < 0 || area == from) return; if (AfxMessageBox("Are you sure you want to copy parameters from the " + mModeNames[fromCons] + " area to the " + mModeNames[consInd] + " area?", MB_YESNO | MB_ICONQUESTION) == IDNO) return; DoCopyArea(from, area); } // Externally callable function to do the copy void CLowDoseDlg::DoCopyArea(int from, int area) { int toVS = -1, fromVS = -1; if (!area || area == SEARCH_AREA) toVS = area ? 1 : 0; if (!from || from == SEARCH_AREA) fromVS = from ? 1 : 0; float focOffset; bool toRec = area == RECORD_CONSET; LowDoseParams *ldFrom = &mLDParams[from]; LowDoseParams *ldArea = &mLDParams[area]; // Convert IS to axis positions before changing the mag ConvertAxisPosition(false); ldArea->magIndex = ldFrom->magIndex; ldArea->camLenIndex = ldFrom->camLenIndex; ldArea->spotSize = ldFrom->spotSize; ldArea->intensity = ldFrom->intensity; ldArea->probeMode = ldFrom->probeMode; ldArea->energyLoss = ldFrom->energyLoss; ldArea->zeroLoss = ldFrom->zeroLoss; ldArea->slitWidth = ldFrom->slitWidth; ldArea->slitIn = ldFrom->slitIn; ldArea->beamAlpha = ldFrom->beamAlpha; ldArea->beamDelX = toRec ? 0. : ldFrom->beamDelX; ldArea->beamDelY = toRec ? 0. : ldFrom->beamDelY; ldArea->beamTiltDX = toRec ? 0. : ldFrom->beamTiltDX; ldArea->beamTiltDY = toRec ? 0. : ldFrom->beamTiltDY; if ((area + 1) / 2 == 1) { ldArea->darkFieldMode = ldFrom->darkFieldMode; ldArea->dfTiltX = ldFrom->dfTiltX; ldArea->dfTiltY = ldFrom->dfTiltY; } // Copy the view/search offsets if going between them, then convert axis back to IS // with that incorporated if (fromVS >= 0 && toVS >= 0) { mViewShiftX[toVS] = mViewShiftX[fromVS]; mViewShiftY[toVS] = mViewShiftY[fromVS]; focOffset = mScope->GetLDViewDefocus(fromVS); mScope->SetLDViewDefocus(focOffset, toVS); if (toVS) m_strSearchDefocus.Format("%d", B3DNINT(focOffset)); else m_strViewDefocus.Format("%d", B3DNINT(focOffset)); Update(); } ConvertAxisPosition(true); SyncFocusAndTrial(area); } // Unblank the beam temporarily void CLowDoseDlg::OnUnblank() { mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); mScope->BlankBeam(!mLastBlanked, "low dose dialog"); BlankingUpdate(!mLastBlanked); } // Reset beam shift of current area to zero void CLowDoseDlg::OnResetBeamShift() { int area = mScope->GetLowDoseArea(); bool focusTrial = (area + 1) / 2 == 1; mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); // First finish setting current shift if it was happening if (m_bSetBeamShift) FinishSettingBeamShift(false); if (area < 0) return; // Set actual beam shift back by param's amount, then set to zero mScope->IncBeamShift(-mLDParams[area].beamDelX, -mLDParams[area].beamDelY); mLDParams[area].beamDelX = 0.; mLDParams[area].beamDelY = 0.; if (mScope->GetLDBeamTiltShifts()) { mScope->IncBeamTilt(-mLDParams[area].beamTiltDX, -mLDParams[area].beamTiltDY); mLDParams[area].beamTiltDX = 0.; mLDParams[area].beamTiltDY = 0.; mWinApp->AppendToLog(CString("Incremental beam tilt for ") + mModeNames[area] + " area reset to 0.,0."); } // TODO: should it zero dark field tilt beam shift? SyncFocusAndTrial(area); } // Either start or terminate setting of beam shift void CLowDoseDlg::OnSetBeamShift() { UpdateData(true); mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); if (m_bSetBeamShift) { mScope->GetBeamShift(mStartingBeamX, mStartingBeamY); if (mScope->GetLDBeamTiltShifts()) mScope->GetBeamTilt(mStartingBTiltX, mStartingBTiltY); } else FinishSettingBeamShift(true); } // External call for manipulating recording of beam shift void CLowDoseDlg::SetBeamShiftButton(BOOL state) { if (!m_bLowDoseMode || BOOL_EQUIV(state, m_bSetBeamShift) || mScope->GetLowDoseArea() < 0) return; m_bSetBeamShift = state; UpdateData(false); OnSetBeamShift(); } // Change the view defocus void CLowDoseDlg::OnDeltaposSpinviewdefocus(NMHDR *pNMHDR, LRESULT *pResult) { OnDeltaposSpinDefocus(pNMHDR, pResult, 0); } void CLowDoseDlg::OnDeltaposSpinDefocus(NMHDR *pNMHDR, LRESULT *pResult, int area) { LPNMUPDOWN pNMUpDown = reinterpret_cast(pNMHDR); int newval, curVal = B3DNINT(mScope->GetLDViewDefocus(area)); int delta = 1; bool less = BOOL_EQUIV(pNMUpDown->iDelta > 0, curVal > 0); if (B3DABS(curVal) >= B3DCHOICE(less, 110, 100)) delta = 10; else if (B3DABS(curVal) >= B3DCHOICE(pNMUpDown->iDelta < 0, 55, 50)) delta = 5; else if (B3DABS(curVal) >= B3DCHOICE(pNMUpDown->iDelta < 0, 22, 20)) delta = 2; newval = -delta * ((-(curVal - delta * pNMUpDown->iDelta)) / delta); mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); *pResult = 1; if (newval < mMinVSDefocus[area] || newval> mMaxVSDefocus[area]) return; // If in area now, this will change defocus by the change mScope->SetLDViewDefocus((float)newval, area); if (area) m_strSearchDefocus.Format("%d", newval); else m_strViewDefocus.Format("%d", newval); UpdateData(false); } void CLowDoseDlg::OnDeltaposSpinSearchDefocus(NMHDR *pNMHDR, LRESULT *pResult) { OnDeltaposSpinDefocus(pNMHDR, pResult, 1); } // Notification from mScope that area is changing - turn off beam shift setting void CLowDoseDlg::AreaChanging(int inArea) { if (m_bSetBeamShift) FinishSettingBeamShift(false); } // End of beam setting: turn off checkbox, get shift and add change in shift to // existing shift for the area. void CLowDoseDlg::FinishSettingBeamShift(BOOL toggled) { double beamX, beamY; int area = mScope->GetLowDoseArea(); int nameInd = area == SEARCH_AREA ? SEARCH_CONSET : area; bool focusTrial = (area + 1) / 2 == 1; CString mess; m_bSetBeamShift = false; if (!toggled) UpdateData(false); if (area < 0) return; mScope->GetBeamShift(beamX, beamY); mLDParams[area].beamDelX += beamX - mStartingBeamX; mLDParams[area].beamDelY += beamY - mStartingBeamY; if (mScope->GetLDBeamTiltShifts()) { mScope->GetBeamTilt(beamX, beamY); mLDParams[area].beamTiltDX += beamX - mStartingBTiltX; mLDParams[area].beamTiltDY += beamY - mStartingBTiltY; mess.Format("Incremental beam tilt for %s area set to %.3f, %.3f", (LPCTSTR)mModeNames[nameInd], mLDParams[area].beamTiltDX, mLDParams[area].beamTiltDY); mWinApp->AppendToLog(mess); } if (focusTrial) { mScope->GetDarkFieldTilt(mLDParams[area].darkFieldMode, mLDParams[area].dfTiltX, mLDParams[area].dfTiltY); if (mLDParams[area].darkFieldMode) PrintfToLog("Dark field beam tilt for %s area set to %.3f, %.3f", (LPCTSTR)mModeNames[nameInd], mLDParams[area].dfTiltX, mLDParams[area].dfTiltY); } SyncFocusAndTrial(area); } // Select which area offsets are controlled void CLowDoseDlg::OnRadioShowOffset() { mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); UpdateData(true); UpdateSettings(); } // Set the shift for view images: handler for button void CLowDoseDlg::OnSetViewShift() { DoSetViewShift(0); } void CLowDoseDlg::OnSetSearchShift() { DoSetViewShift(-1); } // Function that can be call for automatic setting too int CLowDoseDlg::DoSetViewShift(int automatic) { float shiftX, shiftY; double delX, delY, ISX, ISY; double vsXstart, vsYstart; int mag, magv, shiftType, area, ifSearch, topInd = 0; CString mess, refText = mModeNames[RECORD_CONSET], areaText = mModeNames[VIEW_CONSET]; char *bufferText[3] = {"buffer A", "buffer B", "buffer A and buffer B"}; MagTable *magTab = mWinApp->GetMagTable(); // If automatic, determine which type from the image in A if (automatic > 0) { ifSearch = mImBufs->mConSetUsed != VIEW_CONSET ? 1 : 0; shiftType = 1; mLastAutoShiftType = ifSearch + 1; } else { ifSearch = automatic ? 1 : 0; mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); shiftType = OKtoSetViewShift(ifSearch); if (!shiftType) return 1; if (shiftType < -1) topInd = 1; mLastAutoShiftType = 0; } // Save starting shift on the first automatic call vsXstart = mViewShiftX[ifSearch]; vsYstart = mViewShiftY[ifSearch]; if (automatic == 1) { mXshiftAtAutoStart = vsXstart; mYshiftAtAutoStart = vsYstart; } area = (ifSearch ? SEARCH_AREA : VIEW_CONSET); ScaleMat bInv, bMat = mShiftManager->FocusAdjustedISToCamera(&mImBufs[topInd]); if (!bMat.xpx) return 1; bInv = MatInv(bMat); mImBufs[topInd].mImage->getShifts(shiftX, shiftY); if (ifSearch) { refText += " or " + mModeNames[VIEW_CONSET]; areaText = mModeNames[SEARCH_CONSET]; } if (automatic <= 0) { // There is no route for this if (shiftType == 1 && shiftX == 0. && shiftY == 0.) { mess = "To set a shift for the " + areaText + " area, center a feature" " in the " + refText + " area,\ntake a " + areaText + " image, and" " shift it with the mouse to center the same feature.\n\n" "Then press the Set button."; AfxMessageBox(mess, MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION); return 1; } // Message and choice if it is ambiguous which method to use if (shiftType == 2) { mess = "The " + areaText + " image in the A buffer is shifted as if\n" "you have shifted it into alignment with the " + refText + " area,\n" "but there are marker points in both A and B as if you have\n" "marked corresponding points in the two images.\n\n" "Do you want to set the offset from the shift in the image in A?\n\n" "Press Yes to use the shift to set the offset\n\n" "To use the corresponding points, press No then press the \n" "\"Clear Alignment\" button to clear out the shift in A\n" "(and clear the alignment for B also if it has a shift)."; if (AfxMessageBox(mess, MB_QUESTION) == IDNO) return 1; shiftType = 1; } // Or bail out if there are shifts and markers if (shiftType > 1) { mess.Format("There is an alignment or mouse shift in %s.\n" "The routine to set an offset from marker points does not allow such shifts.\n\n" "To use marker points, press the \"Clear Alignment\" button\n" "for %s and press \"Set\" again.", bufferText[shiftType - 3], bufferText[shiftType - 3]); AfxMessageBox(mess, MB_EXCLAME); return 1; } } mag = mLDParams[RECORD_CONSET].magIndex; magv = mLDParams[area].magIndex; if (mScope->GetApplyISoffset() && mag && !mViewShiftX[ifSearch] && !mViewShiftY[ifSearch]) { // If IS offsets are being applied and V offset is still zero, start with the view IS // offset minus the transferred Record offset to end up with the full stored offset mShiftManager->TransferGeneralIS(mag, magTab[mag].offsetISX, magTab[mag].offsetISY, magv, delX, delY); mViewShiftX[ifSearch] = magTab[magv].offsetISX - delX; mViewShiftY[ifSearch] = magTab[magv].offsetISY - delY; } if (shiftType > 0) { // Y inversion for deltas, then subtract the image shift just as negative is taken // when mouse shifting // Fixed 10/14/12, Y was "= -" not "-=", PLUS the applied offset was added repeatedly delX = mImBufs->mBinning * shiftX; delY = -mImBufs->mBinning * shiftY; mViewShiftX[ifSearch] -= (bInv.xpx * delX + bInv.xpy * delY); mViewShiftY[ifSearch] -= (bInv.ypx * delX + bInv.ypy * delY); } else { // Convert image point to image shift in main buffer and add it; SEMTrace('1', "Starting shift %.3f %.3f", mViewShiftX[ifSearch], mViewShiftY[ifSearch]); delX = mImBufs[topInd].mBinning * (mImBufs[topInd].mUserPtX - mImBufs[topInd].mImage->getWidth() / 2.); delY = -mImBufs[topInd].mBinning * (mImBufs[topInd].mUserPtY - mImBufs[topInd].mImage->getHeight() / 2.); mViewShiftX[ifSearch] += (bInv.xpx * delX + bInv.xpy * delY); mViewShiftY[ifSearch] += (bInv.ypx * delX + bInv.ypy * delY); SEMTrace('1', "Image delta %.1f %.1f new shift %.3f %.3f", delX, delY, mViewShiftX[ifSearch], mViewShiftY[ifSearch]); // Convert image point in reference buffer to IS and transfer IS to main mag, subtract bMat = mShiftManager->FocusAdjustedISToCamera(&mImBufs[1 - topInd]); bInv = MatInv(bMat); delX = mImBufs[1 - topInd].mBinning * (mImBufs[1 - topInd].mUserPtX - mImBufs[1 - topInd].mImage->getWidth() / 2.); delY = -mImBufs[1 - topInd].mBinning * (mImBufs[1 - topInd].mUserPtY - mImBufs[1 - topInd].mImage->getHeight() / 2.); ISX = (bInv.xpx * delX + bInv.xpy * delY); ISY = (bInv.ypx * delX + bInv.ypy * delY); mShiftManager->TransferGeneralIS(mImBufs[1 - topInd].mMagInd, ISX, ISY, magv, delX, delY); SEMTrace('1', "IS %.3f %.3f transfer %.3f %.3f", ISX, ISY, delX, delY); mViewShiftX[ifSearch] -= delX; mViewShiftY[ifSearch] -= delY; } mStampViewShift[ifSearch] = mImBufs->mTimeStamp; // revise the actual IS of the view area appropriately ConvertAxisPosition(false); ConvertAxisPosition(true); AdjustAddedBSforViewShiftChange(ifSearch, mViewShiftX[ifSearch] - vsXstart, mViewShiftY[ifSearch] - vsYstart); Update(); if (shiftType > 0) { if (mImBufs->mStageShiftedByMouse) { mess.Format("The stage was shifted away from the area centered in the %s image. " "To recover from this and check the offset, press \"Reset Image Shift\", then " "take a new %s image and center a feature, then take a new %s image.", refText, refText, areaText); AfxMessageBox(mess, MB_EXCLAME); } else if (mWinApp->mCamera->CameraReady()) { mess.Format("Full %s shift offset is set to %.3f, %.3f image shift units", areaText, mViewShiftX[ifSearch], mViewShiftY[ifSearch]); mWinApp->AppendToLog(mess); if (automatic <= 0) { mess.Format("Taking a new %s image - \r\n if feature is not centered, shift to" " center it and press \"Set\" again", areaText); mWinApp->AppendToLog(mess); mWinApp->mCamera->SetCancelNextContinuous(true); mWinApp->mCamera->InitiateCapture(ifSearch ? SEARCH_CONSET : VIEW_CONSET); } } } else { mess.Format("Full %s shift offset is set to %.3f, %.3f image shift units\r\n", areaText, mViewShiftX[ifSearch], mViewShiftY[ifSearch]); mWinApp->AppendToLog(mess); } return 0; } // Reset the shift void CLowDoseDlg::OnZeroViewShift() { mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); if (mLastAutoShiftType == 1) { RevertLastAutoViewShift(); Update(); } else SetViewShiftOffset(0, 0., 0.); } void CLowDoseDlg::OnZeroSearchShift() { mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); if (mLastAutoShiftType == 2) { RevertLastAutoViewShift(); Update(); } else SetViewShiftOffset(1, 0., 0.); } void CLowDoseDlg::OnAutoViewShift() { mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); mWinApp->mComplexTasks->FindLowDoseShiftOffset(false, mAutoViewMaxShift, MaxPctChgForAutoShift(), MaxRotationForAutoShift()); } void CLowDoseDlg::OnAutoSearchShift() { mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); mWinApp->mComplexTasks->FindLowDoseShiftOffset(true, mAutoSearchMaxShift, MaxPctChgForAutoShift(), MaxRotationForAutoShift()); } float CLowDoseDlg::MaxPctChgForAutoShift() { return mAutoShiftMaxPctChg < 0 ? mWinApp->mNavHelper->GetScaledAliDfltPctChg() : mAutoShiftMaxPctChg; } float CLowDoseDlg::MaxRotationForAutoShift() { return mAutoShiftMaxRot < 0 ? mWinApp->mNavHelper->GetScaledAliDfltMaxRot() : mAutoShiftMaxRot; } // When the shift offset changes for an area, the beam shift corresponding to the change // in image shift needs to be added to the additional beam shifts for non-FEI void CLowDoseDlg::AdjustAddedBSforViewShiftChange(int type, double delVSX, double delVSY) { if (FEIscope) return; int area = type ? SEARCH_AREA : VIEW_CONSET; LowDoseParams *ldp = &mLDParams[area]; ScaleMat IS2BS = mShiftManager->GetBeamShiftCal(ldp->magIndex, (int)ldp->beamAlpha); mShiftManager->ApplyScaleMatrix(IS2BS, delVSX, delVSY, ldp->beamDelX, ldp->beamDelY, true); } // Test if it is OK to set shift and return complicated set of values int CLowDoseDlg::OKtoSetViewShift(int area) { float xx, yy, xx1, yy1; bool recOrPrev0, recOrPrev1, search0, search1, view0, view1, shiftOK, aShift, bShift; search0 = mImBufs[0].mConSetUsed == SEARCH_CONSET; view0 = mImBufs[0].mConSetUsed == VIEW_CONSET; if (!mImBufs->mImage || !mImBufs->mBinning || !mImBufs->mMagInd || mStampViewShift[area] == mImBufs->mTimeStamp ||!mImBufs->mLowDoseArea || mImBufs->mCamera != mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera()) return 0; mImBufs->mImage->getShifts(xx, yy); aShift = (xx != 0. || yy != 0.); // Set flag if it is a valid image for shift method, then evaluate for marked points shiftOK = ((view0 && !area) || (search0 && area)) && aShift; if (mImBufs[1].mImage && mImBufs[1].mBinning && mImBufs[1].mLowDoseArea && mImBufs[1].mMagInd && mImBufs->mHasUserPt && mImBufs[1].mHasUserPt) { mImBufs[1].mImage->getShifts(xx1, yy1); bShift = (xx1 != 0. || yy1 != 0.); recOrPrev0 = mImBufs[0].mConSetUsed == RECORD_CONSET || mImBufs[0].mConSetUsed == PREVIEW_CONSET; recOrPrev1 = mImBufs[1].mConSetUsed == RECORD_CONSET || mImBufs[1].mConSetUsed == PREVIEW_CONSET; search1 = mImBufs[1].mConSetUsed == SEARCH_CONSET; view1 = mImBufs[1].mConSetUsed == VIEW_CONSET; // For valid pair of images, 3 cases: ambiguous // if A shifted, bad but repairable if anything shifted, good for marker method if ((area && (((view1 || recOrPrev1) && search0) || ((view0 || recOrPrev0) && search1))) || (!area && ((recOrPrev1 && view0) || (recOrPrev0 && view1)))) { if (shiftOK) return 2; if (aShift && bShift) return 5; if (aShift) return 3; if (bShift) return 4; // Area to adjust is in A if Search is in A or Record is in B return (recOrPrev1 || search0) ? -1 : - 2; } } return shiftOK ? 1 : 0; } // External call for enabling just the set view button when mouse shifting void CLowDoseDlg::EnableSetViewShiftIfOK(void) { if (!mInitialized) return; m_butSetViewShift.EnableWindow(mTrulyLowDose && OKtoSetViewShift(0) && !mWinApp->DoingTasks()); m_butSetSearchShift.EnableWindow(mTrulyLowDose && OKtoSetViewShift(1) && !mWinApp->DoingTasks()); } // Restore the value before starting the last automatic shift int CLowDoseDlg::RevertLastAutoViewShift() { int ind = mLastAutoShiftType - 1; if (!mLastAutoShiftType) return 1; mLastAutoShiftType = 0; return SetViewShiftOffset(ind, mXshiftAtAutoStart, mYshiftAtAutoStart); } // These are the steps needed to set an offset int CLowDoseDlg::SetViewShiftOffset(int type, double xShift, double yShift) { if (type < 0 || type > 1) return 1; double deltaX = xShift - mViewShiftX[type]; double deltaY = yShift - mViewShiftY[type]; mViewShiftX[type] = xShift; mViewShiftY[type] = yShift; AdjustAddedBSforViewShiftChange(type, deltaX, deltaY); ConvertAxisPosition(false); ConvertAxisPosition(true); Update(); return 0; } // Return the offset for a specific type or the change in offset from the last automatic int CLowDoseDlg::GetViewShiftOffset(int type, double &xShift, double &yShift) { if (type < 0) { if (!mLastAutoShiftType) return 1; xShift = mViewShiftX[mLastAutoShiftType - 1] - mXshiftAtAutoStart; yShift = mViewShiftY[mLastAutoShiftType - 1] - mYshiftAtAutoStart; } else { if (type > 1) return 2; xShift = mViewShiftX[type]; yShift = mViewShiftY[type]; } return 0; } // Toggle rotation of axis void CLowDoseDlg::OnLdRotateAxis() { ConvertAxisPosition(false); UpdateData(true); ConvertAxisPosition(true); ManageAxisPosition(); m_editAxisAngle.EnableWindow(m_bRotateAxis); m_statDegrees.EnableWindow(m_bRotateAxis); FixUserPoint(mWinApp->mMainView->GetActiveImBuf(), 0); mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); } // A new axis angle is entered void CLowDoseDlg::OnKillfocusEditAxisangle() { ConvertAxisPosition(false); UpdateData(true); ConvertAxisPosition(true); ManageAxisPosition(); FixUserPoint(mWinApp->mMainView->GetActiveImBuf(), 0); mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); } // External call for modifying the axis position of T/F area and optionally, angle also int CLowDoseDlg::NewAxisPosition(int area, double position, int angle, bool setAngle) { if ((area + 1) / 2 != 1) return 1; if (mTrulyLowDose) ConvertAxisPosition(false); if (setAngle) { m_bRotateAxis = true; m_iAxisAngle = angle; } mLDParams[area].axisPosition = position; if (m_bTieFocusTrial || mTieFocusTrialPos) mLDParams[3 - area].axisPosition = position; ConvertAxisPosition(true); ManageAxisPosition(); mWinApp->mMainView->DrawImage(); return 0; } void CLowDoseDlg::OnPaint() { CPaintDC dc(this); // device context for painting DrawSideBorders(dc); } // DIALOG INITALIZATION BOOL CLowDoseDlg::OnInitDialog() { CToolDlg::OnInitDialog(); mLDParams = mWinApp->GetLowDoseParams(); mImBufs = mWinApp->GetImBufs(); mModeNames = mWinApp->GetModeNames(); mShiftManager = mWinApp->mShiftManager; mScope = mWinApp->mScope; CString string; CRect rect; int abbrev = 3; if (!mBigFont.m_hObject) { m_statLDArea.GetClientRect(rect); mBigFont.CreateFont((rect.Height() - 2), 0, 0, 0, FW_HEAVY, 0, 0, 0, DEFAULT_CHARSET, OUT_CHARACTER_PRECIS, CLIP_CHARACTER_PRECIS, DEFAULT_QUALITY, DEFAULT_PITCH | FF_DONTCARE, mBigFontName); } m_statLDArea.SetFont(&mBigFont); // Set names SetDlgItemText(IDC_GOTO_SEARCH, mSearchName.Left(abbrev) + "."); SetDlgItemText(IDC_GOTO_VIEW, mModeNames[0].Left(abbrev) + "."); SetDlgItemText(IDC_GOTO_FOCUS, mModeNames[1].Left(abbrev) + "."); SetDlgItemText(IDC_GOTO_TRIAL, mModeNames[2].Left(abbrev) + "."); SetDlgItemText(IDC_GOTO_RECORD, mModeNames[3].Left(abbrev) + "."); m_butGotoView.SetFont(mLittleFont); m_butGotoFocus.SetFont(mLittleFont); m_butGotoTrial.SetFont(mLittleFont); m_butGotoRecord.SetFont(mLittleFont); m_butGotoSearch.SetFont(mLittleFont); m_butSetupAutoShift.SetFont(mLittleFont); SetDlgItemText(IDC_COPYTOVIEW, mModeNames[0].Left(1)); SetDlgItemText(IDC_COPYTOFOCUS, mModeNames[1].Left(1)); SetDlgItemText(IDC_COPYTOTRIAL, mModeNames[2].Left(1)); SetDlgItemText(IDC_COPYTORECORD, mModeNames[3].Left(1)); SetDlgItemText(IDC_RDEFINEFOCUS, mModeNames[1]); SetDlgItemText(IDC_RDEFINETRIAL, mModeNames[2]); SetDlgItemText(IDC_SEARCH, mSearchName); ReplaceWindowText(&m_butTieFocusTrial, "Focus", mModeNames[1]); ReplaceWindowText(&m_butTieFocusTrial, "Trial", mModeNames[2]); ReplaceWindowText(&m_butNormalizeBeam, "View", mModeNames[0]); ReplaceWindowText(&m_statViewDefLabel, "View", mModeNames[0]); m_statSearchOffsets.SetFont(mWinApp->GetBoldFont(&m_statSearchOffsets)); m_statViewDefLabel.SetFont(mWinApp->GetBoldFont(&m_statSearchOffsets)); if (mScope->GetLDBeamTiltShifts()) SetDlgItemText(IDC_STAT_ADD_SHIFT_BOX, "Additional beam shift (and tilt)"); else if (FEIscope && mScope->GetPluginVersion() >= FEI_PLUGIN_DARK_FIELD) SetDlgItemText(IDC_STAT_ADD_SHIFT_BOX, "Additional beam shift (and DF tilt)"); if (mScope->GetUseNormForLDNormalize()) SetDlgItemText(IDC_LDNORMALIZE_BEAM, "Normalize condenser lenses"); m_statMagSpot.EnableWindow(m_bContinuousUpdate); m_sbcViewDefocus.SetRange(0, 100); m_sbcViewDefocus.SetPos(50); m_sbcSearchDefocus.SetRange(0, 100); m_sbcSearchDefocus.SetPos(50); DeselectGoToButtons(-1); m_butBalanceShifts.mSpecialColor = RGB(96, 255, 96); string.Format("Defocus offsets %c%c%c Shift offsets", 0x97, 0x97, 0x97); SetDlgItemText(IDC_STATVS_BOX, string); // Assume all variables are set into this dialog if (mScope->GetJeol1230()) { m_bBlankWhenDown = false; } // We will not start program with this on! // mScope->SetLowDoseMode(mTrulyLowDose); m_iDefineArea = 0; mInitialized = true; UpdateSettings(); SetupPanels(sIdTable, sLeftTable, sTopTable, sHeightTable); ManagePanels(); return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control // EXCEPTION: OCX Property Pages should return FALSE } // Respond to possible external changes in down area, blank, or tie focus-trial void CLowDoseDlg::UpdateSettings() { int area = mScope->GetLowDoseArea(); if (!mInitialized) return; mScope->SetBlankWhenDown(m_bBlankWhenDown); mScope->SetLDNormalizeBeam(m_bNormalizeBeam); UpdateDefocusOffset(); // If tie focus-trial set and one of them is now displayed, equalize them area = m_iDefineArea ? m_iDefineArea : mScope->GetLowDoseArea(); if ((area + 1) / 2 != 1) area = 2; if (m_bTieFocusTrial) SyncFocusAndTrial(area); else SyncPosOfFocusAndTrial(area); ManageAxisPosition(); Update(); } void CLowDoseDlg::ManagePanels() { CToolDlg::ManagePanels(); m_statBlanked.ShowWindow(mLastBlanked ? SW_SHOW : SW_HIDE); } // Just update the defocus offset - for multishot step and adjust void CLowDoseDlg::UpdateDefocusOffset() { for (int area = 0; area < 2; area++) { float defocus = mScope->GetLDViewDefocus(area); if (defocus < mMinVSDefocus[area] || defocus > mMaxVSDefocus[area]) B3DCLAMP(defocus, mMinVSDefocus[area], mMaxVSDefocus[area]); mScope->SetLDViewDefocus(defocus, area ? SEARCH_AREA : VIEW_CONSET); if (area) m_strSearchDefocus.Format("%d", B3DNINT(defocus)); else m_strViewDefocus.Format("%d", B3DNINT(defocus)); } // Synchronize dialog to state UpdateData(false); } // Update enables based on state of system void CLowDoseDlg::Update() { if (!mInitialized) return; BOOL bCentered = fabs(mLDParams[3].ISX) < 1.e-5 && fabs(mLDParams[3].ISY) < 1.e-5; BOOL defined = mLDParams[0].magIndex && mLDParams[1].magIndex && mLDParams[2].magIndex && mLDParams[3].magIndex; BOOL STEMmode = mWinApp->GetSTEMMode(); BOOL camBusy = mWinApp->mCamera->CameraBusy(); BOOL usePiezo = mScope->GetUsePiezoForLDaxis(); BOOL stageBusy = mScope->StageBusy(-2) > 0 && !mWinApp->GetDummyInstance(); ManageDefines(mScope->GetLowDoseArea()); // Enable unblank button if blanked and no tasks, and camera not busy BOOL bEnable = mTrulyLowDose && !mWinApp->DoingTasks(); BOOL justNavAcq = mWinApp->GetJustNavAcquireOpen(); BOOL enableIfNavAcq = mTrulyLowDose && (!mWinApp->DoingTasks() || justNavAcq); m_butZeroViewShift.EnableWindow(!STEMmode && enableIfNavAcq && !camBusy && (mViewShiftX[0] != 0. || mViewShiftY[0] != 0.)); m_butZeroSearchShift.EnableWindow(!STEMmode && enableIfNavAcq && !camBusy && (mViewShiftX[1] != 0. || mViewShiftY[1] != 0.)); m_butAutoViewShift.EnableWindow(enableIfNavAcq); m_butAutoSearchShift.EnableWindow(enableIfNavAcq); m_butSetupAutoShift.EnableWindow(enableIfNavAcq); m_butZeroViewShift.SetWindowText(mLastAutoShiftType == 1 ? "Undo" : "Zero"); m_butZeroSearchShift.SetWindowText(mLastAutoShiftType == 1 ? "Undo" : "Zero"); // Disable copy buttons on same conditions, require an active area bEnable = bEnable && (mScope->GetLowDoseArea() >= 0); m_butCopyToView.EnableWindow(bEnable); m_butCopyToFocus.EnableWindow(bEnable); m_butCopyToTrial.EnableWindow(bEnable); m_butCopyToRecord.EnableWindow(bEnable); m_butCopyToSearch.EnableWindow(bEnable); m_butSetBeamShift.EnableWindow(!STEMmode && enableIfNavAcq && mScope->GetLowDoseArea() != RECORD_CONSET); m_butResetBeamShift.EnableWindow(!STEMmode && enableIfNavAcq && !camBusy); m_butSetViewShift.EnableWindow(!STEMmode && enableIfNavAcq && OKtoSetViewShift(0)); m_butSetSearchShift.EnableWindow(!STEMmode && enableIfNavAcq && OKtoSetViewShift(1)); //bEnable = !STEMmode && ldShown->magIndex > 0; m_sbcViewDefocus.EnableWindow(enableIfNavAcq && !mWinApp->DoingTasks() && !camBusy); m_statViewDefocus.EnableWindow(enableIfNavAcq); m_sbcSearchDefocus.EnableWindow(enableIfNavAcq && !mWinApp->DoingTasks() && !camBusy); m_statSearchDefocus.EnableWindow(enableIfNavAcq); m_butBalanceShifts.m_bShowSpecial = m_bLowDoseMode && !bCentered; m_butBalanceShifts.SetWindowText(m_butBalanceShifts.m_bShowSpecial ? "Center Unshifted" : "Balance Shifts"); // Make mag-spot line visible if mode on m_statMagSpot.ShowWindow(mTrulyLowDose ? SW_SHOW : SW_HIDE); m_statLDArea.ShowWindow(mTrulyLowDose ? SW_SHOW : SW_HIDE); m_statElecDose.ShowWindow(mTrulyLowDose ? SW_SHOW : SW_HIDE); m_statBeamShift.ShowWindow(mTrulyLowDose ? SW_SHOW : SW_HIDE); // Disable low dose, if tasks or TS; montaging compatibility no longer checked here // Disable continuous update, tying focus/trial and shifting center if tasks bEnable = !mWinApp->DoingTasks(); enableIfNavAcq = (bEnable || justNavAcq); m_butLowDoseMode.EnableWindow(bEnable && !mWinApp->DoingComplexTasks() && !mScope->GetJeol1230() && !mWinApp->mAutocenDlg && !stageBusy && (!mWinApp->GetSTEMMode() || !mWinApp->DoSwitchSTEMwithScreen())); m_butContinuousUpdate.EnableWindow(enableIfNavAcq); m_butNormalizeBeam.EnableWindow(!STEMmode && enableIfNavAcq); m_butBalanceShifts.EnableWindow(!STEMmode && bEnable && mTrulyLowDose && defined && !usePiezo); m_butTieFocusTrial.EnableWindow(bEnable && !usePiezo); // Turn off define position if doing tasks for real if (m_iDefineArea > 0 && mWinApp->DoingTasks() && !mWinApp->GetJustChangingLDarea() && !mWinApp->GetJustDoingSynchro()) TurnOffDefine(); // Disable the position and overlap stuff if define area is off m_statPosition.EnableWindow(m_iDefineArea > 0); m_editPosition.EnableWindow(m_iDefineArea > 0); m_statMicron.EnableWindow(m_iDefineArea > 0); m_statOverlap.EnableWindow(m_iDefineArea > 0); m_butRotateAxis.EnableWindow(m_iDefineArea > 0 && !usePiezo); m_editAxisAngle.EnableWindow(m_iDefineArea > 0 && m_bRotateAxis); m_statDegrees.EnableWindow(m_iDefineArea > 0 && m_bRotateAxis); // Disable go to buttons if busy bEnable = mTrulyLowDose && (!mWinApp->DoingTasks() || justNavAcq) && !camBusy && !stageBusy; m_butGotoSearch.EnableWindow(bEnable); m_butGotoView.EnableWindow(bEnable); m_butGotoFocus.EnableWindow(bEnable); m_butGotoTrial.EnableWindow(bEnable); m_butGotoRecord.EnableWindow(bEnable); UpdateData(false); } // Manages mag/spot area line, dose, and the beam shift display void CLowDoseDlg::ManageMagSpot(int inSetArea, BOOL screenDown) { int mag, spotSize; double intensity, dose; float beamX, beamY; ScaleMat IStoBS; LowDoseParams *ldArea = &mLDParams[inSetArea]; ControlSet *conSet = mWinApp->GetConSets() + inSetArea; BOOL needUpdate = false; CString str; CString C2units = mScope->GetC2Units(); if (inSetArea != mLastSetArea) DeselectGoToButtons(inSetArea); if (inSetArea < 0) { if (inSetArea != mLastSetArea) { m_strMagSpot = "Undefined"; m_strLDArea = ""; m_strElecDose = ""; m_strBeamShift = ""; UpdateData(false); mLastSetArea = inSetArea; Invalidate(); } return; } mag = 0; if (ldArea->magIndex) { MagTable *magTab = mWinApp->GetMagTable() + ldArea->magIndex; if (mWinApp->GetEFTEMMode()) mag = screenDown ? magTab->EFTEMscreenMag : magTab->EFTEMmag; else if (mWinApp->GetSTEMMode()) mag = B3DNINT(magTab->STEMmag); else mag = screenDown ? magTab->screenMag : magTab->mag; } spotSize = ldArea->spotSize; intensity = ldArea->intensity; dose = 0.; if (inSetArea != SEARCH_AREA) dose = mWinApp->mBeamAssessor->GetElectronDose(spotSize, intensity, mWinApp->mCamera->SpecimenBeamExposure(mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera(), conSet), ldArea->probeMode); // Compute beam shift in specimen units if it is calibrated IStoBS = mShiftManager->GetBeamShiftCal(B3DMAX(1, ldArea->magIndex), B3DNINT(ldArea->beamAlpha), B3DCHOICE(ldArea->probeMode < 0, 1, ldArea->probeMode)); if (mWinApp->GetSTEMMode()) { if (m_strBeamShift != "") { m_strBeamShift = ""; needUpdate = true; } } else { if (IStoBS.xpx && ldArea->magIndex) { if (mShiftManager->BeamShiftToSpecimenShift(IStoBS, ldArea->magIndex, ldArea->beamDelX, ldArea->beamDelY, beamX, beamY)) { if (inSetArea != mLastSetArea || beamX != mLastBeamX || beamY != mLastBeamY) { m_strBeamShift.Format("%.2f, %.2f", beamX, beamY); needUpdate = true; } mLastBeamX = beamX; mLastBeamY = beamY; } } else if (inSetArea != mLastSetArea) { m_strBeamShift = "Uncalibrated"; needUpdate = true; } } if (inSetArea != mLastSetArea) ManageDefines(inSetArea); if (mag != mLastMag || spotSize != mLastSpot || dose != mLastDose || intensity != mLastIntensity || inSetArea != mLastSetArea || ldArea->probeMode != mLastProbe || ldArea->beamAlpha != mLastAlpha) { m_strLDArea = (inSetArea < 4 ? mModeNames[inSetArea] : mSearchName) + ":"; if (!mag && ldArea->camLenIndex) m_strMagSpot.Format("DIFF Sp %d %s %.2f%s", spotSize, mScope->GetC2Name(), mScope->GetC2Percent(spotSize, intensity, ldArea->probeMode), (LPCTSTR)C2units); else { for (int silly = 0; silly < 2; silly++) { if (mag >= 100000) str.Format("%dKx", mag / 1000); else if (mag >= 10000) str.Format("%.1fKx", mag / 1000.); else str.Format("%dx", mag); m_strMagSpot.Format("%s %s %d %s %.2f%s", (LPCTSTR)str, ldArea->probeMode == 0 && !mWinApp->GetSTEMMode() ? "nP" : "Sp", spotSize, mScope->GetC2Name(), mScope->GetC2Percent(spotSize, intensity, ldArea->probeMode), (LPCTSTR)C2units); // Add alpha for JEOL if it exists if (JEOLscope && !mScope->GetHasNoAlpha() && ldArea->beamAlpha >= 0) { str.Format(" a%.0f", ldArea->beamAlpha + 1); m_strMagSpot += str; } // Trim units off if string too long if (silly || m_strMagSpot.GetLength() <= 24) break; C2units = C2units.Left(1); } } if (!dose) m_strElecDose = ""; else if (dose < 1.0) m_strElecDose.Format("%.3f e/A2", dose); else if (dose < 10.0) m_strElecDose.Format("%.2f e/A2", dose); else m_strElecDose.Format("%.1f e/A2", dose); needUpdate = true; // This will catch initialization oddities, I hope; but don't do it when autocentering if (!mWinApp->mMultiTSTasks->GetAutoCentering()) SyncFocusAndTrial(inSetArea); } if (needUpdate) UpdateData(false); mLastSpot = spotSize; mLastMag = mag; mLastIntensity = intensity; mLastProbe = ldArea->probeMode; mLastAlpha = ldArea->beamAlpha; if (inSetArea != mLastSetArea) Invalidate(); mLastSetArea = inSetArea; mLastDose = dose; } // Enable the define boxes if mode is on and no tasks // Allow changes during a tilt series void CLowDoseDlg::ManageDefines(int area) { if (!mInitialized) return; BOOL bEnable = mTrulyLowDose && !mWinApp->DoingTasks() && (mScope->StageBusy(-2) <= 0 || mWinApp->GetDummyInstance()); m_butDefineNone.EnableWindow(bEnable); m_butDefineTrial.EnableWindow(bEnable); m_butDefineFocus.EnableWindow(bEnable); } // Regular update of scope parameters when in low dose mode void CLowDoseDlg::ScopeUpdate(int magIndex, int spotSize, double intensity, double ISX, double ISY, BOOL screenDown, int inSetArea, int camLenIndex, double focus, float alpha, int probeMode) { ScaleMat cMat, cInv; LowDoseParams *ldArea; double specX, specY, tiltAxisX, newISX, newISY, baseTransX, baseTransY; int shiftedA; bool needRedraw = false, needAutoCen = false; MultiShotParams *msParams; EMimageBuffer *imBuf; bool focusOrTrial = inSetArea == FOCUS_CONSET || inSetArea == TRIAL_CONSET; if (!mInitialized || !mTrulyLowDose) return; // If the area has changed, update the enables if (mLastSetArea != inSetArea) Update(); // If continuous update and no tasks, update the text if anything has changed, and // modify the current set mode unconditionally // Disable changes in spectroscopy mode if (DoingContinuousUpdate(inSetArea)) { ldArea = &mLDParams[inSetArea]; needRedraw = ldArea->magIndex != magIndex && m_iDefineArea && focusOrTrial; // Change IS position only if mag changes, and treat it as on-axis only for T and F if (ldArea->magIndex != magIndex) { if (focusOrTrial) { ldArea->axisPosition = ConvertOneIStoAxis(ldArea->magIndex, ldArea->ISX, ldArea->ISY); ConvertOneAxisToIS(magIndex, ldArea->axisPosition, ldArea->ISX, ldArea->ISY); } else { TransferISonAxis(ldArea->magIndex, ldArea->ISX, ldArea->ISY, magIndex, ldArea->ISX, ldArea->ISY); } } needAutoCen = (intensity != ldArea->intensity || ldArea->probeMode != probeMode || ldArea->spotSize != spotSize || ldArea->magIndex != magIndex) && mWinApp->mAutocenDlg && (inSetArea == TRIAL_CONSET || (inSetArea == FOCUS_CONSET && m_bTieFocusTrial)) && mWinApp->mMultiTSTasks->GetUseEasyAutocen(); ldArea->magIndex = magIndex; ldArea->spotSize = spotSize; ldArea->camLenIndex = camLenIndex; ldArea->diffFocus = focus; ldArea->beamAlpha = alpha; ldArea->probeMode = probeMode; if (inSetArea == RECORD_CONSET && mWinApp->mNavigator && ((mWinApp->mNavigator->m_bShowAcquireArea && (mWinApp->mNavHelper->GetEnableMultiShot() & 1)) || mWinApp->mNavHelper->mMultiShotDlg) && fabs(ldArea->intensity - intensity) > 1.e-6 && mScope->GetUseIllumAreaForC2() && ((mWinApp->mMainView->GetActiveImBuf())->mHasUserPt || (mWinApp->mMainView->GetActiveImBuf())->mHasUserLine)) { msParams = mWinApp->mNavHelper->GetMultiShotParams(); ldArea->intensity = intensity; if (msParams->useIllumArea) mWinApp->mMainView->DrawImage(); } else ldArea->intensity = intensity; if (mWinApp->GetFilterMode()) SyncFilterSettings(inSetArea); // Keep trial and focus together? SyncFocusAndTrial(inSetArea); if (!m_bTieFocusTrial) SyncPosOfFocusAndTrial(inSetArea); if (needAutoCen) { mWinApp->mAutocenDlg->UpdateParamSettings(); mWinApp->mAutocenDlg->UpdateMagSpot(); } } ManageMagSpot(inSetArea, screenDown); // If image shift has changed and we are defining an area, and screen is down and // we have not been instructed to ignore the next shift change, process change if (m_iDefineArea) { if ((ISX != mLastISX || ISY != mLastISY) && !mIgnoreIS && screenDown && !mScope->GetClippingIS() && !mWinApp->GetSTEMMode() && !mScope->GetUsePiezoForLDaxis()) { ldArea = &mLDParams[m_iDefineArea]; SEMTrace('W', "ScopeUpdate setting axis, IS change %.4f, %.4f to %.4f, %.4f, " "ignore %d screen %d", mLastISX, mLastISY, ISX, ISY, mIgnoreIS ? 1: 0, screenDown ? 1: 0); // Convert the base image shift to the current mag // Get the implied shifted IS, convert to specimen and back to snap to axis TransferBaseIS(magIndex, baseTransX, baseTransY); cMat = mShiftManager->IStoSpecimen(magIndex); if (cMat.xpx) { cInv = mShiftManager->MatInv(cMat); specX = cMat.xpx * (ISX - baseTransX) + cMat.xpy * (ISY - baseTransY); specY = 0.; tiltAxisX = specX; if (m_bRotateAxis && m_iAxisAngle) { specY = cMat.ypx * (ISX - baseTransX) + cMat.ypy * (ISY - baseTransY); tiltAxisX = specX * cos(DTOR * m_iAxisAngle) + specY * sin(DTOR * m_iAxisAngle); specX = tiltAxisX * cos(DTOR * m_iAxisAngle); specY = tiltAxisX * sin(DTOR * m_iAxisAngle); } newISX = cInv.xpx * specX + cInv.xpy * specY; newISY = cInv.ypx * specX + cInv.ypy * specY; // Add base back; make this be the image shift and set them as last values mLastISX = baseTransX + newISX; mLastISY = baseTransY + newISY; mScope->SetImageShift(mLastISX, mLastISY); mScope->GetImageShift(ISX, ISY); // If A has an image from defining area, change the shift of the image imBuf = mWinApp->mMainView->GetActiveImBuf(); shiftedA = (UsefulImageInA() > 0 && imBuf == mImBufs) ? 1 : 0; if (shiftedA) ShiftImageInA(specX - ldArea->axisPosition); // Set new mode shift values and set the user point ldArea->axisPosition = tiltAxisX; ConvertOneAxisToIS(ldArea->magIndex, tiltAxisX, ldArea->ISX, ldArea->ISY); SyncPosOfFocusAndTrial(m_iDefineArea); FixUserPoint(imBuf, shiftedA); ManageAxisPosition(); } } else { CheckSeparationChange(magIndex); } if (needRedraw) mWinApp->mMainView->DrawImage(); } else if (m_bTieFocusTrial) CheckSeparationChange(magIndex); mLastISX = ISX; mLastISY = ISY; mLastMagIndex = magIndex; mIgnoreIS = false; } bool CLowDoseDlg::DoingContinuousUpdate(int inSetArea) { return (m_bContinuousUpdate && !mScope->GetChangingLDArea() && !mScope->GetClippingIS() && (!mWinApp->DoingTasks() || (mWinApp->mMacroProcessor->DoingMacro() && mWinApp->mMacroProcessor->IsLowDoseAreaSaved(inSetArea))) && inSetArea >= 0 && !(JEOLscope && mScope->GetHasOmegaFilter() && mScope->mJeolSD.spectroscopy)); } // Routine update about blanking status regardless of low dose mode void CLowDoseDlg::BlankingUpdate(BOOL blanked) { if (BOOL_EQUIV(blanked, mLastBlanked) || !mInitialized) return; mLastBlanked = blanked; m_statBlanked.ShowWindow(blanked ? SW_SHOW : SW_HIDE); } // Process a change in alignment shift of image in buffer A BOOL CLowDoseDlg::ImageAlignmentChange(float &newX, float &newY, float oldX, float oldY, BOOL mouseShifting) { ScaleMat bInv; float shiftX, shiftY; double delISX, delISY; LowDoseParams *ldArea = &mLDParams[m_iDefineArea]; if (!mTrulyLowDose || !m_iDefineArea || !UsefulImageInA()) return false; bInv = mShiftManager->CameraToIS(mImBufs->mMagInd); if (!bInv.xpx) return false; shiftX = newX - oldX; shiftY = newY - oldY; // If this is image from define area, constrain shift to axis and revise the // alignment values if (UsefulImageInA() > 0) { SnapCameraShiftToAxis(mImBufs, shiftX, shiftY, false, mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera(), m_bRotateAxis, m_iAxisAngle); newX = oldX + shiftX; newY = oldY + shiftY; } // Stop now if mouse shifting; it will complete shift when button goes up if (mouseShifting) return true; // Convert change to image shift - minus sign like in Shift Manager delISX = -mImBufs->mBinning * (bInv.xpx * shiftX - bInv.xpy * shiftY); delISY = -mImBufs->mBinning * (bInv.ypx * shiftX - bInv.ypy * shiftY); // for image from define area, increment axis position and set the mode shift; // otherwise change the base after changing IS to match base mag if (UsefulImageInA() > 0) { ldArea->axisPosition += ConvertOneIStoAxis(mImBufs->mMagInd, delISX, delISY); ConvertOneAxisToIS(ldArea->magIndex, ldArea->axisPosition, ldArea->ISX, ldArea->ISY); SyncPosOfFocusAndTrial(m_iDefineArea); ManageAxisPosition(); SEMTrace('W', "ImageAlignmentChange setting axis IS"); } else { TransferISonAxis(mImBufs->mMagInd, delISX, delISY, mBaseMag, delISX, delISY); mBaseISX += delISX; mBaseISY += delISY; } // Fix up user points and do not draw // Need to set the shifts now for the fix to work - could unset them but what's the point? mImBufs->mImage->setShifts(newX, newY); FixUserPoint(mImBufs, -1); mIgnoreIS = true; return true; } // If there is a change in user point, possibly snap to axis and affect shifts void CLowDoseDlg::UserPointChange(float &ptX, float &ptY, EMimageBuffer *imBuf) { ScaleMat aMat, aInv; float shiftX, shiftY, offsetX, offsetY, xcen, ycen, scale, rotation, specX, specY; double newAxis; int conSet; LowDoseParams *ldArea = &mLDParams[m_iDefineArea]; StateParams state; CMapDrawItem *item; bool navArea = mWinApp->mMainView->GetDrewLDAreasAtNavPt(); aMat = MatrixAndStateForUserPoint(imBuf, state, xcen, ycen); if (!aMat.xpx) return; mShiftManager->GetScaleAndRotationForFocus(imBuf, scale, rotation); aMat = mShiftManager->MatScaleRotate(aMat, scale, rotation); aInv = MatInv(aMat); // Get offset from center of display area and snap it to axis; revise user point imBuf->mImage->getShifts(shiftX, shiftY); offsetX = ptX + shiftX - xcen; offsetY = ptY + shiftY - ycen; SnapCameraShiftToAxis(imBuf, offsetX, offsetY, IS_SET_VIEW_OR_SEARCH(imBuf->mConSetUsed) , state.camIndex, state.rotateAxis, state.axisRotation); ptX = offsetX + xcen - shiftX; ptY = offsetY + ycen - shiftY; // Convert to a change in specimen shift and use that to set item shift and other focus // position parameters or modify the mode shift conSet = mWinApp->mCamera->ConSetToLDArea(imBuf->mConSetUsed); ApplyScaleMatrix(aInv, offsetX, -offsetY, specX, specY); newAxis = imBuf->mBinning * (specX < 0 ? -1 : 1.) * sqrt(specX * specX + specY * specY); if (navArea) { item = mWinApp->mNavigator->GetSingleSelectedItem(); if (item) { item->mFocusAxisPos = (float)newAxis; item->mRotateFocusAxis = state.rotateAxis; item->mFocusAxisAngle = state.axisRotation; item->mFocusXoffset = state.focusXoffset; item->mFocusYoffset = state.focusYoffset; mWinApp->mNavigator->SetChanged(true); mWinApp->mNavigator->UpdateListString(mWinApp->mNavigator->GetCurrentIndex()); } } else { ldArea->axisPosition = mLDParams[conSet].axisPosition + newAxis; if (m_bRotateAxis) m_iAxisAngle = state.axisRotation; ConvertOneAxisToIS(ldArea->magIndex, ldArea->axisPosition, ldArea->ISX, ldArea->ISY); SyncPosOfFocusAndTrial(m_iDefineArea); } /* CString message; double curISX, curISY; mScope->GetImageShift(curISX, curISY); double trouble = mLDParams[m_iDefineArea].ISY; message.Format("cur %d def %d was %.2f, %.2f delISXY %.2f, %.2f " "cur %.2f, %.2f define %.2f, %.2f", conSet, m_iDefineArea, curISX, curISY, delISX, delISY, mLDParams[conSet].ISX, mLDParams[conSet].ISY, mLDParams[m_iDefineArea].ISX, trouble); mWinApp->AppendToLog(message, LOG_OPEN_IF_CLOSED); */ // If displaying the define area, shift this point to center if (UsefulImageInA() > 0 && imBuf == mImBufs) { imBuf->mImage->setShifts(shiftX - offsetX, shiftY - offsetY); imBuf->SetImageChanged(1); } // Actualize shift if defined area is currently shifted area ApplyNewISifDefineArea(); ManageAxisPosition(); SEMTrace('W', "UserPointChange setting axis IS"); } ScaleMat CLowDoseDlg::MatrixAndStateForUserPoint(EMimageBuffer *imBuf, StateParams &state, float &xcen, float &ycen) { ScaleMat aMat; int nx, ny; bool navArea = mWinApp->mMainView->GetDrewLDAreasAtNavPt(); aMat.xpx = 0.; if (!mTrulyLowDose || !(m_iDefineArea || navArea) || !UsableDefineImageInAOrView(imBuf)) return aMat; // Get the focus position that applies here, and a modified camera to specimen matrix mWinApp->mNavHelper->FindFocusPosForCurrentItem(state, !navArea, imBuf->mRegistration); aMat = mShiftManager->SpecimenToCamera(state.camIndex, imBuf->mMagInd); imBuf->mImage->getSize(nx, ny); xcen = (float)nx / 2.f; ycen = (float)ny / 2.f; if (navArea) mWinApp->mMainView->GetCenterForLDAreas(xcen, ycen); return aMat; } bool CLowDoseDlg::CanActOnUserPointChange(EMimageBuffer *imBuf, float &xcen, float &ycen) { StateParams state; ScaleMat aMat = MatrixAndStateForUserPoint(imBuf, state, xcen, ycen); return aMat.xpx != 0.; } // Need to keep window from closing and take focus away from edit box void CLowDoseDlg::OnOK() { SetFocus(); } // The user has entered a value for position in the edit box void CLowDoseDlg::OnKillfocusEditposition() { double newAxis, specX, maxRange; int shiftedA; LowDoseParams *ldArea = &mLDParams[m_iDefineArea]; EMimageBuffer *imBuf = mWinApp->mMainView->GetActiveImBuf(); UpdateData(true); mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); if (!mTrulyLowDose || !m_iDefineArea) return; // Get the new axis position specX = atof((LPCTSTR)m_strPosition); if (mScope->GetUsePiezoForLDaxis()) { maxRange = mPiezoMaxToUse - mPiezoMinToUse; B3DCLAMP(specX, -maxRange, maxRange); } newAxis = specX + mLDParams[3].axisPosition; // If define area is in buffer A, shift it by the change in mode shift shiftedA = (UsefulImageInA() > 0 && imBuf == mImBufs) ? 1 : 0; if (shiftedA) ShiftImageInA(newAxis - ldArea->axisPosition); // Set the axis position and image shift ldArea->axisPosition = newAxis; ConvertOneAxisToIS(ldArea->magIndex, newAxis, ldArea->ISX, ldArea->ISY); SyncPosOfFocusAndTrial(m_iDefineArea); // Output new image shift if the defined area is current ApplyNewISifDefineArea(); FixUserPoint(imBuf, shiftedA); ManageAxisPosition(); SEMTrace('W', "OnKillfocusEditposition setting axis IS"); } // Actualize a new axis shift if defined area is currently shifted area; or always update // the piezo position in case axis flips void CLowDoseDlg::ApplyNewISifDefineArea(void) { double delISX, delISY; LowDoseParams *ldArea = &mLDParams[m_iDefineArea]; int curArea = mScope->GetLowDoseArea(); if (mScope->GetUsePiezoForLDaxis()) { GoToPiezoPosForLDarea(curArea); } else if (curArea == m_iDefineArea || ((m_bTieFocusTrial || mTieFocusTrialPos) && curArea == 3 - m_iDefineArea)) { TransferBaseIS(ldArea->magIndex, delISX, delISY); mScope->SetImageShift(ldArea->ISX + delISX, ldArea->ISY + delISY); mIgnoreIS = true; } } // Add a point to a new image if defining areas void CLowDoseDlg::AddDefineAreaPoint() { if (!m_iDefineArea || !mInitialized) return; mImBufs->mHasUserPt = true; FixUserPoint(mImBufs, -1); } // Redisplay the user point at center of define area if there is one, or at correct point // in the view area void CLowDoseDlg::FixUserPoint(EMimageBuffer *imBuf, int needDraw) { ScaleMat aMat; float shiftX, shiftY, offsetX, offsetY, scale, rotation; int nx, ny, conSet; double delAxis, delX, delY; float xcen, ycen; bool drawZero = needDraw > 0; StateParams state; bool navArea = mWinApp->mMainView->GetDrewLDAreasAtNavPt() && !m_iDefineArea; if (imBuf->mHasUserPt && (UsableDefineImageInAOrView(imBuf) || navArea)) { imBuf->mImage->getShifts(shiftX, shiftY); imBuf->mImage->getSize(nx, ny); xcen = (float)nx / 2.f; ycen = (float)ny / 2.f; if (UsefulImageInA() > 0 && imBuf == mImBufs) { // If defining area is shown, put point in the middle of display offsetX = 0; offsetY = 0; } else { // for any other area, find location of point relative to center of that area aMat = mShiftManager->SpecimenToCamera(mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera(), imBuf->mMagInd); if (!aMat.xpx) return; if (imBuf->mMagInd >= mScope->GetLowestMModeMagInd()) { mShiftManager->GetScaleAndRotationForFocus(imBuf, scale, rotation); aMat = mShiftManager->MatScaleRotate(aMat, scale, rotation); } conSet = mWinApp->mCamera->ConSetToLDArea(imBuf->mConSetUsed); mWinApp->mNavHelper->FindFocusPosForCurrentItem(state, !navArea, imBuf->mRegistration); delAxis = state.focusAxisPos; delX = delAxis; delY = 0.; if (m_bRotateAxis && m_iAxisAngle) { delX = delAxis * cos(DTOR * state.axisRotation); delY = delAxis * sin(DTOR * state.axisRotation); } offsetX = (float)(aMat.xpx * delX + aMat.xpy * delY) / imBuf->mBinning; offsetY = (float)(aMat.ypx * delX + aMat.ypy * delY) / imBuf->mBinning; if (navArea) mWinApp->mMainView->GetCenterForLDAreas(xcen, ycen); } imBuf->mUserPtX = offsetX + xcen - shiftX; imBuf->mUserPtY = -offsetY + ycen - shiftY; if (!needDraw) needDraw = 1; } // Draw if set a point or if asked to by caller, but not if asked not to (-1) if (needDraw > 0) { if (drawZero) mWinApp->SetCurrentBuffer(0); else mWinApp->mMainView->DrawImage(); } } // return 1 if A has an image from defining area, or -1 if it is from another area // which would be View, since Record is now excluded int CLowDoseDlg::UsefulImageInA() { int conSet = mWinApp->mCamera->ConSetToLDArea(mImBufs->mConSetUsed); if (!mImBufs->mBinning || !mImBufs->mCaptured || !mImBufs->mMagInd || conSet == RECORD_CONSET) return 0; if (m_iDefineArea && (conSet == m_iDefineArea || ((m_bTieFocusTrial || mTieFocusTrialPos) && conSet == 3 - m_iDefineArea))) return 1; return -1; } // Return true if there is "useful" image in A and A is the given buffer, or if // this is a View that would be suitable for editing focus position bool CLowDoseDlg::UsableDefineImageInAOrView(EMimageBuffer *imBuf) { return (UsefulImageInA() && imBuf == mImBufs) || ViewImageOKForEditingFocus(imBuf); } // Return true if buffer has a low dose view image with the right mag, and could thus // be used for adjusting focus position bool CLowDoseDlg::ViewImageOKForEditingFocus(EMimageBuffer * imBuf) { return ((imBuf->mCaptured > 0 || imBuf->mCaptured == BUFFER_MONTAGE_OVERVIEW || imBuf->mCaptured == BUFFER_MONTAGE_PIECE || imBuf->ImageWasReadIn()) && imBuf->mConSetUsed == 0 && imBuf->mLowDoseArea && (imBuf->mMagInd == mLDParams[0].magIndex || mWinApp->GetDummyInstance())); } // Given a shift on camera, get the X coordinate on specimen and convert that // back to a shift on the camera along the tilt axis or interarea axis void CLowDoseDlg::SnapCameraShiftToAxis(EMimageBuffer *imBuf, float &shiftX, float &shiftY, bool viewImage, int camIndex, BOOL &rotateAxis, int &axisAngle) { ScaleMat aMat, aInv; double specX, specY, tiltAxisX, maxRange; float scale, rotation; aMat = mShiftManager->SpecimenToCamera(camIndex, imBuf->mMagInd); if (!aMat.xpx) return; if (imBuf->mMagInd >= mScope->GetLowestMModeMagInd()) { mShiftManager->GetScaleAndRotationForFocus(imBuf, scale, rotation); aMat = mShiftManager->MatScaleRotate(aMat, scale, rotation); } aInv = mShiftManager->MatInv(aMat); // We can ignore the binning. But we do need to invert Y going in and out specX = aInv.xpx * shiftX - aInv.xpy * shiftY; specY = aInv.ypx * shiftX - aInv.ypy * shiftY; if (mScope->GetUsePiezoForLDaxis()) { maxRange = mPiezoMaxToUse - mPiezoMinToUse; B3DCLAMP(specX, -maxRange, maxRange); } // If rotate axis is on and it is View, change to the new angle of the point if (rotateAxis && viewImage) { if (m_iDefineArea) ConvertAxisPosition(false); axisAngle = B3DNINT(atan2(specY, specX) / DTOR); if (axisAngle < -90) axisAngle += 180; if (axisAngle > 90) axisAngle -= 180; if (m_iDefineArea) ConvertAxisPosition(true); } else { // Otherwise if rotating get the component on the interarea axis, if not rotating // use just the X component only and get the shift on image back if (rotateAxis && axisAngle) { tiltAxisX = specX * cos(DTOR * m_iAxisAngle) + specY * sin(DTOR * m_iAxisAngle); specX = tiltAxisX * cos(DTOR * m_iAxisAngle); specY = tiltAxisX * sin(DTOR * m_iAxisAngle); } else specY = 0.; shiftX = (float)(aMat.xpx * specX + aMat.xpy * specY); shiftY = -(float)(aMat.ypx * specX + aMat.ypy * specY); } } // Update the output to the position edit box and separation message void CLowDoseDlg::ManageAxisPosition() { int recSize, defSize; double angle, specX; float recUm, defUm, cenX, cenY, rh, sep1, sep2; int curCam = mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera(); int area = m_iDefineArea ? m_iDefineArea : FOCUS_CONSET; // Axis positions are supposed to be completely up to date as image shift changes specX = mLDParams[area].axisPosition - mLDParams[3].axisPosition; m_strPosition.Format("%.2f", specX); if (!m_iDefineArea && !m_bTieFocusTrial) { if (fabs(mLDParams[3 - area].axisPosition - mLDParams[3].axisPosition - specX) > 0.005) m_strPosition = ""; m_strOverlap = ""; UpdateData(false); return; } // Update the separation and save the last size values GetAreaSizes(recSize, defSize, angle); if (!recSize || !mLDParams[3].magIndex || !mLDParams[area].magIndex) return; recUm = (float)(recSize * mShiftManager->GetPixelSize(curCam, mLDParams[3].magIndex)); defUm = (float)(defSize * mShiftManager->GetPixelSize(curCam, mLDParams[area].magIndex)); rh = recUm / 2.f; cenX = (float)(fabs(specX) * cos(DTOR * angle)); cenY = (float)(fabs(specX) * sin(DTOR * angle)); if (cenX < rh && cenY < rh) cenX = cenY = rh; sep1 = mWinApp->mNavHelper->PointSegmentDistance(cenX, cenY, rh, -rh, rh, rh); sep2 = mWinApp->mNavHelper->PointSegmentDistance(cenX, cenY, -rh, rh, rh, rh); double maxSep = B3DMIN(sep1, sep2) - sqrt(2.) * defUm / 2.; m_strOverlap.Format("Maximum area separation: %.2f um", maxSep); UpdateData(false); mLastRecordSize = recSize; mLastDefineSize = defSize; } // Compute the minimum separation between Record and area being defined // under the assumption that the spot circumscribing the defined area // does not overlap the Record area void CLowDoseDlg::GetAreaSizes(int &recSize, int &defSize, double &angle) { int tmp; ControlSet *conSets = mWinApp->GetConSets(); int area = m_iDefineArea ? m_iDefineArea : 2; angle = mShiftManager->GetImageRotation(mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera(), mLDParams[3].magIndex); if (m_bRotateAxis) angle += m_iAxisAngle; while (angle < -90.) angle += 180.; while (angle > 90.) angle -= 180.; // Use the specific axis of the record area along the tilt axis angle = fabs(angle); if (angle < 45.) recSize = conSets[3].right - conSets[3].left; else { recSize = conSets[3].bottom - conSets[3].top; angle = 90. - angle; } // but take the largest axis of trial/focus defSize = conSets[area].right - conSets[m_iDefineArea].left; tmp = conSets[area].bottom - conSets[area].top; if (defSize < tmp) defSize = tmp; if (m_bTieFocusTrial) { tmp = conSets[3 - area].right - conSets[3 - area].left; if (defSize < tmp) defSize = tmp; tmp = conSets[3 - area].bottom - conSets[3 - area].top; if (defSize < tmp) defSize = tmp; } } // Check that size of areas or mag hasn't changed, update position if so void CLowDoseDlg::CheckSeparationChange(int magIndex) { int recSize, defSize; double angle; GetAreaSizes(recSize, defSize, angle); if (recSize != mLastRecordSize || defSize != mLastDefineSize || magIndex != mLastMagIndex) { SEMTrace('W', "ScopeUpdate setting axis, rec %d to %d, def %d to %d, mag %d to" " %d", mLastRecordSize, recSize, mLastDefineSize, defSize, mLastMagIndex, magIndex); ManageAxisPosition(); } mLastRecordSize = recSize; mLastDefineSize = defSize; } // Shift the image in A to correspond to the given change in image void CLowDoseDlg::ShiftImageInA(double delAxis) { ScaleMat aMat; float shiftX, shiftY; double delX = delAxis, delY = 0.; int nx, ny; mImBufs->mImage->getShifts(shiftX, shiftY); mImBufs->mImage->getSize(nx, ny); aMat = mShiftManager->SpecimenToCamera(mImBufs->mCamera, mImBufs->mMagInd); if (!aMat.xpx) return; if (m_bRotateAxis && m_iAxisAngle) { delX = delAxis * cos(DTOR * m_iAxisAngle); delY = delAxis * sin(DTOR * m_iAxisAngle); } shiftX -= (float)(aMat.xpx * delX + aMat.xpy * delY) / mImBufs->mBinning; shiftY += (float)(aMat.ypx * delX + aMat.ypy * delY) / mImBufs->mBinning; // It seems to be OK to let shifts change a lot /* if (shiftX < 4 - nx) shiftX = 4.f - nx; if (shiftX > nx - 4) shiftX = nx - 4.f; if (shiftY < 4 - ny) shiftY = 4.f - ny; if (shiftY > ny - 4) shiftY = ny - 4.f; */ mImBufs->mImage->setShifts(shiftX, shiftY); mImBufs->SetImageChanged(1); } // Set the filter parameters in filtParam into the given low dose area // If filtParam is NULL or omitted the master set is used void CLowDoseDlg::SyncFilterSettings(int inArea, FilterParams *filtParam) { LowDoseParams *ldArea; if (inArea < 0) { if (!mWinApp->GetFilterMode() || !mWinApp->LowDoseMode() || mScope->GetChangingLDArea() || (JEOLscope && mScope->GetHasOmegaFilter() && mScope->mJeolSD.spectroscopy)) return; inArea = mScope->GetLowDoseArea(); if (inArea < 0 || !m_bContinuousUpdate) return; } ldArea = &mLDParams[inArea]; if (!filtParam) filtParam = mWinApp->GetFilterParams(); ldArea->slitIn = filtParam->slitIn; ldArea->slitWidth = filtParam->slitWidth; ldArea->energyLoss = filtParam->energyLoss; ldArea->zeroLoss = filtParam->zeroLoss; } // Compute corner points for drawing an area on a view image, if an area is // being defined. type = 0 for the area, 1 for Record. Binning and sizeX, sizeY // describe the View image. Four corner points in image coordinates are returned // in corner[XY], and for the define area, int CLowDoseDlg::DrawAreaOnView(int type, EMimageBuffer *imBuf, StateParams &state, float * cornerX, float * cornerY, float & cenX, float & cenY, float &radius) { int binning = imBuf->mBinning; int magInd = imBuf->mMagInd > 0 ? imBuf->mMagInd : mLDParams[0].magIndex; int sizeX = imBuf->mImage->getWidth(); int sizeY = imBuf->mImage->getHeight(); int curCam = state.camIndex; ControlSet *conSets = mWinApp->GetCamConSets() + curCam * MAX_CONSETS; ControlSet *csp; ScaleMat aMat, vMat; int boxArea, cenArea, delX, delY, diamSq, top, left, bottom, right, camXcen, camYcen; float scale, rotation, pixel; bool drawingNav = mWinApp->mMainView->GetDrewLDAreasAtNavPt(); if (((!m_iDefineArea && !drawingNav) || !mTrulyLowDose) && type < 2) return 0; vMat = mShiftManager->SpecimenToCamera(curCam, magInd); if (imBuf->mMagInd >= mScope->GetLowestMModeMagInd()) { mShiftManager->GetScaleAndRotationForFocus(imBuf, scale, rotation); vMat = mShiftManager->MatScaleRotate(vMat, scale, rotation); } // First fill the corner array with the actual define area boxArea = type ? RECORD_CONSET : m_iDefineArea; if (drawingNav && !type) boxArea = FOCUS_CONSET; csp = &conSets[boxArea]; top = csp->top; bottom = csp->bottom; left = csp->left; right = csp->right; aMat = mShiftManager->CameraToSpecimen(mLDParams[boxArea].magIndex); if (!aMat.xpx || !vMat.xpx) return 0; if (boxArea == FOCUS_CONSET) mWinApp->mNavHelper->ModifySubareaForOffset(curCam, state.focusXoffset, state.focusYoffset, left, top, right, bottom); AreaAcqCoordToView(boxArea, binning, sizeX, sizeY, aMat, vMat, left, top, state, cornerX[0], cornerY[0]); AreaAcqCoordToView(boxArea, binning, sizeX, sizeY, aMat, vMat, right, top, state, cornerX[1], cornerY[1]); AreaAcqCoordToView(boxArea, binning, sizeX, sizeY, aMat, vMat, right, bottom, state, cornerX[2], cornerY[2]); AreaAcqCoordToView(boxArea, binning, sizeX, sizeY, aMat, vMat, left, bottom, state, cornerX[3], cornerY[3]); if (type > 0 && type < 2) return boxArea; // Get squared diameter of area for radius cenArea = boxArea; delX = right - left; delY = bottom - top; diamSq = delX * delX + delY * delY; camXcen = (left + right) / 2; camYcen = (bottom + top) / 2; // If focus/trial tied, find which one has bigger radius, set the center from the // bigger one too if (type < 2 && (m_bTieFocusTrial || mTieFocusTrialPos)) { delX = conSets[3 - boxArea].right - conSets[3 - boxArea].left; delY = conSets[3 - boxArea].bottom - conSets[3 - boxArea].top; if ((delX * delX + delY * delY) * mShiftManager->GetPixelSize(curCam, mLDParams[3 - boxArea].magIndex) > diamSq * mShiftManager->GetPixelSize(curCam, mLDParams[cenArea].magIndex)) { cenArea = 3 - boxArea; diamSq = delX * delX + delY * delY; csp = &conSets[cenArea]; aMat = mShiftManager->CameraToSpecimen(mLDParams[cenArea].magIndex); if (!aMat.xpx) return 0; camXcen = (csp->left + csp->right) / 2; camYcen = (csp->bottom + csp->top) / 2; } } // Get radius in image coordinates and convert center to view image coord pixel = mShiftManager->GetPixelSize(imBuf); if (!pixel) pixel = binning * mShiftManager->GetPixelSize(curCam, mLDParams[0].magIndex); radius = (float)(sqrt(0.25 * diamSq) * mShiftManager->GetPixelSize(curCam, mLDParams[cenArea].magIndex) / pixel); AreaAcqCoordToView(boxArea, binning, sizeX, sizeY, aMat, vMat, camXcen, camYcen, state, cenX, cenY); return boxArea; } // Convert from camera acquisition coordinates (inverted Y) in the given inArea to // image coordinates in the View image with given sizeX, sizeY and binning void CLowDoseDlg::AreaAcqCoordToView(int inArea, int binning, int sizeX, int sizeY, ScaleMat aMat, ScaleMat vMat, int acqX, int acqY, StateParams &state, float &imX, float &imY) { CameraParameters *camP = mWinApp->GetCamParams() + state.camIndex; double camX, camY, specX, specY, delX, delY; // Convert to centered camera coordinates camX = acqX - camP->sizeX / 2.; camY = camP->sizeY / 2. - acqY; // Convert to specimen coordinates and add difference of axis positions if (inArea == FOCUS_CONSET) delX = state.focusAxisPos; else delX = mLDParams[inArea].axisPosition - mLDParams[0].axisPosition; delY = 0.; if (state.rotateAxis && state.axisRotation) { delY = delX * sin(DTOR * state.axisRotation); delX = delX * cos(DTOR * state.axisRotation); } specX = aMat.xpx * camX + aMat.xpy * camY + delX; specY = aMat.ypx * camX + aMat.ypy * camY + delY; // Convert to centered view camera coordinates camX = vMat.xpx * specX + vMat.xpy * specY; camY = vMat.ypx * specX + vMat.ypy * specY; // Convert to image coordinates in the actual view image imX = (float)(camX / binning + sizeX / 2.); imY = (float)(sizeY / 2. - camY / binning); } bool CLowDoseDlg::SameAsFocusArea(int inArea) { return inArea == FOCUS_CONSET || (m_bTieFocusTrial && inArea == TRIAL_CONSET); } void CLowDoseDlg::CheckAndActivatePiezoShift(void) { PiezoScaling scaling; CString mess; float minUse, maxUse, backoff, range, backoffFrac = 0.02f; // Look up a scaling and turn off if there is not one if (!mWinApp->mPiezoControl->LookupScaling(mAxisPiezoPlugNum, mAxisPiezoNum, true, scaling)) { mess.Format("A PiezoScaling property must be entered for piezo # %d%s\n" "in order to use it for on-axis shift in Low Dose\n\n" "On-axis shift with a piezo has been turned off", mAxisPiezoNum, mWinApp->mPiezoControl->DrivenByMess(mAxisPiezoPlugNum)); SEMMessageBox(mess); mScope->SetUsePiezoForLDaxis(false); return; } // Compute minimum and maximum values to use, avoiding end of range mPiezoScaleFac = scaling.unitsPerMicron; backoff = backoffFrac * (scaling.maxPos - scaling.minPos); minUse = (scaling.minPos + backoff) / mPiezoScaleFac; maxUse = (scaling.maxPos - backoff) / mPiezoScaleFac; mPiezoMinToUse = B3DMIN(minUse, maxUse); mPiezoMaxToUse = B3DMAX(minUse, maxUse); range = mPiezoMaxToUse - mPiezoMinToUse; if (fabs(mLDParams[3].axisPosition) > 1.e-5) { OnCenterunshifted(); PrintfToLog("Turned off Balanced Shifts"); } if (!(m_bTieFocusTrial || mTieFocusTrialPos)) { m_bTieFocusTrial = true; mLDParams[1] = mLDParams[2]; ManageAxisPosition(); PrintfToLog("Tied Focus and Trial together (copied Trial to Focus)"); UpdateData(false); } ConvertAxisPosition(false); if (fabs(mLDParams[2].axisPosition) > range) { B3DCLAMP(mLDParams[2].axisPosition, -range, range); mLDParams[1].axisPosition = mLDParams[2].axisPosition; ConvertAxisPosition(true); ManageAxisPosition(); PrintfToLog("Truncated axis offset to maximum range for piezo, %.2f micron", range); UpdateData(false); } if (m_bRotateAxis) { m_bRotateAxis = false; UpdateData(false); OnLdRotateAxis(); PrintfToLog("Turned off axis rotation relative to tilt axis"); } // Go to the end of range for the current axis sign mPiezoCurrentSign = 0; if (GoToPiezoPosForLDarea(3)) { mScope->SetUsePiezoForLDaxis(false); SEMMessageBox("On-axis shift with a piezo has been turned off"); return; } } // Go to the piezo position for the given area bool CLowDoseDlg::GoToPiezoPosForLDarea(int area) { double oldBase, newBase, currentZ, movement, offset = 0.; float delay; ScaleMat dMat; StageMoveInfo smi; CString mess; // Get the offset for trial/focus area ConvertAxisPosition(false); if (area == 1 || area == 2) offset = mLDParams[2].axisPosition; // Select in case have to get the position if (mWinApp->mPiezoControl->SelectPiezo(mAxisPiezoPlugNum, mAxisPiezoNum) || mWinApp->mPiezoControl->GetZPosition(currentZ)) return true; // Get the old and new base position if (mPiezoCurrentSign) { oldBase = mPiezoCurrentSign > 0 ? mPiezoMinToUse : mPiezoMaxToUse; mess = "WARNING: Moved stage to compensate for change in piezo base position" "\r\n caused by change in sign of Trial/Focus position"; } else { oldBase = currentZ; mess = "Moved stage to compensate for moving piezo to base position"; } mPiezoCurrentSign = mLDParams[2].axisPosition >= 0 ? 1 : -1; newBase = mPiezoCurrentSign > 0 ? mPiezoMinToUse : mPiezoMaxToUse; movement = fabs(currentZ - (newBase + offset)); if (movement < 1.e-4) return false; // Set position if (mWinApp->mPiezoControl->SetZPosition(newBase + offset)) return true; if (mWinApp->mPiezoControl->WaitForPiezoReady(20000)) { SEMMessageBox("Timeout waiting for piezo movement for on-axis shift to complete"); return true; } // Set a timeout that depends on distance moved and scaled down for non-records delay = (float)(mPiezoFullDelay * movement / (mPiezoMaxToUse - mPiezoMinToUse)); if (area == FOCUS_CONSET) delay *= mFocusPiezoDelayFac; else if (area != RECORD_CONSET) delay *= mTVPiezoDelayFac; mShiftManager->SetGeneralTimeOut(GetTickCount(), (int)(1000. * delay)); // If the base has changed, move stage to compensate and issue message if (mWinApp->mPiezoControl->GetLastMovementError()) return true; if (fabs(newBase - oldBase) > 1.e-2) { dMat = mShiftManager->SpecimenToStage(1., 1.); mScope->GetStagePosition(smi.x, smi.y, smi.z); smi.x -= (newBase - oldBase) * dMat.xpx; smi.y -= (newBase - oldBase) * dMat.ypx; smi.axisBits = axisXY; mScope->MoveStage(smi); mWinApp->AppendToLog(mess); mScope->WaitForStageReady(20000); } return false; } // If the given area is T or F and they are to have same parameters, copy to the other // area, preserving the delay factor. void CLowDoseDlg::SyncFocusAndTrial(int fromArea) { int toArea = B3DCHOICE(fromArea == FOCUS_CONSET, TRIAL_CONSET, FOCUS_CONSET); if ((fromArea == FOCUS_CONSET|| fromArea == TRIAL_CONSET) && m_bTieFocusTrial) { float delay = mLDParams[toArea].delayFactor; mLDParams[toArea] = mLDParams[fromArea]; mLDParams[toArea].delayFactor = delay; } } // External call sets tying of focus/trial positions void CLowDoseDlg::SetTieFocusTrialPos(BOOL inVal) { mTieFocusTrialPos = inVal; if (mWinApp->GetStartingProgram()) return; int area = m_iDefineArea ? m_iDefineArea : mScope->GetLowDoseArea(); if ((area + 1) / 2 != 1) area = FOCUS_CONSET; SyncPosOfFocusAndTrial(area); } // Test for whether focus and trial positions are synced by either means and if the area // is appropriate, then convert to axis position and copy void CLowDoseDlg::SyncPosOfFocusAndTrial(int fromArea) { int toArea = B3DCHOICE(fromArea == FOCUS_CONSET, TRIAL_CONSET, FOCUS_CONSET); if ((fromArea == FOCUS_CONSET || fromArea == TRIAL_CONSET) && (mTieFocusTrialPos || m_bTieFocusTrial)) { if (mTrulyLowDose) mLDParams[fromArea].axisPosition = ConvertOneIStoAxis(mLDParams[fromArea].magIndex, mLDParams[fromArea].ISX, mLDParams[fromArea].ISY); mLDParams[toArea].axisPosition = mLDParams[fromArea].axisPosition; if (mTrulyLowDose) ConvertOneAxisToIS(mLDParams[toArea].magIndex, mLDParams[toArea].axisPosition, mLDParams[toArea].ISX, mLDParams[toArea].ISY); } } // Make sure all buttons are uncolored except the active area if there is one void CLowDoseDlg::DeselectGoToButtons(int area) { CMyButton *but; if (!mTrulyLowDose) area = -1; for (int ind = 0; ind < 5; ind++) { but = (CMyButton *)GetDlgItem(IDC_GOTO_VIEW + ind); if (area != ind) { but->m_bShowSpecial = false; but->Invalidate(); } } } // Color the button for the current area (called at end of area-setting) void CLowDoseDlg::SelectGoToButton(int area) { if (!mTrulyLowDose || area < 0) return; CMyButton *but = (CMyButton *)GetDlgItem(IDC_GOTO_VIEW + area); but->m_bShowSpecial = true; but->Invalidate(); } // Get the parameters for auto shift offset void CLowDoseDlg::OnSetupAutoShift() { mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); float val, maxRot = mWinApp->mNavHelper->GetScaledAliDfltMaxRot(); float maxPct = mWinApp->mNavHelper->GetScaledAliDfltPctChg(); CString str; if (!KGetOneFloat("View: an entry of -0.25 (the default) will align a feature within " "center half of View", "Maximum shift for View offset: + in um, or - as fraction of " "field of View image:", mAutoViewMaxShift, 2)) return; if (!KGetOneFloat("Search: an entry of -0.25 (the default) will align a feature within " "center half of Search", "Maximum shift for Search offset: + in um, or - as fraction " "of field of Search image:", mAutoSearchMaxShift, 2)) return; val = mAutoShiftMaxPctChg < 0 ? maxPct : mAutoShiftMaxPctChg; str.Format("Enter -1 for default from properties, %.1f%%", maxPct); if (!KGetOneFloat(str, "Maximum % size change to search for when aligning:", val, 1)) return; mAutoShiftMaxPctChg = val == maxPct ? -1 : val; val = mAutoShiftMaxRot < 0 ? maxRot : mAutoShiftMaxRot; str.Format("Enter -1 for default from properties, %.1f degrees", maxRot); if (!KGetOneFloat(str, "Maximum rotation angle to search for when aligning (degrees):", val, 1)) return; mAutoShiftMaxRot = val == maxRot ? -1 : val; }