#pragma once /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // file: DirectElectronCamera.h // // This is the header file that defines the functions that // will be implemented Spectral4kCamera.cpp. The functions // wrap the estential // // // author of SerialEM: David Masternarde // // LC1100 camera integration by Direct Electron // 2009 // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include struct DEPluginFuncs; // Data for live mode thread struct LiveThreadData { DEPluginFuncs *DeServer; unsigned short *buffers[2]; unsigned short *rotBuf; bool returnedImage[2]; int outBufInd; int inSizeX, inSizeY; int operation; int divideBy2; bool quitLiveMode; int electronCounting; }; // Defines for normal, gain, and dark; gain does not work in a call to set mode #define DE_GAIN_IMAGE 2 #define DE_DARK_IMAGE 1 #define DE_NORMAL_IMAGE 0 // Strings needed in multiple places #define DE_LCNAME "LC1100" #define DE_CAM_STATE_RETRACTED "Retracted" #define DE_CAM_STATE_INSERTED "Extended" #define DE_KEEP_COVER_OPEN "Always Open During Operation" #define DE_OPEN_CLOSE_COVER "Open/Close During Each Exposure" #define DE_PROP_AUTOSAVE_DIR "Autosave Directory" // DE server versions for capabilities // Version 2 moved to major, minor, rev, build so numbers are 100 times bigger #define DE_CAN_SAVE_MRC 1000715 #define DE_HAS_REPEAT_REF 1000768 #define DE_SUFFIX_KEEPS_PT 999999999 #define DE_CAN_SET_FOLDER 1000943 #define DE_ALL_NORM_IN_SERVER 1001243 #define DE_ABORT_WORKS 999999999 #define DE_HAS_NEW_MOT_COR_PROP 201000000 #define DE_HAS_AUTO_PIXEL_DEPTH 203000000 #define DE_HAS_MOVIE_COR_ENABLE 203000000 #define DE_ROI_IS_ON_CHIP 201150000 #define DE_HAS_ONE_GAIN_STATUS 201000000 #define DE_NO_COUNTING_PREFIX 201000000 #define DE_AUTOSAVE_RENAMES1 203000000 #define DE_RETURNS_FRAME_PATH 205000000 #define DE_HAS_API2 205000000 #define DE_DETECTOR_TEMP_IS_INT 205380000 #define DE_AUTOSAVE_RENAMES2 207000000 #include "afxmt.h" class DirectElectronCamera { public: DirectElectronCamera(int camType,int index); ~DirectElectronCamera(void); int initialize(CString camName, int camIndex); int setBinning(int x, int y, int sizex, int sizey, int hardwareBin); int AcquireImage(float seconds); int AcquireDarkImage(float seconds); void StopAcquistion(); int setPreExposureTime(double preExpSeconds); bool isImageAcquistionDone(); int setDebugMode(); int unInitialize(); int copyImageData(unsigned short *image4k, long &ImageSizeX, long &ImageSizeY, int divideBy2); float getCameraTemp(); //functions below added for DE12 and future int initDEServer(); int initializeDECamera(CString camName, int camIndex); void FinishCameraSelection(bool initialCall, CameraParameters *camP); int setROI(int offset_x, int offset_y, int xsize, int ysize, int hardwareROI); int SetLiveMode(int mode); void setCameraName(CString name); int insertCamera(); int retractCamera(); HRESULT setAutoSaveRaw(int state); HRESULT setAutoSaveSummedImages(int state); float getWaterLineTemp(); float getTECValue(); float getFaradayPlateValue(); float getColdFingerTemp(); HRESULT WarmUPCamera(); HRESULT CoolDownCamera(); int setCorrectionMode(int mode, int readMode); CString getCameraInsertionState(); CString getCurrentCameraName(){return m_DE_CurrentCamera;}; BOOL CurrentIsDE12(); BOOL CurrentIsSurvey(); bool getIntProperty(CString name, int &value); bool getFloatProperty(CString name, float &value); bool getStringProperty(CString name, CString &value); void setIntProperty(CString name,int value); void setStringProperty(CString name,CString value); void setDoubleProperty(CString name,double value); bool setStringWithError(const char *name, const char *value); int SetFramesPerSecond(double value); int SetAllAutoSaves(int autoSaveFlags, int sumCount, CString suffix, CString saveDir, bool counting); int OperationForRotateFlip(int DErotation, int flip); void WaitForInsertionState(const char *state); int IsCameraInserted(); void InitializeLastSettings(); int SetExposureTimeAndMode(float seconds, int mode); int SetCountingParams(int readMode, double scaling, double FPS); int SetAlignInServer(int alignFrames); void SetImageExtraData(EMimageExtra *extra, float nameTimeout, bool allowNamePrediction, bool &nameValid); GetMember(bool, _DE_CONNECTED); GetMember(int, CamType); GetMember(int, InitializingIndex); GetMember(int, ServerVersion); GetMember(bool, API2Server); GetMember(int, LastLiveMode); GetMember(int, CurCamIndex); GetMember(bool, NormAllInServer); GetMember(int, NumLeftServerRef); GetSetMember(CString, PathAndDatasetName); GetSetMember(CString, LastErrorString); void SetAndTraceErrorString(CString str); bool ServerIsLocal() {return mDE_SERVER_IP == "";}; void SetupServerReference(int repeat, int mode) {mRepeatForServerRef = repeat; mModeForServerRef = mode; mNumLeftServerRef = repeat;}; bool justSetDoubleProperty(const char * propName, double value); bool justSetIntProperty(const char * propName, int value); CString ErrorTrace(char *fmt, ...); void SetSoftwareAndServerVersion(std::string & propValue); bool IsApolloCamera(); bool CheckMapForValidState(int checksum, std::map &map, int minuteNow); void AddValidStateToMap(int checksum, std::map &map, int minuteNow); bool IsReferenceValid(int checksum, std::map &map, int minuteNow, const char *propStr, const char *messStr); bool GetPreviousDatasetName(float timeout, int ageLimitSec, bool predictName, CString &name); void FormatFramesWritten(BOOL saveSums, CString &str); void VerifyLastSetNameIfPredicted(float timeout); float GetLastCountScaling(); private: int mCamType; int mCurCamIndex; // Index of current or last selected camera //determine if we are using the DE client/server model bool m_DE_CLIENT_SERVER; unsigned short *m_pCapturedDataShort; BSTR m_filename, m_tablefilename, m_dcf_file; CSerialEMApp *mWinApp; CameraParameters *mCamParams; static UINT LiveProc(LPVOID pParam); //DE properties //added for client/server model. DEPluginFuncs *mDeServer; int m_camera_port_number; float m_camera_Temperature; long m_camera_Pressure; float m_camera_BackPlateTemp; short m_debug_mode; int m_binFactor; bool m_STOPPING_ACQUISITION; //Configuration Parameters long m_instrument_model; long m_head_serial; long m_shutter_close_delay; long m_pre_expose_delay; float m_ccd_temp_setPoint; long m_window_heater; CMutex m_mutex; //DE server settings. bool m_DE_CONNECTED; CString m_DE_CurrentCamera; CWinThread *mLiveThread; LiveThreadData mLiveTD; CString mDE_SERVER_IP; int mDE_WRITEPORT; int mDE_READPORT; // State variables: last values set in server. Keep in same order as in init function int mLastSaveFlags; // Flags for types of frames to save int mLastSumCount; // Sum count for saving summed frames CString mLastSuffix, mLastSaveDir; // Last filename components and directory int mLastXoffset, mLastYoffset; // Offset set in ROI routine int mLastROIsizeX, mLastROIsizeY; // Size set in ROI routine int mLastXimageSize, mLastYimageSize; // Image sizes (unused) int mLastXbinning, mLastYbinning; // Binnning values (should be the same) int mLastExposureMode; // Normal, Dark, Gain float mLastExposureTime; // Exposure time double mLastPreExposure; // Pre-exposure int mLastProcessing; // uncorrected, dark, or dark/gain (linear mode) int mLastMovieCorrEnabled; // Whether movie correction was enabled int mLastNormCounting; // Post-counting normalization of saved frames int mLastUnnormBits; // Bits output in unnormalized movie int mLastElectronCounting; // Electron counting of either kind is 1, test > 0 int mLastSuperResolution; // Super-resolution is a separate flag float mLastFPS; // Frames per second int mLastLiveMode; // Whether live mode was one int mLastServerAlign; // Motion correction int mLastUseHardwareBin; // Hardware binning int mLastUseHardwareROI; // Hardware ROI int mLastAutoRepeatRef; // Auto repeat reference enable setting BOOL mTrustLastSettings; // Whether to trust all those values in server float mCountScaling; // Scaling for counting mode int mElecCountsScaled; // Factor by which counts are scaled when received int mReadoutDelay; // Milliseconds of readout delay set bool mNormAllInServer; // Whether to normalize all images in server CString mSoftwareVersion; // String for server version CString mDE12SensorSN; int mServerVersion; // 1000000 * major + 10000 * middle + minor bool mAPI2Server; // A common fact to want to test int mInitializingIndex; // Index of camera being initialized int mRepeatForServerRef; // Number of repeats for doing reference in server int mModeForServerRef; // Processing mode to set for server reference int mNumLeftServerRef; // Running tally of number left to do int mDateInPrevSetName; // 20yymmdd part of set name int mNumberInPrevSetName; // Sequential number part of set name double mTimeOfPrevSetName; // Tick time when last valid set name was gotten int mSetNamePredictionAgeLimit; // Number of sec that a predicted name is valid CString mLastPredictedSetName; // Store name for checking when it is predicted CString mPathAndDatasetName; // The root for all output files CString mLastErrorString; // Error string stored for CamController to access // Maps of acquisition parameter checksum and minute time stamp at which validated std::map mDarkChecks, mGainChecks, mCountGainChecks, mExpFPSchecks; CString m_Camera_InsertionState; // Current description of state //added to support flexibilty of rotating the image and inverting the X axis. int m_DE_ImageRot; // Provide an angle to rotate the DE image int m_DE_ImageInvertX; // Decides whether to invert the X axis on the DE image 1==invert. };