// BaseDlg.cpp: Base class to handle tool tips, help button, panels, other utilities // // Copyright (C) 2003-2021 by the Regents of the University of // Colorado. See Copyright.txt for full notice of copyright and limitations. // // Author: David Mastronarde // #include "stdafx.h" #include #include "SerialEM.h" #include ".\BaseDlg.h" #include "Shared\b3dutil.h" #ifdef _DEBUG #define new DEBUG_NEW #undef THIS_FILE static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CBaseDlg dialog CBaseDlg::CBaseDlg(UINT inIDD, CWnd* pParent /*=NULL*/) : CDialog(inIDD, pParent) { //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CBaseDlg) // NOTE: the ClassWizard will add member initialization here //}}AFX_DATA_INIT mIDD = inIDD; mWinApp = (CSerialEMApp *)AfxGetApp(); mNonModal = false; mNumIDsToHide = 0; mIDToSaveTop = -1; mSecondColPanel = -1; mNumPanels = 0; mNumUnitsToAdd = 0; } void CBaseDlg::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { CDialog::DoDataExchange(pDX); //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CBaseDlg) // NOTE: the ClassWizard will add DDX and DDV calls here DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_BUTHELP, m_butHelp); //}}AFX_DATA_MAP } BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CBaseDlg, CDialog) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CBaseDlg) // NOTE: the ClassWizard will add message map macros here ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_BUTHELP, OnButhelp) ON_WM_LBUTTONDOWN() ON_WM_MBUTTONDOWN() ON_WM_RBUTTONDOWN() ON_WM_LBUTTONUP() ON_WM_MBUTTONUP() ON_WM_RBUTTONUP() ON_WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK() ON_WM_MBUTTONDBLCLK() ON_WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK() //}}AFX_MSG_MAP ON_NOTIFY_EX_RANGE( TTN_NEEDTEXT, 0, 0xFFFF, OnToolTipNotify ) END_MESSAGE_MAP() ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CBaseDlg message handlers BOOL CBaseDlg::OnInitDialog() { if (!mWinApp->GetDisplayNotTruly120DPI()) mSetDPI.Attach(AfxFindResourceHandle(MAKEINTRESOURCE(mIDD), RT_DIALOG), m_hWnd, mIDD, B3DNINT(1.25 *mWinApp->GetSystemDPI())); CDialog::OnInitDialog(); // At 96 DPI, pixel coordinates are about twice the dialog units // Count the total windows needed for the positioning mSameLineCrit = mWinApp->ScaleValueForDPI(12); mBottomDrawMargin = mWinApp->ScaleValueForDPI(3); EnableToolTips(true); return TRUE; } BOOL CBaseDlg::OnToolTipNotify( UINT id, NMHDR * pNMHDR, LRESULT * pResult ) { TOOLTIPTEXT *pTTT = (TOOLTIPTEXT *)pNMHDR; int nID; if (pTTT->uFlags & TTF_IDISHWND) { // idFrom is actually the HWND of the tool nID = ::GetDlgCtrlID((HWND)pNMHDR->idFrom); if(nID) { pTTT->lpszText = MAKEINTRESOURCE(nID); pTTT->hinst = AfxGetResourceHandle(); return(TRUE); } } return(FALSE); } void CBaseDlg::OnButhelp() { mWinApp->OnHelp(); FixButtonFocus(m_butHelp); if (mNonModal) mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); } // For easy editing of dialog text by window pointer or ID void CBaseDlg::ReplaceWindowText(CWnd * wnd, const char * fromText, CString toText) { CString str; wnd->GetWindowText(str); str.Replace(fromText, (LPCTSTR)toText); wnd->SetWindowText(str); } void CBaseDlg::ReplaceDlgItemText(int nID, const char * fromText, CString toText) { CString str; GetDlgItemText(nID, str); str.Replace(fromText, (LPCTSTR)toText); SetDlgItemText(nID, str); } // For enabling radio buttons particularly void CBaseDlg::EnableDlgItem(int nID, BOOL enable) { CWnd *but = GetDlgItem(nID); if (but) but->EnableWindow(enable); } // For showing/hiding dialog item by ID void CBaseDlg::ShowDlgItem(int nID, BOOL show) { CWnd *but = GetDlgItem(nID); if (but) but->ShowWindow(show ? SW_SHOW : SW_HIDE); } // Gets a new spinner value within the given limits and sets some formatted text with the // value void CBaseDlg::FormattedSpinnerValue(NMHDR *pNMHDR, LRESULT *pResult, int lowerLim, int upperLim, int &oldNewVal, CString &str, const char *format) { if (NewSpinnerValue(pNMHDR, pResult, oldNewVal, lowerLim, upperLim, oldNewVal)) return; UpdateData(true); str.Format(format, oldNewVal); UpdateData(false); *pResult = 0; } // Draw a box around a button. // Non-tool dialogs need a big offset that does NOT need DPI scaling void CBaseDlg::DrawButtonOutline(CPaintDC &dc, CWnd *but, int thickness, COLORREF color, int offset) { CRect winRect, clientRect, butRect; int iLeft, iTop, border; thickness = (int)(thickness * ((CSerialEMApp *)AfxGetApp())->GetScalingForDPI()); GetWindowRect(&winRect); GetClientRect(&clientRect); border = (winRect.Width() - clientRect.Width()) / 2; but->GetWindowRect(&butRect); iLeft = (butRect.left - winRect.left) + offset - thickness; iTop = butRect.top - winRect.top - (winRect.Height() - clientRect.Height() - border) - (thickness - 1); CRect dcRect(iLeft, iTop, iLeft + butRect.Width() + (thickness + 1), iTop + butRect.Height() + (thickness + 1)); CPen pen; CBrush brush; pen.CreatePen(PS_SOLID, thickness, color); // "transparent" brush brush.CreateStockObject(HOLLOW_BRUSH); dc.SelectObject(&pen); dc.SelectObject(&brush); dc.Rectangle(&dcRect); } // If nonModal, capture all the stray mouse events not on a control and yield focus void CBaseDlg::OnLButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { CDialog::OnLButtonDown(nFlags, point); if (mNonModal) mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); } void CBaseDlg::OnMButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { CDialog::OnMButtonDown(nFlags, point); if (mNonModal) mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); } void CBaseDlg::OnRButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { CDialog::OnRButtonDown(nFlags, point); if (mNonModal) mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); } void CBaseDlg::OnLButtonUp(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { CDialog::OnLButtonUp(nFlags, point); if (mNonModal) mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); } void CBaseDlg::OnMButtonUp(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { CDialog::OnMButtonUp(nFlags, point); if (mNonModal) mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); } void CBaseDlg::OnRButtonUp(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { CDialog::OnRButtonUp(nFlags, point); if (mNonModal) mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); } void CBaseDlg::OnLButtonDblClk(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { CDialog::OnLButtonDblClk(nFlags, point); if (mNonModal) mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); } void CBaseDlg::OnMButtonDblClk(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { CDialog::OnMButtonDblClk(nFlags, point); if (mNonModal) mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); } void CBaseDlg::OnRButtonDblClk(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { CDialog::OnRButtonDblClk(nFlags, point); if (mNonModal) mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); } // Fix a button having focus after being pressed, instead of OK button // ButtonStyle used to work, Win 10 seems to need SetFocus void CBaseDlg::FixButtonFocus(CButton &button) { button.SetButtonStyle(BS_PUSHBUTTON); SetFocus(); } // Replacement function for DDV_MinMAxFlaot that needs to get used for nonmodal dialogs to // avoid double validation messages or worse void CBaseDlg::MinMaxFloat(UINT nID, float &value, float minVal, float maxVal, const char *descrip) { CString str; if (value >= minVal && value <= maxVal) return; B3DCLAMP(value, minVal, maxVal); str.Format("%g", value); SetDlgItemText(nID, (LPCTSTR)str); str.Format("%s must be between %g and %g", descrip, minVal, maxVal); AfxMessageBox(str, MB_EXCLAME); } // Replacement for DDV_MinMaxInt void CBaseDlg::MinMaxInt(UINT nID, int &value, int minVal, int maxVal, const char *descrip) { CString str; bool inRange = value >= minVal && value <= maxVal; B3DCLAMP(value, minVal, maxVal); str.Format("%d", value); SetDlgItemText(nID, (LPCTSTR)str); if (inRange) return; str.Format("%s must be between %d and %d", descrip, minVal, maxVal); AfxMessageBox(str, MB_EXCLAME); } // Replacement function for DDX_Text with a float variable to improve on what MFC does and // fix it rejecting "0" for some float entries, with optional call to MinMaxFloat BOOL CBaseDlg::Ddx_MinMaxFloat(CDataExchange *pDX, UINT nID, float &member, float minVal, float maxVal, const char *descrip) { char *endPtr; CString str; int nchar; if (!pDX->m_bSaveAndValidate) str.Format("%g", member); DDX_Text(pDX, nID, str); if (pDX->m_bSaveAndValidate) { nchar = str.GetLength(); if (!nchar) { str = "Enter a number for " + CString(descrip); } else { member = (float)strtod((LPCTSTR)str, &endPtr); if (endPtr - (LPCTSTR)str < str.GetLength()) { str = CString(descrip) + " has non-numeric characters"; nchar = 0; } } if (!nchar) { AfxMessageBox(str, MB_EXCLAME); pDX->Fail(); return FALSE; } } if (minVal < maxVal) MinMaxFloat(nID, member, minVal, maxVal, descrip); return TRUE; } // Replacement function for DDX_Text with an int variable and optional call to MinMaxInt BOOL CBaseDlg::Ddx_MinMaxInt(CDataExchange *pDX, UINT nID, int &member, int minVal, int maxVal, const char *descrip) { char *endPtr; CString str; int nchar; if (!pDX->m_bSaveAndValidate) str.Format("%d", member); DDX_Text(pDX, nID, str); if (pDX->m_bSaveAndValidate) { nchar = str.GetLength(); if (!nchar) { str = "Enter a number for " + CString(descrip); } else { member = (int)strtol((LPCTSTR)str, &endPtr, 10); if (endPtr - (LPCTSTR)str < str.GetLength()) { str = CString(descrip) + " has non-integer characters"; nchar = 0; } } if (!nchar) { AfxMessageBox(str, MB_EXCLAME); pDX->Fail(); return FALSE; } } if (minVal < maxVal) MinMaxInt(nID, member, minVal, maxVal, descrip); return TRUE; } // First step in doing a rectangle draw in OnPaint: get the offset to subtract from top int CBaseDlg::TopOffsetForFillingRectangle(CRect &winRect) { CRect clientRect; int border; GetWindowRect(&winRect); GetClientRect(&clientRect); border = (winRect.Width() - clientRect.Width()) / 2; return (winRect.Height() - clientRect.Height() - border); } // Fill the rectange of a dialog item with the given color, return the rect in the dc // so text can be drawn there void CBaseDlg::FillDialogItemRectangle(CPaintDC &dc, CRect &winRect, CWnd *wnd, int topOffset, COLORREF color, CRect &dcRect) { int iLeft, iTop; CRect statRect; wnd->GetWindowRect(statRect); iLeft = statRect.left - winRect.left; iTop = statRect.top - winRect.top - topOffset; dcRect.SetRect(iLeft, iTop, iLeft + statRect.Width(), iTop + statRect.Height()); dc.FillSolidRect(&dcRect, color); } // Return top, left coordinates that can be used in a SetWindowPos call for the // given element; will set window and client rect only if necessary // See Navigator for an example void CBaseDlg::TopLeftForSetWindowPos(CWnd *wnd, CRect &wndRect, CRect &clientRect, int &left, int &top) { int ixOffset; CRect butRect; wnd->GetWindowRect(butRect); if (!wndRect.Width()) GetWindowRect(wndRect); if (!clientRect.Width()) GetClientRect(clientRect); ixOffset = (wndRect.Width() - clientRect.Width()) / 2; left = butRect.left - wndRect.left - ixOffset; top = (butRect.top - wndRect.top) - (wndRect.Height() - clientRect.Height()) + ixOffset; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PANELS, HIDING, AND LAYOUT MANAGEMENT //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Setup call for the panel tables // The first item in the section for panel is recorded as the panelStart so it better be // the top item; probably best to end panel section with the bottom item too void CBaseDlg::SetupPanelTables(int *idTable, int *leftTable, int *topTable, int *numInPanel, int *panelStart, int *heightTable, int sortStart) { CRect wndRect, clientRect, idRect; CWnd *wnd; int iXoffset, iYoffset, index, ii, jj, indEnd, temp; std::set *lineHideIDs = mWinApp->GetLineHideIDs(); std::set *basicLineHideIDs = mWinApp->GetBasicLineHideIDs(); GetClientRect(clientRect); GetWindowRect(wndRect); mBasicWidth = wndRect.Width(); mBasicMaxRight = 0; iXoffset = (wndRect.Width() - clientRect.Width()) / 2; iYoffset = (wndRect.Height() - clientRect.Height()) - iXoffset; // Get indexes to panels in table and top/left positions in settable form index = 0; mNumPanels = 0; while (idTable[index] != TABLE_END) { panelStart[mNumPanels] = index; numInPanel[mNumPanels] = 0; while (idTable[index] != PANEL_END) { numInPanel[mNumPanels]++; if (idTable[index]) { wnd = GetDlgItem(idTable[index]); wnd->GetWindowRect(idRect); leftTable[index] = idRect.left - wndRect.left - iXoffset; ACCUM_MAX(mBasicMaxRight, leftTable[index] + idRect.Width()); topTable[index] = idRect.top - wndRect.top - iYoffset; if (heightTable) heightTable[index] = idRect.Height(); if (numInPanel[mNumPanels] == 1 && wndRect.Height() < 3) topTable[index] += 4; } index++; } // Order them by increasing top so dropping of elements/lines works // If two are equal, make one that drops a line come first indEnd = panelStart[mNumPanels] + numInPanel[mNumPanels]; for (ii = panelStart[mNumPanels] + sortStart; ii < indEnd - 1; ii++) { for (jj = ii + 1; jj < indEnd; jj++) { if (topTable[jj] < topTable[ii] || ((topTable[jj] == topTable[ii]) && (lineHideIDs->count(idTable[jj]) || basicLineHideIDs->count(idTable[jj])))) { B3DSWAP(topTable[jj], topTable[ii], temp); B3DSWAP(leftTable[jj], leftTable[ii], temp); B3DSWAP(idTable[jj], idTable[ii], temp); } } } index++; mNumPanels++; } } // Analyze list of "units" of IDs to add after certain other IDs and find other sizes // needed to addthem properly void CBaseDlg::SetupUnitsToAdd(int *idTable, int *leftTable, int *topTable, int *numInPanel, int *panelStart, int groupAdjust) { int ii, jj, unit, temp, index, diff, unitTop, prevTop, left, back; int groupRefHeight, groupTopDiff; CWnd *wnd1, *wnd2; CRect actRect, selRect; // Convenience variables for looping and testing mNumUnitsToAdd = (int)mAddUnitStartInds.size(); mAddUnitStartInds.push_back((short)mAddItemIDs.size()); mIDsToDrop.insert(mIDsToDrop.end(), mAddItemIDs.begin(), mAddItemIDs.end()); // Loop on the units for (unit = 0; unit < mNumUnitsToAdd; unit++) { // Sort the unit for (ii = mAddUnitStartInds[unit]; ii < mAddUnitStartInds[unit + 1] - 1; ii++) { for (jj = ii + 1; jj < mAddUnitStartInds[unit + 1]; jj++) { if (FindIDinTable(mAddItemIDs[jj], idTable, numInPanel, panelStart) < FindIDinTable(mAddItemIDs[ii], idTable, numInPanel, panelStart)) B3DSWAP(mAddItemIDs[ii], mAddItemIDs[jj], temp); } } // Find the last item before the unit not in add list index = FindIDinTable(mAddItemIDs[mAddUnitStartInds[unit]], idTable, numInPanel, panelStart); back = 0; prevTop = -1; while (index - back > 0 && idTable[index - (back + 1)] != PANEL_END) { if (std::find(mAddItemIDs.begin(), mAddItemIDs.end(), idTable[index - (back + 1)]) == mAddItemIDs.end()) break; back++; } if (index - back == 0 || idTable[index - (back + 1)] == PANEL_END) { mWinApp->AppendToLog("PROGRAM ERROR: unit to add starts at beginning of panel"); } else { prevTop = topTable[index -(back + 1)]; unitTop = topTable[index]; } for (ii = mAddUnitStartInds[unit]; ii < mAddUnitStartInds[unit + 1]; ii++) { diff = 0; left = 0; if (prevTop >= 0) { index = FindIDinTable(mAddItemIDs[ii], idTable, numInPanel, panelStart); diff = topTable[index] - prevTop; left = leftTable[index]; } mTopDiffToAddItems.push_back(diff); mAddItemsLeftPos.push_back(left); } // And get the next item after the unit not in add list index = FindIDinTable(mAddItemIDs[mAddUnitStartInds[unit + 1] - 1], idTable, numInPanel, panelStart); diff = 0; back = 0; while (index + back != 0 && index + back + 1 < panelStart[mNumPanels - 1] + numInPanel[mNumPanels - 1]) { if (std::find(mAddItemIDs.begin(), mAddItemIDs.end(), idTable[index + (back + 1)]) == mAddItemIDs.end()) break; back++; } if (index + back == 0 || index + back + 1 >= panelStart[mNumPanels - 1] + numInPanel[mNumPanels - 1]) mWinApp->AppendToLog("PROGRAM ERROR: unit to add ends at end of table"); else if (prevTop >= 0) diff = topTable[index + back + 1] - unitTop; mPostAddTopDiffs.push_back(diff); } // Now set up group box adjustments for (ii = 0; ii < (int)mIDsToAdjustHeight.size(); ii++) { wnd1 = GetDlgItem(mIDsToAdjustHeight[ii]); wnd2 = GetDlgItem(mIDsForNextTop[ii]); if (wnd1 && wnd2) { wnd1->GetWindowRect(actRect); wnd2->GetWindowRect(selRect); groupRefHeight = actRect.Height(); groupTopDiff = selRect.top - actRect.top; mAdjustmentToTopDiff.push_back(groupAdjust + groupTopDiff - groupRefHeight); mNextTopSet.insert(mIDsToAdjustHeight[ii]); mNextTopSet.insert(mIDsForNextTop[ii]); } else { mIDsToAdjustHeight[ii] = 0; mIDsForNextTop[ii] = 0; mAdjustmentToTopDiff.push_back(0); } mIDsToIgnoreBot.insert(mIDsToAdjustHeight[ii]); } } // Look up the given ID in the table int CBaseDlg::FindIDinTable(int ID, int *idTable, int *numInPanel, int *panelStart) { int panel, index; for (panel = 0; panel < mNumPanels; panel++) { for (index = panelStart[panel]; index < panelStart[panel] + numInPanel[panel]; index++) { if (idTable[index] == ID) return index; } } PrintfToLog("PROGRAM ERROR: cannot find %d in idTable", ID); return 0; } // Rebuild the dialog given the panel states and other information stored in members void CBaseDlg::AdjustPanels(BOOL *states, int *idTable, int *leftTable, int *topTable, int *numInPanel, int *panelStart, int numCameras, int *heightTable) { bool draw, drop, droppingLine, doingAtEnd; int width, curTop = topTable[0]; CRect rect, winRect, tempRect; int panel, panelTop, index, jj, id, cumulDrop, firstDropped, topPos, drawnMaxBottom; int topAtLastDraw, topAtFirstColEnd, unitInd, addInd, topDiff, lastDiff, thisID; CWnd *wnd, *lastWnd; HDWP positions; std::set specialDrops; ShortVec savedNextTop; index = 1; mSavedTopPos = -1; savedNextTop.resize(3 * mIDsForNextTop.size(), -1); for (panel = 0; panel < mNumPanels; panel++) index += numInPanel[panel]; positions = BeginDeferWindowPos(index); int maxRight = 0; if (!positions) return; // Set up set of items to drop from list of added items for (unitInd = 0; unitInd < mNumUnitsToAdd; unitInd++) { if (mAddUnitAfterIDs[unitInd] > 0) { for (addInd = mAddUnitStartInds[unitInd]; addInd < mAddUnitStartInds[unitInd + 1]; addInd++) specialDrops.insert(mAddItemIDs[addInd]); } } // Loop on panels for (panel = 0; panel < mNumPanels; panel++) { panelTop = topTable[panelStart[panel]]; if (panel == mSecondColPanel) { topAtFirstColEnd = curTop; curTop = panelTop; } else if (mSecondColPanel > 0 && panel == mNumPanels - 1) { ACCUM_MAX(curTop, topAtFirstColEnd); } cumulDrop = 0; firstDropped = -1; droppingLine = false; drawnMaxBottom = 0; topAtLastDraw = 0; // Loop on items in panel for (index = panelStart[panel]; index < panelStart[panel] + numInPanel[panel]; index++) { thisID = idTable[index]; wnd = GetDlgItem(thisID); draw = true; drop = false; // Hide cameras past the number that exist for (id = (numCameras > 1 ? numCameras : 0); id < MAX_DLG_CAMERAS; id++) if (thisID == IDC_RCAMERA1 + id) draw = false; // Hide ones that the dialog wants to hide for (id = 0; id < mNumIDsToHide; id++) if (thisID == mIDsToHide[id]) draw = false; // Drops ones that are in the users list to drop or the dialog has set to drop ManageDropping(topTable, index, thisID, topAtLastDraw, cumulDrop, firstDropped, droppingLine, drop); // draw if (states[panel] && draw && !drop) { topPos = (curTop - cumulDrop) + topTable[index] - panelTop; // Keep track of bottom drawn, but ignore items in this set: this can contain // a group box to be resized, and troublesome items that have aberrant heights // the first time the resource is loaded (?!), i.e. on the first open only if (heightTable && !mIDsToIgnoreBot.count(thisID)) { if (mIDsToReplaceHeight.count(thisID)) { wnd->GetClientRect(tempRect); heightTable[index] = tempRect.Height(); } ACCUM_MAX(drawnMaxBottom, topPos + heightTable[index] + mBottomDrawMargin); } if (thisID == mIDToSaveTop) mSavedTopPos = topPos; doingAtEnd = false; if (mNextTopSet.count(thisID)) { for (jj = 0; jj < (int)mIDsForNextTop.size(); jj++) { if (mIDsForNextTop[jj] == thisID) savedNextTop[3 * jj + 2] = topPos; if (mIDsToAdjustHeight[jj] == thisID) { savedNextTop[3 * jj] = leftTable[index]; savedNextTop[3 * jj + 1] = topPos; doingAtEnd = true; } } } topAtLastDraw = topTable[index]; //wnd->ShowWindow(SW_SHOW); if (!doingAtEnd) { // This element is to be drawn: now check if it needs to change width because it // can steal size from its neighbor to the right; if so, draw with size change width = 0; if (mGrowWidthSet.count(thisID)) width = WidthToGrowIfNbrHidden(thisID); if (!width) { positions = DeferWindowPos(positions, wnd->m_hWnd, NULL, leftTable[index], topPos, 0, 0, SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_SHOWWINDOW); if (mSecondColPanel > 0) { wnd->GetClientRect(&tempRect); ACCUM_MAX(maxRight, leftTable[index] + tempRect.Width()); } } else { wnd->GetClientRect(&tempRect); width += tempRect.Width(); positions = DeferWindowPos(positions, wnd->m_hWnd, NULL, leftTable[index], topPos, width, tempRect.Height(), SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_SHOWWINDOW); if (mSecondColPanel > 0) { ACCUM_MAX(maxRight, leftTable[index] + width); } } } //CString name; //wnd->GetWindowText(name); //PrintfToLog("Put %d %s at %d %d", thisID, name, leftTable[index], topPos); lastWnd = wnd; //To find items with bad heights on first opening: /*CRect tempRect; wnd->GetClientRect(tempRect); if (heightTable && tempRect.Height() < heightTable[index]) PrintfToLog("ID %d table %d now %d", thisID, heightTable[index], tempRect.Height());*/ if (mNumUnitsToAdd > 0 && mAddAfterIDSet.count(thisID) > 0) { topDiff = 0; for (unitInd = 0; unitInd < mNumUnitsToAdd; unitInd++) { if (thisID == mAddUnitAfterIDs[unitInd]) { for (addInd = mAddUnitStartInds[unitInd]; addInd < mAddUnitStartInds[unitInd + 1]; addInd++) { wnd = GetDlgItem(mAddItemIDs[addInd]); lastDiff = mTopDiffToAddItems[addInd]; positions = DeferWindowPos(positions, wnd->m_hWnd, NULL, mAddItemsLeftPos[addInd],topPos + topDiff + lastDiff, 0, 0, SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_SHOWWINDOW); //wnd->GetWindowText(name); //PrintfToLog("Added %d %s at %d %d", mAddItemIDs[addInd], name, mAddItemsLeftPos[addInd], topPos + topDiff + lastDiff); if (mSecondColPanel > 0) { wnd->GetClientRect(&tempRect); ACCUM_MAX(maxRight, leftTable[index] + tempRect.Width()); } } topDiff += lastDiff; lastWnd = wnd; cumulDrop -= mPostAddTopDiffs[unitInd]; } } } } else if (specialDrops.count(thisID) == 0) // Or hide positions = DeferWindowPos(positions, wnd->m_hWnd, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_HIDEWINDOW); } // If last one in panel dropped, add to cumulative distance if (firstDropped >= 0 && B3DABS(topTable[firstDropped] - topAtLastDraw) > mSameLineCrit) cumulDrop += topTable[panelStart[panel + 1]] - topTable[firstDropped]; // Set new current top unless panel was closed if (states[panel] && panel < mNumPanels - 1) { if (mSecondColPanel < 0) curTop = B3DMAX(drawnMaxBottom, curTop + (topTable[panelStart[panel + 1]] - panelTop) - cumulDrop); else curTop = drawnMaxBottom + mBottomDrawMargin; } } // Handle the group boxes that we got information about // Need to issue a single window pos for them, hence skipped positioning above for (jj = 0; jj < (int)mIDsToAdjustHeight.size(); jj++) { if (mIDsToAdjustHeight[jj] > 0 && savedNextTop[3 * jj] >= 0) { topPos = savedNextTop[3 * jj + 1]; wnd = GetDlgItem(mIDsToAdjustHeight[jj]); wnd->GetWindowRect(rect); positions = DeferWindowPos(positions, wnd->m_hWnd, NULL, savedNextTop[3 * jj], topPos, rect.Width(), mAdjustmentToTopDiff[jj] + savedNextTop[3 * jj + 2] - topPos , SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_SHOWWINDOW); if (mSecondColPanel > 0) { wnd->GetClientRect(&tempRect); ACCUM_MAX(maxRight, leftTable[index] + tempRect.Width()); } } } // Make all those changes occur then resize dialog to end below the last button EndDeferWindowPos(positions); lastWnd->GetWindowRect(rect); GetWindowRect(winRect); mSetToHeight = rect.bottom + 8 - winRect.top; SetWindowPos(NULL, 0, 0, (mSecondColPanel > 0 && maxRight < 0.75 * mBasicWidth) ? maxRight + mBasicWidth - mBasicMaxRight : mBasicWidth, mSetToHeight, SWP_NOMOVE); } // For a given dialog item, determine if it is to be dropped and manage the state of // cumulative drop, first one dropped in group, whether a line is being dropped void CBaseDlg::ManageDropping(int *topTable, int index, int nID, int topAtLastDraw, int &cumulDrop, int &firstDropped, bool &droppingLine, bool &drop) { bool lineDrop; int ind; // Drop ones that are in the users list to drop or the dialog has set to drop drop = drop || mWinApp->IsIDinHideSet(nID); lineDrop = mWinApp->IsIDinLineHides(nID); for (ind = 0; ind < (int)mIDsToDrop.size() && !drop; ind++) if (nID == mIDsToDrop[ind]) drop = true; // If one is to be dropped by those tests of within the Y distance to be on the same // line as the first dropped one, then drop it if (drop || lineDrop || (firstDropped >= 0 && droppingLine && B3DABS(topTable[index] - topTable[firstDropped]) <= mSameLineCrit)) { // But if there is already dropping in play from a previous line, add to // cumulative drop distance and reset index to this one if ((drop || lineDrop) && firstDropped >= 0) { if (lineDrop || (topTable[index] - topTable[firstDropped] > mSameLineCrit && (!firstDropped || B3DABS(topTable[firstDropped] - topAtLastDraw) > mSameLineCrit))) { cumulDrop += topTable[index] - topTable[firstDropped]; firstDropped = -1; } } // Record index of first dropped one drop = true; if (firstDropped < 0) { firstDropped = index; droppingLine = lineDrop; } /*PrintfToLog("ID %d ind %d drop %d line %d first %d cumul %d", nID, index, drop ? 1 : 0, droppingLine ? 1 : 0, firstDropped, cumulDrop);*/ } // First one not dropped: add distance back to first one dropped to the cum distance if (firstDropped >= 0 && !drop) { if (topTable[index] - topTable[firstDropped] > mSameLineCrit && (!firstDropped || B3DABS(topTable[firstDropped] - topAtLastDraw) > mSameLineCrit)) cumulDrop += topTable[index] - topTable[firstDropped]; firstDropped = -1; droppingLine = false; } } // Call if this ID is in the set to grow: this function finds the neighbor ID and window // and gets its width and position. A positive width is returned if the // neighbor is hidden and the item currently ends before the neighbor's left edge; or // a negative value is returned if the neighbor is present and this item is too long int CBaseDlg::WidthToGrowIfNbrHidden(int thisID) { int ind, nID = 0; bool drop; CWnd *wnd, *thisWnd; CRect rect, thisRect; // Find neighbor for (ind = 0; ind < (int)mIDsToGrowWidth.size() && !nID; ind++) if (mIDsToGrowWidth[ind] == thisID) nID = mIDsTakeWidthFrom[ind]; if (!nID) return 0; // See if it is hidden one way or another drop = mWinApp->IsIDinHideSet(nID); for (ind = 0; ind < (int)mIDsToDrop.size() && !drop; ind++) if (nID == mIDsToDrop[ind]) drop = true; for (ind = 0; ind < mNumIDsToHide && !drop; ind++) if (nID == mIDsToHide[ind]) drop = true; // Get rectangles and return the appropriate value wnd = GetDlgItem(nID); thisWnd = GetDlgItem(thisID); if (!wnd || !thisWnd) return 0; wnd->GetWindowRect(&rect); thisWnd->GetWindowRect(&thisRect); if ((!drop && thisRect.right < rect.left) || (drop && thisRect.right > rect.left)) return 0; return (rect.Width()) * (drop ? 1 : -1); } // Hide or show items in the hideable set void CBaseDlg::ManageHideableItems(UINT *hideableIDs, int numHideable) { CWnd *but; for (int ind = 0; ind < numHideable; ind++) { but = GetDlgItem(hideableIDs[ind]); if (but) but->ShowWindow(mWinApp->IsIDinHideSet(hideableIDs[ind]) ? SW_HIDE : SW_SHOW); } }