# THIS IS A COMMAND FILE TO RUN CCDERASER # ####CreatedVersion#### 3.7.2 # # To run in trial mode where it will not replace pixels or produce an output # file, include a line with the entry "TrialMode" # # To run with a model specifying points to replace, add a line like: # ModelFile WTI042413_1series4.erase # and specify objects to replace on all sections with # AllSectionObjects # and indicate objects that specify lines with # LineObjects # $ccderaser -StandardInput InputFile WTI042413_1series4.st # # This output file will be created unless OutputFile WTI042413_1series4_fixed.st # # This line enables automatic X-ray peak search and replacement FindPeaks # # This is the criterion # of SDs above mean background for identifying a peak PeakCriterion 8 # # This is the criterion # of SDs above the mean pixel-to-pixel difference DiffCriterion 6 # # This is the criterion # of SDs for including points in a peak GrowCriterion 4. # # This is the number of pixels to exclude from replacement near image edges EdgeExclusionWidth 4 # # This output model file will have points at all pixels replaced PointModel WTI042413_1series4_peak.mod MaximumRadius 4.5 AnnulusWidth 2.0 XYScanSize 100 ScanCriterion 3. BorderSize 2 PolynomialOrder 2 $if (-e ./savework) ./savework