#pragma once #include "NavHelper.h" #include "afxwin.h" #include "afxcmn.h" typedef struct Mod_Object Iobj; class CMapDrawItem; #define MAX_AUTOCONT_GROUPS 8 // For passing all the data into and out of the thread proc struct AutoContData { EMimageBuffer *imBuf; float targetSizeOrPix; float minSize; float maxSize; float interPeakThresh; float useThresh; float pixel; float singleXcen, singleYcen; float singleSizeFac; CMapDrawItem *polygon; bool needReduce; bool imIsBytes; bool needRefill; Iobj *obj; int *tdata; unsigned char *fdata; int *xlist; int *ylist; Islice *slRefilled; Islice *slReduced; unsigned char *idata; unsigned char **linePtrs; CString errString; FloatVec sqrMeans, sqrSDs, sqrSizes, squareness, pctBlackPix, boundDists; float medianMean; float spacing; HoleFinder *holeFinder; }; // CAutoContouringDlg dialog class CAutoContouringDlg : public CBaseDlg { public: CAutoContouringDlg(CWnd* pParent = NULL); // standard constructor virtual ~CAutoContouringDlg(); void CloseWindow(); bool IsOpen() { return mIsOpen; }; void SyncToMasterParams(); MapItemArray *GetPolyArrayToDraw(ShortVec **groupNums, ShortVec **excluded, int &numGroups, int **showGroup); void SetExclusionsAndGroups(int groupByMean, float lowerMeanCutoff, float upperMeanCutoff, float minSizeCutoff, float SDcutoff, float irregularCutoff, float borderDistCutoff); void SetExclusionsAndGroups(); bool IsUndoFeasible(); void ManageAll(bool forBusy); void UpdateSettings(); void AutoContourImage(EMimageBuffer *imBuf, float targetSizeOrPix, float minSize, float maxSize, float interPeakThresh, float useThresh, BOOL usePolygon, float xCenter = -1., float yCenter = -1.); CMapDrawItem *EligibleBoundaryPolygon(float maxSize); static UINT AutoContProc(LPVOID pParam); static void FindSingleSubarea(int nbuf, int subSize, float singleCen, int &nsub, int &subStart, int &subEnd); static void FindPolySubarea(float polyMin, float polyMax, int nbuf, int subSize, int &nsub, int &subStart, int &subEnd); int AutoContBusy(); void AutoContDone(); void CleanupAutoCont(int error); void StopAutoCont(); static void SquareStatistics(AutoContData *acd, int nxRed, int nyRed, float minScale, float maxScale, float redFac, float outlieCrit); static int FindDistancesFromHull(FloatVec &xCenters, FloatVec & yCenters, FloatVec &xBound, FloatVec &yBound, float sizeScale, FloatVec &boundDists, bool useBound = false); GetMember(bool, AutoContFailed); bool DoingAutoContour() { return mDoingAutocont; }; bool SinglePolygonMode() { return mIsOpen && m_bMakeOnePoly; }; void MakeSinglePolygon(EMimageBuffer *imBuf, float xCenter, float yCenter); void ManageACEnables(); GetSetMember(float, SingleSizeFac); // Dialog Data #ifdef AFX_DESIGN_TIME enum { IDD = IDD_AUTOCONTOUR }; #endif protected: virtual void DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX); // DDX/DDV support virtual BOOL OnInitDialog(); virtual void OnOK(); virtual void OnCancel(); virtual void PostNcDestroy(); virtual BOOL PreTranslateMessage(MSG* pMsg); virtual void OnHScroll(UINT nSBCode, UINT nPos, CScrollBar *pScrollBar); DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP() private: void DialogToParams(); void ParamsToDialog(); void ManagePostEnables(bool forBusy); void ManageGroupSelectors(int set); AutoContourParams mParams; AutoContourParams *mMasterParams; CNavHelper *mHelper; CNavigatorDlg *mNav; bool mHaveConts; bool mIsOpen; AutoContData mAutoContData; // Structure for passing data to autocontouring CWinThread *mAutoContThread; bool mAutoContFailed; // Flag cleared at successful completion bool mFindingFromDialog; bool mDoingAutocont; float mSingleSizeFac; float mStatMinSize; float mStatMaxSize; float mStatMinMean; float mStatMaxMean; float mMedianMean; float mStatMinSD; float mStatMaxSD; float mStatMaxBoundDist; float mStatMaxSquareness; float mStatMinSquareness; MapItemArray mPolyArray; ShortVec mGroupNums; ShortVec mExcluded; int mShowGroup[MAX_AUTOCONT_GROUPS]; int mNumInGroup[MAX_AUTOCONT_GROUPS]; CFont *mBoldFont; IntVec mFirstConvertedIndex; IntVec mLastConvertedIndex; IntVec mFirstMapID; IntVec mLastMapID; std::vector mConvertedInds; int mCurSingleMapID; int mSingleGroupID; bool mDidSingleMessage; public: bool mOpenedFromMultiGrid; int m_iReduceToWhich; int m_iThreshType; afx_msg void OnRRelativeThresh(); afx_msg void OnRToPixels(); int m_iGroupType; afx_msg void OnRGroupBySize(); int m_iReducePixels; afx_msg void OnKillfocusEditToPixels(); afx_msg void OnKillfocusEditToPixSize(); afx_msg void OnKillfocusEditRelThresh(); afx_msg void OnKillfocusEditAbsThresh(); CSpinButtonCtrl m_sbcNumGroups; afx_msg void OnDeltaposSpinNumGroups(NMHDR *pNMHDR, LRESULT *pResult); void ExternalSetGroups(int numGroups, int which, int *showGroups, int numShow); afx_msg void OnButMakeContours(); afx_msg void OnButClearData(); afx_msg void OnCheckShowGroup(UINT nID); afx_msg void OnButCreatePolys(); int ExternalCreatePolys(float lowerMeanCutoff, float upperMeanCutoff, float minSizeCutoff, float SDcutoff, float irregularCutoff, float borderDistCutoff, CString &mess); int DoCreatePolys(CString &mess, bool doAll); afx_msg void OnButUndoPolys(); int GetSquareStats(float &minMean, float &maxMean, float &medianMean); int *GetShowGroup() {return &mShowGroup[0] ; }; CString m_strLowerMean; CString m_strUpperMean; CString m_strMinSize; CString m_strBorderDist; afx_msg void OnKillfocusEditMinMean(); afx_msg void OnKillfocusEditMaxMean(); afx_msg void OnKillfocusEditMinSize(); afx_msg void OnKillfocusEditBorderDist(); CString m_strIrregularity; CString m_strSquareSD; CString m_strMinLowerMean; CString m_strMinUpperMean; CString m_strMinMinSize; CString m_strMinIrregular; CString m_strMinSquareSD; CString m_strMinBorderDist; CString m_strMaxLowerMean; CString m_strMaxUpperMean; CString m_strMaxMinSize; CString m_strMaxIrregular; CString m_strMaxSquareSD; CString m_strMaxBorderDist; float m_fReduceToPixSize; float m_fRelThresh; float m_fAbsThresh; float m_fACminSize; float m_fACmaxSize; afx_msg void OnKillfocusEditACMinsize(); afx_msg void OnKillfocusEditACMaxsize(); CSliderCtrl m_sliderUpperMean; CSliderCtrl m_sliderMinSize; CSliderCtrl m_sliderIrregular; CSliderCtrl m_sliderSquareSD; CSliderCtrl m_sliderLowerMean; CSliderCtrl m_sliderBorderDist; int m_intUpperMean; int m_intMinSize; int m_intIrregular; int m_intSquareSD; int m_intLowerMean; int m_intBorderDist; int mNumGroups; CString m_strShowGroups; CStatic m_statShowGroups; BOOL m_bMakeOnePoly; afx_msg void OnCheckMakeOnePoly(); BOOL m_bInsidePolygon; afx_msg void OnCheckInsidePolygon(); };