// EMscope.h: interface for the CEMscope class. // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #if !defined(AFX_EMSCOPE_H__3021271B_90D6_48ED_B7BA_5C7F62808186__INCLUDED_) #define AFX_EMSCOPE_H__3021271B_90D6_48ED_B7BA_5C7F62808186__INCLUDED_ #if _MSC_VER > 1000 #pragma once #endif // _MSC_VER > 1000 //#import "..\Packages\adaexp.exe" named_guids #include "adaexp.tlh" using namespace adaExp; // Need this when importing too #include "Shared\SharedJeolDefines.h" class CShiftManager; struct ScopePluginFuncs; #define TRACE_MUTEX 0 #define STAGE_MIN_X 0 #define STAGE_MAX_X 1 #define STAGE_MIN_Y 2 #define STAGE_MAX_Y 3 #define MAX_ALPHAS 10 #define MAX_APERTURE_NUM 11 #define MAX_GAUGE_WATCH 6 #define MAX_FLC_FOR_AREA 4 enum {CAL_NTRL_FIND = 0, CAL_NTRL_RESTORE, CAL_NTRL_FOCUS}; #define pnmProjector 11 #define pnmObjective 10 #define pnmAll 12 #define nmAll 6 #define nmCondenser 3 #define nmSpotsize 1 enum {CassetteSlotStatus_Unknown, CassetteSlotStatus_Occupied, CassetteSlotStatus_Empty}; enum {RefrigerantLevel_AutoloaderDewar = 0, RefrigerantLevel_ColumnDewar, RefrigerantLevel_HeliumDewar}; enum { JAL_STATION_UNKNOWN = 0, JAL_STATION_MAGAZINE, JAL_STATION_STORAGE, JAL_STATION_STAGE }; enum {gsUnderflow = 1, gsOverflow, gsInvalid}; enum {imNanoProbe = 0, imMicroProbe}; enum {lpRegular = 1, lpEFTEM}; #define pmDiffraction 2 #define pmImaging 1 #define psmLAD 5 #define MAX_LONG_OPERATIONS 11 #define MAX_LONG_THREADS 2 enum {LONG_OP_BUFFER = 0, LONG_OP_REFILL, LONG_OP_INVENTORY, LONG_OP_LOAD_CYCLE, LONG_OP_MESSAGE_BOX, LONG_OP_HW_DARK_REF, LONG_OP_UNLOAD_CART, LONG_OP_LOAD_CART, LONG_OP_FILL_STAGE, LONG_OP_FILL_TRANSFER, LONG_OP_FLASH_FEG}; // Standard conversions from signed real to nearest integer for JEOL calls #define NINT8000(a) (long)floor((a) + 0x8000 + 0.5) #define LONGNINT(a) (long)floor((a) + 0.5) // Plugin versions needed for particular versions #define FEI_PLUGIN_STAGE_SPEED 103 #define FEI_PLUGIN_MANAGE_FAL_CONF 104 #define FEI_PLUGIN_DARK_FIELD 105 #define FEI_PLUGIN_MESSAGE_BOX 105 #define FEI_PLUGIN_DOES_FALCON3 106 #define FEI_PLUGIN_SCALES_DUMB_F3 108 #define FEI_PLUGIN_CAN_DO_EER 110 #define ASI_FILTER_FEG_LOAD_TEMP 4 struct StageMoveInfo { double x; double y; double z; double alpha; double beta; double speed; int axisBits; BOOL doBacklash; BOOL doRelax; BOOL doRestoreXY; BOOL useSpeed; BOOL inBackground; float backX; float backY; float backZ; float backAlpha; float relaxX; float relaxY; DWORD finishedTick; double distanceMoved; // Must be set for post-action using X/Y moves JeolStateData *JeolSD; ScopePluginFuncs *plugFuncs; }; struct StageThreadData { StageMoveInfo *info; }; struct JeolCartridgeData { int id; CString name; int station; int slot; int type; int rotation; CString userName; CString note; int status; float zStage; int LMmapID; CString acqStateNames[4]; int acqStateNums[4]; int separateState; int lastFrameNumber; short multiShotParamIndex; short holeFinderParamIndex; short autoContParamIndex; short generalParamIndex; int finalDataParamIndex; short focusPosParamIndex; void Init() { id = 0; slot = 0; rotation = 0; type = 0; zStage = -999.; LMmapID = 0; status = 0; station = JAL_STATION_MAGAZINE; name = ""; userName = ""; note = ""; separateState = 0; lastFrameNumber = -1; multiShotParamIndex = -1; holeFinderParamIndex = -1; autoContParamIndex = -1; generalParamIndex = -1; finalDataParamIndex = -1; focusPosParamIndex = -1; for (int ind = 0; ind < 4; ind++) { acqStateNames[ind] = ""; acqStateNums[ind] = -1; } } }; #define LONGOP_FLASH_HIGH 1 #define LONGOP_SIMPLE_ORIGIN 2 struct LongThreadData { int operations[MAX_LONG_OPERATIONS]; bool finished[MAX_LONG_OPERATIONS]; int numOperations; int flags; JeolStateData *JeolSD; ScopePluginFuncs *plugFuncs; CString errString; CArray *cartInfo; int maxLoaderSlots; }; enum { SYNCHRO_DO_MAG, SYNCHRO_DO_SPOT, SYNCHRO_DO_PROBE, SYNCHRO_DO_ALPHA, SYNCHRO_DO_NORM }; // Data for running a synchronous thread for slow scope changes struct SynchroThreadData { int actionType; // scope action to do int newIndex; // Value to set to or use in scope call int curIndex; // current value int normalize; // Whether to normalize (spot, for now) BOOL ifSTEM; // STEM stuff when doing mag double STEMmag; int initialSleep; int lowestM; // Used in tests when doing mag DWORD lastNormalizationTime; // Tick count when operation done int newProbeMode; // set when changing STEM mag int normAllOnMagChange; // The rest of these are copies of scope properties int lowestMModeMagInd; int lowestSecondaryMag; int lowestMicroSTEMmag; int HitachiMagFocusDelay; int HitachiMagISDelay; int HitachiSpotBeamWait; int HitachiSpotStepDelay; }; #define RELAX_FOR_MAG 1 #define RELAX_FOR_SPOT 2 #define RELAX_FOR_ALPHA 4 #define RELAX_FOR_LM_M 8 #define APERTURE_SET_SIZE 1 #define APERTURE_SET_POS 2 #define APERTURE_NEXT_PP_POS 4 #define APERTURE_BEAM_STOP 8 struct ApertureThreadData { int actionFlags; int apIndex; int sizeOrIndex; float posX, posY; ScopePluginFuncs *plugFuncs; CString description; }; struct FreeLensSequence { short setIndex; short ldArea; short numLens; short lens[MAX_FLC_FOR_AREA]; float value[MAX_FLC_FOR_AREA]; }; // Globals for scope identity extern bool JEOLscope, LikeFEIscope, HitachiScope; extern bool FEIscope; extern bool UsingScopeMutex; // Flag that scope mutex is being used for this scope type class DLL_IM_EX CEMscope { public: void SetMessageWhenClipIS(BOOL inVal); BOOL GetMessageWhenClipIS(); const char *GetC2Name() { return (LPCTSTR)mC2Name; }; const char *GetC2Units() { return (LPCTSTR)mC2Units; }; void SetJeolUsePLforIS(BOOL inVal); BOOL SetColumnValvesOpen(BOOL state, bool crashing = false); int GetColumnValvesOpen(); int FastColumnValvesOpen(); BOOL BothLMorNotLM(int mag1, BOOL stem1, int mag2, BOOL stem2); void AddShiftBoundary(int inVal) { mShiftBoundaries.push_back(inVal); mNumShiftBoundaries++; }; void StopCalNeutralIS(); void CalNeutralNextMag(int magInd); BOOL CalibratingNeutralIS() { return mCalNeutralStartMag >= 0; }; void CalibrateNeutralIS(int calType); void SuspendUpdate(int duration); GetSetMember(BOOL, ReportsSmallScreen) GetSetMember(int, ReportsLargeScreen) GetSetMember(double, Jeol_CLA1_to_um) GetSetMember(double, Jeol_LMCLA1_to_um) double GetLMBeamShiftFactor() { return mJeol_LMCLA1_to_um / mJeol_CLA1_to_um; }; GetSetMember(double, Jeol_OLfine_to_um) GetSetMember(double, Jeol_OM_to_um) GetSetMember(double, RoughPLscale) GetSetMember(BOOL, UpdateByEvent) GetSetMember(BOOL, SpectrumByEvent) void SetJeolStageRounding(float inVal); void SetJeolPiezoRounding(float inVal); float GetJeolStageRounding(); float GetJeolPiezoRounding(); void SetSimCartridgeLoaded(int inVal); GetSetMember(int, MagFixISdelay) GetSetMember(int, JeolForceMDSmode) GetSetMember(int, InitializeJeolDelay) GetSetMember(int, UpdateInterval) GetSetMember(int, JeolUpdateSleep) GetMember(BOOL, CanControlEFTEM) GetSetMember(BOOL, HasOmegaFilter) GetSetMember(int, SimulationMode) GetSetMember(BOOL, NoColumnValve) GetSetMember(BOOL, LDNormalizeBeam) GetSetMember(int, UseNormForLDNormalize); GetSetMember(BOOL, SkipBlankingInLowDose); GetSetMember(BOOL, LDBeamTiltShifts); GetSetMember(int, LDBeamNormDelay); bool DoingSynchroThread(void) { return mSynchronousThread != NULL; }; float GetLDViewDefocus(int areaOrSet = VIEW_CONSET) { return areaOrSet != VIEW_CONSET ? mSearchDefocus : mLDViewDefocus; }; void SetLDViewDefocus(float inVal, int area = VIEW_CONSET); GetSetMember(float, SearchDefocus) GetSetMember(BOOL, ShiftToTiltAxis) GetSetMember(BOOL, NoScope) GetMember(BOOL, ApplyISoffset) void SetApplyISoffset(BOOL inVal); void GetTiltAxisIS(double &ISX, double&ISY, int magInd = -1); GetSetMember(float, TiltAxisOffset) void SetStageLimit(int index, float inVal) { mStageLimit[index] = inVal; }; float GetStageLimit(int index) { return mStageLimit[index]; }; BOOL NormalizeCondenser(); void SetJeolPostMagDelay(int inVal, int inStage) { mJeolPostMagDelay = inVal; mPostMagStageDelay = inStage; }; GetMember(int, JeolPostMagDelay); GetSetMember(int, JeolExternalMagDelay); GetSetMember(int, JeolMagEventWait); GetSetMember(int, JeolSTEMPreMagDelay); GetSetMember(int, NumSTEMSpotSizes); GetSetMember(int, NumSpotSizes); int GetNumSpotSizes(int ifSTEM); GetSetMember(int, MinSpotSize); GetSetMember(int, NumAlphas); GetMember(int, NumShiftBoundaries); int *GetShiftBoundaries(BOOL EFTEM = mLastEFTEMmode) { return (EFTEM && mEFTEMShiftBoundaries.size() > 0) ? &mEFTEMShiftBoundaries[0] : &mShiftBoundaries[0]; }; BOOL ScanMagnifications(); float GetC2IntensityFactor(int probe = -1); void SetC2IntensityFactor(int probe, float inVal) { mC2IntensityFactor[probe] = inVal; }; float GetC2SpotOffset(int spotSize, int probe = -1); void SetC2SpotOffset(int spot, int probe, float inVal) { mC2SpotOffset[spot][probe] = inVal; }; double GetC2Percent(int spot, double intensity, int probe = -1); double GetCrossover(int spotSize, int probe = -1); void SetCrossover(int spot, int probe, double inVal) { mCrossovers[spot][probe] = inVal; }; SetMember(int, LowestMModeMagInd); int GetLowestMModeMagInd(BOOL EFTEM = mLastEFTEMmode) {return EFTEM ? mLowestEFTEMNonLMind : mLowestMModeMagInd ; }; GetSetMember(int, LowestEFTEMNonLMind); GetSetMember(int, LowestMicroSTEMmag); int GetLowestSTEMnonLMmag(int i) { return mLowestSTEMnonLMmag[i]; }; void SetLowestSTEMnonLMmag(int i, int val) { mLowestSTEMnonLMmag[i] = val; }; GetSetMember(int, LowestGIFModeMag) GetSetMember(BOOL, Jeol1230) void HandleNewMag(int inMag); BOOL SetEFTEM(BOOL inState); BOOL GetEFTEM(); BOOL SetProbeMode(int micro, BOOL fromLowDose = false); CArray *GetBlockedChannels() { return &mBlockedChannels; }; CArray *GetLensRelaxProgs() { return &mLensRelaxProgs; }; CArray *GetJeolLoaderInfo() {return &mJeolLoaderInfo;}; CArray *GetFLCSequences() { return &mFLCSequences; }; static void TaskScreenError(int error); static int TaskScreenBusy(); void StageCleanup(int error); static void TaskStageError(int error); static int TaskStageBusy(); static void TaskStageDone(int param); void Release(); void StartUpdate(); BOOL GetInitialized(); BOOL SetSpotSize(int inIndex, int normalize = 0); void SetLowDoseDownArea(int inArea); GetMember(int, LowDoseDownArea); void GotoLowDoseArea(int inArea); void DoISforLowDoseArea(int inArea, int curMag, double &delISX, double &delISY, bool registerMagIS, bool adjForFocus, double cenISX, double cenISY); void RestoreFromFreeLens(int oldArea, int newArea); void SetFreeLensForArea(int newArea); int GetLowDoseArea() { return mLowDoseSetArea; }; void KillUpdateTimer(); double GetReversalTilt(); int GetSpotSize(); int FastSpotSize(); static void SetMagChanged(int inIndex); static void SetISChanged(double inISX, double inISY); BOOL SmallScreenIn(); double GetIntensity(); double GetIlluminatedArea(); double FastIntensity(); BOOL SetIntensity(double inVal, int spot = -1, int probe = -1); BOOL DelayedSetIntensity(double inVal, DWORD startTime, int spot = -1, int probe = -1); BOOL SetIlluminatedArea(double inVal); double GetImageDistanceOffset(); BOOL SetImageDistanceOffset(double inVal); BOOL SetIntensityZoom(BOOL inVal); BOOL GetIntensityZoom(); GetSetMember(float, SmallScreenFactor) GetSetMember(float, ScreenCurrentFactor) GetSetMember(double, StandardLMFocus) double GetStandardLMFocus(int magInd, int probe = -1); double *GetLMFocusTable() { return &mLMFocusTable[0][0]; }; void SetFocusToStandardIfLM(int magInd); GetSetMember(float, WarnIfKVnotAt) void GetLastISChange(double &delX, double &delY) { delX = mLastISdelX; delY = mLastISdelY; }; GetSetMember(DWORD, LastNormalization); SetMember(DWORD, LastStageTime); SetMember(DWORD, LastTiltTime); bool GetGettingValuesFast(); DWORD GetLastTiltTime(); DWORD GetLastStageTime(); GetMember(double, LastTiltChange) GetSetMember(float, MaxTiltAngle); GetMember(BOOL, MagChanged) GetSetMember(int, MainDetectorID) GetSetMember(int, PairedDetectorID) GetSetMember(int, HasNoAlpha) GetSetMember(BOOL, UseIllumAreaForC2) GetMember(int, ProbeMode) SetMember(int, DiffractOrSTEMwait) SetMember(int, ProbeChangeWait) GetSetMember(int, InsertDetectorDelay); GetSetMember(int, SelectDetectorDelay); SetMember(BOOL, UsePLforIS); GetSetMember(BOOL, UseCLA2forSTEM); GetMember(int, ChangingLDArea); BOOL GetClippingIS(); static BOOL GetISwasClipped(); static void SetISwasClipped(BOOL val); GetSetMember(double, JeolSTEMdefocusFac); GetSetMember(int, JeolSTEMrotation); SetMember(int, JeolSwitchSTEMsleep); SetMember(int, JeolSwitchTEMsleep); SetMember(LowDoseParams *, LdsaParams); GetSetMember(BOOL, JeolSTEMunitsX); GetSetMember(float, BacklashTolerance); GetSetMember(BOOL, MovingStage); GetSetMember(BOOL, BkgdMovingStage); SetMember(BOOL, SkipNextBeamShift); GetMember(bool, DoingLongOperation); GetMember(int, LongOpErrorToReport); GetSetMember(BOOL, UsePiezoForLDaxis); GetSetMember(bool, FocusCameFromView); GetSetMember(int, FalconPostMagDelay); GetSetMember(int, LowestSecondaryMag); GetSetMember(int, SecondaryMode); GetSetMember(int, AlphaChangeDelay); GetMember(bool, Disconnected); GetSetMember(int, MagChgIntensityDelay); GetSetMember(int, HitachiSpotStepDelay); GetSetMember(int, HighestLMindexToScan); GetSetMember(int, PostProbeDelay); GetMember(int, LastNormMagIndex); GetMember(int, PrevNormMagIndex); GetSetMember(int, FakeMagIndex); GetSetMember(int, FakeScreenPos); GetMember(int, PluginVersion); GetSetMember(int, PostFocusChgDelay); GetSetMember(int, UseJeolGIFmodeCalls); GetSetMember(int, PostJeolGIFdelay); GetSetMember(int, UpdateBeamBlank); GetSetMember(BOOL, BlankTransients); SetMember(BOOL, SelectedEFTEM); GetMember(double, LastCameraLength); GetMember(int, LastCamLenIndex); GetSetMember(float, StageRelaxation); void SetMessageBoxArgs(int type, CString &title, CString &message); int GetMessageBoxReturnValue(void); GetSetMember(BOOL, UseInvertedMagRange); GetMember(double, InternalMagTime); GetMember(double, UpdateSawMagTime); GetSetMember(int, JeolHasNitrogenClass); GetSetMember(BOOL, JeolHasExtraApertures); GetSetMember(int, JeolCondenserApIDtoUse); GetSetMember(BOOL, SequentialLensRelax); GetSetMember(int, JeolFlashFegTimeout); GetSetMember(int, JeolEmissionTimeout); GetSetMember(int, BeamRampupTimeout); void SetJeolReadStageForWait(BOOL inVal); BOOL GetJeolReadStageForWait(); GetSetMember(BOOL, SkipAdvancedScripting); GetSetMember(BOOL, ChangeAreaAtZeroIS); GetSetMember(int, HitachiDoesBSforIS); GetSetMember(bool, HitachiResetsISinHC); GetSetMember(float, TiltSpeedFactor); GetSetMember(float, StageXYSpeedFactor); GetSetMember(int, RestoreStageXYdelay); GetSetMember(BOOL, JeolHasBrightnessZoom); GetSetMember(int, AdjustForISSkipBacklash); GetSetMember(float, AddToRawIntensity); GetSetMember(BOOL, UpdateDuringAreaChange); SetMember(int, RestoreViewFocusCount); SetMember(bool, DoNextFEGFlashHigh); GetMember(int, AdvancedScriptVersion); GetSetMember(float, CurDefocusOffset); void SetAdvancedScriptVersion(int inVal) { mAdvancedScriptVersion = B3DMAX(mAdvancedScriptVersion, inVal); }; void SetJeolRelaxationFlags(int inVal); int GetJeolRelaxationFlags(); void SetJeolStartRelaxTimeout(int inVal); int GetJeolStartRelaxTimeout(); void SetJeolEndRelaxTimeout(int inVal); int GetJeolEndRelaxTimeout(); static void SetJeolIndForMagMode(int inVal); static int GetJeolIndForMagMode(); static void SetJeolSecondaryModeInd(int inVal); static int GetJeolSecondaryModeInd(); static int SetSecondaryModeForMag(int index); void SetIllumAreaLimits(float val1, float val2) { mIllumAreaLowLimit = val1; mIllumAreaHighLimit = val2; }; void GetIllumAreaLimits(float &val1, float &val2) { val1 = mIllumAreaLowLimit; val2 = mIllumAreaHighLimit; }; void GetIllumAreaMapTo(float &val1, float &val2) { val1 = mIllumAreaLowMapTo; val2 = mIllumAreaHighMapTo; }; double *GetSpotBeamShifts() { return &mSpotBeamShifts[0][0][0]; }; float *GetAlphaBeamShifts() { return &mAlphaBeamShifts[0][0]; }; float *GetAlphaBeamTilts() { return &mAlphaBeamTilts[0][0]; }; float *GetCalLowIllumAreaLim() { return &mCalLowIllumAreaLim[0][0]; }; float *GetCalHighIllumAreaLim() { return &mCalHighIllumAreaLim[0][0]; }; GetSetMember(int, NumAlphaBeamShifts); GetSetMember(int, NumAlphaBeamTilts); GetSetMember(BOOL, AdjustFocusForProbe); SetMember(double, FirstFocusForProbe); GetSetMember(int, NormAllOnMagChange); GetSetMember(int, GoToRecMagEnteringLD); GetSetMember(int, IdleTimeToCloseValves); void GetMinMaxBeamShiftSpots(int secondary, int &outMin, int &outMax) { outMin = mMinSpotWithBeamShift[secondary], outMax = mMaxSpotWithBeamShift[secondary]; }; void SetMinMaxBeamShiftSpots(int secondary, int inMin, int inMax) { mMinSpotWithBeamShift[secondary] = inMin, mMaxSpotWithBeamShift[secondary] = inMax; }; void CopyBacklashValid() { mBacklashValidAtStart = mXYbacklashValid; }; void CopyZBacklashValid() { mZBacklashValidAtStart = mZbacklashValid; }; void NextLDAreaOpposite() { mNextLDpolarity = -1; }; BOOL NormalizeProjector(); BOOL NormalizeObjective(); void BlankBeam(BOOL inVal, const char *fromWhere = NULL); void SetBlankWhenDown(BOOL inVal); void SetLowDoseMode(BOOL inVal, BOOL hidingOffState = FALSE); GetMember(BOOL, LowDoseMode); void SetCameraAcquiring(BOOL inVal, float waitTime = 0.); GetMember(BOOL, CameraAcquiring); void SetShutterlessCamera(int inVal); BOOL GetBlankSet() { return mBeamBlankSet; }; BOOL GetBeamBlanked(); BOOL GetLastBeamBlanked() { return mBeamBlanked; }; double GetLastTiltAngle() { return mTiltAngle; }; void ScreenCleanup(); BOOL SetDefocus(double inVal, BOOL incremental = false); BOOL IncDefocus(double inVal); double GetDefocus(); double GetUnoffsetDefocus(); BOOL SetUnoffsetDefocus(double inVal); BOOL ResetDefocus(BOOL assumeInit = false); BOOL SetMagIndex(int inIndex); bool SetSTEMMagnification(double magVal); int FastMagIndex(); int GetMagIndex(BOOL forceGet = false); BOOL SetCamLenIndex(int inIndex); int FastCamLenIndex(); int GetCamLenIndex(); double GetMagnification(); double GetHTValue(); BOOL GetStagePosition(double &X, double &Y, double &Z); BOOL GetLDCenteredShift(double &shiftX, double &shiftY); BOOL SetLDCenteredShift(double shiftX, double shiftY); BOOL GetImageShift(double &shiftX, double &shiftY); BOOL FastImageShift(double &shiftX, double &shiftY); BOOL SetImageShift(double shiftX, double shiftY); BOOL IncImageShift(double shiftX, double shiftY); BOOL ChangeImageShift(double shiftX, double shiftY, BOOL bInc); BOOL GetBeamShift(double &shiftX, double &shiftY); BOOL SetBeamShift(double shiftX, double shiftY); BOOL IncBeamShift(double shiftX, double shiftY); BOOL ChangeBeamShift(double shiftX, double shiftY, BOOL bInc); BOOL GetBeamTilt(double &shiftX, double &shiftY); BOOL SetBeamTilt(double shiftX, double shiftY); BOOL IncBeamTilt(double shiftX, double shiftY); BOOL ChangeBeamTilt(double shiftX, double shiftY, BOOL bInc); BOOL GetImageBeamTilt(double &shiftX, double &shiftY); BOOL SetImageBeamTilt(double shiftX, double shiftY); BOOL GetDarkFieldTilt(int &mode, double &tiltX, double &tiltY); BOOL SetDarkFieldTilt(int mode, double tiltX, double tiltY); BOOL GetDiffractionShift(double &shiftX, double &shiftY); BOOL SetDiffractionShift(double shiftX, double shiftY); BOOL GetPiezoXYPosition(double &X, double &Y); BOOL SetPiezoXYPosition(double X, double Y, bool incremental = false); bool GetGaugePressure(const char *name, int &outStat, double &outPress); double GetScreenCurrent(); double GetFilamentCurrent(); BOOL SetFilamentCurrent(double current); BOOL GetEmissionState(int &state); BOOL SetEmissionState(int state); GetSetMember(float, FilamentCurrentScale); GetSetMember(float, DiffShiftScaling); GetSetMember(int, UseTEMScripting); GetSetMember(int, UseUtapiScripting); GetMember(bool, MovingAperture); GetSetMember(BOOL, SkipJeolNeutralCheck); GetMember(int, HasSimpleOrigin); void SetHasSimpleOrigin(int inVal); GetSetMember(int, DewarVacCapabilities); GetSetMember(int, ScopeCanFlashFEG); GetSetMember(int, ScopeHasPhasePlate); GetMember(int, ChangedLoaderInfo); GetSetMember(int, LoadedCartridge); GetSetMember(int, UnloadedCartridge); GetSetMember(int, FegFlashCounter); GetSetMember(int, SkipNormalizations); GetSetMember(BOOL, ConstantBrightInNano); GetSetMember(int, MinInitializeJeolDelay); GetMember(unsigned int, UtapiConnected); void SetUtapiConnected(unsigned int flags, bool *supportsService) { mUtapiConnected = flags; mUtapiSupportsService = supportsService; }; GetSetMember(BOOL, UseFilterInTEMMode); GetSetMember(int, FeiSTEMprobeModeInLM); GetSetMember(int, ScanningMags); GetSetMember(BOOL, UseImageBeamTilt); GetSetMember(int, ScreenRaiseDelay); GetSetMember(int, ScopeHasAutoloader); GetSetMember(int, LDFreeLensDelay); GetSetMember(int, OpenValvesDelay); GetMember(int, LastMagIndex); std::vector *GetApertureLists() { return &mApertureSizes; }; void GetRawImageShift(double &ISX, double &ISY) { ISX = mLastISX; ISY = mLastISY; }; DewarVacParams *GetDewarVacParams() { return &mDewarVacParams; }; int *GetLastLongOpTimes() {return &mLastLongOpTimes[0];}; void SetDetectorOffsets(float inX, float inY) { mDetectorOffsetX = inX; mDetectorOffsetY = inY; }; void GetDetectorOffsets(float &outX, float &outY) { outX = mDetectorOffsetX; outY = mDetectorOffsetY; }; void GetNumCameraLengths(int ®, int &LAD) { reg = mNumRegularCamLens; LAD = mNumLADCamLens; }; void SetNumCameraLengths(int reg, int LAD) { mNumRegularCamLens = reg; mNumLADCamLens = LAD; }; int ScreenBusy(); int GetScreenPos(); BOOL SetScreenPos(int inPos); BOOL SynchronousScreenPos(int inPos); int StageBusy(int ignoreOrTrustState = 0); BOOL MoveStage(StageMoveInfo info, BOOL doBacklash = false, BOOL useSpeed = false, int inBackground = 0, BOOL doRelax = false, BOOL doRestore = false); void UpdateWindowsForStage(); void TiltTo(double inVal, double restoreX = EXTRA_NO_VALUE, double restoreY = EXTRA_NO_VALUE); void TiltDown(double restoreX = EXTRA_NO_VALUE, double restoreY = EXTRA_NO_VALUE); void TiltUp(double restoreX = EXTRA_NO_VALUE, double restoreY = EXTRA_NO_VALUE); double GetTiltAngle(BOOL forceGet = false); double FastTiltAngle(); void SetIncrement(float increment) {mIncrement = increment;}; float GetIncrement(); float GetBaseIncrement() {return mIncrement;}; GetSetMember(BOOL, CosineTilt); ShortVec *GetSkipUtapiServices() {return &mSkipUtapiServices ; }; bool UtapiSupportsService(int kind) { B3DCLAMP(kind, 0, UTAPI_SUPPORT_END - 1); return mUtapiConnected && mUtapiSupportsService[kind] ; }; int Initialize(); int RenewJeolConnection(); CEMscope(); virtual ~CEMscope(); static BOOL ScopeMutexAcquire(const char *name, BOOL retry); static BOOL ScopeMutexRelease(const char *name); static float ConvertJEOLStage(double inMove, float &outRem); static int LookupMagnification(int magValue, CString units, int mode, CString name, int &camLenInd); static int TranslateFunctionMode(short mode, CString name, int &newMode); static void SetBlankingFlag(BOOL state); static BOOL AcquireMagMutex(); static void ReleaseMagMutex(); static char *GetInstrumentName() {return mFEIInstrumentName;}; static void StageMoveKernel(StageThreadData *std, BOOL fromBlanker, BOOL async, double &destX, double &destY, double &destZ, double &destAlpha); static void ManageTiltReversalVars(); // JEOL functions BOOL SetMDSMode(int which); int GetMDSMode(); BOOL SetSpectroscopyMode(int which); int GetSpectroscopyMode(); static int WaitForLensRelaxation(int type, double earliestTime); float GetMaxJeolImageShift(int magInd); static void WaitForStageDone(StageMoveInfo *smi, char *procName); // General variables that need to be public JeolStateData mJeolSD; JeolParams mJeolParams; int mNumGauges; // Number of gauges to watch CString mGaugeNames[MAX_GAUGE_WATCH]; // Names (P1, etc) double mYellowThresh[MAX_GAUGE_WATCH]; // Threshold for displaying yellow double mRedThresh[MAX_GAUGE_WATCH]; // Threshold for displaying red bool mMovingAperture; private: static ScopePluginFuncs *mPlugFuncs; int *mActiveCamList; CCameraController *mCamera; static int mLastMagIndex; // Used by timer to detect user mag changes static BOOL mMagChanged; // Flag that mag has changed since normalization static int mInternalPrevMag; // Previous mag to one set internally static double mInternalMagTime; // Time when internal mag was set static double mLastISX; static double mLastISY; static double mPreviousISX; // IS before the last one seen in update static double mPreviousISY; static double mTiltAngle; int mLastCamLenIndex; // Last value of camera length index static BOOL mLastEFTEMmode; // Last value of EFTEM mode from update static BOOL mBeamBlanked; // To keep track of actual blank state static char *mFEIInstrumentName; int mUseTEMScripting; int mUseUtapiScripting; int mLastRegularMag; // Keep track of last regular and EFTEM mags int mLastEFTEMmag; int mLastSTEMmag; double mLastSTEMfocus; // Keep track of last focus values seen too double mLastRegularFocus; double mUpdateSawMagTime; // Time of last mag change seen in update routine double mLastSeenMagInd; // Index of last mag seen in update BOOL mBlankWhenDown; // if blanking when screen down BOOL mLowDoseMode; // flag for low dose BOOL mCameraAcquiring; // flag to not blank when screen up in low dose int mLowDoseDownArea; // Area (mode) to display when screen down int mLowDoseSetArea; // Currently displayed area int mChangingLDArea; // Flag that area is changing, to stop double calls/updates int mLastLDpolarity; // Polarity of last low dose area setting double mLDChangeCumulBeamX; // Sum of beam shift changes needed when changing low dose double mLDChangeCumulBeamY; // area on the JEOL double mSetAlphaBeamTiltX; // Value of beam tilt set by ChangeAlphaBeamTilts in case a double mSetAlphaBeamTiltY; // mag change changes it before end of LD routine double mBaseForAlphaBTX; // Base value of beam tilt to work from in double mBaseForAlphaBTY; // ChangeAlphaBeamTilts in case of intervening change double mSubFromPosChgISX; // Amount to subtract from position-changing image shift double mSubFromPosChgISY; // i.e., the current adjustment of IS in a defocused area int mLDChangeCurArea; // Area to assume when accounting for beam shift and offsets BOOL mSelectedEFTEM; // flag that we turned on EFTEM lens settings int mSelectedSTEM; // flag that we turned on STEM in scope; -1 while setting FilterParams *mFiltParam; MagTable *mMagTab; int mUpdateInterval; // Update interval in ms int mJeolUpdateSleep; static HANDLE mScopeMutexHandle; static char * mScopeMutexOwnerStr; static char * mScopeMutexLenderStr; static DWORD mScopeMutexOwnerId; static int mScopeMutexOwnerCount; double mJeol_OLfine_to_um; // Scale factor from OL fine value to microns double mJeol_CLA1_to_um; // Scale factor from CLA1 units to microns, approximate double mJeol_LMCLA1_to_um; // Scale factor for low mag, approximate double mJeol_OM_to_um; // Scale from objective mini to microns double mJeolSTEMdefocusFac; // Scale to get defocus to match TEMCON in STEM mode double mRoughPLscale; // Number of mm on camera per "micron" unit of PL BOOL mReportsSmallScreen; int mReportsLargeScreen; BOOL mUpdateByEvent; // Flag that most updates will occur by event int mMagFixISdelay; // Delay from setting mag to fixing IS values on JEOL int mCalNeutralStartMag; // Starting mag if doing calibrate neutral IS int mCalNeutralType; // Type of operation to do for Hitachi int mMagIndSavedIS; // Mag at which IS was saved for later restore double mSavedISX, mSavedISY; // RAW IS values to be restored at that mag int mHandledMag; // Last mag handled by handle new mag int mShutterlessCamera; // Copy of NoShutter property for current camera int mProbeMode; // last measured mode, 0 for nanoprobe, 1 for microprobe int mReturnedProbeMode; // last mode returned from scope, 0 for nano, 1 for micro int mProbeChangeWait; // milliseconds to wait after seeing probe change int mDiffractOrSTEMwait; // Milliseconds to wait after seeing 0 mag index if STEM int mLastSTEMmode; // Last STEM mode from update loop bool mNeedSTEMneutral; // Flag that STEM neutral hasn't been gotten yet int mFeiSTEMprobeModeInLM; // 0 to leave mode as is, 1 to say it is nano, 2 micro private: static UINT StageMoveProc(LPVOID pParam); static UINT ScreenMoveProc(LPVOID pParam); static UINT ApertureMoveProc(LPVOID pParam); static UINT LongOperationProc(LPVOID pParam); CShiftManager *mShiftManager; CWinThread * mStageThread; CWinThread * mScreenThread; CWinThread * mFilmThread; CWinThread * mApertureThread; CWinThread *mLongOpThreads[MAX_LONG_THREADS]; LongThreadData mLongOpData[MAX_LONG_THREADS]; CWinThread *mSynchronousThread; SynchroThreadData mSynchroTD; DewarVacParams mDewarVacParams; int mLastLongOpTimes[MAX_LONG_OPERATIONS]; UINT_PTR mUpdateID; // ID of timer for updates float mIncrement; // Tilt increment BOOL mCosineTilt; // Flag for cosine tilt StageMoveInfo mMoveInfo; ApertureThreadData mApertureTD; BOOL mBeamBlankSet; // Keeps track of requested blank setting double mLastISdelX; // Last change in image shift double mLastISdelY; DWORD mLastNormalization; // Time of last normalization float mScreenCurrentFactor; // Correction factor for screen current float mFilamentCurrentScale; // Scale factor for filament current DWORD mLastTiltTime; // Time of last tilt DWORD mLastStageTime; // Time of last stage move double mLastTiltChange; // Amount tilted by float mSmallScreenFactor; // Amount to change current if small screen in CSerialEMApp *mWinApp; int mFromPixelMatchMag; // Mag last changed from in EFTEM pixel matching int mToPixelMatchMag; // Mag last changed to int mSTEMfromMatchMag; // Mag last changed from in STEM pixel matching int mSTEMtoMatchMag; int mNonGIFfromMatchMag; // Mag last changed from non nonGIF pixel matching int mNonGIFtoMatchMag; // Mag last changed to int mLowestMModeMagInd; // Index of the lowest mag before low mag mode int mLowestEFTEMNonLMind; // Lowest "M-mode" mag ind for EFTEM mode int mLowestGIFModeMag; // Index to lowest mag that should be used in GIF mode int mLowestSTEMnonLMmag[2]; // Index to lowest non LM mag in STEM mode int mLowestMicroSTEMmag; // Index to start of microprobe mags IntVec mShiftBoundaries; // Mags that start a new image or beam shift regime IntVec mEFTEMShiftBoundaries; // separate copy for EFTEM mode int mNumShiftBoundaries; // Number of boundaries float mC2IntensityFactor[2]; // Factor to scale intensity to C2 reading, each probe mode float mC2SpotOffset[MAX_SPOT_SIZE + 1][2]; // Offset for each spot size, each probe mode int mNumSpotSizes; // Number of spot size int mNumSTEMSpotSizes; // Number in STEM int mMinSpotSize; // Minimum usable spot size int mNumAlphas; // Number of alphas int mNumRegularCamLens; // Number of camera lengths in regulr and LAD mode int mNumLADCamLens; double mCrossovers[MAX_SPOT_SIZE + 1][2]; // Intensity at crossover float mAlphaBeamShifts[MAX_ALPHAS][2]; int mNumAlphaBeamShifts; // Number of alphas with recorded beam shifts float mAlphaBeamTilts[MAX_ALPHAS][2]; int mNumAlphaBeamTilts; // Number of alphas with recorded beam tilt double mSpotBeamShifts[2][MAX_SPOT_SIZE + 1][2]; int mMinSpotWithBeamShift[2]; // Min and max spot sizes with recorded beam shifts int mMaxSpotWithBeamShift[2]; // For primary and secondary mags float mStageLimit[4]; // Limits for moving the stage float mMaxTiltAngle; // Limit for tilt angles float mTiltAxisOffset; // Offset from optical to tilt axis BOOL mShiftToTiltAxis; // Flag to maintain center of image shift on tilt axis BOOL mApplyISoffset; // Flag to apply image shift offsets int mInitializeJeolDelay; // Delay after initializing JEOL, in ms BOOL mHasOmegaFilter; BOOL mScreenByEvent; // Flag that screen updates occur by event BOOL mSpectrumByEvent; // Flag that spectroscopy mode update is by event BOOL mLDNormalizeBeam; // Flag to go through view on changes between LD areas int mUseNormForLDNormalize; // Flag to use condenser normalization routine instead BOOL mSkipBlankingInLowDose; // Flag not to blank with screen up in low dose BOOL mLastSkipLDBlank; // Flag to respond to changes BOOL mLDBeamTiltShifts; // Flag to record beam tilt shifts and adjust for them int mLDBeamNormDelay; // Sleep time after going to view intensity float mLDViewDefocus; // Defocus offset going to View in low dose float mSearchDefocus; // Defocus offset going to Search in low dose float mCurDefocusOffset; // Value of offset set for the current area if S or V LowDoseParams *mLdsaParams; // Parameters of the current set low dose area BOOL mChangeAreaAtZeroIS; int mJeolForceMDSmode; // +1 to turn on MDS mode to avoid IS resets, -1 to turn off BOOL mCanControlEFTEM; // Flag that EFTEM can be turned on/off (false on JEOL) int mSimulationMode; // Flag that a simulator is being run; if > 1, it sets KV int mJeolPostMagDelay; // Sleep delay after changing mag int mJeolMagEventWait; // Full wait time for a mag event to show up after change int mJeolSTEMPreMagDelay; // Delay between a JEOL STEM image and STEM mag change int mPostMagStageDelay; // Delay after changing mag for accessing stage only int mJeolExternalMagDelay; // Delay after an external mag change for fixing IS BOOL mNoColumnValve; // Flag for scope (JEOL) with no column/beam valve control CString mC2Name; // Name of C2 lens CString mC2Units; // Units to put out for intensity double mManualExposure; // Time for manual exposure, 0 for auto double mStandardLMFocus; // Focus to use in low mag for montages, etc float mWarnIfKVnotAt; // KV for warning on startup double mLMFocusTable[MAX_MAGS][2]; // Table of individual standard focus values int mMainDetectorID; // Detector ID for main screen or equiv. on JEOL int mPairedDetectorID; // Detector that moves complementary to main screen BOOL mJeol1230; // Flag for a 1230 int mHasNoAlpha; // Flag that scope has no alpha setting int mAdaExists; // Flag that adaexp has been found int mNoScope; // Flag that there is no scope to connect to: has voltage int mFakeMagIndex; // A settable, returnable mag index if there is no scope int mFakeScreenPos; // And a fake screen position so the right mag can be shown int mNextLDpolarity; // Polarity of image shift for next low dose area setting BOOL mUseIllumAreaForC2; // Use illuminated area for intensity double mLastStageCheckTime; // Last time when stage was checked for real on JEOL int mSTEMswitchDelay; // ms timeout for acquisition after switching STEM float mSTEMneutralISX; // Neutral values for IS (CLA1) on JEOL in STEM float mSTEMneutralISY; int mInsertDetectorDelay; // Delays after inserting or selecting JEOL detectors int mSelectDetectorDelay; int mJeolSTEMrotation; // Value that JEOL should have for STEM rotation int mJeolSwitchSTEMsleep; // Msec to just plain sleep after switching STEM int mJeolSwitchTEMsleep; // Msec to sleep after switching back to TEM, if different BOOL mJeolSTEMunitsX; // Flag that STEM mag units come through as X not ABC CArray mBlockedChannels; CArray mLensRelaxProgs; CArray mJeolLoaderInfo; CArray mFLCSequences; BOOL mUsePLforIS; // Flag to use PL when initialize scope BOOL mUseCLA2forSTEM; // Flag to use CLA2 for JEOL STEM bool mXYbacklashValid; // Flag that backlash values are still valid for a position bool mZbacklashValid; // Flag that Z backlash values still valid for a position float mLastBacklashX; // Last backlash values float mLastBacklashY; float mLastBacklashZ; double mPosForBacklashX; // And position at which backlash was recorded double mPosForBacklashY; double mPosForBacklashZ; float mBacklashTolerance; // Maximum change in position for considering position valid float mRequestedStageX; // Position requested in last MoveStage call float mRequestedStageY; float mRequestedStageZ; bool mStageAtLastPos; // Flag that stage is still at last position bool mStageAtLastZPos; // Flag that stage is still at last Z position bool mBacklashValidAtStart; // Flag that backlash was valid before stage move bool mZBacklashValidAtStart; // Flag that Z backlash was valid before stage move float mMinMoveForBacklash; // One-shot threshold for the next move to set a backlash float mMinZMoveForBacklash; // One-shot threshold for the next move to set a backlash double mStartForMinMoveX; // Starting position for a move to be evaluated double mStartForMinMoveY; // for setting backlash double mStartForMinMoveZ; // Starting position for Z BOOL mMovingStage; // Flag that we started a stage move BOOL mBkgdMovingStage; // Flag that stage move was started on background channel float mTiltSpeedFactor; // If set, use as speed factor for tilt when none supplied float mStageXYSpeedFactor; // If set, use as factor for X/Y move when none supplied float mIllumAreaLowLimit; // Limits for illuminated area float mIllumAreaHighLimit; float mIllumAreaLowMapTo; // Values that lower and upper limits map to float mIllumAreaHighMapTo; float mCalLowIllumAreaLim[MAX_SPOT_SIZE + 1][4]; // Calibrated values, nana-micro float mCalHighIllumAreaLim[MAX_SPOT_SIZE + 1][4]; // Current in cols 0-1, original 2-3 int mNeutralIndex; // Index to neutral values (0 = nonGIF, 1 = GIF) BOOL mSkipNextBeamShift; // Flag to skip shifting beam on next IS change bool mDoingLongOperation; // Flag that any long operation is active int mLongOpErrorToReport; // A value to set reported value in in script BOOL mUsePiezoForLDaxis; // Flag to use a piezo for low dose axis shift bool mFocusCameFromView; // Flag that focus was reached from View mode int mFalconPostMagDelay; // Timeout interval after mag change for taking Falcon image int mLowestSecondaryMag; // Index for bottom of a secondary mag range int mSecondaryMode; // 1 if in secondary mode; can be flag or index int mGaugeIndex[MAX_GAUGE_WATCH]; int mAlphaChangeDelay; // Delay after changing alpha bool mDisconnected; // Flag that we have disconnected from scope BOOL mAdjustFocusForProbe; // Flag to adjust focus when probe mode changes double mFirstFocusForProbe; // First focus value seen in a probe mode double mLastFocusInUpdate; // Last focus value seen in the update routine double mFirstBeamXforProbe; // First beam shift value seen in a probe mode double mFirstBeamYforProbe; int mPostProbeDelay; // Msec delay after changing probe mode int mHitachiMagFocusDelay; // Maximum time to wait for focus change after mag change int mHitachiMagISDelay; // Maximum time to wait for IS change after mag change int mMagChgIntensityDelay; // Delay from changing mag to changing intensity int mHitachiMagChgSeeTime; // max time for internal mag change to show up in update bool mISwasNewLastUpdate; // Flag that new IS was seen on last update double mLastMagModeChgTime; // Time of last LM/M whatever boundary crossing int mHitachiModeChgDelay; // Amount of time to wait before managing IS int mHitachiSpotStepDelay; // Msec between stepping up in spot sizes int mHitachiSpotBeamWait; int mHitachiDoesBSforIS; // Flags for which modes Hitachi does image-beam shift in bool mHitachiResetsISinHC; // Flag that IS needs to be reasserted in HC int mHighestLMindexToScan; // Last index of enabled LM mags, if any are disabled int mCheckFreeK2RefCount; // Counter for checking K2 reference freeing int mLastNormMagIndex; // Mag of last normalization int mPrevNormMagIndex; // Previous mag before last normalization int mPostFocusChgDelay; // Delay after changing focus int mUseJeolGIFmodeCalls; // 1 to rely on state from calls, 2 to change EFTEM with it int mJeolHasNitrogenClass; // Flag to create the nitrogen class BOOL mJeolHasExtraApertures; // Flag to use Ex aperture calls int mJeolCondenserApIDtoUse; // ID to use when there are extra apertures and only one BOOL mSequentialLensRelax; // Flag to do lens relaxation sequentially not interleaved int mJeolRefillTimeout; // Timeout for refilling int mJeolFlashFegTimeout; // Timeout for flashing FEG int mJeolEmissionTimeout; // Timeout for turning emission off or on int mBeamRampupTimeout; // Timeout in sec for not accessing beam state in rampup int mPostJeolGIFdelay; // Delay time after setting GIF mode BOOL mUseInvertedMagRange; // Flag to step up in Titan inverted range to find mag int mUpdateBeamBlank; // Flag to update beam blanker BOOL mBlankTransients; // Flag to blank for mag/spot size changes & normalizations double mLastCameraLength; // Camera length in last update: valid only in diff mode int mNormAllOnMagChange; // Norm all lenses when in LM if 1, or always if 2 int mGoToRecMagEnteringLD; // Set the R mag entering LD if in LM (1) or always (2) float mStageRelaxation; // Default distance to relax stage from backlash int mDoingStoppableRefill; // Sum of bits for refill types float mFalcon3ReadoutInterval; // Frame interval for Falcon 3 camera float mFalcon4ReadoutInterval; // Frame interval for Falcon 4 camera float mFalcon4iReadoutInterval; // Frame interval for Falcon 4i camera int mMinFalcon4CountAlignFrac; // Minimum align fraction for Falcon 4 in counting float mAddToFalcon3Exposure; // Default to set addToExposure for Falcon 3 int mSkipAdvancedScripting; // To make cameras connect by old scripting std::vector mCheckedNeutralIS; // To keep track if neutral IS tested BOOL mSkipJeolNeutralCheck; // Flag to skip the check of neutral values int mSavedApertureSize[MAX_APERTURE_NUM + 1]; // Size and position from "RemoveAperture" float mSavedAperturePosX[MAX_APERTURE_NUM + 1]; // Apertures are numbered from 1, float mSavedAperturePosY[MAX_APERTURE_NUM + 1]; // subtract 1 to access array int mFEIhasApertureSupport; // Flag that aperture support exists on FEI scope float mDiffShiftScaling; // Scaling to apply to diffraction shift int mXLensModeAvailable; // 1 if available, 0 no object, -1 not available int mRestoreStageXYdelay; // Delay between tilt and restore step BOOL mJeolHasBrightnessZoom; // Flag for whether TemExt version has BrightnessZoom int mAdjustForISSkipBacklash; // Flag for astig/BT adjustments for IS not to backlash float mAddToRawIntensity; // Amount to add to an intensity value to keep it in range int mIdleTimeToCloseValves; // Minutes of no activity after which to close the valves bool mClosedValvesAfterIdle; // Flag that it happened BOOL mUpdateDuringAreaChange; // Flag to allow scope updates during LD area change float mDetectorOffsetX; // PLA offsets potentially for each detector/camera float mDetectorOffsetY; int mRestoreViewFocusCount; // For counter of updates before deferred RestoreViewFocus bool mDoNextFEGFlashHigh; // Flag to do a high flash on next call BOOL mHasSimpleOrigin; // Flag to use calls to Simple Origin for refilling int mDewarVacCapabilities; // Flags: 1 for autoloader, 2 for temperature control int mScopeCanFlashFEG; // 1 if it can flash cold FEG, 0 not int mScopeHasPhasePlate; // 1 if there is a phase plate, 0 not int mScopeHasAutoloader; // 1 if it does, set to 0 if it does not int mMaxJeolAutoloaderSlots; // Number of slots to query int mChangedLoaderInfo; // Flag to indicate info was gotten or changed int mUnloadedCartridge; // Index in table of cartridge that was unloaded int mLoadedCartridge; // Index in table of cartridge that was unloaded int mFegFlashCounter; // Cumulative count of FEG flashes int mSkipNormalizations; // Flag to not normalize on mag (1) or spot (2) change double mLastBeamCurrentTime; // Time when beam current was last gotten double mFEGBeamCurrent; // Last value gotten BOOL mConstantBrightInNano; // Brightness does not change with intensity in nanoprobe int mMinInitializeJeolDelay; // So a warning can be issued if it is too low unsigned int mUtapiConnected; // Just a flag for connection made bool *mUtapiSupportsService; // Address of array with flags for specific services ShortVec mSkipUtapiServices; // List of services to mark as unsupported BOOL mUseFilterInTEMMode; // Flag that energy filter will be used without EFTEM mode int mScanningMags; // 1 if scanning, set to 0 to stop or -1 to end BOOL mUseImageBeamTilt; // Flag to use image-beam tilt on FEI instead of regular std::vector mApertureSizes; // Each vector has aperture index then sizes int mScreenRaiseDelay; // Delay time after raising the screen, msec int mLDFreeLensDelay; // Delay time after setting FLC for an area, msec int mOpenValvesDelay; // Delay time after opening column valves int mAdvancedScriptVersion; // My internal version number for advanced scripting int mPluginVersion; // Version of plugin or server // Old static variables from UpdateProc int mErrCount; DWORD mLastReport; BOOL mReportingErr; BOOL mLastLowDose; int mLastScreen; int mAutosaveCount; BOOL mLastSpectroscopy; double mLastPressure; int mLastGaugeStatus, mVacCount; public: void SetManualExposure(double time); BOOL TakeFilmExposure(BOOL useAda, double loadDelay, double preExpose, BOOL screenOn); static int TaskFilmBusy(void); int FilmBusy(void); void FilmCleanup(int error); static UINT FilmExposeProc(LPVOID pParam); double GetFocus(void); double GetObjectiveStrength(void); BOOL SetFocus(double inVal); BOOL WaitForStageReady(int msecs); BOOL GetUsePLforIS(void); BOOL GetUsePLforIS(int magInd); BOOL SetAlpha(int alpha); BOOL SetJeolGIF(int alpha); void SetLDContinuousUpdate(BOOL state); int GetAlpha(void); int GetJeolGIF(void); double GetDiffractionFocus(void); BOOL SetDiffractionFocus(double inVal); BOOL AssessMagISchange(int fromInd, int toInd, BOOL STEMmode, double &newISX, double &newISY); BOOL SaveOrRestoreIS(int saveMag, int otherMag); BOOL AssessRestoreIS(int fromInd, int toInd, double &newISX, double &newISY); void SaveISifNeeded(int fromInd, int toInd); int LookupRingIS(int lastMag, BOOL changedEFTEM, BOOL crossedLM); BOOL SetObjFocus(int step); int LookupScriptingCamera(CameraParameters * params, bool refresh, int restoreShutter = VALUE_NOT_SET); double FastDefocus(void); BOOL FastStagePosition(double & X, double & Y, double & Z); int FastScreenPos(void); double CloseValvesAfterInterval(double interval); void FindMatchingMag(int fromCam, int toCam, float toFactor, int oldMag, int curMag, int &newMag, float &fromPixel, float &toPixel, int &fromMatchMag, int &toMatchMag, BOOL doMatchPixel); void MatchPixelAndIntensity(int fromCam, int toCam, float toFactor, BOOL matchPixel, BOOL matchIntensity); int GetFEIChannelList(CameraParameters * params, bool release); BOOL GetSTEMmode(void); int LookupSTEMmagFEI(double curMag, int curMode, double & minDiff); bool SetSTEM(BOOL inState); BOOL FastSTEMmode(void); int GetLowestNonLMmag(int index = -2); int GetLowestNonLMmag(CameraParameters *camParam); void ResetSTEMneutral(void); bool TestSTEMshift(int type, int delx, int dely); void AddImageDetector(int id); bool SelectJeolDetectors(int * detInd, int numDet); bool GetSTEMBrightnessContrast(const char *name, double &bright, double &contrast); bool SetSTEMBrightnessContrast(const char *name, double bright, double contrast); BOOL NeedBeamBlanking(int screenPos, BOOL STEMmode, BOOL &goToLDarea); BOOL NeedBeamBlanking(int screenPos, BOOL STEMmode); void ScopeUpdate(DWORD dwTime); void UpdateStage(double &stageX, double &stageY, double &stageZ, BOOL &bReady); void UpdateLastMagEftemStem(int magIndex, double defocus, int screenPos, BOOL EFTEM, int STEMmode); void updateEFTEMSpectroscopy(BOOL &EFTEM); void UpdateLowDose(int screenPos, BOOL needBlank, BOOL gotoArea, int magIndex, double diffFocus, float alpha, int &spotSize, double &rawIntensity, double &ISX, double &ISY, BOOL stageReady); void UpdateGauges(int &vacStatus); void UpdateScreenBeamFocus(int STEMmode, int &screenPos, int &smallScreen, int &spotSize, double &rawIntensity, double ¤t, double &defocus, double &objective, float &alpha); BOOL CassetteSlotStatus(int slot, int &status, CString &names, int *numSlotsP = NULL); int FindCartridgeWithID(int ID, CString &errStr); int LoadCartridge(int slot, CString &errStr); int UnloadCartridge(CString &errStr); int FindCartridgeAtStage(int &id); static ScopePluginFuncs *GetPlugFuncs() {return mPlugFuncs;}; void SetValidXYbacklash(StageMoveInfo * info); void SetValidZbacklash(StageMoveInfo * info); bool GetValidXYbacklash(double stageX, double stageY, float & backX, float & backY); bool GetValidZbacklash(double stageZ, float & backZ); bool StageIsAtSamePos(double stageX, double stageY, float requestedX, float requestedY); bool StageIsAtSameZPos(double stageZ, float requestedZ); double IllumAreaToIntensity(double illum, int spot = -1, int probe = -1); double IntensityToIllumArea(double intensity, int spot = -1, int probe = -1); bool GetAnyIllumAreaLimits(int spot, int probe, float &lowLimit, float &highLimit); double IntensityAfterApertureChange(double intensity, int oldAper, int newAper, int spot = -1, int probe = -1); bool AreDewarsFilling(int & busy); bool GetDewarsRemainingTime(int which, int & time); bool GetRefrigerantLevel(int which, double & level); bool GetNitrogenInfo(int which, int &time, double &level); bool GetSimpleOriginStatus(int &numRefills, int &secToNextRefill, int &filling, int &active, float *sensor = NULL); static int RefillSimpleOrigin(CString &errString); bool SetSimpleOriginActive(int active, CString &errString); bool GetObjectiveStigmator(double & stigX, double & stigY); bool SetObjectiveStigmator(double stigX, double stigY); bool GetCondenserStigmator(double & stigX, double & stigY); bool SetCondenserStigmator(double stigX, double stigY); bool GetDiffractionStigmator(double & stigX, double & stigY); bool SetDiffractionStigmator(double stigX, double stigY); int GetXLensDeflector(int which, double &outX, double &outY); int SetXLensDeflector(int which, double inX, double inY); int GetXLensFocus(double &outX); int SetXLensFocus(double inX); int GetXLensMode(int &outX); int SetXLensMode(BOOL inX); bool GetTemperatureInfo(int type, BOOL & busy, int & time, int which, double & level); BOOL IsPVPRunning(BOOL & state); BOOL GetIsFlashingAdvised(int high, int &answer); BOOL GetFEGBeamCurrent(double ¤t, bool skipError = false); BOOL FastFEGBeamCurrent(double ¤t); int GetApertureSize(int kind); bool SetApertureSize(int kind, int size); bool SetAperturePosition(int kind, float posX, float posY); bool GetAperturePosition(int kind, float &posX, float &posY); int RemoveAperture(int kind); int ReInsertAperture(int kind); static int TaskApertureBusy(); int ApertureBusy(); void ApertureCleanup(int error); int StartApertureThread(const char *descrip); bool MovePhasePlateToNextPos(); int FindApertureSizeFromIndex(int apInd, int sizeInd); int FindApertureIndexFromSize(int apInd, int size); int FindApertureIndexFromSize(int apInd, int size, CString &errStr); BOOL RunSynchronousThread(int action, int newIndex, int curIndex, const char *routine); static UINT SynchronousProc(LPVOID pParam); static BOOL SetMagKernel(SynchroThreadData *sytd); BOOL SetMagOrAdjustLDArea(int inIndex); bool AdjustLDAreaForItem(int which, int inItem); static BOOL SetSpotKernel(SynchroThreadData *sytd); static BOOL SetProbeKernel(SynchroThreadData *sytd); BOOL SetProbeOrAdjustLDArea(int inProbe); static BOOL SetAlphaKernel(SynchroThreadData *sytd); static BOOL NormalizeKernel(SynchroThreadData *sytd); int StartLongOperation(int *operations, float *hoursSinceLast, int numOps); int LongOperationBusy(int index = -1); int StopLongOperation(bool exiting, int index = -1); void ChangeAlphaAndBeam(int oldAlpha, int newAlpha, int oldMag = -1, int newMag = -1); int FastAlpha(void); BOOL GetColumnMode(int &mode, int &subMode); BOOL GetLensByName(CString &name, double &value); BOOL SetLensByName(CString &name, double value); BOOL GetDeflectorByName(CString &name, double &valueX, double &valueY); BOOL SetDeflectorByName(CString &name, double valueX, double valueY, int incr); bool MagChgResetsIS(int toInd); BOOL NormalizeAll(int illumProj); int ReadProbeMode(void); bool MagIsInFeiLMSTEM(int inMag); void SetCheckPosOnScreenError(BOOL inVal); BOOL GetCheckPosOnScreenError(); static void GetValuesFast(int enable); void RemoteControlChanged(BOOL newState); void SetBacklashFromNextMove(double startX, double startY, float minMove) { mStartForMinMoveX = startX; mStartForMinMoveY = startY; mMinMoveForBacklash = minMove;}; void SetZBacklashFromNextMove(double startZ, float minMove) { mStartForMinMoveZ = startZ; mMinZMoveForBacklash = minMove;}; bool BlankTransientIfNeeded(const char *routine); void UnblankAfterTransient(bool needUnblank, const char *routine); BOOL SetFreeLensControl(int lens, int arg); BOOL SetLensWithFLC(int lens, double inVal, bool relative); BOOL GetLensFLCStatus(int lens, int &state, double &lensVal); double GetStageBAxis(void); BOOL SetStageBAxis(double inVal); int CheckApertureKind(int kind); int GetCurrentPhasePlatePos(void); int GetBeamStopPos(); bool SetBeamStopPos(int newPos); void PositionChangingPartOfIS(double curISX, double curISY, double &posChangingISX, double &posChangingISY); void IncOrAccumulateBeamShift(double beamDelX, double beamDelY, const char *descrip); bool HitachiNeedsBSforIS(int &magIndex); }; #endif // !defined(AFX_EMSCOPE_H__3021271B_90D6_48ED_B7BA_5C7F62808186__INCLUDED_)