// AutoContouringDlg.cpp : Creates contours around grid squares and makes them into // groups of polygons // There is a resident instance of this class, and the dialog can be created and closed // // Copyright (C) 2022 by the Regents of the University of // Colorado. See Copyright.txt for full notice of copyright and limitations. // // Author: David Mastronarde // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "stdafx.h" #include #include "SerialEM.h" #include "SerialEMView.h" #include "AutoContouringDlg.h" #include "Shared\imodel.h" #include "NavHelper.h" #include "MultiGridTasks.h" #include "NavigatorDlg.h" #include "ShiftManager.h" #include "Shared\holefinder.h" // CAutoContouringDlg dialog CAutoContouringDlg::CAutoContouringDlg(CWnd* pParent /*=NULL*/) : CBaseDlg(IDD_AUTOCONTOUR, pParent) , m_iReduceToWhich(0) , m_iThreshType(0) , m_iGroupType(0) , m_iReducePixels(300) , m_strLowerMean(_T("")) , m_strMinSize(_T("")) , m_strBorderDist(_T("")) , m_strIrregularity(_T("")) , m_strSquareSD(_T("")) , m_strMinLowerMean(_T("")) , m_strMinUpperMean(_T("")) , m_strMinMinSize(_T("")) , m_strMinIrregular(_T("")) , m_strMinSquareSD(_T("")) , m_strMinBorderDist(_T("")) , m_fReduceToPixSize(1.f) , m_fRelThresh(0.7f) , m_fAbsThresh(0) , m_fACminSize(2.f) , m_fACmaxSize(100.f) , m_strShowGroups(_T("")) { mNonModal = true; mIsOpen = false; mAutoContThread = NULL; mFindingFromDialog = false; mHaveConts = false; mDoingAutocont = false; for (int ind = 0; ind < MAX_AUTOCONT_GROUPS; ind++) mShowGroup[ind] = 1; } CAutoContouringDlg::~CAutoContouringDlg() { for (int ind = 0; ind < (int)mPolyArray.GetSize(); ind++) delete mPolyArray.GetAt(ind); } void CAutoContouringDlg::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { CBaseDlg::DoDataExchange(pDX); DDX_Radio(pDX, IDC_RTOPIXELS, m_iReduceToWhich); DDX_Radio(pDX, IDC_RRELATIVE_THRESH, m_iThreshType); DDX_Radio(pDX, IDC_RGROUP_BY_SIZE, m_iGroupType); DDX_MM_INT(pDX, IDC_IDC_EDIT_TO_PIXELS, m_iReducePixels, 200, 5000, "number of pixels to reduce to"); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_SPIN_NUM_GROUPS, m_sbcNumGroups); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_EDIT_MIN_MEAN, m_strLowerMean); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_EDIT_MAX_MEAN, m_strUpperMean); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_EDIT_MIN_SIZE, m_strMinSize); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_EDIT_BORDER_DIST, m_strBorderDist); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_STAT_IRREGULARITY, m_strIrregularity); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_STAT_SQUARE_SD, m_strSquareSD); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_STAT_MIN_LOWER_MEAN, m_strMinLowerMean); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_STAT_MIN_UPPER_MEAN, m_strMinUpperMean); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_STAT_MIN_MIN_SIZE, m_strMinMinSize); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_STAT_MIN_IRREGULAR, m_strMinIrregular); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_STAT_MIN_SQUARE_SD, m_strMinSquareSD); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_STAT_MIN_BORDER_DIST, m_strMinBorderDist); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_STAT_MAX_LOWER_MEAN, m_strMaxLowerMean); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_STAT_MAX_UPPER_MEAN, m_strMaxUpperMean); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_STAT_MAX_MIN_SIZE, m_strMaxMinSize); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_STAT_MAX_IRREGULAR, m_strMaxIrregular); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_STAT_MAX_SQUARE_SD, m_strMaxSquareSD); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_STAT_MAX_BORDER_DIST, m_strMaxBorderDist); DDX_MM_FLOAT(pDX, IDC_EDIT_TO_PIX_SIZE, m_fReduceToPixSize, .2f, 20.f, "Pixel size to reduce to"); DDX_MM_FLOAT(pDX, IDC_EDIT_REL_THRESH, m_fRelThresh, 0.f, 1.f, "Relative threshold"); DDX_FLOAT(pDX, IDC_EDIT_ABS_THRESH, m_fAbsThresh, "Absolute threshold"); DDX_MM_FLOAT(pDX, IDC_EDIT_MINSIZE, m_fACminSize, 1.f, 500.f, "Minimum contour size"); DDX_MM_FLOAT(pDX, IDC_EDIT_MAXSIZE, m_fACmaxSize, 2.f, 500.f, "Maximum contour size"); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_SLIDER_MIN_MEAN, m_sliderLowerMean); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_SLIDER_MAX_MEAN, m_sliderUpperMean); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_SLIDER_MIN_SIZE, m_sliderMinSize); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_SLIDER_IRREGULARITY, m_sliderIrregular); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_SLIDER_SQUARE_SD, m_sliderSquareSD); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_SLIDER_BORDER_DIST, m_sliderBorderDist); DDX_Slider(pDX, IDC_SLIDER_MIN_MEAN, m_intLowerMean); DDX_Slider(pDX, IDC_SLIDER_MAX_MEAN, m_intUpperMean); DDX_Slider(pDX, IDC_SLIDER_MIN_SIZE, m_intMinSize); DDX_Slider(pDX, IDC_SLIDER_IRREGULARITY, m_intIrregular); DDX_Slider(pDX, IDC_SLIDER_SQUARE_SD, m_intSquareSD); DDX_Slider(pDX, IDC_SLIDER_BORDER_DIST, m_intBorderDist); DDV_MinMaxInt(pDX, m_intLowerMean, 0, 255); DDV_MinMaxInt(pDX, m_intUpperMean, 0, 255); DDV_MinMaxInt(pDX, m_intMinSize, 0, 255); DDV_MinMaxInt(pDX, m_intIrregular, 0, 255); DDV_MinMaxInt(pDX, m_intSquareSD, 0, 255); DDV_MinMaxInt(pDX, m_intBorderDist, 0, 255); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_STAT_SHOW_GROUPS, m_strShowGroups); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_STAT_SHOW_GROUPS, m_statShowGroups); } BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CAutoContouringDlg, CBaseDlg) ON_WM_HSCROLL() ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_RRELATIVE_THRESH, OnRRelativeThresh) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_RABS_THRESH, OnRRelativeThresh) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_RTOPIXELS, OnRToPixels) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_RTOPIXSIZE, OnRToPixels) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_RGROUP_BY_SIZE, OnRGroupBySize) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_RGROUP_BY_MEAN, OnRGroupBySize) ON_EN_KILLFOCUS(IDC_IDC_EDIT_TO_PIXELS, OnKillfocusEditToPixels) ON_EN_KILLFOCUS(IDC_EDIT_TO_PIX_SIZE, OnKillfocusEditToPixSize) ON_EN_KILLFOCUS(IDC_EDIT_REL_THRESH, OnKillfocusEditRelThresh) ON_EN_KILLFOCUS(IDC_EDIT_ABS_THRESH, OnKillfocusEditAbsThresh) ON_NOTIFY(UDN_DELTAPOS, IDC_SPIN_NUM_GROUPS, OnDeltaposSpinNumGroups) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_BUT_MAKE_CONTOURS, OnButMakeContours) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_BUT_CLEAR_POLYS, OnButClearData) ON_COMMAND_RANGE(IDC_CHECK_GROUP1, IDC_CHECK_GROUP8, OnCheckShowGroup) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_BUT_CREATE_POLYS, OnButCreatePolys) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_BUT_UNDO_POLYS, OnButUndoPolys) ON_EN_KILLFOCUS(IDC_EDIT_MIN_MEAN, OnKillfocusEditMinMean) ON_EN_KILLFOCUS(IDC_EDIT_MAX_MEAN, OnKillfocusEditMaxMean) ON_EN_KILLFOCUS(IDC_EDIT_MIN_SIZE, OnKillfocusEditMinSize) ON_EN_KILLFOCUS(IDC_EDIT_BORDER_DIST, OnKillfocusEditBorderDist) ON_EN_KILLFOCUS(IDC_EDIT_MINSIZE, OnKillfocusEditACMinsize) ON_EN_KILLFOCUS(IDC_EDIT_MAXSIZE, OnKillfocusEditACMaxsize) END_MESSAGE_MAP() // CAutoContouringDlg message handlers BOOL CAutoContouringDlg::OnInitDialog() { CBaseDlg::OnInitDialog(); mMasterParams = mWinApp->mNavHelper->GetAutocontourParams(); mParams = *mMasterParams; m_sbcNumGroups.SetRange(1, MAX_AUTOCONT_GROUPS); m_sbcNumGroups.SetPos(mParams.numGroups); mIsOpen = true; mBoldFont = mWinApp->GetBoldFont(&m_statShowGroups); // Set up sliders m_sliderLowerMean.SetRange(0, 255); m_sliderUpperMean.SetRange(0, 255); m_sliderMinSize.SetRange(0, 255); m_sliderSquareSD.SetRange(0, 255); m_sliderIrregular.SetRange(0, 255); m_sliderBorderDist.SetRange(0, 255); m_sliderLowerMean.SetPageSize(4); m_sliderUpperMean.SetPageSize(4); m_sliderMinSize.SetPageSize(4); m_sliderSquareSD.SetPageSize(4); m_sliderIrregular.SetPageSize(4); m_sliderBorderDist.SetPageSize(4); // Output parameters and manage enables ParamsToDialog(); if (!mOpenedFromMultiGrid) for (int ind = 0; ind < MAX_AUTOCONT_GROUPS; ind++) mShowGroup[ind] = 1; ManageGroupSelectors(mOpenedFromMultiGrid ? -1 : 1); ManageACEnables(); ManagePostEnables(false); SetDefID(45678); // Disable OK from being default button return TRUE; } // Closing on OK or when Nav closes void CAutoContouringDlg::OnOK() { DialogToParams(); *mMasterParams = mParams; if (mOpenedFromMultiGrid) mWinApp->mMultiGridTasks->CopyAutoContGroups(); OnCancel(); } // Cancel just sets placement and says it is closed; clears out data void CAutoContouringDlg::OnCancel() { mWinApp->mNavHelper->GetAutoContDlgPlacement(); mIsOpen = false; mHaveConts = false; DestroyWindow(); } // Do not delete the dialog void CAutoContouringDlg::PostNcDestroy() { CDialog::PostNcDestroy(); } BOOL CAutoContouringDlg::PreTranslateMessage(MSG* pMsg) { if (pMsg->message == WM_KEYDOWN && pMsg->wParam == VK_RETURN) SetFocus(); return CDialog::PreTranslateMessage(pMsg); } // External close void CAutoContouringDlg::CloseWindow() { if (mIsOpen) OnOK(); } // Make sure master params are updated void CAutoContouringDlg::SyncToMasterParams() { if (!mIsOpen) { mMasterParams = mWinApp->mNavHelper->GetAutocontourParams(); mParams = *mMasterParams; mNumGroups = mParams.numGroups; return; } UPDATE_DATA_TRUE; DialogToParams(); *mMasterParams = mParams; } // Callback from SerialEMView to get items to draw MapItemArray* CAutoContouringDlg::GetPolyArrayToDraw( ShortVec **groupNums, ShortVec **excluded, int &numGroups, int **showGroup) { if (!mHaveConts) return NULL; *groupNums = &mGroupNums; *excluded = &mExcluded; numGroups = mNumGroups; *showGroup = &mShowGroup[0]; return &mPolyArray; } // Test if it can still be undone bool CAutoContouringDlg::IsUndoFeasible() { CMapDrawItem *item; int numConv = (int)mFirstConvertedIndex.size(); MapItemArray *itemArray = mWinApp->mNavigator->GetItemArray(); if (!numConv || itemArray->GetSize() - 1 != mLastConvertedIndex[numConv - 1]) return false; item = itemArray->GetAt(mFirstConvertedIndex[numConv - 1]); if (item->mMapID != mFirstMapID[numConv - 1]) return false; item = itemArray->GetAt(mLastConvertedIndex[numConv - 1]); return item->mMapID == mLastMapID[numConv - 1]; } // Call all three managing functions void CAutoContouringDlg::ManageAll(bool forBusy) { ManageACEnables(); ManageGroupSelectors(0); ManagePostEnables(forBusy); } // Possible settings change void CAutoContouringDlg::UpdateSettings() { mParams = *mMasterParams; ParamsToDialog(); ManageAll(false); } // Determine which contours to exclude and divide the remaining ones into groups void CAutoContouringDlg::SetExclusionsAndGroups() { SetExclusionsAndGroups(mParams.groupByMean, mParams.lowerMeanCutoff, mParams.upperMeanCutoff, mParams.minSizeCutoff, mParams.SDcutoff, mParams.irregularCutoff, mParams.borderDistCutoff); } void CAutoContouringDlg::SetExclusionsAndGroups(int groupByMean, float lowerMeanCutoff, float upperMeanCutoff, float minSizeCutoff, float SDcutoff, float irregularCutoff, float borderDistCutoff) { int ind, group, numCont = (int)mPolyArray.GetSize(); float minIncl = 1.e30f, maxIncl = -1.e30f, groupInc; AutoContData *acd = &mAutoContData; if (!mHaveConts) return; // Set to param if no values set by caller if (lowerMeanCutoff < EXTRA_VALUE_TEST) lowerMeanCutoff = mParams.lowerMeanCutoff; if (upperMeanCutoff < EXTRA_VALUE_TEST) upperMeanCutoff = mParams.upperMeanCutoff; if (SDcutoff < 0.) SDcutoff = mParams.SDcutoff; if (irregularCutoff < 0.) irregularCutoff = mParams.irregularCutoff; if (minSizeCutoff < 0.) minSizeCutoff = mParams.minSizeCutoff; if (borderDistCutoff < 0.) borderDistCutoff = mParams.borderDistCutoff; // Find ones excluded and get min/max of ones included mExcluded.resize(numCont); mGroupNums.resize(numCont); int num1 = 0, num2 = 0; for (ind = 0; ind < numCont; ind++) { if (acd->sqrMeans[ind] < lowerMeanCutoff || acd->sqrMeans[ind] > upperMeanCutoff || acd->sqrSizes[ind] < minSizeCutoff || acd->sqrSDs[ind] > SDcutoff || acd->squareness[ind] > irregularCutoff || acd->boundDists[ind] < borderDistCutoff) { mExcluded[ind] = 1; } else { mExcluded[ind] = 0; if (groupByMean) { ACCUM_MIN(minIncl, acd->sqrMeans[ind]); ACCUM_MAX(maxIncl, acd->sqrMeans[ind]); } else { ACCUM_MIN(minIncl, acd->sqrSizes[ind]); ACCUM_MAX(maxIncl, acd->sqrSizes[ind]); } } } // Assign groups memset(mNumInGroup, 0, MAX_AUTOCONT_GROUPS * sizeof(int)); groupInc = (maxIncl - minIncl) / mNumGroups; for (ind = 0; ind < numCont; ind++) { if (mExcluded[ind]) { mGroupNums[ind] = 0; } else { group = (int)(((groupByMean ? acd->sqrMeans[ind] : acd->sqrSizes[ind]) - minIncl) / groupInc); B3DCLAMP(group, 0, mNumGroups - 1); mGroupNums[ind] = group; mNumInGroup[group]++; } } if (mIsOpen) ManageGroupSelectors(0); mWinApp->mMainView->RedrawWindow(); } // Choice to use relative or absolute threshold void CAutoContouringDlg::OnRRelativeThresh() { UPDATE_DATA_TRUE; ManageACEnables(); mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); } // Choice to use pixels or pixel size void CAutoContouringDlg::OnRToPixels() { UPDATE_DATA_TRUE; ManageACEnables(); mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); } // Grouping by size or value void CAutoContouringDlg::OnRGroupBySize() { UPDATE_DATA_TRUE; mParams.groupByMean = m_iGroupType; if (mHaveConts) SetExclusionsAndGroups(); mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); } // New values of target pixels and pixel size void CAutoContouringDlg::OnKillfocusEditToPixels() { UPDATE_DATA_TRUE; mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); } void CAutoContouringDlg::OnKillfocusEditToPixSize() { UPDATE_DATA_TRUE; mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); } // New values of relative and absolute threshold void CAutoContouringDlg::OnKillfocusEditRelThresh() { UPDATE_DATA_TRUE; mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); } void CAutoContouringDlg::OnKillfocusEditAbsThresh() { UPDATE_DATA_TRUE; mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); } // New number of groups: redo groups void CAutoContouringDlg::OnDeltaposSpinNumGroups(NMHDR *pNMHDR, LRESULT *pResult) { if (NewSpinnerValue(pNMHDR, pResult, 1, MAX_AUTOCONT_GROUPS, mNumGroups)) return; m_strShowGroups.Format("Split into %d", mNumGroups); ManageGroupSelectors(0); SetExclusionsAndGroups(); UpdateData(false); mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); } // External call to set the groups void CAutoContouringDlg::ExternalSetGroups(int numGroups, int which, int *showGroups, int numShow) { int ind; if (numGroups > 0 && numGroups <= MAX_AUTOCONT_GROUPS) mNumGroups = numGroups; if (which >= 0) mParams.groupByMean = m_iGroupType = which ? 1 : 0; for (ind = 0; ind < numShow; ind++) if (showGroups[ind] >= 0) mShowGroup[ind] = showGroups[ind] ? 1 : 0; if (!numShow && numGroups == 1) mShowGroup[0] = 1; SetExclusionsAndGroups(); if (mIsOpen) { m_strShowGroups.Format("Split into %d", mNumGroups); ManageGroupSelectors(2); UpdateData(false); } else { mMasterParams = mWinApp->mNavHelper->GetAutocontourParams(); mMasterParams->numGroups = mNumGroups; } mParams.numGroups = mNumGroups; } // Start autocontouring void CAutoContouringDlg::OnButMakeContours() { EMimageBuffer *imBuf = mWinApp->mMainView->GetActiveImBuf(); mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); if (!imBuf->mImage) { SEMMessageBox("There is no image in the active buffer for autocontouring"); return; } mFindingFromDialog = true; DialogToParams(); AutoContourImage(imBuf, mParams.usePixSize ? mParams.targetPixSizeUm : mParams.targetSizePixels, mParams.minSize, mParams.maxSize, mParams.useAbsThresh ? 0.f : mParams.relThreshold, mParams.useAbsThresh ? mParams.absThreshold : 0.f); mFindingFromDialog = false; ManageAll(false); } // Clear out the data void CAutoContouringDlg::OnButClearData() { int ind; CMapDrawItem *item; AutoContData *acd = &mAutoContData; mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); CLEAR_RESIZE(acd->sqrMeans, float, 0); CLEAR_RESIZE(acd->sqrSDs, float, 0); CLEAR_RESIZE(acd->sqrSizes, float, 0); CLEAR_RESIZE(acd->squareness, float, 0); CLEAR_RESIZE(acd->boundDists, float, 0); CLEAR_RESIZE(acd->pctBlackPix, float, 0); for (ind = 0; ind < (int)mPolyArray.GetSize(); ind++) { item = mPolyArray.GetAt(ind); delete item; } mPolyArray.RemoveAll(); mHaveConts = false; CLEAR_RESIZE(mFirstConvertedIndex, int, 0); CLEAR_RESIZE(mLastConvertedIndex, int, 0); CLEAR_RESIZE(mFirstMapID, int, 0); CLEAR_RESIZE(mLastMapID, int, 0); mConvertedInds.clear(); if (mIsOpen) ManageAll(false); mWinApp->mMainView->RedrawWindow(); } // A group is toggled: redraw void CAutoContouringDlg::OnCheckShowGroup(UINT nID) { CButton *but = (CButton *)GetDlgItem(nID); mShowGroup[nID - IDC_CHECK_GROUP1] = but && but->GetCheck() != 0; mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); mWinApp->mMainView->DrawImage(); } // Convert to Navigator polygons void CAutoContouringDlg::OnButCreatePolys() { CString mess; mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); if (DoCreatePolys(mess)) SEMMessageBox(mess); } // External call to create the polygons with possible replcement cutoff values int CAutoContouringDlg::ExternalCreatePolys(float lowerMeanCutoff, float upperMeanCutoff, float minSizeCutoff, float SDcutoff, float irregularCutoff, float borderDistCutoff, CString &mess) { if (!mHaveConts) { mess = "There are no contours to convert"; return 1; } if (lowerMeanCutoff < 0) lowerMeanCutoff = mParams.lowerMeanCutoff; else if (lowerMeanCutoff < 1) lowerMeanCutoff = mStatMinMean + lowerMeanCutoff * (mMedianMean - mStatMinMean); if (upperMeanCutoff < 0) upperMeanCutoff = mParams.upperMeanCutoff; else if (upperMeanCutoff <= 1.) upperMeanCutoff = mStatMinMean + upperMeanCutoff * (mStatMaxMean - mMedianMean); if (minSizeCutoff < 0) minSizeCutoff = mParams.minSizeCutoff; if (SDcutoff < 0) SDcutoff = mParams.SDcutoff; else if (SDcutoff <= 1.) SDcutoff = mStatMinSD + SDcutoff * (mStatMaxSD - mStatMinSD); if (borderDistCutoff < 0) borderDistCutoff = mParams.borderDistCutoff; SetExclusionsAndGroups(mParams.groupByMean, lowerMeanCutoff, upperMeanCutoff, minSizeCutoff, SDcutoff, irregularCutoff, borderDistCutoff); return DoCreatePolys(mess); } // Common function to creat polygons int CAutoContouringDlg::DoCreatePolys(CString &mess) { int firstID, lastID, num = 0, numAfter, ind; int numBefore = mWinApp->mNavigator->GetNumNavItems(); IntVec indsInPoly; for (ind = 0; ind < mNumGroups; ind++) if (mShowGroup[ind]) num += mNumInGroup[ind]; if (!mHaveConts || !num) { mess = "There are no contours to convert" + CString(mHaveConts ? " in the selected groups" : ""); return 1; } mWinApp->mNavigator->AddAutocontPolygons(mPolyArray, mExcluded, mGroupNums, &mShowGroup[0], mNumGroups, firstID, lastID, indsInPoly); numAfter = mWinApp->mNavigator->GetNumNavItems(); if (numBefore < numAfter) { mFirstConvertedIndex.push_back(numBefore); mLastConvertedIndex.push_back(numAfter - 1); mFirstMapID.push_back(firstID); mLastMapID.push_back(lastID); mConvertedInds.push_back(indsInPoly); //SetExclusionsAndGroups(); if (mIsOpen) { ManagePostEnables(false); ManageGroupSelectors(0); } } return 0; } // Undo the conversion to Nav polygons void CAutoContouringDlg::OnButUndoPolys() { int vecInd = (int)mFirstConvertedIndex.size() - 1; if (!IsUndoFeasible()) { SEMMessageBox("Something has changed in the Navigator table; " "cannot undo the addition of polygons"); return; } // Get things added back in and pop the undo stack mWinApp->mNavigator->UndoAutocontPolyAddition(mPolyArray, mLastConvertedIndex[vecInd] + 1 - mFirstConvertedIndex[vecInd], mConvertedInds[vecInd]); mConvertedInds.pop_back(); mFirstConvertedIndex.pop_back(); mLastConvertedIndex.pop_back(); mFirstMapID.pop_back(); mLastMapID.pop_back(); ManagePostEnables(false); SetExclusionsAndGroups(); mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); } // Return some of the statistics int CAutoContouringDlg::GetSquareStats(float &minMean, float &maxMean, float &medianMean) { if (!mHaveConts) return 1; minMean = mStatMinMean; maxMean = mStatMaxMean; medianMean = mMedianMean; return 0; } // Lower mean cutoff void CAutoContouringDlg::OnKillfocusEditMinMean() { UPDATE_DATA_TRUE; mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); mParams.lowerMeanCutoff = (float)atof(m_strLowerMean); m_strLowerMean.Format("%.4g", mParams.lowerMeanCutoff); m_intLowerMean = (int)(255. * (mParams.lowerMeanCutoff - mMedianMean) / (mMedianMean - mStatMinMean)); B3DCLAMP(m_intLowerMean, 0, 255); UpdateData(false); SetExclusionsAndGroups(); } // Upper mean cutoff void CAutoContouringDlg::OnKillfocusEditMaxMean() { UPDATE_DATA_TRUE; mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); mParams.upperMeanCutoff = (float)atof(m_strUpperMean); m_strUpperMean.Format("%.4g", mParams.upperMeanCutoff); m_intUpperMean = (int)(255. * (mParams.upperMeanCutoff - mMedianMean) / (mStatMaxMean - mMedianMean)); B3DCLAMP(m_intUpperMean, 0, 255); UpdateData(false); SetExclusionsAndGroups(); } // Min size cutoff void CAutoContouringDlg::OnKillfocusEditMinSize() { UPDATE_DATA_TRUE; mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); mParams.minSizeCutoff = (float)atof(m_strUpperMean); m_strMinSize.Format("%.4g", mParams.minSizeCutoff); m_intMinSize = (int)(255. * (mParams.minSizeCutoff - mStatMinSize) / (mStatMaxSize - mStatMinSize)); B3DCLAMP(m_intMinSize, 0, 255); UpdateData(false); SetExclusionsAndGroups(); } // Border distance cutoff void CAutoContouringDlg::OnKillfocusEditBorderDist() { UPDATE_DATA_TRUE; mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); mParams.borderDistCutoff = (float)atof(m_strBorderDist); m_strBorderDist.Format("%.4g", mParams.borderDistCutoff); m_intBorderDist = (int)(255. * mParams.borderDistCutoff / mStatMaxBoundDist); B3DCLAMP(m_intBorderDist, 0, 255); UpdateData(false); SetExclusionsAndGroups(); } // New entries for the size range to autocontour void CAutoContouringDlg::OnKillfocusEditACMinsize() { UPDATE_DATA_TRUE; mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); } void CAutoContouringDlg::OnKillfocusEditACMaxsize() { UPDATE_DATA_TRUE; mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); } // Respond to a slider message, which may or may not be a change void CAutoContouringDlg::OnHScroll(UINT nSBCode, UINT nPos, CScrollBar *pScrollBar) { bool dropping = nSBCode != TB_THUMBTRACK; CWnd *wnd; // Keep track of changes in actual integer value int lastLower = m_intLowerMean; int lastUpper = m_intUpperMean; int lastSize = m_intMinSize; int lastSD = m_intSquareSD; int lastIrregular = m_intIrregular; int lastBorder = m_intBorderDist; bool changed = false; UPDATE_DATA_TRUE; changed = lastBorder != m_intBorderDist || lastLower != m_intLowerMean || lastUpper != m_intUpperMean || lastSize != m_intMinSize || lastSD != m_intSquareSD || lastIrregular != m_intIrregular; CSliderCtrl *pSlider = (CSliderCtrl *)pScrollBar; // Compute cutoff from integer value of slider; set bold while adjusting if (pSlider == &m_sliderLowerMean) { mParams.lowerMeanCutoff = (float)(m_intLowerMean * (mMedianMean - mStatMinMean) / 255. + mStatMinMean); m_strLowerMean.Format("%.4g", mParams.lowerMeanCutoff); wnd = GetDlgItem(IDC_STAT_MIN_MEAN_LABEL); wnd->SetFont(dropping ? m_statShowGroups.GetFont() : mBoldFont); } if (pSlider == &m_sliderUpperMean) { mParams.upperMeanCutoff = (float)(m_intUpperMean * (mStatMaxMean - mMedianMean) / 255. + mMedianMean); m_strUpperMean.Format("%.4g", mParams.upperMeanCutoff); wnd = GetDlgItem(IDC_STAT_MAX_MEAN_LABEL2); wnd->SetFont(dropping ? m_statShowGroups.GetFont() : mBoldFont); } if (pSlider == &m_sliderSquareSD) { mParams.SDcutoff = (float)(m_intSquareSD * (mStatMaxSD - mStatMinSD) / 255. + mStatMinSD); m_strSquareSD.Format("%.4g", mParams.SDcutoff); wnd = GetDlgItem(IDC_STAT_PCT_BLACK_LABEL); wnd->SetFont(dropping ? m_statShowGroups.GetFont() : mBoldFont); } if (pSlider == &m_sliderMinSize) { mParams.minSizeCutoff = (float)(m_intMinSize * (mStatMaxSize - mStatMinSize) / 255. + mStatMinSize); m_strMinSize.Format("%.1f", mParams.minSizeCutoff); wnd = GetDlgItem(IDC_EDIT_MIN_SIZE); wnd->SetFont(dropping ? m_statShowGroups.GetFont() : mBoldFont); } if (pSlider == &m_sliderIrregular) { mParams.irregularCutoff = (float)(m_intIrregular * (mStatMaxSquareness - mStatMinSquareness) / 255. + mStatMinSquareness); m_strIrregularity.Format("%.2f", mParams.irregularCutoff); wnd = GetDlgItem(IDC_STAT_IRREGULAR_LABEL); wnd->SetFont(dropping ? m_statShowGroups.GetFont() : mBoldFont); } if (pSlider == &m_sliderBorderDist) { mParams.borderDistCutoff = (float)(m_intBorderDist * mStatMaxBoundDist / 255.); m_strBorderDist.Format("%.1f", mParams.borderDistCutoff); wnd = GetDlgItem(IDC_STAT_BORDER_DIST_LABEL); wnd->SetFont(dropping ? m_statShowGroups.GetFont() : mBoldFont); } UpdateData(false); if (changed) SetExclusionsAndGroups(); if (dropping) mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); CDialog::OnHScroll(nSBCode, nPos, pScrollBar); } // Enable dialog items that govern autocontouring void CAutoContouringDlg::ManageACEnables() { EnableDlgItem(IDC_EDIT_REL_THRESH, !m_iThreshType); EnableDlgItem(IDC_EDIT_ABS_THRESH, m_iThreshType); EnableDlgItem(IDC_IDC_EDIT_TO_PIXELS, !m_iReduceToWhich); EnableDlgItem(IDC_EDIT_TO_PIX_SIZE, m_iReduceToWhich); EnableDlgItem(IDC_BUT_MAKE_CONTOURS, !mWinApp->DoingTasks()); EnableDlgItem(IDC_BUT_CLEAR_POLYS, mHaveConts && !mWinApp->DoingTasks()); } // Manage dialog items that depend on contours existing void CAutoContouringDlg::ManagePostEnables(bool forBusy) { BOOL doingTasks = mWinApp->DoingTasks(); if (!mIsOpen) return; EnableDlgItem(IDC_BUT_CREATE_POLYS, mHaveConts && !doingTasks); EnableDlgItem(IDC_BUT_UNDO_POLYS, IsUndoFeasible() && !doingTasks); if (forBusy) return; // Enable for having contours m_sliderLowerMean.EnableWindow(mHaveConts); m_sliderUpperMean.EnableWindow(mHaveConts); m_sliderMinSize.EnableWindow(mHaveConts); m_sliderIrregular.EnableWindow(mHaveConts); m_sliderBorderDist.EnableWindow(mHaveConts); m_sliderSquareSD.EnableWindow(mHaveConts); EnableDlgItem(IDC_EDIT_MIN_MEAN, mHaveConts); EnableDlgItem(IDC_EDIT_MAX_MEAN, mHaveConts); EnableDlgItem(IDC_EDIT_MIN_SIZE, mHaveConts); EnableDlgItem(IDC_EDIT_BORDER_DIST, mHaveConts); if (mHaveConts) { // Put the ranges on the sliders or blank them out m_strMinLowerMean.Format("%.4g", mStatMinMean); m_strMaxLowerMean.Format("%.4g", mMedianMean); m_strMinUpperMean.Format("%.4g", mMedianMean); m_strMaxUpperMean.Format("%.4g", mStatMaxMean); m_strMinSquareSD.Format("%.4g", mStatMinSD); m_strMaxSquareSD.Format("%.4g", mStatMaxSD); m_strMinMinSize.Format("%.1f", mStatMinSize); m_strMaxMinSize.Format("%.1f", mStatMaxSize); m_strMinIrregular.Format("%.2f", mStatMinSquareness); m_strMaxIrregular.Format("%.2f", mStatMaxSquareness); m_strMinBorderDist = "0"; m_strMaxBorderDist.Format("%.1f", mStatMaxBoundDist); } else { m_strMinLowerMean = ""; m_strMaxLowerMean = ""; m_strMinUpperMean = ""; m_strMaxUpperMean = ""; m_strMinSquareSD = ""; m_strMaxSquareSD = ""; m_strMinMinSize = ""; m_strMaxMinSize = ""; m_strMinIrregular = ""; m_strMaxIrregular = ""; m_strMinBorderDist = ""; m_strMaxBorderDist = ""; } UpdateData(false); } // Enable group selectors up to the chosen number and set if argument says to void CAutoContouringDlg::ManageGroupSelectors(int set) { int ind; BOOL busy = mWinApp->DoingTasks() && !mWinApp->GetJustNavAcquireOpen(); CButton *but; for (ind = 0; ind < MAX_AUTOCONT_GROUPS; ind++) { EnableDlgItem(IDC_CHECK_GROUP1 + ind, ind < mNumGroups && !busy && ((mHaveConts && mNumInGroup[ind] > 0) || mOpenedFromMultiGrid)); if (set) { but = (CButton *)GetDlgItem(IDC_CHECK_GROUP1 + ind); if (but) but->SetCheck((mShowGroup[ind] || set == 1) ? 1 : 0); } } } // Copy parameters into dialog, including setting sliders from cutoff values void CAutoContouringDlg::ParamsToDialog() { m_iReducePixels = mParams.targetSizePixels; m_fReduceToPixSize = mParams.targetPixSizeUm; m_iReduceToWhich = mParams.usePixSize; m_fACminSize = mParams.minSize; m_fACmaxSize = mParams.maxSize; m_fRelThresh = mParams.relThreshold; m_fAbsThresh = mParams.absThreshold; m_iThreshType = mParams.useAbsThresh; mNumGroups = mParams.numGroups; m_strShowGroups.Format("Split into %d", mNumGroups); m_iGroupType = mParams.groupByMean; if (mIsOpen) { m_sbcNumGroups.SetPos(mNumGroups); ManageGroupSelectors(0); } if (mHaveConts) { // Adjuts some cutoffs to be in range if (mParams.lowerMeanCutoff < EXTRA_VALUE_TEST || mParams.lowerMeanCutoff > mMedianMean) mParams.lowerMeanCutoff = mStatMinMean; if (mParams.upperMeanCutoff < EXTRA_VALUE_TEST || mParams.upperMeanCutoff < mMedianMean) mParams.upperMeanCutoff = mStatMaxMean; if (mParams.SDcutoff < EXTRA_VALUE_TEST || mParams.SDcutoff < mStatMinSD) mParams.SDcutoff = mStatMaxSD; if (mParams.minSizeCutoff < mStatMinSize) mParams.minSizeCutoff = mStatMinSize; // Set the cutoff static text and compute slider values m_strSquareSD.Format("%.4g", mParams.SDcutoff); m_strIrregularity.Format("%.2f", mParams.irregularCutoff); m_intLowerMean = (int)(255. * (mParams.lowerMeanCutoff - mStatMinMean) / (mMedianMean - mStatMinMean)); m_intUpperMean = (int)(255. * (mParams.upperMeanCutoff - mMedianMean) / (mStatMaxMean - mMedianMean)); m_intSquareSD = (int)(255. * (mParams.SDcutoff - mStatMinSD) / (mStatMaxSD - mStatMinSD)); m_intMinSize = (int)(255. * (mParams.minSizeCutoff - mStatMinSize) / (mStatMaxSize - mStatMinSize)); m_intIrregular = (int)(255. * (mParams.irregularCutoff - mStatMinSquareness) / (mStatMaxSquareness - mStatMinSquareness)); m_intBorderDist = (int)(255. * mParams.borderDistCutoff / mStatMaxBoundDist); B3DCLAMP(m_intLowerMean, 0, 255); B3DCLAMP(m_intUpperMean, 0, 255); B3DCLAMP(m_intSquareSD, 0, 255); B3DCLAMP(m_intMinSize, 0, 255); B3DCLAMP(m_intIrregular, 0, 255); B3DCLAMP(m_intBorderDist, 0, 255); } else { // Or blank things out m_strSquareSD = ""; m_strIrregularity = ""; m_intLowerMean = 0; m_intUpperMean = 255; m_intSquareSD = 255; m_intIrregular = 255; m_intBorderDist = 0; } // Set the cutoff text boxes regardless m_strLowerMean.Format("%.4g", mParams.lowerMeanCutoff > EXTRA_VALUE_TEST ? mParams.lowerMeanCutoff : 0.); m_strUpperMean.Format("%.4g", mParams.upperMeanCutoff > EXTRA_VALUE_TEST ? mParams.upperMeanCutoff : 0.); m_strMinSize.Format("%.1f", mParams.minSizeCutoff > EXTRA_VALUE_TEST ? mParams.minSizeCutoff : 0.); m_strBorderDist.Format("%.1f", mParams.borderDistCutoff > EXTRA_VALUE_TEST ? mParams.minSizeCutoff : 0.); if (mIsOpen) UpdateData(false); } // Copy dialog variables to parameters void CAutoContouringDlg::DialogToParams() { if (!mIsOpen) return; mParams.targetSizePixels = m_iReducePixels; mParams.targetPixSizeUm = m_fReduceToPixSize; mParams.usePixSize = m_iReduceToWhich; mParams.minSize = m_fACminSize; mParams.maxSize = m_fACmaxSize; mParams.relThreshold = m_fRelThresh; mParams.absThreshold = m_fAbsThresh; mParams.useAbsThresh = m_iThreshType; mParams.numGroups = mNumGroups; mParams.groupByMean = m_iGroupType; } // AUTOCONTOURING // // Top function to start the process; all the error checking is in the thread void CAutoContouringDlg::AutoContourImage(EMimageBuffer *imBuf, float targetSizeOrPix, float minSize, float maxSize, float interPeakThresh, float useThresh) { AutoContData *acd = &mAutoContData; ScaleMat aMat; float delX, delY; // Except check this now, instead of at the end if (!mWinApp->mNavigator->BufferStageToImage(imBuf, aMat, delX, delY)) { SEMMessageBox("Cannot autocontour; the image deoes not enough information to convert" " contours to polygons"); return; } OnButClearData(); // Load the data mAutoContFailed = true; mDoingAutocont = true; acd->pixel = mWinApp->mShiftManager->GetPixelSize(imBuf); acd->imBuf = imBuf; acd->targetSizeOrPix = targetSizeOrPix; acd->minSize = minSize; acd->maxSize = maxSize; acd->interPeakThresh = interPeakThresh; acd->useThresh = useThresh; acd->tdata = acd->xlist = acd->ylist = NULL; acd->fdata = acd->idata = NULL; acd->linePtrs = NULL; acd->obj = NULL; acd->errString = ""; acd->needRefill = acd->imBuf->mCaptured == BUFFER_MONTAGE_OVERVIEW; acd->needReduce = false; acd->holeFinder = mWinApp->mNavHelper->mFindHoles; // Start thread mAutoContThread = AfxBeginThread(AutoContProc, &mAutoContData, THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL, 0, CREATE_SUSPENDED); mAutoContThread->m_bAutoDelete = false; mAutoContThread->ResumeThread(); mWinApp->AddIdleTask(TASK_AUTO_CONTOUR, 0, 0); mWinApp->UpdateBufferWindows(); mWinApp->SetStatusText(SIMPLE_PANE, "AUTOCONTOURING"); } // The thread process UINT CAutoContouringDlg::AutoContProc(LPVOID pParam) { AutoContData *acd = (AutoContData *)pParam; int nxBuf, nyBuf, longest, longix, longiy, idir, err = 0, nxRed, nyRed, dataSize; int numSamples, trim = 8, listSize, ind, ix, iy, numThreads; float xOffset = 0., yOffset = 0.; KImage *image = acd->imBuf->mImage; Ival val; int coNum, pt; Icont *cont; bool targetIsPix = acd->targetSizeOrPix < 10.; int mode = image->getType(); unsigned char **zoomPtrs; float firstVal, lastVal, histDip, peakBelow, peakAbove, sampMin, sampMax, sampMean; const int maxSamples = 50000, histSize = 1000; float samples[maxSamples], bins[histSize], base; float minScale, maxScale, scaleFac; float sqrtBaseFac = 0.05f, sigma = 2.5f; Islice slSource; float fval, redFac, newFill, fillVal = -1.e30f; //double wallStart = wallTime(); // Set up variables and initialize source slice with input data acd->imIsBytes = mode == MRC_MODE_BYTE; acd->slRefilled = &slSource; acd->slReduced = &slSource; image->getSize(nxBuf, nyBuf); sliceInit(&slSource, nxBuf, nyBuf, mode, image->getData()); dataSizeForMode(mode, &dataSize, &idir); // Check conditions: is there scaling needed to scale a threshold if (!acd->pixel && (targetIsPix || acd->minSize || acd->maxSize)) { acd->errString = "The image has no pixel size and can be used only with a target size" "and no min or max contour sizes"; return 1; } if (!acd->imIsBytes && !acd->imBuf->mImageScale) { acd->errString = "There is no scaling information in this image buffer, needed " "because it is not bytes"; return 1; } if (acd->imBuf->mImageScale) { minScale = acd->imBuf->mImageScale->GetMinScale(); maxScale = acd->imBuf->mImageScale->GetMaxScale(); } if (acd->interPeakThresh <= 0. && acd->useThresh < 1.) { if (!acd->imBuf->mImageScale) { acd->errString = "There is no scaling information in this image buffer, needed " "because a relative threshold was specified"; return 1; } acd->useThresh = minScale + acd->useThresh * (maxScale - minScale); } // Determine reduction if (targetIsPix) { redFac = acd->targetSizeOrPix / acd->pixel; } else { redFac = sqrt(nxBuf * nyBuf / (acd->targetSizeOrPix * acd->targetSizeOrPix)); } acd->needReduce = redFac > 1.25; // Find the fill value and set that refill is needed if there is a long enough stretch if (acd->needRefill) { sliceFindFillValue(&slSource, &fillVal, &longest, &longix, &longiy, &idir); acd->needRefill = longest > 50; } // Make sure this is now NULL in case of error cleanup before it is allocated if (acd->needRefill) acd->slRefilled = NULL; // Set up the reduction if (acd->needReduce) { acd->slReduced = NULL; nxRed = (int)(nxBuf / redFac); nyRed = (int)(nyBuf / redFac); xOffset = (float)(nxBuf - redFac * nxRed) / 2.f; yOffset = (float)(nyBuf - redFac * nyRed) / 2.f; if (nxRed < 100 || nyRed < 100) { acd->errString.Format("The size reduction by %.1f would make the size too small," " %d x %d", redFac, nxRed, nyRed); return 1; } if (selectZoomFilter(5, 1. / redFac, &idir)) { acd->errString.Format("Error setting filter for reducing by %.1f", redFac); return 1; } } else { redFac = 1.; nxRed = nxBuf; nyRed = nyBuf; } // Adjust size limits in pixel, set default for min acd->minSize /= acd->pixel * redFac; acd->maxSize /= acd->pixel * redFac; acd->minSize *= acd->minSize; acd->maxSize *= acd->maxSize; if (!acd->minSize) acd->minSize = 10; // Get number of threads numThreads = B3DNINT(sqrt(nxRed * nyRed / 50.)); B3DCLAMP(numThreads, 1, MAX_AUTO_SLICE_THREADS); numThreads = numOMPthreads(numThreads); // Get arrays if needed for refill, reduction, and byte conversion if (acd->needRefill) { acd->slRefilled = sliceCreate(nxBuf, nyBuf, mode); if (!acd->slRefilled) { acd->errString = "Error allocating slice for copy of image to replace fill in"; return 1; } } acd->slReduced = acd->slRefilled; if (acd->needReduce) { acd->slReduced = sliceCreate(nxRed, nyRed, mode); if (!acd->slReduced) { acd->errString = "Error allocating slice for copy of image to replace fill in"; return 1; } } acd->idata = acd->slReduced->data.b; if (!acd->imIsBytes) { NewArray(acd->idata, unsigned char, nxRed * nyRed); if (!acd->idata) { acd->errString = "Error allocating array for byte copy of image"; return 1; } } // Get the arrays needed internally by the auto routines listSize = 4 * (nxRed + nyRed); acd->tdata = B3DMALLOC(int, nxRed * nyRed); acd->fdata = B3DMALLOC(unsigned char, nxRed * nyRed * numThreads); acd->xlist = B3DMALLOC(int, listSize * numThreads); acd->ylist = B3DMALLOC(int, listSize * numThreads); acd->linePtrs = makeLinePointers(acd->idata, nxRed, nyRed, 1); acd->obj = imodObjectNew(); if (!acd->tdata || !acd->fdata || !acd->xlist || !acd->ylist || !acd->linePtrs || !acd->obj) { acd->errString = "Error allocating arrays for contouring the data"; return 1; } // Start doing operations: refill if (acd->needRefill) { memcpy(acd->slRefilled->data.b, image->getData(), dataSize * nxBuf * nyBuf); if (!sliceReplaceFill(acd->slRefilled, 1, 1, &fillVal, &newFill)) fillVal = newFill; } // Reduce if (acd->needReduce) { zoomPtrs = makeLinePointers(acd->slRefilled->data.b, nxBuf, nyBuf, dataSize); if (!zoomPtrs) { acd->errString = "Error making line pointers for reducing image"; return 1; } else { err = zoomWithFilter(zoomPtrs, nxBuf, nyBuf, xOffset, yOffset, nxRed, nyRed, nxRed, 0, mode, acd->slReduced->data.b, NULL, NULL); free(zoomPtrs); if (err) { acd->errString.Format("Error %d reducing image with zoomWithFilter", err); return 1; } } } // Sampling and histogram for threshold if (acd->interPeakThresh > 0.) { getSampleOfArray(acd->slReduced->data.b, mode, nxRed, nyRed, 1., trim, trim, nxRed - 2 * trim, nyRed - 2 * trim, fillVal, samples, maxSamples, &numSamples); fullArrayMinMaxMean(samples, MRC_MODE_FLOAT, numSamples, 1, &sampMin, &sampMax, &sampMean); // Take square root after adding a base. Then mimic clip on the trimming base = sqrtBaseFac * (sampMean - sampMin) - sampMin; for (ind = 0; ind < numSamples; ind++) samples[ind] = sqrtf(samples[ind] + base); lastVal = -1.e37f; firstVal = 1.e37f; if (numSamples > 4000) { idir = (int)(0.0005 * numSamples); firstVal = percentileFloat(idir + 1, samples, numSamples); lastVal = percentileFloat(numSamples - idir, samples, numSamples); } // Find dip, convert back to original values and set threshold err = findHistogramDip(samples, numSamples, 0, bins, histSize, firstVal, lastVal, &histDip, &peakBelow, &peakAbove, 0); if (err) { acd->errString = "Failed to find a dip in histogram of square root values"; return 1; } else { peakBelow = peakBelow * peakBelow - base; peakAbove = peakAbove * peakAbove - base; acd->useThresh = acd->interPeakThresh * (peakAbove - peakBelow) + peakBelow; } } // Convert to bytes and adjust threshold for scaling if (!acd->imIsBytes) { scaleFac = 255.f / (maxScale - minScale); acd->useThresh = (acd->useThresh - minScale) * scaleFac; for (iy = 0; iy < nyRed; iy++) { for (ix = 0; ix < nxRed; ix++) { sliceGetVal(acd->slReduced, ix, iy, val); fval = (val[0] - minScale) * scaleFac; B3DCLAMP(fval, 0.f, 255.f); acd->idata[ix + iy * nxRed] = (unsigned char)fval; } } } // Do it! if (imodAutoContoursFromSlice(sigma, acd->useThresh, 0., -1, 1, (int)acd->minSize, (int)acd->maxSize, 1, 0, 0., 0., 2, 3, NULL, 0, acd->obj, NULL, nxRed, nyRed, acd->tdata, acd->idata, acd->fdata, acd->xlist, acd->ylist, acd->linePtrs, 0., 0, listSize, numThreads)) { acd->errString = "Error allocating memory in autocontouring library routine"; return 1; } // Get statistics on reduced image if (acd->obj->contsize) SquareStatistics(acd, nxRed, nyRed, minScale, maxScale, redFac, 2.25f); // Scale the contours back to full image coordinates for (coNum = 0; coNum < acd->obj->contsize; coNum++) { cont = &acd->obj->cont[coNum]; for (pt = 0; pt < cont->psize; pt++) { cont->pts[pt].x = cont->pts[pt].x * redFac + xOffset; cont->pts[pt].y = cont->pts[pt].y * redFac + yOffset; } imodContourReduce(cont, 0.75); } return 0; } int CAutoContouringDlg::AutoContBusy() { return UtilThreadBusy(&mAutoContThread); } // Done: convert to polygons void CAutoContouringDlg::AutoContDone() { AutoContData *acd = &mAutoContData; if (!DoingAutoContour()) return; if (!acd->obj->contsize) { SEMMessageBox("No contours found - is the \"Range of sizes\" too narrow?"); StopAutoCont(); return; } PrintfToLog("Autocontouring found %d contours", acd->obj->contsize); if (acd->obj->contsize > 1) { mStatMinMean = *std::min_element(acd->sqrMeans.begin(), acd->sqrMeans.end()); mStatMaxMean = *std::max_element(acd->sqrMeans.begin(), acd->sqrMeans.end()); mStatMinSize = *std::min_element(acd->sqrSizes.begin(), acd->sqrSizes.end()); mStatMaxSize = *std::max_element(acd->sqrSizes.begin(), acd->sqrSizes.end()); mStatMinSD = *std::min_element(acd->sqrSDs.begin(), acd->sqrSDs.end()); mStatMaxSD = *std::max_element(acd->sqrSDs.begin(), acd->sqrSDs.end()); mStatMinSquareness = *std::min_element(acd->squareness.begin(), acd->squareness.end()); mStatMaxSquareness = *std::max_element(acd->squareness.begin(), acd->squareness.end()); mStatMaxBoundDist = *std::max_element(acd->boundDists.begin(), acd->boundDists.end()); if (acd->spacing) { mStatMaxBoundDist = B3DMAX(3.f * acd->spacing, mStatMaxBoundDist / 3.f); } else { mStatMaxSquareness = 1.f; mStatMaxBoundDist = 100.f; } } else { mStatMinMean = B3DMIN(0.9f * mMedianMean, 1.1f * mMedianMean); mStatMaxMean = B3DMAX(0.9f * mMedianMean, 1.1f * mMedianMean); mStatMinSize = 0.9f * acd->sqrSizes[0]; mStatMaxSize = 1.1f * acd->sqrSizes[0]; mStatMinSD = 0.9f * acd->sqrSDs[0]; mStatMaxSD = 1.1f * acd->sqrSDs[0]; mStatMaxSquareness = 1.f; mStatMaxBoundDist = 100.f; } mMedianMean = acd->medianMean; if (mWinApp->mNavigator->ImodObjectToPolygons(acd->imBuf, acd->obj, mPolyArray)) { SEMMessageBox("An error occurred converting autocontours to Navigator polygons"); } else { mAutoContFailed = false; mHaveConts = true; if (mIsOpen) ParamsToDialog(); ManagePostEnables(false); SetExclusionsAndGroups(); } StopAutoCont(); } // This should be OK to call on a timeout, but... void CAutoContouringDlg::CleanupAutoCont(int error) { if (error == IDLE_TIMEOUT_ERROR) { UtilThreadCleanup(&mAutoContThread); } StopAutoCont(); if (error) SEMMessageBox(_T(error == IDLE_TIMEOUT_ERROR ? "Time out doing autocontouring" : "Autocontouring failed: " + mAutoContData.errString)); mWinApp->ErrorOccurred(error); } // Stop function, a bit problematic because stopping the thread doesn't stop the openmp void CAutoContouringDlg::StopAutoCont() { AutoContData *acd = &mAutoContData; double startTime = GetTickCount(); int stillRunning; imodAutoContourStop(); while (UtilThreadBusy(&mAutoContThread) && SEMTickInterval(startTime) < 3000) { Sleep(50); } stillRunning = UtilThreadBusy(&mAutoContThread); if (stillRunning) { // Cannot even suspend the thread without things going whacky mAutoContThread = NULL; mWinApp->AppendToLog("Autocontouring thread did not end on signal, cannot free " "memory"); // These are safe to free as long as contouring isn't using them if (!acd->imIsBytes && acd->needRefill) sliceFree(acd->slRefilled); if (!acd->imIsBytes && acd->needReduce) sliceFree(acd->slReduced); } else { UtilThreadCleanup(&mAutoContThread); if (acd->obj) imodObjectDelete(acd->obj); free(acd->xlist); free(acd->ylist); free(acd->tdata); free(acd->fdata); free(acd->linePtrs); if (acd->needRefill) sliceFree(acd->slRefilled); if (acd->needReduce) sliceFree(acd->slReduced); if (!acd->imIsBytes) free(acd->idata); } mDoingAutocont = false; mWinApp->UpdateBufferWindows(); mWinApp->SetStatusText(SIMPLE_PANE, ""); } // Get various statistic about the contours for selection void CAutoContouringDlg::SquareStatistics(AutoContData *acd, int nxRed, int nyRed, float minScale, float maxScale, float redFac, float outlieCrit) { int ind, ix, iy, ixStart, iyStart, ixEnd, iyEnd, nsum, numConts, xbase, numBelow; int ixSum, iySum; float avg, sd, val, fracLow, size, perim = 0., scaleFac, xcen; float avgAngle, cosAng, sinAng, xVecs[3], yVecs[3]; float half, delx, dely, left, right, scaleForScan, area, sizeScale = redFac; double sum, sumsq; int minForScan = 30, maxSize = 0; Icont *cont, *rotCont, *scanCont; Ipoint bbMin, bbMax, tpt; FloatVec tmpVec, valVec, xCenters, yCenters, xBound, yBound, peaks, altPeaks; IntVec altInds; if (!acd->imIsBytes) scaleFac = 255.f / (maxScale - minScale); if (acd->pixel) sizeScale *= acd->pixel; acd->spacing = 0.; numConts = acd->obj->contsize; // Resize vectors to hold the data acd->sqrMeans.resize(numConts); acd->sqrSDs.resize(numConts); acd->sqrSizes.resize(numConts); acd->squareness.clear(); acd->squareness.resize(numConts, 0.); acd->pctBlackPix.resize(numConts); acd->boundDists.clear(); acd->boundDists.resize(numConts, 0.); xCenters.resize(numConts); yCenters.resize(numConts); xBound.resize(numConts); yBound.resize(numConts); for (ind = 0; ind < numConts; ind++) { sum = 0.; sumsq = 0.; nsum = 0; avg = 0.; sd = 0.; ixSum = 0; iySum = 0; valVec.clear(); cont = &acd->obj->cont[ind]; ACCUM_MAX(maxSize, cont->psize); size = sqrtf(imodContourArea(cont)); acd->sqrSizes[ind] = size * sizeScale; /*perim = imodContourLength(cont, 1); acd->squareness[ind] = 0.25f * perim / size; if (acd->squareness[ind] < 1.) acd->squareness[ind] = 2.f - acd->squareness[ind]; */ // Loop on bounding box, find pixels inside, accumulate values imodContourGetBBox(cont, &bbMin, &bbMax); xCenters[ind] = (bbMin.x + bbMax.x) / 2.f; yCenters[ind] = (bbMin.y + bbMax.y) / 2.f; ixStart = B3DMAX(0, (int)bbMin.x - 1); ixEnd = B3DMIN(nxRed - 1, (int)bbMax.x + 2); iyStart = B3DMAX(0, (int)bbMin.y - 1); iyEnd = B3DMIN(nyRed - 1, (int)bbMax.y + 2); for (iy = iyStart; iy <= iyEnd; iy++) { for (ix = ixStart; ix <= ixEnd; ix++) { tpt.x = (float)ix; tpt.y = (float)iy; if (imodPointInsideCont(cont, &tpt)) { xbase = ix + iy * nxRed; val = acd->idata[xbase]; sum += val; sumsq += val * val; nsum++; valVec.push_back(val); ixSum += ix; iySum += iy; } } } // Get mean. sd, and centroid for center if (nsum) { sumsToAvgSDdbl(sum, sumsq, nsum, 1, &avg, &sd); xCenters[ind] = (float)ixSum / (float)nsum; yCenters[ind] = (float)iySum / (float)nsum; } if (!acd->imIsBytes) { sd /= scaleFac; avg = avg / scaleFac + minScale; } acd->sqrMeans[ind] = avg; acd->sqrSDs[ind] = sd; // Just in case someone wants % black pixels... fracLow = 0.; if (nsum >= 10) { tmpVec.resize(nsum); rsMadMedianOutliers(&valVec[0], nsum, outlieCrit, &tmpVec[0]); numBelow = 0; for (ix = 0; ix < nsum; ix++) if (tmpVec[ix] < 0) numBelow++; fracLow = (float)numBelow / nsum; } acd->pctBlackPix[ind] = fracLow; } if (numConts > 1) rsFastMedian(&acd->sqrMeans[0], numConts, &xBound[0], &acd->medianMean); else acd->medianMean = acd->sqrMeans[0]; // Squareness and edge distance computation: skip if too few if (numConts > 3) { // Get the grid angle acd->holeFinder->analyzeNeighbors(xCenters, yCenters, peaks, altInds, xBound, yBound, altPeaks, 0., 0., 0, xcen, tmpVec, valVec); acd->holeFinder->getGridVectors(xVecs, yVecs, avgAngle, acd->spacing, -1); cosAng = (float)cos(DTOR * avgAngle); sinAng = (float)sin(DTOR * avgAngle); // Get a contour and allocated points for rotated, scaled contours rotCont = imodContourNew(); if (rotCont) { rotCont->pts = B3DMALLOC(Ipoint, maxSize); if (!rotCont->pts) { imodContourDelete(rotCont); rotCont = NULL; } } if (rotCont) { for (ind = 0; ind < numConts; ind++) { cont = &acd->obj->cont[ind]; // Set up equivalent box, determine how much to scale for good area measures half = 0.5f * acd->sqrSizes[ind] / sizeScale; scaleForScan = B3DMAX(1.f, minForScan / (2.f * half)); half *= scaleForScan; // Rotate the contour rotCont->psize = cont->psize; for (ix = 0; ix < cont->psize; ix++) { delx = cont->pts[ix].x - xCenters[ind]; dely = cont->pts[ix].y - yCenters[ind]; rotCont->pts[ix].x = scaleForScan * (cosAng * delx + sinAng * dely); rotCont->pts[ix].y = scaleForScan * (-sinAng * delx + cosAng * dely); } // Get a scan contour scanCont = imodel_contour_scan(rotCont); area = 0.; if (scanCont) { for (ix = 0; ix < scanCont->psize; ix += 2) { // segment outside area in Y: add it entirely if (scanCont->pts[ix].y > half || scanCont->pts[ix].y < -half) { area += scanCont->pts[ix + 1].x - scanCont->pts[ix].x; continue; } // Segment at same Y as last: consider the gap first, add part inside if (ix && scanCont->pts[ix - 1].y == scanCont->pts[ix].y) { left = B3DMAX(scanCont->pts[ix - 1].x, -half); right = B3DMIN(scanCont->pts[ix].x, half); if (right > left) area += right - left; } else if (scanCont->pts[ix].x > -half) { // If no gap to left, add in part to left of this segment area += B3DMIN(scanCont->pts[ix].x, half) + half; } // Add parts of segment outside if (scanCont->pts[ix].x < -half) area += -half - scanCont->pts[ix].x; if (scanCont->pts[ix + 1].x > half) area += scanCont->pts[ix + 1].x - half; // If ends inside and no gap to right, add to right else if (ix + 2 < scanCont->psize && scanCont->pts[ix + 2].y > scanCont->pts[ix].y) area += half - scanCont->pts[ix + 1].x; } imodContourDelete(scanCont); } // Divide by area of scaled square acd->squareness[ind] = area / (4.f * half * half); } imodContourDelete(rotCont); } FindDistancesFromHull(xCenters, yCenters, xBound, yBound, sizeScale, acd->boundDists); } } // General function to find convex boundary of a set of points and compute distance of // each point from the hull int CAutoContouringDlg::FindDistancesFromHull(FloatVec &xCenters, FloatVec &yCenters, FloatVec &xBound, FloatVec &yBound, float sizeScale, FloatVec &boundDists, bool useBound) { int numConts = (int)xCenters.size(); float xcen, ycen; Ipoint tpt; Icont *cont; int numBelow, ind, ix; // Get convex boundary of centers if (useBound) numBelow = (int)xBound.size(); else convexBound(&xCenters[0], &yCenters[0], numConts, 0., 0., &xBound[0], &yBound[0], &numBelow, &xcen, &ycen, numConts); // Put boundary in a contour and get distances cont = imodContourNew(); if (!cont) return 1; cont->pts = B3DMALLOC(Ipoint, numBelow); if (cont->pts) { cont->psize = numBelow; for (ind = 0; ind < numBelow; ind++) { cont->pts[ind].x = xBound[ind]; cont->pts[ind].y = yBound[ind]; cont->pts[ind].z = 0.; } // Get distance of each center from boundary for (ind = 0; ind < numConts; ind++) { tpt.x = xCenters[ind]; tpt.y = yCenters[ind]; boundDists[ind] = sizeScale * imodPointContDistance(cont, &tpt, 0, 0, &ix); if (useBound && !imodPointInsideCont(cont, &tpt)) boundDists[ind] = -boundDists[ind]; } } imodContourDelete(cont); return 0; }