// HoleFinderDlg.cpp : Calls HoleFinder to find holes and turns them into Nav points // There is a resident instance of this class, and the dialog can be created and closed // // Copyright (C) 2020 by the Regents of the University of // Colorado. See Copyright.txt for full notice of copyright and limitations. // // Author: David Mastronarde // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "stdafx.h" #include #include "SerialEM.h" #include "SerialEMView.h" #include "EMscope.h" #include "EMbufferManager.h" #include "ShiftManager.h" #include "ProcessImage.h" #include "Utilities\XCorr.h" #include "EMmontageController.h" #include "HoleFinderDlg.h" #include "AutoContouringDlg.h" #include "NavHelper.h" #include "MultiShotDlg.h" #include "MultiHoleCombiner.h" #include "Shared\holefinder.h" #include "ParameterIO.h" #include "NavigatorDlg.h" #include "Shared\b3dutil.h" #define FORMAT4OR5G(a) Format(((a) >= 1.e4 && (a) < 1.e5) ? "%.0f" : "%.4g", a) // CHoleFinderDlg dialog CHoleFinderDlg::CHoleFinderDlg(CWnd* pParent /*=NULL*/) : CBaseDlg(IDD_HOLE_FINDER, pParent) , m_fHolesSize(0.1f) , m_fSpacing(0.5f) , m_strSigmas(_T("")) , m_strIterations(_T("")) , m_strThresholds(_T("")) , m_bExcludeOutside(FALSE) , m_strStatusOutput(_T("")) , m_strMinLowerMean(_T("")) , m_strMaxLowerMean(_T("")) , m_strLowerMean(_T("")) , m_intLowerMean(0) , m_strMinUpperMean(_T("")) , m_strMaxUpperMean(_T("")) , m_strUpperMean(_T("")) , m_intUpperMean(0) , m_strMinSDcutoff(_T("")) , m_strMaxSDcutoff(_T("")) , m_strSDcutoff(_T("")) , m_strUmSizeSep(_T("um")) , m_intSDcutoff(0) , m_strMinBlackPct(_T("")) , m_strMaxBlackPct(_T("")) , m_strBlackPct(_T("")) , m_intBlackPct(0) , m_bShowIncluded(TRUE) , m_bShowExcluded(FALSE) , m_iLayoutType(0) , m_fMaxError(0.05f) , m_bBracketLast(FALSE) , m_bHexArray(FALSE) , m_intHullDist(0) , m_strHullDist(_T("")) , m_strMaxHullDist(_T("")) , m_bUseBestSubset(FALSE) { mNonModal = true; mHaveHoles = false; mFindingHoles = false; mIsOpen = false; mMiniOffsets = NULL; mBestThreshInd = -1; mLastHoleSize = 0.; mLastHoleSpacing = 0.; mFindingFromDialog = false; mSkipAutoCor = false; mLastUserSelectInd = -1; mLastMagIndex = -1; for (int ind = 0; ind < 3; ind++) { mGridImXVecs[ind] = 0.; mGridImYVecs[ind] = 0.; mGridStageXVecs[ind] = 0.; mGridStageYVecs[ind] = 0.; } mPMMminPtsForSkipIfIS = 1; } CHoleFinderDlg::~CHoleFinderDlg() { // Data are cleared by MainFrm on exit } void CHoleFinderDlg::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { CBaseDlg::DoDataExchange(pDX); DDX_MM_FLOAT(pDX, IDC_EDIT_HOLE_SIZE, m_fHolesSize, 0.1f, 5, "Hole size"); DDX_MM_FLOAT(pDX, IDC_EDIT_SPACING, m_fSpacing, 0.5f, 10, "Hole spacing"); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_EDIT_SIGMAS, m_strSigmas); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_EDIT_MEDIAN_ITERS, m_strIterations); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_EDIT_THRESHOLDS, m_strThresholds); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_EXCLUDE_OUTSIDE, m_butExcludeOutside); DDX_Check(pDX, IDC_EXCLUDE_OUTSIDE, m_bExcludeOutside); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_BUT_FIND_HOLES, m_butFindHoles); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_STAT_STATUS_OUTPUT, m_statStatusOutput); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_STAT_STATUS_OUTPUT, m_strStatusOutput); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_STAT_MIN_LOWER_MEAN, m_strMinLowerMean); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_STAT_MAX_LOWER_MEAN, m_strMaxLowerMean); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_SLIDER_LOW_MEAN, m_sliderLowerMean); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_EDIT_LOWER_MEAN, m_editLowerMean); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_EDIT_LOWER_MEAN, m_strLowerMean); DDX_Slider(pDX, IDC_SLIDER_LOW_MEAN, m_intLowerMean); DDV_MinMaxInt(pDX, m_intLowerMean, 0, 255); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_STAT_MIN_UPPER_MEAN, m_strMinUpperMean); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_STAT_MAX_UPPER_MEAN, m_strMaxUpperMean); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_SLIDER_UPPER_MEAN, m_sliderUpperMean); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_EDIT_UPPER_MEAN, m_editUpperMean); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_EDIT_UPPER_MEAN, m_strUpperMean); DDX_Slider(pDX, IDC_SLIDER_UPPER_MEAN, m_intUpperMean); DDV_MinMaxInt(pDX, m_intUpperMean, 0, 255); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_STAT_MIN_STANDEV, m_strMinSDcutoff); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_STAT_MAX_STANDEV, m_strMaxSDcutoff); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_SLIDER_STANDEV, m_sliderSDcutoff); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_STAT_SD_CUTOFF, m_strSDcutoff); DDX_Slider(pDX, IDC_SLIDER_STANDEV, m_intSDcutoff); DDV_MinMaxInt(pDX, m_intSDcutoff, 0, 255); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_STAT_MIN_BLACKPCT, m_strMinBlackPct); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_STAT_MAX_BLACKPCT, m_strMaxBlackPct); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_SLIDER_BLACK_CUTOFF, m_sliderBlackPct); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_STAT_BLACK_CUTOFF, m_strBlackPct); DDX_Slider(pDX, IDC_SLIDER_BLACK_CUTOFF, m_intBlackPct); DDV_MinMaxInt(pDX, m_intBlackPct, 0, 255); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_SHOW_INCLUDED, m_butShowIncluded); DDX_Check(pDX, IDC_SHOW_INCLUDED, m_bShowIncluded); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_SHOW_EXCLUDED, m_butShowExcluded); DDX_Check(pDX, IDC_SHOW_EXCLUDED, m_bShowExcluded); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_RZIGZAG, m_butZigzag); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_RFROM_FOCUS, m_butFromFocus); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_RIN_GROUPS, m_butInGroups); DDX_Radio(pDX, IDC_RZIGZAG, m_iLayoutType); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_BUT_MAKE_NAV_PTS, m_butMakeNavPts); DDX_MM_FLOAT(pDX, IDC_EDIT_MAX_ERROR, m_fMaxError, 0.001f, 1.f, "Maximum error"); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_BUT_CLEAR_DATA, m_butClearData); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_BRACKET_LAST, m_butBracketLast); DDX_Check(pDX, IDC_BRACKET_LAST, m_bBracketLast); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_BUT_SET_SIZE_SPACE, m_butSetSizeSpace); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_STAT_UM_SIZE_SEP, m_strUmSizeSep); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_BUT_TOGGLE_HOLES, m_butToggleHoles); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_HEX_ARRAY, m_butHexArray); DDX_Check(pDX, IDC_HEX_ARRAY, m_bHexArray); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_SLIDER_HULL_DIST, m_sliderHullDist); DDX_Slider(pDX, IDC_SLIDER_HULL_DIST, m_intHullDist); DDV_MinMaxInt(pDX, m_intHullDist, 0, 255); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_EDIT_HULL_DIST, m_editHullDist); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_EDIT_HULL_DIST, m_strHullDist); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_STAT_MAX_HULL_DIST, m_strMaxHullDist); DDX_Check(pDX, IDC_USE_BEST_SUBSET, m_bUseBestSubset); } BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CHoleFinderDlg, CBaseDlg) ON_WM_HSCROLL() ON_EN_KILLFOCUS(IDC_EDIT_HOLE_SIZE, OnKillfocusEditHoleSize) ON_EN_KILLFOCUS(IDC_EDIT_SPACING, OnKillfocusEditSpacing) ON_EN_KILLFOCUS(IDC_EDIT_SIGMAS, OnKillfocusEditSigmas) ON_EN_KILLFOCUS(IDC_EDIT_MEDIAN_ITERS, OnKillfocusEditMedianIters) ON_EN_KILLFOCUS(IDC_EDIT_THRESHOLDS, OnKillfocusEditThresholds) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_EXCLUDE_OUTSIDE, OnExcludeOutside) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_BUT_FIND_HOLES, OnButFindHoles) ON_EN_KILLFOCUS(IDC_EDIT_LOWER_MEAN, OnKillfocusEditLowerMean) ON_EN_KILLFOCUS(IDC_EDIT_UPPER_MEAN, OnKillfocusEditUpperMean) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_SHOW_INCLUDED, OnShowIncluded) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_SHOW_EXCLUDED, OnShowExcluded) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_RZIGZAG, OnRadioLayoutType) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_RFROM_FOCUS, OnRadioLayoutType) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_RIN_GROUPS, OnRadioLayoutType) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_BUT_MAKE_NAV_PTS, OnButMakeNavPts) ON_EN_KILLFOCUS(IDC_EDIT_MAX_ERROR, OnKillfocusEditMaxError) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_BUT_CLEAR_DATA, OnButClearData) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_BRACKET_LAST, OnBracketLast) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_BUT_SET_SIZE_SPACE, OnButSetSizeSpace) ON_NOTIFY(NM_LDOWN, IDC_BUT_TOGGLE_HOLES, OnToggleDraw) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_HEX_ARRAY, OnHexArray) ON_EN_KILLFOCUS(IDC_EDIT_HULL_DIST, OnKillfocusEditHullDist) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_USE_BEST_SUBSET, OnUseBestSubset) END_MESSAGE_MAP() // CHoleFinderDlg message handlers BOOL CHoleFinderDlg::OnInitDialog() { CBaseDlg::OnInitDialog(); CWnd *wnd = GetDlgItem(IDC_STAT_STATUS_OUTPUT); CheckAndSetNav(); mIsOpen = true; mMasterParams = mHelper->GetHoleFinderParams(); mParams = *mMasterParams; mBoldFont = mWinApp->GetBoldFont(wnd); m_sliderLowerMean.SetRange(0, 255); m_sliderUpperMean.SetRange(0, 255); m_sliderSDcutoff.SetRange(0, 255); m_sliderBlackPct.SetRange(0, 255); m_sliderHullDist.SetRange(0, 255); m_sliderLowerMean.SetPageSize(4); m_sliderUpperMean.SetPageSize(4); m_sliderSDcutoff.SetPageSize(4); m_sliderBlackPct.SetPageSize(4); m_sliderHullDist.SetPageSize(4); m_butToggleHoles.m_bNotifyOnDraws = true; ParamsToDialog(); ManageEnables(); SetDefID(45678); // Disable OK from being default button return TRUE; } void CHoleFinderDlg::OnOK() { DialogToParams(); *mMasterParams = mParams; OnCancel(); } void CHoleFinderDlg::OnCancel() { mHelper->GetHoleFinderPlacement(); mIsOpen = false; mHaveHoles = false; DestroyWindow(); } // Do not delete the dialog void CHoleFinderDlg::PostNcDestroy() { CDialog::PostNcDestroy(); } BOOL CHoleFinderDlg::PreTranslateMessage(MSG* pMsg) { if (pMsg->message == WM_KEYDOWN && pMsg->wParam == VK_RETURN) SetFocus(); return CDialog::PreTranslateMessage(pMsg); } void CHoleFinderDlg::CloseWindow() { if (mIsOpen) OnOK(); } // Handle simple edit boxes void CHoleFinderDlg::OnKillfocusEditHoleSize() { UPDATE_DATA_TRUE; ManageSizeSeparation(true); mWinApp->RestoreFocusWhenIdle(); } void CHoleFinderDlg::OnKillfocusEditSpacing() { UPDATE_DATA_TRUE; ManageSizeSeparation(true); mWinApp->RestoreFocusWhenIdle(); } void CHoleFinderDlg::OnKillfocusEditMaxError() { UPDATE_DATA_TRUE; mWinApp->RestoreFocusWhenIdle(); } void CHoleFinderDlg::OnHexArray() { UPDATE_DATA_TRUE; SizeAndSpacingToDialog(true, true); EnableDlgItem(IDC_USE_BEST_SUBSET, m_bHexArray); mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); } // Handle boxes that can have lists. Allow commas, replace by spaces // Filter sigmas void CHoleFinderDlg::OnKillfocusEditSigmas() { UPDATE_DATA_TRUE; mWinApp->mParamIO->StringToEntryList(1, m_strSigmas, mNumSigmas, NULL, &mSigmas[0], MAX_HOLE_TRIALS, true); m_strSigmas = ListToString(1, mNumSigmas, &mSigmas[0]); mBestThreshInd = -1; ManageEnables(); mWinApp->RestoreFocusWhenIdle(); } // Iterations for median filter void CHoleFinderDlg::OnKillfocusEditMedianIters() { int ind, indOut = 1; UPDATE_DATA_TRUE; mWinApp->mParamIO->StringToEntryList(3, m_strIterations, mNumIterations, &mIterations[0], NULL, MAX_HOLE_TRIALS, true); if (mNumIterations) { rsSortInts(&mIterations[0], mNumIterations); for (ind = 1; ind < mNumIterations; ind++) if (mIterations[ind] != mIterations[ind - 1]) mIterations[indOut++] = mIterations[ind]; mNumIterations = indOut; } m_strIterations = ListToString(3, mNumIterations, &mIterations[0]); mBestThreshInd = -1; ManageEnables(); mWinApp->RestoreFocusWhenIdle(); } // Thresholds void CHoleFinderDlg::OnKillfocusEditThresholds() { UPDATE_DATA_TRUE; mWinApp->mParamIO->StringToEntryList(1, m_strThresholds, mNumThresholds, NULL, &mThresholds[0], MAX_HOLE_TRIALS, true); m_strThresholds = ListToString(1, mNumThresholds, &mThresholds[0]); mBestThreshInd = -1; ManageEnables(); mWinApp->RestoreFocusWhenIdle(); } // Bracketing void CHoleFinderDlg::OnBracketLast() { UPDATE_DATA_TRUE; mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); } // Boundary contour void CHoleFinderDlg::OnExcludeOutside() { UPDATE_DATA_TRUE; mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); } // Clear the data here and in holefinder // Safe to call externally void CHoleFinderDlg::OnButClearData() { mHaveHoles = false; CLEAR_RESIZE(mHoleMeans, float, 0); CLEAR_RESIZE(mHoleSDs, float, 0); CLEAR_RESIZE(mHoleBlackFracs, float, 0); CLEAR_RESIZE(mXcenters, float, 0); CLEAR_RESIZE(mYcenters, float, 0); CLEAR_RESIZE(mXstages, float, 0); CLEAR_RESIZE(mYstages, float, 0); CLEAR_RESIZE(mXmissStage, float, 0); CLEAR_RESIZE(mYmissStage, float, 0); CLEAR_RESIZE(mXmissCen, float, 0); CLEAR_RESIZE(mYmissCen, float, 0); CLEAR_RESIZE(mMissPieceOn, int, 0); CLEAR_RESIZE(mMissXinPiece, float, 0); CLEAR_RESIZE(mMissYinPiece, float, 0); CLEAR_RESIZE(mExcluded, short, 0); CLEAR_RESIZE(mHexSubset, unsigned char, 0); CLEAR_RESIZE(mMissHexSubset, unsigned char, 0); CLEAR_RESIZE(mPieceOn, int, 0); mWinApp->mNavHelper->mFindHoles->clearAll(); mWinApp->mMainView->DrawImage(); mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); } // Set the size and spacing from the last values void CHoleFinderDlg::OnButSetSizeSpace() { mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); if (mLastHoleSize <= 0.) return; m_fHolesSize = mLastHoleSize; m_fSpacing = mLastHoleSpacing; ManageSizeSeparation(false); UpdateData(false); } // Respond to notify event from the Toggle button; ignore the right-click void CHoleFinderDlg::OnToggleDraw(NMHDR *pNotifyStruct, LRESULT *result) { static bool lastState = false; if (!BOOL_EQUIV(lastState, m_butToggleHoles.m_bSelected)) { mWinApp->mMainView->DrawImage(); lastState = m_butToggleHoles.m_bSelected; if (!lastState) mWinApp->mScope->SetRestoreViewFocusCount(1); } } // Edit boxes for mean limits: process string, set slider void CHoleFinderDlg::OnKillfocusEditLowerMean() { UPDATE_DATA_TRUE; mWinApp->RestoreFocusWhenIdle(); mParams.lowerMeanCutoff = (float)atof(m_strLowerMean); m_strLowerMean.FORMAT4OR5G(mParams.lowerMeanCutoff); m_intLowerMean = (int)(255. * (mParams.lowerMeanCutoff - mMeanMin) / (mMidMean - mMeanMin)); B3DCLAMP(m_intLowerMean, 0, 255); UpdateData(false); SetExclusionsAndDraw(); } void CHoleFinderDlg::OnKillfocusEditUpperMean() { UPDATE_DATA_TRUE; mWinApp->RestoreFocusWhenIdle(); mParams.upperMeanCutoff = (float)atof(m_strUpperMean); m_strUpperMean.FORMAT4OR5G(mParams.upperMeanCutoff); m_intUpperMean = (int)(255. * (mParams.upperMeanCutoff - mMidMean) / (mMeanMax - mMidMean)); B3DCLAMP(m_intUpperMean, 0, 255); UpdateData(false); SetExclusionsAndDraw(); } void CHoleFinderDlg::OnKillfocusEditHullDist() { UPDATE_DATA_TRUE; mWinApp->RestoreFocusWhenIdle(); mParams.edgeDistCutoff = (float)atof(m_strHullDist); m_strHullDist.Format("%.2f", mParams.edgeDistCutoff); m_intHullDist = (int)(255. * mParams.edgeDistCutoff / B3DMAX(1., mEdgeDistMax)); B3DCLAMP(m_intHullDist, 0, 255); UpdateData(false); SetExclusionsAndDraw(); } // Respond to slider changes: change actual cutoff in parameters as well as output slider // value void CHoleFinderDlg::OnHScroll(UINT nSBCode, UINT nPos, CScrollBar *pScrollBar) { bool takeNint = true; bool dropping = nSBCode != TB_THUMBTRACK; CWnd *wnd; UPDATE_DATA_TRUE; CSliderCtrl *pSlider = (CSliderCtrl *)pScrollBar; if (pSlider == &m_sliderLowerMean) { mParams.lowerMeanCutoff = (float)(m_intLowerMean * (mMidMean - mMeanMin) / 255. + mMeanMin); m_strLowerMean.FORMAT4OR5G(mParams.lowerMeanCutoff); wnd = GetDlgItem(IDC_STAT_LOW_MEAN_LABEL); wnd->SetFont(dropping ? m_statStatusOutput.GetFont() : mBoldFont); } if (pSlider == &m_sliderUpperMean) { mParams.upperMeanCutoff = (float)(m_intUpperMean * (mMeanMax - mMidMean) / 255. + mMidMean); m_strUpperMean.FORMAT4OR5G(mParams.upperMeanCutoff); wnd = GetDlgItem(IDC_STAT_UP_MEAN_LABEL); wnd->SetFont(dropping ? m_statStatusOutput.GetFont() : mBoldFont); } if (pSlider == &m_sliderSDcutoff) { mParams.SDcutoff = (float)(m_intSDcutoff * (mSDmax - mSDmin) / 255. + mSDmin); m_strSDcutoff.FORMAT4OR5G(mParams.SDcutoff); wnd = GetDlgItem(IDC_STAT_SD_LABEL); wnd->SetFont(dropping ? m_statStatusOutput.GetFont() : mBoldFont); } if (pSlider == &m_sliderBlackPct) { mParams.blackFracCutoff = (float)(m_intBlackPct * (mBlackFracMax - mBlackFracMin) / 255. + mBlackFracMin); m_strBlackPct.Format("%.1f", 100. * mParams.blackFracCutoff); wnd = GetDlgItem(IDC_STAT_PCT_LABEL); wnd->SetFont(dropping ? m_statStatusOutput.GetFont() : mBoldFont); } if (pSlider == &m_sliderHullDist) { mParams.edgeDistCutoff = (float)(m_intHullDist * mEdgeDistMax / 255.); m_strHullDist.Format("%.2f", mParams.edgeDistCutoff); wnd = GetDlgItem(IDC_STAT_HULL_DIST_LABEL); wnd->SetFont(dropping ? m_statStatusOutput.GetFont() : mBoldFont); } UpdateData(false); SetExclusionsAndDraw(); if (dropping) mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); CDialog::OnHScroll(nSBCode, nPos, pScrollBar); } // Other options void CHoleFinderDlg::OnUseBestSubset() { UPDATE_DATA_TRUE; mParams.useHexDiagonals = m_bUseBestSubset; mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); SetExclusionsAndDraw(); // Keep the nav map vectors up to date with the state of this setting if (mHaveHoles) SetNavMapHoleVectors(); } void CHoleFinderDlg::OnShowIncluded() { UPDATE_DATA_TRUE; mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); mWinApp->mMainView->DrawImage(); } void CHoleFinderDlg::OnShowExcluded() { UPDATE_DATA_TRUE; mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); mWinApp->mMainView->DrawImage(); } void CHoleFinderDlg::OnRadioLayoutType() { UPDATE_DATA_TRUE; mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); } // Make navigator points - the real work is done by Nav void CHoleFinderDlg::OnButMakeNavPts() { mParams.layoutType = m_iLayoutType; DoMakeNavPoints(mParams.layoutType, mParams.lowerMeanCutoff, mParams.upperMeanCutoff, mParams.SDcutoff, mParams.blackFracCutoff, mParams.edgeDistCutoff, mParams.useHexDiagonals ? 1 : 0); } //Externally called routine. Pass -1 to use the layout in params and EXTRA_NO_VALUE to // use the cutoffs in params int CHoleFinderDlg::DoMakeNavPoints(int layoutType, float lowerMeanCutoff, float upperMeanCutoff, float sdCutoff, float blackCutoff, float edgeDistCutoff, int useHexDiagonals) { CMapDrawItem *poly = NULL; ShortVec gridX, gridY; int ind, numAdded = 0; bool anyNonDflt = false; float avgLen = -1., avgAngle = -999.; float incStageX1, incStageY1, incStageX2, incStageY2; if (CheckAndSetNav("making Navigator points from hole positions")) return -1; if (!HaveHolesToDrawOrMakePts()) { SEMMessageBox("There are no hole positions available for making Navigator points"); return -1; } // Use the set parameters if alternatives not passed, and run exclusion again if (lowerMeanCutoff < EXTRA_VALUE_TEST) lowerMeanCutoff = mParams.lowerMeanCutoff; else anyNonDflt = true; if (upperMeanCutoff < EXTRA_VALUE_TEST) upperMeanCutoff = mParams.upperMeanCutoff; else anyNonDflt = true; if (sdCutoff < 0.) sdCutoff = mParams.SDcutoff; else anyNonDflt = true; if (blackCutoff < 0.) blackCutoff = mParams.blackFracCutoff; else anyNonDflt = true; if (edgeDistCutoff < 0) edgeDistCutoff = mParams.edgeDistCutoff; else anyNonDflt = true; if (layoutType < 0) layoutType = mParams.layoutType; if (useHexDiagonals < 0) useHexDiagonals = mParams.useHexDiagonals ? 1 : 0; SetExclusionsAndDraw(lowerMeanCutoff, upperMeanCutoff, sdCutoff, blackCutoff, edgeDistCutoff, useHexDiagonals != 0); if (mIsOpen) { UpdateData(true); DialogToParams(); *mMasterParams = mParams; mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); } // Add up number to add, return if none left for (ind = 0; ind < (int)mExcluded.size(); ind++) if (mExcluded[ind] <= 0) numAdded++; if (!numAdded) { if (anyNonDflt) SetExclusionsAndDraw(); return 0; } if (mBoundPolyID) poly = mNav->FindItemWithMapID(mBoundPolyID, false); // Get the grid positions and pass it all on // Note that the image positions here are Y-inverted, so a positive angle is in the // lower right of image, and 90 plus that is in lower left // Thus compute the stage vectors of the grid axes here and pass that in too mHelper->mFindHoles->assignGridPositions(mXcenters, mYcenters, gridX, gridY, avgAngle, avgLen); ApplyScaleMatrix(mImToStage, avgLen * (float)cos(avgAngle * DTOR), avgLen * (float)sin(avgAngle * DTOR), incStageX1, incStageY1); ApplyScaleMatrix(mImToStage, avgLen * (float)cos(DTOR *(avgAngle + 90.)), avgLen * (float)sin(DTOR * (avgAngle + 90.)), incStageX2, incStageY2); mAddedGroupID = mNav->AddFoundHoles(&mXstages, &mYstages, &mExcluded, &mXinPiece, &mYinPiece, &mPieceOn, &gridX, &gridY, avgLen * mPixelSize, 2.f * mBestRadius * mReduction * mPixelSize, incStageX1, incStageY1, incStageX2, incStageY2, mRegistration, mMapID, (float)mZstage, poly, layoutType); if (mAddedGroupID) { mNav->FindItemWithMapID(mAddedGroupID, false, true); mIndexOfGroupItem = mNav->GetFoundItem(); mWinApp->mMainView->DrawImage(); if (mIsOpen) m_butMakeNavPts.EnableWindow(false); if (mPieceOn.size() && *std::min_element(mPieceOn.begin(), mPieceOn.end()) < *std::max_element(mPieceOn.begin(), mPieceOn.end())) { int minpc = 1000; int maxpc = -1000; for (ind = mIndexOfGroupItem; ind < mIndexOfGroupItem + numAdded; ind++) { poly = mNav->GetOtherNavItem(ind); if (poly) { ACCUM_MIN(minpc, poly->mPieceDrawnOn); ACCUM_MAX(maxpc, poly->mPieceDrawnOn); } } if (minpc >= maxpc) PrintfToLog("WARNING: \"PieceDrawnOn\" values are wrong after making items " "(min %d, max %d)", minpc, maxpc); } } if (anyNonDflt) SetExclusionsAndDraw(); return mAddedGroupID ? numAdded : 0; } // Transfer values from the dialog to the parameters void CHoleFinderDlg::DialogToParams() { int ind; if (!mIsOpen) return; mParams.useBoundary = m_bExcludeOutside; mParams.useHexDiagonals = m_bUseBestSubset; mParams.showExcluded = m_bShowExcluded; mParams.layoutType = m_iLayoutType; mParams.hexagonalArray = m_bHexArray; SizeAndSpacingToParam(false); mParams.maxError = m_fMaxError; mParams.bracketLast = m_bBracketLast; mParams.sigmas.clear(); mParams.thresholds.clear(); for (ind = 0; ind < mNumSigmas; ind++) mParams.sigmas.push_back((float)mSigmas[ind]); for (ind = 0; ind < mNumIterations; ind++) mParams.sigmas.push_back(-(float)mIterations[ind]); for (ind = 0; ind < mNumThresholds; ind++) mParams.thresholds.push_back((float)mThresholds[ind]); } void CHoleFinderDlg::SyncToMasterParams() { if (!mIsOpen) return; UPDATE_DATA_TRUE; DialogToParams(); *mMasterParams = mParams; } // Transfer values from the parameters to the dialog void CHoleFinderDlg::ParamsToDialog() { int ind; mNumIterations = 0; mNumSigmas = 0; mNumThresholds = 0; for (ind = 0; ind < (int)mParams.sigmas.size(); ind++) { if (mParams.sigmas[ind] > 0) mSigmas[mNumSigmas++] = mParams.sigmas[ind]; else if (mParams.sigmas[ind] < 0) mIterations[mNumIterations++] = -(int)mParams.sigmas[ind]; } for (ind = 0; ind < (int)mParams.thresholds.size(); ind++) mThresholds[mNumThresholds++] = mParams.thresholds[ind]; if (!mIsOpen) return; m_strSigmas = ListToString(1, mNumSigmas, &mSigmas[0]); m_strIterations = ListToString(3, mNumIterations, &mIterations[0]); if (mNumThresholds) m_strThresholds = mWinApp->mParamIO->EntryListToString(1, 2, mNumThresholds, NULL, &mThresholds[0]); // If there are holes, set up the sliders and cutoffs; clamp sliders not actual cutoffs if (mHaveHoles) { m_strSDcutoff.FORMAT4OR5G(mParams.SDcutoff); m_strBlackPct.Format("%.1f", 100. * mParams.blackFracCutoff); m_intLowerMean = (int)(255. * (mParams.lowerMeanCutoff - mMeanMin) / (mMidMean - mMeanMin)); m_intUpperMean = (int)(255. * (mParams.upperMeanCutoff - mMidMean) / (mMeanMax - mMidMean)); m_intSDcutoff = (int)(255. * (mParams.SDcutoff - mSDmin) / (mSDmax -mSDmin)); m_intBlackPct = (int)(255. * (mParams.blackFracCutoff - mBlackFracMin) / (mBlackFracMax - mBlackFracMin)); m_intHullDist = (int)(255. * mParams.edgeDistCutoff / B3DMAX(1., mEdgeDistMax)); B3DCLAMP(m_intLowerMean, 0, 255); B3DCLAMP(m_intUpperMean, 0, 255); B3DCLAMP(m_intSDcutoff, 0, 255); B3DCLAMP(m_intBlackPct, 0, 255); B3DCLAMP(m_intHullDist, 0, 255); } else { m_strSDcutoff = ""; m_strBlackPct = ""; m_intLowerMean = 0; m_intUpperMean = 255; m_intSDcutoff = 255; m_intBlackPct = 255; m_intHullDist = 0; } m_strLowerMean.FORMAT4OR5G(mParams.lowerMeanCutoff > EXTRA_VALUE_TEST ? mParams.lowerMeanCutoff : 0.); m_strUpperMean.FORMAT4OR5G(mParams.upperMeanCutoff > EXTRA_VALUE_TEST ? mParams.upperMeanCutoff : 0.); m_strHullDist.Format("%.2f", mParams.edgeDistCutoff); m_bHexArray = mParams.hexagonalArray; SizeAndSpacingToDialog(false, false); m_fMaxError = mParams.maxError; m_bExcludeOutside = mParams.useBoundary; m_bBracketLast = mParams.bracketLast; m_bUseBestSubset = mParams.useHexDiagonals; m_bShowExcluded = mParams.showExcluded; m_iLayoutType = mParams.layoutType; UpdateData(false); } // Take care of disabling things as appropriate but also update the min/max slider values void CHoleFinderDlg::ManageEnables() { if (!mIsOpen) return; m_butFindHoles.EnableWindow(!mWinApp->DoingTasks() && mNumSigmas + mNumIterations > 0 && mNumThresholds > 0); m_sliderLowerMean.EnableWindow(mHaveHoles); m_sliderUpperMean.EnableWindow(mHaveHoles); m_sliderSDcutoff.EnableWindow(mHaveHoles); m_sliderBlackPct.EnableWindow(mHaveHoles); m_editLowerMean.EnableWindow(mHaveHoles); m_editUpperMean.EnableWindow(mHaveHoles); m_butSetSizeSpace.EnableWindow(mLastHoleSize > 0.); if (mHaveHoles) { m_strMinLowerMean.FORMAT4OR5G(mMeanMin); m_strMaxLowerMean.FORMAT4OR5G(mMidMean); m_strMinUpperMean.FORMAT4OR5G(mMidMean); m_strMaxUpperMean.FORMAT4OR5G(mMeanMax); m_strMinSDcutoff.FORMAT4OR5G(mSDmin); m_strMaxSDcutoff.FORMAT4OR5G(mSDmax); m_strMinBlackPct.Format("%.1f", 100. * mBlackFracMin); m_strMaxBlackPct.Format("%.1f", 100. * mBlackFracMax); m_strMaxHullDist.Format("%.1f", mEdgeDistMax); } else { m_strMinLowerMean = ""; m_strMaxLowerMean = ""; m_strMinUpperMean = ""; m_strMaxUpperMean = ""; m_strMinSDcutoff = ""; m_strMaxSDcutoff = ""; m_strMinBlackPct = ""; m_strMaxBlackPct = ""; m_strMaxHullDist = ""; } m_butBracketLast.EnableWindow(mBestThreshInd >= 0); EnableDlgItem(IDC_USE_BEST_SUBSET, m_bHexArray); m_butShowExcluded.EnableWindow(mHaveHoles); m_butShowIncluded.EnableWindow(mHaveHoles); m_butToggleHoles.EnableWindow(mHaveHoles); m_butZigzag.EnableWindow(mHaveHoles); m_butFromFocus.EnableWindow(mHaveHoles); m_butInGroups.EnableWindow(mHaveHoles && mHelper->GetGridGroupSize() > 0); m_butMakeNavPts.EnableWindow(HaveHolesToDrawOrMakePts() && !mNav->mNavAcquireDlg); UpdateData(false); } void CHoleFinderDlg::ManageSizeSeparation(bool update) { m_strUmSizeSep.Format("um (%.1f/%.1f)", m_fHolesSize, m_fSpacing - m_fHolesSize); if (update) UpdateData(false); } // Place the appropriate size and spacing for grid type into the dialog, optionally saving // the existing values for other type void CHoleFinderDlg::SizeAndSpacingToDialog(bool saveOther, bool update) { if (saveOther) { SizeAndSpacingToParam(true); } if (m_bHexArray) { m_fHolesSize = mParams.hexDiameter; m_fSpacing = mParams.hexSpacing; } else { m_fHolesSize = mParams.diameter; m_fSpacing = mParams.spacing; } ManageSizeSeparation(update); } // Save size and spacing for the current grid type, or the other one if flag set void CHoleFinderDlg::SizeAndSpacingToParam(bool other) { BOOL which = m_bHexArray; if (other) which = !which; if (which) { mParams.hexDiameter = m_fHolesSize; mParams.hexSpacing = m_fSpacing; } else { mParams.diameter = m_fHolesSize; mParams.spacing = m_fSpacing; } } // New settings: copy master params, send to dialog void CHoleFinderDlg::UpdateSettings() { mParams = *mMasterParams; ParamsToDialog(); ManageEnables(); } // A few utilities CString CHoleFinderDlg::ListToString(int type, int num, void * list) { if (num) return mWinApp->mParamIO->EntryListToString(type, 2, num, (int *)(type == 3 ? list : NULL), (double *)(type == 1 ? list : NULL)); else return ""; } void CHoleFinderDlg::InvertVectorInY(FloatVec & vec, int ysize) { for (int ind = 0; ind < (int)vec.size(); ind++) vec[ind] = ysize - vec[ind]; } static char *formatSigma(float sigma) { static char sigTextBuf[20]; if (sigma < 0) sprintf(sigTextBuf, "med: %d", B3DNINT(-sigma)); else sprintf(sigTextBuf, "sig: %.1f", sigma); return &sigTextBuf[0]; } // The main attraction: find the holes void CHoleFinderDlg::OnButFindHoles() { mFindingFromDialog = true; DoFindHoles(mWinApp->mMainView->GetActiveImBuf(), false); mFindingFromDialog = false; } int CHoleFinderDlg::DoFindHoles(EMimageBuffer *imBuf, bool synchronous) { float curDiam, diamReduced, spacingReduced, maxRadius, area, minArea = 1.e30f; FloatVec *widths, *increments; IntVec *numCircles; FloatVec xBoundTemp, yBoundTemp; MapItemArray *itemArray; MontParam *masterMont = mWinApp->GetMontParam(); KImage *image; CMapDrawItem *item; int reloadBinning, overBinSave, readBuf, err, numScans, ind, nav, minDrawnID = 0, bufID; int numMedians, numOnIm, sigStart, sigEnd, iterStart, iterEnd; float useWidth, useHeight, ptX, ptY, delX, delY, bufStageX, bufStageY, useDiameter; float autocorSpacing, testSpacing, vectors[6], autocorCrit = 0.14f; double tstageX, tstageY; ScaleMat rMat, rInv, aMat; MontParam *montP = &mMontParam; float targetDiam = mHelper->GetHFtargetDiamPix(); float tooSmallCrit = 0.8f; float minFracPtsOnImage = 0.74f; BOOL convertSave, loadUnbinSave, hexArray; CString noMontReason, boundLabel, mess; if (!synchronous && CheckAndSetNav("finding holes")) return 1; // Initialize by clearing out existing hole info mMontage = 0; mXboundary.clear(); mYboundary.clear(); mXinPiece.clear(); mMissPieceOn.clear(); mMissXinPiece.clear(); mMissYinPiece.clear(); mPieceOn.clear(); mExcluded.clear(); mHexSubset.clear(); mMissHexSubset.clear(); mBoundPolyID = 0; mAddedGroupID = 0; mCurStore = -2; mBufInd = (int)(imBuf - mWinApp->GetImBufs()); mHaveHoles = false; mLastHoleSize = 0.; mLastHoleSpacing = 0.; // Check preconditions DialogToParams(); if (!mIsOpen) { mMasterParams = mHelper->GetHoleFinderParams(); mParams = *mMasterParams; ParamsToDialog(); } mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); hexArray = mParams.hexagonalArray; useDiameter = hexArray ? mParams.hexDiameter : mParams.diameter; if (mNumSigmas + mNumIterations == 0 || mNumThresholds == 0) { SEMMessageBox(mNumThresholds ? "There are no thresholds specified for finding holes" : "There are no filters specified for finding holes"); return 1; } if (mBufInd < 0 || mBufInd >= MAX_BUFFERS || !(imBuf && imBuf->mImage)) { SEMMessageBox("The specified buffer is not in the active window or has no image for" " finding holes", MB_EXCLAME); return 1; } image = imBuf->mImage; mHelper->GetHFscanVectors(&widths, &increments, &numCircles); mPixelSize = mWinApp->mShiftManager->GetPixelSize(imBuf); mWinApp->mScope->GetStagePosition(tstageX, tstageY, mZstage); mBufBinning = imBuf->mBinning; //if (mWinApp->mProcessImage->GetTestCtfPixelSize()) //mPixelSize = 0.001f * mWinApp->mProcessImage->GetTestCtfPixelSize() * imBuf->mBinning; if (!mPixelSize) { SEMMessageBox("No pixel size is assigned to this image; it is needed for finding " "holes", MB_EXCLAME); return 1; } if (image->getType() == kRGB) { SEMMessageBox("Hole finder does not work on color images"); return 1; } if (mNav && (!mNav->BufferStageToImage(imBuf, aMat, delX, delY) || !imBuf->GetStagePosition(bufStageX, bufStageY))) { SEMMessageBox("The currently active image does not have enough information\n" "to convert positions to stage coordinates.", MB_EXCLAME); return 1; } if ((!hexArray && mParams.spacing < mParams.diameter + 0.5f) || (hexArray && mParams.hexSpacing < mParams.hexDiameter + 0.15f)) { SEMMessageBox("The hole spacing is a center-to-center distance and must be at least " + CString(hexArray ? "0.15" : "0.5") + " micron bigger than the hole size"); return 1; } mAdjustedStageToCam = mWinApp->mShiftManager->FocusAdjustedStageToCamera(imBuf); testSpacing = hexArray ? mParams.hexSpacing : mParams.spacing; autocorSpacing = testSpacing; if (mFindingFromDialog && !mSkipAutoCor && image->getWidth() / testSpacing >= 4. && image->getHeight() / testSpacing >= 4.) { if (!mWinApp->mProcessImage->FindPixelSize(0., 0., 0., 0., mBufInd, FIND_ACPK_NO_WAFFLE | FIND_PIX_NO_DISPLAY | FIND_PIX_NO_TARGET | (hexArray ? FIND_ACPK_HEX_GRID : 0), autocorSpacing, vectors)) { autocorSpacing *= mPixelSize; delX = fabs(testSpacing - autocorSpacing) / testSpacing; if (delX > autocorCrit) { mess.Format("Autocorrelation peak analysis indicates that the spacing\n" "between hole centers is %.2f microns, %.0f%% from the entered value\n\n" "You may need to measure hole spacing and size directly in this\n" "image (use Shift - Left mouse button to draw lines)" "\n\nPress:\n\"Stop & Check\" to check the size and spacing," "\n\n\"Go On\" to proceed with your entered values," "\n\n\"Skip Analysis\" to proceed and skip this peak analysis in the future", autocorSpacing, 100. * delX); ind = SEMThreeChoiceBox(mess, "Stop && Check", "Go On", "Skip Analysis", MB_YESNOCANCEL); if (ind == IDYES) return 1; mSkipAutoCor = ind == IDCANCEL; } } } // Get some sizes, get a nav item regardless of montage so it can be used as drawn on // and for registration and stage Z curDiam = useDiameter / mPixelSize; mFullYsize = image->getHeight(); mNavItem = mNav ? mNav->FindItemWithMapID(imBuf->mMapID) : NULL; // Get map ID to assign as drawn on ID when holes are made, or negative of mag index if // it is non-map buffer mMapID = 0; if (mNavItem) { mZstage = mNavItem->mStageZ; mMapID = mNavItem->mMapID; } else if (imBuf->mMagInd > 0) mMapID = -imBuf->mMagInd; convertSave = mHelper->GetConvertMaps(); readBuf = mWinApp->mBufferManager->GetBufToReadInto(); // Montaging: check preconditions first if (!synchronous && imBuf->mCaptured == BUFFER_MONTAGE_OVERVIEW) { mMontage = -1; if (!imBuf->mMapID) noMontReason = "the buffer has no ID for finding its Navigator map"; else if (!mNavItem) noMontReason = "could not find the map item from the ID in the buffer"; if (mNavItem && mWinApp->mNavHelper->PrepareMontAdjustments(imBuf, rMat, rInv, ptX, ptY) > 0) noMontReason = "the map is rotated"; else if (mNavItem && mNav->AccessMapFile(mNavItem, mImageStore, mCurStore, montP, useWidth, useHeight)) noMontReason = "could not access the map file again"; if (noMontReason.IsEmpty()) { mMontage = 1; // Reload the overview if it is binned and holes are too small, or if it is bytes if ((image->getType() == kUBYTE && mImageStore->getMode() != MRC_MODE_BYTE) || (imBuf->mOverviewBin > 1 && curDiam < targetDiam * tooSmallCrit)) { // Set the bining at which to reload reloadBinning = imBuf->mOverviewBin; while (reloadBinning > 1) { if ((curDiam * imBuf->mOverviewBin) / reloadBinning > targetDiam * tooSmallCrit) break; reloadBinning--; } // Save some params, get rid of store for now, and set params for reload overBinSave = masterMont->overviewBinning; loadUnbinSave = mHelper->GetLoadMapsUnbinned(); if (mCurStore < 0) delete mImageStore; masterMont->overviewBinning = reloadBinning; mHelper->SetConvertMaps(false); mHelper->SetLoadMapsUnbinned(false); // Reload and restore err = mNav->DoLoadMap(true, mNavItem, -1); masterMont->overviewBinning = overBinSave; mHelper->SetConvertMaps(convertSave); mHelper->SetLoadMapsUnbinned(loadUnbinSave); if (err) { noMontReason = "could not reload the map to work with it properly"; } else { // Copy to current buffer and recompute diameter/pixel size if (readBuf != mBufInd) { mWinApp->mBufferManager->CopyImageBuffer(readBuf, mBufInd); mWinApp->SetCurrentBuffer(mBufInd); } image = imBuf->mImage; mFullYsize = image->getHeight(); mPixelSize = mWinApp->mShiftManager->GetPixelSize(imBuf); // This is deadly, uncomment to use it! /*if (mWinApp->mProcessImage->GetTestCtfPixelSize()) mPixelSize = 0.001f * mWinApp->mProcessImage->GetTestCtfPixelSize() * imBuf->mBinning;*/ if (!mPixelSize) { SEMMessageBox("The image has no pixel size after reloading for finding " "holes"); return 1; } curDiam = useDiameter / mPixelSize; if (mNav->AccessMapFile(mNavItem, mImageStore, mCurStore, montP, useWidth, useHeight)) { noMontReason = "could not access the map file again after reloading it"; } } } // Save the overview binning and the minioffset so the imBuf does not need to be // accessed again mFullBinning = imBuf->mOverviewBin; mBufBinning = imBuf->mBinning; mMontage = montP->xNframes * montP->yNframes > 1 ? 1 : 0; if (mMontage > 0 && imBuf->mMiniOffsets) { mMiniOffsets = new MiniOffsets; *mMiniOffsets = *imBuf->mMiniOffsets; } } // But single frame byte images need to be reloaded too } else if (image->getType() == kUBYTE && mNavItem) { mHelper->SetConvertMaps(false); mWinApp->mBufferManager->SetBufToReadInto(mBufInd); err = mNav->DoLoadMap(true, mNavItem, -1); mHelper->SetConvertMaps(convertSave); mWinApp->mBufferManager->SetBufToReadInto(readBuf); if (err) { SEMMessageBox("Could not reload map to work with it as non-bytes"); return 1; } image = imBuf->mImage; } mLastTiltAngle = 0.; imBuf->GetTiltAngle(mLastTiltAngle); mLastMagIndex = imBuf->mMagInd; // Report failure, but go on if (mMontage && !noMontReason.IsEmpty()) { mWinApp->AppendToLog("Cannot analyze montage pieces when finding holes: " + noMontReason); mMontage = -1; } // Copy the montage params to our copy if the pointer got replaced with one from an // open file if (mMontage && montP != &mMontParam) mMontParam = *montP; mRegistration = mNav ? mNav->GetCurrentRegistration() : 1; if (mNavItem) mRegistration = mNavItem->mRegistration; // Look for boundary contour if selected if (!synchronous && mParams.useBoundary) { itemArray = mNav->GetItemArray(); mNav->BufferStageToImage(imBuf, aMat, delX, delY); bufID = imBuf->mMapID; for (nav = 0; nav < (int)itemArray->GetSize(); nav++) { item = itemArray->GetAt(nav); // For polygon at same registration // transform points to image and count how many are on the image if (item->IsPolygon() && item->mRegistration == mRegistration) { numOnIm = 0; xBoundTemp.resize(item->mNumPoints); yBoundTemp.resize(item->mNumPoints); for (ind = 0; ind < item->mNumPoints; ind++) { xBoundTemp[ind] = aMat.xpx * item->mPtX[ind] + aMat.xpy * item->mPtY[ind] +delX; yBoundTemp[ind] = aMat.ypx * item->mPtX[ind] + aMat.ypy * item->mPtY[ind] +delY; if (xBoundTemp[ind] >= 0 && xBoundTemp[ind] < image->getWidth() && yBoundTemp[ind] >= 0 && yBoundTemp[ind] < mFullYsize) numOnIm++; // Stop if enough points are outside the image if ((ind + 1. - numOnIm) / item->mNumPoints > 1. - minFracPtsOnImage) break; } // If enough are on image, get the area, and if it is the smallest such, take it // But give preference to polygon drawn on map if ((float)numOnIm / item->mNumPoints >= minFracPtsOnImage) { area = mNav->ContourArea(item->mPtX, item->mPtY, item->mNumPoints); if (minDrawnID != bufID && item->mDrawnOnMapID == bufID || (area < minArea && (!bufID || !(minDrawnID == bufID && item->mDrawnOnMapID != bufID)))) { minArea = area; minDrawnID = item->mDrawnOnMapID; mXboundary = xBoundTemp; mYboundary = yBoundTemp; mBoundPolyID = item->mMapID; boundLabel = item->mLabel; } } } } if (!boundLabel.IsEmpty()) PrintfToLog("Points will be retained inside the polygon with label %s", (LPCTSTR)boundLabel); } numScans = (int)widths->size(); ACCUM_MIN(numScans, (int)numCircles->size()); ACCUM_MIN(numScans, (int)increments->size()); // Get the reduction mReduction = B3DMAX(1.f, curDiam / targetDiam); diamReduced = curDiam / mReduction; spacingReduced = (testSpacing / mPixelSize) / mReduction; // get the maximum radius assuming worst-case expansion maxRadius = diamReduced / 2.f; for (ind = 0; ind < numScans; ind++) maxRadius += (numCircles->at(ind) / 2.f) * increments->at(ind) + widths->at(ind); mErrorMax = mParams.maxError / mPixelSize; // Copy the parameters or set up to bracket last one mUseSigmas = mParams.sigmas; mUseThresholds = mParams.thresholds; if (mParams.bracketLast && mBestThreshInd >= 0) { mUseThresholds.clear(); mUseSigmas.clear(); for (ind = B3DMAX(0, mBestThreshInd - 1); ind <= B3DMIN(mNumThresholds - 1, mBestThreshInd + 1); ind++) mUseThresholds.push_back(mParams.thresholds[ind]); // Filter is complicated: if there are multiple ones of the type that is best, just // bracket with that type; otherwise use the one best and the middle one of the other // type sigStart = 0; sigEnd = -1; iterStart = mNumSigmas; iterEnd = mNumSigmas - 1; if (!mNumIterations || (mNumSigmas > 1 && mBestSigInd < mNumSigmas)) { sigStart = B3DMAX(0, mBestSigInd - 1); sigEnd = B3DMIN(mNumSigmas - 1, mBestSigInd + 1); } else if (!mNumSigmas || (mNumIterations > 1 && mBestSigInd >= mNumSigmas)) { iterStart = B3DMAX(mNumSigmas, mBestSigInd - 1); iterEnd = B3DMIN(mNumSigmas + mNumIterations + 1, mBestSigInd + 1); } else if (mBestSigInd < mNumSigmas) { sigStart = sigEnd = mBestSigInd; if (mNumIterations) { iterStart = iterEnd = mNumIterations / 2; } } else { iterStart = iterEnd = mBestSigInd; if (mNumSigmas) { sigStart = sigEnd = mNumSigmas / 2; } } for (ind = sigStart; ind <= sigEnd; ind++) mUseSigmas.push_back(mParams.sigmas[ind]); for (ind = iterStart; ind <= iterEnd; ind++) mUseSigmas.push_back(mParams.sigmas[ind]); } numMedians = 0; for (ind = 0; ind < (int)mUseSigmas.size(); ind++) if (mParams.sigmas[ind] < 0) numMedians++; // Initialize: reduce the image image->Lock(); err = mHelper->mFindHoles->initialize(image->getData(), image->getType(), image->getWidth(), mFullYsize, mReduction, maxRadius, CACHE_KEEP_BOTH + (numMedians > 1 ? CACHE_KEEP_MEDIAN : 0)); image->UnLock(); if (err) { SEMMessageBox(CString("Error in initializing holefinder routine:\n") + mHelper->mFindHoles->returnErrorString(err), MB_EXCLAME); StopScanning(); return 1; } // Set up the parameters and call to start the scan mHelper->mFindHoles->setSequenceParams(diamReduced, spacingReduced, hexArray == TRUE, mHelper->GetHFretainFFTs() != 0, mErrorMax, mHelper->GetHFfractionToAverage(), mHelper->GetHFminNumForTemplate(), mHelper->GetHFmaxDiamErrFrac(), mHelper->GetHFavgOutlieCrit(), mHelper->GetHFfinalNegOutlieCrit(), mHelper->GetHFfinalPosOutlieCrit(), mHelper->GetHFfinalOutlieRadFrac()); mHelper->mFindHoles->setRunsInSequence(&(*increments)[0], &(*widths)[0], &(*numCircles)[0], numScans, &mUseSigmas[0], (int)mUseSigmas.size(), &mUseThresholds[0], (int)mUseThresholds.size()); mFindingHoles = true; mSigInd = 0; mThreshInd = 0; if (!synchronous) { mWinApp->SetStatusText(SIMPLE_PANE, "FINDING HOLES"); mWinApp->UpdateBufferWindows(); } ScanningNextTask(synchronous ? -999 : 0); return 0; } // Next task for scanning is to run the next set of parameters void CHoleFinderDlg::ScanningNextTask(int param) { int err, ind; int cen, bestCen = -1, maxCenNum = 0; int subsetXcen[3] = {0, 1, 0}; int subsetYcen[3] = {0, 0, 1}; ShortVec gridX, gridY; float sigUsed, threshUsed; FloatVec peakVals, xMissing, yMissing, xCenClose, yCenClose, xBound, yBound; FloatVec peakClose, xInPiece, yInPiece, xCenAlt, yCenAlt, peakAlt, xMissing2, yMissing2; float avgAngle, avgLen, anSpacing; IntVec pieceSavedAt, tileXnum, tileYnum, pieceIndex, secIxAliPiece, secIyAliPiece; IntVec fileZindex, altInds2; FloatVecArray pieceXcenVec, pieceYcenVec, piecePeakVec, pieceMeanVec, pieceSDsVec; FloatVecArray pieceOutlieVec; MontParam *montP = &mMontParam; EMimageBuffer *allBufs = mWinApp->GetImBufs(); EMimageBuffer *imBuf = &allBufs[mBufInd]; int numMissAdded, numPcInSec, ixpc, iypc, ipc, readBuf, numMiss, xGrid, yGrid, subset; int xcoord, ycoord, zcoord, numFromCorr, numPoints; ScaleMat aMat, aInv, adjInv; float delX, delY, ptX, ptY; bool syncForOneHole = param == -999; CString noMontReason, statStr; if (!mFindingHoles) return; if (!syncForOneHole && CheckAndSetNav()) { StopScanning(); return; } for ( ;; ) { err = mHelper->mFindHoles->runSequence(mSigInd, sigUsed, mThreshInd, threshUsed, mXboundary, mYboundary, mBestSigInd, mBestThreshInd, mBestRadius, mTrueSpacing, mXcenters, mYcenters, peakVals, xMissing, yMissing, xCenClose, yCenClose, peakClose, numMissAdded); if (err < 0 && !syncForOneHole) { statStr.Format("%s thr: %.1f #: %d miss: %d", formatSigma(sigUsed), threshUsed, (int)mXcenters.size(), (int)xMissing.size()); if (mIsOpen) { m_strStatusOutput = statStr; UpdateData(false); } mWinApp->SetStatusText(MEDIUM_PANE, statStr); mWinApp->AddIdleTask(TASK_FIND_HOLES, 0, 0); return; } if (err >= 0) break; } if (!err) { mIntensityRad = mBestRadius - mErrorMax / mReduction; err = mHelper->mFindHoles->holeIntensityStats(mIntensityRad, mXcenters, mYcenters, false, true, &mHoleMeans, &mHoleSDs, &mHoleBlackFracs); } if (err) { SEMMessageBox(CString("Error in holefinder routine:\n") + mHelper->mFindHoles->returnErrorString(err), MB_EXCLAME); StopScanning(); return; } if (mMontage > 0 && !syncForOneHole) { readBuf = mWinApp->mBufferManager->GetBufToReadInto(); if (mBufInd == readBuf) readBuf = mBufInd == 0 ? 1 : 0; // pieceSavedAt is indexed by ixpc * nYframes + iypc // But pieceIndex is expected to be indexed by ixpc + nXframes * iypc if (mWinApp->mMontageController->ListMontagePieces(mImageStore, montP, mNavItem->mMapSection, pieceSavedAt) < 0) { SEMMessageBox("Holefinder error from bad montage parameters; please report values " "printed in log"); StopScanning(); return; } ind = 0; pieceIndex.clear(); pieceIndex.resize(pieceSavedAt.size(), -1); for (iypc = 0; iypc < montP->yNframes; iypc++) { for (ixpc = 0; ixpc < montP->xNframes; ixpc++) { ipc = ixpc * montP->yNframes + iypc; if (pieceSavedAt[ipc] >= 0) { tileXnum.push_back(ixpc); // Invert the Y tile number so that coordinates make sense in terms of adjcency tileYnum.push_back((montP->yNframes - 1) - iypc); fileZindex.push_back(pieceSavedAt[ipc]); mImageStore->getPcoord(pieceSavedAt[ipc], xcoord, ycoord, zcoord); secIxAliPiece.push_back(xcoord); secIyAliPiece.push_back(ycoord); // Minioffsets are indexed the same way and Y is inverted relative to piece // coords, which are still right-handed if (mMiniOffsets) { secIxAliPiece[ind] += mMiniOffsets->offsetX[ipc] * mFullBinning; secIyAliPiece[ind] -= mMiniOffsets->offsetY[ipc] * mFullBinning; } secIyAliPiece[ind] = mFullYsize * mFullBinning - (secIyAliPiece[ind] + montP->yFrame); pieceIndex[ixpc + montP->xNframes * iypc] = ind++; } } } numPcInSec = ind; pieceXcenVec.resize(numPcInSec); pieceYcenVec.resize(numPcInSec); piecePeakVec.resize(numPcInSec); pieceMeanVec.resize(numPcInSec); pieceSDsVec.resize(numPcInSec); pieceOutlieVec.resize(numPcInSec); // Process montage pieces: set up, then loop on pieces mHelper->mFindHoles->setMontPieceVectors(&pieceXcenVec, &pieceYcenVec, &piecePeakVec, &pieceMeanVec, &pieceSDsVec, &pieceOutlieVec, &secIxAliPiece, &secIyAliPiece, &pieceIndex, &tileXnum, &tileYnum); mHelper->mFindHoles->setMontageParams(montP->xNframes, montP->yNframes, montP->xFrame, montP->yFrame, mFullBinning, mHelper->GetHFpcToPcSameFrac(), mHelper->GetHFpcToFullSameFrac(), mHelper->GetHFsubstOverlapDistFrac(), mHelper->GetHFusePieceEdgeDistFrac(), mHelper->GetHFaddOverlapFrac()); for (ipc = 0; ipc < numPcInSec; ipc++) { err = mWinApp->mBufferManager->ReadFromFile(mImageStore, fileZindex[ipc], readBuf, true, true); if (err) { noMontReason.Format("Error reading z = %d from file", fileZindex[ipc]); } else { allBufs[readBuf].mImage->Lock(); err = mHelper->mFindHoles->initialize(allBufs[readBuf].mImage->getData(), mImageStore->getMode(), montP->xFrame, montP->yFrame, mFullBinning * mReduction, mBestRadius + 4.f, CACHE_KEEP_BOTH + CACHE_KEEP_AVGS); allBufs[readBuf].mImage->UnLock(); } if (!err) err = mHelper->mFindHoles->processMontagePiece(mParams.sigmas[mBestSigInd], mParams.thresholds[mBestThreshInd], mTrueSpacing / mReduction, ipc, mXboundary, mYboundary, mIntensityRad, numFromCorr); if (err) { if (noMontReason.IsEmpty()) noMontReason = mHelper->mFindHoles->returnErrorString(err); SEMMessageBox("Refinement of positions with montage analysis failed:\n" + noMontReason, MB_EXCLAME); break; } } // USE the positions to improve the centers arrays if (!err) { mHelper->mFindHoles->resolvePiecePositions(true, mXcenters, mYcenters, peakVals, xMissing, yMissing, xCenClose, yCenClose, peakClose, mPieceOn, mXinPiece, mYinPiece, &mHoleMeans, &mHoleSDs, &mHoleBlackFracs); // Invert the Y positions in piece and fix up the pieceOn for right-handed order InvertVectorInY(mYinPiece, montP->yFrame); int minBefore = 1000, maxBefore = -1000, minAfter = 1000, maxAfter = -1000; for (ind = 0; ind < (int)mPieceOn.size(); ind++) { ACCUM_MIN(minBefore, mPieceOn[ind]); ACCUM_MAX(maxBefore, mPieceOn[ind]); xcoord = mPieceOn[ind] / montP->yNframes; ycoord = mPieceOn[ind] % montP->yNframes; mPieceOn[ind] = (montP->yNframes - 1) - ycoord + xcoord * montP->yNframes; ACCUM_MIN(minAfter, mPieceOn[ind]); ACCUM_MAX(maxAfter, mPieceOn[ind]); } if (montP->xNframes * montP->yNframes > 3 && mPieceOn.size() > 40) { if (minBefore == maxBefore) PrintfToLog("WARNING: The \"pieceOn\" value before inversion is the same for" " all points, %d", minBefore); else if (minAfter == maxAfter) PrintfToLog("WARNING: The \"pieceOn\" value after inversion is the same for" " all points, %d", minBefore); } } } else { mPieceOn.clear(); mPieceOn.resize(mXcenters.size(), -1); if (mMontage) { mXinPiece.resize(mXcenters.size()); mYinPiece.resize(mXcenters.size()); } } // OUTPUT summary line and skip if nothing numPoints = (int)mXcenters.size(); mExcluded.resize(numPoints, 0); *mMasterParams = mParams; StopScanning(); if (!numPoints) { if (mIsOpen) { m_strStatusOutput = ""; UpdateData(false); } mWinApp->AppendToLog("No holes were found!"); return; } mLastHoleSize = 0.01f * B3DNINT(100.f * 2.f * mBestRadius * mReduction * mPixelSize); mLastHoleSpacing = 0.01f * B3DNINT(100.f * mTrueSpacing * mPixelSize); mLastWasHexGrid = mParams.hexagonalArray; statStr.Format("%s thr: %.1f #: %d size: %.2f per: %.2f", formatSigma(mParams.sigmas[mBestSigInd]), mParams.thresholds[mBestThreshInd], numPoints, mLastHoleSize, mLastHoleSpacing); if (mIsOpen) m_strStatusOutput = statStr; else mWinApp->AppendToLog("Hole finder: " + statStr); mHaveHoles = true; // Get the grid vectors and convert them to stage coordinates. Vectors are right-handed mHelper->mFindHoles->analyzeNeighbors(mXcenters, mYcenters, peakVals, altInds2, xCenAlt, yCenAlt, peakAlt, 0., 0., 0, anSpacing, xMissing2, yMissing2); mHelper->mFindHoles->getGridVectors(mGridImXVecs, mGridImYVecs, avgAngle, avgLen, -1); adjInv = MatInv(mAdjustedStageToCam); for (ind = 0; ind < (mLastWasHexGrid ? 3 : 2); ind++) ApplyScaleMatrix(adjInv, mBufBinning * mGridImXVecs[ind], -mBufBinning * mGridImYVecs[ind], mGridStageXVecs[ind], mGridStageYVecs[ind]); // Get stage positions, save matrix for converting average vector later if (!mNav) return; mNav->BufferStageToImage(imBuf, aMat, delX, delY); aInv = MatInv(aMat); mImToStage = aInv; mXstages.resize(numPoints); mYstages.resize(numPoints); rsMedian(&mHoleMeans[0], numPoints, &mXstages[0], &mMidMean); for (ind = 0; ind < numPoints; ind++) { ptX = mXcenters[ind]; ptY = mYcenters[ind]; // It turns out that the pieceOn values from above are not quite right or consistent // with what is needed for proper display, so replace them if (mMontage && mPieceOn.size()) mWinApp->mNavHelper->AdjustMontImagePos(imBuf, ptX, ptY, &mPieceOn[ind], &mXinPiece[ind], &mYinPiece[ind]); ApplyScaleMatrix(aInv, ptX - delX, ptY - delY, mXstages[ind], mYstages[ind]); } // Treat the missing points the same way so they can be added by mouse numMiss = (int)xMissing.size(); if (numMiss) { mXmissStage.resize(numMiss); mYmissStage.resize(numMiss); mXmissCen = xMissing; mYmissCen = yMissing; if (mMontage && mPieceOn.size()) { mMissPieceOn.resize(numMiss); mMissXinPiece.resize(numMiss); mMissYinPiece.resize(numMiss); } } for (ind = 0; ind < numMiss; ind++) { ptX = xMissing[ind]; ptY = yMissing[ind]; if (mMontage && mPieceOn.size()) mWinApp->mNavHelper->AdjustMontImagePos(imBuf, ptX, ptY, &mMissPieceOn[ind], &mMissXinPiece[ind], &mMissYinPiece[ind]); ApplyScaleMatrix(aInv, ptX - delX, ptY - delY, mXmissStage[ind], mYmissStage[ind]); } // Get the hole vectors as IS values and store in Nav item if it is a map mIDofNavItem = 0; SetNavMapHoleVectors(); // Get edge distances xBound.resize(numPoints); yBound.resize(numPoints); mHoleEdgeDists.clear(); mHoleEdgeDists.resize(numPoints, 0); CAutoContouringDlg::FindDistancesFromHull(mXstages, mYstages, xBound, yBound, 1., mHoleEdgeDists); // Get mins and maxes and set the sliders if necessary mMeanMin = *std::min_element(mHoleMeans.begin(), mHoleMeans.end()); mMeanMax = *std::max_element(mHoleMeans.begin(), mHoleMeans.end()); mSDmin = *std::min_element(mHoleSDs.begin(), mHoleSDs.end()); mSDmax = *std::max_element(mHoleSDs.begin(), mHoleSDs.end()); mBlackFracMin = *std::min_element(mHoleBlackFracs.begin(), mHoleBlackFracs.end()); mBlackFracMax = *std::max_element(mHoleBlackFracs.begin(), mHoleBlackFracs.end()); mEdgeDistMax = *std::max_element(mHoleEdgeDists.begin(), mHoleEdgeDists.end()); if (mParams.lowerMeanCutoff < EXTRA_VALUE_TEST) mParams.lowerMeanCutoff = mMeanMin; if (mParams.upperMeanCutoff < EXTRA_VALUE_TEST) mParams.upperMeanCutoff = mMeanMax; if (mParams.SDcutoff < EXTRA_VALUE_TEST) mParams.SDcutoff = mSDmax; if (mParams.blackFracCutoff < EXTRA_VALUE_TEST) mParams.blackFracCutoff = mBlackFracMax; if (!mEdgeDistMax) mParams.edgeDistCutoff = 0.; m_bShowIncluded = true; ParamsToDialog(); ManageEnables(); if (mWinApp->mNavHelper->mMultiShotDlg) mWinApp->mNavHelper->mMultiShotDlg->ManageEnables(); if (!mIsOpen) *mMasterParams = mParams; // Analyze hex subset for real and missing points if (mLastWasHexGrid) { // Concatenate real and missing points xMissing = mXcenters; yMissing = mYcenters; if (mXmissStage.size()) { xMissing.insert(xMissing.end(), mXmissCen.begin(), mXmissCen.end()); yMissing.insert(yMissing.end(), mYmissCen.begin(), mYmissCen.end()); } // Get the grid positions mHexSubset.resize(mXcenters.size()); mMissHexSubset.resize(mXmissCen.size()); avgLen = -1.; avgAngle = -999.; mHelper->mFindHoles->assignGridPositions(xMissing, yMissing, gridX, gridY, avgAngle, avgLen); // For each center position, see if difference from center satisfied relation for // subset that X - Y is a multiple of 3 for (ind = 0; ind < (int)xMissing.size(); ind++) { xGrid = gridX[ind]; yGrid = gridY[ind]; subset = -1; for (cen = 0; cen < 3 && subset < 0; cen++) { xGrid = gridX[ind] - subsetXcen[cen]; yGrid = gridY[ind] - subsetYcen[cen]; if ((xGrid - yGrid) % 3 == 0) { subset = cen; break; } } // Assign the subset # if (ind >= (int)mXcenters.size()) mMissHexSubset[ind - mXcenters.size()] = subset; else mHexSubset[ind] = subset; } } SetExclusionsAndDraw(); if (mParams.useHexDiagonals) SetNavMapHoleVectors(); } void CHoleFinderDlg::SetExclusionsAndDraw() { SetExclusionsAndDraw(mParams.lowerMeanCutoff, mParams.upperMeanCutoff, mParams.SDcutoff, mParams.blackFracCutoff, mParams.edgeDistCutoff, mParams.useHexDiagonals); } // Set the exclusions based on the current cutoffs void CHoleFinderDlg::SetExclusionsAndDraw(float lowerMeanCutoff, float upperMeanCutoff, float sdCutoff, float blackCutoff, float edgeDistCutoff, BOOL useHexDiagonals) { int ind, numInSubset[3] = {0, 0, 0}; bool extreme; float middle = (lowerMeanCutoff + upperMeanCutoff) / 2.f; if (!mHaveHoles) return; for (ind = 0; ind < (int)mXcenters.size(); ind++) { // -1 and 3 are user include and exclude and are permanent; 1 and 2 are for "dark" // and "light" exclusions. -1 becomes -2 and 3 becomes 5 for points in excluded // hex subsets, so first restore those values for the regular exclusion logic if (mExcluded[ind] < -1) mExcluded[ind] = -1; if (mExcluded[ind] > 4) mExcluded[ind] = 3; if (mExcluded[ind] != -1 && mExcluded[ind] != 3) { mExcluded[ind] = 0; extreme = mHoleSDs[ind] > sdCutoff || mHoleBlackFracs[ind] > blackCutoff; if (mHoleMeans[ind] < lowerMeanCutoff || (extreme && mHoleMeans[ind] <= middle) || mHoleEdgeDists[ind] < edgeDistCutoff) mExcluded[ind] = 1; if (mHoleMeans[ind] > upperMeanCutoff || (extreme && mHoleMeans[ind] > middle)) mExcluded[ind] = 2; } } // Find best hex subset: first count up non-excluded points in each subset and get best mCurHexSubset = -1; if (mLastWasHexGrid && useHexDiagonals) { for (ind = 0; ind < (int)mXcenters.size(); ind++) if ((!mExcluded[ind] || mExcluded[ind] == -1) && mHexSubset[ind] >= 0) numInSubset[mHexSubset[ind]]++; mCurHexSubset = 0; if (numInSubset[1] > numInSubset[0]) mCurHexSubset = 1; if (numInSubset[2] > numInSubset[mCurHexSubset]) mCurHexSubset = 2; // Set exclusion 4 for other points, or -2/5 for user include/excludes for (ind = 0; ind < (int)mXcenters.size(); ind++) { if (mHexSubset[ind] != mCurHexSubset) { if (mExcluded[ind] < 0) mExcluded[ind] = -2; else if (mExcluded[ind] == 3) mExcluded[ind] = 5; else mExcluded[ind] = 4; } } } mWinApp->mMainView->DrawImage(); } // Convert the hole vectors to image shift vectors at a specified magnification index // and optionally set the vectors in the multishot dialog int CHoleFinderDlg::ConvertHoleToISVectors(int index, bool setVecs, double *xVecOut, double *yVecOut, CString &errStr) { ScaleMat st2is; int dir, numVecs = mLastWasHexGrid ? 3 : 2, hexInd = mLastWasHexGrid ? 1 : 0; float *xVecs, *yVecs; float ySign = 1.; float diagXvecs[3], diagYvecs[3]; MultiShotParams *msParams = mWinApp->mNavHelper->GetMultiShotParams(); double *xSpacing = mLastWasHexGrid ? &msParams->hexISXspacing[0] : &msParams->holeISXspacing[0]; double *ySpacing = mLastWasHexGrid ? &msParams->hexISYspacing[0] : &msParams->holeISYspacing[0]; if (index < 0) { ySign = -1; xVecs = mGridImXVecs; yVecs = mGridImYVecs; } else { xVecs = mGridStageXVecs; yVecs = mGridStageYVecs; } if (!xVecs[0]) { errStr = "The hole finder has not saved any vectors"; return 0; } if (mLastWasHexGrid && mCurHexSubset >= 0) { diagXvecs[0] = xVecs[0] - xVecs[2]; diagYvecs[0] = yVecs[0] - yVecs[2]; diagXvecs[1] = xVecs[0] + xVecs[1]; diagYvecs[1] = yVecs[0] + yVecs[1]; diagXvecs[2] = xVecs[1] + xVecs[2]; diagYvecs[2] = yVecs[1] + yVecs[2]; xVecs = &diagXvecs[0]; yVecs = &diagYvecs[0]; } for (dir = 0; dir < numVecs; dir++) { xVecOut[dir] = xVecs[dir]; yVecOut[dir] = ySign * yVecs[dir]; } if (index > 0) { st2is = MatMul(mWinApp->mShiftManager->StageToCamera(mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera(), index), mWinApp->mShiftManager->CameraToIS(index)); if (!st2is.xpx) { errStr = "There is no calibration to get from stage to IS coordinates at the " "given mag"; return 0; } for (dir = 0; dir < numVecs; dir++) ApplyScaleMatrix(st2is, xVecs[dir], ySign * yVecs[dir], xVecOut[dir], yVecOut[dir]); } if (setVecs) { for (dir = 0; dir < numVecs; dir++) { xSpacing[dir] = xVecOut[dir]; ySpacing[dir] = yVecOut[dir]; } msParams->origMagOfArray[hexInd] = index == mLastMagIndex ? -index : 0; msParams->holeMagIndex[hexInd] = index; msParams->tiltOfHoleArray[hexInd] = mLastTiltAngle; msParams->doHexArray = mLastWasHexGrid; if (mWinApp->mNavHelper->mMultiShotDlg) mWinApp->mNavHelper->mMultiShotDlg->UpdateSettings(); } return numVecs; } // Get the hole vectors as IS values and store in Nav item if it is a map void CHoleFinderDlg::SetNavMapHoleVectors() { CString statStr; double xISvectors[3], yISvectors[3]; int ind; xISvectors[2] = yISvectors[2] = 0.; if (mNavItem && ConvertHoleToISVectors(mLastMagIndex, false, &xISvectors[0], &yISvectors[0], statStr)) { for (ind = 0; ind < 3; ind++) { mNavItem->mXHoleISSpacing[ind] = (float)xISvectors[ind]; mNavItem->mYHoleISSpacing[ind] = (float)yISvectors[ind]; } mNav->SetChanged(true); mIDofNavItem = mNavItem->mMapID; } } // This should not be called void CHoleFinderDlg::ScanningCleanup(int error) { StopScanning(); } void CHoleFinderDlg::StopScanning(void) { if (mMontage > 0 && mCurStore < 0) delete mImageStore; mFindingHoles = false; mWinApp->SetStatusText(SIMPLE_PANE, ""); mWinApp->SetStatusText(MEDIUM_PANE, ""); mWinApp->UpdateBufferWindows(); delete mMiniOffsets; mMiniOffsets = NULL; } // External call for drawing routine to find out whether to draw hole positions bool CHoleFinderDlg::GetHolePositions(FloatVec **x, FloatVec **y, IntVec **pcOn, std::vector **exclude, BOOL &incl, BOOL &excl) { *x = &mXstages; *y = &mYstages; *pcOn = &mPieceOn; *exclude = &mExcluded; incl = !mIsOpen || (m_bShowIncluded && !m_butToggleHoles.m_bSelected); excl = mIsOpen ? (m_bShowExcluded && !m_butToggleHoles.m_bSelected) : mParams.showExcluded; return HaveHolesToDrawOrMakePts(); } // External call to find out if there is anything to draw, used internally to see if // points can be made bool CHoleFinderDlg::HaveHolesToDrawOrMakePts() { CMapDrawItem *item; if (CheckAndSetNav() || !mHaveHoles) return false; if (!mAddedGroupID) return true; item = mNav->GetOtherNavItem(mIndexOfGroupItem); if (!item || item->mGroupID != mAddedGroupID) { item = mNav->FindItemWithMapID(mAddedGroupID, false, true); mIndexOfGroupItem = mNav->GetFoundItem(); } return !item; } // Process Ctrl - left mouse action at the given position to include/exclude points bool CHoleFinderDlg::MouseSelectPoint(EMimageBuffer *imBuf, float inX, float inY, float imDistLim, bool dragging) { float selXlimit[4], selYlimit[4], selXwindow[4], selYwindow[4]; float dist, distMin = 1.e10, distNext = 1.e10; int ind, indMin = -1, miss, numDo, missMin; ScaleMat aInv; float delX, delY, stageX, stageY, xInPiece, yInPiece, distLim, stPtX, stPtY; int pieceIndex; // Start out much as in navigator selection: make sure it's OK, convert to stage // and get limits intsage coordinates (which are not square) if (!mNav->OKtoMouseSelect()) return false; if (!mNav->ConvertMousePoint(imBuf, inX, inY, stageX, stageY, aInv, delX, delY, xInPiece, yInPiece, pieceIndex)) return false; distLim = imDistLim * sqrtf(aInv.xpx * aInv.xpx + aInv.ypx * aInv.ypx); mNav->GetSelectionLimits(imBuf, aInv, delX, delY, selXlimit, selYlimit, selXwindow, selYwindow); // Loop over actual and missing points to find nearest for (miss = 0; miss < 2; miss++) { numDo = miss ? (int)mXmissStage.size() : (int)mXstages.size(); for (ind = 0; ind < numDo; ind++) { if (mCurHexSubset >= 0 && (miss ? mMissHexSubset[ind] : mHexSubset[ind]) != mCurHexSubset) continue; stPtX = miss ? mXmissStage[ind] : mXstages[ind]; stPtY = miss ? mYmissStage[ind] : mYstages[ind]; if (!(InsideContour(selXlimit, selYlimit, 4, stPtX, stPtY) || InsideContour(selXwindow, selYwindow, 4, stPtX, stPtY))) continue; // Find nearest item delX = stPtX - stageX; delY = stPtY - stageY; dist = delX * delX + delY * delY; if (dist < distMin) { distNext = distMin; distMin = dist; indMin = ind; missMin = miss; } } } // Apply same criteria for drag and click in this case; do not operate on last selected // item when dragging - but rearm the dragging when it goes outside a bit if (distMin > distLim || distMin > 0.5 * distNext || (indMin == mLastUserSelectInd && (dragging || mLastSelectWasDrag))) { if (dragging && indMin == mLastUserSelectInd && distMin > 1.1 * distLim && distMin > 0.55 * distNext) mLastUserSelectInd = -1; mLastSelectWasDrag = dragging; return false; } mLastSelectWasDrag = dragging; // For missing point, add it to list of points, maintain pieceOn regardless if (missMin) { mXstages.push_back(mXmissStage[indMin]); mYstages.push_back(mYmissStage[indMin]); mXcenters.push_back(mXmissCen[indMin]); mYcenters.push_back(mYmissCen[indMin]); if (mMissHexSubset.size()) mHexSubset.push_back(mMissHexSubset[indMin]); if (mXinPiece.size()) { mXinPiece.push_back(mMissXinPiece[indMin]); mYinPiece.push_back(mMissYinPiece[indMin]); mPieceOn.push_back(mMissPieceOn[indMin]); } else { mPieceOn.push_back(-1); } mExcluded.push_back(-1); mLastUserSelectInd = (int)mXstages.size() - 1; } else if (indMin >= 0) { // For regular point, toggle exclude and set to special values if (mExcluded[indMin] <= 0) mExcluded[indMin] = 3; // User exclude else mExcluded[indMin] = -1; // User include mLastUserSelectInd = indMin; } if (m_bUseBestSubset) SetExclusionsAndDraw(); else mWinApp->mMainView->DrawImage(); return true; } // Set pointers and make sure Nav is open, message defaults to NULL bool CHoleFinderDlg::CheckAndSetNav(const char *message) { mNav = mWinApp->mNavigator; mHelper = mWinApp->mNavHelper; if (!mNav && message) SEMMessageBox(CString("The Navigator must be open to ") + message); return mNav == NULL; } /* * Find holes, make points, and optionally combine in a range of maps at one mag index */ int CHoleFinderDlg::ProcessMultipleMaps(int indStart, int indEnd, int minForCombine) { if (CheckAndSetNav("process multiple maps")) return 1; MapItemArray *itemArray = mNav->GetItemArray(); int ind, camera, numMaps = 0; int magList[MAX_MAGS + 1], camList[MAX_MAGS + 1]; CMapDrawItem *item; IntVec magInds; indEnd = B3DMIN(indEnd, (int)itemArray->GetSize() - 1); for (ind = 0; ind < MAX_MAGS + 1; ind++) { magList[ind] = 0; camList[ind] = 0; } // Find qualifying maps and bin their mag indexes for (ind = B3DMAX(0, indStart); ind <= indEnd; ind++) { item = itemArray->GetAt(ind); if (item->IsMap() && item->mMapMagInd > 0 && item->mMapMagInd <= MAX_MAGS && item->mColor != NAV_SKIP_COLOR && ((!item->mXHoleISSpacing[0] && !item->mYHoleISSpacing[0]) || CountAcquirePointsDrawnOnMap(itemArray, item->mMapID) < mPMMminPtsForSkipIfIS)) { magList[item->mMapMagInd]++; camList[item->mMapMagInd] += item->mMapCamera; } } // Find the most popular mag index for (ind = 0; ind < MAX_MAGS + 1; ind++) { if (magList[ind] > numMaps) { numMaps = magList[ind]; mPMMmagIndex = ind; } } if (!numMaps) { SEMMessageBox("There are no undone maps within the range of items"); return 1; } mPMMcurrentInd = indStart; mPMMendInd = indEnd; mPMMcombineMinPts = minForCombine; camera = B3DNINT((float)camList[mPMMmagIndex] / numMaps); B3DCLAMP(camera, 0, MAX_CAMERAS - 1); PrintfToLog("Processing %d maps at magnification %d", numMaps, MagForCamera(camera, mPMMmagIndex)); SyncToMasterParams(); mWinApp->UpdateBufferWindows(); MultiMapNextTask(0); return 0; } // Count number of points drawn on the given map item int CHoleFinderDlg::CountAcquirePointsDrawnOnMap(MapItemArray *itemArray, int mapID) { int numPts = 0, ind; CMapDrawItem *item; for (ind = 0; ind < (int)itemArray->GetSize(); ind++) { item = itemArray->GetAt(ind); if (item->mAcquire && item->mDrawnOnMapID == mapID) numPts++; } return numPts; } // Next task means process the next map after finishing last one void CHoleFinderDlg::MultiMapNextTask(int param) { CMapDrawItem *item; CString str; EMimageBuffer *imBufs = mWinApp->GetImBufs(); int ind, numPts, readBuf = mWinApp->mBufferManager->GetBufToReadInto(); if (!mPMMmagIndex) return; mNav = mWinApp->mNavigator; if (!mNav) { StopMultiMap(); return; } MapItemArray *itemArray = mNav->GetItemArray(); // Process results of hole finder: make points and combine if (param) { numPts = DoMakeNavPoints(-1, EXTRA_NO_VALUE, EXTRA_NO_VALUE, -1., -1., -1., -1); if (numPts < 0) { StopMultiMap(); return; } PrintfToLog("Hole finder made %d Navigator points at holes", numPts); if (mPMMcombineMinPts > 0 && numPts >= mPMMcombineMinPts) { // Asign the hole vectors: need the item back for this if (mPMMcurrentInd < 0 || mPMMcurrentInd >= (int)itemArray->GetSize()) { str.Format("Program error: current index (%d) out of range of table size (%d)", mPMMcurrentInd, itemArray->GetSize()); SEMMessageBox(str); StopMultiMap(); return; } item = itemArray->GetAt(mPMMcurrentInd); mHelper->AssignNavItemHoleVectors(item); // Combine: tell it number to use ind = mHelper->mCombineHoles->CombineItems(-numPts, mHelper->GetMHCturnOffOutsidePoly(), -9, -9); if (ind) { SEMMessageBox("Error trying to combine hole for multiple Records:\n" + CString(mHelper->mCombineHoles->GetErrorMessage(ind))); StopMultiMap(); return; } } else if (mPMMcombineMinPts > 0) { SEMAppendToLog("Too few points to combine; turning them off"); for (ind = 0; ind < numPts; ind++) { item = itemArray->GetAt(ind + itemArray->GetSize() - numPts); item->mAcquire = false; } } mPMMcurrentInd++; } // Loop to look for next map for (; mPMMcurrentInd <= mPMMendInd; mPMMcurrentInd++) { item = itemArray->GetAt(mPMMcurrentInd); // Same test as above except for the specific mag if (item->IsMap() && item->mMapMagInd == mPMMmagIndex && item->mColor != NAV_SKIP_COLOR && ((!item->mXHoleISSpacing[0] && !item->mYHoleISSpacing[0]) || CountAcquirePointsDrawnOnMap(itemArray, item->mMapID) < mPMMminPtsForSkipIfIS)) { // Load the map if (mNav->DoLoadMap(true, item, readBuf)) { str.Format("Error loading map for item %d (%s)", mPMMcurrentInd + 1, (LPCTSTR)item->mLabel); SEMMessageBox(str); StopMultiMap(); return; } // Find holes PrintfToLog("Finding holes in map for item %d (%s)", mPMMcurrentInd + 1, (LPCTSTR)item->mLabel); if (DoFindHoles(&imBufs[readBuf], false)) { StopMultiMap(); return; } mWinApp->AddIdleTask(TASK_MULTI_MAP_HOLES, 1, 0); return; } } // It came to the end of the range StopMultiMap(); } // Busy if hole finder running int CHoleFinderDlg::MultiMapBusy() { return mFindingHoles ? 1 : 0; } // Stop: just clear mag index void CHoleFinderDlg::StopMultiMap() { if (!mPMMmagIndex) return; mPMMmagIndex = 0; mWinApp->UpdateBufferWindows(); } void CHoleFinderDlg::MultimapCleanup(int error) { StopMultiMap(); } /* * Routine to run hole finder to a small number of holes, return the pixel coordinates * of the one nearest the center, and optionally apply an image shift if it is not too big * It can take a less accurate diameter if a lot of circles are tried, and runs the * hole finder synchronously */ int CHoleFinderDlg::FindAndCenterOneHole(EMimageBuffer *imBuf, float diameter, int numTry, float maxFracShift, float &xCenter, float &yCenter) { FloatVec *widths, *increments; IntVec *numCircles; ScaleMat bInv; int numSave, err, nx, ny, ind, bestInd; float diamSave, xcen, ycen, dist, minDist, pixel, fbin = (float)imBuf->mBinning; float xShift, yShift; HoleFinderParams *hfParams = mHelper->GetHoleFinderParams(); double ISX, ISY; // Get the parameters and save # of circles and diameter SyncToMasterParams(); mHelper->GetHFscanVectors(&widths, &increments, &numCircles); numSave = numCircles->at(0); if (numTry) *(numCircles->data()) = numTry; if (hfParams->hexagonalArray) { diamSave = hfParams->hexDiameter; hfParams->hexDiameter = diameter; } else { diamSave = hfParams->diameter; hfParams->diameter = diameter; } if (mIsOpen) UpdateSettings(); // Find holes synchronously err = DoFindHoles(imBuf, true); // restore parameters if (hfParams->hexagonalArray) { hfParams->hexDiameter = diamSave; } else { hfParams->diameter = diamSave; } *(numCircles->data()) = numSave; if (mIsOpen) UpdateSettings(); // Error return if (err || !mXcenters.size()) return err; // Find point closest to center imBuf->mImage->getSize(nx, ny); xcen = (float)(nx / 2.); ycen = (float)(ny / 2.); for (ind = 0; ind < (int)mXcenters.size(); ind++) { dist = powf(mXcenters[ind] - xcen, 2.f) + powf(mXcenters[ind] - xcen, 2.f); if (!ind || dist < minDist) { bestInd = ind; minDist = dist; } } xCenter = mXcenters[bestInd]; yCenter = mYcenters[bestInd]; // If shifting requested, make sure not already done, compute it, apply if above limit if (maxFracShift > 0) { imBuf->mImage->getShifts(xShift, yShift); if (xShift != 0. || yShift != 0.) { SEMAppendToLog("Not applying image shift, the image is already shifted"); return -2; } // Right-handed shift for coordinate conversion to IS xShift = xcen - xCenter; yShift = yCenter - ycen; pixel = mWinApp->mShiftManager->GetPixelSize(imBuf); if (sqrtf(minDist) * pixel > maxFracShift * diameter) { PrintfToLog("Not applying image shift of %.2f, %.2f microns; it is above " "limit of %.2f", pixel * xShift, pixel * yShift, maxFracShift * diameter); return -1; } bInv = mWinApp->mShiftManager->CameraToIS(imBuf->mMagInd); mWinApp->mShiftManager->ApplyScaleMatrix(bInv, -fbin * xShift, -fbin * yShift, ISX, ISY); mWinApp->mScope->IncImageShift(ISX, ISY); // Left-handed shift for image imBuf->mImage->setShifts(xShift, -yShift); imBuf->SetImageChanged(1); mWinApp->mMainView->DrawImage(); PrintfToLog("Applied image shift of %.2f, %.2f microns to center hole", pixel * xShift, pixel * yShift); } return 0; }