/* * mrcfiles.h * * Original author: James Kremer * Revised by: David Mastronarde email: mast@colorado.edu * * Copyright (C) 1995-2005 by Boulder Laboratory for 3-Dimensional Electron * Microscopy of Cells ("BL3DEMC") and the Regents of the University of * Colorado. See dist/COPYRIGHT for full copyright notice. * * $Id$ */ #ifndef MRCFILES_H #define MRCFILES_H #include #include #include "hvemtypes.h" #include "imodconfig.h" #ifndef FALSE #define FALSE 0 /*false for boolean*/ #endif #ifndef TRUE #define TRUE 1 /*true for boolean*/ #endif #ifndef SEEK_SET #define SEEK_SET 0 #define SEEK_CUR 1 #define SEEK_END 2 #endif #define MRC_IDTYPE_MONO 0 #define MRC_IDTYPE_TILT 1 #define MRC_IDTYPE_TILTS 2 #define MRC_IDTYPE_LINA 3 #define MRC_IDTYPE_LINS 4 #define MRC_SCALE_LINEAR 1 #define MRC_SCALE_POWER 2 #define MRC_SCALE_LOG 3 #define MRC_SCALE_BKG 4 /* DOC_CODE MRC data modes */ /* The modes defined for MRC files in IMOD */ #define MRC_MODE_BYTE 0 #define MRC_MODE_SHORT 1 #define MRC_MODE_FLOAT 2 #define MRC_MODE_COMPLEX_SHORT 3 #define MRC_MODE_COMPLEX_FLOAT 4 #define MRC_MODE_USHORT 6 #define MRC_MODE_HALF_FLOAT 12 #define MRC_MODE_RGB 16 #define MRC_MODE_4BIT 101 /* END_CODE */ #define MRC_EXT_TYPE_NONE 0 #define MRC_EXT_TYPE_SERI 1 #define MRC_EXT_TYPE_AGAR 2 #define MRC_EXT_TYPE_FEI 3 #define MRC_EXT_TYPE_UNKNOWN 4 #define PACKED_4BIT_MODE 1 #define PACKED_HALF_XSIZE 2 #define MRC_RAMP_LIN 1 #define MRC_RAMP_EXP 2 #define MRC_RAMP_LOG 3 #define MRC_LABEL_SIZE 80 #define MRC_NEXTRA 16 #define MRC_NLABELS 10 #define MRC_HEADER_SIZE 1024 /* Length of Header is 1024 Bytes. */ #define MRC_MAXCSIZE 3 #define IIUNIT_SWAPPED (1l << 0) #define IIUNIT_BYTES_SIGNED (1l << 1) #define IIUNIT_OLD_STYLE (1l << 2) #define IIUNIT_NINT_BUG (1l << 3) #define IIUNIT_BAD_MAPCRS (1l << 4) #define IIUNIT_4BIT_MODE (1l << 5) #define IIUNIT_HALF_XSIZE (1l << 6) #define IIUNIT_Y_INVERTED (1l << 7) #define IIUNIT_HALF_FLOATS (1l << 8) typedef struct /*complex floating number*/ { b3dFloat a; b3dFloat b; } ComplexFloat; typedef struct /*complex short number*/ { b3dInt16 a; b3dInt16 b; } ComplexShort; /* DOC_CODE MrcHeader structure */ /* The header structure for MRC files */ typedef struct MRCheader { b3dInt32 nx; /* # of Columns */ b3dInt32 ny; /* # of Rows */ b3dInt32 nz; /* # of Sections. */ b3dInt32 mode; /* given by #define MRC_MODE... */ b3dInt32 nxstart; /* Starting point of sub image. UNSUPPORTED */ b3dInt32 nystart; b3dInt32 nzstart; b3dInt32 mx; /* "Grid size", # of pixels in "unit cell" */ b3dInt32 my; /* Keep the same as nx, ny, nz */ b3dInt32 mz; b3dFloat xlen; /* length of unit cell in Angstroms */ b3dFloat ylen; /* get scale = xlen/nx ... */ b3dFloat zlen; b3dFloat alpha; /* cell angles, ignored, set to 90 */ b3dFloat beta; b3dFloat gamma; b3dInt32 mapc; /* map column 1=x,2=y,3=z. UNSUPPORTED */ b3dInt32 mapr; /* map row 1=x,2=y,3=z. */ b3dInt32 maps; /* map section 1=x,2=y,3=z. */ b3dFloat amin; b3dFloat amax; b3dFloat amean; /* 1/12/12: Removed nsymbt and made ispg be 4 bytes to match standard */ b3dInt32 ispg; /* space group number in the standard */ /* 64 bytes */ b3dInt32 next; /* This is nsymbt in the MRC standard */ b3dInt16 creatid; /* Used to be creator id, hvem = 1000, now 0 */ b3dByte blank[6]; b3dByte extType[4]; /* Extended type */ b3dInt32 nversion; /* Version number in MRC 2014 standard */ b3dByte blank2[16]; b3dInt16 nint; b3dInt16 nreal; b3dInt16 sub; b3dInt16 zfac; b3dFloat min2; b3dFloat max2; b3dFloat min3; b3dFloat max3; b3dInt32 imodStamp; b3dInt32 imodFlags; /* UINT extra[MRC_NEXTRA];*/ /* HVEM extra data */ /* DNM 3/16/01: divide idtype into two shorts */ b3dInt16 idtype; b3dInt16 lens; b3dInt16 nd1; /* Devide by 100 to get float value. */ b3dInt16 nd2; b3dInt16 vd1; b3dInt16 vd2; b3dFloat tiltangles[6]; /* 0,1,2 = original: 3,4,5 = current */ #ifdef OLD_STYLE_HEADER /* before 2.6.20 */ /* DNM 3/16/01: redefine the last three floats as wavelength numbers */ b3dInt16 nwave; /* # of wavelengths and values */ b3dInt16 wave1; b3dInt16 wave2; b3dInt16 wave3; b3dInt16 wave4; b3dInt16 wave5; b3dFloat zorg; /* origin */ b3dFloat xorg; b3dFloat yorg; #else /* MRC 2000 standard */ b3dFloat xorg; b3dFloat yorg; b3dFloat zorg; b3dByte cmap[4]; b3dByte stamp[4]; b3dFloat rms; #endif b3dInt32 nlabl; b3dByte labels[MRC_NLABELS][MRC_LABEL_SIZE + 1]; /* Internal data not stored in file header */ b3dUByte *symops; FILE *fp; int pos; struct LoadInfo *li; int headerSize; int sectionSkip; int swapped; int bytesSigned; int yInverted; int iiuFlags; int packed4bits; int halfFloats; char *pathname; char *filedesc; char *userData; } MrcHeader; /* END_CODE */ /* to get from index to model coords -> scale -> subtract org -> rotate */ /* rotate by current tilt angles ? */ /* DOC_CODE IloadInfo structure */ /* * Used to control loading a subsection of a 3-D data file. */ typedef struct LoadInfo { /* Sub area to load. */ int xmin; int xmax; int ymin; int ymax; int zmin; int zmax; int padLeft; /* Padding at start or end of line when reading or writing a */ int padRight; /* subset of the array, in pixels not bytes */ int ramp; /* Contrast ramp type. */ int scale; int black; /* Change contrast values. */ int white; int axis; /* 1=x, 2=y, 3=z , 0 = default */ float slope; /* Scale input by value * slope + offset */ float offset; float smin,smax; /* Scale range smin-smax in input to 0-255 */ int contig; /* Load idata in contigous memory if possible */ int outmin, outmax; /* clamp values to outmin and outmax after scaling. */ int mirrorFFT; /* Return mirrored FFT when scaling to bytes */ int plist; /* Size of piece list. */ float opx, opy, opz; /* origin of pieces. */ float px, py, pz; /* size of final pieced image. */ int pdz; /* number of zsections that have data. */ int *pcoords; /* The piece list. */ } IloadInfo; /* END_CODE */ struct TiltInfo { float *tilt; float axis_x; float axis_y; float axis_z; float scale_x; float scale_y; float scale_z; float alpha; float beta; float gamma; }; typedef unsigned short imnp_uint16; typedef unsigned int imnp_uint32; union FloatBits { float f; imnp_uint32 fbits; }; #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /******************************** Header functions **************************/ int mrc_head_read (FILE *fin, MrcHeader *hdata); int mrc_head_write(FILE *fout, MrcHeader *hdata); void mrcInitOutputHeader(MrcHeader *hdata); int mrcCopyExtraHeader(MrcHeader *hin, MrcHeader *hout); int mrcReadExtraHeader(MrcHeader *hin, unsigned char **extData); int mrcWriteExtraHeader(MrcHeader *hout, unsigned char *extData, int next); void mrcCopyValidExtendedType(MrcHeader *hin, MrcHeader *hout); int mrc_head_label(MrcHeader *hdata, const char *label); void mrcFillLabelString(const char *label, void *outLabel); int mrcPrintLabelString(MrcHeader *hdata, int labelInd); int mrc_head_new (MrcHeader *hdata, int x, int y, int z, int mode); int mrc_byte_mmm (MrcHeader *hdata, unsigned char **idata); int mrc_head_label_cp(MrcHeader *hin, MrcHeader *hout); int mrc_test_size(MrcHeader *hdata); int mrcGetStandardVersion(MrcHeader *hdata); void fixTitlePadding(char *label); int sizeCanBe4BitK2SuperRes(int nx, int ny); int mrcGetExtendedType(MrcHeader *hdata, int *version); void mrc_get_scale(MrcHeader *h, float *xs, float *ys, float *zs); void mrc_set_scale(MrcHeader *h, double x, double y, double z); void mrc_coord_cp(MrcHeader *hout, MrcHeader *hin); /************************* Write image data functions ************************/ int mrc_write_byte (FILE *fout, MrcHeader *hdata, unsigned char **data); int mrc_write_idata(FILE *fout, MrcHeader *hdata, void *data[]); int mrc_data_new (FILE *fout, MrcHeader *hdata); int mrc_write_slice(void *buf, FILE *fout, MrcHeader *hdata, int slice, char axis); int parallelWriteSlice(void *buf, FILE *fout, MrcHeader *hdata, int slice); int mrcWriteFFT(const char *filename, float *fft, int nxReal, int nyReal, int ifScale); /************************ Read image data functions **************************/ void *mrc_mread_slice(FILE *fin, MrcHeader *hdata, int slice, char axis); int mrc_read_slice(void *buf, FILE *fin, MrcHeader *hdata, int slice, char axis); int mrcReadFloatSlice(b3dFloat *buf, MrcHeader *hdata, int slice); unsigned char **mrcGetDataMemory(IloadInfo *li, size_t xysize, int zsize, int pixsize); void mrcFreeDataMemory(unsigned char **idata, int contig, int zsize); float mrcGetComplexScale(); void mrcComplexSminSmax(float inMin, float inMax, float *outMin, float *outMax); void mrcMirrorSource(int nx, int ny, int imageX, int imageY, int *fileX, int *fileY); void mrcContrastScaling(MrcHeader *hdata, float smin, float smax, int black, int white, int ramptype, float *slope, float *offset); unsigned char **read_mrc_byte(FILE *fin, MrcHeader *hdata, IloadInfo *li); unsigned char **mrc_read_byte(FILE *fin, MrcHeader *hdata, IloadInfo *li, void (*func)(const char *)); /* Functions in mrcsec.c */ int mrcReadSectionByte(MrcHeader *hdata, IloadInfo *li, unsigned char *buf, int z); int mrcReadZByte(MrcHeader *hdata, IloadInfo *li, unsigned char *buf, int z); int mrcReadYByte(MrcHeader *hdata, IloadInfo *li, unsigned char *buf, int y); int mrcReadSectionUShort(MrcHeader *hdata, IloadInfo *li, unsigned char *buf, int z); int mrcReadZUShort(MrcHeader *hdata, IloadInfo *li, unsigned char *buf, int z); int mrcReadYUShort(MrcHeader *hdata, IloadInfo *li, unsigned char *buf, int y); int mrcReadZ(MrcHeader *hdata, IloadInfo *li, unsigned char *buf, int cz); int mrcReadY(MrcHeader *hdata, IloadInfo *li, unsigned char *buf, int cy); int mrcReadSection(MrcHeader *hdata, IloadInfo *li, unsigned char *buf, int z); int mrcReadSectionFloat(MrcHeader *hdata, IloadInfo *li, b3dFloat *buf, int z); int mrcReadYFloat(MrcHeader *hdata, IloadInfo *li, b3dFloat *buf, int z); int mrcReadZFloat(MrcHeader *hdata, IloadInfo *li, b3dFloat *buf, int z); int mrcWriteZ(MrcHeader *hdata, IloadInfo *li, unsigned char *buf, int z); int mrcWriteZFloat(MrcHeader *hdata, IloadInfo *li, b3dFloat *buf, int z); /* misc stdio functions */ int loadtilts(struct TiltInfo *ti, MrcHeader *hdata); int getloadinfo(MrcHeader *hdata, IloadInfo *li); int mrc_init_li(IloadInfo *li, MrcHeader *hd); int mrc_plist_li(IloadInfo *li, MrcHeader *hdata, const char *fname); int mrc_plist_load(IloadInfo *li, MrcHeader *hdata, FILE *fin); int mrc_plist_proc(IloadInfo *li, int nx, int ny, int nz); int mrc_plist_create(IloadInfo *li, int nx, int ny, int nz, int nfx, int nfy, int ovx, int ovy); int iiPlistLoadF(FILE *fin, IloadInfo *li, int nx, int ny, int nz); int iiPlistLoad(const char *filename, IloadInfo *li, int nx, int ny, int nz); int iiPlistFromMetadata(const char *filename, int addMdoc, IloadInfo *li, int nx, int ny, int nz); int iiPlistFromAutodoc(int adocIndex, int clearOnDone, IloadInfo *li, int nx, int ny, int nz, int montage, int numSect, int sectType); void iiPlistSetAdocCoordType(int value); void mrc_liso(MrcHeader *hdata, IloadInfo *li); int mrc_fix_li(IloadInfo *li, int nx, int ny, int nz); int get_loadinfo(MrcHeader *hdata, IloadInfo *li); unsigned char *get_byte_map(float slope, float offset, int outmin, int outmax, int bytesSigned); unsigned char *get_short_map(float slope, float offset, int outmin, int outmax, int ramptype, int swapbytes, int signedint); /************************ Internal functions *********************************/ int getfilename(char *name, char *prompt); void mrc_default_status(const char *string); int mrc_getdcsize(int mode, int *dsize, int *csize); void mrc_swap_shorts(b3dInt16 *data, int amt); void mrc_swap_longs(b3dInt32 *data, int amt); void mrc_swap_floats(b3dFloat *data, int amt); void mrc_swap_header(MrcHeader *hdata); void mrc_set_cmap_stamp(MrcHeader *hdata); void imnp_halfbuf_to_floats(void *halfBuf, float *floatBuf, int numVals); void imnp_floatbuf_to_halfs(float *floatBuf, void *halfBuf, int numVals); imnp_uint16 imnp_floatbits_to_halfbits(imnp_uint32 f); imnp_uint32 imnp_halfbits_to_floatbits(imnp_uint16 h); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif