// ComplexTasks.h: interface for the CComplexTasks class. // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #if !defined(AFX_COMPLEXTASKS_H__83D1F77E_0AB8_47A4_B1C7_C4C29586A770__INCLUDED_) #define AFX_COMPLEXTASKS_H__83D1F77E_0AB8_47A4_B1C7_C4C29586A770__INCLUDED_ #if _MSC_VER > 1000 #pragma once #endif // _MSC_VER > 1000 #include "EMscope.h" #define FIND_EUCENTRICITY_COARSE 1 #define FIND_EUCENTRICITY_FINE 2 #define REFINE_EUCENTRICITY_ALIGN 4 #define MAX_MAG_STACK 4 class CComplexTasks : public CCmdTarget { public: BOOL DoingTiltAfterMove() {return mDoingTASM;}; GetSetMember(float, MinTASMField) void StopTiltAfterMove(); void TASMNextTask(int param); void TASMCleanup(int error); void TiltAfterStageMove(float angle, bool reverseTilt); BOOL DoingBacklashAdjust() {return mDoingBASP > 0;}; GetSetMember(float, MinBASPField); void StopBacklashAdjust(); bool DoingLDSO() { return mDoingLDSO; }; int FindLowDoseShiftOffset(bool searchToView, float maxMicrons, float maxPctCng, float maxRot); void LDSONextTask(int param); void LDSOCleanup(int error); int LDShiftOffsetBusy(); void StopFindingShiftOffset(); void BASPNextTask(int param); void BASPCleanup(int error); GetSetMember(float, MinTaskExposure) GetSetMember(BOOL, RSRAUseTrialInLDMode) GetSetMember(BOOL, WalkUseViewInLD); GetSetMember(BOOL, Verbose) GetSetMember(float, RSRAUserCriterion) double GetAndClearDose(); void StartCaptureAddDose(int conSet); BOOL InLowerMag(); int FindMaxMagInd(float inField, int curMag = -1); GetSetMember(float, MinLMSlitWidth) GetSetMember(float, SlitSafetyFactor) GetSetMember(float, MinWalkField) GetSetMember(int, MaxRSRAIterations) GetSetMember(float, RSRACriterion) GetSetMember(float, RSRAHigherMagCriterion) GetSetMember(float, MaxWalkInterval) GetSetMember(float, MinWalkInterval) GetSetMember(float, WalkShiftLimit) GetSetMember(float, WULowDoseISLimit) GetSetMember(float, WalkTarget) GetSetMember(float, MinRSRAField) GetSetMember(float, MinRTField) GetSetMember(float, MinFECoarseField) GetSetMember(float, MinFEFineField) GetSetMember(float, MinFEFineAlignField) GetSetMember(float, FEBacklashZ) GetSetMember(double, FEInitialAngle) GetSetMember(double, FEInitialIncrement) GetSetMember(double, FEResetISThreshold) GetSetMember(double, FEMaxTilt) GetSetMember(double, FEMaxIncrement) GetSetMember(float, FETargetShift) GetSetMember(float, FEMaxIncrementChange); SetMember(float, FENextCoarseMaxDeltaZ); GetSetMember(float, FECoarseAbsoluteMaxZ); GetMember(bool, FELastCoarseFailed); GetSetMember(int, FEIterationLimit) GetSetMember(double, FEMaxFineIS) SetMember(BOOL, SkipNextBeamShift); GetSetMember(BOOL, FEUseTrialInLD); GetSetMember(BOOL, FEUseSearchIfInLM); GetMember(BOOL, WalkDidResetShift) GetMember(BOOL, LastWalkCompleted); GetSetMember(float, ZMicronsPerDialMark); GetMember(float, LastAxisOffset); GetMember(bool, HitachiWithoutZ); GetSetMember(float, StageTimeoutFactor); GetMember(double, OnAxisDose); GetSetMember(float, WalkSTEMfocusInterval); GetSetMember(int, EucenRestoreStageXY); GetMember(int, LowMagConSet); GetSetMember(BOOL, UseTrialSize); GetSetMember(BOOL, TasksUseViewNotSearch); GetSetMember(float, FESizeOrFracForMean); GetSetMember(float, MaxFEFineAngle); GetSetMember(float, MaxFEFineInterval); GetSetMember(BOOL, DebugRoughEucen); GetSetMember(float, LDShiftOffsetResetISThresh); GetSetMember(float, LDShiftOffsetIterThresh); GetSetMember(float, LDSOTwoStepMinRatio); GetSetMember(float, LDSOMaxFocusForModArea); SetMember(int, FENextCoarseConSet); GetSetMember(BOOL, AutoSetAxisOffset); void GetBacklashDelta(float &deltaX, float &deltaY) {deltaX = mBASPDeltaX; deltaY = mBASPDeltaY;}; float GetTiltBacklash() {return mRTThreshold;}; void SetTiltBacklash(float inVal) {mRTThreshold = inVal;}; BOOL DoingComplexTasks(); BOOL DoingTasks(); void EucentricityFineCapture(); void DoubleMoveStage(double finalZ, float backlashZ, BOOL doZ, double finalTilt, float backlashTilt, BOOL doTilt, int nextAction); void RestoreMagIfNeeded(); void LowerMagIfNeeded(int maxMagInd, float calIntSafetyFac, float intZoomSafetyFac, int conSetNum); void MakeTrackingConSet(ControlSet *theSet, int targetSize, int baseConset = TRIAL_CONSET); BOOL DoingEucentricity() {return mDoingEucentricity;}; void StopEucentricity(); void EucentricityCleanup(int error); void EucentricityNextTask(int param); void FindEucentricity(int coarseFine); BOOL ReversingTilt() {return mReversingTilt;}; void StopReverseTilt(); void ReverseTiltCleanup(int error); void ReverseTiltNextTask(int param); BOOL ReverseTilt(int inDirection); BOOL DoingWalkUp() {return mWalkIndex >= 0;}; void StopWalkUp(); void WalkUpCleanup(int error); static int TaskWalkUpBusy(); void WalkUpNextTask(int param); BOOL WalkUp(float targetAngle, int anchorBuf, float anchorAngle); BOOL DoingResetShiftRealign() {return mDoingRSRA;}; void StopResetShiftRealign(); void Initialize(); void RSRACleanup(int error); static int TaskRSRABusy(); void RSRANextTask(int param); void ResetShiftRealign(); CComplexTasks(); virtual ~CComplexTasks(); protected: // Generated message map functions //{{AFX_MSG(CComplexTasks) afx_msg void OnReverseTilt(); afx_msg void OnWalkup(); afx_msg void OnResetRealign(); afx_msg void OnTasksFinerealign(); afx_msg void OnTasksVerbose(); afx_msg void OnUpdateTasksVerbose(CCmdUI* pCmdUI); afx_msg void OnTasksWalkupanchor(); afx_msg void OnUpdateNoTasksNoTS(CCmdUI* pCmdUI); afx_msg void OnUpdateNoTasks(CCmdUI* pCmdUI); afx_msg void OnTasksSettiltaxisoffset(); afx_msg void OnTasksSetiterationlimit(); afx_msg void OnTasksUsetrialinld(); afx_msg void OnUpdateTasksUsetrialinld(CCmdUI* pCmdUI); //}}AFX_MSG afx_msg void OnEucentricity(UINT nID); DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP() private: CSerialEMApp * mWinApp; ControlSet * mConSets; EMimageBuffer *mImBufs; CEMscope *mScope; CCameraController *mCamera; CTSController *mTSController; EMbufferManager *mBufferManager; CShiftManager *mShiftManager; BOOL mVerbose; int mLowMagConSet; // control used for low mag tracking shots BOOL mUseTrialSize; // Flag to use current trial size instead of full-field BOOL mTasksUseViewNotSearch; // Flag to turn off using S when more suitable than V float mMinRSRAField; // Minimum field size for reset-realign int mSavedMagInd[MAX_MAG_STACK]; // Mag at which procedure started double mSavedIntensity[MAX_MAG_STACK]; // Intensity at start if changed by beam calibrations BOOL mUsersIntensityZoom[MAX_MAG_STACK]; // Whether user has intensity zoom on float mSavedExposure[MAX_MAG_STACK]; // Exposure time prior to change float mSavedSlitWidth[MAX_MAG_STACK]; // Saved slit width, in case had to open int mConSetModified[MAX_MAG_STACK]; // Control set whose exposure was saved float mCumulSafetyFactor; // Cumulative intensity change safety factor float mMinTaskExposure; // Minimum exposure time to use when dropping it int mMagStackInd; // Index to position on mag stack float mMinLMSlitWidth; // Minimum slit width allowed if lowering mag float mSlitSafetyFactor; // Extra amount to change intensity if opening slit double mTotalDose; // Accumulate dose here double mOnAxisDose; // And keep a sub-sum of View/Preview dose BOOL mSkipNextBeamShift; // Flag to skip beam shift on align in next RT or TASM BOOL mDoingRSRA; int mMaxRSRAIterations; // Maximum number of iterations for reset int mRSRAIteration; // Counter for iterating float mRSRACriterion; // Criterion IS for iterating BOOL mRSRAActPostExposure; float mRSRAHigherMagCriterion; // criterion for going one higher mag step BOOL mRSRAUseTrialInLDMode; // Use trial in low dose mode BOOL mRSRAWarnedUseTrial; // Warned user about using trial float mRSRAUserCriterion; // User's criterion for iterating BOOL mPretilted; // flag if tilted in post-actions BOOL mNeedTiltAfterReset; // flag that TASM must be done after reset shift in BOOL mDoingTASM; float mMinTASMField; // Minimum field for doing tilt after stage move (0 OK) float mTASMAngle; // Angle to tilt to int mDoingBASP; float mMinBASPField; // Minimum field for backlash adjust float mBASPBackX, mBASPBackY; // Backlash to apply float mBASPDeltaX, mBASPDeltaY; // For saving starting position and leaving delta values bool mDoingLDSO; // Flag for doing low dose shift offsets int mLDSOLowerConsNum; // Lower mag conset int mLDSOHigherConsNum; // higher mag conset float mLDSOMaxMicrons; // Maximum shift already in microns if passed as FOV float mLDSOMaxPctChg; // Limits on rotation/scaling search float mLDSOMaxRot; float mLDShiftOffsetResetISThresh; // Threshold for doing reset IS at start float mLDShiftOffsetIterThresh; // Threshold for doing second iteration float mLDSOTwoStepMinRatio; // Minimum pixel size ratio for doing wo-step procedure float mLDSOMaxFocusForModArea; // Maximum focus offset for area that is modified int mLDSOModifyConsNum; // Control set modified int mLDSOMiddleMag; // Middle magnification of two-step double mLDSOMiddleIntensity; // Intensity to change to float mLDSOMiddleMicrons; // Microns of shift allowed in first phase double mLDSOSavedIntensity; // Saved intensity and mag int mLDSOSavedMag; int mLDSOModifiedArea; // Which area was modified int mNumWalkAngles; // Number of angles double mWalkStartAngle; // Starting angle double *mWalkAngles; // Array for angles float mMaxWalkInterval; // Minimum and maximum float mMinWalkInterval; float mMinWalkIntDflt; // Defaults float mMaxWalkIntDflt; float mMinWalkField; // Minimum field size for walk up float mWalkTarget; // User's target for walk-up angle int mWalkIndex; // Index to next angle to tilt to BOOL mWUActPostExposure; int mWalkAlignBuffer; // Buffer to use for alignment int mWUSavedShiftsOnAcquire; // Saved value of Shifts on acquire if have to use C float mWalkShiftLimit; // Limit for image shift on specimen float mWULowDoseISLimit; // Limit in low dose mode int mWUAnchorBuf; // Buffer to copy an anchor image to int mWUAnchorIndex; // Index of closest angle to requested one BOOL mWUGettingAnchor; // Flag that anchor was gotten at restored mag int mWalkMagInd; // Actual mag walk is being done at int mWalkConSet; // Control set number used for walkup BOOL mWalkDidResetShift; // Flag that reset shift was done during walkup float mWalkSTEMfocusInterval; // Tilt interval at which to autofocus in STEM float mWULastFocusAngle; // Last angle at which it autofocused BOOL mWalkUseViewInLD; // Flag to use view in low dose BOOL mLastWalkCompleted; // Flag that last walk-up finished int mReversingTilt; int mMaxRTMagInd; // Maximum mag for reversing tilt float mMinRTField; // Minimum field size double mRTStartAngle; // Angle to start and end up at double mRTReverseAngle; // Angle to go to and return float mRTThreshold; // Amount needed to eliminate backlash BOOL mRTActPostExposure; BOOL mDoingEucentricity; int mMaxFECoarseMagInd; // Mag index for coarse eucentricty int mMaxFEFineMagInd; // and fine int mMaxFEFineAlignMag; // fine with alignment float mMinFECoarseField; // Minimum field size for coarse eucentricity float mMinFEFineField; // and fine float mMinFEFineAlignField; // fine with alignment double mFEUsersAngle; // Starting angle for fine align/realign float mFEBacklashZ; // Amount to overshoot Z changes double mFEInitialAngle; double mFECurrentZ; double mFEOriginalZ; double mFECurrentAngle; double mFEReferenceAngle; double mFECoarseIncrement; double mFEInitialIncrement; double mFEResetISThreshold; // Threshold above which image shift should be reset double mFEMaxTilt; // maximum tilt angle double mFEMaxIncrement; // Maximum increment float mFETargetShift; // Shift to try to reach by tilting float mFEMaxIncrementChange; // Maximum factor to change increment float mFECurRefShiftX; // Cumulative shift from start to current reference float mFECurRefShiftY; float mFEReplaceRefFracField; // Fraction of field shift at which to replace reference float mFENextCoarseMaxDeltaZ; // Externally set limit for next rough eucentricity float mFEUseCoarseMaxDeltaZ; // Limit to use on this run float mFECoarseAbsoluteMaxZ; // Absolute limit to Z positions bool mFELastCoarseFailed; // Flag that it failed int mFECoarseFine; // Saved flags from external call int mFEFineIndex; // index to current angle BOOL mFEActPostExposure; // flag for using post actions FloatVec mFETargetAngles; FloatVec mFEFineAngles; FloatVec mFEFineShifts; FloatVec mAngleSines; FloatVec mAngleCosines; float mMaxFEFineAngle; float mMaxFEFineInterval; int mFENumFineSteps; BOOL mRepeatFine; // Flag to repeat fine sequence int mFEIterationLimit; // Allowed iterations of fine sequence int mFEIterationCount; // Number of iterations double mFEMaxFineIS; // Maximum image shift in fine float mFESizeOrFracForMean; // Frac or size of subarea to get foreshortened means int mFENextCoarseConSet; // Use control set on next coarse in current conditions float mCumMovedX; float mLastAxisOffset; // Axis offset in last run of fine eucentricity BOOL mAutoSetAxisOffset; // Flag to set offset with lateral shift automatically BOOL mFEUseTrialInLD; // Flag to use trial in low dose for fine eucentricity BOOL mFEWarnedUseTrial; // Flag that they were warned BOOL mFEUseSearchIfInLM; // Flag to use Search for rough eucentricity if in LM float mZMicronsPerDialMark; // Scale on Hitachi scope float mManualHitachiBacklash; // Amount to target for manual adjustment float mStageTimeoutFactor; // Multiplier to idle task timeout for stage moves bool mHitachiWithoutZ; // Flag that it is a Hitachi with no Z int mTiltingBack; // Set to 1 when tilting back, or -1 when done or error int mEucenRestoreStageXY; // 1 to restore XY in fine eucentricity, 2 for both double mStageXtoRestore; // Position to restore double mStageYtoRestore; BOOL mDebugRoughEucen; // Flag to save in buffers int mFEDebugBuffer; // Buffer to save to public: afx_msg void OnTasksSetincrements(); afx_msg void OnTrialInLdRefine(); afx_msg void OnUpdateTrialInLdRefine(CCmdUI *pCmdUI); int EucentricityBusy(void); void BacklashAdjustStagePos(float backX, float backY, bool callNav, bool showC); afx_msg void OnTasksUseViewInLowdose(); afx_msg void OnUpdateTasksUseViewInLowdose(CCmdUI *pCmdUI); afx_msg void OnUpdateNoTasksNoTSNoHitachi(CCmdUI *pCmdUI); void ReportManualZChange(float delZ, const char *roughFine); afx_msg void OnRoughUseSearchIfInLM(); afx_msg void OnUpdateRoughUseSearchIfInLM(CCmdUI *pCmdUI); afx_msg void OnEucentricitySetoffsetAutomatically(); afx_msg void OnUpdateEucentricitySetOffsetAutomatically(CCmdUI *pCmdUI); }; #endif // !defined(AFX_COMPLEXTASKS_H__83D1F77E_0AB8_47A4_B1C7_C4C29586A770__INCLUDED_)