// Autotuning.cpp: Does astigmatism correction and coma-free alignment // // Copyright (C) 2003-2018 by the Regents of the University of // Colorado. See Copyright.txt for full notice of copyright and limitations. // // Author: David Mastronarde ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "stdafx.h" #include "SerialEM.h" #include "AutoTuning.h" #include "EMscope.h" #include "SerialEMView.h" #include "FocusManager.h" #include "ShiftManager.h" #include "ProcessImage.h" #include "BeamAssessor.h" #include "NavHelper.h" #include "MultiShotDlg.h" #include "CameraController.h" #include "ExternalTools.h" #include "Shared\b3dutil.h" #include "Shared\ctffind.h" #include "Utilities\XCorr.h" #include "Utilities\KGetOne.h" CAutoTuning::CAutoTuning(void) { SEMBuildTime(__DATE__, __TIME__); mWinApp = (CSerialEMApp *)AfxGetApp(); mShiftManager = mWinApp->mShiftManager; mDoingCalAstig = false; mDoingFixAstig = false; mDoingComaFree = false; mDoingCtfBased = false; mAstigCenterFocus = -1.; mAstigFocusRange = 10.; mCalComaFocus = -1.; mAstigToApply = 0.04f; mAstigBeamTilt = 3.2f; mUsersAstigTilt = -1.; mUsersComaTilt = -1.; mMaxComaBeamTilt = 10.; mPostFocusDelay = 500; mPostAstigDelay = 900; mPostBeamTiltDelay = 750; mAstigIterationThresh = 0.015f; mMaxAstigIterations = 2; mComaMeanCritFac = 0.5f; mZemlinIndex = -1; mMontTableau = NULL; mSpectrum = NULL; mInitialComaIters = 2; mNumComaItersDone = 0; mMenuZemlinTilt = 6.; mMinCtfBasedDefocus = -0.9f; mAddToMinForAstigCTF = -0.5f; mMaxCtfBasedDefocus = -10.; mMinRingsForCtf = 3; mMaxRingsForCtf = 20; mMinCenteredScore = 0.1f; mMinPlotterCenScore = 0.5f; mMinScoreRatio = 0.33f; mMinPlotterScoreRatio = 0.6f; mAstigBacklash = -0.02f; mBeamTiltBacklash = -999.; mBacklashDelay = 100; mGotFocusMinuteStamp = 0; mCtfExposure = -1.; mCtfDriftSettling = 0.; mCtfBinning = 0; mCtfUseFullField = true; mComaIterationThresh = 1.f; mCtfDoFullArray = false; mCtfBasedLDareaDelay = 8000; // Based on coming back from View on an F20 mTestCtfTuningDefocus = 0.; mLastCtfBasedFailed = false; mLastXStigNeeded = mLastYStigNeeded = 0.; mLastXTiltNeeded = mLastYTiltNeeded = 0.; mComaVsISindex = -1; mComaVsIScal.magInd = -1; mComaVsIScal.spotSize = -1; mComaVsISextent = 3.f; mComaVsISrotation = 0; mComaVsISuseFullArray = 0; } CAutoTuning::~CAutoTuning(void) { } void CAutoTuning::Initialize(void) { mScope = mWinApp->mScope; mFocusManager = mWinApp->mFocusManager; // Overlay the defaults or property settings with the users values if any if (mUsersAstigTilt > 0) mAstigBeamTilt = mUsersAstigTilt; if (mUsersComaTilt > 0) mMaxComaBeamTilt = mUsersComaTilt; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ASTIGMATISM CALIBRATION ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Routine to start the calibration void CAutoTuning::CalibrateAstigmatism(void) { CString str = TuningCalMessageStart("Astigmatism", "a beam tilt of", mAstigBeamTilt); str += "\n\nYou may need to remove the objective aperture if it is in;\n" "stop the procedure if it intrudes.\n\nAre you ready to proceed?"; if (AfxMessageBox(str, MB_QUESTION) != IDYES) return; GeneralSetup(); mSavedDefocus = mScope->GetDefocus(); mScope->GetObjectiveStigmator(mSavedAstigX, mSavedAstigY); mOperationInd = -1; mDirectionInd = 0; mDoingCalAstig = true; mFocusManager->AutoFocusStart(-1); mWinApp->AddIdleTask(TASK_CAL_ASTIG, 0, 0); } // Make the beginning of the initial message for either procedure CString CAutoTuning::TuningCalMessageStart(const char * procedure, const char *ofUpTo, float beamTilt) { float scaling = mFocusManager->EstimatedBeamTiltScaling(); CString *names = mWinApp->GetModeNames(); CString str, str2; str.Format("%s calibration will take many %s images.\n" "Autofocus needs to be working well with the current parameters.", procedure, names[FOCUS_CONSET]); if (!FEIscope) { str2.Format("\n\nImages will be taken with %s %.2f%%", ofUpTo, beamTilt); str += str2; if (scaling > 0) { str2.Format(",\nwhich is about %.2f milliradians.", scaling * beamTilt); str += str2; } } return str; } // The next operation for astigmatism void CAutoTuning::AstigCalNextTask(int param) { AstigCalib cal; int calInd; float denomFocus = mAstigFocusRange * mAstigBeamTilt; float denomAstig = 2.f * mAstigToApply * mAstigBeamTilt; float xFacs[4] = {-1., 1., 0., 0.}; float yFacs[4] = {0., 0., -1., 1.}; if (!mDoingCalAstig) return; // Finish up if the last one was gotten if (mDirectionInd == 1 && mOperationInd == 5) { cal.focusMat.xpx = (mXshift[1][0] - mXshift[0][0]) / denomFocus; cal.focusMat.ypx = (mYshift[1][0] - mYshift[0][0]) / denomFocus; cal.focusMat.xpy = (mXshift[1][1] - mXshift[0][1]) / denomFocus; cal.focusMat.ypy = (mYshift[1][1] - mYshift[0][1]) / denomFocus; cal.astigXmat.xpx = (mXshift[3][0] - mXshift[2][0]) / denomAstig; cal.astigXmat.ypx = (mYshift[3][0] - mYshift[2][0]) / denomAstig; cal.astigXmat.xpy = (mXshift[3][1] - mXshift[2][1]) / denomAstig; cal.astigXmat.ypy = (mYshift[3][1] - mYshift[2][1]) / denomAstig; cal.astigYmat.xpx = (mXshift[5][0] - mXshift[4][0]) / denomAstig; cal.astigYmat.ypx = (mYshift[5][0] - mYshift[4][0]) / denomAstig; cal.astigYmat.xpy = (mXshift[5][1] - mXshift[4][1]) / denomAstig; cal.astigYmat.ypy = (mYshift[5][1] - mYshift[4][1]) / denomAstig; cal.alpha = mScope->GetAlpha(); cal.beamTilt = mAstigBeamTilt; cal.magInd = mScope->GetMagIndex(); cal.probeMode = mScope->ReadProbeMode(); cal.defocus = mAstigCenterFocus; cal.beamTilt = mAstigBeamTilt; PrintMatrix(cal.focusMat, "Defocus"); PrintMatrix(cal.astigXmat, "X astigmatism"); PrintMatrix(cal.astigYmat, "Y astigmatism"); calInd = LookupAstigCal(cal.probeMode, cal.alpha, cal.magInd, true); if (calInd < 0) mAstigCals.Add(cal); else mAstigCals[calInd] = cal; mWinApp->SetCalibrationsNotSaved(true); StopAstigCal(); return; } // Otherwise set up for the next measurement - first time, process the autofocus if (mOperationInd < 0) { if (SaveAndSetDefocus(mAstigCenterFocus- mAstigFocusRange / 2.f)) { StopAstigCal(); mWinApp->ErrorOccurred(1); return; } mFocusManager->SetBeamTilt(mAstigBeamTilt, "from AstigCalNextTask"); mOperationInd = 0; mWinApp->SetStatusText(MEDIUM_PANE, "VARYING DEFOCUS"); } else if (!mDirectionInd) { mDirectionInd = 1; } else { if (!mOperationInd) { mScope->SetDefocus(mSavedDefocus + mAstigCenterFocus + mAstigFocusRange / 2. - mInitialDefocus); Sleep(mPostFocusDelay); } else { if (mOperationInd == 1) { mScope->SetDefocus(mSavedDefocus + mAstigCenterFocus - mInitialDefocus); mWinApp->SetStatusText(MEDIUM_PANE, "VARYING X STIGMATOR"); } if (mOperationInd == 3) mWinApp->SetStatusText(MEDIUM_PANE, "VARYING Y STIGMATOR"); if (TestAndSetStigmator(mSavedAstigX + xFacs[mOperationInd-1] * mAstigToApply, mSavedAstigY + yFacs[mOperationInd - 1] * mAstigToApply, "The next stigmator value to test")) return; mShiftManager->SetGeneralTimeOut(GetTickCount(), mPostAstigDelay); } mDirectionInd = 0; mOperationInd++; } mFocusManager->SetTiltDirection(2 * mDirectionInd); mFocusManager->DetectFocus(FOCUS_CAL_ASTIG); mWinApp->AddIdleTask(TASK_CAL_ASTIG, 0, 0); } void CAutoTuning::StopAstigCal(void) { if (!mDoingCalAstig) return; mScope->SetObjectiveStigmator(mSavedAstigX, mSavedAstigY); mDoingCalAstig = false; CommonStop(); } void CAutoTuning::AstigCalCleanup(int error) { if (error == IDLE_TIMEOUT_ERROR) SEMMessageBox(_T("Timeout getting images for calibrating astigmatism")); StopAstigCal(); mWinApp->ErrorOccurred(error); } int CAutoTuning::FixAstigmatism(bool imposeChange) { if (LookupAstigCal(mScope->GetProbeMode(), mScope->GetAlpha(), mScope->GetMagIndex()) < 0) return 1; GeneralSetup(); mDirectionInd = 0; mOperationInd = 0; mDoingFixAstig = true; mOperationInd = -1; mNumIterations = 0; mImposeChange = imposeChange; mLastXStigNeeded = mLastYStigNeeded = 0.; mScope->GetObjectiveStigmator(mSavedAstigX, mSavedAstigY); mFocusManager->AutoFocusStart(-1); mWinApp->AddIdleTask(TASK_FIX_ASTIG, 0, 0); return 0; } void CAutoTuning::FixAstigNextTask(int param) { float xmat[6][4]; double ss[4][4], denom, focus, xAstig, yAstig, error, errSum, baseX, baseY; float xFacs[3] = {1., 0.707107f, 0.}; float yFacs[3] = {0., 0.707107f, 1.}; float xFac, yFac, threshFac = 1.; double scaleX, scaleY; int calInd, ind, j, k; AstigCalib cal; if (!mDoingFixAstig) return; calInd = LookupAstigCal(mScope->GetProbeMode(), mScope->FastAlpha(), mScope->FastMagIndex()); cal = mAstigCals[calInd]; if (mOperationInd < 2) { if (mOperationInd < 0 && !mNumIterations) { if (SaveAndSetDefocus(cal.defocus)) { StopFixAstig(); mWinApp->ErrorOccurred(1); return; } mFocusManager->SetBeamTilt(mAstigBeamTilt, "from FixAstigNextTask"); mWinApp->SetStatusText(MEDIUM_PANE, "MEASURING ASTIGMATISM"); } mOperationInd++; mFocusManager->SetTiltDirection(mOperationInd); mFocusManager->DetectFocus(FOCUS_ASTIGMATISM); mWinApp->AddIdleTask(TASK_FIX_ASTIG, 0, 0); return; } // Load the data matrix for (ind = 0; ind < 6; ind += 2) { xFac = xFacs[ind / 2] * mAstigBeamTilt; yFac = yFacs[ind / 2] * mAstigBeamTilt; xmat[ind][0] = cal.focusMat.xpx * xFac + cal.focusMat.xpy * yFac; xmat[ind + 1][0] = cal.focusMat.ypx * xFac + cal.focusMat.ypy * yFac; xmat[ind][1] = cal.astigXmat.xpx * xFac + cal.astigXmat.xpy * yFac; xmat[ind + 1][1] = cal.astigXmat.ypx * xFac + cal.astigXmat.ypy * yFac; xmat[ind][2] = cal.astigYmat.xpx * xFac + cal.astigYmat.xpy * yFac; xmat[ind + 1][2] = cal.astigYmat.ypx * xFac + cal.astigYmat.ypy * yFac; xmat[ind][3] = mXshift[ind / 2][0]; xmat[ind + 1][3] = mYshift[ind / 2][0]; } // Get the sum of squares and cross-products for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) { for (k =0; k < 4; k++) { ss[j][k] = 0.; for (ind= 0; ind < 6; ind++) ss[j][k] += xmat[ind][j] * xmat[ind][k]; } } // Solution with no constant term is solution to linear equation with these raw // sums of products denom = determ3(ss[0][0], ss[1][0], ss[2][0], ss[0][1], ss[1][1], ss[2][1], ss[0][2], ss[1][2], ss[2][2]); focus = determ3(ss[3][0], ss[1][0], ss[2][0], ss[3][1], ss[1][1], ss[2][1], ss[3][2], ss[1][2], ss[2][2]) / denom; xAstig = determ3(ss[0][0], ss[3][0], ss[2][0], ss[0][1], ss[3][1], ss[2][1], ss[0][2], ss[3][2], ss[2][2]) / denom; yAstig = determ3(ss[0][0], ss[1][0], ss[3][0], ss[0][1], ss[1][1], ss[3][1], ss[0][2], ss[1][2], ss[3][2]) / denom; errSum = 0.; for (ind = 0; ind < 6; ind++) { error = xmat[ind][0] * focus + xmat[ind][1] * xAstig + xmat[ind][2] * yAstig - xmat[ind][3]; errSum += error * error; } error = sqrt(errSum / 6); PrintfToLog("Solved Astig X %.3f Y %.3f focus %.2f RMS error %.3f", xAstig, yAstig, focus, error); if (mImposeChange) { mScope->GetObjectiveStigmator(baseX, baseY); if (!mNumIterations) { mLastAstigX = xAstig; mLastAstigY = yAstig; } // After first iteration, see how much the solution should have been scaled to reach // 0,0. If scale is too divergent, give up, but only if solution is still above // threshold for iterating and the scale change was on an axis that was big enough // before. If scaling is within safe range, trust it // and double the threshold for iterating. Limit the scaling and apply it if (mNumIterations == 1) { scaleX = fabs(mLastAstigX) / B3DMAX(0.000001, fabs(mLastAstigX - xAstig)); scaleY = fabs(mLastAstigY) / B3DMAX(0.000001, fabs(mLastAstigY - yAstig)); if (sqrt(xAstig * xAstig + yAstig * yAstig) > mAstigIterationThresh && ((fabs(mLastAstigX) > 0.7 * mAstigIterationThresh && (scaleX > 3. || scaleX < 0.6)) || (fabs(mLastAstigY) > 0.7 * mAstigIterationThresh && (scaleY > 3. || scaleY < 0.6)))) { SEMMessageBox("Astigmatism did not change enough between iterations.\n\n" "Restoring original setting"); mScope->SetObjectiveStigmator(mSavedAstigX, mSavedAstigY); StopFixAstig(); mWinApp->ErrorOccurred(1); return; } if ((scaleX > 0.83 && scaleX < 1.2) || (scaleY > 0.83 && scaleY < 1.2)) threshFac = 2.; B3DCLAMP(scaleX, 0.83, 1.2); B3DCLAMP(scaleY, 0.83, 1.2); xAstig *= scaleX; yAstig *= scaleY; } // Set new value and see if need to iterate if (TestAndSetStigmator(baseX - xAstig, baseY - yAstig, "The new solved stigmator " "value")) return; mScope->SetObjectiveStigmator(baseX - xAstig, baseY - yAstig); if (sqrt(xAstig * xAstig + yAstig * yAstig) > threshFac * mAstigIterationThresh && mNumIterations < mMaxAstigIterations) { mShiftManager->SetGeneralTimeOut(GetTickCount(), mPostAstigDelay); mNumIterations++; mOperationInd = -1; PrintfToLog("Iterating because astigmatism is above threshold"); FixAstigNextTask(0); return; } } else { mLastXStigNeeded = -(float)xAstig; mLastYStigNeeded = -(float)yAstig; } StopFixAstig(); } // Test if a new stigmator value would be out of range and abort if so int CAutoTuning::TestAndSetStigmator(double stigX, double stigY, const char * descrip) { CString str; if (fabs(stigX) > 0.99 || fabs(stigY) > 0.99) { str.Format("%s, %.2f X %.2f Y, would be out of range", descrip, stigX, stigY); SEMMessageBox(str); mWinApp->ErrorOccurred(1); return 1; } mScope->SetObjectiveStigmator(stigX, stigY); return 0; } void CAutoTuning::StopFixAstig(void) { if (!mDoingFixAstig) return; mDoingFixAstig = false; CommonStop(); } void CAutoTuning::FixAstigCleanup(int error) { if (error == IDLE_TIMEOUT_ERROR) SEMMessageBox(_T("Timeout getting images for adjusting astigmatism")); StopFixAstig(); mWinApp->ErrorOccurred(error); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CALIBRATION OR CORRECTION OF COMA ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Routine to start the procedure; calibrate or not; impose change or just measure int CAutoTuning::ComaFreeAlignment(bool calibrate, int actionType) { int magInd = mScope->GetMagIndex(); int alpha = mScope->GetAlpha(); int probe = mScope->GetProbeMode(); CString str; bool continuing = !calibrate && (actionType == COMA_CONTINUE_RUN || actionType == COMA_ADD_ONE_ITER); mCalibrateComa = calibrate; if (!calibrate && LookupComaCal(probe, alpha, magInd) < 0) { SEMMessageBox("There is no coma calibration for the current conditions"); return 1; } if (mWinApp->LowDoseMode()) { SEMMessageBox("Coma-free operations cannot be run in Low Dose mode"); return 1; } if (calibrate) { str = TuningCalMessageStart("Coma", "beam tilts up to", mMaxComaBeamTilt); str += "\n\nThe objective aperture must not be in for this procedure.\n\n" "Are you ready to proceed?"; if (AfxMessageBox(str, MB_QUESTION) != IDYES) return 1; } if (continuing && !mNumComaItersDone) { SEMMessageBox("You cannot iterate coma-free alignment;\n" "there is no previous result to combine the new one with"); return 1; } if (continuing && (magInd != mLastComaMagInd || probe != mLastComaProbe || alpha != mLastComaAlpha)) { str = probe != mLastComaProbe ? "probe mode" : "alpha setting"; if (magInd != mLastComaMagInd ) str = "magnification"; SEMMessageBox(CString("You cannot iterate coma-free alignment;\n" "the ") + str + " has changed"); return 1; } if (actionType != COMA_CONTINUE_RUN) GeneralSetup(); mDirectionInd = 0; mDoingComaFree = true; mOperationInd = -1; mComaActionType = actionType; mScope->SetLDCenteredShift(0., 0.); if (!calibrate && actionType == COMA_INITIAL_ITERS) { mMaxComaIters = mInitialComaIters; mNumComaItersDone = 0; mCumulTiltChangeX = mCumulTiltChangeY = 0.; mLastComaAlpha = alpha; mLastComaMagInd = magInd; mLastComaProbe = probe; } else if (!calibrate && actionType == COMA_ADD_ONE_ITER) { mMaxComaIters++; } if (actionType != COMA_CONTINUE_RUN) mFocusManager->AutoFocusStart(-1); mWinApp->AddIdleTask(TASK_COMA_FREE, 0, 0); return 0; } // Do the next operation for coma calibration or correction void CAutoTuning::ComaFreeNextTask(int param) { float xFacs[4] = {-1., 1., 0., 0.}; float yFacs[4] = {0., 0., -1., 1.}; float xx1[8], xx2[4], yy[4]; double xTiltFac, yTiltFac, delBSX, delBSY, maxTerm = 0.; float diffSum = 0., diffMax = 0., misAlignX = 0., misAlignY = 0.; ComaCalib cal; CString mess; int calInd, ind, idir; if (!mDoingComaFree) return; // Get the existing calibration, with exact match to beam tilt if calibrating calInd = LookupComaCal(mScope->ReadProbeMode(), mScope->FastAlpha(), mScope->FastMagIndex(), mCalibrateComa); if (mDirectionInd == 1 && (mOperationInd == 7 || (!mCalibrateComa && mOperationInd == 1))) { // Finished: Compute displacement differences for the two sides (two operations) in // the same tilt direction, which are the basic unit of operation if (mCalibrateComa) SEMTrace('c', "Oper dir displacement difference in nm"); for (ind = 0; ind <= mOperationInd; ind += 2) { for (idir = 0; idir < 2; idir++) { mXshift[ind][idir] = mXshift[ind + 1][idir] - mXshift[ind][idir]; mYshift[ind][idir] = mYshift[ind + 1][idir] - mYshift[ind][idir]; if (mCalibrateComa) SEMTrace('c', "%d %d %.2f %.2f", ind, idir, mXshift[ind][idir], mYshift[ind][idir]); } } if (mCalibrateComa) { // Get the matrix components by differences in displacement differences cal.comaXmat.xpx = (mXshift[2][0] - mXshift[0][0]) / mMaxComaBeamTilt; cal.comaXmat.ypx = (mYshift[2][0] - mYshift[0][0]) / mMaxComaBeamTilt; cal.comaXmat.xpy = (mXshift[6][0] - mXshift[4][0]) / mMaxComaBeamTilt; cal.comaXmat.ypy = (mYshift[6][0] - mYshift[4][0]) / mMaxComaBeamTilt; cal.comaYmat.xpx = (mXshift[2][1] - mXshift[0][1]) / mMaxComaBeamTilt; cal.comaYmat.ypx = (mYshift[2][1] - mYshift[0][1]) / mMaxComaBeamTilt; cal.comaYmat.xpy = (mXshift[6][1] - mXshift[4][1]) / mMaxComaBeamTilt; cal.comaYmat.ypy = (mYshift[6][1] - mYshift[4][1]) / mMaxComaBeamTilt; // Set other parameters and add or replace the calibration cal.beamTilt = mMaxComaBeamTilt; cal.probeMode = mScope->GetProbeMode(); cal.alpha = mScope->GetAlpha(); cal.magInd = mScope->GetMagIndex(); cal.defocus = mCalComaFocus; if (calInd < 0) mComaCals.Add(cal); else { // First collect data on the difference from the last calibration xx1[0] = (float)fabs(cal.comaXmat.xpx - mComaCals[calInd].comaXmat.xpx); xx1[1] = (float)fabs(cal.comaXmat.xpy - mComaCals[calInd].comaXmat.xpy); xx1[2] = (float)fabs(cal.comaXmat.ypx - mComaCals[calInd].comaXmat.ypx); xx1[3] = (float)fabs(cal.comaXmat.ypy - mComaCals[calInd].comaXmat.ypy); xx1[4] = (float)fabs(cal.comaYmat.xpx - mComaCals[calInd].comaYmat.xpx); xx1[5] = (float)fabs(cal.comaYmat.xpy - mComaCals[calInd].comaYmat.xpy); xx1[6] = (float)fabs(cal.comaYmat.ypx - mComaCals[calInd].comaYmat.ypx); xx1[7] = (float)fabs(cal.comaYmat.ypy - mComaCals[calInd].comaYmat.ypy); ACCUM_MAX(maxTerm, fabs(cal.comaXmat.xpx)); ACCUM_MAX(maxTerm, fabs(cal.comaXmat.xpy)); ACCUM_MAX(maxTerm, fabs(cal.comaXmat.ypx)); ACCUM_MAX(maxTerm, fabs(cal.comaXmat.ypy)); ACCUM_MAX(maxTerm, fabs(cal.comaYmat.xpx)); ACCUM_MAX(maxTerm, fabs(cal.comaYmat.xpy)); ACCUM_MAX(maxTerm, fabs(cal.comaYmat.ypx)); ACCUM_MAX(maxTerm, fabs(cal.comaYmat.ypy)); for (ind = 0; ind < 8; ind++) { diffSum += xx1[ind]; ACCUM_MAX(diffMax, xx1[ind]); } mComaCals[calInd] = cal; } PrintMatrix(cal.comaXmat, "X beam tilt"); PrintMatrix(cal.comaYmat, "Y beam tilt"); if (calInd >= 0) PrintfToLog("Difference from previous calibration as percent of maximum term:" "\r\n mean %.1f%% maximum %.1f%%", 100. * diffSum / (8. * maxTerm), 100. * diffMax / maxTerm); } else { // Solve for misalignment: load the arrays with data for fit cal = mComaCals[calInd]; xx1[0] = cal.comaXmat.xpx; xx1[1] = cal.comaXmat.ypx; xx1[2] = cal.comaYmat.xpx; xx1[3] = cal.comaYmat.ypx; xx2[0] = cal.comaXmat.xpy; xx2[1] = cal.comaXmat.ypy; xx2[2] = cal.comaYmat.xpy; xx2[3] = cal.comaYmat.ypy; yy[0] = mXshift[0][0]; yy[1] = mYshift[0][0]; yy[2] = mXshift[0][1]; yy[3] = mYshift[0][1]; // Solve for misalignments with no constant term lsFit2(xx1, xx2, yy, 4, &misAlignX, &misAlignY, NULL); PrintfToLog("Displacement differences %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f nm", yy[0], yy[1], yy[2], yy[3]); ReportMisalignment("Solved misalignment =", misAlignX, misAlignY); if (mComaActionType != COMA_JUST_MEASURE) { // Average new result with previous ones, keep track of total change mNumComaItersDone++; delBSX = -misAlignX / mNumComaItersDone; delBSY = -misAlignY / mNumComaItersDone; mScope->IncBeamTilt(delBSX, delBSY); mCumulTiltChangeX += delBSX; mCumulTiltChangeY += delBSY; if (mNumComaItersDone < mMaxComaIters) { ComaFreeAlignment(false, COMA_CONTINUE_RUN); return; } if (mNumComaItersDone > 1) { mess.Format("Average misalignment from %d iterations =", mNumComaItersDone); ReportMisalignment((LPCTSTR)mess, -mCumulTiltChangeX, -mCumulTiltChangeY); } } } StopComaFree(); return; } // Set up for the next run if (mOperationInd < 0) { // First time, process the defocus measurement, set beam tilt and direction if ((mCalibrateComa || mComaActionType != COMA_CONTINUE_RUN) && SaveAndSetDefocus(mCalibrateComa ? mCalComaFocus : mComaCals[calInd].defocus)) { mWinApp->ErrorOccurred(1); StopComaFree(); return; } mFocusManager->SetBeamTilt(mMaxComaBeamTilt / 4.f, "from ComaFreeNextTask"); mFocusManager->SetTiltDirection(0); if (!mCalibrateComa) { mess = "MEASURING COMA"; if (mMaxComaIters > 1) mess.Format("MEASURING COMA - ITER %d", mNumComaItersDone + 1); mWinApp->SetStatusText(MEDIUM_PANE, mess); } mOperationInd = 0; } else if (!mDirectionInd) { // Just toggle direction after direction 0 mDirectionInd = 1; mFocusManager->SetTiltDirection(2); } else { // Or advance the operation after direction 1 mDirectionInd = 0; mFocusManager->SetTiltDirection(0); mOperationInd++; } if (mFocusManager->GetLastFailed()) { SEMMessageBox("An image did not have the required intensity.\n\n" "Do you need to remove the objective aperture?"); StopComaFree(); mWinApp->ErrorOccurred(1); return; } // Even and odd operations alternate between the two sides of the central position or // of a misaligment xTiltFac = (1 - mDirectionInd) * (2 * (mOperationInd % 2) - 1); yTiltFac = mDirectionInd * (2 * (mOperationInd % 2) - 1); if (mCalibrateComa) { // Set up the different misalignment positions misAlignX = xFacs[mOperationInd / 2] * mMaxComaBeamTilt / 2.f; misAlignY = yFacs[mOperationInd / 2] * mMaxComaBeamTilt / 2.f; if (!mDirectionInd && !(mOperationInd % 2)) { mess.Format("TESTING %s%s MISALIGNMENT", ((mOperationInd / 2) % 2) ? "+" : "-", mOperationInd < 4 ? "X" : "Y"); mWinApp->SetStatusText(MEDIUM_PANE, mess); } } //PrintfToLog("oper %d dir %d xtf %f ytf %f misX %f misY %f", mOperationInd, // mDirectionInd, xTiltFac, yTiltFac, misAlignX, misAlignY); mFocusManager->SetNextTiltOffset(misAlignX + xTiltFac * mMaxComaBeamTilt / 4., misAlignY + yTiltFac * mMaxComaBeamTilt / 4.); mFocusManager->SetRequiredBWMean(mComaMeanCritFac * mFirstFocusMean); mFocusManager->DetectFocus(FOCUS_COMA_FREE); mWinApp->AddIdleTask(TASK_COMA_FREE, 0, 0); } // End coma-free routine void CAutoTuning::StopComaFree(void) { if (!mDoingComaFree) return; mDoingComaFree = false; CommonStop(); } void CAutoTuning::ComaFreeCleanup(int error) { if (error == IDLE_TIMEOUT_ERROR) SEMMessageBox(_T("Timeout getting images for coma-free alignment")); StopComaFree(); mWinApp->ErrorOccurred(error); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SUPPORT ROUTINES /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Callback from detectFocus routine with the unbinned shift: store it in arrays indexed // by operation and direction void CAutoTuning::TuningFocusData(float xShift, float yShift) { double driftX, driftY; mFocusManager->GetLastDrift(driftX, driftY); SEMTrace('c', "UB pixel shift %.1f %.1f at oper %d dir %d drift %.1f %.1f", xShift, yShift, mOperationInd, mDirectionInd, driftX, driftY); mXshift[mOperationInd][mDirectionInd] = xShift * mCamToSpec.xpx + yShift * mCamToSpec.xpy; mYshift[mOperationInd][mDirectionInd] = xShift * mCamToSpec.ypx + yShift * mCamToSpec.ypy; } // Look up an astigmatism calibration at the nearest mag matching probe mode and alpha int CAutoTuning::LookupAstigCal(int probeMode, int alpha, int magInd, bool matchMag) { MagTable *magTabs = mWinApp->GetMagTable(); double minRatio = 1.e30, ratio; int indMin = -1; for (int ind = 0; ind < mAstigCals.GetSize(); ind++) { if (mAstigCals[ind].alpha == alpha && mAstigCals[ind].probeMode == probeMode) { if (matchMag) { if (magInd == mAstigCals[ind].magInd) indMin = ind; } else { ratio = ((double)magTabs[magInd].mag) / magTabs[mAstigCals[ind].magInd].mag; if (ratio < 1.) ratio = 1. / ratio; if (ratio < minRatio) { minRatio = ratio; indMin = ind; } } } } return indMin; } // Look up an astigmatism calibration matching probe mode, alpha, and beam tilt, and // matching mag if matchMag set, otherwise at nearest mag int CAutoTuning::LookupComaCal(int probeMode, int alpha, int magInd, bool matchMag) { MagTable *magTabs = mWinApp->GetMagTable(); double minRatio = 1.e30, ratio; int indMin = -1; for (int ind = 0; ind < mComaCals.GetSize(); ind++) { if (mComaCals[ind].alpha == alpha && mComaCals[ind].probeMode == probeMode && fabs(mComaCals[ind].beamTilt - mMaxComaBeamTilt) <= 0.011) { if (matchMag) { if (magInd == mComaCals[ind].magInd) indMin = ind; } else { ratio = ((double)magTabs[magInd].mag) / magTabs[mComaCals[ind].magInd].mag; if (ratio < 1.) ratio = 1. / ratio; if (ratio < minRatio) { minRatio = ratio; indMin = ind; } } } } return indMin; } // Output a scaleMat void CAutoTuning::PrintMatrix(ScaleMat mat, const char *descrip) { PrintfToLog("%s matrix: %5g %5g %5g %5g", descrip, mat.xpx, mat.xpy, mat.ypx, mat.ypy); } // Universal startup: get camera to specimen matrix in nm, save state void CAutoTuning::GeneralSetup(void) { mMagIndex = mScope->GetMagIndex(); mCamToSpec = mShiftManager->CameraToSpecimen(mMagIndex); mCamToSpec.xpx *= 1000.f; mCamToSpec.xpy *= 1000.f; mCamToSpec.ypx *= 1000.f; mCamToSpec.ypy *= 1000.f; mSavedBeamTilt = mFocusManager->GetBeamTilt(); mSavedTiltDir = mFocusManager->GetTiltDirection(); mSavedDefocus = mScope->GetDefocus(); mSavedPostTiltDelay = mFocusManager->GetPostTiltDelay(); } // Do common tasks for stopping a routine void CAutoTuning::CommonStop(void) { mScope->SetDefocus(mSavedDefocus); mFocusManager->SetBeamTilt(mSavedBeamTilt, "from autotuning CommonStop"); mFocusManager->SetTiltDirection(mSavedTiltDir); mFocusManager->SetPostTiltDelay(mSavedPostTiltDelay); mWinApp->UpdateBufferWindows(); mWinApp->SetStatusText(MEDIUM_PANE, ""); } // Process initial autofocus and do some more general operations int CAutoTuning::SaveAndSetDefocus(float defocus) { EMimageBuffer *imBufs = mWinApp->GetImBufs(); if (mFocusManager->GetLastFailed() || mFocusManager->GetLastAborted()) { SEMMessageBox("Stopping the procedure because the initial focus measurement failed"); return 1; } mFirstFocusMean = (mWinApp->mProcessImage->UnbinnedSpotMeanPerSec(imBufs) + mWinApp->mProcessImage->UnbinnedSpotMeanPerSec(imBufs + 1)) / 2.f; mInitialDefocus = mFocusManager->GetCurrentDefocus(); mScope->SetDefocus(mSavedDefocus + defocus - mInitialDefocus); Sleep(mPostFocusDelay); if (mSavedPostTiltDelay < mPostBeamTiltDelay) mFocusManager->SetPostTiltDelay(mPostBeamTiltDelay); return 0; } void CAutoTuning::ReportMisalignment(const char *prefix, double misAlignX, double misAlignY) { CString mess, mess2; mess.Format("%s %.2f %.2f", (LPCTSTR)prefix, misAlignX, misAlignY); if (!FEIscope) { float scale = mFocusManager->EstimatedBeamTiltScaling(); mess2.Format(" %%, about %.2f %.2f milliradians", misAlignX * scale, misAlignY * scale); mess += mess2; } else mess += " milliradians"; mWinApp->AppendToLog(mess); } // Apply a beam tilt with backlash if a there is a backlash delay and the flag is set void CAutoTuning::BacklashedBeamTilt(double btX, double btY, bool doBacklash) { if (mBacklashDelay && doBacklash) { GetBeamTiltBacklash(); mScope->SetBeamTilt(btX + mBeamTiltBacklash, btY + mBeamTiltBacklash); Sleep(mBacklashDelay); } mScope->SetBeamTilt(btX, btY); } // Apply a stigmator change with backlash if a there is a delay and the flag is set void CAutoTuning::BacklashedStigmator(double astX, double astY, bool doBacklash) { if (mBacklashDelay && doBacklash) { mAstigBacklash = -fabs(mAstigBacklash); mScope->SetObjectiveStigmator(astX + mAstigBacklash, astY + mAstigBacklash); Sleep(mBacklashDelay); } mScope->SetObjectiveStigmator(astX, astY); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ZEMLIN TABLEAU ROUTINES /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Start making the tableau int CAutoTuning::MakeZemlinTableau(float beamTilt, int panelSize, int cropPix) { if (mCtfExposure < 0) { SEMMessageBox("You must set up CTF acquire parameters\n" "before running a Zemlin tableau"); return 1; } SetRecordConSetForCTF(); mScope->GetBeamTilt(mBaseBeamTiltX, mBaseBeamTiltY); if (mWinApp->LowDoseMode()) mScope->GotoLowDoseArea(RECORD_CONSET); mScope->SetImageShift(0., 0.); mWinApp->AddIdleTask(CCameraController::TaskCameraBusy, TASK_ZEMLIN, 0, 0); mWinApp->SetStatusText(MEDIUM_PANE, "MAKING ZEMLIN TABLEAU"); mWinApp->mCamera->InitiateCapture(RECORD_CONSET); mWinApp->UpdateBufferWindows(); mZemlinIndex = 0; mZemlinBeamTilt = beamTilt; mPanelSize = panelSize; mCropPix = cropPix; return 0; } // All of the processing void CAutoTuning::ZemlinNextTask(int param) { double xFactors[9] = {0., 1., 0.707, 0., -0.707, -1., -0.707, 0., 0.707}; double yFactors[9] = {0., 0., 0.707, 1., 0.707, 0., -0.707, -1., -0.707}; EMimageBuffer *imBufs = mWinApp->GetImBufs(); KImage *image = imBufs->mImage; int nx, ny, err, iy, xStart, yStart, dirSave, dirTry, mag, probe; double tiltX, tiltY, outX, outY, rotAngle = 0.; FocusTable focCal; CString str; if (!image) { StopZemlin(); return; } if (mZemlinIndex < 0) return; image->getSize(nx, ny); if (!mZemlinIndex) { // First time, when you know the image size, set up all the sizes and get the buffers mPadSize = 2 * ((B3DMAX(nx, ny) + 1) / 2); mPadSize = XCorrNiceFrame(mPadSize, 2, 19); mSpecSize = B3DMIN(mPanelSize + mCropPix, mPadSize); mSpecSize = 2 * (mSpecSize / 2); mPanelSize = B3DMIN(mPanelSize, mSpecSize); mPanelSize = 2 * (mPanelSize / 2); mCropPix = mSpecSize - mPanelSize; mTableauSize = 3 * mPanelSize; NewArray2(mMontTableau, short, mTableauSize, mTableauSize); NewArray2(mSpectrum, short, mSpecSize, mSpecSize); if (!mMontTableau || !mSpectrum) { SEMMessageBox("Failed to get memory for assembling Zemlin tableau"); StopZemlin(); return; } } // Set index at which to copy the data xStart = mPanelSize * (1 + B3DNINT(xFactors[mZemlinIndex])); yStart = mPanelSize * (1 - B3DNINT(yFactors[mZemlinIndex])); // Get the scaled spectrum image->Lock(); err = spectrumScaled(image->getData(), image->getType(), nx, ny, mSpectrum, mPadSize, mSpecSize, 0, 0., 3, twoDfft); image->UnLock(); if (err) { str.Format("Error (%d) getting scaled spectrum for panel %d of Zemlin tableau", err, mZemlinIndex); SEMMessageBox(str); StopZemlin(); return; } // Copy it with cropping for (iy = 0; iy < mPanelSize; iy++) memcpy(mMontTableau + (iy + yStart) * mTableauSize + xStart, mSpectrum + (iy + (mCropPix / 2)) * mSpecSize + mCropPix / 2, sizeof(short) * mPanelSize); mZemlinIndex++; if (mZemlinIndex < 9) { // Try to get a focus calibration at any direction and rotate the beam tilt by // the difference between the nominal direction and the image shift direction mag = mScope->GetMagIndex(); probe = mScope->ReadProbeMode(); dirSave = mFocusManager->GetTiltDirection(); for (dirTry = 0; dirTry < 4; dirTry++) { mFocusManager->SetTiltDirection(dirTry); if (mFocusManager->GetFocusCal(mag, mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera(), probe, mScope->FastAlpha(), focCal)) { rotAngle = (45. * dirTry - 90.) * DTOR - atan2((double)focCal.slopeY, (double)focCal.slopeX); break; } } mFocusManager->SetTiltDirection(dirSave); // Set beam tilt for next round tiltX = xFactors[mZemlinIndex] * mZemlinBeamTilt; tiltY = yFactors[mZemlinIndex] * mZemlinBeamTilt; outX = cos(rotAngle) * tiltX - sin(rotAngle) * tiltY; outY = sin(rotAngle) * tiltX + cos(rotAngle) * tiltY; mScope->SetBeamTilt(mBaseBeamTiltX + outX, mBaseBeamTiltY + outY); if (mPostBeamTiltDelay > 0) Sleep(mPostBeamTiltDelay); mWinApp->AddIdleTask(CCameraController::TaskCameraBusy, TASK_ZEMLIN, 0, 0); mWinApp->mCamera->InitiateCapture(RECORD_CONSET); return; } // When done, set the image in to A iy = B3DMAX(1, B3DNINT(mPadSize / (mPanelSize * 3.))); mWinApp->mProcessImage->NewProcessedImage(imBufs, mMontTableau, kSHORT, mTableauSize, mTableauSize, iy, BUFFER_FFT); mMontTableau = NULL; StopZemlin(); } // Restore settings and clean up for normal or error stop void CAutoTuning::StopZemlin(void) { ControlSet *recSet = mWinApp->GetConSets() + RECORD_CONSET; if (mZemlinIndex < 0) return; mScope->SetBeamTilt(mBaseBeamTiltX, mBaseBeamTiltY); mZemlinIndex = -1; delete mMontTableau; delete mSpectrum; *recSet = mSavedRecSet; mMontTableau = NULL; mSpectrum = NULL; mWinApp->UpdateBufferWindows(); mWinApp->SetStatusText(MEDIUM_PANE, ""); } void CAutoTuning::ZemlinCleanup(int error) { if (error == IDLE_TIMEOUT_ERROR) SEMMessageBox(_T("Timeout getting images for Zemlin tableau")); StopComaFree(); mWinApp->ErrorOccurred(error); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CTF-BASED ASTIGMATISM/COMA ROUTINES /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // The external call to start the operation for calibration or measurement of the given // type, actionType = 0 to apply, 1 to measure, 2/3 to measure from existing images int CAutoTuning::CtfBasedAstigmatismComa(int comaFree, bool calibrate, int actionType, bool leaveIS, BOOL noMessageBox) { double curDefocus, tryFocus, stageX, stageY, stageZ; int maxMinutes = 5; float pixel, scanDelta = 0.1f, maxStageFocusChange = 0.05f; float minMagChangeInterval = 10000.; float ISdelayFactor = 2.f; UINT lastTimeOut; FloatVec radii; ControlSet *recSet = mWinApp->GetConSets() + RECORD_CONSET; CString str; LowDoseParams *ldp = mWinApp->GetLowDoseParams() + RECORD_CONSET; BOOL lowDoseMode = mWinApp->LowDoseMode(); bool needAreaChange = lowDoseMode && mScope->GetLowDoseArea() != RECORD_CONSET; // Initialize the calibrations structure and looping variables mSkipMessageBox = noMessageBox; mDirectionInd = 0; mNumIterations = 0; mCtfComaFree = comaFree; mDoingFullArray = comaFree > 1 && !calibrate; mOperationInd = (actionType / 2 == 0) ? -1 : 0; mCtfActionType = actionType; mCtfCalibrating = calibrate; mCtfCal.magInd = lowDoseMode ? ldp->magIndex : mScope->GetMagIndex(); mCtfCal.numFits = 0; mCtfCal.comaType = comaFree > 0; mCtfCal.amplitude = mAstigToApply; if (comaFree) mLastXTiltNeeded = mLastYTiltNeeded = 0.; else mLastXStigNeeded = mLastYStigNeeded = 0.; if (comaFree && calibrate) { SEMMessageBox("There is no calibration procedure for CTF-based coma-free alignment"); return 1; } if (!comaFree && !calibrate && LookupCtfBasedCal(comaFree > 0, mCtfCal.magInd, false) < 0) { SEMMessageBox("There are no CTF-based astigmatism calibrations"); return 1; } if (mCtfExposure < 0) { SEMMessageBox("You must set up acquire parameters\n" "before running CTF-based astigmatism or coma operations"); return 1; } // Massage the control set SetRecordConSetForCTF(); // Find limits to allowed focus range based on number of rings. Unfortunately the // absolute limits and the ones to use are in negative microns, the trial value is in // positive microns because that function takes it that way as an & reference mMinDefocusForMag = 0.; mMaxDefocusForMag = 0.; pixel = mShiftManager->GetPixelSize(mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera(), mCtfCal.magInd) * 1000.f * (float)recSet->binning; if (mWinApp->mProcessImage->GetTuneUseCtfplotter()) ACCUM_MAX(pixel, mWinApp->mProcessImage->GetMinCtfplotterPixel()); tryFocus = -mMinCtfBasedDefocus; while (tryFocus <= -mMaxCtfBasedDefocus) { mWinApp->mProcessImage->DefocusFromPointAndZeros(0., 0, pixel, 0.4f, &radii,tryFocus); if (!mMinDefocusForMag && (int)radii.size() >= mMinRingsForCtf) mMinDefocusForMag = -(float)tryFocus; // In fact it is now complicated to anticipate how many rings will be in the spectrum // actually analyzed and it is probably unnecessary because of automatic resampling //if ((int)radii.size() > mMaxRingsForCtf) //break; mMaxDefocusForMag = -(float)tryFocus; tryFocus += scanDelta; } if (actionType / 2 == 0 && (!mMinDefocusForMag || !mMaxDefocusForMag)) { str.Format("CTF analysis for this operation requires at least %d Thon rings with a " "defocus between %.1f and %.1f um\r\n\r\nThis cannot be obtained at the current " "magnification", mMinRingsForCtf, mMinCtfBasedDefocus, mMaxCtfBasedDefocus); SEMMessageBox(str); *recSet = mSavedRecSet; return 1; } // Go to Record now so IS and BT are set right and focus is recorded if (actionType / 2 == 0 && needAreaChange) mScope->GotoLowDoseArea(RECORD_CONSET); // Get starting values and apply backlash before first image if (comaFree) { // Operations with beam tilt: mCtfCal.amplitude = mUsersComaTilt <= 0. ? mMaxComaBeamTilt : mUsersComaTilt; mScope->GetBeamTilt(mBaseBeamTiltX, mBaseBeamTiltY); BacklashedBeamTilt(mBaseBeamTiltX, mBaseBeamTiltY, true); mShiftManager->SetGeneralTimeOut(GetTickCount(), mPostBeamTiltDelay); mLastBeamX = mBaseBeamTiltX; mLastBeamY = mBaseBeamTiltY; } else { // Operations for astigmatism mAstigBacklash= -fabs(mAstigBacklash); mScope->GetObjectiveStigmator(mSavedAstigX, mSavedAstigY); BacklashedStigmator(mSavedAstigX, mSavedAstigY, true); mShiftManager->SetGeneralTimeOut(GetTickCount(), mPostAstigDelay); mLastAstigX = mSavedAstigX; mLastAstigY = mSavedAstigY; } // Zero the IS unless flag is set if (!leaveIS) { mScope->SetLDCenteredShift(0., 0.); mShiftManager->SetISTimeOut(ISdelayFactor * mShiftManager->GetLastISDelay()); } // Decide whether a new autofocus is needed and save current state before starting curDefocus = mScope->GetDefocus(); mScope->GetStagePosition(stageX, stageY, stageZ); mDoingCtfBased = true; mSkipMeasuringFocus = mWinApp->MinuteTimeStamp() - mGotFocusMinuteStamp <= maxMinutes && fabs(stageX - mLastStageX) < maxStageFocusChange && fabs(stageY - mLastStageY) < maxStageFocusChange && fabs(stageZ - mLastStageZ) < maxStageFocusChange && fabs(curDefocus - mSavedDefocus) < maxStageFocusChange && mCtfCal.magInd == mMagIndex && !needAreaChange && SEMTickInterval(mScope->GetInternalMagTime()) > minMagChangeInterval && SEMTickInterval(mScope->GetUpdateSawMagTime()) > minMagChangeInterval; if (mSkipMeasuringFocus) mLastMeasuredFocus += (float)(curDefocus - mSavedDefocus); mSavedDefocus = curDefocus; mLastStageX = (float)stageX; mLastStageY = (float)stageY; mLastStageZ = (float)stageZ; mMagIndex = mCtfCal.magInd; // Add to timeout if area changed for coma-free align. Astig should be OK because of // the focusing if (actionType / 2 == 0 && needAreaChange && comaFree) { lastTimeOut = mShiftManager->GetGeneralTimeOut(RECORD_CONSET); if (SEMTickInterval(lastTimeOut) > 0) lastTimeOut = GetTickCount(); mShiftManager->SetGeneralTimeOut(lastTimeOut, mCtfBasedLDareaDelay); } if (mSkipMeasuringFocus) mGotFocusMinuteStamp = mWinApp->MinuteTimeStamp(); if (actionType / 2 == 0 && !mSkipMeasuringFocus) mFocusManager->AutoFocusStart(-1, -1); mWinApp->AddIdleTask(TASK_CTF_BASED, 0, 0); mWinApp->UpdateBufferWindows(); return 0; } // Use the CTF-based parameters to set up the Record control set void CAutoTuning::SetRecordConSetForCTF() { ControlSet *recSet = mWinApp->GetConSets() + RECORD_CONSET; CameraParameters *camParam = mWinApp->GetActiveCamParam(); int binInd, realBin; mSavedRecSet = *recSet; if (mCtfBinning > 0) { recSet->binning = mCtfBinning * BinDivisorI(camParam); mWinApp->mCamera->FindNearestBinning(camParam, recSet, binInd, realBin); recSet->binning = realBin; } if (mCtfExposure > 0) recSet->exposure = mCtfExposure; if (mCtfDriftSettling > 0) recSet->drift = mCtfDriftSettling; if (mCtfUseFullField) { recSet->left = recSet->top = 0; recSet->right = camParam->sizeX; recSet->bottom = camParam->sizeY; } recSet->mode = SINGLE_FRAME; recSet->alignFrames = 0; recSet->saveFrames = 0; recSet->doseFrac = 0; B3DCLAMP(recSet->K2ReadMode, 0, 1); if (camParam->K2Type) recSet->binning = B3DMAX(2, recSet->binning); recSet->processing = GAIN_NORMALIZED; } // The next task after autofocus or an image is done void CAutoTuning::CtfBasedNextTask(int tparm) { CtffindParams param; CProcessImage *processImg = mWinApp->mProcessImage; CString str, filename, command; int ind, calInd, xyInd, minusInd, plusInd, numInLineFit = 0, numInDat = 36; EMimageBuffer *fftBuf = mWinApp->GetFFTBufs(); float scaling = FEIscope ? 1.f : mWinApp->mFocusManager->EstimatedBeamTiltScaling(); FloatVec radii; BOOL usePlotter = processImg->GetTuneUseCtfplotter(); float fourXfacs[5] = {-1., 1., 0., 0.}; float fourYfacs[5] = {0., 0., -1., 1.}; const float sqrt2 = (float)sqrt(2.); const float diag = sqrt2 / 2.f; float fullArrXfacs[9] = {-1., -diag, 0., diag, 1., diag, 0., -diag, 0.}; float fullArrYfacs[9] = {0., -diag, -1., -diag, 0., diag, 1., diag, 0.}; float *xFacs = &fourXfacs[0], *yFacs = &fourYfacs[0]; int centralInds[4][2] = {{1, 5}, {3, 7}, {2, 6}, {4, 8}}; float resultsArray[7], solution[4]; float newFocus = 0, negMicrons, xCoeff, yCoeff, angle, diffPlus, diffMinus, minFocus; float intercept, diff1, diff9, rotateImage, astig, minAstig, maxAstig; float plotterDef, phase; const int maxInLineFit = 50; float xfit[maxInLineFit], yfit[maxInLineFit], zfit[maxInLineFit]; double xmax = 0., ymax = 0., nextXval, nextYval, assumedPosFocus; float minDef, maxDef, expectDef, reduction; int astigPhase, numOperations = 4; bool iterating = false; CtfBasedCalib calUse; CString suggest = "You may need more exposure time, a different binning, or more " "structure or carbon in the field of view.\n" + CString(mCtfComaFree ? "Try less " "beam tilt if the Thon rings are not visible on the long axis in beam-tilted " "images." : ""); if (mDoingFullArray) { numOperations = 9; xFacs = &fullArrXfacs[0]; yFacs = &fullArrYfacs[0]; } EMimageBuffer *imBufs = mWinApp->GetImBufs(); if (!mDoingCtfBased) return; if (mCtfActionType / 2) imBufs += B3DCHOICE(mCtfCalibrating || mCtfComaFree, numOperations- mOperationInd, 0); if (!imBufs->mImage || imBufs->mCaptured == BUFFER_FFT) { ErrorInCtfBased("The buffers do not have the right images to do this operation"); return; } str.Format("%s %s", mCtfCalibrating ? "CALIBRATING" : "MEASURING", mCtfComaFree ? "COMA" : "ASTIGMATISM"); mWinApp->SetStatusText(MEDIUM_PANE, str); // Handle initial focus determination if (mCtfActionType > 1 && mTestCtfTuningDefocus < 0) mInitialDefocus = mTestCtfTuningDefocus; if (mOperationInd < 0) { // Check and get the focus if actually did it if (!mSkipMeasuringFocus) { if (mFocusManager->GetLastFailed() || mFocusManager->GetLastAborted()) { ErrorInCtfBased("Stopping the procedure because the initial focus measurement " "failed"); return; } mLastMeasuredFocus = mFocusManager->GetCurrentDefocus(); } // In any case use that measurement to set and constrain initial defocus mInitialDefocus = mLastMeasuredFocus; minFocus = mMinDefocusForMag + B3DCHOICE(mCtfCalibrating || mCtfComaFree, mAddToMinForAstigCTF, 0.f); if (mInitialDefocus > minFocus) newFocus = minFocus; else if (mInitialDefocus < mMaxDefocusForMag) newFocus = mMaxDefocusForMag; if (newFocus) { mScope->IncDefocus(newFocus - mInitialDefocus); mInitialDefocus = newFocus; PrintfToLog("Changing defocus to %.2f to get an acceptable number of CTF rings", newFocus); } mOperationInd = 0; mGotFocusMinuteStamp = mWinApp->MinuteTimeStamp(); } else { // An image is ready to analyze if (processImg->InitializeCtffindParams(imBufs, param)) { ErrorInCtfBased("An error occurred setting up Ctffind parameters"); return; } // Make box bigger if there are a lot of rings assumedPosFocus = -mInitialDefocus; if (mOperationInd > 0) assumedPosFocus = -0.9f * mCenteredDefocus; processImg->DefocusFromPointAndZeros(0., 0, param.pixel_size_of_input_image, 0.4f, &radii, assumedPosFocus); if ((int)radii.size() > (2 * mMaxRingsForCtf) / 3) param.box_size = 384; // Get the default focus range and limit it // 11/1/23: change -1.0 -> -1.5, 1.5->2.0 because Chen thought it was losing some runs processImg->SetCtffindParamsForDefocus(param, assumedPosFocus, false); ACCUM_MAX(param.minimum_defocus, 10000.f * ((float)(assumedPosFocus - B3DMAX(1.5, 0.3 * assumedPosFocus)))); ACCUM_MIN(param.maximum_defocus, 10000.f * ((float)assumedPosFocus + 2.0f)); if (usePlotter) { expectDef = (float)(mOperationInd ? mCenteredDefocus : -assumedPosFocus); if (mOperationInd) { // Defocus is lower for the beam-tilted images on F20: this is a compromise value // Scanning is not reliable for highly astigmatic images expectDef *= 0.75f; minDef = maxDef = expectDef; } else { minDef = -param.minimum_defocus / 10000.f; maxDef = -param.maximum_defocus / 10000.f; } if (processImg->MakeCtfplotterShrMemFile(0, filename, reduction)) { ErrorInCtfBased(filename); return; } if (mWinApp->mExternalTools->MakeCtfplotterCommand(filename, reduction, 0, 0., minDef, maxDef, expectDef, 1, 0., mOperationInd ? -1 : 1, 0., 0., 0., 0, str, command)) { processImg->DeletePlotterShrMemFile(); ErrorInCtfBased(command); return; } if (processImg->RunCtfplotterOnBuffer(filename, command, 5000)) { ErrorInCtfBased(command); return; } if (mWinApp->mExternalTools->ReadCtfplotterResults(plotterDef, astig, resultsArray[2], phase, astigPhase, resultsArray[5], resultsArray[4], str, command)) { ErrorInCtfBased(command); return; } mWinApp->AppendToLog(str); } else { param.compute_extra_stats = true; SEMTrace('1', "rmin %.1f rmax %.1f dmin %.0f dmax %.0f", param.minimum_resolution, param.maximum_resolution, param.minimum_defocus, param.maximum_defocus); if (processImg->RunCtffind(imBufs, param, resultsArray)) { ErrorInCtfBased("An error occurred running the Ctffind operation"); return; } } // reality check on fit to centered image negMicrons = usePlotter ? plotterDef : -(resultsArray[0] + resultsArray[1]) / 20000.f; if (!mOperationInd) { mCenteredScore = resultsArray[4]; mCenteredDefocus = negMicrons; if (fabs(negMicrons - mInitialDefocus) > 2. || negMicrons > mMinCtfBasedDefocus + 0.5) { str.Format("The defocus from Ctf%s, %.2f um, is too far from the\r\n" "expected defocus of %.2f or too low to proceed (below %.2f)\r\n" "Check that starting defocus really is near %.2f", usePlotter ? "plotter" : "find", negMicrons, mInitialDefocus, mMinCtfBasedDefocus + 0.5, mLastMeasuredFocus); // To force refocusing on some of these errors mGotFocusMinuteStamp -= 60; ErrorInCtfBased(str); return; } if (mCenteredScore < (usePlotter ? mMinPlotterCenScore : mMinCenteredScore)) { str.Format("The %s from the Ctf%s fit, %.3f, is below the\r\n" " minimum (%.3f) and probably too low for a reliable result.\r\n\r\n", usePlotter ? "CCC" : "score", usePlotter ? "plotter" : "find", mCenteredScore, usePlotter ? mMinPlotterCenScore : mMinCenteredScore); mGotFocusMinuteStamp -= 60; ErrorInCtfBased(str + suggest); return; } } // Check general results if (resultsArray[4] < (usePlotter ? mMinPlotterScoreRatio : mMinScoreRatio) * mCenteredScore) { str.Format("The %s from the Ctf%s fit, %.3f, has changed\r\n" "by %.2f from the initial fit so fitting may be unreliable", usePlotter ? "CCC" : "score", usePlotter ? "plotter" : "find", resultsArray[4], resultsArray[4] / mCenteredScore); ErrorInCtfBased(str); return; } // Check fit to resolution, but try to ignore infinite result if (!usePlotter && resultsArray[5] > param.minimum_resolution && resultsArray[5] < 10. * imBufs->mImage->getWidth() * param.pixel_size_of_input_image) { str.Format("The resolution to which Thon rings fit,\r\n" "%.0f A is very high and indicates that CTF fitting is not working.\r\n\r\n", resultsArray[5]); if (!mOperationInd) { mGotFocusMinuteStamp -= 60; command.Format("Check that starting defocus really is near %.2f\r\n", mLastMeasuredFocus); suggest = command + suggest; } ErrorInCtfBased(str + suggest); return; } if (fabs(negMicrons - mCenteredDefocus) > B3DMAX(1., -0.33 * mCenteredDefocus)) { str.Format("The mean defocus from this fit, %.2f um, is\r\n" "%.2f from the defocus in the initial fit, the fit may be unreliable", negMicrons, fabs(negMicrons - mCenteredDefocus)); if (B3DCHOICE(usePlotter, astig, fabs(resultsArray[0] - resultsArray[1]) / 10000.) > 1.0) str += "\r\n\r\nIf the fit seems good, try a smaller beam tilt to get closer to" " coma-free; after it is close you maybe able to raise the beam tilt again"; ErrorInCtfBased(str); return; } // Store the results for all but first cal astig shot. Convert to negative microns if (usePlotter) { resultsArray[0] = plotterDef - astig / 2.f; resultsArray[1] = plotterDef + astig / 2.f; } else { resultsArray[0] /= -10000.; resultsArray[1] /= -10000.; } if (mOperationInd > 0 || mCtfComaFree || !mCtfCalibrating) { for (ind = 0; ind < 3; ind++) mCtfCal.fitValues[3 * mCtfCal.numFits + ind] = resultsArray[ind]; mCtfCal.numFits++; } // Display the circles if side-by-side FFT and new images // Take FFT if it wasn't done automatically or if side-by-side not open yet if (mCtfActionType / 2 == 0 && processImg->GetSideBySideFFT()) { if (!processImg->GetAutoSingleFFT() || !mWinApp->mFFTView) processImg->GetFFT(imBufs, 1, BUFFER_FFT); fftBuf->mCtfFocus1 = -resultsArray[0]; fftBuf->mCtfFocus2 = -resultsArray[1]; fftBuf->mCtfAngle = resultsArray[2]; fftBuf->mMaxRingFreq = processImg->GetDrawExtraCtfRings() ? param.pixel_size_of_input_image / resultsArray[5] : 0; mWinApp->mFFTView->DrawImage(); } // Set up scope for next shot if (mOperationInd < numOperations && (mCtfCalibrating || mCtfComaFree)) { if (mCtfActionType / 2 == 0 && mCtfComaFree) { nextXval = mLastBeamX + xFacs[mOperationInd] * mCtfCal.amplitude; nextYval = mLastBeamY + yFacs[mOperationInd] * mCtfCal.amplitude; BacklashedBeamTilt(nextXval, nextYval, mOperationInd == 0 || (!mDoingFullArray && mOperationInd == numOperations / 2) || mDoingFullArray); mShiftManager->SetGeneralTimeOut(GetTickCount(), mPostBeamTiltDelay); //PrintfToLog("Beam tilt set to %.3f %.3f", nextXval, nextYval); } else if (mCtfActionType / 2 == 0) { nextXval = mSavedAstigX + xFacs[mOperationInd] * mAstigToApply; nextYval = mSavedAstigY + yFacs[mOperationInd] * mAstigToApply; if (mOperationInd == 0 || mOperationInd == numOperations / 2) { if (TestAndSetStigmator(nextXval + mAstigBacklash, nextYval + mAstigBacklash, "The next stigmator value to test minus backlash")) return; Sleep(mBacklashDelay); } if (TestAndSetStigmator(nextXval, nextYval, "The next stigmator value to test")) return; mShiftManager->SetGeneralTimeOut(GetTickCount(), mPostAstigDelay); } mOperationInd++; } else { // or finish up: // with calibration of astigmatism if (mCtfCalibrating) { calInd = LookupCtfBasedCal(mCtfComaFree > 0, mMagIndex, true); if (calInd < 0) mCtfBasedCals.Add(mCtfCal); else mCtfBasedCals[calInd] = mCtfCal; for (ind = 0; ind < 8; ind++) { angle = (float)(22.5 * ind); AstigCoefficientsFromCtfFits(mCtfCal.fitValues, angle, mCtfCal.amplitude, xCoeff, yCoeff); SEMTrace('c', "%.1f deg: %.4g %.4g", angle, xCoeff, yCoeff); } mWinApp->SetCalibrationsNotSaved(true); StopCtfBased(true, false); return; } else { // Coma measurement.. // Loop on pairs of images, measure defocus differences at all angles, average // the implied beam tilt zero over all angles if (mCtfComaFree) { // First check range of astigmatism values. Defocus is now negative so maxAstig = -10000.; minAstig = 10000.; for (ind = 0; ind < mCtfCal.numFits; ind++) { astig = mCtfCal.fitValues[3 * ind + 1] - mCtfCal.fitValues[3 * ind]; ACCUM_MIN(minAstig, astig); ACCUM_MAX(maxAstig, astig); } if (maxAstig - minAstig < 0.05) { str.Format("The range of astigmatism values (%.2f) is too low for a reliable" " coma solution.\r\n\r\n" "You may need to increase the beam tilt set in" " \"Set CTF Coma-free Params\".\r\n", maxAstig - minAstig); if (mWinApp->mScope->GetUseIllumAreaForC2()) str += "(Do not try to detect coma on a Cs-corrected microscope)"; ErrorInCtfBased(str); mWinApp->AppendToLog(str); return; } for (xyInd = 0; xyInd < (mDoingFullArray ? 4 : 2); xyInd++) { xmax = 0.; ymax = 0.; solution[xyInd] = 0.; numInLineFit = 0; for (ind = 0; ind < numInDat; ind++) { angle = (float)((ind * 180.) / numInDat); if (mDoingFullArray) { minusInd = centralInds[xyInd][0]; diff1 = DefocusDiffFromTwoCtfFits(mCtfCal.fitValues, minusInd, 0, angle); diff9 = DefocusDiffFromTwoCtfFits(mCtfCal.fitValues, minusInd, 9, angle); if (mCtfActionType < 3) diffMinus = (diff1 + diff9) / 2.f; else if (mCtfActionType == 3) diffMinus = (float)(((9. - minusInd) * diff1 + minusInd * diff9) / 9.); else diffMinus = minusInd < 5 ? diff1 : diff9; plusInd = centralInds[xyInd][1]; diff1 = DefocusDiffFromTwoCtfFits(mCtfCal.fitValues, 0, plusInd, angle); diff9 = DefocusDiffFromTwoCtfFits(mCtfCal.fitValues, 9, plusInd, angle); if (mCtfActionType < 3) diffPlus = (diff1 + diff9) / 2.f; else if (mCtfActionType == 3) diffPlus = (float)(((9. - minusInd) * diff1 + minusInd * diff9) / 9.); else diffPlus = minusInd < 5 ? diff1 : diff9; } else { diffMinus = DefocusDiffFromTwoCtfFits(mCtfCal.fitValues, 1 + xyInd * 2, 0, angle); diffPlus = DefocusDiffFromTwoCtfFits(mCtfCal.fitValues, 0, 2 + xyInd * 2, angle); } xfit[ind] = -(diffPlus + diffMinus); // This slope is specific to this amplitude of tilt yfit[ind] = (diffPlus - diffMinus) / mCtfCal.amplitude; ACCUM_MAX(xmax, fabs(xfit[ind])); ACCUM_MAX(ymax, fabs(yfit[ind])); if (GetDebugOutput('c') && (ind % 4) == 0) PrintfToLog("%5.1f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f", angle, diffMinus, diffPlus, xfit[ind], yfit[ind]); } // Use data only if measurement-based slopes above a criterion // Does not happen in practice and probably would bias the result for (ind = 0; ind < numInDat; ind++) { if (fabs(yfit[ind]) > 0.25 * ymax) { numInLineFit++; solution[xyInd] += -xfit[ind] / (2.f * yfit[ind]); angle = (float)((ind * 180.) / numInDat); if (GetDebugOutput('c') && (ind % 4) == 0) PrintfToLog("%5.1f %9.5f %9.5f %9.5f", angle, xfit[ind], yfit[ind] , -xfit[ind] / (2.f * yfit[ind])); } } solution[xyInd] /= numInLineFit; SEMTrace('1', "axis %d n = %d solution %.4g", xyInd, numInLineFit, solution[xyInd]); } // Rotate the diagonal results and average with the X and Y axis results if (mDoingFullArray) { xCoeff = (solution[2] - solution[3]) / sqrt2; solution[3] = (solution[2] + solution[3]) / sqrt2; solution[2] = xCoeff; SEMTrace('1', "Rotated diagonal solution: %.4g %.4g", solution[2], solution[3]); solution[0] = (solution[0] + solution[2]) / 2.f; solution[1] = (solution[1] + solution[3]) / 2.f; } // Output results and apply them; use ill-fated calibration if it exists str.Format("Beam tilt %s adjusted by", mCtfActionType ? "needs to be" : "was"); ReportMisalignment((LPCTSTR)str, -solution[0], -solution[1]); if (mCtfActionType) { mLastXTiltNeeded = -solution[0]; mLastYTiltNeeded = -solution[1]; } nextXval = mLastBeamX - (mCtfActionType ? 0. : solution[0]); nextYval = mLastBeamY - (mCtfActionType ? 0. : solution[1]); if (mCtfActionType / 2 == 0) { BacklashedBeamTilt(nextXval, nextYval, true); } // Check if iterating if (!mCtfActionType && !mNumIterations && sqrt((double)solution[0] * solution[0] + solution[1] * solution[1]) * scaling > mComaIterationThresh) { mNumIterations++; mLastBeamX = nextXval; mLastBeamY = nextYval; mShiftManager->SetGeneralTimeOut(GetTickCount(), mPostBeamTiltDelay); mOperationInd = 0; mCtfCal.numFits = 0; PrintfToLog("Iterating because beam tilt is above threshold"); iterating = true; } } else { // Astigmatism measurement: Lookup calibration and get angle that image // would need to be rotated calInd = LookupCtfBasedCal(mCtfComaFree > 0, mMagIndex, false, &rotateImage); calUse = mCtfBasedCals[calInd]; // fit defocus versus coefficients at each angle for (ind = 0; ind < numInDat; ind++) { angle = (float)((ind * 180.) / numInDat); AstigCoefficientsFromCtfFits(calUse.fitValues, angle, calUse.amplitude, xfit[ind], yfit[ind]); // Since we haven't rotated the image to match calib, look for defocus at // calib angle rotated back by the image's rotation zfit[ind] = DefocusFromCtfFit(mCtfCal.fitValues, angle - rotateImage); } // Report and apply lsFit2(xfit, yfit, zfit, numInDat, &solution[0], &solution[1], &intercept); PrintfToLog("Objective stigmator %s adjusted by %.4f %.4f", mCtfActionType ? "needs to be" : "was", -solution[0], -solution[1]); if (mCtfActionType) { mLastXStigNeeded = -solution[0]; mLastYStigNeeded = -solution[1]; } if (!mCtfActionType) { nextXval = mLastAstigX - solution[0]; nextYval = mLastAstigY - solution[1]; TestAndSetStigmator(nextXval + mAstigBacklash, nextYval + mAstigBacklash, "The new solved stigmator value minus backlash"); Sleep(mBacklashDelay); TestAndSetStigmator(nextXval, nextYval,"The new solved stigmator value"); // Check if iterating if (!mNumIterations && sqrt((double)solution[0] * solution[0] + solution[1] * solution[1]) > mAstigIterationThresh) { mNumIterations++; mLastAstigX = nextXval; mLastAstigY = nextYval; mShiftManager->SetGeneralTimeOut(GetTickCount(),mPostAstigDelay); mOperationInd = 0; mCtfCal.numFits = 0; PrintfToLog("Iterating because astigmatism is above threshold"); iterating = true; } } } if (!iterating) { StopCtfBased(false, false); return; } } } } if (mCtfActionType / 2 == 0) mWinApp->mCamera->InitiateCapture(RECORD_CONSET); mWinApp->AddIdleTask(CCameraController::TaskCameraBusy, TASK_CTF_BASED, 0, 0); } void CAutoTuning::ErrorInCtfBased(const char * mess) { if (mSkipMessageBox) PrintfToLog("WARNING: %s", mess); else SEMMessageBox(mess); StopCtfBased(); } // Stop function: restore initial values if flag set (default true) void CAutoTuning::StopCtfBased(bool restore, bool failed) { ControlSet *recSet = mWinApp->GetConSets() + RECORD_CONSET; if (!mDoingCtfBased) return; mScope->SetDefocus(mSavedDefocus); if (mCtfComaFree && restore) mScope->SetBeamTilt(mBaseBeamTiltX, mBaseBeamTiltY); else if (mCtfCalibrating && restore) mScope->SetObjectiveStigmator(mSavedAstigX, mSavedAstigY); *recSet = mSavedRecSet; mDoingCtfBased = false; mWinApp->UpdateBufferWindows(); mWinApp->SetStatusText(MEDIUM_PANE, ""); mLastCtfBasedFailed = failed; } void CAutoTuning::CtfBasedCleanup(int error) { if (error == IDLE_TIMEOUT_ERROR) SEMMessageBox(_T("Timeout getting images for CTF-based astigmatism/coma operation")); StopCtfBased(); mWinApp->ErrorOccurred(1); } // Returns the defocus at a particular angle implied by the given CTF fit // The equation here is from Rohou and Grigorieff, 2015 // 0.5 * (df1 + df2 + (df1 - df2) * cos(2 * (angle - axis))) float CAutoTuning::DefocusFromCtfFit(float *fitValues, float angle) { float axis = fitValues[2]; return (float)(0.5 * (fitValues[0] + fitValues[1] + (fitValues[0] - fitValues[1]) * cos(DTOR * 2. * (angle - axis)))); } // Returns the difference in defocus at a particular angle between two fits float CAutoTuning::DefocusDiffFromTwoCtfFits(float *fitValues, int index1, int index2, float angle) { return DefocusFromCtfFit(&fitValues[3 * index2], angle) - DefocusFromCtfFit(&fitValues[3 * index1], angle); } // Returns the two coefficients of astigmatism at a particular angle from the 4 fits void CAutoTuning::AstigCoefficientsFromCtfFits(float *fitValues, float angle, float astig, float &xCoeff, float &yCoeff) { xCoeff = DefocusDiffFromTwoCtfFits(fitValues, 0, 1, angle) / (2.f * astig); yCoeff = DefocusDiffFromTwoCtfFits(fitValues, 2, 3, angle) / (2.f * astig); } // Set default backlash and make sure it is negative, return value float CAutoTuning::GetBeamTiltBacklash() { static bool first = true; if (mBeamTiltBacklash < -900) { float scaling = mWinApp->mFocusManager->EstimatedBeamTiltScaling(); mBeamTiltBacklash = -1.0f; if (!FEIscope && scaling > 0.) mBeamTiltBacklash /= scaling; } mBeamTiltBacklash = -fabs(mBeamTiltBacklash); if (first) SEMTrace('1', "Beam tilt backlash %.3f delay %d", mBeamTiltBacklash,mBacklashDelay); first = false; return mBeamTiltBacklash; } // Look up a calibration is the array, specific to the mag or from the closest mag // Currently only astigmatism cals are saved to file int CAutoTuning::LookupCtfBasedCal(bool coma, int magInd, bool matchMag, float *rotateImage) { MagTable *magTabs = mWinApp->GetMagTable(); double minRatio = 1.e30, ratio; int indMin = -1; double magAngle, calAngle; if (mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera() < 0 || magInd < 0) return -1; magAngle = mShiftManager->GetImageRotation(mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera(),magInd); for (int ind = 0; ind < mCtfBasedCals.GetSize(); ind++) { if (BOOL_EQUIV(mCtfBasedCals[ind].comaType, coma)) { if (matchMag) { if (magInd == mCtfBasedCals[ind].magInd) indMin = ind; } else { ratio = ((double)magTabs[magInd].mag) / magTabs[mCtfBasedCals[ind].magInd].mag; if (ratio < 1.) ratio = 1. / ratio; if (ratio < minRatio) { minRatio = ratio; indMin = ind; calAngle = mShiftManager->GetImageRotation(mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera(), mCtfBasedCals[ind].magInd); if (rotateImage) *rotateImage = (float)(calAngle - magAngle); } } } } return indMin; } // Get user's values for acquisition parameters, calling the check function first to get // an initial message if they have never been set up (unless called from there) int CAutoTuning::SetupCtfAcquireParams(bool fromCheck) { float val = B3DMAX(0.f, mCtfExposure); int full = mCtfUseFullField ? 1 : 0; if (!fromCheck) CheckAndSetupCtfAcquireParams("CTF-based astigmatism or coma-free operations", true); if (!KGetOneFloat("Exposure time (in sec), or 0 to use current Record exposure:", val, 2)) return 1; mCtfExposure = B3DMAX(0, val); if (!KGetOneInt("Binning, or 0 to use current Record binning", mCtfBinning)) return 1; if (!KGetOneFloat("Drift settling time (in sec), or 0 to use current Record value", mCtfDriftSettling, 2)) return 1; if (!KGetOneInt("1 to take full-field images or 0 to use current Record subarea", full)) return 1; mCtfUseFullField = full != 0; if (!KGetOneFloat("Smallest defocus allowed for correcting astigmatism (must be at" " least -0.1)", mMinCtfBasedDefocus, 2)) return 1; B3DCLAMP(mMinCtfBasedDefocus, -10.f, -0.1f); val = -mAddToMinForAstigCTF; if (!KGetOneFloat("Amount to increase underfocus when calbrating astigmatic or " "measuring coma (must be at least 0.2)", val, 2)) return 1; mAddToMinForAstigCTF = -val; B3DCLAMP(mAddToMinForAstigCTF, -10.f, -0.2f); return 0; } // Check whether the acquisition parameters have ever been set up, and if not, call to // do so, unless called from there int CAutoTuning::CheckAndSetupCtfAcquireParams(const char *operation, bool fromSetup) { CString str; if (mCtfExposure >= 0.) return 0; str = CString("You must set the exposure time, binning,\n" "and image area to acquire before ") + operation + ".\n\n" "Images must give FFTs with clear enough Thon rings\n" "to allow reliable 2-D CTF analysis so that the\n " "astigmatism in the image can be determined.\n\n" "For each parameter, you will have the choice\n" "of setting a specific value or using the current Record setting"; AfxMessageBox(str, MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION); if (fromSetup) return 0; return SetupCtfAcquireParams(true); } // Calibrate the dependence of beam tilt and astigmatism on image shift int CAutoTuning::CalibrateComaVsImageShift(float extent, int rotation, int useFullArray) { CString str; LowDoseParams *ldp = mWinApp->GetLowDoseParams() + RECORD_CONSET; int magIndex = mWinApp->LowDoseMode() ? ldp->magIndex : mScope->FastMagIndex(); ScaleMat aMat = mShiftManager->IStoSpecimen(magIndex); if (!aMat.xpx) { SEMMessageBox("Beam tilt versus image shift cannot be calibrated.\n" "There is no image shift to specimen calibration available at this magnification"); return 1; } // Check extent extent = (float)fabs(extent); if (extent < MIN_COMA_VS_IS_EXTENT || extent > MAX_COMA_VS_IS_EXTENT) { str.Format("The value for image shift extent, %.1f, is out of the allowed range" " (%.1f to %.1f)", extent, MIN_COMA_VS_IS_EXTENT, MAX_COMA_VS_IS_EXTENT); SEMMessageBox(str, MB_EXCLAME); return 1; } // Go to Record, set variables to use if (mWinApp->LowDoseMode()) mScope->GotoLowDoseArea(RECORD_CONSET); mCVISextentToUse = extent; mCVISrotationToUse = rotation; mCVISfullArrayToUse = useFullArray; mComaVsISindex = 0; mLastCtfBasedFailed = false; mScope->GetBeamTilt(mBaseBeamTiltX, mBaseBeamTiltY); mWinApp->UpdateBufferWindows(); ComaVsISNextTask(0); return 0; } // An operation is done, start the next one void CAutoTuning::ComaVsISNextTask(int param) { float delayFactor = 2.; float delISX1, delISY1, delISX2, delISY2, denom; int posIndex, index = mComaVsISindex; int magInd = mScope->FastMagIndex(); int useFullFac = 1; bool skipBT = mWinApp->mNavHelper->GetSkipAstigAdjustment() < 0; if (mCVISfullArrayToUse > 0 || (mCVISfullArrayToUse < 0 && mCtfDoFullArray)) useFullFac = 2; if (index < 0) return; // Save results of last measurement or stop if it failed if (index > 0) { if (mLastCtfBasedFailed) { StopComaVsISCal(); return; } // On odd indexes, record the beam tilt needed; on even indexes record the astigmatism // needed and restore the beam tilt posIndex = (index - 1) / 2; if (index % 2) { mComaVsISXTiltNeeded[posIndex] = mLastXTiltNeeded; mComaVsISYTiltNeeded[posIndex] = mLastYTiltNeeded; } else { mComaVsISXAstigNeeded[posIndex] = mLastXStigNeeded; mComaVsISYAstigNeeded[posIndex] = mLastYStigNeeded; BacklashedBeamTilt(mBaseBeamTiltX, mBaseBeamTiltY, true); } } // Set IS for next measurement and start one routine or the other if (index < 8) { posIndex = index / 2; // On odd indexes apply the needed beam tilt in order to measure astigmatism // On even indexes, go to the next image shift if (index % 2) { if (!skipBT) BacklashedBeamTilt(mBaseBeamTiltX + mComaVsISXTiltNeeded[posIndex], mBaseBeamTiltY + mComaVsISYTiltNeeded[posIndex], true); } else { GetComaVsISVector(magInd, mCVISextentToUse, mCVISrotationToUse, posIndex, mComaVsISAppliedISX[posIndex], mComaVsISAppliedISY[posIndex]); PrintfToLog("Measuring at image shift %.1f %.1f (IS units)", mComaVsISAppliedISX[posIndex], mComaVsISAppliedISY[posIndex]); mScope->SetImageShift(mComaVsISAppliedISX[posIndex], mComaVsISAppliedISY[posIndex]); mShiftManager->SetISTimeOut(delayFactor * mShiftManager->GetLastISDelay()); // To test that the equations are right, uncomment this and comment out CtfBased... /*ApplyScaleMatrix(mComaVsIScal.matrix, mComaVsISAppliedISX[posIndex], mComaVsISAppliedISY[posIndex], mLastXTiltNeeded, mLastYTiltNeeded); ApplyScaleMatrix(mComaVsIScal.astigMat, mComaVsISAppliedISX[posIndex], mComaVsISAppliedISY[posIndex], mLastXStigNeeded, mLastYStigNeeded);*/ } mComaVsISindex++; if (index % 2 || !skipBT) { mWinApp->AddIdleTask(TASK_CAL_COMA_VS_IS, 0, 0); CtfBasedAstigmatismComa(useFullFac * ((index + 1) % 2), false, 1, true, false); } else { mLastXTiltNeeded = mLastYTiltNeeded = 0.; ComaVsISNextTask(0); } return; } // Finished; compute the calibration delISX1 = mComaVsISAppliedISX[1] - mComaVsISAppliedISX[0]; delISY1 = mComaVsISAppliedISY[1] - mComaVsISAppliedISY[0]; delISX2 = mComaVsISAppliedISX[3] - mComaVsISAppliedISX[2]; delISY2 = mComaVsISAppliedISY[3] - mComaVsISAppliedISY[2]; denom = delISX1 * delISY2 - delISX2 * delISY1; mComaVsIScal.matrix.xpx = ((mComaVsISXTiltNeeded[1] - mComaVsISXTiltNeeded[0]) * delISY2 - (mComaVsISXTiltNeeded[3] - mComaVsISXTiltNeeded[2]) * delISY1) / denom; mComaVsIScal.matrix.xpy = ((mComaVsISXTiltNeeded[3] - mComaVsISXTiltNeeded[2]) * delISX1 - (mComaVsISXTiltNeeded[1] - mComaVsISXTiltNeeded[0]) * delISX2) / denom; mComaVsIScal.matrix.ypx = ((mComaVsISYTiltNeeded[1] - mComaVsISYTiltNeeded[0]) * delISY2 - (mComaVsISYTiltNeeded[3] - mComaVsISYTiltNeeded[2]) * delISY1) / denom; mComaVsIScal.matrix.ypy = ((mComaVsISYTiltNeeded[3] - mComaVsISYTiltNeeded[2]) * delISX1 - (mComaVsISYTiltNeeded[1] - mComaVsISYTiltNeeded[0]) * delISX2) / denom; PrintfToLog("IS to beam tilt matrix: %f %f %f %f", mComaVsIScal.matrix.xpx, mComaVsIScal.matrix.xpy, mComaVsIScal.matrix.ypx, mComaVsIScal.matrix.ypy); mComaVsIScal.astigMat.xpx = ((mComaVsISXAstigNeeded[1] - mComaVsISXAstigNeeded[0]) * delISY2 - (mComaVsISXAstigNeeded[3] - mComaVsISXAstigNeeded[2]) * delISY1) / denom; mComaVsIScal.astigMat.xpy = ((mComaVsISXAstigNeeded[3] - mComaVsISXAstigNeeded[2]) * delISX1 - (mComaVsISXAstigNeeded[1] - mComaVsISXAstigNeeded[0]) * delISX2) / denom; mComaVsIScal.astigMat.ypx = ((mComaVsISYAstigNeeded[1] - mComaVsISYAstigNeeded[0]) * delISY2 - (mComaVsISYAstigNeeded[3] - mComaVsISYAstigNeeded[2]) * delISY1) / denom; mComaVsIScal.astigMat.ypy = ((mComaVsISYAstigNeeded[3] - mComaVsISYAstigNeeded[2]) * delISX1 - (mComaVsISYAstigNeeded[1] - mComaVsISYAstigNeeded[0]) * delISX2) / denom; PrintfToLog("IS to astigmatism matrix: %f %f %f %f", mComaVsIScal.astigMat.xpx, mComaVsIScal.astigMat.xpy, mComaVsIScal.astigMat.ypx, mComaVsIScal.astigMat.ypy); // Save the calibration conditions mComaVsIScal.magInd = mMagIndex; mComaVsIScal.spotSize = mScope->GetSpotSize(); mComaVsIScal.intensity = (float)mScope->GetIntensity(); mComaVsIScal.probeMode = mScope->ReadProbeMode(); mComaVsIScal.alpha = mScope->GetAlpha(); mComaVsIScal.aperture = 0; if (mScope->GetUseIllumAreaForC2()) mComaVsIScal.aperture = mWinApp->mBeamAssessor->RequestApertureSize(); if (mWinApp->mNavHelper->mMultiShotDlg) mWinApp->mNavHelper->mMultiShotDlg->ManageEnables(); StopComaVsISCal(); } void CAutoTuning::ComaVsISCleanup(int error) { if (error == IDLE_TIMEOUT_ERROR) SEMMessageBox(_T("Timeout doing calibration of coma versus image shift")); StopComaVsISCal(); mWinApp->ErrorOccurred(1); } // Stop function, restore values void CAutoTuning::StopComaVsISCal(void) { mComaVsISindex = -1; mScope->SetImageShift(0., 0.); mScope->SetBeamTilt(mBaseBeamTiltX, mBaseBeamTiltY); mWinApp->UpdateBufferWindows(); } // Function to provide the IS vectors at the given mag for a position void CAutoTuning::GetComaVsISVector(int magInd, float extent, int rotation, int posIndex, float & delISX, float & delISY) { int delx[4] = {-1, 1, 0, 0}; int dely[4] = {0, 0, -1, 1}; ScaleMat aMat = mShiftManager->IStoSpecimen(magInd); double ISX = extent / sqrt(aMat.xpx * aMat.xpx + aMat.ypx * aMat.ypx); double ISY = extent / sqrt(aMat.xpy * aMat.xpy + aMat.ypy * aMat.ypy); double cosRot = cos(DTOR * rotation); double sinRot = sin(DTOR * rotation); B3DCLAMP(posIndex, 0, 3); delISX = (float)(cosRot * delx[posIndex] * ISX - sinRot * dely[posIndex] * ISY); delISY = (float)(sinRot * delx[posIndex] * ISX + cosRot * dely[posIndex] * ISY); }