// CameraController.cpp: Runs the camera and energy filter via SerialEMCCD // // Copyright (C) 2003-2021 by the Regents of the University of // Colorado. See Copyright.txt for full notice of copyright and limitations. // // Author: David Mastronarde // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "stdafx.h" #include "SerialEM.h" #include "SerialEMDoc.h" #include ".\CameraController.h" #include "EMbufferManager.h" #include "ShiftManager.h" #include "FocusManager.h" #include "EMmontageController.h" #include "TSController.h" #include "ComplexTasks.h" #include "FilterTasks.h" #include "ProcessImage.h" #include "GainRefMaker.h" #include "NavigatorDlg.h" #include "ParticleTasks.h" #include "BeamAssessor.h" #include "MacroProcessor.h" #include "MultiTSTasks.h" #include "MultiShotDlg.h" #include "AutocenSetupDlg.h" #include "FalconHelper.h" #include "CEOSFilter.h" #include "DoseModulator.h" #include "PluginManager.h" #include "CalibCameraTiming.h" #include "AutoTuning.h" #include "Utilities\XCorr.h" #include "Utilities\SEMUtilities.h" #include "Image\KStoreADOC.h" #include "DirectElectron\DirectElectronCamera.h" #include "GatanSocket.h" #include #include "Shared\b3dutil.h" #include "Shared\autodoc.h" #include "Shared\framealign.h" #include "Shared\SEMCCDDefines.h" #ifdef _DEBUG #undef THIS_FILE static char THIS_FILE[]=__FILE__; #define new DEBUG_NEW #endif #define FORCING_INCREMENT 0.0002 #define MAX_SCOPE_SETTLING 60000 #define DARK_REF_MEMORY 100000000 #define DM_ONE_DARK_REF_PER_BINNING 360 #define DM_K2_API_CHANGED_LOTS 40301 #define DM_RETURNS_DEFECT_LIST 40301 #define DM_OVW_DRIFT_CORRECT_OK 50001 #define DM_DS_CONTROLS_BEAM 40200 #define DM_HAS_ELECTRON_DOSE 50301 #define DM_HAS_K3_HW_DARK_REF 50301 #define MAX_ESHIFT_TIMES 10 #define BLANKER_MUTEX_WAIT 50 // Indices to the three kinds of DM camera interfaces #define COM_IND 0 #define SOCK_IND 1 #define AMT_IND 2 // Flags for specifying which camera interface to create enum {CREATE_FOR_CURRENT, CREATE_FOR_GIF, CREATE_FOR_ANY}; // Static variables related to DM camera interfaces, used by macros and from threads static int sSocketCurrent; // Flag for whether current camera is socket static int sAmtCurrent; // Flag for whether current camera is AMT static int sCreateFor = CREATE_FOR_CURRENT; // Type of camera to create for static int sNumCOMGatanCam = 0; static int sGIFisSocket; // 0 or 1 if GIF is on socket interface // The test for whether to create a COM interface to Gatan camera #define NEED_COM_DM_CAMERA (sCreateFor == CREATE_FOR_ANY && sNumCOMGatanCam) || \ (sCreateFor == CREATE_FOR_CURRENT && !(sAmtCurrent || sSocketCurrent)) || \ (sCreateFor == CREATE_FOR_GIF && !sGIFisSocket) // Be careful to wrap any macro after an if statement in { } // This macro can be used to create the camera interface from main routine or threads // It assumes hr is already declared #define CreateDMCamera(a) if (NEED_COM_DM_CAMERA) \ hr = CoCreateInstance(__uuidof(DMCamera), 0, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER, \ __uuidof(IDMCamera), (void **)&a); \ else \ hr = S_OK; // This is the corresponding macro for releasing the camera interface #define ReleaseDMCamera(a) if (NEED_COM_DM_CAMERA) \ a->Release(); // Macro for using the socket interface to call a function and throwing exception on error #define CALL_SOCKET(c) if (CGatanSocket::##c) \ throw(_com_error((HRESULT)SOCKET_FAKE_HRESULT, NULL, true)) // CallDMCamera: to call the current camera with supplied pointers #define CallDMCamera(a,b,c) \ if (sAmtCurrent) \ b->c; \ else if (sSocketCurrent) { \ CALL_SOCKET(c); \ } else \ a->c; // CallDMIndCamera: to call a camera on a specific interface with supplied pointers #define CallDMIndCamera(a,b,c,d) \ if (a == AMT_IND) \ c->d; \ else if (a == SOCK_IND) { \ CALL_SOCKET(d); \ } else \ b->d; // CallGatanCamera: to call a current Gatan camera using the supplied pointer #define CallGatanCamera(a,c) \ if (sSocketCurrent) { \ CALL_SOCKET(c); \ } else \ a->c; // CallDMIndGatan: to call a Gatan camera on a specific interface with supplied pointer #define CallDMIndGatan(a,b,d) \ if (a == SOCK_IND) { \ CALL_SOCKET(d); \ } else \ b->d; // MainCallDMCamera: to call the current camera from main #define MainCallDMCamera(c) CallDMCamera(mGatanCamera, mTD.amtCam, c) // MainCallDMIndCamera: to call a camera on a specific interface from main #define MainCallDMIndCamera(a,c) CallDMIndCamera(a, mGatanCamera, mTD.amtCam, c) // MainCallGatanCamera: to call the current Gatan camera from main #define MainCallGatanCamera(c) CallGatanCamera(mGatanCamera, c) // This gives the DM-type index for a given camera parameter set #define CAMP_DM_INDEX(a) ((a)->AMTtype ? AMT_IND : ((a)->useSocket ? SOCK_IND : COM_IND)) #define TIETZ_ROTATING(a) ((a)->TietzImageGeometry > 0 && ((a)->TietzImageGeometry & 20) != 0) #define MIN_XF416_TYPE 15 #define FALCON_DIR_UNSET "NotSetByUser" static int restrictedSizeIndex; // Index to last selected restricted size static const char *sGetCamObjText = "Object manager = CM_GetCameraManager()\n" "Object cameraList = CM_GetCameras(manager)\n" "Object camera = ObjectAt(cameraList,"; static VOID CALLBACK FilterUpdateProc(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, UINT_PTR idEvent, DWORD dwTime); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Construction/Destruction ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CCameraController::CCameraController() { int i, j, k, l; SEMBuildTime(__DATE__, __TIME__); mWinApp = (CSerialEMApp *)AfxGetApp(); mBufferManager = mWinApp->mBufferManager; mScope = mWinApp->mScope; mShiftManager = mWinApp->mShiftManager; mFalconHelper = mWinApp->mFalconHelper; mTD.JeolSD = &mScope->mJeolSD; mTD.scopePlugFuncs = NULL; mITD.td = &mTD; mImBufs = mWinApp->GetImBufs(); mConSetsp = mWinApp->GetConSets(); mAllParams = mWinApp->GetCamParams(); mParam = mAllParams; mCamConSets = mWinApp->GetCamConSets(); mActiveList = mWinApp->GetActiveCameraList(); mScreenDownMode = false; mSimulationMode = false; mRaisingScreen = 0; mAcquiring = false; mInserting = false; mEnsuringDark = false; mHalting = false; mShotIncomplete = false; mNoMessageBoxOnError = 0; mDriftISQueued = false; mInsertThread = NULL; mAcquireThread = NULL; mEnsureThread = NULL; mScriptThread = NULL; ClearOneShotFlags(); mLastConSet = -1; mUseCount = 1; mPending = -1; mRepFlag = -1; mPreDarkBump = false; for (j = 0; j < MAX_CAMERAS; j++) { mPlugFuncs[j] = NULL; for (i = 0; i < MAX_DARK_REFS; i++) mDarkRefs[j][i].UseCount = 0; mISXcameraOffset[j] = 0.; mISYcameraOffset[j] = 0.; } mRefArray.SetSize(0,5); OutOfSTEMUpdate(); //mExtraBeamTime = 0.25f; // Amount of extra unblanked time mRequiredRoll = 0; mObeyTiltDelay = false; mDivideBy2 = -1; // -1 means not set by user settings, so property can have effect mExtraDivideBy2 = 0; mAcquireFloatImages = false; mWarnIfBeamNotOn = true; mRefMemoryLimit = DARK_REF_MEMORY; mConSetRefLimit = 5; mDarkAgeLimit = 3600.; mGainTimeLimit = 60.; mLastImageTime = 0.; mProcessHere = true; mScaledGainRefMax = 60000; mMinGainRefBits = 12; mMinBlankingTime = 0.; mGIFBiggestAperture = 4; mGIFslitInOutDelay = 18; mGIFoffsetDelayCrit = 40.; mGIFoffsetDelayBase1 = 10.; mGIFoffsetDelayBase2 = 30.; mGIFoffsetDelaySlope1 = 0.5f; mGIFoffsetDelaySlope2 = 0.25f; mNoSpectrumOffset = false; mIgnoreFilterDiffs = false; mCOMBusy = false; mFilterUpdateID = 0; mWasSpectroscopy = false; mBackToImagingTime = 0; mTD.Camera = -1; mTD.lastTietzSettling = 0.; mTD.blankerMutexHandle = CreateMutex(0, 0, 0); mTD.FrameTSMutexHandle = CreateMutex(0, 0, 0); mTD.blankerThread = NULL; mTD.startingFEIshutter = VALUE_NOT_SET; mNumZLPAlignChanges = 3; mMinZLPAlignInterval = 6.; // 3/13/17: Quantum K2 on Krios had some times just above 5 mShiftTimeIndex = -1; for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) { mNumDMCameras[k] = 0; mDMInitialized[k] = false; } mNumTietzCameras = 0; mNumDECameras = 0; mTietzInitialized = false; mFEIinitialized = false; mDEInitialized = false; mPlugInitialized = false; mOtherCamerasInTIA = false; mTD.DE_Cam = NULL; mTD.errFlag = 0; mTD.NumChannels = 1; mTietzFilmSwitchTime = 2.0; mCameraWithBeamOn = 0; mTietzInstances = false; mShutterInstance = false; mAMTactive = false; mBeamWidth = 0.; mScanSleep = 10; mScanMargin = 100; mNumAverageDark = 0; mDarkSum = NULL; mTimeoutFactor = 1.; mDriftISinterval = 100; mInitialDriftSteps = 2.0; // Disable retries: menu actions and message boxes can mess it up // Would need to institute a mutexed flag to avoid timeouts in such cases mRetryLimit = 0; mInterpDarkRefs = false; mMinInterpRefExp = 0.01f; mInterpRefInterval = 0.2f; mBlockOffsetSign = -1; // Don't understand why, but this sign is needed for F416 mOppositeAreaNextShot = false; mDynFocusInterval = -1; mStartDynFocusDelay = -1; mScreenUpSTEMdelay = 7000; mLowerScreenForSTEM = 1; mRamperInstance = false; mTD.ContinuousSTEM = 0; mTD.ReturnPartialScan = 0; mPartialScanThreshExp = 0.5f; mTietzScanCoordRange = 18500; mInvertTietzScan = false; mDSextraShotDelay = 100; mDSshouldFlip = -1; // Will be 0 or 1 if read in mDSglobalRotOffset = 0.; // Won't be tested unless flip is read in too mShiftedISforSTEM = false; mSubareaShiftDelay = 200; mAdjustmentShiftDelay = 20; mPostSTEMmagChgDelay = 300; mDSsyncMargin = 10.; mDScontrolBeam = 0; mInvertBrightField = 1; // Default is to do what the button says mInsertDetShotTime = 3.; mMagToRestore = 0; mRetainMagAndShift = -1; mMakeFEIerrorBeTimeout = false; mNumK2Filters = 1; mK2FilterNames[0] = "None"; mAntialiasBinning = 1; // These are initialized below in Initialize() after determining if base or summit mMinK2FrameTime = -1.; mK2ReadoutInterval = -1.; mK2BaseModeScaling = -1.; mK3ReadoutInterval = .000665779f; mMinK3FrameTime = 0.01331558f; mMinAlpineFrameTime = 0.0066578f; mBaseK2CountingTime = 0.1f; mBaseK2SuperResTime = 0.5f; mBaseK3LinearTime = 0.01331558f; mBaseK3SuperResTime = 0.0106525f; mBaseAlpineLinearTime = 0.0066578f; mBaseAlpineSuperResTime = 0.0066578f; mUseK3CorrDblSamp = false; mK3HWDarkRefExposure = 10.; // Set these to values in simple DM user interface except for first incrment mOneViewMinExposure[0][0] = 0.04f; mOneViewDeltaExposure[0][0] = 0.01f; mOneViewDeltaExposure[0][1] = mOneViewMinExposure[0][1] = 0.01f; mOneViewDeltaExposure[0][2] = mOneViewMinExposure[0][2] = 0.005f; mOneViewDeltaExposure[0][3] = mOneViewMinExposure[0][3] = 0.005f; // 3K Rio mOneViewMinExposure[1][0] = 0.067f; mOneViewMinExposure[1][1] = mOneViewMinExposure[1][2] = mOneViewMinExposure[1][3] = 0.017f; // 4K Rio mOneViewMinExposure[2][0] = 0.05f; mOneViewMinExposure[2][1] = 0.0125f; mOneViewMinExposure[2][2] = mOneViewMinExposure[2][3] = 0.00625f; // 2K Rio for (k = 0; k < 4; k++) mOneViewMinExposure[3][k] = 0.067f; // Metro mOneViewMinExposure[4][0] = 0.0244f; mOneViewMinExposure[4][1] = 0.00609f; mOneViewMinExposure[4][2] = mOneViewMinExposure[4][3] = 0.00203f; // ClearView mOneViewMinExposure[5][0] = 0.02f; mOneViewMinExposure[5][1] = mOneViewMinExposure[5][2] = mOneViewMinExposure[5][3] = 0.005f; for (l = 1; l < MAX_1VIEW_TYPES; l++) { mOneViewDeltaExposure[l][0] = mOneViewDeltaExposure[l][1] = mOneViewDeltaExposure[l][2] = mOneViewDeltaExposure[l][3] = B3DCHOICE(l == METRO_TYPE - 1, 0.00203f, l == (CLEARVIEW_TYPE - 1) ? 0.0005f : 0.001f); } for (l = 4; l < MAX_BINNINGS; l++) { for (k = 0; k < MAX_1VIEW_TYPES; k++) { mOneViewDeltaExposure[k][l] = 0.; mOneViewMinExposure[k][l] = 0.; } } mFalconReadoutInterval = 0.055771f; mMaxFalconFrames = 7; mFalcon3AlignFraction = 6; mMinAlignFractionsLinear = 8; mMinAlignFractionsCounting = 32; mFalcon4RawSumSize = 7; mFalcon4iRawSumSize = 9; mFalconAlignsWithoutSave = true; mSaveInEERformat = false; mCanSaveEERformat = -1; mFrameSavingEnabled = false; mCanUseFalconConfig = -1; mRestoreFalconConfig = false; mStackingWasDeferred = false; mFrameMdocForFalcon = 0; mCeta2ReadoutInterval = 0.025f; mZoomFilterType = 5; mOneK2FramePerFile = false; mDefaultCountScaling = 30.f; mScalingForK2Counts = 0.; mDirForK2Frames = ""; mDirForFalconFrames = FALCON_DIR_UNSET; mRotFlipInFalcon3ComFile = -1; mSubdirsOkInFalcon3Save = false; mDESetNameTimeoutUsed = 0.; mDEPrevSetNameTimeout = 5.; mSkipNextReblank = false; mDefaultGIFCamera = -1; mDefaultRegularCamera = -1; mNoK2SaveFolderBrowse = false; mRunCommandAfterSave = false; mSaveRawPacked = -1; mSaveTimes100 = 0; mSaveSuperResReduced = false; mTakeK3SuperResBinned = false; mSaveUnnormalizedFrames = false; mK2SaveAsTiff = 0; mSkipK2FrameRotFlip = false; mNameFramesAsMRCS = false; mK2SynchronousSaving = false; mEarlyRetUseSaveThread = false; mSmoothFocusExtraTime = 400; mInDisplayNewImage = false; mNeedToSelectDM = false; mTD.DoingTiltSums = false; mLastAsyncTimeout = 0; mK2MaxRamStackGB = -1.; mK2MinFrameForRAM = 0.05f; mTiltSumBlankFraction = 0.5f; mBaseJeolSTEMflags = 0; mTietzSTEMflags = 2; mFalconAsyncStacking = true; mWaitingForStacking = 0; mSingleContModeUsed = SINGLE_FRAME; mTaskFrameWaitStart = -1.; mPreventUserToggle = 0; mContinuousDelayFrac = 0.; mStoppedContinuous = false; mNumContinuousToAlign = 0; mLastWasContinForTask = false; mNumDropAtContinStart = 0; mFrameNameFormat = FRAME_FILE_MONTHDAY | FRAME_FILE_HOUR_MIN_SEC; mFrameNumberStart = 0; mLastUsedFrameNumber = -1; mLastFrameNumberStart = -1; mDigitsForNumberedFrame = 3; mK2GainRefTimeStamp[0][0] = mK2GainRefTimeStamp[0][1] = -1; mK2GainRefTimeStamp[1][0] = mK2GainRefTimeStamp[1][1] = -1; mK2GainRefLifetime = 10; mNoNormOfDSdoseFrac = false; mK2MinStartupDelay = 3.0; mAskedDeferredSum = false; mConsDeferred = NULL; mBufDeferred = NULL; mExtraDeferred = NULL; mUseGPUforK2Align[0] = mUseGPUforK2Align[1] = false; mTestGpuInShrmemframe = false; mAlignWholeSeriesInIMOD = false; mNumFrameAliLogLines = 2; mDarkMaxMeanCrit = 0.; mDarkMaxSDcrit = 0.; mBadDarkNumRetries = 2; mAllowSpectroscopyImages = false; mASIgivesGainNormOnly = true; mFrameStackMdocInd = -1; mLastShotUsedCDS = -1; mNoFilterControl = false; mScreenInIfDetectorOut = -1; mCEOSFilter = NULL; mCEOSserverPort = 7081; mDoseModulator = NULL; mEDMserverPort = 4337; mEDMfrequency = 10000; mLastJeolDetectorID = -1; mConsetsShareChannelList = false; mDoseAdjustmentFactor = 0.; mNumFiltCheckFailures = 0; mSkipFiltCheckCount = 0; mSuspendFilterUpdates = false; mRamperWaitForBlank = false; mRamperBlankAtEnd = 0; mMinShotInterval = 0; mTakeUnbinnedIfSavingEER = true; mShowLinearForAlpine = true; mUseAPI2ForDE = false; mDynFocusTiltOffset = 0.; mFilterObeyNormDelay = false; mFilterWaiting = false; mKeepLastUsedFrameNum = false; mRamperBlankAtEnd = 0; for (l = 0; l < MAX_CHANNELS; l++) mTD.PartialArrays[l] = NULL; } // Clear anything that might be set externally, or was cleared in constructor and cleanup // before consolidating this here void CCameraController::ClearOneShotFlags() { mStageQueued = false; mMagQueued = false; mISQueued = false; mBeamTiltQueued = false; mAstigQueued = false; mDefocusQueued = false; mFocusStepToDo1 = 0.; mFocusStepToDo2 = 0.; mLDwasSetToArea = -1; mSettling = -1; mNextAsyncSumFrames = -1; mImmediateReturn = false; mNoStackNextAsync = false; mNextFrameSkipThresh = 0.; mNextPartialStartThresh = mNextPartialEndThresh = 0.; mNextRelativeThresh = 0.; mNextMinTiltGap = FRAME_TS_MIN_GAP_DFLT; mNextDropFromTiltSum = 0; mDeferSumOnNextAsync = false; mStartingDeferredSum = false; mTD.FrameTSdoBacklash = false; mFrameTSspeed = 0.; mFrameTSrestoreX = EXTRA_NO_VALUE; mStartedScanning = false; mTiltDuringShotDelay = -1; mAdjustShiftX = mAdjustShiftY = 0.; mBlankNextShot = false; mDEserverRefNextShot = 0; mBlankWhenRetracting = false; mDeferStackingFrames = false; mStartedFalconAlign = false; mStartedExtraForDEalign = false; mCancelNextContinuous = false; mDiscardImage = false; mNeedToRestoreISandBT = 0; mMaxChannelsToGet = MAX_STEM_CHANNELS; } // Set a frame align param to default values void CCameraController::SetFrameAliDefaults(FrameAliParams &faParam, const char *name, int binning, float filt1, int sizeRestrict) { faParam.aliBinning = binning; faParam.name = name; faParam.targetSize = 1000; faParam.binToTarget = 1; faParam.strategy = FRAMEALI_PAIRWISE_NUM; faParam.numAllVsAll = 7; faParam.rad2Filt1 = filt1; faParam.rad2Filt2 = 0.f; faParam.rad2Filt3 = 0.; faParam.rad2Filt4 = 0.; faParam.hybridShifts = false; faParam.sigmaRatio = 1.f / 7.f; faParam.refRadius2 = 0.; faParam.doRefine = false; faParam.refineIter = 5; faParam.useGroups = false; faParam.groupSize = 2; faParam.doSmooth = false; faParam.smoothThresh = 15; faParam.shiftLimit = 20; faParam.truncate = false; faParam.truncLimit = 0.; faParam.groupRefine = false; faParam.stopIterBelow = 0.1f; faParam.antialiasType = 4; faParam.keepPrecision = false; faParam.outputFloatSums = false; faParam.alignSubset = false; faParam.subsetStart = 1; faParam.subsetEnd = 20; faParam.sizeRestriction = sizeRestrict; faParam.whereRestriction = 0; faParam.EERsuperRes = 0; } void CCameraController::AddFrameAliDefaultsIfNone() { FrameAliParams faParam; if (!mFrameAliParams.GetSize()) { SetFrameAliDefaults(faParam, "4K default set", 4, 0.06f, 1); mFrameAliParams.Add(faParam); SetFrameAliDefaults(faParam, "8K default set", 6, 0.05f, 2); mFrameAliParams.Add(faParam); } } CCameraController::~CCameraController() { if (mDMInitialized[AMT_IND]) mTD.amtCam->Release(); DeleteReferences(DARK_REFERENCE, false); DeleteReferences(GAIN_REFERENCE, false); if (mFilterUpdateID) ::KillTimer(NULL, mFilterUpdateID); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) mDMInitialized[i] = false; mTietzInitialized = false; mFEIinitialized = false; if (mRamperInstance) mTD.FocusRamper = NULL; delete mConsDeferred; delete mBufDeferred; delete mExtraDeferred; delete mCEOSFilter; delete mDoseModulator; } // Shut down timer to prevent updates void CCameraController::KillUpdateTimer() { if (mFilterUpdateID) ::KillTimer(NULL, mFilterUpdateID); mFilterUpdateID = 0; if (mScriptThread) UtilThreadCleanup(&mScriptThread); //Uninit any DE cameras that were initialized to begin with. // DNM: Let the destructor uninitialize it once // Now that it is a plugin, it needs to uninitialize here before the destructors if (mTD.DE_Cam) delete mTD.DE_Cam; mTD.DE_Cam = NULL; mDEInitialized = false; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Initialization /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This routine gets an instance of the Gatan camera COM interface if called for by the // argument specifying type to create for // Returns true if there is an error, sets a flag that there is a connection if not // It should be called only for a DM camera type, from main thread BOOL CCameraController::CreateCamera(int createFor, bool popupError) { BOOL bRtn; HRESULT hr; sCreateFor = createFor; CreateDMCamera(mGatanCamera); if (popupError) bRtn = SEMTestHResult(hr, "getting instance of camera " + mParam->name + " "); else bRtn = !SUCCEEDED(hr); mCOMBusy = !bRtn; sCreateFor = CREATE_FOR_CURRENT; return bRtn; } // This routine releases the instance if one was created void CCameraController::ReleaseCamera(int createFor) { sCreateFor = createFor; ReleaseDMCamera(mGatanCamera); sCreateFor = CREATE_FOR_CURRENT; mCOMBusy = false; } // This routine makes the initial contact with the camera(s). // It calls a separate routine for each type of camera // It returns 1 if there is not a successful instance creation or -1 for fatal error int CCameraController::Initialize(int whichCameras) { CString report; CameraParameters *param; int *originalList = mWinApp->GetOriginalActiveList(); int numOrig = mWinApp->GetActiveCamListSize(); int indPresent = 0, FEIstem = 0; int indMissing = numOrig - 1; int numGatanListed = 0, numTietzListed = 0, numFEIlisted = 0, numPlugListed = 0; int numDMListed[3], digiscan[3], numAdd[3]; int numDEListed = 0; double addedFlyback; float ovFrameDivisors[MAX_1VIEW_TYPES][4] = {{0.04f, 0.010101f, 0.005112f, 0.003333f}, {0.066667f, 0.016667f, 0.016667f, 0.016667f}, {0.05f,0.0125f, 0.00625f, 0.00625f}, {0.066667f, 0.066667f, 0.066667f, 0.066667f}, {0.00203f, 0.00203f, 0.00203f}, {0.000625f,0.000625f, 0.000625f}}; float tietzFrame; int i, ind, jnd, err, DMind, ovInd; long num; static bool firstTime = true; BOOL anyGIF = false; BOOL anyPreExp = false; bool differentK2s = false; bool anyFalcon3_4 = false; int anyK2Type = 0; FilterParams *filtParam = mWinApp->GetFilterParams(); if (mWinApp->GetNoCameras()) return 1; if (mFalconFrameConfig.IsEmpty()) mMaxFalconFrames = 0; if (mAntialiasBinning == 0) mAntialiasBinning = 1; CameraParameters *camP = &mAllParams[mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera()]; if (firstTime && !mCEOSserverIP.IsEmpty()) { mCEOSFilter = new CCEOSFilter; if (mCEOSFilter->Connect(mCEOSserverIP, mCEOSserverPort, report)) { AfxMessageBox("Connection to CEOS filter failed with message:\n" + report + "\n\nControl of the filter will not be available", MB_EXCLAME); mNoFilterControl = true; } else { err = mCEOSFilter->GetFilterInfo(mNoSpectrumOffset); if (err) { report.Format("Getting information from CEOS filter failed with message:\n%s" "\n\nControl of the filter will not be available", mCEOSFilter->GetErrorString(err)); AfxMessageBox(report, MB_EXCLAME); mNoFilterControl = true; } mFilterUpdateID = ::SetTimer(NULL, 1, 500, FilterUpdateProc); } } if (firstTime && !mEDMserverIP.IsEmpty()) { mDoseModulator = new CDoseModulator; if (mDoseModulator->Initialize(report)) { AfxMessageBox("Initialization of Dose Modulator failed with message:\n" + report + "\n\nDose modulation will not be available", MB_EXCLAME); B3DDELETE(mDoseModulator); } } firstTime = false; if (mDynFocusInterval < 0) mDynFocusInterval = FEIscope ? 40 : 80; if (mStartDynFocusDelay < 0) mStartDynFocusDelay = FEIscope ? 100 : 250; if (mDivideBy2 < 0) mDivideBy2 = 0; if (mSaveRawPacked < 0) mSaveRawPacked = 0; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { digiscan[i] = 0; numDMListed[i] = 0; numAdd[i] = 0; mNeedsReadMode[i] = false; } // If we are coming in here because something about Tietz cameras is not ready, // then try to relock and reinitialize if necessary, and in any case return if the // desired camera failed to initialize now or earlier if (whichCameras == INIT_CURRENT_CAMERA && camP->TietzType && mTietzInitialized) { if (LockInitializeTietz(false)) return 1; if (camP->failedToInitialize) return 1; return 0; } // Count up cameras of each type listed, clear retractability of Tietz cameras // FEI retractability now cleared in initialize function for (i = 0; i < numOrig; i++) { ind = originalList[i]; param = &mAllParams[ind]; if (param->TietzType) { numTietzListed++; if (param->TietzCanPreExpose) anyPreExp = true; param->retractable = false; param->pluginName = ""; } else if (param->FEItype) { numFEIlisted++; if (param->STEMcamera) FEIstem = 1; if (IS_FALCON3_OR_4(param)) anyFalcon3_4 = true; } else if (param->DE_camType) numDEListed++; else if (!param->pluginName.IsEmpty()) numPlugListed++; else if (param->AMTtype) numDMListed[AMT_IND]++; else { DMind = param->useSocket ? SOCK_IND : COM_IND; numDMListed[DMind]++; if (param->STEMcamera) { param->retractable = false; digiscan[DMind] = 1; addedFlyback = param->addedFlyback; } if (param->GIF) sGIFisSocket = DMind; if (param->K2Type) { mNeedsReadMode[DMind] = true; if (anyK2Type > 0 && param->K2Type != anyK2Type) differentK2s = true; anyK2Type = param->K2Type; } if (param->OneViewType) { mNeedsReadMode[DMind] = true; if (param->OneViewType != METRO_TYPE && param->OneViewType != CLEARVIEW_TYPE) { B3DCLAMP(param->OneViewType, 1, MAX_1VIEW_TYPES); if (param->OneViewType > 1) { if (param->sizeX > 3500 && param->sizeY > 3500) param->OneViewType = 3; else if (param->sizeX < 2500 && param->sizeY < 3500) param->OneViewType = 4; else param->OneViewType = 2; } } } } if (param->GIF) anyGIF = true; ovInd = param->OneViewType - 1; if (param->canTakeFrames < 0) { param->canTakeFrames = 0; // Turn it on for Tietz XF416 types and Metro if (param->TietzType >= MIN_XF416_TYPE || param->OneViewType == METRO_TYPE) param->canTakeFrames = 3; } if (IsDirectDetector(param) && !param->OneViewType) param->canTakeFrames = 0; if (param->canTakeFrames) { if (param->TietzType >= 11) { jnd = TIETZ_ROTATING(param) ? param->sizeX : param->sizeY; tietzFrame = (float)((param->TietzType >= MIN_XF416_TYPE ? 0.01 : 0.1) * B3DNINT(jnd / 1024.)); } for (jnd = 0; jnd < param->numBinnings; jnd++) { if (param->frameTimeDivisor[jnd] <= 0.) { if (ovInd >= 0) { if (jnd < 4) param->frameTimeDivisor[jnd] = ovFrameDivisors[ovInd][jnd]; } else if (!jnd || param->AMTtype) param->frameTimeDivisor[jnd] = 0.001f; } if (param->minFrameTime[jnd] <= 0.) { if (ovInd >= 0) { if (jnd < 4) { if (ovInd == CLEARVIEW_TYPE - 1) param->minFrameTime[jnd] = mOneViewMinExposure[ovInd][jnd]; else if (param->frameTimeDivisor[jnd] < 0.00101f) param->minFrameTime[jnd] = ovFrameDivisors[ovInd][jnd]; else if (ovInd == METRO_TYPE - 1) param->minFrameTime[jnd] = mOneViewMinExposure[ovInd][jnd]; else param->minFrameTime[jnd] = param->frameTimeDivisor[jnd]; } else if (!jnd) param->minFrameTime[jnd] = param->frameTimeDivisor[jnd]; } else if (param->TietzType >= 11) { param->minFrameTime[jnd] = tietzFrame; } else if (param->AMTtype) param->minFrameTime[jnd] = 0.033f; } ACCUM_MAX(param->minFrameTime[jnd], param->frameTimeDivisor[jnd]); } } } if (numFEIlisted - FEIstem > 1 && !anyFalcon3_4) mOtherCamerasInTIA = true; // Delayed initialization of K2 parameters depending on base or summit if not entered if (mMinK2FrameTime < 0) mMinK2FrameTime = anyK2Type == K2_BASE ? 0.1138f : 0.025f; if (mK2ReadoutInterval < 0) mK2ReadoutInterval = anyK2Type == K2_BASE ? 0.1138f : 0.0025f; if (mK2BaseModeScaling < 0) mK2BaseModeScaling = 0.25f; if (mK2MaxRamStackGB < 0) { if (anyK2Type == K3_TYPE && !differentK2s) mK2MaxRamStackGB = 32; else mK2MaxRamStackGB = 12; } // Try to initialize DM type cameras if any are listed and not initialized yet for (DMind = 0; DMind < 3; DMind++) { if (numDMListed[DMind] && !mDMInitialized[DMind] && (whichCameras == INIT_ALL_CAMERAS || (whichCameras == INIT_GIF_CAMERA && DMind == sGIFisSocket) || (whichCameras == INIT_CURRENT_CAMERA && camP->DMCamera && DMind == CAMP_DM_INDEX(camP) ))) { InitializeDMcameras(DMind, numDMListed, originalList, numOrig, anyGIF, digiscan, addedFlyback); } } sNumCOMGatanCam = mNumDMCameras[COM_IND]; // For omega filter, do filter setup here if (mScope->GetHasOmegaFilter() && mScope->GetInitialized() && SetupFilter()) AfxMessageBox("An error occurred trying to initialize filter parameters.", MB_EXCLAME); // Create Tietz interface if necessary if (numTietzListed && !mTietzInitialized && (whichCameras == INIT_ALL_CAMERAS || whichCameras == INIT_TIETZ_CAMERA || (whichCameras == INIT_CURRENT_CAMERA && camP->TietzType))) { err = InitializeTietz(whichCameras, originalList, numOrig, anyPreExp); if (err && whichCameras != INIT_ALL_CAMERAS) return err; } // Create FEI interface if necessary if (numFEIlisted && !mFEIinitialized && (whichCameras == INIT_ALL_CAMERAS || (whichCameras == INIT_CURRENT_CAMERA && camP->FEItype))) InitializeFEIcameras(numFEIlisted, originalList, numOrig); // Initialize DE cameras if (numDEListed && !mDEInitialized && (whichCameras == INIT_ALL_CAMERAS || (whichCameras == INIT_CURRENT_CAMERA && camP->DE_camType))) InitializeDirectElectron(originalList, numOrig); // Initialize plugin cameras if (numPlugListed && !mPlugInitialized && (whichCameras == INIT_ALL_CAMERAS || (whichCameras == INIT_CURRENT_CAMERA && !camP->pluginName.IsEmpty()))) InitializePluginCameras(numPlugListed, originalList, numOrig); // Build the active camera list for (ind = 0; ind < numOrig; ind++) { i = originalList[ind]; if (mAllParams[i].DMCamera && !mAllParams[i].STEMcamera) { DMind = CAMP_DM_INDEX(&mAllParams[i]); if (numAdd[DMind] < mNumDMCameras[DMind] - digiscan[DMind]) { mActiveList[indPresent++] = i; numAdd[DMind]++; } else mActiveList[indMissing--] = i; } else { if (!(mAllParams[i].failedToInitialize || (mAllParams[i].TietzType && !mTietzInstances))) mActiveList[indPresent++] = i; else mActiveList[indMissing--] = i; } } // Find index of first regular and GIF cameras in new list filtParam->firstGIFCamera = -1; filtParam->firstRegularCamera = -1; for (ind = 0; ind < numOrig; ind++) { if (mAllParams[mActiveList[ind]].GIF && (filtParam->firstGIFCamera < 0 || ind == mDefaultGIFCamera)) filtParam->firstGIFCamera = ind; if (!mAllParams[mActiveList[ind]].GIF && !mAllParams[mActiveList[ind]].STEMcamera && (filtParam->firstRegularCamera < 0 || ind == mDefaultRegularCamera)) filtParam->firstRegularCamera = ind; if (mAllParams[mActiveList[ind]].STEMcamera && mWinApp->GetFirstSTEMcamera() < 0) mWinApp->SetFirstSTEMcamera(ind); } // Put any other cameras read in on the end of the active list past missing cameras for (ind = 0; ind < MAX_CAMERAS; ind++) { if (mAllParams[ind].name.Find("Default Camera") >= 0) continue; i = -1; for (num = 0; num < numOrig; num++) { if (mActiveList[num] == ind) i = num; } if (i < 0) mActiveList[numOrig++] = ind; } // Finally set number of active cameras err = mNumDMCameras[0] + mNumDMCameras[1] + mNumDMCameras[2] + mNumTietzCameras + numFEIlisted + mNumDECameras + numPlugListed; if (!err) { mWinApp->SetNoCameras(true); mSimulationMode = true; } mWinApp->SetNumberOfActiveCameras(err, numOrig); return 0; } // Initialize DMcamera-type interface for index DMind void CCameraController::InitializeDMcameras(int DMind, int *numDMListed, int *originalList, int numOrig, BOOL anyGIF, int *digiscan, double addedFlyback) { HRESULT hr; CString report; CameraParameters *param; double flyback, rotOffset; int i, ind, div, sel, nlist, needVers = SEMCCD_VERSION_OK_NO_K2; long num, allnum, doFlip, available; int gatanSelectList[2 * MAX_IGNORE_GATAN]; bool anyK2 = false, anyAligning = false, gotDefectList; if (DMind == AMT_IND) { hr = CoCreateInstance(__uuidof(AMTCamInterface), 0, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, __uuidof(IAMTCamInterface), (void **)&mTD.amtCam); report = "while connecting to AMT camera."; } else if (DMind == COM_IND) { CreateDMCamera(mGatanCamera); report = "while connecting to Gatan Camera.\nDigitalMicrograph needs to be running."; } else { hr = mWinApp->mGatanSocket->Initialize() ? E_FAIL : S_OK; report = "while connecting to Gatan camera via socket.\nDigitalMicrograph " "needs to be running on the server."; } if(!SEMTestHResult(hr, report)) { try { long version, plugVersion, build; long canSelectShutter, canSetSettling, openShutterWorks; mPluginVersion[DMind] = 0; MainCallDMIndCamera(DMind, GetNumberOfCameras(&allnum)); MainCallDMIndCamera(DMind, SetDebugMode(GetDebugOutput('Z'))); // Get the plugin version first if (DMind != AMT_IND) { // See if latest version is required instead of what is OK if no K2 for (ind = 0, num = 0; ind < numOrig; ind++) { i = originalList[ind]; if (mAllParams[i].GatanCam && mAllParams[i].K2Type && DMind == CAMP_DM_INDEX(&mAllParams[i])) needVers = SEMCCD_PLUGIN_VERSION; } mNewFunctionCalled = "a new function to get the plugin version"; try { CallDMIndGatan(DMind, mGatanCamera, GetPluginVersion(&plugVersion)); mPluginVersion[DMind] = plugVersion; if (plugVersion < needVers) { if (DMind == SOCK_IND && CBaseSocket::ServerIsRemote(GATAN_SOCK_ID)) report.Format("The SerialEMCCD plugin to DigitalMicrograph on the other " "computer\nis version %d and should be upgraded to the current version " "(%d)\n\nCopy the appropriate file from a current SerialEM installation" " package\n" "(normally in a folder C:\\Program Files\\SerialEM\\SerialEM_3-x-x...)\n" "to the Gatan Plugins folder on the other computer and replace\n" "the version that is currently there (exit DM first)", plugVersion, SEMCCD_PLUGIN_VERSION); else report.Format("The SerialEMCCD plugin to DigitalMicrograph on this computer" "\nis version %d and should be upgraded to the current version (%d)\n\n" "This is usually accomplished by exiting DM and running\n" "INSTALL.bat in a current SerialEM installation package\n" "(normally in a folder C:\\Program Files\\SerialEM\\SerialEM_3-x-x...)", plugVersion, SEMCCD_PLUGIN_VERSION); AfxMessageBox(report, MB_ICONINFORMATION | MB_OK); } } catch (...) { } mNewFunctionCalled = ""; } // The plugin knows the DM version, so get it from there. And AMT has a version too mNewFunctionCalled = "a new function to get the build number: try closing DM" " and rerunning INSTALL.bat"; if (DMind == AMT_IND || mPluginVersion[DMind] < PLUGIN_CAN_GIVE_BUILD) { MainCallDMIndCamera(DMind, GetDMVersion(&version)); } else { CallDMIndGatan(DMind, mGatanCamera, GetDMVersionAndBuild(&version, &build)); mDMbuild[DMind] = build; } mDMversion[DMind] = version; mNewFunctionCalled = ""; if (DMind != AMT_IND) { if (digiscan[DMind]) { CallDMIndGatan(DMind, mGatanCamera, GetDSProperties(mDSextraShotDelay, addedFlyback, mDSsyncMargin, &flyback, &mDSlineFreq, &rotOffset, &doFlip)); if (mDSshouldFlip >= 0) { if ((mDSshouldFlip ? 1 : 0) != doFlip) { report.Format("Digiscan is%s set up to Flip Horizontal Scan and it is%s " "supposed to.\n\nYou should fix this in the DigiScan Setup Advanced " "(Configuration) dialog.", doFlip ? "" : " not", doFlip ? " not" : ""); AfxMessageBox(report, MB_EXCLAME); } if (fabs(mDSglobalRotOffset - rotOffset) > 0.01) { report.Format("DigiScan is set up with a Rotation Offset of %.2f and it " "is supposed to be %.2f.\n\nYou should fix this in the DigiScan Setup" " Advanced (Configuration) dialog.", rotOffset, mDSglobalRotOffset); AfxMessageBox(report, MB_EXCLAME); } } allnum++; } // Get the shuttering capabilities and AND this with the current properties // for all cameras on this interface MainCallDMIndCamera(DMind, GetDMCapabilities(&canSelectShutter, &canSetSettling, &openShutterWorks)); for (i = 0; i < MAX_CAMERAS; i++) { if (mAllParams[i].GatanCam && DMind == CAMP_DM_INDEX(&mAllParams[i])) { mAllParams[i].DMbeamShutterOK = mAllParams[i].DMbeamShutterOK && canSelectShutter; mAllParams[i].DMsettlingOK = mAllParams[i].DMsettlingOK && canSetSettling; mAllParams[i].DMopenShutterOK = mAllParams[i].DMopenShutterOK && openShutterWorks; } } } // Count number not to ignore and build mapping to actual camera number, don't // let them ignore the last one if its DigiScan num = 0; for (i = 0; i < allnum; i++) if (!numberInList(i, mIgnoreDMList[DMind], mNumIgnoreDM[DMind], 0) || i == allnum - digiscan[DMind]) gatanSelectList[num++] = i; if (num < 1) gatanSelectList[num++] = 0; if (num != numDMListed[DMind]) { if (num > numDMListed[DMind]) report.Format("There are %d %s%s cameras available but only %d specified" "\nin the ActiveCameraList from the SerialEMproperties file.\n\n" "You will not be able to access the last %d cameras.", num, DMind == SOCK_IND ? "socket server " : "", DMind == AMT_IND ? "AMT" : "Gatan", numDMListed[DMind], num - numDMListed[DMind]); else if (DMind == AMT_IND) report.Format("There are only %d AMT camera(s) available while %d are " "specified\nin the ActiveCameraList from the SerialEMproperties file.", num, numDMListed[DMind]); else report.Format("There are only %d %sGatan camera(s) available while %d are" " specified\nin the ActiveCameraList from the SerialEMproperties file." "\n\nIf a camera is turned off, you should turn it on,\n" "then restart DigitalMicrograph and SerialEM.\n\n" "If a camera is unavailable, you should edit the properties\n" "file to list just the available cameras, then restart SerialEM.\n\n", num, DMind == SOCK_IND ? "socket server " : "", numDMListed[DMind]); AfxMessageBox(report, MB_EXCLAME); } nlist= B3DMIN(num, numDMListed[DMind]); mNumDMCameras[DMind] = nlist; // Go through the cameras on the interface in order by the active list and // assign camera numbers from this select list // Set shutter configuration for Gatan if flag set for this // It's possible for nothing but DigiScan to be left so stop treating them as // regular cameras when num reaches 1 less than the limit for (ind = 0, num = 0; ind < numOrig && num < nlist; ind++) { i = originalList[ind]; param = &mAllParams[i]; if (param->DMCamera && !param->STEMcamera && DMind == CAMP_DM_INDEX(param) && num < nlist - digiscan[DMind]) { sel = gatanSelectList[num]; param->cameraNumber = sel; if (param->GatanCam) { if (param->setAltShutterNC) MainCallDMIndCamera(DMind, SetShutterNormallyClosed(sel, (long)param->beamShutter)); // Do not try to set or clear DM settling for Faux camera if (param->name.Find("Faux") >= 0) MainCallDMIndCamera(DMind, SetNoDMSettling(sel)); // Set up defaults for continuous mode before checking size so boundary // direction can be gotten in size check if needed if (version < 40000) param->useFastAcquireObject = false; if (param->useContinuousMode < 0) { if (param->K2Type || param->OneViewType) { param->useContinuousMode = 1; param->setContinuousReadout = true; } else if (param->DMRefName.Find("US4000") >= 0) { param->useContinuousMode = 1; } else if (param->DMRefName.Find("US1000") >= 0) { param->useContinuousMode = 1; } else if (param->DMRefName.Find("Orius") >= 0) { param->useContinuousMode = 1; param->setContinuousReadout = true; param->continuousQuality = 1; param->balanceHalves = 1; param->fourPort = true; } } // Default post-actions disabled for OneView if ((param->OneViewType || param->K2Type == K3_TYPE) && param->postActionsOK < 0) param->postActionsOK = 0; if (param->canTakeFrames && mPluginVersion[DMind] < PLUGIN_TAKES_OV_FRAMES) param->canTakeFrames = 0; if (param->OneViewType && mPluginVersion[DMind] >= PLUGIN_EXTRA_DIV_FLOATS) param->CamFlags |= CAMFLAG_CAN_DIV_MORE | CAMFLAG_FLOATS_BY_FLAG; // Check the size CheckGatanSize(sel, i); // Set up default boundary for Orius if needed if (param->useContinuousMode > 0 && param->balanceHalves > 0 && param->halfBoundary < 0) { if (param->ifHorizontalBoundary) param->halfBoundary = param->sizeY / 2; else param->halfBoundary = param->sizeX / 2; } // For a K2 and GMS 2.31, get the defect list gotDefectList = false; if (param->K2Type && !param->defects.wasScaled && version >= DM_RETURNS_DEFECT_LIST) { MainCallDMIndCamera(DMind, selectCamera(sel)); GetMergeK2DefectList(DMind, &mAllParams[i], false); gotDefectList = true; mWinApp->mGainRefMaker->IsDMReferenceNew(i); } if (param->K2Type && param->countingRefForK2.IsEmpty()) { if (!mCountingRef.IsEmpty()) param->countingRefForK2 = mCountingRef; else param->countingRefForK2 = MakeFullDMRefName(&mAllParams[i], ".m2."); } if (param->K2Type && param->superResRefForK2.IsEmpty()) { if (!mSuperResRef.IsEmpty()) param->superResRefForK2 = mSuperResRef; else param->superResRefForK2 = MakeFullDMRefName(&mAllParams[i], param->K2Type == K3_TYPE ? ".m1." : ".m3."); } // Initialize added delay per frame if not set by property if (param->startDelayPerFrame < 0) param->startDelayPerFrame = param->K2Type ? 0.005f : 0.f; if ((param->OneViewType || param->K2Type == K3_TYPE) && mPluginVersion[DMind] < PLUGIN_CAN_MAKE_SUBAREA) { param->subareasBad = 2; param->moduloX = -2; } if (param->K2Type == K3_TYPE) { if (!param->countsPerElectron) param->countsPerElectron = 32.; if (!param->linearOffset) param->linearOffset = 8192; if (param->linear2CountingRatio == 8.) param->linear2CountingRatio = 350.; } // Set a flag for the K3 rot/flip bug if negative rotflip, make it positive if (param->rotationFlip < 0) { if (param->K2Type == K3_TYPE) param->CamFlags |= K3_CAM_ROTFLIP_BUG; param->rotationFlip = -param->rotationFlip; } // For all Gatan cameras, identify bad pixels that touch rows/columns if (!gotDefectList) { div = BinDivisorI(&mAllParams[i]); CorDefFindTouchingPixels(param->defects, param->sizeX / div, param->sizeY / div, 0); // For K2, scale the defects up and mark as K2 if (param->K2Type && !param->defects.wasScaled) { CorDefScaleDefectsForK2(¶m->defects, false); param->defects.K2Type = 1; } } if (param->K2Type) anyK2 = true; if (param->canTakeFrames & 2) anyAligning = true; } num++; } if (param->GatanCam && param->STEMcamera) { param->basicFlyback = (float)flyback; param->flyback = (float)flyback + param->addedFlyback; } } if ((anyK2 || anyAligning) && mPluginVersion[DMind] >= PLUGIN_CAN_ALIGN_FRAMES) { CallDMIndGatan(DMind, mGatanCamera, IsGpuAvailable(0, &available, &mGpuMemory[DMind])); SEMTrace('1', "GPU %s available for %s%s%s aligning", available ? "IS" : "IS NOT", anyK2 ? "K2/K3" : "", anyK2 && anyAligning ? " and " : "", anyAligning ? "OneView/Rio" : ""); } } catch (_com_error E) { SEMReportCOMError(E, _T(DMind == AMT_IND ? "getting initial information " "about AMT cameras " : "getting initial information about Gatan cameras ")); } mDMInitialized[DMind] = true; if (DMind == COM_IND) mGatanCamera->Release(); // If there is a GIF camera, first enforce the program state on the filter // then start an update timer to collect the state as it gets changed by other // interfaces if (anyGIF && DMind == sGIFisSocket && !mNoFilterControl && !mCEOSFilter) { if (SetupFilter()) AfxMessageBox("An error occurred trying to initialize filter parameters.\n\n" "You probably need to start Filter Control and restart Digital Micrograph\n" "if you want to use the energy filter", MB_EXCLAME); mFilterUpdateID = ::SetTimer(NULL, 1, 500, FilterUpdateProc); } } // Even if there was a total failure, we need to say one was on the active list // so that reinitialization can occur if (!mNumDMCameras[DMind]) mNumDMCameras[DMind] = 1; } // Initialize Tietz camera interface int CCameraController::InitializeTietz(int whichCameras, int *originalList, int numOrig, BOOL anyPreExp) { int i, ind, flags, type, plugVers, servVers; bool anyGPU = false, anyNonGPU = false, hasSTEM = false, lockFailed = false; CString mess; CameraParameters *param; CamPluginFuncs *funcs; // Create an instance just once, even if later lock fails if (!mTietzInstances) { funcs = mWinApp->mPluginManager->GetCameraFuncs("TietzPlugin", flags, 0); if (!funcs) { AfxMessageBox("The TietzPlugin was not loaded; no Tietz camera will be available", MB_EXCLAME); return 1; } if (!funcs->GetCameraSize || !funcs->InitializeInterface || !funcs->InitializeCamera || !funcs->UninitializeCameras || !funcs->PrepareForAcquire || !funcs->SelectCamera || !funcs->SelectShutter || !funcs->SetRotationFlip || !funcs->SetGainIndex || !funcs->GetNumberOfGains || !funcs->GetPluginVersion) { AfxMessageBox("The TietzPlugin is missing at least one required function; no " "Tietz camera will be available", MB_EXCLAME); return 1; } for (i = 0; i < numOrig; i++) { ind = originalList[i]; param = &mAllParams[ind]; if (param->TietzType) { if (param->TietzType == 17 || param->TietzType == 18) anyGPU = true; else if (!param->STEMcamera) anyNonGPU = true; else hasSTEM = true; } } if (hasSTEM && (!funcs->GetSTEMProperties || !funcs->AcquireSTEMImage)) { AfxMessageBox("The TietzPlugin is missing a required function for STEM access; no " "Tietz camera will be available", MB_EXCLAME); return 1; } if (anyGPU) { funcs->GetPluginVersion(&plugVers, &servVers); if (plugVers < TIETZ_VERSION_HAS_GPU) { AfxMessageBox("The Tietz plugin version does not support a GPU camera and must be" " upgraded to the current version", MB_EXCLAME); } else if (servVers > 0 && servVers < TIETZ_VERSION_HAS_GPU) { AfxMessageBox("The Tietz-SEMserver version in the Tietz computer does not support a" " GPU camera and must be upgraded to the current version", MB_EXCLAME); } } ind = funcs->InitializeInterface((anyPreExp ? TIETZ_USE_SHUTTERBOX : 0) + (anyGPU ? TIETZ_IS_GPU_CAMERA : 0) + (hasSTEM ? TIETZ_HAS_STEM : 0) + (!(anyGPU || anyNonGPU) ? TIETZ_HAS_NO_CAMERAS : 0)); if ((ind & ~TIETZ_NO_SHUTTERBOX) == 0) { mTietzInstances = true; mShutterInstance = anyPreExp && !ind; // Get the functions into array, cancel property if shutterbox creation failed for (i = 0; i < numOrig; i++) { ind = originalList[i]; param = &mAllParams[ind]; type = param->TietzType; if (type) { if (anyPreExp && !mShutterInstance) param->TietzCanPreExpose = false; mPlugFuncs[ind] = funcs; param->cameraNumber = (param->STEMcamera && param->TietzType >= 0) ? -1 : param->TietzType; if (flags & PLUGFLAG_FLOATS_BY_FLAG) param->CamFlags |= CAMFLAG_FLOATS_BY_FLAG; if (flags & PLUGFLAG_CAN_DIV_MORE) param->CamFlags |= CAMFLAG_CAN_DIV_MORE; param->CamFlags |= CAMFLAG_SINGLE_OK_IF_SAVE; if (!param->STEMcamera) { // Set this if the test for processing ability passes param->pluginCanProcess = !param->TietzFlatfieldDir.IsEmpty() && type >= 11 && type != 13; if (param->pluginCanProcess && param->cropFullSizeImages < 0) param->cropFullSizeImages = 3; if (param->cropFullSizeImages < 0) param->cropFullSizeImages = 0; if (param->cropFullSizeImages && !funcs->SetSizeOfCamera) { param->cropFullSizeImages = 0; AfxMessageBox("The TietzPlugin is missing a function required for cropping" " full sized image; that feature will be unavailable", MB_EXCLAME); } if (param->canTakeFrames & FRAMES_CAN_BE_ALIGNED) mFalconHelper->Initialize(-2); if (param->useContinuousMode < 0) param->useContinuousMode = (type >= 11 && type != 13) ? 1 : 0; } else { // camera number is -1 for scan. -2 for LUT, -3 and -4 for simulation B3DCLAMP(param->cameraNumber, -4, -1); if (param->sizeY != param->sizeX) { AfxMessageBox("The Tietz plugin requires a square STEM camera size; the X" " size will be used", MB_EXCLAME); param->sizeY = param->sizeX; } } } } } else { mess = "Failed to connect to Tietz camera interface.\n" "No Tietz camera will be available"; if (ind == TIETZ_NO_SOCKET) mess += "\n\nIs the Tietz-SEMServer running on the Tietz computer?\n" "Set property DebugOutput to K to diagnose connection to the server"; AfxMessageBox(mess, MB_EXCLAME); } } // If interfaces created, proceed to lock and initialize if (mTietzInstances) { // If the lock fails, mark as one camera, with later attempt // to reinitialize if (LockInitializeTietz(true)) { mNumTietzCameras = 1; lockFailed = true; if (whichCameras == INIT_CURRENT_CAMERA) return 1; } if (!lockFailed) { // If initialization succeeds, count up number of cameras mTietzInitialized = true; mNumTietzCameras = 0; for (ind = 0; ind < numOrig; ind++) { i = originalList[ind]; if (mAllParams[i].TietzType && !mAllParams[i].failedToInitialize) mNumTietzCameras++; } } } return 0; } // Initialize FEI camera interface void CCameraController::InitializeFEIcameras(int &numFEIlisted, int *originalList, int numOrig) { int i, ind, err, bin, base, power; bool needsConfig = false, oldFalcon2, anyOldFalcon2 = false, anyGIF = false; double maxLoss, minWidth, maxWidth; FilterParams *filtParam = mWinApp->GetFilterParams(); // Check that all listed cameras are accessible (???) numFEIlisted = 0; for (ind = 0; ind < numOrig; ind++) { i = originalList[ind]; if (mAllParams[i].FEItype) { oldFalcon2 = mAllParams[i].FEItype == FALCON2_TYPE; err = mScope->LookupScriptingCamera(&mAllParams[i], false); if (err) { //mAllParams[i].failedToInitialize = true; if (err == 1) { if (mOtherCamerasInTIA) mWinApp->AppendToLog("The FEI camera named " + mAllParams[i].name + " was not found among the available cameras\r\nTIA must be running and the " " camera must be selected in the microscope user interface CCD panel\r\n" "for the camera to be available"); else AfxMessageBox("The FEI camera named " + mAllParams[i].name + " was not found among the available cameras\n\nIf using standard scripting," " check that TIA is running.\n\nIf it is, or if using Advanced Scripting," " check that the " + (mAllParams[i].detectorName[0].IsEmpty() ? "Name entry " + mAllParams[i].name : "DetectorName entry " + mAllParams[i].detectorName[0]) + " in properties matches the name in FEI " "software", MB_EXCLAME); } if (err == 2) { AfxMessageBox("FEI camera cannot be assessed because microscope object is " "not initialized", MB_EXCLAME); break; } } else { if (mAllParams[i].CamFlags & PLUGFEI_USES_ADVANCED) oldFalcon2 = false; } mFEIinitialized = true; if (oldFalcon2) anyOldFalcon2 = true; numFEIlisted++; mAllParams[i].flyback = mAllParams[i].basicFlyback + mAllParams[i].addedFlyback; if (mAllParams[i].GIF && mAllParams[i].filterIsFEI) { if (mScope->GetPluginVersion() < PLUGFEI_FILT_FLASH_LOAD) AfxMessageBox("The FEI camera named " + mAllParams[i].name + " is specified\n" "as being on an FEI filter but the FEI scope plugin version does not support" " this", MB_EXCLAME); else anyGIF = true; } } } // Initialize helper now that it is known whether configs should be ignored // Also clear retractability here if not advanced interface mFalconHelper->Initialize(mFEIinitialized && !anyOldFalcon2 ? 1 : 0); for (ind = 0; ind < numOrig; ind++) { i = originalList[ind]; if (mAllParams[i].FEItype) { if (mAllParams[i].CamFlags & PLUGFEI_USES_ADVANCED) { if (mTakeUnbinnedIfSavingEER > 0 && IS_FALCON2_3_4((&mAllParams[i]))) { mAllParams[i].autoGainAtBinning = 0; B3DCLAMP(mAllParams[i].numBinnings, 1, 3); mAllParams[i].gainFactor[0] = 1.; mAllParams[i].gainFactor[1] = mTakeUnbinnedIfSavingEER > 1 ? 1.f : 0.25f; mAllParams[i].gainFactor[2] = mTakeUnbinnedIfSavingEER > 1 ? 1.f : 0.0625f; } if (mAllParams[i].autoGainAtBinning > 0) { for (bin = 0; bin < mAllParams[i].numBinnings; bin++) { if (mAllParams[i].gainFactor[bin] != 1.) { mAllParams[i].autoGainAtBinning = 0; AfxMessageBox("The FEI camera named " + mAllParams[i].name + " has " "both RelativeGainFactors and AutoGainFactors property entries.\n\n" "The AutoGainFactors entry will be ignored.", MB_EXCLAME); } } } if (mAllParams[i].autoGainAtBinning >= mAllParams[i].numBinnings) { mAllParams[i].autoGainAtBinning = 0; AfxMessageBox("The starting binning index in the AutoGainFactors property entry" " is too high for the\nFEI camera named " + mAllParams[i].name + " and this entry will have no effect", MB_EXCLAME); } base = mAllParams[i].autoGainAtBinning; if (base > 0) { for (bin = base; bin < mAllParams[i].numBinnings; bin++) { power = B3DNINT(2. * log((double)mAllParams[i].binnings[bin] / mAllParams[i].binnings[base - 1]) / log(2.)); mAllParams[i].gainFactor[bin] = (float)pow(0.5, (double)power); } } } else { mAllParams[i].retractable = false; mAllParams[i].autoGainAtBinning = 0; } // Assign global reference dir and frame path if the camera properties one is empty if (IS_FALCON2_3_4((&mAllParams[i])) && mAllParams[i].falconRefDir.IsEmpty()) mAllParams[i].falconRefDir = mFalconReferenceDir; if ((IS_FALCON2_3_4((&mAllParams[i])) || FCAM_CONTIN_SAVE((&mAllParams[i]))) && mAllParams[i].falconFramePath.IsEmpty()) mAllParams[i].falconFramePath = mLocalFalconFramePath; if (mAllParams[i].canTakeFrames) mAllParams[i].canTakeFrames = mAllParams[i].falconFramePath.IsEmpty() ? 1 : 3; // Workaround for 4.0, should be removed in 4.1 if (mAllParams[i].FEItype == FALCON4_TYPE && !mAllParams[i].falconVariant && mFalconReadoutInterval < 0.0035) mAllParams[i].falconVariant = 1; } } if (anyGIF && !mCEOSFilter) { if (!mTD.scopePlugFuncs) mTD.scopePlugFuncs = mScope->GetPlugFuncs(); try { if (filtParam->lastFeiZLPshift < EXTRA_VALUE_TEST) { filtParam->lastFeiZLPshift = (float)mTD.scopePlugFuncs->GetZeroLossPeakShift(); } mTD.scopePlugFuncs->GetFilterRanges(&maxLoss, &minWidth, &maxWidth); filtParam->maxLoss = (float)maxLoss; filtParam->minWidth = (float)minWidth; filtParam->maxWidth = (float)maxWidth; filtParam->adjustForSlitWidth = false; } catch (_com_error E) { SEMReportCOMError(E, "Getting initial value of ZLP shift in FEI interface "); } mFilterUpdateID = ::SetTimer(NULL, 1, 2000, FilterUpdateProc); } } // Initialize Direct Electron cameras void CCameraController::InitializeDirectElectron(int *originalList, int numOrig) { int ind, i; mNumDECameras = 0; for (ind = 0; ind < numOrig; ind++) { i = originalList[ind]; if (mAllParams[i].DE_camType) { if (mAllParams[i].DE_camType){ if(!mTD.DE_Cam) mTD.DE_Cam = new DirectElectronCamera(mAllParams[i].DE_camType,i); // DNM: need to test for + return value if (mTD.DE_Cam->initialize(mAllParams[i].name, i) > 0) { SEMTrace('D', "successfully initialized the camera: %s", mAllParams[i].name); mNumDECameras = mNumDECameras + 1; mDEInitialized = true; if (mAllParams[i].useContinuousMode < 0 && mAllParams[i].DE_camType >= 2) { mAllParams[i].useContinuousMode = 1; mAllParams[i].setContinuousReadout = 1; } if (mAllParams[i].name.Find("Survey") > 0) mAllParams[i].CamFlags &= ~(DE_CAM_CAN_COUNT); if (mAllParams[i].CamFlags & DE_WE_CAN_ALIGN) mFalconHelper->Initialize(-1); if (mTD.DE_Cam->GetServerVersion() >= DE_ROI_IS_ON_CHIP && (mAllParams[i].DE_ImageInvertX || mAllParams[i].DE_ImageRot)) { AfxMessageBox("Properties DEImageRotation and DEImageInvertXAxis no longer " "have any effect for DE cameras.\n" "These operations should be done in the server.", MB_EXCLAME); mAllParams[i].DE_ImageInvertX = mAllParams[i].DE_ImageRot = 0; } if ((mAllParams[i].CamFlags & DE_APOLLO_CAMERA) && !mAllParams[i].countsPerElectron) mAllParams[i].countsPerElectron = 16.; } else if (mWinApp->mPluginManager->GetDEplugIndex() >= 0) { AfxMessageBox("FAILURE in Initializing Direct Electron camera", MB_EXCLAME); mAllParams[i].failedToInitialize = true; } } else mAllParams[i].failedToInitialize = true; } } // DNM: keep it consistent, delete object and NULL the pointer now if none initialized if (!mDEInitialized) { delete mTD.DE_Cam; mTD.DE_Cam = NULL; } } // Initialize plugin cameras of all kinds void CCameraController::InitializePluginCameras(int &numPlugListed, int *originalList, int numOrig) { int ind, i, err, num, idum, numGain, flags, ifSTEM, set, plugNum; double minPixel, rotInc, ddum, pixelInc; char last; CString report, useName; numPlugListed = 0; for (ifSTEM = 1; ifSTEM >= 0; ifSTEM--) { for (ind = 0; ind < numOrig; ind++) { err = 0; i = originalList[ind]; if (!BOOL_EQUIV(mAllParams[i].STEMcamera, ifSTEM)) continue; if (!mAllParams[i].pluginName.IsEmpty()) { plugNum = 0; useName = mAllParams[i].pluginName; idum = useName.GetLength(); if (useName.ReverseFind('#') == idum) { last = useName.GetAt(idum - 1); if (last >= '0' && last <= '9') { plugNum = last - '0'; useName = useName.Left(idum - 2); } } mPlugFuncs[i] = mWinApp->mPluginManager->GetCameraFuncs(useName, flags, plugNum); if (!mPlugFuncs[i]) { if (plugNum) AfxMessageBox("Not enough plugins with the plugin name " + useName + " were loaded, so the camera with property PluginName " + mAllParams[i].pluginName + " will be unavailable", MB_EXCLAME); else AfxMessageBox("The camera plugin with plugin name " + mAllParams[i].pluginName + " did not load, so that camera will be unavailable", MB_EXCLAME); err = 1; } else { num = mPlugFuncs[i]->GetNumberOfCameras(); if (num <= 0) { AfxMessageBox("Error getting number of cameras from the camera plugin " "named " + mAllParams[i].pluginName, MB_EXCLAME); err = 1; } } if (!err && num > 1 && !mPlugFuncs[i]->SelectCamera) { AfxMessageBox("The camera plugin named " + mAllParams[i].pluginName + "reported more than one camera but has no CameraSelect function", MB_EXCLAME); err = 1; } if (!err && mAllParams[i].cameraNumber >= num && mAllParams[i].pluginName.Find("Jeol") < 0) { report.Format("The PluginCameraIndex property for a plugin camera is %d but the" " plugin named %s only reports %d cameras", mAllParams[i].cameraNumber, (LPCTSTR)mAllParams[i].pluginName, num); AfxMessageBox(report, MB_EXCLAME); err = 1; } // Test for shutter call if there is a second label and only one shutter not set if (!err && !mAllParams[i].onlyOneShutter && !mAllParams[i].shutterLabel2.IsEmpty() && !mPlugFuncs[i]->SelectShutter) { AfxMessageBox("The properties for a plugin camera had a second shutter label " "but the plugin named " + mAllParams[i].pluginName + "has no CameraShutter function", MB_EXCLAME); err = 1; } // Test for insertion functions if retractable if (!err && mAllParams[i].retractable && (!mPlugFuncs[i]->IsCameraInserted || !mPlugFuncs[i]->SetCameraInsertion)) { AfxMessageBox("The \"Retractable\" property is set for a plugin camera but " "the plugin named " + mAllParams[i].pluginName + " has no insertion functions", MB_EXCLAME); err = 1; } if (!err && mAllParams[i].rotationFlip && !mPlugFuncs[i]->SetRotationFlip) { AfxMessageBox("The \"RotationAndFlip\" property is set for a plugin camera " "but the plugin named " + mAllParams[i].pluginName + " has no SetRotationFlip function", MB_EXCLAME); err = 1; } mAllParams[i].returnsFloats = (flags & PLUGFLAG_RETURNS_FLOATS) != 0; if (flags & PLUGFLAG_FLOATS_BY_FLAG) mAllParams[i].CamFlags |= CAMFLAG_FLOATS_BY_FLAG; if (flags & PLUGFLAG_NO_DIV_BY_2) mAllParams[i].CamFlags |= CAMFLAG_NO_DIV_BY_2; if (flags & PLUGFLAG_SINGLE_OK_IF_SAVE) mAllParams[i].CamFlags |= CAMFLAG_SINGLE_OK_IF_SAVE; // Send a gain index if that function exists and there is a non-negative value // Clamp it to the given range if the the plugin supplies a limit if (!err && mPlugFuncs[i]->SetGainIndex && mAllParams[i].TietzGainIndex >= 0) { if (mPlugFuncs[i]->GetNumberOfGains) { numGain = mPlugFuncs[i]->GetNumberOfGains(); if (numGain > 0) B3DCLAMP(mAllParams[i].TietzGainIndex, 0, numGain); } if (mPlugFuncs[i]->SetGainIndex(mAllParams[i].TietzGainIndex)) { AfxMessageBox("An error occurred sending the value of TietzGainIndex to the" " plugin camera " + mAllParams[i].pluginName); } } if (!err && mAllParams[i].canTakeFrames && !(mPlugFuncs[i]->SetupFrameAcquire && mPlugFuncs[i]->GetNextFrame)) { AfxMessageBox("The \"CanTakeFrames\" property is set for a plugin camera " "but the plugin named " + mAllParams[i].pluginName + " is missing one of the required functions", MB_EXCLAME); mAllParams[i].canTakeFrames = 0; } if (!err && mAllParams[i].canTakeFrames & FRAMES_CAN_BE_ALIGNED) mFalconHelper->Initialize(-2); // For a STEM camera, send the camera number plus number of additional channels // But subtract if they are going to same channel num = mAllParams[i].cameraNumber; if (mAllParams[i].STEMcamera) num += mAllParams[i].numChannels - 1; for (set = 0; set < mChannelSets.GetSize(); set++) num -= mChannelSets[set].numChans - 1; if (!err && mPlugFuncs[i]->InitializeCamera && mPlugFuncs[i]->InitializeCamera(num) != 0) { report.Format("Failed to initialize camera %d %sin the plugin named %s", mAllParams[i].cameraNumber, mAllParams[i].STEMcamera ? "(STEM) " : "", (LPCTSTR)mAllParams[i].pluginName); AfxMessageBox(report, MB_EXCLAME); err = 1; } if (!err && mPlugFuncs[i]->SetRotationFlip) mPlugFuncs[i]->SetRotationFlip(mAllParams[i].cameraNumber, mAllParams[i].rotationFlip); if (!err && mPlugFuncs[i]->SetSizeOfCamera) mPlugFuncs[i]->SetSizeOfCamera(mAllParams[i].cameraNumber, mAllParams[i].sizeX, mAllParams[i].sizeY); // Send the STEM interface our desired size too so it doesn't have to rely on the // previous call being first if (!err && mAllParams[i].STEMcamera && mPlugFuncs[i]->GetSTEMProperties) { mPlugFuncs[i]->GetSTEMProperties(mAllParams[i].sizeX, mAllParams[i].sizeY, &minPixel, &mAllParams[i].maxPixelTime, &pixelInc, &rotInc, &ddum, &mAllParams[i].maxIntegration, &idum); if (mAllParams[i].pixelTimeIncrement <= 0 && pixelInc > 0.) mAllParams[i].pixelTimeIncrement = pixelInc; if (mAllParams[i].minPixelTime <= 0.) { if (minPixel > 0) mAllParams[i].minPixelTime = (float)minPixel; else mAllParams[i].minPixelTime = -mAllParams[i].minPixelTime; } } mAllParams[i].failedToInitialize = err != 0; if (!err) numPlugListed++; } } } mPlugInitialized = numPlugListed > 0; } static VOID CALLBACK FilterUpdateProc(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, UINT_PTR idEvent, DWORD dwTime) { CSerialEMApp *winApp = (CSerialEMApp *)AfxGetApp(); winApp->mCamera->CheckFilterSettings(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Parameter-setting routines /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Set the debug mode for output to Results window (Gatan) or turn on for plugin cameras void CCameraController::SetDebugMode(BOOL inVal) { // Do not initialize the camera from this call, which could be from reading properties if ((mPlugInitialized || mTietzInitialized) && mTD.plugFuncs && mTD.plugFuncs->SetDebugMode) mTD.plugFuncs->SetDebugMode(inVal ? 1 : 0); if (!mDMInitialized[0] && !mDMInitialized[1] && !mDMInitialized[2]) return; if (CreateCamera(CREATE_FOR_ANY)) return; for (int DMind = 0; DMind < 3; DMind++) if (mDMInitialized[DMind]) MainCallDMIndCamera(DMind, SetDebugMode(inVal)); ReleaseCamera(CREATE_FOR_ANY); } // Set camera parameters void CCameraController::SetCurrentCamera(int currentCam, int activeCam) { float offsetX = 0., offsetY = 0., lastX, lastY; double shiftX, shiftY; BOOL wasSTEM = mParam->STEMcamera; mParam = &mAllParams[currentCam]; mFilmShutter = 1 - mParam->beamShutter; mTD.Camera = activeCam; mTD.SelectCamera = mParam->cameraNumber; // See how simple this is (if it works)? mProcessHere = mParam->processHere > 0; mTD.plugFuncs = mPlugFuncs[currentCam]; mTD.scopePlugFuncs = mScope->GetPlugFuncs(); sSocketCurrent = (mParam->GatanCam && mParam->useSocket) ? 1 : 0; sAmtCurrent = mParam->AMTtype ? 1 : 0; mNeedToSelectDM = mParam->DMCamera; // If switching away from camera in film shutter mode, switch it to beam shutter if (mCameraWithBeamOn && mCameraWithBeamOn != mParam->TietzType) SwitchTeitzToBeamShutter(currentCam); // Inform scope about the shutterless status mScope->SetShutterlessCamera(mParam->noShutter * (mParam->sideMount ? -1 : 1)); // JEOL detector switching for on/off axis cameras using PLA: use internal offsets if (JEOLscope && mScope->GetUsePLforIS()) { mScope->GetDetectorOffsets(lastX, lastY); offsetX = mISXcameraOffset[currentCam]; offsetY = mISYcameraOffset[currentCam]; mScope->GetImageShift(shiftX, shiftY); mScope->SetDetectorOffsets(offsetX, offsetY); if (lastX != offsetX || lastY != offsetY) mScope->SetImageShift(shiftX, shiftY); } if (!wasSTEM && mParam->STEMcamera && mScreenInIfDetectorOut >= 0) { SEMTrace('R', "Lowering screen for STEM until detectors are set"); mScope->SynchronousScreenPos(spDown); } // And for scopes using IS, it can using the built-in mechanism with PLA if (JEOLscope && mParam->JeolDetectorID != mLastJeolDetectorID && !mScope->GetUsePLforIS()) { try { if (mLastJeolDetectorID >= 0) mTD.scopePlugFuncs->SetDetectorSelected(mLastJeolDetectorID, 0); if (mParam->JeolDetectorID >= 0) mTD.scopePlugFuncs->SetDetectorSelected(mParam->JeolDetectorID, 1); mLastJeolDetectorID = mParam->JeolDetectorID; } catch (_com_error E) { SEMReportCOMError(E, _T("changing JEOL detector selections for on/off axis cameras " )); } } //Had to add this for DE camera switching TM. //3_28_11 for DE12 if (mParam->DE_camType) { if(mTD.DE_Cam) mTD.DE_Cam->setCameraName(mParam->name); } UtilModifyMenuItem("Camera", ID_CAMERA_ACQUIREGAINREF, (mParam->DE_camType && !CanProcessHere(mParam)) ? "Ac&quire Ref in Server" : "Ac&quire Gain Ref"); // When switching to an FEI camera and there is more than one, invalidate its index // so the scope will be refreshed to look it up again if (mParam->FEItype && mOtherCamerasInTIA && !FCAM_ADVANCED(mParam)) mParam->eagleIndex = -1; FixDirForFalconFrames(mParam); // Switch to this camera's frame path and reference dir if (IS_FALCON2_3_4(mParam) || FCAM_CONTIN_SAVE(mParam)) { mLocalFalconFramePath = mParam->falconFramePath; mFalconReferenceDir = mParam->falconRefDir; } if (mWinApp->mNavHelper->mMultiShotDlg) mWinApp->mNavHelper->mMultiShotDlg->ManageEnables(); // Manage blanking of AMT camera if (!mAMTactive && mParam->AMTtype) SetAMTblanking(); else if (mAMTactive && !mParam->AMTtype && mDMInitialized[AMT_IND]) { SEMTrace('1', "SetCurrentCamera turning off AMT blanking"); try { mTD.amtCam->SetShutterNormallyClosed(mTD.SelectCamera, 0); } catch (_com_error E) { SEMReportCOMError(E, _T("turning off blanking of AMT camera ")); } } mAMTactive = mParam->AMTtype != 0; mWinApp->mCameraMacroTools.Update(); } // Set flag to divide 16-bit data by 2, or just clear out references void CCameraController::SetDivideBy2(int inVal) { if (inVal >= 0) mDivideBy2 = inVal; // Need to delete dark references for all 16-bit cameras for (int i = 0; i < mRefArray.GetSize(); i++) { DarkRef *ref = mRefArray[i]; if (ref->GainDark == DARK_REFERENCE && (mAllParams[mActiveList[ref->Camera]].unsignedImages || inVal < 0)) { DeleteOneReference(i--); } } } // Get this flag or enforce that the camera does not divide by 2 int CCameraController::GetDivideBy2() { return ((mParam->CamFlags & CAMFLAG_NO_DIV_BY_2) ? 0 : mDivideBy2); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // External control functions (starting, stopping, monitoring, getting deferred sum, // making align com file) /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // InitiateCapture is to be called by all outside routines to request a capture void CCameraController::InitiateCapture(int inSet) { /* BOOL cal = mShiftManager->CalibratingIS() || mWinApp->mFocusManager->DoingFocus() || mWinApp->mComplexTasks->DoingResetShiftRealign(); */ if (mWinApp->GetDummyInstance()) return; CleanUpFromTiltSums(); if ((CameraBusy() && !mLastWasContinForTask) || (mWinApp->GetShowRemoteControl() && (mWinApp->mRemoteControl.GetSpotClicked() || mWinApp->mRemoteControl.GetMagClicked()))) { SetPending(inSet); return; } // If the last shot was a single frame, do the auto-shift to the extent specified if (((mSingleContModeUsed == SINGLE_FRAME || mLastWasContinForTask) && !(mParam->K2Type && mNextAsyncSumFrames == 0) && mTD.ReturnPartialScan <= 0) || mRequiredRoll) { int nRoll = mBufferManager->GetShiftsOnAcquire(); if (nRoll < mRequiredRoll) nRoll = mRequiredRoll; // If current buffer is not A and its image is rolled, switch to the new buffer // Defer updates: they will be done by Capture or by ErrorCleanup if it bails out mWinApp->SetDeferBufWinUpdates(true); RollBuffers(nRoll, mWinApp->GetImBufIndex()); mWinApp->SetDeferBufWinUpdates(false); } mLastConSet = inSet; Capture(inSet); } // Roll the buffers by the given amount, keeping the buffer displayed indicated by // keepIndexCurrent displayed if it is not 0 or less. void CCameraController::RollBuffers(int nRoll, int keepIndexCurrent) { mRollBufKeptIndex = 0; for (int i = nRoll; i > 0 ; i--) { mBufferManager->CopyImageBuffer(i - 1, i, false); if (keepIndexCurrent > 0 && keepIndexCurrent == i - 1) { mWinApp->SetCurrentBuffer(keepIndexCurrent + 1); mRollBufKeptIndex = keepIndexCurrent; } } } // Called when space bar is hit to restart last capture mode void CCameraController::RestartCapture() { if (mLastConSet >= 0 && mLastConSet < NUMBER_OF_USER_CONSETS) InitiateCapture(mLastConSet); } // To set up a pending shot, simply set the mode into the flag void CCameraController::SetPending(int whichMode) { mPending = whichMode; } // Stop capture: stop repeated captures regardless, use ifNow > 0 to set halting flag // if the stop is to be immediate, use ifNow < 0 in continuous mode to discard the // final image that comes in void CCameraController::StopCapture(int ifNow) { if (!GetInitialized()) return; // Set to discard final image if in continuous mode if (ifNow < 0 && mRepFlag >= 0) mDiscardImage = true; // Clear the repeat flag TurnOffRepeatFlag(); if (!CameraBusy() || mTD.ReturnPartialScan) { StopContinuousSTEM(); return; } if (ifNow > 0) { mHalting = true; mTD.FrameTSstopOnCamReturn = -1; if (mScriptThread && mTimeoutForScriptThread <= 0) { UtilThreadCleanup(&mScriptThread); ScriptDone(0); } } // DNM: call the DE camera only if it is the current camera // 12/17/18: This is ready to use when the server doesn't crash/hang if (mParam->DE_camType && mTD.DE_Cam && (mParam->DE_camType < 2 || mTD.DE_Cam->GetServerVersion() >= DE_ABORT_WORKS)) { mWinApp->AppendToLog("Going to try to stop acquisition of camera."); mTD.DE_Cam->StopAcquistion(); mHalting = true; } } // If there is a pending shot, initiate it and return true bool CCameraController::InitiateIfPending(void) { if (mPending >= 0) { int temp = mPending; mPending = -1; InitiateCapture(temp); return true; } return false; } // Test for camera ready: is it initialized and not busy BOOL CCameraController::CameraReady() { return ((GetInitialized() || mSimulationMode) && !CameraBusy()); } BOOL CCameraController::CameraBusy() { return mRaisingScreen || mInserting || mSettling >= 0 || mAcquiring || mEnsuringDark || mWaitingForStacking > 0 || mStartedFalconAlign || mStartedExtraForDEalign || mScriptThread != NULL || mScope->LongOperationBusy(LONG_OP_HW_DARK_REF) || mTD.ReturnPartialScan > 0; } int CCameraController::GetServerFramesLeft() { return mTD.DE_Cam ? mTD.DE_Cam->GetNumLeftServerRef() : 0; }; // Retract all cameras: set all retractable cameras as "canBlock" so that it will test // and retract them if in void CCameraController::RetractAllCameras(void) { for (int ind = 0; ind < mWinApp->GetNumActiveCameras(); ind++) mAllParams[mActiveList[ind]].canBlock = mAllParams[mActiveList[ind]].retractable; Capture(RETRACT_ALL); } // Test for whether doing a continuos acquire, return parameter set PLUS ONE if so int CCameraController::DoingContinuousAcquire(void) { if ((CameraBusy() || mInDisplayNewImage) && (mRepFlag >= 0 || (mSingleContModeUsed == CONTINUOUS && !mStoppedContinuous))) { if (mRepFlag >= 0) return (mRepFlag + 1); if (mLastConSet >= 0) return (mLastConSet + 1); return 1; } return 0; } // test for whether the current camera type is initialized and available BOOL CCameraController::GetInitialized() { CameraParameters *camP = &mAllParams[mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera()]; if (camP->TietzType) return mTietzInitialized && !camP->failedToInitialize; if (camP->DE_camType) return mDEInitialized; if (camP->FEItype) return mFEIinitialized; if (!camP->pluginName.IsEmpty()) return mPlugInitialized; return mDMInitialized[CAMP_DM_INDEX(camP)]; } // Return whether processing is being done here BOOL CCameraController::GetProcessHere() { return (mProcessHere || (mParam->AMTtype && mDMversion[AMT_IND] < AMT_VERSION_CAN_NORM) || mParam->DE_camType == 1 || (mTD.plugFuncs && !mParam->pluginCanProcess)) && CanProcessHere(mParam); } // Set whether processing here from menu void CCameraController::SetProcessHere(BOOL inVal) { mProcessHere = inVal; mParam->processHere = inVal ? 1 : 0; } // Return whether post-actions can be taken safely, not whether they are enabled by user // This should only be called by MenuTargets, not tasks wanting to use post-actions // Linear mode for K2 takes a new dark reference every time exposure is changed BOOL CCameraController::PostActionsOK(ControlSet *conSet, bool alignHereOK) { bool alignHereSelected = (conSet && conSet->alignFrames && conSet->useFrameAlign == 1) || alignHereOK; bool weCanAlignDE = mWinApp->mDEToolDlg.CanSaveFrames(mParam) && (mParam->CamFlags & DE_WE_CAN_ALIGN); bool canSave; bool weCanAlignFalcon = CanWeAlignFalcon(mParam, GetFrameSavingEnabled(), canSave, conSet ? conSet->K2ReadMode : -1); return ((!mParam->FEItype || (weCanAlignFalcon && alignHereSelected)) && (mParam->DE_camType < 2 || (weCanAlignDE && alignHereSelected)) && !((mParam->K2Type == K3_TYPE && mParam->startupDelay < 0.5) || (mParam->K2Type == K2_SUMMIT && (mParam->startupDelay < mK2MinStartupDelay || (conSet && conSet->K2ReadMode == LINEAR_MODE)))) && mParam->postActionsOK && !mParam->STEMcamera && mParam->noShutter != 1); } // Return whether the given camera can pre-expose with the given shuttering bool CCameraController::CanPreExpose(CameraParameters *param, int shuttering) { return (!param->STEMcamera && ((param->GatanCam && (mParam->noShutter || (!param->onlyOneShutter && (!param->OneViewType || shuttering == USE_FILM_SHUTTER) && (param->DMsettlingOK || shuttering == USE_DUAL_SHUTTER)))) || param->K2Type || (param->OneViewType && param->onlyOneShutter) || param->FEItype == EAGLE_TYPE || (param->TietzType && param->TietzCanPreExpose && shuttering == USE_BEAM_BLANK) || param->AMTtype || (param->DE_camType && !param->onlyOneShutter) || (!param->pluginName.IsEmpty() && (param->noShutter || param->canPreExpose)))); } // Return whether processing here is allowed for the given camera bool CCameraController::CanProcessHere(CameraParameters *param) { return !((param->FEItype && FCAM_ADVANCED(param) && mASIgivesGainNormOnly) || param->K2Type || param->OneViewType || (param->DE_camType && mTD.DE_Cam && mTD.DE_Cam->GetNormAllInServer())); } // Returns 1 if camera always returns floats, 2 if returning floats by user choice int CCameraController::ReturningFloatImages(CameraParameters *param) { return (param->returnsFloats ? 1 : 0) + ((mAcquireFloatImages && (param->CamFlags & CAMFLAG_FLOATS_BY_FLAG)) ? 2 : 0); } // Returns true if camera is a OneView and the DM version can do drift correction bool CCameraController::OneViewDriftCorrectOK(CameraParameters *param) { return param->OneViewType && mDMversion[CAMP_DM_INDEX(param)] >= DM_OVW_DRIFT_CORRECT_OK; } bool CCameraController::HasNewK2API(CameraParameters * param) { return param->K2Type && mDMversion[CAMP_DM_INDEX(param)] >= DM_K2_API_CHANGED_LOTS; } // Returns member variable for falcon frames, or value obtained from advanced scripting int CCameraController::GetMaxFalconFrames(CameraParameters *params) { if (FCAM_ADVANCED(params)) return ((params->CamFlags >> PLUGFEI_MAX_FRAC_SHIFT) & 0xFFFF); return mMaxFalconFrames; } // Return number of intervals if dynamic focusing can be used int CCameraController::DynamicFocusOK(float exposure, int sizeY, float flyback, int &interval, double &msPerLine) { double fullexp = 1000. * exposure + sizeY * flyback / 1000.; if (mDynFocusInterval <= 0) return 0; int numSteps = (int)(fullexp / mDynFocusInterval); if (numSteps < 5) return 0; interval = (int)(fullexp / numSteps); msPerLine = fullexp / sizeY; return numSteps; } // Sets up to go to an opposite low dose area on next shot; return true for error bool CCameraController::OppositeLDAreaNextShot(void) { if (mWinApp->mLowDoseDlg.ShiftsBalanced()) return true; mOppositeAreaNextShot = true; return false; } // Sets up for early return on next K2 shot, return true for error bool CCameraController::SetNextAsyncSumFrames(int inVal, bool deferSum, bool noStack) { if (!mParam->K2Type && !mParam->OneViewType) { SEMMessageBox("Early return works only with K2/K3 or OneView/Rio type cameras"); return true; } if (inVal == 65535 && mDMversion[CAMP_DM_INDEX(mParam)] < DM_K2_API_CHANGED_LOTS) { SEMMessageBox("Early return with a full sum is not possible before GMS 2.3.1"); return true; } if (mK2SynchronousSaving && mDMversion[CAMP_DM_INDEX(mParam)] >= DM_K2_API_CHANGED_LOTS) { SEMMessageBox("Early return with synchronous saving is not possible after GMS 2.3.0"); return true; } mImmediateReturn = inVal < 0; mNextAsyncSumFrames = B3DMAX(0, inVal); mDeferSumOnNextAsync = deferSum; mNoStackNextAsync = noStack; return false; } /* * Fetch the deferred sum from the plugin if it exists */ int CCameraController::GetDeferredSum(void) { mDeferredSumFailed = true; if (!mAskedDeferredSum) { SEMMessageBox("There is no deferred sum available"); return 1; } if (!mParam->K2Type) { SEMMessageBox("A deferred sum can only be obtained with a K2/K3 camera as current" " camera"); return 2; } if (CameraBusy()) { SEMMessageBox("Cannot get deferred sum back while camera is busy"); return 3; } if (!(mTD.DoingTiltSums && mStartingDeferredSum) && (!mConsDeferred || !mBufDeferred || !mExtraDeferred)) { SEMMessageBox("Cannot process a deferred sum correctly;\n" "some of the data that was supposed to be saved is not available"); return 4; } mTD.GetDeferredSum = mTD.DoingTiltSums ? 2 : 1; RollBuffers(mBufferManager->GetShiftsOnAcquire(), mWinApp->GetImBufIndex()); // Set all the items needed for acquire call and processing to occur mTD.ShotDelayTime = 0; mDMsizeX = mXdeferredSize; mDMsizeY = mYdeferredSize; mTD.DMSizeX = mXdeferredSizeTD; mTD.DMSizeY = mYdeferredSizeTD; mTD.NumAsyncSumFrames = -1; mTD.ErrorFromSave = 0; mTD.GatanReadMode = mReadModeDeferred; mBinning = mBinDeferred; mTD.Binning = mBinDeferredTD; mLeft = mLeftDeferred; mRight = mRightDeferred; mTop = mTopDeferred; mBottom = mBotDeferred; mTD.SaveFrames = mSavedInDeferred; mTD.UseFrameAlign = mAlignedDeferred; mTD.DoseFrac = true; mLastConSet = mLastDeferredConSet; mAskedDeferredSum = mTD.DoingTiltSums; mDeferredSumFailed = false; mTD.GetDoseRate = mParam->K2Type && CAN_PLUGIN_DO(HAS_DOSE_CALL, mParam) && mDMversion[CAMP_DM_INDEX(mParam)] >= DM_HAS_ELECTRON_DOSE && mReadModeDeferred != LINEAR_MODE && !mTD.DoingTiltSums; // Do the essentials for starting the thread mNeedToRestoreISandBT = 0; mAcquiring = true; mAcquireThread = AfxBeginThread(AcquireProc, &mTD, THREAD_PRIORITY_HIGHEST, 0, CREATE_SUSPENDED); TRACE("AcquireProc created with ID 0x%0x\n",mAcquireThread->m_nThreadID); mAcquireThread->m_bAutoDelete = false; mWinApp->SetStatusText(SIMPLE_PANE, "GETTING DEFERRED SUM"); mWinApp->UpdateBufferWindows(); mAcquireThread->ResumeThread(); mWinApp->AddIdleTask(ThreadBusy, AcquireDone, AcquireError, 0, 0); return 0; } /* * Make plugin write an align com file to work with an mdoc at the end of a tilt series */ int CCameraController::MakeMdocFrameAlignCom(CString mdocPath) { CString mdocName, tempStr, comRoot, comDir, frameDir; int nameLen, textLen, stringSize, summing = 0, frameX, frameY; long retVal = 0; float pixelSize = 0.; UINT numRead; CFile *file = NULL; CFileStatus status; char *strings; ControlSet *conSet = &mConSetsp[RECORD_CONSET]; bool remote = mParam->useSocket && CBaseSocket::ServerIsRemote(GATAN_SOCK_ID); // Check parameters if (!mParam->K2Type && !IS_FALCON2_3_4(mParam)) { SEMMessageBox("Cannot make a com file for aligning tilt series frames\n" "unless the K2/K3 or Falcon camera is still selected"); return 1; } if (mParam->K2Type && GetPluginVersion(mParam) < PLUGIN_CAN_ALIGN_FRAMES) { SEMMessageBox("The current version of the plugin cannot make\n" "a com file for aligning frames in IMOD"); return 1; } if (mParam->K2Type && !(IsConSetSaving(conSet, RECORD_CONSET, mParam, true) && conSet->alignFrames && conSet->useFrameAlign > 1)) { SEMMessageBox("The Record parameters must be set for frame saving and aligning\n" "in IMOD in order to make a com file for aligning frames"); return 1; } if (mdocPath.IsEmpty() && (!mWinApp->mStoreMRC || mWinApp->mStoreMRC->GetAdocIndex() < 0)) { SEMMessageBox("There needs to be a current open file with an associated mdoc\n" "file to make a com file for aligning tilt series frames"); return 1; } // Set path and start working with mdoc file if (mAlignFramesComPath.IsEmpty()) { if (mParam->canTakeFrames) mAlignFramesComPath = mParam->dirForFrameSaving; else if (mParam->FEItype) mAlignFramesComPath = mDirForFalconFrames; else mAlignFramesComPath = mDirForK2Frames; } if (mdocPath.IsEmpty()) mdocPath = mWinApp->mStoreMRC->getAdocName(); UtilSplitPath(mdocPath, tempStr, mdocName); UtilSplitExtension(mdocName, comRoot, tempStr); // For Falcon, just call routine and leave if (!mParam->K2Type) { UtilSplitPath(mLastLocalFramePath, frameDir, tempStr); mFalconHelper->SetLastFrameDir(frameDir); comDir = mAlignFramesComPath; if (mComPathIsFramePath) comDir = frameDir; mFalconHelper->GetSavedFrameSizes(mParam, conSet, frameX, frameY, false); if (mParam->FEItype == FALCON4_TYPE && GetSaveInEERformat() && conSet->K2ReadMode) { summing = B3DNINT(conSet->frameTime / GetFalconReadoutInterval(mParam)); if (mWinApp->mStoreMRC) pixelSize = (float)(0.1 *mWinApp->mStoreMRC->GetPixelSpacing() / conSet->binning); } else if (IS_FALCON2_3_4(mParam) && mWinApp->mStoreMRC) { pixelSize = 0.1f * mWinApp->mStoreMRC->GetPixelSpacing(); } retVal = mFalconHelper->WriteAlignComFile(mdocPath, comDir + '\\' + comRoot + ".pcm", conSet->faParamSetInd, mFalconHelper->GetUseGpuForAlign(1), true, frameX, frameY, summing, pixelSize); if (retVal) { tempStr = "The com file for aligning frames was not written:\r\n "; if (retVal < 0) { frameDir.Format("An error (%d) occurred copying the mdoc file to the frame " "location", GetLastError()); tempStr += frameDir; } else tempStr += SEMCCDErrorMessage(retVal); SEMMessageBox(tempStr); return 1; } return 0; } nameLen = mdocName.GetLength() + 1; if (remote) { // If it is remote, we need to send the mdoc, so open and get string length try { file = new CFile(mdocPath, CFile::modeReadWrite | CFile::shareDenyWrite); if (!file->GetStatus(status)) { SEMMessageBox("Could not get status and length of mdoc file " + mdocPath); delete file; return 1; } textLen = (int)status.m_size; } catch (CFileException *err) { err->Delete(); SEMMessageBox("Could not open mdoc file " + mdocPath); return 1; } } else { // Otherwise we need to send filename textLen = mdocPath.GetLength() + 1; } // Get string buffer and start with mdoc name stringSize = (4 + nameLen + textLen) / 4; strings = new char[4 * stringSize]; sprintf(strings, "%s", (LPCTSTR)mdocName); if (remote) { // Read mdoc into the string buffer after name try { numRead = file->Read(strings + nameLen, stringSize * 4 - nameLen - 1); strings[nameLen + numRead] = 0x00; } catch (CFileException *err) { err->Delete(); SEMMessageBox("Error reading in mdoc file " + mdocPath); delete file; delete[] strings; return 1; } delete file; } else { // Or put the full path there sprintf(strings + nameLen, "%s", (LPCTSTR)mdocPath); } if (!retVal && !mParam->useSocket && CreateCamera(CREATE_FOR_CURRENT, false)) { SEMMessageBox("Error connecting with camera for making tilt series align com file"); delete[] strings; return 1; } // Call the setup routine with appropriate flags and the com file name if (!retVal && SetupK2SavingAligning(mConSetsp[RECORD_CONSET], RECORD_CONSET, false, true, &comRoot)) retVal = 1; // Get the plugin to make the file if (!retVal) { try { MainCallGatanCamera(MakeAlignComFile(remote ? K2FA_WRITE_MDOC_TEXT : 0, 0, 0., 0., stringSize, (long *)strings, &retVal)); if (retVal) { tempStr.Format("Error %d trying to create com file for aligning tilt series " "frames:\n%s", retVal, SEMCCDErrorMessage(retVal)); SEMMessageBox(tempStr); } } catch (_com_error E) { SEMReportCOMError(E, _T("trying to make a com file for aligning tilt series ")); retVal = 1; } } delete [] strings; if (!mParam->useSocket) ReleaseCamera(CREATE_FOR_CURRENT); return retVal; } // Take the frame file path for Falcon or DE, and tell FalconHelper to write the com file // for alignframes void CCameraController::MakeOneFrameAlignCom(CString &localFramePath, ControlSet *conSet) { int err, frameX, frameY, summing = 0; CString dirPath, filename, root, ext; int paramInd = conSet->faParamSetInd; float pixelSize = 0.; // Extract folder and make sure that // helper has this as the last frame folder, and compose name UtilSplitPath(localFramePath, dirPath, filename); mFalconHelper->SetLastFrameDir(dirPath); UtilSplitExtension(filename, root, ext); if (mComPathIsFramePath) root = dirPath + '\\' + root + ".pcm"; else root = mAlignFramesComPath + '\\' + root + ".pcm"; mFalconHelper->GetSavedFrameSizes(mParam, conSet, frameX, frameY, false); if (mParam->FEItype == FALCON4_TYPE && GetSaveInEERformat() && conSet->K2ReadMode) { summing = B3DNINT(conSet->frameTime / GetFalconReadoutInterval(mParam)); pixelSize = 1000.f * mShiftManager->GetPixelSize(mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera(), mMagBefore); } else if (IS_FALCON3_OR_4(mParam)) { pixelSize = 1000.f * mShiftManager->GetPixelSize(mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera(), mMagBefore) * (float)conSet->binning; } err = mFalconHelper->WriteAlignComFile(filename, root, paramInd, mFalconHelper->GetUseGpuForAlign(1), false, frameX, frameY, summing, pixelSize); if (err) PrintfToLog("WARNING: The com file for aligning was not saved: %s", SEMCCDErrorMessage(err)); } // Save an mdoc file for a frame stack int CCameraController::SaveFrameStackMdoc(KImage *image, CString &localFramePath, ControlSet *conSet) { CString message, str; char buffer[20000]; long stringSize, retVal, sectInd; float tiltDose, cumulDose = 0., savePixel; int iz, start, end; EMimageExtra *extra; // First build up the autodoc structure and convert to a string if (AdocAcquireMutex()) { // Start a new autodoc or clear out section 0 if (mFrameStackMdocInd < 0) { mFrameStackMdocInd = AdocNew(); if (mFrameStackMdocInd < 0) { message = "getting new autodoc structure"; } else { mWinApp->mDocWnd->AddTitlesToFrameMdoc(message); } } else if (AdocSetCurrent(mFrameStackMdocInd) < 0) { message = "setting current autodoc structure"; } if (message.IsEmpty()) { if (AdocGetNumberOfSections("FrameSet") > 0 && AdocDeleteSection("FrameSet", 0)) message = "deleting existing section of autodoc"; } // Add the section (back) and put values in it if (message.IsEmpty()) { sectInd = AdocAddSection("FrameSet", "0"); if (sectInd < 0) message = "adding section to autodoc"; } // Set pixel size to refined size if any before setting values in autodoc extra = image->GetUserData(); savePixel = extra->mPixel; if (extra->mRefinedPixel) extra->mPixel = extra->mRefinedPixel; if (message.IsEmpty()) { if (KStoreADOC::SetValuesFromExtra(image, "FrameSet", 0)) message = "putting extra data into autodoc structure"; } extra->mPixel = savePixel; // Add gain reference for Falcon 4 if (message.IsEmpty() && IsSaveInEERMode(mParam, conSet)) { str = mFalconHelper->GetFalconRefName(); if (!str.IsEmpty() && AdocSetKeyValue("FrameSet", sectInd, "GainReference", (LPCTSTR)str)) message = "adding gain reference to autodoc section"; } if (mTD.FrameTStiltToAngle.size() > 0 && mTD.FrameTSactualAngle.size() > 0 && message.IsEmpty()) { extra = image->GetUserData(); for (iz = 0; iz < (int)mTD.FrameTSactualAngle.size(); iz++) { str.Format("%d", iz); sectInd = AdocAddSection(ADOC_ZVALUE, (LPCTSTR)str); if (sectInd < 0) { message = "adding section to autodoc"; break; } if (AdocSetFloat(ADOC_ZVALUE, sectInd, ADOC_TILT, mTD.FrameTSactualAngle[iz])) { message = "adding tilt angle to autodoc"; break; } if (iz < (int)mTD.FrameTSrelStartTime.size()) { start = B3DNINT(0.001 * mTD.FrameTSrelStartTime[iz] / mTD.FrameTSframeTime); end = B3DNINT(0.001 * mTD.FrameTSrelEndTime[iz] / mTD.FrameTSframeTime); if (AdocSetTwoIntegers(ADOC_ZVALUE, sectInd, ADOC_FRAMETS_ST_END, start, end)) { message = "adding relative start/end frames to autodoc"; break; } if (extra->m_fDose > 0.) { tiltDose = (float)((mTD.FrameTSrelEndTime[iz] - mTD.FrameTSrelStartTime[iz]) * 0.001* extra->m_fDose / mExposure); if (AdocSetFloat(ADOC_ZVALUE, sectInd, ADOC_PRIOR_DOSE, cumulDose) || AdocSetFloat(ADOC_ZVALUE, sectInd, ADOC_DOSE, tiltDose)) { message = "adding dose for tilt to autodoc"; break; } cumulDose += tiltDose; } } } } // Convert to string for K2 or just write it if (message.IsEmpty()) { if (mParam->K2Type) { if (AdocPrintToString(buffer, 20000, 1)) message = "converting autodoc to string"; } else { if (localFramePath.IsEmpty()) { extra = image->GetUserData(); str = extra->mSubFramePath + ".mdoc"; } else str = localFramePath + ".mdoc"; if (AdocWrite((LPCTSTR)str) < 0) message = "calling AdocWrite"; } } if (mTD.FrameTStiltToAngle.size() > 0 && mFrameStackMdocInd >= 0) { AdocClear(mFrameStackMdocInd); mFrameStackMdocInd = -1; } else { AdocDeleteSection("FrameSet", 0); } AdocReleaseMutex(); } else message = "getting mutex for"; // Now send the string to DM for a K2 if (message.IsEmpty() && mParam->K2Type) { stringSize = (int)strlen(buffer) / 4 + 1; if (!mParam->useSocket && CreateCamera(CREATE_FOR_CURRENT, false)) { message = "connecting with Gatan camera"; } else { try { MainCallGatanCamera(SaveFrameMdoc(stringSize, (long *)buffer, 0)); } catch (_com_error E) { retVal = -1; try { MainCallGatanCamera(GetLastError(&retVal)); } catch (_com_error E) { } message.Format("(%s) calling SEMCCD plugin", retVal >= 0 ? SEMCCDErrorMessage(retVal) : ""); } if (!mParam->useSocket) ReleaseCamera(CREATE_FOR_CURRENT); } } if (!message.IsEmpty()) { message = "Error " + message + " for writing frame stack mdoc file"; mWinApp->AppendToLog(message); return 1; } return 0; } // Script-callable function to add a key-value pair to the global section of the autodoc // either clearing out existing globals or just adding it int CCameraController::AddToNextFrameStackMdoc(CString key, CString value, bool startIt, CString *report) { CString str, message; bool addTitle = startIt || mFrameStackMdocInd < 0; if (AdocAcquireMutex()) { if (startIt && mFrameStackMdocInd >= 0) AdocClear(mFrameStackMdocInd); if (mFrameStackMdocInd < 0 || startIt) { mFrameStackMdocInd = AdocNew(); if (mFrameStackMdocInd < 0) message = "getting new autodoc structure"; } else if (AdocSetCurrent(mFrameStackMdocInd) < 0) { message = "setting current autodoc structure"; } if (addTitle && message.IsEmpty()) { mWinApp->mDocWnd->AddTitlesToFrameMdoc(message); } if (message.IsEmpty() && AdocSetKeyValue(ADOC_GLOBAL, 0, (LPCTSTR)key, (LPCTSTR)value)) message = "adding value to autodoc"; AdocReleaseMutex(); } else message = "getting mutex for"; if (!message.IsEmpty()) { message = "Error " + message + " for writing in frame stack mdoc file"; if (report) *report = message; else SEMMessageBox(message); return 1; } return 0; } // Set the next shot for early return with full sum if possible and appropriate void CCameraController::SetFullSumAsyncIfOK(int inSet) { if (!mParam->K2Type || mDMversion[CAMP_DM_INDEX(mParam)] < DM_K2_API_CHANGED_LOTS || mK2SynchronousSaving || !mConSetsp[inSet].doseFrac || !mConSetsp[inSet].saveFrames || (mConSetsp[inSet].alignFrames && mConSetsp[inSet].useFrameAlign == 1)) return; mNextAsyncSumFrames = 65535; mAskedDeferredSum = false; } // OnIdle can call this static member to find out if camera busy int CCameraController::TaskCameraBusy() { CSerialEMApp *winApp = (CSerialEMApp *)AfxGetApp(); return (winApp->mCamera->CameraBusy() ? 1 : 0); } // Static member to test whether to keep waiting for continuous frame int CCameraController::TaskGettingFrame() { CSerialEMApp *winApp = (CSerialEMApp *)AfxGetApp(); return ((winApp->mCamera->DoingContinuousAcquire() && winApp->mCamera->GetTaskWaitingForFrame()) ? 1 : 0); } // OnIdle checks here - tell it the status of the current operation int CCameraController::ThreadBusy() { CSerialEMApp *winApp = (CSerialEMApp *)AfxGetApp(); CCameraController *cam = winApp->mCamera; if (cam->Raising()) return winApp->mScope->ScreenBusy(); if (cam->Inserting()) return cam->InsertBusy(); if (cam->Settling()) return cam->GetHalting() ? -1 : 1; if (cam->EnsuringDark()) return cam->EnsureBusy(); if (cam->Acquiring()) return cam->AcquireBusy(); if (cam->GetWaitingForStacking() > 0) return winApp->mFalconHelper->GetStackingFrames() ? 1 : 0; if (cam->RunningScript()) return cam->ScriptBusy(); return 0; } // Routine to display the last used gain or dark reference, or a newly made one void CCameraController::ShowReference(int type) { int maxUse = 0; DarkRef *ref; DarkRef *lastRef = NULL; int binning, j; size_t size, i; float factor; float *fdata; unsigned short *usdata; void *array; int gainRefBits, byteSize, ownership; if (type == GAIN_REFERENCE || type == DARK_REFERENCE) { // Find the reference for (j = 0; j < mRefArray.GetSize(); j++) { ref = mRefArray[j]; if (ref->GainDark == type && ref->UseCount > maxUse) { maxUse = ref->UseCount; lastRef = ref; } } if (!lastRef) return; mTD.DMSizeX = lastRef->SizeX; mTD.DMSizeY = lastRef->SizeY; array = lastRef->Array; byteSize = lastRef->ByteSize; gainRefBits = lastRef->GainRefBits; // Or get the reference from the maker who just called in } else { binning = type - NEW_GAIN_REFERENCE; if (mWinApp->mGainRefMaker->GetReference(binning, array, byteSize, gainRefBits, ownership, 0, 0, false)) return; mTD.DMSizeX = mParam->sizeX / binning; mTD.DMSizeY = mParam->sizeY / binning; if (mParam->fourPort || mParam->refSizeEvenX) mTD.DMSizeX = (mTD.DMSizeX / 2) * 2; if (mParam->fourPort || mParam->refSizeEvenY) mTD.DMSizeY = (mTD.DMSizeY / 2) * 2; } // Get an array and copy data; take gain ref times 1000 size = (size_t)mTD.DMSizeX * mTD.DMSizeY; if (type == DARK_REFERENCE && byteSize != 4) { NewArray(mTD.Array[0], short int, size); mTD.ImageType = kSHORT; } else { NewArray(fdata, float, size); mTD.Array[0] = (short *)fdata; mTD.ImageType = kFLOAT; } if (!mTD.Array[0]) { AfxMessageBox("Failed to get memory for displaying reference image", MB_EXCLAME); return; } if (type == DARK_REFERENCE || byteSize == 4) { memcpy(mTD.Array[0], array, size * byteSize); } else { usdata = (unsigned short *)array; factor = 1.f / (float)(1 << gainRefBits); for (i = 0; i < size; i++) fdata[i] = usdata[i] * factor; } // Roll buffers, call display final with flag that image is not acquired mWinApp->SetDeferBufWinUpdates(true); if (mSingleContModeUsed == SINGLE_FRAME) RollBuffers(mBufferManager->GetShiftsOnAcquire(), 0); mWinApp->SetDeferBufWinUpdates(false); DisplayNewImage(false); } // Return the memory usage of all references double CCameraController::RefMemoryUsage(void) { double size, sum = 0.; DarkRef *ref; for (int i = 0; i < mRefArray.GetSize(); i++) { ref = mRefArray[i]; if (ref->Array && ref->Ownership) { size = ref->ByteSize * ref->SizeX * ref->SizeY; sum += size; //SEMTrace('1', "CamCon: i %d type %d size %.2f", i, ref->GainDark, size / 1.e6); } } sum += mWinApp->mGainRefMaker->MemoryUsage(); return sum; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Routines to queue actions post-exposure /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // queue a tilt or stage move with a given delay void CCameraController::QueueStageMove(StageMoveInfo inSmi, int inDelay, bool doBacklash, BOOL doRestoreXY) { mStageQueued = true; mStageDelay = inDelay; mSmiToDo = inSmi; mSmiToDo.doBacklash = doBacklash; mSmiToDo.doRelax = false; mSmiToDo.useSpeed = false; mSmiToDo.doRestoreXY = doRestoreXY && !(inSmi.axisBits & axisXY); if (!doBacklash) mSmiToDo.backX = mSmiToDo.backY = mSmiToDo.backZ = mSmiToDo.backAlpha = 0.; } // Queue an image shift with a given delay - add tilt axis offset now void CCameraController::QueueImageShift(double inISX, double inISY, int inDelay) { double taxisX, taxisY; mScope->GetTiltAxisIS(taxisX, taxisY); mISQueued = true; mISToDoX = inISX + taxisX; mISToDoY = inISY + taxisY; mISDelay = inDelay; } // Queue a beam tilt to compensate for the image shift void CCameraController::QueueBeamTilt(double inBTX, double inBTY, int backlashDelay) { mBeamTiltQueued = true; mBTToDoX = inBTX; mBTToDoY = inBTY; mBTBacklashDelay = backlashDelay; } void CCameraController::QueueStigmator(double inX, double inY, int backlashDelay) { mAstigQueued = true; mAstigToDoX = inX; mAstigToDoY = inY; mAstigBacklashDelay = backlashDelay; } void CCameraController::QueueDefocus(double focus) { mDefocusQueued = true; mDefocusToDo = focus; } // Queue a mag change and normalization void CCameraController::QueueMagChange(int inMagInd) { mMagQueued = true; mMagIndToDo = inMagInd; } // Queue up one or two focus steps during exposure void CCameraController::QueueFocusSteps(float interval1, double focus1, float interval2, double focus2) { mFocusInterval1 = interval1; mFocusStepToDo1 = focus1; mFocusInterval2 = interval2; mFocusStepToDo2 = focus2; } // Prepare for tilting during a shot int CCameraController::QueueTiltDuringShot(double angle, int delayToStart, double speed) { mTiltDuringShotDelay = delayToStart; mSmiToDo.alpha = angle; mSmiToDo.axisBits = axisA; mSmiToDo.doBacklash = false; mSmiToDo.doRelax = false; if (speed > 0. && FEIscope && mScope->GetPluginVersion() < FEI_PLUGIN_STAGE_SPEED) return 1; mSmiToDo.useSpeed = speed > 0.; mSmiToDo.speed = speed; return 0; } // Store all the possible vectors for doing a discrete or continuous tilt series during a // shot with frame-saving int CCameraController::QueueTiltSeries(FloatVec &openTime, FloatVec &tiltToAngle, FloatVec &waitOrInterval, FloatVec &focusChange, FloatVec &deltaISX, FloatVec &deltaISY, FloatVec &deltaBeamX, FloatVec &deltaBeamY, float initialDelay, float postISdelay) { CString mess; float focusLim = 10., ISlim = 10., tiltLim = 91., openLim = 20., waitLim = 20.; int ind, numSteps = (int)(tiltToAngle.size() > 0 ? tiltToAngle.size() : waitOrInterval.size()); if (!CAN_PLUGIN_DO(MDOC_FOR_FRAME_TS, mParam)) { mess = "Frame tilt series must now be done with a newer version of the SEMCCD plugin"; } if (mess.IsEmpty() && !numSteps) { mess = "neither angles to tilt to nor intervals between" " actions are defined"; } CleanUpFromTiltSums(); // Test each entry: it must be at least as big as # of steps if present if (mess.IsEmpty() && waitOrInterval.size()) { if ((int)waitOrInterval.size() < numSteps) { mess = "there are fewer wait times defined than tilt steps"; } else { for (ind = 0; ind < numSteps; ind++) { if (waitOrInterval[ind] < 0. || waitOrInterval[ind] > waitLim) { mess.Format("wait time %d has value %f, outside the limits of 0 to %f sec", ind + 1, waitOrInterval[ind], waitLim); break; } } } } if (mess.IsEmpty() && tiltToAngle.size() > 0 ) { for (ind = 0; ind < numSteps; ind++) { if (fabs(tiltToAngle[ind]) > tiltLim) { mess.Format("tilt angle %d has value %f, beyond the limit of %f deg", ind + 1, tiltToAngle[ind], tiltLim); break; } } } if (mess.IsEmpty() && openTime.size() > 0) { if ((int)openTime.size() < numSteps) { mess ="there are fewer shutter opening times defined than steps in the tilt series"; } else { for (ind = 0; ind < numSteps; ind++) { if (openTime[ind] < 0. || openTime[ind] > openLim) { mess.Format("Shutter open time %d has value %f, outside the limits of 0 to %f " "sec", ind + 1, openTime[ind], openLim); break; } } } } if (mess.IsEmpty() && focusChange.size() > 0) { if ((int)focusChange.size() < numSteps) { mess = "there are fewer focus changes defined than steps in the tilt series"; } else { for (ind = 0; ind < numSteps; ind++) { if (fabs(focusChange[ind]) > focusLim) { mess.Format("focus change %d has value %f, beyond the limit of %f um", ind + 1, focusChange[ind], focusLim); break; } } } } if (mess.IsEmpty() && (deltaISX.size() > 0 || deltaISY.size() > 0)) { if ((int)deltaISX.size() < numSteps || (int)deltaISY.size() < numSteps) { mess = "there are fewer image shift changes defined than steps in the tilt series"; } else if (!JEOLscope) { for (ind = 0; ind < numSteps; ind++) { if (sqrt(deltaISX[ind] * deltaISX[ind] + deltaISY[ind] * deltaISY[ind]) > ISlim) { mess.Format("image shift change %d has value %f, %f, beyond the limit of %f um", ind + 1, deltaISX[ind], deltaISY[ind], ISlim); break; } } } } if (mess.IsEmpty() && (deltaBeamX.size() > 0 || deltaBeamY.size() > 0) && ((int)deltaBeamX.size() < numSteps || (int)deltaBeamY.size() < numSteps)) mess = "there are fewer beam shift changes defined than steps in the tilt series"; if (mess.IsEmpty() && initialDelay < 0 || initialDelay > waitLim) { mess.Format("initial delay has value %f, outside the limits of 0 to %f sec", initialDelay, waitLim); } if (!mess.IsEmpty()) { mess = "Cannot queue a tilt series: " + mess; SEMMessageBox(mess); return 1; } // If everything passes, copy the vectors mTD.FrameTSinitialDelay = initialDelay; mTD.FrameTSopenTime = openTime; mTD.FrameTStiltToAngle = tiltToAngle; mTD.FrameTSwaitOrInterval = waitOrInterval; mTD.FrameTSfocusChange = focusChange; mTD.FrameTSdeltaISX = deltaISX; mTD.FrameTSdeltaISY = deltaISY; mTD.FrameTSdeltaBeamX = deltaBeamX; mTD.FrameTSdeltaBeamY = deltaBeamY; mTD.FrameTSpostISdelay = postISdelay; return 0; } // Set ancillary parameters for frame series int CCameraController::SetFrameTSparams(BOOL doBacklash, float speed, double stageXrestore, double stageYrestore) { if (speed > 0. && FEIscope && mScope->GetPluginVersion() < FEI_PLUGIN_STAGE_SPEED) return 1; mTD.FrameTSdoBacklash = doBacklash; mFrameTSspeed = speed; mFrameTSrestoreX = stageXrestore; mFrameTSrestoreY = stageYrestore; return 0; } // Add image shift at one tilt to the vectors of such changes void CCameraController::ModifyFrameTSShifts(int index, float ISX, float ISY) { WaitForSingleObject(mTD.FrameTSMutexHandle, BLANKER_MUTEX_WAIT); mTD.FrameTSrefineIndex.push_back(index); mTD.FrameTSrefineISX.push_back(ISX); mTD.FrameTSrefineISY.push_back(ISY); ReleaseMutex(mTD.FrameTSMutexHandle); } // Replace the whole shift array for trajectory based on predictions int CCameraController::ReplaceFrameTSShifts(FloatVec &ISX, FloatVec &ISY) { int index = mScope->FastMagIndex(); ScaleMat aMat = MatMul(MatInv(mShiftManager->CameraToSpecimen(index)), mShiftManager->CameraToIS(index)); if (ISX.size() != ISY.size() || ISX.size() != mTD.FrameTSdeltaISX.size()) return 1; WaitForSingleObject(mTD.FrameTSMutexHandle, BLANKER_MUTEX_WAIT); for (index = 0; index < (int)ISX.size(); index++) ApplyScaleMatrix(aMat, ISX[index], ISY[index], mTD.FrameTSdeltaISX[index], mTD.FrameTSdeltaISY[index]); ReleaseMutex(mTD.FrameTSMutexHandle); return 0; } // Replace the whole array of focus changes based on prediction int CCameraController::ReplaceFrameTSFocusChange(FloatVec &changes) { if (changes.size() != mTD.FrameTSfocusChange.size()) return 1; WaitForSingleObject(mTD.FrameTSMutexHandle, BLANKER_MUTEX_WAIT); mTD.FrameTSfocusChange = changes; ReleaseMutex(mTD.FrameTSMutexHandle); return 0; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // The main Capture routine: analyzes control set, sets up actions /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CCameraController::Capture(int inSet, bool retrying) { int ind, error, setState, binIndex, sumCount, binDiv, special; BOOL bEnsureDark = false; CString logmess; FrameAliParams faParam; int numActive = mWinApp->GetNumActiveCameras(); int gainXoffset, gainYoffset, offsetPerMs; double intensity,exposure, megaVoxel, megaVoxPerSec = 0.15; float scaleFac; bool superRes, falconHasFrames, weCanAlignFalcon, aligningOnly, alignNotSave; BOOL retracting = inSet == RETRACT_BLOCKERS || inSet == RETRACT_ALL; mWinApp->CopyOptionalSetIfNeeded(inSet); ControlSet conSet = mConSetsp[retracting ? 0 : inSet]; // Copy the control set for ease mStartTime = GetTickCount(); mShotIncomplete = true; // Set flag for incomplete shot, cleared only on image mNeedShotToInsert = -1; mSingleContModeUsed = mCancelNextContinuous ? SINGLE_FRAME : conSet.mode; mStoppedContinuous = false; if (mWinApp->GetNoCameras()) return; // Reset retry count if this is the first time in here if (!mInserting && !mRaisingScreen && !retrying) mNumRetries = 0; // If we were retracting and the blank flag is set, unblank now if (mInserting && !mITD.insert && mBlankWhenRetracting && !mParam->noShutter) { mScope->BlankBeam(false); mScope->SetCameraAcquiring(false); } // If we came in here, we must be done with screen and insertion // Don't clear settling time until after testing for low dose if (mInserting || mRaisingScreen) { SEMTrace('R', "Capture clearing raise signal"); if (mParam->AMTtype) SetAMTblanking(true); mWinApp->SetStatusText(SIMPLE_PANE, ""); } // If we just raised the screen to switch into STEM, set a timeout if (mRaisingScreen > 0 && mParam->STEMcamera && mWinApp->DoSwitchSTEMwithScreen()) mShiftManager->SetGeneralTimeOut(GetTickCount(), mScreenUpSTEMdelay); mRaisingScreen = 0; mInserting = false; mSuspendFilterUpdates = false; // If the halt flag is set, clear it and exit if (mHalting) { mHalting = false; StopContinuousSTEM(); ErrorCleanup(1); return; } if (CheckFrameStacking(false, (mParam->FEItype == FALCON2_TYPE && mFrameSavingEnabled && conSet.saveFrames) || (mTD.plugFuncs && mParam->canTakeFrames && (conSet.saveFrames || conSet.alignFrames || !(mParam->CamFlags & CAMFLAG_SINGLE_OK_IF_SAVE))))) { mWinApp->AddIdleTask(ThreadBusy, ScreenOrInsertDone, ScreenOrInsertError, inSet, 0); return; } // If not initialized and not in simulation mode, try to initialize if (!GetInitialized() && !mSimulationMode) { if (Initialize(INIT_CURRENT_CAMERA)) { ErrorCleanup(1); return; } } // Trap door to crash the program! It proves that the crash address matches the map /*if ((mWinApp->GetDebugKeys()).Find('}') >= 0) { CanPreExpose(NULL, 1); }*/ mSmiToDo.plugFuncs = mTD.scopePlugFuncs = mScope->GetPlugFuncs(); mTD.errFlag = 0; if (mParam->GatanCam) mTD.DMversion = mDMversion[CAMP_DM_INDEX(mParam)]; // If we are retaining shifts/mag change for a set and it is not appropriate, cancel if ((mMagToRestore || mShiftedISforSTEM) && !(inSet == mRetainMagAndShift && mParam->STEMcamera)) RestoreMagAndShift(); // For STEM camera, figure out detectors now in case it affects screen // Clear low dose area flag if returning just to be safe if (CapSetupSTEMChannelsDetectors(conSet, inSet, retracting)) { mLDwasSetToArea = -1; return; } // Now manage the screen, raise or lower if necessary if (CapManageScreen(inSet, retracting, numActive)) return; // If FEI camera has bad index, look it up to make sure it's there if (mParam->FEItype && mParam->eagleIndex < 0) { ind = mScope->LookupScriptingCamera(mParam, true); if (ind) { if (ind == 2) SEMMessageBox("The microscope communication got screwed up trying to contact " "this camera"); else if (ind == 1) SEMMessageBox("Cannot access this camera.\n\n" "TIA must be running and the camera must be selected\nin the CCD panel of the " "microscope user interface.", MB_EXCLAME); ErrorCleanup(1); return; } } // Enforce constraints on exposure time in the COPY of the control set, do not modify // the original. This is so that tilt series can keep working on exposure time in // main control set, but it means exposure and dose have to be taken from this exposure // variable at the end ConstrainExposureTime(mParam, &conSet); mExposure = conSet.exposure; // Make sure binning is legal too if (!retracting && FindNearestBinning(mParam, &conSet, binIndex, mBinning)) { logmess.Format("WARNING: Parameter set has an illegal binning (%d), using binning %d", conSet.binning, mBinning); mWinApp->AppendToLog(logmess); conSet.binning = mBinning; } // For JEOL, need a reliable value of tilt. Tilt is needed before frame saving setups mTiltBefore = (float)mScope->GetTiltAngle(); // Make sure doseFrac is off if it means something if (mParam->canTakeFrames && !(((mParam->canTakeFrames | FRAMES_CAN_BE_SAVED) && conSet.saveFrames) || ((mParam->canTakeFrames | FRAMES_CAN_BE_ALIGNED) && conSet.alignFrames))) conSet.doseFrac = 0; if (!mParam->canTakeFrames && (mParam->AMTtype || mParam->OneViewType || mParam->TietzType || mTD.plugFuncs || (mParam->FEItype && !IS_FALCON2_3_4(mParam)))) conSet.doseFrac = 0; // First turn on the save flag for EVERYBODY if it is supposed to align frames in IMOD if (IsConSetSaving(&conSet, inSet, mParam, false)) { if (mParam->DE_camType) conSet.saveFrames |= DE_SAVE_MASTER; else if (!conSet.saveFrames) conSet.saveFrames = 1; } // Next manage K2 switching to dark-subtracted if saving frames and they are // supposed to be unnormalized. if (mParam->K2Type && conSet.doseFrac) { if (IsConSetSaving(&conSet, inSet, mParam, true) && !conSet.saveFrames) conSet.saveFrames = 1; if (conSet.saveFrames && conSet.processing == GAIN_NORMALIZED && mSaveUnnormalizedFrames && CAN_PLUGIN_DO(CAN_GAIN_NORM, mParam)) conSet.processing = DARK_SUBTRACTED; } // For Alpine, DO NOT set mode to counting here, let the camera setup take care of this // if appropriate //if (IS_ALPINE(mParam)) //conSet.K2ReadMode = COUNTING_MODE; // For K3, unprocessed for counting mode is really raw and not the same as DS so promote if (mParam->K2Type == K3_TYPE && conSet.processing == UNPROCESSED && conSet.K2ReadMode > 0) conSet.processing = DARK_SUBTRACTED; mTD.Processing = conSet.processing; mTD.FrameTime = conSet.frameTime; mTD.PluginAcquireFlags = 0; mTD.PluginFrameFlags = 0; mTD.ReadoutsPerFrame = 1; // Make sure camera is inserted, blocking cameras are retracted, check temperature, and // set up saving from K2 camera; Again clear low dose area flag to be safe // Only do this once, not if come back in from settling if (mSettling < 0) { mTD.NumAsyncSumFrames = -1; mNumSubsetAligned = 0; if (CapManageInsertTempK2Saving(conSet, inSet, retracting, numActive)) { mLDwasSetToArea = -1; return; } } // If just retracting, finish up, initiate a pending shot and return if (retracting) { ErrorCleanup(0); InitiateIfPending(); return; } // Set the low dose area, setup the energy filter, and check for timeouts and settling if (CapSetLDAreaFilterSettling(inSet)) return; if (mMinShotInterval > 0) Sleep(mMinShotInterval); // Check the config file time at least before every Falcon shot if (IS_BASIC_FALCON2(mParam) && mCanUseFalconConfig >= 0) { setState = -1; if (mCanUseFalconConfig > 0) setState = (conSet.saveFrames || conSet.alignFrames) ? 1 : 0; error = mFalconHelper->CheckFalconConfig(setState, ind, "Giving up on accessing the config file;\n" "You will need to use the stupid checkbox in the Camera Setup dialog to indicate " "if intermediate frame saving is selected in the FEI dialog"); if (error) { ErrorCleanup(1); return; } mFrameSavingEnabled = ind > 0; mRestoreFalconConfig = setState >= 0; } // Finally the one-shot flag can be cleared since we are done leaving and coming back mNextAsyncSumFrames = -1; mImmediateReturn = false; mNoStackNextAsync = false; mDeferSumOnNextAsync = false; mNextFrameSkipThresh = 0.; // Log warning if column valves are closed or beam is off if ((mScope->FastColumnValvesOpen() == 0) && !mScope->GetSimulationMode() && mWarnIfBeamNotOn) mWinApp->AppendToLog("WARNING: Column valves closed or beam off while acquiring " "image."); // Set up Falcon saving mTD.FEIacquireFlags = ((mParam->FEItype == FALCON4_TYPE && mCanSaveEERformat) ? PLUGFEI_CALL_EER_MODE : 0); weCanAlignFalcon = CanWeAlignFalcon(mParam, mFrameSavingEnabled, falconHasFrames, conSet.K2ReadMode); mSavingFalconFrames = falconHasFrames && conSet.saveFrames; // WE are aligning here if we can and alignment is selected for here mAligningFalconFrames = weCanAlignFalcon && conSet.alignFrames && conSet.useFrameAlign == 1; // Just aligning somewhere, and removing frames, if no save is selected and we CAN align // here, meaning there is a local path to Falcon 3 frames aligningOnly = conSet.alignFrames && !conSet.saveFrames && weCanAlignFalcon; mFalconHelper->SetEERsumming(0); alignNotSave = mFalconAlignsWithoutSave && IS_FALCON3_OR_4(mParam) && conSet.alignFrames && !conSet.saveFrames && !conSet.useFrameAlign; // Set flag for immediate wait if aligning here or in IMOD if (FCAM_ADVANCED(mParam) && conSet.alignFrames && weCanAlignFalcon && conSet.useFrameAlign > 0) mTD.FEIacquireFlags |= PLUGFEI_WAIT_FOR_FRAMES; if (mSavingFalconFrames && mParam->FEItype == FALCON4_TYPE && mParam->falconVariant == FALCON4I_VARIANT) mTD.FEIacquireFlags |= PLUGFEI_SKIP_FRAME_WAIT; // Check for inability to write a com file for Falcon 2 if (FCAM_ADVANCED(mParam) && mParam->FEItype == FALCON2_TYPE && conSet.alignFrames && conSet.useFrameAlign > 1 && CBaseSocket::ServerIsRemote(FEI_SOCK_ID) && mLocalFalconFramePath.IsEmpty()) { SEMMessageBox("The program cannot write a command file for alignment with IMOD" " when the microscope computer is remote unless the property LocalFalconFramePath" " is defined for direct access to files on the microscope."); ErrorCleanup(1); return; } // Call the config setup function in any case of aligning/saving as well as to avoid // frames for basic Falcon 2 if ((IS_BASIC_FALCON2(mParam) && mFrameSavingEnabled) || mSavingFalconFrames || mAligningFalconFrames || (aligningOnly && !alignNotSave)) { if (FCAM_ADVANCED(mParam) || mAligningFalconFrames) mDeferStackingFrames = false; if (IsSaveInEERMode(mParam, &conSet)) { mTD.FEIacquireFlags |= PLUGFEI_USE_EER_MODE; // Set up for software binning in server if property is set for it if ((conSet.binning > 1 || conSet.right < mParam->sizeX) && mTakeUnbinnedIfSavingEER) mTD.FEIacquireFlags |= PLUGFEI_TAKE_UNBINNED; if (mAligningFalconFrames) { mFalconHelper->SetEERsumming(B3DNINT(conSet.frameTime / GetFalconReadoutInterval(mParam))); ind = conSet.faParamSetInd; B3DCLAMP(ind, 0, (int)mFrameAliParams.GetSize() - 1); // With antialias reading, we read only at super-res 0 if (mFalconHelper->GetReadEERantialiased()) { mFalconHelper->SetEERsuperRes(0); } else { faParam = mFrameAliParams.GetAt(ind); B3DCLAMP(faParam.EERsuperRes, 0, 2); mFalconHelper->SetEERsuperRes(faParam.EERsuperRes); } } } // This is assuming it doesn't matter what user fractions are specified, so make // it just two to minimize saving if (IS_FALCON3_OR_4(mParam) && !conSet.saveFrames && conSet.alignFrames && !conSet.useFrameAlign) { conSet.summedFrameList.clear(); sumCount = B3DNINT(conSet.exposure / FalconAlignFractionTime(mParam)); conSet.summedFrameList.push_back(1); conSet.summedFrameList.push_back((sumCount / 2) * mFalcon3AlignFraction); conSet.summedFrameList.push_back(1); conSet.summedFrameList.push_back((sumCount - sumCount / 2) * mFalcon3AlignFraction); } // Setup routine used to check that the frame folder is not an empty string when not // saving, so pass it the top directory in that case, otherwise get path/name for // real. For advanced scripting, this sends the optional folder and it is turned // into the full path if (conSet.saveFrames || (FCAM_ADVANCED(mParam) && (mAligningFalconFrames || aligningOnly))) ComposeFramePathAndName(aligningOnly); else mFrameFolder = mDirForFalconFrames; if (mFalconHelper->SetupConfigFile(conSet, inSet, mLocalFalconFramePath, mFrameFolder, mFrameFilename, mFalconFrameConfig, mStackingWasDeferred, mParam, mTD.NumFramesSaved)) { ErrorCleanup(1); return; } mDiscardImage = FCAM_CONTIN_SAVE(mParam); } // For Ceta saving, make direct call to set up location /* if (FCAM_CONTIN_SAVE(mParam) && conSet.saveFrames) { ComposeFramePathAndName(false); ind = 0; if (mTD.scopePlugFuncs->ASIsetupFrames(mParam->eagleIndex, -1, ind, 0, (long *)&ind, (LPCTSTR)mFrameFolder, (LPCTSTR)mFrameFilename, 0, 0.)) { logmess.Format("Error setting storage location for Ceta saving:\n%s", mTD.scopePlugFuncs->GetLastErrorString()); SEMMessageBox(logmess); ErrorCleanup(1); return; } mDiscardImage = true; }*/ // Now that the fact that we need to align without saving is recorded, turn on the // save flag for all align cases: but set flag if we need to remove stack aligned by FEI mRemoveFEIalignedFrames = false; if (aligningOnly && !alignNotSave) { conSet.saveFrames = 1; mRemoveFEIalignedFrames = !conSet.useFrameAlign; if (mRemoveFEIalignedFrames) mTD.FEIacquireFlags |= PLUGFEI_WAIT_FOR_FRAMES; } // Enforce read mode 0 for K2 base camera and DE that cannot count if (mParam->K2Type == 2 || (mParam->DE_camType && !(mParam->CamFlags & DE_CAM_CAN_COUNT))) conSet.K2ReadMode = 0; // Set up DE12 saving mRemoveAlignedDEframes = false; if (mWinApp->mDEToolDlg.CanSaveFrames(mParam)) { setState = (conSet.saveFrames & DE_SAVE_FINAL) ? DE_SAVE_FINAL : 0; sumCount = conSet.K2ReadMode > 0 ? conSet.sumK2Frames : conSet.DEsumCount; sumCount = B3DMAX(1, sumCount); // Turn on only the save master flag if aligning only and set flag to remove frames if (conSet.alignFrames && !(conSet.saveFrames & DE_SAVE_MASTER)) { conSet.saveFrames = DE_SAVE_MASTER; mRemoveAlignedDEframes = true; } if (conSet.saveFrames & DE_SAVE_MASTER) { // Set up the traditional frame/sum/final flags if (mTD.DE_Cam->GetNormAllInServer()) { // New server: always set DE_SAVE_SUMS, set DE_SAVE_FRAMES for saving raw/single // also if summing setState |= DE_SAVE_SUMS; if ((sumCount > 1 || conSet.K2ReadMode > 0) && (conSet.saveFrames & DE_SAVE_SINGLE)) setState |= DE_SAVE_FRAMES; } else { // Old server: set DE_SAVE_SUMS only for sums > 1; set DE_SAVE_FRAMES for sums = 1 // or to save single also if (conSet.DEsumCount <= 1 || (conSet.saveFrames & DE_SAVE_SINGLE)) setState |= DE_SAVE_FRAMES; if (conSet.DEsumCount > 1) setState |= DE_SAVE_SUMS; } // Set up frame folder before getting full folder, make sure it is OK mFrameFolder = mParam->DE_AutosaveDir; if (!mFrameFolder.IsEmpty() && !mDirForDEFrames.IsEmpty()) { mFrameFolder += "\\" + mDirForDEFrames; if (CreateFrameDirIfNeeded(mFrameFolder, &logmess, 'D')) { SEMMessageBox(logmess); ErrorCleanup(1); return; } } // Get full folder and suffix, using temporary name if aligning only // again make sure folder is OK ComposeFramePathAndName(mRemoveAlignedDEframes); if (!mFrameFolder.IsEmpty() && CreateFrameDirIfNeeded(mFrameFolder, &logmess, 'D')){ SEMMessageBox(logmess); ErrorCleanup(1); return; } } if (mTD.DE_Cam->SetAllAutoSaves(setState, sumCount, mFrameFilename, mFrameFolder, conSet.K2ReadMode > 0)) { ErrorCleanup(1); return; } } if (!mWinApp->mBufferManager->OKtoDestroy(0, "Capturing an image")) { ErrorCleanup(1); return; } mTD.UseUtapi = UsingUtapiForCamera(mParam); // Convert from coordinates in conset to unbinned coordinates, adjusting as needed CapManageCoordinates(conSet, gainXoffset, gainYoffset); // Now that image size is known, check allocation against buffer usage if (!UtilOKtoAllocate(2 * mTD.DMSizeX * mTD.DMSizeY)) { SEMMessageBox("Cannot allocate array for image without exceeding memory limit\n" "You need to delete some image buffers (in Buffer Control panel, open Options)"); ErrorCleanup(1); return; } // load some thread data mTD.ImageType = (mParam->unsignedImages && GetDivideBy2() <= 0) ? kUSHORT : kSHORT; mTD.DivideBy2 = (mParam->unsignedImages && GetDivideBy2() > 0) ? mDivideBy2 : 0; if (ReturningFloatImages(mParam)) mTD.ImageType = kFLOAT; mTD.Corrections = mParam->corrections; mTD.PreDarkBinning = 0; mTD.LowestMModeMag = mScope->GetLowestMModeMagInd(); mTD.JeolMagChangeDelay = mScope->GetJeolPostMagDelay(); mTD.RestoreBBmode = mParam->restoreBBmode != 0; mTD.scopeSimulation = mScope->GetSimulationMode(); mTD.useImageBeamTilt = FEIscope && mScope->GetUseImageBeamTilt(); // Set up all the shuttering and timing parameters CapSetupShutteringTiming(conSet, inSet, bEnsureDark); // Copy flags and targets, clear the flags mTD.TietzType = mParam->TietzType; mTD.FEItype = mParam->FEItype; mTD.CamFlags = mParam->CamFlags; mTD.DE_camType = mParam->DE_camType; mTD.TietzFlatfieldDir = mParam->pluginCanProcess ? mParam->TietzFlatfieldDir : ""; // DNM: this was added for NCMIR camera mWinApp->SetStatusText(SIMPLE_PANE, ""); mTD.cameraName = mParam->name; if ((mTD.FEItype && !mTD.STEMcamera && !mParam->detectorName[0].IsEmpty()) || mParam->TietzType) mTD.cameraName = mParam->detectorName[0]; mTD.MakeFEIerrorTimeout = mMakeFEIerrorBeTimeout; mTD.checkFEIname = mOtherCamerasInTIA; mTD.oneFEIshutter = mParam->onlyOneShutter; binDiv = BinDivisorI(mParam); // Pass the native chip size and let plugin adjust for image type mTD.fullSizeX = mParam->sizeX / binDiv; mTD.fullSizeY = mParam->sizeY / binDiv; if (mTD.UseUtapi && mParam->STEMcamera) { mTD.fullSizeX /= conSet.binning; mTD.fullSizeY /= conSet.binning; } mTD.PostMoveStage = mStageQueued; mTD.imageReturned = false; mTD.GetDeferredSum = 0; mDeferredSumFailed = false; mTD.GetDoseRate = mParam->K2Type && CAN_PLUGIN_DO(HAS_DOSE_CALL, mParam) && mDMversion[CAMP_DM_INDEX(mParam)] >= DM_HAS_ELECTRON_DOSE && conSet.K2ReadMode != LINEAR_MODE; mTD.MoveInfo = mSmiToDo; mTD.MoveInfo.JeolSD = mTD.JeolSD; mTD.PostImageShift = mISQueued; mTD.ISX = mISToDoX; mTD.ISY = mISToDoY; mTD.PostBeamTilt = mBeamTiltQueued; mTD.BeamTiltX = mBTToDoX; mTD.BeamTiltY = mBTToDoY; mTD.BTBacklashDelay = mBTBacklashDelay; if (mBTBacklashDelay > 0) mTD.BeamTiltBacklash = mWinApp->mAutoTuning->GetBeamTiltBacklash(); mTD.PostStigmator = mAstigQueued; mTD.AstigX = mAstigToDoX; mTD.AstigY = mAstigToDoY; mTD.AstigBacklashDelay = mAstigBacklashDelay; if (mAstigBacklashDelay > 0) mTD.AstigBacklash = mWinApp->mAutoTuning->GetAstigBacklash(); mTD.PostSetDefocus = mDefocusQueued; mTD.NewDefocus = mDefocusToDo; mTD.PostChangeMag = mMagQueued; mTD.NewMagIndex = mMagIndToDo; mTD.TiltDuringDelay = B3DCHOICE(!FEIscope && mTiltDuringShotDelay >= 0, B3DMAX(1, mTiltDuringShotDelay), 0); mTD.WaitUntilK2Ready = 0; // Set up so that an error message in the post-action script, which is not issued until // final cleanup, will not result in a message box if script or TS is set to avoid them mNoMessageBoxOnError = 0; if (mWinApp->mNavHelper->GetNoMessageBoxOnError() || (mWinApp->mMacroProcessor->DoingMacro() && (mWinApp->mMacroProcessor->GetTryCatchLevel() > 0 || mWinApp->mMacroProcessor->GetNoMessageBoxOnError()))) mNoMessageBoxOnError = -1; if (mWinApp->DoingTiltSeries() && mWinApp->mTSController->GetTerminateOnError()) mNoMessageBoxOnError = 1; // Set up scaling for K2 camera. // Set read mode -2 or -3 for OneView so it is distinct from K2 // Send a scaling of 1 for summit linear mode, or the scaling parameter for base camera mTD.NeedsReadMode = mNeedsReadMode[CAMP_DM_INDEX(mParam)]; mTD.GatanReadMode = B3DCHOICE(mParam->K2Type > 0 || (mParam->DE_camType && (mParam->CamFlags & DE_CAM_CAN_COUNT)) || (mParam->FEItype && FCAM_CAN_COUNT(mParam)), conSet.K2ReadMode, -1); if (mParam->OneViewType == METRO_TYPE) mTD.GatanReadMode = conSet.K2ReadMode != 0 ? -22 : -21; else if (mParam->OneViewType) mTD.GatanReadMode = (conSet.K2ReadMode != 0 && mParam->OneViewType != CLEARVIEW_TYPE) ? -2 : -3; mTD.CountScaling = GetCountScaling(mParam); if (mTD.GatanReadMode == 0) { mTD.CountScaling = mParam->K2Type == K2_BASE ? mK2BaseModeScaling : 1.; if (mParam->K2Type == K3_TYPE) { // For K3 linear mode, it needs to scale by the linear / counting ratio mTD.CountScaling = 1. / mParam->linear2CountingRatio; if (mUseK3CorrDblSamp) mTD.CountScaling /= mParam->K3CDSLinearRatio; // Add the offset per 10 ms of exposure to the scaling; compute per ms and multiply // by 10 just in case there is a scale between 1 and 10. // Possibly temporary workaround to extra frame of offset in continuous mode scaleFac = 0.001f; if (conSet.mode == CONTINUOUS) scaleFac *= (float)((mExposure + GetK2ReadoutInterval(mParam)) / mExposure); offsetPerMs = B3DNINT(mParam->linearOffset * scaleFac / GetK2ReadoutInterval(mParam)); mTD.CountScaling += 10 * offsetPerMs; mTD.GatanReadMode = K3_LINEAR_SET_MODE; } } else if (mParam->K2Type == K3_TYPE) { mTD.GatanReadMode = K3_COUNTING_SET_MODE; if (conSet.processing == DARK_SUBTRACTED) mTD.CountScaling = mScope->GetSimulationMode() ? 1. : mParam->countsPerElectron; } // DE cameras: Handle numerous items mTD.AlignFrames = (mParam->K2Type && !conSet.doseFrac) ? 0 : conSet.alignFrames; mTD.UseFrameAlign = false; mDoingDEframeAlign = 0; if (mParam->DE_camType) { // Set the frames per second and fix count scaling for no counting mTD.FramesPerSec = mParam->DE_FramesPerSec; if ((mParam->CamFlags & DE_CAM_CAN_COUNT) && mTD.GatanReadMode > 0) mTD.FramesPerSec = mParam->DE_CountingFPS; else mTD.CountScaling = 1.; // set AlignFrames if aligning in server mTD.AlignFrames = -1; if (mParam->CamFlags & DE_CAM_CAN_ALIGN) mTD.AlignFrames = (conSet.useFrameAlign && (conSet.saveFrames & DE_SAVE_MASTER)) ? 0 : conSet.alignFrames; // Set up the flags for our own frame alignment if (conSet.alignFrames && (mParam->CamFlags & DE_WE_CAN_ALIGN)) { mDoingDEframeAlign = conSet.useFrameAlign; if (conSet.useFrameAlign > 1 && mAlignWholeSeriesInIMOD) mDoingDEframeAlign = 0; } // Give error if TIFF file saving is selected for incompatible actions if (!mWinApp->mDEToolDlg.GetFormatForAutoSave() && conSet.alignFrames && (mParam->CamFlags & DE_WE_CAN_ALIGN) && conSet.useFrameAlign){ SEMMessageBox("You must have saving to MRC files selected to align frames"); ErrorCleanup(1); return; } // Set hardware binning if available and needed mTD.UseHardwareBinning = -1; if (mParam->CamFlags & DE_HAS_HARDWARE_BIN) mTD.UseHardwareBinning = (conSet.binning > 1 && conSet.boostMag > 0) ? 1 : 0; SEMTrace('D', "Capture bin %d boostMag %d set HW bin %d", conSet.binning, conSet.boostMag, mTD.UseHardwareBinning); mTD.UseHardwareROI = -1; if (mParam->CamFlags & DE_HAS_HARDWARE_ROI) mTD.UseHardwareROI = conSet.magAllShots > 0 ? 1 : 0; // If doing gain ref in server, Send the repeat count and the mode to set // Adjust the mode to linear for the pre-counting items now that FPS is set mTD.DE_Cam->SetupServerReference(mDEserverRefNextShot, conSet.processing == UNPROCESSED ? DE_DARK_IMAGE : DE_GAIN_IMAGE); if (mDEserverRefNextShot > 0 && mWinApp->mGainRefMaker->GetDEcurProcessType() == 1) mTD.GatanReadMode = 0; // If last saved frame name was predicted, try to verify it now; then set the timeout // for getting name this time by multiplying basic timeout by 2 or 3 ??? mTD.DE_Cam->VerifyLastSetNameIfPredicted( B3DMAX(mDEPrevSetNameTimeout, mDESetNameTimeoutUsed)); mDESetNameTimeoutUsed = mDEPrevSetNameTimeout * (1.f + (mTD.GatanReadMode > 0 ? 1.f : 0.f) + (mTD.AlignFrames ? 1.f : 0.f)); } // Sanity check on other potential frame-saving cameras: make sure no illegal flags set if (mTD.plugFuncs || mParam->OneViewType) { if (!(mParam->canTakeFrames & FRAMES_CAN_BE_SAVED)) conSet.saveFrames = 0; if (!(mParam->canTakeFrames & FRAMES_CAN_BE_ALIGNED)) conSet.alignFrames = 0; if (!(conSet.alignFrames || conSet.saveFrames)) conSet.doseFrac = 0; } // Plugin camera: set up frames for saving or aligning // Tietz burst mode must be set to 1 if not taking frameas mSavingPluginFrames = false; mAligningPluginFrames = false; if (mParam->TietzType && mParam->canTakeFrames) mTD.PluginAcquireFlags |= TIETZ_SET_BURST_MODE; if ((mTD.plugFuncs || (mParam->AMTtype && mParam->canTakeFrames)) && conSet.doseFrac) { // Set readouts per frame in case it is needed and meaningful mTD.ReadoutsPerFrame = B3DNINT(conSet.frameTime / GetK2ReadoutInterval(mParam, conSet.binning, 0)); mSavingPluginFrames = conSet.saveFrames != 0 || (conSet.alignFrames && conSet.useFrameAlign > 1); mAligningPluginFrames = conSet.alignFrames && conSet.useFrameAlign == 1; if (mSavingPluginFrames) { ComposeFramePathAndName(false); if (!mFrameFolder.IsEmpty() && CreateFrameDirIfNeeded(mFrameFolder, &logmess, '}')) { SEMMessageBox(logmess); ErrorCleanup(1); return; } } if (mParam->TietzType) { mTD.PluginFrameFlags = mParam->dropFrameFlags; } } mTD.NeedFrameDarkRef = mSavingPluginFrames || mAligningPluginFrames; // Tietz camera needs the read mode set if it is an XF416, or there is flatfielding // possible, or there is frame-saving possible. Set to 0 for beam blank or 1 for // rolling shutter here, let this be translated into mode and speed indexes in the call if (mParam->TietzType) { mTD.GatanReadMode = -1; if ((mParam->TietzType >= MIN_XF416_TYPE && mParam->TietzType <= 18) || mParam->canTakeFrames || !mTD.TietzFlatfieldDir.IsEmpty()) { mTD.GatanReadMode = conSet.doseFrac ? 1 : 0; if (conSet.doseFrac) mTD.RestoreBBmode = true; } } if (IS_FALCON2_3_4(mParam) && !weCanAlignFalcon) conSet.useFrameAlign = 0; mTD.DoseFrac = conSet.doseFrac; CropTietzSubarea(mParam, conSet.right, conSet.left, conSet.bottom, conSet.top, conSet.processing, conSet.mode, special); B3DCLAMP(conSet.frameTime, GetMinK2FrameTime(mParam, conSet.binning, special), 10.f); if ((conSet.doseFrac || (IS_FALCON2_3_4(mParam) && FCAM_ADVANCED(mParam)) || (IS_BASIC_FALCON2(mParam) && weCanAlignFalcon)) && conSet.alignFrames && conSet.useFrameAlign) { mTD.AlignFrames = 0; if (conSet.useFrameAlign == 1) { mTD.K2ParamFlags |= K2_USE_FRAMEALIGN; mTD.UseFrameAlign = true; } else if (!mAlignWholeSeriesInIMOD || mTD.FrameTStiltToAngle.size() > 0) { mTD.K2ParamFlags |= K2_MAKE_ALIGN_COM; // Used for Falcon also if (mTD.FrameTStiltToAngle.size() > 0) mTD.K2ParamFlags |= K2_SAVE_COM_AFTER_MDOC; } } mTD.SaveFrames = conSet.saveFrames && (!mParam->K2Type || conSet.doseFrac); mTD.rotationFlip = mParam->rotationFlip; B3DCLAMP(conSet.filterType, 0, mNumK2Filters - 1); if (mK2FilterNames[conSet.filterType].GetLength() >= MAX_FILTER_NAME_LEN) mK2FilterNames[conSet.filterType].Truncate(MAX_FILTER_NAME_LEN - 1); sprintf((char *)mTD.FilterName, "%s", (LPCTSTR)mK2FilterNames[conSet.filterType]); mStageQueued = false; mMagQueued = false; mISQueued = false; mBeamTiltQueued = false; mAstigQueued = false; mDefocusQueued = false; mNumDRdelete = 0; // Get prior record dose from tilt series or macro mPriorRecordDose = -1.; if (mTD.DoingTiltSums) mPriorRecordDose = 0.; else if (mWinApp->DoingTiltSeries()) mPriorRecordDose = (float)mWinApp->mTSController->GetCumulativeDose(); else if (mWinApp->mMacroProcessor->DoingMacro()) mPriorRecordDose = mWinApp->mMacroProcessor->GetCumulRecordDose(); // Adjust or set scaling for FEI cameras in advanced interface mDivBy2ForExtra = mDivBy2ForImBuf = mTD.DivideBy2; if (mParam->FEItype && FCAM_ADVANCED(mParam)) { if (mParam->autoGainAtBinning > 0) { mTD.DivideBy2 += B3DNINT(log((double)mParam->gainFactor[binIndex]) / log(0.5)); SEMTrace('E', "Divide by 2 set to %d for binning %d (factor %f)", mTD.DivideBy2, mBinning, mParam->gainFactor[binIndex]); } mDivBy2ForExtra = mTD.DivideBy2; mTD.CountScaling = 0.; if (IS_FALCON3_OR_4(mParam) && mParam->falcon3ScalePower > -10) { if (conSet.K2ReadMode) { if (mParam->falcon3ScalePower <= 0) { mTD.DivideBy2 -= mParam->falcon3ScalePower; if (mTD.FEIacquireFlags & PLUGFEI_USE_EER_MODE) scaleFac = (float)(mParam->falconEventScaling / pow(2.,mTD.DivideBy2)); } else { mTD.CountScaling = mParam->linear2CountingRatio / (float)pow(2., mTD.DivideBy2 + mParam->falcon3ScalePower); if (mTD.FEIacquireFlags & PLUGFEI_USE_EER_MODE) scaleFac = (float)(mTD.CountScaling * mParam->falconEventScaling); } if (mTD.FEIacquireFlags & PLUGFEI_USE_EER_MODE) mFalconHelper->SetLastEERcountScaling(scaleFac); } else { mTD.FEIacquireFlags |= (PLUGFEI_APPLY_PIX2COUNT | PLUGFEI_UNBIN_PIX2COUNT); if (mParam->falcon3ScalePower <= 0) mTD.CountScaling = 1.f / (mParam->linear2CountingRatio * (float)pow(2., mTD.DivideBy2 - mParam->falcon3ScalePower)); else mTD.DivideBy2 += mParam->falcon3ScalePower; } SEMTrace('E', "Falcon 3 scaling: divideBy2 %d float scale %f cpe %f eventsc %f " "flags %x", mTD.DivideBy2, mTD.CountScaling, mParam->countsPerElectron, mParam->falconEventScaling, mTD.FEIacquireFlags); } if ((mParam->CamFlags & PLUGFEI_CAN_DARK_ONLY) && conSet.processing == DARK_SUBTRACTED) { mTD.FEIacquireFlags |= PLUGFEI_DARK_CORR_ONLY; } } else if (IS_FALCON3_OR_4(mParam) && mParam->falcon3ScalePower > -10 && mScope->GetPluginVersion() >= FEI_PLUGIN_SCALES_DUMB_F3) { mTD.DivideBy2 = mParam->falcon3ScalePower + SCALE_POWER_OFFSET - mTD.DivideBy2; // Set flags for extra div by 2 if allowed and selected OR there is autogain } else if ((mParam->CamFlags & CAMFLAG_CAN_DIV_MORE)) { ind = mExtraDivideBy2; if (mParam->autoGainAtBinning > 0) ind += B3DNINT(log((double)mParam->gainFactor[binIndex]) / log(0.5)); if (ind > 0) { ind = B3DMIN(ind, PLUGCAM_MOREDIV_MASK); mTD.PluginAcquireFlags |= PLUGCAM_DIV_BY_MORE | (ind << PLUGCAM_MOREDIV_BITS); mDivBy2ForExtra += ind; mTD.K2ParamFlags |= PLUGCAM_DIV_BY_MORE | (ind << PLUGCAM_MOREDIV_BITS); } } // Set flags for float if allowed and selected if (mAcquireFloatImages && (mParam->CamFlags & CAMFLAG_FLOATS_BY_FLAG)) { mTD.PluginAcquireFlags |= PLUGCAM_RETURN_FLOAT; mTD.K2ParamFlags |= PLUGCAM_RETURN_FLOAT; } if (mTD.plugFuncs && (mParam->CamFlags & CAMFLAG_RESTORE_SETTINGS)) mTD.PluginAcquireFlags |= PLUGCAM_RESTORE_SETTINGS; // Set timeout for camera acquires from exposure and readout components megaVoxel = (mDMsizeX * mDMsizeY / 1.e6) / (mParam->fourPort ? 4. : 1.); if (mParam->DE_camType == DE_12 || IS_FALCON2_3_4(mParam)) megaVoxel = (mParam->sizeX * mParam->sizeY) / 1.e6; exposure = mExposure; if (mDEserverRefNextShot > 0) { exposure = mDEserverRefNextShot * ((conSet.K2ReadMode * 10 + 1) * exposure + 3.); if (mParam->CamFlags & DE_CAM_CAN_COUNT) exposure *= mTD.FramesPerSec / 20.; } else if (mParam->DE_camType && conSet.K2ReadMode > 0) exposure *= 3 * conSet.K2ReadMode; if (mParam->STEMcamera && mParam->GatanCam && conSet.lineSync) exposure += mDMsizeY * mDSsyncMargin / 1.e6; mTD.cameraTimeout = (DWORD)(mTimeoutFactor * 1000. * (5. + mTD.DMsettling + exposure + megaVoxel / megaVoxPerSec)); if (mParam->K2Type || (mParam->OneViewType && mTD.DoseFrac)) { double asyncUsedUp = 0.; if (mLastAsyncTimeout) { asyncUsedUp = SEMTickInterval(mAsyncTickStart); if (CAN_PLUGIN_DO(HAS_WAIT_CALL, mParam)) mTD.WaitUntilK2Ready = 1 + (mTD.DoseFrac ? 1 : 0); } // K2 has a basic fixed time that depends on mode, but linear mode can have dark ref superRes = IS_SUPERRES(mParam, conSet.K2ReadMode); mTD.cameraTimeout = (DWORD)((conSet.K2ReadMode == LINEAR_MODE ? 2. : 1.) * mTimeoutFactor * 1000. * (mExposure + (superRes ? 20. : 15.))); if (mTD.DoseFrac) { // For K2 dose frac mode, add time per frame, plus time if aligning ind = (int)ceil(mExposure / conSet.frameTime); mTD.cameraTimeout += (DWORD)(mTimeoutFactor * 1000. * ind * (superRes ? 6. : 1.5)); if (mTD.AlignFrames) mTD.cameraTimeout += (DWORD)(mTimeoutFactor * 1000. * ind * (superRes ? 20. : 5.)); // Allow time for saving too, at 10 MB/sec. Superres is bytes, others are ints if (mTD.SaveFrames) mTD.cameraTimeout += (DWORD)(mTimeoutFactor * 1000. * ind * (superRes ? 7. : 3.5)); // If there is a leftover timeout from async shot, use it up for any dose frac shot DWORD saveTimeout = mTD.cameraTimeout; if (mLastAsyncTimeout && asyncUsedUp < mLastAsyncTimeout) mTD.cameraTimeout += mLastAsyncTimeout - (DWORD)asyncUsedUp; // If saving these frames async, then save the timeout and start time if (mTD.NumAsyncSumFrames >= 0) { mLastAsyncTimeout = saveTimeout; mAsyncTickStart = GetTickCount(); mLastAsyncExpTime = (float)mExposure; } // For non dose-frac shot, we could add previous exposure time minus amount used up // to allow for the plugin waiting until previous capture is over for GMS < 2.31, // but keep it simple and just extend the timeout for every shot } else if (mLastAsyncTimeout && asyncUsedUp < mLastAsyncTimeout) { mTD.cameraTimeout += mLastAsyncTimeout - (DWORD)asyncUsedUp; } // Switching CDS can take 10 seconds if (CanK3DoCorrDblSamp(mParam)) { if (mLastShotUsedCDS != ((mTD.K2ParamFlags & K3_USE_CORR_DBL_SAMP) ? 1 : 0)) { mTD.cameraTimeout += 12000; CheckAndFreeK2References(true); } mLastShotUsedCDS = (mTD.K2ParamFlags & K3_USE_CORR_DBL_SAMP) ? 1 : 0; } SEMTrace('Z', "K2 timeout %d readmode %d dosefrac %d align %d", mTD.cameraTimeout, conSet.K2ReadMode, mTD.DoseFrac ? 1 : 0, mTD.AlignFrames ? 1 :0); } // For Falcon saving, allow ~8 MB/sec, data are saved as 4 byte ints if (mSavingFalconFrames) mTD.cameraTimeout += (DWORD)(mTimeoutFactor * 1000. * (mDMsizeX * mDMsizeY / 2.e6) * mFalconHelper->GetFrameTotals(conSet.summedFrameList, ind)); // Add 4 minutes if tilting in blanker thread if (mTD.TiltDuringDelay) mTD.cameraTimeout += 240000; // Save stage and mag before starting, setup drift with IS and dynamic focus if (CapSaveStageMagSetupDynFocus(conSet, inSet)) return; // Set timeout for blanker to basic value plus an amount per micron for stage move mTD.blankerTimeout = 0; if ((mTD.PreDarkBinning && mTD.PreDarkBlankTime) || mTD.UnblankTime || mTD.ReblankTime || mTD.PostActionTime || mTD.ScanTime > 0. || mTD.FocusStep1) mTD.blankerTimeout = 15000; if (mTD.PostMoveStage && (mTD.MoveInfo.axisBits & (axisX | axisY))) mTD.blankerTimeout += (DWORD)(((JEOLscope && mScope->GetSimulationMode()) ? 1.0f : 0.25f) * mTD.MoveInfo.distanceMoved * 1000.); else if (mTD.PostMoveStage && (mTD.MoveInfo.axisBits && axisA)) mTD.blankerTimeout += (DWORD)((JEOLscope ? 1000. : 200.) * (2. + fabs(mTD.MoveInfo.alpha - mTiltBefore))); if (mTD.TiltDuringDelay) mTD.blankerTimeout += 240000; // If a frame TS is queued and frames are being saved and nothing else conflicting is // queued, then allow it proceed and set up moveinfo for tilting, otherwise clear it out if ((IsConSetSaving(&conSet, inSet, mParam, false) || conSet.useFrameAlign) && (mTD.FrameTStiltToAngle.size() > 0 || mTD.FrameTSwaitOrInterval.size() > 0) && !mTD.ScanTime && !mTD.DriftISinterval && !mTD.DynFocusInterval && !mTD.FocusStep1 && !mTD.PostMoveStage) { mTD.FrameTSstopOnCamReturn = !(mParam->K2Type && mTD.NumAsyncSumFrames >= 0) ? 1 : 0; mTD.FrameTSinitialDelay += mParam->builtInSettling + mParam->startupDelay; mTD.JeolOLtoUm = mScope->GetJeol_OLfine_to_um(); if (mTD.FrameTStiltToAngle.size() > 0) { mTD.MoveInfo.axisBits = axisA; mTD.FrameTSdoBacklash = mTD.FrameTSdoBacklash && mTD.FrameTStiltToAngle.size() > 1; if (mTD.FrameTSdoBacklash) mTD.MoveInfo.backAlpha = mWinApp->mComplexTasks->GetTiltBacklash() * (mTD.FrameTStiltToAngle[1] > mTD.FrameTStiltToAngle[0] ? -1.f : 1.f); mTD.MoveInfo.doRelax = false; mTD.MoveInfo.useSpeed = mFrameTSspeed > 0.; if (mFrameTSspeed > 0.) mTD.MoveInfo.speed = mFrameTSspeed; mTD.MoveInfo.doRestoreXY = mFrameTSrestoreX > EXTRA_VALUE_TEST; if (mTD.MoveInfo.doRestoreXY) { mTD.MoveInfo.x = mFrameTSrestoreX; mTD.MoveInfo.y = mFrameTSrestoreY; } } mTD.blankerTimeout += 240000; } else { mTD.FrameTStiltToAngle.clear(); mTD.FrameTSwaitOrInterval.clear(); } // Manage the dark and gain reference usage if (CapManageDarkGainRefs(conSet, inSet, bEnsureDark, gainXoffset, gainYoffset)) return; mTD.Exposure = mExposure; mAdjustedExpForDose = (float)mExposure; if (IS_FALCON3_OR_4(mParam) && FCAM_CAN_COUNT(mParam) && conSet.K2ReadMode > 0) { if (IsSaveInEERMode(mParam, &conSet) && mParam->addToEERExposure > -1.) mTD.Exposure += mParam->addToEERExposure; // Make sure number of frames will be a multiple of constraint for Flacon 4 sumCount = GetFalconRawSumSize(mParam); ind = sumCount * B3DNINT(mTD.Exposure / (GetFalconReadoutInterval(mParam) * sumCount)); // This formula is wrong for Falcon 3 but the timings are based on it // In a message about Falcon 4 TFS used the formula ceil(n * 32 / 31) mTD.Exposure = GetFalconReadoutInterval(mParam) * B3DCHOICE(mParam->FEItype == FALCON3_TYPE, (ind + ind / 32), (ind * 32 + 30) / 31); SEMTrace('E', "Adjusted exposure time for lost frames in counting from %.3f to %.3f", mExposure, mTD.Exposure); mAdjustedExpForDose = (float)mTD.Exposure; } if (mParam->addToExposure > -1. && mParam->addToExposure + mExposure > mParam->minExposure) mTD.Exposure += mParam->addToExposure; mTD.psa = NULL; mTD.Array[0] = NULL; mTD.Simulation = mSimulationMode; mTD.FauxCamera = IsCameraFaux(); mTD.NumDRDelete = mNumDRdelete; mTD.DRdelete = mDRdelete; mTD.DMbeamShutterOK = mParam->DMbeamShutterOK; mTD.DMsettlingOK = mParam->DMsettlingOK; mTD.ProcessingPlus = mTD.Processing; // Be sure to set this after all modifications mTD.PlugSTEMacquireFlags = (mBaseJeolSTEMflags & ~(0x3)) + (mTD.DivideBy2 ? PLUGCAM_DIVIDE_BY2 : 0); mTD.integration = conSet.integration; mTD.PluginVersion = GetPluginVersion(mParam); // Set partial scan to 2 the first time to signal that buffers need to be rolled if (mParam->STEMcamera && (mParam->TietzType || mTD.UseUtapi) && conSet.exposure >= mPartialScanThreshExp && mSingleContModeUsed == SINGLE_FRAME) { mTD.ReturnPartialScan = (mTD.ReturnPartialScan > 0) ? 1 : 2; } else mTD.ReturnPartialScan = 0; if (mTD.ReturnPartialScan) mTD.PlugSTEMacquireFlags |= PLUGCAM_PARTIAL_SCAN; if (mParam->STEMcamera && mParam->TietzType && mInvertTietzScan) mTD.PlugSTEMacquireFlags |= PLUGCAM_INVERT_SCAN; if (mParam->STEMcamera && mParam->TietzType) mTD.PlugSTEMacquireFlags |= (mTietzSTEMflags << TIETZ_STEM_FLAG_SHIFT); if (mSingleContModeUsed == CONTINUOUS && mNeedShotToInsert < 0) { if (mParam->STEMcamera && (mParam->GatanCam || mTD.UseUtapi)) { mTD.ContinuousSTEM = mTD.ContinuousSTEM ? -1 : 1; if (mTD.UseUtapi) mTD.PlugSTEMacquireFlags |= PLUGCAM_CONTINUOUS; } else { mTD.ContinuousSTEM = 0; // For continuous mode in the plugin, set all the flags in the processing variable // This variable will serve as the flag that the mode is on if (((mParam->GatanCam && !mParam->STEMcamera && !conSet.doseFrac) || (mTD.plugFuncs && mTD.plugFuncs->StopContinuous) || (mParam->DE_camType >= 2 && !conSet.saveFrames)) && mParam->useContinuousMode > 0) { mTD.ProcessingPlus += CONTINUOUS_USE_THREAD + (mParam->setContinuousReadout ? CONTINUOUS_SET_MODE : 0) + (mParam->useFastAcquireObject ? CONTINUOUS_ACQUIS_OBJ : 0) + ((mParam->CamFlags & K3_CAM_ROTFLIP_BUG) ? CONTIN_K3_ROTFLIP_BUG : 0) + (mParam->continuousQuality << QUALITY_BITS_SHIFT); if (mParam->TietzType) { if (mRepFlag < 0) mTD.ProcessingPlus += CONTINUOUS_FIRST_TIME; mTD.GatanReadMode = 1; } // Make sure the camera timeout is appropriately longer than the return time // Plus, if continuous has already started, the return time governs completely mTD.cameraTimeout = B3DMAX(mTD.cameraTimeout, (DWORD)(1000. * mExposure) + 2 * CONTINUOUS_RETURN_TIMEOUT); if (mRepFlag >= 0) { mTD.cameraTimeout = (DWORD)(1000. * mExposure) + 2 *CONTINUOUS_RETURN_TIMEOUT; mTD.NeedsReadMode = false; bEnsureDark = false; } mTD.PlugSTEMacquireFlags |= PLUGCAM_CONTINUOUS; } } // When continuous is starting, start a counter and get start time for FPS output // Also switch to autocenter intensity if intensity being tracked by autocenter if (mRepFlag < 0) { mContinuousCount = 0; if (mWinApp->mMultiTSTasks->AutocenMatchingIntensity(ACTRACK_START_CONTIN)) { intensity = mWinApp->mAutocenDlg->GetParamIntensity(); if (intensity) mScope->SetIntensity(intensity); } } else if (mContinuousCount == 1) mContinStartTime = GetTickCount(); mRepFlag = inSet; } else { mRepFlag = -1; mTD.ContinuousSTEM = 0; } // Drift correction actually seems to work in continuous mode so allow it // Property files went out without BasicCorrections so we need to supply the 49 here if (OneViewDriftCorrectOK(mParam) && conSet.correctDrift && mTD.Processing == GAIN_NORMALIZED) { if (mTD.Corrections <= 0) mTD.Corrections = 49; mTD.Corrections |= OVW_DRIFT_CORR_FLAG; } // Turn on defect corrections for K3??? if (mParam->K2Type == K3_TYPE && !(mTD.Corrections & 1)) mTD.Corrections |= 1; // Record that a deferred sum is being started, or cancel its existence if doing dose // frac or continuous shot if (mSetDeferredSize) { mXdeferredSizeTD = mTD.DMSizeX; mYdeferredSizeTD = mTD.DMSizeY; mXdeferredSize = mDMsizeX; mYdeferredSize = mDMsizeY; mReadModeDeferred = mTD.GatanReadMode; mBinDeferred = mBinning; mBinDeferredTD = mTD.Binning; mLeftDeferred = mLeft; mRightDeferred = mRight; mTopDeferred = mTop; mBotDeferred = mBottom; mAskedDeferredSum = true; mSavedInDeferred = mTD.SaveFrames; mAlignedDeferred = mTD.UseFrameAlign; mLastDeferredConSet = inSet; if (!mConsDeferred) mConsDeferred = new ControlSet; *mConsDeferred = conSet; mStartingDeferredSum = true; } else if (mTD.DoseFrac || (mTD.ProcessingPlus & CONTINUOUS_USE_THREAD)) { mAskedDeferredSum = false; } // Inform scope so it can unblank beam if in low dose mode; when noshutter = 1 this also // unblanks the beam and reblanks it in the call at the end // Don't do this if about to blank for dark ref if (!mScope->GetCameraAcquiring()) mScope->SetCameraAcquiring(true, B3DCHOICE(bEnsureDark && !mSimulationMode, 0.f, mParam->postBlankerDelay)); if (bEnsureDark && !mSimulationMode) { SEMTrace('Z', "start getting dark, %u elapsed", GetTickCount() - mStartTime); // Set flag and start thread for ensuring dark mEnsuringDark = true; mAverageDarkCount = 0; mBadDarkCount = 0; // Need to blank beam during this operation if (!mScope->GetBlankSet()) { mScope->BlankBeam(true, "Capture for dark ref"); if (mParam->postBlankerDelay >= 0.001) Sleep(B3DNINT(1000. * mParam->postBlankerDelay)); } StartEnsureThread(mTD.cameraTimeout); mWinApp->UpdateBufferWindows(); return; } StartAcquire(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Support routines for Capture /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Load the selected channels into TD, and manage selection of JEOL or setup insertion for // FEI detectors int CCameraController::CapSetupSTEMChannelsDetectors(ControlSet &conSet, int inSet, BOOL retracting) { int block, ind, chan, i; mTD.NumChannels = 1; if (mParam->STEMcamera && !retracting) { // get the channel index and names into the thread data mTD.NumChannels = 0; block = GetMaxChannels(mParam); block = B3DMIN(block, mMaxChannelsToGet); if (mRequiredRoll > 0 || (mSingleContModeUsed == CONTINUOUS && !mParam->FEItype)) block = 1; for (chan = 0; chan < mParam->numChannels && mTD.NumChannels < block; chan++) { ind = conSet.channelIndex[chan]; for (i = 0; i < mTD.NumChannels && ind >= 0; i++) if (MutuallyExclusiveChannels(mTD.ChannelIndex[i], ind)) ind = -1; if (ind >= 0 && ind < MAX_STEM_CHANNELS && mParam->availableChan[ind]) { mTD.ChannelIndex[mTD.NumChannels] = ind; mTD.ChanIndOrig[mTD.NumChannels] = ind; mTD.Array[mTD.NumChannels] = NULL; mTD.ChannelName[mTD.NumChannels++] = mParam->detectorName[ind]; } } if (!mTD.NumChannels) { SEMMessageBox("No available STEM channels were selected in this parameter set", MB_EXCLAME); ErrorCleanup(1); return 1; } // Select the detectors for JEOL if (JEOLscope) { if (!mScope->SelectJeolDetectors((int *)mTD.ChannelIndex, mTD.NumChannels)) { ErrorCleanup(1); return 1; } // Remap the channel index array into DS channels if (mParam->GatanCam) for (chan = 0; chan < mTD.NumChannels; chan++) mTD.ChannelIndex[chan] = ChannelMappedTo(mTD.ChannelIndex[chan]); } else { // Check for need to insert FEI detectors. This seems to apply to any detector // selected in TUI, so need to check all available ones for (ind = 0; ind < mParam->numChannels; ind++) { if (mParam->availableChan[ind] && !mFEIdetectorInserted[ind] && mParam->needShotToInsert[ind]) mNeedShotToInsert = inSet; } } } return 0; } // Take care of raising or lowering screen int CCameraController::CapManageScreen(int inSet, BOOL retracting, int numActive) { // If not in screen down mode, and not just retracting, manage screen // Raise the screen for STEM camera if screen switches STEM if (!mScreenDownMode && !retracting && /*!IsCameraFaux() &&*/ !mScope->GetNoScope() && (!mParam->STEMcamera || mWinApp->DoSwitchSTEMwithScreen() || mLowerScreenForSTEM < 0 || mWinApp->DoDropScreenForSTEM())) { int pos = mScope->FastScreenPos(); int newpos = -999; // First manage STEM mode and the screen down flag for case where screen has // to be down. Turn off the flag then make sure STEM is on if (mParam->STEMcamera && mWinApp->DoDropScreenForSTEM() && mWinApp->DoSwitchSTEMwithScreen()) { mWinApp->SetScreenSwitchSTEM(false); if (pos != spUp) mScope->SetSTEM(true); mWinApp->mSTEMcontrol.UpdateSettings(); mWinApp->mLowDoseDlg.Update(); } // If is a STEM and screen needs to be down, lower it if (mParam->STEMcamera && mWinApp->DoDropScreenForSTEM()) { if (pos != spDown) { SEMTrace('R', "Lowering screen for STEM %d", pos); newpos = spDown; } // If is a STEM and screen needs to be down, lower it } else if (mParam->STEMcamera && mLowerScreenForSTEM < 0) { if (pos != spUp) { SEMTrace('R', "Raising screen for STEM %d", pos); newpos = spUp; } // Otherwise if it is not a side-mount, raise the screen } else if (!mParam->sideMount && pos != spUp) { SEMTrace('R', "Raising screen for regular %d", pos); newpos = spUp; } else if (mParam->sideMount && pos != spDown) { // Otherwise see if a lower camera is thought to be inserted or is not // retractable and lower the screen for (int iCam = 0; iCam < numActive; iCam++) { CameraParameters *camP = &mAllParams[mActiveList[iCam]]; if (camP != mParam && camP->order > mParam->order && (camP->canBlock || !camP->retractable)) newpos = spDown; } } SEMTrace('R', "Checking screen: sidemount %d pos %d newpos %d", mParam->sideMount?1:0, pos, newpos); if (newpos > -999) { mScope->SetScreenPos(newpos); mRaisingScreen = (newpos == spUp) ? 1 : -1; mWinApp->AddIdleTask(ThreadBusy, ScreenOrInsertDone,ScreenOrInsertError, inSet, 15000); mWinApp->SetStatusText(SIMPLE_PANE, newpos == spUp ? "RAISING SCREEN" : "LOWERING SCREEN"); mWinApp->UpdateBufferWindows(); return 1; } } return 0; } // Take care of insertion and retract of other cameras, checking temperature, and setting // the saving of frames from K2. These are the things that need a camera instance int CCameraController::CapManageInsertTempK2Saving(const ControlSet &conSet, int inSet, BOOL retracting, int numActive) { BOOL blockable, STEMretract, insertingOther; BOOL justReturn = false, callCleanup = false; bool aligning, saving; bool frameCapableOneView = mParam->OneViewType && mParam->canTakeFrames; int iCam, camInd; LowDoseParams *ldParam = mWinApp->GetLowDoseParams(); int curCam = mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera(); mSetDeferredSize = false; if (mNextFrameSkipThresh < 0) mNextFrameSkipThresh *= -conSet.frameTime; aligning = (mParam->K2Type || frameCapableOneView) && conSet.doseFrac && conSet.alignFrames && (conSet.useFrameAlign == 1 || (conSet.useFrameAlign && conSet.saveFrames && (!mAlignWholeSeriesInIMOD || mNextFrameSkipThresh > 0.))) && CAN_PLUGIN_DO(CAN_ALIGN_FRAMES, mParam); saving = IsConSetSaving(&conSet, inSet, mParam, true); // If not in simulation mode or screen down, make sure camera is inserted // and any cameras above are retracted // First see if any can block current camera blockable = false; STEMretract = mParam->STEMcamera && !mWinApp->GetMustUnblankWithScreen() && mWinApp->GetRetractToUnblankSTEM(); for (iCam = 0; iCam < numActive; iCam++) { camInd = mActiveList[iCam]; CameraParameters *camP = &mAllParams[camInd]; if (camP != mParam && curCam != camP->samePhysicalCamera && camInd != mParam->samePhysicalCamera && camInd != mParam->insertingRetracts && (camP->order <= mParam->order || STEMretract) && camP->canBlock) blockable = true; } // Go into this insertion state checking if we need to check temperature, if the camera // could be blocked, if it is retractable, if we are retracting all. It used to test // if Gatan/AMT camera instead of testing retractable; this test should now be redundant // but at least don't check a GIF camera that can't be blocked if ((!mScreenDownMode || mParam->checkTemperature) && !mSimulationMode && (mParam->checkTemperature || blockable || (mParam->DMCamera && !mParam->GIF) || mParam->retractable || retracting || mNeedToSelectDM || mParam->alsoInsertCamera >= 0 || saving || aligning)) { if (mNumDMCameras[COM_IND] > 0 && CreateCamera(CREATE_FOR_ANY)) { ErrorCleanup(1); return 1; } try { long inserted; // Try having this be the only place this is called except for select before // complex shots. It is needed in case a new DM is started if (mParam->DMCamera) { MainCallDMCamera(SetCurrentCamera(mTD.SelectCamera)); } mNeedToSelectDM = false; // first scan active cameras for ones that can block and are not same physical // camera for (iCam = 0; iCam < numActive; iCam++) { camInd = mActiveList[iCam]; CameraParameters *camP = &mAllParams[camInd]; insertingOther = camInd == mParam->alsoInsertCamera && !retracting; if ((((camP != mParam && curCam != camP->samePhysicalCamera && camInd != mParam->samePhysicalCamera && camInd != mParam->insertingRetracts && (camP->order <= mParam->order || STEMretract)) || inSet == RETRACT_ALL) && camP->canBlock) || insertingOther) { inserted = insertingOther ? 1 : 0; TestCameraInserted(iCam, inserted, false); // Retract if it is known to be inserted // We used to do it if it was last thought to be in and we are just retracting if (inserted != (insertingOther ? 1 : 0)) {//|| inSet == RETRACT_BLOCKERS) { // Set flag and setup thread parameters. Blank if necessary SEMTrace('R', "Camera # %d is %s it", iCam, insertingOther ? "retracted; inserting" : "inserted; retracting"); mInserting = true; mITD.camera = camP->cameraNumber; mITD.DMindex = CAMP_DM_INDEX(camP); mITD.DE_camType = camP->DE_camType; mITD.FEItype = FCAM_ADVANCED(camP) ? camP->FEItype : 0; if (mITD.FEItype) mITD.camera = camP->eagleIndex; mITD.plugFuncs = mPlugFuncs[mActiveList[iCam]]; mITD.delay = (int)(1000. * camP->retractDelay); mITD.insert = insertingOther; if (mBlankWhenRetracting && !mParam->noShutter && !insertingOther) { mScope->SetCameraAcquiring(true); mScope->BlankBeam(true); } // If just retracting, better clear the block flag now to avoid a loop if (retracting) camP->canBlock = false; mWinApp->SetStatusText(SIMPLE_PANE, mBlankWhenRetracting ? "BLANKED REMOVAL" : (insertingOther ? "INSERTING CAMERA" : "REMOVING CAMERA")); break; } else // clear the block flag when it is seen not to block camP->canBlock = insertingOther; } // Now if there is a GIF that can blank beam, insert TV camera, set flag // negative to indicate it is taken care of if (iCam != mTD.Camera && camP->GIF && camP->useTVToUnblank > 0) { CString strTVIn = "if(IFCGetTVIn() == 0)\n IFCSetTVIn(1)"; try { EasyRunScript(strTVIn, 0, sGIFisSocket); } catch (_com_error E) { SEMMessageBox("A COM error occurred trying to put TV camera in.\n\n" "If this is because Filter Control is not running,\n" "just proceed and see if you get a good image.\n\n" "If Filter Control is not running and you still have\n" "problems, close DigitalMicrograph, then start\n" "Filter Control and restart DigitalMicrograph", MB_EXCLAME); } camP->useTVToUnblank = -1; } } // Now if not retracting, check for insertion of current camera // Skip if continuous mode has already started; that falg is set after this // function on the first shot of continuous if (!mInserting && mParam->retractable && !retracting && mRepFlag < 0) { // Either we are going to insert it or it already is, so set block flag mAllParams[mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera()].canBlock = true; SEMTrace('Z', "start asking if inserted"); // If it is not inserted, set flag and thread parameters inserted = 1; TestCameraInserted(mTD.Camera, inserted, false); if (!inserted) { mInserting = true; mITD.camera = mTD.SelectCamera; mITD.DMindex = CAMP_DM_INDEX(mParam); mITD.DE_camType = mParam->DE_camType; mITD.FEItype = mParam->FEItype; mITD.plugFuncs = mTD.plugFuncs; if (mTD.plugFuncs) mITD.camera = mParam->cameraNumber; if (mParam->FEItype) mITD.camera = mParam->eagleIndex; mITD.delay = (int)(1000. * mParam->insertDelay); mITD.insert = true; mWinApp->SetStatusText(SIMPLE_PANE, "INSERTING CAMERA"); } } // Start thread if needed if (mInserting) { mSuspendFilterUpdates = mITD.FEItype && mWinApp->FilterIsSelectris(); mInsertThread = AfxBeginThread(InsertProc, &mITD, THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL, 0, CREATE_SUSPENDED); SEMTrace('R', "InsertProc created with ID 0x%0x",mInsertThread->m_nThreadID); mInsertThread->m_bAutoDelete = false; mInsertThread->ResumeThread(); mWinApp->AddIdleTask(ThreadBusy, ScreenOrInsertDone, ScreenOrInsertError, inSet, 0); mWinApp->UpdateBufferWindows(); justReturn = true; } } catch (_com_error E) { SEMReportCOMError(E, _T("getting camera insertion position ")); justReturn = true; callCleanup = true; } // Now check temperature if required if (!justReturn && mParam->checkTemperature) { try { CString command; command.Format("%s %d)\n" "Number target\n" "Number stable = CM_IsTemperatureStable(camera, target)\n" "Exit(stable)", sGetCamObjText, mTD.SelectCamera); if (B3DNINT(EasyRunScript(command, 0, mParam->useSocket ? SOCK_IND : COM_IND))){ mParam->checkTemperature = false; } else { AfxMessageBox("The camera temperature is not yet stable", MB_EXCLAME); justReturn = true; callCleanup = true; } } catch (_com_error E) { SEMReportCOMError(E, _T("checking whether camera temperature is stable ")); justReturn = true; mParam->checkTemperature = false; callCleanup = true; } } // Now set up for K2 frame saving or aligning if (!justReturn && (saving || aligning)) { if (SetupK2SavingAligning(conSet, inSet, conSet.saveFrames != 0, aligning, NULL)) { justReturn = true; callCleanup = true; } } // Release camera before calling cleanup since it calls StopContinuousSTEM which // could recreate it and release it if (mNumDMCameras[COM_IND] > 0) ReleaseCamera(CREATE_FOR_ANY); if (callCleanup) ErrorCleanup(1); if (justReturn) return 1; } return 0; } // Routine that sets up K2 saving or aligning or writing of a COM file after saving; // it must be called after creating a camera object int CCameraController::SetupK2SavingAligning(const ControlSet &conSet, int inSet, bool saving, bool aligning, CString *aliComRoot) { int ldArea, magIndex, sizeX, sizeY, numAllVsAll, refineIter, groupSize, doSpline; int numReadouts, notOK, newIndex, faInd, numFilt = 1, deferGpuSum = 0, flags = 0; int frameSizeX, ind, frameSizeY, numAliFrames, frameStartEnd = 0, partialThreshes = 0; int tiltLen = 0, alignFlags = 0, gpuFlags = 0; int DMind = CAMP_DM_INDEX(mParam); int K2Type = mParam->K2Type; double maxMemory = pow(1024., 3.) * mK2MaxRamStackGB; double threshFracPlus = 0.; LowDoseParams *ldParam = mWinApp->GetLowDoseParams(); FrameAliParams faParam; CString tiltAngles; bool alignSubset = false; bool isSuperRes = IS_SUPERRES(mParam, conSet.K2ReadMode) && !IsK3BinningSuperResFrames(&conSet, mParam); bool trulyAligning = aligning && conSet.useFrameAlign == 1; bool gainNormed = conSet.processing == GAIN_NORMALIZED; bool doingTiltSums = mDeferSumOnNextAsync && mNextFrameSkipThresh > 0.; bool reducingSuperRes = saving && mSaveSuperResReduced && isSuperRes && gainNormed && CAN_PLUGIN_DO(CAN_REDUCE_SUPER, mParam) && !(mTakeK3SuperResBinned && K2Type == K3_TYPE); bool savingTimes100 = saving && mSaveTimes100 && K2Type && K2Type != K3_TYPE && gainNormed && CAN_PLUGIN_DO(SAVES_TIMES_100, mParam) && !reducingSuperRes; CString mess; if (aligning) { faInd = conSet.faParamSetInd; B3DCLAMP(faInd, 0, (int)mFrameAliParams.GetSize() - 1); mess = "WARNING: "; if (!mWinApp->mMacroProcessor->SkipCheckingFrameAli()) { notOK = UtilFindValidFrameAliParams(mParam, conSet.K2ReadMode, IsK3BinningSuperResFrames(&conSet, mParam), conSet.useFrameAlign, faInd, newIndex, &mess); if (notOK || newIndex != faInd) { mWinApp->AppendToLog(mess); if (notOK > 0) mWinApp->AppendToLog("Using the frame alignment parameter set anyway"); else PrintfToLog("Using the %s suitable frame alignment parameter set, %s", notOK < 0 ? "first" : "one", (LPCTSTR)mFrameAliParams[newIndex].name); faInd = newIndex; } } faParam = mFrameAliParams[faInd]; faParam.multAliBinByEERfac = false; } if (conSet.alignFrames && !conSet.useFrameAlign && mParam->K2Type == K3_TYPE && mK2SynchronousSaving) { SEMMessageBox("You cannot use alignment in DM and save frames with the property" " K2SynchronousSaving set"); return 1; } // Get pixel size from mag we are going to be in after changing low dose area if (mScope->GetLowDoseMode()) { ldArea = ConSetToLDArea(inSet); magIndex = ldParam[ldArea].magIndex; } else magIndex = mScope->FastMagIndex(); float pixNm = mShiftManager->GetRefinedPixel(mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera(), magIndex); if (!pixNm) pixNm = mShiftManager->GetPixelSize(mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera(), magIndex); double pixel = 10000. * pixNm * (isSuperRes ? 1 : 2); if (aligning && conSet.useFrameAlign > 1 && mOneK2FramePerFile) { SEMMessageBox("You cannot save a com file for running\n" "alignframes when saving one frame per file"); return 1; } else if (conSet.saveFrames && ((mParam->K2Type && mDirForK2Frames.IsEmpty()) || (!mParam->K2Type && mParam->dirForFrameSaving.IsEmpty()))) { SEMMessageBox("You must specify a directory for saving the frame images"); return 1; } // Set up many things for doing frame tilt series mTD.DoingTiltSums = mDeferSumOnNextAsync && mNextFrameSkipThresh > 0.; if (mNextFrameSkipThresh > 0.) { // Test conditions flags |= K2_SKIP_BELOW_THRESH; if (mOneK2FramePerFile) { SEMMessageBox("You cannot skip frames below threshold with one file per frame"); return 1; } if (conSet.alignFrames && conSet.useFrameAlign < 2 && !mTD.DoingTiltSums) { SEMMessageBox("You cannot align frames in the plugin when skipping frames below" " threshold unless making tilt sums"); return 1; } if (aligning) partialThreshes = B3DNINT(K2FA_THRESH_SCALE * mNextPartialStartThresh) + (B3DNINT(K2FA_THRESH_SCALE * mNextPartialEndThresh) << 16); if (mTD.DoingTiltSums && !CAN_PLUGIN_DO(RETURNS_FISE_SUMS, mParam)) { SEMMessageBox("You cannot get tilt sums back from a frame\n" "tilt series with the current version of the plugin"); return 1; } if (mTD.DoingTiltSums && !mTD.FrameTSdeltaISX.size()) { mTD.FrameTSdeltaISX.resize(mTD.FrameTStiltToAngle.size(), 0.); mTD.FrameTSdeltaISY.resize(mTD.FrameTStiltToAngle.size(), 0.); } // When there are tilt angles and relative threshold to send if (mNextRelativeThresh > 0. || mTD.DoingTiltSums) { if (!mTD.FrameTStiltToAngle.size() || !mTD.FrameTSopenTime.size()) { SEMMessageBox("To recognize separate tilts from the frames in\na frame tilt " "series, there must be both tilt angles and open shutter times defined"); return 1; } // Make string with angles for (ind = 0; ind < (int)mTD.FrameTStiltToAngle.size(); ind++) { if (mTD.FrameTSopenTime[ind] > 0.) { mess.Format(" %.2f", mTD.FrameTStiltToAngle[ind]); tiltAngles += mess; } } flags |= K2_SKIP_THRESH_PLUS | K2_USE_TILT_ANGLES; threshFracPlus = mNextRelativeThresh + THRESH_PLUS_GAP_SCALE * mNextMinTiltGap + THRESH_PLUS_DROP_SCALE * mNextDropFromTiltSum; tiltLen = tiltAngles.GetLength() + 1; if (conSet.alignFrames && conSet.useFrameAlign < 2 && mTD.DoingTiltSums) alignFlags |= K2_SKIP_BELOW_THRESH; } // Make zero IS vectors and focus changes if none supplied so they can be modified if (mTD.DoingTiltSums && !mTD.FrameTSdeltaISX.size()) { mTD.FrameTSdeltaISX.resize(mTD.FrameTStiltToAngle.size(), 0.); mTD.FrameTSdeltaISY.resize(mTD.FrameTStiltToAngle.size(), 0.); } if (mTD.DoingTiltSums && !mTD.FrameTSfocusChange.size()) mTD.FrameTSfocusChange.resize(mTD.FrameTStiltToAngle.size(), 0.); mTD.FrameTSrefineIndex.clear(); mTD.FrameTSrefineISX.clear(); mTD.FrameTSrefineISY.clear(); } int numFrames = B3DNINT(conSet.exposure / conSet.frameTime); double numAsyncSum = 0.; CString sdir, root, defName; // When making aligned tilt sums without saving, it needs many things set in a saving // setup call if (saving || mTD.DoingTiltSums) { // Set up the file and directory names. ComposeFramePathAndName(false); mPathForFrames.Format("%s\\%s", (LPCTSTR)mFrameFolder, (LPCTSTR)mFrameFilename); if (mOneK2FramePerFile) { sdir = mPathForFrames; root = "K"; mPathForFrames += "\\"; } else { sdir = mFrameFolder; root = mFrameFilename; if (mK2SaveAsTiff) mPathForFrames += ".tif"; else if (mNameFramesAsMRCS && CAN_PLUGIN_DO(CAN_SET_MRCS_EXT, mParam)) { mPathForFrames += ".mrcs"; flags |= K2_MRCS_EXTENSION; } else mPathForFrames += ".mrc"; } } // Set various flags and get lengths of string pieces int sdlen = sdir.GetLength() + 1; int rootlen = root.GetLength() + 1; int nameSize = sdlen + rootlen + tiltLen + 4; int stringSize = 4; int reflen = 0, comlen = 0, defectLen = 0, sumLen = 0, titleLen = 0; int aliRefLen = 0, aliComLen = 0, dataSize; CString refFile, sumList, tmpStr, aliComName; if (K2Type) { if (isSuperRes || K2Type == K3_TYPE) refFile = mParam->superResRefForK2; else if (conSet.K2ReadMode == COUNTING_MODE) refFile = mParam->countingRefForK2; if (mUseK3CorrDblSamp && CanK3DoCorrDblSamp(mParam)) refFile.Replace(".m1.", ".m3."); if (mSaveRawPacked & 1) flags |= K2_SAVE_RAW_PACKED; if ((mSaveRawPacked & 1) && (mSaveRawPacked & 2) && CAN_PLUGIN_DO(4BIT_101_COUNTING, mParam)) flags |= K2_RAW_COUNTING_4BIT; if ((mSaveRawPacked & 1) && mUse4BitMrcMode && !mK2SaveAsTiff && CAN_PLUGIN_DO(4BIT_101_COUNTING, mParam)) flags |= K2_SAVE_4BIT_MRC_MODE; if (savingTimes100) flags |= K2_SAVE_TIMES_100; if (reducingSuperRes) flags |= K2_SAVE_SUPER_REDUCED; if (!refFile.IsEmpty()) { flags |= K2_COPY_GAIN_REF; reflen = refFile.GetLength() + 1; nameSize += reflen; // Older plugin copied if flag set regardless of DS versus unproc if (!gainNormed) { alignFlags |= K2_COPY_GAIN_REF; stringSize += reflen; aliRefLen = reflen; } } } if (mK2SaveAsTiff == 1) flags |= K2_SAVE_LZW_TIFF; else if (mK2SaveAsTiff == 2) flags |= K2_SAVE_ZIP_TIFF; if (mK2SynchronousSaving) { flags |= K2_SAVE_SYNCHRON; alignFlags |= K2_SAVE_SYNCHRON; } if (mSkipK2FrameRotFlip && mParam->rotationFlip) flags |= K2_SKIP_FRAME_ROTFLIP; if ((saving || aligning) && !gainNormed && K2Type && mDMversion[DMind] >= DM_RETURNS_DEFECT_LIST) { // Check for a new reference if enough idle time has passed and if it is new, // fetch a new defect list and merge it into original list; but not for K3 if (SEMTickInterval(1000. * mLastImageTime) / 1000. > mGainTimeLimit && mWinApp->mGainRefMaker->IsDMReferenceNew(mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera()) && K2Type != K3_TYPE) { SEMTrace('r', "Getting new defect list"); GetMergeK2DefectList(CAMP_DM_INDEX(mParam), mParam, true); mParam->defectString.clear(); } // A defect file is needed only if the defect list has something in it CameraDefects *defp = &mParam->defects; if (DefectListHasEntries(defp)) { flags |= K2_SAVE_DEFECTS; alignFlags |= K2_SAVE_DEFECTS; // Save defects for new GMS, non-normalized images // Make up a defect string if it is empty or if the current rotation/flip // for frames does not match that used when making the string, or if one was // made up just for aligning and now one is needed with a name for saving if (mParam->defectString.empty() || (!mParam->defNameHasFrameFile && !mFrameFilename.IsEmpty()) || (mSkipK2FrameRotFlip ? 0 : mParam->rotationFlip) != mParam->defStringRotFlip) { defName.Format("#defects_%s.txt\n", (LPCTSTR)mFrameFilename); mParam->defectString = (LPCTSTR)defName; SEMTrace('r', "Made new defect string with name %s", (LPCTSTR)defName); mParam->defNameHasFrameFile = !mFrameFilename.IsEmpty(); if (flags & K2_SKIP_FRAME_ROTFLIP) { CameraDefects defects = mParam->defects; sizeX = (mParam->rotationFlip % 2) ? mParam->sizeY : mParam->sizeX; sizeY = (mParam->rotationFlip % 2) ? mParam->sizeX : mParam->sizeY; CorDefRotateFlipDefects(defects, 0, sizeX, sizeY); CorDefDefectsToString(defects, mParam->defectString, sizeX, sizeY); mParam->defStringRotFlip = 0; } else { CorDefDefectsToString(mParam->defects, mParam->defectString, mParam->sizeX, mParam->sizeY); mParam->defStringRotFlip = mParam->rotationFlip; } } defectLen = (int)mParam->defectString.length() + 1; nameSize += defectLen; stringSize += defectLen; } } if (mRunCommandAfterSave) { flags |= K2_RUN_COMMAND; comlen = mPostSaveCommand.GetLength() + 1; nameSize += comlen; } if (saving && CAN_PLUGIN_DO(CAN_SUM_FRAMES, mParam)) { numReadouts = B3DNINT(mTD.FrameTime / GetK2ReadoutInterval(mParam)); if ((K2Type && conSet.sumK2Frames && conSet.summedFrameList.size() > 0)) {// || //(mParam->OneViewType && mScope->GetSimulationMode() && numReadouts > 1)) { flags |= K2_SAVE_SUMMED_FRAMES; if (K2Type) { for (int frm = 0; frm < (int)conSet.summedFrameList.size() / 2; frm++) { tmpStr.Format("%d %d", conSet.summedFrameList[frm * 2], conSet.summedFrameList[frm * 2 + 1]); if (frm) sumList += " "; sumList += tmpStr; } } else { // Oneview simulator does not give longer frames than the minimum: acquire sums sumList.Format("%d %d", B3DNINT(conSet.exposure / mTD.FrameTime), numReadouts); mTD.FrameTime /= numReadouts; } sumLen = sumList.GetLength() + 1; nameSize += sumLen; } } if (saving && CAN_PLUGIN_DO(CAN_ADD_TITLE, mParam)) { tmpStr = mWinApp->mDocWnd->GetFrameTitle(); if (!tmpStr.IsEmpty()) { flags |= K2_ADD_FRAME_TITLE; titleLen = tmpStr.GetLength() + 1; nameSize += titleLen; } } // Set up for align com file if one is needed if (aligning && conSet.useFrameAlign > 1) { if (aliComRoot) aliComName = B3DCHOICE(mComPathIsFramePath, mFrameFolder, mAlignFramesComPath) + "\\" + *aliComRoot + ".pcm"; else aliComName.Format("%s\\%s.pcm", B3DCHOICE(mComPathIsFramePath || mAlignFramesComPath.IsEmpty(), (LPCTSTR)mFrameFolder, (LPCTSTR)mAlignFramesComPath), (LPCTSTR)mFrameFilename); aliComLen = aliComName.GetLength() + 1; stringSize += aliComLen; alignFlags |= K2_MAKE_ALIGN_COM; } // Get array for saving and pack strings into it char *names = NULL; char *strings = NULL; long setupErr; float radius2[4], totAliMem = 0.; if (saving || mTD.DoingTiltSums) { nameSize /= 4; names = new char[4 * nameSize]; sprintf(names, "%s", (LPCTSTR)sdir); sprintf(names + sdlen, "%s", (LPCTSTR)root); if (reflen) sprintf(names + sdlen + rootlen, "%s", (LPCTSTR)refFile); if (defectLen) sprintf(names + sdlen + rootlen + reflen, "%s", mParam->defectString.c_str()); if (comlen) sprintf(names + sdlen + rootlen + reflen + defectLen, "%s", (LPCTSTR)mPostSaveCommand); if (sumLen) sprintf(names + sdlen + rootlen + reflen + defectLen + comlen, "%s", (LPCTSTR)sumList); if (titleLen) sprintf(names + sdlen + rootlen + reflen + defectLen + comlen + sumLen, "%s", (LPCTSTR)mWinApp->mDocWnd->GetFrameTitle()); if (tiltLen) sprintf(names + sdlen + rootlen + reflen + defectLen + comlen + sumLen + titleLen, "%s", (LPCTSTR)tiltAngles); } mGettingFRC = false; if (aligning) { numAliFrames = numFrames; if (mTD.DoingTiltSums) numAliFrames = numFrames / (int)mTD.FrameTStiltToAngle.size(); if (saving && faParam.alignSubset && CAN_PLUGIN_DO(CAN_ALIGN_SUBSET, mParam)) { mAlignStart = B3DMAX(1, B3DMIN(faParam.subsetStart, K2FA_SUB_START_MASK)); mAlignEnd = B3DMIN(numFrames, faParam.subsetEnd); if (mAlignEnd - mAlignStart > 0) { frameStartEnd = mAlignStart + (mAlignEnd << K2FA_SUB_END_SHIFT); numAliFrames = mAlignEnd + 1 - mAlignStart; alignSubset = true; if (trulyAligning) mNumSubsetAligned = numAliFrames; } } // Get array for aligning and pack strings into it stringSize /= 4; strings = new char[4 * stringSize]; if (aliRefLen) sprintf(strings, "%s", (LPCTSTR)refFile); if (defectLen) sprintf(strings + aliRefLen, "%s", mParam->defectString.c_str()); if (aliComLen) sprintf(strings + aliRefLen + defectLen, "%s", (LPCTSTR)aliComName); // Set variables for the call numAllVsAll = NumAllVsAllFromFAparam(faParam, numAliFrames, groupSize, refineIter, doSpline, numFilt, radius2); mFalconHelper->GetSavedFrameSizes(mParam, &conSet, frameSizeX, frameSizeY, trulyAligning); // Set some align flags if (faParam.hybridShifts && numFilt > 1) alignFlags |= K2FA_USE_HYBRID_SHIFTS; if (faParam.groupRefine && groupSize > 1 && refineIter > 0) alignFlags |= K2FA_GROUP_REFINE; if (doSpline) alignFlags |= K2FA_SMOOTH_SHIFTS; if (alignSubset) alignFlags |= K2FA_ALIGN_SUBSET; // Do things when truly aligning if (trulyAligning) { // This is the plugin's test for keeping precision: // userKeepPrecision = mTD.bFaKeepPrecision && !mTD.bSaveTimes100; // bFaKeepPrecision = (!mTD.iNumGrabAndStack || userKeepPrecision) && !mTD.K3type && // mTD.bUseFrameAlign && (!mTD.iFaGpuFlags || userKeepPrecision) && //sReadModes[mTD.iReadMode] != K2_LINEAR_READ_MODE && processing == GAIN_NORMALIZED; // Set the flag and let the plugin sort it out... if (faParam.keepPrecision && K2Type == K2_SUMMIT) alignFlags |= K2FA_KEEP_PRECISION; // But anticipate that the plugin will pass floats to GPU only if user really wants if (K2Type == K3_TYPE) dataSize = 1; else if (K2Type && gainNormed && faParam.keepPrecision && !savingTimes100) dataSize = 4; else dataSize = isSuperRes ? 1 : 2; // Evaluate all memory needs totAliMem = UtilEvaluateGpuCapability(frameSizeX, frameSizeY, dataSize, K2Type && !gainNormed, (alignFlags & K2_SAVE_DEFECTS) != 0, B3DCHOICE(mParam->K2Type, conSet.binning / (isSuperRes ? 1 : 2), 1), faParam, numAllVsAll, numAliFrames, refineIter, groupSize, numFilt, doSpline, mUseGPUforK2Align[DMind] ? mGpuMemory[DMind] : 0., maxMemory, gpuFlags, deferGpuSum, mGettingFRC); if (totAliMem > maxMemory) PrintfToLog("WARNING: With current parameters, memory needed for aligning " "(%.1f GB) exceeds allowed\r\n memory usage (%.1f GB), which is controlled by" " the K2MaxRamStackGB property", totAliMem, mK2MaxRamStackGB); } else { // If writing a com file, just send any flag if (mUseGPUforK2Align[2]) gpuFlags = GPU_FOR_SUMMING; if (faParam.outputFloatSums && K2Type) alignFlags |= K2FA_KEEP_PRECISION; } if (mGettingFRC) alignFlags |= K2FA_MAKE_EVEN_ODD; if (deferGpuSum) alignFlags |= K2FA_DEFER_GPU_SUM; } // Manage asynchronous acquire variables for early return if (mNextAsyncSumFrames >= 0) { mTD.NumAsyncSumFrames = mTD.DoingTiltSums ? 0 : mNextAsyncSumFrames; numAsyncSum = mTD.NumAsyncSumFrames; flags |= K2_EARLY_RETURN; alignFlags |= K2_EARLY_RETURN; if (mImmediateReturn) { flags |= K2_IMMEDIATE_RETURN; alignFlags |= K2_IMMEDIATE_RETURN; } if (mDeferSumOnNextAsync) flags |= K2_MAKE_DEFERRED_SUM; if (mDeferSumOnNextAsync || trulyAligning) { mSetDeferredSize = true; } } // Manage flag for gain normalizing a non-norm dose frac shot if (((mDMversion[DMind] >= PLUGIN_CAN_GAIN_NORM && conSet.processing == DARK_SUBTRACTED) || (conSet.processing == UNPROCESSED && mDMversion[DMind] >= PLUGIN_UNPROC_LIKE_DS))&& conSet.K2ReadMode > 0 && mNextAsyncSumFrames != 0 && reflen && !mNoNormOfDSdoseFrac && K2Type) { flags |= K2_GAIN_NORM_SUM; mK2GainRefTimeStamp[DMind][isSuperRes ? 1 : 0] = mWinApp->MinuteTimeStamp(); } // For new K2 API, determine whether to do asynchronous to RAM and how many // frames to grab into stack if (mDMversion[DMind] >= DM_K2_API_CHANGED_LOTS && !mK2SynchronousSaving) { int maxInRAM, numGrab; int numSuperPix = (conSet.right - conSet.left) * (conSet.bottom - conSet.top); double frameInRAM = numSuperPix / 2.; double frameInGrab = numSuperPix / (isSuperRes ? 1. : 2.); // Reduce memory by amount needed for alignment // If there is a grab stack and we are keeping precision in alignment, need to double // both; but if saving times 100, that is sufficient and it doubles only superres maxMemory = B3DMAX(0., maxMemory - totAliMem * pow(1024., 3.)); if (gainNormed) { if (trulyAligning && faParam.keepPrecision && !savingTimes100 && K2Type != K3_TYPE) frameInGrab *= 2; if (savingTimes100 && isSuperRes) frameInGrab *= 2; } if (mTD.DoingTiltSums) frameInGrab *= mTiltSumBlankFraction; // If forming a full sum, there is no grab stack and usage is limited by // the original RAM stack; otherwise (early return) it is limited by the // size of the grabbed frames if (mNextAsyncSumFrames < 0 || (mNextFrameSkipThresh > 0. && !mTD.DoingTiltSums)) maxInRAM = (int)(maxMemory / frameInRAM); else maxInRAM = (int)B3DMAX(1., (maxMemory / frameInGrab)); // Do asynchronous to RAM if it fits and if the frame time meets the // minimum if (conSet.frameTime >= mK2MinFrameForRAM - 0.001 && numFrames <= maxInRAM) { flags |= K2_ASYNC_IN_RAM; alignFlags |= K2_ASYNC_IN_RAM; } else frameInRAM = 0.; // When saving, the grab stack helps it keep up, but it doesn't seem to be needed // when aligning on K3 if (mNextAsyncSumFrames >= 0 && !mNoStackNextAsync && (mNextFrameSkipThresh <= 0. || (mTD.DoingTiltSums && saving))) { numGrab = B3DMIN(numFrames, maxInRAM); numAsyncSum += 65536. * numGrab; if (numFrames * 2 < maxInRAM && mEarlyRetUseSaveThread) flags |= K2_USE_SAVE_THREAD; } } if (gpuFlags && mTestGpuInShrmemframe) gpuFlags |= GPU_RUN_SHRMEMFRAME; try { if (saving || mTD.DoingTiltSums) MainCallGatanCamera(SetupFileSaving2(mParam->rotationFlip, mOneK2FramePerFile, pixel, flags, numAsyncSum, mNextFrameSkipThresh, threshFracPlus, 0., nameSize, (long *)names, &setupErr)); if (aligning) { MainCallGatanCamera(SetupFrameAligning( UtilGetFrameAlignBinning(faParam, frameSizeX, frameSizeY), faParam.rad2Filt1, numAllVsAll ? faParam.rad2Filt2 : 0., numAllVsAll ? faParam.rad2Filt3 : 0., faParam.sigmaRatio, faParam.truncate ? faParam.truncLimit : 0., alignFlags, gpuFlags, numAllVsAll, groupSize, faParam.shiftLimit, faParam.antialiasType, refineIter, faParam.stopIterBelow, faParam.refRadius2, (long)(numAsyncSum + 0.1), frameStartEnd, partialThreshes, 0., stringSize, (long *)strings, &setupErr)); } } catch (_com_error E) { SEMReportCOMError(E, _T("trying to set up frame saving or aligning ")); setupErr = -1; } if (setupErr > 0) { sdir.Format("Error %d trying to set up frame saving or aligning:\n%s", setupErr, SEMCCDErrorMessage(setupErr)); SEMMessageBox(sdir); mWinApp->ErrorOccurred(1); } delete [] names; delete [] strings; return setupErr != 0 ? 1 : 0; } // Compute the numAllVsAll variable for aligning based on expected # of frames and // sort and handle the filters, set a couple of other flags int CCameraController::NumAllVsAllFromFAparam(FrameAliParams &faParam, int numAliFrames, int &groupSize, int &refineIter, int &doSpline, int &numFilters, float *radius2) { int numGroups, ndata, ind; int numAllVsAll = faParam.numAllVsAll; if (faParam.strategy == FRAMEALI_HALF_PAIRWISE) numAllVsAll = B3DMAX(7, numAliFrames / 2); else if (faParam.strategy == FRAMEALI_ALL_PAIRWISE) numAllVsAll = numAliFrames; else if (faParam.strategy == FRAMEALI_ACCUM_REF) numAllVsAll = 0; groupSize = (faParam.useGroups && numAllVsAll) ? faParam.groupSize : 1; if (groupSize > 1) { numGroups = numAliFrames + 1 - groupSize; if ((numGroups + 1 - groupSize) * (numGroups - groupSize) / 2 < numGroups) groupSize = 1; numAllVsAll += groupSize - 1; } numFilters = 1; radius2[0] = faParam.rad2Filt1; if (!radius2[0]) radius2[0] = 0.06f; refineIter = doSpline = 0; mTypeOfAlignError = -1; if (numAllVsAll) { ndata = B3DMIN(numAllVsAll, numAliFrames) + 1 - groupSize; mTypeOfAlignError = B3DCHOICE(((ndata + 1 - groupSize) * (ndata - groupSize)) / 2 >= 2 * ndata, 1, 0); refineIter = faParam.doRefine ? faParam.refineIter : 0; doSpline = (faParam.doSmooth && numAliFrames >= faParam.smoothThresh) ? 1 : 0; radius2[1] = faParam.rad2Filt2; radius2[2] = faParam.rad2Filt3; radius2[3] = faParam.rad2Filt4; for (ind = 1; ind < 4; ind++) { if (radius2[ind] <= 0) break; numFilters++; } if (numFilters > 1) rsSortFloats(radius2, numFilters); } return numAllVsAll; } // Set the low dose area, setup the energy filter, and check for timeouts and settling int CCameraController::CapSetLDAreaFilterSettling(int inSet) { int ldArea, filtErr; CString logmess, mess2; // If in low dose and this is not the settling re-entry, set the acquisition area // unless it matches what we were just told about if (mSettling < 0 && mScope->GetLowDoseMode()) { // translate sets appropriately ldArea = ConSetToLDArea(inSet); if (mOppositeAreaNextShot) mScope->NextLDAreaOpposite(); // Only go to low dose area on first shot of continuous mode if (ldArea != mLDwasSetToArea && !(mRepFlag == inSet && mContinuousCount > 0)) mScope->GotoLowDoseArea(ldArea); mOppositeAreaNextShot = false; mLDwasSetToArea = -1; } mSettling = -1; // If not in simulation mode and this is a GIF, make sure parameters are set // (User might have changed through other programs) if (!mSimulationMode && !(mRepFlag >= 0 && mContinuousCount > 0) && !mNoFilterControl && (mParam->GIF || mScope->GetHasOmegaFilter())) { if ((filtErr = SetupFilter(true)) != 0 && !(filtErr > 0 && mAllowSpectroscopyImages)){ if (filtErr > 0) AfxMessageBox("The filter is in spectroscopy mode\n\n" "You must go back to imaging mode before you can take pictures.", MB_EXCLAME); else SEMMessageBox("An error occurred while trying to set the state of" " the filter", MB_EXCLAME); ErrorCleanup(1); return 1; } } mIgnoreFilterDiffs = false; // If the image shift/stage time out is still active, just wait for it to be over // Where did that 0.8 come from? It was introduced to reproduce what we always used to // get for an additional delay with a 795 camera int timeSet = mObeyTiltDelay ? RECORD_CONSET : inSet; UINT genTimeOut = mShiftManager->GetGeneralTimeOut(timeSet); UINT genTOorig = genTimeOut; UINT tickCount = GetTickCount(); float startUp = 0.; float assumedStart = mShiftManager->GetStartupForISDelays(); // Skip the additional delay for image shift and a STEM camera if (!(mParam->STEMcamera && mShiftManager->GetLastTimeoutWasIS())) { startUp = assumedStart - mParam->startupDelay; if (mParam->K2Type) startUp = assumedStart - B3DMIN((mParam->K2Type == K3_TYPE ? 1.0f : 1.4f), mParam->startupDelay); } if (mParam->GatanCam && !mParam->onlyOneShutter && !mParam->STEMcamera) startUp -= mParam->builtInSettling; genTimeOut = mShiftManager->AddIntervalToTickTime(genTimeOut, (int)(1000. * startUp)); float delay = (float)SEMTickInterval(genTimeOut, tickCount); if (mSingleContModeUsed == CONTINUOUS) { if (GetTaskWaitingForFrame()) { genTimeOut = mShiftManager->GetGeneralTimeOut(timeSet); delay = (float)(mContinuousDelayFrac * SEMTickInterval(genTimeOut, tickCount)); if (delay > 0) mShiftManager->ResetAllTimeouts(); } else delay = 0.; } if (delay > 0) { UINT ISdelay = (UINT)delay; // 3/21/13: just compare against this constant regardless of user's tilt delay UINT delayLim = MAX_SCOPE_SETTLING; logmess.Format("delay %u ticks %u time out at %u", ISdelay, tickCount, genTimeOut); // If delay is too long, cut it back and change the general time out too // Could give error message if (ISdelay > delayLim) { ISdelay = delayLim; mWinApp->AppendToLog("Warning: settling time had unreasonable value:", LOG_OPEN_IF_CLOSED); mess2.Format(" (orig time out %u + sud %d)", genTOorig, (int)(1000. * startUp)); logmess += mess2; mWinApp->AppendToLog(logmess, LOG_OPEN_IF_CLOSED); mShiftManager->ResetAllTimeouts(); mShiftManager->SetGeneralTimeOut(tickCount, ISdelay); } else if (GetDebugOutput('Z')) mWinApp->AppendToLog(logmess, LOG_OPEN_IF_CLOSED); mSettling = inSet; mWinApp->AddIdleTask(ThreadBusy, ScreenOrInsertDone, ScreenOrInsertError, inSet, -(int)ISdelay); mWinApp->SetStatusText(SIMPLE_PANE, "SETTLING"); mWinApp->UpdateBufferWindows(); return 1; } return 0; } // Do everything required to get from the coordinates in the conset to usable binned // coordinates void CCameraController::CapManageCoordinates(ControlSet & conSet, int &gainXoffset, int &gainYoffset) { int csizeX, csizeY, block, leftOffset = 0, topOffset = 0, operation = 0; int tLeft, tTop, tBot, tRight, tsizeX, tsizeY, margin, reducedSizeX, reducedSizeY; BOOL unbinnedK2, doseFrac, superRes, antialiasInPlugin, swapXYinAcquire = false; bool reduceAligned, binInPlugin, oneViewTakingFrames, mapForGeometry, cropSubarea; bool noSubarea; // Get the CCD coordinates after binning. First make sure binning is right for K2 // and set various flags about taking images unbinned and antialiasing in plugin superRes = IS_SUPERRES(mParam, conSet.K2ReadMode) && !IsK3BinningSuperResFrames(&conSet, mParam); oneViewTakingFrames = mParam->OneViewType && mParam->canTakeFrames && conSet.doseFrac; doseFrac = (mParam->K2Type && conSet.doseFrac) || oneViewTakingFrames; noSubarea = conSet.doseFrac && NoSubareasForDoseFrac(mParam, conSet.alignFrames, conSet.useFrameAlign); if (mParam->K2Type && !superRes && conSet.binning < 2) conSet.binning = 2; antialiasInPlugin = mParam->K2Type && CAN_PLUGIN_DO(CAN_ANTIALIAS, mParam) && (conSet.mode == SINGLE_FRAME || mParam->K2Type == K3_TYPE) && (doseFrac || superRes || mAntialiasBinning > 0 || mParam->K2Type == K3_TYPE) && conSet.binning > (superRes ? 1 : 2) && mTD.NumAsyncSumFrames != 0; binInPlugin = mParam->K2Type == K3_TYPE && (!(doseFrac || superRes || mAntialiasBinning > 0) || conSet.mode == CONTINUOUS); cropSubarea = CropTietzSubarea(mParam, conSet.right, conSet.left, conSet.bottom, conSet.top, conSet.processing, conSet.mode, tsizeY); mapForGeometry = mParam->TietzType && mParam->TietzImageGeometry > 0 && !cropSubarea; if (cropSubarea) mTD.PluginAcquireFlags |= TIETZ_CROP_SUBAREA; reduceAligned = mParam->K2Type && doseFrac && conSet.alignFrames && conSet.useFrameAlign == 1; unbinnedK2 = mParam->K2Type && (superRes || doseFrac || antialiasInPlugin); mBinning = conSet.binning; mLeft = conSet.left / mBinning; mTop = conSet.top / mBinning; mRight = conSet.right / mBinning; mBottom = conSet.bottom / mBinning; mDMsizeX = mRight - mLeft; mDMsizeY = mBottom - mTop; reducedSizeX = mDMsizeX; reducedSizeY = mDMsizeY; // Adjust them to be multiples of the modulo values or satisfy other restrictions // But first get the final reduced size if antialiasing in plugin if (antialiasInPlugin || reduceAligned) { tLeft = mLeft; tRight = mRight; tTop = mTop; tBot = mBottom; AdjustSizes(reducedSizeX, mParam->sizeX, mParam->moduloX, tLeft, tRight, reducedSizeY, mParam->sizeY, mParam->moduloY, tTop, tBot, mBinning); } AdjustSizes(mDMsizeX, mParam->sizeX, noSubarea ? -2 : mParam->moduloX, mLeft, mRight, mDMsizeY, mParam->sizeY, noSubarea ? -2 : mParam->moduloY, mTop, mBottom, mBinning); // Fix coordinates for Tietz geometry tsizeX = mDMsizeX; tsizeY = mDMsizeY; tLeft = mLeft; tRight = mRight; tTop = mTop; tBot = mBottom; gainXoffset = 0; gainYoffset = 0; csizeX = mParam->sizeX; csizeY = mParam->sizeY; if (mParam->TietzType && mapForGeometry) { UserToTietzCCD(mParam->TietzImageGeometry, mBinning, csizeX, csizeY, tsizeX, tsizeY, tTop, tLeft, tBot, tRight); swapXYinAcquire = TIETZ_ROTATING(mParam); } if (mParam->DE_camType >= 2) { if (mTD.DE_Cam->GetServerVersion() < DE_ROI_IS_ON_CHIP) operation = mTD.DE_Cam->OperationForRotateFlip(mParam->DE_ImageRot, mParam->DE_ImageInvertX); else operation = mParam->rotationFlip; } if (mParam->STEMcamera && mTD.UseUtapi) { operation = mParam->rotationFlip; } if (operation) { CorDefUserToRotFlipCCD(operation, mBinning, csizeX, csizeY, tsizeX, tsizeY, tTop, tLeft, tBot, tRight); swapXYinAcquire = operation % 2 != 0 && !(mParam->STEMcamera && mTD.UseUtapi); } if (mParam->TietzType && mParam->TietzBlocks) { // Supposedly only the F416 needs this. Compute X gain offset in CCD coordinates // Then convert back to user coordinates to get offset in X or Y for gain reference // But new F816 is supposed to be "like F416" so let us see if this works. if (mParam->TietzType == 11 || mParam->TietzType == 13) { gainXoffset = mBlockOffsetSign * ((tLeft * mBinning) % (mParam->TietzBlocks + 1)); if (mapForGeometry) { int t2sizeX = csizeX / mBinning; int t2sizeY = csizeY / mBinning; int t2Right = t2sizeX + gainXoffset; int t2Bot = t2sizeY; TietzCCDtoUser(mParam->TietzImageGeometry, mBinning, csizeX, csizeY, t2sizeX, t2sizeY, gainYoffset, gainXoffset, t2Bot, t2Right); } } // Adjust the coordinates sent to camera to be multiple of block block = mParam->TietzBlocks / mBinning; tLeft = block * (tLeft / block); tTop = block * (tTop / block); } // Fix for K2 superresolution mode or dose fractionation // Set coordinates for binning 2 (actually unbinned) and set sizes to actual acquired // size, 4 times bigger for superres if (unbinnedK2) { tLeft = tLeft * mBinning / 2; tRight = tRight * mBinning / 2; tTop = tTop * mBinning / 2; tBot = tBot * mBinning / 2; margin = 2 * mBinning; if (doseFrac && (noSubarea || (tLeft < margin && tRight >= csizeX / 2 - margin && tTop < margin && tBot >= csizeY / 2 - margin))) { tLeft = 0; tRight = csizeX / 2; tTop = 0; tBot = csizeY / 2; } tsizeX = tRight - tLeft; tsizeY = tBot - tTop; if (superRes) { tsizeX *= 2; tsizeY *= 2; } // Set these variables when there is a reduction in the plugin, or when aligning, // because an unbinned alignment needs them to trim to the final size if (antialiasInPlugin || reduceAligned) { tsizeX = reducedSizeX; tsizeY = reducedSizeY; swapXYinAcquire = doseFrac && mParam->rotationFlip % 2; } } if (oneViewTakingFrames) swapXYinAcquire = mParam->rotationFlip % 2; if (mTD.ReturnPartialScan <= 0) SEMTrace('T', "Size & LRTB, user: %d %d %d %d %d %d\r\n mTD: %d %d %d %d %d %d " "gain offset %d %d", mDMsizeX, mDMsizeY, mLeft, mRight, mTop, mBottom, tsizeX, tsizeY, tLeft, tRight, tTop, tBot, gainXoffset, gainYoffset); // load some thread data // If sizes have been swapped in the tsize variables, unswap them here and save sizes // for the calls for Tietz and DE. Or, provide swapped sizes for the K2 dose frac case // with antialiasing in the plugin, where the plugin needs to know sizes to reduce // unrotated image to mTD.DMSizeX = swapXYinAcquire ? tsizeY : tsizeX; mTD.DMSizeY = swapXYinAcquire ? tsizeX : tsizeY; mTD.CallSizeX = tsizeX; mTD.CallSizeY = tsizeY; mTD.Binning = mBinning; B3DCLAMP(mZoomFilterType, 0, 5); mTD.K2ParamFlags = 0; if (antialiasInPlugin) mTD.K2ParamFlags = B3DCHOICE(binInPlugin, 1, mZoomFilterType + 1); if (mParam->K2Type) { if ((superRes || doseFrac) && !(antialiasInPlugin || reduceAligned)) mTD.Binning = 1; else if (!superRes) mTD.Binning /= 2; if (IsK3BinningSuperResFrames(&conSet, mParam)) mTD.K2ParamFlags |= K2_TAKE_BINNED_FRAMES; if (mUseK3CorrDblSamp && CanK3DoCorrDblSamp(mParam)) mTD.K2ParamFlags |= K3_USE_CORR_DBL_SAMP; } if (!(mParam->FEItype || mParam->subareasBad || mParam->TietzType == 8 || mParam->TietzType > 11)) { leftOffset = mParam->leftOffset / (unbinnedK2 ? 1 : mBinning); topOffset = mParam->topOffset / (unbinnedK2 ? 1 : mBinning); } mTD.Left = tLeft + leftOffset; mTD.Top = tTop + topOffset; mTD.Right = tRight + leftOffset; mTD.Bottom = tBot + topOffset; // For oneView, throw the flag to take a subarea if plugin can do this and it is indeed // a subarea if (((ONEVIEW_NOT_CLEARVIEW(mParam) && !oneViewTakingFrames) || (mParam->K2Type == K3_TYPE && !conSet.doseFrac && !(mParam->coordsModulo && mParam->moduloX && mParam->moduloX % 32 == 0 && mParam->moduloY && mParam->moduloY % 16 == 0))) && !mParam->subareasBad && (tsizeX < csizeX / mBinning || tsizeY < csizeY / mBinning)) mTD.K2ParamFlags |= K2_OVW_MAKE_SUBAREA; // For a ClearView, set flag to set exposure after read area if (mParam->OneViewType == CLEARVIEW_TYPE && CAN_PLUGIN_DO(CAN_SET_EXPOSURE, mParam)) mTD.K2ParamFlags |= K2_OVW_SET_EXPOSURE; } void CCameraController::CapSetupShutteringTiming(ControlSet & conSet, int inSet, BOOL &bEnsureDark) { CString logmess; double scanRate; int reblankOrPostAction = 0; int iShuttering = conSet.shuttering; int currentCam = mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera(); if (!CanPreExpose(mParam, iShuttering)) { mConSetsp[inSet].drift = 0.; mCamConSets[inSet + currentCam * MAX_CONSETS].drift = 0.; } // Manage open beam shutter of Tietz camera before working on new shuttering mode if (mCameraWithBeamOn && (mCameraWithBeamOn != mParam->TietzType || iShuttering != USE_FILM_SHUTTER)) SwitchTeitzToBeamShutter(currentCam); mDelay = 0.; mTD.UnblankTime = 0; mTD.ReblankTime = 0; mTD.ShutterTime = 0; mTD.DynFocusInterval = 0; mTD.RamperWaitForBlank = mRamperWaitForBlank; mTD.ScanTime = 0; mTD.ShotDelayTime = 0; mTD.MinBlankTime = (int)(1000. * mMinBlankingTime); mTD.STEMcamera = mParam->STEMcamera; if (FEIscope && mParam->DMCamera && mBeamWidth > 0. && mTD.IStoBS.xpx != 0.) { SetupBeamScan(&conSet); bEnsureDark = conSet.processing != UNPROCESSED; } else if (mParam->STEMcamera) { // STEM CAMERA float tmpExp = mNeedShotToInsert >= 0 ? mInsertDetShotTime : conSet.exposure; ComputePixelTime(mParam, mTD.DMSizeX, mTD.DMSizeY, mParam->FEItype || mNeedShotToInsert >= 0 ? 0 : conSet.lineSync, 0., 0., tmpExp, mTD.PixelTime, scanRate); mExposure = tmpExp; if (mNeedShotToInsert < 0) conSet.exposure = tmpExp; conSet.processing = UNPROCESSED; if (mParam->FEItype) { if (restrictedSizeIndex <= 0) mTD.restrictedSize = 0; else mTD.restrictedSize = restrictedSizeIndex; } else if (mParam->GatanCam) { // Set up line sync variable, which is now a set of flags for plugin high enough mTD.LineSyncAndFlags = B3DCHOICE(conSet.lineSync && mNeedShotToInsert < 0, DS_LINE_SYNC, 0); if (CAN_PLUGIN_DO(CAN_CONTROL_BEAM, mParam) && mDMversion[CAMP_DM_INDEX(mParam)] > DM_DS_CONTROLS_BEAM && conSet.mode == SINGLE_FRAME) { if (mDScontrolBeam > 0) mTD.LineSyncAndFlags |= (mDScontrolBeam << 1); } } SetNonGatanPostActionTime(); mTD.DMsettling = 0.; if (mParam->TietzType) mTD.UseHardwareROI = conSet.numSkipBefore; } else if (mParam->GatanCam) { // GATAN CAMERA: Set the timing depending on the shutter mode // Fancy shutter with no drift is the same as beam shutter only if (iShuttering == USE_DUAL_SHUTTER && (conSet.drift == 0.0 || mParam->K2Type || mParam->OneViewType)) iShuttering = USE_BEAM_BLANK; // If drift settling is not OK in DM, or if beam blanking is requested but not // available, go for dual shutter if ((!mParam->DMsettlingOK && conSet.drift > 0.0) || (!mParam->DMbeamShutterOK && iShuttering == USE_BEAM_BLANK)) iShuttering = USE_DUAL_SHUTTER; switch (iShuttering) { // Film shutter: if there is delay, subtract off built-in amount case USE_FILM_SHUTTER: if (conSet.drift) { mDelay = conSet.drift - mParam->builtInSettling; if (mDelay < 0.01) mDelay = 0.01f; // OneView just takes the drift directly and seems to work if (mParam->OneViewType) mDelay = conSet.drift; } mTD.ShutterMode = mFilmShutter; break; // Beam blanking by DM: set the delay time, subtracting built-in amount // It is ineffective for OneView with two shutters currently case USE_BEAM_BLANK: if (conSet.drift && !(mParam->OneViewType && !mParam->onlyOneShutter)) { mDelay = conSet.drift - mParam->builtInSettling; if (mDelay < 0.01) mDelay = 0.01f; if (mParam->K2Type) mDelay = (float)(GetK2ReadoutInterval(mParam) * B3DNINT(conSet.drift / GetK2ReadoutInterval(mParam))); } mTD.ShutterMode = mParam->beamShutter; if (mParam->extraBeamTime < 0.) mTD.UnblankTime = (int)(1000. * mParam->startupDelay); break; // Dual shutter needs to use internal blanking, either sleep between // unblanking the beam and firing DM, or fire DM then unblank the beam case USE_DUAL_SHUTTER: int msDrift = (int)(1000. * conSet.drift); if (conSet.drift < mParam->minimumDrift) msDrift = (int)(1000. * mParam->minimumDrift); int msBuiltIn = (int)(1000. * mParam->builtInSettling); int msStartup = (int)(1000. * mParam->startupDelay); if (conSet.drift == 0.) { // The desperate case of no beam blanking through DM // Extend exposure by the "extra time" on both sides, unblank by extra time // after exposure starts, reblank after exposure time mTD.ReblankTime = (int)(1000. * (mExposure - mParam->extraUnblankTime) + 0.5); //mTD.ReblankTime = (int)(1000. * (mExposure) + 0.5); if (mTD.ReblankTime < 1) mTD.ReblankTime = 1; mExposure += mParam->minimumDrift + mParam->extraBeamTime; // Set up for a minimum exposure time so short exposures can share dark refs if (mExposure < mParam->minBlankedExposure) mExposure = mParam->minBlankedExposure; mTD.UnblankTime = msBuiltIn + msStartup + (int)(1000. * mParam->minimumDrift); } else { // Regular dual shuttering, need to truncate the preexposure if (msDrift <= msBuiltIn) { mTD.UnblankTime = msBuiltIn + msStartup - msDrift; } else { // regular shuttering, need to extend preexposure // subtract startup delay IFF shutter can be left open mTD.ShutterTime = msDrift - msBuiltIn; if (mTD.ShutterTime <= 0) { mTD.ShutterTime = 0; } else if (mParam->DMopenShutterOK) { // If we can use openShutter commands, then subtract the extra // time mTD.ShutterTime -= (int)(1000. * mParam->extraOpenShutterTime); if (mTD.ShutterTime < 10) mTD.ShutterTime = 10; } else { // But if we can't use shutter, set up dark reference exposure mTD.PreDarkBlankTime = msBuiltIn - mTD.ShutterTime; if (mTD.PreDarkBlankTime < 10) mTD.PreDarkBlankTime = 0; mTD.PreDarkExposure = 0.001 * (mTD.ShutterTime - msBuiltIn); if (mTD.PreDarkExposure < 0.01) mTD.PreDarkExposure = 0.01; if (mPreDarkBump) mTD.PreDarkExposure += FORCING_INCREMENT; mPreDarkBump = !mPreDarkBump; mTD.PreDarkBinning = mParam->binnings[mParam->numBinnings - 1]; mTD.ShutterTime = 0; } mTD.UnblankTime = 0; } // Add the shutter time since it is done by camera plugin now reblankOrPostAction = (int)(1000. * (mExposure + mParam->builtInSettling + mParam->startupDelay + mParam->extraBeamTime)) + mTD.ShutterTime - mTD.UnblankTime; if (!mSkipNextReblank) mTD.ReblankTime = reblankOrPostAction; mSkipNextReblank = false; } mTD.ShutterMode = mFilmShutter; bEnsureDark = conSet.processing != UNPROCESSED && !mParam->K2Type && !mParam->OneViewType; break; } mTD.DMsettling = mDelay; // If can't set beam shutter, send a negative shutter number to prevent trying // to set shutter at all if (!mParam->DMbeamShutterOK) mTD.ShutterMode = -1; // Set up post actions mTD.PostActionTime = 0; if (mStageQueued || mISQueued || mBeamTiltQueued || mMagQueued || mAstigQueued || mDefocusQueued || (mDriftISQueued && mBeamWidth <= 0)) { // Use reblanktime as a flag, or set up time to end of exposure regardless if (mTD.ReblankTime) mTD.PostActionTime = mTD.ReblankTime; else { if (reblankOrPostAction > 0) mTD.PostActionTime = reblankOrPostAction; else mTD.PostActionTime = (int)(1000. * (mExposure + mParam->builtInSettling + mParam->startupDelay + mDelay + mParam->extraBeamTime)); if (mParam->K2Type && conSet.doseFrac) mTD.PostActionTime += (int)(1000. * mParam->startDelayPerFrame * conSet.exposure / B3DMAX(conSet.frameTime, GetMinK2FrameTime(mParam))); } // Make it ensure dark reference bEnsureDark = conSet.processing != UNPROCESSED && !mParam->K2Type && !mParam->OneViewType; } } else if (mParam->TietzType) { // TIETZ CAMERA SHUTTERING - for film shutter, may need to open it and wait mTD.DMsettling = 0.; mTD.TietzCanPreexpose = mParam->TietzCanPreExpose; mTD.ShutterMode = iShuttering; if (iShuttering == USE_FILM_SHUTTER) { if (mCameraWithBeamOn != mTD.Camera) mTD.ShutterTime = (int)(1000. * mTietzFilmSwitchTime); mCameraWithBeamOn = mParam->TietzType; // THIS SHOULD BE SET LATER } else if (conSet.drift > 0 && mParam->TietzCanPreExpose) { // For beam shutter, if there is drift settling, and if // the pre-exposure shuttering exists, use that mTD.DMsettling = conSet.drift; mTD.ShutterMode = USE_DUAL_SHUTTER; } SetNonGatanPostActionTime(); // No need to set ensure dark flag, it is set if processed image below SEMTrace('Z', "shutter mode %d shutter time %d settling %f posttime %d " "beam on %d", mTD.ShutterMode, mTD.ShutterTime, mTD.DMsettling, mTD.PostActionTime, mCameraWithBeamOn); } else if (mParam->AMTtype) { // AMT camera shuttering mTD.ShutterMode = 0; ConstrainDriftSettling(conSet.drift); SetNonGatanPostActionTime(); // Here and for FEI there is no way to "ensure" dark reference exists if not // processing here } else if (mParam->DE_camType) { // Direct Electron camera for handling shuttering // Ensure we have a proper Settling time ConstrainDriftSettling(conSet.drift); SetNonGatanPostActionTime(); } else if (mParam->FEItype) { // FEI camera shuttering - set size also ConstrainDriftSettling(conSet.drift); if ((!mParam->processHere || (mFrameSavingEnabled && IS_BASIC_FALCON2(mParam) && !mWinApp->mGainRefMaker->GetPreparingGainRef())) && conSet.processing == DARK_SUBTRACTED) conSet.processing = GAIN_NORMALIZED; if (FCAM_ADVANCED(mParam) && !mASIgivesGainNormOnly) conSet.processing = GAIN_NORMALIZED; SetNonGatanPostActionTime(); mTD.eagleIndex = mParam->eagleIndex; if (FCAM_CONTIN_SAVE(mParam) && conSet.saveFrames) mTD.eagleIndex = mParam->cameraNumber; if (restrictedSizeIndex <= 0) mTD.restrictedSize = 0; else mTD.restrictedSize = restrictedSizeIndex; } else if (mTD.plugFuncs) { // PLUGIN camera // Pass on values; the acquire routine will test the existence of functions mTD.SelectCamera = mParam->cameraNumber; mTD.ShutterMode = iShuttering; ConstrainDriftSettling(conSet.drift); if (!mParam->canPreExpose) mTD.DMsettling = 0.; // Fix processing requests in case setup dialog didn't if (!mParam->processHere && conSet.processing == DARK_SUBTRACTED && mParam->pluginCanProcess && !(mParam->pluginCanProcess & DARK_SUBTRACTED)) conSet.processing = GAIN_NORMALIZED; if (!mParam->processHere && conSet.processing == GAIN_NORMALIZED && mParam->pluginCanProcess && !(mParam->pluginCanProcess & GAIN_NORMALIZED)) conSet.processing = DARK_SUBTRACTED; SetNonGatanPostActionTime(); } // If there is no shutter, redo all of this! if (mParam->noShutter && mScope->GetInitialized()) { mTD.DMsettling = 0.; mTD.UnblankTime = 0; mTD.ReblankTime = 0; mTD.ShutterTime = 0; mTD.PostActionTime = 0; mTD.ShutterMode = USE_BEAM_BLANK; if (conSet.drift > mParam->startupDelay) mTD.ShotDelayTime = (int)(1000. * (conSet.drift - mParam->startupDelay)); // If no reliable timing, simply allow more pre-exposure if (mParam->noShutter == 1) { if (mParam->extraBeamTime < 0.) mTD.UnblankTime = (int)(1000. * mParam->startupDelay); } else { // Otherwise set up for unblanking and reblanking if (conSet.drift <= mParam->startupDelay) mTD.UnblankTime = (int)(1000. * (mParam->startupDelay - conSet.drift)); mTD.ReblankTime = (int)(1000 * (mParam->startupDelay + mExposure + mParam->extraBeamTime)) - mTD.UnblankTime; if (mStageQueued || mISQueued || mBeamTiltQueued || mMagQueued || mAstigQueued || mDefocusQueued || (mDriftISQueued && mBeamWidth <= 0)) mTD.PostActionTime = mTD.ReblankTime; } bEnsureDark |= (conSet.processing != UNPROCESSED && mParam->GatanCam && !mParam->K2Type && !mParam->OneViewType); } } // Take care of saving stage position and mag, setting up boosted mag, and setting up // dynamic focus int CCameraController::CapSaveStageMagSetupDynFocus(ControlSet & conSet, int inSet) { double msPerLine; CString mess; float flyback = mParam->flyback, startupDelay = mParam->startupDelay; MagTable *magTab = mWinApp->GetMagTable(); BOOL boostMag; int ind; // Determine if doing a focus picture that needs its mag boosted boostMag = mParam->STEMcamera && conSet.boostMag && inSet == FOCUS_CONSET && (conSet.magAllShots || mWinApp->mFocusManager->DoingFocus()) && !mMagToRestore && !mWinApp->LowDoseMode(); // Get the tilt angle and mag now in case there is a post-action // Get beam shift matrix for current mag mScope->FastStagePosition(mStageXbefore, mStageYbefore, mStageZbefore); if (mTD.PostChangeMag || boostMag) { mMagBefore = mScope->GetMagIndex(true); if (!boostMag) mTD.PostMagFixIS = mScope->AssessMagISchange(mMagBefore, mTD.NewMagIndex, false, mTD.ISX, mTD.ISY); } else mMagBefore = mScope->FastMagIndex(); mTD.IStoBS = mShiftManager->GetBeamShiftCal(mMagBefore); if (mTD.PostImageShift && HitachiScope && !mScope->HitachiNeedsBSforIS(mMagBefore)) mTD.IStoBS.xpx = 0.; // Now ready to set up parameters for drift compensation, or dynamic focus, and to set // the rotation angle for STEM SetupDriftWithIS(); if (mParam->STEMcamera) { // Boost the mag and save the old mag; but the mag for the image has to be the // boosted mag. This variable was not set if a boost was retained if (boostMag) { mMagToRestore = mMagBefore; mMagBefore = mShiftManager->FindBoostedMagIndex(mMagBefore, conSet.boostMag); mScope->SetMagIndex(mMagBefore); Sleep(mPostSTEMmagChgDelay); } for (ind = 0; ind < mParam->numBinnings - 1; ind++) if (mBinning == mParam->binnings[ind]) break; mTD.STEMrotation = mWinApp->GetAddedSTEMrotation() - (magTab[mMagBefore].rotation[mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera()] + mParam->extraRotation); if (mShiftManager->GetInvertStageXAxis()) mTD.STEMrotation = -mTD.STEMrotation; SEMTrace('s', "Set %d, mag %d, STEM rotation %.1f", inSet, mMagBefore, mTD.STEMrotation); if (conSet.dynamicFocus && mSingleContModeUsed == SINGLE_FRAME && mNeedShotToInsert < 0) { if (mParam->FEItype) { ind = mWinApp->mCalibTiming->FlybackTimeFromTable(mBinning, mTD.DMSizeX, mMagBefore, conSet.exposure, flyback, startupDelay, &mess); if (ind != FLYBACK_EXACT) mWinApp->AppendToLog("WARNING: " + mess); } ind = DynamicFocusOK(conSet.exposure, mTD.DMSizeY, flyback, mTD.DynFocusInterval, msPerLine); if (ind > 0) SetupDynamicFocus(ind, msPerLine, flyback, startupDelay); } // Create focus ramper if needed and make sure it's still there and responds if (FEIscope && (mTD.UnblankTime != 0 || (mTD.DynFocusInterval && mTD.PostActionTime))) { // Plugin scope if (FEIscope && mTD.scopePlugFuncs->FocusRamperInitialize) { if (mTD.scopePlugFuncs->FocusRamperInitialize()) { SEMMessageBox(CString(mTD.scopePlugFuncs->GetLastErrorString())); ErrorCleanup(1); return 1; } } else { // Local scope for (ind = 0; ind < 2; ind++) { if (!mRamperInstance && CreateFocusRamper()) break; try { mTD.FocusRamper->Initialize(_bstr_t(mScope->GetInstrumentName())); break; } catch (_com_error E) { if (ind) SEMReportCOMError(E, _T("Trying to initialize focus ramper ")); mTD.FocusRamper = NULL; mRamperInstance = false; } } if (!mRamperInstance) { ErrorCleanup(1); return 1; } } } } // Set up for focus steps for Gatan or Tietz mTD.FocusStep1 = 0.; if ((mParam->GatanCam || mParam->TietzType || IS_FALCON2_3_4(mParam)) && !mParam->STEMcamera && !mTD.DynFocusInterval && !mTD.DriftISinterval && (mFocusStepToDo1 || mFocusStepToDo2) && mFocusInterval1 < conSet.exposure) { mCenterFocus = mScope->GetDefocus(); if (mFocusInterval1 > 0.) { // If there is an interval, set up step shots mTD.FocusStep1 = mFocusStepToDo1; mTD.FocusStep2 = 0.; mTD.Step2FocusDelay = 0; if (mFocusStepToDo2 && mFocusInterval2 && mFocusInterval2 < conSet.exposure) { mTD.FocusStep2 = mFocusStepToDo2; mTD.Step2FocusDelay = B3DNINT(1000. * (mFocusInterval2 - mFocusInterval1)); } // The delay is startup time to exposure plus step interval, minus unblank time // Adjust reblank and post-action times down by the sum of the two delays mTD.ScanDelay = (int)(1000. * (mParam->builtInSettling + mParam->startupDelay + mTD.DMsettling + mFocusInterval1)) - mTD.UnblankTime; if (mTD.ReblankTime) mTD.ReblankTime -= mTD.ScanDelay + mTD.Step2FocusDelay; if (mTD.PostActionTime) mTD.PostActionTime -= mTD.ScanDelay + mTD.Step2FocusDelay; } else { // Otherwise set up dynamic focus mTD.FocusPerMs = 0.001 * (mFocusStepToDo2 - mFocusStepToDo1) / mExposure; mTD.FocusBase = mCenterFocus + mFocusStepToDo1 - mTD.FocusPerMs * mSmoothFocusExtraTime / 2.; mTD.JeolOLtoUm = mScope->GetJeol_OLfine_to_um(); mTD.DynFocusInterval = mDynFocusInterval; mTD.ScanDelay = (int)(1000. * (mParam->builtInSettling + mParam->startupDelay + mTD.DMsettling)) - mTD.UnblankTime - mSmoothFocusExtraTime / 2; mTD.ScanDelay = B3DMAX(1, mTD.ScanDelay); mTD.PostActionTime = (int)(1000. * mExposure) + mSmoothFocusExtraTime; mTD.ReblankTime = 0; } } // It is a one-shot: zero this out mFocusStepToDo1 = 0.; mFocusStepToDo2 = 0.; return 0; } // If a dark or gain reference is required, find one or prepare to get one if // doing processing here int CCameraController::CapManageDarkGainRefs(ControlSet & conSet, int inSet, BOOL &bEnsureDark, int gainXoffset, int gainYoffset) { int refErr; bool frameAliNeedsFloat = false; double useExposure = mExposure; // If dark ref once only selected, then set forcedark flag and clear in the conset if (mConSetsp[inSet].onceDark) { mConSetsp[inSet].onceDark = 0; mCamConSets[inSet + mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera() * MAX_CONSETS].onceDark = 0; conSet.forceDark = 1; } mTD.DarkToGet = NULL; mTD.GainToGet = NULL; mDarkBelow = NULL; mDarkAbove = NULL; if (conSet.processing != UNPROCESSED) { mUseCount++; mDarkp = NULL; mGainp = NULL; if ((GetProcessHere() || (mParam->TietzType && conSet.processing == DARK_SUBTRACTED)) && !(mFrameSavingEnabled && IS_BASIC_FALCON2(mParam) && !mWinApp->mGainRefMaker->GetPreparingGainRef())) { double currentTicks = GetTickCount(); // If taking frames, the reference needs to be for the frame time if (mTD.NeedFrameDarkRef) useExposure = mTD.FrameTime; // Check for KV change if necessary (it is done after an interval) mWinApp->mGainRefMaker->CheckChangedKV(); // See if gain references could have been replaced in DM // Set up to check for new DM gain references, and now that this is possible // need to delete all gain refs unconditionally if (SEMTickInterval(currentTicks, 1000. * mLastImageTime) / 1000. > mGainTimeLimit){ mWinApp->mGainRefMaker->DMRefsNeedChecking(); if (DeleteReferences(GAIN_REFERENCE, false)) SEMTrace('r', "Removing gain references due to inactivity"); } float minRefExp = B3DMAX(mParam->minExposure, mMinInterpRefExp); frameAliNeedsFloat = mAligningPluginFrames && !mSavingPluginFrames && conSet.processing == GAIN_NORMALIZED && (mRight + mLeft) * mBinning / 2 == mParam->sizeX / 2 && (mBottom + mTop) * mBinning / 2 == mParam->sizeY / 2; // Look through array of references for ones that match for (int i = 0; i < mRefArray.GetSize(); i++) { DarkRef *ref = mRefArray[i]; // Look for gain ref with matching binning and offsets if (conSet.processing == GAIN_NORMALIZED && ref->GainDark == GAIN_REFERENCE && gainXoffset == ref->xOffset && gainYoffset == ref->yOffset && mTD.Camera == ref->Camera && mBinning == ref->Binning) { // Remove a short reference if a float is needed, otherwise accept it if (frameAliNeedsFloat && ref->ByteSize == 2) { DeleteOneReference(i--); } else { mGainp = ref; ref->UseCount = mUseCount; } } // Look for dark ref with matching binning, coordinates, and byte size // Need float ref if taking float images but not frames if (ref->GainDark == DARK_REFERENCE && mTD.Camera == ref->Camera && mBinning == ref->Binning && mDelay == ref->Delay && mTop == ref->Top && mBottom == ref->Bottom && mLeft == ref->Left && mRight == ref->Right && ref->ByteSize == B3DCHOICE(ReturningFloatImages(mParam) && !mTD.NeedFrameDarkRef, 4, 2)) { if (fabs(useExposure - ref->Exposure) < 1.e-6) { mDarkp = ref; ref->UseCount = mUseCount; } else if (mInterpDarkRefs && !conSet.forceDark && !ReturningFloatImages(mParam) && !(mTD.plugFuncs && mParam->canTakeFrames && (conSet.saveFrames || conSet.alignFrames))) { // If interpolating, find nearest dark reference above and below, where // one at minimum exposure counts as being below if (useExposure < ref->Exposure && ref->Exposure > minRefExp && ref->Exposure - useExposure <= mInterpRefInterval) { if (!mDarkAbove || ref->Exposure < mDarkAbove->Exposure) mDarkAbove = ref; } else if ((useExposure > ref->Exposure && useExposure - ref->Exposure <= mInterpRefInterval) || (useExposure < minRefExp && ref->Exposure == minRefExp)) { if (!mDarkBelow || ref->Exposure > mDarkBelow->Exposure) mDarkBelow = ref; } } } } // If no gain reference found, make a new one // Allocate memory after clearing out old refs if necessary if (conSet.processing == GAIN_NORMALIZED && !mGainp) { int evenCrit = 0; mGainp = new DarkRef; mGainp->GainDark = GAIN_REFERENCE; mGainp->Binning = mBinning; mGainp->Camera = mTD.Camera; mGainp->UseCount = mUseCount; mGainp->xOffset = gainXoffset; mGainp->yOffset = gainYoffset; // Try to get gain reference internally; if not set up for DM reference or error // out if it is not a Gatan camera if ((refErr = mWinApp->mGainRefMaker->GetReference(mBinning, mGainp->Array, mGainp->ByteSize, mGainp->GainRefBits, mGainp->Ownership, gainXoffset, gainYoffset, frameAliNeedsFloat))) { if (!mParam->GatanCam || refErr < 0) { delete mGainp; SEMMessageBox("There is no gain reference for this camera at this" " binning" + CString(refErr < 0 ? " and KV level" : ""), MB_EXCLAME); ErrorCleanup(1); return 1; } SEMTrace('r', "Need gain reference from DM"); mGainp->ByteSize = 4; mGainp->Array = NULL; mGainp->Ownership = -1; evenCrit = 1; } // Set the expected image size based on the even flags and source of ref mGainp->SizeX = mParam->sizeX / mBinning; mGainp->SizeY = mParam->sizeY / mBinning; if (mParam->fourPort || mParam->refSizeEvenX > evenCrit) mGainp->SizeX = 2 * (mGainp->SizeX / 2); if (mParam->fourPort || mParam->refSizeEvenY > evenCrit) mGainp->SizeY = 2 * (mGainp->SizeY / 2); AddRefToArray(mGainp); } // Analyze refs found for interpolating if (mInterpDarkRefs && !ReturningFloatImages(mParam)) { // If there is an exact match or neither below or above found, proceed as usual if (mDarkp) { mDarkBelow = mDarkAbove = NULL; SEMTrace('r', "Using exact match to dark ref"); } else if (mDarkBelow || mDarkAbove) { // Found below but not above, or interval is too big and above is farther away if ((mDarkBelow && !mDarkAbove) || (mDarkBelow && mDarkAbove && mDarkAbove->Exposure - mDarkBelow->Exposure > mInterpRefInterval && useExposure - mDarkBelow->Exposure < mDarkAbove->Exposure - useExposure)) { // If it is too old, replace it with one at current exposure if (SEMTickInterval(currentTicks, 1000. * mDarkBelow->TimeStamp) / 1000. > mDarkAgeLimit) { SEMTrace('r', "Ref below at %.3f usable but expired, replacing with " "this exp", mDarkBelow->Exposure); mDarkp = mDarkBelow; mDarkBelow = NULL; mDarkp->Exposure = useExposure; mDarkp->UseCount = mUseCount; } else { // Otherwise set up a new one SetupNewDarkRef(inSet, mDarkBelow->Exposure + mInterpRefInterval); mDarkAbove = mDarkp; SEMTrace('r', "Ref only below at %.3f, making new one at %.3f", mDarkBelow->Exposure, mDarkp->Exposure); } // Found above but not below, or interval too big and below is farther away } else if ((mDarkAbove && !mDarkBelow) || (mDarkBelow && mDarkAbove && mDarkAbove->Exposure - mDarkBelow->Exposure > mInterpRefInterval && useExposure - mDarkBelow->Exposure >= mDarkAbove->Exposure - useExposure)) { if (SEMTickInterval(currentTicks, 1000. * mDarkAbove->TimeStamp) / 1000. > mDarkAgeLimit) { SEMTrace('r', "Ref above at %.3f usable but expired, replacing with " "this exp", mDarkAbove->Exposure); mDarkp = mDarkAbove; mDarkAbove = NULL; mDarkp->Exposure = useExposure; mDarkp->UseCount = mUseCount; } else { SetupNewDarkRef(inSet, B3DMAX(minRefExp, mDarkAbove->Exposure - mInterpRefInterval)); mDarkBelow = mDarkp; SEMTrace('r', "Ref only above at %.3f, making new one at %.3f", mDarkAbove->Exposure, mDarkp->Exposure); } } else { // Both exist AND their interval is usable: assign the older one to mDarkp // so that will be replaced if it is expired if (mDarkAbove->TimeStamp > mDarkBelow->TimeStamp) mDarkp = mDarkBelow; else mDarkp = mDarkAbove; SEMTrace('r', "Ref below at %.3f, above at %.3f", mDarkBelow->Exposure, mDarkAbove->Exposure); mDarkAbove->UseCount = mUseCount; mDarkBelow->UseCount = mUseCount; } } } // Get a new dark reference if needed if (!mDarkp) { SetupNewDarkRef(inSet, useExposure); } // Set up to get a gain ref if the ref has a NULL array mTD.GainToGet = (mGainp && !mGainp->Array) ? mGainp : NULL; // Set up to get a dark ref if the ref has a NULL array, if we are forcing a // dark reference or if this reference is too old BOOL needDarkRef = !mDarkp->Array || conSet.forceDark; if (!needDarkRef && SEMTickInterval(currentTicks, 1000. * mDarkp->TimeStamp)/1000. > mDarkAgeLimit) { needDarkRef = true; SEMTrace('r', "Replacing dark reference due to its age"); } mTD.DarkToGet = needDarkRef ? mDarkp : NULL; bEnsureDark = mTD.GainToGet || mTD.DarkToGet; mTD.Processing = UNPROCESSED; // Set up dark reference averaging if once or every time flag set; clear once flag mNumAverageDark = 0; if (needDarkRef) { if (conSet.averageOnce) { conSet.averageDark = 1; mConSetsp[inSet].averageOnce = 0; mCamConSets[inSet + mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera() * MAX_CONSETS].averageOnce = 0; } if (conSet.averageDark && conSet.numAverage > 1) mNumAverageDark = conSet.numAverage; } } else if (mParam->GatanCam && !mParam->K2Type && !mParam->OneViewType) { // If processing in DM, need to analyze whether to force a new dark ref // Search for a matching dark ref in our list while (mDarkp == NULL) { int minUse = mUseCount + 1; int oldest; int freeRef = -1; int sizetot = 0; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_DARK_REFS; i++) { DarkRef *ref = &mDarkRefs[mTD.Camera][i]; if (ref->UseCount) { // If it is a valid dark ref entry, add to size total sizetot += 2 * ref->SizeX * ref->SizeY; // Find oldest used one if (ref->UseCount < minUse) { minUse = ref->UseCount; oldest = i; } // See if size and binning match (DM will reuse that dark ref) // Or, binning matches only for newer DM if (((mDMsizeX == ref->SizeX && mDMsizeY == ref->SizeY) || mTD.DMversion >= DM_ONE_DARK_REF_PER_BINNING) && mBinning == ref->Binning) mDarkp = ref; // keep track of first free one too } else if (freeRef < 0) freeRef = i; } // if there is no match, DM will make a new dark ref. if (mDarkp == NULL) { // If there is no room in our table, or if this new will make total size // too big, delete the oldest if (freeRef < 0 || sizetot + mDMsizeX * mDMsizeY > mRefMemoryLimit) { mDarkp = &mDarkRefs[mTD.Camera][oldest]; mDRdelete[mNumDRdelete++] = *mDarkp; mDarkp->UseCount = 0; } else { // otherwise, we can go ahead and assign a new entry in table mDarkp = &mDarkRefs[mTD.Camera][freeRef]; mDarkp->SizeX = mDMsizeX; mDarkp->SizeY = mDMsizeY; mDarkp->Binning = mBinning; mDarkp->Exposure = 0.0; mDarkp->BumpExposure = 0; } } } mForce = mDarkp->Top != mTop || mDarkp->Left != mLeft || mDarkp->Delay != mDelay || conSet.forceDark != 0; mDarkp->Top = mTop; mDarkp->Bottom = mBottom; mDarkp->Left = mLeft; mDarkp->Right = mRight; mDarkp->Delay = mDelay; mDarkp->UseCount = mUseCount; // Get an exposure that is bumped if this dark ref has bump flag set double exposure = mExposure + ((mDarkp->BumpExposure && !mParam->K2Type) ? FORCING_INCREMENT : 0); // If forcing a new one, and this exposure matches the selected dark ref, // then toggle the flag and bump the real exposure if flag now set if (mForce && !mParam->K2Type) { if (exposure == mDarkp->Exposure) mDarkp->BumpExposure = 1 - mDarkp->BumpExposure; if (mDarkp->BumpExposure) mExposure += FORCING_INCREMENT; } else { // If not forcing, just take this possibly bumped time mExposure = exposure; } // Make this exact time be the one stored with this dark ref mDarkp->Exposure = mExposure; } } return 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // END OF CAPTURE SUPPORT ROUTINES //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Size adjustment and reference management routines /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Return coordinates for a legal centered frame given the starting sizes void CCameraController::CenteredSizes(int &DMsizeX, int ccdSizeX, int moduloX, int &Left, int &Right, int &DMsizeY, int ccdSizeY, int moduloY, int &Top, int &Bottom,int binning, int camera) { CameraParameters *camParam = (camera >= 0) ? &mAllParams[camera] : mParam; Left = (ccdSizeX / binning - DMsizeX) / 2; Right = Left + DMsizeX; Top = (ccdSizeY / binning - DMsizeY) / 2; Bottom = Top + DMsizeY; AdjustSizes(DMsizeX, ccdSizeX, moduloX, Left, Right, DMsizeY, ccdSizeY, moduloY, Top, Bottom, binning, camera); // If Tietz blocked camera is now miscentered, increase by one block if (camParam->TietzBlocks) { if (Left + Right - ccdSizeX / binning > ccdSizeX % camParam->TietzBlocks + 2) { Left -= camParam->TietzBlocks; DMsizeX += camParam->TietzBlocks; } else if (ccdSizeX / binning - (Left + Right) > ccdSizeX % camParam->TietzBlocks + 2) { Right += camParam->TietzBlocks; DMsizeX += camParam->TietzBlocks; } if (Top + Bottom - ccdSizeY / binning > ccdSizeY % camParam->TietzBlocks + 2) { Top -= camParam->TietzBlocks; DMsizeY += camParam->TietzBlocks; } else if (ccdSizeX / binning - (Top + Bottom) > ccdSizeY % camParam->TietzBlocks + 2) { Bottom += camParam->TietzBlocks; DMsizeY += camParam->TietzBlocks; } AdjustSizes(DMsizeX, ccdSizeX, moduloX, Left, Right, DMsizeY, ccdSizeY, moduloY, Top, Bottom, binning, camera); } } // Return just the size that a control set would acquire from the given camera void CCameraController::AcquiredSize(ControlSet *csp, int camera, int &sizeX, int &sizeY) { int binning = csp->binning; CameraParameters *camP = &mAllParams[camera]; // Promote the binning to 2 if K2 not in SuperRes mode if (camP->K2Type && !IS_SUPERRES(camP, csp->K2ReadMode)) binning = B3DMAX(2, binning); int left = csp->left / binning; int right = csp->right / binning; int top = csp->top / binning; int bottom = csp->bottom / binning; sizeX = right - left; sizeY = bottom - top; AdjustSizes(sizeX, camP->sizeX, camP->moduloX, left, right, sizeY, camP->sizeY, camP->moduloY, top, bottom, binning, camera); } // Adjust sizes and positions for both axes: all external calls are through this // version and not the one-axis version void CCameraController::AdjustSizes(int &DMsizeX, int ccdSizeX, int moduloX, int &Left, int &Right, int &DMsizeY, int ccdSizeY, int moduloY, int &Top, int &Bottom, int binning, int camera) { int diff; CameraParameters *camParam = (camera >= 0) ? &mAllParams[camera] : mParam; int operation = 0; if (camParam->DE_camType >= 2 && mTD.DE_Cam) { if (mTD.DE_Cam->GetServerVersion() < DE_ROI_IS_ON_CHIP) operation = mTD.DE_Cam->OperationForRotateFlip(camParam->DE_ImageRot, camParam->DE_ImageInvertX); else operation = mParam->rotationFlip; } if (camParam->TietzType && camParam->TietzImageGeometry > 0) UserToTietzCCD(camParam->TietzImageGeometry, binning, ccdSizeX, ccdSizeY, DMsizeX, DMsizeY, Top, Left, Bottom, Right); if (operation) CorDefUserToRotFlipCCD(operation, binning, ccdSizeX, ccdSizeY, DMsizeX, DMsizeY, Top, Left, Bottom, Right); if (camParam->TietzBlocks) BlockAdjustSizes(DMsizeX, ccdSizeX, camParam->TietzBlocks, camParam->TietzBlocks + 1, Left, Right, binning); else AdjustSizes(DMsizeX, ccdSizeX, moduloX, Left, Right, binning, camera); if (camParam->squareSubareas) { diff = DMsizeY - DMsizeX; Top = B3DMAX(0, Top + diff / 2); Bottom = B3DMIN(ccdSizeY / binning, Top + DMsizeX); Top = B3DMAX(0, Bottom - DMsizeX); DMsizeY = DMsizeX; } if (camParam->TietzBlocks) BlockAdjustSizes(DMsizeY, ccdSizeY, camParam->TietzBlocks, camParam->TietzBlocks, Top, Bottom, binning); else AdjustSizes(DMsizeY, ccdSizeY, moduloY, Top, Bottom, binning, camera); if (camParam->TietzType && camParam->TietzImageGeometry > 0) TietzCCDtoUser(camParam->TietzImageGeometry, binning, ccdSizeX, ccdSizeY, DMsizeX, DMsizeY, Top, Left, Bottom, Right); if (operation) CorDefRotFlipCCDtoUser(operation, binning, ccdSizeX, ccdSizeY, DMsizeX, DMsizeY, Top, Left, Bottom, Right); } // Adjust sizes and positions so that dimensions are a multiple of modulo number // And impose other restrictions encoded in moduloX // DMsizeX, Left, and Right are in binned pixels void CCameraController::AdjustSizes(int &DMsizeX, int ccdSizeX, int moduloX, int &Left, int &Right, int binning, int camera) { static int lastRestricted = -1; int moduloMap[] = {8,16,32,64}; int *tietzSizes; int numSizes, nearInd, ind, binInd = -1, mapBase = -5; bool mapping = moduloX <= -5 && moduloX >= -8; int xMax = ccdSizeX/binning; CameraParameters *camParam = (camera >= 0) ? &mAllParams[camera] : mParam; if (!DMsizeX) DMsizeX++; if (Right <= Left) { Left = xMax / 2 - 2; Right = xMax / 2 + 2; DMsizeX = 4; } if (!moduloX) moduloX = 1; // First check for restricted sizes using size requested or the last restricted size // The last restricted size is used to enforce Y having same index after a call for X if ((moduloX < 0 && lastRestricted < 0) || lastRestricted >= 0) { for (ind = 0; ind < camParam->numBinnings; ind++) { if (camParam->binnings[ind] == binning) { binInd = ind; break; } } // Intercept Tietz cameras with allowed sizes in a table tietzSizes = GetTietzSizes(camParam, numSizes, moduloX); if (tietzSizes) { nearInd = NearestTietzSizeIndex(binning * DMsizeX, tietzSizes, numSizes); DMsizeX = tietzSizes[nearInd] / binning; Left = B3DMAX(0, Left - (tietzSizes[nearInd] / binning - DMsizeX) / 2); Left = (moduloX / binning) * B3DNINT((double)Left / (moduloX / binning)); if (DMsizeX + Left > xMax) Left = xMax - DMsizeX; } else { // This section works for restricted size types 1 to 4 and mapping if ((DMsizeX > (xMax + 1) / 2 && lastRestricted < 0) || lastRestricted == 0 || moduloX == -2 || mapping) { DMsizeX = xMax; Left = 0; restrictedSizeIndex = 0; } else if ((DMsizeX > (xMax + 3) / 4 && lastRestricted < 0) || lastRestricted == 1){ DMsizeX = xMax / 2; Left = xMax / 4; restrictedSizeIndex = 1; if (lastRestricted < 0 && binInd >= 0 && camParam->halfSizeX[binInd]) DMsizeX = camParam->halfSizeX[binInd]; if (lastRestricted == 1 && binInd >= 0 && camParam->halfSizeY[binInd]) DMsizeX = camParam->halfSizeY[binInd]; } else { DMsizeX = xMax / 4; Left = (3 * xMax) / 8; restrictedSizeIndex = 2; if (lastRestricted < 0 && binInd >= 0 && camParam->quarterSizeX[binInd]) DMsizeX = camParam->quarterSizeX[binInd]; if (lastRestricted > 0 && binInd >= 0 && camParam->quarterSizeY[binInd]) DMsizeX = camParam->quarterSizeY[binInd]; } // Toggle index stored here between -1 and the size index lastRestricted = lastRestricted < 0 ? restrictedSizeIndex : -1; } Right = Left + DMsizeX; if (!mapping) return; } if (mapping) moduloX = moduloMap[mapBase - moduloX]; // Next take care of centered coordinates - just use the size if (camParam->centeredOnly) { Left = (xMax - DMsizeX) / 2; Right = Left + DMsizeX; } // Take care of each coordinate being required to be a multiple of modulo if (camParam->coordsModulo) { // Expand to left and right, drop back if too big Left = moduloX * (Left / moduloX); Right = moduloX * ((Right + moduloX - 1) / moduloX); if (Right > xMax) Right -= moduloX; DMsizeX = Right - Left; return; } // Now take care of size being a multiple of modulo int extra = DMsizeX % moduloX; if (extra) { int bigSize = moduloX * ((DMsizeX + moduloX - 1) / moduloX); if (bigSize > xMax) { // Contract if too big Left += extra/2; Right -= (extra - extra/2); } else { // Otherwise expand extra = moduloX - extra; Left -= extra/2; Right += (extra - extra/2); if (Left < 0) { Right -= Left; Left = 0; } if (Right > xMax) { Left -= (Right - xMax); Right = xMax; } } DMsizeX = Right - Left; } } // Return sizes for a Tietz camera with specific sizes allowed, and the number of sizes // and the value that unbinned offsetsmust be a multiple of int *CCameraController::GetTietzSizes(CameraParameters *param, int &numSizes, int &offsetModulo) { static int xf416Sizes[] = {256, 512, 1024, 2048, 3072, 4096}; int xf416OffsetModulo = 256; int *tietzSizes = NULL; if (param->moduloX == -9) { tietzSizes = xf416Sizes; offsetModulo = xf416OffsetModulo; numSizes = sizeof(xf416Sizes) / sizeof(int); } return tietzSizes; } // For a (Tietz) camera with specific sizes allowed, find the index of the size nearest // to the given unbinned size int CCameraController::NearestTietzSizeIndex(int ubSize, int *tietzSizes, int numSizes) { int nearDiff = 10000000, nearInd, diff, ind; if (!tietzSizes) return -1; for (ind = 0; ind < numSizes; ind++) { diff = B3DABS(tietzSizes[ind] - ubSize); if (diff < nearDiff) { nearDiff = diff; nearInd = ind; } } return nearInd; } // Adjust sizes for crazy Tietz block readouts void CCameraController::BlockAdjustSizes(int &DMsize, int ccdSize, int sizeMod, int startMod, int &start, int &end, int binning) { // Convert to unbinned coordinates int ubSize = DMsize * binning; int ubStart = start * binning; int ubEnd = end * binning; // round size to multiple of block size int nblocks = B3DNINT((double)ubSize / sizeMod); nblocks = B3DMAX(1, B3DMIN(ccdSize / sizeMod, nblocks)); int newSize = nblocks * sizeMod; DMsize = newSize / binning; // expand or contract the start and end ubStart = B3DMAX(0, ubStart + (ubSize - newSize) / 2); ubEnd = B3DMIN(ccdSize, ubStart + newSize); ubStart = ubEnd - newSize; // shift to the nearest allowed starting point ubStart = startMod * B3DNINT((double)ubStart / startMod); // Return to binned coordinates, and round UP if it is not evenly divisible start = ubStart / binning; if (ubStart % binning) start++; end = start + DMsize; } // Determine if a subarea is being taken from a Tietz camera and if it should be done // by cropping full field; also return Y size on chip if so, for adjusting constraints // The bizarre order of the coordinates is because it used to get size and the callers // all had right - left, bottom - top bool CCameraController::CropTietzSubarea(CameraParameters *param, int right, int left, int bottom, int top, int processing, int singleContinMode, int &ySizeOnChip) { int sizeX = param->sizeX, sizeY = param->sizeY; bool crop, subarea; int ubSizeX = right - left, ubSizeY = bottom - top; bool fastContinuous = param->useContinuousMode && singleContinMode == CONTINUOUS; bool flatFielding = param->pluginCanProcess && !(mProcessHere && CanProcessHere(param)) && processing == GAIN_NORMALIZED; if (param->TietzBlocks) { sizeX = param->TietzBlocks * (sizeX / param->TietzBlocks); sizeY = param->TietzBlocks * (sizeY / param->TietzBlocks); ubSizeX = param->TietzBlocks * (ubSizeX / param->TietzBlocks); ubSizeY = param->TietzBlocks * (ubSizeY / param->TietzBlocks); } subarea = ubSizeX < sizeX || ubSizeY < sizeY; crop = param->TietzType && subarea && (param->cropFullSizeImages > 3 || (param->cropFullSizeImages == 1 && !fastContinuous && flatFielding) || (param->cropFullSizeImages == 2 && !fastContinuous) || (param->cropFullSizeImages == 3 && flatFielding)); ySizeOnChip = 0; if (param->TietzType && subarea && !crop) ySizeOnChip = TIETZ_ROTATING(param) ? ubSizeX : ubSizeY; if (param->OneViewType == CLEARVIEW_TYPE && subarea && CAN_PLUGIN_DO(CAN_SET_EXPOSURE, param)) { ubSizeX = 2 * B3DMAX(right - sizeX / 2, sizeX / 2 - left); ubSizeY = 2 * B3DMAX(bottom - sizeY / 2, sizeY / 2 - top); ySizeOnChip = (param->rotationFlip % 2) ? ubSizeX : ubSizeY; } return crop; } // After a failure to get a deferred sum or when starting a new shot, this is called // to make sure blanker thread is done and the get rid of data arrays, etc. void CCameraController::CleanUpFromTiltSums(void) { if (mTD.DoingTiltSums) { if (mTD.blankerThread) { mTD.FrameTSstopOnCamReturn = 1; mTD.imageReturned = true; WaitForBlankerThread(&mTD, mTD.blankerTimeout, _T("Thread for frame tilt series did not end soon enough when told to")); } mScope->BlankBeam(false, "CleanupFromTiltSums"); mScope->SetCameraAcquiring(false); B3DDELETE(mConsDeferred); B3DDELETE(mBufDeferred); B3DDELETE(mExtraDeferred); mTD.FrameTStiltToAngle.clear(); mTD.FrameTSwaitOrInterval.clear(); } mTD.DoingTiltSums = false; } // Get the properties of the last deferred tilt sum BOOL CCameraController::GetTiltSumProperties(int &index, int &numFrames, float &angle, int &firstFrame, int &lastFrame) { index = mTD.TiltSumIndex; numFrames = mTD.TiltSumNumFrames; angle = (float)mTD.TiltSumAngle; firstFrame = mTD.TiltSumFirstFrame; lastFrame = mTD.TiltSumLastFrame; return mDeferredSumFailed; 0; } // Apply any known constraints to the exposure time and K2 frame time bool CCameraController::ConstrainExposureTime(CameraParameters *camP, ControlSet *consP) { int special = 0; CropTietzSubarea(camP, consP->right, consP->left, consP->bottom, consP->top, consP->processing, consP->mode, special); return ConstrainExposureTime(camP, consP->doseFrac > 0, consP->K2ReadMode, consP->binning, MakeAlignSaveFlags(consP), DESumCountForConstraints(camP, consP), consP->exposure, consP->frameTime, special, consP->mode); } int CCameraController::DESumCountForConstraints(CameraParameters *camP, ControlSet *consP) { if (mWinApp->mDEToolDlg.HasFrameTime(camP) && ((consP->saveFrames & DE_SAVE_MASTER) || (consP->alignFrames && consP->useFrameAlign > 1))) return (consP->K2ReadMode > 0 ? consP->sumK2Frames : consP->DEsumCount); return 1; } // The underlying constraint routine. doseFrac is relevant only for K2 and generic // frame-saving camera, alignSaveFlags only for Falcon, sumCount only for DE bool CCameraController::ConstrainExposureTime(CameraParameters *camP, BOOL doseFrac, int readMode, int binning, int alignSaveFlags, int sumCount, float &exposure, float &frameTime, int special, int singleContMode) { bool retval = false; bool alignInCamera, alignAtAll, saveFrames; float ftime, baseTime, minExp; double fps = 0., epsilon = 0.; int num, minFracs, ovInd; // For all cameras, enforce the minimum exposure if (exposure < camP->minExposure) { exposure = camP->minExposure; retval = true; } if (camP->maxExposure > 0. && exposure > camP->maxExposure) { exposure = camP->maxExposure; retval = true; } if (!camP->K2Type && !(IS_FALCON2_3_4(camP) || FCAM_CONTIN_SAVE(camP)) && !mWinApp->mDEToolDlg.HasFrameTime(camP) && !camP->OneViewType && !(camP->canTakeFrames && doseFrac)) { if (camP->TietzType && camP->useContinuousMode && singleContMode == CONTINUOUS) { ftime = GetMinK2FrameTime(camP, binning, special); if (exposure < ftime) { retval = true; exposure = ftime; } } return retval; } // Both K2 and Falcon round to nearest number of frames for a given exposure time; // when exposure is exactly midway between for K2, it rounds up // DE12 uses Num = floor(exp_time * fps) + 1 according to Liang if (camP->K2Type) { // For K2, first fix the frame time if it is used and set it as base time for // exposure, otherwise set base time based on mode if (doseFrac) { if (ConstrainFrameTime(frameTime, camP)) retval = true; baseTime = frameTime; } else if (IS_ALPINE(camP)) { baseTime = readMode == LINEAR_MODE ? mBaseAlpineLinearTime : mBaseAlpineSuperResTime; if (exposure < baseTime) { exposure = baseTime; retval = true; } baseTime = GetK2ReadoutInterval(camP); // TODO: Is this doubled for CDS? } else if (camP->K2Type == K3_TYPE) { baseTime = readMode == LINEAR_MODE ? mBaseK3LinearTime : mBaseK3SuperResTime; } else if (readMode == COUNTING_MODE) { baseTime = mBaseK2CountingTime; } else if (readMode == SUPERRES_MODE) { baseTime = mBaseK2SuperResTime; } else { baseTime = mBaseK2CountingTime; } mLastK2BaseTime = baseTime; } else if (camP->canTakeFrames && doseFrac) { // Generic camera taking frames (including oneview) or Ceta2 if (ConstrainFrameTime(frameTime, camP, binning, ONEVIEW_NOT_CLEARVIEW(camP) ? readMode : special)) retval = true; baseTime = frameTime; } else if (camP->OneViewType) { // OneView ovInd = camP->OneViewType - 1; B3DCLAMP(ovInd, 0, MAX_1VIEW_TYPES - 1); baseTime = B3DMAX(0.0001f, mOneViewDeltaExposure[ovInd][0]); minExp = B3DMAX(0.0001f, mOneViewMinExposure[ovInd][0]); for (num = 0; num < camP->numBinnings; num++) { if (!mOneViewMinExposure[ovInd][num] || !mOneViewDeltaExposure[ovInd][num]) break; baseTime = mOneViewDeltaExposure[ovInd][num]; minExp = mOneViewMinExposure[ovInd][num]; if (camP->binnings[num] == binning) break; } // UNVERIFIED: constraints are times 4 for diffraction mode if (readMode > 0 && ovInd != CLEARVIEW_TYPE - 1) { baseTime *= 4; minExp *= 4; } if (ovInd == CLEARVIEW_TYPE - 1) { AdjustClearViewMinForSubarea(camP, special, minExp); } if (exposure < minExp) { exposure = minExp; retval = true; } } else if (camP->FEItype) { // Falcon for now. // If aligning in camera, set the base to the align fraction time and constrain // exposure to be the minimum number of align fractions (two correlation fractions) alignAtAll = (alignSaveFlags & AS_FLAG_ALIGN) != 0; alignInCamera = alignAtAll && (alignSaveFlags & (AS_FLAG_SEM_ALIGN | AS_FLAG_IMOD_ALIGN)) == 0; if (IS_FALCON3_OR_4(camP) && alignInCamera) { baseTime = FalconAlignFractionTime(camP); minFracs = readMode > 0 ? mMinAlignFractionsCounting : mMinAlignFractionsLinear; if (exposure < baseTime * minFracs) { exposure = baseTime * minFracs; retval = true; } } else { // Otherwise start with the readout time baseTime = GetFalconReadoutInterval(camP); saveFrames = (alignSaveFlags & AS_FLAG_SAVE) != 0; if (camP->FEItype == FALCON4_TYPE) { // If saving as EER and aligning in framealign somewhere, take user's frame time if (alignAtAll && IsSaveInEERMode(camP, saveFrames, alignAtAll, (alignAtAll ? 1 : 0) + ((alignSaveFlags & AS_FLAG_IMOD_ALIGN) ? 1 : 0), readMode)) baseTime = frameTime; // But falcon 4 or 4i takes in units of 7 or 9 frames regardless of whether taking // fractions or saving as EER, so multiply by that else if (saveFrames) baseTime *= GetFalconRawSumSize(camP); } } } else { // DE12 fps = readMode > 0 ? camP->DE_CountingFPS : camP->DE_FramesPerSec; if (fps <= 0.) fps = mWinApp->mDEToolDlg.GetFramesPerSecond(); if (fps <= 0.) return retval; epsilon = -0.0005f; baseTime = (float)(sumCount / fps); frameTime = baseTime; } // Make exposure a multiple of base time: round up from a boundary by adding a bit (K2) num = B3DNINT(exposure / baseTime + 1.e-5); if (camP->TietzType) num = B3DMAX(2, num); ftime = (float)(B3DMAX(1, num) * baseTime + epsilon); if (fabs(exposure - ftime) > 1.e-5) retval = true; exposure = ftime; return retval; } int CCameraController::MakeAlignSaveFlags(ControlSet *consP) { return MakeAlignSaveFlags(consP->saveFrames != 0, consP->alignFrames != 0, consP->useFrameAlign); } int CCameraController::MakeAlignSaveFlags(BOOL save, BOOL align, int useFrameAli) { return (save ? AS_FLAG_SAVE : 0) + (align ? AS_FLAG_ALIGN : 0) + (useFrameAli == 1 ? AS_FLAG_SEM_ALIGN : 0) + (useFrameAli > 1 ? AS_FLAG_IMOD_ALIGN : 0); } // Return a factor for rounding a constrained exposure time if appropriate float CCameraController::ExposureRoundingFactor(CameraParameters *camP) { if (camP->K2Type == K2_BASE || (IS_FALCON2_3_4(camP) && camP->falconVariant != FALCON4I_VARIANT) || mWinApp->mDEToolDlg.HasFrameTime(camP)) return 200.f; if (camP->OneViewType == CLEARVIEW_TYPE) return 2000.f; if (camP->OneViewType || camP->K2Type == K3_TYPE || camP->falconVariant == FALCON4I_VARIANT) return 1000.f; return 0; } bool CCameraController::IsDirectDetector(CameraParameters *camP) { return camP->K2Type || IS_FALCON2_3_4(camP) || camP->DE_camType == DE_12 || camP->OneViewType == METRO_TYPE; } // Constrain a frame time for the K2 camera and return true if changed bool CCameraController::ConstrainFrameTime(float &frameTime, CameraParameters *camP, int binning, int special) { float ftime = frameTime; float divisor = GetK2ReadoutInterval(camP, binning, special); int num = B3DNINT(frameTime / divisor); frameTime = (float)(num * divisor); B3DCLAMP(frameTime, GetMinK2FrameTime(camP, binning, special), 10.f); return fabs(frameTime - ftime) > 1.e-5; } float CCameraController::FalconAlignFractionTime(CameraParameters * camP) { return (float)(GetFalconReadoutInterval(camP) * mFalcon3AlignFraction * GetFalconRawSumSize(camP)); } // Return the count scaling being used for a K2 camera, or countsPerElectron otherwise float CCameraController::GetCountScaling(CameraParameters *camParam) { float retVal = camParam->countsPerElectron; if (camParam->K2Type == K3_TYPE || (camParam->OneViewType && camParam->canTakeFrames)) { retVal = 1.; } else if (camParam->K2Type) { retVal = mScalingForK2Counts > 0. ? mScalingForK2Counts : mParam->countsPerElectron; if (!retVal) retVal = mDefaultCountScaling; } else if (!retVal) retVal = camParam->DE_camType ? mDefaultCountScaling : 1.f; return retVal; } // Adjust the working value of counts per electron for a Falcon for the chosen scaling // THIS CAN NOW BE CALLED ONLY ONCE UNLESS EVENT SCALING IS STORED UNSCALED TOO void CCameraController::AdjustCountsPerElecForScale(CameraParameters *param) { if (!IS_FALCON3_OR_4(param)) return; param->countsPerElectron = param->unscaledCountsPerElec; if (param->falcon3ScalePower < 0) param->countsPerElectron /= (float)pow(2., -param->falcon3ScalePower); else if (param->falcon3ScalePower > 0) param->countsPerElectron *= param->linear2CountingRatio / (float)pow(2., param->falcon3ScalePower); if (param->falconEventScaling > 0) param->falconEventScaling *= param->countsPerElectron / param->unscaledCountsPerElec; else param->falconEventScaling = param->countsPerElectron; } // Return the target size for tasks for the given camera, or the current on if camaParam // is NULL (the default) int CCameraController::TargetSizeForTasks(CameraParameters *camParam) { if (!camParam) camParam = mParam; return (camParam && camParam->taskTargetSize > 0) ? camParam->taskTargetSize : 512; } // Return plugin version for a Gatan camera int CCameraController::GetPluginVersion(CameraParameters *camP) { if (camP->GatanCam) return mPluginVersion[camP->useSocket ? SOCK_IND : COM_IND]; return 0; } // Return version of DE server if any int CCameraController::GetDEServerVersion() { return mTD.DE_Cam ? mTD.DE_Cam->GetServerVersion() : 0; }; // Convenience function for testing capability bool CCameraController::CanPluginDo(int minVersion, CameraParameters *param) { return GetPluginVersion(param) >= minVersion; } // The test for whether correlated double sampling is available bool CCameraController::CanK3DoCorrDblSamp(CameraParameters * param) { int DMind = param->useSocket ? SOCK_IND : COM_IND; return param->K2Type == K3_TYPE && mPluginVersion[DMind] >= PLUGIN_CAN_SET_CDS && ((mDMversion[DMind] == DM_VERSION_WITH_CDS && mDMbuild[DMind] >= DM_BUILD_WITH_CDS) || mDMversion[DMind] > DM_VERSION_WITH_CDS); } // Returns minimum frame time for a K2/K3 OR for a generic frame-taking camera float CCameraController::GetMinK2FrameTime(CameraParameters *param, int binning, int special) { float time, CDSfac = 1.f; float numBlocks, minTime; if (param->FEItype) { if (FCAM_CONTIN_SAVE(param)) return mCeta2ReadoutInterval; return GetFalconReadoutInterval(param); } if (param->canTakeFrames) { time = FindConstraintForBinning(param, binning, ¶m->minFrameTime[0]); if (param->OneViewType && special) { if (param->OneViewType == CLEARVIEW_TYPE) { AdjustClearViewMinForSubarea(param, special, time); } else { time *= 4.f; } } if (param->TietzType && special) { numBlocks = (float)B3DNINT(B3DCHOICE(TIETZ_ROTATING(param), param->sizeX, param->sizeY) / 1024.); time *= ((special + 1023) / 1024) / numBlocks; } return time; } minTime = IS_ALPINE(param) ? mMinAlpineFrameTime : mMinK3FrameTime; return B3DCHOICE(param->K2Type == K3_TYPE, CDSfac * minTime, mMinK2FrameTime); }; // Returns the basic readout interval for K2/K3, OR whatever frame times must be multiple // of for a frame-taking camera float CCameraController::GetK2ReadoutInterval(CameraParameters *param, int binning, int special) { float time, CDSfac = (CanK3DoCorrDblSamp(param) && mUseK3CorrDblSamp) ? 2.f : 1.f; if (param->FEItype) { if (FCAM_CONTIN_SAVE(param)) return mCeta2ReadoutInterval; return GetFalconReadoutInterval(param); } if (param->canTakeFrames) { time = FindConstraintForBinning(param, binning, ¶m->frameTimeDivisor[0]); if (param->OneViewType && special) { if (param->OneViewType == CLEARVIEW_TYPE) AdjustClearViewMinForSubarea(param, special, time); else time *= 4.f; } return time; } return B3DCHOICE(param->K2Type == K3_TYPE, CDSfac * mK3ReadoutInterval, mK2ReadoutInterval); } // Reduces the given time if there is a subarea in Y being read out (maximum extent from // center as determined by CropTietz routine). Allow gradations by 16ths down to 1/8. void CCameraController::AdjustClearViewMinForSubarea(CameraParameters *param, int subareaY, float &time) { if (!subareaY) return; int sizeY = (param->rotationFlip % 2) ? param->sizeX : param->sizeY; int stepSize = (sizeY + 15) / 16; int numSteps = B3DMAX(2, (subareaY + stepSize - 1) / stepSize); time = (float)(time * numSteps / 16.); } float CCameraController::GetFalconFractionDivisor(CameraParameters *param) { float readout = GetFalconReadoutInterval(param); return (GetFalconRawSumSize(param) * readout); } int CCameraController::GetFalconRawSumSize(CameraParameters * param) { if (param->FEItype == FALCON4_TYPE) return (param->falconVariant ? mFalcon4iRawSumSize : mFalcon4RawSumSize); return 1; } // The times array may have one time or a time per binning, or stop before all the // binnings. The routine finds the time that applies to the given binning float CCameraController::FindConstraintForBinning(CameraParameters *param, int binning, float *times) { int ind, lastInd = 0; for (ind = 0; ind < param->numBinnings; ind++) { if (times[ind]) lastInd = ind; else break; if (param->binnings[ind] >= binning) break; } return times[lastInd]; } // For cameras with no special handling, fix and transfer the drift settling entry void CCameraController::ConstrainDriftSettling(float drift) { mTD.DMsettling = drift > 0.01 ? B3DMAX(mParam->minimumDrift, drift) : 0.; if (mParam->maximumDrift > 0.) mTD.DMsettling = B3DMIN(mParam->maximumDrift, mTD.DMsettling); } // Finds the nearest actual binning to the on in the conset, returns its index in binInd, // the real value in realBin, and true if it does not match bool CCameraController::FindNearestBinning(CameraParameters *camParam, ControlSet *conSet, int &binInd, int &realBin) { return FindNearestBinning(camParam, conSet->binning, conSet->K2ReadMode, binInd, realBin); } bool CCameraController::FindNearestBinning(CameraParameters *camParam, int binning, int readMode, int &binInd, int &realBin) { int i, diff, minDiff = 100; for (i = 0; i < camParam->numBinnings; i++) { diff = binning - camParam->binnings[i]; if (diff < 0) diff = -diff; if (minDiff > diff) { minDiff = diff; binInd = i; } } if (camParam->K2Type && !IS_SUPERRES(camParam, readMode) && !binInd) binInd = 1; realBin = camParam->binnings[binInd]; return realBin != binning; } // Add a reference to the array, computing total memory occupied and deleting any // older references if needed to keep memory within bounds int CCameraController::AddRefToArray(DarkRef *newRef) { int i, j, minUse, oldest, maxSame; DarkRef *ref; int numOlder = 0; int memTot = 0; int numDarks[MAX_CAMERAS][MAX_CONSETS]; CString report; for (i = 0; i < MAX_CAMERAS; i++) for (j = 0; j < MAX_CONSETS; j++) numDarks[i][j] = 0; // Add the new reference now so it is included in totals mRefArray.Add(newRef); // Get total memory used, number of older references, and number for each conset // Simply skip ones we don't own for (i = 0; i < mRefArray.GetSize(); i++) { ref = mRefArray[i]; if (!ref->Ownership) continue; memTot += ref->SizeX * ref->SizeY * ref->ByteSize; if (ref->UseCount < newRef->UseCount) numOlder++; if (ref->GainDark == DARK_REFERENCE) numDarks[ref->Camera][ref->ConSetUsed]++; } SEMTrace('r', "%d refs, total mem %d; %d older", i, memTot, numOlder); // Loop until memory is below limit or there are no older ones left while (numOlder && memTot > mRefMemoryLimit) { // Find maximum number of dark refs for any control set maxSame = 0; for (i = 0; i < MAX_CAMERAS; i++) for (j = 0; j < MAX_CONSETS; j++) if (maxSame < numDarks[i][j]) maxSame = numDarks[i][j]; // Find oldest ref, or oldest of any control set if that is above the limit minUse = newRef->UseCount + 2; for (i = 0; i < mRefArray.GetSize(); i++) { ref = mRefArray[i]; if (!ref->Ownership) continue; if (maxSame <= mConSetRefLimit || (ref->GainDark == DARK_REFERENCE && numDarks[ref->Camera][ref->ConSetUsed] > mConSetRefLimit)) { if (ref->UseCount < minUse) { minUse = ref->UseCount; oldest = i; } } } // Delete the oldest, subtract its memory, adjust count for control set ref = mRefArray[oldest]; if (ref->GainDark == DARK_REFERENCE) SEMTrace('r', "Deleting dark ref, camera %d, ConSet %d, binning %d,\r\n" "(%d %d %d %d), exposure %g, settling %g", ref->Camera, ref->ConSetUsed, ref->Binning, ref->Top, ref->Left, ref->Bottom, ref->Right, ref->Exposure, ref->Delay); else SEMTrace('r', "Deleting gain ref, camera %d, binning %d", ref->Camera, ref->Binning); memTot -= ref->SizeX * ref->SizeY * ref->ByteSize; if (ref->GainDark == DARK_REFERENCE) numDarks[ref->Camera][ref->ConSetUsed]--; DeleteOneReference(oldest); numOlder--; } return 0; } // Remove all references of one type (dark or gain) from the reference array int CCameraController::DeleteReferences(int type, bool onlyDMRefs) { int total = 0; for (int i = 0; i < mRefArray.GetSize(); i++) { DarkRef *ref = mRefArray[i]; if (ref->GainDark == type) { // If removing only DM refs, skip unless ownership is -1 if (onlyDMRefs && ref->Ownership >= 0) continue; DeleteOneReference(i--); total++; } } return total; } // Delete one reference from array at given index void CCameraController::DeleteOneReference(int index) { DarkRef *ref = mRefArray[index]; // Delete array only if we own it if (ref->Array && ref->Ownership) delete ref->Array; delete ref; mRefArray.RemoveAt(index); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Dark reference ensuring or acquiring routines /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Start the thread for getting dark reference void CCameraController::StartEnsureThread(DWORD timeout) { CString paneText = "GETTING DARK REF"; mEnsureThread = AfxBeginThread(EnsureProc, &mTD, THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL, 0, CREATE_SUSPENDED); TRACE("EnsureProc created with ID 0x%0x\n",mEnsureThread->m_nThreadID); mEnsureThread->m_bAutoDelete = false; mEnsureThread->ResumeThread(); mWinApp->AddIdleTask(ThreadBusy, EnsureDone, EnsureError, 0, timeout); if (mNumAverageDark > 1) paneText.Format("DARK REF #%d", mAverageDarkCount + 1); mWinApp->SetStatusText(SIMPLE_PANE, paneText); } // Routine to ensure or obtain gain and/or dark reference UINT CCameraController::EnsureProc(LPVOID pParam) { char CamCommand[2048]; int camPlace = 0; CamCommand[0] = 0x00; long longSize, height, width; size_t arrSize; CameraThreadData *td = (CameraThreadData *)pParam; int sizeX, sizeY, numDum, flagsSave, retval = 0; int callSizeX = td->CallSizeX, callSizeY = td->CallSizeY; long binning = td->Binning; double expSave = td->Exposure; CString message, str; CString strGainDark = "Dark"; DarkRef *ref; IDMCamera *pGatan; HRESULT hr; CoInitializeEx(NULL, COINIT_MULTITHREADED); if (!(td->TietzType || td->FEItype || td->DE_camType || td->plugFuncs)) { // GATAN and AMT CAMERAS CreateDMCamera(pGatan); if (CCTestHResult(td, hr, "getting instance of Camera ")) { retval = 1; } else if (td->GainToGet || td->DarkToGet) { // PROCESSING HERE: get gain ref ref = td->GainToGet; strGainDark = "Gain"; for (int iGainDark = 0; iGainDark < 2 && !retval; iGainDark++) { if (ref) { // Need to get a reference. First get an array if needed retval = GetArrayForReference(td, ref, arrSize, strGainDark); longSize = (long)arrSize; if (!retval) { try { width = ref->SizeX; height = ref->SizeY; // Get the reference, give a warning if size is wrong if (iGainDark) { if (td->NeedsReadMode) { if (td->GatanReadMode < -1) { CallGatanCamera(pGatan, SetK2Parameters2(td->GatanReadMode, td->CountScaling, 0, 0, 0., 0, 0, 0, td->K2ParamFlags, td->DMSizeX + K2_REDUCED_Y_SCALE * td->DMSizeY, td->fullSizeX + K2_REDUCED_Y_SCALE * td->fullSizeY, 0., 0., MAX_FILTER_NAME_LEN / 4, td->FilterName)); } else { CallGatanCamera(pGatan, SetReadMode(td->GatanReadMode, td->CountScaling)); } } CallDMCamera(pGatan, td->amtCam, GetDarkReference((short *)ref->Array, &longSize, &width, &height, ref->Exposure, binning, td->Top, td->Left, td->Bottom, td->Right, td->ShutterMode, td->DMsettling, td->DivideBy2, td->Corrections)); } else { CallDMCamera(pGatan, td->amtCam, GetGainReference((float *)ref->Array, &longSize, &width, &height, binning)); } if (width != ref->SizeX || height != ref->SizeY) { message.Format("%s reference is %d by %d, not the expected size of" " %d by %d", strGainDark, width, height, ref->SizeX, ref->SizeY); DeferMessage(td, message); retval = 1; } ref->TimeStamp = 0.001 * GetTickCount(); } catch (_com_error E) { long errCode = -1; try { if (td->PluginVersion >= PLUGIN_HAS_LAST_ERROR) CallGatanCamera(pGatan, GetLastError(&errCode)); } catch (...) { } retval = 1; if (td->MakeFEIerrorTimeout) { // Turn into a timeout delete [] ref->Array; ref->Array = NULL; SEMTrace('1', "Error obtaining %s reference, turning into a " "timeout by sleeping %d", iGainDark ? "dark" : "gain", td->cameraTimeout + td->blankerTimeout +3000); Sleep(td->cameraTimeout + td->blankerTimeout + 3000); } if (iGainDark) message.Format("obtaining dark reference - %s", errCode > 0 ? SEMCCDErrorMessage(errCode) : ""); else message.Format("obtaining gain reference - %s\n\n" "Is there a gain reference? Check Digital Micrograph " "for error messages.\n\nDescription: ", errCode > 0 ? SEMCCDErrorMessage(errCode) : ""); CCReportCOMError(td, E, (LPCTSTR)message); } if (retval) { delete [] ref->Array; ref->Array = NULL; } } } ref = td->DarkToGet; strGainDark = "Dark"; } ReleaseDMCamera(pGatan); } else { // Just ensuring the references before timed blanking // Take care of deleting any dark refs first for (int i = 0; i < td->NumDRDelete; i++) { sprintf(CamCommand + camPlace, "image dark%d := SSCGetDarkReference(%g, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d )\r" "DeleteImage(dark%d)\r", i, td->DRdelete[i].Exposure, td->DRdelete[i].Binning, td->DRdelete[i].Top, td->DRdelete[i].Left, td->DRdelete[i].Bottom, td->DRdelete[i].Right, i); camPlace = (int)strlen(CamCommand); } td->NumDRDelete = 0; // This plugin handles the settling and shutter //pGatan->SetCurrentCamera(td->Camera); camPlace = (int)strlen(CamCommand); // Need to get the gain reference too because that will delay the shot sprintf(CamCommand + camPlace, "image tmp := SSCGetDarkReference(%g, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d )\r", td->Exposure, binning, td->Top, td->Left, td->Bottom, td->Right); if (td->Processing == GAIN_NORMALIZED) { camPlace = (int)strlen(CamCommand); sprintf(CamCommand + camPlace, "image tmp2 := SSCGetGainReference(%d)\r", binning); } try { long strSize = (int)strlen(CamCommand) / 4 + 1; double scriptRet; CallGatanCamera(pGatan, ExecuteScript(strSize, (long *)CamCommand, 1, &scriptRet)); } catch (_com_error E) { retval = 1; CCReportCOMError(td, E, _T("executing script to ensure dark ref ")); } ReleaseDMCamera(pGatan); } } else if (td->DarkToGet && td->DE_camType) { // DE camera getting a dark reference // DNM: removed code for GainToGet which will never happen if (td->DarkToGet) { td->DE_Cam->SetLastErrorString(""); ref = td->DarkToGet; retval = GetArrayForReference(td, ref, arrSize, strGainDark); if (retval != 1) { retval = td->DE_Cam->setPreExposureTime((long) (1000 * td->DMsettling)); // Calculate the proper ROI and set the binning if (!retval) retval = td->DE_Cam->setBinning(binning, binning, td->CallSizeX, td->CallSizeY, -1); if (!retval) retval = td->DE_Cam->setROI(td->Left * binning, td->Top * binning, td->CallSizeX * binning, td->CallSizeY * binning, -1); if (!retval) retval = td->DE_Cam->AcquireDarkImage((float)ref->Exposure); bool imageFinished = false; while (!imageFinished && !retval) { //Here because of the way it works it will //take "small naps" and wait until it is finished // DE12 etc do not work that way: this is the call that acquires image if(td->DE_Cam->isImageAcquistionDone()) { imageFinished = true; retval = td->DE_Cam->copyImageData((unsigned short*) ref->Array, td->CallSizeX, td->CallSizeY, td->DivideBy2); // Try to recover from image size not being what was expected if (!retval && (callSizeX != td->CallSizeX || callSizeY != td->CallSizeY)) { if (callSizeX == td->DMSizeX && callSizeY == td->DMSizeY) { td->DMSizeX = td->CallSizeX; td->DMSizeY = td->CallSizeY; } else if (callSizeY == td->DMSizeX && callSizeX == td->DMSizeY) { td->DMSizeX = td->CallSizeY; td->DMSizeY = td->CallSizeX; } } } else ::Sleep(100); //need this for time stamp ref->TimeStamp = 0.001 * GetTickCount(); } if (retval) { delete [] ref->Array; ref->Array = NULL; if (retval > 0) { str = td->DE_Cam->GetLastErrorString(); message.Format("Error %d setting parameters or getting dark reference from DE" " camera; %s", retval, B3DCHOICE(str.IsEmpty(), GetDebugOutput('D') ? "see debug output" : "Set Debug Output to D for details", (LPCTSTR)str)); DeferMessage(td, message); } } } } } else if (td->DarkToGet && td->FEItype) { // FEI Camera ref = td->DarkToGet; retval = GetArrayForReference(td, ref, arrSize, strGainDark); td->Exposure = ref->Exposure; if (retval != 1) retval = AcquireFEIimage(td, ref->Array, UNPROCESSED, 0., ref->SizeX, ref->SizeY, 1); td->Exposure = expSave; ref->TimeStamp = 0.001 * GetTickCount(); if (retval && ref->Array) { delete [] ref->Array; ref->Array = NULL; } } else if (td->DarkToGet && td->plugFuncs) { // Plugin camera including Tietz, which needs a signal that a dark reference is // being taken ref = td->DarkToGet; retval = GetArrayForReference(td, ref, arrSize, strGainDark); if (!retval) { // If taking integer dark reference for frames, cancel flag for float return and // restore it for image acquire flagsSave = td->PluginAcquireFlags; if (td->NeedFrameDarkRef) td->PluginAcquireFlags &= ~PLUGCAM_RETURN_FLOAT; AcquirePluginImage(td, &ref->Array, (int)arrSize, td->TietzType ? TIETZ_GET_DARK_REF : UNPROCESSED, 0., false, sizeX, sizeY, retval, numDum); td->PluginAcquireFlags = flagsSave; if (retval) { message.Format("Error %d setting parameters or getting dark reference from plugin" " camera", retval); if (td->plugFuncs->GetLastErrorString) message += ":\n" + CString(td->plugFuncs->GetLastErrorString()); DeferMessage(td, message); } else if (sizeX != ref->SizeX || sizeY != ref->SizeY) { message.Format("Dark reference is %d by %d, not the expected size of" " %d by %d", sizeX, sizeY, ref->SizeX, ref->SizeY); DeferMessage(td, message); retval = 1; } ref->TimeStamp = 0.001 * GetTickCount(); } if (retval && ref->Array) { delete [] ref->Array; ref->Array = NULL; } } CoUninitialize(); return retval; } /* Timing test code: srand( (GetTickCount() << 6) & 0xFFFF ); DWORD delay = (DWORD)(2. * td->cameraTimeout * (float)rand() / RAND_MAX); SEMTrace('1', "Dark ensuring thread sleeping for %d", delay); Sleep(delay); */ // Get image or dark reference from plugin void CCameraController::AcquirePluginImage(CameraThreadData *td, void **array, int arrSize, int processing, double settling, bool blanker, int &sizeX, int &sizeY, int &retval, int &numAcquired) { bool tietzDark = td->TietzType && processing == TIETZ_GET_DARK_REF; bool tietzImage = td->TietzType && !tietzDark; bool setReadMode = td->TietzType && td->GatanReadMode >= 0; bool tietzAlreadyLive = td->TietzType && (processing & CONTINUOUS_USE_THREAD) && !(processing & CONTINUOUS_FIRST_TIME); bool rampStarted = false; int flags = td->PluginAcquireFlags | (td->DivideBy2 ? PLUGCAM_DIVIDE_BY2 : 0); if (tietzImage && td->RestoreBBmode) flags |= TIETZ_RESTORE_BBMODE; if (setReadMode) flags |= TIETZ_SET_READ_MODE; // Do the selection for Tietz dark reference but not image if (!retval && td->plugFuncs->SelectCamera && (!tietzImage || (td->TietzType && td->STEMcamera))) retval = td->plugFuncs->SelectCamera(td->SelectCamera); // Shutter selection for Tietz is handled by the Prepare call if (!retval && td->plugFuncs->SelectShutter && !td->STEMcamera && !td->TietzType) retval = td->plugFuncs->SelectShutter(td->ShutterMode); if (!retval) retval = td->plugFuncs->SetAcquiredArea(td->Top * td->Binning, td->Left * td->Binning, td->DMSizeX * td->Binning, td->DMSizeY * td->Binning, td->Binning); if (!retval) retval = td->plugFuncs->SetExposure(td->STEMcamera ? td->PixelTime : td->Exposure, (td->STEMcamera && tietzImage) ? td->UseHardwareROI : settling); if (!retval && td->plugFuncs->SetAcquireFlags) { if (td->STEMcamera) td->plugFuncs->SetAcquireFlags(td->PlugSTEMacquireFlags); else td->plugFuncs->SetAcquireFlags(flags); } // Do preliminary steps for Tietz that were always before starting blanker if (!retval && td->TietzType && td->plugFuncs->SetExtraParams1 && setReadMode && !tietzAlreadyLive && !td->STEMcamera) { // The speed and mode values seem to apply to F416 and XF416 // Perhaps flatfielding with F416 does not require a read mode in plugin but // it seems best to set those in that case as well as for burst mode // TVIPS indicated to use a 1 for flatfield parameter // First two params are readout mode and speed index td->plugFuncs->SetExtraParams1(td->GatanReadMode > 0 ? 3 : 1, td->GatanReadMode > 0 ? 2 : 1, 0, (tietzDark || !(processing & 7)) ? 0 : 1, (LPCTSTR)td->TietzFlatfieldDir); } // This sets shuttermode, it does have to be set to beam blank at some point when in // rolling shutter mode, so don't just skip it if (!retval && tietzImage && !tietzAlreadyLive) retval = td->plugFuncs->PrepareForAcquire(td->STEMcamera ? td->SelectCamera : td->TietzType, td->ShutterMode); // Start dynamic focus if (!retval && FEIscope && td->STEMcamera && td->DynFocusInterval && td->PostActionTime) { retval = StartFocusRamp(td, rampStarted); } else if (!retval && blanker) { StartBlankerThread(td); } // Get the image if (!retval) { numAcquired = 1; if (td->STEMcamera) { retval = td->plugFuncs->AcquireSTEMImage((short **)array, arrSize, td->NumChannels, td->ChannelIndex, td->STEMrotation, td->integration, &sizeX, &sizeY, &numAcquired); // Set partial scan negative if it is over, signaled by negative numAcquired; // fix sign of numAcquired if (td->ReturnPartialScan > 0 && numAcquired < 0) { td->ReturnPartialScan = -td->ReturnPartialScan; // Get statistics back from focus ramp, make sure it ends } else if (FEIscope && td->DynFocusInterval && td->PostActionTime) { FinishFocusRamp(td, rampStarted); } numAcquired = B3DABS(numAcquired); } else retval = td->plugFuncs->AcquireImage(((short **)array)[0], arrSize, processing, &sizeX, &sizeY); } if (retval && (processing & CONTINUOUS_USE_THREAD)) td->plugFuncs->StopContinuous(); } // Check whether ensuring dark ref is still going on int CCameraController::EnsureBusy() { return UtilThreadBusy(&mEnsureThread); } // When the ensure dark is done, do the real acquire void CCameraController::EnsureDone(int param) { CSerialEMApp *winApp = (CSerialEMApp *)AfxGetApp(); winApp->mCamera->StartAcquire(); } void CCameraController::EnsureError(int error) { CSerialEMApp *winApp = (CSerialEMApp *)AfxGetApp(); winApp->mCamera->EnsureCleanup(error); } void CCameraController::EnsureCleanup(int error) { CString report; if (error == IDLE_TIMEOUT_ERROR) { // If there was a timeout, and ensure thread still running, suspend // and delete it if (mEnsureThread) { UtilThreadCleanup(&mEnsureThread); if (mParam->GatanCam && mParam->useSocket) CBaseSocket::CloseBeforeNextUse(GATAN_SOCK_ID); } } mEnsuringDark = false; if (!mParam->noShutter) mScope->BlankBeam(false, "EnsureCleanup"); if (error == IDLE_TIMEOUT_ERROR) { // Restart whole capture two more times on timeout report.Format("Timeout occurred acquiring/ensuring dark reference for %s image", (LPCTSTR)CurrentSetName()); if (mNumRetries < mRetryLimit && !mHalting) { mNumRetries++; ErrorCleanup(0); mWinApp->AppendToLog(report + ", retrying", LOG_SWALLOW_IF_CLOSED); Capture(mLastConSet, true); return; } mWinApp->mTSController->TSMessageBox(report); } mHalting = false; ErrorCleanup(error); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Image acquisition routines /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Start the image acquisition or another dark reference void CCameraController::StartAcquire() { CString setText = CurrentSetName(); CString message; DWORD sleepTime = 1000; DWORD sleepIncrement = 100; DWORD sleepBite; DWORD retrySleep = 2000; int busy, half; size_t arrSize, i; double delISX, delISY, delX, delY; ScaleMat aMat; DarkRef *ref; unsigned short *usdata; short *sdata; float *fdata, *fsum; float refMean, refSD; float darkCrit = mParam->darkXRayAbsCrit; StageThreadData stData; bool moreDarkRefs, redoBadRef = false; DWORD ticks = GetTickCount(); if (mParam->unsignedImages && GetDivideBy2()) darkCrit /= 2.; if (setText.Find("ont") < 0) setText.MakeUpper(); if (setText == "TRACK") setText = "IN TASK"; // In continuous mode, reduce increment to be able to catch the thread ending quicker // And if a macro is using it, stop watching thread and add idle task much sooner so // the macro can proceed if (mTD.ContinuousSTEM || (mTD.ProcessingPlus & CONTINUOUS_USE_THREAD)) { sleepIncrement = 10; if (mWinApp->mMacroProcessor->DoingMacro() && mWinApp->mMacroProcessor->GetUsingContinuous()) sleepTime = 50; } // Clear flag from previous operation; abort if halting if (mEnsuringDark) { // Try to convert a gain reference if (mTD.GainToGet && mScaledGainRefMax && !ReturningFloatImages(mParam)) { ref = mTD.GainToGet; arrSize = (size_t)ref->SizeX * ref->SizeY; // Try to convert to a scaled integer gain ref. First correct // defects to prevent high values in bad areas there from // ruining conversion. If it fails, just forget it NewArray(usdata,unsigned short, arrSize); CorDefCorrectDefects(&mParam->defects, ref->Array, kFLOAT, ref->Binning, 0, 0, ref->SizeY, ref->SizeX); if (ProcConvertGainRef((float *)ref->Array, usdata, (int)arrSize, mScaledGainRefMax, mMinGainRefBits, &ref->GainRefBits)) { if (usdata) delete [] usdata; } else { // Success: replace float array delete [] ref->Array; ref->Array = usdata; ref->ByteSize = 2; } } mTD.GainToGet = NULL; // Unblank beam if no more dark references (i.e., leave it in same state that it was // set before starting dark references) then process dark reference if any moreDarkRefs = !mHalting && mTD.DarkToGet && mAverageDarkCount + 1 < mNumAverageDark; if (!moreDarkRefs && mParam->noShutter < 2) { mScope->BlankBeam(false, "StartAcquire after dark ref"); if (mParam->postBlankerDelay >= 0.001) Sleep(B3DNINT(1000. * mParam->postBlankerDelay)); } if (mTD.DarkToGet) { // remove X rays from a dark reference ref = mTD.DarkToGet; mWinApp->mProcessImage->RemoveXRays(mParam, ref->Array, mTD.ImageType, ref->Binning, ref->Top, ref->Left, ref->Bottom, ref->Right, darkCrit, mParam->darkXRayNumSDCrit, mParam->darkXRayBothCrit, GetDebugOutput('Z')); arrSize = ref->SizeX * ref->SizeY; sdata = (short *)ref->Array; // Divide "dark reference" to make it smaller in simulation mode if (mScope->GetSimulationMode() && ref->ByteSize == 2) { for (i = 0; i < (size_t)ref->SizeX * ref->SizeY; i++) *sdata++ /= 8; sdata = (short *)ref->Array; } if (mDarkMaxMeanCrit > 0. || mDarkMaxSDcrit > 0. && arrSize > 100) { // If testing either mean or SD, get central 80% mean/SD CorDefSampleMeanSD(sdata, mTD.ImageType, ref->SizeX, ref->SizeX, ref->SizeY, ref->SizeX / 10, ref->SizeY / 10, 4 * ref->SizeX / 5, 4 * ref->SizeY / 5, &refMean, &refSD); redoBadRef = (mDarkMaxMeanCrit > 0. && refMean > mDarkMaxMeanCrit) || (mDarkMaxSDcrit > 0. && refSD > mDarkMaxSDcrit); if (redoBadRef) { mBadDarkCount++; message.Format("Bad dark reference obtained with mean of %.1f and/or SD" " of %.1f\r\nThis is above the criterion - %s", refMean, refSD, mBadDarkCount > mBadDarkNumRetries ? "giving up" : "retrying"); // If run out of trials, delete arrays and abort the operation if (mBadDarkCount > mBadDarkNumRetries) { SEMMessageBox(message); if (mAverageDarkCount > 0) { delete [] mDarkSum; mDarkSum = NULL; } delete [] ref->Array; ref->Array = NULL; mEnsuringDark = false; ErrorCleanup(1); mHalting = false; return; } // Otherwise toggle the blanker after some delays mWinApp->AppendToLog(message); mScope->BlankBeam(false, "Bad dark ref"); Sleep(retrySleep); mScope->BlankBeam(true, "Bad dark ref"); Sleep(retrySleep); } } if (!redoBadRef) mAverageDarkCount++; // If this is the first dark ref and more are to be taken, get array for sum if (!redoBadRef && moreDarkRefs && mAverageDarkCount < 2) { NewArray(mDarkSum, int, arrSize); if (!mDarkSum) { mWinApp->AppendToLog("FAILED TO GET MEMORY FOR AVERAGING DARK REFERENCE!", LOG_MESSAGE_IF_CLOSED); moreDarkRefs = false; } else { if (ref->ByteSize == 4) memcpy(mDarkSum, sdata, arrSize * ref->ByteSize); else for (i = 0; i < arrSize; i++) mDarkSum[i] = sdata[i]; } } // If this is a later dark reference, add the array in if (!redoBadRef && mAverageDarkCount > 1) { if (ref->ByteSize == 2) { for (i = 0; i < arrSize; i++) mDarkSum[i] += sdata[i]; } else { fdata = (float *)sdata; fsum = (float *)mDarkSum; for (i = 0; i < arrSize; i++) fsum[i] += fdata[i]; } } // If there are more to get, start thread and return if (moreDarkRefs || redoBadRef) { StartEnsureThread(mTD.cameraTimeout); SEMTrace('Z', "getting next dark ref, %u elapsed", ticks - mStartTime); return; // Or, If this is the last dark reference of series, put average back in array } else if (mAverageDarkCount > 1) { half = mAverageDarkCount / 2; if (ref->ByteSize == 2) { for (i = 0; i < arrSize; i++) sdata[i] = (mDarkSum[i] + half) / mAverageDarkCount; } else { for (i = 0; i < arrSize; i++) fdata[i] = fsum[i] / mAverageDarkCount; } delete [] mDarkSum; mDarkSum = NULL; } TestGainFactor(sdata, ref->SizeX, ref->SizeY, ref->Binning); } } mEnsuringDark = false; if (mHalting) { StopContinuousSTEM(); ErrorCleanup(1); mHalting = false; return; } ticks = mLastAcquireStartTime = GetTickCount(); SEMTrace('Z', "start acquiring, %u elapsed", ticks - mStartTime); // Assign images the original IS if a shift is retained to avoid confusing TSC if (mShiftedISforSTEM) { mStartingISX = mIStoRestoreX; mStartingISY = mIStoRestoreY; } else mScope->FastImageShift(mStartingISX, mStartingISY); // Shift for subarea in STEM if (mParam->STEMcamera && !mShiftedISforSTEM) { mTotalSTEMShiftDelay = 0; delX = delY = 0.; if (mParam->subareaInCorner) { // Get coordinate of center point of scan relative to center of image // This is taken positive because it is a coordinate and will be transformed to a // a coordinate by the matrix delX = (mTD.Binning * mTD.DMSizeX - mParam->sizeX) / 2; delY = (mParam->sizeY - mTD.Binning * mTD.DMSizeY) / 2; if (delX || delY) { if (mParam->rotationFlip) { delISY = (mParam->rotationFlip % 4) * 90. * DTOR; delISX = delX * cos(delISY) - delY * sin(delISY); delY = delX * sin(delISY) + delY * cos(delISY); delX = (mParam->rotationFlip / 4) ? -delISX : delISX; } mTotalSTEMShiftDelay = mSubareaShiftDelay; } } // If adjusting shifts, take the negative because we are given image shifts and // we always need the negative when converting a shift in the image instead of // coordinates to an IS value with the matrix if (mAdjustShiftX || mAdjustShiftY) { SEMTrace('s', "Applying shift %.2f %.2f", mAdjustShiftX, mAdjustShiftY); delX -= mAdjustShiftX; delY -= mAdjustShiftY; mAdjustShiftX = mAdjustShiftY = 0.; mTotalSTEMShiftDelay += mAdjustmentShiftDelay; } if (delX || delY) { aMat = mShiftManager->CameraToIS(mMagBefore); if (aMat.xpx) { SEMTrace('s', "Total shift %.2f %.2f", delX, delY); delISX = delX * aMat.xpx + delY * aMat.xpy; delISY = delX * aMat.ypx + delY * aMat.ypy; mScope->SetImageShift(mStartingISX + delISX, mStartingISY + delISY); mShiftedISforSTEM = true; mIStoRestoreX = mStartingISX; mIStoRestoreY = mStartingISY; Sleep(mTotalSTEMShiftDelay); } else mWinApp->AppendToLog("WARNING: There is no IS calibration at this mag to correct " "a subarea or binning/exposure shift"); } } // Set up beam for scan or dynamic focus now if (mTD.ScanTime > 0.) { mScope->SetDefocus(mTD.FocusBase); mScope->SetBeamShift(mTD.BeamBaseX, mTD.BeamBaseY); } else if (mTD.DynFocusInterval > 0) { double extra = mTD.FocusBase > mCenterFocus ? 1. : -1.; mScope->SetDefocus(mTD.FocusBase + extra); mScope->SetDefocus(mTD.FocusBase); Sleep(mStartDynFocusDelay); } mStartedScanning = true; if (mTD.FEItype && (mTD.CamFlags & PLUGFEI_USES_ADVANCED) && mWinApp->FilterIsSelectris()) mSuspendFilterUpdates = true; // Unblank now for noShutter = 2 camera with known timing; it will get reblanked in // the blanker thread if (mParam->noShutter == 2 && mTD.UnblankTime <= mTD.MinBlankTime) mScope->BlankBeam(false, "For NoShutter 2"); if (mParam->noShutter == 1 && mTD.UnblankTime && !mTD.ReblankTime && mWinApp->mCalibTiming->Calibrating()) mTD.MinBlankTime = 0; if (mBlankNextShot) mScope->BlankBeam(true, "For BlankNextShot"); // Now set flag and start thread for actual acquisition mNeedToRestoreISandBT = 0; mAcquiring = true; mAcquireThread = AfxBeginThread(AcquireProc, &mTD, THREAD_PRIORITY_HIGHEST, 0, CREATE_SUSPENDED); TRACE("AcquireProc created with ID 0x%0x\n",mAcquireThread->m_nThreadID); mAcquireThread->m_bAutoDelete = false; if (mTD.ScanTime) mScope->SuspendUpdate((int)mTD.ScanTime + mTD.ScanDelay); else if (mTD.DynFocusInterval > 0) mScope->SuspendUpdate((int)mTD.PostActionTime + mTD.ScanDelay); // Take care of our window stuff, then sleep right after starting thread // to keep from delaying shot too much mWinApp->SetStatusText(SIMPLE_PANE, "ACQUIRING " + setText); if (mRepFlag >= 0 && !mPreventUserToggle) mWinApp->SetStatusText(B3DCHOICE(mWinApp->mProcessImage->GetLiveFFT(), COMPLEX_PANE, MEDIUM_PANE), "Esc or Space to STOP"); mWinApp->UpdateBufferWindows(); mAcquireThread->ResumeThread(); if (FEIscope && mTiltDuringShotDelay >= 0) { PrintfToLog("FREEZING THE USER INTERFACE UNTIL TILTING IS DONE"); if (mTiltDuringShotDelay > 0) Sleep(mTiltDuringShotDelay); try { stData.info = &mTD.MoveInfo; CEMscope::StageMoveKernel(&stData, false, false, delISX, delISY, delX, delY); } catch (_com_error E) { SEMReportCOMError(E, "Doing continuous stage tilt during shot "); } } else if (mTD.ShutterTime) { sleepTime += mTD.ShutterTime + (DWORD)(1000. * mParam->startupDelay); } else if (mTD.PreDarkBinning) { sleepTime += (DWORD)(1000. * (mTD.PreDarkExposure + mParam->startupDelay + mParam->minimumDrift)); } // Take little naps, check for thread completion while (sleepTime > 0) { sleepBite = sleepTime < sleepIncrement ? sleepTime : sleepIncrement; ::Sleep(sleepBite); sleepTime -= sleepBite; busy = ThreadBusy(); if (!busy) { mWinApp->SetIdleBaseCount(102); break; } // If error, call error function and return; if (busy < 0) { AcquireError(busy); return; } } // If fall through, put task on list mWinApp->AddIdleTask(ThreadBusy, AcquireDone, AcquireError, 0, mTD.cameraTimeout + mTD.blankerTimeout); } // Routine for the acquire thread UINT CCameraController::AcquireProc(LPVOID pParam) { char CamCommand[2048]; int camPlace = 0; long ldum1, longSize; size_t arrSize; double ddum1, ddum2; HRESULT hr; bool imageOK = false, askedForContinuous = false, rampStarted = false; CoInitializeEx(NULL, COINIT_MULTITHREADED); CameraThreadData *td = (CameraThreadData *)pParam; CameraThreadData pdTD; bool startBlanker = td->PostActionTime || td->UnblankTime || td->ReblankTime || td->FocusStep1 || td->TiltDuringDelay || td->FrameTStiltToAngle.size() || td->FrameTSwaitOrInterval.size(); int sizeX, sizeY, chan, numChan, retval = 0, numCopied = 0; CString report, str; long binning = td->Binning; // For any camera, wait to start if this is set if (td->ShotDelayTime) Sleep(td->ShotDelayTime); // For GATAN or AMT if (!td->Simulation && !(td->TietzType || td->FEItype || td->DE_camType || td->plugFuncs)) { td->psa = NULL; td->Array[0] = NULL; IDMCamera *pGatan; HRESULT hr; CreateDMCamera(pGatan); if(CCTestHResult(td, hr, "getting instance of Camera ")) { retval = 1; } else if (td->GetDeferredSum) { // Get a deferred sum arrSize = td->DMSizeX * td->DMSizeY; retval = GetArrayForImage(td, arrSize); longSize = (long)arrSize; if (!retval) { try { CallGatanCamera(pGatan, ReturnDeferredSum(td->Array[0], &longSize, &td->DMSizeX, &td->DMSizeY)); imageOK = true; if (td->SaveFrames && td->GetDeferredSum < 2) { CallGatanCamera(pGatan, GetFileSaveResult(&td->NumFramesSaved, &td->ErrorFromSave)); } if (td->UseFrameAlign) { CallGatanCamera(pGatan, FrameAlignResults(&td->FaRawDist, &td->FaSmoothDist, &td->FaResMean, &td->FaMaxResMax, &td->FaMeanRawMax, &td->FaMaxRawMax, &td->FaCrossHalf, &td->FaCrossQuarter, &td->FaCrossEighth, &td->FaHalfNyq, &ldum1, &ddum1, &ddum2)); } if (td->GetDoseRate) { CallGatanCamera(pGatan, GetLastDoseRate(&td->LastDoseRate)); } if (td->GetDeferredSum > 1) { CallGatanCamera(pGatan, GetTiltSumProperties(&td->TiltSumIndex, &td->TiltSumNumFrames, &td->TiltSumAngle, &td->TiltSumFirstFrame, &td->TiltSumLastFrame, &ldum1, &ddum1, &ddum2)); } } catch (_com_error E) { if (imageOK) { td->ErrorFromSave = -1; } else { long errCode = -1; try { CallGatanCamera(pGatan, GetLastError(&errCode)); } catch (...) { } if (td->GetDeferredSum > 1 && errCode == NO_DEFERRED_SUM) { td->GetDeferredSum = -1; } else { report.Format("Getting deferred sum from DigitalMicrograph - %s\n\n" "Description: ", errCode > 0 ? SEMCCDErrorMessage(errCode) : ""); CCReportCOMError(td, E, report); } retval = 1; delete [] td->Array[0]; td->Array[0] = NULL; } } } } else { if (td->ReblankTime || td->PostActionTime) { try { CallDMCamera(pGatan, td->amtCam, selectCamera(td->SelectCamera)); } catch (_com_error E) { retval = 1; CCReportCOMError(td, E, _T("Selecting camera ")); } } // Alternatively, may need to do a pre-exposure dark reference if (!retval && td->PreDarkBinning) { // If we need to blank part of it, fire off blanker thread if (td->PreDarkBlankTime) { pdTD = *td; pdTD.UnblankTime = td->PreDarkBlankTime; pdTD.ReblankTime = pdTD.PostActionTime = pdTD.DriftISinterval = 0; pdTD.PostChangeMag = pdTD.PostImageShift = pdTD.PostMoveStage = false; pdTD.PostBeamTilt = false; pdTD.PostStigmator = false; pdTD.PostSetDefocus = false; td->blankerThread = StartBlankerThread(&pdTD); } try { sprintf(CamCommand + camPlace, "image tmp := SSCGetDarkReference(%g, %d, 0, 0, 8, 8)\r", td->PreDarkExposure, td->PreDarkBinning); double scriptRet; CallGatanCamera(pGatan, ExecuteScript((int)strlen(CamCommand) / 4 + 1, (long *)CamCommand, 1, &scriptRet)); // pGatan->QueueScript(strlen(CamCommand) / 4 + 1, (long *)CamCommand); } catch (_com_error E) { retval = 1; CCReportCOMError(td, E, _T("Getting pre-exposure dark reference ")); } // clean up blanker thread if (td->PreDarkBlankTime) { retval = WaitForBlankerThread(td, 15000, _T("Blanking thread did not end properly in pre-exposure dark reference")); } } if (!retval) { // Start dynamic focus ramper for FEI scope if (FEIscope && td->STEMcamera && (td->UnblankTime != 0 || (td->DynFocusInterval && td->PostActionTime))) { retval = StartFocusRamp(td, rampStarted); // Or start thread to do extra blanking } else if (startBlanker || td->ReblankTime || td->ScanTime > 0.) { if (td->WaitUntilK2Ready) { try { CallGatanCamera(pGatan, WaitUntilReady(td->WaitUntilK2Ready - 1)); } catch (_com_error E) { CCReportCOMError(td, E, "Waiting for camera to be ready for next shot"); retval = 1; } } if (!retval) StartBlankerThread(td, true); } } if (!retval) { if (td->STEMcamera) { // For STEM, get one array, acquire the images, then get additional arrays // and the stored images. retval = GetArrayForImage(td, arrSize); longSize = (long)arrSize; if (!retval) { try { DWORD startSTEM = GetTickCount(); SEMTrace('s', "Start AcquireImage"); chan = 0; td->BlankerWaitForSignal = false; CallGatanCamera(pGatan, AcquireDSImage(td->Array[0], &longSize, &td->DMSizeX, &td->DMSizeY, td->STEMrotation, td->PixelTime, td->LineSyncAndFlags, td->ContinuousSTEM, td->NumChannels, td->ChannelIndex, td->DivideBy2)); numCopied = 1; SEMTrace('s', "Returned from AcquireImage took %d", GetTickCount() - startSTEM); for (chan = 1; chan < td->NumChannels; chan++) { retval = GetArrayForImage(td, arrSize, chan); if (retval) break; CallGatanCamera(pGatan, ReturnDSChannel(td->Array[chan], &longSize, &td->DMSizeX, &td->DMSizeY, td->ChannelIndex[chan], td->DivideBy2)); numCopied++; } } catch (_com_error E) { if (numCopied) CCReportCOMError(td, E, "Getting additional channels of DigiScan Data"); else CCReportCOMError(td, E, "Acquiring an image with DigiScan"); retval = 1; delete [] td->Array[chan]; td->Array[chan] = NULL; } } // Get statistics back from focus ramp, make sure it ends if (FEIscope && td->DynFocusInterval && td->PostActionTime && td->STEMcamera) { FinishFocusRamp(td, rampStarted); } // If one channel is returned OK, cancel the error and set channel count if (retval && numCopied) { retval = 0; td->NumChannels = numCopied; } } else { // Take care of deleting any dark refs first (already done if fancy timing) for (int i = 0; i < td->NumDRDelete; i++) { sprintf(CamCommand + camPlace, "image dark%d := SSCGetDarkReference(%g, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d )\r" "DeleteImage(dark%d)\r", i, td->DRdelete[i].Exposure, td->DRdelete[i].Binning, td->DRdelete[i].Top, td->DRdelete[i].Left, td->DRdelete[i].Bottom, td->DRdelete[i].Right, i); camPlace = (int)strlen(CamCommand); } try { long shutterDMticks = (int)(0.06 * td->ShutterTime); if (td->ShutterTime && !shutterDMticks) shutterDMticks = 1; if (camPlace) { CallGatanCamera(pGatan, QueueScript(camPlace / 4 + 1, (long *)CamCommand)); } retval = GetArrayForImage(td, arrSize); longSize = (long)arrSize; if (!retval) { td->ErrorFromSave = 0; if (td->NeedsReadMode) { if (td->GatanReadMode == -1) { CallGatanCamera(pGatan, SetReadMode(td->GatanReadMode, td->CountScaling)); } else if (td->GatanReadMode < 0 && !td->DoseFrac) { CallGatanCamera(pGatan, SetK2Parameters2(td->GatanReadMode, td->CountScaling, 0, 0, 0., 0, 0, 0, td->K2ParamFlags, td->DMSizeX + K2_REDUCED_Y_SCALE * td->DMSizeY, td->fullSizeX + K2_REDUCED_Y_SCALE * td->fullSizeY, 0., 0., MAX_FILTER_NAME_LEN / 4, td->FilterName)); } else { CallGatanCamera(pGatan, SetK2Parameters2(td->GatanReadMode, td->CountScaling, td->FauxCamera ? 0 : 6, td->DoseFrac, td->FrameTime, td->AlignFrames, td->SaveFrames, td->rotationFlip, td->K2ParamFlags, td->DMSizeX + K2_REDUCED_Y_SCALE * td->DMSizeY, td->fullSizeX + K2_REDUCED_Y_SCALE * td->fullSizeY, 0., 0., MAX_FILTER_NAME_LEN / 4, td->FilterName)); } } //SEMTrace('1', "Calling GetAcquireImage with divideby2 %d", td->DivideBy2); askedForContinuous = (td->ProcessingPlus & CONTINUOUS_USE_THREAD) != 0; td->BlankerWaitForSignal = false; if (td->DoseFrac && sAmtCurrent) td->amtCam->SetupFrameAcquire(td->FrameTime, td->ReadoutsPerFrame, td->PluginFrameFlags, 0); CallDMCamera(pGatan, td->amtCam, GetAcquiredImage(td->Array[0], &longSize, &td->DMSizeX, &td->DMSizeY, td->ProcessingPlus, td->Exposure, td->Binning, td->Top, td->Left, td->Bottom, td->Right, td->ShutterMode, td->DMsettling, shutterDMticks, td->DivideBy2, td->Corrections)); if (td->NeedsReadMode && td->GatanReadMode != -1 && td->DoseFrac && (td->SaveFrames || td->UseFrameAlign)) { imageOK = true; if (td->SaveFrames) { CallGatanCamera(pGatan, GetFileSaveResult(&td->NumFramesSaved, &td->ErrorFromSave)); } if (td->UseFrameAlign) { CallGatanCamera(pGatan, FrameAlignResults(&td->FaRawDist, &td->FaSmoothDist, &td->FaResMean, &td->FaMaxResMax, &td->FaMeanRawMax, &td->FaMaxRawMax, &td->FaCrossHalf, &td->FaCrossQuarter, &td->FaCrossEighth, &td->FaHalfNyq, &ldum1, &ddum1, &ddum2)); } } if (td->GetDoseRate) { imageOK = true; CallGatanCamera(pGatan, GetLastDoseRate(&td->LastDoseRate)); } } } catch (_com_error E) { if (imageOK) { td->ErrorFromSave = -1; } else { long errCode = -1; try { if (td->PluginVersion >= PLUGIN_HAS_LAST_ERROR) CallGatanCamera(pGatan, GetLastError(&errCode)); } catch (...) { } if (askedForContinuous) { try { CallGatanCamera(pGatan, StopContinuousCamera()); } catch (...) { } } retval = 1; delete [] td->Array[0]; td->Array[0] = NULL; if (td->MakeFEIerrorTimeout) { // Turn into a timeout SEMTrace('1', "Error getting image from camera, turning into a " "timeout by sleeping %d", td->cameraTimeout + td->blankerTimeout +3000); Sleep(td->cameraTimeout + td->blankerTimeout + 3000); } report.Format("Getting image from camera - %s\n\n%sDescription: ", errCode > 0 ? SEMCCDErrorMessage(errCode) : "", sAmtCurrent ? "" : "Check Digital Micrograph for error messages.\n\n"); CCReportCOMError(td, E, (LPCTSTR)report); } } } } ReleaseDMCamera(pGatan); } } else if (td->FEItype) { // FEI camera retval = GetArrayForImage(td, arrSize); if (!retval) { // Start dynamic focus if (td->STEMcamera && (td->UnblankTime != 0 || (td->DynFocusInterval && td->PostActionTime))) { retval = StartFocusRamp(td, rampStarted); // Or start thread to do post actions } else if (startBlanker) StartBlankerThread(td); if (!retval && td->STEMcamera) retval = AcquireFEIchannels(td, td->DMSizeX, td->DMSizeY); else if (!retval) retval = AcquireFEIimage(td, td->Array[0], td->Processing, td->DMsettling, td->DMSizeX, td->DMSizeY, 0); if (retval) { delete [] td->Array[0]; td->Array[0] = NULL; } // Get statistics back from focus ramp, make sure it ends if (td->DynFocusInterval && td->PostActionTime && td->STEMcamera) { FinishFocusRamp(td, rampStarted); } } } else if (td->DE_camType) { td->DE_Cam->SetLastErrorString(""); // IMAGE from Direct Electron camera retval = GetArrayForImage(td, arrSize); // DNM: skip if there is a memory problem if (!retval) { // Make sure live mode is off before setting up shot if (td->DE_camType >= 2 && !(td->ProcessingPlus & CONTINUOUS_USE_THREAD)) retval = td->DE_Cam->SetLiveMode(0); // Set the processing if (!retval && td->DE_camType >= 2) retval = td->DE_Cam->setCorrectionMode(td->ProcessingPlus & 3, td->GatanReadMode); // Set alignment in server if relevant if (!retval && td->AlignFrames >= 0) retval = td->DE_Cam->SetAlignInServer(td->AlignFrames); // Set the binning if (!retval) retval = td->DE_Cam->setBinning(td->Binning, td->Binning, td->CallSizeX, td->CallSizeY, td->UseHardwareBinning); // Set the preexposure time in milliseconds if (!retval) retval = td->DE_Cam->setPreExposureTime(1000. * td->DMsettling); // Calculate the proper ROI and set it. TM to support DE12 3_28_11 if (!retval) retval = td->DE_Cam->setROI(td->Left * td->Binning, td->Top * td->Binning, td->CallSizeX * td->Binning, td->CallSizeY * td->Binning, td->UseHardwareROI); // Set the operating mode if relevant and the FPS if (!retval) retval = td->DE_Cam->SetCountingParams(td->GatanReadMode, td->CountScaling, td->FramesPerSec); // Start thread to do post actions if (!retval && startBlanker) { StartBlankerThread(td); } if (!retval) retval = td->DE_Cam->AcquireImage((float)td->Exposure); // Turn on live mode if flag set if (!retval && td->DE_camType >= 2 && (td->ProcessingPlus & CONTINUOUS_USE_THREAD)) retval = td->DE_Cam->SetLiveMode(1 + B3DCHOICE(td->ProcessingPlus & CONTINUOUS_SET_MODE, 1 , 0)); bool imageFinished = false; while (!imageFinished && !retval) { //Here because of the way it works it will //take "small naps" and wait until it is finished // Actually the DE-12 will not take the image until the get_image call inside // CopyImageData, but this costs nothing to test first in this loop if (td->DE_Cam->isImageAcquistionDone()) { imageFinished = true; retval = td->DE_Cam->copyImageData((unsigned short*)td->Array[0], td->CallSizeX, td->CallSizeY, td->DivideBy2); } else ::Sleep(100); } if (retval) { if (retval > 0) { str = td->DE_Cam->GetLastErrorString(); report.Format("Error setting parameters or getting image from DE camera; %s", B3DCHOICE(str.IsEmpty(), GetDebugOutput('D') ? "see debug output" : "Set Debug Output to D for details", (LPCTSTR)str)); DeferMessage(td, report); } delete [] td->Array[0]; td->Array[0] = NULL; } } } else if (td->plugFuncs) { // PLUGIN camera or STEM: Get one or more arrays numChan = (td->STEMcamera ? td->NumChannels : 1); for (chan = 0; chan < numChan && !retval; chan++) retval = GetArrayForImage(td, arrSize, chan); if (!retval) { if (td->DoseFrac) { retval = td->plugFuncs->SetupFrameAcquire(td->FrameTime, td->ReadoutsPerFrame, td->PluginFrameFlags, 0); } if (!retval) AcquirePluginImage(td, (void **)td->Array, (int)arrSize, td->ProcessingPlus, td->DMsettling, startBlanker, sizeX, sizeY, retval, numCopied); if (retval) { report.Format("Error %d setting parameters or getting image from plugin" " camera", retval); if (td->plugFuncs->GetLastErrorString) report += ":\n" + CString(td->plugFuncs->GetLastErrorString()); DeferMessage(td, report); } else { td->DMSizeX = sizeX; td->DMSizeY = sizeY; } } // Clean up unused arrays for error or partial return if (retval) numCopied = 0; for (chan = numCopied; chan < numChan; chan++) { delete [] td->Array[chan]; td->Array[chan] = NULL; } } else { // Simulation image if (td->ShutterTime) ::Sleep(td->ShutterTime); retval = 1; int height = td->DMSizeY; int width = td->DMSizeX; int iStart = 64; int i, j, iVal; int iDir = 1; int iBlockY = (height + 127)/ 128; int iBlockX = (width + 63) / 64; short int *cPixels; unsigned short int *usPixels; double factor = td->Exposure * td->Binning * td->Binning; SAFEARRAY *psa; SAFEARRAYBOUND rgsabound[2]; rgsabound[0].lLbound = 0; rgsabound[0].cElements = width; rgsabound[1].lLbound = 0; rgsabound[1].cElements = height; psa = SafeArrayCreate(VT_I2, 2, rgsabound); if (psa) { // If creation successful, try to access data hr = SafeArrayAccessData(psa, (void **)&cPixels); if (hr == S_OK) { // for (int rep = 0; rep < 50; rep++) { for (j = 0; j < height; j++) { iVal = iStart; for (i = 0; i < width; i++) { cPixels[j * width + i] = 16*iVal; if (i % iBlockX == 0) iVal += iDir; if (iVal < -5) iVal = -5; if (iVal > 300) iVal = 300; } if (j % iBlockY == 0) iStart++; // iStart += j % 2; iDir = -iDir; //} } if (td->ImageType == kSHORT) { if (factor >= 7.9) factor = 7.9; for (i = 0; i < width * height; i++) cPixels[i] = (short)(factor * cPixels[i]); } else { if (factor >= 15.9) factor = 15.9; usPixels = (unsigned short *)cPixels; for (i = 0; i < width * height; i++) usPixels[i] = (short)(factor * usPixels[i]); } hr = SafeArrayUnaccessData(psa); // If everything OK, pass the array on; otherwise destroy it if (hr == S_OK) { td->psa = psa; //retval = 0; retval = GetArrayForImage(td, arrSize); if (!retval) { td->psa = NULL; retval = CopyFEIimage(td, psa, td->Array[0], width, height, td->ImageType, td->DivideBy2); SafeArrayDestroy(psa); } } else SafeArrayDestroy(psa); } } if (td->PostChangeMag) td->MagTicks = ::GetTickCount(); if (td->PostImageShift) td->ISTicks = ::GetTickCount(); if (td->PostMoveStage) td->MoveInfo.finishedTick = ::GetTickCount(); } // Deal with the blanking thread properly td->imageReturned = true; if (td->blankerThread && !td->DoingTiltSums) { retval = WaitForBlankerThread(td, td->blankerTimeout, _T("Blanking/post action thread did not end properly after the exposure")); } CoUninitialize(); return retval; } // Common place to start blanker proc and wait for mutex CWinThread *CCameraController::StartBlankerThread(CameraThreadData *td, bool waitForSignal) { DWORD startTime; td->GotScopeMutex = false; td->stopWaitingForBlanker = false; td->BlankerWaitForSignal = waitForSignal; td->blankerThread = AfxBeginThread(BlankerProc, td, THREAD_PRIORITY_HIGHEST, 0, CREATE_SUSPENDED); TRACE("BlankerProc created with ID 0x%0x\n",td->blankerThread->m_nThreadID); td->blankerThread->m_bAutoDelete = false; td->blankerThread->ResumeThread(); // Watch for mutex (if we are using them at all) startTime = GetTickCount(); while (UsingScopeMutex && !td->GotScopeMutex && SEMTickInterval(startTime) < 10000) { Sleep(10); } //TRACE("It took %d ms to get the mutex\n", GetTickCount() - startTime); return td->blankerThread; } // Waits for blanker thread to be done then kills it if necessary int CCameraController::WaitForBlankerThread(CameraThreadData * td, DWORD timeout, CString message) { DWORD beginTime = GetTickCount(); DWORD exitCode; int retval; bool firstTime = true; do { if (!firstTime) { ReleaseMutex(td->blankerMutexHandle); Sleep(50); } firstTime = false; if (td->stopWaitingForBlanker) return 1; WaitForSingleObject(td->blankerMutexHandle, BLANKER_MUTEX_WAIT); GetExitCodeThread(td->blankerThread->m_hThread, &exitCode); if (exitCode != STILL_ACTIVE) break; } while (SEMTickInterval(beginTime) < timeout); // Suspend it if still active, then delete // Yes, it is supposedly bad to call TerminateThread! But without this, the scope mutex // is not released and others getting the mutex hang. With it, the mutex IS released retval = exitCode; if (exitCode == STILL_ACTIVE) { retval = 1; DeferMessage(td, message); td->blankerThread->SuspendThread(); TerminateThread(td->blankerThread->m_hThread, 0); } delete td->blankerThread; td->blankerThread = NULL; ReleaseMutex(td->blankerMutexHandle); return retval; } // Routine to handle extra blanking or post actions UINT CCameraController::BlankerProc(LPVOID pParam) { CoInitializeEx(NULL, COINIT_MULTITHREADED); CameraThreadData *td = (CameraThreadData *)pParam; StageMoveInfo *info = &td->MoveInfo; StageThreadData stData; int retval = 0; DWORD startTime, curTime, lastTime; double interval, elapsed, baseISX, baseISY, newISX, newISY, intervalSum, intervalSumSq; double destX, destY, destZ, destAlpha, dblStartTime, firstUnblankTime = -1.; double baseBeamX, baseBeamY; TIMECAPS tc; BOOL periodSet = false; // Set flags for operations in frame tilt series bool stepTilts = td->FrameTStiltToAngle.size() > 0; bool doFrameTS = stepTilts || td->FrameTSwaitOrInterval.size() > 0; bool shutterTS = td->FrameTSopenTime.size() > 0; bool doFocusInTS = td->FrameTSfocusChange.size() > 0; bool doISinTS = td->FrameTSdeltaISX.size() > 0; bool doBSinTS = td->FrameTSdeltaBeamX.size() > 0; int numScan, step, numSteps; float minDelayOneRefine = 0.5f, minDelayPostTiltRefine = 0.2f; double focus, focusBase; float focusChange, newChange, delISX, delISY, newDelISX, newDelISY; bool applyBefore = true; long last_coarse, fineBase, coarseBase; HRESULT hr = S_OK; stData.info = info; _variant_t *vFalse = new _variant_t(false); _variant_t *vTrue = new _variant_t(true); CEMscope::ScopeMutexAcquire("BlankerProc", true); td->GotScopeMutex = true; if (FEIscope && td->scopePlugFuncs->BeginThreadAccess(1, PLUGFEI_MAKE_ILLUM | PLUGFEI_MAKE_PROJECT | PLUGFEI_MAKE_STAGE)) { DeferMessage(td, "Error creating second instance of microscope object\n" "for blanking beam or doing post-exposure actions"); SEMErrorOccurred(1); retval = 1; } if (!retval) { // If wait is set, wait for it to go false if (td->BlankerWaitForSignal) { dblStartTime = GetTickCount(); while(td->BlankerWaitForSignal && SEMTickInterval(dblStartTime) < 5000.) Sleep(50); } try { // UnblankTime indicates an optional initial blanking if (td->UnblankTime) { if (td->UnblankTime > td->MinBlankTime) { CEMscope::SetBlankingFlag(true); td->scopePlugFuncs->SetBeamBlank(*vTrue); SEMTrace('B', "BlankerProc set beam blank ON"); ::Sleep(td->UnblankTime - td->MinBlankTime); td->scopePlugFuncs->SetBeamBlank(*vFalse); CEMscope::SetBlankingFlag(false); SEMTrace('B', "BlankerProc set beam blank OFF"); } else // If it is too short, skip blanking and just sleep ::Sleep(td->UnblankTime); } // TiltDuringDelay indicates to start a stage tilt if (td->TiltDuringDelay) { Sleep(td->TiltDuringDelay); CEMscope::StageMoveKernel(&stData, true, true, destX, destY, destZ, destAlpha); } // set up precision timer for scan, dynamic focus, drift, or frame series without // tilt steps if (td->ScanTime || td->DriftISinterval || td->DynFocusInterval || (doFrameTS && !stepTilts)) { if (timeGetDevCaps(&tc, sizeof(TIMECAPS)) == TIMERR_NOERROR) { periodSet = true; timeBeginPeriod(tc.wPeriodMin); } td->ScanIntMin = 100000.; td->ScanIntMax = 0.; intervalSum = 0.; numScan = -1; intervalSumSq = 0.; } // Scan time indicates do scanning // This is the only one that works only for FEI direct if (FEIscope && td->ScanTime) { double focus; ::Sleep(td->ScanDelay); startTime = lastTime = timeGetTime(); while(1) { // Get the elapsed time and set shift and focus from base curTime = timeGetTime(); elapsed = SEMTickInterval((double)curTime, (double)startTime); if (elapsed > td->ScanTime) break; //lastTime = timeGetTime(); td->scopePlugFuncs->SetBeamShift(elapsed * td->BeamPerMsX + td->BeamBaseX, elapsed * td->BeamPerMsY + td->BeamBaseY); interval = (double)timeGetTime() - (double)curTime; if (interval < 33.) { focus = 1.e-6 * (elapsed * td->FocusPerMs + td->FocusBase); td->scopePlugFuncs->SetDefocus(focus); } AddStatsAndSleep(td, curTime, lastTime, numScan, intervalSum, intervalSumSq, td->ScanSleep); } } else if (td->DriftISinterval) { // For drift compensation, get the base IS td->scopePlugFuncs->GetImageShift(&baseISX, &baseISY); startTime = lastTime = timeGetTime(); while(1) { // Get the elapsed time curTime = timeGetTime(); elapsed = SEMTickInterval((double)curTime, (double)startTime); if (elapsed > td->PostActionTime) break; // Add time corresponding to desired initial steps, compute IS and set it elapsed += td->InitialDriftSteps * td->DriftISinterval; newISX = elapsed * td->ISperMsX + baseISX; newISY = elapsed * td->ISperMsY + baseISY; td->scopePlugFuncs->SetImageShift(newISX, newISY); AddStatsAndSleep(td, curTime, lastTime, numScan, intervalSum, intervalSumSq, td->DriftISinterval); } // Reset image shift to base value td->scopePlugFuncs->SetImageShift(baseISX, baseISY); // Dynamic focus or 1-2 focus steps } else if (td->DynFocusInterval || td->FocusStep1) { SEMTrace('1', "Starting %s", td->DynFocusInterval ? "Dynamic focus" : "focus steps"); // Get starting value in defocus units not microns if (!JEOLscope) { focusBase = 1.e6 * td->scopePlugFuncs->GetDefocus(); } else { fineBase = td->JeolSD->objectiveFine; coarseBase = td->JeolSD->objective; last_coarse = coarseBase; } ::Sleep(td->ScanDelay); if (td->DynFocusInterval) { startTime = lastTime = timeGetTime(); //SEMTrace('1', "Starting scan at base focus %.2f", focusBase); while(1) { // Get the elapsed time and set focus from base curTime = timeGetTime(); elapsed = SEMTickInterval((double)curTime, (double)startTime); if (elapsed > td->PostActionTime) break; focus = elapsed * td->FocusPerMs; // This is already in defocus units ChangeDynFocus(td, focusBase, focus, fineBase, coarseBase, last_coarse); //if (numScan % 10 == 0) SEMTrace('1', "Elapsed %.0f at focus %.2f %.2f %.2f %f", elapsed, focus + focusBase, focusBase, elapsed * td->FocusPerMs, td->FocusPerMs); AddStatsAndSleep(td, curTime, lastTime, numScan, intervalSum, intervalSumSq, td->DynFocusInterval); } } else { // One or two focus steps ChangeDynFocus(td, focusBase, td->FocusStep1, fineBase, coarseBase, last_coarse); if (td->FocusStep2 && td->Step2FocusDelay) { ::Sleep(td->Step2FocusDelay); ChangeDynFocus(td, focusBase, td->FocusStep2, fineBase, coarseBase, last_coarse); } } SEMTrace('1', "Done with %s", td->DynFocusInterval ? "Dynamic focus" : "focus steps"); // Tilt series while taking frames } else if (doFrameTS) { numSteps = (int)(stepTilts ? td->FrameTStiltToAngle.size() : td->FrameTSwaitOrInterval.size()); td->FrameTSactualAngle.clear(); td->FrameTSrelStartTime.clear(); td->FrameTSrelEndTime.clear(); td->FrameTSframeTime = (float)td->FrameTime; // If shuttering, close shutter now if (shutterTS) { CEMscope::SetBlankingFlag(true); td->scopePlugFuncs->SetBeamBlank(*vTrue); } // record focus and IS if changing them if (doISinTS) { td->scopePlugFuncs->GetImageShift(&baseISX, &baseISY); td->scopePlugFuncs->SetImageShift(baseISX + td->FrameTSdeltaISX[0], baseISY + td->FrameTSdeltaISY[0]); } if (doBSinTS) { td->scopePlugFuncs->GetBeamShift(&baseBeamX, &baseBeamY); td->scopePlugFuncs->SetBeamShift(baseBeamX + td->FrameTSdeltaBeamX[0], baseBeamY + td->FrameTSdeltaBeamY[0]); } if (doFocusInTS) { if (!JEOLscope) { focusBase = 1.e6 * td->scopePlugFuncs->GetDefocus(); } else { fineBase = td->JeolSD->objectiveFine; coarseBase = td->JeolSD->objective; last_coarse = coarseBase; } ChangeDynFocus(td, focusBase, td->FrameTSfocusChange[0], fineBase, coarseBase, last_coarse); } // Wait for initial delay if (td->FrameTSinitialDelay > 0.) ::Sleep(B3DMAX(1, (int)(1000. * td->FrameTSinitialDelay))); // Record a start time for the non-step case if (!stepTilts) startTime = lastTime = timeGetTime(); // Loop on steps or until exposure returns for (step = 0; step < numSteps; step++) { if (!stepTilts) curTime = timeGetTime(); // Look for modifications in the IS vectors and apply them if (stepTilts) { applyBefore = (int)td->FrameTSwaitOrInterval.size() <= step || td->FrameTSwaitOrInterval[step] <= minDelayOneRefine; if (applyBefore) ProcessFrameTSRefinements(td, step, numSteps, focusChange, delISX, delISY); } else { if (doISinTS) { delISX = td->FrameTSdeltaISX[step]; delISY = td->FrameTSdeltaISY[step]; } if (doFocusInTS) focusChange = td->FrameTSfocusChange[step]; } // Do beam shift if (doBSinTS) td->scopePlugFuncs->SetBeamShift(baseBeamX + td->FrameTSdeltaBeamX[step], baseBeamY + td->FrameTSdeltaBeamY[step]); // Do image shift and focus if (doISinTS && applyBefore) { td->scopePlugFuncs->SetImageShift(baseISX + delISX, baseISY + delISY); if (!stepTilts && td->FrameTSpostISdelay > 0 && shutterTS && td->FrameTSopenTime[step] > 0) ::Sleep(B3DMAX(1, B3DNINT(1000. * td->FrameTSpostISdelay))); } if (doFocusInTS && applyBefore) ChangeDynFocus(td, focusBase, focusChange, fineBase, coarseBase, last_coarse); // Do tilt step and delay if any if (stepTilts) { info->alpha = td->FrameTStiltToAngle[step]; info->doBacklash = td->FrameTSdoBacklash && step > 0 && !BOOL_EQUIV(td->FrameTStiltToAngle[1] > td->FrameTStiltToAngle[0], td->FrameTStiltToAngle[step] > td->FrameTStiltToAngle[step - 1]); CEMscope::StageMoveKernel(&stData, true, false, destX, destY, destZ, destAlpha); if ((int)td->FrameTSwaitOrInterval.size() > step) { if (td->FrameTSwaitOrInterval[step] > minDelayPostTiltRefine) { ProcessFrameTSRefinements(td, step, numSteps, newChange, newDelISX, newDelISY); if (doISinTS && (!applyBefore || fabs(newDelISX - delISX) > 1.e-5 || fabs(newDelISY - delISY) > 1.e-5)) td->scopePlugFuncs->SetImageShift(baseISX + newDelISX, baseISY + newDelISY); if (doFocusInTS && (!applyBefore || fabs(focusChange - newChange) >1.e-5)) ChangeDynFocus(td, focusBase, newChange, fineBase, coarseBase, last_coarse); } ::Sleep(B3DMAX(1, B3DNINT(1000. * td->FrameTSwaitOrInterval[step]))); } } // Do unblank and blank if shuttering if (shutterTS && td->FrameTSopenTime[step] > 0) { CEMscope::SetBlankingFlag(false); td->scopePlugFuncs->SetBeamBlank(*vFalse); if (firstUnblankTime < 0.) firstUnblankTime = GetTickCount(); td->FrameTSrelStartTime.push_back(B3DNINT(SEMTickInterval(firstUnblankTime))); ::Sleep(B3DMAX(1, B3DNINT(1000. * td->FrameTSopenTime[step]))); CEMscope::SetBlankingFlag(true); td->scopePlugFuncs->SetBeamBlank(*vTrue); td->FrameTSrelEndTime.push_back(B3DNINT(SEMTickInterval(firstUnblankTime))); } // Get tilt angle FWIW when not doing tilt steps if (!stepTilts && (!shutterTS || td->FrameTSopenTime[step] > 0)) destAlpha = td->scopePlugFuncs->GetTiltAngle(); // Save the tilt either on steps where shutter was opened, or on every step // if no shuttering if ((shutterTS && td->FrameTSopenTime[step] > 0) || !shutterTS) td->FrameTSactualAngle.push_back((float)destAlpha); // When not stepping, if wait was non-zero, sleep for the given interval if (!stepTilts && td->FrameTSwaitOrInterval[step] > 0) AddStatsAndSleep(td, curTime, lastTime, numScan, intervalSum, intervalSumSq, B3DMAX(1, B3DNINT(1000.*td->FrameTSwaitOrInterval[step]))); // Check whether to quit if flag set if ((td->FrameTSstopOnCamReturn > 0 && td->imageReturned) || td->FrameTSstopOnCamReturn < 0) break; } SEMTrace('1', "Finished tilt loop %.3f", SEMSecondsSinceStart()); // Done: restore IS and focus if set if (doISinTS) td->scopePlugFuncs->SetImageShift(baseISX, baseISY); if (doBSinTS) td->scopePlugFuncs->SetBeamShift(baseBeamX, baseBeamY); if (doFocusInTS) ChangeDynFocus(td, focusBase, 0., fineBase, coarseBase, last_coarse); } // Done with precision timer; get statistics if (td->ScanTime || td->DriftISinterval || td->DynFocusInterval || (doFrameTS && !stepTilts)) { if (periodSet) timeEndPeriod(tc.wPeriodMin); td->ScanIntSD = 0.; td->ScanIntMean = 0.; if (numScan > 0) td->ScanIntMean = intervalSum / numScan; if (numScan > 1) td->ScanIntSD = sqrt((intervalSumSq - numScan * td->ScanIntMean * td->ScanIntMean) / (numScan - 1.)); } // Now wait ReblankTime, and reblank the beam if (td->ReblankTime) { if (!(td->DriftISinterval || td->DynFocusInterval || doFrameTS)) ::Sleep(td->ReblankTime); td->scopePlugFuncs->SetBeamBlank(*vTrue); CEMscope::SetBlankingFlag(true); SEMTrace('B', "BlankerProc set beam blank ON"); // Or wait the post-action time or until image returned } else if (td->PostActionTime && !(td->DriftISinterval || td->DynFocusInterval || doFrameTS)) { dblStartTime = GetTickCount(); while (!td->imageReturned) { int elapsed = (int)SEMTickInterval(dblStartTime); if (elapsed >= td->PostActionTime) break; ::Sleep(B3DMIN(50, td->PostActionTime - elapsed)); } } // START POST-ACTIONS HERE, FIRST MAG if (td->PostChangeMag) { CEMscope::AcquireMagMutex(); if (td->PostMagFixIS) SEMTrace('i', "PostMag setting raw IS %.3f %.3f", td->ISX, td->ISY); if (JEOLscope) { // JEOL dblStartTime = GetTickCount(); td->scopePlugFuncs->SetMagnificationIndex(td->NewMagIndex); SEMSetJeolStateMag(td->NewMagIndex, true); CEMscope::WaitForLensRelaxation(RELAX_FOR_MAG, dblStartTime); if (td->PostMagFixIS) { td->scopePlugFuncs->UseMagInNextSetISXY(td->NewMagIndex); td->scopePlugFuncs->SetImageShift(td->ISX, td->ISY); } } else { // Plugin if (td->scopePlugFuncs->SetAutoNormEnabled) td->scopePlugFuncs->SetAutoNormEnabled(*vFalse); td->scopePlugFuncs->SetMagnificationIndex(td->NewMagIndex); if (!td->STEMcamera) CEMscope::SetSecondaryModeForMag(td->NewMagIndex); if (td->scopePlugFuncs->NormalizeLens) td->scopePlugFuncs->NormalizeLens(pnmProjector); if (td->scopePlugFuncs->SetAutoNormEnabled) td->scopePlugFuncs->SetAutoNormEnabled(*vTrue); if (td->PostMagFixIS) td->scopePlugFuncs->SetImageShift(td->ISX, td->ISY); } td->MagTicks = ::GetTickCount(); CEMscope::SetMagChanged(td->NewMagIndex); CEMscope::ReleaseMagMutex(); } // NEXT IMAGE SHIFT - handle beam for Hitachi and JEOL if (td->PostImageShift) { double shiftX, shiftY, ISdelX, ISdelY; if (td->IStoBS.xpx && (HitachiScope || JEOLscope)) td->scopePlugFuncs->GetImageShift(&shiftX, &shiftY); CEMscope::SetISwasClipped(false); td->scopePlugFuncs->SetImageShift(td->ISX, td->ISY); // And here in microns CEMscope::SetISChanged(td->ISX, td->ISY); if (td->IStoBS.xpx && (HitachiScope || JEOLscope)) { if (CEMscope::GetISwasClipped()) td->scopePlugFuncs->GetImageShift(&td->ISX, &td->ISY); ISdelX = td->ISX - shiftX; ISdelY = td->ISY - shiftY; td->scopePlugFuncs->GetBeamShift(&shiftX, &shiftY); shiftX += td->IStoBS.xpx * ISdelX + td->IStoBS.xpy * ISdelY; shiftY += td->IStoBS.ypx * ISdelX + td->IStoBS.ypy * ISdelY; td->scopePlugFuncs->SetBeamShift(shiftX, shiftY); } } td->ISTicks = ::GetTickCount(); if (td->PostBeamTilt) { if (td->BTBacklashDelay > 0) { if (td->useImageBeamTilt) td->scopePlugFuncs->SetImageBeamTilt(td->BeamTiltX + td->BeamTiltBacklash, td->BeamTiltY + td->BeamTiltBacklash); else td->scopePlugFuncs->SetBeamTilt(td->BeamTiltX + td->BeamTiltBacklash, td->BeamTiltY + td->BeamTiltBacklash); Sleep(td->BTBacklashDelay); } if (td->useImageBeamTilt) td->scopePlugFuncs->SetImageBeamTilt(td->BeamTiltX, td->BeamTiltY); else td->scopePlugFuncs->SetBeamTilt(td->BeamTiltX, td->BeamTiltY); } if (td->PostStigmator) { if (td->AstigBacklashDelay > 0) { td->scopePlugFuncs->SetObjectiveStigmator(td->AstigX + td->AstigBacklash, td->AstigY + td->AstigBacklash); Sleep(td->AstigBacklashDelay); } td->scopePlugFuncs->SetObjectiveStigmator(td->AstigX, td->AstigY); } if (td->PostSetDefocus) td->scopePlugFuncs->SetDefocus(1.e-6 * td->NewDefocus); if (td->TiltDuringDelay) CEMscope::WaitForStageDone(stData.info, "BlankerProc"); if (td->PostMoveStage) { // Wait for stage ready for FEI at least, where it is simple if (FEIscope) { startTime = GetTickCount(); while (SEMTickInterval(startTime) < 5000) { if ((retval = td->scopePlugFuncs->GetStageStatus())) Sleep(100); else break; } } if (retval) DeferMessage(td, "Stage not ready for doing post-exposure movement"); else CEMscope::StageMoveKernel(&stData, true, false, destX, destY, destZ, destAlpha); SEMTrace('M', "BlankerProc finished stage move"); } } catch (_com_error E) { CCReportCOMError(td, E, _T("blanking/unblanking beam or doing post-exposure action ")); retval = 1; } } if (FEIscope) { td->scopePlugFuncs->EndThreadAccess(1); } CoUninitialize(); CEMscope::ScopeMutexRelease("BlankerProc"); delete vTrue; delete vFalse; return retval; } // Keep track of scan intervals for statistics and sleep until next step void CCameraController::AddStatsAndSleep(CameraThreadData *td, DWORD &curTime, DWORD &lastTime, int &numScan, double &intervalSum, double &intervalSumSq, int stepInterval) { double interval = SEMTickInterval((double)curTime, (double)lastTime); lastTime = curTime; numScan++; if (numScan > 0) { td->ScanIntMin = B3DMIN(td->ScanIntMin, interval); td->ScanIntMax = B3DMAX(td->ScanIntMax, interval); intervalSum += interval; intervalSumSq += interval * interval; } // Compute sleep interval interval = SEMTickInterval((double)timeGetTime(), (double)curTime); if (interval < stepInterval) { ::Sleep((DWORD)(stepInterval - interval)); } } // Sets the focus for a change of "focus" from base fine/coarse value and maintains // the last coarse value to minimize setting of coarse void CCameraController::ChangeDynFocus(CameraThreadData *td, double focusBase, double focus, long fineBase, long coarseBase, long &last_coarse) { if (!JEOLscope) { td->scopePlugFuncs->SetDefocus(1.e-6 * (focus + focusBase)); } else { // JEOL int focusSteps = B3DNINT(focus / td->JeolOLtoUm); int focus_fine = fineBase + focusSteps; int focus_coarse = coarseBase; while (focus_fine > 0xFFFF) { focus_fine -= 32; focus_coarse++; } while (focus_fine < 0) { focus_fine += 32; focus_coarse--; } if (focus_coarse != last_coarse) td->scopePlugFuncs->SetCoarseFocus(focus_coarse); td->scopePlugFuncs->SetFineFocus(focus_fine); last_coarse = focus_coarse; } } // Looks for information on shifts at previous tilts to use for modifyinf future shifts, // and gets the shift and focus in protected way bool CCameraController::ProcessFrameTSRefinements(CameraThreadData *td, int step, int numSteps, float &focusChange, float &delISX, float &delISY) { bool changed = false; int ref, mod, ind; float startTilt, refTilt; bool doFocusInTS = td->FrameTSfocusChange.size() > 0; bool doISinTS = td->FrameTSdeltaISX.size() > 0; if (doISinTS || doFocusInTS) { WaitForSingleObject(td->FrameTSMutexHandle, BLANKER_MUTEX_WAIT); if (doISinTS) { startTilt = td->FrameTStiltToAngle[0]; for (ref = 0; ref < (int)td->FrameTSrefineIndex.size(); ref++) { changed = true; ind = td->FrameTSrefineIndex[ref]; if (ind < 0 || ind >= (int)td->FrameTStiltToAngle.size()) { continue; } refTilt = td->FrameTStiltToAngle[ind]; SEMTrace('1', "At step %d (%.1f) got adjustment of %.3f %.3f from step %d (%.1f)", step, td->FrameTStiltToAngle[step], td->FrameTSrefineISX[ref], td->FrameTSrefineISY[ref], ind, refTilt); // Look forward and modify any step where the angle is in the same // direction from the starting angle as the reference angle for (mod = B3DMAX(ind + 1, step); mod < numSteps; mod++) { if ((refTilt - startTilt) * (td->FrameTStiltToAngle[mod] - startTilt) > 0) { td->FrameTSdeltaISX[mod] += td->FrameTSrefineISX[ref]; td->FrameTSdeltaISY[mod] += td->FrameTSrefineISY[ref]; } } } // Clear out the vectors so the changes are processed only once td->FrameTSrefineIndex.clear(); td->FrameTSrefineISX.clear(); td->FrameTSrefineISY.clear(); delISX = td->FrameTSdeltaISX[step]; delISY = td->FrameTSdeltaISY[step]; } if (doFocusInTS) focusChange = td->FrameTSfocusChange[step]; ReleaseMutex(td->FrameTSMutexHandle); } return changed; } // Start the external focus ramper for an FEI scope int CCameraController::StartFocusRamp(CameraThreadData *td, bool &rampStarted) { int chan, retval = 0, useInterval = td->DynFocusInterval; try { if (!td->DynFocusInterval) { td->ScanDelay = td->UnblankTime; if (td->RamperWaitForBlank) useInterval = -1; } // If startup delay is negative, it means start the ramper and then wait to // start the shot chan = 0; if (td->ScanDelay < 0) { chan = 10 - td->ScanDelay; td->ScanDelay = 10; } if (FEIscope) { if (td->scopePlugFuncs->BeginThreadAccess(1, 0)) { DeferMessage(td,"Error getting access to thread for starting focus ramper"); SEMErrorOccurred(1); retval = 1; } else { if (td->scopePlugFuncs->DoFocusRamp(td->ScanDelay, td->PostActionTime, useInterval, td->rampTable, MAX_RAMP_STEPS, td->IndexPerMs)) { DeferMessage(td, CString(td->scopePlugFuncs->GetLastErrorString())); SEMErrorOccurred(1); retval = 1; } else rampStarted = true; } } else { td->FocusRamper->DoRamp(td->ScanDelay, td->PostActionTime, td->DynFocusInterval, td->rampTable, td->IndexPerMs); } if (!retval) SEMTrace('s', "Called DoFocusRamp with %d %d %d %f", td->ScanDelay, td->PostActionTime, useInterval, td->IndexPerMs); if (chan && !retval) Sleep(chan); } catch (_com_error E) { retval = 1; CCReportCOMError(td, E, _T("Calling FocusRamper->DoRamp() ")); } return retval; } // Collect statistics from it and make sure it ended void CCameraController::FinishFocusRamp(CameraThreadData *td, bool rampStarted) { CString report; int chan; CSerialEMApp *winApp = (CSerialEMApp *)AfxGetApp(); try { td->ScanIntMin = 0; if (FEIscope) { if (rampStarted && td->scopePlugFuncs->FinishFocusRamp(3000, &td->ScanIntMin, &td->ScanIntMax, &td->ScanIntMean, &td->ScanIntSD)) DeferMessage(td, CString(td->scopePlugFuncs->GetLastErrorString())); td->scopePlugFuncs->EndThreadAccess(1); if (winApp->mCamera->GetRamperBlankAtEnd() > 1) Sleep(1000 * (winApp->mCamera->GetRamperBlankAtEnd() - 1)); } else { td->FocusRamper->FinishRamp(3000, &td->ScanIntMin, &td->ScanIntMax, &td->ScanIntMean, &td->ScanIntSD); } } catch (_com_error E) { chan = -B3DNINT(td->ScanIntMin); report.Format("Calling FocusRamper->FinishRamp(), error code %d ", chan); if (chan == 2) { _bstr_t message = ""; try { message = td->FocusRamper->GetLastComErrorString(); report += CString((char *)message) + " "; } catch (_com_error E2) { } } CCReportCOMError(td, E, report); } } // Check whether acquire is still going on int CCameraController::AcquireBusy() { int retval = UtilThreadBusy(&mAcquireThread); return retval; } // When the acquisition is done, display the image void CCameraController::AcquireDone(int param) { CSerialEMApp *winApp = (CSerialEMApp *)AfxGetApp(); winApp->mCamera->DisplayNewImage(true); } void CCameraController::AcquireError(int error) { CSerialEMApp *winApp = (CSerialEMApp *)AfxGetApp(); winApp->mCamera->AcquireCleanup(error); } // Cleanup if there is an error void CCameraController::AcquireCleanup(int error) { CString report; if (error == IDLE_TIMEOUT_ERROR && mTD.GetDeferredSum >= 0) { // If there was a timeout, and acquire thread still running, suspend // and delete it, but first deal with blanker thread if (mAcquireThread) { WaitForSingleObject(mTD.blankerMutexHandle, BLANKER_MUTEX_WAIT); if (mTD.blankerThread) { //SEMTrace('1', "Timeout: Killing blanker thread"); // Give the acquire thread a chance to not wait on mutex and tell it to give up mTD.stopWaitingForBlanker = true; ReleaseMutex(mTD.blankerMutexHandle); Sleep(50); WaitForSingleObject(mTD.blankerMutexHandle, BLANKER_MUTEX_WAIT); UtilThreadCleanup(&mTD.blankerThread); } //SEMTrace('1', "Timeout: Killing acquire thread"); UtilThreadCleanup(&mAcquireThread); ReleaseMutex(mTD.blankerMutexHandle); if (mParam->GatanCam && mParam->useSocket) CBaseSocket::CloseBeforeNextUse(GATAN_SOCK_ID); // If the thread had to be killed, we don't know if any data are good, so flush them for (int chan = 0; chan < mTD.NumChannels; chan++) { delete mTD.Array[chan]; mTD.Array[chan] = NULL; } } } mAcquiring = false; // If an image was actually gotten, better display it // Otherwise, make sure blanking is cleared if (mTD.psa || mTD.Array[0]) { TurnOffRepeatFlag(); DisplayNewImage(true); } else { if (mTD.ReblankTime && !mParam->noShutter) mScope->BlankBeam(false, "AcquireCleanup"); // Restart capture up to 2 times on timeout if (error == IDLE_TIMEOUT_ERROR && mTD.GetDeferredSum >= 0) { report.Format("Timeout occurred acquiring %s image", (LPCTSTR)CurrentSetName()); if ((mNumRetries < mRetryLimit || ((mTD.ProcessingPlus & CONTINUOUS_USE_THREAD) && !mNumRetries)) && !mHalting && !mTD.GetDeferredSum) { mNumRetries++; //StopContinuousSTEM(); ErrorCleanup(0); //if (!(mTD.ProcessingPlus & CONTINUOUS_USE_THREAD) || mNumRetries) mWinApp->AppendToLog(report + ", retrying", LOG_SWALLOW_IF_CLOSED); Capture(mLastConSet, true); return; } else { mWinApp->mTSController->TSMessageBox(report); } } } mHalting = false; mDeferredSumFailed = mTD.GetDeferredSum != 0; CleanUpFromTiltSums(); // Do not issue error signals if no tilt sum was available (-1) ErrorCleanup(mTD.GetDeferredSum >= 0 ? error : 0); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Screen raising and camera insertion routines /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // OnIdle calls here when raise or insertion done: just start capture again void CCameraController::ScreenOrInsertDone(int inSet) { CSerialEMApp *winApp = (CSerialEMApp *)AfxGetApp(); SEMTrace('R', "ScreenOrInsertDone calling capture"); if (winApp->mCamera->GetWaitingForStacking() >= 0) winApp->mCamera->Capture(inSet); } // If there is an error or timeout return from raising or inserting void CCameraController::ScreenOrInsertError(int error) { CSerialEMApp *winApp = (CSerialEMApp *)AfxGetApp(); winApp->mCamera->ScreenOrInsertCleanup(error); } // Non-static function to do the cleanup if there is an error void CCameraController::ScreenOrInsertCleanup(int error) { if (error == IDLE_TIMEOUT_ERROR) { // If we were delaying, now go start capture again unless continuous was stopped if (mSettling >= 0) { if (mStoppedContinuous) ErrorCleanup(0); else Capture(mSettling); return; } // If there was a timeout, and insert thread still running, suspend // and delete it if (mInsertThread) { UtilThreadCleanup(&mInsertThread); } else if (mRaisingScreen) mScope->ScreenCleanup(); mWinApp->mTSController->TSMessageBox(_T("Timeout raising screen or inserting camera")); } // Unblank beam if it was blanked if (mInserting && !mITD.insert && mBlankWhenRetracting && !mParam->noShutter) mScope->BlankBeam(false, "ScreenOrInsertCleanup"); mRaisingScreen = 0; mInserting = false; mSuspendFilterUpdates = false; mHalting = false; if (mWaitingForStacking > 0) mWaitingForStacking = -1; ErrorCleanup(error); } // Check whether insertion is still going on int CCameraController::InsertBusy() { return UtilThreadBusy(&mInsertThread); } // The procedure for actually inserting the camera UINT CCameraController::InsertProc(LPVOID pParam) { CoInitializeEx(NULL, COINIT_MULTITHREADED); int retval = 0; InsertThreadData *itd = (InsertThreadData *)pParam; IDMCamera *pGatan; HRESULT hr = S_OK; CString message; if (itd->FEItype) { if (itd->td->scopePlugFuncs->BeginThreadAccess(2, PLUGFEI_MAKE_NOBASIC)) { DeferMessage(itd->td, "Error setting up thread access for inserting/retracting"); retval = 1; } } else if (!itd->plugFuncs && !itd->DE_camType && itd->DMindex == COM_IND) { sCreateFor = CREATE_FOR_ANY; CreateDMCamera(pGatan); sCreateFor = CREATE_FOR_CURRENT; } if(FAILED(hr)) { message.Format(_T("0x%x, Error getting second instance of Camera "), hr); DeferMessage(itd->td, message); retval = 1; } else if (!retval) { try { SEMTrace('R', "InsertProc: Setting insertion state of camera %d to %d", itd->camera, itd->insert); if (itd->plugFuncs) { // For OSIS, selection retracts any camera, so we need to select before inserting if (itd->insert && itd->plugFuncs->SelectCamera) retval = itd->plugFuncs->SelectCamera(itd->camera); if (!retval) retval = itd->plugFuncs->SetCameraInsertion(itd->camera, itd->insert ? 1 : 0); } else if (itd->DE_camType) { if (itd->insert) hr = itd->td->DE_Cam->insertCamera(); else hr = itd->td->DE_Cam->retractCamera(); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) retval = 1; } else if (itd->FEItype) { retval = itd->td->scopePlugFuncs->ASIsetCameraInsertion(itd->camera, itd->insert ? 1 : 0); if (retval) { message = itd->td->scopePlugFuncs->GetLastErrorString(); DeferMessage(itd->td, message); } } else { CallDMIndCamera(itd->DMindex, pGatan, itd->td->amtCam, InsertCamera(itd->camera, itd->insert ? 1 : 0)); } SEMTrace('R', "InsertProc: Returned from insertion call, sleeping %d", itd->delay); Sleep(itd->delay); } catch (_com_error E) { CCReportCOMError(itd->td, E, _T("Error inserting or retracting camera ")); retval = 1; } if (!itd->plugFuncs && !itd->DE_camType && !itd->FEItype&& itd->DMindex == COM_IND) pGatan->Release(); } if (itd->FEItype) itd->td->scopePlugFuncs->EndThreadAccess(2); CoUninitialize(); SEMTrace('R', "InsertProc: exiting thread after sleep"); return retval; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Final display and cleanup /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This macro will either assign b to the imBuf element a, or copy the element a from // mBufDeferred to imBuf #define CUR_OR_DEFD_TO_BUF(a, b) imBuf->##a = mTD.GetDeferredSum ? mBufDeferred->##a : (b) // Finally, display the image when a capture is done void CCameraController::DisplayNewImage(BOOL acquired) { double stX, stZ, ISX, ISY; int spotSize, chan, i, err, ix, iy, invertCon, operation, ixoff, iyoff, divideBy; int alignErr, sumCount, curBuf, camFrames, typext = 0, ldSet = 0, darkScale = 1; BOOL lowDoseMode, hasUserPtSave = false; bool nameConfirmed, readLocally = false, reportContinAlign = false; float axoff, ayoff, specRate, camRate, refSave; double delay; CString message, str, root, ext, localFramePath; CString *comFolder = NULL; KImage *image; EMimageBuffer *imBuf; EMimageExtra *extra; CMapDrawItem *navItem; ShortVec summedList; float frameTimeForDose, camLen; ControlSet *lastConSetp = mTD.GetDeferredSum ? mConsDeferred : &mConSetsp[mLastConSet]; FilterParams *filtParam = mWinApp->GetFilterParams(); float *diffRotations = mWinApp->GetDiffModeRotations(); DWORD ticks; float partialExposure = (float)mExposure; short int *parray, *imin, *imout; int conSetUsed = mLastConSet, errForCleanup = 0; LowDoseParams *ldParam = mWinApp->GetLowDoseParams(); int curCam = mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera(); int rollKeptIndex = mRollBufKeptIndex; float pixelSize = (float)(mBinning * 10000. * mShiftManager->GetPixelSize(curCam, mMagBefore)); float refinedPix = 10000.f * mShiftManager->GetRefinedPixel(curCam, mMagBefore, mBinning); bool oneViewTakingFrames = mParam->OneViewType && mParam->canTakeFrames && mTD.DoseFrac; bool K2orOneView = mParam->K2Type || oneViewTakingFrames; bool savingContin = FCAM_CONTIN_SAVE(mParam) && mTD.SaveFrames; bool needRefCopy; static int numDrop = 0, numWait = 0; mAcquiring = false; mShotIncomplete = false; mLastWasContinForTask = false; // If this was just a shot to insert detector, delete arrays and take real shot if (mNeedShotToInsert >= 0) { for (chan = mTD.NumChannels - 1; chan >= 0; chan--) { delete [] mTD.Array[chan]; mTD.Array[chan] = NULL; } for (chan = 0; chan < mParam->numChannels; chan++) if (mParam->availableChan[chan]) mFEIdetectorInserted[chan] = true; ErrorCleanup(0); // If halting was set, this will handle that fairly soon Capture(mNeedShotToInsert); return; } mInDisplayNewImage = true; mWinApp->SetBufToggleCount(0); // If in diffraction mode and there are pixel sizes provided, replace the pixel size if (!mMagBefore) { mWinApp->mProcessImage->GetDiffractionPixelSize(curCam, pixelSize, camLen); pixelSize *= mBinning; } // Process all the channels of data; do one-time actions on first channel to process // and only on first trip into here when aligning falcon frames for (chan = mTD.NumChannels - 1; chan >= 0; chan--) { if (acquired && chan == mTD.NumChannels - 1 && !mStartedFalconAlign && !mStartedExtraForDEalign) { if (mTD.ReblankTime && !mParam->noShutter) mScope->BlankBeam(false, "DisplayNewImage for reblanktime"); // Take care of delay times from postactions and record XY backlash if (mTD.PostChangeMag) mScope->SetLastNormalization(mTD.MagTicks); if (mTD.PostImageShift) mShiftManager->SetGeneralTimeOut(mTD.ISTicks, mISDelay); if (mTD.PostMoveStage) { mShiftManager->SetGeneralTimeOut(mTD.MoveInfo.finishedTick, mStageDelay); mScope->SetValidXYbacklash(&mTD.MoveInfo); } ticks = GetTickCount(); SEMTrace('Z', "got image, %u elapsed", ticks - mStartTime); //if (mParam->STEMcamera && !mParam->FEItype && !mTD.ContinuousSTEM) // mShiftManager->SetGeneralTimeOut(GetTickCount(), -450); } if (!mTD.Array[chan] || (!(mTD.DMSizeX * mTD.DMSizeY) && mTD.NumAsyncSumFrames != 0)) continue; if (mDiscardImage && !mStartedFalconAlign) { if (mAligningFalconFrames) { memset(mTD.Array[chan], 0, mTD.DMSizeX * mTD.DMSizeY * sizeof(short)); } else { delete[] mTD.Array[chan]; mTD.Array[chan] = NULL; if (!savingContin) continue; } } // Stack the Falcon frames or at least add them to the file map if ((mSavingFalconFrames || mAligningFalconFrames || savingContin) && !mStartedFalconAlign) { if (mDeferStackingFrames) { err = mFalconHelper->BuildFileMap(mLocalFalconFramePath,mDirForK2Frames); mStackingWasDeferred = true; if (err > 0) { message.Format("Error %d occurred when adding to list of frames to stack: " "%s\r\n", err, mFalconHelper->GetErrorString(err)); mWinApp->AppendToLog(message); } } else { // The frame path and name were composed in the setup step mPathForFrames.Format("%s%s%s.%s", (LPCTSTR)mFrameFolder, mFrameFolder.IsEmpty() ? "" : "\\", (LPCTSTR)mFrameFilename, (mTD.FEIacquireFlags & PLUGFEI_USE_EER_MODE) ? "eer" : "mrc"); localFramePath = mLocalFalconFramePath; // Adjust to full path for advanced scripting, but if there is a local path, // compose full path with that and set to read locally if (FCAM_ADVANCED(mParam)) { message = mTD.scopePlugFuncs->ASIgetLastStoragePath(); SEMTrace('E', "%s %s local path: %s", (LPCTSTR)message, (LPCTSTR)mPathForFrames, (LPCTSTR)localFramePath); message.Replace("\\\\", "C:"); if (!localFramePath.IsEmpty()) { if (localFramePath.GetAt(localFramePath.GetLength() - 1) != '\\') localFramePath += '\\'; localFramePath += mPathForFrames; readLocally = true; } if (!message.IsEmpty()) { if (message.GetAt(message.GetLength() - 1) != '\\') message += '\\'; mPathForFrames = message + mPathForFrames; } if (localFramePath.IsEmpty()) localFramePath = mPathForFrames; mLastLocalFramePath = localFramePath; // Manage the gain reference for EER, including making sure a copy is there for // align in IMOD now or eventually if (mParam->FEItype == FALCON4_TYPE && (mTD.FEIacquireFlags & PLUGFEI_USE_EER_MODE)) { needRefCopy = (lastConSetp->alignFrames && lastConSetp->useFrameAlign > 1) || mSavingFalconFrames || (mLastConSet == RECORD_CONSET && (mWinApp->mTSController->GetFrameAlignInIMOD() || mWinApp->mMacroProcessor->GetAlignWholeTSOnly())); if (needRefCopy) UtilSplitPath(localFramePath, str, ext); if (mFalconHelper->ManageFalconReference(mSavingFalconFrames, mAligningFalconFrames, needRefCopy ? str : "")) mAligningFalconFrames = false; } } mTD.ErrorFromSave = 0; if (savingContin && !mAligningFalconFrames) { PrintfToLog(" %d images %s saved to %s", B3DNINT(mTD.Exposure / mTD.FrameTime), "were", (LPCTSTR)mPathForFrames); ErrorCleanup(0); mInDisplayNewImage = false; return; } // Call StackFrames to do stacking and/or aligning or writing com file ix = -1; if (IS_BASIC_FALCON2(mParam) && (mTD.K2ParamFlags & K2_MAKE_ALIGN_COM)) ix = lastConSetp->faParamSetInd; divideBy = mTD.DivideBy2; if (IS_BASIC_FALCON2(mParam)) divideBy = mTD.DivideBy2 ? 2 : 1; if (IS_BASIC_FALCON2(mParam) || mAligningFalconFrames) mTD.ErrorFromSave = mFalconHelper->StackFrames(localFramePath, mFrameFolder, mFrameFilename, mDivBy2ForImBuf, divideBy, (float)mTD.CountScaling, mParam->rotationFlip, mParam->DMrotationFlip < 0 ? mParam->rotationFlip : mParam->DMrotationFlip, refinedPix ? refinedPix : pixelSize, mFalconAsyncStacking, readLocally, ix, mTD.NumFramesSaved, &mTD); mStackingWasDeferred = false; mStartedFalconAlign = mAligningFalconFrames && mFalconAsyncStacking && !mTD.ErrorFromSave; // return now, when the stacking/aligning is done it will come back in if (mStartedFalconAlign) { mWinApp->SetStatusText(SIMPLE_PANE, "ALIGNING " + CurrentSetName().MakeUpper()); mInDisplayNewImage = false; return; } } } // Do similar operation for DE align // Get the extra data structure now so that name can be stored in it if (mDoingDEframeAlign == 1 && !mStartedExtraForDEalign) { mExtraDeferred = new EMimageExtra; mTD.DE_Cam->SetImageExtraData(mExtraDeferred, mDESetNameTimeoutUsed, false, nameConfirmed); // If name was available, proceed to start the align if (nameConfirmed) { mStartedExtraForDEalign = !mFalconHelper->AlignFramesFromFile( mExtraDeferred->mSubFramePath, mConSetsp[mLastConSet], mParam->rotationFlip, mTD.DivideBy2, mTD.DE_Cam->GetLastCountScaling(), ix, &mTD); if (mStartedExtraForDEalign) { mWinApp->SetStatusText(SIMPLE_PANE, "ALIGNING " + CurrentSetName().MakeUpper()); mInDisplayNewImage = false; return; } } else { SEMMessageBox("The name of the stack of frames to be aligned was not available in" " the expected time"); } delete mExtraDeferred; mExtraDeferred = NULL; } // Similarly handle saving/aligning plugin frames if ((mSavingPluginFrames || mAligningPluginFrames) && !mStartedFalconAlign) { darkScale = B3DNINT(mTD.Exposure / mTD.FrameTime); if (mSavingPluginFrames) { mPathForFrames.Format("%s%s%s.mrc", (LPCTSTR)mFrameFolder, mFrameFolder.IsEmpty() ? "" : "\\", (LPCTSTR)mFrameFilename); mTD.NumFramesSaved = B3DNINT(mTD.Exposure / mTD.FrameTime); } mTD.ErrorFromSave = mFalconHelper->ProcessPluginFrames(mFrameFolder, mFrameFilename, mConSetsp[mLastConSet], mSavingPluginFrames, mAligningPluginFrames, (mTD.K2ParamFlags & K2_MAKE_ALIGN_COM) ? lastConSetp->faParamSetInd : -1, mDivBy2ForImBuf, refinedPix ? refinedPix : pixelSize, &mTD); mStartedFalconAlign = !mTD.ErrorFromSave && mAligningPluginFrames; if (mStartedFalconAlign) { mWinApp->SetStatusText(SIMPLE_PANE, "ALIGNING " + CurrentSetName().MakeUpper()); mInDisplayNewImage = false; return; } } // Remove the frame file if only alignment in FEI was selected in the interface if (mRemoveFEIalignedFrames) { str = mLocalFalconFramePath; if (str.GetAt(str.GetLength() - 1) != '\\') str += '\\'; str += mFrameFolder + (mFrameFolder.IsEmpty() ? "" : "\\") + mFrameFilename; SEMTrace('E', "Removing %s and .xml after alignment", (LPCTSTR)(str +".mrc")); UtilRemoveFile(str + ".mrc"); UtilRemoveFile(str + ".xml"); } if ((mAligningFalconFrames || mDoingDEframeAlign == 1 || mAligningPluginFrames) && mFalconHelper->GetAlignSubset()) { mNumSubsetAligned = mFalconHelper->GetNumAligned(); mAlignStart = mFalconHelper->GetAlignStart(); mAlignEnd = mFalconHelper->GetAlignEnd(); } // PROCESSING OF ACQUIRED IMAGE(S) if (acquired) { TestGainFactor((short *)mTD.Array[chan], mTD.DMSizeX, mTD.DMSizeY, mTD.Binning); if (mTD.STEMcamera) { // For STEM, see if images need to be reoriented or contrast inverted operation = mWinApp->mCalibTiming->Calibrating() ? 0 : mParam->rotationFlip; invertCon = mWinApp->GetInvertSTEMimages() ? 1 : 0; if (mInvertBrightField <= 0 && mParam->channelName[mTD.ChanIndOrig[chan]].Find("Bright") == 0) { if (mInvertBrightField < 0) invertCon = 1 - invertCon; else invertCon = 0; } if (mWinApp->mCalibTiming->Calibrating()) invertCon = 0; if (operation || invertCon) { if (RotateAndReplaceArray(chan, operation, invertCon)) { SEMMessageBox("Failed to get memory for processing STEM image", MB_EXCLAME); errForCleanup = 1; } } } else if ((mParam->K2Type || oneViewTakingFrames) && mTD.NumAsyncSumFrames == 0) { } else if (mParam->K2Type || oneViewTakingFrames) { // Get the adjusted binning of the data if ((mParam->K2Type && mTD.GatanReadMode != SUPERRES_MODE && mTD.GatanReadMode != K3_COUNTING_SET_MODE) || IsK3BinningSuperResFrames(lastConSetp, mParam)) mTD.Binning *= 2; if (mTD.DoseFrac) { // Need to rotate dose frac image if it is rotated - but check if the rotation // is not right ix = ((mParam->rotationFlip % 2) ? mDMsizeY : mDMsizeX) * mBinning /mTD.Binning; iy = ((mParam->rotationFlip % 2) ? mDMsizeX : mDMsizeY) * mBinning /mTD.Binning; if (fabs((double)mTD.DMSizeX - ix) > 20. ||fabs((double)mTD.DMSizeY - iy) > 20.) { message.Format("The returned image does not have the expected size\r\n" "(received %d x %d, expected %d x %d)\r\n\r\n" "Check that the RotationAndFlip property setting\r\nmatches the operations" " done in DigitalMicrograph", mTD.DMSizeX, mTD.DMSizeY, ix, iy); SEMMessageBox( message, MB_EXCLAME); mDMsizeX = mTD.DMSizeX * mTD.Binning / mBinning; mDMsizeY = mTD.DMSizeY * mTD.Binning / mBinning; errForCleanup = 1; } else if (mParam->rotationFlip && RotateAndReplaceArray(chan, mParam->rotationFlip, 0)) { SEMMessageBox("Failed to get memory for rotating K2/K3 image", MB_EXCLAME); errForCleanup = 1; } // need to adjust sizes again without the full frame constraint to get size the // same as it would be without dose frac on AdjustSizes(mDMsizeX, mParam->sizeX, mParam->moduloX, mLeft, mRight, mDMsizeY, mParam->sizeY, mParam->moduloY, mTop, mBottom, mBinning); } // Compare adjusted binning to the desired binning if (!errForCleanup && mTD.Binning < mBinning) { // Antialias reduction is needed if binning does not yet match double filtScale = (double)mTD.Binning / mBinning; unsigned char **linePtrs = makeLinePointers(mTD.Array[chan], mTD.DMSizeX, mTD.DMSizeY, 2); // Need to make the image the same size as a regular full-sized acquire axoff = (float)(B3DMAX(0, mTD.DMSizeX - mDMsizeX * mBinning / mTD.Binning) /2.); ayoff = (float)(B3DMAX(0, mTD.DMSizeY - mDMsizeY * mBinning / mTD.Binning) /2.); NewArray2(parray, short int, mDMsizeX, mDMsizeY); B3DCLAMP(mZoomFilterType, 0, 5); errForCleanup = selectZoomFilter(mZoomFilterType, filtScale, &i); if (!errForCleanup && parray && linePtrs) { setZoomValueScaling((float)(1. / (filtScale * filtScale))); errForCleanup = zoomWithFilter(linePtrs, mTD.DMSizeX, mTD.DMSizeY, axoff, ayoff, mDMsizeX, mDMsizeY, mDMsizeX, 0, mTD.ImageType == kUSHORT ? SLICE_MODE_USHORT : SLICE_MODE_SHORT, parray, NULL, NULL); if (!errForCleanup) { delete[] mTD.Array[chan]; mTD.Array[chan] = parray; mTD.DMSizeX = mDMsizeX; mTD.DMSizeY = mDMsizeY; } else { delete parray; message.Format("Error %d trying to reduce image with zoomWithFilter", err); SEMMessageBox(message); } } else { if (errForCleanup) message.Format("Error %d setting up image reduction with selectZoomFilter", err); else message = "Failed to allocate memory for image reduction"; SEMMessageBox(message); delete parray; errForCleanup = 1; } B3DFREE(linePtrs); } else if (mTD.DoseFrac && (mTD.DMSizeX > mDMsizeX || mTD.DMSizeY > mDMsizeY)) { // Or simple trimming is needed for unbinned dose frac data mDMsizeX = B3DMIN(mTD.DMSizeX, mDMsizeX); mDMsizeY = B3DMIN(mTD.DMSizeY, mDMsizeY); ixoff = (mTD.DMSizeX - mDMsizeX) / 2; iyoff = (mTD.DMSizeY - mDMsizeY) / 2; for (iy = 0; iy < mDMsizeY; iy++) { imout = mTD.Array[chan] + iy * mDMsizeX; imin = mTD.Array[chan] + (iy + iyoff) * mTD.DMSizeX + ixoff; for (ix = 0; ix < mDMsizeX; ix++) *imout++ = *imin++; } mTD.DMSizeX = mDMsizeX; mTD.DMSizeY = mDMsizeY; } if (DefectListHasEntries(mParam->origDefects)) { CorDefCorrectDefects(&mParam->defects, mTD.Array[chan], mTD.ImageType, mBinning, mTop, mLeft, mBottom, mRight); } } else if (!mSimulationMode && mTD.Processing != lastConSetp->processing && !mAligningPluginFrames) { // Gain normalization or other processing ProcessImageOrFrame(mTD.Array[chan], mTD.ImageType, lastConSetp->processing, lastConSetp->removeXrays, darkScale, mParam, mDarkp, mDarkBelow, mDarkAbove, mGainp, mTD.DMSizeX, mTD.DMSizeY, mBinning, mTop, mLeft, mBottom, mRight, mTD.ImageType, mTD.ProcessingPlus); } else if ((mTD.ProcessingPlus & CONTINUOUS_USE_THREAD) && mParam->balanceHalves) { // Also balance halves if needed and it normalized in DM ix = mParam->ifHorizontalBoundary ? mParam->sizeY : mParam->sizeX; ixoff = (mParam->halfBoundary - ix / 2) / mBinning + (ix / 2) / mBinning; ProcBalanceHalves(mTD.Array[chan], mTD.ImageType, mTD.DMSizeX, mTD.DMSizeY, mTop, mLeft, ixoff, mParam->ifHorizontalBoundary); } else if (mTD.Processing == GAIN_NORMALIZED && mParam->DE_camType >= 2) { // And correct defects for DE camera with normalized images CorDefCorrectDefects(&mParam->defects, mTD.Array[chan], mTD.ImageType, mBinning, mTop, mLeft, mBottom, mRight); } if (mParam->OneViewType && !oneViewTakingFrames && mTD.Corrections > 0 && (mTD.Corrections & OVW_DRIFT_CORR_FLAG) != 0) { int analyzeLen = B3DMAX(1024, B3DMAX(mTD.DMSizeY, mTD.DMSizeX) / 4); int width = mBinning > 1 ? 30 : 60; float critMADN = 9.f; int relTop, relBottom, relLeft, relRight; if (mLeft * mBinning < width || mRight * mBinning > mParam->sizeX - width || mTop * mBinning < width || mBottom * mBinning > mParam->sizeY - width) { if (CorDefFindDriftCorrEdges(mTD.Array[chan], mTD.ImageType, mTD.DMSizeX, mTD.DMSizeY, analyzeLen, width, critMADN, relLeft, relRight, relTop, relBottom)) { SEMMessageBox("Error getting memory for finding dark edges of drift" " corrected image"); errForCleanup = 1; } else { // Modify the usable area limits for any edge that is not at the limit CameraDefects defCopy = mParam->defects; if (relLeft > 0) defCopy.usableLeft = B3DMAX(defCopy.usableLeft, mBinning * (mLeft + relLeft)); if (relRight < mTD.DMSizeX - 1) { defCopy.usableRight = ((mRight - 1) - (mTD.DMSizeX - 1 - relRight)) * mBinning; if (mParam->defects.usableRight > 0) defCopy.usableRight = B3DMIN(defCopy.usableRight, mParam->defects.usableRight); } if (relTop > 0) defCopy.usableTop = B3DMAX(defCopy.usableTop, mBinning * (mTop + relTop)); if (relBottom < mTD.DMSizeY - 1) { defCopy.usableBottom = ((mBottom - 1) - (mTD.DMSizeY - 1 - relBottom)) * mBinning; if (mParam->defects.usableBottom > 0) defCopy.usableBottom = B3DMIN(defCopy.usableBottom, mParam->defects.usableBottom); } /*SEMTrace('1', "CDFDCE: size %d %d; returned %d %d %d %d; usable area" " %d %d %d %d", mTD.DMSizeX, mTD.DMSizeY, relLeft, relRight, relTop, relBottom, defCopy.usableLeft, defCopy.usableRight, defCopy.usableTop, defCopy.usableBottom);*/ CorDefCorrectDefects(&defCopy, mTD.Array[chan], mTD.ImageType, mBinning, mTop, mLeft, mBottom, mRight); } } } if (GetDebugOutput('Z')) { ticks = GetTickCount(); SEMTrace('Z', "processed, %u elapsed", ticks - mStartTime); } } if (mTD.ImageType == kFLOAT) image = new KImageFloat(); else image = new KImageShort(); if (mTD.ImageType == kUSHORT) image->setType(kUSHORT); if (mTD.psa && acquired) image->useData(mTD.psa); else image->useData((char *)mTD.Array[chan], mTD.DMSizeX, mTD.DMSizeY); // Adjust the IS for a view offset in low dose by the net offset lowDoseMode = mTD.GetDeferredSum ? mBufDeferred->mLowDoseArea :mWinApp->LowDoseMode(); if (lowDoseMode) { ldSet = ConSetToLDArea(mLastConSet); if (ldSet == VIEW_CONSET || ldSet == SEARCH_AREA) { mWinApp->mLowDoseDlg.GetNetViewShift(ISX, ISY, ldSet); mStartingISX -= ISX; mStartingISY -= ISY; } if ((ldSet == VIEW_CONSET || ldSet == SEARCH_AREA) && mLastConSet == MONTAGE_CONSET) conSetUsed = ldSet == VIEW_CONSET ? VIEW_CONSET : SEARCH_CONSET; } mLastImageTime = 0.001 * GetTickCount(); float defocus = (float) ((mTD.ScanTime || mTD.DynFocusInterval) ? mCenterFocus : mScope->FastDefocus()); // Get a partial exposure time that applies to this image for early return or aligned // subset if (mTD.NumAsyncSumFrames > 0 || mNumSubsetAligned > 0 || mTD.DoingTiltSums) { i = B3DNINT(lastConSetp->exposure / lastConSetp->frameTime); if (mTD.NumAsyncSumFrames > 0) partialExposure = (float)(mExposure * B3DMIN(mTD.NumAsyncSumFrames, i) / (float)B3DMAX(1, i)); else if (mNumSubsetAligned > 0 && mParam->K2Type && !lastConSetp->sumK2Frames) partialExposure = (float)(mExposure * B3DMIN(mNumSubsetAligned, i) / (float)B3DMAX(1, i)); else if (mNumSubsetAligned > 0 && mParam->DE_camType) partialExposure = (float)((mExposure * mNumSubsetAligned) / mFalconHelper->GetNumFiles()); else if (mTD.DoingTiltSums) partialExposure = (float)(mExposure * B3DMIN(mTD.TiltSumNumFrames, i) / (float)B3DMAX(1, i)); else partialExposure = mFalconHelper->AlignedSubsetExposure( lastConSetp->summedFrameList, (mParam->K2Type || oneViewTakingFrames) ? lastConSetp->frameTime : GetFalconReadoutInterval(mParam), mAlignStart, mAlignEnd); } // Modify mImBufs only if there is actually an image, but save info when starting // deferred sum if (mTD.NumAsyncSumFrames != 0 || mStartingDeferredSum) { imBuf = mImBufs; if (!mTD.NumAsyncSumFrames) { if (!mBufDeferred) mBufDeferred = new EMimageBuffer; imBuf = mBufDeferred; } else { // Transfer the shift from an existing continuous mode image to the new one if // this is this frame comes in while mouse shifting if (mRepFlag >= 0 && mShiftManager->GetMouseShifting() && mImBufs->mImage) { mImBufs->mImage->getShifts(axoff, ayoff); image->setShifts(axoff, ayoff); } // If a task is waiting for next continuous frame, make sure it is unique frame // and an exposure time has elapsed, plus any general timeout that was set and not // turned into a delay before capture, plus any initial images dropped, // and clear the task flag // If images are being aligned and a stop came in, proceed with next one even // if it is a duplicate if ((mRepFlag >= 0 || mNumContinuousToAlign > 0) && (mTaskFrameWaitStart >= 0. || mTaskFrameWaitStart < -1.1) && (mNumDropAtContinStart <= 0 || mNumDropAtContinStart <= numDrop) && (!mImBufs->IsImageDuplicate(image) || mNumContinuousToAlign > 0)) { ticks = mShiftManager->GetGeneralTimeOut(mObeyTiltDelay ? RECORD_CONSET : mLastConSet); delay = SEMTickInterval((double)ticks, (double)GetTickCount()); if (mTaskFrameWaitStart < -1.1 || (mTaskFrameWaitStart >= 0. && SEMTickInterval(mTaskFrameWaitStart) >= 1000. * mExposure + mContinuousDelayFrac * B3DMAX(delay, 0.))) { if (delay > 0) mShiftManager->ResetAllTimeouts(); if (mNumContinuousToAlign > 1) { err = 0; if (!mNumAlignedContinuous) { err = mFalconHelper->SetupContinuousAlign(*lastConSetp, &mTD, GetDivideBy2(), mNumContinuousToAlign); if (err) SEMTrace('1', "Error %d setting up alignment of continuous frames", err); } if (!err) { err = mFalconHelper->NextContinuousFrame(); } if (!err) { // Align this image as next frame and either leave here or finish the // alignment and go on mNumAlignedContinuous++; if (mNumAlignedContinuous < mNumContinuousToAlign && mRepFlag >= 0) { mInDisplayNewImage = false; ErrorCleanup(0); Capture(mRepFlag); return; } else { mFalconHelper->FinishFrameAlignment(1); if (!mAverageContinAlign) mExposure *= mNumAlignedContinuous; } } reportContinAlign = err == 0; if (reportContinAlign) SEMTrace('1', "Providing aligned sum of %d frames after dropping %d " "waiting %d", mNumAlignedContinuous, numDrop, numWait); mNumContinuousToAlign = 0; } if (!reportContinAlign) SEMTrace('1', "Continuous frame for task, dropped %d waited %d, delay " "%.0f elapsed %.0f", numDrop, numWait, mContinuousDelayFrac * B3DMAX(delay, 0.), SEMTickInterval(mTaskFrameWaitStart)); mTaskFrameWaitStart = -1.; mLastWasContinForTask = true; numDrop = 0; numWait = 0; mNumDropAtContinStart = 0; } else numWait++; } else if (mRepFlag >= 0) { numDrop++; } mImBufs->DeleteImage(); mImBufs->DeleteOffsets(); mImBufs->mImage = image; mImBufs->mCaptured = 1; mWinApp->mBufferManager->FindScaling(mImBufs, (mParam->STEMcamera && mTD.ReturnPartialScan > 0) ? mParam->rotationFlip : -1); } imBuf->mBinning = mBinning; imBuf->mEffectiveBin = (float)mBinning; imBuf->mUseWidth = 0; CUR_OR_DEFD_TO_BUF(mDivideBinToShow, BinDivisorI(mParam)); CUR_OR_DEFD_TO_BUF(mDividedBy2, mDivBy2ForImBuf > 0); CUR_OR_DEFD_TO_BUF(mCamera, curCam); if (mMagToRestore) CUR_OR_DEFD_TO_BUF(mEffectiveBin, imBuf->mEffectiveBin * mShiftManager->GetPixelSize(curCam, mMagBefore) / mShiftManager->GetPixelSize(curCam, mMagToRestore)); imBuf->mViewDefocus = 0.; imBuf->mConSetUsed = conSetUsed; if (lowDoseMode) { if (ldSet == VIEW_CONSET || ldSet == SEARCH_AREA) imBuf->mViewDefocus = mScope->GetLDViewDefocus(ldSet); } CUR_OR_DEFD_TO_BUF(mDynamicFocused, mTD.STEMcamera && mTD.DynFocusInterval > 0); CUR_OR_DEFD_TO_BUF(mMagInd, mMagBefore); CUR_OR_DEFD_TO_BUF(mPixelSize, mMagBefore ? pixelSize / 10000.f : 0.f); CUR_OR_DEFD_TO_BUF(mISX, mStartingISX); CUR_OR_DEFD_TO_BUF(mISY, mStartingISY); CUR_OR_DEFD_TO_BUF(mExposure, (float)mExposure); CUR_OR_DEFD_TO_BUF(mK2ReadMode, mTD.GatanReadMode); mScope->GetValidXYbacklash(mStageXbefore, mStageYbefore, imBuf->mBacklashX, imBuf->mBacklashY); if (mTD.GetDeferredSum) { imBuf->mBacklashX = mBufDeferred->mBacklashX; imBuf->mBacklashY = mBufDeferred->mBacklashY; } if (mTD.NumAsyncSumFrames != 0) CorDefSampleMeanSD(image->getRowData(), image->getType(), image->getWidth(), image->getHeight(), &imBuf->mSampleMean, &imBuf->mSampleSD); else imBuf->mSampleMean = EXTRA_NO_VALUE; CUR_OR_DEFD_TO_BUF(mTimeStamp, mLastImageTime); imBuf->mDoseRatePerUBPix = (float)(mTD.GetDoseRate ? mTD.LastDoseRate : 0.); imBuf->mStageShiftedByMouse = false; hasUserPtSave = imBuf->mHasUserPt; imBuf->mHasUserPt = false; imBuf->mHasUserLine = false; imBuf->mIllegalUserPt = false; imBuf->mCtfFocus1 = 0.; imBuf->mMapID = 0; imBuf->mChangeWhenSaved = 0; imBuf->mStage2ImMat.xpx = 0.; imBuf->mRegistration = 0; imBuf->mZoom = 0.; CUR_OR_DEFD_TO_BUF(mDefocus, defocus); imBuf->mLowDoseArea = lowDoseMode; imBuf->mCurStoreChecksum = 0; CUR_OR_DEFD_TO_BUF(mProbeMode, mScope->GetProbeMode()); if (mWinApp->mNavigator) CUR_OR_DEFD_TO_BUF(mRegistration, mWinApp->mNavigator->GetCurrentRegistration()); // If its a single frame, set up a save-copy flag and set to 1 if ((mSingleContModeUsed == SINGLE_FRAME || mLastWasContinForTask) && mTD.NumAsyncSumFrames != 0) mImBufs->IncrementSaveCopy(); // Copy the imbuf and NULL out pointers if this was a real early return sum if (mTD.NumAsyncSumFrames != 0 && mStartingDeferredSum) { mBufDeferred = new EMimageBuffer; *mBufDeferred = *mImBufs; mBufDeferred->ClearForDeletion(); } } // EXTRA HEADER: // For tilt sums, get a copy of the stored extra and adjust it if (mTD.DoingTiltSums && !mStartingDeferredSum) { extra = new EMimageExtra; *extra = *mExtraDeferred; image->SetUserData(extra); extra->m_fTilt = (float)mTD.TiltSumAngle; if (mTD.TiltSumIndex < (int)mTD.FrameTSactualAngle.size()) extra->m_fTilt = mTD.FrameTSactualAngle[mTD.TiltSumIndex]; extra->m_fDose *= partialExposure / (float)mExposure; if (extra->m_fDose || mPriorRecordDose) extra->mPriorRecordDose = mPriorRecordDose; mPriorRecordDose += extra->m_fDose; extra->mSubFramePath = ""; extra->mNumSubFrames = 0; extra->mFrameDosesCounts = ""; // Otherwise adopt the stored extra if getting deferred sum or have extra from // starting DE align } else if (mTD.GetDeferredSum || mStartedExtraForDEalign) { extra = mExtraDeferred; image->SetUserData(extra); mExtraDeferred = NULL; } // Get the extra header data - get JEOL data from last update to save time if (!mTD.GetDeferredSum) { if (!mStartedExtraForDEalign) { extra = new EMimageExtra; image->SetUserData(extra); } extra->m_fTilt = mTiltBefore; extra->mDefocus = defocus; if (!mParam->STEMcamera) extra->mTargetDefocus = mWinApp->mFocusManager->GetTargetDefocus(); stZ = mScope->FastIntensity(); extra->m_fIntensity = (float)stZ; extra->mStageX = (float)mStageXbefore; extra->mStageY = (float)mStageYbefore; extra->mStageZ = (float)mStageZbefore; extra->mDividedBy2 = mDivBy2ForExtra; extra->mDateTime = mWinApp->mDocWnd->DateTimeForTitle(true); extra->mSecondTimeStamp = mWinApp->SecondTimeStamp(); if (mScope->GetScopeCanFlashFEG()) extra->mFlashCounter = mScope->GetFegFlashCounter(); if (FEIscope && mScope->GetScopeCanFlashFEG() && mScope->FastFEGBeamCurrent(delay)) extra->mFEGCurrent = (float)delay; if (mParam->STEMcamera) extra->mChannelName = mParam->channelName[mTD.ChanIndOrig[chan]]; if (mWinApp->mNavigator && mWinApp->mNavigator->GetAcquiring()) { ix = mWinApp->mNavigator->GetCurrentOrAcquireItem(navItem); extra->mNavLabel = navItem->mLabel; } extra->m_iMag = MagOrEFTEMmag(mWinApp->GetEFTEMMode(), mMagBefore, mParam->STEMcamera); if (!mMagBefore) { extra->mCameraLength = camLen; extra->mCamPixSize = mParam->pixelMicrons * mBinning; extra->mVoltage = (float)mWinApp->mProcessImage->GetRecentVoltage(); } extra->mMagIndex = mMagBefore; typext = TILT_MASK | VOLT_XY_MASK | INTENSITY_MASK | MAG100_MASK | DOSE_MASK; if (mWinApp->mMontageController->DoingMontage() && !mWinApp->mMontageController->GetFocusing()) { int X, Y, Z; mWinApp->mMontageController->GetCurrentCoords(X, Y, Z); extra->m_iMontageX = X; extra->m_iMontageY = Y; extra->m_iMontageZ = Z; if (mWinApp->mNavigator) mWinApp->mNavigator->GetSuperCoords(extra->mSuperMontX, extra->mSuperMontY); if (extra->mSuperMontX >= 0) { extra->mSuperMontX += X; extra->mSuperMontY += Y; } typext |= MONTAGE_MASK; } // Store the exposure dose, adjust for difference between requested and actual time if (lowDoseMode) { spotSize = ldParam[ldSet].spotSize; } else { spotSize = mScope->FastSpotSize(); } extra->mLowDoseConSet = lowDoseMode ? conSetUsed + 1 : -conSetUsed; extra->m_fDose = (float)mWinApp->mBeamAssessor->GetElectronDose(spotSize, stZ, SpecimenBeamExposure(curCam, IS_FALCON3_OR_4(mParam) ? mAdjustedExpForDose : lastConSetp->exposure, lastConSetp->drift, true)); if (mDoseAdjustmentFactor > 0.) extra->m_fDose *= mDoseAdjustmentFactor; extra->m_fDose *= (float)mExposure / lastConSetp->exposure; extra->mPriorRecordDose = mPriorRecordDose; // Store other no-cost stuff and then convert header items to shorts extra->mSpotSize = spotSize; extra->mISX = (float)mStartingISX; extra->mISY = (float)mStartingISY; extra->mExposure = IS_FALCON3_OR_4(mParam) ? mAdjustedExpForDose : (float)mExposure; extra->mBinning = (float)mBinning / BinDivisorF(mParam); extra->mCamera = curCam; if (FEIscope) extra->mProbeMode = mScope->GetProbeMode(); extra->mUncroppedX = -mTD.DMSizeX; extra->mUncroppedY = -mTD.DMSizeY; if (mParam->K2Type || (IS_FALCON3_OR_4(mParam) && FCAM_CAN_COUNT(mParam)) || (mParam->DE_camType && (mParam->CamFlags & DE_CAM_CAN_COUNT))) extra->mReadMode = lastConSetp->K2ReadMode; if (mParam->K2Type) extra->mRotationAndFlip = mParam->rotationFlip; if (CanK3DoCorrDblSamp(mParam)) extra->mCorrDblSampMode = mUseK3CorrDblSamp ? 1 : 0; extra->mPixel = pixelSize; if (refinedPix) extra->mRefinedPixel = refinedPix; if (mDoseModulator) extra->mEDMPercent = mDoseModulator->GetLastDutyPctSet(); if (mTD.NumAsyncSumFrames != 0 && imBuf->mSampleMean > EXTRA_VALUE_TEST && IsDirectDetector(mParam) && extra->m_fDose > 0 && !mWinApp->mProcessImage->DoseRateFromMean(imBuf, imBuf->mSampleMean, camRate)) { specRate = extra->m_fDose * (float)pow((double)extra->mPixel / extra->mBinning, 2) / B3DMAX(0.0025f, partialExposure - mParam->deadTime); mParam->specToCamDoseFac = camRate / B3DMAX(0.000001f, specRate); } if (mTD.NumAsyncSumFrames != 0 && imBuf->mSampleMean > EXTRA_VALUE_TEST && IsDirectDetector(mParam)) mWinApp->mProcessImage->DoseRateFromMean(imBuf, imBuf->mSampleMean, extra->mDoseRate); if (mParam->STEMcamera) extra->mAxisAngle = mParam->imageRotation + mWinApp->GetAddedSTEMrotation(); else if (!mMagBefore) { ix = mScope->GetLastCamLenIndex(); if (ix >= 0 && ix <= MAX_CAMLENS && diffRotations[ix] > EXTRA_VALUE_TEST) extra->mAxisAngle = diffRotations[ix]; } else extra->mAxisAngle = (float)mShiftManager->GetImageRotation(curCam, mMagBefore); if (mParam->GIF || mScope->GetHasOmegaFilter()) { extra->slitWidth = filtParam->slitIn ? filtParam->slitWidth : 0.f; extra->energyLoss = (filtParam->slitIn && !filtParam->zeroLoss) ? filtParam->energyLoss : 0.f; } mWinApp->mParticleTasks->CurrentHoleAndPosition(extra->mMultiHoleNum); extra->ValuesIntoShorts(); } // Now start using current values to update extra for a deferred sum // Report the fate of frame-saving for K2, Oneview, Falcon and plugin if (IsConSetSaving(lastConSetp, mLastConSet, mParam, true) || (mSavingFalconFrames && !mDeferStackingFrames) || mSavingPluginFrames) { if (mTD.NumAsyncSumFrames >= 0) { mTD.NumFramesSaved = B3DNINT(mExposure / lastConSetp->frameTime); mTD.ErrorFromSave = 0; if (lastConSetp->sumK2Frames && lastConSetp->summedFrameList.size() > 0 && CAN_PLUGIN_DO(CAN_SUM_FRAMES, mParam)) mTD.NumFramesSaved = mFalconHelper->GetFrameTotals( lastConSetp->summedFrameList, i, mTD.NumFramesSaved); } if (mTD.ErrorFromSave < 0) { message = "An error occurred trying to find out how many frames were saved"; } else { message = ""; str = ""; if (mTD.ErrorFromSave > 0) message.Format("Error %d occurred when saving frames: %s\r\n", mTD.ErrorFromSave, mParam->K2Type ? SEMCCDErrorMessage(mTD.ErrorFromSave) : mFalconHelper->GetErrorString(mTD.ErrorFromSave)); if (mTD.NumFramesSaved && !mTD.DoingTiltSums) str.Format(" %d frames %s saved to %s", mTD.NumFramesSaved, (mTD.NumAsyncSumFrames < 0 && ((!(mSavingFalconFrames && mFalconAsyncStacking) && !mSavingPluginFrames) || mAligningFalconFrames || mAligningPluginFrames)) ? "were" : "are being", (LPCTSTR)mPathForFrames); else if (!mTD.DoingTiltSums) str = "No frames were saved"; message += str; // Save in extra if (mTD.NumFramesSaved && (!mTD.DoingTiltSums|| mStartingDeferredSum)) { extra->mNumSubFrames = mTD.NumFramesSaved; extra->mSubFramePath = mPathForFrames; // Write com file for Falcon aligning if flag is set in advanced case: // Here local frame path is required if (mParam->FEItype && FCAM_ADVANCED(mParam) && (mTD.K2ParamFlags & K2_MAKE_ALIGN_COM)) { operation = mParam->rotationFlip; if (mParam->FEItype == FALCON3_TYPE && mRotFlipInFalcon3ComFile >= 0) operation = mRotFlipInFalcon3ComFile; if (mParam->FEItype == FALCON4_TYPE && !IsSaveInEERMode(mParam, lastConSetp)) operation = 0; mFalconHelper->SetRotFlipForComFile(operation); MakeOneFrameAlignCom(localFramePath, lastConSetp); } } } mWinApp->AppendToLog(message); } // Get special data for DE camera and report frame-saving there if (mParam->DE_camType >= 2 && !(mTD.ProcessingPlus & CONTINUOUS_USE_THREAD)) { if (!mStartedExtraForDEalign) mTD.DE_Cam->SetImageExtraData(extra, mDESetNameTimeoutUsed, mDoingDEframeAlign < 2, nameConfirmed); else nameConfirmed = true; alignErr = 0; if (IsConSetSaving(lastConSetp, mLastConSet, mParam, false)) { // Get frame time, number of camera frames and # in summed frames // Counting mode has no readout on frames saved, so we have to fill that in frameTimeForDose = (float)(1.f / mTD.FramesPerSec); camFrames = B3DNINT(mExposure / frameTimeForDose); sumCount = B3DMAX(1, lastConSetp->DEsumCount); // Just compute number of frames for counting mode or if saving is in progress if (lastConSetp->K2ReadMode && (mParam->CamFlags & DE_CAM_CAN_COUNT)) { sumCount = B3DMAX(1, lastConSetp->sumK2Frames); extra->mNumSubFrames = camFrames / sumCount; } if (!nameConfirmed || !extra->mNumSubFrames) { extra->mNumSubFrames = camFrames / sumCount; nameConfirmed = false; } if (extra->mNumSubFrames > 0) { message.Format(" %d %sframes %s saved to %s", extra->mNumSubFrames, sumCount > 1 ? "summed " : "", nameConfirmed ? "were" : "are being", (LPCTSTR)extra->mSubFramePath); } else { message.Format("Saving of %d %sframes was requested but the server says no " "frames were saved", camFrames / sumCount, sumCount > 1 ? "" : "summed "); } // Set up summed frame list for the dose estimate below // There shouldn't be any remainder any more, but leave it here summedList.push_back((short)camFrames / sumCount); summedList.push_back(sumCount); if (camFrames % sumCount) { summedList.push_back(1); summedList.push_back((short)(camFrames % sumCount)); } if (!extra->mNumSubFrames && mScope->GetSimulationMode()) extra->mNumSubFrames = (camFrames + sumCount - 1) / sumCount; mWinApp->AppendToLog(message); } // Write com file for IMOD alignment if (mDoingDEframeAlign == 2) { mFalconHelper->SetRotFlipForComFile(mParam->rotationFlip); MakeOneFrameAlignCom(extra->mSubFramePath, lastConSetp); } } // Report on frame aligning if not deferred if ((mTD.UseFrameAlign && mTD.NumAsyncSumFrames < 0) || reportContinAlign || (mDoingDEframeAlign == 1 && mStartedExtraForDEalign)) { if (!K2orOneView && !reportContinAlign && ((alignErr = mFalconHelper->GetAlignError()) != 0 || !(ix = mFalconHelper->GetNumAligned()))) { if (!ix && !alignErr && !mTD.ErrorFromSave) { message = "An unknown error occurred when aligning frames"; } else { if (!ix && !alignErr) alignErr = mTD.ErrorFromSave; message.Format("Error %d occurred when aligning frames: %s\r\n", alignErr, mFalconHelper->GetErrorString(alignErr)); } mWinApp->AppendToLog(message); } else if (mNumFrameAliLogLines > 0) { if (mNumFrameAliLogLines > 1 || mTypeOfAlignError < 0) { PrintfToLog("Frame alignment results: distance raw = %.1f smoothed" " = %.1f", mTD.FaRawDist, mTD.FaSmoothDist); if (mTypeOfAlignError == 0) PrintfToLog(" Residual mean = %.2f max max = %.2f", mTD.FaResMean, mTD.FaMaxResMax); if (mTypeOfAlignError > 0) PrintfToLog(" Weighted resid mean = %.2f max max = %.2f Mean unweighted max" " = %.2f", mTD.FaResMean, mTD.FaMaxResMax, mTD.FaMaxRawMax); } else { PrintfToLog("Frame alignment: %sesid mean = %.2f max max = %.2f " "raw dist = %.1f", mTypeOfAlignError > 0 ? "Weighted r" : "R", mTD.FaResMean, mTD.FaMaxResMax, mTD.FaRawDist); } if ((K2orOneView && mGettingFRC && !reportContinAlign) || ((!K2orOneView || reportContinAlign) && mFalconHelper->GetGettingFRC())) PrintfToLog(" FRC crossings 0.5: %.4f 0.25: %.4f 0.125: %.4f is %.4f at " "0.25/pix", mTD.FaCrossHalf / K2FA_FRC_INT_SCALE, mTD.FaCrossQuarter / K2FA_FRC_INT_SCALE, mTD.FaCrossEighth / K2FA_FRC_INT_SCALE, mTD.FaHalfNyq / K2FA_FRC_INT_SCALE); } } // Remove DE frames if flag set and no align error if (mRemoveAlignedDEframes && !alignErr) { UtilRemoveFile(extra->mSubFramePath); UtilRemoveFile(mTD.DE_Cam->GetPathAndDatasetName() + "_info.txt"); if (lastConSetp->K2ReadMode > 0) UtilRemoveFile(mTD.DE_Cam->GetPathAndDatasetName() + ".log"); } // Get dose per frame and output list of doses and # of frames if (extra->mNumSubFrames > 0) { if (IS_FALCON2_3_4(mParam)) { if (IsSaveInEERMode(mParam, lastConSetp)) { summedList.push_back((short)mTD.NumFramesSaved); summedList.push_back(1); } else summedList = lastConSetp->summedFrameList; frameTimeForDose = GetFalconReadoutInterval(mParam); } else if (mParam->K2Type) { // Set up dummy summed frame list or use the one that was used frameTimeForDose = lastConSetp->frameTime; summedList.push_back((short)mTD.NumFramesSaved); summedList.push_back(1); if (lastConSetp->sumK2Frames && lastConSetp->summedFrameList.size() > 0 && CAN_PLUGIN_DO(CAN_SUM_FRAMES, mParam)) summedList = lastConSetp->summedFrameList; } extra->mFrameDosesCounts = ""; for (i = 0; i < (int)summedList.size() / 2; i++) { str.Format("%.5g %d", summedList[i * 2 + 1] * frameTimeForDose * extra->m_fDose / mExposure, summedList[i * 2]); if (!extra->mFrameDosesCounts.IsEmpty()) extra->mFrameDosesCounts += " "; extra->mFrameDosesCounts += str; } } // Get counts per electron from imBuf if not early return, or else compute laboriously if (mTD.NumAsyncSumFrames != 0) { extra->mCountsPerElectron= mWinApp->mProcessImage->CountsPerElectronForImBuf(imBuf); } else if (mParam->countsPerElectron && mParam->K2Type) { extra->mCountsPerElectron = mParam->countsPerElectron; if (lastConSetp->K2ReadMode > 0) extra->mCountsPerElectron = GetCountScaling(mParam); if (mTD.DivideBy2) extra->mCountsPerElectron /= 2.; } // Save to autodoc file if one is designated, adjusting pixel/binning first axoff = extra->mBinning; ayoff = extra->mPixel; refSave = extra->mRefinedPixel; ixoff = extra->mDividedBy2; camRate = extra->mCountsPerElectron; if (mParam->K2Type) { extra->mBinning = B3DCHOICE(IS_SUPERRES(mParam, lastConSetp->K2ReadMode) && !((mSaveSuperResReduced && CAN_PLUGIN_DO(CAN_REDUCE_SUPER, mParam) && lastConSetp->processing == GAIN_NORMALIZED && !mSaveUnnormalizedFrames) || IsK3BinningSuperResFrames(lastConSetp, mParam)), 0.5f, 1.f); extra->mPixel *= extra->mBinning / axoff; if (extra->mRefinedPixel) extra->mRefinedPixel *= extra->mBinning / axoff; if (lastConSetp->processing != GAIN_NORMALIZED || mSaveUnnormalizedFrames) { extra->mDividedBy2 = 0; extra->mCountsPerElectron = 1.; } } if (extra->mNumSubFrames > 0 || (IS_FALCON2_3_4(mParam) && (mFrameMdocForFalcon > 1 || (mFrameMdocForFalcon && mLastConSet == RECORD_CONSET)))) { if (mTD.GetDeferredSum) i = mWinApp->mDocWnd->UpdateLastMdocFrame(image); else i = mWinApp->mDocWnd->SaveFrameDataInMdoc(image); if (i) { message.Format("Error trying to save frame metadata to frame .mdoc file:\n" "Error %s", i == 1 ? "setting current autodoc index" : (i == 2 ? "storing data in autodoc structure" : "writing the .mdoc file")); SEMMessageBox(message); } } // Save to frame stack mdoc if selected or if doing frame TS if (extra->mNumSubFrames > 0 && !mTD.GetDeferredSum && (mSaveFrameStackMdoc || (mTD.FrameTStiltToAngle.size() > 0 && mTD.FrameTSactualAngle.size() > 0)) && CanSaveFrameStackMdoc(mParam)) { SaveFrameStackMdoc(image, mLastLocalFramePath, lastConSetp); } extra->mBinning = axoff; extra->mPixel = ayoff; extra->mDividedBy2 = ixoff; extra->mCountsPerElectron = camRate; extra->mRefinedPixel = refSave; // If making a deferred sum, now is the time to copy the extra if (mStartingDeferredSum) { mExtraDeferred = new EMimageExtra; *mExtraDeferred = *extra; } // If it is partial sum, adjust exposure time in extra and imbuf now that mdoc saved if (mTD.NumAsyncSumFrames > 0 || mNumSubsetAligned > 0 || mTD.DoingTiltSums) { mImBufs->mExposure = extra->mExposure = partialExposure; } // Now if this was deferred sum, we are done with imbuf and conSet if (mTD.GetDeferredSum && !mTD.DoingTiltSums) { delete mBufDeferred; mBufDeferred = NULL; delete mConsDeferred; mConsDeferred = NULL; } // If there are more channels, roll the buffers if (chan) RollBuffers(B3DABS(mTD.ReturnPartialScan) == 1 ? mTD.NumChannels - 1 : mBufferManager->GetShiftsOnAcquire(), 0); // Delete image if it is a no-return shot if (mTD.NumAsyncSumFrames == 0) delete image; } // Add dose for dose meter unless LD Trial/Focus areas if (mWinApp->mScopeStatus.WatchingDose()) { if (ldSet != 1 && ldSet != 2) { stX = mWinApp->mBeamAssessor->GetElectronDose(spotSize, stZ, SpecimenBeamExposure(curCam, lastConSetp)); stX *= mExposure / lastConSetp->exposure; mWinApp->mScopeStatus.AddToDose(stX); } } if (mTD.NumAsyncSumFrames != 0 && !(mDiscardImage && !mAligningFalconFrames)) { // Defer updates by any actions below - the update will be done on ErrorCleanup mWinApp->SetDeferBufWinUpdates(true); mWinApp->mLowDoseDlg.AddDefineAreaPoint(); mImBufs->SetImageChanged(1); // For live FFT, or a regular FFT if side-by-side is open and this is enabled, // do an FFT instead of setting current buffer // But set the buffer if not 0 so the FFT is of the right buffer curBuf = mWinApp->GetImBufIndex(); if ((mSingleContModeUsed == CONTINUOUS && mWinApp->mProcessImage->GetLiveFFT()) || (mSingleContModeUsed != CONTINUOUS && mWinApp->mProcessImage->GetSideBySideFFT() && mWinApp->mProcessImage->GetAutoSingleFFT() && mWinApp->mFFTView)) { if (curBuf) mWinApp->SetCurrentBuffer(0); if (!mWinApp->mProcessImage->GetSideBySideFFT()) mImBufs->mHasUserPt = hasUserPtSave; mWinApp->mProcessImage->GetFFT(1, mSingleContModeUsed == CONTINUOUS ? BUFFER_LIVE_FFT : BUFFER_FFT); if (mWinApp->mProcessImage->GetSideBySideFFT()) mWinApp->SetCurrentBuffer(0); } else if (mTD.ReturnPartialScan && curBuf >= 0 && curBuf <= mTD.NumChannels) { if (rollKeptIndex > 0) curBuf = rollKeptIndex; mRollBufKeptIndex = 0; if (curBuf < mTD.NumChannels) mWinApp->SetCurrentBuffer(curBuf); } else mWinApp->SetCurrentBuffer(0); mWinApp->SetDeferBufWinUpdates(false); if (mWinApp->mNavigator) mWinApp->mNavigator->AddFocusAreaPoint(false); } if (errForCleanup && mRepFlag >= 0) { TurnOffRepeatFlag(); StopContinuousSTEM(); } if (mTD.ReturnPartialScan > 0 && (errForCleanup || mHalting)) { if (mTD.UseUtapi) StopContinuousSTEM(); else mTD.plugFuncs->StopContinuous(); mTD.PlugSTEMacquireFlags |= PLUGCAM_ABORT_SCAN; mTD.plugFuncs->SetAcquireFlags(mTD.PlugSTEMacquireFlags); mTD.ReturnPartialScan = 0; } ErrorCleanup(errForCleanup); mInDisplayNewImage = false; if (mRepFlag >= 0) { axoff = (float)(1000. * mContinuousCount / SEMTickInterval(mContinStartTime)); mContinuousCount++; SEMTrace('t', "%u elapsed, %.2f FPS", GetTickCount() - mStartTime, axoff); } // Update filter settings if there is a timer that may have been waiting if (mFilterUpdateID && !mTD.ContinuousSTEM && !(mTD.ProcessingPlus & CONTINUOUS_USE_THREAD)) CheckFilterSettings(); // If halting, stop now and clear pending if (mHalting) { StopContinuousSTEM(); mHalting = false; mPending = -1; return; } // Stop continuous mode if flag cleared for that if (mRepFlag < 0 && !mTD.ReturnPartialScan) StopContinuousSTEM(); // Start new capture if getting partial scans if (mTD.ReturnPartialScan > 0) { Capture(mLastConSet); return; } if (mTD.ReturnPartialScan < 0 && mTD.UseUtapi) { CleanupPartialArrays(); mTD.ReturnPartialScan = 0; } // Check for whether to start pending capture if (InitiateIfPending()) return; // Check if doing repeated captures if (mRepFlag >= 0) { if (mLastWasContinForTask) InitiateCapture(mRepFlag); else Capture(mRepFlag); } } // Do defect correct and gain normalization for an image or frame being saved // All these parameters need to be passed in case a single shot comes along during save void CCameraController::ProcessImageOrFrame(short *array, int imageType, int processing, int removeXrays, int darkScale, CameraParameters *param, DarkRef *darkp, DarkRef *darkBelow, DarkRef *darkAbove, DarkRef *gainp, int DMSizeX, int DMSizeY, int binning, int top, int left, int bottom, int right, int tdImageType, int procPlus) { int ix, ixoff; short *array2 = NULL; double exp2 = 0.; double wallstart = wallTime(); // If processing needed, first dark subtract or gain correct, then correct defects if (DMSizeX == darkp->SizeX && DMSizeY == darkp->SizeY) { // Interpolation is not allowed for plugin saving shot, so member exposure time can // be used in these calls if (darkAbove) { darkp = darkBelow; array2 = (short int *)darkAbove->Array; exp2 = darkAbove->Exposure; } if (processing == DARK_SUBTRACTED) { ProcDarkSubtract(array, imageType, DMSizeX, DMSizeY, (short *)darkp->Array, darkp->Exposure, array2, exp2, mExposure, darkScale); } else { ProcGainNormalize(array, imageType, gainp->SizeX, top, left, bottom, right, (short *)darkp->Array, darkp->Exposure, array2, exp2, mExposure, darkScale, darkp->ByteSize, gainp->Array, gainp->ByteSize, gainp->GainRefBits); } // Keep this processing here in case there is defect correction right at the // boundary if ((procPlus & CONTINUOUS_USE_THREAD) && param->balanceHalves) { ix = param->ifHorizontalBoundary ? param->sizeY : param->sizeX; ixoff = (param->halfBoundary - ix / 2) / binning + (ix / 2) / binning; ProcBalanceHalves(array, imageType, DMSizeX, DMSizeY, top, left, ixoff, param->ifHorizontalBoundary); } CorDefCorrectDefects(¶m->defects, array, tdImageType, binning, top, left, bottom, right); if (removeXrays) mWinApp->mProcessImage->RemoveXRays(param, array, imageType, binning, top, left, bottom, right, param->imageXRayAbsCrit, param->imageXRayNumSDCrit, param->imageXRayBothCrit, GetDebugOutput('Z')); } else SEMMessageBox("The image is not the expected size so\nit has not been" "processed", MB_EXCLAME); } bool CCameraController::CanFramealignProcessSubarea(ControlSet *lastConSetp, DarkRef **darkp, DarkRef **gainp) { *darkp = NULL; *gainp = NULL; if (lastConSetp->processing == DARK_SUBTRACTED || mDarkAbove || mDarkp->SizeX != mTD.DMSizeX || mDarkp->SizeY != mTD.DMSizeY || (mRight + mLeft) * mBinning / 2 != mParam->sizeX / 2 || (mBottom + mTop) * mBinning / 2 != mParam->sizeY / 2) return false; *darkp = mDarkp; *gainp = mGainp; return true; } // Common place to clean up when there is an error, or when done void CCameraController::ErrorCleanup(int error) { int ind; // Restore any conditions set mTD.NumAsyncSumFrames = -1; if (!mTD.DoingTiltSums) { mTD.FrameTStiltToAngle.clear(); mTD.FrameTSwaitOrInterval.clear(); } if (mStartedScanning) { if (mTD.ScanTime || mTD.DynFocusInterval || mTD.FocusStep1) mScope->SetDefocus(mCenterFocus); if (mTD.ScanTime) mScope->SetBeamShift(mCenterBeamX, mCenterBeamY); if (!error && (mTD.ScanTime || mTD.DriftISinterval || mTD.DynFocusInterval)) { SEMTrace('1', "%s interval min %.0f max %.0f mean %.1f Sd %.1f", mTD.DynFocusInterval ? "Focus" : (mTD.ScanTime ? "Scan" : "Shift"), mTD.ScanIntMin, mTD.ScanIntMax, mTD.ScanIntMean, mTD.ScanIntSD); } } if ((mShiftedISforSTEM || mMagToRestore) && (mRetainMagAndShift < 0 || error)) RestoreMagAndShift(); if (mBlankNextShot) mScope->BlankBeam(false, "ErrorCleanup for BlankNextShot"); if (mNeedToRestoreISandBT & 1) mScope->SetImageShift(mImageShiftXtoRestore, mImageShiftYtoRestore); if (mNeedToRestoreISandBT & 2) mScope->SetBeamTilt(mBeamTiltXtoRestore, mBeamTiltYtoRestore); if (mNeedToRestoreISandBT & 4) mScope->SetObjectiveStigmator(mAstigXtoRestore, mAstigYtoRestore); if (mNeedToRestoreISandBT & 8) mScope->SetDefocus(mDefocusToRestore); // Clear flags set by this shot setup mAligningPluginFrames = false; mSavingPluginFrames = false; mSavingFalconFrames = false; mAligningFalconFrames = false; mRemoveFEIalignedFrames = false; mDoingDEframeAlign = 0; mSuspendFilterUpdates = false; // clear flags for one-shot type items, mostly set from elsewhere ClearOneShotFlags(); if (error || mHalting || (mTD.ReturnPartialScan <= 0 && ((mRepFlag < 0 && !mTD.DoingTiltSums) || mPending >= 0 || (!mTD.ContinuousSTEM && !(mTD.ProcessingPlus & CONTINUOUS_USE_THREAD))))) mScope->SetCameraAcquiring(false); if (mParam->noShutter == 1 && !mTD.ReblankTime && mWinApp->mCalibTiming->Calibrating()) mScope->BlankBeam(true, "ErrorCleanup for NoShutter 2 timing"); if (mParam->FEItype && mTD.eagleIndex < 0) mParam->eagleIndex = mTD.eagleIndex; if (mRestoreFalconConfig) { if (!mFalconHelper->CheckFalconConfig(-2, ind, "Failed to restore initial " "state of Intermediate frame saving; check the FEI dialog")) mFrameSavingEnabled = ind > 0; mRestoreFalconConfig = false; } if (error) { TurnOffRepeatFlag(); StopContinuousSTEM(); mWinApp->ErrorOccurred(error); } if (mTD.errFlag) SEMMessageBox(mTD.errMess, MB_EXCLAME); mTD.errFlag = 0; mNoMessageBoxOnError = 0; if (error || (mRepFlag < 0 && mTD.ReturnPartialScan <= 0) || mHalting || mPending >= 0) mWinApp->UpdateBufferWindows(); mWinApp->SetStatusText(SIMPLE_PANE, ""); if (mRepFlag >= 0 && !mPreventUserToggle) mWinApp->SetStatusText(B3DCHOICE(mWinApp->mProcessImage->GetLiveFFT(), COMPLEX_PANE, MEDIUM_PANE), ""); } void CCameraController::CleanupPartialArrays() { for (int ind = 0; ind < B3DMIN(mTD.NumChannels, MAX_CHANNELS); ind++) DELETE_ARR(mTD.PartialArrays[ind]); } // Restore any mag change and image shift adjustments done for STEM and clear retain flag void CCameraController::RestoreMagAndShift(void) { if (mShiftedISforSTEM) { SEMTrace('s', "Restoring shifts"); mScope->SetImageShift(mIStoRestoreX, mIStoRestoreY); mShiftManager->SetISTimeOut((float)(mTotalSTEMShiftDelay / 1000.)); } mShiftedISforSTEM = false; if (mMagToRestore) { mScope->SetMagIndex(mMagToRestore); mShiftManager->SetGeneralTimeOut(GetTickCount(), mPostSTEMmagChgDelay); } mMagToRestore = 0; mRetainMagAndShift = -1; } int CCameraController::ConSetToLDArea(int inConSet) { int ldArea = inConSet; if (inConSet == MONTAGE_CONSET) { ldArea = RECORD_CONSET; if (mWinApp->LowDoseMode()) { MontParam *montp = mWinApp->GetMontParam(); if (montp->useViewInLowDose) ldArea = VIEW_CONSET; else if (montp->useSearchInLowDose) ldArea = SEARCH_AREA; else if (montp->usePrevInLowDose) ldArea = RECORD_CONSET; } } else if (inConSet == PREVIEW_CONSET) ldArea = RECORD_CONSET; else if (inConSet == SEARCH_CONSET) ldArea = SEARCH_AREA; else if (inConSet > 3) ldArea = TRIAL_CONSET; return ldArea; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // FILTER_RELATED ROUTINES //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This issues all of the commands needed to make sure the GIF is in the // right state in general and to set slit state, slit width and energy loss // If in spectroscopy, it will not do anything, and return 1. // Other errors return -1 int CCameraController::SetupFilter(BOOL acquiring) { FilterParams *filtParam = mWinApp->GetFilterParams(); CString command; CString setOffsetOn = mNoSpectrumOffset ? "" : "if (IFCGetOffsetOn() == 0)\n IFCSetOffsetOn(1)\n"; CString offsetFunc = mNoSpectrumOffset ? "EnergyShift" : "SpectrumOffset"; int retval, trial; static float offsetWarned = -100.0; CameraParameters *camParam = &mAllParams[mActiveList[filtParam->firstGIFCamera]]; // Delays for setting offset; Cut the delay if not acquiring float delayBase1 = acquiring ? mGIFoffsetDelayBase1 : 1.f; float delayBase2 = acquiring ? mGIFoffsetDelayBase2 : 1.f; float delaySlope1 = acquiring ? mGIFoffsetDelaySlope1 : 0.f; float delaySlope2 = acquiring ? mGIFoffsetDelaySlope2 : 0.f; // Loss must be inverted if driving energy shift instead of spectrum offset for GIF double loss = mWinApp->mFilterControl.LossToApply() * ((mNoSpectrumOffset && !camParam->filterIsFEI && !mCEOSFilter) ? -1. : 1.); mIgnoreFilterDiffs = false; if (mSimulationMode || mNoFilterControl) return 0; if (mFilterObeyNormDelay) { UINT normTimeout = mShiftManager->GetNormalizationTimeOut(true); SEMTrace('1', "Waiting for timeout before setting filter"); if (SEMTickInterval(normTimeout) < 0) { mFilterWaiting = true; if (!mScope->GetChangingLDArea()) mWinApp->UpdateBufferWindows(); for (trial = 0; trial < 600; trial++) { if (SEMTickInterval(normTimeout) > 0) break; SleepMsg(50); } mFilterWaiting = false; if (!mScope->GetChangingLDArea()) mWinApp->UpdateBufferWindows(); } SEMTrace('1', "Wait done"); } // FOR JEOL OMEGA FILTER if (JEOLscope && mScope->GetHasOmegaFilter() && mScope->GetInitialized()) { SEMAcquireJeolDataMutex(); if (mTD.JeolSD->spectroscopy) { SEMReleaseJeolDataMutex(); return 1; } if (!mTD.scopePlugFuncs) mTD.scopePlugFuncs = mScope->GetPlugFuncs(); BOOL needSlit = ((filtParam->slitIn ? 1 : 0) != (mTD.JeolSD->slitIn ? 1 : 0)); double delOffset = fabs(mTD.JeolSD->energyShift - loss); BOOL needShift = ((loss ? 1 : 0) != (mTD.JeolSD->shiftOn ? 1 : 0)); double delWidth = fabs(mTD.JeolSD->slitWidth - filtParam->slitWidth); SEMReleaseJeolDataMutex(); // Let's replicate the GIF situation until we learn otherwise // Test if anything needs changing and return if not if (!needShift && delOffset < 0.1 && delWidth < 0.1 && !needSlit) return 0; mScope->ScopeMutexAcquire("SetupFilter", true); try { // Set shift on if loss is non-zero (per Jaap) if (needShift) mTD.scopePlugFuncs->EnableEnergyShift(loss ? 1 : 0); // Set slit in/out // Note that these delays are assumed to be milliseconds not DM ticks if (needSlit) { mTD.scopePlugFuncs->SetSlitIn(filtParam->slitIn ? 1 : 0); Sleep((DWORD)mGIFslitInOutDelay); } // Set slit width if (delWidth > 0.1 && filtParam->slitIn) { SEMTrace('l', "Changing slit to %.0f", filtParam->slitWidth); mTD.scopePlugFuncs->SetSlitWidth((double)filtParam->slitWidth); } // Set energy shift if (delOffset > 0.1) { if (filtParam->positiveLossOnly && loss < 0) { command.Format("Attempting to set filter to a negative net loss (%.1f)\r\n" "Use \"Adjust Slit Offset\" to align the slit at an offset more\r\npositive" " than the current offset, which is %.1f", loss, filtParam->refineZLPOffset); loss = 0; if (filtParam->refineZLPOffset != offsetWarned) SEMMessageBox(command, MB_EXCLAME); else mWinApp->AppendToLog(command, LOG_OPEN_IF_CLOSED); offsetWarned = filtParam->refineZLPOffset; } mTD.scopePlugFuncs->SetEnergyShift(loss); if (delOffset < mGIFoffsetDelayCrit) Sleep((DWORD)(delayBase1 + delOffset * delaySlope1)); else Sleep((DWORD)(delayBase2 + delOffset * delaySlope2)); } retval = 0; } catch (_com_error E) { SEMReportCOMError(E, _T("setting filter parameters ")); retval = -1; } mScope->ScopeMutexRelease("SetupFilter"); return retval; } // FOR FEI SELECTRIS FILTER if (camParam->filterIsFEI) { double curWidth, curLoss, delOffset; int slitIsIn; try { SEMSetFunctionCalled("GetFilterState", " in advanced scripting"); mTD.scopePlugFuncs->GetFilterState(&slitIsIn, &curWidth, &curLoss); SEMSetFunctionCalled("", ""); if (filtParam->slitIn ? 1 : 0 != slitIsIn ? 1 : 0) { mTD.scopePlugFuncs->SetSlitIn(filtParam->slitIn ? 1 : 0); Sleep((DWORD)mGIFslitInOutDelay); } if (filtParam->slitIn && fabs(filtParam->slitWidth - curWidth) > 0.04) mTD.scopePlugFuncs->SetSlitWidth(filtParam->slitWidth); //loss = -mWinApp->mFilterControl.LossToApply(); delOffset = fabs(loss - curLoss); if (delOffset > 0.009) { mTD.scopePlugFuncs->SetEnergyShift(loss); if (delOffset < mGIFoffsetDelayCrit) Sleep((DWORD)(delayBase1 + delOffset * delaySlope1)); else Sleep((DWORD)(delayBase2 + delOffset * delaySlope2)); } retval = 0; } catch (_com_error E) { SEMReportCOMError(E, _T("setting filter parameters ")); retval = -1; } return retval; } // FOR CEOS FILTER if (mCEOSFilter) { BOOL slitIn; float curWidth, curLoss, delOffset; int mode; retval = mCEOSFilter->GetFilterMode(mode); if (!retval && mode > 0) return 1; if (!retval) retval = mCEOSFilter->GetSlitState(slitIn, curWidth); if (!retval && (!BOOL_EQUIV(slitIn, filtParam->slitIn) || fabs(filtParam->slitWidth - curWidth) > 0.04)) retval = mCEOSFilter->SetSlitState(filtParam->slitIn, filtParam->slitWidth); if (!retval && !BOOL_EQUIV(slitIn, filtParam->slitIn)) Sleep((DWORD)mGIFslitInOutDelay); if (!retval) { retval = mCEOSFilter->GetEnergyLoss(curLoss); delOffset = (float)fabs(loss - curLoss); if (!retval && delOffset > 0.009) { retval = mCEOSFilter->SetEnergyLoss((float)loss); if (!retval) { if (delOffset < mGIFoffsetDelayCrit) Sleep((DWORD)(delayBase1 + delOffset * delaySlope1)); else Sleep((DWORD)(delayBase2 + delOffset * delaySlope2)); } } } if (retval) { SEMMessageBox(CString("Error setting filter parameters: ") + mCEOSFilter->GetErrorString(retval)); return -1; } return 0; } // FOR GATAN FILTER if (!mDMInitialized[sGIFisSocket] && Initialize(INIT_GIF_CAMERA)) return -1; if (CreateCamera(CREATE_FOR_GIF)) return -1; SEMTrace('Z', "SetupFilter slit %d", filtParam->slitIn); // Exit with error if not in imaging mode command.Format("if (IFCGetFilterMode() == 0)\n" " Exit(1)\n" //" IFCSetFilterMode(1)\n" "%s" //"if (IFCGetOffsetOn() == 0)\n" //" IFCSetOffsetOn(1)\n" "number ap = IFCGetAperture()\n" "if (ap > 0 && ap != %d) {\n" " IFCSetAperture(%d)\n" " Delay(20)\n" // 5 was enough "}\n" "if (IFCGetSlitIn() != %d){\n" " IFCSetSlitIn(%d)\n" " Delay(%d)\n" "}\n" "if (abs(IFCGetSlitWidth() - %f) > %f)\n" " IFCSetSlitWidth(%f)\n" "number delOffset = abs(IFCGet%s() - (%f))\n" "if (delOffset > 0.1) {\n" " IFCSet%s(%f)\n" " if (delOffset < %f)\n" " Delay(%f + delOffset * %f)\n" " else\n" " Delay(%f + delOffset * %f)\n" "}\n", (LPCTSTR)setOffsetOn, mGIFBiggestAperture, mGIFBiggestAperture, filtParam->slitIn ? 1 : 0, filtParam->slitIn ? 1 : 0, mGIFslitInOutDelay, filtParam->slitWidth, filtParam->slitIn ? 0.1 : 1000., filtParam->slitWidth, (LPCTSTR)offsetFunc, loss, (LPCTSTR)offsetFunc, loss, mGIFoffsetDelayCrit, delayBase1, delaySlope1, delayBase2, delaySlope2); if (mParam->hasTVCamera && mTD.Camera >= 0) { command += "if (IFCGetTVIn() > 0)\n IFCSetTVIn(0)\n"; if (mAllParams[mActiveList[mTD.Camera]].useTVToUnblank) mAllParams[mActiveList[mTD.Camera]].useTVToUnblank = 1; } command += "Exit(0)\n"; try { retval = (int)EasyRunScript(command, 0, sGIFisSocket); } catch (_com_error E) { if (mFilterUpdateID) SEMReportCOMError(E, _T("executing script to set filter parameters ")); retval = -1; } ReleaseCamera(CREATE_FOR_GIF); return retval; } int CCameraController::CheckFilterSettings() { static DWORD eShiftTimes[MAX_ESHIFT_TIMES]; BOOL changed = false; double offset, width, eShift, timeDiff; int states, aperture; FilterParams *filtParam = mWinApp->GetFilterParams(); CameraParameters *camParam = &mAllParams[mActiveList[filtParam->firstGIFCamera]]; CString command; BOOL slitIn; BOOL tvIn; BOOL imageMode; int retval = 0; CString report; DWORD curTime = GetTickCount(); BOOL timingOut = curTime < mBackToImagingTime + 7000; if (mNoFilterControl) return 0; if (mSuspendFilterUpdates) return 0; if (mNumFiltCheckFailures > 0 && mSkipFiltCheckCount > 0) { mSkipFiltCheckCount--; return 0; } // Check if the ZLP was aligned in the FEI interface if (camParam->filterIsFEI) { if (mParam->FEItype && CameraBusy()) return 0; try { SEMSetFunctionCalled("GetZeroLossPeakShift", " in advanced scripting"); eShift = mTD.scopePlugFuncs->GetZeroLossPeakShift(); SEMSetFunctionCalled("", ""); if (fabs(eShift - filtParam->lastFeiZLPshift) > 0.0005) { filtParam->lastFeiZLPshift = (float)eShift; mWinApp->mFilterControl.AdjustForZLPAlign(); } } catch (_com_error E) { SetFilterSkipping(); return 3; } mNumFiltCheckFailures = 0; return 0; } if (mCEOSFilter) { float fwidth; retval = mCEOSFilter->GetFilterMode(states); imageMode = mWasSpectroscopy; if (!retval) imageMode = states == 0; if (!retval) retval = mCEOSFilter->GetSlitState(slitIn, fwidth); if (!retval && mScope->GetSimulationMode() && filtParam->slitIn) slitIn = true; if (!retval && !mWasSpectroscopy && imageMode && (!BOOL_EQUIV(slitIn, filtParam) || fabs(fwidth - filtParam->slitWidth) > 0.1)) { changed = !mIgnoreFilterDiffs; if (!timingOut && !mIgnoreFilterDiffs) { filtParam->slitWidth = fwidth; filtParam->slitIn = slitIn; } } if (retval) { SetFilterSkipping(); retval = 3; } } else { // Initialize the energy shift time table if (mShiftTimeIndex < 0) { mShiftTimeIndex = 0; for (int j = 0; j < MAX_ESHIFT_TIMES; j++) eShiftTimes[j] = 0; if (mNumZLPAlignChanges > MAX_ESHIFT_TIMES) mNumZLPAlignChanges = MAX_ESHIFT_TIMES; } if (!mDMInitialized[sGIFisSocket] || CameraBusy() || mCOMBusy || mTD.DoingTiltSums) return 1; if (CreateCamera(CREATE_FOR_GIF, false)) { SetFilterSkipping(); return 2; } try { if (GetDebugOutput('Z')) { MainCallDMIndCamera(sGIFisSocket, SetDebugMode(false)); } if (!mNoSpectrumOffset) { command = "Number offset = IFCGetSpectrumOffset()\nExit(offset)"; offset = EasyRunScript(command, 0, sGIFisSocket); } command = "Number retval = IFCGetSlitWidth() + 1000 * (IFCGetAperture() + " "8 * IFCGetTVIn() + 16 *IFCGetSlitIn() + 32 * IFCGetFilterMode())\nExit(retval)"; width = EasyRunScript(command, 0, sGIFisSocket); command = "Number shift = IFCGetEnergyShift()\nExit(shift)"; eShift = EasyRunScript(command, 0, sGIFisSocket); if (GetDebugOutput('Z')) { MainCallDMIndCamera(sGIFisSocket, SetDebugMode(true)); } states = (int)floor(width / 1000. + 0.1); width -= 1000. * states; aperture = states & 7; tvIn = (states & 8) > 0; slitIn = (states & 16) > 0; imageMode = (states & 32) > 0; // Change slit width unless in spectroscopy mode or just came out of it if (!mWasSpectroscopy && imageMode && fabs(width - filtParam->slitWidth) > 0.1) { changed = !mIgnoreFilterDiffs; if (!timingOut && !mIgnoreFilterDiffs) filtParam->slitWidth = (float)width; } // change slit in unless in spectroscopy mode or just came out of it if (!mWasSpectroscopy && imageMode && (slitIn && !filtParam->slitIn || !slitIn && filtParam->slitIn)) { changed = !mIgnoreFilterDiffs; if (!timingOut && !mIgnoreFilterDiffs) filtParam->slitIn = slitIn; } // If energy shift changed, record time and see if enough changes have happened if (imageMode && fabs(eShift - mLastEnergyShift) > 0.1 && !(mWinApp->mFilterTasks->RefiningZLP() || mWinApp->mFilterTasks->CalibratingMagShift())) { mLastEnergyShift = eShift; eShiftTimes[mShiftTimeIndex++] = curTime; mShiftTimeIndex %= MAX_ESHIFT_TIMES; timeDiff = 0.001 * curTime - 0.001 * eShiftTimes[(mShiftTimeIndex + MAX_ESHIFT_TIMES - mNumZLPAlignChanges) % MAX_ESHIFT_TIMES]; SEMTrace('Z', "Energy shift change to %.1f at %.3f, %d-change time %.3f", eShift, 0.001 * (curTime % 3600000), mNumZLPAlignChanges, timeDiff); if (timeDiff > 0. && timeDiff <= mMinZLPAlignInterval) mWinApp->mFilterControl.AdjustForZLPAlign(); } // Do not touch energy loss - just let it be asserted by imaging // Change energy loss if not in spectroscopy and TV is out /*if (imageMode && !tvIn && fabs(offset - filtParam->energyLoss) > 0.1) { changed = true; filtParam->energyLoss = (float)offset; } */ // If the TV camera has been retracted, make sure flag is set to put it back in // for using the other camera if (camParam->hasTVCamera && camParam->useTVToUnblank && !tvIn) camParam->useTVToUnblank = 1; } catch (_com_error E) { SetFilterSkipping(); retval = 3; } ReleaseCamera(CREATE_FOR_GIF); } if (changed && !timingOut) { mWinApp->mFilterControl.UpdateSettings(); SEMTrace('Z', "Settings changed"); } // The first time back from spectroscopy, reassert the filter params for slit etc if (!retval && imageMode && (mWasSpectroscopy || (timingOut && changed))) { SetupFilter(); SEMTrace('Z', "Reasserting settings"); } if (mWasSpectroscopy && imageMode) mBackToImagingTime = curTime; mWasSpectroscopy = !imageMode; if (!retval) mNumFiltCheckFailures = 0; return retval; } // If there is a failure checking the filter, increment the count of consecutive failures // and make it skip 1, 2, or 10 times between updates void CCameraController::SetFilterSkipping() { mNumFiltCheckFailures++; mSkipFiltCheckCount = mNumFiltCheckFailures >= 3 ? 10 : mNumFiltCheckFailures; if (mNumFiltCheckFailures == 3) mWinApp->AppendToLog("WARNING: Checking the energy filter has failed 3 times in a " "row; it will be tried only every 5 seconds until it succeeds"); } // Functions for quick access from elsewhere int CCameraController::GetEDMDutyPercent(float &pct) { CString errStr; if (!mDoseModulator) return 1; return mDoseModulator->GetDutyPercent(pct, errStr); } float CCameraController::LastEDMDutyPercent() { return mDoseModulator ? mDoseModulator->GetLastDutyPctSet() : 100.0f; } // This is meant to be called from inside a try block double CCameraController::EasyRunScript(CString command, int selectCamera, int DMindex) { double scriptRet; long strSize = command.GetLength() / 4 + 1; long *strTemp = new long[strSize]; sprintf((char *)strTemp, "%s", (LPCTSTR)command); try { MainCallDMIndCamera(DMindex, ExecuteScript(strSize, strTemp, selectCamera, &scriptRet)); } // This is need to avoid leaking the strTemp when there is no filter control catch (_com_error E) { _com_error E2 = E; delete strTemp; throw E2; } delete strTemp; return scriptRet; } BOOL CCameraController::IsCameraFaux() { return(mParam->name.Find("Faux") >= 0 || mParam->name.Find("Simulation") >= 0 || mParam->name.Find("None") >= 0 || mScope->GetSimulationMode()); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TIETZ CAMERA RELATED ROUTINES //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Lock Tietz camera and initialize all that have not failed previously int CCameraController::LockInitializeTietz(BOOL firstTime) { int nlist = mWinApp->GetActiveCamListSize(); int i, ind, err, chipX, chipY, idum; double minPixel, rotInc, ddum, pixelInc; int numGain, xsize, ysize; CString report; CameraParameters *camP; // Try to initialize every camera in active list, record failures for (i = 0; i < nlist; i++) { ind = mActiveList[i]; camP = &mAllParams[ind]; if (camP->TietzType && !camP->failedToInitialize) { err = mPlugFuncs[ind]->InitializeCamera(camP->TietzType); if (err) { report = mPlugFuncs[ind]->GetLastErrorString(); if (err != TIETZ_NO_LOCK) { if (firstTime) report += "\n\nTietz camera " + camP->name + " is in the active camera list\n" "but could not be initialized, so it will be unavailable."; else report += "\n\nTietz camera " + camP->name + " could not be reinitialized\n" "after getting the camera lock back\n\nDo not try to use it!"; } AfxMessageBox(report, MB_EXCLAME); if (err == TIETZ_NO_LOCK) return 1; camP->failedToInitialize = true; } else if (camP->STEMcamera) { mPlugFuncs[ind]->GetSTEMProperties(camP->sizeX, mTietzScanCoordRange, &minPixel, &camP->maxPixelTime, &pixelInc, &rotInc, &ddum, &camP->maxIntegration, &idum); if (camP->pixelTimeIncrement <= 0. && pixelInc > 0) camP->pixelTimeIncrement = pixelInc; if (camP->minPixelTime <= 0.) { if (minPixel > 0) camP->minPixelTime = (float)minPixel; else camP->minPixelTime = -mAllParams[i].minPixelTime; } } else { if (camP->LowestGainIndex < 0) camP->LowestGainIndex = (camP->TietzType >= MIN_XF416_TYPE) ? 2 : 1; numGain = mPlugFuncs[ind]->GetNumberOfGains(); if (numGain > 0) { B3DCLAMP(camP->TietzGainIndex, camP->LowestGainIndex, numGain + camP->LowestGainIndex - 1); err = mPlugFuncs[ind]->SetGainIndex(camP->TietzGainIndex); } if (numGain < 0 || err) AfxMessageBox(mPlugFuncs[ind]->GetLastErrorString(), MB_EXCLAME); if (camP->TietzImageGeometry >= 0 && mPlugFuncs[ind]->SetRotationFlip(camP->TietzType, camP->TietzImageGeometry)) AfxMessageBox(mPlugFuncs[ind]->GetLastErrorString(), MB_EXCLAME); if (!camP->TietzBlocks) { if (mPlugFuncs[ind]->GetCameraSize(&xsize, &ysize)) ReportOnSizeCheck(mActiveList[i], -1, -1); else ReportOnSizeCheck(mActiveList[i], xsize, ysize); } if (camP->cropFullSizeImages) { chipX = TIETZ_ROTATING(camP) ? camP->sizeY : camP->sizeX; chipY = TIETZ_ROTATING(camP) ? camP->sizeX : camP->sizeY; if (camP->TietzBlocks) { chipX = camP->TietzBlocks * (chipX / camP->TietzBlocks); chipY = camP->TietzBlocks * (chipY / camP->TietzBlocks); } if (mPlugFuncs[ind]->SetSizeOfCamera(camP->TietzType, chipX, chipY)) { camP->cropFullSizeImages = 0; AfxMessageBox("Error in TietzPlugin setting parameters required for " "cropping full sized image; that feature will be unavailable", MB_EXCLAME); } } } } } return 0; } // Switch the camera that left the beam on back to beam shutter int CCameraController::SwitchTeitzToBeamShutter(int cam) { if (mPlugFuncs[cam]->SelectCamera(mCameraWithBeamOn)) { AfxMessageBox("Error selecting last active Tietz camera in order to close film " "shutter", MB_EXCLAME); return 1; } if (mPlugFuncs[cam]->SelectShutter(USE_BEAM_BLANK)) { AfxMessageBox(_T("Error closing film shutter of last Tietz camera "), MB_EXCLAME); return 1; } mCameraWithBeamOn = 0; SEMTrace('Z', "Closed film shutter of last Tietz camera"); return 0; } // Compute the actual time of beam on specimen for common cases, or just the exposure // time excluding drift if optional excludeDrift is true. float CCameraController::SpecimenBeamExposure(int camera, ControlSet *conSet, BOOL excludeDrift) { return SpecimenBeamExposure(camera, conSet->exposure, conSet->drift, excludeDrift); } float CCameraController::SpecimenBeamExposure(int camera, float exposure, float drift, BOOL excludeDrift) { CameraParameters *camP = mAllParams + camera; drift = excludeDrift ? 0 : drift; // For older Gatan camera, enforce minimum drift settling and add extra time if (drift && camP->GatanCam && !camP->K2Type && !camP->OneViewType) { if (drift < camP->minimumDrift) drift = camP->minimumDrift; drift += camP->extraBeamTime; } // Subtract dead time but do not return negative number drift += exposure - camP->deadTime; if (drift <= 0.) drift = 0.0001f; return drift; } void CCameraController::SetupBeamScan(ControlSet *conSetp) { float specY, minY, maxY, totalY; double umPerMs; int top, left, bottom, right; CString message; int camera = mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera(); int magInd = mScope->GetMagIndex(); float pixel = mShiftManager->GetPixelSize(camera, magInd); double angle = mScope->GetTiltAngle(); double tanAng = tan(DTOR * angle); ScaleMat ca2sp = mShiftManager->CameraToSpecimen(magInd); ScaleMat IS2sp = mShiftManager->IStoSpecimen(magInd); ScaleMat sp2bs = mShiftManager->MatMul(mShiftManager->MatInv(IS2sp), mTD.IStoBS); mCenterFocus = mScope->GetDefocus(); mScope->GetBeamShift(mCenterBeamX, mCenterBeamY); // Convert frame to unbinned pixels relative to center top = mTop * mBinning - mParam->sizeY / 2; bottom = mBottom * mBinning - mParam->sizeY / 2; left = mLeft * mBinning - mParam->sizeX / 2; right = mRight * mBinning - mParam->sizeX / 2; // Find Y specimen displacement of corners of frame and thus the min and max Y minY = 10000.; maxY = -10000.; specY = ca2sp.ypx * left + ca2sp.ypy * top; minY = minY < specY ? minY : specY; maxY = maxY > specY ? maxY : specY; specY = ca2sp.ypx * left + ca2sp.ypy * bottom; minY = minY < specY ? minY : specY; maxY = maxY > specY ? maxY : specY; specY = ca2sp.ypx * right + ca2sp.ypy * top; minY = minY < specY ? minY : specY; maxY = maxY > specY ? maxY : specY; specY = ca2sp.ypx * right + ca2sp.ypy * bottom; minY = minY < specY ? minY : specY; maxY = maxY > specY ? maxY : specY; // get starting Y and total Y extent of scan and rate of movement in micron/ms specY = minY - (float)(pixel * (mScanMargin + mBeamWidth / 2.)); totalY = maxY + (float)(pixel * (mScanMargin + mBeamWidth / 2.)) - specY; umPerMs = 0.001 * pixel * mBeamWidth / mExposure; // Set up the scan time and focus and beam at start and per ms mTD.ScanTime = totalY / umPerMs; mTD.FocusBase = mCenterFocus - minY * tanAng; mTD.BeamBaseX = mCenterBeamX + minY * sp2bs.xpy; mTD.BeamBaseY = mCenterBeamY + minY * sp2bs.ypy; mTD.FocusPerMs = -umPerMs * tanAng; mTD.BeamPerMsX = umPerMs * sp2bs.xpy; mTD.BeamPerMsY = umPerMs * sp2bs.ypy; mTD.ScanSleep = mScanSleep; // Set up start delay and true exposure time mTD.ScanDelay = (int)(1000. * (mParam->startupDelay + mParam->builtInSettling + conSetp->drift + mParam->extraBeamTime)); mExposure = 0.001 * mTD.ScanTime + conSetp->drift + 2 * mParam->extraBeamTime; mTD.ShutterMode = mParam->beamShutter; mTD.PostActionTime = 0; if (mStageQueued || mISQueued || mBeamTiltQueued || mMagQueued || mAstigQueued || mDefocusQueued) mTD.PostActionTime = (int)(1000. * mParam->extraBeamTime); SEMTrace('Z', "Start Y %.3f Total Y %.3f Delay %d Total Time %.1f Exposure %.3f" , specY, totalY, mTD.ScanDelay, mTD.ScanTime, mExposure); } // Set up parameters for doing dynamic focus void CCameraController::SetupDynamicFocus(int numIntervals, double msPerLine, float flyback, float startup) { double startY, startZ; float refZ, refFocus, rampZ, startFocus; CString message; int i, tableInd; int camera = mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera(); float pixel = mShiftManager->GetPixelSize(camera, mMagBefore); float defocusToDelZ = mWinApp->mFocusManager->GetSTEMdefocusToDelZ(-1); // Get the rotation angle of the native scan before any operations on image, // and invert the tangent of the angle if it is 180. This will adjust both the // starting Z and the change in Z during the scan double nativeRotation = mParam->imageRotation - (mParam->rotationFlip % 4) * 90.; double tanAng = tan(DTOR * mTiltBefore + mDynFocusTiltOffset) * (mParam->invertFocusRamp ? -1. : 1.); if (fabs(UtilGoodAngle(nativeRotation)) > 90.) tanAng = -tanAng; mCenterFocus = mScope->GetDefocus(); // The specimen Y at the start of the scan in an unrotated image; and the true // starting Z, adjusted for possible 180 degree rotation startY = 0.5 * mTD.DMSizeY * mBinning * pixel * (numIntervals + 1.) / numIntervals; startZ = startY * tanAng; mTD.FocusBase = mCenterFocus + startZ / defocusToDelZ; mTD.JeolOLtoUm = mScope->GetJeol_OLfine_to_um() * mScope->GetJeolSTEMdefocusFac(); mTD.FocusPerMs = -mBinning * pixel * tanAng / (msPerLine * defocusToDelZ); mTD.PostActionTime = (int)(1000. * mExposure + mTD.DMSizeY * flyback / 1000.); mTD.ScanDelay = (int)(1000. * startup); mTD.IndexPerMs = MAX_RAMP_STEPS / (1.07 * mTD.PostActionTime); if (FEIscope) { // For FEI, setup the default ramp, then look for a calibration table for (i = 0; i < MAX_RAMP_STEPS; i++) mTD.rampTable[i] = (float)((i / mTD.IndexPerMs) * mTD.FocusPerMs); tableInd = mWinApp->mFocusManager->FindFocusZTable(mScope->GetSpotSize(), mScope->GetProbeMode()); if (tableInd >= 0) { // These are Z and defocus in the table corresponding to the center position refZ = mWinApp->mFocusManager->LookupZFromAbsFocus(tableInd, (float)mScope->GetFocus()); refFocus = mWinApp->mFocusManager->LookupDefocusFromZ(tableInd, refZ); // Revise the base focus: change in focus is the focus in the table at the starting // Z (plus reference Z) minus the focus at the reference Z startFocus = mWinApp->mFocusManager->LookupDefocusFromZ(tableInd, refZ + (float)startZ); mTD.FocusBase = mCenterFocus + startFocus - refFocus; // For each step of ramp, get the Z to look up in the table, and get the change in // focus from the start for (i = 0; i < MAX_RAMP_STEPS; i++) { rampZ = (float)(refZ + startZ - (i / mTD.IndexPerMs) * mBinning * pixel * tanAng / msPerLine); mTD.rampTable[i] = mWinApp->mFocusManager->LookupDefocusFromZ(tableInd, rampZ) - startFocus; } } } SEMTrace('s', "Center focus %.2f base focus %.2f numInt %d focusPerMs %f indexPerMs" " %f", mCenterFocus, mTD.FocusBase, numIntervals, mTD.FocusPerMs, mTD.IndexPerMs); // Take negative to blank at end after ALL use of this here is done if (mRamperBlankAtEnd) mTD.IndexPerMs = -mTD.IndexPerMs; } BOOL CCameraController::CreateFocusRamper(void) { HRESULT hr = CoCreateInstance(__uuidof(CoFocusRamper), NULL, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER, __uuidof(IFocusRamper), (LPVOID *)&mTD.FocusRamper); mRamperInstance = SUCCEEDED(hr); return SEMTestHResult(hr, "Creating instance of FocusRamper"); } // Sets up to use focus ramper for an externally acquired scan int CCameraController::ExternalSetupDynFocus(float exposure, int xSize, int ySize, int binning) { float flyback = mParam->flyback; double msPerLine; int ind; CString mess; float startupDelay = mParam->startupDelay; mExposure = exposure; mBinning = binning; mTD.DMSizeY = ySize; mTD.DMSizeX = xSize; mMagBefore = mScope->GetMagIndex(); mTiltBefore = (float)mScope->GetTiltAngle(); if (mParam->FEItype) mWinApp->mCalibTiming->FlybackTimeFromTable(mBinning, mTD.DMSizeX, mMagBefore, exposure, flyback, startupDelay, &mess); ind = DynamicFocusOK(exposure, ySize, flyback, mTD.DynFocusInterval, msPerLine); if (!ind) return 1; SetupDynamicFocus(ind, msPerLine, flyback, startupDelay); return 0; } // Set time for post-exposure actions; set up test blanking if extra beam time negative void CCameraController::SetNonGatanPostActionTime(void) { mTD.PostActionTime = 0; if (!mScope->GetInitialized()) { mTD.UnblankTime = mTD.ReblankTime = 0; return; } if (mParam->extraBeamTime < 0.) { mTD.UnblankTime = B3DNINT(1000. * mParam->startupDelay); if (!mTD.UnblankTime) mTD.UnblankTime = 1; } if (mStageQueued || mISQueued || mBeamTiltQueued || mMagQueued || mAstigQueued || mDefocusQueued || (mDriftISQueued && mBeamWidth <= 0.)) { mTD.PostActionTime = (int)(1000. * (mParam->startupDelay + mExposure + mTD.DMsettling + mParam->extraBeamTime)); // If there is a post-action for a DE or Falcon, it is solely so that frames can be // aligned here; so set it not to happen until the image is returned if (mParam->FEItype || mParam->DE_camType >= 2) mTD.PostActionTime += 60000; } } int CCameraController::GetArrayForImage(CameraThreadData *td, size_t &arrSize, int index) { short int *temp; arrSize = ((size_t)td->DMSizeX + 4) * (td->DMSizeY + 4) * (td->ImageType == kFLOAT ? 2 : 1); NewArray(temp, short int, arrSize); if (!temp) { DeferMessage(td, "Failed to get memory for image!"); return 1; } if (index < 0) td->PartialArrays[-(index + 1)] = temp; else td->Array[index] = temp; return 0; } int CCameraController::GetArrayForReference(CameraThreadData *td, DarkRef *ref, size_t &arrSize, CString strGainDark) { char *arrtmp; arrSize = ((size_t)ref->SizeX + 4) * (ref->SizeY + 4); if (!ref->Array) { NewArray(arrtmp, char, arrSize * ref->ByteSize); ref->Array = (void *)arrtmp; if (!ref->Array) { DeferMessage(td, "Cannot get memory for " + strGainDark + " reference"); return 1; } } return 0; } int CCameraController::GetSizeCopyFEIimage(CameraThreadData *td, SAFEARRAY * psa, void * array, int imageType, int divideBy2, int sizeX, int sizeY, int messInd) { long width, height, retval = 0; char *messText[] = {"Image", "Dark reference", "STEM channel"}; CString message; HRESULT hr = SafeArrayGetUBound(psa, 1, &width); if (CCTestHResult(td, hr, "getting SafeArray X upper bound")) return 1; hr = SafeArrayGetUBound(psa, 2, &height); if (CCTestHResult(td, hr, "getting SafeArray Y upper bound")) return 1; width++; height++; SEMTrace('E', "SA width %d height %d", width, height); // Check the size, try to copy the image. if (width != sizeX || height != sizeY) { B3DCLAMP(messInd, 0, 2); message.Format("%s is %d by %d, not the expected size of %d by %d", messText[messInd], width, height, sizeX, sizeY); DeferMessage(td, message); retval = 1; } else retval = CopyFEIimage(td, psa, array, width, height, td->ImageType, td->DivideBy2); hr = SafeArrayDestroy(psa); CCTestHResult(td, hr, "destroying SAFEARRAY from FEI camera"); return retval; } int CCameraController::CopyFEIimage(CameraThreadData *td, SAFEARRAY * psa, void * array, int sizeX, int sizeY, int imageType, int divideBy2) { // I2, UI2, and I4 are allowed // I2 and UI2 without divide is a straight copy if type matches // I4 needs a check // divide always goes to signed data, not divide can be signed or unsigned VARTYPE pvt; void HUGEP *pdata; short *sin, *sout; unsigned short *usin, *usout; int *intin; short sval; unsigned short usval; int ival, i, j; if (!psa) { DeferMessage(td, "Got a null safearray from FEI camera"); return 4; } HRESULT hr = SafeArrayGetVartype(psa, &pvt); if (CCTestHResult(td, hr, _T("Failed to get type of safe array from FEI camera "))) return 1; if (pvt != VT_I2 && pvt != VT_UI2 && pvt != VT_I4) { DeferMessage(td, "FEI camera returned unsupported type of data"); return 2; } hr = SafeArrayAccessData(psa, &pdata); if (CCTestHResult(td, hr, _T("Failed to get access to safe array from FEI camera "))) return 3; if (!pdata) return 4; // Get all possible pointers for input and output sout = (short *)array; usout = (unsigned short *)array; SEMTrace('E', "going to process %x %x %d %d %d %d", pdata, array, pvt, VT_I2, VT_UI2, VT_I4); for (j = 0; j < sizeY; j++) { if (divideBy2) { // Divide by 2 output is always signed switch (pvt) { case VT_I2: sin = (short *)pdata + sizeX * j; for (i = 0; i < sizeX; i++) *sout++ = *sin++ / 2; break; case VT_UI2: usin = (unsigned short *)pdata + sizeX * j; for (i = 0; i < sizeX; i++) *sout++ = (short)(*usin++ / 2); break; case VT_I4: intin = (int *)pdata + sizeX * j; for (i = 0; i < sizeX; i++) { ival = (*intin++) / 2; ival = B3DMIN(32767, ival); *sout++ = B3DMAX(-32768, ival); } break; } } else if (imageType == kSHORT) { // Otherwise, also signed output switch (pvt) { case VT_I2: sin = (short *)pdata + sizeX * j; for (i = 0; i < sizeX; i++) *sout++ = *sin++; break; case VT_UI2: usin = (unsigned short *)pdata + sizeX * j; for (i = 0; i < sizeX; i++) { usval = *usin++; *sout++ = (short)B3DMIN(32767, usval); } break; case VT_I4: intin = (int *)pdata + sizeX * j; for (i = 0; i < sizeX; i++) { ival = *intin++; ival = B3DMIN(32767, ival); *sout++ = B3DMAX(-32768, ival); } break; } } else { // And unsigned output switch (pvt) { case VT_I2: sin = (short *)pdata + sizeX * j; for (i = 0; i < sizeX; i++) { sval = *sin++; *usout++ = (unsigned short)B3DMAX(0, sval); } break; case VT_UI2: usin = (unsigned short *)pdata + sizeX * j; for (i = 0; i < sizeX; i++) *usout++ = *usin++; break; case VT_I4: intin = (int *)pdata + sizeX * j; for (i = 0; i < sizeX; i++) { ival = *intin++; ival = B3DMIN(65535, ival); *usout++ = B3DMAX(0, ival); } break; } } } hr = SafeArrayUnaccessData(psa); return 0; } // Acquire an image from FEI camera with given settling and corrections int CCameraController::AcquireFEIimage(CameraThreadData *td, void *array, int correction, double settling, int sizeX, int sizeY, int messInd) { if (!FEIscope) return 0; CString message; long retval = 0, index = 0; static bool needFalconShutter = true; bool advanced = (td->CamFlags & PLUGFEI_USES_ADVANCED) != 0; int saveFrames = -1; DWORD ticks = GetTickCount(); if (td->SaveFrames && (td->CamFlags & PLUGFEI_CAM_CONTIN_SAVE)) saveFrames = -1 - B3DNINT(td->Exposure / td->FrameTime); if (td->scopePlugFuncs->BeginThreadAccess(2, advanced ? PLUGFEI_MAKE_NOBASIC : 0)) { DeferMessage(td, "Error creating second instance of microscope object\n" " for acquiring image"); SEMErrorOccurred(1); return 1; } if (advanced) { SEMTrace('E', "Calling ASIacquireFromcamera %p %d %d %f %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d " "%x %f", array, sizeX, sizeY, td->Exposure, messInd, td->Binning, td->restrictedSize, td->ImageType, td->DivideBy2, td->eagleIndex, (td->CamFlags & PLUGFEI_CAN_DOSE_FRAC) ? td->SaveFrames : saveFrames, td->GatanReadMode, (td->CamFlags & PLUGFEI_CAM_CAN_ALIGN) ? td->AlignFrames : -1, td->FEIacquireFlags, td->CountScaling); retval = td->scopePlugFuncs->ASIacquireFromCamera(array, sizeX, sizeY, td->Exposure, messInd, td->Binning, td->restrictedSize, td->ImageType, td->DivideBy2, td->eagleIndex, (td->CamFlags & PLUGFEI_CAN_DOSE_FRAC) ? td->SaveFrames : saveFrames, td->GatanReadMode, (td->CamFlags & PLUGFEI_CAM_CAN_ALIGN) ? td->AlignFrames : -1, td->FEIacquireFlags, 0, 0, td->CountScaling, 0.); } else retval = td->scopePlugFuncs->AcquireFEIimage(array, sizeX, sizeY, correction, td->Exposure, settling, messInd, td->Binning, td->restrictedSize, td->ImageType, td->DivideBy2, &td->eagleIndex, (LPCTSTR)td->cameraName, td->checkFEIname, td->FEItype, td->oneFEIshutter, td->FauxCamera, &td->startingFEIshutter); if (retval) message = td->scopePlugFuncs->GetLastErrorString(); td->scopePlugFuncs->EndThreadAccess(2); // Workaround for a problem on a simulator if (retval == 2 && td->scopeSimulation && message.Find("Cable::Exception") > 0) retval = 0; if (retval == 2 && td->MakeFEIerrorTimeout) { // Turn into a timeout SEMTrace('1', "COM Error from FEI Camera, turning into a timeout by sleeping %d", td->cameraTimeout + td->blankerTimeout + 3000); delete [] td->Array[0]; td->Array[0] = NULL; Sleep(td->cameraTimeout + td->blankerTimeout + 3000); } if (retval) { DeferMessage(td, message); SEMErrorOccurred(retval); } return retval; } // Acquire a set of STEM images from FEI int CCameraController::AcquireFEIchannels(CameraThreadData * td, int sizeX, int sizeY) { if (JEOLscope) return 0; CString message; long chan, ind, numAlloc, retval = 0, numAdded = 0, numCopied = 0; size_t arrSize; DWORD ticks = GetTickCount(); const char *chanNames[MAX_STEM_CHANNELS]; SEMTrace('E', "Entering AcquireFEIchannels"); if (!td->UseUtapi && td->scopePlugFuncs->BeginThreadAccess(2, 0)) { DeferMessage(td, "Error creating second instance of microscope object\n" " for acquiring image"); SEMErrorOccurred(1); return 1; } for (chan = 0; chan < td->NumChannels; chan++) { chanNames[chan] = (const char *)(LPCTSTR)td->ChannelName[chan]; if (chan && GetArrayForImage(td, arrSize, chan)) { SEMErrorOccurred(1); retval = 1; break; } } numAlloc = chan; if (!retval && td->UseUtapi && td->ReturnPartialScan == 2) { for (chan = 0; chan < td->NumChannels; chan++) { if (GetArrayForImage(td, arrSize, -(chan + 1))) { SEMErrorOccurred(1); retval = 1; for (ind = 0; ind < chan; ind++) DELETE_ARR(td->PartialArrays[ind]); break; } memset(td->PartialArrays[chan], 0, arrSize * sizeof(short)); } } if (!retval) { if (td->UseUtapi) { SEMTrace('E', "%s %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %f %f %d %d %d", chanNames[0], td->NumChannels, td->CallSizeX, td->CallSizeY, td->fullSizeX, td->fullSizeY, td->Top, td->Left, td->PixelTime, td->STEMrotation * DTOR, td->ImageType, td->DivideBy2, td->PlugSTEMacquireFlags); retval = td->scopePlugFuncs->UtapiAcquireSTEMimage( td->ReturnPartialScan ? &td->PartialArrays[0] : &td->Array[0], &chanNames[0], td->NumChannels, &numCopied, td->CallSizeX, td->CallSizeY, td->fullSizeX, td->fullSizeY, td->Top, td->Left, td->PixelTime, td->STEMrotation * DTOR, td->ImageType, td->DivideBy2, td->PlugSTEMacquireFlags, 0.); if (td->ReturnPartialScan > 0 && numCopied < 0) { td->ReturnPartialScan = -td->ReturnPartialScan; } numCopied = B3DABS(numCopied); if (numCopied && td->ReturnPartialScan) { for (chan = 0; chan < numCopied; chan++) memcpy(td->Array[chan], td->PartialArrays[chan], td->CallSizeX * td->CallSizeY * sizeof(short)); } } else { retval = td->scopePlugFuncs->AcquireFEIchannels(&td->Array[0], &chanNames[0], td->NumChannels, &numCopied, sizeX, sizeY, td->PixelTime, td->STEMrotation * DTOR, td->Binning, td->restrictedSize, td->ImageType, td->DivideBy2); } if (retval) DeferMessage(td, CString(td->scopePlugFuncs->GetLastErrorString())); } if (!td->UseUtapi) td->scopePlugFuncs->EndThreadAccess(2); // Return value 2 means numCopied is correct if (retval && retval != 2) numCopied = 0; // Clean up unused arrays for (chan = numCopied; chan < numAlloc; chan++) { delete td->Array[chan]; td->Array[chan] = NULL; } if (!numCopied) return 1; // Issue a message about not enough channels if there has been no other message if (!retval && numCopied < td->NumChannels) { message.Format("STEM data were acquired from only %d detectors, not the %d requested", numCopied, td->NumChannels); DeferMessage(td, message); } td->NumChannels = numCopied; return 0; } // Make a "best effort" to restore an original shutter setting of Eagle camera void CCameraController::RestoreFEIshutter(void) { if (mTD.startingFEIshutter == VALUE_NOT_SET) return; // Loop on the cameras to find the Eagle or other shuttering camera and try to reset // the shutter with it for (int cam = 0; cam < mWinApp->GetNumActiveCameras(); cam++) { CameraParameters *camP = &mAllParams[mActiveList[cam]]; if (camP->FEItype == EAGLE_TYPE && !camP->STEMcamera && !mScope->LookupScriptingCamera(camP, false, mTD.startingFEIshutter)) { mTD.startingFEIshutter = VALUE_NOT_SET; return; } } } void CCameraController::TestGainFactor(short * array, int sizeX, int sizeY, int binning) { if (!mWinApp->GetTestGainFactors()) return; float factor = mWinApp->GetGainFactor(mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera(), binning); if (factor == 1.) return; for (int i = 0; i < sizeX * sizeY; i++) array[i] = (short)(factor * array[i]); } // AMT camera specific managing of beam blanking void CCameraController::SetAMTblanking() { if (mDMInitialized[AMT_IND] && mParam->AMTtype) SetAMTblanking(mScope->GetScreenPos() == spUp); } void CCameraController::SetAMTblanking(bool blank) { try { if (mDMInitialized[AMT_IND] && mParam->AMTtype) { SEMTrace('1', "SetAMTblanking, blank = %d, screendownmode = %d, sending %d", blank ? 1 : 0, mScreenDownMode ? 1 : 0, (blank || mScreenDownMode) ? -1 : 0); mTD.amtCam->SetShutterNormallyClosed(mTD.SelectCamera, (blank || mScreenDownMode) ? -1 : 0); } } catch (_com_error E) { SEMReportCOMError(E, _T("setting blanking state of AMT camera ")); } } CString CCameraController::CurrentSetName(void) { int nameInd = mLastConSet; int useForRec = RECORD_CONSET; if (mLastConSet == MONTAGE_CONSET) { nameInd = useForRec; MontParam *montp = mWinApp->GetMontParam(); if (montp->useMontMapParams && !mWinApp->GetUseRecordForMontage()) useForRec = MONT_USER_CONSET; else if (montp->usePrevInLowDose) useForRec = PREVIEW_CONSET; } if (mLastConSet == MONTAGE_CONSET && mWinApp->LowDoseMode()) { nameInd = ConSetToLDArea(mLastConSet); if (nameInd == SEARCH_AREA) nameInd = SEARCH_CONSET; if (mLastConSet == PREVIEW_CONSET) nameInd = PREVIEW_CONSET; } if (nameInd == RECORD_CONSET) nameInd = useForRec; CString *modeNamep = mWinApp->GetModeNames() + nameInd; return *modeNamep; } // Queue drift compensation by image shift with a drift rate in nm/s or unbinned pixel/s void CCameraController::QueueDriftRate(double driftX, double driftY, bool convertPixels) { int magInd, camera; double pixel; if (convertPixels) { // Convert pixels to nanometers at the current mag magInd = mScope->FastMagIndex(); camera = mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera(); pixel = 1000. * mShiftManager->GetPixelSize(camera, magInd); driftX *= pixel; driftY *= pixel; } mDriftXnmPerSec = (float)driftX; mDriftYnmPerSec = (float)driftY; mDriftISQueued = true; } // Set up drift compensation with IS, or handle all the flags if not doing it void CCameraController::SetupDriftWithIS(void) { ScaleMat aMat, aInv; double pixel; mTD.DriftISinterval = 0; if (mDriftISQueued && mBeamWidth <= 0.) { // 1000 converts micron pixel to nanometers, times 1000 convert drift per sec to msec pixel = 1.e6 * mShiftManager->GetPixelSize(mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera(), mMagBefore); aMat = mShiftManager->IStoCamera(mMagBefore); // If the scaling exists, convert nm back to pixels and set flag and properties if (aMat.xpx && pixel) { aInv = MatInv(aMat); mTD.ISperMsX = (mDriftXnmPerSec * aInv.xpx + mDriftYnmPerSec * aInv.xpy) / pixel; mTD.ISperMsY = (mDriftXnmPerSec * aInv.ypx + mDriftYnmPerSec * aInv.ypy) / pixel; mTD.DriftISinterval = mDriftISinterval; } } mDriftISQueued = false; } // Call SEMReportCOMError but save the error message and set flag for later message box void CCameraController::CCReportCOMError(CameraThreadData *td, _com_error E, CString inString) { if (td->errFlag) SEMReportCOMError(E, inString); else SEMReportCOMError(E, inString, &td->errMess); td->errFlag++; } // Call SEMTestHResult but save the error message and set flag BOOL CCameraController::CCTestHResult(CameraThreadData *td, HRESULT hr, CString inString) { return SEMTestHResult(hr, inString, &td->errMess, &td->errFlag); } // Save a message to be put up later void CCameraController::DeferMessage(CameraThreadData *td, CString inString) { if (!td->errFlag) td->errMess = inString; td->errFlag++; } // Convert program/user coordinates to coordinates on Tietz CCD chip void CCameraController::UserToTietzCCD(int geometry, int binning, int &camSizeX, int &camSizeY, int &imSizeX, int &imSizeY, int &top, int &left, int &bottom, int &right) { if (geometry & 16) CorDefRotateCoordsCCW(binning, camSizeX, camSizeY, imSizeX, imSizeY, top, left, bottom, right); if (geometry & 8) { CorDefMirrorCoords(binning, camSizeY, top, bottom); CorDefMirrorCoords(binning, camSizeX, left, right); } if (geometry & 4) CorDefRotateCoordsCW(binning, camSizeX, camSizeY, imSizeX, imSizeY, top, left, bottom, right); if (geometry & 2) CorDefMirrorCoords(binning, camSizeX, left, right); if (geometry & 1) CorDefMirrorCoords(binning, camSizeY, top, bottom); } // COnvert coordinates on Tietz chip back to user coordinates void CCameraController::TietzCCDtoUser(int geometry, int binning, int &camSizeX, int &camSizeY, int &imSizeX, int &imSizeY, int &top, int &left, int &bottom, int &right) { if (geometry & 1) CorDefMirrorCoords(binning, camSizeY, top, bottom); if (geometry & 2) CorDefMirrorCoords(binning, camSizeX, left, right); if (geometry & 4) CorDefRotateCoordsCCW(binning, camSizeX, camSizeY, imSizeX, imSizeY, top, left, bottom, right); if (geometry & 8) { CorDefMirrorCoords(binning, camSizeY, top, bottom); CorDefMirrorCoords(binning, camSizeX, left, right); } if (geometry & 16) CorDefRotateCoordsCW(binning, camSizeX, camSizeY, imSizeX, imSizeY, top, left, bottom, right); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Various Support Routines //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CCameraController::SetupNewDarkRef(int inSet, double exposure) { mDarkp = new DarkRef; mDarkp->ByteSize = (mTD.ImageType == kFLOAT && !mTD.NeedFrameDarkRef) ? 4 : 2; mDarkp->GainDark = DARK_REFERENCE; mDarkp->Binning = mBinning; mDarkp->Camera = mTD.Camera; mDarkp->SizeX = mDMsizeX; mDarkp->SizeY = mDMsizeY; mDarkp->Top = mTop; mDarkp->Left = mLeft; mDarkp->Bottom = mBottom; mDarkp->Right = mRight; mDarkp->Exposure = exposure; mDarkp->Delay = mDelay; mDarkp->UseCount = mUseCount; mDarkp->Array = NULL; mDarkp->ConSetUsed = inSet; mDarkp->xOffset = 0; mDarkp->yOffset = 0; mDarkp->Ownership = 1; AddRefToArray(mDarkp); } // Obtain the size from a Gatan camera and issue warnings void CCameraController::CheckGatanSize(int camNum, int paramInd) { CString mess, mess2; int xsize, ysize, DMind; int transposeMap[8] = {0, 258, 3, 257, 1, 256, 2, 259}; CameraParameters *camP = &mAllParams[paramInd]; bool getBoundaryDir = camP->useContinuousMode && camP->balanceHalves && camP->ifHorizontalBoundary < 0; int setRotFlip = camP->setRestoreRotFlip; bool doOrient = true, setRF = camP->setRestoreRotFlip > 0; DMind = CAMP_DM_INDEX(camP); // First check the rotation and flip settings xsize = camP->DMrotationFlip; if ((xsize < 0 && !getBoundaryDir) || camP->STEMcamera) doOrient = false; if (xsize > 7) { mess.Format("DMrotationAndFlip property for camera %d is %d and must be between 0 " "and 7", camNum, xsize); AfxMessageBox(mess, MB_EXCLAME); doOrient = false; } if (doOrient) { mess.Format("%s %d)\n" "Number xx = CM_Config_GetDefaultTranspose(camera)\n" "Exit(xx)\n", sGetCamObjText, camNum); try { ysize = B3DNINT(EasyRunScript(mess, 0, DMind)); if (xsize >= 0 && ysize != transposeMap[xsize]) { if (setRotFlip > 0) { mess2.Format("WARNING: The camera configuration in DigitalMicrograph was\r\n" " incorrect for camera # %d, %s\r\n " "It has now been set to rotate by %d, %sflip around Y\r\n", paramInd, (LPCTSTR)camP->name, 90 * (xsize % 4), xsize < 4 ? "NO " : ""); if (setRotFlip > 1) { camP->rotFlipToRestore = ysize; mess2 += " The original setting will be restored when the program " "exits"; } } else { mess.Format("The camera configuration in DigitalMicrograph is incorrect for " "camera # %d, %s\nIt should be set to rotate by %d, %sflip around Y\n\n" "Do you want SerialEM to fix this configuration?", paramInd, (LPCTSTR)camP->name, 90 * (xsize % 4), xsize < 4 ? "NO " : ""); setRF = AfxMessageBox(mess, MB_QUESTION) == IDYES; } if (setRF) { mess.Format("%s %d)\n" "CM_Config_SetDefaultTranspose(camera, %d)\n", sGetCamObjText, camNum, transposeMap[xsize]); EasyRunScript(mess, 0, DMind); if (setRotFlip > 0) mWinApp->AppendToLog(mess2); } } // To get boundary, find rotation/flip if needed then see if there is a +/-90 rotation if (getBoundaryDir) { if (xsize < 0) { for (xsize = 0; xsize < 8; xsize++) if (transposeMap[xsize] == ysize) break; } camP->ifHorizontalBoundary = xsize % 2; } } catch (_com_error E) { SEMReportCOMError(E, "Running script to check rotation and flip"); return; } } // Now do the size after fixing the config mess.Format("%s %d)\n" "Number xx, yy\n" "Number trans = CM_Config_GetDefaultTranspose(camera)\n" "if (trans > 255)\n" " CM_CCD_GetSize(camera, yy, xx)\n" "else\n" " CM_CCD_GetSize(camera, xx, yy)\n", sGetCamObjText, camNum); try { xsize = B3DNINT(EasyRunScript(mess + "Exit(xx + 100000 * yy)", 0, DMind)); ysize = xsize / 100000; xsize = xsize % 100000; // No longer need to swap the size check numbers with above script camP->sizeCheckSwapped = B3DMIN(0, camP->sizeCheckSwapped); ReportOnSizeCheck(paramInd, xsize, ysize); } catch (_com_error E) { if (IsCameraFaux()) SEMReportCOMError(E, "Running size script"); ReportOnSizeCheck(paramInd, -1, -1); return; } } // Issue warnings for a camera size not the same as in properties void CCameraController::ReportOnSizeCheck(int paramInd, int xsize, int ysize) { CameraParameters *camP = &mAllParams[paramInd]; CString mess; int propX = camP->sizeX; int propY = camP->sizeY; if (camP->sizeCheckSwapped < 0) return; if (camP->sizeCheckSwapped > 0) { int temp = xsize; xsize = ysize; ysize = temp; } if (camP->K2Type) { propX /= 2; propY /= 2; } if (xsize < 0 && ysize < 0) { mess.Format("Warning: Could not check the size of camera # %d, %s", paramInd, (LPCTSTR)camP->name); mWinApp->AppendToLog(mess); } else if (xsize < propX || ysize < propY) { mess.Format("WARNING: Camera # %d, %s, reports a smaller size (%d x %d)\n" " than the size in the properties file (%d x %d)\n\n" "This may make the program crash or misbehave", paramInd, (LPCTSTR)camP->name, xsize, ysize, propX, propY); AfxMessageBox(mess, MB_EXCLAME); } else if (xsize > propX || ysize > propY) { mess.Format("Warning: Camera # %d, %s, reports a bigger size (%d x %d)\r\n" " than the size in the properties file (%d x %d)", paramInd, (LPCTSTR)camP->name, xsize, ysize, propX, propY); mWinApp->AppendToLog(mess); } } /* * Routines for running script in DM on thread */ // Convert the string and start the thread int CCameraController::RunScriptOnThread(CString &script, int timeoutSec) { if (!mParam->GatanCam) return 1; mITD.DMindex = CAMP_DM_INDEX(mParam); mITD.strSize = script.GetLength() / 4 + 1; mITD.scriptStr = new long[mITD.strSize]; strcpy((char *)mITD.scriptStr, (LPCTSTR)script); mScriptThread = AfxBeginThread(ScriptProc, &mITD, THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL, 0, CREATE_SUSPENDED); mScriptThread->m_bAutoDelete = false; mScriptThread->ResumeThread(); mTimeoutForScriptThread = B3DMAX(0, 1000 * timeoutSec); mWinApp->AddIdleTask(ThreadBusy, ScriptDone, ScriptError, 0, mTimeoutForScriptThread); mWinApp->SetStatusText(SIMPLE_PANE, "RUNNING DM SCRIPT"); mWinApp->UpdateBufferWindows(); return 0; } // Run the script and save return value and cleanup string array UINT CCameraController::ScriptProc(LPVOID pParam) { InsertThreadData *itd = (InsertThreadData *)pParam; IDMCamera *pGatan; HRESULT hr = S_OK; int retval = 0; if (itd->DMindex == COM_IND) { CoInitializeEx(NULL, COINIT_MULTITHREADED); CreateDMCamera(pGatan); if (SEMTestHResult(hr, " getting second instance of camera for updating hardware" " dark ref")) retval = 1; } if (!retval) { try { CallDMIndCamera(itd->DMindex, pGatan, itd->td->amtCam, ExecuteScript(itd->strSize, itd->scriptStr, 1, &itd->scriptRetval)); } catch (_com_error E) { SEMReportCOMError(E, _T("Error running script on thread ")); retval = 1; } if (itd->DMindex == COM_IND) pGatan->Release(); } if (itd->DMindex == COM_IND) CoUninitialize(); delete[] itd->scriptStr; return retval; } int CCameraController::ScriptBusy() { return UtilThreadBusy(&mScriptThread); } // Cleanup: Kill and cleanup thread if there is no timeout void CCameraController::ScriptCleanup(int error) { if (error) mWinApp->ErrorOccurred(error); if (error == IDLE_TIMEOUT_ERROR) { SEMMessageBox(_T("Timeout running a script in DM for SerialEM script")); if (mScriptThread) UtilThreadCleanup(&mScriptThread); } mWinApp->SetStatusText(SIMPLE_PANE, ""); mWinApp->UpdateBufferWindows(); } void CCameraController::ScriptError(int error) { CSerialEMApp *winApp = (CSerialEMApp *)AfxGetApp(); winApp->mCamera->ScriptCleanup(error); } void CCameraController::ScriptDone(int param) { CSerialEMApp *winApp = (CSerialEMApp *)AfxGetApp(); winApp->mCamera->ScriptCleanup(0); } // Starting call for updating the K2 hardware dark reference if it has not been done in // a time longer than the interval, or unconditionally if the time is 0, or simply to // set the time that it was done if the argument is < 0 int CCameraController::UpdateK2HWDarkRef(float hoursSinceLast) { int oper = LONG_OP_HW_DARK_REF; CString str; if (!CanDoK2HardwareDarkRef(mParam, str)) { SEMMessageBox(str); return 2; } return(mScope->StartLongOperation(&oper, &hoursSinceLast, 1)); } bool CCameraController::CanDoK2HardwareDarkRef(CameraParameters *param, CString &errstr) { if (param->K2Type != K2_SUMMIT && param->K2Type != K3_TYPE) { errstr = "Cannot update hardware dark reference, the current camera is not" " a K2 or a K3"; return false; } if (param->K2Type == K3_TYPE && GetDMversion(CAMP_DM_INDEX(param)) < DM_HAS_K3_HW_DARK_REF) { errstr = "Cannot update hardware dark reference, the version of DigitalMicrograph" " does not support it"; return false; } return true; } // Starts the thread for the long operation routine CWinThread *CCameraController::StartHWDarkRefThread(void) { mITD.DMindex = CAMP_DM_INDEX(mParam); mITD.FEItype = 0; if (mParam->K2Type == K3_TYPE) { mITD.exposure = mK3HWDarkRefExposure; // Pass the read mode in this parameter, which is flag for K3 also mITD.FEItype = 1; if (mUseK3CorrDblSamp && CanK3DoCorrDblSamp(mParam)) mITD.FEItype = 3; } return (AfxBeginThread(HWDarkRefProc, &mITD, THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL, 0, CREATE_SUSPENDED)); } // The thread proc that makes the call UINT CCameraController::HWDarkRefProc(LPVOID pParam) { int retval = 0; InsertThreadData *itd = (InsertThreadData *)pParam; IDMCamera *pGatan; HRESULT hr = S_OK; double scriptRet; long *strTemp; long strSize; CString str = "K2_UpdateHardwareDarkReference(camera)\n"; if (itd->DMindex == COM_IND) { CoInitializeEx(NULL, COINIT_MULTITHREADED); CreateDMCamera(pGatan); if (SEMTestHResult(hr, " getting second instance of camera for updating hardware" " dark ref")) retval = 1; } if (!retval){ if (itd->FEItype) { str.Format("Object acqParams = CM_CreateAcquisitionParameters_FullCCD(camera, 3, " "%f, 1, 1)\n" "CM_SetReadMode(acqParams, %d)\n" "K3_UpdateHardwareDarkReference(camera, acqParams, %f, 1, 1)\n", itd->exposure, itd->FEItype, itd->exposure); } strSize = str.GetLength() / 4 + 1; strTemp = new long[strSize]; strcpy((char *)strTemp, (LPCTSTR)str); try { CallDMIndCamera(itd->DMindex, pGatan, itd->td->amtCam, ExecuteScript(strSize, strTemp, 1, &scriptRet)); } catch (_com_error E) { SEMReportCOMError(E, _T("Error running script to update hardware dark reference ")); retval = 1; } if (itd->DMindex == COM_IND) pGatan->Release(); } if (itd->DMindex == COM_IND) CoUninitialize(); delete[] strTemp; return retval; } // If K2 gain references have been loaded into DM, check if it is time to free them // or free them unconditionally on program exit void CCameraController::CheckAndFreeK2References(bool unconditionally) { int which = 0, now, dmInd; HRESULT hr = S_OK; if (CameraBusy() || (mK2GainRefTimeStamp[0][0] < 0 && mK2GainRefTimeStamp[0][1] < 0 && mK2GainRefTimeStamp[1][0] < 0 && mK2GainRefTimeStamp[1][1] < 0)) return; now = mWinApp->MinuteTimeStamp(); // Check both camera interfaces for (dmInd = 0; dmInd < 2; dmInd++) { which = 0; if (mK2GainRefTimeStamp[dmInd][0] > 0 && (now - mK2GainRefTimeStamp[dmInd][0] > mK2GainRefLifetime || unconditionally)) which = 1; if (mK2GainRefTimeStamp[dmInd][1] > 0 && (now - mK2GainRefTimeStamp[dmInd][1] > mK2GainRefLifetime || unconditionally)) which += 2; if (which) { if (dmInd == COM_IND && CreateCamera(CREATE_FOR_ANY, false)) continue; try { CallDMIndGatan(dmInd, mGatanCamera, FreeK2GainReference(which)); if (which & 1) mK2GainRefTimeStamp[dmInd][0] = -1; if (which & 2) mK2GainRefTimeStamp[dmInd][1] = -1; } catch (_com_error E) { } if (dmInd == COM_IND) mGatanCamera->Release(); } } } // Acquire the defect list for a K2 camera using a current main thread connection void CCameraController::GetMergeK2DefectList(int DMind, CameraParameters *param, bool errToLog) { long pairSize, numPoints, numTotal; short *xyPairs = NULL; CString str; pairSize = 500000; // First time, duplicate the defects from properties; after that, copy that to defects if (!param->origDefects) { param->origDefects = new CameraDefects; *param->origDefects = param->defects; } else { param->defects = *param->origDefects; } NewArray(xyPairs, short int, pairSize); if (!xyPairs) { str = "Failed to allocate array for getting K2/K3 camera defects"; if (errToLog) mWinApp->AppendToLog(CString("WARNING: ") + str); else AfxMessageBox(str, MB_EXCLAME); } else { numPoints = numTotal = 0; if (param->K2Type != K3_TYPE) { CallDMIndGatan(DMind, mGatanCamera, GetDefectList(xyPairs, &pairSize, &numPoints, &numTotal)); if (numPoints < numTotal) { str.Format("WARNING: The array for getting defect points is not large enough:\n" " it only fit %d of %d points", numPoints, numTotal); if (errToLog) mWinApp->AppendToLog(str); else AfxMessageBox(str, MB_EXCLAME); } if (IsCameraFaux()) { xyPairs[2 * numPoints] = GetTickCount() % 1024; xyPairs[2 * numPoints + 1] = GetTickCount() % 1967; numPoints++; } } // Merge with the existing list; this encodes the rotation/flip value CorDefMergeDefectLists(param->defects, (unsigned short *)xyPairs, numPoints, param->sizeX / 2, param->sizeY / 2, param->rotationFlip); CorDefFindTouchingPixels(param->defects, param->sizeX / 2, param->sizeY / 2, 0); // Scale the defects up and mark as K2 if (!param->defects.wasScaled) CorDefScaleDefectsForK2(¶m->defects, false); param->defects.K2Type = 1; } delete [] xyPairs; } bool CCameraController::NoSubareasForDoseFrac(CameraParameters *param, BOOL alignFrames, int useFrameAlign) { return ((mParam->K2Type && (GetPluginVersion(param) < PLUGIN_CAN_SAVE_SUBAREAS || (alignFrames && !useFrameAlign && param->K2Type != K3_TYPE))) || (ONEVIEW_NOT_CLEARVIEW(param) && param->canTakeFrames)); } // Restore Gatan camera orientations on exit if necessary void CCameraController::RestoreGatanOrientations(void) { int dmInd; CString mess; for (int ind = 0; ind < mWinApp->GetNumActiveCameras(); ind++) { CameraParameters *camP = &mAllParams[mActiveList[ind]]; if (camP->GatanCam && camP->rotFlipToRestore >= 0) { dmInd = CAMP_DM_INDEX(camP); if (!mDMInitialized[dmInd] || (dmInd == COM_IND && CreateCamera(CREATE_FOR_ANY, false))) continue; mess.Format("%s %d)\n" "CM_Config_SetDefaultTranspose(camera, %d)\n", sGetCamObjText, camP->cameraNumber, camP->rotFlipToRestore); try { EasyRunScript(mess, 0, dmInd); } catch (_com_error E) { } if (dmInd == COM_IND) mGatanCamera->Release(); } } } // Test if a camera is inserted, return 1 if it is, 0 not, or leave inserted unchanged void CCameraController::TestCameraInserted(int actIndex, long &inserted, bool createGatan) { int camIndex = mActiveList[actIndex]; CameraParameters *camP = &mAllParams[camIndex]; bool created = false; if (createGatan && camP->GatanCam && !camP->AMTtype && mNumDMCameras[COM_IND] > 0) { if (CreateCamera(CREATE_FOR_ANY)) { inserted = -1; return; } } if (camP->DMCamera) { int DMind = CAMP_DM_INDEX(camP); MainCallDMIndCamera(DMind, IsCameraInserted(camP->cameraNumber, &inserted)); } else if (camP->DE_camType) { inserted = mTD.DE_Cam->IsCameraInserted(); } else if (!camP->pluginName.IsEmpty()) { inserted = mPlugFuncs[camIndex]->IsCameraInserted(camP->cameraNumber); } else if (camP->FEItype && FCAM_ADVANCED(camP)) { inserted = mTD.scopePlugFuncs->ASIisCameraInserted(camP->eagleIndex); } if (created) ReleaseCamera(CREATE_FOR_ANY); } // Let's see if this is usable... int CCameraController::RotateAndReplaceArray(int chan, int operation, int invertCon) { short int *parray; int nxout, nyout; NewArray2(parray, short int, mTD.DMSizeX, mTD.DMSizeY * (mTD.ImageType == MRC_MODE_FLOAT ? 2 : 1)); if (!parray) { // If it fails, better swap the sizes or bad things happen if (operation % 2) { nxout = mTD.DMSizeY; mTD.DMSizeY = mTD.DMSizeX; mTD.DMSizeX = nxout; } return 1; } ProcRotateFlip((short *)mTD.Array[chan], mTD.ImageType, mTD.DMSizeX, mTD.DMSizeY, operation, invertCon, parray, &nxout, &nyout); delete [] mTD.Array[chan]; mTD.Array[chan] = parray; mTD.DMSizeX = nxout; mTD.DMSizeY = nyout; return 0; } // Given current settings from the Set File Options dialog, make up the directory and // filename for saving the next set of frames void CCameraController::ComposeFramePathAndName(bool temporary) { CString date, time, path, filename, savefile, label; char numFormat[6]; int trimCount; CMapDrawItem *item; bool prefixDate = (mFrameNameFormat & FRAME_FILE_DATE_PREFIX) != 0; bool flexibleFEI = mParam->FEItype == FALCON4_TYPE || FCAM_CONTIN_SAVE(mParam) || (mParam->FEItype == FALCON3_TYPE && mSubdirsOkInFalcon3Save); B3DCLAMP(mDigitsForNumberedFrame, 3, 5); sprintf(numFormat, "%%0%dd", mDigitsForNumberedFrame); // Get common components if ((mFrameNameFormat & (FRAME_FOLDER_SAVEFILE | FRAME_FILE_SAVEFILE)) && mWinApp->mStoreMRC) { savefile = mWinApp->mStoreMRC->getName(); if (!savefile.IsEmpty()) { trimCount = savefile.GetLength() - (savefile.ReverseFind('\\') + 1); time = savefile.Right(trimCount); UtilSplitExtension(time, savefile, date); } } if ((mFrameNameFormat & (FRAME_FOLDER_NAVLABEL | FRAME_FILE_NAVLABEL)) && mWinApp->mNavigator && (!(mFrameNameFormat & FRAME_LABEL_IF_ACQUIRE) || mWinApp->mNavigator->GetAcquiring()) && mWinApp->mNavigator->GetCurrentOrAcquireItem(item) >= 0) label = item->mLabel; // Set up folder if (!mParam->DE_camType || !mParam->DE_AutosaveDir.IsEmpty()) { if ((mFrameNameFormat & FRAME_FOLDER_ROOT) && !mFrameBaseName.IsEmpty()) path = mFrameBaseName; if ((mFrameNameFormat & FRAME_FOLDER_SAVEFILE) && !savefile.IsEmpty()) UtilAppendWithSeparator(path, savefile, "_"); if ((mFrameNameFormat & FRAME_FOLDER_NAVLABEL) && !label.IsEmpty()) UtilAppendWithSeparator(path, label, "_"); // Ignore that path for advanced falcon if there is overall folder set, or use it if (IS_FALCON2_3_4(mParam) && FCAM_ADVANCED(mParam) && !flexibleFEI) { if (mDirForFalconFrames.IsEmpty()) mFrameFolder = path; else mFrameFolder = mDirForFalconFrames; } else { // Otherwise append the folder. For DE, FrameFolder is set up by caller if (mParam->canTakeFrames) mFrameFolder = mParam->dirForFrameSaving; else if (!mParam->DE_camType) mFrameFolder = B3DCHOICE(IS_BASIC_FALCON2(mParam) || flexibleFEI, mDirForFalconFrames, mDirForK2Frames); if (!path.IsEmpty()) mFrameFolder += CString("\\") + path; } } // Set up prefix of filename if any if ((mFrameNameFormat & FRAME_FILE_ROOT) && !mFrameBaseName.IsEmpty()) filename = mFrameBaseName; if ((mFrameNameFormat & FRAME_FILE_SAVEFILE) && !savefile.IsEmpty()) UtilAppendWithSeparator(filename, savefile, "_"); if ((mFrameNameFormat & FRAME_FILE_NAVLABEL) && !label.IsEmpty()) UtilAppendWithSeparator(filename, label, "_"); // If doing numbers, now evaluate whether the number needs to be reset and record // current prefix and filename // For temporary names (files to be deleted), leave off the number and add both // date and time below if ((mFrameNameFormat & FRAME_FILE_NUMBER) && !temporary) { if (!mKeepLastUsedFrameNum && (mLastUsedFrameNumber < mFrameNumberStart || mNumberedFrameFolder != mFrameFolder || mNumberedFramePrefix != filename)) mLastUsedFrameNumber = mFrameNumberStart - 1; mNumberedFrameFolder = mFrameFolder; mNumberedFramePrefix = filename; mLastUsedFrameNumber++; mKeepLastUsedFrameNum = false; date.Format(numFormat, mLastUsedFrameNumber); UtilAppendWithSeparator(filename, date, "_"); mLastFrameNumberStart = mFrameNumberStart; } // Get final components if (mFrameNameFormat & FRAME_FILE_TILT_ANGLE) { date.Format("%.1f", mTiltBefore); if (mParam->DE_camType && mTD.DE_Cam->GetServerVersion() < DE_SUFFIX_KEEPS_PT) date.Replace('.', 'p'); UtilAppendWithSeparator(filename, date, "_"); } if (!mParam->DE_camType) { if ((mFrameNameFormat & (FRAME_FILE_MONTHDAY | FRAME_FILE_HOUR_MIN_SEC)) || temporary || prefixDate) mWinApp->mDocWnd->DateTimeComponents(date, time, prefixDate); if (prefixDate) { if (!filename.IsEmpty()) filename = '_' + filename; filename = date + "_" + time + filename; } else { if ((mFrameNameFormat & FRAME_FILE_MONTHDAY) || temporary) UtilAppendWithSeparator(filename, date, "_"); if ((mFrameNameFormat & FRAME_FILE_HOUR_MIN_SEC) || temporary) UtilAppendWithSeparator(filename, time, "_"); } } if ((mFrameNameFormat & FRAME_FILE_HOLE_AND_POS) && mWinApp->mParticleTasks->CurrentHoleAndPosition(date)) { UtilAppendWithSeparator(filename, date, "_"); } mFrameFilename = filename; } // Get the frame saving dir for the given camera CString CCameraController::GetCameraFrameFolder(CameraParameters *camParam, bool &noSubdirs, bool &movable) { CString *dirPtr = GetCameraFrameDirPtr(camParam); movable = !(camParam->DE_camType || FCAM_ADVANCED(camParam) || (camParam->GatanCam && camParam->useSocket && CBaseSocket::ServerIsRemote(GATAN_SOCK_ID))); noSubdirs = (mParam->FEItype == FALCON3_TYPE && !mSubdirsOkInFalcon3Save) || camParam->DE_camType; return *dirPtr; } // Return a pointer to the dir for frames for the given camera CString * CCameraController::GetCameraFrameDirPtr(CameraParameters *camParam) { if (camParam->K2Type) return &mDirForK2Frames; if (camParam->DE_camType) return &mDirForDEFrames; if (camParam->FEItype && FCAM_ADVANCED(camParam) && !FCAM_CONTIN_SAVE(camParam)) return &mDirForFalconFrames; return &camParam->dirForFrameSaving; } // Set the frame saving dir for the given camera void CCameraController::SetCameraFrameFolder(CameraParameters *camParam, CString &str) { CString *dirPtr = GetCameraFrameDirPtr(camParam); *dirPtr = str; } // Compose the complete path of a DM reference with the given suffix to replace two // "extensions" in the standard DM reference name. CString CCameraController::MakeFullDMRefName(CameraParameters *camP, const char *mode) { CString ref, root, ext; if (!camP->DMRefName.IsEmpty()) { ref = mWinApp->mGainRefMaker->GetDMRefPath(); ext = mWinApp->mGainRefMaker->GetRemoteRefPath(); if (camP->useSocket && CBaseSocket::ServerIsRemote(GATAN_SOCK_ID) && !ext.IsEmpty()) ref = ext; if (!ref.IsEmpty()) { ref += "\\" + camP->DMRefName; for (int ind = 0; ind < 4; ind++) { ext.Format(".m%d.", ind); if (ref.Find(ext) > 0) { ref.Replace(ext, mode); break; } } } } return ref; } // Returns true if all conditions are set for frame-saving from K2/OneView or permanent // frame-saving from Falcon or DE based on camera and control set. K2only includes // Oneview taking frames. This does not work for plugin cameras bool CCameraController::IsConSetSaving(const ControlSet *conSet, int setNum, CameraParameters *param, bool K2only) { bool falconCanSave; bool weCanAlignFalcon = CanWeAlignFalcon(param, mFrameSavingEnabled, falconCanSave, conSet->K2ReadMode); BOOL DEcanSave = mWinApp->mDEToolDlg.CanSaveFrames(param); bool weCanAlignDE = DEcanSave && (param->CamFlags & DE_WE_CAN_ALIGN); bool K2Type = param->K2Type || (param->OneViewType && param->canTakeFrames); // Align is turned off during TS/script with these set, but need it for Record bool alignAnyway = setNum == RECORD_CONSET && (mWinApp->mTSController->GetFrameAlignInIMOD() || mWinApp->mMacroProcessor->GetAlignWholeTSOnly()); return (((K2Type && conSet->doseFrac) || // Saving possible for camera type ((falconCanSave || DEcanSave) && !K2only)) && (((!DEcanSave && conSet->saveFrames) || // Ordinary saving selected (DEcanSave && (conSet->saveFrames & DE_SAVE_MASTER))) || (conSet->useFrameAlign > 1 && // Or forced saving is called for ((K2Type && CAN_PLUGIN_DO(CAN_ALIGN_FRAMES, param)) || (!K2only && (weCanAlignFalcon || weCanAlignDE))) && (conSet->alignFrames || alignAnyway)))); // and align should be done } // Returns whether the Falcon can save frames and whether we can align HERE, which is if // the plugin version is sufficient and it is not a Falcon 3 with no local path to server // if readMode < 0 (the default), it returns this regardless of current settings; if // given the true read mode, it returns an answer that depends on settings bool CCameraController::CanWeAlignFalcon(CameraParameters *param, BOOL savingEnabled, bool &canSave, int readMode) { canSave = (IS_BASIC_FALCON2(param) && GetMaxFalconFrames(param) && savingEnabled) || (IS_FALCON2_3_4(param) && (param->CamFlags & PLUGFEI_CAN_DOSE_FRAC)) || FCAM_CONTIN_SAVE(param); return canSave && mWinApp->mScope->GetPluginVersion() >= PLUGFEI_ALLOWS_ALIGN_HERE && !((IS_FALCON3_OR_4(param) || FCAM_CONTIN_SAVE(param)) && mLocalFalconFramePath.IsEmpty()) && (readMode < 0 || !(mCanSaveEERformat && readMode > 0 && param->FEItype == FALCON4_TYPE && mFalconReferenceDir.IsEmpty())); } // Return whether the control set or save/align parameters and read mode mean saving will // be done in EER mode bool CCameraController::IsSaveInEERMode(CameraParameters *param, const ControlSet *conSet) { return IsSaveInEERMode(param, conSet->saveFrames != 0, conSet->alignFrames != 0, conSet->useFrameAlign, conSet->K2ReadMode); } bool CCameraController::IsSaveInEERMode(CameraParameters *param, BOOL saveFrames, BOOL alignFrames, int useFramealign, int readMode) { return param->FEItype == FALCON4_TYPE && mCanSaveEERformat && readMode > 0 && ((mSaveInEERformat && (saveFrames || (alignFrames && useFramealign > 1))) || (!saveFrames && alignFrames && useFramealign == 1)); } // Returns true if camera is using Utapi interface, plus adjusts needed parameters bool CCameraController::UsingUtapiForCamera(CameraParameters * param) { bool useUtapi = false; if (!param->FEItype) return false; if (param->STEMcamera) { useUtapi = mScope->UtapiSupportsService(UTSUP_STEM_RASTER); param->moduloX = useUtapi ? 2 : -1; param->moduloY = useUtapi ? 2 : -1; param->useContinuousMode = useUtapi; } return useUtapi; } // Returns whether we can save an mdoc for the frame stack bool CCameraController::CanSaveFrameStackMdoc(CameraParameters * param) { bool canSave = (param->canTakeFrames & FRAMES_CAN_BE_SAVED) != 0; return ((param->K2Type || (param->OneViewType && canSave)) && CAN_PLUGIN_DO(CAN_SAVE_MDOC, param)) || (param->FEItype && !FCAM_CONTIN_SAVE(mParam) && !((IS_FALCON3_OR_4(param) || FCAM_CONTIN_SAVE(param)) && mLocalFalconFramePath.IsEmpty())) || (param->DE_camType && mTD.DE_Cam->ServerIsLocal() || (!param->GatanCam && canSave)); } // Returns true if all conditions are satisfied for saving binned frames from K3 camera bool CCameraController::IsK3BinningSuperResFrames(CameraParameters *param, int doseFrac, int saveFrames, int alignFrames, int useFrameAlign, int processing, int readMode, BOOL takeBinnedFlag) { return doseFrac && readMode != K2_LINEAR_MODE && (saveFrames || (alignFrames && useFrameAlign > 0)) && (CAN_PLUGIN_DO(CAN_BIN_K3_REF, param) || (processing == GAIN_NORMALIZED && !(mSaveUnnormalizedFrames && (saveFrames || (alignFrames && useFrameAlign > 1))))) && param->K2Type == K3_TYPE && takeBinnedFlag; } bool CCameraController::IsK3BinningSuperResFrames(const ControlSet *conSet, CameraParameters *param) { return IsK3BinningSuperResFrames(param, conSet->doseFrac, conSet->saveFrames, conSet->alignFrames, conSet->useFrameAlign, conSet->processing, conSet->K2ReadMode, mTakeK3SuperResBinned); } // If we return here and it was waiting for stacking, turn that off and update buffer // windows if flag set; then test if stacking if that flag is set and turn it into a wait // The caller must add an appropriate idle task to return to itself int CCameraController::CheckFrameStacking(bool updateIfDone, bool testIfStacking) { if (mWaitingForStacking) { mWaitingForStacking = 0; mWinApp->SetStatusText(SIMPLE_PANE, ""); if (updateIfDone) mWinApp->UpdateBufferWindows(); } if (testIfStacking && mFalconHelper->GetStackingFrames()) { mWaitingForStacking = 1; mWinApp->SetStatusText(SIMPLE_PANE, "WAITING FOR STACKING"); mWinApp->UpdateBufferWindows(); return 1; } return 0; } // One-time management of directory for Falcon frames void CCameraController::FixDirForFalconFrames(CameraParameters *param) { if (!IS_FALCON2_3_4(param)) return; if (FCAM_ADVANCED(param)) { // For advanced scripting, if it is not set yet, the default is blank; if // it somehow has a path in it, set it to blank if (mDirForFalconFrames == FALCON_DIR_UNSET) mDirForFalconFrames = ""; if (!(param->FEItype == FALCON4_TYPE || mSubdirsOkInFalcon3Save)) { int slashInd = mDirForFalconFrames.FindOneOf("/\\"); if (mDirForFalconFrames.Find(':') >= 0 || (slashInd >= 0 && slashInd < mDirForFalconFrames.GetLength() - 1)) mDirForFalconFrames = ""; } } else if (mDirForFalconFrames == FALCON_DIR_UNSET) { // For old scripting the default is to inherit from K2 path mDirForFalconFrames = mDirForK2Frames; } } // test whether there are any entries in defect list for current camera bool CCameraController::DefectListHasEntries(CameraDefects * defp) { return defp != NULL && (defp->partialBadCol.size() || defp->partialBadRow.size() || defp->badColumnStart.size() || defp->badRowStart.size() || defp->badPixelX.size() || defp->usableLeft > 0 || defp->usableTop > 0 || (defp->usableRight > 0 && defp->usableRight < (mParam->sizeX / (defp->wasScaled ? 1 : 2) - 1)) || (defp->usableBottom > 0 && defp->usableBottom < (mParam->sizeY / (defp->wasScaled ? 1 : 2) - 1))); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // STEM Routines //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Get the pixel time and possibly revise the exposure time void CCameraController::ComputePixelTime(CameraParameters *camParams, int sizeX, int sizeY, int lineSync, float pixelSize, float maxScanRate, float &exposure, double &pixelTime, double &scanRate) { double cycle; int nmult; float minPixel = camParams->minPixelTime; float flyback = camParams->flyback; double increment = camParams->pixelTimeIncrement; // If minimum scan rate and a pixel size are defined, make sure the exposure is long // enough if (pixelSize > 0) { scanRate = 1.e-3 * sizeX * sizeY * pixelSize / exposure; if (maxScanRate > 0 && scanRate > maxScanRate) exposure = (float)((1.e-3 * sizeX * sizeY * pixelSize) / maxScanRate); } // Get the pixel time then adjust if line sync is on or if there is an increment pixelTime = exposure * 1.e6 / (sizeX * sizeY); pixelTime = B3DMAX(minPixel, pixelTime); if (camParams->maxPixelTime > 0.) pixelTime = B3DMIN(camParams->maxPixelTime, pixelTime); if (increment > 0.) pixelTime = minPixel + increment * B3DNINT((pixelTime - minPixel) / increment); if (lineSync) { cycle = 1.e6 / mDSlineFreq; nmult = B3DNINT((pixelTime * sizeX + flyback + mDSsyncMargin) / cycle); pixelTime = (cycle * nmult - flyback - mDSsyncMargin) / sizeX; while (pixelTime < minPixel) { nmult++; pixelTime = (cycle * nmult - flyback - mDSsyncMargin) / sizeX; } } // Recompute exposure and exposure = (float)(pixelTime * sizeX * sizeY / 1.e6); if (pixelSize > 0) scanRate = 1.e-3 * sizeX * sizeY * pixelSize / exposure; } // Return the maximum channels at once int CCameraController::GetMaxChannels(CameraParameters * param) { int comboSize; int list[MAX_CHANNELS]; if (param->maxChannels) return param->maxChannels; if (!mChannelSets.GetSize() || param->numChannels < 2) { param->maxChannels = param->numChannels; return param->maxChannels; } // Loop on increasing combination size and call function that recursively tests // ALL combination of that size. The last one to return that one is OK sets the size param->maxChannels = 1; for (comboSize = 2; comboSize <= param->numChannels; comboSize++) { mFoundCombo = false; BuildEvalChannelList(param->numChannels, comboSize, 0, list); if (!mFoundCombo) break; param->maxChannels = comboSize; } return param->maxChannels; } // Recursive function to build a list of channel numbers and evaluate it when it is // big enough void CCameraController::BuildEvalChannelList(int numChan, int comboSize, int ninList, int *list) { int i, j, k; for (i = 0; i < numChan && !mFoundCombo; i++) { if (!numberInList(i, list, ninList, 0)) { list[ninList] = i; if (ninList + 1 < comboSize) { BuildEvalChannelList(numChan, comboSize, ninList + 1, list); } else { mFoundCombo = true; for (j = 0; j < ninList && mFoundCombo; j++) for (k = j + 1; k <= ninList && mFoundCombo; k++) if (MutuallyExclusiveChannels(list[j], list[k])) mFoundCombo = false; } } } } // Return true if two channels are mutually exclusive or the same number bool CCameraController::MutuallyExclusiveChannels(int chan1, int chan2) { if (chan1 == chan2) return true; for (int set = 0; set < mChannelSets.GetSize(); set++) if (numberInList(chan1, &mChannelSets[set].channels[0], mChannelSets[set].numChans, 0) && numberInList(chan2, &mChannelSets[set].channels[0], mChannelSets[set].numChans, 0)) return true; return false; } // Return the DS channel that a detector is mapped to, if any int CCameraController::ChannelMappedTo(int chan) { for (int set = 0; set < mChannelSets.GetSize(); set++) if (numberInList(chan, &mChannelSets[set].channels[0], mChannelSets[set].numChans, 0) && mChannelSets[set].mappedTo >= 0) return mChannelSets[set].mappedTo; return chan; } // Stop continuous STEM OR continuous regular camera void CCameraController::StopContinuousSTEM(void) { HRESULT hr; mContinuousDelayFrac = 0.; if (!mTD.ContinuousSTEM && !(mTD.ProcessingPlus & CONTINUOUS_USE_THREAD) && !mTD.ReturnPartialScan) return; if (mScope->GetCameraAcquiring()) mScope->SetCameraAcquiring(false); // Plugin camera if (mTD.plugFuncs && mTD.plugFuncs->StopContinuous) { mTD.plugFuncs->StopContinuous(); mTD.ReturnPartialScan = 0; return; } // DE camera if (mParam->DE_camType >= 2) { mTD.DE_Cam->SetLiveMode(0); return; } if (mTD.UseUtapi && mTD.scopePlugFuncs->UtapiStopContinuous) { mTD.scopePlugFuncs->UtapiStopContinuous(); if (mTD.ReturnPartialScan) CleanupPartialArrays(); mTD.ReturnPartialScan = 0; return; } // Gatan camera CreateDMCamera(mGatanCamera); if (FAILED(hr)) return; try { if (mTD.ContinuousSTEM) { CallGatanCamera(mGatanCamera, StopDSAcquisition()); mTD.ContinuousSTEM = 0; } else { CallGatanCamera(mGatanCamera, StopContinuousCamera()); mTD.ProcessingPlus = mTD.Processing; } } catch (_com_error E) { } ReleaseDMCamera(mGatanCamera); } void CCameraController::TurnOffRepeatFlag(void) { if (mRepFlag >= 0) { mStoppedContinuous = true; mWinApp->SetStatusText(B3DCHOICE(mWinApp->mProcessImage->GetLiveFFT(), COMPLEX_PANE, MEDIUM_PANE), ""); } mRepFlag = -1; mContinuousDelayFrac = 0.; } void CCameraController::OutOfSTEMUpdate(void) { for (int i = 0; i < MAX_STEM_CHANNELS; i++) mFEIdetectorInserted[i] = false; } // Makes a list of the number of simultaneous parameters in the Record set up to the // limit given in maxSimul, and also returns the total number available void CCameraController::CountSimultaneousChannels(CameraParameters *camParams, int *simultaneous, int maxSimul, int & numSimul, int & numAvail) { ControlSet *conSet = mWinApp->GetConSets() + RECORD_CONSET; int maxChan = mWinApp->mCamera->GetMaxChannels(camParams); maxChan = B3DMIN(maxSimul, maxChan); int i, ind; numSimul = 0; numAvail = 0; for (i = 0; i < camParams->numChannels; i++) { if (camParams->availableChan[i]) numAvail++; ind = conSet->channelIndex[i]; if (ind >= 0 && camParams->availableChan[ind] && numSimul < maxChan) simultaneous[numSimul++] = ind + 1; } } void CCameraController::AdjustForShift(float adjustX, float adjustY) { mAdjustShiftX = adjustX; mAdjustShiftY = adjustY; }