// A GENERAL CONTAINER FOR PARAMETER STRUCTURES #ifndef CONTROLSET_H #define CONTROLSET_H #include "Shared\CorrectDefects.h" typedef std::vector FloatVec; #define UNPROCESSED 0 #define DARK_SUBTRACTED 1 #define GAIN_NORMALIZED 2 #define SINGLE_FRAME 0 #define CONTINUOUS 1 #define USE_BEAM_BLANK 0 #define USE_FILM_SHUTTER 1 #define USE_DUAL_SHUTTER 2 #define FRAMEALI_PAIRWISE_NUM 0 #define FRAMEALI_HALF_PAIRWISE 1 #define FRAMEALI_ALL_PAIRWISE 2 #define FRAMEALI_ACCUM_REF 3 #define FRAMES_CAN_BE_SAVED 1 #define FRAMES_CAN_BE_ALIGNED 2 #define MAX_BINNINGS 10 #define MAX_HOT_COLUMNS 200 #define MAX_HOT_PIXELS 400 #define MAX_IMPORT_XFORMS 16 #define MAX_STEM_CHANNELS 8 #define DATETIME_SIZE 21 #define K2_LINEAR_MODE 0 #define K2_COUNTING_MODE 1 #define K2_SUPERRES_MODE 2 #define DE_SAVE_FRAMES 0x1 #define DE_SAVE_SUMS 0x2 #define DE_SAVE_FINAL 0x4 #define DE_SAVE_COUNTING 0x8 #define DE_SAVE_MASTER 0x10 #define DE_SAVE_SINGLE 0x20 #define MAX_SPOT_SIZE 13 #define MAX_CAMLENS 60 struct ControlSet { int mode; int processing; int forceDark; int onceDark; int shuttering; int binning; float exposure; float drift; int left; int top; int right; int bottom; int numAverage; int averageDark; int averageOnce; int removeXrays; int channelIndex[MAX_STEM_CHANNELS]; int lineSync; // For line sync in DigiScan int dynamicFocus; int boostMag; // For boostin mag in STEM focus AND for DE hardware binning int magAllShots; // For choice to boost mag on all shots AND for DE hardware ROI int integration; int correctDrift; // Flag to use internal drift correction of camera int K2ReadMode; // Linear/counting/super-res for K2, DE, and Falcon; diff for 1View int doseFrac; float frameTime; int alignFrames; int useFrameAlign; // 1 to align in SerialEM[CCD], 2 to write alignframes pcm file int faParamSetInd; int saveFrames; int filterType; int sumK2Frames; // Flag that K2 summing is active; AND DE counting mode dose frac # ShortVec summedFrameList; FloatVec userFrameFractions; FloatVec userSubframeFractions; int numSkipBefore; // Also used for prepixel time in microseconds in Tietz STEM int numSkipAfter; int DEsumCount; // DE sum count only for linear mode }; struct CameraParameters { int sizeX; int sizeY; BOOL unsignedImages; // For a 16-bit camera BOOL returnsFloats; // For a plugin that does or can return float images int moduloX; // readout must be multiple of these int moduloY; // or negative means restricted sizes BOOL coordsModulo; // Coordinates must be modulo of values BOOL squareSubareas; // Flag that subareas must be square int refSizeEvenX; // Flags that reference size must be even in X or Y int refSizeEvenY; // 1 to make them even, 2 to also expect even from DM int halfSizeX[MAX_BINNINGS]; // Actual half and quarter sizes for FEI cameras int halfSizeY[MAX_BINNINGS]; int quarterSizeX[MAX_BINNINGS]; int quarterSizeY[MAX_BINNINGS]; BOOL fourPort; // Four-port readout camera int leftOffset; // Offsets to add to the final coordinates sent to camera int topOffset; int TietzType; // Number of Tietz camera type if not 0 BOOL failedToInitialize; // Flag that Tietz camera failed to initialize int AMTtype; // Flag for AMT camera int FEItype; // Type of FEI camera float ReadoutInterval; // Camera-specific readout interval to cover different Falcons unsigned int CamFlags; // Flags for FEI camera in advanced scripting int DE_camType; // Flag to determine DE camera type int DE_indexType; // Index to look up the proper DE camera type int DE_ImageRot; // Provide an angle to rotate the DE image int DE_ImageInvertX; // Decides whether to invert the X axis on the DE image 1==invert. int DE_ServerDarkImage; // Decides whether the DEServer will provide the Dark image CString DEServerIP; // Server ip that the client will use to connect with int DE_ServerReadPort; // Read port used with DE server. int DE_ServerWritePort; // Write port used with the DE server. float DE_FramesPerSec; // USER's setting for the frames per second for this camera float DE_CountingFPS; // User's setting for FPS in counting mode float DE_MaxFrameRate; // Maximum frame rate from server CString DE_AutosaveDir; // Top folder for autosaves int alsoInsertCamera; // Other camera to insert to make sure blanking is OK int samePhysicalCamera; // Camera on same insertion state int eagleIndex; // Index from looking up eagle camera by name BOOL GatanCam; // Convenience flag for Gatan types BOOL DMCamera; // And for all cameras with DMCamera interface BOOL STEMcamera; // Flag that it is a STEM camera int K2Type; // Flag for K2 initially int OneViewType; // Flag for OneView camera BOOL useSocket; // Flag to use socket instead of COM for DMcamera int beamShutter; // "Alternate Shutter" value for beam only BOOL setAltShutterNC; // Flag to initialize to alternate shutter normally closed int onlyOneShutter; // Flag that there is only one shutter, or shutter to use for Eagle BOOL TietzCanPreExpose; // Flag that shutter mode exists for pre-exposure int restoreBBmode; // Flag to restore BB shutter mode after pre-exposure int TietzGainIndex; // Gain index, 1, 2, ... up to number of gains int LowestGainIndex; // Lowest allowed gain index int TietzImageGeometry; // Bit sum for setting image geometry (flip, rotation) int TietzBlocks; // Block size for Tietz block readout camera CString TietzFlatfieldDir; // Directory for flatfield data int dropFrameFlags; // Flags value with number of frames to drop and start/end int cropFullSizeImages; // 1 to do subarea by crop when flatfielding, 2 to do so always float builtInSettling; // Clear time float pixelMicrons; // Actual pixel size in microns float magRatio; // Mag relative to reported film mag float extraRotation; // Additional rotation relative to calibrated camera int numBinnings; // Number of binnings available int binnings[MAX_BINNINGS]; // Available binnings int numOrigBinnings; // Original # of binnings for FEI STEM int origBinnings[MAX_BINNINGS]; float gainFactor[MAX_BINNINGS]; // Relative gain factors for each binning int autoGainAtBinning; // Binning at which to start automatic gain factors int falcon3ScalePower; // Power for Falcon 3 scaling float falconEventScaling; // Value to scale aligned EER sums by instead of count/elec CString falconRefDir; // Reference directory for this camera CString falconFramePath; // Local Frame path for this camera int falconVariant; // Separate flag for Falcon 4i variant (for now) float linear2CountingRatio; // Ratio of raw counts in linear mode to counting mode float linearOffset; // Amount to subtract before scaling (K3) float K3CDSLinearRatio; // ratio of counts with CDS on to off int numExtraGainRefs; // Number of extra gain refs int processHere; // Per-camera flag for whether to normalize in SerialEM BOOL retractable; // Is camera retractable BOOL canBlock; // Run-time flag for whether it might be inserted float insertDelay; // Delay time for insertion, in seconds float retractDelay; // Delay time for retraction, in seconds int insertingRetracts; // Other camera retracted by inserting this one int order; // Order of camera in beam path CString name; // Supplied name for camera CString DMRefName; // File name of DM's reference CString countingRefForK2; // Name of counting and super-resolution references CString superResRefForK2; BOOL GIF; // Flag that EFTEM needs to be run, etc BOOL hasTVCamera; // Has a TV camera that needs to be retracted int useTVToUnblank; // TV needs to be put in to keep from blanking other cameras int filterIsFEI; // Flag that filter is an FEI (Selectris) BOOL checkTemperature; // Check whether temperature is stable before first acquire BOOL sideMount; // No need to raise screen for side mount camera int canTakeFrames; // Flag that camera can take frames for save or align float minFrameTime[MAX_BINNINGS]; // Minimum frame time, potentially per binning float frameTimeDivisor[MAX_BINNINGS]; // Frame times must be multiple of CString dirForFrameSaving; // Folder to save frames in BOOL useGPUforAlign[2]; // Flags to use GPU for frame alignment; float startupDelay; // Delay time between start of blanking thread and shot float startDelayPerFrame; // Additional time to add per frame in K2 dose fractionation BOOL DMbeamShutterOK; // Flag that we can direct DM to use beam shutter BOOL DMsettlingOK; // Flag that we can set DM's awful drift settling BOOL DMopenShutterOK; // Flag that it is OK to use OpenShutter float extraUnblankTime; // Extra exposure time that occurs with our blanking float extraBeamTime; // Amount to add to exposure before blanking at end float minimumDrift; // Minimum drift settling time allowed float maximumDrift; // Maximum settling (Eagle camera parameter) float minBlankedExposure; // Minimum camera exposure time when blanking inside exposure float extraOpenShutterTime; // Extra time that beam is on when shutter opened before shot float deadTime; // Longest exposure time that gives effectively no counts float minExposure; // Minimum allowed exposure float maxExposure; // Maximum exposure time if non-zero float postBlankerDelay; // Delay after operating blanker as shutter or for dark ref float postIntensityTimeout; // Timeout to set after changing intensity CameraDefects defects; // Structure with all camera defects CameraDefects *origDefects; // Copy of original defects before DM defect list merged std::string defectString; // String conversion of defects for output by plugin int defStringRotFlip; // Rotation/flip of current defect string BOOL defNameHasFrameFile; // Flag that defect string was composed with a filename int numHotColumns; // Number of hot columns (exclude when removing X-rays) int hotColumn[MAX_HOT_COLUMNS]; // Hot columns std::vector hotPixelX; // Hot pixel X and Y coordinates std::vector hotPixelY; int maxXRayDiameter; // Maximum diameter of X ray in pixels BOOL hotPixImodCoord; // Hot pixels are numbered from 1, lower left at 1,1 float darkXRayAbsCrit; // Absolute deviation criterion for X rays in Dark refs float darkXRayNumSDCrit; // Number of SD's criterion int darkXRayBothCrit; // 1 to require meeting both criteria float imageXRayAbsCrit; // Absolute deviation criterion for X rays in gain refs float imageXRayNumSDCrit; // Number of SD's criterion int imageXRayBothCrit; // 1 to require meeting both criteria int showImageXRayBox; // Flag to show X-ray removal box in dialog int gainRefFrames; // Number of frames for gain reference int gainRefTarget; // Target counts int gainRefBinning; // Binning for gain ref: 1 or 2 int gainRefSaveRaw; // Save raw frames for DE camera int gainRefAverageDark; // Average dark reference int gainRefNumDarkAvg; // Number of times to average int TSAverageDark; // Average dark reference in tilt series int numBinnedOffsets; // Number of special x/y offsets for different binnings int offsetBinning[MAX_BINNINGS]; // The binning for this offset int offsetRefBinning[MAX_BINNINGS]; // The binning of the stored gain reference int binnedOffsetX[MAX_BINNINGS]; // The offsets in unbinned pixels int binnedOffsetY[MAX_BINNINGS]; BOOL useMinDDDBinning; // Flag to use the min DD binning for autofocus float countsPerElectron; // Camera gain in counts per electron float unscaledCountsPerElec; // Original value read in from properties int corrections; // Corrections to do in DM, or -1 for default int sizeCheckSwapped; // Flag that sizes are swapped in size check, or to skip it int subareasBad; // Flag that subsets may give artifacts (Stokes Tietz) int centeredOnly; // Flag that areas are to be centered float matchFactor; // Factor for pixel matching between nonGIF cameras int useContinuousMode; // Flag to use fast-continuous mode for Gatan camera BOOL setContinuousReadout; // Flag to set continuous readout int continuousQuality; // Positive to set a quality level in continuous mode BOOL useFastAcquireObject; // Flag to use fast acquire object in GMS 2 int balanceHalves; // Flag to do balance-halves correction in continuous mode int halfBoundary; // Unbinned pixel above boundary for balancing halves int ifHorizontalBoundary; // If boundary is horizontal CString pluginName; // Name for a plugin camera int cameraNumber; // Camera number to select by int noShutter; // No shutter at all, use blanking int pluginCanProcess; // Flags that plugin camera can return processed (1=ds+2=gn) BOOL canPreExpose; // Flag that the camera can manage pre-exposure CString shutterLabel1; // Labels for shutter options in setup dialog CString shutterLabel2; CString shutterLabel3; int rotationFlip; // Rotation and flip for STEM or Gatan or plugin camera int imageRotation; // Amount this rotates images for STEM plus 180 if needed int DMrotationFlip; // Rotation and flip that DM is supposed to be set for int setRestoreRotFlip; // 2 to set Gatan/restore it at end, 1 just to set; 0 query int rotFlipToRestore; // Actual value to restore on exit if not -1 int postActionsOK; // Per-camera specification if post-actions allowed int taskTargetSize; // Target size to bin to for tasks FloatVec doseTabCounts; // Dose rate scaling table: mean electron counts FloatVec doseTabRates; // ... and dose rates float doseTabBase; float doseTabScale; float doseTabConst; float specToCamDoseFac; // Last measured scaling from specimen to camera dose rate float addToExposure; // Constant to add to exposure time float addToEERExposure; // Additional amount to add when saving EER int JeolDetectorID; // Detector ID to be selected/deselected when switching BOOL invertFocusRamp; // Lazy way out: flag to invert direction of dynamic focus int numChannels; CString channelName[MAX_STEM_CHANNELS]; // Detector or official camera names for FEI, CString detectorName[MAX_STEM_CHANNELS]; // or memory mapping area name for Tietz BOOL availableChan[MAX_STEM_CHANNELS]; BOOL needShotToInsert[MAX_STEM_CHANNELS]; int maxChannels; // Maximum channels at once float minPixelTime; // Minimum pixel time in microseconds double maxPixelTime; // Maximum pixel time in microseconds (if non-zero) double pixelTimeIncrement; // Increment between pixel times in microseconds (if not 0) int maxIntegration; // Maximum integration level (0 for none available) float maxScanRate; // Minimum scan rate in um / ms float advisableScanRate; // Alternate advised minimum rate float basicFlyback; // Flyback hard-coded for FEI or read from digiscan float addedFlyback; // Increment calibrated and added as property float flyback; // Sum for convenience BOOL subareaInCorner; // FEI bug int minMultiChanBinning[MAX_STEM_CHANNELS]; // For JEOL multichannel limitations }; struct FrameAliParams { int strategy; // Choice of how many pairwise or if cumulative ref int aliBinning; // Binning for alignment BOOL binToTarget; // Flag to bin to target size instead int targetSize; // And target size int numAllVsAll; // All-vs-all for strategy 0 only float rad2Filt1, rad2Filt2, rad2Filt3, rad2Filt4; // Up to 4 filters just in case BOOL hybridShifts; // Use hybrid shifts with multiple filters float sigmaRatio; // Fixed ratio of sigma to radius float refRadius2; // Radius 2 for refine BOOL doRefine; // Whether to refine int refineIter; // Iterations of refinement BOOL useGroups; // Whether to use groups int groupSize; // Group size if so BOOL doSmooth; // Whether to smooth at all int smoothThresh; // Threshold number of frames for smoothing int shiftLimit; // Limit on pixels of shift BOOL truncate; // Whether to truncate float truncLimit; // And limit if so int antialiasType; // Antialias reduction type float stopIterBelow; // Threshold for stopping iterations BOOL groupRefine; // Falg to refine with groups BOOL keepPrecision; // Flag to keep precision in alignment BOOL outputFloatSums; // Flag to save aligned sums as floats BOOL alignSubset; // Flag to align a subset of frames int subsetStart, subsetEnd; // Start and end of range, numbered from 1 int whereRestriction; // 1 for only in plugin, 2 for only in IMOD int sizeRestriction; // 1 for only 4K, 2 for only 8K int EERsuperRes; // 0, 1, or 2 for super-resolution reading EER data CString name; // Name to show bool multAliBinByEERfac; // RUN-TIME: multiply align bin by EER super-resolution fac }; // Elements of matrix: units of X per X input, etc struct ScaleMat { float xpx; float xpy; float ypx; float ypy; }; // Check OnCopyArea when add new members struct LowDoseParams { int magIndex; // Magnification index int camLenIndex; // Camera length index if in diffraction int spotSize; // spot size double intensity; // beam intensity value double ISX, ISY; // Incremental image shifts: use when mode active double beamDelX, beamDelY; // Incremental beam shifts for mode double axisPosition; // Distance along axis: use when inactive float delayFactor; // multiplier for image shift delay BOOL slitIn; // Flag that slit is supposed to be in float energyLoss; // Energy loss value, sent to spectrum offset float slitWidth; // slit width BOOL zeroLoss; // Do zero loss, not the energy loss value float beamAlpha; // Alpha value for JEOL int probeMode; // Probe mode for FEI double diffFocus; // Diffraction focus double beamTiltDX, beamTiltDY; // Incremental beam tilts for mode int darkFieldMode; // Dark field mode for FEI double dfTiltX, dfTiltY; // Absolute dark field tilt for F/T }; // State parameters and an initializer struct StateParams { StateParams() { // Zero out items in case it is a low dose set energyLoss = slitWidth = 0.; intensity = 0.; magIndex = spotSize = 0; probeMode = -1; slitIn = zeroLoss = false; ldParams.delayFactor = 0.9f; singleContMode = SINGLE_FRAME; beamAlpha = -999; targetDefocus = -9999.f; ldDefocusOffset = -9999.f; ldShiftOffsetX = -9999.f; camForParams = -1; montMapConSet = false; focusXoffset = focusYoffset = 0; rotateAxis = false; axisRotation = 0; } LowDoseParams ldParams; // Low dose Record parameters if this is a low dose state int lowDose; // Flag that it is a low dose state int camIndex; // Camera index int magIndex; // Magnification index int spotSize; // spot size double intensity; // beam intensity value int probeMode; // Probe mode for FEI int beamAlpha; // Alpha value for JEOL BOOL slitIn; // Flag that slit is supposed to be in float energyLoss; // Energy loss value, sent to spectrum offset float slitWidth; // slit width BOOL zeroLoss; // Do zero loss, not the energy loss value int binning; // Binning int xFrame; // Binned frame size int yFrame; float exposure; // exposure time, drift, and shuttering values float drift; float frameTime; int shuttering; int K2ReadMode; // Acquisition mode int singleContMode; // Continuous mode and other states that will be canceled int doseFrac; // for a map state and need to be restored; and are now saved int saveFrames; // generally for imaging states int processing; int alignFrames; // Some more acquisition parameters int useFrameAlign; int faParamSetInd; int focusXoffset; // Offsets from center of focus area, in unbinned pixels (RTO) int focusYoffset; float focusAxisPos; // Axis position of focus area BOOL rotateAxis; // Whether axis is rotated from tilt axis int axisRotation; // Amount of rotation, or 0 if not rotated // Camera modes for other parameter sets when not a low dose state int readModeView, readModeFocus, readModeTrial, readModePrev, readModeSrch,readModeMont; float targetDefocus; // Defocus target or view/search defocus offset; -9999 if none float ldDefocusOffset; float ldShiftOffsetX; // View or search shift offset, -9999 if none float ldShiftOffsetY; BOOL montMapConSet; // Flag that it is mont-map not Record CString name; int camForParams; // Runtime: Camera index to which parameters should be restored }; struct FilterParams { BOOL slitIn; // Flag that slit is supposed to be in float energyLoss; // Energy loss value, sent to spectrum offset float slitWidth; // slit width BOOL zeroLoss; // Do zero loss, not the energy loss value BOOL autoMag; // Change mag automatically when screen is lowered BOOL autoCamera; // Change camera and EFTEM mode together int firstGIFCamera; int firstRegularCamera; BOOL matchPixel; // Change mag index to match pixel size BOOL matchIntensity; // Change intensity to maintain electrons/pixel float binFactor; // binning factor to apply to GIF camera in matching pixel BOOL doMagShifts; // Flag to do mag-dependent shifts float currentMagShift; // Shift to apply now int alignedMagInd; // Mag at which shift is zero float alignedSlitWidth; // Width when ZLP was aligned float magShifts[MAX_MAGS]; // Table of shifts float refineZLPOffset; // Offset to apply from refine ZLP double alignZLPTimeStamp; // Time (ticks/1000) at which ZLP aligned or refined double lastFeiZLPshift; // Zero loss peak adjustment from FEI interface BOOL adjustForSlitWidth; // Flag to adjust for slit width changes int positiveLossOnly; // Flag that filter has only positive energy shifts BOOL refineWithTrial; // Flag to refine with Trial in Low Dose float minLoss, maxLoss; // Minimum and maximum allowed energy loss float minWidth, maxWidth; // Minimum and maximum slit width int cumulNonRunTime; // cumulative non run time since align/refine zlp BOOL usedOldAlign; // Flag that alignment from a previous session was used }; struct TiffField { int tag; int type; char separator; // Separator character int tokenNum; // Number of token within field, numbered from 1 }; // Navigator parameters to remain resident in winApp // Acquisition parameters struct NavAcqParams { int acquireType; // Type of current acquisition on areas int nonTSacquireType; // User's latest value for a non-TS acquire type int macroIndex; // Macro index numbered from 1 int preMacroInd; // Pre-macro index also from 1 int postMacroInd; // Post-macro index also from 1 int preMacroIndNonTS; // Pre-macro index for non tilt series actions int postMacroIndNonTS; // Post-macro index for non tilt series actions BOOL runPremacro; // Run script before TS BOOL runPostmacro; // run script after TS BOOL runPremacroNonTS; // Run script before nonTS BOOL runPostmacroNonTS; // run script after nonTS BOOL skipInitialMove; // Skip final move now BOOL skipZmoves; // Skip Z moves BOOL restoreOnRealign; // Restore state after realign, scripts BOOL closeValves; // Close valves at end BOOL sendEmail; // send email at end for TS BOOL sendEmailNonTS; // Send email at end for nonTS BOOL cycleDefocus; // Flag to cycle defocus float cycleDefFrom; // Starting value float cycleDefTo; // Ending value int cycleSteps; // Steps WITHIN cycle from start to end BOOL earlyReturn; // do early return int numEarlyFrames; // Number of frames, -1 for all BOOL noMBoxOnError; // No message box, keep going on errors BOOL skipSaving; // Skip saving to file BOOL hideUnusedActs; // Hide unused tasks int acqDlgSelectedPos; // Currently selected task for editing float focusChangeLimit; // Limit on focus change int DEdarkRefOperatingMode; // Linear or counting BOOL highFlashIfOK; // Flag that a high flash is OK to do BOOL astigByBTID; // Use autofocus type BTID for astigmatism BOOL adjustBTforIS; // Adjust BT and astig to compensate IS BOOL relaxStage; // Relax stage from backlashed position BOOL hybridRealign; // Just move to target in realign if skipping first round BOOL hideUnselectedOpts; // Hide options not checked int mapWithViewSearch; // Take single images with different areas BOOL saveAsMapChoice; // Flag that option to save images/montages as maps is checked BOOL retractCameras; // Flag to retract cameras at end BOOL runHoleCombiner; // Flag to run the multi-hole combiner after hole finder BOOL useMapHoleVectors; // Flag to use hole vectors in new drawn-on map for multishot int endMacroInd; // Macro to run at end of acquisition BOOL runEndMacro; // Flag for whether to run it BOOL realignToScaledMap; // Flag to do Realign to Item to scaled map int conSetForScaledAli; // Control set to use for it BOOL skipZinRunAtNearest; // Skip Z move when running task at nearest item }; // Other Nav parameters struct NavParams { BOOL warnedOnSkipMove; CString stockFile; int numImportXforms; ScaleMat importXform[MAX_IMPORT_XFORMS]; CString xformName[MAX_IMPORT_XFORMS]; TiffField xField[MAX_IMPORT_XFORMS]; TiffField yField[MAX_IMPORT_XFORMS]; TiffField idField[MAX_IMPORT_XFORMS]; CString xformID[MAX_IMPORT_XFORMS]; float gridInPolyBoxFrac; float holeInPolyBoxFrac; double importXbase, importYbase; CString overlayChannels; float stageBacklash; CString autosaveFile; float maxMontageIS; // Maximum image shift allowed for montaging with IS float maxLMMontageIS; // Maximum shift allowed in low mag float fitMontWithFullFrames; // Fit montage with full frames + frac to increase overlap int maxReconnectsInAcq; // maximum number of scope reconnections during acquire int minPtsForCombineInPMM; // Min points needed for combining in ProcessMultipleMaps }; // Multigrid parameters struct MultiGridParams { BOOL appendNames; // Flag to append names to rootname BOOL useSubdirectory; // Flag to use subdirectories for files BOOL setLMMstate; // Flag to set a state for LM map int LMMstateType; // Type of acquisition/state for LM map int LMMstateNum; // Number of state to be set for LM map CString LMMstateName; // Name of state to be set BOOL removeObjectiveAp; // Flag to remove objective aperture for LM imaging BOOL setCondenserAp; // Flag to change condenser aperture for LM imaging int condenserApSize; // Condenser size to set int LMMmontType; // Type of montage to take for LM map int LMMnumXpieces; // Number of pieces in X if fixed size LM map int LMMnumYpieces; // Number of pieces in Y BOOL setLMMoverlap; // Flag to int LMMoverlapPct; // Percent overlap to use BOOL autocontour; // Flag to do autocontouring BOOL acquireMMMs; // Flag to acquire medium mag maps BOOL acquireLMMs; // Flag to acquire low mag maps int MMMnumXpieces; // Number of pieces in X and Y if fixed size int MMMnumYpieces; int MMMstateType; // Type of image/state for MM maps int MMMstateNums[4]; // State numbers to set CString MMMstateNames[4]; // State names to set for MM maps int MMMimageType; // Single image/polygon mont/fixed mont BOOL runFinalAcq; // Flag to do final acquistion int finalStateNums[4]; // State numbers for final acquire CString finalStateNames[4]; // State names for final acquire BOOL framesUnderSession; // Make frame directories under session or grid directories }; // Cooker parameters struct CookParams { int spotSize; int magIndex; double intensity; int targetDose; BOOL trackImage; // Flag to track position before and after BOOL cookAtTilt; // Flag to cook at tilt float tiltAngle; // Angle to tilt to BOOL timeInstead; // Flag to go for total time instead float minutes; // Minutes to do instead }; // Autocenter beam parameters struct AutocenParams { int camera; int magIndex; int spotSize; int probeMode; double intensity; int binning; float exposure; BOOL useCentroid; BOOL shiftBeamForCen; float beamShiftUm; float addedShiftX, addedShiftY; }; // Tilt range finder params struct RangeFinderParams { BOOL eucentricity; // Flag to do eucentricity first BOOL walkup; // Flag to do walkup BOOL autofocus; // Autofocus at low angle int imageType; // Type of image to acquire float startAngle; // Starting, ending angle, increment float endAngle; float angleInc; int direction; // 0 for both, 1 minus, 2 plus }; // Phase plate conditioning params struct VppConditionParams { int magIndex; // Scope state int spotSize; double intensity; int alpha; int probeMode; int seconds; // Total time to expose int nanoCoulombs; // Or total charge BOOL timeInstead; // Flag to go for total time instead int whichSettings; // Whether to use Record, Trial, or separate settings BOOL useNearestNav; // Flag to go to a nav point for conditioning CString navText; // String to match at start of note or label BOOL useNavNote; // Flag to use note instead of label int postMoveDelay; // Seconds of delay after move to next plate position int camLenIndex; // Run-time storage if saved state is in diffraction int lowDoseArea; // And run-time saved low dose area }; // A set of mutually exclusive channels, possibly switched into or mapped to one DS channel struct ChannelSet { int numChans; // Number of channels int mappedTo; // DS Channel mapped to int channels[MAX_STEM_CHANNELS]; // List of channels }; #define HITACHI_IS_HT7800 1 #define HITACHI_HAS_STAGEZ 0x2 // Hitachi microscope params struct HitachiParams { std::string IPaddress; std::string port; int beamBlankAxis; float beamBlankDelta; int usePAforHRmodeIS; float imageShiftToUm; float beamShiftToUm; float beamTiltScale; float objectiveToUm[3]; float screenAreaSqCm; int stageTiltSpeed; int stageXYSpeed; int magTable[MAX_MAGS]; int camLenTable[MAX_CAMLENS]; int baseFocus[MAX_MAGS]; int lowestNonLMmag; int lowestSecondaryMag; BOOL usingSharedMem; int flags; int lastMember; }; struct ScreenShotParams { int imageScaleType; float imageScaling; BOOL ifScaleSizes; float sizeScaling; int fileType; int compression; int jpegQuality; int skipOverlays; CString lastFilePath; }; // Parameters for managing dewars and vacuum events struct DewarVacParams { BOOL checkPVP; // Check if PVP is running BOOL runBufferCycle; // Run buffer cycle at interval int bufferTimeMin; // Interval to run at BOOL runAutoloaderCycle; // Run autoloader buffer cycle at interval int autoloaderTimeMin; // Interval to run at BOOL refillDewars; // Refill at interval float dewarTimeHours; // Time between refills BOOL checkDewars; // Check status of dewar filling float pauseBeforeMin; // Pause time before filling BOOL startRefill; // Start a refill if remaining time is low enough float startIntervalMin; // Start a refill if within this time float postFillWaitMin; // Wait time after filling BOOL doChecksBeforeTask; // Separate when the checks are done from when filling is }; #endif