// BaseSocket.cpp - base class full of statics for socket interfaces #include "stdafx.h" #include "SerialEM.h" #include #include #include #include #include "BaseSocket.h" // Stupid double-declaration for class statics in C++ CSerialEMApp *CBaseSocket::mWinApp; bool CBaseSocket::mWSAinitialized = false; int CBaseSocket::mTypeID[MAX_SOCKET_IDS]; int CBaseSocket::mIdIndexToSockIndMap[MAX_SOCKET_IDS]; unsigned short CBaseSocket::mPortByID[MAX_SOCKET_IDS]; char *CBaseSocket::mIPaddrByID[MAX_SOCKET_IDS]; unsigned short CBaseSocket::mPort[MAX_SOCKETS]; char *CBaseSocket::mIPaddress[MAX_SOCKETS]; SOCKET CBaseSocket::mServer[MAX_SOCKETS]; SOCKADDR_IN CBaseSocket::mSockAddr[MAX_SOCKETS]; int CBaseSocket::mChunkSize = 65536; int CBaseSocket::mNumIDs = 0; int CBaseSocket::mNumSockets = 0; bool CBaseSocket::mCloseBeforeNextUse[MAX_SOCKETS]; int CBaseSocket::mHandshakeCode[MAX_SOCKETS]; int CBaseSocket::mNumLongSend[MAX_SOCKETS]; int CBaseSocket::mNumBoolSend[MAX_SOCKETS]; int CBaseSocket::mNumDblSend[MAX_SOCKETS]; int CBaseSocket::mNumLongRecv[MAX_SOCKETS]; int CBaseSocket::mNumBoolRecv[MAX_SOCKETS]; int CBaseSocket::mNumDblRecv[MAX_SOCKETS]; bool CBaseSocket::mRecvLongArray[MAX_SOCKETS]; long *CBaseSocket::mLongArray[MAX_SOCKETS]; long CBaseSocket::mLongArgs[MAX_SOCKETS][MAX_LONG_ARGS]; double CBaseSocket::mDoubleArgs[MAX_SOCKETS][MAX_DBL_ARGS]; BOOL CBaseSocket::mBoolArgs[MAX_SOCKETS][MAX_BOOL_ARGS]; char *CBaseSocket::mArgsBuffer[MAX_SOCKETS]; int CBaseSocket::mArgBufSize[MAX_SOCKETS]; int CBaseSocket::mNumBytesSend[MAX_SOCKETS]; CBaseSocket::CBaseSocket(void) { SEMBuildTime(__DATE__, __TIME__); } CBaseSocket::~CBaseSocket(void) { } // Call once to initialize the static members // Could have been done above but then it would have to be kept up to date for MAX_SOCKETS void CBaseSocket::InitSocketStatics(void) { mWinApp = (CSerialEMApp *)AfxGetApp(); for (int i = 0; i < MAX_SOCKET_IDS; i++) { mPortByID[i] = 0; mIPaddrByID[i] = NULL; mTypeID[i] = -1; mIdIndexToSockIndMap[i] = -1; } for (int i = 0; i < MAX_SOCKETS; i++) { mIPaddress[i] = NULL; mServer[i] = INVALID_SOCKET; mCloseBeforeNextUse[i] = false; mArgsBuffer[i] = NULL; mArgBufSize[i] = 0; } } // Initialize for one socket: check the IP address, allocate the buffer, and // start up Winsock for the first socket class to initialize // Old form with fixed socket index int CBaseSocket::InitializeOneSocket(int sockInd, const char *message) { return InitializeSocketByID(sockInd, NULL, 0, message); } // New form with typeID and assigned socket index int CBaseSocket::InitializeSocketByID(int typeID, int *sockInd, int addToPort, const char *message) { CString report; // Socket index is next socket; OR the ID itself if index address is NULL int indSock = sockInd ? mNumSockets : typeID; int err, indID = LookupTypeID(typeID); // Make sure there is an address for this type/index if (indID < 0 || !mIPaddrByID[indID]) { SEMMessageBox(CString("No IP address has been defined for the ") + message); return 1; } // Make sure that a verbatim socket index is OK if (!sockInd && (indSock < 0 || indSock >= MAX_SOCKETS)) { SEMMessageBox(CString("The fixed socket index is invalid for the ") + message); return 1; } // Make sure there are not too many sockets if (indSock >= MAX_SOCKETS) { SEMMessageBox(CString("There are too many sockets in use, cannot open socket for " "the ") + message); return 1; } // Make sure the index isn't already assigned if (mIPaddress[indSock]) { SEMMessageBox(CString("Cannot use a fixed socket index for the ") + message + CString("\n\nGet an updated version of the plugin that uses a socket ID")); return 1; } // Allocate buffer if (!mArgsBuffer[indSock]) { NewArray(mArgsBuffer[indSock], char, ARGS_BUFFER_CHUNK); if (!mArgsBuffer[indSock]) { SEMMessageBox(CString("Failed to allocate little buffer for ") + message); return 1; } mArgBufSize[indSock] = ARGS_BUFFER_CHUNK; } // Make sure WinSock can initialize err = SEMInitializeWinsock(); if (err) return err; // All is good: commit to this socket, copy port and address, return assigned index mNumSockets = B3DMAX(mNumSockets, indSock + 1); mIPaddress[indSock] = mIPaddrByID[indID]; mPort[indSock] = mPortByID[indID] + addToPort; mIdIndexToSockIndMap[indID] = indSock; SEMTrace('K', "Initializing for socket at IP %s port %d", mIPaddress[indSock], (int)mPort[indSock]); if (sockInd) *sockInd = indSock; return 0; } // Reallocate the argument buffer if needed; if it fails, return 1 and leave things as // they were int CBaseSocket::ReallocArgsBufIfNeeded(int sockInd, int needSize) { int newSize; char *newBuf; if (needSize < mArgBufSize[sockInd] - 3) return 0; newSize = ((needSize + ARGS_BUFFER_CHUNK - 1) / ARGS_BUFFER_CHUNK) * ARGS_BUFFER_CHUNK; NewArray(newBuf, char, newSize); if (!newBuf) return 1; memcpy(newBuf, mArgsBuffer[sockInd], mArgBufSize[sockInd]); mArgBufSize[sockInd] = newSize; mArgsBuffer[sockInd] = newBuf; return 0; } // Call once to uninitialize on program end void CBaseSocket::UninitializeWSA(void) { if (mWSAinitialized) WSACleanup(); mWSAinitialized = false; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_SOCKETS; i++) { mIPaddress[i] = NULL; delete mArgsBuffer[i]; mArgsBuffer[i] = NULL; } for (int j = 0; j < mNumIDs; j++) { if (mIPaddrByID[j]) free(mIPaddrByID[j]); mIPaddrByID[j] = NULL; } } // Set the IP or port for a given ID: Look up the type and see if it already has an index // if not record this type in the next slot void CBaseSocket::SetServerIP(int typeID, CString ipString) { int ind = LookupTypeID(typeID); if (ind < 0) { if (mNumIDs >= MAX_SOCKET_IDS) return; ind = mNumIDs++; mTypeID[ind] = typeID; } mIPaddrByID[ind] = _strdup((LPCTSTR)ipString); } void CBaseSocket::SetServerPort(int typeID, int port) { int ind = LookupTypeID(typeID); if (ind < 0) { if (mNumIDs >= MAX_SOCKET_IDS) return; ind = mNumIDs++; mTypeID[ind] = typeID; } mPortByID[ind] = (unsigned short)port; } // Return the port actually assigned unsigned short CBaseSocket::GetServerPort(int typeID, unsigned short dfltPort) { int ind = LookupTypeID(typeID); if (ind >= 0 && mPortByID[ind] > 0) return mPortByID[ind]; return dfltPort; } // Return the server IP if one is defined, or void CBaseSocket::GetServerIP(int typeID, std::string & serverIP) { int ind = LookupTypeID(typeID); if (ind < 0 || !mIPaddrByID[ind]) serverIP = ""; else serverIP = mIPaddrByID[ind]; } // Look up whether the server with the given ID is remote bool CBaseSocket::ServerIsRemote(int typeID) { int ind = LookupTypeID(typeID); if (ind < 0 || !mIPaddrByID[ind]) return false; return strcmp("", mIPaddrByID[ind]) != 0; } int CBaseSocket::LookupTypeID(int typeID) { for (int ind = 0; ind < mNumIDs; ind++) if (typeID == mTypeID[ind]) return ind; return -1; } // Returns 1 if an ID has already been assigned to a socket, -1 if no IP entered for it, // or 0 if it is assignable int CBaseSocket::IsTypeIDassigned(int typeID) { int indID = LookupTypeID(typeID); if (indID < 0 || !mIPaddrByID[indID]) return -1; return (mIdIndexToSockIndMap[indID] < 0 ? 0 : 1); } void CBaseSocket::CloseBeforeNextUse(int typeID) { int idInd = LookupTypeID(typeID); if (idInd >= 0 && mIdIndexToSockIndMap[idInd] >= 0) mCloseBeforeNextUse[mIdIndexToSockIndMap[idInd]] = true; } // 11/17/22: This is to disable deprecation warning on inet_addr that says to use // inet_pton or InetPton (unicode version). Neither of these is defined even when // including Ws2tcpip.h as instructed. Maybe later... #pragma warning(disable:4996) // Open the socket and connect it to the server int CBaseSocket::OpenServerSocket(int sockInd) { mSockAddr[sockInd].sin_addr.S_un.S_addr = inet_addr(mIPaddress[sockInd]); mSockAddr[sockInd].sin_family = AF_INET; mSockAddr[sockInd].sin_port = htons(mPort[sockInd]); // short, network byte order memset(mSockAddr[sockInd].sin_zero, '\0', sizeof(mSockAddr[sockInd].sin_zero)); mServer[sockInd] = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if(mServer[sockInd] == INVALID_SOCKET) { SEMTrace('K', "BaseSocket: Cannot open server socket at IP %s on port %d (%d)", mIPaddress[sockInd], mPort[sockInd], WSAGetLastError()); return 1; } // Connect the Socket. if(connect(mServer[sockInd], (PSOCKADDR) &mSockAddr[sockInd], sizeof(SOCKADDR_IN))) { SEMTrace('K', "BaseSocket: Error connecting to Server socket at IP %s on port %d (%d)" , mIPaddress[sockInd], mPort[sockInd], WSAGetLastError()); CloseServer(sockInd); return 1; } SEMTrace('K', "BaseSocket: Connected to Server socket at IP %s on port %d", mIPaddress[sockInd], mPort[sockInd]); return 0; } // Close the socket and mark it as invalid void CBaseSocket::CloseServer(int sockInd) { closesocket(mServer[sockInd]); mServer[sockInd] = INVALID_SOCKET; mCloseBeforeNextUse[sockInd] = false; } // Send a message in the argument buffer to the server and get a reply // returns 1 for an error, and the negative of the number of bytes received if // it is not as many as are needed for the command so that can be reponded to later int CBaseSocket::ExchangeMessages(int sockInd) { int nbytes, err, trial, numReceived, numExpected, needed; double startTime, timeDiff; if (!mWSAinitialized) { SEMTrace('K', "BaseSocket: Winsock not initialized"); return 1; } if (mCloseBeforeNextUse[sockInd]) CloseServer(sockInd); if (mServer[sockInd] == INVALID_SOCKET && OpenServerSocket(sockInd)) { SEMTrace('K', "BaseSocket: Failed to open socket"); return 1; } for (trial = 0; trial < 2; trial++) { // Try to send the message nbytes = send(mServer[sockInd], mArgsBuffer[sockInd], mNumBytesSend[sockInd], 0); //SEMTrace('1', "BaseSocket: send returned %d", nbytes); if (nbytes <= 0) { // If that fails, close the server, and on first trial, reopen it and try again SEMTrace('K', "BaseSocket: send error %d", WSAGetLastError()); CloseServer(sockInd); if (trial || OpenServerSocket(sockInd)) { SEMTrace('K', "BaseSocket: send error %d on trial %d", WSAGetLastError(), trial); return 1; } continue; } // Make sure everything was sent; if this fails give up if (FinishSendingBuffer(sockInd, mArgsBuffer[sockInd], mNumBytesSend[sockInd], nbytes)) { SEMTrace('K', "BaseSocket: send error %d when finishing sending buffer", WSAGetLastError()); CloseServer(sockInd); return 1; } // Try to get the reply startTime = GetTickCount(); numReceived = recv(mServer[sockInd], mArgsBuffer[sockInd], mArgBufSize[sockInd], 0); if (numReceived <= 0) { // If that fails with lost connection within a short time on first try, reopen // and try again err = WSAGetLastError(); timeDiff = SEMTickInterval(startTime); if ((numReceived == 0 || err == WSAECONNABORTED || err == WSAECONNRESET) && timeDiff < 200.) { SEMTrace('K', "BaseSocket: recv error %d after %.0f, retry %d", err, timeDiff, 1 - trial); CloseServer(sockInd); if (trial || OpenServerSocket(sockInd)) { SEMTrace('K', "BaseSocket: recv error %d on trial %d", recv, trial); //want return 1; } } } else break; } // Find out how many bytes are in message and make sure we have the whole thing memcpy(&numExpected, &mArgsBuffer[sockInd][0], sizeof(int)); ReallocArgsBufIfNeeded(sockInd, numExpected); if (FinishGettingBuffer(sockInd, mArgsBuffer[sockInd], numReceived, numExpected, mArgBufSize[sockInd])) { CloseServer(sockInd); SEMTrace('K', "BaseSocket: recv error %d when finishing getting args buffer", WSAGetLastError()); //want return 1; } if (numExpected > mArgBufSize[sockInd]) { SEMTrace('K', "BaseSocket: received message too big (%d bytes) for arg buffer", numExpected); //want return 1; } needed = sizeof(int) + mNumLongRecv[sockInd] * sizeof(long) + mNumBoolRecv[sockInd] * sizeof(BOOL) + mNumDblRecv[sockInd] * sizeof(double); if ((!mRecvLongArray[sockInd] && needed != numExpected) || (mRecvLongArray[sockInd] && needed > numExpected)) return -numExpected; return 0; } // Make sure the entire message has been received, based on initial byte count int CBaseSocket::FinishGettingBuffer(int sockInd, char *buffer, int numReceived, int numExpected, int bufSize) { int numNew, ind, err = 0; DWORD timeout; if (numExpected > 1024 && SEMGetRecvImageTimeout() > 0.) { timeout = (DWORD)(SEMGetRecvImageTimeout() * 1000); setsockopt(mServer[sockInd], SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, (char*)&timeout, sizeof(timeout)); } while (numReceived < numExpected) { // If message is too big for buffer, just get it all and throw away the start ind = numReceived; if (numExpected > bufSize) ind = 0; numNew = recv(mServer[sockInd], &buffer[ind], bufSize - ind, 0); if (numNew <= 0) { if (WSAGetLastError() != WSAETIMEDOUT) { err = 1; break; } err = (numExpected - numReceived) + 1; break; } if (numNew + numReceived < numExpected) SEMTrace('K', "got %d new, total %d, left %d", numNew, numNew + numReceived, numExpected - (numNew + numReceived)); numReceived += numNew; } if (numExpected > 1024 && SEMGetRecvImageTimeout() > 0.) { timeout = (DWORD)(10000 * 1000); setsockopt(mServer[sockInd], SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, (char*)&timeout, sizeof(timeout)); } return err; } // Send all or the remainder of a buffer int CBaseSocket::FinishSendingBuffer(int sockInd, char *buffer, int numBytes, int numTotalSent) { int numToSend, numSent; while (numTotalSent < numBytes) { numToSend = numBytes - numTotalSent; if (numToSend > mChunkSize) numToSend = mChunkSize; numSent = send(mServer[sockInd], &buffer[numTotalSent], numToSend, 0); if (numSent < 0) { return 1; } numTotalSent += numSent; } return 0; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Support functions for the function calls // Set the variables for starting to exchange a message, putting function code in first // long argument position void CBaseSocket::InitializePacking(int sockInd, int funcCode) { mLongArgs[sockInd][0] = funcCode; mNumLongSend[sockInd] = 1; mNumDblSend[sockInd] = 0; mNumBoolSend[sockInd] = 0; mNumLongRecv[sockInd] = 0; mNumDblRecv[sockInd] = 0; mNumBoolRecv[sockInd] = 0; mRecvLongArray[sockInd] = false; mLongArray[sockInd] = NULL; } // Once arguments have been placed in the arrays, this routine packs them into a message, // sends the message, received the reply, unpacks it into the argument arrays, and sets // the return code to a negative value in various error cases void CBaseSocket::SendAndReceiveArgs(int sockInd) { // This value was set to actual arguments for clarity; add one now for the return value mNumLongRecv[sockInd]++; int funcCode = mLongArgs[sockInd][0]; if (PackDataToSend(sockInd)) { mLongArgs[sockInd][0] = -1; SEMTrace('K', "BaseSocket: Data to send are too large for argument buffer"); return; } int err = ExchangeMessages(sockInd); if (err > 0) { mLongArgs[sockInd][0] = -1; return; } if (UnpackReceivedData(sockInd, -err)) { mLongArgs[sockInd][0] = -1; SEMTrace('K', "BaseSocket: Received data are too large for argument buffer"); return; } if (mLongArgs[sockInd][0] < 0) { SEMTrace('K', "BaseSocket: Server return code %d on chan %d", mLongArgs[sockInd][0], sockInd); return; } if (err < 0) { SEMTrace('K', "BaseSocket: wrong number of bytes received (%d) than needed for " "function %d", -err, funcCode); mLongArgs[sockInd][0] = -1; } } // Simply call a function with one integer argument int CBaseSocket::SendOneArgReturnRetVal(int sockInd, int funcCode, int argument) { InitializePacking(sockInd, funcCode); mLongArgs[sockInd][mNumLongSend[sockInd]++] = argument; SendAndReceiveArgs(sockInd); return mLongArgs[sockInd][0]; } // Call a function with no arguments to return a string const char *CBaseSocket::GetOneString(int sock, int funcCode) { static char *empty = ""; InitializePacking(sock, funcCode); mRecvLongArray[sock] = true; mNumLongRecv[sock] = 1; SendAndReceiveArgs(sock); if (mLongArgs[sock][0]) return empty; return (const char *)mLongArray[sock]; } // Adds a string as a long array after copying it into the supplied array; this should be // called AFTER all long arguments are added void CBaseSocket::AddStringAsLongArray(int sock, const char *name, long *longArr, int maxLen) { int len = ((int)strlen(name) + 4) / 4; if (len > maxLen) len = maxLen; strncpy_s((char *)longArr, len * 4, name, _TRUNCATE); mLongArray[sock] = longArr; mLongArgs[sock][mNumLongSend[sock]++] = len; } // Adds an optional array of longs then an optional collection of strings by allocating // an array and returning it; this should be called AFTER all long arguments are added long *CBaseSocket::AddLongsAndStrings(int sock, long *longVals, int numLongs, const char **strings, int numStrings) { int ind, len, charsLeft, lenTot = numLongs * sizeof(long); long *longArr; char *nameStr; for (ind = 0; ind < numStrings; ind++) lenTot += (int)strlen(strings[ind]) + 1; lenTot = (lenTot + 5) / 4; longArr = (long *)malloc(lenTot * sizeof(long)); if (!longArr) return NULL; // Pack the names after the binnings and terminate with an empty string (not needed...) nameStr = (char *)(&longArr[numLongs]); charsLeft = (lenTot - numLongs) * sizeof(long) - 1; for (ind = 0; ind < numLongs; ind++) longArr[ind] = longVals[ind]; for (ind = 0; ind < numStrings; ind++) { strncpy_s(nameStr, charsLeft, strings[ind], _TRUNCATE); len = (int)strlen(strings[ind]) + 1; nameStr += len; charsLeft -= len; } nameStr[0] = 0x00; mLongArray[sock] = longArr; mLongArgs[sock][mNumLongSend[sock]++] = lenTot; return longArr; } // Exchanges messages for an image acquisition then, if all is good, acquires the image // buffer of the expected size int CBaseSocket::SendAndReceiveForImage(int sockInd, short *imArray, long *arrSize, long *width, long *height, int bytesPerPixel) { int numBytes, numChunks, nsent, chunkSize, numToGet, chunk, totalRecv = 0, err = 0; double startTicks; mNumLongRecv[sockInd] = 4; SendAndReceiveArgs(sockInd); if (mLongArgs[sockInd][0] < 0) return 1; *arrSize = mLongArgs[sockInd][1]; *width = mLongArgs[sockInd][2]; *height = mLongArgs[sockInd][3]; numChunks = mLongArgs[sockInd][4]; if (mLongArgs[sockInd][0]) return mLongArgs[sockInd][0]; numBytes = *arrSize * bytesPerPixel; memset(imArray, 0, numBytes); SEMTrace('K', "Return args received (%d %d %d), expecting %d bytes for image in %d " "chunks", *arrSize, *width, *height, numBytes, numChunks); startTicks = GetTickCount(); chunkSize = (numBytes + numChunks - 1) / numChunks; for (chunk = 0; chunk < numChunks; chunk++) { if (chunk) { InitializePacking(sockInd, mHandshakeCode[sockInd]); if (PackDataToSend(sockInd)) { mCloseBeforeNextUse[sockInd] = true; return 1; } nsent = send(mServer[sockInd], mArgsBuffer[sockInd], mNumBytesSend[sockInd], 0); if (nsent <= 0) { SEMTrace('K', "BaseSocket: send error %d", WSAGetLastError()); CloseServer(sockInd); return 1; } } numToGet = B3DMIN(numBytes - totalRecv, chunkSize); err = FinishGettingBuffer(sockInd, (char *)imArray + totalRecv, 0, numToGet, numToGet); if (err) { if (err > 1) SEMTrace('K', "BaseSocket: Timeout while receiving image (chunk # %d) from " "server; %d bytes left", chunk, err - 1); else SEMTrace('K', "BaseSocket: Error %d while receiving image (chunk # %d) from " "server", WSAGetLastError(), chunk); mCloseBeforeNextUse[sockInd] = true; return 1; } totalRecv += numToGet; } SEMTrace('K',"Transfer rate %.1f MB/s", numBytes / (1000. * B3DMAX(1., SEMTickInterval(startTicks)))); return 0; } // Unpack the received argument buffer, skipping over the first word with byte count int CBaseSocket::UnpackReceivedData(int sockInd, int limitedNum) { int numBytes, numUnpacked = sizeof(int); if (mNumLongRecv[sockInd] > MAX_LONG_ARGS || mNumBoolRecv[sockInd] > MAX_BOOL_ARGS || mNumDblRecv[sockInd] > MAX_DBL_ARGS) return 1; // If the message is basically empty then just let the caller report that; otherwise // then try to get the error code from the next word and return if (limitedNum > 0 && limitedNum < 8) { mLongArgs[sockInd][0] = 0; return 0; } numBytes = mNumLongRecv[sockInd] * sizeof(long); if (limitedNum > 0) numBytes = 4; memcpy(mLongArgs[sockInd], &mArgsBuffer[sockInd][numUnpacked], numBytes); if (limitedNum > 0) return 0; numUnpacked += numBytes; numBytes = mNumBoolRecv[sockInd] * sizeof(BOOL); if (numBytes) memcpy(mBoolArgs[sockInd], &mArgsBuffer[sockInd][numUnpacked], numBytes); numUnpacked += numBytes; numBytes = mNumDblRecv[sockInd] * sizeof(double); if (numBytes) memcpy(mDoubleArgs[sockInd], &mArgsBuffer[sockInd][numUnpacked], numBytes); numUnpacked += numBytes; // If receiving a long array, size is in last long arg; copy address if (mRecvLongArray[sockInd] && mNumLongRecv[sockInd] > 0) { mLongArray[sockInd] = (long *)(&mArgsBuffer[sockInd][numUnpacked]); numUnpacked += sizeof(long) * mLongArgs[sockInd][mNumLongRecv[sockInd] - 1]; } return 0; } // Pack the data into the argument buffer as longs, BOOLS, doubles, and the long array int CBaseSocket::PackDataToSend(int sockInd) { int numAdd; mNumBytesSend[sockInd] = sizeof(int); if (mNumLongSend[sockInd]) { numAdd = mNumLongSend[sockInd] * sizeof(long); if (numAdd + mNumBytesSend[sockInd] > mArgBufSize[sockInd]) return 1; memcpy(&mArgsBuffer[sockInd][mNumBytesSend[sockInd]], mLongArgs[sockInd], numAdd); mNumBytesSend[sockInd] += numAdd; } if (mNumBoolSend[sockInd]) { numAdd = mNumBoolSend[sockInd] * sizeof(BOOL); if (numAdd + mNumBytesSend[sockInd] > mArgBufSize[sockInd]) return 1; memcpy(&mArgsBuffer[sockInd][mNumBytesSend[sockInd]], mBoolArgs[sockInd], numAdd); mNumBytesSend[sockInd] += numAdd; } if (mNumDblSend[sockInd]) { numAdd = mNumDblSend[sockInd] * sizeof(double); if (numAdd + mNumBytesSend[sockInd] > mArgBufSize[sockInd]) return 1; memcpy(&mArgsBuffer[sockInd][mNumBytesSend[sockInd]], mDoubleArgs[sockInd], numAdd); mNumBytesSend[sockInd] += numAdd; } // If there is a long array to send, the last long arg has the size if (mLongArray[sockInd]) { numAdd = mLongArgs[sockInd][mNumLongSend[sockInd] - 1] * sizeof(long); if (ReallocArgsBufIfNeeded(sockInd, numAdd + mNumBytesSend[sockInd])) return 1; memcpy(&mArgsBuffer[sockInd][mNumBytesSend[sockInd]], mLongArray[sockInd], numAdd); mNumBytesSend[sockInd] += numAdd; } // Put the number of bytes at the beginning of the message memcpy(&mArgsBuffer[sockInd][0], &mNumBytesSend[sockInd], sizeof(int)); return 0; }