// ComplexTasks.cpp Performs tasks invvolving multiple image acquisitions and // stage movement: finding eucentricity, resetting image // shift, reversing tilt direction and walking up. // // Copyright (C) 2003 by Boulder Laboratory for 3-Dimensional Electron // Microscopy of Cells ("BL3DEMC") and the Regents of the University of // Colorado. See Copyright.txt for full notice of copyright and limitations. // // Author: David Mastronarde // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "stdafx.h" #include "SerialEM.h" #include ".\ComplexTasks.h" #include "MultiTSTasks.h" #include "ShiftManager.h" #include "FocusManager.h" #include "CameraController.h" #include "BeamAssessor.h" #include "TSController.h" #include "NavigatorDlg.h" #include "ProcessImage.h" #include "ParticleTasks.h" #include "Utilities\XCorr.h" #include "Utilities\KGetOne.h" #ifdef _DEBUG #undef THIS_FILE static char THIS_FILE[]=__FILE__; #define new DEBUG_NEW #endif #define RSRA_FIRST_SHOT 1 #define RSRA_RESETTING 2 #define RSRA_SECOND_SHOT 3 #define WALKUP_IMAGE 1 #define WALKUP_RESET 2 #define WALKUP_TILTED 3 #define WALKUP_REVERSED 4 #define RT_FIRST_SHOT 1 #define RT_FIRST_TILT 2 #define RT_SECOND_TILT 3 #define RT_SECOND_SHOT 4 #define FE_COARSE_RESET 1 #define FE_COARSE_MOVED 2 #define FE_COARSE_SHOT 3 #define FE_COARSE_LAST_MOVE 4 #define FE_FINE_RESET 5 #define FE_FINE_TILTED 6 #define FE_FINE_SHOT 7 #define FE_FINE_LAST_MOVE 8 #define FE_FINE_ALIGNSHOT1 9 #define FE_FINE_ALIGNTILT 10 #define FE_FINE_ALIGNSHOT2 11 #define FE_COARSE_RESTORE_Z 12 enum {TASM_FIRST_SHOT, TASM_TILTED, TASM_SECOND_SHOT}; enum {BASP_FIRST_SHOT, BASP_MOVED, BASP_SECOND_SHOT}; enum { LDSO_RESET_SHIFT, LDSO_HIGHER_MAG, LDSO_MIDDLE_MAG, LDSO_FIRST_LOWER, LDSO_SECOND_LOWER }; BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CComplexTasks, CCmdTarget) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CComplexTasks) ON_COMMAND(ID_REVERSE_TILT, OnReverseTilt) ON_COMMAND(ID_TASKS_WALKUP, OnWalkup) ON_COMMAND(ID_RESET_REALIGN, OnResetRealign) ON_COMMAND(ID_TASKS_FINEREALIGN, OnTasksFinerealign) ON_COMMAND(ID_TASKS_VERBOSE, OnTasksVerbose) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_TASKS_VERBOSE, OnUpdateTasksVerbose) ON_COMMAND(ID_TASKS_WALKUPANCHOR, OnTasksWalkupanchor) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_TASKS_WALKUP, OnUpdateNoTasksNoTS) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_RESET_REALIGN, OnUpdateNoTasks) ON_COMMAND(ID_TASKS_SETTILTAXISOFFSET, OnTasksSettiltaxisoffset) ON_COMMAND(ID_TASKS_SETITERATIONLIMIT, OnTasksSetiterationlimit) ON_COMMAND(ID_TASKS_USETRIALINLD, OnTasksUsetrialinld) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_TASKS_FINEREALIGN, OnUpdateNoTasksNoTSNoHitachi) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_EUCENTRICITY_BOTH, OnUpdateNoTasksNoTSNoHitachi) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_TASKS_WALKUPANCHOR, OnUpdateNoTasksNoTS) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_EUCENTRICITY_BOTH, OnUpdateNoTasks) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_EUCENTRICITY_COARSE, OnUpdateNoTasks) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_EUCENTRICITY_FINE, OnUpdateNoTasks) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_REVERSE_TILT, OnUpdateNoTasksNoTS) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_TASKS_SETTILTAXISOFFSET, OnUpdateNoTasksNoTS) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_FOCUS_RESETDEFOCUS, OnUpdateNoTasksNoTS) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_TASKS_USETRIALINLD, OnUpdateTasksUsetrialinld) ON_COMMAND(ID_TASKS_SETINCREMENTS, OnTasksSetincrements) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_TASKS_SETINCREMENTS, OnUpdateNoTasks) //}}AFX_MSG_MAP ON_COMMAND_RANGE(ID_EUCENTRICITY_COARSE, ID_EUCENTRICITY_BOTH, OnEucentricity) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI_RANGE(ID_EUCENTRICITY_COARSE, ID_EUCENTRICITY_FINE, OnUpdateNoTasksNoTS) ON_COMMAND(ID_TASKS_TRIAL_IN_LD_REFINE, OnTrialInLdRefine) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_TASKS_TRIAL_IN_LD_REFINE, OnUpdateTrialInLdRefine) ON_COMMAND(ID_TASKS_USE_VIEW_IN_LOWDOSE, OnTasksUseViewInLowdose) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_TASKS_USE_VIEW_IN_LOWDOSE, OnUpdateTasksUseViewInLowdose) ON_COMMAND(ID_TASKS_ROUGHUSESEARCHIFINLM, OnRoughUseSearchIfInLM) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_TASKS_ROUGHUSESEARCHIFINLM, OnUpdateRoughUseSearchIfInLM) ON_COMMAND(ID_EUCENTRICITY_SETOFFSETAUTOMATICALLY, OnEucentricitySetoffsetAutomatically) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_EUCENTRICITY_SETOFFSETAUTOMATICALLY, OnUpdateEucentricitySetOffsetAutomatically) END_MESSAGE_MAP() ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Construction/Destruction ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CComplexTasks::CComplexTasks() { SEMBuildTime(__DATE__, __TIME__); mWinApp = (CSerialEMApp *)AfxGetApp(); mConSets = mWinApp->GetConSets(); mImBufs = mWinApp->GetImBufs(); mMagStackInd = 0; mVerbose = false; mUseTrialSize = false; mTasksUseViewNotSearch = false; mTotalDose = 0.; mOnAxisDose = 0.; mMinLMSlitWidth = 25; mSlitSafetyFactor = 0.75f; mRSRAHigherMagCriterion = 1.7f; mDoingRSRA = false; mMaxRSRAIterations = 2; mRSRACriterion = 0.5; mRSRAUserCriterion = -1.; mRSRAUseTrialInLDMode = false; mRSRAWarnedUseTrial = false; mDoingTASM = false; mDoingBASP = 0; mDoingLDSO = 0; mLDShiftOffsetResetISThresh = 0.5f; mLDShiftOffsetIterThresh = 0.1f; mLDSOTwoStepMinRatio = 20.; mLDSOMaxFocusForModArea = 20.; mWalkShiftLimit = 2.0; mWULowDoseISLimit = 1.3f; mMinWalkIntDflt = 3.; mMaxWalkIntDflt = 8.; mMinWalkInterval = mMinWalkIntDflt; mMaxWalkInterval = mMaxWalkIntDflt; mWalkIndex = -1; mWalkAngles = NULL; mWalkTarget = -60.; mWalkSTEMfocusInterval = 19.; mReversingTilt = false; mRTThreshold = 3.; mDoingEucentricity = false; mFEBacklashZ = -3.; mFEInitialAngle = -5.; mFEInitialIncrement = 0.6; // sin(0.6) = 0.01 mFEResetISThreshold = 0.1; mFEMaxTilt = 10.; mFEMaxIncrement = 8.; mFETargetShift = 2.; mFEMaxIncrementChange = 3.; mFEReplaceRefFracField = 0.05f; mFEUseCoarseMaxDeltaZ = 0.; mFECoarseAbsoluteMaxZ = 0.; mMaxFEFineAngle = 24.; mMaxFEFineInterval = 8.; mFEIterationLimit = 3; mFEMaxFineIS = 2.; mLastAxisOffset = -999.; mAutoSetAxisOffset = false; mFEUseTrialInLD = false; mFEWarnedUseTrial = false; mFEUseSearchIfInLM = false; mFESizeOrFracForMean = 0.; mFENextCoarseConSet = -1; mDebugRoughEucen = false; mZMicronsPerDialMark = 3.1f; mManualHitachiBacklash = 10.; mWalkUseViewInLD = false; mSkipNextBeamShift = false; mStageTimeoutFactor = 1.; mTiltingBack = 0; mEucenRestoreStageXY = -1; mStageXtoRestore = mStageYtoRestore = EXTRA_NO_VALUE; // Default minimum field of view mMinRSRAField = 7.0; mMinRTField = 4.5f; mMinFECoarseField = 9.; mMinFEFineField = 4.5f; mMinFEFineAlignField = 9.; mMinWalkField = 1.5; mMinTASMField = -1.; // Defer scope-dependent initialization mMinBASPField = 6.0f; mMinTaskExposure = 0.002f; } CComplexTasks::~CComplexTasks() { } void CComplexTasks::Initialize() { HitachiParams *hParams = mWinApp->GetHitachiParams(); mScope = mWinApp->mScope; mCamera = mWinApp->mCamera; mBufferManager = mWinApp->mBufferManager; mShiftManager = mWinApp->mShiftManager; mTSController = mWinApp->mTSController; if (mMinTASMField < 0.) mMinTASMField = JEOLscope ? 4.5f : 0.f; mHitachiWithoutZ = HitachiScope && !(hParams->flags & HITACHI_HAS_STAGEZ); if (!mFECoarseAbsoluteMaxZ) mFECoarseAbsoluteMaxZ = JEOLscope ? 200.f : 250.f; } // MESSAGE HANDLERS void CComplexTasks::OnUpdateNoTasks(CCmdUI* pCmdUI) { pCmdUI->Enable(!mWinApp->DoingTasks() && !mCamera->CameraBusy()); } void CComplexTasks::OnUpdateNoTasksNoTS(CCmdUI* pCmdUI) { pCmdUI->Enable(!mWinApp->DoingTasks() && !mWinApp->StartedTiltSeries() && !mCamera->CameraBusy()); } void CComplexTasks::OnEucentricity(UINT nID) { int index = nID - ID_EUCENTRICITY_COARSE; int flags = (index % 2 == 0 ? FIND_EUCENTRICITY_COARSE : 0) | (index > 0 ? FIND_EUCENTRICITY_FINE : 0); FindEucentricity(flags); } void CComplexTasks::OnTasksFinerealign() { FindEucentricity(FIND_EUCENTRICITY_FINE | REFINE_EUCENTRICITY_ALIGN); } void CComplexTasks::OnUpdateNoTasksNoTSNoHitachi(CCmdUI *pCmdUI) { pCmdUI->Enable(!mWinApp->DoingTasks() && !mWinApp->StartedTiltSeries() && !mHitachiWithoutZ && !mCamera->CameraBusy()); } void CComplexTasks::OnReverseTilt() { int iDir = (mScope->GetReversalTilt() > mScope->GetTiltAngle()) ? 1 : -1; ReverseTilt(iDir); } void CComplexTasks::OnWalkup() { if (KGetOneFloat("Angle to walk up to:", mWalkTarget, 2)) WalkUp(mWalkTarget, -1, 0.); } void CComplexTasks::OnTasksWalkupanchor() { TiltSeriesParam *tsParam = mWinApp->mTSController->GetTiltSeriesParam(); float anchor = (float)fabs((double)tsParam->anchorTilt); char letter = 'A' + MAX_BUFFERS - 1; double angle = mScope->GetTiltAngle(); CString string = "Angle at which to take anchor (it will be stored in buffer " + CString(letter) + "):"; if (!KGetOneFloat("Angle to walk up to:", mWalkTarget, 2)) return; if (mWalkTarget < 0.) anchor = -anchor; if (!KGetOneFloat(string, anchor, 2)) return; if (fabs(angle - mWalkTarget) < 2. || (angle < mWalkTarget && (anchor < angle || anchor > mWalkTarget - 2.)) || (angle > mWalkTarget && (anchor > angle || anchor < mWalkTarget + 2.))) { mTSController->TSMessageBox("An anchor picture would not be taken with this\n" "arrangement of angles. Try again."); return; } // Maintain sign of the stored parameter from ts param if (anchor * tsParam->anchorTilt < 0) tsParam->anchorTilt = -anchor; else tsParam->anchorTilt = anchor; WalkUp(mWalkTarget, MAX_BUFFERS - 1, anchor); } // Set walk-up increments void CComplexTasks::OnTasksSetincrements() { CString str; str.Format("Maximum tilt increment for walk-up (applies at zero tilt; standard" " setting is %.1f):", mMaxWalkIntDflt); if (!KGetOneFloat(str, mMaxWalkInterval, 1)) return; mMaxWalkInterval = B3DMIN(30.f, B3DMAX(1.f, mMaxWalkInterval)); str.Format("Minimum tilt increment for walk-up (applies at high tilt; standard" " setting is %.1f):", mMinWalkIntDflt); if (!KGetOneFloat(str, mMinWalkInterval, 1)) return; mMinWalkInterval = B3DMIN(mMaxWalkInterval, B3DMAX(1.f, mMinWalkInterval)); if (mWinApp->GetSTEMMode()) { if (!KGetOneFloat("Tilt interval at which to autofocus in STEM mode (0 to not focus):" , mWalkSTEMfocusInterval, 1)) return; B3DCLAMP(mWalkSTEMfocusInterval, 0.f, 100.f); } } void CComplexTasks::OnResetRealign() { ResetShiftRealign(); } // Allow user to set tilt axis offset, provide last void CComplexTasks::OnTasksSettiltaxisoffset() { CString infoLine; float currentOffset = mScope->GetTiltAxisOffset(); float newVal = mLastAxisOffset; if (newVal > -900.) { infoLine.Format("The axis offset is currently %.2f um; the total offset implied by " "the last full eucentricity run was %.2f um", currentOffset, mLastAxisOffset); } else { newVal = currentOffset; infoLine.Format("The axis offset is currently %.2f um; " "there is no information from refining eucentricity.", currentOffset); } if (KGetOneFloat(infoLine, "Enter new total tilt axis offset:", newVal, 2)) mScope->SetTiltAxisOffset(newVal); if (!mScope->GetShiftToTiltAxis()) AfxMessageBox("Your entry will have no effect unless you select the option to\n" "center image shift on the tilt axis in the Align&Focus control panel", MB_EXCLAME); } void CComplexTasks::OnTrialInLdRefine() { if (!mFEUseTrialInLD && !mFEWarnedUseTrial) { mFEWarnedUseTrial = true; CString message; message.Format("The minimum field of view for reliable Fine Eucentricity is %.1f " "microns.\nThe procedure could fail if the field of view of a Trial image\n" "is much smaller than this and if the stage is not well-behaved.\n\n" "Also, the eucentricity will not be set well if the Trial area\n" "is not at about the same height as the Record area.\n\n" "Are you sure you want to use the Trial area?", mMinFEFineField); if (AfxMessageBox(message, MB_YESNO | MB_ICONQUESTION) == IDNO) return; } mFEUseTrialInLD = !mFEUseTrialInLD; } void CComplexTasks::OnUpdateTrialInLdRefine(CCmdUI *pCmdUI) { pCmdUI->Enable(!mWinApp->DoingTasks()); pCmdUI->SetCheck(mFEUseTrialInLD ? 1 : 0); } // View in Walkup low dose void CComplexTasks::OnTasksUseViewInLowdose() { mWalkUseViewInLD = !mWalkUseViewInLD; } void CComplexTasks::OnUpdateTasksUseViewInLowdose(CCmdUI *pCmdUI) { pCmdUI->Enable(!mWinApp->DoingTasks()); pCmdUI->SetCheck(mWalkUseViewInLD ? 1 : 0); } void CComplexTasks::OnTasksVerbose() { mVerbose = !mVerbose; } void CComplexTasks::OnUpdateTasksVerbose(CCmdUI* pCmdUI) { pCmdUI->Enable(); pCmdUI->SetCheck(mVerbose ? 1 : 0); } void CComplexTasks::OnTasksSetiterationlimit() { float limit = mRSRAUserCriterion >= 0. ? mRSRAUserCriterion : mRSRACriterion; if (KGetOneFloat("Enter minimum image shift in microns for doing another " "iteration of reset and realign:", limit, 1)) mRSRAUserCriterion = limit; } void CComplexTasks::OnTasksUsetrialinld() { if (!mRSRAUseTrialInLDMode && !mRSRAWarnedUseTrial) { mRSRAWarnedUseTrial = true; CString message; message.Format("The minimum field of view for reliable Reset and Realign is %.1f " "microns.\nThe procedure could fail and lose positioning if the field of view of\n" "a Trial image is much smaller than this and if the stage is not well-behaved.\n\n" "Are you sure you want to use the Trial area?", mMinRSRAField); if (AfxMessageBox(message, MB_YESNO | MB_ICONQUESTION) == IDNO) return; } mRSRAUseTrialInLDMode = !mRSRAUseTrialInLDMode; } void CComplexTasks::OnUpdateTasksUsetrialinld(CCmdUI* pCmdUI) { pCmdUI->Enable(); pCmdUI->SetCheck(mRSRAUseTrialInLDMode ? 1 : 0); } void CComplexTasks::OnRoughUseSearchIfInLM() { mFEUseSearchIfInLM = !mFEUseSearchIfInLM; } void CComplexTasks::OnUpdateRoughUseSearchIfInLM(CCmdUI *pCmdUI) { pCmdUI->Enable(); pCmdUI->SetCheck(mFEUseSearchIfInLM ? 1 : 0); } void CComplexTasks::OnEucentricitySetoffsetAutomatically() { mAutoSetAxisOffset = !mAutoSetAxisOffset; } void CComplexTasks::OnUpdateEucentricitySetOffsetAutomatically(CCmdUI *pCmdUI) { pCmdUI->Enable(!mWinApp->DoingTasks()); pCmdUI->SetCheck(mAutoSetAxisOffset ? 1 : 0); } // ComplexTasks will report in on tasks from MultiTSTasks and ParticleTasks too! // But DewarsVac is excluded because it is not an imaging task BOOL CComplexTasks::DoingTasks() { CMultiTSTasks *tsTasks = mWinApp->mMultiTSTasks; CParticleTasks *particle = mWinApp->mParticleTasks; return mDoingRSRA || mReversingTilt || mWalkIndex >= 0 || mDoingEucentricity || mDoingTASM || mDoingBASP || tsTasks->GetAutoCentering() || tsTasks->GetCooking() || tsTasks->GetAssessingRange() || tsTasks->DoingAnchorImage() || tsTasks->GetConditioningVPP() || particle->DoingZbyG() || particle->DoingTemplateAlign() || particle->DoingMultiShot() || particle->GetWaitingForDrift() || mDoingLDSO || particle->GetDoingPrevPrescan(); } // Strangely enough, nothing in this collection is a complex enough task... BOOL CComplexTasks::DoingComplexTasks() { return mWinApp->mMultiTSTasks->GetAssessingRange(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // GENERAL HELPER FUNCTIONS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Make a control set for tracking shots void CComplexTasks::MakeTrackingConSet(ControlSet *conSet, int targetSize, int baseConset) { int i; double dum1, dum2; float exposure, frameTime, tryExp; CameraParameters *camParam = mWinApp->GetCamParams() + mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera(); // Set up control set for captures based on trial set *conSet = mConSets[baseConset]; if (!mUseTrialSize) { conSet->left = 0; conSet->right = camParam->sizeX; conSet->top = 0; conSet->bottom = camParam->sizeY; } conSet->mode = SINGLE_FRAME; conSet->saveFrames = 0; conSet->doseFrac = 0; int size = B3DMIN(conSet->right - conSet->left, conSet->bottom - conSet->top); // loop until the binned image size reaches the target size while (size / conSet->binning > targetSize && !camParam->K2Type) { // First see if next binning up exists BOOL exists = false; for (i = 0; i < camParam->numBinnings; i++) exists = exists || (conSet->binning * 2 == camParam->binnings[i]); // If binning exists, shift to it, drop exposure time, and cut drift to // minimum if it exists if (exists) { // Get a trial exposure and constrain it. If it falls too far below the minimum // task exposure or too far above the desired exposure, forget the binning change exposure = (conSet->exposure - camParam->deadTime) / 4.0f + camParam->deadTime; exposure = B3DMAX(exposure, mMinTaskExposure); tryExp = exposure; mCamera->ConstrainExposureTime(camParam, false, conSet->K2ReadMode, conSet->binning * 2, mCamera->MakeAlignSaveFlags(false, conSet->alignFrames > 0, conSet->useFrameAlign), 1, exposure, frameTime); if (exposure < 0.9 * mMinTaskExposure || exposure > 1.25 * tryExp || exposure < 0.75 * tryExp) break; conSet->exposure = exposure; conSet->binning *= 2; if (conSet->exposure <= 0.25 && conSet->drift > camParam->builtInSettling) conSet->drift = camParam->builtInSettling; if (conSet->exposure <= 0.1) conSet->drift = 0.; } else break; } if (camParam->STEMcamera && camParam->maxScanRate > 0.) { int sizeX = (conSet->right - conSet->left) / conSet->binning; int sizeY = (conSet->bottom - conSet->top) / conSet->binning; float pixel = (float)conSet->binning * mShiftManager->GetPixelSize( mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera(), mScope->FastMagIndex()); mCamera->ComputePixelTime(camParam, sizeX, sizeY, conSet->lineSync, pixel, camParam->maxScanRate, conSet->exposure, dum1, dum2); } SEMTrace('t', "MakeTrackingConset: binning %d from %d, exposure %f from %f, drift %f", conSet->binning, mConSets[baseConset].binning, conSet->exposure, mConSets[baseConset].exposure, conSet->drift); } void CComplexTasks::LowerMagIfNeeded(int maxMagInd, float calIntSafetyFac, float intZoomSafetyFac, int conSetNum) { // If we need to drop the mag, save the current mag and set intensity zoom double newIntensity, delBeam, newDelta; float safetyFactor, slitFactor, exposure, tryExp, frameTime; int magInd = mScope->GetMagIndex(); FilterParams *filtParams = mWinApp->GetFilterParams(); int camera = mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera(); CameraParameters *camParam = mWinApp->GetCamParams() + camera; ControlSet *conSet = &mConSets[conSetNum]; LowDoseParams *ldParam = mWinApp->GetLowDoseParams(); int error, sizeX, sizeY; float actualFac; float deadTime = camParam->deadTime; BOOL realCamera = !mCamera->IsCameraFaux(); BOOL inverted = mScope->GetUseInvertedMagRange() && UtilMagInInvertedRange(maxMagInd, camParam->GIF); // Initialize for various settings if no change slitFactor = 1.; mSavedMagInd[mMagStackInd] = 0; mSavedIntensity[mMagStackInd] = 0.; mSavedSlitWidth[mMagStackInd] = 0; if (!mMagStackInd) mCumulSafetyFactor = 1.; mLowMagConSet = TRACK_CONSET; // If low dose mode, skip out, it is handled there if (mWinApp->LowDoseMode()) { mLowMagConSet = VIEW_CONSET; if (!mTasksUseViewNotSearch && ldParam[VIEW_CONSET].magIndex > maxMagInd && ldParam[SEARCH_AREA].magIndex < ldParam[VIEW_CONSET].magIndex && ldParam[SEARCH_AREA].magIndex >= mScope->GetLowestMModeMagInd()) { SEMTrace('1', "Using Search instead of View for this task"); mLowMagConSet = SEARCH_CONSET; } if (mMagStackInd < MAX_MAG_STACK) mMagStackInd++; return; } if ((!inverted && magInd > maxMagInd) || (inverted && magInd < maxMagInd)) { mSavedMagInd[mMagStackInd] = magInd; mSavedExposure[mMagStackInd] = conSet->exposure; mConSetModified[mMagStackInd] = conSetNum; // For STEM, lower the mag, adjust exposure for scan rate limitation, and increment // stack index if (camParam->STEMcamera) { if (camParam->maxScanRate > 0.) { sizeX = (conSet->right - conSet->left) / conSet->binning; sizeY = (conSet->bottom - conSet->top) / conSet->binning; mCamera->ComputePixelTime(camParam, sizeX, sizeY, conSet->lineSync, (float)conSet->binning * mShiftManager->GetPixelSize(camera, maxMagInd), camParam->maxScanRate, conSet->exposure, delBeam, newDelta); SEMTrace('t', "LowerMagIfNeeded: STEM exposure set to %.3f", conSet->exposure); } mScope->SetMagIndex(maxMagInd); if (mMagStackInd < MAX_MAG_STACK) mMagStackInd++; return; } if (realCamera) mUsersIntensityZoom[mMagStackInd] = mScope->GetIntensityZoom(); // Divide the given safety factor by the cumulative safety factor to get // remaining factor to change safetyFactor = calIntSafetyFac / mCumulSafetyFactor; if (safetyFactor > 1.) safetyFactor = 1.; // Do we need to open the GIF slit more? if (mWinApp->GetFilterMode() && filtParams->slitIn && filtParams->slitWidth < mMinLMSlitWidth) { // Save the slit width, set up an intensity change factor that is // the product of slit width ratio and a safety factor mSavedSlitWidth[mMagStackInd] = filtParams->slitWidth; slitFactor = mSlitSafetyFactor * (filtParams->slitWidth / mMinLMSlitWidth); filtParams->slitWidth = mMinLMSlitWidth; mWinApp->mFilterControl.UpdateSettings(); mCamera->SetupFilter(); } // Can it be done with beam intensity calibration? delBeam = mShiftManager->GetPixelSize(camera, magInd) / mShiftManager->GetPixelSize(camera, maxMagInd); delBeam *= delBeam * safetyFactor * slitFactor; error = mWinApp->mBeamAssessor->AssessBeamChange(delBeam, newIntensity, newDelta, -1); if (!error || error == BEAM_ENDING_OUT_OF_RANGE) { // If so, turn OFF intensity zoom, and make the mag and intensity changes // reduce the beam change if necessary and change exposure to compensate mSavedIntensity[mMagStackInd] = mScope->GetIntensity(); if (realCamera) mScope->SetIntensityZoom(false); mScope->SetMagIndex(maxMagInd); if (FEIscope || (JEOLscope && mScope->GetJeolHasBrightnessZoom())) mWinApp->mBeamAssessor->ChangeBeamStrength(delBeam / newDelta, -1); else mScope->DelayedSetIntensity(newIntensity, GetTickCount()); } else { // If not, rely on intensity zoom, and reduce the exposure time for a margin // of safety. // But if intensity zoom fails, make the exposure change do the whole job if (realCamera) { if (!mScope->SetIntensityZoom(true)) intZoomSafetyFac *= (float)delBeam; } mScope->SetMagIndex(maxMagInd); safetyFactor = intZoomSafetyFac / mCumulSafetyFactor; if (safetyFactor > 1.) safetyFactor = 1.; newDelta = safetyFactor * slitFactor; } mCumulSafetyFactor *= safetyFactor; // Scale down exposure, adjusting by dead time. Also apply minima and constraints // and accept the scaled value if it is not too much smaller than the minimum and the // intended exposure exposure = (float)newDelta * (conSet->exposure - deadTime) + deadTime; exposure = B3DMAX(exposure, mMinTaskExposure); tryExp = exposure; mCamera->ConstrainExposureTime(camParam, false, conSet->K2ReadMode, conSet->binning, mCamera->MakeAlignSaveFlags(false, conSet->alignFrames > 0, conSet->useFrameAlign), 1, exposure, frameTime); // If the constrained exposure comes out too small, try again with a bigger starting // value if (exposure < 0.8 * tryExp) { exposure = 1.3f * tryExp; mCamera->ConstrainExposureTime(camParam, false, conSet->K2ReadMode, conSet->binning, mCamera->MakeAlignSaveFlags(false, conSet->alignFrames > 0, conSet->useFrameAlign) , 1, exposure, frameTime); } if (exposure >= 0.9 * mMinTaskExposure && exposure >= 0.8 * tryExp) conSet->exposure = exposure; actualFac = conSet->exposure / mSavedExposure[mMagStackInd]; if (deadTime < mSavedExposure[mMagStackInd] - 0.0001) actualFac = (conSet->exposure - deadTime) / (mSavedExposure[mMagStackInd] - deadTime); SEMTrace('t', "Total intensity change of %.3f needed; exposure change by %.3f needed\r\n" "effective exposure changed by %.3f to %.3f\r\n" "safety factor %.3f; cumulative safety factor %.3f; slit factor %.3f", delBeam, newDelta, actualFac, conSet->exposure, safetyFactor, mCumulSafetyFactor, slitFactor); } // Increase stack index if (mMagStackInd < MAX_MAG_STACK) mMagStackInd++; } void CComplexTasks::RestoreMagIfNeeded() { CameraParameters *camParam = mWinApp->GetCamParams() + mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera(); FilterParams *filtParams = mWinApp->GetFilterParams(); //Pop the stack index unless at bottom if (mMagStackInd > 0) mMagStackInd--; // If we changed mag, restore it and intensity zoom if (mSavedMagInd[mMagStackInd]) { // This will just return if we already set mag back mScope->SetMagIndex(mSavedMagInd[mMagStackInd]); if (!mCamera->IsCameraFaux() && !camParam->STEMcamera) mScope->SetIntensityZoom(mUsersIntensityZoom[mMagStackInd]); // Restore the intensity if saved. Restore the exposure time if (mSavedIntensity[mMagStackInd] > 0.) { if (FEIscope) mScope->SetIntensity(mSavedIntensity[mMagStackInd]); else mScope->DelayedSetIntensity(mSavedIntensity[mMagStackInd], GetTickCount()); } mConSets[mConSetModified[mMagStackInd]].exposure = mSavedExposure[mMagStackInd]; // Restore slit if it was opened if (mSavedSlitWidth[mMagStackInd] > 0) { filtParams->slitWidth = mSavedSlitWidth[mMagStackInd]; mWinApp->mFilterControl.UpdateSettings(); mCamera->SetupFilter(); } } } // Find the highest mag that gives field size bigger than minimum size // But do not drop below M mode. Pass curMag as the current mag or -2 to get and USE the // current mag and check for inverted mag range; the default is -1 which means ignore // inverted mag range int CComplexTasks::FindMaxMagInd(float inField, int curMag) { int iMag,limlo, limhi, thisMag, prevMag; int iCam = mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera(); CameraParameters *camParam = mWinApp->GetCamParams() + iCam; MagTable *magTab = mWinApp->GetMagTable(); int size = camParam->sizeX < camParam->sizeY ? camParam->sizeX : camParam->sizeY; int lowestInd = mScope->GetLowestNonLMmag(camParam); int GIFind = mScope->GetLowestGIFModeMag(); if (camParam->GIF && GIFind) lowestInd = B3DMAX(GIFind, lowestInd); if (curMag == -2) curMag = mScope->FastMagIndex(); if (curMag > 0 && mScope->GetUseInvertedMagRange() && UtilMagInInvertedRange(curMag, camParam->GIF)) { UtilInvertedMagRangeLimits(camParam->GIF, limlo, limhi); for (iMag = limlo; iMag < limhi; iMag++) { thisMag = B3DCHOICE(camParam->GIF, magTab[iMag].EFTEMmag, magTab[iMag].mag); if (thisMag && mShiftManager->GetPixelSize(iCam, iMag) * size >= inField) return iMag; } return iMag; } mWinApp->GetMagRangeLimits(iCam, lowestInd, limlo, limhi); for (iMag = limhi; iMag > lowestInd; iMag--) { thisMag = B3DCHOICE(camParam->GIF, magTab[iMag].EFTEMmag, magTab[iMag].mag); prevMag = B3DCHOICE(camParam->GIF, magTab[iMag - 1].EFTEMmag, magTab[iMag - 1].mag); if (!thisMag || thisMag < prevMag) continue; if (mShiftManager->GetPixelSize(iCam, iMag) * size >= inField) return iMag; } return iMag; } // Check whether any task has set us into a lower mag - or TS controller BOOL CComplexTasks::InLowerMag() { int i; for (i = 0; i < mMagStackInd; i++) if (mSavedMagInd[i]) return true; return false; } // Call initiate capture, get intensity and spot size from scope or low dose params, // and add to the accumulated dose void CComplexTasks::StartCaptureAddDose(int conSet) { int spotSize, set, probe; double intensity, dose; LowDoseParams *ldParam = mWinApp->GetLowDoseParams(); float EDMpct; mCamera->SetCancelNextContinuous(true); mCamera->InitiateCapture(conSet); if (mWinApp->LowDoseMode()) { set = mCamera->ConSetToLDArea(conSet); spotSize = ldParam[set].spotSize; intensity = ldParam[set].intensity; probe = ldParam[set].probeMode; EDMpct = ldParam[set].EDMPercent; } else { spotSize = mScope->FastSpotSize(); intensity = mScope->FastIntensity(); probe = mScope->GetProbeMode(); EDMpct = mCamera->LastEDMDutyPercent(); } dose = mWinApp->mBeamAssessor->GetElectronDose(spotSize, intensity, mCamera->SpecimenBeamExposure(mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera(), &mConSets[conSet]), probe, mCamera->HasDoseModulator() ? EDMpct : 100.f); mTotalDose += dose; if (mWinApp->LowDoseMode() && (set == VIEW_CONSET || set == RECORD_CONSET)) mOnAxisDose += dose; } double CComplexTasks::GetAndClearDose() { double temp = mTotalDose; mTotalDose = 0.; mOnAxisDose = 0.; return temp; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // RESET SHIFT WITH REALIGNMENT //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CComplexTasks::ResetShiftRealign() { int targetSize = B3DMAX(512, mCamera->TargetSizeForTasks()); double ISX, ISY; int newMagInd = FindMaxMagInd(mMinRSRAField, -2); ControlSet *conSet = mConSets + TRACK_CONSET; mRSRAActPostExposure = mWinApp->ActPostExposure(); mRSRAIteration = 1; // Increase mag if shift is small enough mScope->GetLDCenteredShift(ISX, ISY); if (mShiftManager->RadialShiftOnSpecimen(ISX, ISY, mScope->GetMagIndex()) < mRSRAHigherMagCriterion) newMagInd++; // Set flag and states now in case of mag change mDoingRSRA = true; mWinApp->UpdateBufferWindows(); mWinApp->SetStatusText(MEDIUM_PANE, "RESET SHIFTS & REALIGN"); // Make a conset for tracking unless another routine did if (!mMagStackInd || mConSetModified[mMagStackInd - 1] != TRACK_CONSET) MakeTrackingConSet(conSet, targetSize); // Enforce settling time after tilt mCamera->SetRequiredRoll(1); mCamera->SetObeyTiltDelay(true); LowerMagIfNeeded(newMagInd, 0.7f, 0.3f, TRACK_CONSET); if (mRSRAUseTrialInLDMode && mWinApp->LowDoseMode()) mLowMagConSet = 2; StartCaptureAddDose(mLowMagConSet); mWinApp->AddIdleTask(TaskRSRABusy, TASK_RESET_REALIGN, RSRA_FIRST_SHOT, 0); } void CComplexTasks::RSRANextTask(int param) { double ISX, ISY, radialIS; int stackInd = mMagStackInd > 0 ? mMagStackInd - 1 : 0; if (!mDoingRSRA) return; switch (param) { case RSRA_FIRST_SHOT: mImBufs->mCaptured = BUFFER_TRACKING; if (mSkipNextBeamShift) mScope->SetSkipNextBeamShift(true); if (mShiftManager->ResetImageShift(true, false)) { RSRACleanup(1); return; } mWinApp->AddIdleTask(TaskRSRABusy, TASK_RESET_REALIGN, RSRA_RESETTING, 0); return; case RSRA_RESETTING: // Change the mag after exposure if set for that, and this is last chance if (mRSRAActPostExposure && mSavedMagInd[stackInd] && mRSRAIteration == mMaxRSRAIterations) mCamera->QueueMagChange(mSavedMagInd[stackInd]); StartCaptureAddDose(mLowMagConSet); mWinApp->AddIdleTask(TaskRSRABusy, TASK_RESET_REALIGN, RSRA_SECOND_SHOT, 0); return; case RSRA_SECOND_SHOT: mImBufs->mCaptured = BUFFER_TRACKING; if (mSkipNextBeamShift) mScope->SetSkipNextBeamShift(true); mShiftManager->AutoAlign(1, 0); if (mRSRAIteration++ < mMaxRSRAIterations) { // If still able to iterate, find radial image shift distance and // iterate if it is greater than criterion mScope->GetLDCenteredShift(ISX, ISY); radialIS = mShiftManager->RadialShiftOnSpecimen(ISX, ISY, mScope->GetMagIndex()); if (radialIS > mRSRACriterion || (mRSRAUserCriterion >= 0. && radialIS > mRSRAUserCriterion)) { //CString report; //report.Format("Image shift after reset = %.2f, doing it again", radialIS); //mWinApp->AppendToLog(report, LOG_SWALLOW_IF_CLOSED); if (mSkipNextBeamShift) mScope->SetSkipNextBeamShift(true); if (mShiftManager->ResetImageShift(true, true, 10000)) { RSRACleanup(1); return; } mWinApp->AddIdleTask(TaskRSRABusy, TASK_RESET_REALIGN, RSRA_RESETTING, 0); // Copy back to A so it is correlated against mBufferManager->CopyImageBuffer(1, 0); return; } } StopResetShiftRealign(); return; } } void CComplexTasks::StopResetShiftRealign() { if (!mDoingRSRA) return; RestoreMagIfNeeded(); mDoingRSRA = false; mSkipNextBeamShift = false; mCamera->SetRequiredRoll(0); mCamera->SetObeyTiltDelay(false); mWinApp->UpdateBufferWindows(); mWinApp->SetStatusText(MEDIUM_PANE, ""); } int CComplexTasks::TaskRSRABusy() { CSerialEMApp *winApp = (CSerialEMApp *)AfxGetApp(); return (winApp->mCamera->CameraBusy() || winApp->mShiftManager->ResettingIS()) ? 1 : 0; } void CComplexTasks::RSRACleanup(int error) { if (error == IDLE_TIMEOUT_ERROR) mTSController->TSMessageBox(_T("Time out trying to reset shifts and realign")); StopResetShiftRealign(); mWinApp->ErrorOccurred(error); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // WALK UP //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Start the walkup, return true if a regular mag image will be left behind BOOL CComplexTasks::WalkUp(float targetAngle, int anchorBuf, float anchorAngle) { int targetSize = B3DMAX(512, mCamera->TargetSizeForTasks()); int i = 0; BOOL retVal; double interval; ControlSet *conSet = mConSets + TRACK_CONSET; double mWalkStartAngle = mScope->GetTiltAngle(); int maxSteps = (int)(fabs(targetAngle - mWalkStartAngle) / mMinWalkInterval + 2.); mWalkMagInd = FindMaxMagInd(mMinWalkField, -2); mWalkDidResetShift = false; if (fabs(targetAngle) > mScope->GetMaxTiltAngle()) { SEMMessageBox("The target angle for the walkup is higher than the maximum allowed " "tilt angle"); return false; } // Don't do it if too close to target if (fabs(targetAngle - mWalkStartAngle) < 0.5 * mMinWalkInterval) { mScope->TiltTo(targetAngle); mWinApp->AddIdleTask(CEMscope::TaskStageBusy, -1, 0, 0); mLastWalkCompleted = true; return false; } mWalkAngles = new double[maxSteps]; double cumAngle = mWalkStartAngle; int iDir = targetAngle > mWalkStartAngle ? 1 : -1; // Have to align to buffer past the roll except in bidir series return phase mWalkAlignBuffer = mBufferManager->GetShiftsOnAcquire() + 1; mWUSavedShiftsOnAcquire = -1; if (mWalkAlignBuffer == 1 || (mWinApp->DoingTiltSeries() && mWinApp->mTSController->GetBidirSeriesPhase() == BIDIR_RETURN_PHASE)) { mWalkAlignBuffer = 2; mWUSavedShiftsOnAcquire = mBufferManager->GetShiftsOnAcquire(); mBufferManager->SetShiftsOnAcquire(1); } // This works even with DM drift settling mWUActPostExposure = mWinApp->ActPostExposure(); mWULastFocusAngle = (float)mWalkStartAngle; // Compute angles by having cosine intervals at least as // large as the minimum while (iDir * cumAngle < iDir * targetAngle && i < maxSteps) { interval = mMaxWalkInterval * cos(DTOR * cumAngle); if (interval < mMinWalkInterval) interval = mMinWalkInterval; cumAngle += iDir * interval; mWalkAngles[i++] = cumAngle; } // Replace the last angle with the target, but // Eliminate the last interval if it less than 1/3 of minimum if (i > 1 && fabs(targetAngle) - fabs(mWalkAngles[i - 2]) < mMinWalkInterval / 3.) i--; mWalkAngles[i - 1] = targetAngle; mNumWalkAngles = i; // If anchor requested, find the closest angle to given angle mWUAnchorBuf = anchorBuf; mWUAnchorIndex = 0; interval = 10000.; if (mWUAnchorBuf >= 0) { for (i = 0; i < mNumWalkAngles; i++) { if (fabs(mWalkAngles[i] - anchorAngle) < interval) { interval = fabs(mWalkAngles[i] - anchorAngle); mWUAnchorIndex = i + 1; } } } // If low dose, stick with tracking conset and do not lower mag unless view flag set if (mWinApp->LowDoseMode() && !mWalkUseViewInLD) { mWalkConSet = TRIAL_CONSET; } else { // Otherwise make a conset for tracking unless another routine did mWalkConSet = TRACK_CONSET; if (!mMagStackInd || mConSetModified[mMagStackInd - 1] != TRACK_CONSET) MakeTrackingConSet(conSet, targetSize); LowerMagIfNeeded(mWalkMagInd, 0.8f, 0.6f, TRACK_CONSET); if (mWinApp->LowDoseMode()) mWalkConSet = VIEW_CONSET; } retVal = !(InLowerMag() || (mWinApp->LowDoseMode() && mWalkUseViewInLD)); mWalkIndex = 0; mWUGettingAnchor = false; mNeedTiltAfterReset = false; mLastWalkCompleted = false; // Reverse the tilt direction if necessary if (ReverseTilt(iDir)) mWinApp->AddIdleTask(TaskWalkUpBusy, TASK_WALKUP, WALKUP_REVERSED, 0); else WalkUpNextTask(WALKUP_REVERSED); return retVal; } void CComplexTasks::WalkUpNextTask(int param) { double shiftX, shiftY; StageMoveInfo smi; int delay; CString paneText; if (mWalkIndex < 0) return; paneText.Format("WALKING TO %.0f DEG", mWalkAngles[mNumWalkAngles - 1]); switch (param) { case WALKUP_REVERSED: mCamera->SetRequiredRoll(1); // Start the first picture, but first queue the tilt mPretilted = mWUActPostExposure; if (mWUActPostExposure) { smi.axisBits = axisA; smi.alpha = mWalkAngles[0]; mCamera->QueueStageMove(smi, mShiftManager->GetMinTiltDelay()); } mWinApp->UpdateBufferWindows(); mWinApp->SetStatusText(MEDIUM_PANE, paneText); StartCaptureAddDose(mWalkConSet); mWinApp->AddIdleTask(TaskWalkUpBusy, TASK_WALKUP, WALKUP_IMAGE, 0); return; case WALKUP_RESET: // When reset is done, do tilt if necessary mCamera->SetRequiredRoll(1); mWinApp->SetStatusText(MEDIUM_PANE, paneText); mNeedTiltAfterReset = mMinTASMField > 0.; if (!mPretilted) { if (mNeedTiltAfterReset) TiltAfterStageMove((float)mWalkAngles[mWalkIndex], false); else mScope->TiltTo(mWalkAngles[mWalkIndex]); mWinApp->AddIdleTask(TaskWalkUpBusy, TASK_WALKUP, WALKUP_TILTED, mNeedTiltAfterReset ? 0 : 60000); mNeedTiltAfterReset = false; return; } break; case WALKUP_IMAGE: mImBufs->mCaptured = BUFFER_TRACKING; // If got an anchor at regular mag, save the anchor and lower mag again if (mWUGettingAnchor) { mBufferManager->CopyImageBuffer(0, mWUAnchorBuf); mImBufs[mWUAnchorBuf].mCaptured = BUFFER_ANCHOR; mWUGettingAnchor = false; LowerMagIfNeeded(mWalkMagInd, 0.8f, 0.6f, TRACK_CONSET); } else { // Align image to previous if past first if (mWalkIndex) mShiftManager->AutoAlign(mWalkAlignBuffer, 0); if (mWalkIndex < 0) return; // Copy image to align buffer mBufferManager->CopyImageBuffer(0, mWalkAlignBuffer); // If this is anchor, copy it to requested buffer if we are at regular mag if (mWUAnchorBuf >= 0 && mWalkIndex == mWUAnchorIndex) { if (!InLowerMag() && !(mWinApp->LowDoseMode() && mWalkUseViewInLD)) { mBufferManager->CopyImageBuffer(0, mWUAnchorBuf); mImBufs[mWUAnchorBuf].mCaptured = BUFFER_ANCHOR; } else { // Otherwise, restore the mag and set up a shot RestoreMagIfNeeded(); mWUGettingAnchor = true; StartCaptureAddDose((mWinApp->LowDoseMode() && mWalkUseViewInLD) ? TRIAL_CONSET : mWalkConSet); mWinApp->AddIdleTask(TaskWalkUpBusy, TASK_WALKUP, WALKUP_IMAGE, 0); return; } } } // Test the image shift for out of range (???) and reset if needed mScope->GetLDCenteredShift(shiftX, shiftY); if (mWalkIndex < mNumWalkAngles && mShiftManager->RadialShiftOnSpecimen (shiftX, shiftY, mScope->FastMagIndex()) > (mWinApp->LowDoseMode() ? mWULowDoseISLimit : mWalkShiftLimit)) { ResetShiftRealign(); mWalkDidResetShift = true; mWinApp->AddIdleTask(TaskWalkUpBusy, TASK_WALKUP, WALKUP_RESET, 0); return; } // Tilt if it hasn't happened yet, with post reset tracking or simple tilt if (!mPretilted && mWalkIndex < mNumWalkAngles) { if (mNeedTiltAfterReset) TiltAfterStageMove((float)mWalkAngles[mWalkIndex], false); else mScope->TiltTo(mWalkAngles[mWalkIndex]); mWinApp->AddIdleTask(TaskWalkUpBusy, TASK_WALKUP, WALKUP_TILTED, mNeedTiltAfterReset ? 0 : 60000); mNeedTiltAfterReset = false; return; } break; case WALKUP_TILTED: if (mWinApp->GetSTEMMode() && !mScope->GetProbeMode() && mWalkIndex < mNumWalkAngles && fabs(mWalkAngles[mWalkIndex] - mWULastFocusAngle) >= mWalkSTEMfocusInterval && mWalkSTEMfocusInterval > 0. && mWinApp->mFocusManager->FocusReady()) { mWinApp->mFocusManager->AutoFocusStart(1); mWinApp->AddIdleTask(TaskWalkUpBusy, TASK_WALKUP, WALKUP_TILTED, 0); mWULastFocusAngle = (float)mWalkAngles[mWalkIndex]; return; } break; } // If there is another angle to get an image at, get one if (mWalkIndex++ < mNumWalkAngles) { // Queue a tilt if appropriate if (mWUActPostExposure && mWalkIndex < mNumWalkAngles && !mNeedTiltAfterReset && !(mWalkIndex == mWUAnchorIndex && (InLowerMag() || (mWinApp->LowDoseMode() && mWalkUseViewInLD)))) { smi.axisBits = axisA; smi.alpha = mWalkAngles[mWalkIndex]; // Set up minimal delay, or full delay on the last shot if (mWalkIndex < mNumWalkAngles - 1) delay = mShiftManager->GetMinTiltDelay(); else delay = mShiftManager->GetAdjustedTiltDelay( fabs(mWalkAngles[mWalkIndex] - mWalkAngles[mWalkIndex - 1])); mCamera->QueueStageMove(smi, delay); mPretilted = true; } else mPretilted = false; // Start capture and return - obey the tilt delay on the last shot if (mWalkIndex == mNumWalkAngles) mCamera->SetObeyTiltDelay(true); StartCaptureAddDose(mWalkConSet); mWinApp->AddIdleTask(TaskWalkUpBusy, TASK_WALKUP, WALKUP_IMAGE, 0); return; } // Done mLastWalkCompleted = true; StopWalkUp(); } int CComplexTasks::TaskWalkUpBusy() { CSerialEMApp *winApp = (CSerialEMApp *)AfxGetApp(); int stage = winApp->mScope->StageBusy(); if (stage < 0) return -1; return (stage > 0 || winApp->mComplexTasks->DoingResetShiftRealign() || winApp->mCamera->CameraBusy() || winApp->mComplexTasks->ReversingTilt() || winApp->mComplexTasks->DoingTiltAfterMove() || winApp->mFocusManager->DoingFocus()) ? 1 : 0; } void CComplexTasks::WalkUpCleanup(int error) { if (error == IDLE_TIMEOUT_ERROR) mTSController->TSMessageBox(_T("Time out in the walk-up routine")); StopWalkUp(); mWinApp->ErrorOccurred(error); } void CComplexTasks::StopWalkUp() { if (mWalkIndex < 0) return; if (!mWinApp->LowDoseMode()) RestoreMagIfNeeded(); mWalkIndex = -1; mCamera->SetRequiredRoll(0); if (mWUSavedShiftsOnAcquire >= 0) mBufferManager->SetShiftsOnAcquire(mWUSavedShiftsOnAcquire); mCamera->SetObeyTiltDelay(false); mWinApp->UpdateBufferWindows(); mWinApp->SetStatusText(MEDIUM_PANE, ""); if (mWalkAngles) delete [] mWalkAngles; mWalkAngles = NULL; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // REVERSE TILT //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Work out the backlash in the desired direction of tilt and realign // Returns true if actions started, or false if nothing needed BOOL CComplexTasks::ReverseTilt(int inDirection) { int targetSize = B3DMAX(512, mCamera->TargetSizeForTasks()); ControlSet *conSet = mConSets + TRACK_CONSET; int actionStarted = RT_FIRST_SHOT; StageMoveInfo smi; float maxerr = mWinApp->mTSController->GetMaxTiltError(); // Find current angle and angle that needs to be tilted to // If the last reversal angle is higher than the needed reverse angle in // the direction opposite to the one we are going, there is no need for this mRTStartAngle = mScope->GetTiltAngle(); mRTReverseAngle = mRTStartAngle - inDirection * mRTThreshold; if (fabs(mRTReverseAngle) > mScope->GetMaxTiltAngle()) mRTReverseAngle = (mRTStartAngle >= 0. ? 1.f : -1.f) * mScope->GetMaxTiltAngle(); if (inDirection * (mScope->GetReversalTilt() - mRTReverseAngle) <= maxerr || fabs(mRTReverseAngle - mRTStartAngle) <= maxerr) { SEMTrace('1', "Skipping reverse tilt: dir %d start %.2f revang %.2f revtilt %.2f" " maxtilt %.2f maxerr %.2f", inDirection, mRTStartAngle, mRTReverseAngle, mScope->GetReversalTilt(), mScope->GetMaxTiltAngle(), maxerr); mSkipNextBeamShift = false; return false; } SEMTrace('1', "Doing reverse tilt to %.2f at %.2f", mRTReverseAngle, mRTStartAngle); // Set flag and states now in case of mag change mReversingTilt = true; mWinApp->UpdateBufferWindows(); mWinApp->SetStatusText(MEDIUM_PANE, "CORRECTING TILT BACKLASH"); mMaxRTMagInd = FindMaxMagInd(mMinRTField, -2); // Make a conset for tracking unless another routine did if (!mMagStackInd || mConSetModified[mMagStackInd - 1] != TRACK_CONSET) MakeTrackingConSet(conSet, targetSize); mCamera->SetRequiredRoll(1); LowerMagIfNeeded(mMaxRTMagInd, 0.75f, 0.5f, TRACK_CONSET); // It's silly, but tilt if possible and come in at first tilt done mRTActPostExposure = mWinApp->ActPostExposure(); if (mRTActPostExposure) { smi.axisBits = axisA; smi.alpha = mRTReverseAngle; mCamera->QueueStageMove(smi, mShiftManager->GetMinTiltDelay()); actionStarted = RT_FIRST_TILT; } StartCaptureAddDose(mLowMagConSet); mWinApp->AddIdleTask(SEMStageCameraBusy, TASK_REVERSE_TILT, actionStarted, 0); return true; } void CComplexTasks::ReverseTiltNextTask(int param) { int stackInd = mMagStackInd > 0 ? mMagStackInd - 1 : 0; if (!mReversingTilt) return; mImBufs->mCaptured = BUFFER_TRACKING; switch (param) { case RT_FIRST_SHOT: mScope->TiltTo(mRTReverseAngle); mWinApp->AddIdleTask(SEMStageCameraBusy, TASK_REVERSE_TILT, RT_FIRST_TILT, 60000); return; case RT_FIRST_TILT: mScope->TiltTo(mRTStartAngle); mWinApp->AddIdleTask(SEMStageCameraBusy, TASK_REVERSE_TILT, RT_SECOND_TILT, 30000); return; case RT_SECOND_TILT: // Change the mag after exposure if set for that if (mRTActPostExposure && mSavedMagInd[stackInd]) mCamera->QueueMagChange(mSavedMagInd[stackInd]); StartCaptureAddDose(mLowMagConSet); mWinApp->AddIdleTask(SEMStageCameraBusy, TASK_REVERSE_TILT, RT_SECOND_SHOT, 0); return; case RT_SECOND_SHOT: if (mSkipNextBeamShift) mScope->SetSkipNextBeamShift(true); mShiftManager->AutoAlign(1, 0); mScope->SetSkipNextBeamShift(false); StopReverseTilt(); return; } } void CComplexTasks::ReverseTiltCleanup(int error) { if (error == IDLE_TIMEOUT_ERROR) mTSController->TSMessageBox(_T("Time out in the reverse-tilt routine")); StopReverseTilt(); mWinApp->ErrorOccurred(error); } void CComplexTasks::StopReverseTilt() { if (!mReversingTilt) return; RestoreMagIfNeeded(); mReversingTilt = false; mSkipNextBeamShift = false; mCamera->SetRequiredRoll(0); mWinApp->UpdateBufferWindows(); mWinApp->SetStatusText(MEDIUM_PANE, ""); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // FINDING EUCENTRICITY //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CComplexTasks::FindEucentricity(int coarseFine) { int targetSize = B3DMAX(512, mCamera->TargetSizeForTasks()); ControlSet *conSet = mConSets + TRACK_CONSET; double ISX, ISY; CString mess; LowDoseParams *ldp = mWinApp->GetLowDoseParams(); int action, loop, numSteps, stepsToTarg[2], ind, middle, dir, lastDir; float firstAngle, curAngle, increm, diffToTarg[2]; int stackInd = mMagStackInd > 0 ? mMagStackInd - 1 : 0; int curMag = mScope->GetMagIndex(); bool obeyDelay = true; if (!mDoingEucentricity) { // If this is an external call, save the flags for coarse/fine, // make the control set, and lower the mag as appropriate for coarse or fine mFECoarseFine = coarseFine; mMaxFECoarseMagInd = FindMaxMagInd(mMinFECoarseField, curMag); mMaxFEFineMagInd = FindMaxMagInd(mMinFEFineField, curMag); mMaxFEFineAlignMag = FindMaxMagInd(mMinFEFineAlignField, curMag); if (mHitachiWithoutZ) { mess.Format("If you want to adjust for backlash, turn the Z knob\n" "%d grooves left, then right by about\n" "the same amount, stopping at the nearest groove", B3DNINT(mManualHitachiBacklash / mZMicronsPerDialMark)); AfxMessageBox(mess, MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION); } // Set up angles if doing fine if (coarseFine & FIND_EUCENTRICITY_FINE) { mMaxFEFineAngle = B3DABS(mMaxFEFineAngle); mMaxFEFineInterval = B3DABS(mMaxFEFineInterval); if (mMaxFEFineInterval > 2. * mMaxFEFineAngle) { SEMMessageBox("Maximum tilt interval must be no more than half of the maximum " "angle to run fine eucentricity"); return; } // set up default angles if both parameters have original values if (fabs(mMaxFEFineAngle - 24.) < 0.01 && fabs(mMaxFEFineInterval - 8.) < 0.01) { mFENumFineSteps = 8; mFETargetAngles.resize(8); mFETargetAngles[0] = 24.; mFETargetAngles[1] = 18.; mFETargetAngles[2] = 11.; mFETargetAngles[3] = 4.; } else { // To use specified values, try two ways: starting from 0 or passing through 0 for (loop = 0; loop < 2; loop++) { firstAngle = (float)(mMaxFEFineInterval * loop / 2.); curAngle = firstAngle; numSteps = 1; for (;;) { increm = B3DMAX(mMaxFEFineInterval * (float)cos(DTOR * curAngle), mMinWalkInterval); numSteps++; if (curAngle + increm >= mMaxFEFineAngle) break; curAngle += increm; } // Keep track of the step that brings it closest to target and the disparity if (mMaxFEFineAngle - curAngle < curAngle + increm - mMaxFEFineAngle) { diffToTarg[loop] = mMaxFEFineAngle - curAngle; stepsToTarg[loop] = numSteps - 1; } else { diffToTarg[loop] = mMaxFEFineAngle - (curAngle + increm); stepsToTarg[loop] = numSteps; } } // Select the method that comes closest and get an increment by scaling the // max increment by the discrepancy loop = (fabs(diffToTarg[1]) < fabs(diffToTarg[0])) ? 1 : 0; increm = mMaxFEFineInterval * mMaxFEFineAngle / (mMaxFEFineAngle - diffToTarg[loop]); lastDir = diffToTarg[loop] > 0 ? 1 : -1; mFENumFineSteps = 2 * stepsToTarg[loop] + loop - 1; mFETargetAngles.resize(mFENumFineSteps); middle = (mFENumFineSteps - 1) / 2; // Iterate to a stable result: fill in the middle angle and reflect it // Compute each angle, adjust by disparity for (int iter = 0; iter < 10; iter++) { mFETargetAngles[middle] = (float)(increm * loop / 2.); mFETargetAngles[(mFENumFineSteps - 1) - middle] = -mFETargetAngles[middle]; for (ind = middle - 1; ind >= 0; ind--) mFETargetAngles[ind] = mFETargetAngles[ind + 1] + B3DMAX(increm * (float)cos(DTOR * mFETargetAngles[ind]), mMinWalkInterval); dir = mMaxFEFineAngle > mFETargetAngles[0] ? 1 : -1; // If direction reverses, take half the change in increment if (dir == lastDir) increm *= mMaxFEFineAngle / mFETargetAngles[0]; else increm += 0.5f * (mMaxFEFineAngle / mFETargetAngles[0] - 1.f) * increm; lastDir = dir; } } // Reflect the angles and resize arrays for (ind = mFENumFineSteps / 2 - 1; ind >= 0; ind--) mFETargetAngles[(mFENumFineSteps - 1) - ind] = -mFETargetAngles[ind]; mFEFineAngles.resize(mFENumFineSteps); mFEFineShifts.resize(mFENumFineSteps); mAngleSines.resize(mFENumFineSteps); mAngleCosines.resize(mFENumFineSteps); } // Make a conset for tracking unless another routine did if ((!mMagStackInd || mConSetModified[mMagStackInd - 1] != TRACK_CONSET) && !((coarseFine & FIND_EUCENTRICITY_COARSE) && mFENextCoarseConSet >= 0)) MakeTrackingConSet(conSet, targetSize); mFEIterationCount = 0; mFEUsersAngle = 0.; if (coarseFine & FIND_EUCENTRICITY_COARSE) { if (mFENextCoarseConSet >= 0) { mLowMagConSet = mFENextCoarseConSet; } else { LowerMagIfNeeded(mMaxFECoarseMagInd, 0.7f, 0.3f, TRACK_CONSET); if (mFEUseSearchIfInLM && mWinApp->LowDoseMode() && curMag < mScope->GetLowestMModeMagInd() && ldp[SEARCH_AREA].magIndex < mScope->GetLowestMModeMagInd()) { mLowMagConSet = SEARCH_CONSET; obeyDelay = mShiftManager->GetPixelSize( mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera(), ldp[SEARCH_AREA].magIndex) < 0.1; } } action = FE_COARSE_RESET; mFEOriginalZ = EXTRA_NO_VALUE; mFECoarseFine &= ~REFINE_EUCENTRICITY_ALIGN; mFECurRefShiftX = 0.; mFECurRefShiftY = 0.; mFEUseCoarseMaxDeltaZ = mFENextCoarseMaxDeltaZ; mFENextCoarseMaxDeltaZ = 0.; mFELastCoarseFailed = false; } else if (coarseFine & REFINE_EUCENTRICITY_ALIGN) { LowerMagIfNeeded(mMaxFEFineAlignMag, 0.7f, 0.3f, TRACK_CONSET); action = FE_FINE_ALIGNSHOT1; mWalkAlignBuffer = mBufferManager->GetShiftsOnAcquire() + 1; if (mWalkAlignBuffer == 1) mWalkAlignBuffer = 2; mFEUsersAngle = mScope->GetTiltAngle(); } else { LowerMagIfNeeded(mMaxFEFineMagInd, 0.75f, 0.5f, TRACK_CONSET); if (mFEUseTrialInLD && mWinApp->LowDoseMode()) mLowMagConSet = TRIAL_CONSET; action = FE_FINE_RESET; } } else { // But if this is an internal call, and it is for fine after coarse, // change the mag if the saved mag index is bigger than the fine one or if in Low Dose // to give it a chance to switch between S and V // Have to do it the long way to keep beam intensity happy if (!(mFECoarseFine & REFINE_EUCENTRICITY_ALIGN) && (((mSavedMagInd[stackInd] > mMaxFEFineMagInd || mWinApp->LowDoseMode()) && mMaxFEFineMagInd != mMaxFECoarseMagInd) || (mFEUseTrialInLD && mWinApp->LowDoseMode()))) { if (mFENextCoarseConSet >= 0) mFENextCoarseConSet = -1; else RestoreMagIfNeeded(); LowerMagIfNeeded(mMaxFEFineMagInd, 0.75f, 0.5f, TRACK_CONSET); if (mFEUseTrialInLD && mWinApp->LowDoseMode()) mLowMagConSet = 2; } action = FE_FINE_RESET; } if ((mEucenRestoreStageXY > 0 && (mFECoarseFine & FIND_EUCENTRICITY_FINE) || mEucenRestoreStageXY > 1)) mScope->GetStagePosition(mStageXtoRestore, mStageYtoRestore, ISX); mFEActPostExposure = mWinApp->ActPostExposure(); mDoingEucentricity = true; mWinApp->UpdateBufferWindows(); mWinApp->SetStatusText(MEDIUM_PANE, "FINDING EUCENTRICITY"); mCamera->SetRequiredRoll(1); mWUSavedShiftsOnAcquire = -1; mCamera->SetObeyTiltDelay(obeyDelay); if (mDebugRoughEucen && (coarseFine & FIND_EUCENTRICITY_COARSE)) { mWUSavedShiftsOnAcquire = mBufferManager->GetShiftsOnAcquire(); mBufferManager->SetShiftsOnAcquire(1); mFEDebugBuffer = 2; } // If doing fine & align, set up to get first shot if (action == FE_FINE_ALIGNSHOT1) { StartCaptureAddDose(mLowMagConSet); mWinApp->AddIdleTask(TASK_EUCENTRICITY, action, 0); return; } // If image shift is too big, reset it mScope->GetLDCenteredShift(ISX, ISY); if (mShiftManager->RadialShiftOnSpecimen(ISX, ISY, mScope->GetMagIndex()) > mFEResetISThreshold) { if (mShiftManager->ResetImageShift(true, false)) { EucentricityCleanup(1); return; } mWinApp->AddIdleTask(TASK_EUCENTRICITY, action, 0); return; } // Otherwise call directly to setup EucentricityNextTask(action); } // Do next task for eucentricity routines void CComplexTasks::EucentricityNextTask(int param) { ScaleMat aInv, cMat; double stageX, stageY, ISX, ISY, specX, specY; float shiftX, shiftY, movedY, delZ, delY, intcp, movedX, imShiftX, imShiftY; float backlashTilt, backlashZ, delZact, delYact, yZero, yZeroGen, angle; double deltaInc, increment, radians; int action, i; BOOL needTilt; CString report; if (!mDoingEucentricity || mTiltingBack < 0) return; if (mTiltingBack > 0) { mTiltingBack = -1; StopEucentricity(); return; } if (mImBufs->mConSetUsed == TRACK_CONSET) mImBufs->mCaptured = BUFFER_TRACKING; mImBufs->GetTiltAngle(angle); switch (param) { case FE_COARSE_RESET: // Do the setup on coarse finding: set up angles and increments and // do a double stage move mScope->GetStagePosition(stageX, stageY, mFECurrentZ); if (mFEOriginalZ < EXTRA_VALUE_TEST) mFEOriginalZ = mFECurrentZ; backlashTilt = mFEInitialIncrement > 0. ? -mRTThreshold : mRTThreshold; mFECoarseIncrement = mFEInitialIncrement; mFEReferenceAngle = mFEInitialAngle; mFECurrentAngle = mFEInitialAngle; if (mHitachiWithoutZ) mWinApp->AddIdleTask(TASK_EUCENTRICITY, FE_COARSE_MOVED, 0); else DoubleMoveStage(mFECurrentZ, mFEBacklashZ, true, mFEInitialAngle, backlashTilt, true, FE_COARSE_MOVED); return; case FE_COARSE_RESTORE_Z: StopEucentricity(); return; case FE_COARSE_MOVED: // A movement is done, need a picture StartCaptureAddDose(mLowMagConSet); mWinApp->AddIdleTask(TASK_EUCENTRICITY, FE_COARSE_SHOT, 0); return; case FE_COARSE_SHOT: // Got a picture. If reference, need to tilt, replace with actual angle needTilt = false; if (mFECurrentAngle == mFEReferenceAngle) { needTilt = true; mFEReferenceAngle = mScope->GetTiltAngle(); } else { // Otherwise, find out the shift and evaluate whether further tilt is needed // 5/27/06: call with new argument to avoid shift, so don't need to restore it if (mShiftManager->AutoAlign(1, 0, false)) StopEucentricity(); if (mDebugRoughEucen && mFEDebugBuffer < MAX_BUFFERS - 2) { mImBufs[0].GetTiltAngle(delZ); mImBufs[1].GetTiltAngle(delY); PrintfToLog("Copying image %.1f to %c, ref %.1f to %c", delZ, (char)'A' + mFEDebugBuffer, delY, (char)'A' + mFEDebugBuffer + 1); mBufferManager->CopyImageBuffer(0, mFEDebugBuffer++); mBufferManager->CopyImageBuffer(1, mFEDebugBuffer++); } // When the reference is already shifted, this shift IS the cumulative shift // So need to subtract the reference shift to get the amount of shift between images mImBufs->mImage->getShifts(shiftX, shiftY); imShiftX = shiftX - mFECurRefShiftX; imShiftY = shiftY - mFECurRefShiftY; aInv = mShiftManager->CameraToSpecimen(mScope->FastMagIndex()); movedY = mConSets[mLowMagConSet].binning * (aInv.ypx * shiftX - aInv.ypy * shiftY); // Use actual angle and increment to accommodate sloppiness of JEOL mFECurrentAngle = mScope->GetTiltAngle(); mFECoarseIncrement = B3DMAX(mFECurrentAngle - mFEReferenceAngle, 0.1); report.Format("Angle = %.2f, increment = %.2f, shift = %.1f %.1f pixels, %.3f um Y", mFECurrentAngle, mFECoarseIncrement, shiftX, shiftY, movedY); mWinApp->VerboseAppendToLog(mVerbose, report); // If not close to target move, and not at max tilt, and not at max increment // then tilt again, setting increment that will reach target but not // changing it too much // No point going less than 0.5 degree, though if (fabs(movedY) < 0.75 * mFETargetShift && mFECurrentAngle < mFEMaxTilt - 0.5 && mFECoarseIncrement < mFEMaxIncrement - 0.5) { deltaInc = mFETargetShift / fabs(movedY); deltaInc = B3DMIN(deltaInc, mFEMaxIncrementChange); mFECoarseIncrement *= deltaInc; // Also make sure increment is not too big and tilt does not become too big mFECoarseIncrement = B3DMIN(mFECoarseIncrement, mFEMaxIncrement); mFECoarseIncrement = B3DMIN(mFECoarseIncrement, mFEMaxTilt - mFEReferenceAngle); needTilt = true; // If there is an accurate enough shift between this image and reference and // the total shift exceeds a threshold, roll the reference; otherwise keep last if (imShiftX * imShiftX + imShiftY * imShiftY >= 10 * 10 && sqrtf(powf((float)(shiftX / mImBufs->mImage->getWidth()), 2.f) + powf((float)(shiftY / mImBufs->mImage->getHeight()), 2.f)) >= mFEReplaceRefFracField) { if (mDebugRoughEucen) PrintfToLog("Replacing ref, cum shift %.1f %.1f", shiftX, shiftY); mFECurRefShiftX = shiftX; mFECurRefShiftY = shiftY; } else { mBufferManager->CopyImageBuffer(1, 0); } } } // Do tilt if needed in either case if (needTilt) { mFECurrentAngle = mFEReferenceAngle + mFECoarseIncrement; mScope->TiltTo(mFECurrentAngle, mStageXtoRestore, mStageYtoRestore); mWinApp->AddIdleTask(TASK_EUCENTRICITY, FE_COARSE_MOVED, B3DNINT(mStageTimeoutFactor * 30000)); return; } // If not, it is time to move Z. Compute a new Z, but based on a minimum // increment in case of small moves increment = mFECoarseIncrement; if (increment < 2. * mFEInitialIncrement) increment = 2. * mFEInitialIncrement; // SIGN? delZ = (float)(-movedY * (mShiftManager->GetStageInvertsZAxis() ? -1. : 1.) / (sin(DTOR * (mFEInitialAngle + increment)) - sin(DTOR * mFEInitialAngle))); if (mFENextCoarseConSet >= 0 && mScope->GetSimulationMode()) B3DCLAMP(delZ, -20.f, 20.f); report = ""; if (mFEUseCoarseMaxDeltaZ > 0. && fabs(delZ) > mFEUseCoarseMaxDeltaZ) report.Format("Rough eucentricity change of %.1f um exceeds limit of %.0f um;" " procedure is ending with no change", delZ, mFEUseCoarseMaxDeltaZ); else if (!mHitachiWithoutZ && mFECoarseAbsoluteMaxZ > 0 && fabs(mFECurrentZ + delZ) > mFECoarseAbsoluteMaxZ) report.Format("Rough eucentricity change of %.1f um would make Z exceed absolute " "limit of %.0f um;\r\n procedure is ending with no change", delZ, mFECoarseAbsoluteMaxZ); if (!report.IsEmpty()) { mWinApp->AppendToLog(report, mVerbose ? LOG_OPEN_IF_CLOSED : LOG_SWALLOW_IF_CLOSED); mFELastCoarseFailed = true; if (fabs(mFECurrentZ - mFEOriginalZ) > 0.1 && !mHitachiWithoutZ) DoubleMoveStage(mFEOriginalZ, mFEBacklashZ, true, 0., 0., false, FE_COARSE_RESTORE_Z); else StopEucentricity(); return; } action = FE_COARSE_LAST_MOVE; mFEReferenceAngle = mFECurrentAngle; mFECurRefShiftX = mFECurRefShiftY = 0; // If the increment is sufficiently less than the maximum, and also less // than the remaining distance to the maximum tilt, then set up to go again if (mFECoarseIncrement < 0.75 * mFEMaxIncrement && mFECoarseIncrement < mFEMaxTilt - mFECurrentAngle && !(mFENextCoarseConSet >= 0 && mScope->GetSimulationMode())) action = FE_COARSE_MOVED; if (mHitachiWithoutZ) { ReportManualZChange(delZ, "Rough"); StopEucentricity(); return; } backlashZ = 0; if (delZ * mFEBacklashZ > 0) backlashZ = mFEBacklashZ; mFECurrentZ += delZ; if (mWinApp->GetSTEMMode()) mScope->IncDefocus(delZ / mWinApp->mFocusManager->GetSTEMdefocusToDelZ(-1)); DoubleMoveStage(mFECurrentZ, backlashZ, true, 0., 0., false, action); report.Format("Rough eucentricity: changing Z by %.2f to %.2f, %s", delZ, mFECurrentZ, action == FE_COARSE_MOVED ? "continuing..." : "finished."); mWinApp->AppendToLog(report, mVerbose ? LOG_OPEN_IF_CLOSED : LOG_SWALLOW_IF_CLOSED); return; case FE_COARSE_LAST_MOVE: // After the last move in Z, start the fine procedure or stop depending on // initial flags if (mFECoarseFine & FIND_EUCENTRICITY_FINE) { FindEucentricity(FIND_EUCENTRICITY_FINE); return; } StopEucentricity(); return; case FE_FINE_ALIGNSHOT1: // Save the image in a protected buffer, do reset if needed, otherwise // fall through to the setup steps mBufferManager->CopyImageBuffer(0, mWalkAlignBuffer); mScope->GetLDCenteredShift(ISX, ISY); if (mFEUseTrialInLD && mWinApp->LowDoseMode()) mLowMagConSet = 2; if (mShiftManager->RadialShiftOnSpecimen(ISX, ISY, mScope->GetMagIndex()) > mFEResetISThreshold) { if (mShiftManager->ResetImageShift(true, false)) { EucentricityCleanup(1); return; } mWinApp->AddIdleTask(TASK_EUCENTRICITY, FE_FINE_RESET, 0); return; } case FE_FINE_RESET: // Setup the fine steps mWinApp->SetStatusText(MEDIUM_PANE, "REFINING EUCENTRICITY"); mFEFineIndex = 0; mCumMovedX = 0.; mFEFineShifts[0] = 0.; backlashTilt = mFETargetAngles[0] > 0. ? mRTThreshold : -mRTThreshold; DoubleMoveStage(0., 0., false, mFETargetAngles[0], backlashTilt, true, FE_FINE_TILTED); return; case FE_FINE_TILTED: // Tilt done, get a picture EucentricityFineCapture(); return; case FE_FINE_SHOT: // Shot done, find shift if past the first one shiftX = shiftY = movedX = movedY = 0.; if (!mImBufs->GetTiltAngle(angle)) angle = (float)mFETargetAngles[mFEFineIndex]; mFEFineAngles[mFEFineIndex] = angle; if (mFEFineIndex > 0) { mShiftManager->AutoAlign(1, 0); mImBufs->mImage->getShifts(shiftX, shiftY); aInv = mShiftManager->CameraToSpecimen(mScope->GetMagIndex()); // More Y inversion movedX = mConSets[mLowMagConSet].binning * (aInv.xpx * shiftX - aInv.xpy * shiftY); movedY = mConSets[mLowMagConSet].binning * (aInv.ypx * shiftX - aInv.ypy * shiftY); } cMat = mShiftManager->IStoSpecimen(mScope->GetMagIndex()); mScope->GetLDCenteredShift(ISX, ISY); specX = cMat.xpx * ISX + cMat.xpy * ISY; specY = cMat.ypx * ISX + cMat.ypy * ISY; mCumMovedX += movedX; mFEFineShifts[mFEFineIndex] = (float)specY; if (mFESizeOrFracForMean > 0.) { if (mWinApp->mProcessImage->ForeshortenedSubareaMean(0, mFESizeOrFracForMean, mFESizeOrFracForMean, true, delY, &report)) { mWinApp->AppendToLog(report); } else { PrintfToLog("Mean of tilt-foreshortened subarea at %.1f = %.1f", angle, delY); } } report.Format("Angle = %.2f, shift = %.1f, %.1f pixels, %.3f, %.3f um" /*", Cumul, Y = %.3f"/*, %.3f*/", IS = %.3f, %.3f", mFEFineAngles[mFEFineIndex], shiftX, shiftY, movedX, movedY, /*mCumMovedX, mFEFineShifts[mFEFineIndex],*/ specX, specY); mWinApp->VerboseAppendToLog(mVerbose, report); radians = DTOR * mFEFineAngles[mFEFineIndex]; mAngleSines[mFEFineIndex] = -(float)sin(radians); mAngleCosines[mFEFineIndex++] = (float)cos(radians); // Test for terminating if (mFEFineIndex < mFENumFineSteps && fabs((double)(mFEFineShifts[mFEFineIndex - 1] - mFEFineShifts[0])) < mFEMaxFineIS) { // Not terminating yet: go to next tilt or get next picture if (mFEActPostExposure) EucentricityFineCapture(); else { mScope->TiltTo(mFETargetAngles[mFEFineIndex], mStageXtoRestore, mStageYtoRestore); mWinApp->AddIdleTask(TASK_EUCENTRICITY, FE_FINE_TILTED, B3DNINT(mStageTimeoutFactor * 30000)); } return; } // Solve for vertical and horizontal offsets if (mFEFineIndex < 3) { delY = 0.; delZ = (mFEFineShifts[1] - mFEFineShifts[0]) / (mAngleSines[1] - mAngleSines[0]); } else { // First get old general solution with constant term StatLSFit2(&mAngleSines[0], &mAngleCosines[0], &mFEFineShifts[0], mFEFineIndex, &delZ, &delY, &intcp); yZeroGen = delY + intcp; delY = -intcp; // 3/18/04: This is all useless but can't bear to delete it yet - the general // solution gave slightly more consistent fits for lateral offset; the offset // is quite sensitive to the assume yzero and so it looks like the error in the // measured value of Yzero leads to more variability and error. // Find shift at zero tilt if hit or crossed it for (i = 1; i < mFEFineIndex; i++) { if (fabs(mFEFineAngles[i]) < 0.01) { yZero = mFEFineShifts[i]; break; } if ((mFEFineAngles[i] < 0. && mFEFineAngles[i - 1] > 0.) || (mFEFineAngles[i] > 0. && mFEFineAngles[i - 1] < 0.)) { yZero = (float)((mFEFineAngles[i] * mFEFineShifts[i - 1] - mFEFineAngles[i - 1] * mFEFineShifts[i]) / (mFEFineAngles[i] - mFEFineAngles[i - 1])); break; } } // If got a shift, adjust to fit without a constant term if (i < mFEFineIndex) { for (i = 0; i < mFEFineIndex; i++) { mFEFineShifts[i] = (mFEFineShifts[i] - yZero); mAngleCosines[i] = mAngleCosines[i] - 1; } StatLSFit2(&mAngleSines[0], &mAngleCosines[0], &mFEFineShifts[0], mFEFineIndex, &delZact, &delYact, NULL); delYact -= yZero; } else { yZero = yZeroGen; delZact = delZ; delYact = delY; } report.Format("General solution delZ %.2f, delY %.2f, yZero %.2f\r\n" " solution with assumed YZero %.2f: delZ %.2f, delY %.2f", delZ, delY, yZeroGen, yZero, delZact, delYact); mWinApp->VerboseAppendToLog(mVerbose, report); } // Issue report after negating delY for consistency with old usage delY = -delY; if (mShiftManager->GetStageInvertsZAxis()) delZ = -delZ; report.Format("Refining eucentricity: Fit to %d positions gives tilt axis Z" " displacement\r\n of %.2f microns and lateral displacement of %.2f microns", mFEFineIndex, delZ, delY); mFEIterationCount++; mRepeatFine = (float)mFEFineIndex / mFENumFineSteps < 0.74 && mFEIterationCount < mFEIterationLimit; // Save the dely as the last axis offset if really finished if (!mRepeatFine) mLastAxisOffset = delY + (float)(mScope->GetShiftToTiltAxis() ? mScope->GetTiltAxisOffset() : 0.); action = mVerbose ? LOG_OPEN_IF_CLOSED : LOG_SWALLOW_IF_CLOSED; if (mVerbose || !mRepeatFine || mHitachiWithoutZ) mWinApp->AppendToLog(report, action); else if (mRepeatFine) { report.Format("Refining eucentricity: changing Z by %.2f microns and restarting", -delZ); mWinApp->AppendToLog(report, action); } if (!mRepeatFine && mAutoSetAxisOffset) { PrintfToLog("Tilt axis offset has now been set to %.2f microns", mLastAxisOffset); mScope->SetTiltAxisOffset(mLastAxisOffset); } if (mHitachiWithoutZ) { ReportManualZChange(delZ, "Refine"); StopEucentricity(); return; } mScope->GetStagePosition(stageX, stageY, mFECurrentZ); backlashZ = 0; if (-delZ * mFEBacklashZ > 0) backlashZ = mFEBacklashZ; if (mWinApp->GetSTEMMode()) mScope->IncDefocus(-delZ / mWinApp->mFocusManager->GetSTEMdefocusToDelZ(-1)); DoubleMoveStage(mFECurrentZ - delZ, backlashZ, true, 0., 0., false, FE_FINE_LAST_MOVE); return; case FE_FINE_LAST_MOVE: // After last move, repeat if needed, or tilt for align shot, or stop if (mRepeatFine) FindEucentricity(FIND_EUCENTRICITY_FINE); else if (mFECoarseFine & REFINE_EUCENTRICITY_ALIGN) { mScope->TiltTo(mFEUsersAngle, mStageXtoRestore, mStageYtoRestore); mWinApp->AddIdleTask(TASK_EUCENTRICITY, FE_FINE_ALIGNTILT, B3DNINT(mStageTimeoutFactor * 30000)); } else StopEucentricity(); return; case FE_FINE_ALIGNTILT: if (mFEUseTrialInLD && mWinApp->LowDoseMode()) mLowMagConSet = 0; StartCaptureAddDose(mLowMagConSet); mWinApp->AddIdleTask(TASK_EUCENTRICITY, FE_FINE_ALIGNSHOT2, 0); return; case FE_FINE_ALIGNSHOT2: // Align to saved buffer and stop mShiftManager->AutoAlign(mWalkAlignBuffer, 0); StopEucentricity(); return; } } void CComplexTasks::EucentricityFineCapture() { StageMoveInfo smi; int delay; // Set up a tilt if allowed and there is one more to do if (mFEActPostExposure && mFEFineIndex + 1 < mFENumFineSteps) { smi.axisBits = axisA; smi.alpha = mFETargetAngles[mFEFineIndex + 1]; delay = mShiftManager->GetAdjustedTiltDelay(fabs((double) (mFETargetAngles[mFEFineIndex + 1] - mFEFineAngles[mFEFineIndex]))); smi.x = mStageXtoRestore; smi.y = mStageYtoRestore; mCamera->QueueStageMove(smi, delay, false, mStageXtoRestore > EXTRA_VALUE_TEST); } // Start capture and return StartCaptureAddDose(mLowMagConSet); mWinApp->AddIdleTask(TASK_EUCENTRICITY, FE_FINE_SHOT, 0); } // Move stage in Z and/or in tilt, potentially doing two moves with backlash correction // This routine can only be called for eucentricity void CComplexTasks::DoubleMoveStage(double finalZ, float backlashZ, BOOL doZ, double finalTilt, float backlashTilt, BOOL doTilt, int nextAction) { StageMoveInfo smi; if (mScope->WaitForStageReady(5000)) { mTSController->TSMessageBox("Stage busy when trying to move stage"); StopEucentricity(); mWinApp->ErrorOccurred(1); return; } smi.axisBits = 0; if (doZ) { smi.axisBits |= axisZ; smi.z = finalZ; smi.backZ = backlashZ; } if (doTilt) { smi.axisBits |= axisA; smi.alpha = finalTilt; smi.backAlpha = backlashTilt; } smi.x = mStageXtoRestore; smi.y = mStageYtoRestore; mScope->MoveStage(smi, backlashZ != 0. || backlashTilt != 0., false, 0, false, mStageXtoRestore > EXTRA_VALUE_TEST); mWinApp->AddIdleTask(TASK_EUCENTRICITY, nextAction, B3DNINT(mStageTimeoutFactor * (HitachiScope ? 120000 : 30000))); } int CComplexTasks::EucentricityBusy(void) { if (mShiftManager->ResettingIS()) return 1; return SEMStageCameraBusy(); } void CComplexTasks::EucentricityCleanup(int error) { if (error == IDLE_TIMEOUT_ERROR) mTSController->TSMessageBox(_T("Time out in the eucentricity routine")); if (mTiltingBack > 0) mTiltingBack = -1; StopEucentricity(); mWinApp->ErrorOccurred(error); } void CComplexTasks::StopEucentricity() { if (!mDoingEucentricity || mTiltingBack > 0) return; if (!mTiltingBack) { // restore mag now but come back after tilt is done to do true end if (mFENextCoarseConSet < 0) RestoreMagIfNeeded(); if (!mScope->WaitForStageReady(10000)) { mScope->TiltTo(mFEUsersAngle, mStageXtoRestore, mStageYtoRestore); mTiltingBack = 1; mWinApp->AddIdleTask(TASK_EUCENTRICITY, 0, B3DNINT(mStageTimeoutFactor * (HitachiScope ? 120000 : 30000))); return; } } mDoingEucentricity = false; mFENextCoarseConSet = -1; mTiltingBack = 0; mStageXtoRestore = mStageYtoRestore = EXTRA_NO_VALUE; mCamera->SetRequiredRoll(0); if (mDebugRoughEucen && mWUSavedShiftsOnAcquire >= 0) mBufferManager->SetShiftsOnAcquire(mWUSavedShiftsOnAcquire); mCamera->SetObeyTiltDelay(false); mWinApp->UpdateBufferWindows(); mWinApp->SetStatusText(MEDIUM_PANE, ""); } void CComplexTasks::ReportManualZChange(float delZ, const char *roughFine) { CString mess; int overshoot; int backlash = B3DNINT(mManualHitachiBacklash / mZMicronsPerDialMark); mess.Format("%s eucentricity: Z change of %.2f microns is needed: %.1f grooves" " on knob %s", roughFine, delZ, fabs(delZ / mZMicronsPerDialMark), delZ > 0 ? "left" : "right"); mWinApp->AppendToLog(mess); delZ /= mZMicronsPerDialMark; if (delZ < 0) mess.Format("Turn Z knob right %.1f grooves", fabs(delZ)); else { overshoot = (int)ceil(fabs(delZ)); mess.Format("Turn Z knob left %.1f grooves\n\n" "Or, if you adjusted for backlash, turn it\n" " left %d grooves then right %.1f grooves", fabs(delZ), backlash + overshoot, backlash + overshoot - fabs(delZ)); } AfxMessageBox(mess, MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TILT AFTER STAGE MOVE //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Start a tilt after stage move or after a reverse tilt that was inadequate void CComplexTasks::TiltAfterStageMove(float angle, bool reverseTilt) { int targetSize = B3DMAX(512, mCamera->TargetSizeForTasks()); int newMagInd = FindMaxMagInd(reverseTilt ? mMinRTField : mMinTASMField, -2); int actionStarted = TASM_FIRST_SHOT; StageMoveInfo smi; ControlSet *conSet = mConSets + TRACK_CONSET; mTASMAngle = angle; // Set flag and states now in case of mag change mDoingTASM = true; mWinApp->UpdateBufferWindows(); mWinApp->SetStatusText(MEDIUM_PANE, reverseTilt ? "TILT AFTER REVERSAL" : "TILT AFTER STAGE MOVE"); // Make a conset for tracking unless another routine did if (!mMagStackInd || mConSetModified[mMagStackInd - 1] != TRACK_CONSET) MakeTrackingConSet(conSet, targetSize); mCamera->SetRequiredRoll(1); LowerMagIfNeeded(newMagInd, 0.75f, 0.5f, TRACK_CONSET); mRTActPostExposure = mWinApp->ActPostExposure(); if (mRTActPostExposure) { smi.axisBits = axisA; smi.alpha = mTASMAngle; mCamera->QueueStageMove(smi, mShiftManager->GetMinTiltDelay()); actionStarted = TASM_TILTED; } StartCaptureAddDose(mLowMagConSet); mWinApp->AddIdleTask(SEMStageCameraBusy, TASK_TILT_AFTER_MOVE, actionStarted, 0); } // Tilt after stage move next task: it is a lot like reverse tilt void CComplexTasks::TASMNextTask(int param) { int stackInd = mMagStackInd > 0 ? mMagStackInd - 1 : 0; if (!mDoingTASM) return; mImBufs->mCaptured = BUFFER_TRACKING; switch (param) { case TASM_FIRST_SHOT: mScope->TiltTo(mTASMAngle); mWinApp->AddIdleTask(SEMStageCameraBusy, TASK_TILT_AFTER_MOVE, TASM_TILTED, 120000); return; case TASM_TILTED: if (mRTActPostExposure && mSavedMagInd[stackInd]) mCamera->QueueMagChange(mSavedMagInd[stackInd]); StartCaptureAddDose(mLowMagConSet); mWinApp->AddIdleTask(SEMStageCameraBusy, TASK_TILT_AFTER_MOVE, TASM_SECOND_SHOT, 0); return; case TASM_SECOND_SHOT: if (mSkipNextBeamShift) mScope->SetSkipNextBeamShift(true); mShiftManager->AutoAlign(1, 0); mScope->SetSkipNextBeamShift(false); StopTiltAfterMove(); return; } } void CComplexTasks::TASMCleanup(int error) { if (error == IDLE_TIMEOUT_ERROR) mTSController->TSMessageBox(_T("Time out in the tilt-after-stage-move routine")); StopTiltAfterMove(); mWinApp->ErrorOccurred(error); } void CComplexTasks::StopTiltAfterMove() { if (!mDoingTASM) return; RestoreMagIfNeeded(); mDoingTASM = false; mSkipNextBeamShift = false; mCamera->SetRequiredRoll(0); mWinApp->UpdateBufferWindows(); mWinApp->SetStatusText(MEDIUM_PANE, ""); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // BACKLASH ADJUST stage position //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Start the routine with the given backlash to apply, and flags to call Navigator at // end and to show buffer C when done void CComplexTasks::BacklashAdjustStagePos(float backX, float backY, bool callNav, bool showC) { int targetSize = B3DMAX(512, mCamera->TargetSizeForTasks()); int newMagInd = FindMaxMagInd(mMinBASPField, -2); ControlSet *conSet = mConSets + TRACK_CONSET; // Set flag and states now in case of mag change mDoingBASP = 1 + (callNav ? 2 : 0) + (showC ? 4 : 0); mWinApp->UpdateBufferWindows(); mWinApp->SetStatusText(MEDIUM_PANE, "ADJUSTING FOR BACKLASH"); // Make a conset for tracking MakeTrackingConSet(conSet, targetSize); mCamera->SetRequiredRoll(showC ? 2 : 1); LowerMagIfNeeded(newMagInd, 0.75f, 0.5f, TRACK_CONSET); mBASPBackX = backX; mBASPBackY = backY; StartCaptureAddDose(mLowMagConSet); mWinApp->AddIdleTask(SEMStageCameraBusy, TASK_BACKLASH_ADJUST, BASP_FIRST_SHOT, 0); } // Next task for backlash adjust void CComplexTasks::BASPNextTask(int param) { float shiftX, shiftY; CString report; StageMoveInfo smi; ScaleMat bMat = mShiftManager->StageToCamera(mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera(), mScope->FastMagIndex()); ScaleMat bInv = MatInv(bMat); if (!mDoingBASP) return; mImBufs->mCaptured = BUFFER_TRACKING; switch (param) { case BASP_FIRST_SHOT: mScope->GetStagePosition(smi.x, smi.y, smi.z); smi.backX = mBASPBackX; smi.backY = mBASPBackY; smi.axisBits = axisXY; mBASPDeltaX = (float)smi.x; mBASPDeltaY = (float)smi.y; mScope->MoveStage(smi, true); mWinApp->AddIdleTask(SEMStageCameraBusy, TASK_BACKLASH_ADJUST, BASP_MOVED, 120000); return; case BASP_MOVED: StartCaptureAddDose(mLowMagConSet); mWinApp->AddIdleTask(SEMStageCameraBusy, TASK_BACKLASH_ADJUST, BASP_SECOND_SHOT, 0); return; case BASP_SECOND_SHOT: mShiftManager->AutoAlign(1, 0); mScope->GetStagePosition(smi.x, smi.y, smi.z); // Get the change in stage position since the start. This is the right sign because // if the mBASPDeltaX = (float)(smi.x - mBASPDeltaX); mBASPDeltaY = (float)(smi.y - mBASPDeltaY); // Get the alignment shift, convert to a stage shift and subtract it from // overall negative is used as in NavHelper and ShiftManager mouse shifting // negative is used for Y component because of Y inversion of image as in NavHelper mImBufs->mImage->getShifts(shiftX, shiftY); mBASPDeltaX -= mImBufs->mBinning * (bInv.xpx * shiftX - bInv.xpy * shiftY); mBASPDeltaY -= mImBufs->mBinning * (bInv.ypx * shiftX - bInv.ypy * shiftY); report.Format("Backlash adjustment to stage coordinates is %.2f, %.2f", mBASPDeltaX, mBASPDeltaY); mWinApp->AppendToLog(report); if ((mDoingBASP & 2) && mWinApp->mNavigator) mWinApp->mNavigator->BacklashFinished(mBASPDeltaX, mBASPDeltaY); if (mDoingBASP & 4) { Sleep(500); mWinApp->SetCurrentBuffer(2); mWinApp->AppendToLog("The real map is now in Buffer C - be careful to mark points " "only on that!"); } StopBacklashAdjust(); return; } } void CComplexTasks::BASPCleanup(int error) { if (error == IDLE_TIMEOUT_ERROR) mTSController->TSMessageBox(_T("Time out in the adjust-for-backlash routine")); StopBacklashAdjust(); mWinApp->ErrorOccurred(error); } void CComplexTasks::StopBacklashAdjust() { if (!mDoingBASP) return; RestoreMagIfNeeded(); mDoingBASP = 0; mCamera->SetRequiredRoll(0); mWinApp->UpdateBufferWindows(); mWinApp->SetStatusText(MEDIUM_PANE, ""); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Finding View/Search shift offsets //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Start the procedure: which type to use, maximum shift or negative fraction of FOV // and the search limits int CComplexTasks::FindLowDoseShiftOffset(bool searchToView, float maxMicrons, float maxPctCng, float maxRot) { float bigPixel, camSize, field, highPixel, splitRatio, pixel, ratio, lastRatio = 1.; double ISX, ISY, outFactor; int mag, err, camera = mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera(); int biggerArea = searchToView ? SEARCH_AREA : VIEW_CONSET; int higherArea = searchToView ? VIEW_CONSET : RECORD_CONSET; bool probeMismatch; mLDSOHigherConsNum = searchToView ? VIEW_CONSET : PREVIEW_CONSET; LowDoseParams *ldParams = mWinApp->GetLowDoseParams(); LowDoseParams *bigParams = ldParams + biggerArea; LowDoseParams *highParams; CameraParameters *camParams = mWinApp->GetActiveCamParam(); if (!mWinApp->LowDoseMode()) { SEMMessageBox("Low Dose mode must be on to find shift offsets"); return 1; } if (searchToView && ldParams[SEARCH_AREA].magIndex > ldParams[VIEW_CONSET].magIndex) { mLDSOHigherConsNum = PREVIEW_CONSET; higherArea = RECORD_CONSET; } highParams = ldParams + higherArea; mLDSOLowerConsNum = searchToView ? SEARCH_CONSET : VIEW_CONSET; mLDSOModifyConsNum = -1; bigPixel = mShiftManager->GetPixelSize(camera, bigParams->magIndex); // Test for whether a two-step procedure should be used if (bigParams->magIndex >= mScope->GetLowestMModeMagInd() && mLDSOHigherConsNum == PREVIEW_CONSET) { highPixel = mShiftManager->GetPixelSize(camera, highParams->magIndex); if (bigPixel / highPixel >= mLDSOTwoStepMinRatio) { splitRatio = sqrtf(bigPixel / highPixel); probeMismatch = (FEIscope && bigParams->probeMode != highParams->probeMode) || (JEOLscope && bigParams->beamAlpha != highParams->beamAlpha); if (probeMismatch && fabs(mScope->GetLDViewDefocus(mLDSOLowerConsNum)) < mLDSOMaxFocusForModArea) { // OK to use lower conset when probe changes if it is low defocus (fat chance) mLDSOModifyConsNum = mLDSOLowerConsNum; mLDSOSavedIntensity = bigParams->intensity; mLDSOSavedMag = bigParams->magIndex; mLDSOModifiedArea = biggerArea; } else { // Otherwise use the higher conset, but stay at a higher mag if probe changes mLDSOModifyConsNum = mLDSOHigherConsNum; mLDSOSavedIntensity = highParams->intensity; mLDSOSavedMag = highParams->magIndex; mLDSOModifiedArea = higherArea; if (probeMismatch) splitRatio = 0.75f * mLDSOTwoStepMinRatio; } // Find mags that straddle the ideal ratio split for (mag = bigParams->magIndex + 1; mag <= highParams->magIndex; mag++) { pixel = mShiftManager->GetPixelSize(camera, mag); ratio = bigPixel / pixel; if (lastRatio < splitRatio && ratio >= splitRatio) { if (splitRatio - lastRatio < 0.2 * (ratio - splitRatio) || ratio >= mLDSOTwoStepMinRatio) { mLDSOMiddleMag = mag - 1; } else if (0.2 * (splitRatio - lastRatio) > ratio - splitRatio) { mLDSOMiddleMag = mag; } else { mLDSOMiddleMag = mLDSOModifyConsNum == mLDSOHigherConsNum ? mag : mag - 1; } pixel = mShiftManager->GetPixelSize(camera, mLDSOMiddleMag); break; } lastRatio = ratio; } SEMTrace('1', "split %.2f ratio %.2f last %.2f mag %d cons %d area %d", splitRatio, ratio, lastRatio, mLDSOMiddleMag, mLDSOModifyConsNum, mLDSOModifiedArea); // Figure out the intensity change and bail out of two-step if it can't be done if (mLDSOModifyConsNum == mLDSOHigherConsNum) { err = mWinApp->mBeamAssessor->AssessBeamChange(powf(highPixel / pixel, 2.f), mLDSOMiddleIntensity, outFactor, higherArea); } else { err = mWinApp->mBeamAssessor->AssessBeamChange(pow(bigPixel / pixel, 2.), mLDSOMiddleIntensity, outFactor, biggerArea); } if (err && B3DMAX(outFactor, 1. / outFactor) > 1.5) { PrintfToLog((err == BEAM_STRENGTH_NOT_CAL || err == BEAM_STRENGTH_WRONG_SPOT) ? "WARNING: No intensity calibration at spot %d for measuring offset in two mag" " steps" : "WARNING: Intensity calibration at spot %d does not extend far " "enough to allow measuring offset in two mag steps", mLDSOModifyConsNum == mLDSOHigherConsNum ? highParams->spotSize : bigParams->spotSize); mLDSOModifyConsNum = -1; } } } // Convert fraction of field to microns and set microns for middle mag too if (maxMicrons < 0) { camSize = (float)sqrt(camParams->sizeX * camParams->sizeY); if (mLDSOModifyConsNum >= 0) { field = pixel * camSize; mLDSOMiddleMicrons = -field * maxMicrons; } field = bigPixel * camSize; maxMicrons = -field * maxMicrons; } else if (mLDSOModifyConsNum) { mLDSOMiddleMicrons = maxMicrons * pixel / bigPixel; } mLDSOMaxMicrons = maxMicrons; // Set search variables if (maxPctCng < 0) maxPctCng = mWinApp->mNavHelper->GetScaledAliDfltPctChg(); if (maxRot < 0) maxRot = mWinApp->mNavHelper->GetScaledAliDfltMaxRot(); mLDSOMaxPctChg = maxPctCng; mLDSOMaxRot = maxRot; mWUSavedShiftsOnAcquire = mBufferManager->GetShiftsOnAcquire(); mBufferManager->SetShiftsOnAcquire(3); // Reset image to start, if necessary mDoingLDSO = true; mWinApp->UpdateBufferWindows(); mScope->GetLDCenteredShift(ISX, ISY); if (mShiftManager->RadialShiftOnSpecimen(ISX, ISY, mScope->GetMagIndex()) < mLDShiftOffsetResetISThresh) { LDSONextTask(LDSO_RESET_SHIFT); } else { ResetShiftRealign(); mWinApp->AddIdleTask(TASK_LD_SHIFT_OFFSET, LDSO_RESET_SHIFT, 0); } return 0; } // Do the next operation in finding shift void CComplexTasks::LDSONextTask(int param) { int err, nx, ny; int nextAct = LDSO_FIRST_LOWER; int consNum = mLDSOLowerConsNum; float scaleMax, rotation, xShift, yShift, fillVal, saveStep; double ISX, ISY; bool middle = param == LDSO_MIDDLE_MAG; CString errStr; LowDoseParams *ldp = mWinApp->GetLowDoseParams(); if (!mDoingLDSO) return; // Set the middle mag conditions after the higher mag shot, and restore after the middle if (mLDSOModifyConsNum >= 0 && param == LDSO_HIGHER_MAG) { nextAct = LDSO_MIDDLE_MAG; consNum = mLDSOModifyConsNum; ldp[mLDSOModifiedArea].magIndex = mLDSOMiddleMag; ldp[mLDSOModifiedArea].intensity = mLDSOMiddleIntensity; } else if (mLDSOModifyConsNum >= 0 && middle) { ldp[mLDSOModifiedArea].magIndex = mLDSOSavedMag; ldp[mLDSOModifiedArea].intensity = mLDSOSavedIntensity; } if (param == LDSO_RESET_SHIFT) { // Start it for real nextAct = LDSO_HIGHER_MAG; consNum = mLDSOHigherConsNum; mWinApp->SetStatusText(MEDIUM_PANE, "FINDING SHIFT OFFSET"); } else if (param != LDSO_HIGHER_MAG) { // Align images - prevent much scaling or rotation in middle mag image - note need to // drop the step size to limit the scaling! saveStep = mWinApp->mMultiTSTasks->GetCkAlignStep(); if (middle) mWinApp->mMultiTSTasks->SetCkAlignStep(.0025f); err = mWinApp->mProcessImage->AlignBetweenMagnifications(1, -1., -1., middle ? mLDSOMiddleMicrons : mLDSOMaxMicrons, middle ? 0.01f : (mLDSOMaxPctChg / 100.f), middle ? 1.f : (2.f * mLDSOMaxRot), !middle, scaleMax, rotation, 0, errStr); mWinApp->mMultiTSTasks->SetCkAlignStep(saveStep); if (!err && !middle) { err = mWinApp->mLowDoseDlg.DoSetViewShift(param == LDSO_SECOND_LOWER ? 2 : 1); errStr.Format("There is no matrix available for image shift to camera at the %s " "magnification", mWinApp->GetModeNames() + mImBufs->mConSetUsed); } mWinApp->mLowDoseDlg.GetViewShiftOffset(-1, ISX, ISY); // Stop if done or error if (err || param == LDSO_SECOND_LOWER || (param == LDSO_FIRST_LOWER && mShiftManager->RadialShiftOnSpecimen(ISX, ISY, mScope->FastMagIndex()) < mLDShiftOffsetIterThresh)) { StopFindingShiftOffset(); if (err) SEMMessageBox(errStr); return; } // Go on to lower mag from middle, or to iteration shot if (middle) { // Get the shift from the middle-mag extract and use to do actual shift of full // middle shot so alignment and rotation will be to the original reference center mImBufs->mImage->getShifts(xShift, yShift); mImBufs[2].mImage->getSize(nx, ny); mImBufs[2].mImage->Lock(); fillVal = imageEdgeMean(mImBufs[2].mImage->getData(), mImBufs[2].mImage->getType(), nx, 0, nx - 1, 0, ny - 1); ProcShiftInPlace((short *)mImBufs[2].mImage->getData(), mImBufs[2].mImage->getType(), nx, ny, B3DNINT(xShift), B3DNINT(yShift), fillVal); // Copy full middle shot to A to align lower mag to it, copy zoomed down high mag to // E to protect it and have it be last in stack to view mBufferManager->CopyImageBuffer(2, 0, false); mBufferManager->CopyImageBuffer(1, 4, false); } else // Regular iteration, copy original high mag to A mBufferManager->CopyImageBuffer(3, 0, false); nextAct = param == LDSO_FIRST_LOWER ? LDSO_SECOND_LOWER : LDSO_FIRST_LOWER; } mWinApp->mCamera->SetCancelNextContinuous(true); mCamera->InitiateCapture(consNum); mWinApp->AddIdleTask(TASK_LD_SHIFT_OFFSET, nextAct, 0); } // Standard cleanup void CComplexTasks::LDSOCleanup(int error) { if (error == IDLE_TIMEOUT_ERROR) mTSController->TSMessageBox(_T("Time out in the routine to find shift offset")); StopFindingShiftOffset(); mWinApp->ErrorOccurred(error); } // Busy: test for camera and reset image shift int CComplexTasks::LDShiftOffsetBusy() { return (mCamera->CameraBusy() || DoingResetShiftRealign()) ? 1 : 0; } // Stop void CComplexTasks::StopFindingShiftOffset() { LowDoseParams *ldp = mWinApp->GetLowDoseParams(); if (!mDoingLDSO) return; if (mLDSOModifyConsNum >= 0) { ldp[mLDSOModifiedArea].magIndex = mLDSOSavedMag; ldp[mLDSOModifiedArea].intensity = mLDSOSavedIntensity; } mDoingLDSO = false; mWinApp->UpdateBufferWindows(); mWinApp->SetStatusText(MEDIUM_PANE, ""); mBufferManager->SetShiftsOnAcquire(mWUSavedShiftsOnAcquire); }